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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 7, 2024 5:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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methodius at the moscow courtyard of the valamsky monastery, where it would be possible to create an orthodox cultural and educational center , the light of valaam, in moscow. in memory of his holiness patriarch alexei ii and archimandrite methodius petrov. well, friends, happy holiday to you, happy sunday, thank you for being with us, take care. to your loved ones, thanks to father mikhodiy, who gathered us all here today,
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hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live for 60 minutes, and most importantly, us special issue. let's start with the main news of the day. putin took office as president of russia. the ceremony traditionally took place in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace. the president-elect took a 33-word oath of office on a printed copy of the constitution. after which he addressed the nation. putin emphasized that the fate of our country depends only on the russian people. the president noted that he is grateful to all citizens of the russian federation and military personnel who are fighting on the battlefield right now. the president called soldiers and officers of the russian army are defenders of the fatherland. and perhaps the main statement of the russian president was the promise to ensure the security of our great and vast country. putin called this
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his top priority and promised to defend freedom, independence and national interests in such difficult times. how was the inauguration ceremony of the president of russia? look. the president's office. clients report readiness for the ceremony. putin gets acquainted with the documents, turns them face down and leaves the senate kremlin building. in the corridor he stops at a painting of a musical nature. in the courtyard of the first building, where putin goes out under an umbrella, the head of state is greeted by a new arrival. restyled version of the aurus-senat executive car. another innovation in
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the motorcade is the aurus merlon electric motorcycles, capable of accelerating to 100 km/h in 4 seconds. accompanied by an honorary escort of motorcyclists, putin drives up to the large kremlin palace, where he is met by the commandant of the moscow kremlin, lieutenant general udavenko. comrade president russian federation, commandant of the moscow kremlin, i wish health to the lieutenant general. for meetings, for cream. putin climbs the grand staircase, step 66, the orchestra performs our president’s fanfare, written specifically for the inauguration. vladimir vladimirovich putin.
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exactly at noon, the elected president walks along the enfilade of halls through the st. george alexander palace of the large kremlin palace to the front st. andrew's palace. on the podium are already the chairman of the federation council matvienko, the speaker of the state duma volodin and the head of the constitutional court zorkin. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i ask you to take the oath. the text of the oath is approved in the constitution and consists of 33 words. the elected president takes an oath of allegiance to the people. on a special edition of the basic law. the book is decorated with a binding made of red monitor lizard leather with a silver coat of arms and gold embossing. for this inauguration , a new special copy of the constitution was prepared with the text of the amendments made. i swear, when exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation, to respect and protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen. observe defend the constitution. the russian federation
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to defend the sovereignty and independence, security and integrity of the state, to serve faithfully. upon completion, the chairman of the constitutional court informs the president of the official assumption of office and also presents the presidential insignia. vladimir vladimirovich putin took office as president of russia. our power. in these solemn and... responsible moments of taking office as president, i want to sincerely thank the citizens of russia in all regions of our country, the residents of our historical lands that defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our
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heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, thank you once again for the trust and support shown in me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, i have just spoken the words of the presidential oath, its text concentrates the essence of the highest mission of the head of state, to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred duty. exactly.
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positions of strength, without any arrogance, arrogance of one's own exclusivity, only strategic stability is possible, but not on equal terms, respecting each other's interests. the salute
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in honor of the inauguration of the head of state of 18 zis-3 cannons, 449 separate guards division, fires 30 salvoes at intervals of 20 seconds, like the symbol above. this music was also performed during the victory parade in 1945. on cathedral square , the presidential regiment of the moscow kremlin commandant service. the president listens to the report and greets the staff. units march solemnly past the red porch of the faceted chamber. after reviewing the kremlin regiment, putin
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goes to the annunciation cathedral, the first home church of the moscow grand dukes and tsars of the 15th century, where patriarch kirill of moscow of all russia makes a thanksgiving ceremony.
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our future, we are planning and already implementing new projects and programs that are designed to make our development even more dynamic, even more powerful. we are one. and great people, together we will overcome all obstacles, we will bring all our plans to life, together we will win. invitation to the heads of all foreign diplomatic missions that were in moscow received the inauguration, the kremlin said. the german spiegel writes that the question of whether to accept this invitation caused a split in europe. ambassadors of six eu member countries attended the events: hungary, slovakia, greece, malta.
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usa lyn tracy simply left russia before the inauguration. the german ambassador was also recalled to germany for consultations. the kremlin noted that the ambassadors who missed the ceremony forgot why they were in moscow. at the same time, in the west, of course, they closely followed ceremony in the kremlin and listened to putin’s every word. the british mirror called putin's threat to the west chilling. his words, think about it, only we will determine the fate of russia, it’s madness.
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the washington post writes about the triumphant inauguration of putin, who is filled with optimism and is confident in russia’s victory. the times and the associated press unanimously report that putin is entering his fifth term stronger and more confident than ever before. british blogger john carter publishes a photo of putin climbing the grand staircase big. in the uk, the ceremony was shown by sky news, and the daily mail and times independent newspapers; in france, bfm tv; in germany , ntv and welt followed putin’s speech in the east. in ally iran, the ceremony was broadcast by the irn news agency. press tv channel online,
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the ceremony taking place in the kremlin was also shown in saudi arabia qatri and the uae. by the way, the president of the united arab emirates, mohammed bin zeid al-nahyan, was almost the first to congratulate putin on his inauguration. venezuelan president maduro is still before putin took office, called him one of the greatest world leaders, and also noted that after the collapse. soviet union. it was putin who very quickly ensured an incredibly high level of economic, technological and military development in russia. maduro said that venezuela, together with russia, is ready to move towards a multipolar world, which is our destiny. the correspondent of the german welt in moscow, christoph wanner, also talks about putin’s plans to put an end to the hegemony of the west, but unlike madura does it with sadness.
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he was summoned many times to the russian ministry of foreign affairs, the last time was yesterday due to emmanuel macron’s latest statements about sending troops to ukraine, which, however, did not prevent him from responding
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to russia’s invitation to the inauguration. we see the russian constitution, which vladimir putin put his trust in. from this story, very skillfully, the german ambassador lamsdorf, now not at all in moscow, was summoned to berlin for a consultation on the latest cyber attacks against germany, which were allegedly carried out by russian hackers. and for me, this is nothing more than a cunning diplomatic move by a horse. russian president vladimir putin will begin
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his fifth presidential term on tuesday. do you have any comments on this? i understand that american ambassador tracy is currently... out of the country, so my question is: will someone from the american embassy attend his inauguration ceremony or will the us join the boycott by other countries. no, our representative simply will not be at his inauguration. so the us is boycotting it? he just won't be at the inauguration. you have the right to draw your own conclusions from this. that is, you do not think that putin is an illegitimate president. he wants a multipolar order to be established in the world, i even think that vladimir putin wants a tripolar world order led by russia, china and the united states. the russian president also made it clear that he is ready to conduct a dialogue with the west if western countries stop poking their nose into
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russia's internal affairs and no longer behave as arrogantly as before. but putin emphasized it. then this dialogue should be on equal terms, but if nothing fundamentally changes on the part of western countries now, everything will be the same as before, that is, russia will not abandon its absolute course of confrontation with the west. now to the front, where the russian army continues to advance to the west and destroys western equipment. russian fighters burned two more american fighters. the eighth american vehicle was sent to the dustbin of history by scouts of the first slavic brigade from the dpr. abrans knocked out the fpv and drone crew of the tank. was forced to flee fleeing, but he was overtaken by the second kamikaze. when performing a combat mission, as can be seen, a thermal imaging camera was used in the footage. the ninth american tank was destroyed by fighters from the center group in the avgeevsky direction and was also finished off by drones. and this is footage of the defeat of another bradley infantry fighting vehicle, also in the avdeevka direction, but the soldiers of the forty-seventh brigade have already worked here.
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ivanovo paratroopers continue their offensive on chasov yar in the dpr. the canal microdistrict is already excellent. controlled from the air, supply of enemy ammunition in this sector seriously hampered, any attempts are stopped by heavy artillery fire. both attack and tactical aircraft are operating at the militants’ positions; here, the russian loitering ammunition lance destroys another crew of the ukrainian armed forces, literally tearing apart a ukrainian self-propelled gun. in the kupinsky direction, the russian army is expanding the bridgehead around kislovka kotlyarivka, occupied in... in the southern donetsk direction, fighting continues in krasnogorovka, enemy dugouts are being opened by self-propelled tulip mortars, as reported by new york times, due to the scale of the loss... zelensky’s army is not able to report on the dead, it comes to the point that the relatives of the missing in the disaster of unknown, this is how the leadership records the majority of the dead,
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resort to the occult sciences, turn to fortune tellers. the film crew of the british bbc and the german portal "y collective" reports on the plight of the ukrainian thugs on the armored line. they say that there is no peace from russian weapons even at the training grounds. in the deep rear. andrei was unexpectedly called to a training session and he took us with you. while we were driving to the training ground, we noticed a scar from a gunshot wound on the face of a ukrainian armed forces soldier. and we asked him how he lives with the knowledge that at any second. and if you’re unlucky, then
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there won’t be any open coffin, that’s all, many of my friends were buried in closed coffins, because there was little left of them. they train at night, train in the middle of a war, to survive this war. drops grenades from them, at least we have some left at the front, everything is fine, these exercises lasted
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almost 3 hours, all these ukrainian armed forces soldiers will now disperse to their camp sites, which they have organized nearby in houses abandoned by residents. as a journalist working... in a war zone, i think it can be said that we do quite a lot of things that many people would call irresponsible, but this outing today may be the most irresponsible of all, i have ukrainian paratroopers behind me and we joined them during the rotation, the russian army is attacking with all its might and we wanted to show what it means to stand in the way russians. the war here is extremely loud and intense, and that’s where these sounds are coming from, that’s where we’re heading, we quickly change the car, some guys have just come from there, now ours is trying to get in and...
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the car stops and we run 300 m across the field past funnels and so we get to the first position, we will call it a shelter, the paratroopers occupy two positions along this road, we will call it a yard, a shelter for rest, and a yard for observation.
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and preparations, it is hardly worth suspecting the russian special services of this, as this they immediately did it to the sbu. rather, zelensky simply ceased to correspond to the interests of the local foreign elites. wehrmacht colonel klaus von stalfenberg in 1944 was not an nkvd agent and did not work for the ussr, like beck, canaris and others involved in the conspiracy against hitler. they simply considered the management's policy. germany was a dead end and acted like patriots. we are not hinting at anything, but this is a reason for zelensky to think and understand that in addition to the interests of the west, there are also the interests of his own people, which he continues to ignore, and drive people to slaughter. all the detective details about the assassination attempt on naz. look. the sbu has uncovered a network of fsb agents who
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were preparing the assassination of the president of ukraine. one of the most important tasks of the fsb intelligence network was to search for executors among the military close to the president’s security who could take the head of state hostage and eventually kill him, he set me the task. to assess the mood of the employees who were guarding the president’s office, the task was to find people who could during any transition, either the exit to the evening address in the office or the square in front of the president’s office should be blocked.
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visual control, so that you can see there who will fuss and help, let’s say, to complete things, for implementation, for the implementation of the task, well, from fifty it will be, from five, from 50, from 50 what thousand dollars, 50,000 dollars , right, yes, yes, yes, yes, from fifty from...
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is that a safe point? yes, yes, yes, there has already been surveillance and other activities there, you should see two cars, one car. and let's say, the boss, the second car, the escort car, as soon as you saw this, today you will be there from 19 to 22, as soon as you saw this, you must immediately inform me about this in an sms, then you tell us, you will go to the place where you will have the bird and where you will have the starting position for your shot. uh-huh, you don’t move away, you hear bangs, you start a bird, you fly there, you see people, they’re sorting things out there, they’re moving something there, they’re moving into the car somewhere, and in addition
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you strike, you understand, yes, and in addition i strike at a specific target or just hit people, after that we will find you, your traces of what was on...
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and the forces of the navy. preparations for the southern military district exercises involving aviation have begun. the kremlin said directly that this extremely extraordinary training is being carried out in connection with provocative statements by western leaders about their readiness to send troops to ukraine. in the russian federation, london, paris, washington, were directly accused of providing direct assistance to terrorist actions against russia carried out by the kiev mode. using western weapons. the american institute of war studies argues that the nuclear threat is part of russia's reflexive control operations. they say that in this way russia influences the west and forces it to voluntarily make
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decisions that are beneficial for itself. this is supposedly a key tool in moscow’s hybrid war. german tv channel ntv. he believes that nuclear exercises are primarily a response to putin and macron.
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russia has announced an exercise simulating the use of such nuclear weapons against the backdrop of the war in ukraine.
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what is new is that such an event
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occurred for the first time since the start of the war in ukraine, that is, for the first time it was publicly announced in advance, which is absolute know-how, for the first time it is accompanied by an explanation of why russia is doing this, which at the same time is hidden threat. we are talking about increasing the importance and strength of russia, this is a new level of how russia gives signals. nuclear exercises are not something unusual; it is clear to link them with statements. of course, we are monitoring this and will continue to monitor this closely. i can
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tell you that we do not see anything forcing us to change the balance of power of our strategic deterrent, even despite the reckless rhetoric. lastly, if mr. putin and russian officials are so concerned about their soldiers being attacked by weapons from other countries, the easiest thing to do in this situation is to take their troops away. another proof that the kremlin is only interested in further escalation situation that was caused by his illegal invasion of ukraine. of course, we call on russia to stop the escalation of irresponsible rhetoric and irresponsible behavior. stop aggression against ukraine.
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the kremlin is again flexing its muscles with the use of nuclear weapons, that is , tactical nuclear weapons, which the command in the southern military district of russia in rostov nadon will carry out in the near future. such a move could protect the european part of russia and its southern part, and of course, this is directed against ukraine, as well as against countries of the european union. why such an order now? because this needs to be a threat to supporters of ukraine. on the political map of eastern europe, it is noteworthy that defense spending
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in our neighbor poland has more than doubled in just 8 years, now amounting to almost 4% of gdp, which makes it the alliance record holder for military spending and, apparently, for hostility towards russia. in second place according to the same indicators is estonia, headed by thermonuclear russophobe prime minister kaja kallas, it spends two of... the list is completed by romania and slovakia, without exception, has exceeded the nato standard of spending at least 2% of gdp on defense. some western european countries have to dream of such figures; their armies are categorically underfunded and in decline, which does not prevent them from making bellicose statements, contributing.
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lithuania conducted joint exercises in the corridor area, and france again carried out maneuvers of the multi-purpose frigate normandy. all this against the backdrop of yet another delusional dream of the lithuanian prime minister about a nato sea instead of the baltic sea shared with russia. well, who is the aggressor here?
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more than 20 years ago, us secretary of defense donald trump, ready to lead the american invasion of iraq, despite the strong objections of the french and germans, was outraged, believing that it came from old europe. he said if you look at all of nato europe today, the center of gravity is moving east. ramsvelt was wrong about iraq, but right about europe. nato is growing and directing resources to the east. the catalyst, of course, is. neighbor of eastern europe. look at poland. she strengthened her defenses by taking herself a commitment to much more than the 2% of gdp envisaged by nato. in fact, its president is proposing a new target of 3% for all nato members. this year poland will spend about 4% of its gdp on military needs. it also plans to nearly
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double the size of its ground forces to 300,000 soldiers. it has spent billions of dollars on state-of-the-art weapons. as the economist notes, poland intends to put into service more tanks than the armies of germany, france, great britain and italy combined. poland's leadership is not limited to defense spending; most of the weapons coming to ukraine from the west go through poland. it’s like at the height of the cold war, an entire convoy of bundesfern armored vehicles, 250 armored vehicles of the first motorized infantry battalion, immediately moved out of schwarzenbohn. from the border with the kaliningrad region, the largest training ground in poland, they will prepare for future military conflicts, but today their task is to destroy the enemy’s infantry. this week
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, poland and lithuania held joint military exercises in the suwalki corridor. this a sixty-mile strip between belarus, essentially a vassal state of russia. and kaliningrad, a russian territory located inland, sandwiched between lithuania and poland. this corridor has historically been the weakest point of the baltic countries. if russia seizes the suwałki corridor, it will cut off these three former soviet states from the rest of nato. but the threat posed by russian occupation of the suwalki corridor diminished when nato expanded to include its two northern neighbors. sweden and finland. teaching france also held.
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this is consistent with what we see today at sea, whether it is the baltic sea or the black sea, we understand that the traditional threat is becoming more and more likely, and we are changing the way we think and the way we train on ships such as...
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after the russian invasion to ukraine. in january , estonia, latvia and lithuania agreed to build hundreds. germany is unwaveringly supportive of the baltics and there are many, many reasons for this, but it is very important that we make it clear that this is a serious matter, we committed to each other. this is part of the understanding that we have found in nato. some 35,000 german troops are ready to quickly assist our allies in the event
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of an emergency, meaning that we provide protection and that all nations can rely on us to protect every inch of their territory. my soldiers know very well what is at stake, we watch footage from ukraine every day, my soldiers understand that things can come to real combat. now about the incredible adventures of americans in russia in this history has everything, including military service, love, crime and punishment. thirty-four-year-old sergeant gordon black served in south korea, where he met a pretty girl, sasha. but alexandra’s business trip ended and she went to russia, specifically to vladivostok. leaving his american romeo remotely, although their love flowed onto the internet, communication passed on, but gordon did not forget about his beloved,
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so he had a chance. the american command decided to redeploy the soldier back to his homeland to the fort kawass military base, but the ardent the american's heart forced him to do differently and the sergeant went to vladivostok to see the girl. but their romance ended just 2 weeks after... a statement was made to the vladivostok police. alexandra accused her imported boyfriend of beating her and stealing 200,000 rubles and alcohol. the latter, apparently, was stolen by the american to heal his emotional wounds. but, as the classic said, there is a price to pay for freedom in feelings, so accept the challenge of don juan. and already on may 2, while the american was packing his suitcases to return to the usa, he was detained from the hotel. the american traveler went to the local police department. of course, the american media did not see the whole picture and accused us of
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yet another detention of their citizen. neither cbs nor abc news mentioned why exactly the american soldier was detained. apparently, women’s rights are not respected in the united states these days, not like in my vladivostok. american journalists even got to the white house, where they asked john kirby. this is an unfair, inhumane detention, but the strategic communications coordinator couldn’t do anything answer, and addressed the question to the pentagon press service. at the moment, investigators from the police department have opened a criminal case under paragraph b of part two of article 158 of the criminal code, theft. the sanction of the article provides for liability in the form of imprisonment for up to 5 years. apparently. the american will have to stay in the capital of the far east. it became known that an american soldier was
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arrested in russia after he was accused of stealing from a citizen. according to officials, he was expected to return to the united states as part of a regular rotation, but instead went to the port city of vladivostok, although russia is on the list of restricted areas for the us military. he was arrested last week for allegedly stealing from a woman, with evidence against him.
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the criminal investigation department of the russian ministry of internal affairs in the city of vladivostok detained a thirty-four-year-old citizen of a foreign state. on april 10, a man came to visit a friend in the far eastern capital. later, the applicant had a conflict at home with an acquaintance. after he left, the girl discovered missing money and turned to the police for help. police officers found the suspect in one of the city hotels. air tickets intended to fly home. an investigator of the police department opened a criminal case under paragraph b, part 2 of article 158 of the criminal code
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of the russian federation, theft. the sanction of the article provides for liability in the form. black, 34, grew up in ilinoece in the military from the age of 18, according to his mother. russian authorities conducted a thorough interrogation of the american when he first arrived in russia and then released him. in on thursday, the state department informed black's mother of his detention, and she has not spoken to him since he was taken into custody. the detention is likely to become an additional test for the already tense relations between moscow and washington. and we advise sasha from vladivostok not to be upset,
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there will be someone worthy of you. we are transported to the front, military correspondent vladimir razin is in direct contact with us, volodya, hello, of course, the news about the rate of extermination of the abramtsev is a little shocking, we have read eight, in the last few days, there have been three destroyed, right? evgeniya, good evening, yes, everything is correct, it was destroyed, why, because the forty-seventh brigade was returned back to the ocheretinsky sector of the front. they have already returned for vdeevka, why are they returning her , in principle they are thrown into the areas as fire brigades, as a rule, yes, or as it was in the zaporozhye direction as such a breakthrough force, but we remember how she showed herself, she is in devka , she tried to plug the holes between the divisions, which continue to crumble to this day after how we liberated ovdievka, after we
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liberated otcheredin and after we continue to move further west on this. direction, so they again entered the battle, but they were defeated again, let’s say , yes, all these tanks that left, went onto the battlefield, they were destroyed, in general this direction is quite active on our part, we are moving, moving, outlined , we are expanding the zone of control, both to the north, to the north-west, to the south-west, we are expanding this cheretina, we are approaching novoaleksandrovka, this is the western cheretina, we approach novopokrovsky, this...
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is not wrong, let’s say, yes, but that in the west they say that some kind of fist has gathered there, which will strike somewhere someday, yes, i think they are will feel at the moment when we need it, when the command comes, there in one or another place or maybe in all places at once, to put a little pressure on the enemy, yes, to break through this line of defense that is now behind him, and move on accordingly, but absolutely. across the board, it's uh, in times superiority in artillery fire, this is constant 24x7 reconnaissance, this is identifying targets, identifying the defeat of targets not only close to the front line, it is far in the rear and deep in the rear of the enemy is hit, so the whole complex works, the complex works quite smoothly, and the results, well, we actually see it every day, because there are changes every day, they are
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positive, the figures from the ministry of defense, of course , too... shocking - 1,500, even more, ukrainian armed forces soldiers killed per day. in addition, a very long list of techniques is listed destroyed and there are leopards and... several bradleys, the already mentioned abrams, these are the forces zelensky is now throwing at counterattacks, because there is no strength to resist, because this is the last blow, or because american help is awaiting, and the equipment will be available in the near future more, so you can spend what you have, such losses, firstly, are due to the fact that...
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they do not understand what and how happens in war, and accordingly from this from a lack of understanding of what happens from... . format of combat operations, from the changes that occur every day in the format of combat operations such large losses are suffered from the enemy, plus, plus, again, work is going on behind enemy lines, yes, that is, somewhere they have accumulated, somewhere they have literally delayed for an extra hour with what something in a column or gathered personnel for something, intelligence identified it, transmitted it, and a blow was struck against the equipment that would soon... arrive - firstly, well, it won’t arrive right away - of that entire party, yes, which they are promised, it will arrive in small quantities in batches, it will disperse in different directions, that is, in fact, i think, nothing will change much, so the pace, the loss of equipment, well,
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they are unlikely to connect this with the fact that, yes, we are about to receive a new batch, so we need to quickly burn it there, so to say, what we have left is no, it’s just that this is really what they are trying to do, they are still trying to carry out meat assaults with such attacks on... to try to repel our attacks, our advances, and they simply have no other choice, other than using what they have there is, firstly, yes, the number of people, in a qualitative indicator, in a quantitative indicator, that they now have, and which they one way or another continue to move along the front, they have several brigades there that are traveling from one point to another point, then to a third point, one way or another, in none of the places do they achieve any positive result, yes, but at the same time they... move from place to place, take victorious pictures, yes, which they show to their population, well, i think it’s unlikely even the population believes in it. thank you very much, as always, exhaustive, very detailed, interesting, the outstanding military correspondent, vladimir
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razin, with us in direct communication from the zone of the special military operation. and in our studio obtya ronich alluuddinov, hero of russia, assistant to the head of the chechen republic, special forces commander akhmat. recently, deputy head of the department of the ministry of defense. obtyavich, you were at the presidential inauguration today, what were your impressions, what are your plans for the next 6 years? zhenya, good afternoon to everyone who is watching us, well, for the next 6 years, what you said, in principle, probably, serve our fatherland, which is what we are doing, we will continue to do our work in order for ours. the country , led by supreme commander-in-chief vladimir vladimirovich, has become even stronger, more independent, well, of course, so that our enemies finally realize that
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russia is not a toy that can be played with as they please, it is a sovereign state that has its own resource , this state is quite ready to use all its resources in order to defend its sovereign right, i...
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but at the same time there is one very serious nuance here: once in his conversation vladimirovich said the following words: why do we need a world in which there is no.
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they understand perfectly well that they cannot support ukraine in such a way that it can win against russia, they are going to support it with their boots, now they are already talking about sending troops, macron, he has some swings , though in his statements, he is sending troops, it doesn’t send, but nevertheless several countries have already confirmed their hypothetical readiness to come to ukraine with a boot, well here it is like in this film , sarahov’s captive of the caucasus. and i married everything that i stole, he said, if every one of their hypothetical forecasts, wishes there, they were possible, and if they could even imagine for one minute that by getting involved in this war, they could win, i swear to you, they have already done this a long time ago, no matter what they do, but a hybrid war has been going on against russia for a long time using different methods using different... resources
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with us through ukraine, we call it a proxy war, because it is fighting with us all nato bloc, through ukraine, but at the same time, yes, they were ready to allocate weapons, they were ready to allocate equipment and equipment there, initially, because they were sure that yes, ukraine would be able to hit russia in this case, and also there was one nuance, they were larger than in uera.
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those whom they would like to see as our leaders, but as for your statements about this ladder, escalation, yesterday political scientists gave good terminology after statements in training, well, there is a limit, there is a ceiling, because that we will now conduct training, they will, relatively speaking, enter with some limited contingent there, we will test nuclear weapons, they will test nuclear weapons, there are no steps left.
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it’s not hard to open, you know, that is, this is a kind of game, believe me, these are your pathetic little souls, they value them more than anything else, why are they ready to keep puppet power, because today there are no independent european states, we are we see that this is a state in which the proteges, the leadership, are generally representatives. lobbying the interests of america, there is no other way to call it, they are ready to do anything, let’s say scholz is ready to do everything, tear up the german economy, overthrow it, i don’t know.
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over these 2 years, russia has become much stronger, even than it was when we entered the northern military district. we have become stronger in all aspects, the economic aspect, combat potential, our, as they say, entire military-industrial complex has started working, we have begun to produce shells, weapons, equipment much more, and what is most important, today we are the force that has gained experience in conducting modern combat.
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what, is it to the dnieper, to kiev, to poland, to lisbon? i will say this, ramzan akhmatovich voiced it very clearly, which means that the image of our victory, the image of our victory is the territory where our russian-speaking brothers are located, this is the kharkov region, this is the odessa
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region, and in theory we should completely isolate ourselves, it turns out with transnistria, i i think i can do this, believe me, i’m already showering it today. ranks of ukrainian formations, they themselves voice that if they recruit, say, 500 people, this is how they gather them, we see, they beat them, forcibly, it turns out, they drag their military registration and enlistment offices, drag them to the front, how many run, there’s another nuance, they themselves are already openly saying that out of this mass, out of 500 people, 300 people, they immediately refuse that they will fight. criminal cases have already been initiated against them, they are already leaving, look, the nazons are already ready to leave, they are ready to serve 5 years, but they don’t want to fight, here is the nuance, our previous speaker correctly said, that due to what they are suffering such losses, these forces that they
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are collecting, supposedly, they do not have time to prepare them, you can give them what you want, tanks, planes, but there are no specialists who know how to work on... all this and no matter what they do, no matter how much money they give there, the factories are not ready to produce so many shells, weapons, missiles in order to fully provide the ukrainian formations for confrontation future with russia, here is the nuance the main one is, probably, we must understand that we will put pressure, you will see it all, you will see the end of may, the beginning of june.
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it’s an amazing picture, or they all gathered in one place, but in 3 days, three abrams, it’s amazing, as for the inauguration and how the inauguration of president putin is perceived in the west, then of course, they are not stupid people, they understand that over 70 million people voted for putin, and they will have to deal with this. listen. there are two different points of view. the first is the point western view. and your question will, of
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course, be quickly answered: no, i didn’t serve. but there is another point of view, the point of view of many russian citizens who look at this completely differently, and such russians are the majority. they see the successes of vladimir putin, they agree that in this war russia is only repelling the attack of the west and that this war could not have been avoided, so many russians like what we saw today at the inauguration ceremony. it seems that the germans are worried that they were not given the opportunity to vote in the presidential elections of the russian federation, well, it’s not fate, we’ll come back, but there is no other road to the other side, no, only a bridge, we have to have time to cross the bridge. righteous, premiere on may 9 on rtr.
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let's go home! legendary t-34. may 9 on rtr. thank you. while our memory is alive. thanks everyone veterans. thanks to the heroes of the front and rear.
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thanks to the great generation of winners. happy victory day, a big festive concert dedicated to victory day on may 9 on rtr. vladimir putin met today with his ninety- one-year-old class teacher, vera
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guryevich, who took office as president, presented the teacher with flowers, and found out how she got to the kremlin. due to our bad weather in may. vera dmitrievna was among those invited to the inauguration in the st. andrew's hall of the kremlin. putin held another meeting with the president of the research institute of emergency pediatric surgery traumatology, the legendary leonid roshal. the head of state paid special attention to him even before taking the oath and came up to shake his hand. rashal congratulated the president on taking office and presented him with a book entitled in passing with his philosophical reflections. the speakers of both houses of parliament, valentin matvienko and vyacheslav polodin, who were on the podium next to putin in st. andrew's hall, and the head of the chechen republic, shared their emotions from the inauguration ceremony with our program ramzan kadyrov called for taking kharkov and odessa in the near future. today i consider
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such a special day, solemn, festive, the president has been elected. by the will of the people, vladimir vladimirovich putin took office, this is a very significant event for our country, the ceremony is very solemn, sovereign, i would say, emotional, at the same time with a sense of proportion, i really liked how calmly and confidently the president spoke today, emphasized once again that the foreign and domestic policy that he implemented. implemented will continue in the interests of the fatherland in serving its people, this stability, this consistency is very different from the shyness of other world leaders who say one thing in the morning, another in the evening, the day after tomorrow another, and this of course gives people confidence too, it seems to me that
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today’s event it has already put an end to the failure of the project of the united states of america and the west, aimed at weakening the situation in russia, destabilizing it, and reducing the level of support for our president, strictly speaking, they didn’t succeed, it’s a very important day for us, a solemn, responsible day, the president... takes the oath to his citizens, this is done publicly, you see how many people, despite the challenges, our country is becoming stronger, so we can only rejoice the fact that we have such a head of state, putin is our advantage, anyone who wants war should look at the history of our country, external challenges have always
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united russia, russia has always won in these cases, our leader... this is a man who knows how - save, yes he is the state, how he saves syria and other states, and how he is putting things in order today. in lugansk, donbass, zaporozhye in other regions, i believe that we need to be more active, we need to attack, we need to beat, yes he is tough, yes he is, there is still time, he is in this month , we need to take the nearest territory, he is well it’s definitely necessary to take odessa to kharkov , then it was necessary to put this zelensky in jail, yes it was. and we need to force him to sign all the papers that are necessary for russia, for the security of our state, for citizens,
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for the russian speaking population who live on the territory of ukraine. please andrey, well, the inauguration is one of the events that seems to measure the milestones of our history, a new, very serious stage of our development has begun, i must say that the weather, miraculously, seemed to emphasize this. talk and negotiate, but negotiate on equal terms, while, unfortunately, the words of the president sound like the words of a prophet, the eye of a prophet crying in the wilderness, because
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they behave not only irresponsibly, that ’s how this trick with the ambassadors showed infantile, the ambassadors skipped class like naughty schoolchildren, yes, that means some discussion about whether we recognize or do not recognize the legality of vladimir’s election. putin, let’s say this, in international law there is no such procedure as recognizing a choice or not recognizing elections in another country, there is a recognition procedure in the rules, they live by the rules, and even by the rules, there is a procedure for recognizing a country, you recognize the country , then you recognize the power that exists in this country, it’s our business, as citizens of russia, to recognize this power form, everything, whether you like it or not . ambassadors became ambassadors thanks to the president of russia, because until the moment he accepted their credentials, they are not ambassadors at all,
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only after the president of russia accepted their credentials, they are ambassadors, they are invited to the inauguration of the president of russia, according to of the current vienna convention, if tomorrow the ambassador is not invited, but the minister of foreign affairs is summoned...
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it means that a certain vacuum of leadership has arisen in europe, the americans are somewhere they have withdrawn themselves, they are delving inside, nori
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sunok will soon leave us all after the elections to the house of commons, because it is quite obvious that the conservative party will be completely defeated, they will suffer, well, scholz, what a leader scholz is, in the end you can at least agree on something with the representatives ukraine, remember how mr. melnik called it liver. this means that macron seems to have all the cards in his hands, that is, he must become a leader, but he has not decided whether he is the leader of victory or the main conciliator, he cannot decide, that's why he's tossed from side to side.
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sarbona and tells them about a united europe from further macron meets with students from lisbon to odessa, sorry, lugansk is much further east than odessa, yes, however, this is not discussed.
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the anniversary of the victory in the great war, in the great patriotic war, is approaching, this is one of the favorite songs from the times of the great patriotic war, there was a song sung by shulzhenka “let’s smoke,” and there were wonderful words: odessa will greet us again as hosts, the stars of the black sea will let us shine, glorious kokhovka, the city of nikolaev, these days someday... we will remember. prophetic words. urgent news. putin instructed the cabinet minister to adjust existing national projects and introduce 11 new ones, according to the decree. the president also signed a decree on the national development goals of the russian federation for the period until 2030 and for the future until 2036, the kremlin reported. among these goals.
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population conservation, improving human well-being, family support, sustainable and dynamic economy, technological leadership, as well as digital transformation of many spheres of life, state municipal management of the economy and social sphere. today, putin took office as president of russia for the fifth time again on may 7. the traditional location of the ceremony is in the st. andrew's hall of the large kremlin palace, the head of state. took the oath, after which he addressed the people. putin thanked the participants of the special operation who are fighting for our fatherland, spoke about the goals, the interests and safety of the people will be above all for him russia, he emphasized, our country will pass through the current milestone period with dignity and will only become stronger. putin's final words: together we will win. after the
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ceremony in andrevskoye.
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in the corridor he stops at a painting of a musical nature. in the courtyard of the first building, where putin comes out under an umbrella, the head of state is greeted by a new product: a restyled version of the aurus senate executive car. another innovation in the motorcade is the auurus mirlon electric motorcycles, capable of accelerating in 4 seconds. 100 km/h. accompanied by an honorary escort of motorcyclists, putin drives up to the large kremlin palace, where he is met by the commandant of the moscow kremlin, lieutenant general udavenko. comrade president of the russian federation, commandant of the moscow kremlin, general, i wish you good health putin climbs the main staircase, 66 steps, the orchestra performs a fanfare our
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president wrote specifically for the inauguration. vladimir vladimirovich putin. at exactly noon, the elected president walks through the suite of halls through st. george's aleksandrovsky grand kremlin palace in the ceremonial andreevsky palace on the podium are already the chairman of the federation council matvienko, the speaker of the state duma volodin and the head of the constitutional court zorkin. dear vladimir vladimirovich, i ask you to take the oath. the text of the oath approved in the constitution consists of 33 words: the elected president takes an oath of allegiance to the people in a special edition of the fundamental law. the book is decorated with a binding made of red monitor lizard leather with a silver coat of arms and gold embossing. for this inauguration they produced
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a new special copy of the constitution with the text of the amendments made. i swear, while exercising the powers of the president of the russian federation.
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of our country, the inhabitants of our historical lands, who defended the right to be together with their homeland, i want to bow to our heroes, participants in a special military operation, everyone who is fighting for the fatherland, i thank you again for the trust and support you have shown me, now i am addressing every citizen of russia, only that he uttered the words of the presidential bullshit. its text contains the essence the highest mission of the head of state: to protect russia and serve our people. i understand that this is a huge honor, a sacred
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duty. this is what determined the meaning and content of my work in previous years. i assure you that interests will continue. the safety of the people of russia will be paramount to me. according to putin, russia does not refuse contacts with the west, but is ready to conduct a dialogue without arrogance on equal terms if it stops its policy of aggression and pressure. we have been and will be open to strengthening good relations with everyone countries that see russia as a reliable and honest partner. and this is truly the global majority. we do not refuse dialogue with the west.
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equal, respecting each other's interests. a salute in honor of the inauguration of the head of state by 18 zis-3 449 guns of a separate guards division, firing 30 salvos at intervals of 20 seconds, as a symbol of the highest state units. on the fourth salvo , a powerful wave knocked down a branch standing opposite the tree. the patriotic glory of glinka sounds. this music from... on cathedral square presidential regiment serving as the commandant
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of the moscow kremlin. the president listens to the report and greets the staff. the units march solemnly past the red porch of the faceted chamber. after reviewing the kremlin regiment, putin heads to the annunciation cathedral. the first house church. moscow grand dukes and tsars of the 16th century, there the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill performs a thanksgiving service: the saint is at the vila, christ is risen measured. may it be with you all the days of your life.
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around the acidity of the boiler, about liberation direction, our fighters are expanding the bridgehead which the ministry of defense announced the day before. this is how the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in this sector of the front are destroyed by our mortars. the footage shows that the mines are flying directly into the trench, and this is already a jewelry strike from the lancet on the launcher of the buk apu anti-aircraft complex in the kharkov region. heavy fighting is taking place on the eastern outskirts of chasov yar. the positions of ukrainian militants in the city are equal to ours. aviation beats the armed forces of ukraine in an hour-long rage and
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drones, that’s how the drone pilots of the 83rd guards airborne storm brigades, snipers direct lancet loitering ammunition at a self-propelled artillery installation of ukrainian militants. after a powerful explosion, pieces of armor fly tens of meters away. the militants tried to hide the gun itself in the planting, to no avail; they failed to hide this american bmp bradly in greenery, and that too.
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the car stops, we run 300 m across the field, skirting the craters, we take position number one, we will call it shelter, the paratroopers occupy two positions along this road, the other we will call the yard, shelter intended for... relaxation, a yard for observation, from there the russians are only 600 m away. after a brief introduction by some units that were already here, we got a couple of hours of much needed sleep, since, as you just heard, it is quite noisy here, the village is under constant attack, a couple of minutes ago, light bombs fell somewhere nearby. the russian military destroyed the poddeevka, another eighth american abrams tank, the third in a week. thus, kyiv has already lost. a quarter of the armored vehicles supplied by washington.
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the goal of the russian offensive is to reach kurakhovo and pokrovsk, said the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine , general 200 syrsky. in these shots , stormtroopers are clearing ukrainian dugouts. on the northern outskirts of ocheretin there is a shooting battle, drop it, drop it, russian troops are getting closer, ukrainians are hiding and waiting for this time to finally deliver american ammunition, worth billions of dollars, the delivery of which has been delayed for so long. last year ukraine was preparing for a counter-offensive, this time everything is different, they are preparing for what might happen, that this ammunition will help. but they are also struggling to mobilize enough people to replace those soldiers. kiev is expanding the conscription age, normist alexander, who works and lives in this bunker, believes that this is something more than just a game of pizza. if we all go home, the inexperienced soldiers may be able to hold the line,
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but many of them will die. in the lpr, russian artillerymen knocked out a polish howitzer, in this footage. here the target is the delivery vehicle ammunition, in this video a
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kamikaze drone flies into the ukrainian trenches, the militants are worried about the superiority of the russian army in the air, at the control point.
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paris did not send soldiers to ukraine, the french ministry of foreign affairs officially stated, the message about the presence of the french contingent in ukraine, the foreign ministry calls.
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truce in ukraine through negotiations with russia, said that western sanctions did not have the expected effect, the west itself overestimated its influence in the world. at the same time, the european union promises to support ukraine with all possible ways and will ask allies to supply more weapons and faster. this is stated in a statement by the european external action service. these shots show a train of american bradley infantry fighting vehicles heading to ukraine. kurwa dla ukraińców, pierdolonych, kurwa, blokują drogę, kurwa do rzeczowa, then kurwy, patrzcie. the pentagon will not send troops to ukraine, said an official representative of the us state department, according to miller, the owner of the white house made it clear that this will not
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happen, and france is not in a state of war neither with russia nor with the russian people, unexpectedly, macron said. war is the worst thing that can happen to a people and a country, and i am amazed by the ease with which emmanuel macron talks about it, when, with a glass of whiskey in his hands, during a conversation with the singer at 3:00 in the morning they say: i will have to send the guys to odessa, yes, i’m talking about ease, since we are talking about the lives of our soldiers, he wants to send troops for the sake of his own ego, personal image. adalich, yes, a priority supported by practice, what about president putin said today, and this is security. as the core of all his activities as president, what he started with in 1999, saved the country 25 years
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ago, it was the caucasus, accordingly, a strategic understanding of the fact that we need to deal with our own security, we need to think about the integrity of the state of the country, even if it threatens, absolutely threatens mortally your political career, he still followed it, it was very honest, and accordingly, after 2 and a half decades, it remains relevant, ensuring security, and from there also follows the thesis that is called taking care of the country. of course, what is happening now is different from what happened 20 years ago, but it is different in that today the opponents are different. russia, they are more obvious, they are more understandable, and of course,
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it is necessary to protect the country and ensure security with all the forces that the state has, with all its potential, without any doubt, today, when nato troops, more than 50 countries use any political, physical maneuvers maneuvers, military maneuvers in order to actually stop russia now. after all these political and military maneuvers, what i’m talking about when talking about nato, the use of potential in the form of those
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statements, nuclear exercises, nuclear exercises now, and it seems to me that this emphasizes once again, the most serious intentions to go to the end to achieve goals of the declared special military operation, it seems to me that this is the most important thing that can be learned today. from the activities of the commander in chief, but the fact is that today throughout the nato world, westerners are doing everything possible to find either a leader or a country that could influence their view of peace negotiations that would end favorably for those forces, for example, the collective west, the european union, which, in fact, began the pressure towards the russian federation, starting from
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nato approaching our borders, ending with the use of any weak points throughout the world, where it is possible to somehow use, even if this amounts to millions of victims, any regions, any military conflicts that could somehow bring fame to the russian federation, so a signal was given. don’t count on anything, we will go to the end, so, of course, the chinese leader is being processed today in european countries, but he is quite stable, and we always say despite everything that, uh, of course, china is now our partner, we are in any in this case , we always have in mind the national interests of the russian federation as a priority, we just see and know that china is doing the same thing, they are pursuing their national interests, but the difference between russia... and china from western countries the united states directly lies in the fact that they are ready to do anything
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and achieve their goals, fulfill national interests, protect their own interests, no matter what, and china and russia are ready to do this openly, honestly, taking into account the interests of their partners, with whom they are at this political moment, at this military moment in competition. and of course, today we have a very favorable situation, saying that if the united states was counting. with his partners, will destroy the russian economy, make sure that there is a person who would suit the united states, as they do in many countries and the entire collective west, did not work out, we have 3 and a half percent economic growth, and the economy should not have been at all, if
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you pay attention to the theoretical and practical strategy... russia is now at the start, we know for sure that the team that worked as the government of the russian federation did its job quite effectively, the transition will be quite organized, and we are definitely convinced that... the government will come, which will follow this strategy, and we will conduct all these consultations in a very organized manner, given to us by the constitution of the russian federation for the first time in the modern history of the state duma, and we will form this government within a few days, we will talk very carefully with each of the applicants, because the duma - this is a powerful team that knows what
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an effective economy is, an economy that must overcome great difficulties, they existed during the covid period, during the svo period, during the period of sanctions, which reached almost before 10,000, so the conversation will be quite detailed, and we expect that the exchange rate will remain unchanged. yes, there is indeed a lot of work ahead in the very next few days, including on weekends, consultations, but first, first of all, this is the presentation by the president of candidates for the post of prime minister,
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in coordinating these candidates, however , we understand that soon , i announced this by presidential assistant ushakov, the president’s visit to beijing will take place, the first international visit in this term and valentina ivanov matvienko said that the entire cabinet will probably be formed by may 15, at least there are prerequisites for this, this morning peskov said that the candidacy of the prime minister... will probably be introduced by the president before the end of today, there is still time, as far as the economy is concerned, then, of course, they recognize their desperate attempts as unsuccessful in the west, that’s what concerns oil revenues, writes bloomberg. russia's
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oil revenues more than doubled from a year earlier, despite international sanctions. receipts in russia's oil budget rose to 1.53 trillion rubles last month , up from nearly 497 billion rubles in april 2023, according to bloomberg calculations based on treasury data. total oil and gas revenues in april rose almost 90% year-on-year to 1.23 trillion rubles, according to rising russian oil prices that boosted us budget revenues and several rounds of energy sanctions seeking to reduce putin's ability to finance the war. russia was able to circumvent the restriction by deploying a shadow fleet of tankers and expanding the circle of non-western oil buyers. we'll be back. 9th may. day of great victory. porad. attention.
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great pleasure. on the red square. in memory of the great feat of our people , the descendants of the heroes will march in a solemn march. in the parade line are the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions. brave and invincible, those who are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for their homeland. we praise our liberating soldiers and their courage. and heroism in our hearts forever for russia, for victory, cheers, victory parade. may 9 live on rtr. they say you need to prepare for a vacation,
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to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure. waves. lio rizards. we are here for you. on the day of victory. from the heroes of bygone times. they took the seventh grade school and went to the front. it's in my throat. dark night. songs from the bottom of my heart, a big festive episode of the ninth on rtr, your brother is there in the donbass, please
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passenger, premiere, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, may 10 on rtr. on july 29, 1937, japanese troops captured beijing, the true story of world war ii. it was not by chance that puyi appeared in the northeast; it was all planned in advance by the japanese. he was a real japanese puppet. a story that began 2 years before the events in europe. mass killings of civilians then occurred throughout nanjing. a true story of victory. it was russia and china that paid the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to give, to rewrite history.
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unique archival footage in the film by alexei denisov, an emperor without an empire, a throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by soviet soldiers in august 1945. premiere on may 10. on rtr. fighters. battle for crimea. in previous episodes. according to intelligence, the luftwaf transferred its best to crimea. and after kuban, the only young people in our regiments were not fired upon. 1944 everyone , attention, this is skinny. on the eve of the offensive , major romanov's fighter regiment is transferred to crimea. success depends on it the entire operation. the rate gives you a month to prepare. we can. should be able to, on the day when he is presented with a high state award, this comrade romanov, who mr. imprisoned, romanov’s fate makes a cool cake, welcome odds.
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there will be specific logistics of this entire process, because it will require very fast timings, due to the fact that there are indeed restrictions on external departures, so this will all happen very quickly, how would it be, if i say one thing, an important factor is that what's the purpose this is happening over the next 6 years, and accordingly, the youth concept, the youth segment will be extremely important, there are suspicions from afar probably in the structure of personnel, i would venture to suggest that perhaps this will happen, so this is why you are taking a risk suppose there will be an update, not just an update, the emergence of a separate structural body, accordingly, structural bodies are, that is, an additional ministry, perhaps this will happen, that is, accordingly, this seems to indicate that that there is some kind of agenda for ukraine, that is, accordingly, there for these 6 years exactly and that no matter how everything depends on it, this agenda was also outlined today by the may decree, in principle all the priority goals are there, there are quite a lot of things in fact to be honest, there are adjustments there. everything
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else, it all still needs to be formalized correctly, because there is only one requirement for this minimum housing - this is like a separate song, but to the question of what is necessary in tactics not to lose strategic planning, because people plan for a long time, so they must understand what will happen in the thirtieth, in the thirty-sixth, something similar, listen, it’s generally incredible that in russia they are planning something for a long time, well, it’s about time, so it’s good that we are coming to this, by the way, i keep you informed, the exchange rate has also stabilized, by the way, it will most likely stabilize yes... the thresholds associated with the fact that assets are now being repurchased, so the ruble is strengthening, the second very important point is that why is everything still happening and what will be at this time is happening, why is everything becoming more active in the european direction, the fact is that data on the electoral component is now being received, i remind you of the elections to the european parliament, it seems that, no matter what, in fact, 700 million people are elected there, by the way, just it’s as if they are not electing themselves, as it were, to the european parliament, which is the peculiarity, the peculiarity is that, according to operational data, in about a third of the countries of the european union, this is nine countries out of twenty. italy, respectively, austria,
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holland and nine countries are still there, poland, hungary, the like, in nine more countries, the extreme right is also in second or third place, that is, in approximately 66% of all countries of the european union the right falls no lower than third place, they can get 30% there with all their coalitions. respectively , independent, that is, the question is really about, well, that is, in france they are just about winning there now by one wicket, that is , the question is that the question is, who else will we talk to after all this matter, because i remind you that , how else to put it, all this rotation will take place, from this point of view, of course , the important factor is the long-term component, that this is a very shift to the right, the extreme right, this is a trend now in in the european union, in extreme cases, this worries everyone very much, because the choice, as i remind you in a few weeks, is already at the beginning of june, that is why this is an important factor, that is, the future... of the european union itself,
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in general how it will be, how much it will be will be right to the right, the same applies, in fact, to the main partners, i remind you that , among other things, for example , the cis countries, which are now going to be, we somehow already forgot, actually we will have a meeting, respectively, now. 48 million, 48, respectively, but there in the sense, as it were, if we take all the electoral components, not in terms of numbers, but precisely in terms of representation, that is , the problem is the following, the problem is that it actually feels , who, how the situation is unfolding, here you see that he actually stated in serbia that he would never have said in france about the famous embassy in belgrade,
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but in hungary he is opening one of the largest factories that are now going to be engaged in the production, by the way, of the very electric trains that he is going to collapse the european union. 25% of the market is already at least, they are trying to fight back, but it doesn’t work, it’s simply cheaper, that is, the problem is this: he feels this split, he communicates with some and then communicates with others, these others become a very serious force, so from this point of view, of course, in the near future the economy will become a very important fact, the international component will be fundamental, well, plus all of us there , military history will be determined in the near future are, as it were, unfolding, so from this point of view, may will be very intense, as was expected from the beginning of june, it will also be very...
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the united states is now starting, as it were, negotiations are currently underway regarding just the possible johnson's resignation, that is, they have now promised to put up green today, but they will most likely come to an agreement there, but on what terms will they agree, because it helps to negotiate there, so they will most likely pull out strict demands, there are three demands already being discussed, that can be presented, including limiting external funding until the end of the term, that is, until november at least, any additional funding will be reset to zero, so from this point of view , the intensity is growing very strongly, all this is still happening against the backdrop of rafah, so from this point of view, our oil price has risen thanks to the middle east, it is now growing back again against the backdrop of the seizure of control over the narafah checkpoint, that is, in principle, such a fairly intense may will happen , all this is happening against the backdrop
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of individual temperature conditions, which also have a strong impact, because our situation has already been reviewed and the situation can be revised, and sobyanin turned on the heat in moscow, and i remind you that it turns on until the average drops. daily temperature up to 80, you don’t understand, we’ll come back, you’re completely rehabilitated, here you go, frinker for victory day, what are you going to do next, i’d like to return to my native poltobi, come on in, here you are, holy innocence, i feel a strong vibration, speed 540, vonov, jump, do you hear? fighters. battle for crimea. today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for
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you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. enough use a broom and dustpan, use a thunderous vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning. the most difficult to reach places are all a thing of the past; now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep. everything is inward, no matter what direction you are in point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned
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with just one touch of a button, ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. swivel head no problem. avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach, today only, a unique, ingenious... livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive incredible discount of 20 euros. and the livington dipper swipper will be yours for an incredible 69,995, but hurry up, offer. strictly limited. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite.
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we present to you sandals made from natural palermo leather, which perfectly combines style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with anything. style in clothing and is suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step of beauty. and comfort. are you bored with your old fence, do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or
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replacement will hit your budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area to unrecognizability. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be instantly updated without expensive painting repairs. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. everything you need to do for. attach the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price, from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. you've been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like today it
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will be, you're happy, of course, happy, the premiere, you look good, you're looking younger, as if, yes, of course, you've forgotten how to give compliments, hello, what's all that noise you've got there , nothing unites a large family like... a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the country everything always seems obvious, this is white and this is black, i prefer to name things in your own names, maria kulyakova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what to do now, remain silent, light in the window, from may 13th. on rtr. we work in the interests of our
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country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. the sbu today announced the detention of two officers from the state security department of ukraine, who were allegedly preparing an assassination attempt. zelensky, of course, according to the sbu , the russians are behind everything, the british bbc joyfully picked up kiev’s story and writes that it is being liquidated. state security, suspected of transferring
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classified information to the fsb. it also said the plot included recruiting military personnel to take mr zelensky hostage and kill him. among the targets is also the head of the ukrainian intelligence agency budanov, who could have been killed by a missile strike. these murders, according to intelligence statements, were to be timed to coincide with the inauguration of vladimir putin, which happened. just a few hours ago. the news is from the category of being punished by dela sera, where it is said that putin allegedly dismembered kasulya with a knife and pulled him out. heart and invited berlusconi to eat it, this is exactly the same fairy tale, please, really crazy, as for those statements regarding zelensky, i can say that after may 20, he, in fact, completely becomes a usurper, and a war criminal in in the full sense of the word, although it remains so, so let them these legends compose, compose, fantasize,
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i hope that someday this will turn from legends, excuse me, into reality, as for.
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they need to know that we are ready for any development of events. i want to draw your attention to the fact that around the world today there are about 160 military bases in the uk in 40 countries, a fairly large number, so we usually talk about the usa, and about 800 bass, and the uk is also not a fool, yes, be healthy , of course they are not in such volumes, but they also have and therefore military ships that sit in the corresponding naval bases take off from... landing strips and planes, moreover, in the middle east, which is quite possible, from the caspian sea, with a hypersonic missile, quickly and easily deal with everyone, so i think that ’s all... after all, at the moment when they make completely understandable statements, apparently common sense, it means they turn on,
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by the way, i said a long time ago that, in fact, the british embassy in russia should be closed a long time ago, expel them from here, and then, that by the way... escalation, we will return, alexander yatsenko, we did not leave them, they are coming after us, behind us, this is
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a war, we are part of it, in a war the line is not chosen, and the jews are here. and peaceful people, they are being killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their task is to survive and get there, film by sergei orsulyak, and there is no choice, righteous man, premiere, but there is a chance, may 9 on rtr, cleaning floors - it is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture. for you, your back and arms, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, that's enough using a broom and dustpan, using a cumbersome vacuum cleaner that can't clean the hardest to reach places is all a thing of the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with
7:55 pm
the all-new livington dipper electric broom sweeper dipper. the zviper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, regardless of the direction in which you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. what's more, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't. and when the cleaning is finished, so is his. can be cleaned with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head avoids any obstacle without any problems.
7:56 pm
a probable discount of 20 euros and the livington dipper swipper will get you for an incredible 695, but hurry up, offer is strictly limited. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo legs are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals match
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with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. the high polyurethane sole creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 24.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. bored of your old fence? do you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repairs or will replacement take a big hit on the budget? we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence - bright life. with its help, you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition. a fence, terrace, gazebo will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting. four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need
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to do is secure the photo façade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. the bright life photo façade is suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. if contamination appears, just rinse it with water. beautiful, fast, convenient and easy. call to order a universal photo. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat experience. there will be no war this year, but what will tell us about this? people's commissar of the forges? we won’t be able to save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children. your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, especially for victory day, all episodes of the series admiral kuznetsov for free on the website in the application
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, while our memory lives on, thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear, thanks to the great generation of winners,
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all the details are in the news, it was 60 minutes, all the best and goodbye. on the russia channel, time for the main news of the day , big news on air, in the studio igor kozhevin, hello!


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