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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  April 27, 2024 8:00pm-9:16pm MSK

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pain, sasha, sasha, survived, already well, can i hug you, fear, i don’t advise you to complain, if you blurt out a word anywhere, we ’ll bury you in the forest, despair, there is no evidence, no testimony, please let them be , do not interfere with an honest fair investigation, when you are now in favor of no explanation, then what was it fair? from monday on rtr.
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on the russia big news channel, in the studio of evgeniy roshkov. hello, we have all the information picture for this saturday. massive attack on military and energy facilities of ukraine. what we managed to deduce out of service? in which areas have our troops improved their positions? on the battlefield, as it turned out, it is ineffective. everything here has long since rotted. for the captured american schroeder armored vehicle, and more. the economy is growing faster than expected, with russia's gdp increasing by 6% in annual terms. conversation between the president and the economic bloc of the government. the first completely imported superjet flew across the country and landed in zhukovsky. clients.
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sarmat, whom his tormentor mistress forced to run after the car, solemn launch of fountains in peterhof, and a parade of ships on the neva. navigation is open.
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2.29 miga, one su-25, eight back- fire rocket systems and numerous anti-aircraft systems, field guns and an electronic warfare station. an impressive arsenal, originating from at least six states, was destroyed in ukraine within a week. enemy losses included six tanks and 53 armored vehicles. kiev hastily withdraws the sixty-ton abrams supplied from the united states from the front line. the heavyweights were too tight.
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m1150 schroeder breakthrough armored vehicle, using in which ukrainian armed forces militants tried to break through our defense line in the avdeevsky direction. a huge seventy-five-ton shredder on the battlefield, as it turned out, is ineffective. firstly, due to its size, it is visible from afar, and on top of that, it is terribly clumsy. our fighters hit this overseas giant with a kamikaze drone. the optics hit by our unmanned aerial vehicle blinded the crew. due to inexperience the crew drove into a minefield and an explosion occurred on the rear left side. the crew of the assault vehicle is two people, the driver-mechanic operates the instruments in a reclining position, and here is the commander’s seat, you can’t turn around. the m1150 schroeder engineering armored vehicle, developed on the basis of the m1 abrams tank in the seventies of the last century, arrived in ukraine about a year ago. and here's another one. one example of the militants’ weapons
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in the ssu, also from overseas and also with history: the m-88 armored vehicle. the american repair and recovery vehicle was created back in the fifties. last century, this sample was released in the late eighties, weighs 51 tons, and our soldiers destroyed it at in the avdiivka direction with a precise drone strike. the impact hit the side of the left side of the object, the car was abandoned. this armored junk was evacuated from the front line in two stages: engineering reconnaissance and an immediate operation to deliver trophies to the rear. our soldiers have already dubbed this repair and recovery vehicle the grandmother of the american ones. it was on its basis that these heavy tanks were created; spare parts for such equipment are now, as they say , hard to find during the day, but our specialists assure that they will restore everything on time. its traction efforts hard ground is too small to evacuate tanks such as the abrams, which weighs 60
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tons, the leopard, and so on. i think this machine is useless here. it will take no more than 3 days to replace the main components and assemblies, after which the command of the center group... will decide the fate of these trophies. alexander katsyuba, alexander malyshev and alexander sovchuk, conduct. in sau today they tried to attack with a whole flight of drones, the small village of voznesenovka, belgorod region. according to the governor, there were at least five drones. in the explosion seriously injured five civilians, including a teenager, and damaged agricultural vehicles. in just one day , more than one was subjected to air attacks, as well as mortar and artillery shelling. dozens of settlements in the region. the ministry of defense is now summing up the results of 35 group strikes on key enemy military infrastructure. over the course of weeks from dnieper to lvov, dagger missiles and drones disabled several thermal and hydroelectric power plants, destroyed
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warehouses, factories, workshops, and entire railway junctions. details from andrey grigorieva. russian strategic bombings are in the skies over ukraine. the results of the hits are immediately visible, here is a video shot in kharkov, everything arrives, now it goes boom. one of the largest missile attacks in response to the ukrainian armed forces’ attempts to attack russian energy infrastructure. 35 group strikes were carried out with high-precision, long -range, sea-based airborne weapons, including aerial ballistic ones. hypersonic dagger missiles, as well as unmanned aerial vehicles, as a result of which objects of the energy industry of ukraine, an enterprise of the military-industrial complex and railway infrastructure were hit, the dnieper tes was damaged, at least two hits after a ballistic missile hit
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the krivoy rog tes caught fire, in the lviv region the turbine hall of the dobrotvirska tes was damaged, in the chernovidsky region the platinum of the dniester hydroelectric power plant was destroyed, almost destroyed burshtyn. thanks to the help of the russian military, during the evacuation they came under fire, thank you very much , the citizens of ukraine were saved and only survived
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they helped the guys and didn’t leave my children orphans. another amazing story was captured on video by a reconnaissance uav. a ukrainian drone is chasing our soldier, but he shoots him down. the bag-like thing explodes in the air. russian aviation now carries out combat missions with two factories under each wing. now they separate from the su-34, open their planning modules, and these are the results of being hit by such high-explosive bombs. a mik-29 aircraft of the ukrainian air force was destroyed at its home airfield. eight combat multiple rocket launcher systems. hymers, vampire igrad. launcher with control center and anti-aircraft missile radar.
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russian enterprises have every opportunity to occupy the domestic market, displacing imports. vladimir putin spoke about this today at a meeting on economic issues. the head of state noted that industry is showing strong growth, and inflation is slowing down. alexey golovko will tell you what other statements were made. current state of affairs in the russian economy, president discusses with the head of the government and relevant ministers. macroeconomic data for the spring months is still being processed, but the results for january and february are already available. the data from the beginning of the year turned out to be higher than the forecasts of the government, the bank of russia, and some experts. russia's gdp increased by 6% in annual terms,
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the so-called calendar factor certainly had an impact here, namely the leap year, additional working days, but even if this factor is cleaned up and removed, the dynamics are still good. in many ways the economy grows due to industrial activity. in february, industrial production increased by 8.5% in manufacturing. industry growth is more than 13%, and this upward trend is here to stay. already, many experts are saying that by the end of this year, russia’s gdp may increase by more than 3%. we certainly need active actions from the government and regions that will support and stimulate business and investment activity. during his state of the union address in february this year, the president announced that in the coming...
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this is what we call supply-side economics. new national projects are also planned until 2030, which vladimir putin spoke about at gostiny dvor on february 29. family, personnel, youth of russia, data economy have a long and active life. these programs should stimulate an improvement in the quality of life of russians, and the federal government’s support for the regions will also increase. to develop the regions, we will roll out a large infrastructure renewal program, including... energy and utility networks, we will build new transport corridors, a separate decision
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that is supported by regional finances will be the write-off of 2/3 of issued budget loans, as we agreed, as well as an increase in the volume of infrastructure budget loans. national projects, of course, require money, they are in the federal budget, and the progressive development of the russian economy is having an impact; in the first quarter, non-oil and gas revenues increased by 43%. in general , federal budget revenues for 3 months increased by more than one and a half times compared to last year, and in this regard we can confidently say that a solid base is being formed for the growth of budget revenues over the entire six-year horizon. the parameters of new national projects, including financial ones, will be the topic of much discussion at the next meeting of the state council. alexey glovko, sofia, kiril malkovty. hours ago , the first imported airliner super jet 100 made a successful landing. the board passed a serious
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test, a flight of 6,000 km, but this is only the beginning, there are still two hundred tests ahead. report by lyudmila smirnova. superjet comes in to land in zhukovsky. touching the ground, here it is, the first domestic airliner, successfully completing its flight across most of the country. the flight was a success. the plane is flying, we flew at flight level 380, we flew in pairs, together with our serial base aircraft, that is, the plane easily catches up, easily lags behind, is easy to control in flight, it was born and took to the wing in komsomolsk-namur, in the yakovlev production center, it went through a long cycle here ground and flight factory tests, externally this aircraft is not much different from its predecessors, not an expert hardly. difference, but it was he who first gave the way to the sky to domestic systems and
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components, the famous one continues to do this now in order to give the green light to an entire program of import-substituted airliners. warm-up before the flight, everything is ready and checked more than once, the workshop workers see off, everyone who helped the first russian aircraft reach this altitude. emotions, of course, are running high with tears in our eyes, we are simply seeing off our baby, who flew to... according to tradition, the new airliner swings its wing over the workshop that was its cradle. all the team went out into the street to conduct our first. for already certification tests. now a car with new russian systems will have to undergo a whole series of exams, standard and with an asterisk. roughly speaking, all aerodynamics, the operation of all systems, the entire breo, at the beginning in conditions
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close to standard, this is in zhikovsky, the second part is the expansion of operating conditions. cold, high mountains, northern latitudes, extreme conditions, that is, all those conditions in which it will actually be used. similar to russian there are no examples of comprehensive import substitution in modern aviation. literally everything on the plane is new, systems and assemblies, materials, on-board radio electronics, and later on the engine. in fact, the aircraft has been completely replaced with the exception of the power plant. so, therefore, of course, this is a huge stage in the development of the program, this is the future of the program, well... and for us, despite the fact that today there is no domestic power plant, it is an opportunity to take advantage of this time and carry out a lot of work on certification domestic systems. the usual world practice cycle for creating aircraft and engines is 10-15 years. russian import substitution programs are being implemented in unprecedented time, while global
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manufacturers are focusing on broad international cooperation of suppliers from dozens of russian countries. copes alone and continues to make progress. lyudmila smirnova, maxim nazarov, vesti, khabarovsk. lugansk celebrates the anniversary of the proclamation of the lpr. hundreds of activists today deployed the republican trikalor, which became 10 years old, in the city center back, a symbol of resistance after the maidan government. the declaration of independence from kiev after nationwide rallies, pickets, and the storming of the sbu building became the culmination of the russian spring for luhansk residents. connection with russia remained for 8 years from the lpr ibragim tsugaipov. a flash mob of people, everything that can be allowed on this memorable day in the conditions of hostilities. there is still a ban on holding mass events in lugansk. young people unfurl a thirty-meter flag, it is a tricolor, but instead of the usual white there is a blue ribbon. this
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the first state symbol of the lugansk people's republic, which declared its independence from ukraine exactly. years ago, this was the first step on the way to russia. russia, russia. in those april days, 10 years ago, ukraine had just begun military operations against the russian-speaking population of the southeast of the country. under the cover of an anti-terrorist operation , tanks and artillery began to be brought into the donetsk and lugansk regions. lugansk residents tried to come to an agreement. we consider it our right not to recognize you as legal and legitimate authority and we will be forced to move to the active phase.
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was completely liberated in the first months of the northern military district, the restoration of destroyed ukrainian cities, towns, villages, roads and bridges, communications began almost immediately, almost everything had to be rebuilt, we are laying
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60% of the networks, and we are again laying large facilities, but for now, if possible, we they are being counted, shortchanged, we would not like to name them, well, probably closer to september, naturally, we will already name them. in 2 years the region has completely transformed, one of the most dynamic in developing regions , agriculture and metallurgy are being restored, the calling cards of the region. over these 2 years , about 65 enterprises have entered the free economic zone, this is a great help for the luhansk region and new jobs for local residents. now the lpr has become a full-fledged region of russia, but the first steps towards this historical moment were taken exactly 10 years ago. ibragim tsugeypov, sergey samokha, conduct the lugansk people's republic. automotive equipment today went to the front line from rostov-on-don. participated in the ceremony deputy prime minister, head of the ministry of industry and trade denis manturov. on the instructions of the president
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, several hundred uaz and other off-road vehicles were purchased for the needs of the front. using the funds raised by the people's front for victory, they were equipped with additional equipment. well, in particular , all vehicles are equipped with rap kits for protection against drones, detectors, anti-shock blankets and thermal imagers. today we are transferring another batch through the united popular front, this is a total of about 700 cars, these are 480 uazs, common people call them loaves, they are in great demand; first of all, they perform a humanitarian task in quality. ambulances. on victory day , another humanitarian convoy of the communist party of the russian federation departed from moscow to lugansk, donetsk and melitopol today. their number has long exceeded a hundred.
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the entire party leadership, headed by gennady zyuganov, came to conduct the mission. anna semyonova will continue. this is already the 125th convoy that the communist party of the russian federation is sending from moscow to novorossiya. today, those who fight on the front against nazism require special care. fascism, liberating red ukraine from the americans, nato members, and the cia. we don’t climb government bins, we collect it ourselves, we do it all. the trucks carry medicine and food, camouflage and camouflage nets, special vehicles and even weapons. the latest model, it is two times lighter than those that were at the beginning. some parts are made to order from fighters, designed and printed on a 3d printer, for example, cats that neutralize tripwires. the guys from the battalion. asked what we should do for them and we sent them these things, and we find people who collect, solder,
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an obligatory part of the cargo - these are the colorful postcards and letters that children write to the front, here are 42 postcards that the children made with their own hands with soul and love , separately letters for military personnel, also written with great love, attention, and pay attention to... the communist party of the russian federation has been sending such convoys for 10 years now, starting in 2014, the composition changes, but the main thing remains unchanged, this convoy is of a fundamental nature, before it's just a convoy solidarity and peace, convoy for victory, we can win under one condition, if there is maximum unity, a new financial and economic course, care for every person. the cars will go to donetsk, lugansk and melitopol. humanitarian convoy of the communist party of the russian federation, which today. departs from moscow, should arrive in time for victory day, along the way he will be joined by food trucks from the volga region and the republics of the north caucasus. anna semyonova
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andrey shnay ivan zamorin and sofia petrosyan, news. ldpr should become the first digital political party of russia. this task was set by their leader leonid slutsky at the all-russian rally of the liberal democrats. they talked about the traditions of the ldpr that have developed over 35 years and the future of the party. alexey's report. ldpr leader leonid slutsky came next with a keynote speech on the development strategy of the ldpr for the coming years, the party is already preparing for the september elections, special attention to working in the regions and supporting participants in a special military operation. we try to provide them with every possible protection. we are close to the fighters the front line, where they protect each of us, our lives.
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of which 60 were adopted on the initiative of the liberal democratic party last year, this is a kind of record. at the rally there are stands with photographs of the party founder vladimir zhirinovsky and footage of his life.
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you don’t even need to go to the terrorists, i don’t know if you will come back. vladimir putin sent a congratulatory telegram to the birthday boy. the president noted the unique experience and knowledge of leonid mikhailovich, which will serve to preserve and develop the traditions of domestic medicine. in ukrainian, a monument to soldiers was demolished the great patriotic war, a symbolic composition of three figures: a soldier, a partisan and a girl, was installed in the city center 40 years ago, it was thrown down by the barbarians.
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according to the rivne authorities, the figures will be melted down and sold for scrap metal, and the proceeds will be transferred to the ssu. and in our dagestan the memory of the liberating soldiers is honored. a new monument to soldiers of the great patriotic war was opened in one of the high-mountain villages. the guest of honor at the ceremony was the writer and public figure alexander prokhanov. this monument is for real folk, funds for its installation were raised by fellow countrymen, those who...
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became the famous writer alexander prokhanov. this monument was erected with money from the births of the inhabitants of these surrounding villages in the surrounding mountains. this is a dagestan monument. this is a special precious manifestation of the people. the last thing you expect is to see such exhibits in a small mountain village, but ashaga archita has its own fighter, its own tank. exhibits that not only complement the new monument, but generally speak about the patriotic spirit of the local people. that's why there are so many portraits veterans in children's hands, which is why people from the village financed the construction of the monument. my grandfather fought in the war from the first to the last day, he told me everything, it stuck with me, of course. this is sacred to me. the delegation of the csto countries also felt this attitude towards a common victory. local elders said that we are not visiting, we are at home, so accordingly the mood is this, the feeling
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is all wonderful. i'm among my own people. among our own, i hug, we understand each other perfectly. prokhanov knows and loves the republic respects very much for their exploits during the great patriotic war, for preserving the integrity of the country in the nineties and for how stubbornly they are fighting in the northern military district zone today. this monument is a confirmation that that victory of 1945 does not end, it is an endless victory for our people. the dagestanis fought in the great patriotic war, perhaps like no one else, they laid their heads on...
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inevitably, because our russian people are initially victorious, we are a victorious people, we are crushed, and we rise from the dust, we they throw us around, and we go on the attack. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov, abdulla magomedov, news, ashaga arkhid, dagestan. a few days remain until the start of the fire of memory campaign; it will begin on may 3 at the tomb of the unknown soldier, with the support of rossotrudnichestvo, representatives of the popular front, famous artists, athletes, journalists and tv presenters.
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that there is nothing easier than getting to antarctica. in fact, the schooner elsie of the rusark project, the russian ark, delivered a particle of eternal fire through one of... that of the living souls nearby, only sea animals, well penguins, but also the huna crew and young russian diplomats reached the antarctic king george island, according to our boaterloo, to the russian bilenshausen station. dear kirillo vladimirovich, every year on the eve of may 9, the popular front social movement, with the support of rossotrudnichestvo, transfers a piece of fire to different countries of the world. fire is not an easy thing, a devi lamp that has been set on fire. the tomb of the unknown soldier travels hundreds and thousands of kilometers every year. this time she reached the most remote corner planet, such a continent as antarctica. but we got ahead of ourselves, last year,
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first to south america, where popular front activists, on the initiative of the russian house in chile, delivered a piece of the eternal flame from the kremlin wall, and for many here, the great patriotic war, to the seemingly distant soviet union , was very close. the popular front, not the popular unity that came later, the popular front, that coalition also included socialists and communists, a rare phenomenon at the turn of the thirties and forties, but it is a fact. in other words, there was someone in chile to immediately express solidarity with the soviet union. here in today's republic of chile , envoys of the russian popular front met not only with their compatriots, with the community of the local orthodox church, but with those chileans who established here the group of historical reconstructions of estreya roja, that is, the red star. greetings from chile, russia,
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you and i support russia. we all went together to the place where pablo neruda, the chilean poet, nobel prize laureate, lived. literature, the author of ode to stalingrad, who in general loved russia very much. what else did pablo neruda write? our part of the world. so, moscow is a winter city, a beautiful, winter city. through this branched ice world, through its snowy spring, the ancient towers of the kremlin emerge. centuries-old spiers go up, the domes of st. basil's turn golden. but our people are an integral part of the history of the far south. and there further, beyond the south american continent of antarctica, which was discovered by the russian fodey fodeevich belingshausen. almost 5 years old. like us we opened a monument to him here, we are the then joint expedition of the beiring belingshausen institute from montevideo and the russia canal, now the current ceremony is at this place, the russian polar explorers and young diplomats turned out to be touching. today we
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are at bilenshausen station, we have the honor to present you with a piece of this fire in the name of goodness and peace throughout the world. please, thank you, we are very pleased, thank you, cheers! the bird of eternal flame is now in the antarctic orthodox church of the holy trinity. sergey brilev with the assistance of lev kalashnikov, maria mitsura and denis yakovlev. news from the far south. the forty-sixth moscow international film festival, one of the oldest film festivals in the world, ended in the capital. the closing ceremony took place at the russia theater. the author of the leading film industry program, ivan kudryavtsev, will talk about the winners and outstanding premieres. during these 8 days, the moscow international film festival was visited by 39,000 spectators, three dozen world premieres and more than 200 films in competitive out-of-competition programs, but this is crowned with a week-long film journey across countries and continents,
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exactly this evening. the mission and current significance of the festival is formulated from the stage by the president of the review, nikita mikhalkov, demonstrating fluency in the native language of some of the prize-winners. it is very important that the person who made the picture and receives a prize for it can say words of gratitude in his native language in which his picture was made, the triumphant of the evening, mexican director miguel salgado, his tough thriller about rampant crime. in his native country it is called shame, in it retribution overtakes the hero, whom the bandits forced into captivity fight to the death with a friend. the main prize is a golden saint george and a prize for best actor. first of all, i am very happy for the actor juan ramon lopez, who plays
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the lead role, because he is a very talented actor and i hope that this will open up a great future for him. the iranian film based on the hit by azize sidik was named the best director's work. her drama has a breath of cold, about a long journey, which... it is a great honor that the prize for best actress goes to germany, the film shlimazal is about a journalist who found a warden concentration camps, bright red impressions on the audience were left out of the competition by the fiery fox, a unique kamchatka project by dmitry and anna shpelinok. 26 months of watching a weak fox cub become a leader. the film will be released in wide release on may 18 with the support of vgtrk. in the national competition russian premieres , yulia trofimova won with the film liar, a topical satire on cancel culture, where... the harassment scandal crumbles due to lies, we are happy, we just didn’t expect it,
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these are such cool emotions, we are incredible happy, the golden saint george for his contribution to world cinema was awarded to sergei ursulyak, the author of the films liquidation, fate of life and the military drama the righteous, which had a huge success at the box office, we need to try, so to speak, to quickly forget about that contribution, so we can return to what i am, so to speak. a person who tries to do something well with all his might. the closing film of the forty-sixth miff was the major thunder game, a spectacular continuation of the story of the brutal st. petersburg investigator. ivan kudryavtsev, ekaterina zagumenych, vitaly poretsky, inna zolotaryova and olesya shempel. this is big news, that’s what we’ll talk about next. biden appears to have decided to debate trump. will he agree to a meeting at the courthouse? clients of a crypto exchange in moscow city
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stormed the company's office. vitaly kormazin tried to understand whether people would be able to get their money back. alabai sarmat, whom the owner tied to the car and drove around the city, is now safe. what will happen to him next? and footage of the ceremonial launch of fountains in peterhof and the parade of ships on the neva. all we'll show you. do you like a herring under a fur coat or olivier watch what’s snacking, alexander grigorievich, well,
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hello, let him in, there are no forces that could hold him back, this is impressive, your greetings, hello, after your interview many new questions have arisen, it’s good that they are watching, listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i should always be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come in also on sunday... rtr say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first shore, where everything is included, except for your head. we know everything about holidays. relax.
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anexc. welcome to rixa with premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa. premium magavish suits & villas the vacation you've been dreaming of. allow yourself a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for
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you! hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday. for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired, love is when you look into one direction. look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look, agreement, sign, we sign simultaneously for one, two, three, sign , look, look, maybe we can go to my place, just
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watch a movie, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve? former friend, tear off everything that is ours, which was together, what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what makes an impression, russia comes and the city lives, boris kovchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr, the tests are perfect, there is nothing about pregnancy, you and your husband go to the sea. today, i’ll come to the institute and give him a surprise, this is my passion, how can you not understand this, passion, any problem can be cured by the sea, you need to unwind, go on
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a yacht, sea, sun, vitamin d, you are a very beautiful girl, you dream of having holiday romance, forget it, i’m not like her hotel, i want. to save our family, he came with her, with his mistress, make lena jealous, what are you doing with my wife, your marriage is shaking at the seams, sea overseas premiere, our lives can’t just fall apart like that, don’t think about it, today is rtr. there is big news on the air, we continue our broadcast: kiev risks being left without the support of brussels if the right-wing party wins the elections to the european parliament in early june. these are the concerns expressed by deputies who advocate sponsoring the ukrainian conflict. well, in germany, for example, the party scholz is rapidly losing weight in comparison with
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the opposition, which is calling to stop his billion-dollar transfers and return to peace negotiations. that the deal should have been signed 2 years ago. welt wrote in istanbul. alexander khristenko will continue the topic. with the slogan the strongest voices of germany in europe, that is, wishful thinking, chancellor schols opened the election campaign of the social democrats for elections to the european parliament. there are not that many spectators, and this reflects the situation, there is no time germany's leading political force now shares third or even fourth place with the greens.
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parties, then form factions in the european parliament, based on the proximity of their position and political color. there are only 720 parliamentary mandates, now, according to forecasts, almost all major factions are losing seats, the left and social democrats, the greens and liberals are in a real collapse, they may lose up to a third of their mandates. the largest faction of conservatives is in a small, but also minus, but moderate eurosceptics will increase, immoderate ones, as well as right and far-right parties, according to forecasts for the first time in history they will occupy such a prominent position. a seat in the european parliament, gaining an additional 38 seats in total. in the expected redivision of the political landscape , the ukrainian conflict plays a significant role; ordinary europeans are tired of endless calls.
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it became known that after istanbul, both delegations met online via zoom and continued to work on this seventeen-page draft agreement. ukraine said: okay, we believe that in the future it is possible to be a neutral state, that is, they finally renounced nato membership, and the russians said in response: okay, if western states give ukraine firm security guarantees. then why was the document not signed? there is an interesting statement by the head of the ukrainian negotiators, who said on their television that there was a deal. took place because the reason was boris johnson, who came to kiev and told ukraine that he would not participate in such an agreement. now the situation on earth
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has changed significantly and it has become even more obvious how cruelly kiev miscalculated. in retrospect the agreement still appears to be a good deal. this was the best deal we could have made,” said welt, a member of the ukrainian negotiating delegation. ukraine has been on the defensive for several months and is suffering heavy losses. looking back, we can say that then ukraine occupied a stronger position in the negotiations than now; belated recognitions have so far changed little; the european elites are clearly betting on the continuation of hostilities and are not going to change course, at least until the results of the elections to the european parliament are announced . alexander khristenko, anna lvova, vesti. despite the lack of results from ukraine at the front, washington is still convincing the world of kiev’s inevitable victory, and zelensky promises to supply patriot complexes, if , of course, there are extra ones. as the media write, the white house will demand. the armed forces of ukraine will have success before the elections in order to justify multi-billion dollar spending on the ukrainian conflict, while the democrats’ election campaign will not get back on track,
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and this is due to biden himself from the united states, our correspondent dmitry melnikov. to hide from the public this robotic gait, as biden’s way of moving is called, the president’s team uses tricks, now, passing by the television cameras, the entourage takes in the shuffling biden. into a tight ring. advisers led by spokeswoman karine jeanpierre changed the decades-old ritual of the head of state walking alone across the lawn from the white house to air force one and back. beginning april 16, he began traveling with aides or congressmen, nine times out of ten. in addition, they also wrote that he began to wear special shoes, smart boots, more stable boots.
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impromptu statements that are said to horrify his campaign headquarters. during this staged interview with radio host howard stern, biden unexpectedly decides to debate trump. i would tell you what i imagine your debate to be like with your opponent if you are going to have one. somewhere, i don't know when. i'd be happy to debate him. the dates for the presidential debates have already been approved by the commission, three rounds, starting on september 16, but until the last, the biden team did everything in order to prevent the president from sharing the podium with trump, who continues to demand his opponent to the barrier. the republican candidate says he's ready to destroy biden at the debate right now. trump himself, like going to court hearings at work, proposes sparring right outside the court after the next one. he can debate with me whenever he wants, even today, i am ready, i invite him to the courthouse to which he
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has tied us. in the same distilled interview, biden talks about the dark moments of his long life, and after his death his first wife, it turns out, he was thinking about suicide. i realized that you don't have to be crazy to commit suicide, i never got drunk, i never drank, i thought maybe i should go to the bridge and jump off it, but i had two. but then the relaxed president is carried away into a fantasy world; even the liberal press could not swallow a childhood story about an arrest during a march in defense of blacks. at another point, biden once again appeared to embellish the truth that he was arrested as a teenager during a protest against segregation in dillavere. there is no evidence that he was ever arrested at a civil rights protest, but the team has to answer for inappropriate behavior, for a political... decision, despite promises and an approved aid package for ukraine, the united states cannot transfer its own systems to kiev
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patriot because they are needed to protect the united states itself. ukraine maybe? the sending of american weapons to the middle east has already resulted in a creeping epidemic of pro-palestinian protests, covering the most america's prestigious universities, as opposed to
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the israeli lobby on capitalist hill in the white house. palestinian supporters fight with police in the streets. the next biden vs. trump debate, if it takes place, could turn out to be the most furious and at the same time the most pathetic political spectacle in recent us history. in addition to internal problems , we will have to discuss withdrawal from afghanistan, relations with china, and conflicts in the middle east in ukraine, and none of the candidates has real recipes for getting out of these there are simply no crises. dmitry melnikov and pavel kostrikov, news from washington. the basmanny court of the capital today arrested the twelfth defendant in the criminal case regarding the terrorist attack in crocus city hall. according to the investigation, the suspect provided his accomplices with mobile communications and paid telephone bills. the trial took place behind closed doors. as it became known, the person arrested in april of this year was brought to administrative responsibility for petty hooliganism. he will spend at
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least 2 months in custody. hundreds of millions of rubles clients of the beribit crypto exchange in moscow demand their return. all transactions suddenly stopped. it has been impossible to withdraw money from my accounts for several days now. traders who did not understand what was happening decided to take over the exchange office in the moscow city sturma high-rise. vitaly karmazin managed to get inside and find out the essence of the conflict. who has more than a million here? dozens of crypto businessmen have been storming the company’s office for the second day.
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and the manager reassured everyone to the last. there will be a delivery today. lawyers assure that for the owners of the company this story may will end very badly. the future will depend only on the actions of the exchange, how the situation will develop in civil, criminal law or some other direction. it's illegal anyway. illegal. searches have already begun in the company, and this is not the first incident with the beribet exchange. here, clients are literally waiting with the door wide open, the glass of which was broken by the operatives .
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technical problems with withdrawal, even detained employees do not know when to expect payments, the money will be delivered then. in the end, closer in the evening, one victim was taken out of the manager’s office, who said that he had returned the money. here. like a screen in total 1.789. rub. the entire amount was withdrawn, however, young crypto investors have only one thing left to do: spend the night again, waiting for their millions. vitali karmazin, konstantin morozov, andrey greshnev, polina gomzikova and elena bedyak, news. moscow drowned at some point today, and a powerful downpour hit the capital. in several areas, seventy percent of the monthly rainfall fell in less than an hour. levnevki and drains with this volume.
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but this measure should relieve congestion on the road during the tourist season and reduce the accident rate. report by anna sorokina. by the holiday season , passage to the black sea is freed from heavy trucks. today , new rules began to apply for them in the krasnodar territory. new roads have appeared on the m4 don highway. signs are intended for trucks with a permissible maximum weight of more than 15 tons. 66 such complexes are installed at each junction so that every driver who drives a heavy truck understood that he was prohibited from moving there during
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this period of time. on fridays, weekends and holidays, heavy trucks will have to give way to passenger cars from 8:00 am to 9 pm, and move themselves at night. other days of the week were not affected by the restrictions. heavy truck drivers rearrange their usual traffic schedules in order to have time to... drive through a restricted area at night, we go, for example, to abkhazia, to the border, i need to have time to deliver the goods, there are traffic jams around the clock here. movement changes we touched on the most picturesque difficult section of the road, this is part of the m4 don highway from hot spring to dzhubga. serious congestion is familiar to many drivers who have at least once traveled to the black sea coast along this route. this is a ridge pass, 360 m above sea level, the highest point of the m4 don highway. and he is not only famous. with its beautiful views of the main caucasian ridge, but with steep climbs. in summer , more than 50,000 cars pass here every day. a third of them are trucks, and this is at least twice the number of vehicles for which it is designed.
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road, but it is surrounded by mountains and does not always allow you to overtake a vehicle. on the coast for a weekend with children, of course, this will reduce the travel time, and the technical ships, when they are not traveling in windy weather, will have much more time to pass vacationers to the black sea coast. the heavy truck restriction applies to and from the coast every holiday season starting in 2020. half of all accidents in the area from the hot spring to the turn to dzhubga occur in the summer. this measure allows to reduce accident rate, increase throughput by equalizing the speed of vehicles on weekends and holidays. the restriction on the movement of heavy trucks will remain in effect until september 15. anna sorokino, valery pyatov. armata from krasnoyarsk, who was tied to a car by his owner
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and dragged for several kilometers at speed, was taken away by a volunteer. the shocking cruelty towards the animal caused an incredible resonance. more than 50 thousand people have already signed a petition demanding that the dog’s owner be brought to justice.
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an investigation is currently underway; the owner of allabai may face criminal liability, given that a pet is a type of property, and it is so easy to forcibly seize it from the owner. a pet is not allowed, it is a thing, but thanks to the public outcry, in the situation with alabai they were able to take it away from the owner, but as i understand it, she voluntarily handed it over anyway, that is , the dog cannot be taken away without her will. professional breeders say that keeping alabais requires special conditions; such a dog, by its nature, is not aggressive towards passers-by. outside its territory, on its own - this is a serious guard, therefore.
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thanks to the public outcry and the concern of animal rights activists, sarmat survived and is now receiving the necessary help. after treatment, the injured dog will be transferred here to the alabay assistance center. a place has already been prepared here for an enclosure where sarmat will live. here he will wait for his new, already responsible owners. alexander usatenko, andrey grishkov, sergey larionov, elena goleeva, news. with splashes of fountains and a parade of ships on the neva, st. petersburg opened a new tourist. season. the beginning of navigation on
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rivers and canals was announced by the midday salvo of the cannon of the peter and paul fortress. trips on boats, motor ships, high-speed catamarans are one of the calling cards of the northern capital. this year they will carry passengers along new regular and excursion routes. it is expected that during the may holidays the city will welcome at least 850 thousand guests from russia and abroad. the tourist flow is higher than last year. hotel occupancy is already average. 80% also turned on fountains in the city today, the first to the sounds of classical music scored in peterhof, well, there are more than 100 of them . record box office and first place at the box office for the main blockbuster of the spring 100 years ago, in just a week, the film based on the works of kir bulychev about the adventures of a girl from the future earned more than 400 million rubles. than a new reading of the already familiar story about alice? captivated the audience,
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anton zemidov found out. in general, this is a guest from the future. the universe of kir bulychev on the big screen. the authors did not remake the cult soviet film; new adventures await their favorite characters. a whole generation of kids, yeah adults, brought up on books, on this film adaptation, of course, now it will be very interesting, like such a talented team of creators. the role of one of the space pirates was played by alexander petrov, a great gift for any artist to play such an unreal character, alisa selezneva will have to make a time jump and save her family, the milky way and 13. that this movie
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is suitable for family viewing, don’t be afraid to take it with you and take children, adults, grandparents, everyone will like it, viewers across the country have already appreciated the film, this is such a way to return to childhood, it’s a beautiful fairy tale, of course incredibly shot, a wonderful plot, well done, sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you want to laugh, after watching most people go to social networks to take part in a nostalgic flash mob, under the hashtag i 100 years ago everyone posts their school photos. cool movie.
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why do captured ukrainians go over to the side of russia and now fight for us? alexander sladkov about the special detachment of the legendary maxim krivonos. and that on the fronts, set fire to them, surround them, 10 years from the day monstrous massacre in the house of trade unions in odessa, more than a hundred odessa residents were burned alive. arkady mamontov about how the west-fed nazis then mocked those who
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thought in russian, shouting glory to ukraine, simply breaking their heads with metal rods. and sergei zenin from the secret tomb of the afghan rulers, they say that if you make a full circle around the gallery, then any dreams will come true. what remains of the soviet quarter in kabul and why afghans choose cricket. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. and that's all the news for us, there's always you can...
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breathe new impressions into your life and exhale the whole load of problems, that's all, your ideal. rest is ready, great, you tell it so deliciously, it’s just a dream that you just made reality, congratulations, where to sign, yeah, right here, so please, uh-huh, thank you very much, oh, thank you, thank you, keep it up, thank you. have a nice holiday, goodbye, well, irka, it’s not just like that, you have such a surname, overseas, so you know how to sell vacations on the seas, and the anniversary sale, by the way, is five soy, yes you well, well done, and you yourself, when was the last
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time you were on vacation, i don’t remember, i understand, a shoemaker without boots, a classic, listen, will you let me go for a while? well, of course, otherwise i completely forgot, i have an important meeting, i’m only an hour there and back, thank you, see you, everything is fine, the tests are perfect, i’m glad, the tests are perfect, but there’s still no pregnancy, but maybe it’s all psychological aspect, your husband, he supports you, yes, of course. he’s just a historian, he’s all about work, yeah, well, maybe that’s the reason, it affects you stress, fatigue, you need to throw everything out of your head, all your worries and reboot, you
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definitely need to eat on vacation, you are our holiday fairy, my husband and i were sent to a luxury hotel last year, and what about you? here 's my recipe, go to the sea with your husband, oh, i'm sorry, yes, where are you, you forgot again, you promised to go to the doctor with me, forgive me, please, i found such a rarity here that i forgot about the whole world, i know. again something more important than our future child, our future child will definitely appreciate such an amazing find, sorry, i have a call from work, irda christmas trees. oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, her condition,
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to put it mildly, is not very good, kolya, shut up, this is a rarity, try to throw off the pressure young man, what a shame, i still thought that you were intelligent people, so, so , so, just a minute, lyonya, okay, lyonya, it looks as if they wrapped fish in it, even if it crumbled, it would have to be taken, yes, but not for the price of my father’s wing. plane, this book is needed by the department students and me, you have a family, what do you suggest? how long should i wait for funding from the institute? your wife will leave you, and you will be left with your archeology, i’ll somehow get out, boris mikhail, what are you doing, we’re taking, mikhailovich, to charge a percentage for moral damage, you’re kidding me, quietly, of course, of course, boris mikhailovich, book , book. “ir, yes, spit on him and go alone, let your archaeologist dig up his happiness himself, i want
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to go on vacation with my husband. ir, don’t you see that he’s already sat on your neck and dangled his legs, and you you keep plowing, plowing, plowing, you plow, for him, for yourself, while he is finishing his dissertation, be it wrong, he is also plowing, only the result, ir, he has zero, let's go, rest and everything will work out, antik duniyonyn arashtyrmalarynda buik ilerleme
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kaidettik. thanks to the discoveries that the respected leonid zamorsky made in his work, we have made great progress in the study of the ancient world. an itaریlə çox ne şekilde diyebiliris. activities, we are very pleased to welcome you within the walls of our institute, i hope that
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moscow did not disappoint you.


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