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tv   Malakhov  RUSSIA1  April 26, 2024 4:30pm-5:31pm MSK

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this is the most exciting moment, next is the cherished stage, unique people from all over the world are trying to get here, today the jury will be amazed by the winner of the world memory championship from china, i’m delighted, no, i’m shocked, i’m delighted, i’m really surprised, and also a sword master from taiwan, i am glad to be in your country, and today my performance is a gift to all russians. there is only one prize, but there are not so many people, surprisingly, they exist, they will fight for real, both children and adults, whoever makes the jury of spectators give a standing ovation will reach the finals, we’ll find out tonight at 9:30 p.m. in the new episode of the show “amazing people.” anton demidov, dina fetisova, lead. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia abroad, stay with us.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program 60 minutes is live about the most important things, we have a special episode, starting with breaking news, another russophobic gathering in the ramstein format has just begun, pentagon chief austin promised. russia was shown footage of the night work of tula paratroopers, which destroyed a stronghold of ukrainian militants in the northern direction. as the commander of the armored group with the call sign doc said, the 100-millimeter bmd4m cannon did not leave the high-tech soldiers a single chance, mowing down an entire enemy squad.
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but in the air, tactical aviation is constantly flying pub 500 at enemy positions in new york, which will soon again be called novgorod. uavs that conduct objective control record direct hits of air bombs on militants, both during the day and at night. here's another one a new product from our engineers, which is already capturing enemy equipment at the front, a unique mesh launcher drone, so we’ll call it. he tracks down enemy copters, flies up to them from above, releases a net, after which the enemy bird falls. a clear example of the very people's military-industrial complex that putin spoke about the day before at a meeting of the russian union of industrialists and entrepreneurs. the president noted that people are receiving a huge number of proposals in the field of new technologies.
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yes, yes, come on, let's see, it's also strong here there is a shortage of ammunition, for example, this unit has half and sometimes three times less than at the beginning of the war. less ammunition, fewer shots, and the infantry is without protection. the infantry are in a difficult situation, and a month ago, for a week, we had no ammunition at all. for the fifty- seventh brigade, as for the whole of ukraine, there is ammunition, or rather a shortage of it. we are very dependent on artillery shells and equipment; artillery shells allow us at least not to let go, to defend our territory. the technology allows you to it is impossible to evacuate three hundredths, even get two hundredths out of your own, and to do rotations on a regular machine. the fighter quickly
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switches the speed of the combat vehicle and we rush towards the artillerymen. at dawn we reach our destination along continuous off-road terrain.
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network of a special device, which , as soon as it appears above it, releases and neutralizes the uav. this is very clearly visible in the recordings that the russians publish. the russians
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are now trying to expand the breakthrough using extreme firepower, that is, a lot missiles, artillery planning bombs. the problem for the ukrainian armed forces is that the russian troops overcame this relatively well. all attempts by the west to inflict strategic defeat on our country are doomed to failure, the goals of the special operation will be achieved, shaigu said in astana. the russian minister of defense took part in a meeting of heads of military departments, states, and members. hai cooperation organization. shaigu emphasized that we are protecting our people in our historical territories, while russia is not threatening, has never threatened nato, has absolutely no interest in attacking a nato state. the talk of western politicians
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that the russians are preparing an invasion is a reason to gather their troops to our border. this creates additional threats to military security, and throughout the world. west only. increases tension by trying to impose its dictatorship on a sovereign state. that is why washington started the conflict in ukraine and is now delaying it with all its might. let's listen to shaiga. at first, is now purposefully prolonging the conflict in ukraine. ostensibly demonstrating a desire for de-escalation, the collective west continues to pump kiev with weapons. intelligence data is transmitted in real time, in an organized manner. western military specialists and mercenaries are training ukrainian military personnel in the combat zone. with the direct participation of advisers , sabotage is planned and prepared, including on russian territory. almost daily, with
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the silent consent of the west, kiev uses weapons received from him to cause damage to civilian infrastructure of the russian federation. the russian armed forces continue to effectively conduct a special military operation, all its goals will certainly be achieved, six waves of nato expansion have passed.
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the federation has never threatened nato's geopolitical or military interests. we do not have to attack the bloc state. we are simply protecting our people in our historical territories and in the international situation. it remains complex and tends to exacerbation. geopolitical contradictions are growing, the fundamental basis of strategic stability is being destroyed, and the role of international institutions is decreasing. main image. this is due to the desire of the united states of america and its allies to maintain global dominance by any means and impose their dictatorship on independent countries. to achieve its goals, washington is exerting unprecedented pressure, including on its partners, relegating them to the role of obedient executors. the biden administration could announce a relief package as early as today. ukraine for $6 billion, he assures. with reference to their sources. according to preliminary information, the package will include anti-aircraft missiles, drones, rep weapons,
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artillery shells, and air-to- air missiles. but there is a nuance. we are talking about contracts for the production of weapons, and not their removal from us stocks, that is, the weapons that are promised to be delivered to the ssu do not yet physically exist. production and transfer to the front may take many years, the publication claims. the pentagon assures that... will give weapons to bandera's followers within in a matter of days, if not earlier, but we are talking about only part of what was promised, and the us department of defense modestly kept silent about which part. such actions of the american authorities do not fit in any way with their statements about the desire for peace in ukraine; the further they can shoot at the ssu, the further they will have to move them away from new russian regions, increasing the buffer or sanitary zone, this is how the kremlin commented on the secret us deliveries of long-range missiles to kiev . the lion's share of the money allocated to kiev will be spent within the united states, that is,
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transferred to defense companies for production new weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, writes the washington post. according to the publication, 2/3 of the money supposedly intended for ukraine, israel and taiwan will actually be used to create new jobs in the united states and develop the country's military-industrial complex. well, to keep the money flowing like a stormy river, the americans decided to send additional money to the special operation zone.
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advisers provides information and advice on issues such as logistics support, weapons oversight, to clarify the issue of sending additional advisers to ukraine, a decision has not yet been made, but if such a decision will be made, then first of all it will be a small number. it is not unusual for the us military to operate out of embassies around the world as part of our security cooperation efforts, but most importantly, they will not be involved in combat. they will perform an advisory function there in a non-combat role. the us has no intention of conducting combat operations; these
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forces will not even be close to the front line. i have a feeling that everyone is counting on the west to come to western ukraine? do they need soldiers on the ground? in western ukraine to conduct training. yes, macron was right to put forward this idea, because the idea is that you are going to rotate the ukrainian brigades from the front. and taking them thousands of kilometers behind the lines to germany or poland to train them in high- level combined arms maneuvers is simply unrealistic. i don't think the ukrainian generals can afford to keep them on the sidelines for that long, so i think the next big... step forward is not about the capabilities of any weapon system or something else. the next important step is the arrival of the sponsor community in ukraine to conduct combined arms training. as i understand, you just spoke with ukrainian president zelensky. the united states provided him with funds, including long-range missiles, as part of a new congressional aid package. what did he
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tell you: does he need any more weapons in the near future? one of the things i bring for.
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newly baked nato member, sweden sends troops to latvia, of course, to contain russia. the roits agency reports that by the beginning of 2025, stockholm is going to transfer a group of heavy armored vehicles to the baltics, including bv90 and
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leopard tanks, german cats and swedish armored vehicles, which are western propagandists. presented with pomp as the best in the world, our military has already been burned several times in the special operation zone. in addition, cb-90 leopards will be presented at the ministry of defense exhibition in victory park on poklonnaya hill. that night , new exhibits were brought to the site of the future exhibition: american gau-777, two modifications of the hamvi armored car, british saxon and husky armored vehicles, the french amx10 rcr wheeled tank and even exotics from australia, etc. footage of the delivery of trophies to victory park is published by the ministry of defense; they brought a historical exhibit, a german self-propelled artillery unit marder 2 from the great patriotic war. earlier , modern martens were brought to the exhibition site, which is how marder is translated from german. now
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these are no longer self-propelled guns, as in the time of the reich, but infantry fighting vehicles, which berlin delivered to the kiev regime. the triumph of russian weapons and the demonstration of the failure of the western military-industrial complex caused hysterics among the germans when they saw the lined mardras displayed on poklonnaya hill, propagandist bilt julian röbka began to scream that this was all putin’s propaganda show for may 9, while calling victory park the so-called celebration of the victory of the soviet people in the great patriotic war dubious, in general the nazis are just bastards, a worthy descendant. goebbels. the kremlin called the idea of ​​organizing an exhibition of defeated enemy equipment brilliant. they expressed confidence that the exposition will arouse great interest among muscovites and guests of the capital. let us remind you that the exhibition will open on may 1 and will run for the entire month.
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on putin's orders, german tanks were transported through moscow. the russian army delivered to moscow a large amount of captured military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces, including dozens of captured western-made drone vehicles. and all this for the sake of propaganda. children's show as part of the celebration of the victory over hitler's germany, you can look at captured western equipment on may 1, that is, this year the traditional show armaments will begin in moscow as much as 8 days
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earlier, and this is nothing more than an impudent message to the west, and the star of this absurd display of trophies will naturally be military equipment from germany.
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six of them were destroyed by the russian army in the vdeevsky direction, after which the ukrainians hid the remaining vehicles out of harm’s way so as not to fall into the hands of the russians, the associated press writes about this, russian drones are flying in clouds in the sky above the front line, the abrams are instantly spotted and turned into scrap metal. there is no such thing at the front an open area that you can simply drive through without fear of detection, a pentagon official anonymously complains to reporters. us deputy secretary of defense for acquisition of support william laplante complained that with its aggressive systems the russian rap army was jamming the smart american glsdb bombs,
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and jamming them mercilessly, so that the wunderwafe, which was pompously handed over to kiev by vikki noland, turned out to be absolutely ineffective on the battlefield. the british telegraph office is terrified of russian electronic warfare systems, the newspaper complains that the russians have no trouble jamming the... royal air force on board, which was an enemy official. russia is reportedly behind highly dangerous attacks on
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the electronics of thousands of british civilian aircraft. as a result of these actions , the satellite navigation system becomes useless, and pilots may become confused and unable to communicate to others exactly where they are. last month there were about 150 such cases per week. thousands of british airline flights were affected under gps jamming, probably from russia, we were able to establish this after studying open data on flights, where pilots report their location and whether the unisatellite navigation on board is working, and the results were quite stunning, over the past few months more than 2,300 ryan air flights have reported similar incidents, particularly during flights over the baltic, 1,200 biz air flights have also experienced
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the same problems, more than eighty british airways flights, several easy flights jet and both, the seven largest british air carriers, only virgin atlantic was not affected, simply because their planes do not fly over the baltic. you can jam the signal in two ways: first, using certain devices you can displace the signal from satellites from a certain coverage area. by the way, why, the receivers simply stop receiving it. most of us have such transmitters in our phones. on airplanes they are located in the cockpit. the second method is signal imitation. it's a little more insidious and involves sending an incorrect location signal and the gps device begins to think that it is in a different location. airline industry sources describe this as an extremely dangerous problem because even though planes can safely continue to fly without the help of gps. however, satellite navigation is used by the majority. if not by all aircraft, to plot a route, it is also used to communicate its location to other air traffic participants. if the plane doesn't know where it is is located, especially in dneb, where there are many other
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aircraft, then this is... a serious cause for concern. the european aviation safety agency has already stated that this problem poses a serious challenge to aviation safety. they said there was a sharp increase in january in what they said were attacks on the global navigation system, but they did not say who was behind the attacks. but we know that, oddly enough, a number of european leaders pointed to russia, among them the british minister of defense grand chews. last month i was on the plane with him when the gps signal disappeared during the flight from poland. exactly this. prompted us to pay attention to this problem and try to understand how serious it is. there are three main points where gps signal drops in europe. all of them are located in its eastern part. baltic can be called the largest such point. the signal is also regularly jammed at the entrance to the black sea in the eastern mediterranean. cyprus, parts of turkey and israel. i spoke with the top leadership of the british army several years ago, they were already accusing russia of that it is jamming signals over raf bases in southern cyprus. this is not a new
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problem, but it is a situation. traditional methods for this, but the relatively recent advent of satellite navigation has greatly simplified this task. on the sidelines of a meeting of sco defense ministers in astana, shaigu held talks with his chinese counterpart dong jun. this is their first personal meeting since the appointment of a chinese official to the post of head of the military department. at the end of march, the ministers communicated via videoconferencing. military cooperation between moscow and beijing “is an important element of global stability,” the head of the russian
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military department emphasized. the high dynamics of the relationship between the armed forces of russia and china is especially important now in a changing international situation , said shaigu and chinese defense minister dong jun. well, an important announcement from the kremlin about preparations for putin’s trip to china is in its final stages. peskov emphasized that any contacts between the leaders of russia and china attract the attention of the whole world. he noted that both moscow and beijing value their sovereignty and stand quite confidently on their feet. in order to withstand pressure from the west, us secretary of state blinken came to exert this same pressure on china , and chinese president xiding ping received him and called on washington to have a positive attitude towards china’s development. blinkin, in words, seemed to agree, saying that we don’t want to resist beijing, to restrain its development, and immediately after the negotiations he began to threaten to impose new sanctions against the prc for supporting russia in the ukrainian conflict. quote:
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it’s hard to exaggerate the fragility of relationships, what reigns between the us and china, this trend has only worsened in the last few weeks, and i do not think that it will change, since blinken decided to discuss quite difficult issues in beijing, economic tensions. china claims the us is suppressing its legitimate right to development by imposing sanctions and export controls. this is already difficult, but there are also a series of problems in foreign policy and perhaps the most significant war in ukraine. i have put forward three basic
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principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence, mutually beneficial cooperation. this is a generalization of past experience, as well as a foundation for the future. there is hope that the us can take a positive view of china's development. only when this fundamental issue is resolved and the first step is taken. sino-american relations will indeed stabilize, improve and move forward. president biden has asked me to return to beijing to continue the important agenda of both of you. outlined in san francisco, aimed at finding areas for deepening cooperation, as well as responsible overcoming the differences between us. before meeting with xiding, he met with the minister of foreign affairs and. relations between china and the united states are strained over a number of issues, including the war in ukraine. after meeting with wani, anthony blinken spoke of the need to strengthen relations between the two countries. i have to make sure. that we
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understand each other as clearly as possible in those areas where we disagree, at a minimum, in order to avoid misunderstandings and miscalculations. in fact, this is our common responsibility, not only to our peoples, but... china offers to respect each other's core interests and calls on the us side not to interfere in china's internal affairs, not to suppress china's development, and not to cross red lines when it comes to the country's sovereignty, security and development interests. i think blinken's visit to china is very important, its purpose is what i would describe as... managing rivalry. china and the us not only cooperate, they also have areas of rivalry where things can take a dangerous turn. but instead of to point fingers at each other, both parties must focus on the negotiations and look for lines of communication
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that will help avoid conflicts in the future. but it is clear that the list of issues on which the united states and china have different views includes both ukraine and new defense funding for taiwan. and these questions become more problematic. also on perception. china's west is also influenced by ukraine, in particular, as europeans become disillusioned with china because it helped russia rearm and supply it with semiconductors and machine tools. the build-up of the russian defense industrial base threatens not only ukraine, but also european security. beijing cannot achieve improved relations with europe while maintaining the biggest threat to european security since the end of the cold war. we have told china more than once that security in the transatlantic region is a central issue. american security and during our talks today, i made it clear that if china does not take action to address this issue, we will. another news rules-based world order. trump's advisers are discussing the possibility
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of sanctions against countries that refuse to use the dollar, writes blomber. options include export controls, foreign exchange manipulation fees, and tariffs. washington does not even hide its role as a gendarme on a planetary scale, global. muzzle, which, as gogol wrote, for the sake of order, puts lanterns under the eyes of both the right and the wrong. the first countries at risk of falling under such sanctions from the trump administration are the brix countries, which are actively switching to national currencies in bilateral trade, dedollarization was discussed at the summit last august. trump is actively using the dollar as a trump card in the election race, saying that with biden the dollar will cease to be the world's reserve currency, and this will be the greatest defeat. in the history of america, many americans no longer like either donald or joe, reports dehil. polls show 62% of biden supporters and more than a third of trumpists would prefer to replace both us presidential candidates. americans
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so disappointed in their politicians that 30% of voters generally don't care who wins the race. however, the majority of americans, regardless of race, age or gender, support the policy. a big case in the supreme court about presidential immunity, the president must have immunity, if he doesn’t have it, then you just have a ceremonial president, you just don’t have a president, so i can tell you that this is a very difficult matter, a very big matter is going on. two trials, historically
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trials involving a former president donald trump. the supreme court heard arguments that the president should have full immunity, he believes he should not be held accountable for anything because he was in office. based on this. they will think about what they can do, but as one of the judges said, i quote his words, we are writing rules for the ages. meanwhile, donald trump spent another day in the courtroom as his one-time friend continues to testify against him in a criminal hush-money case. we write the rule. what do you expect from the judges? they are very talented people, they are very smart, they know what to do, they will not be biased. former us president donald trump received a very warm welcome during it.
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for former president trump, it's a cascading series of problems he continues to face every day. yesterday in arizona, some of his republican allies, a former aide and a former white house adviser, reported that he was trying to create a fraudulent election scheme. now the supreme court deals with presidential issues immunity. this case is now taking place in new york, trump has a whole field of problems that he will have to deal with.
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who ordered the military to stage a coup, let's say he left, let's say this president, he is no longer the president, he was not prosecuted, he cannot be impeached, but he ordered the military to stage a coup, you say this is an official act, i think it depends on the time, i believe that... it depends on the circumstances, that’s the only way to evaluate it. i didn’t see
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most of the judges, that is, there is no obvious the counterbalance is that most are willing to agree with trump that there is absolute immunity from all federal charges. but it is also not the case in this court that all five judges are going to vote to , so to speak, take away his immunity. a special prosecutor says the case against donald trump is in serious jeopardy. the supreme court is making it clear that it will help trump delay his trials. the hollywood elite are investing huge amounts of money in biden’s company.
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a star-studded fundraiser is planned for june, which will include actors george clooney, julia robertsex, us president barack obama, former disney boss jeffrey katsenberg. against this background , the story about what was once one of the most powerful people in hollywood took a new turn. we are talking about producer harvey weinstein, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison on charges in 1920. in sexual assault, and now a new york court has overturned the verdict and ordered new hearings in the case, a decision related to the fact that the trial in the twentieth year was cited with flagrant violations, then in the courtroom they called in a lot of women who simply scolded vaenstein, what the world stands on, this is understandable, it had nothing to do with the matter, but became an ordinary farce against the backdrop of the cancellation of the producer as part of the mitu movement. 4 years later, the american themis decided
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to pay attention to this chaos, when the press secretary visited weinstein in prison, told him about the success of the lawyers, harvey burst into tears of joy that they finally listened to him, however, he will remain behind bars in any case , since another sentence continues to apply, handed down in california, where the old libertine was sentenced to 16 years in prison for rape. another actress in the beverly hills hotel. i just want to thank my agent kevin ivane and god harvey weinstein. thanks to the academy and harvey. "harvey, thank you for killing everyone who had to
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get me here. this was the fall of one of the most powerful men in hollywood, a seminal trial initiated by the movement that later became known as the mitou, a prison for one of the most recognizable people in the film industry and comfort for his victims, ensuring he was sentenced for serious sexual crimes. it was a moment of relief in the realization that justice could be served. but his lawyers have always said that he was going to "
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breathe power - a stunning reversal of the court decision in the case of disgraced hollywood producer harvey weinstein. mitu's movement understandably calls the decision a serious shock. a new york court has overturned the decision that sent weinstein to prison prison for 23 years. more than 100 women have accused him of horrific sex crimes, and
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some have taken a stand and decided to testify in court. a number of stars told their own stories, including angelina jali and mira sarvina. and salmakhaet, someone accused the tycoon of sexual harassment, someone like rose mcgowan of rape. i was so naive, i thought that room service would take a very long time, and i was hungry and they sent me to him, they are complicit, not all men are cruel, but most men silent about the violence from other men, sent to harvey's room, who was in his hotel robe, he immediately asked me if he could give me a massage, the massage soon escalated into him insisting. on me watching him take a shower, as well as other acts of harassment and sexual aggression. i was lucky, i managed to leave the room. carvey wenstein had tears of joy in prison when he learned the news that his rape and sexual assault convictions had been overturned. the disgraced movie mogul is glad that
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finally someone heard him. i spoke to him literally 2 minutes ago. harvey was crying. he was excited, said his press secretary, judah engelmay. he was happy that... the initiative is completely on our side, good news is coming from the zaporozhye front to ocheretina, our advance can even be said to be a few kilometers away, that is , the guys are already advancing not a hundred meters, liberating entire settlements on for almost 3 days already - if we take the chasvyar direction, we are now there our progress has slowed down a little, but in
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any case, there is constant active preparation so that we can move on, from grigorovka itself and almost to kurdyumovka they are actively working on it. aviation bombs, our artillery, multiple launch rocket systems are actively working, unmanned aircraft are also incredibly active in the sky, unfortunately, including from the enemy, now this is their main type of weapon that is used on the line of combat contact, they use artillery much less often , but this will change in the coming days, months, when to expect a turning point in terms of supplies of western weapons, in fact, i would not say now that ukraine has some kind of shell shortage, because in addition to how they use their weapons along the line of military contact, we can see how often ukrainian terrorists strike peaceful cities, roughly speaking, with just chaotic fire, that is, not aiming at any objects, but simply shooting at peaceful cities, so i don’t
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think they have a big problem with shells, here the problem with personnel has already matured and indeed for a very long time, we have already seen personnel being mobilized in ukraine for a long time. we see how they grab people on the streets, how untrained personnel are thrown into battle with our military, in the same way, prisoners talk a lot about this, that they did not really undergo any training, they were taken to the streets, for two weeks they were taken to a training ground, they were allowed to shoot and sent to the front, so this help that will come, i doubt that it will radically influence, the worst thing about this aid - these are long-range missiles, why they are scary, because we already know the essence of this nationalist terrorist regime, which... will shoot again at our peaceful cities, these missiles, where it is unknown where they will fly, thank, thank god, our air defense works very effectively, very active, almost all such missiles always get shot down. alexey, tell me... please, on the one hand, we see how the ukrainian armed forces are fiercely resisting our advance at the front, on the other hand, for the last few
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days there have been reports of withdrawal from positions entire brigades of the armed forces of ukraine, what could this be connected with, well, we already know about at least two brigades that just left their positions like that, or, roughly speaking, disappeared, first of all, this is due to the fact that they are now bleeding, the fighters are not so strongly motivated, of course, there are still some nationalistic beginnings. there are some motivated fighters who fight for some personal reasons, or simply for money, there are mercenaries in the ukrainian army, but for the most part now these are the people who are drafted and sent there forcibly, using the example of ochietin, we clearly saw how the ukrainian 115th brigade simply, roughly speaking, disappeared, but was supposed to go on rotation with the forty-fifth brigade, the forty-seventh brigade, sorry, i made a mistake, and simply disappeared, so i think this will now become systematic character, the ukrainian military will increasingly leave the battlefield, but now... so far this is not observed as often as we would like, although surrenders are also naturally present. thank you very much, exhaustive alexey gavrish
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voenkor with us in direct communication and zones carrying out a special military operation. yes, i started to continue this line, and i’m not a military expert at all, but this is a political question, in fact, it means why the westerners are also transferring a large number of weapons, because they are afraid of this tactics, which... called tactics thousands of cuts, yes, when small but persistent russian offensives in different places, they seem to deplete the ukrainian army, and since a really large number of people now do not want to fight the ukrainian army, so that there are mostly ordinary ukrainian soldiers for 45 years, they tore him away from his two children, he thinks about them before, so to speak, he understands that he is fighting for the americans, they sent him and he thinks primarily as if from there. but it is necessary to return alive, and it is expected that perhaps not so much there will even be some kind of decisive
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russian offensive, but rather that the ukrainian defense in one place or another will begin to collapse, this is how the westerners are in their all sorts of brainstorming sessions, they they don’t lull us to attention because everything is very good, judging by the articles in the western press, but we listen to the military officers, they are resisting. there is no hunger for shells, we are advancing, but slowly, despite superiority in the air, but no, they do not lull our vigilance, generally speaking, this means that they want to not so much deceive us as suppress us now, but they still think for themselves , that they found themselves in a rather difficult situation, and this could happen, it won’t necessarily happen, they hope that it won’t happen, but they push themselves a little, they say they should and... even more weapons, that’s why this idea is connected, let’s send army units there, instructors who
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will train right on the territory of ukraine, so that after all, not 2 weeks, but 3-4 weeks, these mobilized ones, who would stand for this draconian law of mobilization , now it is assumed that there will be more, that they will end up there, this is their tactics, strategy, and it may never fall, but it may begin to fall in a week, in two, this is the so-called concept, they say: wars when it’s difficult in principle , war cannot give an accurate absolute picture - it is such a complex thing that even the greatest generals, so to speak, on both sides, always understand that they can understand something, they simply must understand, know, because no one can know this picture, so you know, one general knows exactly the picture and the perspective describes how brilliant it seems to him and metaphorically, the name of this general is mister.
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under putin's boots, europe will find itself in putin's shadow. if putin gets his way in ukraine, and his fellow autocrats extract a dangerous lesson, and the whole world will become more chaotic and unsafe if there are potential aggressors. and this is a testament to our shared commitment to ukraine's success on the battlefield.
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europe is in the shadow of ukraine under putin’s boots, beautifully, he’s lying, because in reality europe, that means, is in their shadow under their boots, which means europe has long been under the boots, yes, really of the united states, yes, that means, finishing, the matter is therefore not that we took ocheretin, but the fact is that from solovyov there is a new bakmutovka, but the fact is that the reasons have changed, that if before we were so... dense they lost, now suddenly, this brigade of some kind has escaped, the westerners are afraid that not only this, but also other brigades will start to escape. now, according to blinkin, and that means “si there”, i’m simply explaining what the logic is, why the americans came there, they came saying, they tell the chinese, our relations with china are an absolute priority, this is the most important thing for us, we are ready with you
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to be friends, we are ready to make maximum concessions to you. that means, yes, yes, yes, that’s what he said, we are ready on many issues regarding taiwan, well, not regarding taiwan, of course, but so on what else is needed on trade in this case, i think he means lifting sanctions from huawei, maybe, in general, he says to unblock a lot, maybe, i don’t know, he says, on a lot of issues they are ready to go on piles, but only you must refuse cooperation with russia, we have the only condition, you will not refuse, it’s the other way around, no concessions, there will be even more sanctions, well, this strategy, on the one hand, seemed so reasonable, but on the other hand, i was sitting here and thinking what does this remind me of, that this reminds me, and i remembered, this reminds me of the movie the godfather, when this mafia guy says, why don’t you tell me beautiful words, why don’t you
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recognize me as your godfather, call me? me as a godfather, then i will make various concessions to you, that is, the americans in this mafia style offer, godfather style , invite the chinese to recognize their main power, but then they will do something good, well, i’m thinking, in principle, to kiss the boot, well, like, well, not a boot yet, not yet while the ring is still on his hand, kissing blinkin’s briefcase means i don’t think, i don’t think that china...
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something like that, yes, now one of the things that the americans are trying to persuade them to do is, well, let’s have a peace summit in switzerland, there we are like - let’s come to an agreement and present something like this about russia, i think that we also need to be tougher, to say directly that this is not a peace summit, this is a war summit, so the americans have prepared a war summit with switzerland and are driving everyone there with their own, so to speak whips and so on, well, let's see which one...
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russia's friends in asia are vital to its military efforts, especially in china. china supports russia's military economy and shares high technologies with russia, such as semiconductors and other dual-use goods. over the past year alone, imports of microelectronics from china to russia have increased by 90%. these components
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are necessary for missiles, tanks and aircraft. china claims good relations with the west. at the same time, beijing presents the means for the largest conflict in europe since the second world war. they cannot sit on two chairs. please, konstantin vasilievich. well, of course, the united states will not make any concessions to china, and what they are doing in relation to china is, of course, extremely significant. and restrictions on the supply of chips, sanctions against chinese companies. and about t-toc, by the way, this is an amazing story, because in all seriousness the united states is going to ban this chinese social network. for chinese propaganda, that is, in this regard, everything is fine here, from the point of view, from the point of view vision and market relations, and freedom of speech, that is, well, this is just not propaganda, this is china, or rather they say, well, this is not freedom of speech, this is chinese propaganda, everything
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has nothing to do with freedom of speech, in this regard, of course, trump may also turn out, in our country many people simply hope that trump will come to power and help us all, but this idea... which bloomberg wrote about, it is of course amazing: imposing sanctions for the decision to abandon the dollar is simple simply brilliant attempts come to an agreement and you will tell us. former president donald trump's economic advisers are considering ways to actively discourage countries from moving away from using the dollar in an attempt to counter promising moves in key emerging markets to reduce their dependence on the u.s. currency, according to people familiar with the matter. discusses penalties for allies or. opponents who are looking for active ways to engage in two-way trade in currencies other than dollars, with options including export and control fees for currency manipulation and tariffs, the sources said. president joe biden this week signed legislation giving him new
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powers to seize russian dollar assets to help rebuild ukraine. the measure has raised concerns among many lawmakers and republicans who fear it will undermine the dollar's role in the global financial system. the brix countries discussed de-dolarization at a summit last august. trump said he wants the dollar to remain the world's reserve currency, with biden you will lose the dollar as a standard, it will be like losing the biggest war we have ever lost. well, yes, it’s called make america great again, if you want to give up the dollar, we simply impose sanctions against you, this is called an honest global economy that lives by general rules, but chatization, unfortunately, it is taking over the whole world and individual regions , you had a story, and even more than one, about the baltic sea, and indeed... we are watching with alarm how the degree of tension in the baltic is increasing, in including, by the way, thanks to the new members of nato, it seemed not just a formality, both sweden and finland began to allow themselves much more aggressive statements,
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literally with a difference of several days, at first sweden announced that it was going to close the straits to russian tankers, and finland did the same, just the other day he repeated this statement that yes, we are indeed considering these options. but in fact, how is this possible, they are also interesting, that if you remember, last year they appealed to the fact that the tankers that carry russian oil do not have western insurance, although it is not clear why, now they have begun to appeal to the convention on the law of the sea, which in fact does not give them the right to prohibit the innocent passage of ships, so they began to declare that tankers, who are carrying russian oil, they can carry out reconnaissance activities, and soon i am sure they... i will say that they can land troops, in fact, when they were building nord stream 1, i remember very well how one swedish deputy said that let's we are not we will issue permission, permission was required from sweden, because the russians
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can land troops from a pipe layer in stokolm, but then he was perceived as an idiot clown, but the times have changed a lot, now...


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