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tv   Nevesta komdiva  RUSSIA1  April 30, 2024 2:30pm-3:46pm MSK

2:30 pm
this naki tradition is approximately 400 years old, according to japanese beliefs, the crying of a baby scares away evil spirits, and the louder it is, the healthier the child will be, after the big news, today watch two episodes of the film love will overcome everything, the news is following the developments in russia abroad, stay with us,
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yes, your camdyf, that’s it, he signed a barrel of work, he’s leaving, and i’m staying, and the main thing is how many times i didn’t explain to him that this katya is strange, she’s lying, and it’s like she smeared honey on him, mark, change tactics, i did, i told her too that he’s not a good match for her, anyway, change it radically, it’s like, but why do you always tell him how bad she is, it turns him on, he doesn’t think about it all the time, you know, you talk to yourself, say bochkin.
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look at me, it’s me, the most wonderful, the most awesome, the most beautiful woman in the world, and you, bochkin, will never find someone like you in your life, i understand, you think, but it won’t work out, spit on him, smyka, ugh, bolder, i can’t, why, i love him, fool, fool, then sweeten the air with your breath and music richly language, depict the happiness that we both feel when we meet here, love that is richer in essence than words, i am proud of myself, i do not demand beauty,
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i am capable of counting my property, he is nothing more than a beggar, my love has gone so far beyond the boundaries that can i count half of her wealth, where, where, early to kiss, now, why early, because the monk has not left yet, what a monk, brother lorenze. i don’t understand, where is the monk, well, where is the monk, gena, this is a theater, there is everything here that really isn’t there, a pinch of imagination, dagen, please turn on your imagination, then you too you see a monk, director, i'm sorry , of course, but i can't do that either, then you need to kiss, then you don't, that is, there is a monk, then there is no monk, that's where the monk is, where the monk is, there is no monk, calm down. i’m a pilot, i have a parade
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coming up, i’ve learned everything, yes, i don’t have a very good understanding, that means there will be a monk, then call me, gen, no, well, you heard, yes, he’s having a parade, again a parade, or maybe maybe the monks are praying, and ivozyan, wait, he’s bald, why are you, we have some difficult students at school, especially one capricious high school girl, no, you can you imagine, my pashka beat up zaitsev, well, there was probably a reason? i don’t know what happened there, but there are hares in the medical unit now, the medical unit, and what happened, are you deaf or something, can’t you hear, our plow killed a hare, what will happen now? what, what,
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he’ll go to court, god, dim, look, this one’s going there too. the devil knows what is happening on the territory of the garrison, fights, hazing, where is the discipline, motherfucker, an emergency occurred, as a result of the fight, the sailor of the hares received a concussion, excuse me, just a general, suspicion of a concussion, here you are, comrade lieutenant colonel, bring to the knowledge, find the culprits and punish. with all the severity that exists,
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so, oh, uh, comrade captain, andrei ivanovich, please help me, let’s go, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, i won’t eat you. that's why i can't open a bottle of wine. oh, how strong you are, everything has been revealed. oh, wait, andrei ivanovich, i covered all this for you, to celebrate your departure to the academy, so to speak, loris, thank you, but i don’t want to.
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what don't you want? don't you want to celebrate with me? hmm, i tried so hard, i was worried about the paper. he was running, okay, let's note, and the chair, and so you sit here, let me, thank you, i already forgot which one, these are real men. let's drink to the academy, to you successfully
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passing the exams and generally becoming a general, well , that's how it turns out, everything will work out for you. do you have a direct path to becoming a general? yes, first the nakhimov school, right? and then the higher military naval school of communications named after popov, yes, and now the academy, yes, you know everything about me, well, i’m alive and interested in you. it’s such a job, you know everything about everyone, oh, you don’t eat at all, i tried, i cooked,
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here’s more potatoes, thank you, health, pie. you should definitely try it, it’s my signature, okay, well , how, um, delicious, delicious, i cooked everything myself, myself, it looks beautiful, thank you, why don’t you and i drink at all? for leningrad, oh, for leningrad, and you know, andrei ivanovich, i
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’m also transferring to leningrad, yes, that’s good, leningrad is a wonderful city, yes, oh, how good it is that you approve, a hero city, yes, and most importantly , can you imagine how... good luck, there was a vacancy at the academy for me in the second part, yes, so we will be together, together. together, why? what why? together? and you don't understand? no, i love you, don’t, what don’t? nothing needed, sorry.
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gen, we need to talk, okay, let’s talk, right here, but where do you want, let’s go? gen, we are going to sevastopol, why, you don’t understand, no, i want a normal date, you know it yourself. special regime, you cannot leave the garrison without the knowledge of the kamdiv, but for my sake,
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dim, go to the hare and ask him to help me didn’t testify, why did i do the deed myself, myself and... go to him, well, he loves you, not me, why did you do this, you don’t believe me, yes, yes, i didn’t do anything, i didn’t even finger i didn’t touch him, and if it’s not you, then why should i go to him, come on, magazines have arrived, women’s clothing, now we’ll look at the patterns, we’ll show the teeth, she ’ll sew it for us, at least we can chat. work up to my neck,
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hello, hello, tell me, can i send a letter, come on, maybe there is a letter for me, and i’ll look now, mail he’s just figuring it out, come back later and don’t disturb us, please, while we’re working, excuse me, goodbye, pera, go to lisa, show her the patterns, oh, okay, not urgently, very urgently, we need dresses for the holiday, okay.
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she works at school, a teacher, the head teacher is strict but fair, that korchagin’s pavka, she found hers, are you preparing.
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what a fool, they’ll put him in prison, but he’s not a fool, if i were in his place, i would even be killed, for what? “for nothing, but for whom? kostya, are you going to write a report on him? and you love him, well, we’ve been together since we came home, but that’s not what i’m talking about.”
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asked, well, of course i love him." yes, i won’t tell anyone, i only have one condition, let him come himself, thank you! yulka, i thought you were joking, what kind of sevastopol is,
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well, he won’t let him out, where will they go, wait, but kamdif allowed, dad, let's go, otherwise the bus will arrive soon.
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i'll still wait for him, what's going on,
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comrade general mayer, i can explain everything myself, please, rest, son, sit down where you are comfortable, i've passed . . would you like a drink?
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well, a nice toast. i’ll ask you just one question, why do you need me? needed? what do you mean why? isn't it clear?
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why do you need me? well, let's say i want for you. why, and why in general do people get married, to go hand-in-hand, in one impulse, in defiance of the trams of fate, what winds, i have exchanged my fifth decade, i snore at night so much that your winds never dreamed of, i swear, you see, i offend people.
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but you and i won’t have anything like that, there won’t be, it’s a pity, uh-huh, yes, i hear you, no, no, no, let them sit, uh-huh, hello, i’m glad to see how you, like
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sasha, took him into the army, well you're on your own you know perfectly well why i’m here, and you better keep your head down, oops, let’s go for a ride, come here, i didn’t answer the phone, i hung up the call, then turned it off altogether, please find her if something happened to her. your son will be the first suspect, love will overcome everything, today on rtr. сnop gin, product of steller group. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan. use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is unable to cleaning those hard-to-reach places is a thing of the past when you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and
2:54 pm
even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. the rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors (whether). either tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very
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difficult to reach. and only today a unique, ingenious wireless livington dipper swipper electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture. anti-scratch baseboards and walls can be yours for just 89,995. but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros. and you can get the livington dipper swipper for an incredible 69.95. but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. steersman bourbon is a product of the stellor group. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget? we offer. to yours please note the universal photo façade for the fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. fence, terrace, gazebo, in
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an instant. updated without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, the bright life photo facade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal, if dirt appears it is enough to rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence, specially. price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design create a unique look for your country plot, vodka veda, stellar group product, jackdaw, what a surprise, i have my own business, a country cottage, a car, in general everything is fine, but how many children do i have you, i’m not married yet, you’re lucky with your man, what are
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the disadvantages? you won’t believe it, really, no, you’re not afraid that they’ll leave, other people’s happiness haunts you, you’ll have a permanent job, that’s it how, what kind of work, where, from you to your personal drivers, stolen happiness always tastes bitter, this is very good wine, open it, family happiness on saturday on rtr. the wife, this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband is tired at work, enough is enough, this is the inscription on a chinese maternity hospital, my name is givi, the honor of my grandfather, and my name is igor, the honor of the twentieth olympic games, grandfather had no children, father had no children, and where are you from, am i from minsk? ismailovsky park, premiere on sunday on rtl.
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yours came not mine, you see her no more, why did you give in so quickly, well, is it too small for me? “that’s enough, i’ll live for myself, that’s also right, you will receive a letter, as usual, without a soldier’s stamp, i won’t allow it, i’m turning to you, i’m not asking for help and i’m not flirting.
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your girlfriend, ugly with a red bee, wrote to me out of friendship, tell me , i called you the best
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girl in the world, and didn’t think that you would be a stranger’s wife, i called you the best girl in the world and didn’t think of being called my stranger, remember how you kissed me in front of everyone. farewell, do you remember the late smoke and eight short minutes, it’s so unusual to see you without a uniform, comrade captain, what kind of captain?
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forgive me already, well, i see that you are sulking, sulking, you signed the commander’s signature, what? “you have to splash, you were detained because lieutenant chukin was disturbing public order, like a general, i beg your pardon, like a general, and sailor fuzina, daughter, that’s it, i have no more questions, our general wishes you health”? dad, comrade general, it was my decision to leave for the city, oh, but i wanted recommend you to the cosmonaut corps, it’s
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my fault. free. so what, you won’t even punish us?
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dad, i understand everything, please forgive me, general, i’m ready to bear any punishment. choose your own punishment, let's go, your head doesn't hurt, but it doesn't seem to be. well, he’s healthy, just a visitor for you, you ’ll talk, and then bunny, go to your barracks, okay, okay, oh, there’s a leaf in the frill, why
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are we lying there, soldier, you’ve already been discharged, lighten up. okay, say what you want, i want to repay the debt, are you afraid, barzel or what? well, that's my business offer. okay, go ahead. please take off your cap,
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it doesn’t hurt at all, it’s a hare, a hare, you are. you will serve for 2 years and learn nothing. demobilize? yes. so what? yes, there is nothing. well, first of all, we don’t demobilize, but retire to the reserves; you have a contract. okay, dismiss me. and secondly, for this i need permission from higher authorities. i don't care. i want to leave on my own, okay? and i don't care about your bosses. sailor kuzin, you are in the army. there are several here. other orders,
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connect me with kamdiv, anatoly vasilyevich, here sailor yulia kuzina came, asking very much to dismiss her, there is a comrade major general. well, the authorities give the go-ahead, freely, as freely, like this, and rewrite it completely, something else, sailor kuzin, yes, okay. i’ll call back that this is a rart, i ask you
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to petition the higher command to transfer me, lieutenant chukin, gennady, to storm for personal reasons, so. lieutenant chukin, are you completely stunned, or what, you ate my whole baldness so that i would allow you to meet, then now this, comrade general, i have firmly decided, i ask you to transfer me to the assault, yes, that means transfer you, the young man is demobilized. and then, when you measure it out , should i take you back, as
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you are demobilized, like this, and you will allow it, and that i will keep the strength, or something, comrade general, i ask you to sign the transfer to the storm, i will sign, i will sign, but only after the air parade, just try to screw me up, i’m not in the storm room, i ’ll put you on a maintenance watch for a month, and then the next step is in seromorsk, okay? there is no screwing up, comrade general. pash, please wait, i need to discuss something with kostya. kostya, did pasha offend you? no, it even seems to me that. i could put him in his place, don’t overstate
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it, even i can’t do it. kostya, i love pasha, and it seems to me that it will be much better for you if you stay away from me. what were they talking about? i asked not to look anymore. meetings with me, that means there were meetings after all, pash, that’s enough, what’s going on, nothing, pash, well, it’s time for me to go to the warehouse, see you again, pash, what’s my fault, huh birch 2.7, warehouse connecting, birch 2.5, yes, connecting, birch 2 3 airfield connecting birch
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25 that birch 23 birch 27 connecting fourth post connecting birch 23 birch 25 post 6 connecting birch 27 connecting birch 25 post sixth birch 27 birch we connect tower 23 well. whoever sings grief is not a problem, the little horse sings pitifully, work, don’t be distracted, i was a hairdresser, i shaved my beard mustache, and they shaved me too,
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birch 2.7, girls, girls, what’s wrong with him? did our captain fall in love? you think so? i don’t think, but i know, apparently, in beryos 27, headquarters i’m connecting, why aren’t you answering? but i won’t answer, i’m quitting anyway, why? i failed the two people closest to me, that's why? and who did you let down more, dad, dad, well, that means you’ll make peace with chyukin first, besides, we’ll soon have a rehearsal with him, you go make up, and we’ll cover you, of course i’ll cover you, go ahead, if only after every
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quarrel with oleg, i quit, i would have already been given a pass for this matter, come on, girls, thank you, birch 25, i’m connecting. clothing warehouse, yes, i connect, birch 25, what you generally allow yourself, corrections in relation to people like you, to drive you to hell in such a way, how could you, you, ensign of the soviet army, hit your sailor, where is the chain of command, where, yes, i gave him a fofan, fophone the year of new installations is promoted by the workers' council, are you a fool?
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i hope he won’t interfere, he promised to remain silent, and if he doesn’t remain silent, comrade warrant officer, i hope he will, although he is some kind of blessed, here you are right, blessed, but on the other hand, the dinka gave him a reason, a reason, yes, and he no blessed one, do you think? sure, a misdirected cossack, sent, yes, a pause, we need to take a break, he is a hare, with dina, what does the hare have to do with dina, what are you doing, you really don’t
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understand, no, we are descending, leveling out. turn to the right, bank 30°, speed 700, level off, kens, dive to the left, level off, turn to the right, bank 40°, speed 700, we need to talk, what again, maybe you’ll listen to me for a change, why are you so okay? tell me, do you have a dream? yes, which one? i agree, get married, right now. okay, then what? then live together like everyone else. i never wanted how
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that's all, that's why i was aiming for the sky. i wanted to know what was up there. so what's there? sky, i wanted to become an astronaut, no, rejoice, now i won’t, gen, they hang in orbit for six months, but what about me, as the wife of husbands, we waited 4 years since the war, haven’t seen them, this is war, and this is my job , yulia, defend your homeland, where they will say as much as they will, but it’s time for you to grow up, or you know, or? come on, finish it, that’s it, i said everything, it won’t be any different with me, you decide for yourself, i’ll align it to the left.
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what then? well, i think we need to think about it, after this whole thing with bespectacled, pasha, i love you, not him, you love me, of course, i love, i love, but what do you want? well, i’m telling you, i need to think, give me a week. or two, let’s just take a break from each other, that’s it, i’m pash, i don’t want to rest, you don’t want to not rest, that’s it, one, we’ll talk
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after may 1, i ran. have you tried it on? now i’ll finish my drink, let’s go rehearsal. katya, he won't come. why? what 's happened? did he cancel the rehearsal? worse, from me. wait, did he say that? no, but they both don’t listen to me and... everything is different, this army is more dear to them than me, i hate, i hate, you understand, be quiet, don’t shout, these
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are the men we got, we need to accept them along with their calling, the main thing is to remember that they both love you, they love you, of course, one loves his sky, the other his motto, that’s the kind of love, well, it happens somehow differently, well, who, katya? sorry, but the performance probably won't work out. okay, i'll think of something. sorry again, thank you, i’ll run, maybe at least i can make peace with my father. thanks, come on. big film premiere. if you lead the jews out of here, we will present you for promotion.
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this is a device that finds the way, comrades jews, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, film by sergei ursulyak, glad we broke away, left, we didn’t leave them, they are coming after us, righteous man, may 9 on rtr, whiskey manca. product of steller group. not enough pressure in your garden hose? tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your own hands.
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introducing hydra blast from hammer smith. fast, simple and very convenient high pressure washer gun. wireless, rechargeable and absolutely revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bicycle. wash your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydrablast uses. technology like the most chilly professional washers and condenses it to accommodate this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. the hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, extremely comfortable and extremely versatile. the scope of its application is practically unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydrob. will turn it into a stream high pressure. a bucket of water is all you need and you're ready to go, or simply connect it to a garden hose and
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the hydroblast will instantly increase the pressure. water up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters it. hammer smith hydroblast is high performance pressure cleaning without compromise. today only, call and order the revolutionary hammer smith hydra blast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high hose pressure and high quality nanofilter etc. you will get all this for an incredible 5995, and if you place an order right now, you will receive a shampoo container and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area as a gift, all this is absolutely free, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited. cognac monte shoca, a product of the stellar group. they say that perfect shoes
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do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals made from genuine palermo leather, which perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your legs. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and convenient velcro fasteners. ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which provides a soft heel landing and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort.
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cognac old barrel is a product of the stellar group. for the new executive director. on saturday. yeah, well, you're having an affair with a married man. you are amazing, amazing. she's happy, i can see that. i have some kind of anxiety all the time. you will have to come with us to the investigative committee. for what? you have been detained on suspicion of
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arson of the company's warehouse. obviously, it was beneficial for someone. put you, every mistake has its own price, there will be no culprit, there will be no insurance, that is, you, you want you to take the blame, and the lawyer promises that he will get you a suspended sentence, i trust you only you, and roman , you trust him, you think he ’s not involved in this story, mistake, premiere on saturday on rtr. listen, will there be a camdy? i don’t know, i hope, i hope, then definitely give me more modest shoes, oh, and if he and his daughter are with his mother, the whole family, this is generally serious, marish, much more serious, lara, like this, here with bows, harden, right here, new, no, so beautiful, uh-huh, i
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saw her somewhere, catherine deneuve’s screen is the same as katka petrova’s, not catherine deneuve. lar is a traitor, why am i a traitor, well, i took it from her, well, i took it from her, from her hands, well, i rented it, a friend is called, well , go to the theater, well, lar, well, what the hell, not from this brooch, well, without a brooch, no big deal, okay, beautiful, yes,
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for romeo juliet, just don’t be nervous, we ’ll definitely come up with something, both us and you, and you will personally answer, clearly, precisely. let me go, freely! can i have the program? who is tatiana playing there today? and here is the winner of the prize.
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so if you’re sitting in his place, that means he won’t be there, thank you, where haven’t you seen ian, no, you haven’t seen me, an unheard of disgrace, where is my prima, 20 minutes later it started, well, what is this, and inessa, where is she , you didn’t see it, so she’s already gone to the scene, like she’s already a scene, she’s not in the first film, damn it, why did he give you a ticket for the cake, oh, marina, really, god, how delicious, really, this magic cake?
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not a theater, but some kind of cat’s house, that’s where she is, inessa, what are you doing, but 3 minutes before the premiere, three minutes before ours and you ’re sobbing, as if we were playing some kind of ostrovsky. venya, i accomplished a feat. what feat? when did you have time? i myself,
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i refused it myself. lord, from whom? from my general. i let him go like a bird in the sky. damn your general, i'll damn you. i beg ines, throw him out of your head, i threw him out of my head, only from my head he moved here, it seems to me that i haven’t stopped loving him yet, oh god, inosa, listen to me, listen to me, what are you talking about, about some ordinary life, about some small passions, and this is a theater, this is a temple, and... it still seems to you that i am in life all the time i’m playing some role, no, no, you, you are who you are, so
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sincere, so real, and sometimes so defenseless, ven. only you truly understand me, listen, marina, i will need you soon, why should i, i will need to organize a wedding banquet, i don’t do wedding banquets, between the dining room, that i do weddings every day, i started organize, i liked it, you will succeed too, no problem, thank you for your trust. and who is having a wedding, his son with whom with katya petrova,
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the stones are connected to each other in groups, so in order to seize the territory, you must build a strong fence. it’s clear, the configuration, this is called a strong connection, you see, the stones seem to stick to each other, they form a single whole, beautiful, right? by the way, there is such a stratagem, the beauty stratagem. if the army
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is powerful, attack the commander, if the commander is wise, influence his feelings, that’s the only way you can win by feeling, but this is possible, well , this is a military stratagem, the chinese believed that this helps to avoid large human casualties, no, you can’t play on feelings, what happened to you, something happened to me, yulia and chukin quarreled, no i have more romeo, no... there’s no show either, they’ll kick me out soon, but alone and pasha won’t fit, dina is beautiful, and i’m not juliet either, no, i’m romeo, andryushka, you’re some kind of romeo , dad, you are korchagin, who are you? romeo is
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a boy, this is youthful enthusiasm, this is the first love, so give me your shakespeare here, bring the play, really, yes, bring it, let me go, i give you permission. dad, we’re having a great dinner today, come, my bitter guide, come , my caustic leader, and about the leader, you can do that, shakespeare can, yeah, come, my caustic leader, ah... my desperate helmsman, why are you
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laughing? i'm sorry, i'm sorry, first you, let 's move on, no, i'll start first, come, my bitter guide, come, my caustic leader, my desperate core, i don't have to rehearse at all, i'm sorry, you need romeo, lenina, i'm also still silent, first again , come my bitter guide, come my caustic... leader, my desperate helmsman, guide the boat beaten by the waves of the sea towards the underwater stones, i drink to my love, yeah, yes, i drink to my love, oh, my honest pharmacy, the drink works quickly , yeah, i die with a kiss.
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it says so there with a kiss andrey. well, i’m approaching, i just realized that in order to play romeo, you don’t have to be an actor at all, you just have to talk about yourself, about your feelings, i don’t understand, i’m real, genuine, you read, it’s really all the same as korchagin, but you kiss like rameo, everything is fine, only for me one condition, i won’t play with yulia, who will let you and yulia play with me. you will,
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you will, you will. and katya is not there?
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nothing, kasya, but did someone die? and love. one more, i won’t, but what came, drink, come on! evening, my evening, the evening is not a dream,
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i can’t wait. his work, evening, my evening, don’t rush into red, tell me where my love is. there, beyond the river, squeeze the lights, a black boat, press yourself against the bereshka,
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evening, my evening, evening for my sake. where are you, my dear distant one? oh, girls, dad, breakfast
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is ready, go to the table, i'm serving, well, no, so it won't work, what? in the end, daughter, marish, good morning, marina, what is it, i can’t see you, the light is such an angel, and what happened, are you getting married, yes, who? komdila, marino, congratulations, yes, special thanks for the brooch, thank you very much, it’s just very scratched, i would hit you, my hand can’t
3:42 pm
rise, marin, but now i’ll tell you everything. pashka, i’ve come to my senses, well, i wish you congratulations, hello, well, i like it, very much, salute to russia! and the girl, and the perfume, it’s from you, yes. dina, i practically broke up with my wife and
3:43 pm
practically free, but only for you, i have a fiancé, and where does he go on business trips, i probably didn’t send him on any business trips, how do you send him all the time, well, let’s start with the fact that he has... constantly asking for time off, just the question is why? well, he wants to quickly earn money for an apartment, for whom? for us, and for you? well, as i understand it, he didn’t say anything, right? ok, then i'll have to. “i understand, of course, that
3:44 pm
i probably shouldn’t have done this, but in general, i decided to check it out and suggested him an apartment in exchange for leaving you alone, yes, yes, i agreed, he sold me?" "like a thing? but why? well, it can be more accurate, aren’t you? well, how is it not true? i myself was disappointed, well, maybe, but the fact remains , well, he’s a black marketer, you know? if you weren’t happy with him, what would happen to you? you can’t even imagine how you’ll give this bouquet to pasha, you and he are a good couple! left,
3:45 pm
everything is in the past between us a long time ago, i’m with yu now, but i’ll beat you back anyway, and you’ll be my wife, don’t be too upset, you what, call? lord, what is this, you are our relative, right? sister, nastya was looking for you all evening, your phone was turned off, and where were you at night? yura, you will go from eight to 12, but i didn’t kill anyone, i will do everything to free him, i promise, we will... get you out, you know, kirill says that kirill says, don’t let my affairs interfere.


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