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tv   Istrebiteli  RUSSIA1  May 9, 2024 10:20pm-11:31pm MSK

10:20 pm
can you talk about the memory of the victims of the holocaust? no, this is very important for them, about some kiselyov, a russian officer, didn’t you hear what i said? i won’t talk to anyone, mahmoud, ali from the sixth ward, he has a bandage, the second day is according to plan, so finally do it with you . he doesn’t answer our letters, doesn’t answer the phone, doesn’t want to talk about it, how old was he then, 17?
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then let shiya go, shiya, okay, reuben, he is the smartest, kindest, he loves to study, he will be a great person, let reuben go, reuben won’t be able to, rita, he’s not so brave, not so dexterous, maybe one of the girls, esther, sim... durg, miriem, where’s masha? where have you been? yes, i ran into the yard and smoked? pack all your things, go to the russian side, when? now. you decided, i decided, masha will go, yes,
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he can, who else, i can’t, it’s mom, dad, morning is coming, they won’t wait, dina, what if the germans don’t come in today, the lithuanians, ukrainians will come in with them, idon refused to give out 5.00 levels, they will kill five times more for this, your children? i've already decided everything, i have it, children need very little.
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you need to get to dollinovo, my old forestry, remember where it is, they
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will help you, but this is what you will pay, save this. what is this? this is what you were always trying to break. wow, we have never lost this, even in the worst times, they say 500 years, mom, i want to go with you and dad, i don’t want to go with him, he beats me, who beats me, what are you lying, he won’t, we decided, dina, i don’t want to go with him, that’s the way it should be. miriam, don’t be offended, girls give birth to jews, and most importantly, don’t lower your pants where they shouldn’t, that’s all, go, go, go, go, hand in hand, hand in hand,
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walk, walk. pigo, faster, faster, don't lag behind, let's go, but we can't lag behind, my, mom, i don't want to go with you, you're beating me, no, you 're defending yourself, why are you talking nonsense, so, get ready, money and gold, good , good,
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wait, wait, so, come on, so, good, good, wait, good, good, good, not enough, not enough, one, this is for two, for one. i have no more, punisher, punisher, run, run, back, mirian, mirian, can you hear me, miriam? say something.
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i didn’t shave, but i just shaved overnight it’s grown, it’s growing quickly, shave again, you need to pretend to be germans, but pretend, don’t pretend, don’t go, just scratch your face, fez, naderny, you have a fersh patch, why don’t we write, you’re playing with a scarf, no, cards, no in the world there is such a person who could beat me at cards, i’m very port, you’re a commander. i don’t know about cards, there’s an expression in chess, order is in the class, i
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know that when a chess player has the correct arrangement of pieces on the board, he can beat an opponent much stronger than him, let’s settle down let’s beat the enemy correctly, and you’re a chess player, no, i’m an economist, an accountant, of course, i was worrying in vain, my friend, the germans don’t suffer from neuritis.
10:32 pm
come on, come on, quickly, set it on fire, comrade kistelev, wait, set it on fire, suddenly there are horses there, comrades, who are you, where are you from, we’re home, from a small town, we were brought here, we’re laying sleepers at the station, that’s it, no need to put any more , run, the germans are about to return, they will kill you, let’s hurry up, where to run, there’s nowhere to run, don’t you understand, we’re going to blow everything up here, damn it, set it on fire. fast, let's move, let's move faster, faster!
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stop, here, let's run away, two, be careful, excuse me, comrades, partisans, they wanted to talk to you, we really... knew that your comrade died in battle, i am reuben yankel,
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the watchman and chazan in the synagogue, that is, pevch , this is ava rovner, he was a math teacher, this is tova, and who is this? and don’t even pay attention to this, they wanted to ask if we could stay with you, we have nowhere to go. “we can’t return home, they’ll kill us there, as you rightly said, no, we can’t, we don’t need singers, who can you learn to shoot, i i can also fix your shoes, no, i said, cover the spruce branches and put a mark on them, these jews are so arrogant, and what kind of eyes have you seen on this jew, what kind of witch?” can he be angry?
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i brought this, come on, these are cigarettes, grandpa,
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i want one of you they'll give you a hard time if they see you, you have a strange pipe, it's very old, it's the most expensive pipe in the world, why? we had one valuable relic in our family, it was taken away from me.
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hello, my name is noah goldberg, i'm from the holocaust remembrance center. i am pleased to inform you that our center invites you as a witness at the hearing in nikolai’s case
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yakovlevich kiselyov, we are going to assign him the title of righteous man of the world. we are ready for you.
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my name is lyuba, i will help you, follow me, i don’t have much time, is there anyone else with you, your family, friends, no, no one, what’s your name? misha, what about her? masha, okay, misha and masha.
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let's hurry up, dina, dina, let's go. before the water remains, i have to leave soon. how old are you? 16? i'll be 18 soon, then i
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'll be 40 soon. the girl called me dina. is this your mother or sister? don't know. she's not herself, she 's sick. listen, she is masha, just like me. “i’m jewish, my name is khayali, my father taught history at the university in exactly the same way, i’m just like you, it’s behind me, wipe yourself off, i work for the germans. on the railway, you think it’s easy for me to hide this for almost a year, but i i know where you are from, yesterday there was a big action in the ghetto, they say they killed several
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thousand, you don’t believe me, okay, i ’ll help you anyway, my name is mashatal, she’s miryam. we fled from the ghetto. who is she with? you? she's our sister. eat, drink. then go to bed.
10:43 pm
do you want to see it? beautiful device. it was given to kings and princesses. this was done by our relative in toledo in spain 500 years ago. he was one of us from our family. and this is our family. grandfather motl, grandmother fanny, mother rita, father, avigdor, our brothers, shea, iruvim, our
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sisters, ester, sima, dorka, dina, you and me. you must remember everyone, mirya, i will save you.
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a girl from the headquarters, she came to us for weapons, anka, for weapons, and she also takes pity on the jews, collects them throughout the forest, rewrites, rewrites, soon there will be no one who is a fucking hobby, maybe she will take them from us, he is a comrade kiselev, thank you so much to your entire squad, victory, you saved 47 people, they will now be with you, no, they won’t,
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jonah was almost completely destroyed by german punitive forces, but a small part of the jews managed to survive and took refuge in the local forests. the survivors huddle around the units and with their actions prevent them from working and fighting. they dress and eat at the expense of the local peasants, beg, cheat, steal poultry and livestock, which negatively affects the attitude of the peasants towards
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the partisans. increases their risk detection through the mediation of the local population, in the partisan environment itself, jews are often treated negatively, jewish youth are not understood. willingly, due to strong german propaganda and the small presence of soviet power in this territory, it is necessary to decide the fate of the jewish population not only in order to alleviate their suffering, but also to rid the fighting detachments and the local peasantry from the masses that produce nothing, that’s all, the commander of the partisan brigade avengers voronyansky in about. kiselyov, that's who i’m glad to see, hero, he shipped two carts of weapons for us, we ’ll draw up an award list for you, what did you think, he and the commissar don’t mind, you’re fighting well, you’re a good fellow, he’s got everything figured out, like an accountant, excuse me,
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what now, dad , what, it's normal. kisyalya, why did you bring these people here? where should i put them, should i either fight or feed them? what should i do with them? i don’t know, you are a brigade commander, you have six detachments in your brigade, distribute who you distribute, old men and old women? well, don’t think, i treat them well, although i don’t like how a hereditary cossack, and my boss himself. a jew, comrade oblique, i heard, i don’t distinguish people by nationality, the main thing for me is that the germans are beaten, well done, kisilyov, that’s the main thing, but these can’t fight, let me go, i still need to return to the detachment, kiselyov, stop, but if you want
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to receive the title of hero of the soviet union, i want to, then the thing is, if you get the jews out of here, we’ll introduce you to the rank, the word commissar, the commander will confirm, i confirm, we’ll introduce you, like this... how to gather everyone who is around here and get you out of here damn mothers, but there are only 200-300 of them there, no more, it’s jelly, where to take them out, they have nowhere to go, there is just somewhere, sit down, sit down, so, look, here we are, uh-huh, this is the front line, here and lead us to ours, through the surzher gate, the situation there is now unique, there is a big hole between the fronts, whole convoys are passing through, you can easily get through with them, a pencil is possible, a pencil, please, i fully support the commissar, koserev, everything is intact, here you are you will lead the operation to save the soviet population of belarus, jews are soviet people, soviet,
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oh, and you will be a hero of the soviet union, we won’t find a better candidate, there’s nothing to look for, so kiselyov will calculate everything, calculate everything, put everything in order, sort it out, commissar, i can’t beat him at chess no way, he sees four moves ahead, no, i don’t need to die, what i don’t need, the title of a hero, there’s almost no chance, look, 800 km in a straight line, they put on all 1,200, even if you walk 12 km a day, what it’s unlikely, it’s 100 days in the german rear, no, comrade commissar, allow me to refuse if this is not an order, but if it is an order, oh, okay. unfortunately, the matter is so voluntary, then we will offer it to sergeev, but from the fight, he will go, he is a clear fighting lad, it’s even better for us, but let this one count the chances, for sure, i’m sure
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he’s generally local, of course, he won’t refuse, then allow it go, yes, go, go. well, commissar, maybe it’s really a crooked hand, he ’ll leave them the next day, or your crooked little hand will drown in the swamp, let’s get out of here, and he went as a jew, why, he said to say goodbye, that, stop, talk, i want, stop, they tell you, i’ll kiss you, let’s shake them up, they tell you, let’s shake them up!
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just shot fálcajthal, faster, faster.
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dobrari noci, prostitute, without asking,
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my niece speaks to her neighbors. the name of? adela, my brother's dacha, adam, adele. she will say it herself, but shouldn’t i, sir? does not speak? she stopped talking after the bombing.
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name arsemovich, mr. sturmfurar, kut!
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i'm shooting, i'm shooting, i'm shooting, peace, peace!
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accept, stay here, who should he? did not interfere, you are welcome, guests are always welcome, that’s for sure, there is no such person who would not be happy to the head of the special department, i say correctly, comrade, sit down, uh-huh, comrade varanyansky said, you refused to lead the jews, that’s right, comrade varanyat said that this matter was voluntary, it was voluntary, but circumstances are changing in a very bad direction, kisalyuv, there such information, sit down, it will not be the probe team that is in the villages that will attack us, but the regular troops. the group commander's name is erd schmücker. i haven’t seen hitler, but they still talk about this one. his main goal is to make belarus a judenfrai, a land free of jews. do you know what i mean? no, look here, we
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're coming, right? so, the jews are behind us, right? the germans are after the jews. and if you take the jews away, you will save them, you will save our fighters. that's it, you take three or four people with you at your discretion, we will send a special horn officer and a liaison girl. you have known since childhood, so you can discuss with her any details of the campaign, this is an order, this is already an order, you have weeks to get ready and move, orphan, come in, anna ivanovna sirotina, she will be a good helper for you, i ask you to love and favor , what, and do you know each other? is it? we saw each other, i want to say right away that i am against the candidacy of comrade kiselyov, he is not the person who can cope with this task, his attitude towards people of jewish nationality means work together, that’s it, let’s go, comrade, oblique,
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let’s not interfere with them, where are you from? do you know their language, your mother taught russian at a jewish school, is your mother alive? no, is there anyone else, a husband, a fiancé, no, neither a husband nor a fiancé, what are these questions for, it’s just that married people live longer, statistics, i don’t understand what this has to do with the matter, that’s what it is the point is, the more we know each other, the better it will be for business. “i propose to take dr. merantz with us from the brigade hospital,
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they will give him to us, he’s a jew, besides, he ’s lived all his life, he never knew who was a jew and who wasn’t, he didn’t know the narofaki, he didn’t know at the institute, in childhood, in when i was a child in my village, there were only two things i didn’t have: jews, tomatoes.” write down the most common words in hebrew, the simplest ones, thank you, hello, this will come in handy, hello, shalom aleiham, peace be with you, write it down, peace be with you, shalom aleikh.
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comrades jews, firstly, sholom aleiham, then it will be in russian, anna will translate, my name is kiselev, if anyone doesn’t know, you were all gathered here together to lead through the german rear and take you beyond the front line, into soviet territory, into a friendly family of fraternal peoples.
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residents of these towns come up to me. ginnosi, yuden. auslander, komtsumir, bita,
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i repeat, foreigners are coming to me.
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they went to the square, they are probably alive, they escaped, they managed, for sure, what a blessing that you are alive, betochka is with you, and little ber, he died, there was no milk in the gil, there’s enough gel , calm down, if you cry, he won’t take us, let’s go,
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yes, but i didn’t find him there anymore. baksht, is that him? yes, reb, almost a genius, the highest expert in todic laws, there is no one higher than him here. they will listen to him. a visionary, if we start from afar with the dispersion of the jews. tell me, will they listen to him, just yes or no? then yes. i'm starting. comrade, speak
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russian, i speak polish, german, you know, hebrew, russian, i speak worse, it’s okay, we’ll have to somehow to try, what kind of fate is it, it is often, sometimes, destroyed by the shashona people, when the almighty gathers the urreys in front of his face. like a shepherd to his flock? fellow fish, i heard them sing, why is that? this is a sign of joy from communicating with the almighty. is it possible to make sure that they are not happy during the hike? in the forest we can hear it far away, the germans will track us down and kill us. something else? yes, kosher? did i pronounce it correctly? what about
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i am a communist, a soviet person, i don’t want to offend you, but when your soviets came, they banned everything, they dispersed communities and... jewish schools, they took away people's shops, mills, imprisoned rovina, smart people, the flower of jewry, sent almost a million to the east, so it's hard to talk about trust, i understand, but now only soviet people, the rebs, can save them, there are no others here , when we save, maybe then we’ll figure out how to live? “if there is anyone, we agreed, but for now tell them to take pork stew, pepper from the ration, why weren’t you
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at school yesterday, reda, i was at the cinema, ataman benditsky was watching the cinema, i went out into the street, there was a tram coming, jam-packed, i don’t want to, i have a job as a conductor, i’m walking home, now it’s going to hurt, i’m coming home, perchik, where have you been, take off your pants, we’ll hit you in the face, i had all sorts of grains, but i didn’t make it, and that’s very good, what was the treatment , ants, that i’ve never heard of such a thing, well, if it helps, that’s good, in my opinion, it’s stupid, but well, he’ll live, and not only that, they took the meat off him alive, comrade kiselyov, he got off easy, he came up with a new way , when there is no medicine, you need to stick it. wound the anthill, it’s better not to, you ’re waving, yes, few come to us with weapons, i had to use it,
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i had to, if you want to take it, i’d better leave, okay, let’s go, there’s someone there who says they know you, she came with the germans to the restaurant, she sat with them, she laughed, she... beat them with sticks , jew, listen, i didn’t hide the fact that i worked for them, i just wanted to live, like you, but i tried to help others, i saved people, who did you save, where were they, they were all killed, you saved me, masha, masha, masha, tell them, they don’t believe me, tell them, masha, this is a girl, lyuba, she says that she hid you in minsk, you you confirm this, yes, i confirm, you... think, guy, this lady worked as a typist for the germans, they stumbled upon her in the forest, she says to the partisans looking for her, maybe she is a spy, a traitor? no, she hid me, she hid me and my sister, she gave
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us food, she is not a traitor, she saved us, if it weren’t for you, they would have killed me, you saved me. what is this? is this an amulet? no, this is a device that finds the way. you can find out where you are by the stars in the sky. my brother, reuben. he said the main thing is to set the arrows of the letters correctly, but i'm not as smart as him, i can't. but don't be afraid. i'll be with you. raam said that you are dina, that means you are also my sister, you don’t understand anything, masha, they don’t believe me, they will kill me
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here or there, sooner or later, i know.
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bring in the first group, complete, calmly, don't lag behind, don't lag behind, the rest, go one after another, brother, come on, cover me, don't let go of the children, hold the children's hands.
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got away, well, and his aunt is walking behind there, they are probably far behind, rose, stop, stop, rose, come back, don’t stop, forward, forward, forward, don't lag behind, regular top, regular top, grandma, grandma, grandma, where are you, grandma, here, come, here,
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excuse me, is this pushkin, the poet, also a jew? and a communist. and not a single good shot. in vain, bitter radish is good, a person needs mountaineer, rain is also good, dogs won’t pick up the trail, but kiselyov will get out. this is a counting machine for a person, i don’t know if girls like this, but for us it’s very good, ansel, why is this girl crying all the time, did you watch her, nothing unusual, hunger, fear, it would be strange if these children
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we laughed, by the way, you never laugh either, you have to laugh, it’s good to laugh, in june so... we were taking children from a pioneer camp, we had 12 jewish boys and girls, they ended up in the german landing, my mother didn’t want to give them up, her they killed me, and they carried me with them for two days, then they threw me out, so ... i can’t laugh.
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yeah, whoever didn’t see my before, let’s go, let’s go, tovarish jelly, didn’t see them, tovarish jelly, my business, i’m trying to keep quiet, i’m trying to keep quiet, your stasik stepan died, the last one led, he didn’t have time, fell, death cool, here you go so. nikishin, you still explain this dark part of the story to me, he let you
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go to me, i reported to you, comrade commander, junior political instructor, tovariich koromarenka, directly my commander, whom you yourself appointed, let me go at my request, i i told you, she forgave me, you can ask, well, let me stay with you, look, ferry, if anything happens, okay, go, stop, tell rogov, i need a volunteer, five or six people who know how to shoot, there are, go, anya, you need to distribute bags, with small children for speed, ok, i wanted to report, comrade, the roll call has been made, the loss of 35 people, killed, missing, well, mostly elderly children, but if it weren’t for you, in general, i wanted to say that i was wrong and i’m glad that you, in
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general, are glad that we broke away, left, and...


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