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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 5:17am-5:56am MSK

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change the channel, songs from the bottom of my heart, andrei malakhov’s evening show, tomorrow on rtr, well, let’s clean it up already, now we ’re kicking the ball around a little, we have to wait for you for half an hour, we ’ll clean it up alone, and then that’s it, let’s play hard, stop! sorry, you work here, here, what do you care? morgunov, you know, let’s say, but where is she now, can you tell me, i’m looking for her, why do you need her, then, to find her? well, let's go, that
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's exactly how it was, a note, this is it, so what, why are you, why are you nervous, well , i'm nervous, what should i do, don't be nervous, i should be happy, yes, i’m happy, it’s completely unrecognizable, you understand, three aborted pregnancies. then nothing, then it’s too late, that’s the thing, well, before we should have taken something, well, yes, before, but work, andrey, walk, walk, but now, now, you understand, here’s a child, he was literally lying on our way, well, great, wait, wait, you just know, she, she took me in her arms, i didn’t have time to figure out anything, i just...
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couldn’t agree, well, money, well, that’s exactly what i understand very well, bow to anna, kolya will give you a ride, okay, thank you, anri, let's go.
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i'm coming, i'm coming, hello, zhenya, where? but there is no wife. where is she in the bathroom to the left, open up, what? go away. hello,
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hello, pasha, how are you, everything is fine, and where is the child? whose child, our child, you wanted him not to exist, so he doesn’t exist, abortion? well, what is this then, what are you talking about? i ask you, what is this? this is an ordinary rag. kitchen, okay, stop fooling around, i talked to the mother, she doesn’t seem to mind, where is the child, they took the child, they took him away, rich people, him, a boy, that means a boy,
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that means everything was fine with the boy, everything the boy was fine, his arms and legs were in place, his arms and legs were in place, and his pussy and his pussy, and you just took and gave my son away, right, like throwing him away? when i threw it away, i gave our barbie away, what have we done, and zhenya? it's the same, they cut it up. why are you hanging around here? i said get out of here. what are you
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commanding, huh? there is territory here, your territory ends at the fence, understand? and we are behind the fence, this is a free country. listen , i’ll call whoever i need now, they explain to you. that there is no such car here with such numbers and there will never be such a car myself i saw maybe there was a guest room in the house there is a guest sector there is a guest sector yes well why didn’t you say right away and you that there are no young killers yet but we’ll sign up okay let’s get out of here then i’m tired of this bourgeois bastard what did you say i’ll try it at my place now at first life will turn out to be a mess, oops, oops, so, go to sleep, go to sleep, oh my god, what are you, not sleeping, no, not sleeping, not in one eye, who
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will fall asleep with such a rocking, really, put away the toy, put it away , clean it up, i myself, no, give it, how do you know how to do it, i know, i know, because women have it in their blood. you know, it’s from nature, well, how i met, met, yes, there’s such an auntie, like european old ladies, travelers, purple hair, uh-huh, and we’re good-looking, the coverage is quite domestic, and what, well, first he talked about the rule of law, then in what will it cost to bypass it, so to speak, the price for a detour, you know? we don’t need the papilla now, really, how much, how much, what difference does it make, how much, no, i just asked, she will do everything herself, the child is connected, quietly, well, what are you doing, go, go, go, go, we want to sleep, and where is our animal, henri,
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look, my god, oh, prolonged stress, what tenderness, no-nya, well, that’s it, i said, go, okay , then i’ll go with him, like that, okay, really, i’ll go, i’ll take a walk, come on, let’s take a walk, fool, great, pour a beer, salim, two beers.
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hello, citizen, chief.
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my child, what does your child mean, my zhenya, who is zhenya, wait, is zhenya feminine, or what? you have a child, right? well, why not, it's fine, ok, well done, well done, i didn’t expect it, here you go.
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what number? well, the number of the car, which means there is a number of the car, yeah, well, that’s not bad, not bad, what do you want me to find out who the owner is, or what? you can, female nature, to be ten with your loved one, tomorrow you will find me here, come on.
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i read in a magazine, while he’s sleeping, let him sleep, but if he wants to eat, he wakes up, well, let him sleep for now, yes, and i’ll sit, sit, now i ’ll sit, that’s it, that’s it, sleep, this thing won’t overheat the food, no, it will overheat, it won’t overheat, that’s on purpose. yeah, so that there is always food temperature, exactly the one you need,
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let's maybe get a live nanny, let nastya come to him, oh, what are you saying, let him come at night, around the clock, no, nastya, darling, i'll do everything myself, with work like you , what kind of work, work, well, leonid, i didn’t raise any questions with you. “you yourself said that we have enough, that’s enough, that’s enough, that’s enough, i invested successfully, so it’s time to get it now, okay, yes, in general, i won’t work, uh-huh, i won’t, i won’t oh, how warm she is, how warm she is, how warm she is, listen to how this happens for you, all in one moment, well, because you showed your unhappiness to everyone, and i hid my misfortune,
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uh-huh, and now happiness, uh-huh, oh, feed , feed, feed, i’m running, woke up, oh, you are my good one! now we'll eat milk, oh, i'm hungry. “great, great, zhor, i ’m actually not going anywhere, hello, we agreed, we covered what it is, pasha, i can’t take any more risks, i don’t want to sit out in captivity, not in kind, since when can you do anything and you don’t want to, with these same ones, my family is hungry, what, what,
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family, now the others are up to me, well, it depends, as it were, i..." i can’t put it, i can’t feed others like that, it’s necessary in every way, it’s necessary, just not in every way, in a different way, zhor, come on, come on , go watch your tv, family man, damn it, in general, i watched it, well, it turned out, there, there, i thought it was much better, hello, yes hello, here you go, but i don’t advise you, why don’t you advise, address look, the address is like an address outside the city, yes, outside
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the city, yes, you know, it seems to me that your wife was mistaken that it could not be driven by cars. steal a child, aren’t they people? according to the passport , people, well then they could, hold it, then already, hold it, what are you going to keep for yourself, what are you going to buy a stroller for the child? just look, i didn’t give anything, come on, get out of here, salt it, what’s the meat, now dear, zhenya, well, it’s cooked, no, i’m hungry, i’m already carrying it, oh, don’t carry it, well, zhenya’s
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stomach is rumbling. vera andreevna cleaned the herring, i’ll bring it now, and vera andreevna, it’s getting cold, oh, pasha, pasha, oh, look what i found, what’s there, mom, oh, now i’ll show you, oh, oh, yes, how everything was preserved something, and you look, socks, oh, little ones, what are your first socks, oh! and oh, look at this, the cap, you were so funny in it, and what, oh, is this your favorite toy, and what is this, oh, look, just like new, the onesies, oh, and mom, take it away these rompers, not now,
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well, yes, i should wash them... zheka, you eat and let’s move, i don’t want to, eat, i say, it’s unknown when you’ll have to eat again, little by little, come on, mom, it can happen to anyone in our country everything you want or not is written in the constitution, i forgot the article number. galyan, open it up, i want to go home, what are you talking about, by the numbers this is a car, this is a car and this guy, well then let’s go, let’s go. where are your
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lard and sausage? so she sold it to the wholesalers, she sold it to the wholesalers, why don’t you sell it yourself? arrived are you losing? yes, it’s time to go home, i’m leaving soon, but why did you come here? to help you out, i also took the applications, oh, what a fool she is, she’s a fool, she deprived an honest man of a government-issued lodging for the night and food, where are you now, in paris, i’m doing business there, and the servants are tired of waiting. but that’s not how it should have been, pash, it should have been through the gate, not through the gate find out nothing. they would have sent us all to stand where we were going, oh, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, come
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with me, forward, hands behind your back, be sure, hands behind your back, i told you, just like that, well done, sit quietly, " look for some kind of wire, pash, i told you, you had to talk through the gate like a human being, you can’t talk to them like a human being, they’re not people, they, and what will happen now, but everything will be fine, this is not the first time under lock and key, you i saw her on the porch, and i saw that they have no reason to make noise, so i think, pash, they will kill us
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, bury us under the fence, but they won’t kill us, zhen, everything will be fine, don’t worry about it, nothing’s working out, it’s all my fault, wife, and i gave up barbie. and i threw one fool at you, you didn’t leave, pash, you were under arrest, well, mentally i left you, that’s where everything went wrong, i love you, pash, i love you too, zhen. here are our guests,
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so what did you want, you took our child, barbie, in the underground parking lot, he is alive, why are you silent, barbie is alive? well, how could it be otherwise, otherwise it happens in different ways, suddenly for organs, don’t twitch, wait, where, for organs, for medical purposes, and who wrote the note, you, you, what was written? and take our barbie, we took it, we took it, return
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the child, train them without any problems, there is a recording of how he climbs over the fence, this is golf, you yourself have been a prince for a long time, come on, well, you need to collect some money. yes, an, there are two street kids, these are the kids, well, they say that they are the legal parents, barbie, what kind of parents, climbed over the fence, they, there is a recording, but wait, what are you, wait, asking return yours. this is impossible, anya, no, what are you worth, what are
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you worth, you need to call this what’s his name surname, he has a lieutenant colonel, yes, to him, and let him come, and not alone, what is it, how to give it away, anya, how to give it away, anya, please, wait, they threw it away first, now, now give it back, they need some that are left , who is the transfer, or what, that’s what you ’re saying, i won’t give it up, anya, what are you, kolya, i ’m asking you, please, bring them in 5 minutes, just take off their handcuffs, what is this, mm, tea and cookies, no, no need. no, no, well then i’ll tell you what, guys, you had a terrible moment in your life, despair, you abandoned the child, but as i understand it, during
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this... time your life has not changed, and the moment of despair may come in a day, in two, and you will abandon him again, well , think about why you need such responsibility, hmm you still have your whole life ahead of you, and behind you, yes pavlik, i’m being rude out of habit, just not answering, sorry, here is 300,000, that’s all we have in cash, we have it in the house now, if you want, if necessary, tomorrow, we'll give you more. well, that means we won’t have any settlement agreement, i have a certificate there is one from the maternity hospital with a round blue stamp,
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i also have a document in your name. you know, with that round blue seal, wait, anushka, wait, let’s come to an agreement, well, as a man with a man, i, as a man , don’t sell children, clearly, no, he, as a man, simply abandons children, my son, where am i i ask, if i don’t return home with my son, an experienced investigator from my re-department knows where to look for what, i gave a shit about your investigator, this is a conversation, this is a conversation and some tea, the liver is sitting on its own plate, listen, now you will find yourself. stop, ah, what are you doing, i ’m asking you for the last time, let’s do this, we have some way to come to an agreement with you, just yes, otherwise buy the cops, yes, you have them fed here, why not buy them if there’s such chaos - well, wait, man, you left your child in a concrete box, in the garage in the cold, you laid your son out, yes, but don’t you know that there is gasoline in the puddles, you don’t know, no, oh, well, anechka, well, well, well, well,
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wait, just sit, let the baby feed, what are you, oh, like this, now we’ll eat, yes, yes, quietly, quietly, quietly, now we’ll eat, well, help me, why are you standing, give me, give, lord, give, i'll hold, "let me hold, i said i won't, move away, now dear, i'll just let you hold, i understand, uh-huh, uh-huh, you understand, uh-huh, just hold
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, i understood, yes, be careful, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly, i’ll keep in mind now, you don’t want it, for better or worse, it’s clear, come on, i said, give it back, now, give it back, now, what happened, give it back, anya, well, quickly. well, calm down, that’s it, that’s it, that’s it, my grandmother told me, that’s it, my mother brought me, just born, barbie, i put it in the hallway, under the coat rack, went outside, but always left with no end, i’m a bastard, i left him, what do you want to do with me? but
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now i won’t give it to anyone, what year was it in the fall of ninety-two, but it was a good year, a good year, i remember, i remember, you probably also remember, yes, that i went to the hospital for 2 days, why are you doing this, well, what are you saying, is this mommy? could be our daughter, so, anya, the child needs to eat, come on, go, let's go, go, go, control yourself , let's go, let's go, hold on!
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and nikita, well, just happy, you see, we’re happy that we ourselves are a year ago, so, let’s sort out the glasses, champagne, so, well, we wish you happiness in our house, in
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your house, so that there is always happiness, health, so that you are happy in our house, blow out the candle must, blow, nikita, blow, nikita, come on, come on, nikita, come on, come on! oh yes, i now know that happiness must be earned, so i’ll probably wish you happiness, thank you, well, thank you, thank you, come on, come on, come on, come on, i won’t, don’t hold back, come on, come on, finish it, we can’t, we can’t, really, why do you care? we can’t, we can’t, let’s go, take a breath, eat some air, fresh air hurts us, it seems to me that you’re in trouble, pas, okay, what ’s wrong? come here, is this true? anya, is this
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true? this is true.
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happiness is if a friend meets a friend, suddenly finds the most important star among thousands, makes it. one step towards, one step towards, one step towards, just one step, just one, don’t hide your eyes from me, i want to ask you, maybe you’re the one, my nice man. you're just one step away, see you, one step, see you,
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one step, only one step, only one step, why is it so difficult for us to take this first step, it’s scary to make a mistake, it’s scary to hurt ourselves, but someone has to take one step towards.
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