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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 6, 2024 5:30pm-7:59pm MSK

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soviet radio, we also congratulate everyone on radio day, creative success to all, good broadcasts, see you again, love radio, because on radio a person is more free in his choice, you can come up with whatever you want, on radio it is easiest to implement it, so that you love radio, i join and generally welcome everyone to do...
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everything, and i congratulate everyone who makes radio, i congratulate everyone who listens to radio, because without you there is no us, without us there is no you, we really made for each other, radio - really great love, thank you for listening, continue, we are very pleased, radio is one of the few remaining media and in general phenomena that unites people, because this is the moment when you... sit, listen to a song or listen to the presenter, and you understand that you are not alone, that you now have thousands, sometimes millions, there , that’s why i love radio, and let’s all love listening to it together, congratulations to all of you and of course our viewers on radio day. unfortunately, that’s all for today, but very soon we will continue in this studio discuss what worries everyone, love your loved ones, goodbye, goodbye.
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. so, supreme commander-in-chief putin ordered the general staff to conduct an exercise with nuclear weapons, a missile formation of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. the goal is to test the combat readiness of russian non-strategic nuclear weapons, which are also called tactical nuclear weapons. the ministry of defense cites provocative threats from western officials as the reason for such maneuvers. in particular
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, the french-americans, who called on nato and the pentagon to think about sending western troops to ukraine. and such exercises, as you understand, our response is a reminder that russia has nuclear weapons in its arsenal and in an emergency, the most extreme case, russia is ready to use them. readiness of one first launcher, fire, allowed, the russian army is preparing large-scale exercises missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. budin ordered to carry out. nuclear weapons
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to protect the territorial integrity of the russian state. on behalf of the supreme commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the russian federation, in order to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces to carry out combat missions, the general staff has begun preparations for holding missile exercises in the near future. me of the southern military district with the involvement of aviation, as well as naval forces. during the exercises there will be a set of measures was carried out to practically test the issues of preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond in order to unconditionally ensure the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian state. in response to provocative statements, threats from certain western officials against the russian federation. not strategic nuclear weapons,
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also called tactical, this is a battlefield weapon. iskander operational-tactical systems can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. hypersonic complexes kinzhal and zircon, cruise missiles caliber, as well as naval torpedoes, aerial bombs, shells and even mines. preparations for the exercises began in the southern military district, which includes 19 regions, including crimea and sevastopol, in february, the kherson and zaporozhye regions. the headquarters is located in rostov-nadon. the black sea aerospace forces will also take part in the maneuvers. fleet and caspian flotilla. according to presidential press secretary peskov , unprecedented tension has arisen in the war in ukraine. the exercises were provoked, among other things, by statements by french president macron
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and british foreign secretary cameron. obviously, we are talking naturally about the statements of mr. macron, about the statements of british representatives. you know, i added more to them. and representatives of the us senate, who actually spoke about the readiness and even intention to send armed contingents to ukraine, that is, to actually deploy nato soldiers in front of the russian military, this is a completely new round of escalation of tension, it is unprecedented, and of course it requires special attention and special measures. may 2. macron, in an interview with a british economist , once again said that he does not rule out sending the french military to ukraine, but the potential possibility of sending its contingent to the war with russia, also stated in lithuania, latvia and estonia. the head of the british midoc cameron officially allowed kiev
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to strike the russian rear with british weapons. we want to see russia weakened to the point where it can't do things like...
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we can't let ukraine fall, because if that happens, there's a significant chance that america will have to get involved, not only with our money, but with our military personnel, we will either stop russia in ukraine by continuing
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our military and economic assistance, or we will face a difficult situation. revolves around the possibility of russian penetration through the kiev defense line and concerns the direct or indirect participation of a third party parties to the conflict in ukraine. the ukrainian armed forces will no longer be able to fully control the border, which will create conditions for the russian military to break through into the corridor between ukraine and belarus, then minsk will be directly
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involved in a military dispute. and this circumstance can only intensify nato’s actions in favor of ukraine. the second red line assumes a military provocation by russia against the baltic countries or poland. the topic of strengthening europe's nuclear potential and the use of nuclear weapons against russia has been raised for several years now, about readiness to press the red button. lystra also announced the button. your order to the captain of a strategic missile submarine to launch our nuclear weapons will mean global destruction, i will not ask you if you will press the button, you will say yes, how does that thought make you feel? i'm ready to do this. president dudo of poland said that warsaw is ready to deploy american nuclear warheads on its territory. if from our side. allies will make a decision on the deployment of nuclear weapons as part of the joint use of nuclear weapons on our
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territory to strengthen the security of nato's eastern flank, we are ready for this. lithuania, latvia and estonia are ready to host a large contingent of nato troops, and ukraine is not against it either. moreover, even before the svo, zelensky expressed a desire to return nuclear weapons to kiev. all these actions pose a direct threat to russia’s sovereignty, which official moscow has repeatedly warned about. now. a few important, very important words for those who may be tempted from the outside to intervene in the events taking place. whoever tries to stop us, let alone create threats to our country, to our people, must know that russia’s response will be immediate and will lead you to consequences that you have never encountered in your history. we are ready.
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putin thanked the ministers for the work done and noted that the government had done a lot for the economy, including during the pandemic. the president emphasized that our country’s economy has been growing and continues to grow at rates higher than the world’s, despite all the actions of opponents who tried to destroy it from the inside, but were anti-russian sanctions have backfired on economic aggression. the west responded to
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donbass, which for 8 years endured russia’s desire to come to the aid of the inhabitants of the bullying of the kiev regime, since it was not possible to solve their problems peacefully, we had to protect their weapons, putin emphasized, calling our time historical for russia. we listen to the president. i came today to thank you for your joint work throughout. because we were convinced that after 8 years of abuse of the people who lived,
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live in the donbass, we cannot solve the problems in this region, the problems of the people whom we have always considered ours, and they considered russia their historical homeland, cannot be solved by peaceful means, a little later it became clear that they were simply leading us around, we had to take extraordinary measures against these... people by force of arms, but what started from an economic point of view, you and i know well, began literally in the most literal sense of the word , economic aggression against russia, then the endless number of sanctions with which we collided, were aimed at one thing, and you and i know this well, what the goal was: to destroy russia from the inside, and not only politically, but above all economically, to create problems in labor collectives, to cause mass unemployment. country to lead to the closure of enterprises and entire industries, as we know, our
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opponents did not succeed, the result turned out to be exactly the opposite of what was expected, what has been done so far is a good basis for moving on. you know what's coming soon time, in accordance with the constitution of the russian federation, the procedure for forming a new government will take place, during this period everything needs to be done. so that the implementation of plans actively continues, so that there are no pauses in our work, one political cycle ends, another political cycle. begins, but work in the interests of russia, russian, russian and all other peoples of the russian federation does not stop. i want, expressing words of gratitude for what we have done, and you have done in the previous year, to express hope that we will still do a lot in the name of russia and its people. now
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there is incredible footage from our sailors. the black sea fleet immediately destroyed five unmanned boats of the ukrainian armed forces in the area. northwestern coast of the crimean peninsula, and russian troops today took control of two more settlements: solovyovo in the dpr and katlyarovka in the kharkov region, where units of the forty-seventh tank division have already raised the russian flag, this means that the corridor to the chuguev starobelsk-melovoe highway almost completely decorated, 23 km to kupinsk. in the avdeevsky direction, the russian army continues to develop after the liberation of ocheretin. footage of the flight of ukrainian boys on your screens. the retreating landowners are covering arkhangelsk and have completely taken control. russian artillery, those who covered the retreat to the ukrainian armed forces, such as this group on the american m-113 armored personnel carrier, destroyed the advanced
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units of our army. positive news comes from... direction in these shots of russian attack aircraft raising the country's flag over the krasnogorovsky refractory plant, which was a key point of defense of the ukrainian armed forces in the city. the rest of krasnogorovka is predominantly private sector. right now , russian units continue to rush west with the support of aviation and cannon artillery. judging by fresh footage from krasnogorovka, the fate of the city is predetermined. on the border of the dpr from the zaporozhye region. the battles for the harvest continue, and there are also reports of the dire situation in the armed forces of ukraine in rabotin, but the main battles are within hours, this is what the positions in the armed forces of ukraine in the city look like right now. so, 24x7. artillery rszz aviation is working to pave the way for assault troops. the main battles take place on the flanks of chasovo yar, where the army is trying
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to advance to take the city in pincers. for vseushnikov the day before it was interrupted. the last supply artery on the left bank of the city. the bridge between chasovoy yar and the kanal microdistrict, through which heavy weapons were imported for defense, no longer exists. emergency attempts at ssu to build an embankment did not help. after the fall of chasovo yara, the ukrainian armed forces will face a catastrophe much more critical than after avdeevka. a direct road will open to the last large cities in the dpr occupied by kiev are slavyansk and kramatorsk.
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we are leaving for an abandoned area in the west of the city, the ukrainians are still holding it. let's go, quickly go to the shelter. keep your distance. the sounds of artillery are constantly heard. russian is 3 km from here. once upon a time there were 12 people living in the chapel . now there are only a few dozen left. the russians are using guided bombs and drones to capture this city. do you hear this sound? these drones constantly fly over the city. battle for the watch.
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"we move into positions only with at nightfall, when all the lights are off, our driver can find his way in complete darkness, thanks to the night vision goggles, this vampire drone does not like light." it only flies at night because it is big, and during the day it can be seen being beaten. on the ground the unit’s fighters look at the screens and pay special attention to the weather. before
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the mission, we take into account the weather, wind, humidity, fog. these are reconnaissance drones that help find enemy trenches and especially shelters where russians are. the soldiers are regrouping. follow forward and slowly move along the trenches. these are trenches, these are their trenches, here we are looking for hot spots, in 2-3 minutes you can take off, another flight is needed, you and a vegan are participating, using the red light so as not to be noticed, the soldiers go on a mission, the moment they equipped the bull, we we changed the ammunition, installed batteries and waited for the next target. the drone is charged and armed, now it will be able to take off again, but to do this we must first take cover in case the bomb randomly separates. with bombs
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which weigh 10 kg must be handled with care. this unit does this type of work 10 times a night. to avoid becoming a target, these roads are only driven at breakneck speed; from here the russian positions are only a few kilometers away. and we are in danger because it is constantly overhead. russian drones are circling, and this ukrainian commander’s unit has been assigned to shoot them down. lately the weather has been clear and the russian drones are flying too high for us to shoot them down with our weapons. just play a shallow dugout. others these soldiers in the ssu did not erect any defensive structures here. today, however, turned out to be a fairly calm day. very often shells explode much closer. yesterday evening one shell exploded there, then another. flew over there, 100 meters from us. here, these ukrainian armed forces soldiers can easily become the target of russian drones and artillery, and now they have to fight with weapons left over from past generations, it’s hard to believe that
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$60 billion in american military aid is on the way. we will believe in this help when she will come. we still haven't felt any difference. in the meantime, we just continue to retreat, and the russians take control of more and more populated areas. suddenly a message came over the radio. we have clarified. at a stabilization point near chashy
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yar, military doctors go on their night shift, wounded soldiers arrive here after they were evacuated from the battlefield, all the wounded received their injuries as a result of a drone attack. more than 90% of the injuries, it seems to me, were received after an fpv attack drones. our guys destroyed two more copies, bringing the number of burned american miracle equipment to seven. the sixth abrams was hit by guided artillery
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ammunition, krasnopol, and the seventh was hit by a loitering lancet. the crew apparently fled towards the american bradley, which had come to provide support, but this infantry fighting vehicle was destroyed. so we are waiting for the replenishment of exhibits at the trophy exhibition in moscow on poklonnaya hill. at the moment , there are 32 types of tanks, bmp armored vehicles, it is separately indicated that for employees of the embassies of nato countries, entry without a queue, and the queues were long in victory park , american abrahams and german leopards were installed, whose trunks had to be specially bent so that they did not look up, at the ground. other exhibits include american bradley infantry fighting vehicles, btrm13 armored vehicles, a maxpro armored vehicle, a british bridge, and a turkish kirpi armored vehicle. also presented are samples of... ukrainian soviet-style armored vehicles, t-72 and t-64 tanks, cossack armored vehicles. nato secretary general, john stoltenberg,
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said. that nato rejects the exhibition of captured western technology on poklonnaya hill in moscow, does not recognize its existence. the alliance simply cannot or does not want to believe that nato equipment, vaunted for decades , is now a trophy. the washington post writes that the exhibition is on poklonnaya hill. quote: reflects growing optimism in russia that the war in ukraine is being resolved in its favor. i am in the moscow victory park, a memorial complex from the second world war, but today it has nothing to do with the second world war, but is directly related to the war between russia and ukraine, this is western military equipment
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that russia captured at the front. and today , the russian military displays its war trophies for everyone to see and allows the russian public to look at them. for example, this tactical support vehicle for the british army husky, as you can see, the windshield was shot through, there are also tanks opposite, a german leopard american abrams. the exhibition generated a huge stir; all this equipment clearly makes an impression on the russian public. amazing even. it's incredible, it's exciting spirit, it’s just wonderful that our guys were able to capture such equipment. so why was all this put on public display? i think the authorities here have two main goals. the first is to strengthen the kremlin narrative, to show that ukraine, nato and the west as a whole are waging a war against russia. the russians are increasingly confident that the war in ukraine will end, their main message is written on that stand over there, it says:
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ours... victory is inevitable. let's move to moscow, and here we see very strange and perhaps very symbolic scenes for this whole war. we see a german leopard 2a5 tank straight from the bundeswehr's reserves, which arrived in moscow and is presented as booty, such a battle trophy for everyone to see in the victory park of tomorrow. move his main weapon down. russian military bloggers write sarcastically that an entire german tank would stand too proudly. which means we have to break this pride, whatever that means. i think that russia absolutely wants to seem better, more beautiful and cooler, than western competitors. so now we
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can see the cannon of this tank. welcome to the exhibition of military trophies in moscow victory park. after the grand opening of the propaganda show , thousands of people view the exhibits.
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depending on the disease. people with dementia, oncology, tuberculosis, hiv and other diseases can now be drafted into the war with russia. in 1978 , the comedy uncle adolf, nicknamed furur, was filmed in italy. starring adriana celentan. in general, after 46 years, the italian comedy ukraine is already perceived as a documentary film. the president of france, in an interview with the economist magazine, said that the french legion, as in
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the legion, consists of eight regiments, armored cavalry, infantry, engineer units and commands. at the same time, in addition to hot spots in africa, operations against smugglers, the french foreign legion really fought only in afghanistan, where it suffered significant losses. the kremlin and the ministry of defense have already stated that french soldiers will become a priority target for the russian army. clear and other: 800 mercenaries. it’s insignificant to change the situation at the front, but the ukrainians are already hoping. ukrainian prime minister shmygal, in an interview with the canadian cbc, said that kiev would be grateful to the french if they decide to send troops to ukraine.
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the descendants of general pétain themselves are in no hurry to fight russia alone. macron called on other western countries not to discard the option of sending their troops to ukraine. in the summer of twenty-two, western countries ruled out sending tanks, long-range missiles, aircraft, now all this is being supplied ukraine, and russia never delivered a single blow to nato bases. however, in europe they understand that everything can change very quickly, hence the violent reaction to macron’s words; in short, it sounds like this: me, fight yourself. about the refusal to send the military to war with russia only.
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he said he received support from some european countries, adding that it was a brave move. britain has again officially distanced itself from such a position, lord cameron said.
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he's right, people ask me if i'm ready to send young frenchmen to die for ukraine? yes, i'm ready. there are many people in the past who were killed for important things. realizing that this won’t affect me, i’m older after all. what can the army, in particular the ground army , do outside the country’s borders and what
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forces can it deploy? we are talking about two brigades of 5-6 ground forces soldiers in each. the bad news is that these forces are not enough against the backdrop of half a million russian troops; in addition , the problem is that as soon as these forces are deployed outside france, they fall under the control of the nato general staff in in accordance with the mandate, therefore france, so to speak, will not be able to... a third-party meeting with perhaps the main
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eu hawks, the head of the european commission ursula vonderlein and french president macron. ursula said after the negotiations that beijing must put pressure on moscow to end the ukrainian conflict. i didn’t forget to mention russia’s nuclear rhetoric, saying that comrade xi must convince putin to de-escalate. right now, the chinese leader continues to talk tête-à-tête about what he is doing and to whom. according to the west should emmanuel macron. after the bilateral meeting , a round table with the participation of the french and chinese delegations is planned, and then a gala dinner at the elysee palace. i was convinced of what the words of western politicians are worth during the recent visit of us secretary of state blinken to china. the head of the state department, at a meeting with the president of the people's republic of china , said that he had no intention of interfering with the development of the celestial empire. and then he introduced a new one.
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he stressed that china is ready to maintain contacts with relevant parties to end the conflict. from paris this will fly to hungary and serbia. a visit to belgrade to coincide with the twenty-fifth anniversary of the nato bombing of the chinese embassy. by the way, which killed three chinese journalists. the americans then, in 1999 , immediately stated that they had allegedly entered the diplomatic mission by mistake. china's permanent representative to won responded by calling the strike a war crime, a barbaric act. and now, on the anniversary of this bombing, a sea flies to belgrade. obviously to remind the americans, they are war criminals.
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chinese leader xidingzin arrived in paris with state visit, despite the friendly mood, he will have to resolve a number of important international problems, including those related to ukraine and the middle east, as well as a number of disputes over trade. the international situation
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calls for this dialogue between china and europe more than ever before. speaking about our europe, i want to say that we are experiencing a turning point in our history, which requires us to overcome structural difficulties. one of the main goals of this state visit for emmanuel macron is to force xidin pin use his considerable influence with the russians to try, as they say here, to change the calculus when it comes to ukraine. we are determined to stop the russian war of aggression against ukraine and establish a lasting, just peace. and finally, we have a significant economic relationship between the eu and china. daily.
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world, china and the european union should adhere to the position of partnership, dialogue and cooperation, seek consensus, carry out strategic cooperation, promote china's healthy relationship with the european union, and to continuously contribute to peace and development throughout the world. first of all, sizempin will try to divide europe. it's no secret that a divided europe is beneficial to any of its competitors or opponents.
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with moscow, it is expected that macron will again warn chairman xi against supporting the russian military machine, from china’s point of view, they have not crossed this line, since they are not transferring lethal weapons and it seems that they are already tired of listening to lectures on this topic, this is a chance for both leaders face to face state their positions on both trade and war in ukraine. last year, xi jinping called vladimir zelensky, the ukrainian president, after macron's visit. european leaders want. so that the president of the people's republic of china puts pressure on his russian counterpart , key partner vladimir putin, and so that he agrees to some kind of compromise and enters into negotiations that would put an end to this war. on trade, several european countries are committed to reducing the eu's trade deficit with china, but europe divided, some countries have refused to
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retaliate, since china is a key partner for them, among these countries are hungary and serbia. these two countries, the chairman of the fii as well. will visit during his visit. i don’t think that during this visit of sidinping to europe, france will be able to influence him in any way, especially given china’s relationship with putin. as we all know, putin plans to visit beijing on may 15 or 16. personally, i think that russian-chinese relations will receive a new impetus in development after putin’s visit to beijing. plus we know that europe is divided over the issue of the ukrainian war. and i think that the decision to preside over hungary and serbia. strengthen these differences in europe, the competition is worse than the derby, bookmakers are taking bets on the us presidential election, according to their estimates, bitter rivals, biden and trump are neck to neck, 42 ​​and 43%, respectively, the figures are unusual, even a little surprising, but not it's worth worrying that these are the aggregate chances of each
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candidate for re-election, and not ratings, there is no doubt that the election headquarters politicians are well aware of these figures, because... the former current presidents are hurling increasingly harsh accusations at each other for sins that society certainly will not forgive, nazism and fascism. after the current administration launched a legal war against trump, donald accused it of histapo methods. in their opinion, this is the only way to win, the businessman added. the white house did not remain silent , saying that biden is uniting the american people around democratic values. instead of having lunch with neo-nazis repeat the horrific rhetoric of the fascists. the rivals simply throw slop at each other. the daily coller newspaper provides disappointing statistics for biden. since january of this year alone, the head of state has made 148
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misstatements in public speeches. it turned out to be very easy to calculate how bad biden is. journalists studied the transcripts of his speeches and found everything. which were included there by the white house press service, and this is only a reservation, and if we add the fall, along with the symptoms of the president’s dementia, rumors about his replacement are multiplying. spiegel believes that the ailing joe could be replaced by the highly popular former first lady michelle obama between may and august. michelle is three in one, woman, democrat, black. is fully consistent with the western trend towards inclusivity, and therefore is a serious threat to republicans. her re-election would make a difference for conservative citizens. however, trump's re-election is also causing concern in the west. an issue of times magazine was published with this cover. black and white photo and
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dramatic phrase: if he wins, there will be no no ukraine, no europe, only america will come first. rumors continue to circulate that michelle obama wants to run for president. the former first lady has voiced her concerns about the potential outcome of this year's election. for example, she promised that she would speak out against selfishness, greed and racism. media commentators believe she is concerned about the fate of joe biden and donald trump. we saw how it worked last time when the ex-president's wife spoke out against donald trump, didn't we?
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some members of the us democratic party suggest that at the party convention in chicago in august 2024, president joe biden will announce his decision not to participate in the upcoming elections and will propose to nominate the wife of former us president barack obama, michelle, instead. the democratic party even included michelle in its public opinion polls about potential... dates, many americans dream of a female president. these fantasies are the product of deep disappointment. never before in us history have we faced with each other two candidates who would be so unpopular. 2/3 of americans think biden is too old to lead states for another 4 years. many also fear donald trump, who is not much younger than the current president and spends several days a week in court over accusations of trying to buy the silence of a porn actress. bookmakers still consider sixty-year-old obama one of the most promising. in the november presidential election, at first glance, she looks like the opposite of two elderly people, a woman who did not allow the difficulties and
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cynicism of political business to poison her and retained her disarming frankness, despite 8 years in the white house, her great gift of being iconic, but at the same time appearing relatable. yes, she could definitely run, she's very popular, i think she's incredibly popular, but to be president you have to be more than just popular, although joe biden doesn't exactly prove that. come on. he acquitted himself well, he did a great job. it doesn't look so crazy anymore, especially considering michelle obama will not support mr. biden's re-election. why should she support joe biden for president? recent polls show her approval rating is a whopping 17 points higher than the incumbent.
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what could be better for michelle obama than the situation that has developed right now, what could be better for her is to sell books, sell out stadiums and hang out on richard branson's island, this is what michelle obama is enjoying now, what will happen is the benefit of the presidency.
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as for ukraine, he warns, i won't give any more money unless europe starts doing as much as the united states. a statement that the billionaire had already made several weeks earlier during the election campaign. donald trump is demanding that his allies contribute much more. one day one of the presidents of a large european country told me: if we don’t pay , russia will attack us, will you protect us? i replied, you didn't pay, you are a criminal, he answered, yes, let's imagine that this happened, but no, i won't protect you, i'll let them do whatever they want to you, you have to pay. the prime minister of belgium makes this himself. the obvious conclusion. if 2024 symbolizes
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america's return to first place, europe will be lonelier than ever. europe, left to its own devices, realizes that it must act in its own interests to protect them. in 2024, 18 countries will allocate 2% of their gdp to nato. 10 years ago there were only three. back to the main topic of the day: exercises on the use of tactical nuclear weapons, which were announced by the russian military. according to the scientific director of the institute of world military economics and strategy of the higher school of economics dmitry trenin. the precedent-setting step is aimed at destroying the escalatory policy of the west, which could lead to a direct clash between russia and nato. the exercise on the use of strategic nuclear weapons is a strong signal to russia's adversaries that moscow will not passively observe the escalation of western participation in proxy war against russia. now, after macron’s statements about the possible dispatch
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of regular troops to ukraine, moscow has decided to break this escalatory strategy of the west by sharply raising the stakes, this is very important, if we continue to leave nato’s actions unanswered , the conflict will inevitably lead to a head-on collision between russia and nato , that is, to nuclear war. to prevent such a development of events, moscow is now sending a signal. the danger is that western politicians, who have lost their sense of reality, will consider the russian warning they will continue their crazy but extremely dangerous game by bluffing. so, having stepped onto the ladder of escalation, russia may need to climb even higher in order to avoid... the worst-case scenario for the development of the situation. westerners may think that russia is preparing to strike ukraine with nuclear weapons, this, in my opinion, is a delusion. if russian warnings do not help, at some stage, to prevent general destruction, the actual use of nuclear weapons may be necessary on targets in the territory of european nato countries. this last resort to prevent nuclear war. and right now dmitry training
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is in direct contact with us. dmitry vitalievich, hello, we are very glad to welcome you. a truly unprecedented statement by the ministry of defense, an order from vladimir putin to conduct such exercises, usually our diplomacy in international relations operates much more symmetrically, usually we catch up with the west with our answers, but now, as you aptly put it, we have stepped up the escalation ladder much higher. yes, this is really a milestone, i would say, in our strategy, in the ukrainian conflict. until now, evgenia, you are absolutely right, russia has generally responded, or sometimes preferred not to respond, has shown very great, in my opinion, too much restraint, but that escalation, which,
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a creeping escalation, has long been adopted. nato countries, led by the united states, are inevitably leading us to a head-on collision, therefore, to prevent this terrible prospect for all humanity. russia, in my opinion, has begun to take steps that break the escalation that is beneficial and convenient for the west. the spiral they built is now russia, which is unconditional. for which the outcome of the conflict in ukraine is certainly of much greater importance than for all western countries combined, it begins to dictate its terms, let's see how reasonable our opponents turn out to be. yes, the big question here is what it might lead to, this is not yet called a test, yes, this is an exercise in
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the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. although, who knows, maybe the test will take place, we haven’t talked much about it yet what do we know, we don’t see details from the ministry of defense, but nevertheless, what are the consequences of such a step, to cool the ardor of the west, the foreign ministry’s statement has just been made, but will the passage of a plane with a nuclear missile on board cool the ardor of macron or biden?
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they’ve been trying to crawl away from europe a little lately, throw the europeans onto the fronts of the war with russia, while they themselves remain safe, but in my opinion, they
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should also be the americans, that is, it is clear that a head-on collision between russia and nato countries in europe will mean including the possibility of attacks on american bases and possibly on the territory of the united states of america itself, so.
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well, there may be a lot of possible options here, i apologize for such words, here in the menu of steps that will be called upon to stop the most dangerous escalation, russian, the russian foreign ministry some time ago already announced that the deployment on the territory of nato countries transferred to ukraine f-16 aircraft. will turn bases on the territory of these countries, say, romania or poland, into targets for destruction by russian weapons, these will be strikes on the territory of nato countries, and possibly
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also strikes on those western means that ensure ukraine’s strikes on the most important targets of the russian federation, in particular on targets in crimea, on the crimean bridge, and so on. western drones are flying around crimea, they can be shot down, russia can declare the introduction of a no-fly zone around crimea, and act in accordance with this statement, there may be attacks on supply points on the territory of nato countries, through which military contingents will travel, for a long time should weapons systems that are transferred to ukraine by nato countries. there are quite a lot of different options for action, if we talk about nuclear weapons, then perhaps, well, for example, uh, russia’s withdrawal from the moratorium on
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nuclear tests, this is a very serious signal, or even withdrawal from the nuclear test ban treaty in three areas, this is the first treaty on arms limitation and related testing. this should ultimately, in my opinion, bring some sense to those who have long said goodbye to reality and are leading the world in this creeping escalation to a clash between the leading nuclear powers. dmitry vitalievich, in your first answer you said a phrase that immediately strikes any viewer, as it seems to me, that western policy inevitably leads to a nuclear conflict, here is yours...
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and this includes the united states of america, of course, absolutely, departed from reality, they set 2 years ago, they set an absolutely fantastic goal, to inflict a strategic defeat on a nuclear superpower, hoping that russia would not use nuclear weapons in this case, since then since then they have acted in different ways and methods, but the goal remains the same, some nato countries.
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thank you very much for your time and your comprehensive comments. dmitry trenin, scientific director of the institute of world war economy and strategy at the higher school of economics is in direct contact with us. please, igorevich. well, firstly, i would like to say that we do not need to send any signals to the west, do not warn, do not count on any countermeasures. all this is not necessary, the train has already left. we entered, unfortunately. v stage of military-political escalation, so the main thing that needs to be done now is not to talk, but to act practically; the planned exercises should, first of all, not be a signal to the west, but should work out the mechanisms for the practical use of tactical nuclear weapons on the battlefield, in the theater of military operations in the event , if such a situation is required of us by the emerging situation.
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do they imply a nuclear bomb explosion or not? no, they do not foresee how it will happen, that is, an explosion is already a test, an explosion is a combat use, if the warhead is located directly on the carrier. what will be the procedure? firstly, we have a whole class of carriers capable of using tactical nuclear weapons, these are weapons that are not intended for use at intercontinental ranges, these are what are called battlefield weapons , or well, 500.
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i say again, all this will be worked out in the combat training mode without the practical initiation of nuclear warheads, initiation is an explosion, it is a detonation. and relatively speaking, the rocket will be suspended on pylon of a strategic missile carrier? yes , of course, the missile will be in the silo of a ship or submarine, but these are technical issues, here again, this is the most important and interesting thing in my opinion, will the nuclear missile be
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placed on a missile carrier, i will say this, and nuclear warheads will be installed on media, what is the specific procedure? no, i don't know, most likely not. the next stage of escalation is a demonstration nuclear strike, but not on the territory of, say, france, or germany, or another country that is sending its troops to ukraine, but at a point in the sea, in order to
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demonstrate the decisiveness of russia’s ability to implement the scenario of nuclear deterrence against aggression. well, the next stage is combat use against targets. and an object that will be determined by the general staff, and the supreme commander-in-chief will give the appropriate command, i say right away, we are not threatening anyone, we are not scaring anyone, i am telling the technical mechanisms, and most importantly, i say again, there is no need to wait for some kind of reaction from the west, readiness russian armed forces to immediate combat use of tactical nuclear weapons - this is our reaction to a sharp unfavorable change
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in nuclear weapons in europe, or inflicts, as a number of key american generals promised us, large-scale strikes with high-precision, but in conventional equipment, on our facilities, positions, i believe that here we can go to the next stage of the escalation stage, this is a demonstration single strike of an intercontinental ballistic missile, for example, topolm, either near the us coast, or on one of the us naval bases where american circuit boards are located. i want to say right away that this is only an exclusively presentation of possible options, i’m not calling for anything, i’m not intimidating anyone, i’m just saying how according to what logic certain scenarios can occur in this situation,
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we’ve just received comments about these teachings about our steps up the stairs, escalation, i already really liked this expression by trenin, sergei karaganov, also one of the most famous. political scientists in our country and the chairman of the presidium of the council for external defense politics, let's listen to what sergei karaganov said in an exclusive interview with our program: it seems to me that such exercises should have been carried out even earlier, i hope that they will be followed by other steps on the ladder, nuclear escalation, well, for example, simulation exercises , application for european targets.
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and we have endured for too long, our doctrine needs, of course, to be changed, our threshold for the use of nuclear weapons has been raised too high, it can only be used in the event of a direct mortal threat to the state, but i think that even in the doctrine it will be necessary - already official, and not just real - to prescribe the possibility of using nuclear weapons, a response to any use of weapons, and against ... the territory of russia, against russian cities, and especially strategic objects, so that our western partners knew that they were threatened with imminent terrible death, but we know very well that... that the americans will never use
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their strategic nuclear potential against russia in general, nuclear weapons, and if suddenly we have to, god forbid, by the way, i pray god, so that this does not happen, if suddenly we have to use nuclear weapons against targets in europe, but simply because in order for the americans to use nuclear weapons against targets in the territory... yes, against the backdrop of these, of course, the most important ones, in my opinion a key international view of events, and
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a fact or event or trend is, of course, sizenpin’s visit to france, to europe in general, and, very important, i would say, this french part, if we sum up the entire agenda, all the current small and big questions, well, you could say there are three main ones dimensions, so let’s say, chinese... french is broader than the chinese-european issues for today for tomorrow, well , firstly, the political dimension, it’s absolutely clear that china chose this route for a reason, paris, hungary, serbia, this , so let’s say, well, if not tearing europe to pieces, then at least this is carrying out the chinese line in this anti-chinese european space, which is basically either neutral. in political terms, of course, i’m not talking about the economy, or openly hostile, these are
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yes, and what about the role of france, look, this is also very interesting for beijing, i mean, that is, there was macron’s visit, as you know, to france, and now in return, that means 60 years of establishing diplomatic relations between france and china, that is, perhaps sizenpin does not believe in the strategic autonomy of france, well, completely in relation to washington and brussels, but he is very skillful. practically uses this formula of strategic autonomy, playing on this foppishness, this emotionality, these well-known personal ambitions of macron, who, well, declares himself almost a new, so to speak, napoleon and leader of france, this is all great, scholz, i think, is worried, very worried, yes, that’s why this tactical game, it absolutely exists, and it’s no coincidence that ursula is sitting there with them two, the third, so to speak, why, other than a functional representative.
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quote chinese trade in 820 billion chinese-european turnover is more than in the us there is 740 billion, that is, in fact , yes, plus the increased tariffs introduced by brussels on chinese imports and electric cars are like sanctions plus against medical equipment, tariffs , 25% of the market in europe is already occupied by chinese cars, in principle, expansion towards us is obvious, it’s clear that our automotive industry has not exactly stopped. yes, he’s trying from the knees, but not yet completely, but in europe, the chinese have also
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conquered everyone, absolutely right, this economic motivation of china includes, of course, one belt, one road, taking into account the fact that italy has demonstratively, publicly withdrawn the baltic states have left the one belt, and serbia and hungary, on the contrary, are demonstratively moving towards in-depth cooperation in infrastructure projects, and tomorrow, when xi is a... in budapest, a new railway project will be announced in hungary. serbia, which means hungary is within the one belt, but this is kind of in particular, not counting investment projects, the problem is that neither one nor the other has a sea, well, it’s like a common network, that is , it’s like a global megaproject, i mean the chinese one train, one track, where exits are everywhere, but also the third dimension - this is of course this is currently situational, but very important, i would said... and maybe even drag him, which
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is impossible, he already said that. drag in connection with the preparation of the upcoming conference in switzerland, well-known, so to speak, this means a peace forum, so we need to put it in quotation marks, and xi quite clearly said that, well , it’s hard to say, most likely xi will not go to the highest level, but perhaps the chinese representative lihui will, perhaps at this gathering, as they say, we’ll see, and of course the olympic games, an attempt to use the authority in the si so that it almost stops all conflicts, which is absolutely... impossible, well, the well-known, so to speak, idea of ​​putting pressure on china regarding its relations with russia, partnership and so on, that is, these three dimensions, they, in a concentrated form, show a very difficult, very strategic position of china, yes, he doesn’t want a head-on collision , such huge money, gigantic money, but at the same time politically he says: we are not
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participants in the conflict between russia and china, we are against unilateral sanctions, we are about...
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attention everyone, we are entering the german patrol zone, premiere for victory day , need to liberate the skies of crimea from the germans, i ordered the transfer of paton to the 267th regiment, major roman, but what about the selling novels
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that mr. planted, then a special thank you from me personally, let’s go and rinse. nikolayevich, i don’t dance, i don’t dance, i don’t drink, this is a specimen , so that your officer behaves like the last one, welcome to the ranks of those who have stumbled, your homeland has given you a chance to atone for your guilt, only penalty prisoners go into battle, this is not an easy task , you will have to act in the enemy’s operational area, fighters, the battle for the crimea, attention, everything is ready for battle, you are out of your mind, let them go beyond, take the fight, today on rtr, we present to your attention a real bestseller, a luxurious chocolate bag made of genuine leather. an elegant, stylish, very roomy chocolate bag is made in the patchwork style and goes well with any
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"i'm not a fighter, i came for my brother, everyone here feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, my passenger, i will come back for you, do you hear, may 10 on rtr, the evolution of anti-drone protection." he showed himself excellently in the battles near chasovoy
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yar and in the krasnogorovka area, now our engineers have created an improved version: protective nets have been added to the shell from armor sheets, a mine sweeper has been installed, these shots show amazing cars from the cockpit in first person, it is almost impossible to hit such a monster. in early april, ukrainian drone operators . spotted a russian t-72 tank with a crude metal roof on the hull and turret in the vicinity of krasnohorivka, west of donetsk. russians call these fancy machines tsarmangals. ukrainians called them turtles. now the turtle tanks have acquired another layer of improvised armor, metal bars on top of a durable metal body. turtle tanks become. more and more bizarre, but this does not mean that they do not cope with their main task, these strange machines are equipped with metal mine rollers are used to clear mines, clearing
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the way for armored assault columns, notes weapons historian matthew mose. layers of homemade armor installed in workshops near the front protect these tanks from drones. turtle tanks are an adaptation. while ukrainian troops lack artillery and anti-tank missiles , they compensate for it with a huge number of unmanned aerial vehicles. igor yuryevich told everything in great detail about the military and technical part, but i would like to say about the political and geopolitical, there ’s probably just no better moment for this, well , let’s just put all the factors together, today two ambassadors were summoned to the russian foreign ministry: britain and france. obviously, these are countries that are now in favor of sending weapons, like britain, talking about what is necessary and possible to strike at
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the territory. russia with these missiles and france, which either sends, then doesn’t send, then sends again, then again doesn’t send its military personnel to the territory of the former ukraine. well, the message is completely obvious. moreover, the message from our med clearly states, for example, in relation to britain, that in the event of the use of british missiles on russian territory, russia can use weapons on british targets on the territory of ukraine for it. outside, yes, everything is absolutely clear, and now we add to this, so to speak, the european background, the visit of the head of china, at this moment russia informs the europeans: you are really ready to raise the stakes, participate in a nuclear war and be destroyed, because russia's nuclear potential is much greater than that of france and britain, and this is against the backdrop of the fact that, taken together, of course, china
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has come to offer you trade. that, strictly speaking, we will not allow those things that western politicians are talking about today, this is support for our line, but , excuse me, i say, political signals are not limited to this, this is also a message from the united states of america, let’s imagine the development events, the british and french do what they are going to do, russia responds, god forbid nuclear begins conflict with france and britain, and the united states, you are going to sit overseas, but your soldiers are on
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the territory. countries, you will just watch how they will be destroyed, how the nato bloc will perish, how your allies will be destroyed, if you do this, you will lose face, you will lose the respect of the whole world and you will turn into who knows what, but if you fit in in a nuclear war with russia, you will turn into nuclear ashes, who will remain, china will remain, the remnants of europe will remain, which will be with whom, with china. you need it americans, are you really ready to defend ukraine so that there is nothing left of the united states. all these factors put together indicate that this is a very strong move, and indeed a change in our approach and at the same time a signal sent to china, europe, the united states of america, both parties in the united states, the deep state that is
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behind it, and of course, the people. of these countries, of course, nothing will come of it if our guys do not continue to stubbornly recapture populated areas from the dry land as they do they are doing now, let's look at the road, the machine gunner is along the road, pilot, pilot, let's run, get closer, two, three, five, four, grenade launcher.
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an american m113 armored personnel carrier is trying to evacuate a group of militants from the avdievsky direction. armored vehicles with precise strikes disable the crews of man-portable missile systems. the cleanup is carried out by special forces soldiers. and this is how king mangyal works. the tank is lined on all sides with sheets of metal, as well as with mesh for protection against cumulative projectiles from drones. the car is also installed system. electronic warfare, the so -called jammer, in front is a demining device, a machine modified by hand has already successfully proven itself in battles. in this footage, our military destroys another american abrams tank in the red army direction, the tank travels only 500 m, after which it becomes the target of russian artillery, it is hit by high-precision
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ammunition krasnopol, the crew flees. a crew of bradley infantry fighting vehicles is sent to the ssu to help abrams; the vehicle also encounters hurricane fire from the russian army. after all several hours under davdeevka. another fighter attacked, his ukrainian formations hid in a forest belt. if we compare with the beginning of the war, when we fired up to 100 shells a day, now we fire only 30, this is at best. we will only know how many shells we have when we see the daily target list and ammo box. if it happens that a little more stands out, then we shoot more. if the volume is small, then we are not shooting that much. this is what the clock looks like now. pir russian artillery strikes ukrainian fortifications in abandoned houses, it is reported that the bridge over which militants delivered ammunition to the strategically important city for weapons was destroyed. chasover is located a little to the north in the donetsk region, it is a strategically important small
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city from which the ukrainians made a fortification. on the outskirts of the city there is a small microdistrict called kanal, where the russians apparently made a breakthrough in the south. the clock is strategically important due to the fact that if it is behind...
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we understand the scenario in which it can we don’t fully know exactly all the enemy’s plans to go. the russian military thwarted an attempt by ukrainian forces to cross the seversky donetsk river. in these frames, the sun's heavy flamethrowers cover the positions. russia has begun to use the new dragon flamethrower system, states vel tv channel. russia is demonstrating new weapons there at the front, bringing in all the new weapons that we
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see here again. this is a flamethrower or rocket launcher that fires thermobaric bombs so can create shock wave and then vacuum. and now it is being used more and more often. production of tos-1 and tos-2 has been increased by 250. it has a longer firing range than other models, which can shoot up to a maximum of 10 km, and it can now shoot up to 15 km, so it is out of reach of ukrainian fpv drones at front, which gives the russians a huge advantage. in these footage, paratroopers storm ukrainian positions in the kleshcheevka area, strikes are carried out using drones, and then airborne troops enter the trenches.
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we're not going to, we'll just go before then places where there is concrete, where you can take positions and not just die. ukraine will not be able to stabilize the front with the help of western weapons, at least until the summer, in the worst case, until the end of the year, the american newspaper new york times believes, without support from nato, kiev will sign capitulation in 2 weeks, the head claims.
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the first launcher, fire, was allowed,
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the russian army is preparing large-scale exercises of missile formations of non-strategic nuclear forces. putin ordered maneuvers in response to threats and provocations from countries. active west. the unit will practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons to protect the territorial integrity of the russian state. during the exercises , a set of activities will be carried out to practice the preparation and use of non-strategic nuclear weapons. the exercises are aimed at maintaining the readiness of personnel and equipment of units for the combat use of non-strategic nuclear weapons to respond for the purpose of unconditional support. territorial integrity and sovereignty of the russian state, in response
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to provocative statements and threats by certain western officials against the russian federation. non-strategic nuclear weapons, also called tactical, are battlefield weapons. iskander operational-tactical systems, kinzhal and tsercon hypersonic systems, caliber cruise missiles, as well as naval air torpedoes can be equipped with a nuclear warhead. bombs, shells and even mines. formations of the southern military district began preparations for the exercises. it includes 19 regions, including crimea and sevastopol, with february kherson and zaporozhye regions. the headquarters is located in rostov-on-dano. the aerospace forces, the black sea fleet and the caspian flotilla will also take part in the maneuvers. according to the presidential press secretary. the war in ukraine has reached unprecedented
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tensions. the exercises were provoked, among other things, by statements by french president macron and british foreign secretary cameron. obviously, we are talking naturally about the statement of mr. macron, about the statements of british representatives. you know, there's more to them a representative of the us senate was also added, who actually spoke about readiness and even intention to send. armed contingents to ukraine, that is, actually placing nato soldiers in front of the russian military. this is a completely new round of escalation of tension, it is unprecedented, and of course, it requires special attention and special measures. on may 2, macron, in an interview with the british economist, once again said that he does not rule out sending the french military to ukraine, but is a potential possibility.
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we cannot allow ukraine to fall because that if this happens, then there is a significant probability that america will have to intervene in the conflict, not only with ours...
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well, i also hope that they should be heard, but i just seriously doubt it, you know, that’s the thing, that is, we have discussed this here in this studio more than once, but it’s obvious that experts are now saying absolutely the right things, it’s absolutely true that this increase in this escalation is happening, it’s going on, it’s going on, it’s going on, but the fact is that for them, for everyone, this is some kind of hollywoodization of the world, you see, they watched a movie, that there are some things in there - how they killed eight people there, hitler, and the flag of the establishment of the post, that’s all, they think that it really happened, and they still think that it is so, they made a film about the future, but how could it be different, why macron, think about it, macron
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today has become one of the leaders of europe, well , this cannot happen at all in a normal world. in principle, it cannot at all, but because there is a vacuum there, a vacuum of politics, a vacuum of everything, and of course, in this vacuum any clown is something of himself imagines, even if he really says some things, he says some things that seem to be correct, well, in fact , what is he leading to, let’s get rid of brain death there, let’s get rid of vassalage there, this is america there and so on, it seems like the right things, really...
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i don’t know washington, well, maybe then it’s also possible, but we have something to do with it, well, they launched it, where to get it, and we put it down, supply it, why can’t we also stage it, well, according to the same logic, is it normal or not, well, we’re not here we didn’t launch, well, it’s just funny
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if you look at the fact that this is happening, but it wouldn’t be, as they say, so sad, or rather it would be funny about... reacted: the united states is not observing that russia's strategic forces have switched to a different operating mode in connection with russia's planned exercises to increase the readiness of non-strategic nuclear forces. “we have not noticed any changes in the deployment of strategic forces. obviously, we will continue to monitor the situation,” the general said. at the same time, he called irresponsibility rhetoric statement from moscow. well, that’s what i was talking about, we are talking, we hope they heard. well, as we see, not only did they not hear, but they also did not see it yet. that’s why we need this degree.”
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well, so that they don’t get to us, so that they don’t get to turkey, well, including to her, please fly wherever you want, the drone flew or even a civilian after, and if the drone flew, goodbye, we also have the opportunity to have various communications there, they have some kind of cables , they have all that stuff, it’s necessary when demonstrated it, you know? well, they will move in and be indignant, but we are not indignant now, we are not indignant, you know, they have already begun in ukraine
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to justify the creation of a dirty nuclear bomb, you noticed that there are our former ones, so to speak, who fled from here , they say, well, why are you squeezing ukraine like this, they won’t have a way out, they will now create a dirty nuclear bomb, the technology is there, the people are there, everything is there, they’ll send drones to you there. has already begun, because they have no way out, you understand, and this is how it really goes there it’s quite normal, they will come to this if we really don’t show them that guys, this won’t happen, we have no options, just no others, you know, we would gladly end everything, but there’s no point in it, we can at least finish it now, in 2 years we will get what he proposes we will get more, i propose that we go to heaven, and they just die?
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we must say, we don’t observe, we don’t see, we don’t hear and we won’t say anything, that’s it, goodbye, we have the olympics, you know, not strategic nuclear weapons, these are 500, 100, 1500, in my opinion, up to 2,500 km, that is , america is not... threatened by these nuclear tests, unless we carry them out
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where it borders with the united states, there is also such a section of our vast homeland, but it seems like the southern district has been announced, they will be scared enough to unleash a local nuclear conflict in europe, for them this is a simple song, they will do everything for this, well , we understand what we are talking about, so we must explain to them that guys, if this if it happens, then no one is for it...
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but they exist, they live, you need to know this to those on whom the security of our country depends, and its future, isn’t it, esagon tv. today on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything
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of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reоrts, we are here for you, hello, how are you, can you talk, i can’t talk now, i’m at a meeting, cupits, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, i can’t live without thrills, hot passions, in short, she’s like that she tells him that you have a child, and he’s like, what are you thinking of doing, and she’s crazy to him, that you’re rushing back and forth, disturbing him from watching, and we look and hug, let’s get together with the whole family, you know how to spend a romantic weekend, marry marry him, for you there are five new, beautiful, tender hug stories, well, guys, the second advice for you is on the website in the application. on victory day
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, the winners' songs will be played at our festive table, join us, invite your family and friends, sing along with by us, sing with the whole country, when we were at war, from the heroes of old children, from the seventh grade school, they took it and went to the front, night, this holiday is good because it unites a generation, songs from the bottom of our hearts, big holiday release 9 may on rtr, a big film premiere, if you bring the jews out of here, we will introduce you to the rank, this is us, this is the front line, this is where we bring you, from the director of the liquidation, save this, what
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is this, remember, we have never lost this, even in the... "bad times, what they do, they they pray, they greet the sabbath, stop greeting them, the sabbath is coming anyway, they have been praying about this for 2,000 years, but you don’t know what the groom will say in jewish, huusan, stop, you fucking eyes, stop, i want to talk, i need two, who know how to shoot, i know how to shoot, just show me how, we have a grenade, he wants to throw it for his dad, for his. on rtr, putin fed berluskoniya the heart of kasuli, who personally cut it with a knife from
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the animal he had just killed. an insane statement was made in an interview with acer's career case representative of the party forward in tal fabrizio chiquititto. allegedly, this story was told to him by berlusconi himself, who went hunting with putin and was shocked. yes, nausea, for some reason silvio chiquitto did not remember this story during his lifetime, it sounds like a hollywood script. listen. until the very end, silva berlusconi remained on the side of vladimir putin, which indicates a twenty-year relationship that never deteriorated, or almost, because there was a moment when cavaliera doubted him. this happened during relaxing together at the dacha. it was an episode that shook confidence. enclosure, because vladimir showed me a cruel nature that i could not imagine in such a kind and rational person. this was the beginning with which berlusoni, as soon as he returned to italy, told this story to his press secretary paolo banaiati and fabrizio
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chichito, who at that time was the leader of the faction in the chamber of deputies, it remains to say the main thing. putin told me: silvio, let's go hunting. i thought: hunting, i've never touched a rifle, but he insisted and i went with him. when we arrived in the forest, he gave me a rifle, i felt anxious when... we walked through the snow, he saw two roe deer and showed me to aim at one of them, this is yours, shoot, i let him know that i won’t shoot, then he shot both of them and killed them, he looked at me with satisfaction: today i will offer you unusual food, he walked down the slope towards the animals, holding a knife in his hands, he quartered the beast and cut out the heart, then he asked the man from the escort give him a wooden tray and handed it to me and put it a piece of meat bleeding on him, this would be an unusual food, i was overcome with shock, i hid behind a tree and vomited. the silence after this story lasted for several endlessly long seconds, until berlusconi concluded, maybe it’s just a hunter’s habit, and after that they got on a bear and rode off into the taiga, that’s about the ending
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of this story, they’re fucking idiotic, well, the story of the old normality, here as a part, strictly speaking, but by the way, seriously, this is just another round of dehumanization. that's all, well, the question is what of course, a lot will be decided, firstly, there are elections going on there, and accordingly there will be elections, respectively, to the european parliament, and the situation there, in fact in italy is also very specific, if you carefully make, listen to the last statement, for example, of the minister of defense, he will in general, he pushes for negotiations with both hands and feet, why every time he constantly, he just said that there will be no italian troops on the territory of ukraine under any circumstances, well , many people have already stated this, the question is different , that of course everyone is waiting how...
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it’s just that it will be easy to check that after this it will be possible to return, but after this , accordingly, to return, in fact, that very escalation, apparently, will take place, for which, in fact, everyone is preparing, for which the supplied weapons , which has been going on there since the beginning of the last quarter, that’s what it actually is, accordingly, based on its results , everything will be understood as if what’s what and where will happen, taking into account the fact that at the same time, the rafakh is now starting, like us we all know together... today, accordingly, this is the southern part of gas, military operations, this is a very important factor, because it attracts weapons and, accordingly , attention, first of all, plus on top of everything it puts pressure on energy prices, that is , only agreements that they can come to an agreement with hamas led to the fact that our price collapsed by 10 dollars down,
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so i went for a walk, it’s interesting that the united states has reportedly suspended the supply of ammunition to israel throughout its entire history, but now for the first time in its history existence, which is true, this relates to the question that in fact biden is losing not by not appealing to the states. everyone is afraid of the effect, we are from columbia university, everyone is afraid of the effect of vietnam, that is , sanders called it vietnam, why did he call it vietnam, because in 1900 in 1968 for the first time, as it were, i will succumb to this in history, because it is important, because it will most likely be the same this year, there were mass protests that led to colossal massacres on the streets of chekhag, this led to the fact that the hard-line- everything-else conservative won because the republicans framed it as chaos. on the international scene chaos in vietnam inside chaos mass protests everything else and now trump is starting to play this game, that is, he shows that problems begin in different directions, now the economy is still approaching takflation, that is, in principle , his main task is to show that biden... age does not
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hold back the situation, as happened in 1968, saying that then there were mass protests across all student directions, paris, it was all from there, now campuses in europe are already being seized, by the way, this is the most massive detention in principle in the history of vietnam, 200 have already been packed there, and they are being packed there along with these professors, this is what , the middle east is beginning to have a very serious impact on everything that is happening, and biden is now trying to stop it with his hands and feet, but he cannot stop it, monday... in fact, it showed this, that is, now it was accordingly announced that well, what we said, what the basic scheme will be, actually on may 5th, here is may 5th, which we talked about, in short, they will gradually take people out of there, start a military operation there , further clamp down on the border, this will lead to a colossal surge in the protest component; this is already happening, turkey announced that it was going to stop trade with israel, colombia announced that the european union could recognize the state in fact in two ways, that’s already there. there they say they go along this
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about the excitement, that is, in principle, it seems to be happening, shifting the center of attention, china is happening at the same time, now a visit is underway, which we also sort of announced here and also somehow ended up, accordingly, c has now arrived in france, this is accordingly his event, this is now being discussed by everyone in europe, then he left accordingly, now he is leaving, he actually left eastern europe, he has hungary, serbia, then right at these minutes we receive a broadcast from si and macron, this is their only. so i remind you, that macron stated there that it is really necessary to stabilize relations, that it is necessary to build a common position accordingly, that is, in fact, france is trying to drag itself into the role of the main engine of the european union, because germany sank first of all, it lost the most , in this regard, as it were , great britain, as if not a member of the european union, but a member of europe as a whole, is also seriously losing, so macron is trying to get the bulk of the advantage of what is happening now, to him of course, there is no need to lose the elections from this point of view, because there is a big gap there. maybe with the extreme right, but the point
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is that they are all starting to negotiate with xi, because they understand that in this way trump will come, and trump will come cheerful, because he has already announced that he is going to the dollar in every possible way promote, everyone who is not in the dollar, he will accordingly put under sanctions, so he is going to, as it were, limit the influence with everyone included there, and venezuela, iran, china, then there is a problem is the following, that is, as if europe also understands that there are some priorities there, against this background these priorities are no longer eastern europe to one degree or another. therefore, as if such a situation is unfolding, countries begin to bury their internal agenda, against this background, of course, and a window of opportunity opens, negotiations begin only when everyone is tired, in fact, this happens partially in gas and happens in other tracks, macron just said at this press conference that france is not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people. what then? it was for the crowing of the gali
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rooster, sending troops into the territory of ukraine. you decide, you are in a state of war, or you are sending in troops, or you are not in a state of war, and you are not sending them in. we'll be back. may 9, the main holiday in russia. our holiday channel will begin with news. the victory day telethon starts in the studio of the rossiya tv channel. the whole country honors the heroes of the great war. everyone who fought on the front line, everyone who worked in the rear, everyone who brought this day closer, everyone who won. we wholeheartedly congratulate the veterans, their descendants and those who continue our glorious legacy today.
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fighting traditions. the whole country is watching live broadcasts, exclusive interviews and reports. at 10:00 am, big parade, live broadcast from red square. hooray! the whole country is watching the best russian films about the war. legendary t-30. four, that the frits are over, that there is enough for our century, for the first time on television there is a big film premiere, righteous man, but there is no other road to this shore, no, only a bridge, let’s go, the music of victory will sound on the russia tv channel, since they are curly.
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festive concert fire deadly and festive release of the song program with all my heart. according to tradition, on this great unforgettable day we will sing our most favorite war songs. we are waiting for you at our festive table. the whole country is celebrating. celebrates victory day. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for
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you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. enough use a broom and dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner, which is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible. it's all a thing of the past when you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inside. depending on which direction you are in point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned
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with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily bypasses any. obstacles, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture that is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will get it. an incredible discount of 20 euros and the livington dipper swipper will cost you an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. do you want twice as much yield? the best solution for you will be a mini greenhouse
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palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. lightweight and sleek, perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces shock load on the joints at least. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why
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we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. we are now at a historic turning point, with threats at unprecedented levels. macron just said, whose words about the possible sending of the french military to ukraine raised the degree of escalation to such a high level, the french president said at a joint press conference with chinese president sizenpin. at the same time, macron is trying to convince beijing not to supply dual-use goods to russia. claims that france is allegedly not in a state of war either with russia or with the russian people. the ministry of foreign affairs of our country warned nato that moscow will evaluate those who appear.
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voiced today, there was a certain cooling in macron’s rhetoric, because
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first the ministry of defense announced exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, meade said that these exercises are being conducted in order to cool european heads, then our friend and former partner, former friend macron said that he is not at war with either russia or the russian people. we would like this to be a consequence of this morning's statements, but we understand that this is probably not the case. over to you, nastya. if you want to understand macron, then you don’t need to look for any logic here, this is a man who says white today, says black after lunch and doesn’t blush at all, changes his mind very quickly, tries to pursue some kind of independent policy, sovereign, european, as he calls it, autonomous from the united states, but unfortunately he ... doesn’t always succeed, or maybe fortunately, there is no autonomous policy of europe, in fact, paris's main goal now
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in these negotiations with the chinese leader is to push through its point of view, to put pressure on beijing, to make beijing curtail cooperation with moscow and take the same position as europe, like the united states, well enough an ambitious task, which, of course, is not yet possible to implement, it is unlikely that macron will succeed. is making all possible efforts, even tomorrow he intends to take sizenpin to perenei, where he once walked with his grandmother, he will enchant him with nature, his wife tet will try to persuade him to still follow paris, but here you need to understand that between relations between europe and china are now quite strained, without this we are talking about electric cars and trade disputes. it was not for nothing that ursula vonlein was present today. at the meeting with macron, it was through her hands that, in fact, he is trying to express european opinion
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and threaten china, he is threatening china, it was this person, it was not for nothing that he took him, he took her with him on his visit to china, now he also insisted on in her presence, the funder today threatened china with measures, threatened, put pressure, said that she would think about what to do with chinese companies if china did not cave in and follow the lead of the european union, and... if you look further, then the united states, well, which china naturally suggested their mediation efforts for peace, the real world, and not the one macron sees, pumping the region with weapons , actually making those very loud statements, actually heading for escalation, so the chinese attitude towards paris is understandable, the sixtieth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations, but after that it is necessary understand that the chinese leader will go to budapest, to hungary, in fact this is the second policy of power now.
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today mr. macron, he just said, i quote: we have no desire for regime change in moscow, but what do you mean, even if we you, sir... there was such an extermination, it’s not yours at all, excuse me, it’s a piece of cake, please, thank you, but i don’t think it’s worth thinking that macron will calm down, but what about, since the topic of nuclear weapons is on, regarding nuclear exercises that are being conducted in the southern military district, but what can i say, exercises of this kind have been carried out, will be carried out constantly, as long as nuclear weapons exist, this exercise is one of
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the deterrent factors, the last time we had such. both are a means of deterrence, only strategic nuclear forces are the basic means of deterrence, and tactical nuclear weapons are a means of achieving, as far as i understand, yars was not equipped with a nuclear warhead, no, but nevertheless the mace, when they were tested from submarines, was not were equipped with special equipment. as i understand it, the warehouses of the twelfth main directorate are not opening, because if this had happened, then the americans, who bet over every point, would now have found traces of possible use, because that’s exactly
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opening warehouses and testing, let's say, the suspension of this kind of ammunition, this would be a training form in order to keep it from any unwanted actions, that is, for this you need a subject of deterrence, that is, roughly speaking, clearly defined boundaries that you will go beyond these limits it will be bad, there must be a second one. then we need an object of deterrence, these are just these missiles that fly here and there, it’s better just there, not here, and the most important thing must be the reliability of the threat
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of use, that is, that the object containment will be applied. led to the caribbean crisis, a crisis within, roughly speaking, the military elite of the united states. tank battalions and divisions on our borders, god knows what else is there. but this is happening because they do not believe that we will use nuclear weapons. that's the whole problem. therefore, sergei aleksandrovich koraganov, in his widely discussed article, when he was, in my opinion,
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absolutely right, because there are many steps on the ladder, there are a lot of escalations, but namely convictions. we fly over the front line across the sea, approaching bridge, the fleece unsheathes, opens fire, this is what fighters will use as a prime move for the germans, the battle for the crimea, premiere, today on rtr, cleaning the floors is
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a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for... you, your back and hands, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom dustpan, use a gramos vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible dust, quickly and easily with the help of the brand new livington dipper sweeper electric broom. swiper is impressive with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward. depending on the direction in which you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front
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reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily bypasses any. and only today, the unique, ingenious limington dipper swiper wireless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will get an incredible €20 discount and you can get the livington dipper sweeper for a strictly limited offer. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet.
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this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort for everyone and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable fasteners. velcro ensures an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. bored of your old fence? do you want to update your bathhouse? but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for the fence bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly
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transform your suburban area to unrecognizable, fence, terrace, gazebo, will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from, all you need to do is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you, this is a ready-made solution, if contamination appears, just rinse it with water, beautiful, fast, convenient and easy, call and order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price from only 9.95, just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. on inauguration day president of the russian federation, we want... to tell you about a man of amazing purity of heart and broad soul, about whom legends were made during his lifetime, archimondrite methodius, with whom vladimir putin met more than once during his annual trips
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to valaan. malakhov, tomorrow on rtr. and here's how st. petersburg cadets prepare to participate in the ceremonial march on red square on victory day. chick's front box, listen up.


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