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tv   Novii muzh  RUSSIA1  May 4, 2024 11:55pm-3:26am MSK

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at this time, from the bell tower, like the easter trill ringing from heaven, it announces the onset of a great moment, the luminous feast of the resurrection of christ. an interesting tradition is that existed in the mother see of moscow before the revolution. about the beginning. the bell ringers of all moscow churches and monasteries listened to his powerful voice, and only when they heard him did they begin to ring loudly. sounded over moscow.
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a bell symphony of amazing beauty and power that accompanies the procession of the cross. the study of this tradition was so it is significant that the famous moscow metropolitan feloretto rostov, who was the ruling bishop in the capital city in the middle of the 19th century, issued a special order against the sinful, that is, premature... temporary ringing for easter, the decree ordered that the established order be strictly followed and not start ringing before ivan the great , the main kremlin bell tower. procession of the cross held on easter. night is the procession
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of the church towards the risen savior. the religious procession takes place around the temple with the continuous ringing of bells. in the light in a jubilant, majestic form, the hymn of thy resurrection, christ our salvation, angels sing in heaven, vouchsafe us on earth, with a pure heart. glorify, the church, like a spiritual bride, goes, as they say in the sacred scriptures, with hanging legs in the resurrection, christ coming from the tomb, like a bridegroom, continuing to sing the stichera of thy resurrection, o christ, the savior. the clergy walk
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in a procession of the cross, which also symbolizes the procession of the myrrh-bearing women to the tomb of their teacher, in order, in accordance with ancient jewish custom, to anoint the body of the deceased peace, special aromatic oil. myrrh-bearers are literally bearers of peace and incense. they, as... the gospel tells us, were not afraid to go in the predawn darkness to the tomb cave to pay their last tribute to their teacher. they did not yet know that the tomb was empty, that their divine mentor had risen from the dead. as the gospel testifies, they learn about the miracle of the resurrection of the myrrh-bearing woman from an angel, in russian, a messenger, the memory of these fearless
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women is honored by the church on the second sunday after easter, it is called the week, then there is the sunday of the holy myrrh-bearing women. you could say this is the annual orthodox women's day, which this year will be celebrated on may 19th. the procession of the cross reminds christians of their high calling to follow the lord and glorify him, to be the light of the world and the salt of the earth, as we read about in the holy gospel. i have already mentioned the passover of the old testament, the establishment of which is narrated in the bible. book of exodus. celebrating
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deliverance from egyptian slavery, this event occurred 1200 years before christ. ancient israel sacrificed. lamb, young lamb. on easter night, the entire believing family, subject to special ritual requirements, ate this sacrificial lamb. christians celebrate easter in remembrance of their deliverance from slavery to the devil and sin, remembrance of the redemption of the human race accomplished by jesus christ. agantsa. blameless, who took upon himself the sins of the world and innocently suffered for each of us. undoubtedly, the celebration of christian easter dates back to the times of the holy apostles. st. augustine, one of
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the church fathers, calls the annual remembrance suffering and resurrection of the savior by apostolic institution. in that century it was finally established. time to celebrate easter. the first ecumenical council, held in 325 in the city of nicaea, in the territory of modern turkey, decided that all local churches should celebrate easter on the same day. on the sunday after the full moon, which occurs after the spring equinox. it was decided to celebrate christian easter after the jewish passover, which consolidated the ancient tradition that existed back in the days. apostolic in the christian communities of rome empires. the time for celebrating easter is calculated according to the lunar calendar, which does not coincide with the solar calendar, so easter falls on different dates, but always on sunday. the earliest easter is april 4, the latest is
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may 8. in the west, they currently adhere to a different easter principle, the principle of calculation. always, now and ever and unto ages of ages, christ is risen from the dead, he has brought death upon death, and he has given life to those in the tomb; christ
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has risen from the dead, and trampled down death by death.
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after each verse the choir sings the troparion, a short chant glorifying the risen lord. let us rejoice, let us be glad.
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the doors of the temple open. this action marks the opening for the human race
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of the doors of heaven, which was accomplished by christ's death and his glorious resurrection. the patriarch and the clergy enter the temple. christ is risen. christ will rise, christ will rise, all participants in the procession follow the patriarch. the easter trapar sounds in latin and greek. the news, the good news of the risen savior. by the grace of god and the efforts of the apostle.
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ami, christ is risen, christ is risen, truly risen. with these words, orthodox people will greet each other for 40 days until the holiday of holy easter, which is celebrated on the eve of the ascension of the lord. following this ancient tradition. faithful followers of christ testify that the creator’s love for his creation is immeasurable, it is stronger than the death of corruption itself
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, for christ has risen. christ is risen, risen! christ is risen, truly risen! christ is risen! truly risen! christ is risen! christ will rise again! an important event for our entire country, the inauguration of the elected head
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of state will take place on easter week on tuesday, may 7. and by our father, his holiness patriarch kirill, about his eminences , the metropolitans and the bishop, among the presbytery.
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to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. the most solemn part of uthria begins. easter canon.
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“come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and i will give you rest. truly, with god there is lightness and joy in the soul, and even when we are visited by temporary difficulties and trials, we must firmly believe that the lord himself, our patron assistant, invisibly
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but effectively extends to us his gracious and merciful hand." metropolitan gregory of the resurrection, manager of the affairs of the moscow patriarchate, first vicar of the patriarch for the city of moscow , addressed us all with easter greetings .
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to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and forever, the exclamation was pronounced by metropolitan
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gregory of the resurrection. risen, risen christ, yahovah.
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sat down in the grave, we will be forgiven and unharmed in your birth, and the answers to the growth of cream, christ will rise from the dead, my salvation, the living sacrificial law of life, as god himself greets his father adam, rose from him, christ is risen, christ is risen. christ
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is risen! christ will rise again! christ will rise again! the encoding was performed by bishop alexy of ramensky, personal secretary of patriarch kirill. it's easier! containing those slain by christ, i threw up the resurrection , rose from the tomb.
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the sixth song of the easter canon has ended. the clergy heads to the altar. altar of the latin word. origin translated into russian means exalted altar. here is the throne on which the divine eucharist, the sacrament
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of thanksgiving, is celebrated. this place of the special presence of god sounds the sunday song of the resurrection of christ, which is performed throughout the year at every sunday vigil, for every sunday the church glorifies the risen lord. moreover, the main day of the week is called sunday. christ conquered death, the tragedy of death is followed by the triumph of life. after his sunday, the lord greeted everyone with the words “rejoice.” there is no more death. the apostles announced this joy to the world. they called this joy the gospel, the good news of the resurrection of christ. this joy fills the heart of every believer
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. when he hears christ is risen, she responds in him with victorious words, truly resurrection,
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one of the trapari of the seventh canto poetically and clearly reveals to us the reasons for the rejoicing of the church in christ’s bright resurrection of death. srasiya successful pologeria, come
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blessedly. russian translation: we celebrate the death of the death of the power of hell without explanation, we celebrate the beginning of eternal life in delight, we sing a hymn in honor of the author of the victory of christ, he is god, the only blessed one, the god of our fathers, glorified.
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believe, my soul, who rose three days from the tomb of christ, the life-giver, shining, shining,
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new rusalim of the lord, shining upon you... christ is risen, christ is risen, walking performed by patriarchal archdeacon konstantin bargan and protodeacon of the cathedral of christ the savior nikolai filatov. we rejoice, christ is risen from the dead. the last ninth hymn of the canon
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contains an appeal and joyful greeting to the church of christ, which is also called new jerusalem, and an appeal to the most holy theotokos with a call to rejoice spiritually at the resurrection of the one born to her. holy, holy, new jerusalem, may the glory of the lord shine upon you. glory be to you.
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the memories of that christmas.
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let us bring death.
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tvosklese, then the easter stichera are sung, which are preceded by the singing of a verse from the psalter, may god rise again, and be scattered and disappear. yours, the pasta of faith, as soon as it licks us, after displacing the sight, as you have disappeared, come,
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the wife’s answer is good... god’s, and to rejoice righteously, i look at this woman, behold, in the depths of the priest, who buried
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an angel, sitting on a stone, and preached to her.
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easter eggs painted red remind us that the price of this victory is the blood of the savior, which was shed by him on
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the cross for the salvation of all people, us let's say goodbye. then the catechetical word of st. john chrysostom for easter is read. this saint, who lived in the century, was the archbishop of constantinople.
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the catechetical word of the living saints of our father john, archbishop chrysostom of constantinople on the holy day of the glorious saving resurrection of christ our god. anyone who is pious and god-loving will enjoy this wonderful, bright celebration. who is a prudent servant? let him joyfully enter into the joy of his lord, whoever has labored while fasting will now take a denarius, whoever has worked from the first hour, has achieved what he should...
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has achieved, does not doubt at all, for he is not deprived of anything, whoever has slowed down until the ninth hour, let him begin without any doubt and without fearing anything, who managed to come only at... and then yes is not afraid of delay, for the ruler is generous and accepts the latter as the first, calms the one who came at the eleventh hour, just as he who worked from the first hour, has mercy on the latter, and rewards the first what is worthy, and gives to him, and bestows on him, and accepts deeds and intentions welcomes and... honors deeds and praises dispositions. so, all of you, enter into the joy of your lord, both
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first and second, and receive your reward. rich and poor, rejoice one another, temperate and lazy, honor this day. those who fasted and those who did not fast, rejoice today, the meal is plentiful, enjoy everything, taurus. nourished, let no one go away hungry, let everyone enjoy the feast of faith, everyone accept the riches of goodness, let no one cry for their misery, for the common kingdom has opened, let no one cry for sins, for forgiveness has shone from the grave, let no one fear death, for it freed us: the death of the savior, he extinguished it, being held by it, descended into hell, captivated hell, grieved it, taking on his flesh, and
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isaiah, who foresaw it, exclaimed: “hell,” he says, he was upset, having met you in the underworld, he was upset , for he was abolished, grieved, for he was mocked, grieved, for having died... he was grieved, for he was deposed , grieved, for he was bound, took on a body, touched god, accepted the earth, met heaven, accepted what he saw, fell into what you have not seen, death, where is your sting, hell, where is your victory, christ has risen, and you are not... cast out, christ has risen and the demons have fallen, christ has risen and the angels rejoice,
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christ has risen and life is established, christ has risen and there is no dead in the tomb, for christ has risen from the dead, the firstborn of those who died, to him be glory and dominion forever and ever. amen! it is no coincidence that the church adopted the name chrysostom to the archbishop and john. but i punished you verbally. the forest of christ god will save our souls. be pleased and
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be thy mercy. we pray to you, please hear. we also pray for our great lord and father, his holiness the patriarchs. in all piety and purity!
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we pray for the mercy of life, peace, health, salvation, visitation, forgiveness and forgiveness of sins of the servants of god, the brethren of this holy temple, we also pray for those who bear fruit and
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do good. in the all-honorable light, the temples of these toilers, singing and coming people expecting from you, great and rich mercies, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, lord have mercy, let us fulfill our morning prayer lord, lord, intercede, save, have mercy, save us,
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o god, with your grace. gentlemen, please! other time of our belly in in the world of repentance, die with the lord, we ask! the christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful, and we ask for a good answer in fear of the judgment of christ!
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god! to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages. centuries, amen, peace to all, our head, bow to the lord, lord, yours is the saving grace, our god, and we send glory to you, father and son and the holy spirit.
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the faith of orthodox christians forever and ever, christ will rise from faith, death is taken away by death, life, yes.
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will save us, for christ is good and lover of mankind he is risen, he is risen, christ is risen, and he is risen, christ is risen, he will rise, christ is risen from death, death according to the ancient wisdom of life for free.
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bless the most holy ruler, blessed is the kingdom of the father and the son and the holy one.
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the kingdom of heaven begins here on earth for those who partake of eternal life through faith, acceptance of the holy mysteries of the body and blood of christ, through life according to the commandments of the gospel. the patriarch encodes the icon and goes to...
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christ is risen from the dead, by death he is risen to the right of the life of the gifts, christ is risen, in truth he is risen, christ is risen, in truth he is risen, christ is risen, in truth he is risen, christ is risen, in truth he is risen, christ is risen.
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he gave life to the coffin. deaths measured. yes. let us pray to the lord in peace, then the archdeacon pronounces the great or peaceful litany.
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but first of all, of course, spiritual, although the church does not forget about the simple everyday concerns of man, preserving the earthly and heavenly, temporary and eternal, on this easter night we add our prayers to the requests for peaceful worship now being heard in the church, spiritual experience the church testifies to the special power of such a common cathedral.
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save us. glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit. and forever and ever. amen. through your prayers to the mother of god, save us. bye bye and in peace let us pray to the lord. intercede, save, have mercy, preserve us, o god, with your grace.
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says that the main benefit of god to the human race lies in the sending to earth of the son of god, incarnate from the most holy theotokos, and by his death on the cross, conquering death. this hymn was composed by the byzantine emperor justinian
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the great who lived at the turn of the 5th-6th centuries. music by alexander kastalsky. we give to the father and the holy spirit save. paki and paki, let us pray to the lord in peace, intercede, save, have mercy, preserve us, o god, with your grace, most holy, most pure, blessing.
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christ is risen from the dead, he died to the dead and the seeking ones. "may god rise again and
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his enemies be scattered, and those who hate him flee from his presence. during the execution of the third antiphon, which consists of singing the verses of the psalm of the troparion of easter, the clergy leaves.
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the patriarch venerates the gospel, the archdeacon recites verses from the psalt wisdom, forgive, church, bless god, the lord, from the fountain of israel, looking at the gospel, the clergy sing. “come, let us bow down and fall before christ.
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and the patriarch at this time overshadows everyone with the dekiri with the trikiri. trikiri are three candles that symbolize the holy trinity, the father, the son and the holy spirit.” odikiriy - two candles, symbolize two natures: divine and human in jesus christ. by the way, when we make the sign of the cross, we confess the same doctrine about the holy trinity about jesus christ, for three fingers folded together.
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they head to the altar, and stopping on the raised platform in front of the altar, the patriarch again blues the worshipers with the dekirii and trikirii. having venerated the icons on the royal doors, the holy bishop enters the altar and here venerates the throne.
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lord, save, the pious, lord, saved, saved, and heard.
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forever and ever, amen! then the chant sounds: elitsa was baptized into christ.
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on a high place there is a throne on which the patriarch sits while reading the apostle, books that contain part of the new testament, acts and epistles of the holy apostles.
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the reading of the apostle is preceded by an exclamation.
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milostigo. god, do it, lord, let us rejoice and take it for ourselves. all day long, create him, lord. rejoice and be exalted
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, let us heed the wisdom of the works of the saints. jesus, teach, even to the very end, the commandments of the apostle, the holy spirit, you will be exalted by them, set your life before them according to your suffering, in their many true signs, i admire them for days saying, i am in the kingdom of god, with they are poisonous.
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and having gathered them, he commanded them, do not depart from jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the father, which you heard from me, for jonah baptized with water, and a few days after this you will be baptized with the holy spirit. therefore, they came together and asked him, saying: “ are you not always restoring the kingdom to israel, lord?” he told them. it is not your business to know the times and seasons that the father has set in his
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power. but you will receive the power when it comes the holy spirit is upon you, and you will be my witnesses in jerusalem, and in all judea and samaria, and even to the ends of the earth, amen. ask for wisdom and let us hear the holy gospel.
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peace to all. from john's holy gospel, reading. the gospel will be proclaimed in several languages, such is the peculiarity of the easter service.
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the word was god, it was in the beginning with god, everything began to be through him, without him nothing began to be that began to be, in him there was life, and life was the light of men, the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it, kulyushain
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light, so that through him all may believe. he was not the light, but was sent to testify to the light. there was true light who enlightens every person who comes into the world. he was in the world, and the world began to be through him, and the world did not know him, he came to his own.
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the glory as of the only begotten of the and weld them on us, and we behold his glory, father, full of grace and truth, john bear witness of him, and cried saying, this was he of form i speak, he that comes after me, is prefected before me, for he was before, desde la plenitud de él, hemos participado todos nosotros y recibido gracias sobre gracia, porque la ley fue dada por moisés, mas la gracia y la verdad fueron traídas, and to those who accepted him, to those who believe in his name, he gave the power to become children of god. who
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was born not of blood, not of the will of the flesh, not of the will of man, but of god, and the word became flesh, the full grace of truth dwelt among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as the only begotten of the father. john testifies of him. he says, this was the one about whom i said that he was coming after me, stood in front of me, because he was before. where am i, and from its fullness we have all received, and grace upon grace, for the law was given through moses, grace and truth came through jesus
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christ. so, the gospel of john was read.
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with your kindness and mercy, despise the massacres and all the defenders of our fatherland, who strengthen us all in faith, like-mindedness, health and strength of spirit, here, lord, hear,
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and mercifully have mercy, we also pray for those who are fruitful and virtuous, in all things holy, unrighteous,
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fill us , having faith, hope and love, rise up in all the countries of holy russia, peace and unanimity for each other, renew love in your people, as if they were united by the oral with our hearts, let us confess to you, the only god glorified in the trinity, that you would intercede victory for the salvation of those who trust in you, and to you... we send glory to the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and
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unto the ages of ages. patriarch, read a prayer for holy russia. as we always preserve your support, we send glory to you, the father and the son and the holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.
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with you.
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and belly.
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your holiness orthodox patriarchs, your beatitudes archbishops and metropolitans, your eminence metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, all priestly and monastic rank, may the lord god change in his kingdom, always, now and ever and forever and ever, good. our great lord and father kirill, the most holy patriarch of moscow of all russia, the holy trinity
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lavra of st. sergius, is sacred to the archimandrite. may the lord god remember you in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and forever and ever, all of you orthodox christians, may the lord god remember you in his kingdom, always, now and ever, and forever and ever.
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orimosti. so, the cup of wine and the paten with bread were transferred from the altar to the throne. the final words of the cherum song sound. hallelujah.
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next, the patriarch prays that the lord would grant him the opportunity to offer the holy gifts as a spiritual sacrifice, and would send down on them, as well as on all believers, the grace of the holy spirit. meanwhile, petitions are heard, the so-called petitionary ones. for the souls of our bodies, we ask the lord, forgiveness
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of our sins and transgressions, we ask the lord, kind and sick souls and peace from the lord we ask, the rest of our life in peace, repentance. we ask the lord christian death of our belly, painless, shameless, peaceful, and a good answer in fear, the judgment seat of christ, we ask our most holy, most pure, most blessed, glorious mistress theotokos and ever- virgin mary. with all the saints, having remembered ourselves and each other and our whole life,
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let us commit ourselves to christ our god, o lord, through the bounties of thy only begotten son, with whom thou art blessed, co-holy and good and life-giving with thy spirit, now and ever and unto the ages of ages. amen.
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and judge the future with glory alive and dead. there will be no end to his kingdom. and in the spirit of the holy, life-giving lord, who proceeds from the father. between father and son we worship and glorify the blessed prophets. united holy catholic and apostolic church, i confess one baptism for the remembrance
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of sins, i believe in the resurrection of the dead and the future life forever, amen. let us become kind, let us become fearful, and bring holy offerings to the world. the spring chant of the mercy of the world sounds, the music of protereus by mikhail vinogradov, the most important moment of the divine liturgy begins, the holy eucharist, the offering a bloodless sacrifice of thanksgiving for everyone for everything, the grace of our lord, jesus christ and
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the love of god and the father and... the communion of the holy spirit will be with you all, and so, we have greater hearts, let us renounce everything earthly, let us lift up our mind and heart into the heavenly world above , thank you. lord, the worthy righteousness will sing to you and bless you, the celebration of the sacrament of the eucharist begins with thanksgiving, we will pray together with ours. your holy one, you were brought to us without being, everything that created before us
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was ascended to heaven and your kingdom was granted future. we thank you, your only begotten son and your holy spirit, in all of them we live and in their unknown and manifested and unmanifested blessings that have been upon us, we thank you for this service you have already deigned to accept at the hands of ours , and even before you stand before you thousands of archangels , angels, cherubim and seraphim , six-krillation and multi-reading towering karnati. the victory song is sung while the song is sung.
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now the establishing words of the sacrament of the eucharist, the sacrament of thanksgiving, will be heard. take, eat, this is my body, which was broken off, for the remission of sins. better bowl
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in the evening and verb. drink from it, all of you, this is my blood, the new testament, but i am shed for you for many, for the remission of sins.
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we sing to you, we bless you, we thank you, lord, and we pray, our god, god, cleanse us sinners, have mercy on us, god, cleanse us sinners, have mercy on us, god, cleanse us sinners , have mercy on us, we also offer verbal and bloodless service, and we ask and pray and melosad, did not save the spirit of your holy nana.
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change the first, o lord, most holy orthodox patriarchs, most blessed archbishops and metropolitans, right reverend metropolitans, archbishops and bishops, grant them to your holy churches in peace, whole, honest, sound.
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your honorable and magnificent name, father and son and holy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. peace to all, and may the mercy
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of the great god of our savior, jesus christ, be with you all. all saints, having remembered the tanks and packs, peace.
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having asked for the holy spirit for ourselves and for each other and for our whole life we ​​will give over to christ god, to you, lord, vouchsafe us, master, to call upon us with the courage of the uncondemned sweep to you the heavenly god of the father and the verb,
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the spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. amen. peace to all. and spirited. bow your heads to the lord. to you, lord. by the grace and generosity and love of thy only begotten son, with whom thou art blessed, co-holy and good and life-giving with thy spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages, o holy amen. the cry holy to holies reminds us
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that every christian saint is called to holiness . the apostle paul in his epistles calls the first followers of the savior saints. moreover, this exclamation reminds that the holy thing, the body of christ, is given to those who have cleansed their souls by repentance in the sacrament of confession. hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah. the lord alone is holy, he is the only source of holiness, and he can make every person who is directed toward him with all his heart and
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soul a partaker of his holiness. at this moment of the service, when the communion of the clergy takes place in the altar, the altar symbolizes the upper room of zion.
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the holy righteous jonah wrote wonderfully about the essence of orthodox worship, as a school of prayer, theology and thought of god kronshtatsky, who served as a pastor in the second half of the 19th and early 20th centuries, church and worship. beloved o lord, your eminence archpastors, honorable presbyters and deacons,
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god-loving monks and nuns, dear brothers and sisters, on this current feast of feasts and celebrations and celebrations, which, according to the word of st. gregory the theologian, so far surpass all celebrations, not only human and earthly, but even those of christ and for christ. only the sun surpasses the stars. it is with great joy that i turn to you ancient and eternally new, a greeting familiar to everyone and at the same time invariably inspiring our hearts. christ is risen. these two life-affirming words contain so much syrah that they make people’s faces shine with spiritual joy. the reality around us is literally transformed. heaven, earth, and even
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the underworld are filled with light, the visible and invisible world celebrates, for christ has risen, eternal joy. the resurrection of the savior is not just a historical event that we learn about from sacred texts. this is the cornerstone stone of faith. according to the words of saint philart of moscow, eternal news, a source of reflection, surprise, gratitude and hope. through the incarnation, suffering and ancient uprisings, the savior renews human nature, delivers us from the power of the sin of death, opens for people the gates of the heavenly kingdom, shows us the path to unity with the creator. it is in christ, who reconciled the world to god, that we all have the opportunity to receive
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justification as sons, to obtain eternal life, for there is no other name under heaven by which we must be saved except the name jesus, whom god raised from the dead. the rise from the savior's tomb offers death and immortality. sadness into joy, doom into hope. on the cross in resurrection the god of infinite goodness and perfect love is revealed to us. awareness of this all-conquering love of god encourages us to be grateful to the creator, and gives us the strength to overcome the most difficult mental states , difficult circumstances, and elevates us. that everyday life, helps to correct previous mistakes and destroys the despondency that prevents us from
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living fully and spiritually developing. often people succumb to the crafty thought that evil dominates and triumphs, and good seems imperceptibly weak. our mind doubts the power of christ's redemption when... we see the death of loved ones around us, hear about the eternity of torment for sinners from the pages of the gospel, and watch the world lying in evil. but the church. god has been convincingly testifying for thousands of years. the savior conquered sin, destroyed death and devastated hell. catechetical sermon for holy easter. christ overcame the inevitability of death and the universality of evil. and we
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we look at their defeat through the eyes of faith from the life of the next century from the easter heights. the lord's rise from the grave reminds us not only of the most important event of the past, but also testifies to the coming general resurrection. for if we believe that jesus died and rose again, then god will bring with him those who died in jesus. we need it through fulfilling the commandments of the lord, through doing deeds.
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there is a great reward ahead, and let the feast do not abandon your hope, in which the resurrection of the lord jesus will be unchangeable a reminder of these true divine promises that give us hope and strength in the most difficult circumstances. may this celebration inspire us all to live in faith and love, knowing that no matter death,
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jesus will deliver us from the wrath to come. amen. kirill, patriarch of moscow of all russia, easter, 2024. the message was read out by grandmother mikhail ryazantsev, sacristan of the cathedral of christ the savior. this message is announced in all churches of the russian orthodox church. miriana's communion begins in the church. come with the fear of god and faith. get started
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to the holy chalice, realizing his unworthiness and believing that he resides in it.
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this concludes the live broadcast of the easter service from the cathedral of christ the savior. happy holiday to all of you, dear tv viewers, be healthy and protected by god on all paths of life. christ is risen, truly christ is risen! amen!
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give me my carriage, give it back, give me my carriage, this is my carriage, this is my carriage, what happened to you, quickly, what are you doing there, come, i say, you see, today is mine, come on, come on, yes, now i’ll just change clothes, come on , let's, i’ll take you and drop the kids off at kindergarten on the way, come on, oh,
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well, next time you’ll earn more, right? well, of course i’ll make money. you and i have only holidays ahead. it’s your birthday, our anniversary, by the way. yes. yes. pink
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wedding. oh, they also call it lovyanny. egor, 10 years have passed. like yesterday, right? yes. i'm thinking, thinking. what should i give you? but i don’t know, well, who knows, maybe it’s a surprise, okay, let’s have a surprise, we agreed, just look at the road, i’m looking, looking, okay, daughter, help as much as you can. not for medications enough, but where are your children, why aren’t they helping? my daughter lives in another city, it’s grandma’s own fault, she raised her daughter poorly,
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i won’t give you money. coming, good morning, hello, make me coffee with cinnamon and a pinch of cayenne pepper, a pinch, got it, natalya borisovna, glad to see you, mutual, galina olegovna, mutual, well, you’re happy with your hair, quite, your girls work well. but i love going to the tanchika, her hand is light, and if you don’t want to get a manicure, you ’ll get a big discount, you know, i’d freshen it up, but to unfortunately, there is no time, absolutely no
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time, oh, as i understand you, we as leaders never have enough time for ourselves. your coffee, galina alegovna, please, still put the pepper in, stupid!
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yes, darling, the window has appeared, that’s it, i’m already flying, i’ll be there in 2 hours, please, we have an old woman creeping under the window, figure it out, make sure she’s not there, how to bend it, what kind of questions, of course, we have this is a beauty salon, not a porch, a spa, i brought warm clothes for the old lady. they got their blood from them. masha, please hand out the notebooks. subject our lesson today is the story of enchantment alla prusa. this story was written at the beginning of the last century. why are you
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giving me a two? i wrote everything fine, nikita, well , firstly, you copied everything from the internet, and secondly, you saw how many mistakes you have, and that others have less, this is the only d in the class, if you want everything fix it, come after school for a consultation, well, now, i hope everyone has read alexander green’s story, alla and sails, you liked it, yes, we have nothing else to do, read all kinds of bullshit, but you, nikita, as i see it. didn't read it, why? i watched the movie and opened a couple of links on the internet, you know what i’ll tell you, a fairy tale about dreamers, it completely sucks, your captain gray is crap, do you know why? that's how you can put so much money on some kind of sail, if only you bought something normal, bought yourself a car, took off your chicks, what a woman, there were no cars at that time, i would have understood what is in romance, listen, petrov, you in general shut up, woman, no one will ever come for you,
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at most in some scarlet cossack. nikita, i hope that you will understand that showing off money is not the most important thing in life. varvara semyon, how did it happen that babanin got straight c’s in literature and, in addition, a d’ in essay. he didn’t read a single text on the program; he doesn’t care about the russian language at all. nikita babanin cannot have grades lower than four. don't forget that his father works in the city administration, he is a member of the board of trustees. to the gymnasium and in general, you know what kind of help he provides, but what is last year’s repairs worth? zoya vasilievna, you understand perfectly well that such an attitude spoils children. i'm not going to debate with you. either you correct the situation, or i draw conclusions? he carries this woman around like he’s wearing a dirty bag, and he
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takes advantage of it. the whole school is groaning. also yesterday, the owners called and asked to pay rent for the house, 2 days have already been as it should be, i already paid last night, by the way, the lease of your salon was also extended for six months, only for six months? we'll see, look at your
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behavior, that's it, i have to go. do you have anything to reproach me with? i have only home working for you at the first request, you are perfect, like this always, stayed with the ideal for half an hour and run, gal, what do you want, the same thing, to be with you always, well, don’t start, yes, by the way, i have a surprise for you , i have a wife’s daughter, they are going to lozano. m, so we
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will be with you for 3 whole days, yes, we will still celebrate your birthday properly. it's a long wait now, please. where did these prices come from, suppliers raised them, they say crisis, crisis, they have goods for another six months, but they want to sell it at new prices, and where were you looking, why not right away i didn’t say it, but throw it in the trash, why is
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the old woman still here, well, i ordered it yesterday, we told her, but she doesn’t leave, well, that means they spoke badly. there’s nothing else to do with this, hello, comrade, i have business with you, you don’t have classes today, i remember, yes, what happened, you need to replace me at the market, the saleswoman got sick, i would stand behind the counter myself, but i don’t need to i need to go to customs, i wanted to do so many things today, but i never got to do them. ends, and i’ll pay you, money will never hurt you, it certainly won’t, well you'll help me out, you'll earn money yourself, okay, i need to change clothes, yes, come on, get ready,
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you see, the person doubts, thinks, take it, don't take it, you tell him, oh, the thing is good, like yours, in general, praise, praise, there you’ll figure it out, in general, i have everything there in size, tights, socks, most importantly money.
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hey, wait, wait! so you have a construction site 8d jackdaw, what
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a surprise, how many years have you not seen each other, probably 10 years, but i was looking for you, i... called you, where did you go, circumstances, new life, everything has changed, and you, i don't i was expecting to see you here, you seemed to dream of teaching children, and i work at a school, then today a neighbor asked me to replace her, uh-huh, what are you doing, i have my own business, a beauty salon, uh-huh, in general, everything is fine, for except for the torn tights, but pick me something decent, what? yes, how is mom doing? ok, how are your parents? mom died 2 years ago, yes, i know, mom told me, dad sold the house,
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moved closer to us, can you change clothes there? here's my phone number, call me if you're in the mood, maybe we'll meet sometime, let's chat, thank you, that's it, bye, bye. listen, how do you know this fifa? seems to be
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not from the same sandbox? we went to the same school from the same village, we were inseparable, we even had a birthday party, attention to everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, the premiere for victory day, we need to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered paton to be transferred to the 267th regiment major roman, whatever , come on! comrade romanov, who mr. imprisoned, then a special thank you from me personally, let's go and dance, vladimir nikolaevich, i don’t dance, i don’t dance, i don’t drink, here’s an example of what kind of officer’s shoulder straps you have, she behaves like the last one in space, welcome to the ranks of those who stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your fault, only penalty soldiers go into battle, the task is not lungs, you will have to act quickly. fighters, the battle for the crimea, attention, everyone
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is getting ready for battle, are you out of your mind, let them go beyond that, he said to accept the battle, from monday on rtr, they say you need to prepare for rest, you need to be able to rest, you need to rest beautifully. but you need to rest, where sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anexc. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurgadeya. where luxury rooms and villas combine with golden sand. beach 1 km long. impeccable service and
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exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish seats & villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. rixsas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium sea gate. rixos premium seagate. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service. incredible culinary experience. masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting
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adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in titanic lakshery collection bodrum. this is a cook, a dishwasher, a technician, a teacher, a teacher, a seamstress, and the husband gets tired at work. enough, enough, this! your father had no children, where are you from? i am from minsk? izmailovsky park, premiere on sunday on rtr, new russian cinema, i'm after my brother, now i have to find him, love, as proof of life, happiness has resurrected me, she. loves me, in a couple of days you will go there, to your gray wife,
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go, i will come back for you, do you hear, call sign passenger, may 10 on rtr, well, she taught a lot of deuces, but i haven’t had time yet, only children i put it to bed, come on, show me how much you worked there, but you give, mother, i didn’t expect from you, listen, quit your school, come to work with me at the market, i’ll open a point for you, no, trading is not my thing, i love children or... in vain you will earn more in the market, here is your share, thank you very much, by the way, you remember about the birthday, but why, you want a holiday, you don’t have the strength, yes, well, yegor
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has recovered, well, he’s worried , of course, he takes on any job, but today he left for the whole night, you are lucky with your man, he... loves you, children i'm dragging myself around in the field, then i'm pounding, pounding, i come, tired as a dog, and there's even no one to tell you how tired you are. lit, what is your zodiac sign? sagittarius, i read in a magazine here that sagittarius people have a high probability of getting married this year, oh well, that’s what it says.
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that's all it seems. hello, hello, pebble, hello, daughter, yes, mom, hello, i forgot to ask you what kind of cake
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i’ll bake you for your birthday, walnut or napoleon, pike, whichever you want, it doesn’t matter, well, daughter, you promised, i ’ll have guests, mom, well, i’ll come when i can, so what? make a tragedy, that's it, my friends, i propose to raise a glass to the most beautiful, most beloved woman in the world, to my wife, hurray, hurray, thank you, hurray, dad, let me give you the cold drink, don’t worry, i’m... caring for semyon ivanovich, lida, actually, it’s me who has to look after you, i actually don’t mind, then yes, uh-huh, andrey, what are you talking about, you need to eat everything, but i eat, thief, uh-huh, my figure is lost , alya is awesome, oh my god,
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how delicious, are you lucky egor? wife, beauty, cook deliciously, i’m only surprised how you are like this slim, i try to fit in, well, there’s a short break between the first and second, varya, i congratulate you on your birthday, i want to drink to you, to your family, to love, because there is nothing more important than love in this, in this world, to love.
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here you go, sign and date it, thank you. well, why am i waiting for you, the courier comes again, as many as possible, i already have
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five of these boxes, little darling, forgive me, i won’t be able to come to you, well, you promised, my daughter had a fever, my wife refused the trip, and in general it seems to me that she, she suspects that i have someone, we need to hide. in time, hello, gal, galya, hello, sofia. hello, what are you doing? in prague? did you buy an apartment? well done! great!
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no, i'm fine, i just wanted to chat. well, call me when you get back. come on, come on, bye. the subscriber is temporarily unavailable. call back future.
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hello, var, i congratulate you on our common holiday, happy birthday, thank you, and you won’t mind if i come, that’s it, send me the address with an sms. "no, no, i'll find it, bye, if you gave me a chance, i would fix everything, come to me, darling, give me back my childhood, and you know that song: “isn’t it too early to sleep, is n’t it too late?” and sing, you can’t say everything, you can’t say everything , you are so close and so
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far away, the neighbor is treating me, i’m telling you straight, i’m tired of love, of tears, and you’re like this, my soul is frozen, i’ll call a taxi, with the last money, if you say, leave, i’ll stay, make up your mind quickly, we still have time, and you’re like, i’m afraid for myself, bravo, you sing well, lida, you have talent, thank you, i have a lot. different talents, yeah, where are our boys, and where are our boys? sasha, alyonya, what are you doing there, they
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ate half a box of chocolates, it’s okay , get out quickly, come on, come on, get out, diathesis will be red cheeks, there will be no diathesis, get out, i say, well, where will i look at you, well, look , egor, go wash them, and i’ll go put the chicken in the oven, i ’ll help, let’s fly, fly, fly, fly,
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hello, hello! and varya, who lives here? here, only now she is orlova, i'm her husband egor, you were playing, probably yes , please come in, jackdaw, how glad i am that you came, hello, hello, thank you, especially for such an area, i let the taxi go right away , i got lost, i had to walk along the sleepers, yes what are you doing? yes, yours or renting, ours egor and his mother used to live here, and now we are, a little cramped, of course, but cozy, everything here egor did with his own hands, yes, a good husband for you, also handsome, oh, what are you doing here, what is this like that, come quickly to your room, oh my god,
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they’re so pretty, yes. they and the city are mine happiness. well, can we go to the table? oh, here it is, happy birthday. thank you, gal. happy birthday to you too. sorry, i didn't have time to prepare the gift. it's ok. well, let's go to the table? well, shall i open the gift? it's so beautiful, it's, it's very expensive. how else? gallya, thank you very much, but i cannot accept such an expensive gift. stop it, here's another gift certificate for you to visit my salon. thank you very much, i just need to get my hands in order. oh yes, let’s do it this way, i’ll take the certificate, but i can’t do this. well do you want to offend me? hurry up, i can't do anything. well, great,
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it suits you very well. this is for the table, why did you waste money, i prepared so much that olivier will have it, yes, olivier will have herring with shugo, and jellied meat, you definitely won’t remain hungry, let’s go, you had the same one, so this is it yes, what are you talking about, uh-huh, dad gave me a wardrobe and a sideboard when he moved, in that room as a memory of the old house, how we lived there, it was nice, remember, of course, i remember how i returned to childhood, remember, how big he seemed and we are small, okay, it’s not bad now,
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let’s go celebrate, have a good time. “meet my school friend galya, today is also her birthday, which means there are two birthday girls today, yes, congratulations, galchika, sit down, i’ll look after you, yeah, here’s galya, i would meet you on the street and not recognize you, you’re so beautiful “thank you, tell me, what do you do, how do you live?” “i have my own business, a country cottage, a car, in general, everything is fine, i understand, well done, but how many children do you have, i’m not married yet, that’s okay, you know, the main thing is don’t be upset, well, in the modern world this is normal, yes, everything
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is ahead, you see what kind of girls we have, they do everything with their work, their minds, they achieve everything.
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soviet people are fish, others are not here, evgeny tkachuk, i am a fort, they will definitely not kill me, i will be with you until the end of my life, fyodor dobronravov, he will calculate everything, figure everything out, put everything in order. righteous may 9 on rtr.
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immerse yourself in a world of luxury and coziness at riksas golf villas and suite sharmelshey, a magnificent world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless... horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma.
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we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge into a view. well, harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart, svisotel sharmelshey, your ideal place in the heart of the city. titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. on
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victory day, the seventh grade school was no longer left of the heroes of bygone days; they took it and went to the front. i have a lump in my throat. dark night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big festive release on may 9 on rtr, oh, ol, there looks like there’s a brand new, cheerful curtain at the door, galya sent me some money, so i bought it, i wanted to please her, well, let’s go, let’s go, at least clink tea for my daughter, yes. with our pressure now we can only drink tea and drink, and even then it’s not strong, but well done your
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galya, she’s achieved a lot, she just wishes she’d come more often, what are you saying, maros, they have a completely different friend in the city. life, well, yes, well, yes, why are you standing here, something is wrong, is everything okay?
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yes, yes, it was i who drove into you, how much do you want? i recognized you right away, the car is nonsense. let's do this, i'll give you 20,000 now and we'll assume that this incident is over, okay? i don’t need money, but what do you need? it’s okay, you’re lonely, girl, i ’m lonely too, apparently the conversation didn’t go well, gal, what are you doing? and this andrey, who is he?
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egor's friend, a good guy, what does he do? he’s an electrician on the railway, of course, by the way, he’s not married, what are you, yeah, what, you decided to make me happy, first your dad, just don’t be upset, he’s giving me a pie, now you’re with this mechanic, what are you, you’re me you’re sorry, well, you’re talking nonsense, maybe i don’t want a family? are you kidding? you i wanted to get married since childhood, my mother’s daughter played more than me, childhood is over, life is different now, and children are not the main thing, how many don’t have children, it used to be that women sat at home and gave birth to children, but now all roads are open, in science, in business, everywhere, you do science or build cities, what difference does it make, golya, i don’t recognize you, why are you using someone else’s words? you say, or maybe you
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just don’t understand, maybe you’ll go and grab some pepper. oh, just don’t smoke here, you can go on the balcony, otherwise yegor can’t stand the smoke, he’s all like that correct, what's missing? no, you won’t believe it,
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really, no, and what does our angel, a process engineer, do, though he was recently fired, they started laying off pensioners at the plant, and egor stood up, he himself was left without a job, and well, he’s sitting on your neck , no, he takes on any job, drives around at night. aren't you afraid that they will leave? no, i know the secret, i wonder what the secret is, share, every family has its own secrets, here’s your salad, you’re just like your mother, i always remember fat birthdays. they left, yes, exactly, yes,
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varenka is very similar to her mother, and my mother was younger than me, you see how it happens, she was the first to leave, but please, why are we sad, we’ve already gathered for a fun occasion, maryush, you wanted to put a herring under my shupa , all that's left is that everything is ready, thank you. oh, who is this? aren’t you afraid that your wife is knocked down at home, no, little darling, well, don’t blow, but you know how much i respect you, i respect you, look, look here, look, how beautiful it is! yes, i think this color is for you, it’s
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very, okay, forgiven, my girl. you twirl your hair and glance my way, i wonder over our ball, we go play. in that love game again, laugh the cats is your attention, you smile it raises my suspicion that we will play this love game again, if
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our heart fun we may learn a brand new settle food, but to that day where..." well, i have one little problem, i drove into one goat and disappeared, but he figured me out, now he plans to sue, but it’s not my fault, he himself put the car where it was forbidden, too, you’ll get me off, i won’t be deprived of my rights now, your little ones problem, i’m already sick!” with the money that i already gave to these traffic cops of yours, i could already buy myself, where are they of the royal configuration, well, don’t swear, you yourself were against me hiring a driver,
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take the driver , i’ll pay, it will cost less, you weren’t joking either , you’re a let down, i don’t see any other way out, you ’re the best for me, well, if only you could pump up a little, i want you to be even the most handsome, the richest man to be ugly. can’t. or do you have a different opinion? hello, gal, hello. okay, what are you talking about, why would i spend money on a taxi? i can get there by minibus. yes. ok, deal. are you coming to
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me? no, i left the flash drive in my office. i thought you came to correct your grades. for what? doesn't matter. give it a four, where are you going to go? is this an elevator? in a two-story house, yes, how do you like it, luxurious, of course, yes, it’s somehow cold here, i’m used to it, if you want cognac or vodka, but cherry water goes well, give me
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tea, but i don’t have the usual one, i have green, red, white, which one for you, which one for me any. i prepared a birthday present for you, come on, you didn’t even have to bother, look, i think you ’ll like it, i just found out, this is our new notebook for notebooks, remember , you and i came up with the idea of ​​not passing notes to each other for lessons, she was lying on our lot and the teacher thought that this was our workbook, this morning the clerk was grazing near my house, look how funny my scratch was, and do you remember how he was in love with you, you are all this i saved it, yes,
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of course. did you want to tell me something? yes, yes, i had a vacancy for a driver, so i wanted to hire your yegor. what do you think? galka, what do you think? thank you so much. i think that yegor will be happy. you are a true friend, thank you. mom, hello my dears, hold the cake for us! so, what kind of holiday are we having, hello, now
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you will have a permanent job, that’s how, what kind of work, where from, galya takes you to her personal drivers, okay, i agree, let’s celebrate, come on. the inauguration ceremony of the president of the russian federation vladimir vladimirovich putin. live broadcast: may 7 at 12:00 moscow time on rtr. rest is leaving yourself
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alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmel sheikh. rixas
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radomis sharmelsheikh is the ideal place for family vacation, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh.
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andrey malakhov's evening show tomorrow on rtr. well, it’s a good unit, these are the keys, and this is
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an advance payment, no, gali, i’m not used to that, work first, then you’ll pay, well, you never know what you’re used to, i’m the boss here. i have these rules, take it, thank you, let's go.
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today we have a new topic, we will get acquainted with the work of a russian writer, wow, wow, awesome writer, wow, well, who is the author of this mediocre photoshop? nikita, is this your job? wow, you post your photos here on a dating site, but why am i here? this is vile!
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hello, hello, so, put away all the notebooks, i received an advance, we’ll celebrate, where did i buy so much stuff, that’s not all, wow, they’re beautiful, how they really miss you, everything suits you, it’s probably expensive for you i need to buy a jacket, boots for the kids, calm down, there’s enough for everything, i bought dad something else for fishing, and little things for the kids, where are they, by the way, dad
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went to the zoo with the kids, okay. hello, yes, hello, zu vasilievna, yes, i know that this is a personal emergency, goodbye, what happened, someone did photoshop with my photo, posted it on a dating site, dating is the point of something there. “very bad photos, they could fire me, but who could do this? i don’t know, a woman came into class when i wasn’t there, but for me, i didn’t turn off my laptop, how do you
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know?” before school, everyone knows everything about everyone, i think he’s also sitting where i’m sitting, on a dating site, which...
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varvara semyonno, i hope you understand, that after your immoral act on the internet. “we cannot leave you in the gymnasium, it is in your own interests to write a statement of your own free will, otherwise you will face a shameful trial and dismissal under the article, and the director really believes that i am of my own free will.” exposed yourself to ridicule? our gymnasium doesn’t need
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a bad reputation!" he. very good wine, open it, listen, gal, yash is driving, what’s the problem, call a taxi, glasses in the kitchen, you cover everything here, while i change clothes, do you like it? that dress really suits you, thank you, i
3:25 am
’m glad you like it. sorry, now i’ll wash it for you, now i’ll wash it myself.


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