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tv   Formula yedi  RUSSIA1  May 5, 2024 9:00am-9:25am MSK

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azure waves. lio reorts. we are here for you. a hotel for unforgettable experiences. rixsas sharmelsheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances of the best djs from around the world and comfortable.
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in the war, from the heroes of bygone times, from the seventh grade school, they took me to the frontren , it’s a dark night in my throat, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big festive episode of my ninth on rtr, when everyone is at home? may
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you sleep peacefully, dear, while i'm in the valley i’ll look around, i’ll say that the birds started singing on time, i’ll light the stars for that one. i will blow out the stars i will light the dawn, the night in july is only 6 hours long, there are many examples when a song was written a long time ago, but somehow did not sound, this applies to many works, either the performer was not the same, or the arrangement was wrong. another, well, once
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they changed something, everyone suddenly opened their eyes and ears, it happens, yes, i’ll give an example from natalie, oh my god, what a man, it was written by her, but not for herself, it was performed completely differently, like her, no one knew about her, she took it, i did it for myself, well, i agree with you, moreover, it happens to me myself when there are some songs, even written by me, and 40 years ago, well, you don’t know how to arrange them, you don’t know how... to convey them to the audience, this was the case with the song white bird cherry, initially, when i sang it at school, it was one perception from the girls, and then, when i decided to do it on the stage in some kind of energetic style, at first i didn’t went, then came back again in slow motion, again somehow the audience didn’t like it, but then suddenly once i found it, i was already running around with the theater, i had a difficult childhood, i was jumping up and down, people already perceived it as a well, in general, a hole, now i generally have it... again, the way i sang in
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my deepest childhood, but apparently, now the time has come when i i can allow myself to sing exactly the way i sang it when i had the first associations when creating the song: white bird cherry blossomed with white sweat under the windows, like your image, i will blossom across it. what's the story with the song olga? it was you who made up the legend that you saw it once and never saw it again. from olga's song, there's a lot interesting legends. the most interesting thing is that correspondents often ask me: please tell me, in what year did you dedicated the song olga to your wife olga? and i, of course, at this moment... it’s somehow lazy
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to say that my wife’s name has been irina all her life, that’s why i’m telling some kind of blizzard about my wife olga and how i allowed her to write this song, then they send me this puga. this coordination, well, it becomes legends, yes, it becomes legends, yes, yes, i save them, i say, just let’s cut it out, it’s very personal, cuts out this story, so, but the song was written by konstantin tarasov, and sometimes, as he tells me, he does such variations, he comes to some restaurant, well, when he also tours a lot with his project of songs of our century, when they hear, that the musicians sing olga’s song, and sometimes galina khomchik sends them to ask them to sing the song. he comes up and says that why are you singing my song? and they say: okay, this is a check, yes, this is a markina, orchestra member, they say, this is mark’s song, he says, i bet it ’s mine, well, sometimes he argues for that dinner that he ’s just consuming, well, stupidly
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the musicians argue, they lose, kostya remains happy, konstantin tarasov is a virtuos guitarist, no, but he’s not only the guitarist, he's a great composer, he's wonderful. a poet, because what he writes are poems, these, these are not the words of a song, he has a lot of beautiful songs, i still can’t get my hands around him and me, he doesn’t have the legs to come to visit, but the heads have already reached, and the heads have long since we got there, because well, it’s just that you don’t obey one of the limbs, yes, yes, we were only young... life seemed so long, the pendulum was silently knocking, olga, and how many years have passed since then, when at your
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wedding bitterly, i was drunk and shouted louder than anyone else, tell me how you would like agatha... to know you, because you are an adult, she is still small, and what you understood, what you saw, how to convey it? i would like to see her , first of all, exactly the same as she is now, purposeful, hard-working, because she is a very versatile child, and i remember that there were periods when she , at the same time, her mother took her there to drawing and dancing, to a theater club, to music, when it was still, well, practically... not professional, let’s say history, because now that she is already at the gnessin academy, she is already a professional. agash, please name the educational institutions where you study? ram gnessin school, school, attached to the academy. i
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study piano there, this year in the fourth grade i took a second instrument, guitar. how did you come to guitar? well, i have a whole family, well, my grandfather. sergey minaev plays the guitar, well, in general, about whom you said, what kind of marriages do they have, mixed, because volodya and seryozha are married to sisters, and that’s how gasha described it, mixed, like all guitarists, yes, and i myself love this instrument , for me you can call it native, i’ve always dreamed and wanted to master it, there are different types of guitars, what kind? i have a classical, six-string, it has a wider neck, a classical one, well, yes, it is so wide, and i recently had a birthday, and they gave me an electric guitar, a real one, yes,
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a good one, that’s right, a nygriff a little bit like that, thinner, just a wooden guitar, with blue lightning bolts painted on it. beautiful, classic, are you offended? no, i have two classical ones, my teacher, a photopiano player, her name is angelina dmitrievna, she has a son grisha, he is a guitarist, he didn’t need his little guitar anymore, there wasn’t much left, but it’s small, so we decided to take it and play for now practice my teacher's guitar. agash, tell me, what will you play for us? mazurka in a minor,
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but please show me what you are studying now, and what you are not quite good at, to make sure how difficult it is? well, let’s say i have a piece: we’re going to spain. at the beginning there is such a move: for example, this is very easy to connect, if on the piano we remove a finger one after another, then here we must leave a finger on the previous string and just for...
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beloved, which you are already playing with your eyes closed, probably a waltz, it’s also not the easiest, but i can play it easily.
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classical music for classical guitar, and so romantic, with a leather rocker jacket, prickly rings, how does this fit in you? rock, drive, i love it very much, that’s why i feel in such things, in a hat, in a kazhanka, they forgot to put on a hat, where is our hat, everything, the image is complete, hat, guitar, jacket, rings, everything is there, now, you can definitely to say, rock and femininity are compatible, in general you can combine these qualities, well, at least it seems to me that these qualities are compatible. when you have free time and you could do something whatever, yeah, how often do you pick up
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a guitar at this time and practice some passages, some pieces, besides the fact that i practice it according to the schedule, sometimes i can compose some sega chords, for example, my grandfather showed me the chords - very good, i have memorized three so far. so, so, these are the chords of the breadwinner, not only grandfathers, very, very many, grandfather, and grandfather, yes, i deserved it, you didn’t have such a guitar as a child, well, i had a similar guitar, of course, and not in desva because here these three chords that i showed, my older brother didn’t show me. when i came to him, turned to him, i said, he was 10 years older than me, i said, tolya, show me three
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chords, guys in the yard, i’ll play the cities for you, yes, but he played such a complex jazz composition that i realized that i had to go into the yard, that’s the first thing, so i told my beloved granddaughter, granddaughter, remember, first, second, third, she remembered, well done, you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the application or on the website , view premiere on may 9 at rtr rest. it's leaving yourself alone. rest is not thinking about anything,
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when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. titanic luxury collection. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your
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pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral. reefs and sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixos premium sea gate. rixas premium seagate. thank you, while our memory lives on, thank you everyone to veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear,
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thanks to the great generation of winners, let’s bow. according to those great years, while these songs sound, dark but, we are invincible, only bullets will destroy the steppe, katyusha went ashore, to the high bank on the steep, happy holiday, dear friends,
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the seventh apartment of the fire, the cutest in the yard, oh , that from apartment 107 the guy is the cutest in the yard, that from apartment 107 the guy is the cutest in the yard. life surrounds us, it is very interesting to watch it, and you watch, sometimes you can see how adults children don’t understand each other, they don’t understand, one doesn’t hear this, this one doesn’t hear that, here you and your grandfather are communicating with grandfather vova, you’re 10 years old, he’s either 56 or 65, historians are confused,
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comrades of the last millennium, what do, yes, like some people say, he was singing even before the revolution, they often say about me: three generations ago, did you start drinking money? but tell me, how much do you find a common language, how much is he a modern grandfather, how aware is he? he is aware of some of these gadgets, phones, tablets, he loves this business, but new ones are constantly appearing, cameras and microphones, which means he’s still only a child.
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you even need to write a word, and you sit there with this finger, on the train they looked at me like i was some kind of crazy person who was constantly rubbing something on this display, it was all expensive, well, it was expensive, but without ... because of course now we are typing all this hundreds of times faster on smartphones, because without exaggerating we can say that you made yourself, influencing
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your destiny on your achievements, because if you remember the fairy tale of puss-boots, then you didn’t get a mill, a donkey, or even a cat, i didn’t even get those fields that the marquise of karabas, although in childhood the marquise was one of mine nicknames, and for some reason , when they called me... marquis, i somehow felt a little offended, i thought, well, what is a marquise, when when you were a barefoot pioneer, a ruble fell into your hands, what was the fate of this ruble ? you should definitely buy kvass for delicious pizza, you could buy a ruble for 3 kopecks and that a small mug is 6 kopecks half a liter, that's how much you drank, but you had a big one, i didn't have a big one, my neighbor had a big one and i always told him why i was so harmful because i am bicycles.
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there was d5 and d6, i had d5, but i’m older, and my engine is younger, and so my friend lesha and i, who still deals with a car service center, so we assembled it together then, which means i haven’t played enough yet in the car, now he has it now, and you know, sometimes at night i dream that i’m driving my moped and i wake up with the thought that i need to build it again, but while you wake up, you realize that there is no time to do this now, how did you assemble the equipment? all of my first fees for 2 years of my musical activity were aimed at first buying an expensive eight-channel tape recorder so that i
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could record, the whole story was how to buy this tape recorder, eight-channel, this was only possible abroad, only on the deutsche brand, you remember what a marke is, and i’ll remind you, i remember, if you enough for such equipment, i even remember how many similar ones... with two zeros there was a figure in foreign rubles, which means you finished with your jeans on time, because otherwise it would have taken everything for you to remain free, probably, probably, but this the talent to get away in time, yes, yes, well, it’s just that now, in fact , everything that i did then in terms of shir dzhinchas, it is allowed, after all, it gradually opens the smoky curtain of its own, it was unfair. i didn’t dig anything out, i produced it, but then it was simply believed that that there were certain advantages, of course, in the soviet union, for example, copyrights in the soviet union were much better
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protected than, for example, now, but then there was the association of vaabsi, a union agency for copyright protection, in every restaurant, no matter what songs were not played, special people walked around, wrote down who was performing what, special aeropartications were filled out, and if you were thrice... say, unloved by the state, this could have happened if you were three times unknown, but if your song was sung in a restaurant, you got a good a penny, well, what a good penny, well, for example, vyacheslav dobrynin forgives for a song from all train stations, he himself told me about this, a month he received about 10,000 rubles for one song for the music of a song, which is 10,000 rubles. when the engineer's salary was - in mine , the laboratory assistant's salary was 70 rubles, then me. they raised me to 90, i was happy, but vyacheslav dobrynin received more, oddly enough, well , just then, no, then there was a control system, something useful for us
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to introduce from the soviet union again. many they are trying to give a recipe for success, but it seems to me that the basis of this dish is still the ability to communicate with people, i agree in part, well, after all, a certain sense of purpose. i often even catch myself thinking that... if you started something today, if you decided to do something so necessary, useful, and useful not only for you, but also for those around you, you must definitely do it, that is, you work like everyone is human, you get paid for it, but at the same time you know that you give pleasure to people, this is great fortunately, i will probably express the opinion of a considerable number of our viewers that the most important thing in the life of a person and humanity is children,


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