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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 3:45am-4:42am MSK

3:45 am
beloved, dear, make us have a hundred merriments, until the flowers bloom, we are already in the garden, in the garden, let us hide with you, we will hide in the garden, together with you.
3:46 am
i was at the front headquarters, they highly appreciated your proposal regarding the capture of the city on november 7, by november 7, the 7th is planned to be awarded, solemnly with the entire front command, but what about my initiative to take the mast, we’ll blow it up. what about this?
3:47 am
the frontline command is thinking. lieutenant colonel klyuev is entirely in favor. we will take the city in any case, but here we need to strike iron for now hot. we need to drive them to the border. so to speak, play ahead. stay ahead of the curve. okay, if the frontline command doesn’t mind, go ahead. but look. you’ll ruin the plane, you’ll ruin your reputation, and you’ve just got it, and it’s definitely going to explode on november 7, exactly at around 2 o’clock in the afternoon, how long will it take to wind the watch, the hands will stop and... bang!
3:48 am
it hurts, sit, sit, by the way, rest, so the plane’s departure is scheduled for today, pilot.
3:49 am
you, acting company commander, i order you to speed up and be ready first enter the city, there is, i’ll take baikal, let’s go , don’t be jealous, this is the shortest way, yeah, right here, you agree, sit baikal, well, that’s right, who won’t let the dog down, captain? it means you won’t let me down, you won’t let me down,
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baikal, dad, dad, are you coming? alan, next!
3:51 am
colonel, the plane is preparing to carry out the mission, the route has been laid, it is safe, what intelligence says, the latest data. and the photography was done last night, no anti-aircraft guns were detected, great, who is piloting? me, good jokes, i ask who is flying? me, dad. the task is complex and requires special qualifications, special qualifications, you and petrov sing in unison as if from notes, it turns out that petrov will fly himself? he yes, you no.
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3:53 am
yes, you should be given mekles instead of planes, the sky has come to fight, captain klyuyev, come to me, i told you to forget, and in lieutenant kulakova’s plane, the ignition wire was torn out of your hands, “that means i’m flying, that means she’s flying on your plane, take the dog in legs, you are in the second place, the dachshund won’t
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fly on my plane, that’s another reason, because it’s my plane, let’s go here”? this like a husband, like a toothbrush, you generally know what the relationship of an airplane pilot is, there is a spiritual connection, i don’t know what kind of connection you have with the airplane, i know one thing, that i won’t let you go anywhere, think about me what you want , i won’t let everything go, once you’re related, then you’ll understand everything, now it’s free, dad, i... understand, i understand, can i say goodbye to him, to whom with
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the plane, go, run. what, what, as a comrade lieutenant colonel said, well , if you want to ask him yourself, go put it in, kindergarten, i won’t fly in this, tell the graduate when you’re seriously going to start using the car?
3:56 am
“i couldn’t, what i couldn’t, let my daughter go on a mission, what kind of daughter are you talking about, lieutenant kulakova flew away, well , who is this, you, lieutenant kulakova, why are you here and not there, ah, kalya, captain klyueva said that you ordered her to fly, who ordered, i ordered, i waved to you, you said yes, yang,
3:57 am
war, dear mother, don’t worry, i’m fine, except for the frits, so the fluff flies, 4 years old mother libra. . t-34 may 9 on rtr. victory day from the heroes of bygone days, the seventh
3:58 am
grade school was taken and went to the front in my throat. it's a dark night, this holiday is good because it unites generations, songs from the bottom of my heart, a big festive release on may 9 on rtr, novaya rossiyskaya! “i’m not a fighter, i came for my brother, here all my feelings are heightened to the limit, happiness has resurrected me, she loves me, my call is a passenger, go, i’ll come back for you, you hear, may 10 on rtr.
3:59 am
4:00 am
helmet, yeah, as you can hear, welcome, maybe you shouldn’t shout like that. why did you volunteer to fly yourself? the commander lost mutual understanding with the soldiers? they won’t go to die for you, right? you can’t lose something you never had, well ? and you, everything is fine with your flight, why did they call you? they were flying, and i’m younger, i have two brothers, a train child,
4:01 am
they loved me to death. well done, well done, what kind of meniervaga, yes, stop, come on, come on, come on, come on, legs, look, nearby, well done, go, go, let's see what you have there, volodya? everything is clean, it’s strange that they didn’t knock down the monument, well, how will people tramp to the monument on a holiday, lay flowers everything, forward, forward, it’s still strange, girls, let’s go, next to each other, let’s go, let’s go, come here, forward. well
4:02 am
well, this is the perfect place for a command banquet, that ’s right, comrade colonel, look at the buildings, stay a while, colonel. “see, i didn’t deceive you, we’re in the city, now your promise to keep is damned, comrade colonel, stepan sergeevich, no goodbye, i’m now looking for explosives, you understand, wow, you even recognized my middle name, you thought about me, nice, yes, i’m not rushing you, katesh, tomorrow, but today, look for
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explosives, especially here in simbre, here all the teams from the front will be allowed to walk , guli, guli, guli, i’m coming, good wife. i'm coming, vilma, vilma, vilma, vilma, vilma, come to me, my girl, you're bleeding, or something, my girl, god, god,
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4:05 am
quiet, nothing, i see that it's nothing, you're like, nothing, quiet, you and the second attic? they checked, yes they checked everything, there is a khrul and yulia is still watching, well, if it’s clear, then all lights out, let’s go next to each other, well, screw it, everything is clean, girls, nothing, yes, but if there was something, they would have found it already, strange, it’s very strange how the germans never left the city without surprises, you know it yourself,
4:06 am
yes, i would have found vilma, well, three circles, three, well, really, we’ve looked through everything, let’s go and relax it’s necessary, both for dogs and for people, yes, really, girls, go, relax, you go, i ’ll take a walk, let me, yes. i miss you.
4:07 am
i wasn’t even looking for you, did i hear that you entered the city? well, i think, it can’t be such a coincidence, and then i see our vilma is running, well, i think it’s fate, and then you came, you understand that if i say a word, what? they’ll shoot me, and then you, well, or you’ll walk around for the rest of your life, they won’t
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spit in your back, if you’re lucky, of course, you won’t explain to anyone that first you left me, and then ran away to your own people, i’m joining the police he went so that... they wouldn’t touch you, you know, because he loved you, he wanted to protect him, how it helps to do what they did to us, then, of course, he had to run away into the forests, or become a corpse, yes, a corpse, he after all , the best defender. the woman i love, it was necessary, but i’ll somehow
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survive the fact that they will spit in my back, hold, hold, just don’t drop her, you see, they didn’t accept her, i need to leave, katya, but i need your help... i need it, i can’t do it alone , how can i help you, not you, vilma, she will lead me through the front line herself, you know, checkpoints, patrols, fields, it’s easier for me to shoot you. okay, here, the heart that you once broke,
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to hell with you, think, katya, see you tomorrow at noon, think, but if you decide to turn me in, i’ll turn you in myself. our marriage certificate, it is now always with me, fork, we will go.
4:11 am
bring it in, quickly, yes, they have been there for a long time, it’s clear, i myself, with a lisp, understood. comrade colonel throws his suitcase on the sofa, i can go, i’m free!
4:12 am
why are you scaring me so much? alyonka.
4:13 am
what are you doing, comrade klyueva, what are you setting up a fashion house here, look, here’s the house, here fashion, lie down, lie down, what are you holding, holding, putting on, what about you? what should i help you with? come on, come on, quietly, quietly, uh,
4:14 am
let's lie here next to me with me and where the bridge is, you have to go, you can't go further than baikal alone.
4:15 am
sorry, i didn't mean to wake you. what time should they return? it’s departure time now, before it’s dawn, i should have flown instead, so what? you remember everything, the lever, the ball,
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throw it off your eyebrow, go ahead. forward, forward, and we’ll wait for him here, he’ll come back on his own, let’s go, are you also pining for petrov? no, why who else too, will you, no,
4:17 am
find out, what will you say? of course, oh, we must. i can’t take it anymore, to me your bastard is worse than the spanish one, comrade petrov, hold on, but your legs are dry and intact, give you more pedals on the plane, yeah, it’s not far
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away, there’s a plane across the river, lie down, lower, let’s go back, back, quickly, back, back, stop, the bridge is destroyed, fix it, we don’t have much time, here, here it’s at least 2 hours of work, i’m listening, why, they ’ll find the plane, if you look for it. and now their head is full of others, they’re building a bridge, go here, i’m already on you, otherwise you’ll laugh at the helm,
4:19 am
let’s sit down , vilma, vilma has come, where, no, vilma,
4:20 am
i’ll bring you if you tell me where the explosives are laid, but always, when they retreat, they lay the explosives, this is a textbook, and monument to lenin, how do you know about the monument to lenin? yes, people said, i katya is no longer in business, maybe not. but you are not alone, there are many of you, surely someone knows something, they say cinemas have opened in the city, and
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what is your favorite film? oh, maybe, it's cold. well, what are you, children of captain grant, yes. landia, landia, take a cigar, a cigar calms you down, uh-huh, okay, i’ll ask around, well , if it’s some kind of game, you have time until november 7, that’s strange, i
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know the film by heart, but i don’t remember where and when i watched it, but for you, you haven’t watched this one. big braun eye, also with a grant, but not with the captain, with carrie, maybe i watched it, forgot, yes, sorry, nothing.
4:23 am
do you want me to help you? i have already written a petition, i’m waiting for an answer, but it won’t happen soon, well, i can speed it up, it seems to me that you are exaggerating your opportunity. commander's daughter, i bet i'll come to an agreement, well what, swallow five, swallow five, welcome, swallow five, answer the nest. swallow
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five, swallow five, welcome, swallow five, swallow five, swallow five, answer the nest, swallow five, welcome, 5, answer the nest.
4:25 am
4:26 am
for us, i didn’t know that restaurants had already opened. so they are still closed, this is especially for you. i’m listening to you, lyutochka, what do we have? just a little for now, borscht with sour cream, chicken kiev, cabbage rolls, traniki. we'll think about it for now, lyudochka, and you should do something with music.
4:27 am
reindeer fisherman and barts, they say about us, we are undressed in our shirts, chicken res, green ta, and about us they say, look, dog, dog, stop!
4:28 am
vilma would have had a chance, she’s a genius, and baikal is just a dog, and you’re cruel, where, you have to wait for darkness, i’m a fool or something, just get in touch, my father is going crazy there. i’ll say that we’ll arrive at night, well, katyusha, let’s have a drink, well, i haven’t
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drunk it yet, come on, come on, now we need more, then we’ll sit like we’re not family. well, for you, to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom, stepan sergeevich, i don’t drink, and if i drink, then as much as i want, wow , what a stubborn one, it’s a pity, you, katyusha, are just like my wife. you are married, so are you, yes, he was married, there was a thing, he wanted to get a divorce,
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then the war separated ships at sea, something like that. and your husband, where is he? really, let's have a drink, decide, let's dance.
4:31 am
“excuse me, i need to go out, katyusha, don’t interrupt the dance, tell me what’s wrong, and i’m in front of you, this and that, and you’re like ice, stepan sergeevich, sorry, the date is over.” comrade lieutenant colonel, you will report in a basset, comrade mair, please, let me
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help you, girls, take it, comrade lieutenant colonel, the task is completed. ay, well done, ay, well done, come on, okay, that's it, rest, rest, well, jackdaw, well, jackdaw, oh, rest, eat rest.
4:33 am
as with a specialist, here, prolan, where, here, he was fed, well, i’ll read it, we ’ll discuss it, well, i’ll take you, i was very angry with you, i understand. “i decided that you sent vilma on a mission just so as not to take revenge on me for this prank in front of the formation,
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i wasn’t thinking about you at all, so i apologized, katya, how do we know what is this and what is not that, well, sometimes you look at a person, it seems that this is the same person, and then you look, he’s completely different. no matter where you spit, you'll end up in petrova. she’s married, petrov, you’re trying to get somewhere,
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it’s okay, it’s okay, we’ll see what he gets, until tomorrow, yes. let's talk tomorrow like professionals. good night. dad,
4:36 am
she's good, who are you? well, i found out, there’s a bomb in the basement of the city council, you’re lying, i’m there. i searched for half a day, and also looked behind the walls, tell me, tell me, where to look,
4:37 am
quietly, quietly, well... where, tell me, come on, in the basement, there is a masonry, so that the dogs don’t smell it, they sprinkled it with pepper, that’s what you say, textbook, okay, i'll check it, well, no, now it’s your turn, they didn’t give... the front is 4 km, you won’t fall apart, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, go after the dog, come on, girl, let’s go now,
4:38 am
next to you. katya, we’ll be walking for a long time, it’s already cleared up, well , that’s it, there’s our last checkpoint, on the other side, next are yours, the nazis. farewell, give your certificate, come here, quietly, quietly, quietly, quietly. quiet, quiet, like this,
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quiet, quiet, quiet, calm, girl, mom will sleep now, and vilma will catch up with us, nearby,
4:40 am
oh, i’m probably early, call golikova, i’m waiting at the entrance, my conversation is professionally scheduled , didn’t spend the night like that, she, that is, well look, you didn’t spend the night, why didn’t you? well, excuse me, i didn’t know that this was something that needed to be reported, allan, where are you from, what is this? katya, drive, alan, come on, come on, alan, faster, faster, katya! katya,
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katya, katya, katyusha, you are alive, alive, alive , don’t die, don’t die, golikova, hear, hear, come on, hold on, breathe, breathe, don’t die, now, golikova, now, don’t close your eyes, just, alon , alan, follow me, follow me. now, now, now, don't close your eyes, stop, platform,


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