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tv   Printsessa i nishchenka  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 5:15am-6:50am MSK

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my planet tv channel presents. indeed, every era since the palealite has left its mark on this great river. 860 - svyatoslav's campaign against constantinople. battle of kulyakovo september 8 , 1380. 1696 - capture of azov. 1707 - bulavinsky uprising. the arrows of the don time machine brought us to the 16th century. the time when great water literally washed away the medvedevsky spasopreobrazhensky monastery, founded by retired cossacks.
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we are now on the territory of the monastery in the church of the kazan icon of the mother of god, right below us are the most ancient caves, they say you can even see the trace of the virgin mary in them.
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here is the way of the cross of the savior and the path of suffering of the mother of god, along which we lead people to the main shrine of our monastery, the pebble of the mother of god, illnesses overcame her, the caves helped bathe her nearby pellets, spiritually in these caves the abbess wanted to create a cave temple, like those that were built the first christian exiles. and macushka arseny had the goal of finishing building the temple to go into seclusion in these caves, a person completely isolates himself from the outside world and to the very she remains alone in death, the lord did not grant her seclusion, probably because she was very necessary; one day, when, after long labors of sleepless nights, the abbess sat on a stone, the mother of god appeared to her, that is , there is only an oral tradition about this.
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there were delicate traces left on it: two palms, a woman’s hands and two knees, and it is clear that the trace seemed to be slightly bifurcated, when they sank to their knees, when they rose from them. the nuns believe that the mother of god herself left the traces; she came to bless arsenia for her labors. now it seems that you can walk the entire don through underground passages and tunnels. so many secrets are hidden along the banks of this river. here. underground, over the course of time you feel even more acutely that it just stopped to take a breath of the ancient monastery, and when you take a step you already find yourself in the ancient oksai fortress of the 16th century. in fact, from the monastery to oksay there are a good thousand kilometers; behind us are volgodonsk, tsimlyansk, kalach on the don. whether it was possible to travel this distance through underground tunnels, who knows, but what is really true is nowhere else there is no such quantity in russia. underground
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structures, for centuries hidden life was seething on the banks of the don, a real parallel reality, for example, in oksai at the royal customs outpost, where there were really no settlements, as many as 35 underground structures. drag, where, where, where, where, dragged, where, where, in the house, where the carved garden. it is by this song that our city and the whole country know it. polisat is a small space in front of the house, in front. facade, which is framed by a fence, kologans loved to make beautiful carved fences, of course, it was expensive event, now, unfortunately, there are quite a few carved gardens in volodya, although there is still one, it is located in the center near the house of alexandra yakubova, which is not much more than 160 years old. vologda's face is her drawn-out , cursing speech, but we not only curse, we still do not distinguish between l and u. he went and said. did, we
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also confuse ts-h, it came from the skull, we count 50, 60, 70 in a special way, and we also really, really love the word dak, dak why, dak where did you go? then beauty never came easy, sang boris grebenshchikov, real vologda beauty is 299 steps up the stairs to the bell tower of st. sophia cathedral, and we are going there now. 360 years ago, on the site of a wooden bell tower that burned down , the first stone one was built, but of course, it was a little lower than now, and only... in 1870, an ambitious archbishop, with a very interesting chemical name "pallady", ordered the construction of the bell tower on 30 m, so that it becomes the largest in the diocese. the bell tower turned out to be a little gothic; in fact , gargoyles could nest on it. real pride
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valagzhan - ancient bells that have survived despite everything. at first, peter ii wanted to transfer the vologda bells to cannons. but, fortunately, archbishop gabriel did not do this, he sent peter i copper from his bishop’s court and thereby exceeded the plan, received a diploma, and then the activists of the komsomol subbotnik wanted to throw off the bells from the bell from ours, but fortunately the museum workers also did not allow do this. but behind me is the most beautiful, large, festive bell, it was cast by ourselves ivan matorin, but unlike another work by ivan matorin, the tsar of the bell, our bell turned out to be stronger. it’s beautiful, really, the whole city is in full view, you can see the main artery, the vologda river, the lower, upper, trans-rechny garden, real beauty and the best view of our city, and of course, vologo, for me - this is the monumental ascetic architecture of the northern monasteries,
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for my back is one of the most majestic, the spasopriludsky monastery, which was founded in 1371 by a student of sergius of radonichsky, dmitry prilutsky. monastery was always rich, had fishing grounds, mills, and many villages. in soviet times there was a museum here, but now it is operational again. it seems to me that this view of this monastery is the historical face of our city. my planet tv channel presents. what are we going to fish for? no matter what, she bites herself? these are the hooks, you see, right? they call it a tyrant, a tyrant, yes, the fish here are hungry, they rush at everything that moves, in general, this tyrant in local waters is bitten by mullet, horse mackerel, red mullet, sawfish, sea bass, and if if you're very lucky, it's a stone perch, that's all, you caught a fish, we caught a fish, we
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caught a fish, it's a fish, like that, a fish, well, a small one, well, not for that, two, for the first time, it seems to me that it's really good . look what kind of fish, what to do next, raise the fishing rod, i’ll catch you, oh, here ’s a fish like this, stavritka, stavri, stavka, the most delicious fish in fact, not enough for lunch, no, there it is, there it is, where, where , where, where, look what she is, both, bravo, denis, that’s a catch, that’s what i understand, a professional, yes, i immediately caught a beautiful fish, a mullet, well, after all, with lunch, yes, today with lunch, now we’re still catching and we can fry it, and we ’ll fry it right here, right here on... in the sea, the freshest live fish , well, here’s diana, our catch, now we need to clean it, eat it, and i’ll clean it, clean it, yes, of course, you will, i’ll teach you, i’ll help you, of course, we caught a lot of fish, of course i’m embarrassed to admit it, but i never i didn’t clean the fish,
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let me in, i’ll make your wishes come true, this fish is dead, the most delicious fish, look, this is not alive. i won't cry, i can't, come on, i can't do this, she's alive, oh, she's moving, horror, oh, mommy, like that, yes, yes, faster, faster, come on, come on, come on, press harder , well, okay, it’s not a fish, it’s a banana, okay, yes, it’s a banana, a sea banana, no, i definitely can’t do that, while i was crying over one fish, denis managed to clean the entire catch, a real sea one. wolf, thank you for doing this, yes, i really didn’t think it would cause me so many emotions, well, it turned out no matter how strange, i can eat it, now i will eat it with pleasure, in baloklava, i tell you, there live real fish gourmets, for example, denis, on the shore from the fish, his nose
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turns up, a mullet caught a couple of hours ago, according to him by standards - already the second grade, fresh here is considered fish, just taken off the hook and cooked on board, this is somehow a dish on... called, called, of course, called fried mullet, this is the fastest, most delicious way, yes , so you won’t become a century-old for sure. denis's recipe is very simple: i rolled the fish in cornmeal, salted, peppered, threw in a frying pan, that’s it, somehow i can’t even believe that this dish will turn my life upside down? well , well, let's try, try, and how to eat it, with your hands like this, just like this, just like it is, right here, take your hands, the best tool for eating, so, choose your fish, just like that, once, chuck, here we go. delicious,
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very tasty, really very tasty, listen, i really like it, especially the fish, she wanted to become a poet, but she became a muse, she she wanted to be equal to men, but she was taller than them, invariably conquering everyone who was next to her, she wanted to die under bullets, but died from... professor's daughter, beauty, poetess, wife of the people's commissar and plenipotentiary representative, star of early soviet journalism, commissar baltic fleet, larisa reisner. leon trodsky wrote about her, the appearance of an olympian goddess, her ironic mind combined with militant masculinity. osip mandelstam, in a madregal dedicated to her, praised her as a green-eyed mermaid, and nikolai gumilyov admired her. its ionic curl. in 1915 year sergei yesenin falls in love with her. he
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awkwardly asked her to marry her and after refusing, he said: “i scratched myself on her.” and boris pasternak, the main character of the work doctor zhivvaga, named after larisa reisner. 1858 from this door. a young woman came out of the door of the tomsk catholic church. she was immediately noticed by a man standing nearby. the young beauty seemed an unearthly, shining flower for the apostle of anarchy , rebel mikhail bakunin, who was sentenced to death three times. seeing her, he immediately realized that for the first time in his long, so unlucky, although he had a bright life, he fell in love with a woman. having found a job as a foreign language teacher in the contanini family, he conquered her, whispering
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in his alluring voice what an incredible life, full of love and adventure, awaited them in italy. antonina converted to orthodoxy, the lovers were married here in the resurrection church, the oldest and most beautiful in all of tomsk. the groom, a forty-four-year-old political criminal, of enormous stature, with a lion's mane of receding hair and a thick beard, the bride, a young, pretty, charming pole, who seemed next to her betrothed, defenseless girl. bakunin did not deceive his beloved; their life together was full of truly incredible adventures and love. the life path of lydia delectorskaya began in this house at 20a kuznetsova street
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more than 100 years ago, and nothing foreshadowed shocks, but fate had in store for an incredible meeting. lydia, a charming young woman, ended up immigrating to nice, where, in search of work, she came to be hired as a secretary in the house of the famous artist henri mathis. he was 63, lydia was 22, she was very beautiful. and it is quite natural that from...
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know that i am with you forever, even where you are out of reach, cities, big cities, hide you from me, let an air
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kiss fly, wherever you are now. you know how much i love you, i dreamed about you today, the clouds are floating to moscow, i know it’s not too early and not too late, the clouds are floating to moscow, and people are rushing to their nests in this city , you can’t be found, and it’s such a shame, the clouds are just floating. everything is visible from the sky, the clouds are floating to moscow, i know it’s not too early and not too late, the clouds are floating to moscow, and people are rushing to their nests you can’t be found in this city and it’s such a shame, but
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while the monyas are swimming, only they can see everything from the sky. hello, house, yes, hello, what's wrong with my order, uh-huh, what does it mean to pull all your strength, no, i'm asking when the result will be, today, yes, good, i'm waiting in the office, yes, happily. well, another thing, well, we worked out the advance with you, damn it.
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well, boss, did you get it? hello, house, well done, yes, everything is as agreed, yes, you can come with the money while you’re robbing, and,
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hi, hi, angelochka, why did you wake up so early, huh? "i felt lonely, sad, sadly lonely, uh-huh, you’re getting used to the boss’s chair, i’m getting used to it, and why did you come, why, for gratitude, for successfully completed tasks, it seems to me that i was just yesterday.” thank you, thank you, serzhik, in our time the thing is cheap, but what else do you want, you still didn’t get the flash drive, you didn’t get it, but you got something else, you know the keys,
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give it, take it. well, what do you want, sentsov is now running around like a blind puppy, not remembering anything ? wife, and you will take over his company, and i will help you with this. and you will take over. restaurant? and you won’t even need my help with this. restaurant ugh. besides, sentsov knows everything about the restaurant, you, inga and i know about this apartment, inga has amnesia, she’s
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no longer your assistant, but i’m another matter, by the way, inga let me in on all your plans, and i, mind you , all this time she was silent and reliably covered you in front of sentsov. if you want the keys to these faithful assistants, come there tonight, we’ll discuss everything. well?
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i’ll let you go, sick girl, behave decently, and if you behave like this, then i i’ll order my sister to tie you to the bed, hello, really, what are you, well, oh, and she asked who you are, okay, husband, this is your husband, just a minute, silence, sick. what is your name? aleon krymova. well, i'm not asking you. excuse me, what is your name? what
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date is today? can you be quiet? you understand that a failure has occurred due to a traumatic brain injury. like on a computer? something like that. do you remember anything? well, as soon as we are happy about your condition, hello, we will have to carry out repeated examinations, uh-huh, paid, uh-huh, are you ready? yes, i’ll write how much.
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inga yurievna, let's try again, you ended up here, but how you got here, you don't remember at all, i already said, i don't remember anything, it's like a blank slate, but... maybe, at least something, you remember ? there is nothing. you are the main thing, don't worry. your reaction is an ordinary reaction of humiliation. understand this. pull yourself together and listen to me. okay, i'm listening. in order for your memory to return to you, it is best, well , paradoxically, to try not to think about anything at all, but simply surrender to your physical feeling, look around. look at yourself, look. on your husband, maybe something will confuse you, something will seem familiar, something
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strange? “close your eyes, yes, that’s what ’s strange, the ring, it’s not mine, so don’t stop, what do you want to do to the sire, that’s enough, doctor, now i see, it’s her.” i was starting to doubt, she had changed so much, but now i see, it’s inga, thank you, inga, the first session is over, now please explain to me what it was, god, doctor, understand, we’ve gathered.
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divorce, uh-huh, no, more precisely, i filed for it divorce, we had a quarrel, it’s clear, but how long can this last, when will it end, you know, medicine is powerless here, well , maybe in a day, in a month, or maybe it’s hard to say now, but we are a doctor, a doctor, so what? what happened, inga, what happened there, and god, quickly follow me, doctor, calm down, calm down, i don’t know what’s wrong with her, so please go away, what did you inject her with, what did you prescribe, she’s allergic, no , only dogs, syringe, quickly, yes, here, quietly, quietly, calm down, calm down, relax, well, okay, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, everything
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, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything, everything will be fine, yeah, so tell me, is she taking any medications, and no, no, although, here inga, hmm, inga, well, what is this contraceptive, you need to immediately do tests for allergens, inga, inga, can you hear me, that’s the truth, my husband, well, of course it’s true, of course it’s true, let me go, voice, my voice, let me say , is she crazy or something, my friends, where are we going, home, but do you remember where your
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home is? maybe it's go away, that's it, i'm going, i'm going, i'm going, well where will you go looking like this? i don’t know, this one will show you, this one, this one will definitely show you, and even take you where you need to go, but only after the examination that is necessary for you, i won’t be examined here, you doubt my qualifications, this is not a hospital, this barn, i won’t be examined in the barn, well , here, perhaps, i can agree with you, but i’ll have to put up with some realities, and you know what, let’s let your husband go on business, this is not my husband, great, let’s let dmitry krymov go on business, and we you and i will go into my office, and you will explain to me in detail who you are, who your real husband is, how you got here, believe me, i won’t keep you here for a minute, take me away...
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let’s go, let’s go quietly, you see, positive shifts on the face, so the hands were removed from me, the collective farmers, yeah, oh, her voice returned, and you know what, i need drugs on the new list immediately, we will find out what inga yuryevna is allergic to, we will exclude this medicine, as far as i know , she had no allergies, and yet we will conduct all necessary tests to eliminate any surprises. and if everything goes well, i think in a couple of days it will be possible to discharge me, with your permission, thank you, doctor, it’s okay, this is my job, yes, great, you scared us all, can you hear me, yeah, what’s wrong with you voice, and what’s wrong with the voice, the knots or ligaments are untied, don’t be upset, everything will be fine. i’m with
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you, well, now i recognize you, i looked, looked. it’s as if i’m different, a stranger, even my voice has changed, but now i see that you are the same as before, little lady, i’m sorry, you said, i’m sorry, but what’s wrong, i just don’t remember the last time you said such words to me, and i don’t remember anything at all, you are for me... not familiar, don’t be upset, everything will be fine, i’m your husband, you you’ll definitely remember everything, i promise you, tell me, doctor, but it’s impossible to make
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her memory return, and she remains as she is, uh, i don’t understand, i’ll explain now, i really wouldn’t want to, well, lose her, and that is, you are afraid that, having remembered... everything, she will reject you again, yes, an interesting twist, you know, getting the key to work in her mind, opening the path to information for the brain, is already a problem, but to talk about selective memory restoration, you know, as they decide from above, it will be so, well, in that case , we refuse treatment, you you can’t, well , we can, we can, we can, we know everything, we understand , don’t worry, i’ll pay for the entire course of treatment, well, it’s your choice, thank you, no problem, get tired, where are you rushing, knees to
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the hospital , very good, tell her it’s from me, yeah, thank you, tell it from us hello from everyone, oh, sorry, wow, yes, what do you think, take it, the last one left, one girl bought everything, girl, yes, what did you look like, you looked young, but you looked like this, yes, inga yurina. your husband arrived, he brought your things, thank you, thank you, he said to choose from, this is mine, yes,
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strange, well, are you ready, i’m now, now i’m... quickly, i’m quick, yeah, okay, well , how are you, nothing, vitaly nikolaevich, maybe you’ll take me with you, no, sokol, lie down, get better, i need a healthy driver, and you need me, and i think me ingareevna kicked you out, no, she won’t kick you out, i promise you, really, yes, here’s one more thing, i really ask you, remember, if she starts asking about our relationship... you haven’t heard about any divorce, okay, oh you don’t know anything about our eternal discord either, we agreed, uh-huh, thank you, and well, let’s go,
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yes, thank you, let’s go, happy, goodbye, bye, goodbye, how are you, and what about me? apparently, no, i understand, amnesia, but in general rocky misses you, what kind of rocky, our dog, what a dog, i hate dogs, and also i hate these as they are, well, i don’t remember, i, what are you looking at, well, that’s where you alyonushka was going to run to, well, you shouldn’t have touched her, guy, she’ll bite, but don’t mind your own business, wow? don’t worry so much, it could have been worse, worse, well, yes, i have amnesia, you know, amnesia, memory loss, how else can i explain it to you so that it gets to you, but
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this also happens on a computer, bam it glitches, and then everything is fine , lord, my husband came to me, whom i don’t remember, i’m lying in a corridor full of whores, my life is hell, uh, what are these kill it again, ruin it. well, let's go, how are you , my husband, oh, young people, quickly from the road, found cluj, took to the left, it seems like all my days, i'm still held hostage by... it's autumn, strange, before you were never interested in the season, time the year doesn’t matter, what matters is the color and cost of the car, vital, who are you? i’m your husband, well, i wanted to know what your job is, let’s start from the beginning. “if i don’t remember, then at least
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i’ll remember you better, it’s funny, so, doctor, discharge me, i’m not going here anymore stay for a minute, these dressing gowns, the neighbors have some smells, i can’t do everything here, you know, where did you see the other dressing gowns, i don’t remember, i saw them where i don’t remember, i want to get out of here, let’s write it out, actually with traumatic brain injuries are no joke, as far as i understand, there is no need for my constant presence here, even if there is, then in this cage, for the mentally ill , you can easily bend over, no one will notice, write me out, in fact, a repeat examination did not reveal no new relapses, so there’s no point in extracting money from us, or rather from this, who is pretending to my husband, well, actually , it’s not in my interests to keep you here longer than the allotted time, yeah, but your case is not easy, and if i were you, i would consult a psychotherapist, believe me, not... every second case happens amnesia, i am not every second person, then visits to
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a psychotherapist do not imply my constant presence in your ponopticon, it’s a shame, you know, we come to you with all our hearts, and you are a ponopticon, what can you do here, what are you waiting for, write everything out, oh, what should i do with you, you have heavy energy, krymova, uh-huh, perhaps, really, go home, i’m already on my way, write me out. let's go, berk. and please consult a psychotherapist. traumatic brain injuries are no joke. so, don't worry, just smile, everything will be fine.
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painlessness, fate divided, two hearts without life, don’t dream of it, beloved, don’t dream of it anymore, go ahead. let me take it, thank you, hello,
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dumplings, where are they, so here you have it, oh, i love dumplings, oh, forgive me, please, i didn’t mean to, god, holy, oh, come on, maybe be, here, now i’ll lift everything. i think i've seen this dress somewhere before. where's the car? what car? what, don't we
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have a car? no. how are we going to go home? as usual, by bus. by bus? well, yes. oh yes, your purse was returned. what? what it is? what do you mean to say that this is mine? well , yes. who is this? well, who, who? horse in a coat, is that you? it’s not funny what’s on my head, well, the hairstyle, you used to wear such ponytails, here’s a polka dot dress, a polka dot dress, that’s it, stand there, this is not mine, not mine, i’m... a polka dot dress, with this bag, alyonka, what are you doing, well, well, maybe you checked out early, maybe we’ll take you back, well, there’s no waiting, home, well, home,
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what is this? stop? what kind of queue is this? people, that's it, i've had enough. come on, qualifier, catch the car, otherwise he will say that we were going to zaks by bus. we generally walked to the tax office. yes, i was wearing a polka dot dress, yes , you were wearing a polka dot dress, okay, lord, where did i end up, here is the hall,
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big, yes, we even gave receptions here, remember, no, not a single familiar thing, i really... i was in this house, you weren’t just there, we lived and still live here, here’s your favorite painting, you remember it, and what’s in it, but when i asked you this question, you called me a siberian walleen, you said, that i don’t understand anything about contemporary art, i don’t know, some very fashionable artist, yeah, but do you like her? yes, although when you hung it, you didn’t ask me. you also compared me in intelligence to katya. and who is katya? katya, this is our housekeeper. do we have a housekeeper? you just got her did you see? come on, i'll show you the bedroom.
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are you sure you brought me there? where else should i take you? to the palace, or what? but not in such slums. here we are at home. i had no doubt. the end of the world, hanger, locker, communal apartment, communal apartment, we're there, bokarovich, come out, it's already high in part,
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hello, lord, hello, lord, "we're neighbors, don't be offended by her, amnesia, doesn't remember anything, at all, but it’s clear, semyon makarovich, tanker, keshaya, yeah, and this is pasha, kesha, and he’s pasha, nikolai, kolya is ours, i’m
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kolya, and he’s steam, mine too, i can’t live with them i'm going to, alyonushka, calm down, what?" " you alyonushka, i don't intend to stay in this ponopticon, but get away from me, just try to come closer, i'm a husband after all, i've eaten too much, i warned you. dim, maybe you took her from the hospital early, yes, she lined everyone up there, just don’t be offended by her, but oh, when we had a shell shock, he tried for three hours with his great-grandfather.
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do you recognize, no, remember? listen, inga, you know, i would really like for you and me
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to change everything, what has changed, well, our life, and what do you mean? yes, i forgot, i’m sorry, everything is all over again for you now, but you have already changed, haven’t you? well, i hope, well, let’s do it, since it’s all over again, all over again, i want to invite you on a date tonight, a date, and damn, i’m sorry, for god’s sake, yes, what, i’ll come now, damn, i have an emergency at work, i have to drive. well, look around here, okay, and i’ll be there soon, that’s exactly how my husband imagined me, he invited me on a date and ran away,
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i’ll be back soon and definitely with a bouquet of flowers, i’ll be there soon, bye, bye, bye, bye.
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we will now create a new image with you, a new one image, new image, new image, new image, new image, new image, new image, new image, new image, new image. “hello, here, go into the house, you
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need to change clothes, i, well, you’re wet, i ’m wet, well, how wet are you, i’m inga, what’s your name, senya petrovich, semyon petrovich, let’s go into the house, let’s go, i’ll give you some tea , yes, that’s not enough, oh, let’s go, let’s go, these pants are slippery for an eternity, they cling to everything and oh, let’s drink some tea,
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i want some mango juice, freshly squeezed mango? and what? listen princess, there’s not a penny in the house, what the hell is a mango? if not, earn money, we talked, i’m a freelancer, i have a job, i ’m writing, no work, i didn’t talk to you about anything, obviously, i don’t remember, no money, no life, everything, in general, yes, alena dmitrievna, call me, yeah. hello, alena, this is svetlana vladimirovna. what is svetlana vladimirovna like? which one, don’t you recognize? i don't know, from work. where do i work? in an orphanage. alena, thank god, i found your phone number, the house is buzzing everywhere, senechka got out of hand without you. we we're worried, where have you gone? look, i have amnesia. svetlana, how are you there? i don’t
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remember you, nor your grandfather’s house, nor any senechka. how can you not remember? what don't you hear? your dog, what no, what no, i don’t have dogs, i hate dogs, what are you, it’s rocky, come here, what are you, rocky, rocky, then wash it, put it away, it looks like i’m allergic to dogs, life, allergies, let me go for a walk, uh-huh, thanks, rit, forward, forward, roki, let's go,
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those, hello, glad to see you, like sasha, joining the army for... they say you need to prepare for rest, rest you need to be able to, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where the sun and sea are, on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax,
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eh... welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh . rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmelshe. we ate an appetizer in the yard with five of us, pies, filling, egg confessed, everything was respectful to him, you walked around the restaurant, raising your head proudly, although on fours, i’ll put everything aside, then i’ll kill the horse, then i’ll set fire to the hut, just not to work , that’s right, it’s sold out and the company
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premieres on may 1st on rtr. during a search of your house, 50 thousand american dollars and an unopened package of devaxin were found. you think that this case is politicized, a purely political murder, the one who organized it is at the top, your daughter the killer will go to jail. soveleva, with her things on the way out, dr. anna, today on rtr. the archives were copied, everything, everything, and the developments too, someone picked up the key, deceived the security system and clearly cheated on us. vitaly nikolaevich, i think it couldn’t have happened without some of our people. listen, alex, don’t even consider this version, okay? search among strangers. where is serge? i don’t know,
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i was driving somewhere. so, assistant, the first part of the operation has been successfully completed, i have all the sintsov developments, but the most important part, you understand. securely encoded is on a flash drive with sentsov, the flash drive was stolen by inga and she was bringing it to me, now she really doesn’t remember anything, there are many ways to restore a patient’s memory, hypnosis, for example, how do you know this, and i talked to the doctor, to kolinovsky, yes, even more than that , now he ’s waiting for us in my restaurant, i made an appointment with him, yes, i told you, i ’ll be useful to you, i might help, but not you,
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in the morning you’ll be nearby, i’ll kill you, where are my parents, feodosia, you’re from feodosia i came to pedagogical... where to teach juniors classes, but didn’t make it to the prom, thank god, but at least i entered the correspondence course, what a fool, well, yes, i wanted to go home, but she met me, fell head over heels, fell in love with you, we met, fell in love with each other, got married, went on our honeymoon bali, what a bali, we were sitting at home for a month, it’s tough, she said to put it aside, but what i’m studying now, you know better, i hope at least there are no bedbugs here, why,
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i continue the logical chain, husband, dog, bedbugs, turn off the light. the night led with feathery wings, hugged my aching head, and now i’m flying like a feather, to to the one whose name i only joke in a dream, i’ll circle above the roof, i’ll look in the window, how are you living, what are you doing? well, dear sun, don’t worry, my love, it’s so simple, it’s dishonest, be mad at me, my love,
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it’s useless to dream, fate has divided two hearts, two lives, don’t dream about it, my love, god. good evening, good evening, good evening, hello, very pleasant establishment, yours, mine, almost, i thought so, so, what do i owe to
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your invitation, i need inga to remember something, well, i’ll be happy to spend time with her several hypnosis sessions, there’s only one thing, but, well, if you pay then... well, you know, i’ll triple, yes, thank you for such a generous offer, you know, we can try differently, how, well, as far as i understand, you and ingay yuryevna had
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a serious relationship, what do you mean, yes or no, this is a personal matter, but she had feelings for you, at least... feelings, i think yes, remind her of them, okay, thank you, yes, and don't forget to transfer money to my account. yes, of course, hello, sorry for not waking you up so late, i didn’t go to bed either, so that’s it, there will be no divorce, take the application, or you want it, tear it up, if you want, i ’ll eat it before your eyes, no, i’m not crazy, i love her, whoever, whomever.
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good morning, semyon petrovich, the same to you, katerina mikolovna, but you should take it out of the market, so. and i wanted to cook such a soup,
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i’m a noble woman, and a real treat to behold, you’ll just lick your fingers, you idiot , thank you for your kind words, semyon petrovich, oh, what a pity, katerina mikolovna, such a beauty, but she disappears without her husband, so... what are you doing, semyon petrovich, you’re walking around like a little girl ? you know, what kind of calico it turns out, where it’s from, it’s getting married, it’s a simple matter, yes, but here you have to think about everything, weigh it, how without it, and without chavel you’d better cook a pickle, i’ll cook it. i’ll cook it, as soon as you
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come try it petrovich, by all means, katerina mikolovna, katerina mikolovna, if you want, i ’ll plant sorrel for you right here in the corner, i already suggested, then... oh, how much land is wasted, under the black sky of kandahar, shine. sing my
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guitar, sing about you my barbara, i give you my love, for pain, love, barbara, love, why are you chattering around this morning? yes , today is a special day, 20 years ago i met my only love for the first time, this anniversary was already celebrated, then i met a front-line friend, we also already experienced this event, and today, and today is today, why are you confusing me? all the time, completely confused, comes home from shift, nags, no rhythm, retired, let’s say, come up with
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a rhyme for the word love, blood, love, blood, fresh.
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good morning, katya, are you feeling bad, why, and why are you standing near the stove early in the morning? you have a massage, manicure, pedicure, what a hit you are, huh? come on, katya, a big kitchen is the dream of any housewife, and i really like to cook, who are you? yes, yes, i ’ve never seen you near the stove in my life, really, well, let me
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help you right now, yes, come on, well, then i ’ll peel the potatoes. good morning, good morning, what are you up to here? i decided to cook borscht, but katya forbids me, is that you? yes, i really didn’t expect it, but i have a better idea, yesterday i promised to invite you on a date, but i didn’t have time, get ready, you and i will go to restaurant, so early, well, yes, what should i wear? well, what do you want, do you have a full wardrobe? yes, just for me. that these are not all my things, dear, i assure you, they are yours, but the most fashionable brands, the latest collections, let's go, i'll help you,
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right? one thing is good, there are still no bedbugs here, can a woman really wear this? hey, husband, yes, what is this, that’s what, that ’s it, your things, what are you, who do you take me for, and what, in my opinion, is very nice and inexpensive, inexpensive, your wife looks like a loser, and are you happy that it is inexpensive, oh, what a beauty, my wedding
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dress, it suits you very well, oh, yes, i ’ll show you, now, it suits me, oh, oh, oh, are you kidding me, so, now i’m going to wash my face, and then we go buy me new things, i realized what a deal, it’s very interesting, think about this, my absence, hubby, i have a clean t-shirt, i have it, turn away, i didn’t see it there, you, boor, you are this dress did you choose it yourself in the boutique when you and i were in tonerife, where we were at the seaside in spain? and i was abroad? don't you remember either? no, although i see photographs of you, me, well, i don’t remember anything, as if it were from some other past life, great, well, nothing, today i
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will definitely remind you of this wonderful past life, get ready, let’s go, varvara, to you alone love. varvara, i will sell you for you, madam, i will shed all my blood, hey, you, minister, may be alone with your barbarian in the whole world, but actually here is a communal apartment, yeah, and alena dmitrievna, the acoustics here are good, yes, and for a good song you need a good sound. good songs and good words are needed, but why don’t you do you like it? primitive imagery and a complete absence of the required love lyrics, hyperbole, metaphors and... grigory, why don’t you, it will take a long time to explain, but i want to wash myself,
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but she will wash herself, at least you looked after your barbarian, otherwise, of course, i’ll kiss her one day he gave me a bouquet of forget-me-nots, they were growing in the yard, in a hospital near krasnodar, i jumped out of the window of a narwhal, in bents, i was very sick then, well, sing about it, compare it with not caring, that’s what you think, try it, barbarian. forget-me-not, awkward,
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barbara, barbara, forget-me-not, barbara, no, not fold, put on, listen, kesha. that you ever wrote poetry a long time ago in your youth, margarita, and how, in the end she married me, although others ran after her, it was a long time ago in my youth, i was hot then, so i wrote, it helped, so, listen, czech, can you tell me how mayakovsky bursts twos, and what is
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an allegory? what is hey what is this? what is this huh? what oh, what happened, what is this? and ugh, take a sniff, so you mean, what a lover of hygiene we have, oh, what kind of baths does he take with us? well, what then this? it’s not good, semyon makarovich, sometimes you sit in the bathroom for an hour, but we endure it! it turns out that the acoustics there are simply better, yes, and this is turdenev, by the way
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, he already accepted not that you didn’t get the whole allegory, and there’s nothing to take, yours, be equal, mortally, disperse, go, go, ok, i’ll quickly, let’s go, i ’ll give you my shampoo, i’ll hurry up, attention, the premiere for victory day, we need to free the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of the 267th regiment major romanov to patonapa, what would you do, come on, you you get up romanov, who mr. planted, then a special thank you from me personally, let's go dance, thank nikolaevich, i don't dance, don't dance, don't drink, here's a specimen of what kind, she has officer's shoulder straps and behaves like the last ho welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you
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a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty prisoners go into battle, the tasks are not easy, you will have to act in the enemy’s operational center, fighters, the battle for the crimea, attention, everything is ready for battle, you are in your right mind, let they left, said to take the fight, on may 6 on rtr. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths, we help to find out the truth, how to proceed in order to land well, you need to warm up beforehand, what should you pay attention to?
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its manifestation takes two decades, so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body, take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important things, from monday to friday on rtr. everything between us is in the past, i’m with yura now, but i’ll beat you off anyway, and you ’ll be my wife. don't be too upset, if anything happens, call. lord, what is this? you are our relative, right? sister, nastya was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night? yura, you will go from 80 to 12, but i didn’t kill
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anyone, i will do everything to get him freed. i promise, we will get you out, you know, kirill says that kirill says, don’t let my affairs interfere, i really want you to be happy, i’m happy with you, city of brides, thursday friday on rtr. where did i get this dress from? i don’t know, you probably bought it, but did it remind you of something? i remembered myself in it, someone was holding my hand and i was struggling, it must be torn, but it’s completely intact, no one even put it on, look, it’s intact, torn or
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sewn up, i don’t understand what’s happening. "there are some things around me, i don't see anything i find out, and even what i remember turns out to be not mine, i ask you, calm down, the main thing you know is that i am with you, i have always been yours and will be yours, i ask you, i ask you, everything will be fine, well , well , where is this creature with fur, and rocky, and he is ritka in the room, she was just afraid that you would bite him, but she did the right thing, and there was nothing left except potatoes, well, where are they in the closet, she needs to be cleaned, go ahead .
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father, i agreed with house, congratulations, what a mess, well, i decided to go through my wardrobe, uh, by the way, you don’t know, maybe i’m a model, why, well, a model, i’m shooting for magazines, no, you ’re not remembering something at all, and then i don’t know where it came from, okay, that’s it, let’s do it for now. it’s possible, but if you’re careful.
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oh, teodorovna, lend me some... well, what did you warn me now, we have a public apparatus, well , you will mock me all my life, but you don’t care about us, what kind of people you are, but i come to you with all my heart, and i also told you so many times and so that you don’t dare to take him to you when you feel like it, but i didn’t take him, but where is he? he's not in the kitchen, banne no, which means alena dmitrievna vized on the public phone, uh-huh, yes, yes,
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fyodor, i accept your apology, but better tell me that you owe me for the money, yeah, just like that, and you were silent all this time, in what magazine, august issue? wait a second, it’s me, wow, hello, infantry, people need communication, i’m giving the last warning air, what’s that, what ’s that noise, and, excuse me, alena dmitrovna, i understand your amnesia, but i have to remind you , there is always a telephone in this house. stands on a shelf in the hallway, i return with understanding, i want to warn you, semyon makarovich, that if you are still caught in this door in this way, i will break this device, your head,
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it seems to me that you already have small problems, but what am i, what immediately bangladesh, that firstly, it is customary to say not what, but what, and secondly, i do not intend to continue the conversation in this tone, well, never mind, semyon makarovich, wait, “could you lend me your card in the style miliceri for a couple of days, otherwise i have a photo shoot, i have nothing to wear, olga teodorovna, what do you dye your hair with, listen, shkket, what are we doing on the roof, it’s forbidden, they’ll scold you, leave me alone, you know,
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that’s the thing, svetlana vladimirovna ordered tobov to take the procession, although she herself is on me, here, i want. for allina dmitrievna to come back, we all want it, and no one knows where she is, thank you, not even svetlana vladimirovna knows, i’ll find her as soon as i run away, are you a fool, i’ll run away and find her, where, i don’t know, really, you're a fool, stop it, ignat, you... you have a mother, you know, and then the father goes, but the boy has no one, you have to understand, yeah,
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yeah, svetlana vladimirovna, svetlana vladimirovna, yanochka, i taught you, when you enter a room, you have to knock, i was going to run away there all day, oh my god. “excuse me, just a minute, i’m stepan, where is sinechka? we don’t know, but what are you doing here, and we wanted to fly a kite, march into the yard to fly your kite!” senya,
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braid, what a luxury, is it really mine! come on, this chignon will turn out nice. “great, he did a great job, this is for you, but our businessman has a sequel planned, what a continuation, we took the information, but several files turned out to be blocked, but i think you can handle it, listen, i don’t play these games.”
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well, i already played, i needed money for the treatment of my wife, she recovered, almost, well, you can handle it and take her somewhere on the sea, she will thank you very much, no, thank you, especially since you are already covered with a burglary, so what? as they say, seven troubles, one answer, don’t be so afraid, so what ? you, confidentiality, i guarantee you, just think about it, come on, hello, serge, everything is fine, uh, yes, yes, process
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launched, well done, house. hmm, hi, how are you? slowly, won't you kiss me? i'll kiss you. how is your database ? database? yes, you know, we have downloaded everything you need, but some of the files that are most
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necessary must be safely reserved. of course, the process has begun, but i’m afraid that sentsov will throw something else at us, in short, we can’t live without a flash drive, what will you do, what will i do, what will i do, that’s what i’ll do, i’ll work with inga, how doctor kalinovsky advised when, but i think that tomorrow, you know, hovering doesn’t take her one step away, it seems he fell in love with his wife again. here i am, yeah, i bought some groceries, your mango, wow, husband, listen, you’re making progress, there’s also fish, sausage, meat, green stuff over there, well, go quickly and cook, i’m just dying of hunger, something not so, in fact, in our family
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it’s usually... you cooked, but don’t you think, husband, that it’s time to break outdated traditions, in the whole world the best chef is a man, so then, if i had something to wear today people, would you even take me to a restaurant for a romantic dinner with wine and candlelight, no, of course, i also bought wine, we still have candles from the new year, it
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’s delicious, well, to be honest, ritka certainly helped me, nevertheless, husband, you are definitely moving forward, well, yes, they gave me some work on the computer, great, well , really... that, well, in general, she is not entirely honest, what are you, a hacker? well, let's start with the fact that i'm a programmer and a fairly good programmer, listen, well, if you're a good programmer, then you have to find a decent job, tomorrow we
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'll do that, yeah, for you, yeah, yeah, darling, it’s just not... dishonest, don’t dream about me , my beloved, it’s useless to dream, fate has divided the two hearts of life, don’t dream about me, my beloved, don’t dream about you anymore, don’t dream about me, my beloved, don’t dream about you anymore. i came in to drink some sustatka,
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kompotika, kompotiku. katerina mikolovna. may 1 says moscow shows.


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