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tv   Lyubov preodoleet vsyo  RUSSIA1  May 1, 2024 11:20pm-12:31am MSK

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ok bye. forgot your glasses, where are you going? to the crystal, which neighbor? the next one is at 2:40, thanks.
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van, are you serious, in the end they didn’t even open a case there, the guard there had a pedal stuck or something happened to the brakes, i don’t remember, well, the examination should have remained, but how do i know, well, ask the traffic police, maybe they will find something for you, and his mistress, there was also some kind of strange death, tsvetkov’s, yes, there was nothing strange there, i was handling this case, pure suicide, well, maybe they missed something? well, it's a sad story, but no crime, the woman could not stand the death of her loved one almost immediately after the funeral, she jumped out of the window, alcohol and drugs were found in her blood, can you show me the material, the translucent one, yes, you came about something decisive, well, since there is no question about him, let’s go about it, there is no case itself, some- then the photos remain, have fun, thank you.
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stas, can you get some coffee? otherwise i fall asleep on the go all day. i'll go get some water now. yes. sergei petrovich, go, rit, go.
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artificial coma and post-operative encephalopathy. phalapathies, yes, yes, not science fiction, here i am holding the guy’s case in my hands, who is listening to us with such a bouquet, yes, it’s not in order, well, figure out what’s there, and i ’ll send the body, now, thank you for coming, i thought that you were hungry too. “thank you,
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i guessed right, i’ve been traveling all day today and haven’t really had breakfast, thank you for calling me, that’s why i love you, it’s for your insight, i wanted to ask about potapal, i understand, i understand, these questions infuriate you, but that’s how it is with you.” i'm looking after our bad friend, he's not my friend, i don't know anything about him, he's not i called, so what happened, but again he ’s going where he shouldn’t, you know him, i don’t want him to lie down again, okay, let’s go, how are you, thanks for asking, no, i’m just embarrassed pestering you with such questions, but what can you say, stas, parting is always a thing. i know how
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your friend potap copes there, but sometimes i get so overwhelmed that i want to howl, but you know what, come on? tonight we'll get drunk and cry to each other in our vests. lets do it. faster, faster, come on, climb through, let's run.
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svetlana, i was about to leave, i thought i can’t wait to see you again, well, you advertised the performance so much that i decided to go after all, that’s right, i promise you, you won’t regret it, yes. lesh, where are you? lyosh, lyosh, are you here? lyoshka,
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nina petrovna, have you seen my lyoshka? you told me not to meddle in other people’s business, so i don’t meddle. please tell me if anything. yes , i didn’t see your boy just from the garden, but something creaked, or maybe not, where are we going, to aunt masha, my mother’s friend, they sang together, do you remember how we went to her, and how we rode motor ship on carousel then, and in the evening we went to see the colored fountains, i don’t want to leave my mother, she ’s not your mother, how can you not understand? aunt masha loves us, she will allow us to stay, you want us to be together again, angel, give me a bike, everything i’ll come back now, please, but i really need to buy it, angel, i’m stunned, personal in the middle of the day transport
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is taking away, let's go get in. wait, wait, where are you going, you have my children on the bus, please open the door, mommy, lesh. why did you do that? i wanted to be with my brother well, i don’t mind, i called you myself. does your mom know where you are? she is not my mother, does she know that or not? it's probably still driving you crazy. call me. no, i will not.
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please, can i stay with my brother? i miss you so much. let vika come home with us. okay, only for a little while, then you’ll definitely call zhanna, uh-huh, here he is, oh, angel, sorry, here i am returning, uh-huh, the impudent people left, didn’t even say thank you, thank you, thank you, doesn’t gurgle. hello, tell me, do you by any chance require employees? no, i can handle this myself, it’s a pity,
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but i’m actually a good craftsman, i have a lot of experience, okay, excuse me, wait, did you happen to work in pogasyan’s service house? accidentally? i remember you, but why did you leave pogasyan? yeah, well, they did the right thing, here you will be pampered and cherished, coffee, if you want, well, let's go, let's go, let's go. “i live here, this is my room, cool, burotina, we are reading it, and who is this, and this is my son, he is now in the army, of course, dad. 300 pieces out of the bush, well , i know how to bastard with people, you know, what are you talking about, who are you talking about?
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the former owner of the wave, well, yes, well, like he didn’t move the horse himself, but we helped him, well, i intimidated him for clarity, and what about your tongue without bones, and we have problems again, someone was so tense, that he ran to the mentura, and there they began to bring up old cases, so let them dig, what does this have to do with us anyway, just think about it? oh, you moron, my god, what a moron, why
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am i being punished like this, help you, the plates, maybe carry the gazebo, and the spoons, okay. “thank you, you’re welcome, i noticed back in the orphanage that something was wrong with lyosha, that’s all they said he was just behind, he needs to go to a special boarding school, thank you for the problem with his ears, this is serious, yes, unfortunately, his hearing is almost lost, only an expensive operation will help, but with the device he hears perfectly and is no different from others, i i didn’t want to leave lyosha alone in the orphanage.” i thought, then i still tell zhanna to take him too, she
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seemed so kind and sweet to me, well, you never know what kind of circumstances there are in life, maybe she didn’t have the opportunity to take two, but it seems to me, she just wanted a healthy girl, sick she didn’t need a boy, lyoshka, lyoshka, you called zhanna, yes, when recently, i don’t remember, she said i can... come back tomorrow, yeah, i washed my hands, and washed and washed, how delicious, teach me how such a delicious soup cook, you didn’t call her, did you?
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karina, listen, karina, i wanted to tell you, excuse me for that evening, i really did, well, there were problems at work. in general, i have nothing against you, you are a good girl, you just understand, well, it infuriates me when they try to bring us together, this is some kind of medieval, arranged marriages were concluded in at the end of the 19th, at the beginning of the 20th century, you have deep historical knowledge for a dentist, and i dreamed of becoming a historian, but my parents insisted that i become a dentist, and it also pisses me off that they are trying...
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hi, hi, listen , we have such a thing here, my niece, vika, lyosha’s sister, came to me, she has guardians, she did not warn them that she was coming to us, i must say. how do you even manage, i should arrest you now, accuse you of kidnapping, well, she came to us herself, and what should we do now, go to the guardianship, immediately, yeah, attention, everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need
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to free the skies of crimea from the germans. i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment, major romanov, what would you do, come on, you become romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go dance, blamil nikolaevich, i don’t dance, i don’t dance, i don’t drink, here it is, how it is with your officer's shoulder straps, it behaves like the last braid, welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance atone. only penalty soldiers go into battle, the task is not easy, you will have to act in the operational rear of the enemy. fighters, the battle for crimea, attention, everything is ready for battle, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, i said to accept the battle, may 6 at rtr, allow yourself a first-class rest.
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elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. rest is... rest is not thinking about anything, when you are calm and completely turned off. rest is rest. we know about rest is all. annex. welcome to the
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newest rix hotel in sharmalsheikh. sharmelshe is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmelshej.
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medical center, i’m listening, hello, girl, hello, i took
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tests from you three days ago, the doctor said that he would send me to moscow for a review, i would like to find out, maybe there something is known, it’s still so early, in 10 days, and that’s not a fact, well, i thought, you never know, maybe they’re already ready, okay, thank you, i’ll call you later, goodbye. has your girl ever run away from home? no, no, no, maybe she ran away from her grandfather, i don’t know, i’ve only taken her into custody for 3 months, please, please find her, please, so that means this is your girl. she did something, there is such a thing, i
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really missed my brother, and zhana didn’t let me see him, please don’t punish natalya vladimirovna, i think that zhana olegovna will be very upset when she finds out that you ran away and didn’t warn her, and she doesn’t care about me, she will only be glad if i disappear from her life, and you said that you like everything, but i was lying, vika, so where are you? she lied to me again, so let’s do without it, the child won’t just run away, you don’t let her communicate with her brother, but i did everything for her sake, she’s ungrateful, i endured it only because of your persuasion, calmly, detective pilyavsky, look, please.
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it's you, i don't need a daughter who's a thief, right? what do i have to sign to give up guardianship? i, i just wanted to be with my brother, i don’t want to go back to the orphanage, but you’re not going to the orphanage, to a temporary detention center for minors. residents, so, i, wait, i’m ready to return everything that she stole, how much was there, there were 800 rubles, yeah, that’s all that’s left, i bought a ticket and ice cream, so, here’s another 300, take it, and you who, and i’m her aunt, dear, and if they refuse her, then i’m ready to take her with me, you’re absolutely sure, but...
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well, okay, i think we can quickly register guest mode to my brother’s family, we’ll sort it out there, okay. hello armen, hello, i'm getting my things. “give me my box to the hungry one, how is my
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salary doing, or is there still financial difficulties, i don’t have any financial difficulties, i can give you your salary right now, if anything i can wait, you agreed, i have a job...” and the money pays more than you, so now i ’ll give you your salary, come on, here in general, well, not everything is enough, because i’ve invested something else in business, but if you
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tomorrow by lunchtime, i'll... i'll pay you off in full, i'm actually working too, i'm not in a hurry, so you come to see me on may day, you know where your competitors work, courses, i'm money, i'm i’ll tell you through staneshka, that’s also an option, but for now. you worry so much about him, you still love him, i don’t know, it feels like he’s like a suitcase
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without a handle and... it’s hard to throw it away, it’s a pity, and the funny thing is that he himself never called me, just as he cut me off, you don’t know, maybe he already has someone there, no idea i don’t have it, she doesn’t discuss it with me, it’s strange, you’re friends, well, he’s always been secretive, he won’t tell you much, you know it yourself, i know it, listen, come on, well, really, well, we’re all about him and about him , as if to talk more? nothing, that’s what i’m talking about, let me tell you, well, you already know too much about me, tell me about yourself, but what am i, well, an ordinary workaholic, who by the age of 40 realized that he was married to his job and nothing else in life no, work, home, home, work, that’s my daily routine, oh well, to be poor,
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probably in... life, besides work there’s plenty other hobbies, i will never believe that you are alone, alone, the best woman in the world went to potap, all i can do is envy, you don’t have to be jealous, potap squandered your happiness, a quick divorce and a maiden name, which means i have... these are my drawings, i hope you will be able to provide viki with the same prosperity, i don’t need these things, you can keep them, why do i need them, well, maybe you’ll take the girl
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... please take it, well, not if i take child, then only a small one, the smaller the better, i’ll only take this, then and take this. thank you, goodbye, goodbye, goodbye,
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thank you for the evening. “for the first time in a long time, i feel young and alive, why? i’ve long forgotten what it’s like to madly want a woman sitting next to me, and now let’s remember. hello, grandma, well, i’ve already been discharged, why did you come, i could have gotten there myself, well no, now you won’t walk with me like a little girl all the time, i won’t walk, i’ll worry, let’s go, whatever sanka calls, every day, she grabbed a good guy with
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him, it’s like behind a stone wall. if he is from i was able to escape the army, then he will do anything for you, which means that now you like him, i always liked him, i was just afraid. that you will quit your studies because of him, i understand, forgive me, i said such things, i wished you well, grandma, what are you doing, i love you, me too, let me carry it, let’s go. you see, my intuition did not deceive me, as it did professionally, i heard that you also want to become a lawyer, too, i want to become a normal
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lawyer, honest, and not someone who covers up all sorts of scum just because they are his relatives, that’s what i am more with you i communicate, the more i recognize myself, well, when i was young, i was like that too, honestly? but the crimes never went away, and now, let the murderers continue to kill, thieves steal, rapists rape, so
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why not, let them work it off, pay off the debt, note the damage, some kind of nonsense, arrest justice, such a term? well, if you are a lawyer, you should understand, and not just label things. do you want me to bring you books? well , including your own. yes, why? i teach, write articles, textbooks. oh, how? if you manage your life correctly, you will everything you want will happen. well , of course this is not the place, these are mine. business card, have a phone number, call at any time, well, if you want to talk, youth, youth,
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come on, hello, and i’m on guard for you here, on guard, and i’m in the store? i went for a walk at the same time, why don’t you come to the cultural center anymore, i don’t want to, i’m not in the mood, something happened, no, everything is fine, but i brought you a gift, nordic walking, a very fashionable sport, but i bought it for you at the same time, to be excited, of course , thank you very much, but it wasn’t worth it, you know, i it seems that this walk was invented by marketers to get rid of ski poles in the summer, well, you shouldn’t do that, it’s very useful, and it’s also a reason to see you again, and as i see, you’re a ladies’ man, if you’d like, i’ll show you how to do them you can walk correctly,
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you can do it like this, so here you go, remember, for now, train at home, and tomorrow at 10 am we’ll go with you to the park, show you what you’ve learned, and i’ll be waiting for you, here and don’t be late, that’s not date, this is training, thank you very much, volot, goodbye, see you tomorrow, yes, pyotr levich, this is leonov, well, i i’m calling again about kavalev, listen, let’s not give the social prosecutor’s office a reason to investigate, the guy needs to be compensated quickly, that’s it, do it. lights out,
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listen, i thought we agreed, and you decided to knock something behind my back, guys, i don’t even understand what you’re talking about, what are you doing, i’m stunned? yes, guys, what happened, why the hell did you go to the police, but i swear, i didn’t go to any police, do you believe him, you bastard. that's it, let's go, now you won't pay us 100,000, but 200, i understand, rubbish, guys, i'm nothing like that at all i didn’t, i already prepared the money for you, i put it in an envelope, i was going to cooperate with you, why would i go to the police, why did they raise the case about the accident, but maybe it’s armen from high, he just arrived then, maybe he i heard the conversation, we 'll check, okay?
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please don't leave, i'll be there quickly. what do you want? no, no, we're not buying anything, where's anton? for what? i brought things for him. antosha, come over. why did you come? look at who you traded me for. well, i looked, yes, with
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age your taste has deteriorated greatly, wish you happiness. well done armen, he fell under us, i expected the least from you, what are you doing, nikita, are you crazy, what are you, we’ve been working for so many years, what are you doing, i swear to you by my mother, i, i have no idea, what's up, you were in the wave a couple of days ago, you were, wait, wait, wait, bil, bil, that's right, i was hitting. i saw how you and nosov were talking, well, i
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’ll persuade this nosovo to work with you, listen, if you don’t believe me, ask tatyana, what did she forget there, she sewed the curtains there, the curtains, the creature! "i think we should buy a sofa seat wardrobes, or a folding bed, yes , it’s fine for me, really, everything is fine, but vashka will return from the army in a year, and he knows that you took us, he’ll find out about leshka, i haven’t had time to tell you about you yet, i’ll finish eating now ,
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hi, hi, we are just having lunch, will you have lunch with us? no, i'm not hungry, i bought cinema tickets here, some family movie, the best seats, i'm at the wrong time, no, what are you talking about, we just have some changes here, yes, i hope for the better, but introduce yourself , this... this is dmitry, my friend, and this is vika, lyoshina sister and my niece. vika will now live with us, i will arrange guardianship over her. hello. hello. tanya, is it possible? listen, i completely forgot, i got lost. i need to go. there are only three tickets, you can, of course, take a fourth, but it will be some other place, what's the point? yes, now is really not the best time. can they be handed over? god bless them, no offense, i’ll go, but
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maybe you’ll still win? bye, bye, yes armen is a coward, won’t he bother the police? yes, that means she’s a partner, well , really, there’s no one else but her, here’s a woman she could still not calm down, she was taking revenge for her puppy, yes. we need to shut her up, finally, how to shut her up, what to kill or something, if she gave in, she’ll suddenly disappear, this is stupid , is it really not clear, just tell me what needs to be done? well, let’s get her to sleep, i ’ll call kolya, don’t do anything, let’s see, dad, you know, we haven’t been to the cemetery with mom for a long time, maybe we’ll go and check on something,
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of course we can, well, now is not the right time, let's deal with the problems first, then. well, dad, tell me, why is she there? still died? yes, i’ve already told you 100 times that she had health problems, the hospital couldn’t pump out the heart priest, that’s all. do you still have any questions? lena, what happened, wait, no, i’m driving, me too, i’m divorcing my husband, this is how you live with
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a man for 5 years, you don’t know that everything he tells you is blatant and vile lies, and what at work. i live here nearby myself, i’m just coming to my senses a little, here’s tanya, yes, i wanted to invite her to the cinema, but there, well, it didn’t work out, in general, and you
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just ran away all over the place, well, if she’s for you the road is worth a little struggle. uh-huh, thanks for the advice, well, i'll go, you won't, well, meet me at the hospital, meet me, please, boyobes, salad with crayfish necks and glasses,
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teacher, but dad told me correctly that you can't make money with this, you don't you’re angry with him, he was right, well, i’d be sitting in school right now, earning pennies, but what about you, what kind of education do you have? and i have an average, well, average, special, it’s just that when my father died, i had to earn money, help my mother, and i went to earn money, well now what kind of education, you know, all this was possible in absentia, of course. well, this is not my option, thank you, but please replace the glass, this dirty glass, of course, is the only one, uh-huh
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, oh, no need, i would wash it myself, no, i will do everything myself, for what you did for us, but how could it be otherwise, who came to you? with tickets, your boyfriend, you can say so, are you dating him? yes, i think we like each other, but why did he leave? i don’t want your personal life to deteriorate because of us, i think you don’t worry, everything is fine, girls, the omelette will be ready in a couple of seconds. who were you with yesterday? i ask where you have been, he mocks me every day, every night. and who is this, this is your new lover, you will never touch this woman again, this is understandable,
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this is complete nonsense, marrying a man whom you don’t love one bit, the man saved me, but i want to choke, ksenia kutepova , you shouldn’t have contacted me, tamara, you’re better than what i have, sergey makhovikov, marat basharov, svetlana nemalyaeva, to him very... it’s hard, he begged me to wrap you up, i’m begging you too, new husband on friday on prt.
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taitanic luxury collection, a hotel for unforgettable experiences rixos sharma, only for adults 18+, here you will find entertainment throughout. all day: year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rix sharma sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces. a sphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in the world of exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless
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elegance and unsurpassed comfort, the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic lasherlection bodrum, now you will run along the path through the forest, there will be a car waiting for you, i got it, i got it, faster, with trying to escape ... the notorious anna savelyeva was shot, they didn’t wait, i don’t understand what to do next, i’ll tell you what will happen next, dr. anna, today on rtr. however, i suggest sharing, no, no, why, i’ll pay.
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why don’t you, well, come on, i ’ll take you home, or do you want to take another walk, don’t, i called a taxi, thank you for the evening, consider that you and i have completed the program, and i’ll tell my parents that we you are too different, that’s true, right?
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grant cru.
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can you tell me where the owner is? there he is, thank you, good afternoon, good afternoon, and what do you want, ivan sergeevich, tell me, is there any of the old staff left here, well, who worked during the decision? looks like a cook sychyova, she’s here now, in the kitchen, i’ll go through. thank you, i don’t understand, why do you need this, why bring up the past, you know, i’m not sure that yulia tsvetkova committed suicide, maybe you’ll remember what happened before that, she loved yulia very much, you’re trying to figure something out , and he and her children, even though the daughter was not his own at all, he proposed to her,
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they were going to have a wedding, but how did he die? so she herself has become not herself, so it’s understandable, not everyone can survive such a blow, and vikusi, vikusi is probably already 13 years old, vika, what was the boy’s name, lyoshka, blond-haired, such a speckled child of a year, he ’s probably going to school now, thank you very much, but so, so why not? yes, damn you, you can’t get close, there’s a mosquito, and i warned you, you shouldn’t have taken him for surgery, a hemorrhagic stroke with such a localization, a burdened medical history, sash, why are you on hand, and he was in a coma, no, and it went away there for less than two hours, i had to give him
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a chance to watch him die in the ward, the guy is only 65, according to the mri. a large area of ​​destruction, he was already a non-resident, and i i pulled out the wrong ones, so just wait , friends have begun, the pressure is dropping, adrenaline, we have a stop for croaking, vic, this is our district police officer, ivan sergeevich potapov, he must ask you something, it’s important, tanya, sit down, please, and vic, please tell me, was your mother’s name yulia tsvetkova? yes, i can recognize me too, how do you know, the fact is that i am working on one case, and
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it seems to me that you can help me, please tell me, have you... ever seen any of these people? wait, i saw the older one, can i remember where it was? near the restaurant, after uncle vitya’s funeral. what have you arrived? i heard you have something for us? eat. what do you want? can we come to an agreement? “
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you and i will never come to an agreement, but do you know why? i know that it was you who killed vitya, and not only him, everyone will know about it, i have proof, get out of here, well, well, i’ll show you off, you freak, next the day my mother did not, my mother could not commit suicide, because she loved us very much and would never leave us, you understand
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that dmitry alexandrovich, i wanted to thank you for that conversation for me. it was very important, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, everything is fine with you, depending on what you compare with, if with the patient who just died on my table, then yes, everything is fine with me, sorry! i didn’t know what was wrong, what was wrong, what was wrong, some 5 minutes were not enough, i couldn’t work faster, it’s the brain, not a stool, dmitry alexandrovich, i’m sure you did everything you could they were able to, don’t need these hackneyed words, it means not everything i could, i localized the hematoma, started aspiration, what’s wrong, did i catch it? still can't say definitely, there’s valerian in the refrigerator, give me 40 drops, i don’t know, otherwise i ’ll go crazy, right frontal sinus,
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dmitry aleksanovich, well, it’s all started. morozov, vladimirich, i can explain everything, yes, i’ll be right there, in 5 minutes, the leader calls me to the carpet, now he’ll remove the shavings from me. bah, i got in, i got into medical school, what a joy, yes, now you will have a personal doctor, you need to fill out documents for the city, and also
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negotiate with the hostel, and work, they promised to hire me as a waitress in a restaurant, grandma, what are you doing? i’m not happy, but i’m glad, of course, it’s unexpectedly simple, now you’re leaving, and who am i doing this for, we’re all sitting in a common life, there’s nothing left, that’s it, i’ll go and write to sashka. tell me the truth, i waited, as you say, last name, leonova, anna vasilievna, born in eighty-second, died in the fifth year on april 25 of a heart attack in your hospital, no, i don’t see such a patient, 2005, april 25, only one man died, maybe you are confusing something, well, we need to look further. where else to look, in february i looked, in march, january, may, april, i i looked and there was no leonova.
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they’re sleeping, tan, i feel so good with you, why do i feel so good with you, i have a three-room apartment, let’s live together, unexpectedly, are you sure, i have two more children, it’s not easy. "let's talk, let's talk, come on, come on, you know, i
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've lived alone all my adult life, and you know, somehow i got used to it and decided that this was mine, that i was a loner, that i was comfortable. only with myself, i can't imagine waking up next to you, but suddenly not so long ago i realized so clearly that i don't want anymore, so i i really want you to be near, lyoshka, yes, little one, he needs you. right, right, yes, but now vika has appeared, she’s not little, she’s a teenager, an adult, and i, i, it seems, i’m not very ready for this,
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what are you talking about, no, just don’t get me wrong, i’m not doing anything i have it against her, you are important to me, you suddenly became the most important person in my life. but i just can’t morally handle two other people’s children, you understand, that is, you want me to return her back to the family home? it sounds kind of cruel, sorry and stupid, no, no, of course not, there is no home, she had an opicunse, maybe we could contact her, negotiate with her for a while, for an additional fee, i, you know, i am very grateful to you for everything that you made for us, leshen. but i will never
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leave this girl. tanya, listen to me, i offer options. i propose to weigh the pros and cons. there are no options here. sorry, but i need a man who will accept me as i am, with all my children, shortcomings and pressure. if this is for you doesn’t suit us, it’s better for us to part ways. leave. go away, i said, wake up, sleepyheads, get up. vika,
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lyosha, lyosha, get up, get dressed, okay, tomorrow, the potapim were arrested yesterday because they were digging under the leonovs, take aim, shoot. your brother introduced this guy as his son, how i really want to help you, but i don’t know how, this is the only option, you know it yourself, you can make sure they let him go, but who are you, love will overcome everything, final episodes we'll look at rtr tomorrow.
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and so danochka. lady, nowhere, figamochka, i’ll take it, take it, i’ll take it too, so, and so, lord, accept the new beauty.
12:26 am
hello, uh-huh, bito, yes, bito. hey guys, are you going to drown me or what? no, guys, stop, stop, this won’t work, let’s take me back to the main thing, i have very serious information for him, things are very bad for him, let’s hurry up, that’s it. guys, maybe
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we can come to an agreement, here you are, i see a very smart person, you have an intelligent face, the scheme is simple, there’s no sign, which means you ’re reporting to the boss that you did everything, but i some little shed, here it is, he’s guarding it, and i’ll tell you the place where i have a little secret place, guys, there’s enough for you in life for everyone, what can be here, but where? let's go, wait guys, i'm sorry, i'm ashamed, but i don't know how to swim at all, now you'll learn. that's it, let's go, yosif mikhailovich, ah, yosif mikhailovich, please anton vitalievich, call, come in,
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hello, anton vitalievich, i understand that you want to report to me about the results of the autopsy. tell us why our master died? from a heart attack, and what no signs of poisoning or violent death? you know, i was thinking, maybe cutting pipes is your calling? things don’t work out very well for you with the living, are you hinting at something? i was thinking, maybe you should change your job. they say that somehow your hands aren’t very good anymore, you’re a lot nervous, you can’t wait for this, you don’t understand yet, brosman, you can’t stand me, i’ll outlive you here.
12:29 am
today, an armed clash between two gangs led to shootings in the city center. in the shootout they also took participation and snipers. from independent sources we learned that military personnel from the power of russia party were involved in the showdown. party leader timofey koletnoy declined to comment. saw? yes. and yesterday's one, which sniped at the snipers too. okay, it's my mistake, i'll fix it. how elementary, we’ll announce the party congress tomorrow, well then i’ll go out to the people, i’ll explain everything, do you think they’ll understand why their leader started
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trading with afghans, i’ll fix everything, seryoga, this story was broadcast on all channels today, can you somehow explain it? koleda is not coordinated my actions, i didn’t know anything, what happened to the ratings? after the trial of soveleva, after this scandal, the power of russia is going to the bottom, well, yes, this is expected, is there any other party today that can take the place of the power of russia, has, of course, sketched out a small list, and what about the forces of russia, salvation
12:31 am
drowning people


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