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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 8, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

9:30 am
i’ve already said, you can take your brains out, i wish you, first of all, that you please us for a long, long time and that we all enjoy these wonderful moments of communication that we have, dear slava, congratulations, i sincerely wish you health, as much energy, and the most important thing is to want, to want this life, to want to act in films, we really ask you, because we love you very, very much, slavochka, congratulations, i adore you so much.
9:31 am
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save 20 euros, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited and valid for a short period of time, new russian cinema, your brother is there in the donbass, the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, kolya, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i don’t have a dry ration for you, there are no weapons, get ready to blow to moscow. let's write down my brother as missing, no, that won't do, i came for him, i have to find him, markin's hope, in some ways he looks like him, sergei gorobchenko, tell him that he doesn't have a brother, they killed him, alexey shevchenkov , that’s where they went on reconnaissance, the second, then, then, not i know, anton shakin, it means there is still hope, there is always hope. the militia passenger
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becomes a full-fledged soldier of the aurora battalion. may 10 on rtr. while our memory is alive. thanks to all the veterans, thanks to the heroes of the front and rear. thanks to the great generation of winners. let's bow to the great ones. while these songs are sounding, the dark night, we are invincible, only bullets will bring down the steppe, katyusha went ashore, on a high bike on a steep one, happy holiday, dear friends, happy victory day.
9:35 am
when they ask, was budyonny a rich man, after all, marshal, i answer, he was very rich, rich in work, business for friends and associates, says the grandson of the famous commander with pride.
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budeonov’s name is associated with many significant events in the history of our country, and his heroic image has been captured in films more than once, including the film the elusive avenger, famous during the soviet union, i won’t ask about your exploits, i’ve heard a lot, and then you’ll tell me yourself when peace comes, well, tell a little lie, as it should be, it’s beautiful not to collect stories, not to tell, but what kind of semyon will be...
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in the lane then granovsky street, i see among many plaques to our outstanding military leader, a plaque to semyon mikhailovich and a memorial plaque, what a world there was in this house, it was called the general’s house there, and your childhood was spent there in these apartments, on these landings, what is the main thing you remember from your childhood, with childhood with my grandfather, for all of us this was a three-time hero and so on, but for you, grandfather, of course? i perceived him as the closest person, i lived in the family of semyon mikhailovich and my grandmother marya vasilievno, my father worked for border along the line of military diplomacy, so all my youth, my, all my childhood years, i
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tried to absorb the maximum from this great man, his fate is enough for several human destinies. such a great figure, after all, children played budyonny with him, you played with grandfather at grandfather, under his command at home, you saddled both grandfather himself and maybe a horse, so i see a toy saddled, yes, well, you know, i’m not only he knows how to ride toys, children of all grandchildren, he put them on horseback from early childhood, all of us to one degree or another. we know horse riding, we have new members who came to the family, for example, mikhail derzhavin, a famous artist, the beloved son-in-law of semyon mikhailovich, was also put on a horse, or rather, not so much put on, as he was sent to the arena, and his favorite horse
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was at budyonny, the sophist is depicted in a sculpture next to the borodino panorama on... the sophist lived a very long life, a very long life for a horse, and he outlived his owner, when they said goodbye, the grandfather said, well, old man, let's see who outlives whom , and the sophist outlived him, very much there is an interesting connection between cavalrymen and horses, this is a separate story, how people fought on horseback, how my grandfather survived. in these avalanches, when thousands of people converged, trained, superbly trained, but my grandfather never told me why, how he survived, but i found in his diaries, it was written in his hand, i don’t
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want to seem immodest, but in a cavalry battle his equals i haven't met. all soviet schoolchildren knew this, and adult children at school, for example, at your school, what was it like when they talked about heroic deeds? well, there were three people in our class, who had something to tell, it was katya molokova, the granddaughter of the polar explorer, molokov, the grandson of the prosecutor general roman andrevich rudenko, seryozha, well, your humble servant, in general, of course, we were sometimes asked to share ours. stories, tales, tales, jokes, anecdotes, thank
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god, they didn’t ask us to tell, although of course there are a lot of them, there are good ones, there are also less kind ones, i love one very much, because before you could buy a bust of a great man in store, well, in general , a mother comes to the store with a girl, and the girl mom says, i want that kitty... she says: this is not a kitty, this is marshal budyonnykh. it's because of his mustache, of course, that he's legendary. did he ever, maybe in his youth, there was a moment when he didn’t wear them, we just don’t know, i don’t remember him without a mustache, and few people remember or saw him, because photography wasn’t so widespread, especially in the salsky steppes in the village. where he spent his youth, at one of the competitions with the cossacks,
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suddenly, in some strange way, the minister, well, in our opinion, defense, kuropatkin, got there, kuropatkin gave him a silver the ruble said that we need such people in the army, in fact, speaking, budyonny came in handy both in the tsar and the tsarist army, where he received four st. george's crosses, became a full st. george's knight, well, it is known that he even had five st. george's crosses, one he lost, the incident that deprived him of the cross, he could have been brought to... the death penalty in the tribunal, but by the highest decree they left him in the army,
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tore off the cross from him, but he soon earned four more and became a full heroic cavalier, they, they always hung in his closet, on holidays, he took out his jacket and showed me these crosses and medals, this is my grandmother, when you... were married to him, marya vasilievna, it was a happy marriage, three children were born in it, how happy he was about the appearance of these children how he demanded that they receive a good, solid education, which is exactly what happened: my father became a military man, following in his footsteps, nina became a journalist, a talented writer, and misha...... became the head of the icon sports federation already at departure of the soviet union. this is
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his third marriage already. this was the third marriage. first two they were unhappy, one might say tragic. his first wife shot herself, it was an accident. his second wife was arrested and exiled to the camps. it goes without saying that i alone, as a person,
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could not do anything to our party, our government, comrade stalin, our leader of the workers' and peasants' red army, comrade varosil, that these 50 years that i have lived are only... . gave me that rich experience and practice, which promises very big troubles for our classes, of course. time, of course, is a cult, but at the same time i i think that here he is quite sincerely saying to himself that, well, that’s how i feel, but my grandfather always told me that apart from the truth , there is nothing better than the truth, i just brought with me - one portrait, it’s small, it’s a copy paintings by boris preobrazhensky,
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november 1941, parade, abnormally cold weather in front of hitler, when granite pieces were already brought in for the construction of the swastika in moscow, we held a parade, i say, we held a parade, i believe that i have the right so to speak, each of us, each of us has the right to this, and... this large, huge painting was donated by us to the museum of defense of the city of moscow, it is located in the reserves, it is possible that you are one of the first to see it, but please put up some stills, let’s remember semyon mikhailovich budyonny, at this legendary heroic parade in november 1941 in moscow. place them,
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overshadowed by the victorious banner of lenin, led by stalin. the soviet people and their red army will defeat and destroy the german invaders. our cause is just, victory will be ours! we, when we looked at one of the versions of the medal that we issued for the 140th anniversary,
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the question arose, how, how to depict him, budyonny, because he received his awards. soviet highest awards for the three times hero of the soviet union after the war, but i wanted to portray him as young, well, in general, together with the gokhran, we achieved some kind of similarity, without attracting budgetary funds, three stars he has here on this commemorative medal we issued the 140th anniversary last year, and of course there’s a mustache on the medal too. accurately captured this part of the buzen, if you can call it that, of course, was adored by everyone, and the filmmakers, sometimes they also captured it very accurately, please put it on, my love, i don’t know, this is one of my favorite films, the elusive avengers, semyon mikhailovich is simply present in life , and they’ve already made a movie about him, put it on, let’s get acquainted,
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commander-in-arms, danka shus, sister , i’ve heard it, and then you’ll tell it yourself when the world comes, well, you’ll lie a little, as you should, you can’t put it together beautifully, you can’t tell stories, but that’s after, now you are fighters regular red army, here budyonny
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speaks with the soldiers, the future elusive avengers, how he generally treats his subordinates, what stories he told, so he could be, you know, how is it after all from the tsar’s army women, that’s how they talked about the tsar’s generals, some servant to the tsar, father a soldier, he was the father of a soldier, well, yes, for this he suffered at one time, when i talked about the first - the st. george cross, which was torn off from him, he stood up for the soldiers, the officers ate, played cards. with money that was released to the regiment, the soldiers were poor and hungry, he stood up for them, and was always principled, he had a soldier, in second place a commander, because some heroic deeds that people perform largely depend on
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the individual, the commander, he was always example, and we, when we look at a chronicle, or suddenly come across some evidence of the war, for example, this album, i recently reviewed the military operations of the forty-fifth year from odor to the elbe, almost 100 thousand cavalrymen took part in the berlin operation, and beetles, and konev, and rokosovsky, those who covered berlin from the north and south, they always called budyonny and asked how best to use the cavalry, he was on
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may 9 - these are parades, these are celebrations, this is a minute of silence, and i... remember how i froze moscow, and we listened to these seconds for a minute. this year , victory day, like in 1945, coincided with easter days, the entire day on easter day and victory day. we believe that this year will be victorious for us too. i somehow feel this, and even as i say it, now i understand with you that we are a people. well, the people are winners when such names inscribed in our history, the names of the winners, like your grandfather, blessed memory to him, happy victory day, to all of you, happy victory day, this is
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the life and fate of semyon mikhailovich budenov in the memories of his grandson, alexei budenov. on may 9, on the day of the great victory, a large parade on red square, in memory of the great feat of our people , the descendants of the heroes, the valiant defenders of the homeland, the heirs of our great traditions, will march in a solemn march.
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you've been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will happen today. are you glad? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere. well, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, you forgot how to give compliments. hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like that.
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dark night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from all!


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