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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 7, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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oldbar cognac is a product of the steller group. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not betray our memory and do not renege on our words. and we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr. you've been hoping for so many years that that's it. they will get together again, it looks like it will be today, are you happy? well, of course i'm glad. premiere, you look good, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments. hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret. what are the police saying?
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don’t overstrain yourself there, why are you here, comrade captain, i’m waiting for your friend, where is she, she went home, it’s been a long time since she left, with her legs, how can she still walk? and you wanted to see me off, you wanted to see me off, you care, women, but where are you, comrade captain, going to watch a movie, in good company, the black sea moriks recorded strong radiation from a german radar in the 30/82 square, now it’s clear why us fried. greeted,
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yes, who would have known, well, never mind, now we ’ll close this shop, dolmatov personally flew out open up this square and lead a free squadron, right, comrade major? while there is time, we are practicing the afterburner mode of almost 3.5 climb.
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all fighters are in the air immediately, ready, all ready to take off, take your planes, the plane is ready to take off, the planes are ready to take off,
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clear the runway, quickly! we are not the only ones to prepare for battle, attention everyone, we are breaking up on the fourth, the second accepted, the second accepted. this is the fifth, i was shot down, forced to return to base, a lot of them were shot down, whoever was in command was shot down.
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tikhomirov, why don’t you turn off the engine, don’t turn off the engine, come out,
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let's fly, let's cut ourselves for real. who is this? russian planes entered our square.
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we need to go back,
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this is kurt, i’m waiting for the command, the rest of us should leave at 700, hans, i’m waiting for instructions. i don’t know if someone is there, but the order has been accepted, we’re working!
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“bombers, we’re working, that’s it, seryoga, go home, go home, go home, tomorrow, major romanov, you violated the order not to engage in open battle with the enemy.”
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nop product of stellar group. borbon stersman is a product of the steller group.
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this is not the first inauguration that i think everyone in attendance has attended. but it was today something special. the weather was powerless, i don’t even remember such a mood, it was a mood of such confident calm, and the people who were inside were all kinds of people, from great athletes to great heroes, from statesmen to cultural figures, but here the atmosphere was of some kind of confident joy, here is an understanding of the fidelity of the chosen path, this is very... very important, indeed, the inauguration of vladimir putin in the large kremlin palace counts down
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a new presidential term. new chapter in history of our state. in the traditional speech after the oath, the head of state outlined the key meanings and strategies for the coming years: sovereignty, development, national unity, which he later deciphered in many ways. this, by the way, was agreed upon, this is the appeal to the federal assembly, that is, the logic. threatens the west by uttering 10 words, because well, the western transcriptions from our family
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turn out to be 10. listen, the consolidated will of millions of people is a colossal force, evidence of our common firm belief that the fate of russia is ours we will determine for ourselves only ourselves, for the sake of today's and future generations. you, citizens of russia, have confirmed the correctness of the country's course, this is of great importance, right now, when we are faced with serious trials, i see in this... a deep understanding of our common historical goals, determination to adamantly defend our choice, our values, freedom, national interests russia. i am confident that we will pass through this difficult, milestone period with dignity, become even stronger and will definitely implement long-term
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plans and large-scale projects aimed at achieving development goals. and this is, first of all , conservation of the people, the assumption of vladimir putin as president was announced by a 30 -volley salute, after which a presentation to the supreme commander-in-chief of the presidential regiment took place on the cathedral square, a very beautiful sight, and then putin went to the annunciation cathedral of the kremlin, where the patriarch of moscow russia kirill served a thank-you prayer service the head of state must sometimes make fateful and formidable decisions, and if such a decision is not made, there may be consequences extremely dangerous for the people and for the state, but these decisions are almost always associated, including with sacrifice, and never
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such decisions, made for the good of the people, for the good of ... the country, were condemned either by the church or the people, the service of the president, it is also important because whether the head of state wants it or not, they take an example from him, he really becomes an example for young people, for military personnel, for the intelligentsia, for workers, and in general for everyone who seriously thinks about themselves, about your role in the life of the country, you are such good example. “god help you to continue to carry out the service that god himself has entrusted to you, with love for the fatherland, with boldness, because sometimes such boldness is required when you have to step over a lot, maybe sometimes through what in ordinary life, it’s as if
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it’s impossible to overcome this, but this is boldness, this is strength, it should accompany the service, and another detail, i don’t know whether you noticed or not, when the anthem was sung, everyone sang, yes, and quite sincerely, that’s it. everyone just sang and they knew the words, which is also very nice, margaritna. our president is a very grateful person, with which he began his speech today in the kremlin, where we were all together and experienced these feelings that you are talking about, in addition to confident joy, this is certainly a feeling of pride, a sense of belonging, a feeling of gratitude for the opportunity to share this pride in those
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people who represent the best.
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i met with someone, my class teacher. with this, having completed his inauguration, we must also assume words nothing other than gratitude, he said to her, really, right? and i am absolutely convinced that our president, more than anyone else, deserves to have words of gratitude said to him, and we will perhaps pass them on to him in return, because of course it was he, when he first appeared, and we recognized him... in in the year ninety-nine, how it was like to hang in the abyss with your entire torso and just the tips of your fingers
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holding on to some pebbles, when they start telling me about the incredible freedoms and opportunities of the nineties, it doesn’t cause me anything but laughter, because i, to happiness or unfortunately, i was born in the eighties, i already lived in the nineties, i remember all this very well, i remember very well that if your boots, in which you spent five winters, are worn out, they have already deteriorated and you need a new one, there is nothing to wear, then you go to a second-hand store -hand, where they sell what the salvation army or other us humanitarian mission organizations send free of charge to russia, as a third world country, worn, disgusting, foreign trash, and sell for money in a second-hand store, this is the only thing.
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they tried to make us their flock, but nothing it worked out, thank god, but nevertheless, i remember very well how my classmate, a smart girl, we went to the olympiads together, we always got first second places, we shared with her like this, her only way to feed her entire family was to work in school, while still at school, working as a translator in a korean sect, you understand, in big, wonderful krasnodar, there was no other job for the family to feed, only in a korean sect, like a mother. mine traveled, shuttled with these crazy bags, how she pulled them, i can’t imagine, through these rails, wagons packed full of cars,
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buses that are stopped by bandits, take them all out into the cold, risking their lives every day, in order to go to poland to sell some spillikins there, come back and bring me and my sister a pair of jeans each, so that we can have just something to wear, for these pairs of jeans, risking your life like this, it was all like - like me... i myself sold sneakers at the push at the age of 13-14, studied in preschool during the day, sold sneakers in the evening so that to help the family, like entire nations, like the language we got out of here, those whoever had the opportunity, the greeks, the germans, they come to you on air, and some of those who left because they called there, they offered there, but here there was hopelessness, there was hopelessness, and it seemed that it would only get worse and worse , i remember this separatism, i remember how in the krasnodar territory it was forbidden to sell grain to the damned muscovites, attention at the level by the decision of the governor of the region, the then, now
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deceased, father kondrat, kondratenko was our governor, and i remember how every saturday on the main street of the city, in front of the legislative assembly of the region held rallies about the need to separate, move away from the damned muscovites, because in moscow there are only zionists and idiots, the zionists understand all this, what it is... it took me years to find out, i never found out, but however, just think about it, in the krasnodar region there were strong separatist sentiments in the nineties, to say nothing of the national republics, don’t we remember chechnya, and not only chechnya, the second chechen war, at the very beginning, in which vladimir vladimirovich himself came and stopped it, and stopped it without flooding the palms, right? the chechen republic, as the americans would have done, as they did in vietnam and many places, having done it in such a way that today at the inauguration i stood next to
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kadyrov, he gave me his biceps to touch, because there telegram channels write that he something is sick, nothing, he’s not sick, god forbid everyone has such biceps and such a flush of health , just think about it, if only i had someone in ninety, when i went on my first military trip there said: that kadyrov’s son, and in general the person who is there now on the other side, will stand at the inauguration of the president of the russian federation, he himself, and his closest right-left hands, and his people will defend the interests of the russian world in our special military operation , i would burst out laughing, but what plans did they have? in the nineties a wonderful article was published and was discussed for a long time, the author's last name was mid, mid. a telling surname, i don’t remember the name, and this caused such a serious discussion, why not use russia's weakness and not to buy siberia from it,
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as once in... 803, they took advantage of napoleon's financial difficulties and bought louisiana from napoleon. this is still considered by all american historiography to be the most significant and best event in the entire history of the united states, besides the actual signing of the declaration of independence, victory in the civil war, this is the louisiana perchas, as they call it. for a second, this is a quarter of the modern territory of the united states, it’s not only louisiana, not only new orleans, and there are arkansas, oklahoma, and parts of it, and minnesota, such a huge piece. the middle, in fact, it worked out, everything is fine, why don’t we buy siberia, all this was calculated, seriously america, and what would we, well, since they discussed how much it would cost, in general, it’s completely inexpensive, because here these are all the goods that should be, well , goods, services to support this purchase, they will be bought in the usa, that is , by and large we will not spend anything, our economy will only take off, they are completely was seriously discussed and, as far as i know, i have
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no confirmation of this. by the way, you need to ask those who took part or did not take part in this then, they discussed the lease of vladivostok in the nineties, so what? and the fact that then vladimir vladimirovich putin came, whom we honored today with pride in the kremlin, and he did not allow us to be sold for rent, neither for dear nor for cheap, he stood up and said, this country is not for sale, remember, with why did the complaints against him start there? when we started having questions here about these third world countries who came, as they are called economists, tell me about the production sharing agreement, yes, the psa, sakhalin, remember, this was 20 years ago, however, when he began to fight all this, oh, how all the midi were on their ears, here this is the first time, it all started with the fact that who are you, mr. putin, they immediately found the answer, but the answer was that mr. putin is not the one who does not allow you to buy your country cheaply and not
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the one who does not allow you to buy it. expensive not the one who said that it is not for sale in principle, because russia is not a corrupt woman, he is bad, not good, he takes money, he is not a democrat, and further and further, he returned our dignity, dignity is not measured by money, but this too, well, any, well, more or less objective person is not can say that people are not living better now, in general, of course, there is a lot of poverty and misery now, but if we take in general what i said at the beginning. of my speech, i ’m not telling this about myself, but about how people lived in principle, i wasn’t the only one who lived like this, the majority of the country lived like this, yet this they remember very well, money cannot measure what he returned to us, and yet, in monetary terms, the life of the country has changed incredibly, and what can we say about security, you go out to any big russian city, you walk down the street, you walk, is it light for you?
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safe, clean, well, i’m generally silent about moscow, there are no capitals like moscow in the world, i ’ve been to many places in the world, well, believe me, they simply don’t exist, the same level of security as in our megacities is not implied by modern western culture, which can she even to exist in megacities, well, how is it, it ’s impossible, it’s like, well, like in the french azure, for example, yes, everyone probably has friends who vacation there and so on, when something happens to them, they call... police, the police do not come if no one has been killed, because this is not considered a crime at all. our government has done a lot of work during this time, i don’t know who will come, today the government has been dismissed by law, well, this is my personal hope, i would really like it to stay, of course, mishustin, because what was done in such a difficult time was close to a miracle. we certainly still have problems; there are still big problems with education
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. it’s hard to see how we fell after the soviet union, but we still, well, sometimes it’s just a shame, we are the heirs of pushkin, who wrote that we all learned little by little, something and somehow, but this evgeniy onegin, who learned a little something and somehow, could, as he wrote, talk about juveniles, put vale at the end of the letter and knew, although not without gamera scolded theocritus, but he appreciated adam smith, you ask people now, who is he?
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our education with medicine, medicine is developing at an amazing pace in our country, but stop tormenting doctors, our doctors spend 90% of their time on paperwork, we even conducted a survey, it’s just paperwork. this, unfortunately, is not getting better, they tell us that it is getting worse, well, it’s time to stop with this, the salaries of people in uniform, i won’t get tired of repeating this, i won’t get tired of repeating this, a colonel can’t earn money the same as a waitress, a lieutenant cannot earn as much as a courier, with all due respect to these professions, this cannot be, this is the elite of the country and their material security has become luckily in the zone.
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sell, lease, and this happened thanks to vladimir vladimirovich putin, and as for the desire to buy us, i want to remind you how, under princess sophia, we bought kiev very inexpensively for 146 thousand rubles, and maybe we will repeat this? this is a good idea. because the internal aspect, in my opinion, is now was very eloquently covered by margarita, i want to say about the external. aspect and in particular about the signal sent by vladimir putin, in his speech today, it is not qualitatively new, but it acquires additional emotional and
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political load. emotion in politics is an absolutely necessary thing. without emotions, politics is dry, right? only the tree of life is forever green, if we go by poetic images, and emotion is this. began to strive, always strived to get there, but i think that he watches with horror that what is happening, and this gives me, so to speak, optimism, but because i disagreed with kuzalev since 1993, when he began to support the west against
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milosevic, he began to prove that milosevic is the new hitler, well, this one the whole known history, and then hussein became the new hitler, then gaddafi became the new hitler, well, so to speak, assad became the new hitler, so to speak, everyone became hitler, but that’s it. you see, this is a statement that russia will determine its own destiny, it will now go around the world, well, actually it has already spread all over the world, but how does this affect leaders, foreign ones? well , let’s not talk about the western world, because they seem to
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have chosen a system of voluntary subordination to the united states, and these elites feel very comfortable in it, in this system, if we take the non-western world, which constitutes the global majority. i will say, these are very contagious things, these are very contagious things. this independence, this national dignity, is very important, because when you live in a country that feels spread out, being bullied, as just mentioned, this affects people very strongly, that is, national dignity is not an euphemism, it is not some kind of abstraction, it is not a chimera, it is a political factor, it is a factor in building a strong state, powerful , influential, this is a very important thing, as i...
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is that he must change his policy towards russia, i think they do this all the time, you know, i think, come to the leader of the celestial empire, where 1.5 billion man, if not the first, it’s definitely not the second economy in the world, and somewhere down there mutter something, they make first and second place shared with the americans, different calculation systems, but it’s already clear, yes, that china is already like that say, can be compared with america in many respects, but here is what is important. you see, the americans tried it once, they were already answered, in fact,
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no, that means scholz is coming, doing the same thing, macron and fondern were already in beijing, they did the same thing, now they have arrived, he has arrived in paris, they are now trying to convince him again, listen, it seems to me that he is already very dissatisfied with these attempts, because he simply stated that there is no need to hold me responsible for what is happening, it was not we who started this crisis with a hint of the usa and nato. and the main point of his speeches was that listen, trade, economics are one thing, here you are invading an area where you don’t need to go, they are crossing the red line of chinese national dignity, because they are trying to do, they trying publicly demonstratively in front of the whole world to encourage sidin ping to take a step back and for him to say about it, you know, firstly, it’s stupid, and secondly, it’s counterproductive from their, so to speak, point of view of achieving their goals. colonial thinking, this is absolutely true, yes, but what are they doing, they
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are trying to force the leader of the state, who after this, by the way, goes to belgrade and says that we will never forget the nato bombing of our embassy in belgrade, why? , by the way, he names the tribes of the dead, yes, that means why he said this, well, because he just talked with the leaders of the general western alliance, yes, although formally, so to speak, the funder is not in nato, but in her heart 10 times, no, no, that we will choose on our own their fate, sizenpin’s statement, first in
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paris, then in belgrade, and what they thought about this, i think, was already discussed among the leaders of countries such as india, egypt, brazil, you see, we are forming a truly new world, and putin is here, why can’t he be demonized for outside the western world, and even, by the way, in the western world it is not completely possible to demonize him, so i was struck by the survey.
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please note how many 2 and a half years have passed, almost 2 and a half years have passed, yes, not a single country has joined the sanctions, not a single one, that is , some companies take into account secondary sanctions there, banks take into account, but not a single country has joined, and i’m sure absolutely. to unite, it is almost impossible, because the trend is going in the other direction, in the other direction, and as it is said in the film , ivan the terrible will be strong, they admit, well, if desirable, so we set the trend for restructuring the world, this is extremely important, we are far from alone in this, i repeat,
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the global majority is with us, when i hear former french prime ministers on french television say, well, there are more such people... here look, yes, sidin pin is talking with macron, remember how sidin pin took trudeau by the button and reprimanded him for running his mouth about some things that he shouldn’t say, because they were between the two, that’s how sidin the pin must be related to macron after he let cameras
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film high-level negotiations between him and vladimir vladimirovich. after all, they understand everything, of course, they understand everything, and it is here, which is very important, that different political traditions, different political cultures collided. does macron represent great france? what does macron have to do with the history of france? what does ursula vonderlein have to do with european culture in general? a person who has forgotten his native language and speaks english all the time. but when we talk about china's leaders. you see behind it there are 5,000 years of history, of which 4.0 years of writing, when we talk about putin, but today and the kremlin palace, when this picture with the patriarch, yes, inside the cathedral, well , you can just feel how it is a stone
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that breathes russian history, and most importantly, who else from just like that, remember, but here’s the leader of what other country.
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as for the fact that we will independently determine our destiny, of course, if this phrase had been uttered in the late nineties, then simply no one would have taken it seriously, i was there for everyone inaugurations since the beginning of the nineties, of course, it is difficult to imagine that this
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happened then, when we were barely making ends meet, a default was declared, the budget of our country... was less than the budget of the city of new york, for every billion dollars there , which means we walked with our hands outstretched, ready to do anything to get this money, this is generally a fundamentally different country, completely different, and - what was done during the years of vladimir vladimirovich’s presidency, of course, completely changed i absolutely agree with the mood of the people in the country, this applies to almost everyone. citizen of our country, just a few hours ago a decree on national goals was issued. the president took office so everyone can live long, happily and richly, yes, but there is a lot of things that are good,
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yes, the president sets very serious goals there, to increase life expectancy, by the way, the president said today that saving the people is our main the task, this is true, this is actually the biggest problem that exists now. we have in the country - this is a reduction in the population, for this it is necessary to radically increase the birth rate, the tasks set in the decree are very difficult to achieve, but i think that they can be achieved, and the rate of economic growth should be higher than the world average, but what what to do with the central bank’s determination of the overheating of our economy, which is so harmful to us, therefore not higher than 2%.
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further, which means, naturally, shows us what needs to be done next, alexandrich will continue in a bright future in just a few seconds, your brother is there in the donbass, pozybny passenger, premiere, i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, i have to find him, may 10 on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharmelshey.
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win, sun, the saints also come, we are always known by the underground fire, never in the shadows, the hour has come for which we have been waiting for many years, with rage and hatred for the enemy, despising death, i swear to trample the fascist... t-34 may 9th rtr, this is kiselyov’s report on
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how the withdrawal took place. jews from the velei region to the soviet rear, their task is to survive and get there, and there is no choice, the true story of the righteous man, he was the most ordinary soviet person, there are simply circumstances in which he appears character, a man without a leg was walking with us, his crutch broke, so kishlilev gave him a horse, it was very difficult for my mother to walk, kiselev took me in his arms. nikolai kiselev, the path of the righteous, that’s why it is written on the medal of the righteous, the one who saved one soul is as if he saved the whole world. the documentary will premiere on may 9 on rtr.
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stability in the sense of procrastination, but a stable movement forward, which is extremely important, and as for the interpretation of his words, there every day, the demonization of our country simply reaches some insane proportions, but look, now the inauguration coincided
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with easter and...
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and that he is still floating, where is he floating, we are a sovereign economy, we constantly measure ourselves in dollars, the price of education is in dollars, we constantly look at recipes that come from parts of the world that live they don’t know how, today putin has set the task, the fourth economy in the world, he has set the task of de facto industrialization, and at an absolutely amazing pace, to increase labor productivity, that is, we, by and large, must go through that difficult period of our history,
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they recognized the victory over nazism; for them, nazism is a natural part of their culture. hitler is the pinnacle of everything that german culture has been moving toward since luther. anti-semitism, sincere conviction of one's exclusivity. was france different? have we liberated europe from nazism? we forced them to pretend that nazism was alien to them, they are now returning to their nature. so of course they hate us, i still want to clarify, the president said that we are ready for negotiations on strategic stability, this means on our terms, which we set out in december of the twenty -first year, they were formulated
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strictly, and yet he said this, of course , and did the right thing, because we are not alone in the world, and there are both nuclear weapons and there are other types of weapons, we have the support, by the way, of most countries in the world, that these types of weapons should... the usa came out in 2002, yes, but it operated for 30 years, correctly, when it was and was colossally unprofitable, because it was compiled so illiterately that essential part, when we caught up, excuse me, that’s when they came out, then we thought that he was beneficial to us, no, they just forgot to shoot a couple of people who signed this document.
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with whom, to talk with whom, with those who are ready for this, you can name at least one, but i can tell you, these are nuclear powers, these are nuclear.
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how did yeltsin’s russia differ from the soviet union even before gorbachev’s betrayal? it was different in that the soviet union had sovereignty, and yeltsin’s russia lost this sovereignty, and not only in international activities, thanks to people like kozyrev and company. this betrayal dates back to the gorbachev period, and then they lost economic sovereignty when western advisers. in the ministries, we lost
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educational sovereignty when we were given creditors and false values, which are now reflected, among other things, in the collapse of the system, then the bologna system, and so cultural policy, when the word russian, and especially soviet, was completely erased from all history, continue to flog sovereignties parcel is also the term red-brown, but i ’ll get to that, it means a parade of sovereignties, sending young people to study abroad , among other things. and turkey, the west, and so on, from where they brought us, we also reap many benefits, that is, this period was because we lost sovereignty, those who advocated state sovereignty, the zyuganovs, our party, patriotic forces, were called red -browns, for which, for coming out at rallies against the bombing of yugoslavia, i myself came out, i remember how we picketed the american embassy, ​​for, that they defended the sickle and the youth on the banner of victory, they wanted to exterminate them from there and...
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when he spoke about self-sufficiency, i actually heard such a formulation today for the first time, because again russia of the nineties, yeltsin’s russia, it was not self-sufficient , we were told, there is an international division of labor, you do it, all technological things will be in the west, they will sell you, but sell the oldest ones on a residual basis, when we started a special military operation, it turned out that there is no international there is no division of labor.
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well, we understand what the policy was, this is it, let israel now suffer, the scottish economist chuba now lives there, yes, but in fact this struggle for the country, it continued between patriotic forces and liberal forces, they said you can be friends with nato, you can conduct a training exercise in arzamas and set up a nato jump base in ulyanovsk, when serious things began, let’s still introduce the exact term, and a liberal can be a patriot, here...
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well, self-sufficiency, when our country was self-sufficient? the soviet union, when we understood that we had sanctions that the west announced would last for a long time, now we need to understand very clearly that there will be sanctions. elections, together with nikolai mikhailovitch kharitonov, he traveled all over the country, and we perfectly understood that people of different political views voted for the president of the russian federation as the supreme commander-in-chief, because
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the victory of our country is associated with him, and today the president said about this in his message that the most the main thing is victory, we will win, but people they have high hopes and serious changes. central bank, but mishustin is famous for his systematicity and integrity, everything is more than good in this regard, i have only one remark, but it seems to me that our president has proven that in order for a country to be sovereign, it is not at all necessary
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to return to the soviet union, i alexandrich, i didn’t talk about this, no, but this is an important point, but at the same time there is no need to throw away the good things that were developed in the soviet union. the story has no subjunctive inclinations, it is developing forward, and we must take everything better, there are colossal rates of development in modern china, there are high rates within the framework of lenin-stalin modernization, but we must look forward, the question now is largely not about individuals, we understand that there will be certain changes , but people must have an image of the future, this image must change from the point...
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i do not idealize our past, but i understand the realities, i look at the weapons that we are fighting now, but most are based on the great weapons school of the soviet union, this is not enough , that is, there are a number of products that work superbly, which will be older than me, here they are, by the way, forgive me, here we are, for example, when we talk about the military-industrial complex, but during the great patriotic war, up to a quarter of what was produced for the front were arttel, now we have it too, if you like. the military-industrial complex works wonders, that is, this is an experience that goes back to the folk tradition, from that time, that is, it is also important, that is, such continuity of generations exists, another very important point, today at the entry into the position of president there were many guys, our fighters, military people who defend their homeland, yesterday i
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was at a big concert dedicated to victory day, there were several generations of defenders, veterans, those who fought in afghanistan, defended our homeland in the north... there is no anti-sovietness , we have moved away from russophobia, which was instilled in the country, today, when the president spoke about family values, on the one hand we understand that there is a colossal task for the people of the population, to preserve the country, to develop, so that the population increases, so that they leave from this disastrous trend, when we are 500...
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patriotism must be developed so that all this remains in the past, well, the cards are in your hands, listen, well, we talk about this a million times, i think a lot depends on it, and the thought in in recent years it has been working very well, that is , it would be unfair to criticize, because in the most difficult period, well, since the time of covid, that is, mutual understanding between the president, the government and the duma is at the highest level, because well, the people are already quickly getting used to this, so it’s always i wish that the momentum was picking up, it was being realized, why am i highlighting this soviet component? we will not idealize it either, but it is very important, this is exactly what we are talking about, the continuity of the thousand-year history of russia and continuity and succession, so we must take this, it is not denigrated, there is someone.
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well, just like alexander dmitrievich, a participant in all procedures for taking office, i don’t like the word inauguration, although it’s latin, but somehow it smacks of americanism, and now i confess to one sin, i always understood the significance of this procedure, its constitutional nature, so to speak, the eighty-second article of the constitution, the very beautiful ritual itself, but today i have completely different feelings. if earlier, i approached this more as some kind of important constitutional
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ritual, the beginning of the next stage of the president’s activity who takes office, today i am closer to the words that sounded from the lips of the patriarch, boldness, yes, he wished our president boldness, and i haven’t tired of catching myself lately on one the feeling i have when i think about this audacity.
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a high price for this choice in the literal sense of the word, because our guys, our heroes, defend this choice today on the front line, 1900 sanctions, but they cannot pass by every person, who by the way, excuse the nuance, this is the first war , which we are fighting without conscripts, and this has never happened in our history, conscripts serve, but do not fight there for... support, support for putin in these figures
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is not only a tribute to putin, it is the country’s agreement with this sacred, most important in her life is a choice, you are an election, and it seems to me that this is the significance of this event, and this is an active consent, when thousands of 600 people come every day and sign a contract with the red army. the president understands everything here to his people, everything is expressed there in two words: serve
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russia, serve his people and defend. there are few real violent ones, and there are no important ones. russia has once again taken upon itself, by the way, in the history of mankind, a very important mission, a very important role. russia has taken the step that many people think about, but don’t know, how to do it, understanding that this is a sacrificial step, that it will require certain losses,
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upheavals, because to throw down the gauntlet to this, this minority, already... another west, this requires colossal will, this requires colossal determination, i will now try you try in your dispute about the conditions under which we can speak, we understand perfectly well that if the goals that we set for ourselves within the framework of the northern military district are not achieved, then we will never be forgiven for this, we are in this collective west, who also pretends that he is ready to... to negotiate with us, if we take a step back, if we abandon these global goals of ours, we will be torn apart economically, politically and militarily, then, by the way, if today macron immediately trembled when he saw our iskanders, everything else that is our tactical
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nuclear potential, the poles have a different rhetoric, macron, that is...
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has this, i would say, very important civilizational aspect, and one more moment, literally small, here we are the other day with aleksandromovich and other colleagues will enter a completely new stage of our parliamentary work, because for the first time the parliament, after the government has resigned, before the incoming president, will approve almost the entire composition of the government, except people. yes, the kromelaks should still come to you no, yes, these are the powers of the federation council, they will agree, so to speak, as a result of consultation they will agree on the appointment of ministers of the power bloc, and yet we do not give consent to the appointment of the prime minister, we affirm that our decision is
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the last in status, this is a completely new stage in the work of parliament, well, don’t let me down. i want to say the most important thing, vladimir, this is not important to us, we are not puffing up our cheeks here , much more important, today all government bodies take their share of responsibility for the task with which i began, this colossal civilizational choice that i made putin, today it is reinforced by the fact that all authorities take their most important share of responsibility for achieving this goal, we... a step forward, this is not just an adjustment to either what was there or the plans that were expected, no, this is, in fact, a signal that we are starting and have begun building a new russia, because speaking to
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vladimich, one can say this, that he returned russia to the significance of a world power, in fact , with... there is simply no one to compare with vladenovich in this collective west, that’s why he is collective, that some kind of amorphous vision is everything, there you can’t only single out a political figure, but also the content that would sound from this even... but we must say that in the words of the president , in ways both organizational and legal, it sounds that political unity for many decades can be ensured by worldview, motivation, other motivation,
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which would be the core uniting all our people, therefore, he speaks about those who today defend our country on the borders of the northern military district, about those who smoke victory there in the rear, about many others who are busy today understand perfectly well what they brought with them... they arrived, but this system, it actually received confirmation of the crisis, we are today we see that it does not work in its pure form, yes, we give importance to the economy, but in its pure
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form, the interests of the economy are the interests of profit, this is uncontrolled consumption for the sake of consumption, this is the uncontrolled expenditure of resources in excess of the norm, and we understand perfectly well that this is not the path today must be ours, and today we must fight within ourselves, we say we hear the president, that when we talk about one thing, we also hear it. quality of life, because the quality of life of our people, it cannot be measured in any way by money, it has no price, we cannot to apply, when achieving this new quality of life, such categories as payback there or lack of resources or something else, that’s all, that’s receding into the background today, we actually have to say today that human humanitarian meanings should return to their natural basis, by which we understand naturally not only family, large families, traditional values, science... and so on, this should come to the fore, all of this cannot have limited resources, this is the goal of our economic development, this is exactly what i see as the goal today and
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the activities of our government, and we understand perfectly well that the tasks that the government faces today are enormous, a lot has been done, but there are indeed some questions and even significant questions regarding the financial economic bloc, but in fact, the financial and economic bloc is just an adjustment, in fact it is necessary to give credit to mishustin. he learned to manage the government in such a way that even seemingly unsolvable problems, he finds the opportunity to solve them with the means that he has. of course, i would like the financial sector, banks, loans, and the money supply, its issuance, to be subordinated to the interests of society, so that all this works to achieve not only a new standard of living, but also the formation of a new economy, for the sake of which today the actual the president calls for consolidation in society, when we talk to you about something that the president sends to the world, but let's think about the fact that this new look, it does not just give our country a chance take its rightful place, but it gives the world the opportunity to hear what
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humanity should be like, look what our president says, the world should be different, it should be free, there should be no barriers between the countries that are on the map today , we must say that in this new world there cannot be outcasts here or there - countries that, for one reason or another, or for one reason or another, are not included in this process, today we are saying that in fact who imposes his will to others, this policy should be banned, we are not given the right to manage the interests of this or that country by a third party, there cannot be a country that takes on this responsibility, we are talking about the future of humanity, he is talking about equality. he speaks factually about justice, he says that the application of any sanctions is an act of violence, this must be fought, that
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is, this is the view of our president, this is the view of a person who is ready not only to build a new russia, but to make all of humanity different , and no matter how loud it may sound. now advertising, let him continue it with a new line-up. and there is no other road to the other side, no, only a bridge, you have to have time to cross the bridge, righteous man, premiere, may on rtr kalinan belek - a place where time stops, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan
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bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas blend with golden sand beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish youths & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming of. rixsas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium
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sega. rixas premium seagate. thank you, while our memory is alive, thank you to all the veterans, thank you to the heroes of the front and rear, thanks to the great generation of winners, let’s bow to the great years while these
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songs are being played.
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and if the germans have a new sniper, he could easily slap you all the way. there is a task for your squad, allow me to take it with you, to complete this task i need a second sniper, klimenko is the only combat unit, proceed, there is.
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may 9 on rtr vitali tovic right away. were you ever right after? no, i mean, well, today - it was said based on the very ceremony of the inauguration of russian president vladimir putin said
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there are a lot of smart and correct words and actions that happened there. thank you, well, not only you, but i’m not just talking about myself, i thank you for my guests. when i watched this, i thought, it’s good that this artificial intelligence has not yet completely invaded our lives, and most importantly, our heads, because if he had already invaded, then putin’s thoughts, which he has, well, would be broadcast on tv i don’t mean pronouncing an oath, something that should be officially pronounced without changes, that’s when he stands, looks and... understands the parade of this presidential regiment and so on, by the way, it’s terribly interesting, indeed, what putin was thinking about when he looked at the presidential regiment, but we have teachers of literature and history,
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they were just representatives of artificial intelligence, they talked about what pushkin was thinking about when wrote this or that work, but you can’t test them experimentally; humor solves this topic. yes, what is lieutenant petrov thinking about when he performs a loop? our anecdotes - you can’t tell your whole life in anecdotes, that’s what i mean, to because when i looked, i thought like this, these next 6 years, again, they are no longer a decree issued there, this is how he imagines in the main provisions, dreams, imperatives, that...
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until the end of the century, i can easily predict until the end of the century, zero responsibility, as he knows, as he knows, no, well, i won’t know for sure how my forecast will end, which means i will naturally return to russia, because today russia is the head, but today they remembered him so often macron, i still can’t help but say a few words about him, in general i don’t i haven't read any major books lately, maybe they came out?
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when i see macron, who, before the olympics, wants to crush bedbugs in paris so that there are fewer of them, he argues something, threatens, we say, we don’t want to change the political regime - in russia, who are you, you have the fifth the republic has existed for half a century already, in the 60s, since the fifty-eighth , eighth, since the fifty-eighth, that’s right, i wasn’t mistaken, i studied it once. why only the fifth long ago to the sixth teach the republic in france to carry out a revolution there will be a sixth to arms, citizens, we have a whole institute of europe, let him deal with this again, you and them there, your friends
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are meeting, they are meeting, we must think about our future and in this sense, for me really. here is your desire, and what inspired me there is that the words, putin was silent, the patriarch of moscow of all russia kirill said. and he, again, i apologize, i
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already said today, but this is very important, in my opinion, and it was not accidental that it was said, he said that the leaders of countries must understand fateful and formidable decisions, so, once again i will proclaim that putin must become vladimir the terrible for the next 6 years, and terrible not only in relation to the enemies of russia, this goes without saying, but in relation to. to the external, well, in relation to the internal enemies of russia, we have enough of them, so i am waiting for the formation of a new political strategy, internal, first of all, and uh, accordingly, of the government, which would meet these tasks, this is the first, second, small tudvinem from our ranks, there are so many institutions in europe now.
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the orthodox civilization that has formed
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should, in my opinion, remain with us. third thing about i want to say, before the drop of tar that i will finally throw into this barrel of honey, this is, of course , what putin noted in his speech today, that we must, while maintaining stability within society as a whole , the political system, always...
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i understand that back then it was so accepted with
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the west, all these people, i don’t even know what the name of this quadrangular cap that he wears is called, in my opinion, and he himself doesn’t really like it, in my opinion, well, that’s for me reminds me, there was such a wonderful cartoon, 12 months, in my opinion, where in in the form of chyukovsky's roots, there was a teacher who taught the heroine there once...
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in a malyutoskuratovo costume with an ax? no, well , i, i just why, but if they are formidable, then, that is, what should be a single stylistic solution? well, of course, because the question is, what is this kremlin regiment? yes, why then, no, the kremlin regiment, excuse me, just fits in, but it fits in, it was already a western tradition introduced there by peter and a little later by the prussian school there, maybe then, well, paul was a big supporter there.
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don’t focus your energy on finding these enemies, on creative things, because when we talk about what macron thinks, what some ursula thinks, sometimes we , some part of our society, should not care what they think, the main thing is , that now, for example, the first thing the president did was sign a decree on the goals of national development, which clearly set goals for the period until the thirtieth and until the thirty-sixth year, starting from the footage of apartments, yes, which... a normal person in a normal modern society should have , ending education, healthcare, national projects, very clearly: before september 1 , the government must do this, before december 1 , the government, together with the state council, develop specific parameters for regional leaders, that is, the system works, this
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system has been created, what really exists inside this system i think we will see distortions in the process, mind you, what is important is what the priorities are. children, but society understands that this is common to the fact that people hope for the future for their task, excuse the taftology, that is, this
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work for all members, and not just there, let you be the bosses, get together and come up with something, i think we should see.
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disappear, they must also be carried out, because it is precisely for this purpose that a special military operation is being carried out, it is not, of course, not only for socio-economic, not so much for socio-economic purposes, but... that de facto we are undergoing a special military operation, at this moment, we are talking about growth
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in our history, no, because the welfare of citizens, about growth life expectancy, we must achieve the lowest unemployment rates, the highest rates of labor productivity, we must industrialize, for the first time in our history we are doing this without repressive methods, so the call.
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to the management technique that the russian president follows, then we can clearly divide, in my opinion, domestic foreign policy, as for domestic policy, and we see the desire of vladimirovich putin from the first days in the kremlin, from the first days of his presidency , to develop russia evolutionarily, not evolutionarily it means conservatively, it doesn’t mean somehow giving up. from some innovative experiments, but still evolutionary, so he repeated this idea that russia has exhausted its revolutionary resource, and today,
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when again after taking office, documents were signed that denote the country’s development strategy for 6 years , this is a very important sign, but at the same time, as far as foreign policy is concerned, our president still has a slightly different style, but... it is clear that it is impossible to act in an evolutionary way in the international arena, it is necessary to strengthen our own positions and act revolutionary, you know, i was lucky, when i worked in the rector’s office, i was closely acquainted and communicated a lot with sergei aleksandrovich malinin, he is a professor, a very famous soviet russian lawyer, he worked at the department of international law, where he taught where i studied, i beg your pardon, he was the head of this department, and sergei aleksandrovich, all his life he studied international law, studied international relations, we had something to talk about, so he explained to me the meaning of what the specifics were
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work in the field of international relations for lawyers, it consists in the fact that there is no hierarchy of laws, in international relations it is always necessary at every single moment in time to be strong, effective, it is necessary to be ready to reconsider the existing system if it does not satisfy national interests. and therefore, today, when the whole world watched the inauguration, the assumption of office, many understood that the russian federation, its president. international relations, where sovereignty is the highest value and absolutely undeniable, where development priorities
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include not only... china, india, now they have made development issues their priority, then, equal security, here...
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to introduce these new values, which are ultimately based on national interests, today there was this famous phrase, in my opinion, in newspapers around the world, yes, which stated that there were 10 chilling words in putin’s speech, and there were completely natural words that as we develop, we will build our policy based on our own national interests, and this very important a milestone today for the development of our country, we have received a new... leader, whose legitimacy has been confirmed by all the people; for the next 6 years we will receive serious medium-term development prospects, something that almost none of the opponents in europe or north america have, which in general devalued and the very concept of justice, the concept of democracy, president biden could probably be compared in terms of experience with the russian
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president of public administration, but she overstrained herself in the first... term, so let’s really talk to the russian the president is not there, well, he has it in the east , but in the east there is advertising on may 9th , the day of the great victory. the big parade on red square, in memory of the great feat of our people, will be solemnly marched by the descendants of heroes, in ceremonial formation, valiant defenders of the homeland, heirs of our great traditions, brave and invincible, those who
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are always ready to go into battle and give their lives for the fatherland. we praise our liberator soldiers, their courage and heroism in our hearts forever, for russia for the victory, cheers, victory parade, may 9 live on rtr, you have been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will happen today, you are glad, of course you are glad. premiere, you look good, you look young, as if, yes, of course, you’ve forgotten how to do it, hello, what’s all that noise you’ve got there, nothing unites a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, from
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the outside it’s always everything it seems obvious, this is white, and this... i prefer to call a spade a spade, maria kulikova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, it’s not our fault, what to do now, keep quiet, light in the window, from may 13 on rtr, i’ve been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally! it has arrived, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring. you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition. songs coming
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from the heart, in the fog at the end of the day. tanks from the training ground, we have six shells, if you take a chance, there is a chance, the prisoners do not give up, with rage and hatred for the enemy, despising
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death, i swear to trample the fascist reptile in her own lair, i swear, i swear, i swear, legendary '. 34. well, is it over, soldiers? may 9 on rtr. do you have democracy in america? of course there was. of course, there was, of course, there is, it just means democracy there, lord, we have democrats, that’s it, that means democracy there.
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resorting to extreme means, i think that we are the extreme - this is a strategic weapon, and that we will do it, the extreme is something that will fly, fly and will put an end to existence. you like to interfere in military
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plans, but you don’t interfere, we don’t interfere in which military plans, especially now you can tell me that what i said, that military programs end in the thirtieth-thirty -fifth year, ours and the chinese there and well, ours , or rather, have already said that the inevitability of use. well, i don’t think so, i say that i received a charge of optimism, that ’s why it will pass, it will pass, but the most interesting thing, of course, is the reaction, how the united states reacted to this, well, matthew miller, he goes by the nickname penguin on your program, here is a representative of the state department, well, really a man like a penguin similar, well, by the way, answering a question about how he doesn’t feel about this inauguration, he said that we do not recognize these elections as dishonest or fair. but nevertheless, we recognize putin as president, but here i will leave aside the issue of interference in internal affairs and would advise my colleagues who are involved in our formation. politics should still
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reconsider our attitude to such a norm as non-interference in internal affairs, because well, our internal affairs are being interfered with, they have elections on the fifth, i mean november, why don’t we evaluate these elections, why should we, we said our candidate biden, yes our candidate, we will support biden with everything possible, i decided to support biden, yes, our candidate, candidate. write to all agents joseph ranenet biden jr. of our intelligence it is said in all bulletins copyright dmitry drobnitsky in general , in short, what miller assessed in this way, well, in fact, it was predictable, but how the embassy behaved, tracy lin behaved. that's why already
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got away, no, explanation, in person, a pre-planned personal trip, he says, i can’t eat, i need to leave russia urgently, mcdonald’s says i have to, i can’t get a tasty point, he says i want to go to mcdonald’s, compared to european leaders, but the same barel , we told them not to go there, but some of them went, no, it amazes me, it means sending troops on the one hand, and sending an ambassador on the other, but it is there.
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believes in the state department, gives them the opportunity in some nearby in the future it is very possible to start some kind of negotiations, especially what impresses them, i don’t understand what kind of negotiations, i say that this is their hope, there are some young men left, they usually give hope to the young man, there is the youngest young man there on february 96 , well , blinkin, well, don’t, blinkin still wants to talk to us from a position of strength,
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he was brought up that way, all american diplomacy is built precisely on the fact that the united states should have been secretaries of state and she came to us caressed, but she really is caressed, what is this? it arrived, i combed it, and why was it that the secretary of state didn’t come to you, but he didn’t come, but he entered the russian lexicon, well, i don’t, i don’t know.
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john fostor dallas, who is there, you are all in your monographs, therefore, why the monograph, so i think that these two messages that were made yesterday, about the fact that russia is ready, in fact, to accept any option, it caused quite -there are serious concerns in the west, and maybe this has changed the tone to a large extent, but now what the president spoke mostly not even about them, but it wasn’t very much about them...
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to even quote her: do not forget about the tragic price of internal turmoil and upheavals, this is a warning to the west, but if you look at their program, yes there were us from... this is very important, and in 6 years, in 6 years, in fact we have to do this, i think that with our capabilities russia will succeed, then they wanted to defeat us on the battlefield, they won, won, won, remember, they said that by the twenty- fourth year nato tanks would be in moscow,
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fulfilled, carried out this decision, nato tanks appeared in moscow, but not in the quality in which we would have liked, now all that remains is...
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and there is one of the plans of the west, if it was not possible to isolate, nor economically collapse, nor win on the field battle, how, a sealed carriage, well, a conditional sealed carriage, just as they defeated the russian empire, just as, in general , by and large, the soviet union was destroyed from within, no one, as we know, won on the battlefield, the soviet union collapsed here from the inside, let's still be correct, an unsealed carriage destroyed the russian empire.
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lenin wrote with horror in the fall: there will be no revolution in the next decade, that is. certainly the russian empire was not brought down by the rsdlp in parentheses b, fine, the internal structures collapsed, yes, but not because of, not because of the endorsed carriage, but there is no one to put in this carriage now, what about lenin or something from abroad? no, for the lenins abroad, but in any case, what is now completely obvious in terms of the west is internal, there is no doubt about it, well, of course they prepare people so that yes...
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before the method, this is never good for anyone, you know the approach of cutting the damn mother, without waiting for peritonitis, you see, well, that’s also a controversial issue, yes . it’s difficult to discuss, it seems like everything , well, this is the whole story, of course it was discussed, but this evening, very meaningfully, it will be discussed more, well , probably, as if what’s important, vitaly toch highlighted this about the relationship -
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but it is clear that much more needs to be done, to carry out the modernization of the country without turning repression into a mechanism for providing resources for this modernization, because of course, well , remembering our history and looking at it, we will have to say, honestly and frankly, that often names, almost always, it is precisely such mechanisms...
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stable, something we cannot do without, something without which we will cease to be ourselves, and
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i have said this many times, i will repeat it again, looking into the future, we first need to determine what from today’s yesterday must necessarily be there in tomorrow, and then ensuring that, so that it is there, in parallel with this , think that this is the only way to add to it, because if you don’t think about what... it must be there, then nothing good awaits you in this future, well, by the way , there, to the extent that the soviet project at its start denied history, especially the history of the russian empire, but starting there in the thirty-second year, continuity in relation to the russian empire was determined, no matter how unpleasant it may be, so to speak.
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we don’t implement continuity, but about something new and the old - this is also such a thing, well, it’s kind of an extreme, alexey probably knows, as a graduate of the faculty of philosophy, there is such a story about moscow state university and about the faculty of philosophy that in the early fifties one teacher formulated this principle, about novelty and about development , he said something like this: everything old and outdated needs to be killed in the bud, so... so that we don’t seem to think that everything is old and outdated,
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some institutions, vitalities have existed for thousands of years, that’s what they are for intended, but some institutions, well yes, they can have a very short life, the main thing, the main thing here is not to confuse it, that’s what’s very important, you know, not to mistake one for the other, alexey said: and colleagues said uh about this decree, it seems to me that the decree is very important, which came out , because we are actually dealing with, well...
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stalin, although there were many stages within all of this, but it can be quite clearly divided, by the way, transitions were, like the state of peter i, the state of lenin , as a rule, through crises, well, all these stories, so i think we've crossed that the crisis that lies at the start of the foundation of the new long russian state, that’s when this decree is issued. this is what i understand, i look at the content, well, all the statements of the president, and i understand that, in principle, we are a people's state built in the soviet union, in general, we have preserved it and we are developing it, well, here we are in the book we call it popularly, in principle , in order to make it clearer, there - the germans after
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the war called it a welfare state, moving away from the word socialism, well although he... also seems to be of german origin, i think that now we should cling less and less to the words, here is socialism, capitalism, because it is not clear what kind of denotation is behind this, it is impossible to distinguish it, and this is what they were called -specific periods in history, where marx wrote about capitalism in england at the beginning of the 19th century, but we still call everything capitalism, or...
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in 25 countries that are maximally robotic, yes, this is the task we had in soviet times, this what we could not solve in soviet times, we wrote dissertations on process automation, but that’s all over, yes, but now, well, do this, and i understand that what we are building, i have, well, the answer, yes, this is the development of the people’s state of the soviet period, which we can well call a state of universal... a state, well , it should have at least 100 years of resources ahead, and what is very important is that putin speaks about this directly, but in this short speech, in general - it is short, but it is incredibly meaningful, he says: we we must take care of what and to whom we pass on next, and this is not, well, not
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an eternal question, but this is a question of that civilizational structure. please, the inauguration of the president of russia, taking into account the changed position of the russian federation in the world, is an event not only on the domestic russian political agenda, it is an event on a global scale. the services of vladimir vladimirovich putin to the russian people are priceless. he managed
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to stop the process of the collapse of russia, which, in my opinion, was programmed by our ill-wishers. after the collapse of the soviet union, therefore i would like to congratulate all those present and russian society on this significant event: over the weekend i was at an exhibition of western technology and weapons, about which we were told that it was invincible, was a kind of wunderwaffe, a miracle weapon on poklonnaya hill in moscow, dozens thousands of people, queues of many kilometers, it seems to me.
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using special ammunition, we are still talking about tactical nuclear weapons, why are we discussing this, i have no idea i urge, i just ask you to think, perhaps in terms of further discussion, how russia should react to the statement, so far the statement by british foreign secretary cameron, about the possibility of striking deep into russian territory with means of mass destruction, long-range missiles. how russia should react to receiving reliable information about plans to destroy the symbolic and strategically
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significant infrastructure facility of the crimean bridge. that’s the question, and it happened yesterday one significant event: the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation summoned the heads of the diplomatic missions of great britain and france. they were brought there. against our country, we understand that they are working with the so-called radical immigration , both russian and belarusian, with the aim of creating a political component and
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paramilitary forces there. russia experienced these sabotage penetrations first hand. we understand that on the eve of 2025 there may be an attempt to start a war on our territory, and at the same time neighboring unfriendly states will pretend that they have nothing to do with it. president lukashenko said today. quite specifically, there are no red lines in this situation, which means that an attack on the security of our state will have an adequate response by all means. in belarus , a new version of the military doctrine was recently changed, or rather adopted, where a special section is devoted to the use of military force in peacetime, and our right to use preventive measures is spelled out in black and white. containment. in the event of receiving reliable information about an impending aggression, ordinary people do not always understand what this means, but these are actually fundamental changes in the field of military planning of our country, and
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naturally, we once again warn overplayed politicians in the west, such as meron and some others, well , matches are not a toy for children, we don’t want escalation, but if the need arises, if the question arises about the existence... of what clothes, clothes, clothes, political, but i won't now, three things i would like
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to say for. holding our country, this is the russian state itself, well, in addition to the people, and the russian that the two longest existing institutions are the orthodox church, the oldest non-governmental institution, no memorial was even dreamed of, let them live. at least there are 100 years, and then we’ll see, so the army and the navy, and the army and the navy, there are only three, the army and the navy, about the fleet in the russian state, here you can argue about the antiquity of peter the great, ask and so on, like this that i'm not confusing anything, the bolshoi theater, it is not as ancient as the russian orthodox church, but it is a constant, russian history of the russian state, and the saterikon theater is there, no
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, i don’t want to offend anyone, but the program has some reasonable time limits, that’s right, yes, so you, if possible, no, i, i'm finishing, i'm finishing, no, well, you're just starting the next discussion.
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not in the foreign ministry, the attitude is the same, but hungary is a great eastern european power, i propose to proclaim it officially as such, and appoint atila as one, grave atila has not yet been found, therefore, therefore , assigning it as an unfound grave is at the moment, here is our east european atila today - this is orban, in fact, i’m afraid he won’t like it. considering the fate of atila, yes, well, about this sometime next time, now there’s advertising, after that i won’t continue with a new cast, a big film premiere, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the title, alexander getsenko, now only soviet people, slaves, can save them , there are no others here, evgeniy tkachuk, i’m a fort, i’m definitely not they will kill you, i will be with you until the end of my life, fyodor
2:04 am
dobronravov, reads, calculates everything, puts everything in order, he sees four moves ahead, sergei makovetsky, i heard you need responsible comrades for the campaign, turn your back on me, comrade kaselev, konstantin khabensky, we’re saving this, wow, remember, we never lost this, this is an amulet, no, this is a device that helps us find our way, then the jew, we need to get as far away from the camp as possible, a film by sergei ursulyak, i’m glad we got away , left, we didn’t leave them. they are coming behind us, righteous man, on may 9 on rtr, while our memory lives on, thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear, thanks to the great generation of winners, let's bow to the great.
2:05 am
in those years, while these songs sound, the dark night, we are invincible, only bullets will drive across the steppe, katyusha went ashore, on a high bank on a steep one, happy holiday, dear friends, happy day... big festive concert dedicated to victory day 9 may on rtr. this is what, comrades, girls, a good sniper can single-handedly stop an enemy attack. we are now team, we must become one in order to prove
2:06 am
that we are snipers. you're worried.


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