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tv   O samom glavnom  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 9:55am-11:00am MSK

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a gift for the holiday, by lunchtime today the air will warm up to +23°, these are already june values, but the summer rehearsal will not last long, tomorrow the temperature will begin to fall, at the end of the week it will no longer be higher than 10°. on easter night there may be frost at all. all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website , we have everything by this time, see you.
9:56 am
tatyana, hello, i’m glad to see how you, like sasha, took him into the army, well, you yourself know perfectly well why i’m here, and you better keep a low profile, oops, let’s go for a ride, eh shut up, come here, i didn’t pick up the phone, i hung up the call, then disconnected it altogether, find it. her, please, if something happens to her, your son will be the first suspect. love will overcome everything, today on rtr. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from genuine palermo leather, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long periods. walks in the warm season.
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maximum comfort with every step. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit on the foot and elegant sandals can be combined with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduction. stress on the joints when walking, call soon for stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals will get you for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort.
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good morning, says the doctor of months, we are starting a program about the most important thing, that is, about our health, and the morning is really good for me, because the program will begin with our favorite cook, gleb. we will talk about canned food, he will talk, and i will eat, so i definitely have a good morning, and there will be a lot of other interesting things, so stay tuned. today the program is about the most important thing, the whole truth about canned food, how store them correctly after opening, why can metal from cans get into canned food? in what cases is home canned food more dangerous than store-bought? i'm trying to remember the last time i ate sprat in tomato, we heard about poisoning from home canned food more often than not, 100%. why is the pressure reading 120 for...
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a spring surprise from ticks, what is important to know about lyme disease, what symptoms can you recognize it by, when you need to take antibiotics if you suspect an infection, take it away like this ... poke and take it out, it’s too much inexplicable cases of joint pain, pain in the heart area, the discussion in this section will be, well, as you can see, in gleb about food, about canned food, they say about canned food that they are harmful, there is a lot of salt, something else, something else , something else, something else, well, probably gleb will tell us this, but what we dream about is this, that the most delicious thing in the world, the most
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delicious thing is sprats, but what is tastier than sprats, tastier than sprats of course . in tomato, well, who remembers my age, we never wanted anything else, but stew, that’s how much i go hiking, cooked horns or buckwheat porridge, threw a few cans of stew, now tell me about how harmful it is, you are right when you said that there is a high content of salt and sugar, but these are the most natural and ancient preservatives of humanity.
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a piece of ham and so on, so if you have nothing at home, but there is canned food that many people have lying around for a rainy day, there is at least a little flour, you can make a simple stretch dough to make a pie. all you need is a jar of mushrooms, a jar of beans and a jar stew, by the way, you can make it with fish too, which is typical, for this recipe you don’t need to add any spices, because it ’s already there, i really like canned food for several reasons, in general they’re great. saved cooking, because the previous options for storing meat were as follows: corned beef, that is, a lot of salt and meat, of course, of course, vialina, sausages of all varieties, but they do not have an infinite shelf life and specific conditions, but canned food,
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napoleon, by the way, i adored it, i just wanted to say that the military industry, yes, the first widespread use of canned food was precisely military, but in fact now i - we are still talking only about taste, by the way, here’s a question from me: people who love stew, distinguish stew from one manufacturer, another, third, fourth, really , no, i, too, always believe in this for now, here, but in general, according to science, this is so, because gost is gost, gost is gost, but there are cunning maneuvers from the series, what category this canned food will be, and so on, is important. moment that an unscrupulous one, as if the seller could also get caught, i’m trying remember the last time i ate sprat in tomato on a hike, probably not, we were all stewed meat there, but you ate meat, and that’s exactly how sprat in tomato, in my opinion, was only eaten in my youth, maybe i ate soup in my youth , listen, i
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eat, you cook, we are talking about something of our own, there are a lot of questions here, let’s go through them, can cans get into the product during long-term storage? look, the shelf life is always taken into account in canned food , taking into account the oxidation of the metal, and therefore the metal ideally should not oxidize there, but we don’t we can be absolutely 100% confident in the automation for 100,000 cans, one maybe the coating will come off a little and the can will oxidize , of course, the first rule is what they teach even small children, certainly no cooks are taught. swollen canned food, because , by the way, it also says here that canned food in stores can contain bolotlotoxins, no, by the way, home canned food is more dangerous from bottolotoxin, yeah, than factory canned food, because in home canning you will never comply with
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so many technical and sanitary conditions, how they do it at the factory, so there’s a better chance not from factory canned food, but a better chance from homemade canned food. by the way, probably according to statistics from grandma’s twists bought somewhere along the way or even our own homemade ones, we more often heard about poisoning from home canned food than about poisoning, this is 100%. by the way, when this toxin was discovered, it was also home-cooked ham, this is what to store half-eaten canned food in, well , you can’t put it in a jar, you have to put it in a glass jar, but well, i didn’t finish eating, not me come on, i never have such problems. if you have opened the canned food, you must transfer it to another container; do not leave it in the piece of metal, because at least along the edge that you opened, there is no longer any coating there. accordingly, according to sanitary rules,
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if you have opened canned food, please transfer it to a glass or ceramic surface, or provide a stainless steel cover, if you work in... catering, and do not cook for three or four people, then also label, when you have done this, good, if the can is not deflated, but dented, is it possible to eat canned food from it, is it undesirable, or well, let’s do it like that in general. then you can use it as a dish or as a wood chipper for lighting a fire, you laugh, when i was on my first business trip to mozambique many years ago , the society was so poor that we had canned food delivered to us. we ate on the plane, and we exchanged empty cans there for some fruit, for something else, that is, it was valuable, if we
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remember back in soviet garages, then there was a bunch of jars with the inscription screws, nails, nuts and so on, i also had one just now , yes, so, canned food is made from third-fresh products, well, that is, what products suit me, it seems to me, on the contrary, the best ones after all... the pasteurization process takes so long that any product, having lost its collagen, will become more or less soft, and that is, everything that we see in the preservation mode has gone through a long period of temperature treatment, so you can use not the best parts of animals. , but for example, you never you come across, say, a tenderloin, but in...
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you open a can of canned food, well, sprat in tomato does not belong here, it’s a delicacy, that’s it, and sprats don’t belong either, and sprats don’t belong either, it’s a delicacy, in any case, it’s not for everyday life , yes, sometimes it’s convenient, what’s most convenient, here are beans, corn, open the can, heat it up, you have a wonderful side dish, so why canned food sometimes taste bitter, if it’s bitter, maybe you shouldn’t eat it, because it’s definitely not what the manufacturer intended. so that his canned food is bitter, there is a chance that the technology is broken and from
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sin, as they say, canned fruits contain the same amount of vitamins as almost natural ones, yes, beans have the same amount of protein, which is natural, we recommend absolutely ready-made, ready-made products, you can’t eat fresh vegetables, i ’ll say more if the canning factory stands where these pineapples are, for example.
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that’s why canned food can cause excess weight, but i’ll tell you, this jar, what i ate, how many calories are in it, and the calories in it, here’s the weight of the fish, i’m 168 g, so, compactor, representative, mine is so delicious, so good, gleb, finish what you were talking about, because i was all, i
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was all passionate about nutrition, let’s do this, of course, it’s better to eat fresh food, and according to the seasons, grown, eating, grown, eating , but how, since you and i live in conditions of dangerous agriculture, if you have a variety of tasty canned products, and if your soul asks for sprat in tomato, then... be sure to eat everything, we will be fine, then why the indicators pressure 120.
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forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea, discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suites
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and villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with... a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas, the holiday you've been dreaming of. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum. the wife is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a
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sewing teacher, and the husband gets tired at work. enough! so enough, this is the inscription on the chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, dean didn’t have children, his father didn’t have children, and where are you from, i’m from minsk, izmailovsky park, the premiere is on sunday on rtl, and there is no other road to the other side, no, only a bridge, you have to have time to cross the bridge! righteous, premiere on may 9 on rtr. time for the section questions from the doctor. i ask you questions, you try to answer, if you answer correctly, you choose, please, if not, you go to practice. raise your hands, i will choose
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you, i'm just very interested. you won’t answer something, how will you do the exercise under the name is birch, let’s say it’s there, or burpee, something tells me that it will be difficult, what’s your name? i’m kristina, what are you doing, kristina, and i was born in the city of tula and i’m a make-up artist, a make-up artist - this is, this is what i’m wearing now, yes, of course, twist it, no, well, where are you spinning it so much? so, make-up artist, is it possible to get sick with several diseases at the same time , but write what you want, i already said, we can turn it this way, we can turn it this way, you want to look at a birch tree, but no, i said it in different ways. on the one hand, theoretically we
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we can get sick from two types of the virus, and such cases are known, if you ask yourself in clinical practice, this often happens, well, it’s probably 0.1% there. well, in general , the answer is yes, although i personally have encountered this extremely rarely, well, now i’ll catch you, pressure readings of 120 over 80 are the norm, blood pressure? your blood pressure is low, mine is 90 to 80, and it’s normal for me, well , that’s right, normal, because this is normal pressure, like 120x80, that’s when i already feel bad.
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this was specially shifted by 1 mm so that to call the attention of doctors of the population that in fact this is already a step towards high blood pressure, it’s not for nothing that at your 90 to 60 120 to 80 you don’t feel very good, that ’s why, in principle. the norm, so we think so, yes, but if i wanted to find fault with you, it would be no, thank you, well,
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are there vaccinations against cancer, mm, i thought no, but now i don’t even know, write it down, please , you've heard of the vaccine, let's say the human papillomavirus vaccine, right? yes, i heard that's the cause of cervical cancer uterus? some kind of infectious disease, probably, and now put everything together, everything is clear, it’s the human papillomavirus vaccine against this, well, i can also say that, let’s say, the hepatitis b vaccine can prevent cirrhosis and liver cancer, yes, well so on, but so classically, this is a vaccination against the papilloma virus. well, you ’ve shown your knowledge, now let’s test your luck, if two keys fit, then
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you’re lucky, you leave with a prize and without a birch tree, if not, how many times a week you go to the gym, and i run in the forest, well done, at home, so... look - this is a platform, look at the application or website, we move on. it's
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time to talk about ticks. ticks cause many diseases, really many, two of which worry us very much. this is tick-borne encephalitis, a disease with a ten percent mortality rate, and there is no cure for it. only vaccination, since this is a viral disease, there are no antiviral ones, but we won’t talk about that today, we’ll talk about lyme disease or barliosis, the first time i was in america in 1989, probably, i heard there for the first time that in connecticut there was such a disease of young people, so they called it, polyarthritis of young people, it’s not clear why, then they found out who causes it, it appeared -
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it’s unclear, well, they just didn’t know what to call it, when i then he returned to russia to work, few people knew about it here either, but today, of course, today it is more on everyone’s lips, let’s talk about what it can cause, how to avoid it and what practically, what to actually do, you need to understand , what ticks are carried by barilis, ticks are carried by birds, and mice. well, of course, these are mainly large animals, deer, deer, morals, and so on. what should you understand? do you all think so?
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shoes should be closed with socks, and in general it is advisable to go into the forest in general, of course, you should wear sleeves, a cap should be closed, there should not be these bare legs, like this, because this is exactly the path for ticks, then the most dangerous ticks - this is their stage , they are still infants, then when they grow into adults, it’s not like that, but baby, you know, it's smaller than a match head, it's no, it's very small.
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co2 breathing, when you feel it, yeah, there is a vent, there is warmth, it means it is already ready to cling to this mammal, it thinks that this will be its mother, this is the very deer that will be there next, in which it will breed, so cats dogs, you pet them, and it can easily transfer to your skin, this is standard, this is a standard thing, there is no vaccine for it, there was a vaccine, they made a vaccine in america, it is not it works, there are a lot of side effects, so
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it’s her... she died, what’s the question, you were bitten by a tick, did you find it, how long is it on you, you don’t know what to do, the analysis, the analysis will not show the first weeks, until the first week it may not show it, and you will wait until it is positive, but it will be a false negative, and you will miss the time to start antibiotics, so do it in the early stages.
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do a test, a clinic in person, that's it, take an antibiotic, so, in reality, you have two options, either wait for symptoms, if there are no symptoms, you move on with your life, and then they give you years later five diagnosis of broliosis, you start treatment, or immediately take antibiotics, right away, you just got bitten by a tick, you don’t wait, symptoms have appeared, it’s clear that you need to be treated, and if there are no symptoms, how long do we wait, a week, two, three? five, what are we waiting for, with antibiotics the choice is doxocycline, a tetracycline antibiotic, 200 mg, it works effectively, children have their own dose, well, that ’s it, if you have no contraindications to this antibiotic, allergies, and so on, and here you are found a tick, then this is this this is an option, then how dangerous is lyme disease protective sprays against ticks are effective,
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it arrives in january... well, you yourself know perfectly well why i’m here, and you’d better keep a low profile, oops, let’s go for a ride, but for the for, come here, i didn’t pick up the phone, dropped the call, then turned it off altogether , please find her, if something happens to her, your son will be the first suspect, love overcomes everything, today on rtr, at... rest is leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is
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rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and
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comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic del hatch, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. so, first of all, calm down. everyone stand, and secondly, come on, let me give it a go, calm down everyone, they set a course for a good mood, girl, where are you flying to, to renmar and are not going to deviate from it. artists we invited to 1 may still haven't left, these people will kill anyone who can't stand it now, you will be offered a hot dinner, at your place? i had two apples, i ate one, i ate one, that’s it, i’m calling, my patience has already run out,
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please call baba iga, now i’m asking at the table, odessa steamship, may 1 on rtr, may 1 speak. the program about the most important thing continues, we are talking about lyme disease, once again, come, examine, if found, you don’t know when, it’s better to vaccinate with an antibiotic, don’t go for testing pointlessly, or wait for symptoms, well here
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it’s already up to you, these are your risks, everyone weighs it for themselves, the simple fact is that delayed symptoms are fatigue, sometimes very serious fatigue if a person has chronic fatigue. you check for bariliosis, they look at either the antibodies ilyse test or the blood test as when determining aids, but they can also be false positive, false negative, it depends how it turns out, but nevertheless, and if late symptoms are a violation of the heart, a violation conductivity through impulses through the heart, hence arrhythmias in young people, all this, you know, who is there in january a person is admitted with meocarditis, a conduction disorder. who connects it to the fact that he walked in the forest a few months ago, or his joints hurt, inexplicable pain in the joints, and so on and so on, we should always remember that we, what could this be, how to remove a tick, the main thing is not to burn it,
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neither with tar, nor with a cigarette, don’t do anything, nor with any kind of glue, why, it’s stuck to you, and it’s not biting you yet, as soon as you drop something on it, it’ll squeeze its hole in there like a syringe, so.. .take it calmly, or with tweezers, or with my fingers, i just take it out with my fingers, i take it, the main thing is not to crush it in your hands, but to take it tightly and turn it so that... this doesn’t work, this is what doesn’t work at all, this is this, like where he already has horseshoes,
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he already has them, he just has this little thing sticking out, there’s nowhere to insert it, some, i don’t know how people do it, well, i don’t know, maybe i just don’t know how, but i know how to always pull it out with my fingers, well, well i also have dogs and cats, well, okay, they walk around, they pout, well, what else can i tell you about beruliosis, uh, the main thing is that it is treated in a late stage, it is always treated, you take antibiotics, yes, it is already protracted, the process and so on, but, but, but, but, well, let’s ask a question about well, in general, overcoming lyme, i’ll tell you i’ll answer, ask, who wanted it? here in the altai mountains in siberia, just last year there were a lot of ticks, they removed them from children in batches, but the way they did it was at the base, they first took the tick to the laboratory for analysis, then they only made a decision whether to take an antibiotic, so what do you think, we did the right thing, here environment of mothers?
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investigate, but just like me again , the choice is either to take an antibiotic right away, or wait for symptoms, or think that it will bring it, so it’s useless to examine the tick for tick-borne encephalitis, i’m talking about boreliosis, again we don’t do it for tick-borne encephalitis, because there is a delay in the diagnosis, about tick-borne encephalitis, you just need to inject hemoglobulin and not wait until you get an analysis with an unknown probability of accuracy, there the issue of time plays a role, you will be taken to the hospital, they will take it while they examine it,
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bye here and there, okay, thanks, well, let's ask the person who runs through the forest, i would like to clarify how best to protect ourselves and whether these sprays are effective against ticks, by the way, yes, i said about clothes, about all the sprays, yes sprays are effective, we need to treat all clothes, not the skin, not the skin, but the clothes, in addition to what is happening around us, everything will be fine, time for the section questions to
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the doctor, our traditional section: raise your hands, good morning, doctor, 2 weeks i had my blood tested back, it showed elevated soya levels, the doctor scared me, she said that this is something really bad, how much soy is 32, well, in principle, increased soy is a sign of inflammation, but of course mar'? inflammation, a very non-specific marker, i probably just repeated it, but why did you go and donate blood? were you sick or just like that? problems with the intestines, well, that is, this happens as usual, we see, we see with any infection, bacterial or something else, when there is inflammation, so uh, don’t bother, when everything goes away for you, there will be no problems, just repeat if after all, she will be elevated, then do additional other markers of inflammation, such as... reactive protein and firitin, but i don’t think
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it’s very much, it even depends on the temperature of the room where the soybeans are standing, this is such a thing, 32 - it can be neither what, or maybe it really is a symptom of inflammation, so don’t worry too much, in any case, this is not an indicator that you need to worry about, thank you, yeah, good morning, alexandrovich, i’m a year and a half old... back i started having vision problems, it was me i noticed double vision for the first time while driving, the picture began to double, that is , this had never happened before, but... during this time it intensified for me, about a year and a half ago, during this time it intensified for me, especially after i got sick with some kind of viral disease in january, but i didn’t go, it was like double vision, that is, it got worse, i used to have it once or twice a month, i noticed it while
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driving, now i can get up in the morning , but they walked for pennies, of course, the neurologist had a suspicion, absolutely perfect. i have a disease, but the thyroid gland is thyroiditis, and strangely enough, the ophthalmologists didn’t even notice this, the endocrinologist noticed that my pupils are of different sizes, i myself have never noticed this, could it be? somehow this could also be a sign , somehow connected with double vision, and plus i also have, you know, what i noticed, muscle weakness in general is such that i seem to have it, well, i don’t know, i feel much more mature than my age, i understand by looking
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i want to brush you off and say listen young, beautiful, it’s makeup, it’s all simple, i understand, but still, no, i’m just saying that i want to brush it off, but really. some competent doctor, you know, simply suggests doing eye surgery, well, that is, they already see the consequences, yes, that is, the strabismus that has formed, although visually it may not be so visible visually, i don’t know, i don’t like it. search , search for me further or don’t search, you don’t have to search , then in 10-15 years you will remain disabled, but this is an option, i can’t say it except, i can’t rule it out and you could
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waste a lot of money, time, and so on and not find anything, and this and that, i don’t know what to say, i guess you still need to find a competent doctor, thank you, good morning, aleksanovich, i had uterine cancer , i am grateful to the doctors who saved my life, now i am asking a question, behavioral hygiene after surgery, well, there is no hygiene, actually, if you have had your uterus removed, you probably already have... the post-minopus period was probably removed along with the ovaries, which are not working, yes what now if they can't ride south, that is, overheating, cooling, these are the characteristics, which means that from time immemorial there are some concepts that these patients
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cannot undergo physical therapy, travel to the south, what else, go to the bathhouse. nonsense, go south, go to the bathhouse, go for treatments, massages, they say massage is not allowed at all, that’s it, the problem is solved, everything has been cut off for you, everything is done, but neither massage, nor south, there is nothing, well , of course, if there is direct sunlight rays can provoke skin cancer there, and something else, but that's a completely different story, yes, that's exactly true the same as her, me, you are less, you are black, she is blonde, she is more dangerous, that is... no, this is all from the last century, from the century before last, thank you, i understand, i hope i answered everything your questions, i wish everyone good health, next in the program is women's health, why does
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cystitis worsen in the spring and is it possible to get rid of a chronic disease, dad, is it my fault? it’s all because of me, comrade general, don’t listen to them, it’s all my fault, i used to have a goal and i was going towards it, but now everything is somehow in my sights i’ve lost my way, but as a goal, you’re okay, oh, i ’m also transferring to leningrad, so you and i will be together, together, if you love a person, then you have to marry him... “i ’ll be your son’s wife, bride kamdiva, today on rtr. cleaning floors is
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a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and hands. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, using a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning.” the most inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep. everything goes in, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover,
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now that's out of the way, we present the dreamali pillow, a comfortable resting pillow that hugs your entire body optimally. unifies it to help you experience the best sleep of your life. the unique shape of the pillow offers seven comfort zones that support your back, shoulders, head and neck, arms, hips, knees, ankles and feet. you remain in the most comfortable sleeping position without tossing and turning. unlike conventional pillows, dremalinost one keeps the spine in an ideal position and the neck in an optimal position. height. your shoulders and arms will be relaxed. also, a pillow. dremaline with one pillow prevents your knees from touching each other, this provides soothing relief to your lower back, legs and feet.
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the drimalina cvon pillow is made of breathable hypoallergenic lyocell fabric, it perfectly adapts to any shape and size of the body, supports your posture in all positions during sleep and provides good ventilation throughout the night. you'll sleep better than ever. and the most important thing - the dremaliina swan pillow is perfect. suitable for side sleepers, back sleepers and stomach sleepers. the dremalina swan pillow provides optimal sleep for everyone. this is what makes her so unique. experience the best and most comfortable sleep of your life. call and order a unique dremaliina swan pillow for your best sleep for an incredible 5995. but wait, if you call right now, we will reduce it especially for you... the price of the dremaliina swan pillow will be yours for an incredible 3995, and you will immediately save 20 euros, but hurry,
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the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, for the new executive director, on saturday, come on, you are having an affair with a married man, you are amazing! amazing, she is happy, i can see it, i have some kind of anxiety all the time, you will have to travel with us, the investigative committee, why, you were detained on suspicion of setting fire to the company's warehouse, it is obvious that it was beneficial for someone to place you, every mistake has its own price, there will be no one to blame, there will be no insurance, that is you, you want you to take the blame, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you, only you, and roman, do you trust him? do you think he is not involved in this story? mistake, premiere on
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saturday on rtr. good morning, hello! spring is probably the most joyful time of the year, the sun is waking up, but unfortunately, spring is a time of exacerbation of almost all chronic diseases. today we will talk about such a problem as recurrent cystitis in women, why it occurs, why becomes. chronic, and of course, how to avoid it? our tv viewer yana, who has constant cystitis, contacted us. let's find out her story. hello, my name is yana, i would like to share my problem with you, tell you about it. the fact is that for about the last 5 years i have been very tormented by cestitis, and in the last six months i have also developed pyelitis and nephritis. whatever i do, i constantly
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take antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. i’m worried, i’m doing some lotions, there is an effect, but it’s temporary, it’s a disease comes back with renewed vigor, and i work with people and often can’t go to the toilet, so by the evening i just don’t have the strength anymore, my stomach hurts very badly, and i don’t know how to deal with it, and i can’t take medications again i want to, since the body refuses to simply process them, please tell me, is there any way to get rid of this forever, for good? so that the disease goes away , i won’t return it again. jaana is in our studio today, please come to us. good morning. hello. good morning. yana, please tell me when you first got testitis. the situation was such that i was cold, my feet were frozen. and from this, well, one might say, it all began. how often? and, you know, i noticed that the exacerbation is mainly seasonal. spring, autumn, these are
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the transitional moments. how does it start? pleasant sensations in the pelvic area, the urge to urinate frequently, pain in the abdomen, i also have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and it’s just that concomitant diseases are starting to worsen due to medications. well, unfortunately, what yana says is quite common history, let's figure it out, i want to invite an expert doctor to the studio. ekaterina nikolaevna zhumanova, gynecologist, doctor of medical sciences, head of the gynecology center, reproductive.
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either from the rectum or from the vagina, which, as we know, is not sterile normally, look how close everything is in the anatomy of a woman, here is the bladder, here is the uterus , here is the vagina, here is the rectum, that is the rectum, that is the vagina with its microflora, quite abundant and contains a large number of bacteria, the lining is normal the bladder mucosa and urine are sterile. but with any triggers, with the peculiarities of the anatomical structure, we will probably also say this, today, in principle, the female urethra is shorter than the male one, and you and i are therefore more prone to cystitis occurring, precisely because the urethra actually opens into the vestibule of the vagina, so yana said that she developed pylonephritis this year, how cisitis and
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pyelonephritis are connected, well, if you and i look at the anatomy of the pelvis, it doesn’t matter... it doesn’t matter female or male, the entire urinary system is connected among themselves, yes, that is, it begins with the external urethra, the urethra, then the bladder, the ureters of the kidneys, yes, that is, it is all an interconnected system, and naturally, if we do not treat the cyst, yes, and it turns into such a chronic stage, then actually ascending from the bladder through the ureter, all this can rise in the kidney and cause such a terrible complication as... just inflammation of the kidneys or pyilonephritis, let 's see how this happens, here we have an improvised bladder, yes v normally, absolutely sterile urine, sterile flora, bacteria enters, cystitis develops, first of all the mucous membrane changes, it reacts, becomes edematous, becomes hyperemic, among other things, the bladder is mucous, this is a very
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interesting organ in general, imagine that everything gets there time... and at the same time, you and i don’t collapse from the pain, and it doesn’t corrode the mucous membrane, there is such a wonderful layer there, called glycose, the aminoglycan layer, when you and i spend a long time all the time... inflammation in the bladder, gradually this layer is destroyed, and urine becomes an aggressive environment for the bladder, from swelling and pain, and with inflammation, and among other things, when the urine is always in the wrong, and such an inflammatory bladder, she also has its properties change, and stones can actually form and cause complications, like urolithiasis, so of course it is necessary to treat and you can’t just think that it will go away on its own. cystitis sharply reduces the quality of life, sometimes even leading to severe psychological changes in the condition of women, and depression, sleep disturbances due to frequent urge to urinate and many other problems. therefore, unfortunately,
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cystitis is truly such a global, very serious problem. jaana said that she was often prescribed antibiotics, but despite all this, cystitis still became chronic. there are many types of cystitis. there are infectious cystitis, and there is non-infectious cystitis, the so -called interstitial, which is associated, for example, with a decrease in hormonal status in women, yes, there are perimenopauses, mennopauses, there are post-kaetal cystitis, which occurs after sexual intercourse, it is very important to figure out what kind of cystitis it is, and don’t just treat everything with antibiotics, the first thing to do is take a urine culture, i don’t know, whether you passed it, that’s just it , no, just a general analysis. you need to take a urine test for culture, specifically to identify the flora that causes inflammation, before taking any antibacterial drug for the first time, when we, based on the culture results we get exactly the bacterium that causes
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inflammation, we can already prescribe an antibacterial drug specifically for this bacterium, and then, when your treatment ends, you need to take a second urine culture in order to make sure that the urine has become sterile, but the most common pathogen . we all know that cystitis is e. coli, yes, it often happens that you are not fully treated or are not treated with antibiotics, and this e. coli begins to persist, live in the bladder, each of your provoking factors, your feet get cold there, leads to a chronic process, and due to the fact that she lives there for a long time and you gave her a lot of antibiotics, she ceases to be sensitive to them, you drink, there is no effect, you injure your gastrointestinal tract and arose... such a vicious circle, you need to definitely get out of it by clarifying what exactly we are treating with you, but in addition to antibiotics, there are several more rules that must be followed, first of all, the water
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regime, for any inflammatory diseases of the renal tract and cystitis, of course you need drink enough water, and of course we are supporters of herbal medicine, that is , you definitely need to drink herbal natural uroseptics that promote... both for the intestines, of course, and for the intestines, of course, i won’t give vain hopes that you drank rose hips to begin with the exacerbation has all passed, no, we still first try to have time to take a urine test for culture, and then
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we still start antibacterial therapy, if the exacerbation is too severe, what other preventative measures can we name in cases of frequent cystitis, women who suffer from cystitis, they very often say: i made some kind of zigzag in my diet. alcohol, ate, exacerbation, it’s really like coffee, ate fatty foods, ate salty foods, fried foods due to the fact that the layer in the bladder that i talked about is a protective barrier, yes, it is broken, and even the urine becomes aggressive, yes, so naturally, you need to adhere to a certain diet, especially if you feel that an exacerbation is beginning or it’s seasonal, water balance is really so, of course, be sure to drink water in order to at least mechanically wash everything away. what is there, yes, protection and hygiene after sexual intercourse, what is meant here, if you often feel that it is aggravated by sexual intercourse, the first thing you need to do after sexual intercourse is to go urinate, and then it’s natural
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to do all the hygienic procedures that you usually do, and to be treated correctly, here we mean that now in the clinical recommendations of urologists, there are a large number of such preventive drugs that we can and biologically active additives. or uroseptics, which we can, yes, from a preventive point of view , use in certain periods, for example, in spring or autumn. yana, tell me, do you understand everything? yes, you know, i finally understand this topic a little, i now know some additional measures, and i will, of course, use this, thank you very much. thank you very much for coming to us, be healthy. ekaterina nikolaevna, thank you very much for being with us. my friends, today we talked about such an unpleasant disease as cystitis and how to properly and treat it properly. and we wish you a good day and a great mood.
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sunday on rtr, attention, everyone is entering the german patrol zone, the premiere on victory day is to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of the pathan to the 267th regiment, major roman, whatever you want, come on you take out the ramans that mr. planted, then you are separately from me personally. thank you, let's go dance, blagodir nikolaevich, i don't dance, he doesn't dance and doesn't drink, here she is, an example of what kind of officer's shoulder straps you have behaves like the last braid, welcome to the ranks who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the enemy’s operational field, fighters, the battle for crimea, attention, everything will be prepared for battle. are you out of your mind, let
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them go beyond that, i said to take the fight, may 6 on rtr.


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