tv Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim RUSSIA1 May 9, 2024 11:30pm-12:49am MSK
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in general, i’m glad that we broke away, left, anya, we didn’t leave them, you should know, they are following us, following us, yes, following us, this is war, this is a military operation, we are part of it, there is no shirengu in war choose, and the jew is not the world here. people, they are killed by enemies, which means they must fight with enemies, their tasks are to survive and get there, and there is no choice, but there is a chance. you can talk,
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when i was young, i stabbed one, well, whatever happened, i was there, but then at the factory they steeled me, i worked on the car, in general, i can do anything with my hands, that’s literally everything, i can do it from metal, i can do it from wood, i can do it even better from wood, but my father was a carpenter, yes, there was a workshop in a small town, but i feel like my relatives are strangling me, and then the russians came and took it away, but what did i tell you about, right? "the commander and i are now let's leave, leave, not for long, we'll catch up with you soon, so what i mean is, well, so you somehow, here's a gun, just what, take it, take it, it's just all here, you're firing it like this, you're aiming it like that, like that you shoot, that’s when you look at me, the ground
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is floating under my feet, so it’s better not to look, comrade volunteers, i’ll take a look, not everyone here is of military age, grandma, these are your grandchildren, grandma is sitting on the stove at your house, these are mine with sons, borokh and helmet, i didn’t notice it was dark, we have a grenade, show us the helmets, he knows how to handle her, don’t worry, he’s far away. gives, he wants to throw for his dad, for his older brother, for all the coffee men, for the entire town of novogrudok, he wants to throw this grenade, okay, comrade, i need two who know how to shoot, i can do everything, comrade commander, you just show me how, there is a pipe, there is no courage, you want to try, on... just once, cover it with your finger,
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it smells like delicious wood, here. “ i wouldn’t trade the most valuable thing i have for anything, about this love, no one blames you, guy, you don’t know could, she is not a traitor, i believe her, now they shot, comrade, evenly, practically not very well, but i can handle it, why did you volunteer then, i have a very strong theoretical background, comrade kiselev, as a mathematician, an expert in ballistics, shoot without ballistics rovner , if you think about ballistics, they will quickly kill you, just catch the german at gunpoint and shoot, like in a shooting range, we agreed, we agreed, we call these bombs babies, tach commander, but
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you don’t know how to say groom in hebrew, like a word recorded, husno, why do you need it? yes, i just think how it will be for them, husin, husyn, comrade, the strategic task is this, the task is this: to hold off as long as possible until darkness, tactically we act like the tatar-mongol cavalry, hit, rolled back, hit, rolled back, no prisoners we take, we don’t surrender ourselves, there is a question , there is, cavalry, what is it, shloma’s cavalry, it’s
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clearly not you, just throw grenades far away, run after us, pull victor’s trigger, yeah, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet, quiet touch like a girl, you know, touch like a girl, i don’t know they killed all our girls, i didn’t have a girlfriend, i won’t have one, but you asked allah, no , you’re a fool, you have to ask allah, and you’ll have a girl. “listen, break, how in your language will there be a bride, a bride, well, well, the girl is so beautiful, and the guy wants to marry her, he loves her, you know, well, i’m a guy,
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get to them, you know, it will be very bad, you can do it yourself, now you don’t need to throw, just hold on. just hold it, just hold the hose, they’ll torture this one, that one, no, he ’ll cope, we’ll die too, maybe, but not necessarily, i’m sorry, comrade, but i’m... scared, that’s normal, everyone’s scared when
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they’re scared, i need to think about something good, about home, about my wife, about my wife, about my wife, she left me when the russians entered, she fled to warsaw, i said, hitler is there, where are you you’re running, she said, you’re kind, but living with you is worse than living with hitler, so i thought about good things, it didn’t get any easier. do you have a wife? not yet. just don't repeat my mistakes, choose a good girl. i will try. sorry, but i didn’t shoot at them, comrade kiselev. i couldn't for people. i'm very embarrassed, sorry. it's clear. masha, you and rovner are running into the trench, wait for us there. no. this is an order, run faster, israel,
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and slammed his boat on the grass. tova, i didn’t see you, i thought something had happened, i thought, who should i give the gun to now? it’s okay, let me stay with you for now. yes. i want to marry you, i want to become your husband. and you will be my kalo, that’s right, accept a sign of my love from me, when now, why wait, well, we can tomorrow, kiselyov will marry us, he has the right as a commander, he is not a commander to me, this impossible, no, impossible, why not, i’m
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a fortress, they definitely won’t kill me, i’ll be with you until the end of my life. “i fell in love with you very much, i don’t know how it happened, you’re russian, it’s okay if i go jewish for your sake, you’re russian, and i’m jewish, i don’t understand, yes or no, no, in what sense, no , you won’t go, you don’t want to, you don’t understand anything at all, i understand everything, give me the gun, take it, okay, let it stay with you for now.” listen, let the cards say, if we get together, we’ll get married, come on, i’m asking you, come out, anyone. tus lady,
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food no, not at all, there’s nothing to pay for food, jews they gave everything back if they killed schmecker, maybe it would be easier, maybe he killed, maybe it would be easier, but the girl lyuba, or not lyuba, is a spy, i think she escaped at night, and in the morning the germans came. and he’s protecting her,
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get up, we can’t wait for you, i can’t do it anymore, sorry, there’s something wrong with my leg, okay, i ’ll come now, doctor, don’t, comrade, i won’t go, i can’t do it anymore, i won’t want. maybe someone will save you, but they will most likely hand you over to the germans, or better yet to wild animals, although both cases are good, like my life, son, i’m staying
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here. take everything you have, suddenly you they will save the partisans, the main thing is not to lose hope, i wish you a good journey, i wish you all to get there, and if along the way you meet my children, my grandchildren, tell them that the abuse of the rings loves them very much, very... loves them very much , she misses them very much, she would really like to see them, but she has no strength, she has no strength at all, remember, briana goltz from pinsk, may god bless you.
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please, calm down, hush, hush, hush , please, hush, do something, we're all killing her, she's a child, she doesn't understand, i ask everyone, children, make her shut up, and i won't do it, do something, please, i ask you, “hush, i asked you, hush, i asked you, hush, hush, i forgave you, hush, i forgave you, hush, i asked you, hush, you are out of your mind!”
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you're crazy, and she's crying, crying all the time, don't be afraid of me, don't cry, i won't hurt you, but you're afraid to sit in a bag, yes, you won't cry in your arms, that's right, come with me, if you want, or will you stay with dad, come on, that’s right, dad, you’re good, you’re just tired, tell him that you won’t cry?
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can stop gangrene , i haven't tried but there is such a practice, just half a kilo of sugar, just half a kilo, antsel, 3 kg of sugar is one cow, or a lot." gold, what else can be done, what can be done, i said, look for a cow, look for gold, look for sugar, look for what something, well, or pray that it will go away on its own, god, i asked everyone, no one has it, only you, help, give me gold, what kind of gold do you have, i saw it, right here, round gold, you you look through it into the sky, you think, no one sees, i can’t, no, i can’t, my son feels bad, we need sugar, antsel said, sugar. can help, help me, give it to me, you stole it, you stole it along with yours, you didn’t give it away, he’s hiding it in the village
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at the same time, comrade partisans, comrade kishelev, he has gold, let him will give it back, comrade kiselev, comrade antser, you have gold, i won’t give it up, i’m... this, this is not gold, my father gave it to me, i can’t, i won’t give it back, this is my family shelev, let him show, show , what you have, i can’t, show me, i can’t give it away, just show me, i’ll give it back, what is it, a watch, no, it’s an astralabe.
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i told you that truk is the most expensive thing for me, keep it, this is not in return for you masha, this is as collateral, the simplest example of ek'. relationships, a way to ensure your obligations, take it, i will return the astralabe, i will return the unfortunate one, i promise, and this is a guarantee.
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tovari, i want to marry that lepnitskaya izhidomli, she agrees only if it is according to jewish law. i don’t mind, he will be my witness, tarishachan will be a witness on the bride’s side, and you have everything for this, and you already have a chuppah and a ring, very beautiful, the day has already been set, tomorrow, you can freely tomorrow, two witnesses, break a glass, to say, muzzletop, everything is there, but the fact that you are a jew, of course, of course , a jew, your father is a jew, i can’t provide documents now, i grew up in an orphanage, but jew, jew, 100%, jew, considered by the mother, and the mother is jewish, jewish, pure jew, pure, there is no doubt at all,
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anyone can confirm, of course, comrade kiselyov can confirm. this is enough, comrade, comrade, or maybe we do it somehow without this, like something else, no, then yes, this, no, then if. do you insist? alexander is ready to fulfill the covenant, as the rebbe said. is he ready for the breeze, for me? he himself said that he was ready for anything, but i asked to postpone it.
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a wedding? no, this is a covenant. ansel says, what other method of disinfection is there besides the anthill. won’t be able to live, well, in this case, an anthill is, it’s not very good, you understand, but fers is ready for an anthill, in general, it’s up to you, tell me, would you like to play at my wedding? of course, then tomorrow i'm marrying the queen, the queen, tomorrow morning reba said that you can't get married on shaboom kiper, all the weeks of the bitches, all the weeks of the paysa, gne postourov, muse, on all the days of bein, de ava, treta, that omera , and
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toledo, a city in spain, it was written there, on the lid, it’s from there, lord, of course, toledo, i remembered, jewish, my uncle said, lord, of course, the only copy, now we’ll get it out, now, well, it’s there, now one minute, america - an antique salon in brighton, astralabi from toledo, approximately 14th century, if it hasn’t been sold yet, 2000 dollars and the whole
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go anywhere, wait for us here. tina, tina, i’ll bring masha, he’ll be happy, hug you, be happy, get some sleep! masha, this is lyuba, don’t stop, don’t look at me, miriam is alive, i found her, she’s with me, don’t stop, we have to fall behind, you’re alive, god took you away, we have to run, wait, what’s wrong with miriam, where is she alive, i
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hid it, the shmüker had it, i stole it, like from the shmücker? alive, alive, you don’t believe me, i have her photograph, i stole it, look, she is waiting for us, masha, we must run, the germans will soon be here, they will kill everyone, masha, i ask you, what are you doing here, lyuba, don’t shoot, comrade kiselev, don’t shoot, please, she knows where my sister is, please , don’t shoot, just don’t shoot, i ask, what are you doing here, she, she was looking for me, she... said that the germans are close, where is close? i don’t know, i really don’t know, i ran away from them, the schmucker said he knows where you are going, he told who, you? i didn’t betray anyone, i came to masha, i have his sister, she’s waiting for us, i didn’t betray anyone betrayed, i saved his sister, please, no, save yourself, kisselrob, lyuba, lyuba!
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just shoot and crush you. they’re standing there, damn it, how do you like it, kaminsky, but there’s no other road to the other side, there’s no one, only a bridge, and if there’s a ford, i don’t know the ford here, maybe the bridge will be torn apart, there won’t be enough pipes, we won’t blow up the bridge, but we can tear down a tank. we need to have time to cross the bridge, we can’t lag behind, we won’t be able to come back for you, try to be on time, go ahead, let’s go, go ahead,
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go ahead, mom, you ate buns in your little place sesturova, than we have our own for strangers. forward, let's go, forward, forward, cheerful rain of may, we prayed for it, you see, dear. poured onto the hills, in the blue nastiness that beckons a greedy view, only happiness grows, love lives in a simple way, children, look for your father,
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in exchange for half a kilo of sugar, i received a golden thing with jurassic letters, further, i undertake not to sell it and return it in exchange for one bag of sugar, a period of 10 years after the end of the war, you see, it turned out early, all workers, women in our country, are treated equally with men by all means. where are the arrows and figures? there was nothing, she was like that, there was nothing, she was like that, screw it, in an agreement you should always describe the subject of the agreement in detail, in detail, so that there is no
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he is a man with a capital m, no one wanted to take us, this is a big responsibility, he could also be killed, this was some kind of mission for him, he felt that he had to do it. if he had not brought us out, we would have died, an angel supposedly descended from heaven, it was kiselyov. i want to greet the descendants of whom this picture tells, not only the descendants, but the participants in this story, i want to thank them and greet them.
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12 years old, old people and women. according to your instructions, the command of the above detachments instructed me to lead the assembled people to the mainland. children, old people, women, undressed, bloated, hungry, cold, come, listen to everything he says, walk, and he understands that if he doesn’t take them out, they will all die. i started to promote all this during the second world war of a similar incident, to lead a large group of jews through the occupied territory for a long time and lead them out, history has never known such a case, through the tsuruz gate. the civilian population was being withdrawn, not only jews, civilians and wounded partisans, but such
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massive numbers, but it was impossible, because after all, it’s the front line, and you can’t get such a mass there, the germans will notice anyway, they’ll fire anyway, everyone will die, the most important task - it was to find confirmation that it really happened, i even wrote to israel, at our institute, to find witnesses... approximately 100 km from minsk, mostly
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mockery, in 1942 there was the first shechita, the first action killed 1,200 jews, we had a basement, and we hid behind a wall there, my 13 people hid there. they didn’t find us, they made a hole, like a raspberry, it was called a raspberry, in this hole we stayed for 3 days, this action was the most terrible, because for 3 days in a row they were looking for everyone,
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no matter where they were hiding. everyone was killed, a jew was not supposed to walk on the sidewalk, he had to be carried, magen david, this is a star in front of the back, if a jew did not take off his hat when he met a german soldier, this soldier could do with him whatever he wanted before... such there was a situation, the jews were not exterminated immediately, they were involved in some kind of work, including in the interests of the german army and, as they say , thinned out, everyone understood perfectly well that the ghetto is an intermediate stop on the way to
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they opened the head of the second one here too. there was no eye, in march of the forty-second year they came to dolnivo for punitive relief, they began... to kill, just kill jews, wherever they were, on the street, in houses, this murder happened all day, my mother said where now they directly covered the yard with salt from the dump truck. they exchanged fire and said: the earth was breathing, blood was flowing. old people who participated in the war, they said that half got off there, well, behind the jewish cemetery, the second
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part, over there, those birch trees, there was a barn in the garden, they also burned it down, about the same amount of time as there, it’s impossible to stay, it’s... death, you have to try to get out of the geth, the boards were knocked out , wire, and we went out into the forest, i remember how we were hiding in the forest, there was no food, no water, dad adapted, he dug...
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quick and inevitable death, either they would die of hunger, from terrible conditions, or the germans will come, punitive detachments, the collaborators will simply destroy them, whoever returns back, he too will be destroyed. new russian cinema, your brother tambasse is in the aurora battalion, so he’s alive, no one
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knows anything, alexander mikhailov, in short, you have to go there, this is war, war, vitaly kishchenko, you understand that i have neither rations nor weapons for you no, get ready, moska, we’ll list our brother as missing, no, that won’t do, i came for him, i have to find him, hope. on may 10, on a cold sunday afternoon on rtr on april 6, 1914, a rally of many thousands gathered in the center of donetsk. to protect
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the people of donbass from the nationalist pro-fascist dictatorship, the deputies established to proclaim the sovereignty of the donetsk people's republic. they fought for freedom. if we had not gone out to rallies and started resistance then, we would not have been able to. may 10 on prt film series kuznetsov, people's commissar kuznetsov is too young, he does not have enough combat
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experience, there will be no war this year, but what will he tell us about this? narak kvoznitsov? we can no longer save the entire fleet, but we must save the sailors, soldiers, women and children, your husband violated the order of comrade stalin, especially for the day victories all series series admiral kuznetsov. look for free on the website in the app, i 've been waiting for you forever, i was in such a hurry to meet you, finally it... has come, spring is warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you were waiting for spring, now spring is waiting you, at the russia exhibition, you have been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will happen today, are you happy? well, of course, i'm glad. premiere,
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you look good, you look younger, as if, yes, of course, you forgot how to give compliments, hello, what's all the noise you have there, nothing unites a large family like a big secret, what the police say, a classic accident, dmitry miller, from the outside everything always seems obvious, this is white, and this is black. i honor calling a spade a spade, maria kulikova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what should we do now, remain silent, light in the window, from monday on rtr.
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on october 3, 1941, the germans launched a general offensive in the area of smolensk, yartsevo and dorogobuzh. and i, along with units of the red army, fought back to vyazma, but on october 5 the germans landed troops in the vyazma area and closed the ring. one day i find a letter from kiselyov, who writes:
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well, during the war years , 400,000 of our prisoners of war who were captured by the germans attempted to escape, it was necessary to have a certain courage, because knowing what if the germans saw , they will definitely shoot you, but he fled and already contacted the partisans, well, here his other story began, his story as a partisan.
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i don’t know what my mother said, but there was a safe house here, and then some order came to him, he took his father too, they went to the partisans from here from home, my mother said it was around 1942, he was motivated man he wanted to fight occupiers, a commander who has certain military skills, but he was valuable to the partisans. the partisans were tasked with bringing out a large group of jews who were walking through the forests and sometimes they attacked the peasants there at night.
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received this task, of course, he didn’t think about any feat, the jews were very lucky that it was kiselyov, a man who took the order very seriously, during the filming i saw the shot, sasha yatsenko, standing next to the road, and the shot was that he just looked at the crowd of people passing by, and i i burst into tears simply unbelievably, i’m even saying now, tears come to my eyes when you imagine how the real kisyalev really looked at these children, old people, at people
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territory. i wasn't afraid of anything, i wasn't afraid of anything. i just walked and held my dad’s hands. they walked only at night, resting during the day, but they had to walk very quietly, they walked one by one, like a chain. so it’s all quiet, because you can hear everything in the forest, i know this, i remember this, the first night of our hike, the germans discovered us,
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terrible shooting began, suddenly i felt as if they had hit me in the back with a stone. i felt that i was wet under my dress, i felt it, i saw blood, there was a trail of blood, but i didn’t feel any pain, i ran and i caught up with my grandmother, so i say, grandmother, i was killed, i didn’t know that there was a possibility of being wounded and we started to run away from the shooting, i fell to the ground, got up and...
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the withdrawal was scheduled for august 26, 1942 at 18:00, and in the morning at 5:00 up to 60 german vehicles arrived and surrounded us. i took the people a kilometer away from the camp, when machine guns started firing, mortars and machine guns started firing, and the people all scattered. there was a person during the shelling.
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to the camp, my grandfather went to kiselev and said: “we are not going on a hike, because my granddaughter, i, am wounded, and we are staying in the forest, so kiselev said, i promise you that we will cure your daughter, and he convinced grandfather, what we went hiking. i remember kiselyov, he was very..."
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told my mother, you do this, and my mother said, i can’t, you do it, kiselyov came up, and he asks what’s the matter, they tell him that here she was, she was crying, and maybe she would betray us, and we would all die, he took her in his arms, and some miracle happened that... despite the fact that there were children, old people, disabled people, people experiencing hitler's
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bondage arrived without losses. we walked for 40 km, my leg festered, my back hurt, my legs hurt, and so did i. i was hungry, but they didn’t tell me, my parents didn’t, they didn’t say that they would kill you, we ourselves understood, and then... when we approached the front, everything was mined and there was a battle, probably kiselyov believed that during the battle we could to pass, many died along the road, but those who passed, passed, i kiselyov is with us, here is dolginova, this is...
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the greatest price for this common victory of humanity, and this gives us a special right not to allow history to be rewritten. unique archival footage in the film by alexei denisov, emperor without an empire, throne on bayonets. this newsreel was captured by the soviets soldiers in august 1945. premiere. may 10 on rtr. the decision on the forced march to prishkina has been approved, the task is to occupy the airport before the allies, to prevent information from leaking to nato, carry it out, machine, the story of the feat, but what kind of business is it, secret, we take and hold
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positions until the peacekeepers arrive, the story of real heroes , the morning will give us all the clues, but for now just look, the russian army is in pristine. “i don’t need you here, and i will cut you down to the last, about 100 people, there are eight of us here, they fought to the death, but i’m glad that we are all together, we will to live, fulfilling our duty, in the name of russia, our situation is crap, the probability that we will survive until the morning is 10 percent, but we are given the task of holding the airport, which means may to rtr, let’s run, this is a completely different level of everything, these are
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an icy river at night, they really slip, it all resembles some kind of huge chaos, after that we really all changed, kiselyov, third, it’s very easy to shoot in movies, fourth, at people who are generally invisible, fifth, god forbid, just for everyone, that’s all. so it seems to me that our old people, that ’s who, they didn’t really like to talk about it, we see an explosion, a falling tree behind them and people falling, filming is something completely remote, it looks like what happened in reality, only for for actors it has some kind of end, when they said the end of the scene, but for those people it had no end, the end was somewhere conditional,
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compassion and the desire to help people led a different attitude and feeling towards them, this is due to what he really did, accomplished such a feat. the path was difficult and dangerous, several times we were in danger, but we always managed to emerge unharmed, the people entrusted to me to lead from deep behind enemy lines to the mainland, in the number of more than 200 single families.
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kisyalev for the withdrawal of the jewish population from 400 , i find an order to award a cash bonus of up to 800 rubles. what is 800 rubles? the platoon commander received this at the front, then maybe the company commander, but in the market, for example, on they could be bought for these 800 rubles. two loaves of bread, that's all.
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it seems to me that he is a happy person, look, the photographs, it seems to me, you can tell a lot from his eyes, anna is beautiful, she was a messenger in kiselyov’s detachment, who translated for him from russian to idesh and son to. .. russian, how can you not love someone like that and how could she not love him? it’s amazing, yes, that they got married after that, the task is to survive, there is no choice, that’s it. now something is going to happen, i'm playing the role of this girl with whom kiselev after the war they created a couple, got married, had children, and it’s incredible that this is really such an unimagined story of enormous human love, and then he came
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here after the war. and mom says, i come out and hugged him, oh, he says, he says, but not the same one, i’m nikolai, then he told all this, that i lived here, i was under polish, and kiselyov sent a letter with his daughter, there was a photo with daughter, i remember this photograph well, i knew practically little about this...
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underground, these contacts were until the end of his life. hello, dear nikolay yakovlevich, your former subordinate in the partisan detachment is again bothering you. i already wrote, but there was no answer. you probably think that i need some benefits from you, and that’s why you don’t answer. dear man, i don’t need anything from you, you saved my life. i can't forget it. i'd really like to know. about your well-being, i live well and do not need anything, please come to visit me, we will welcome you very, very warmly to ruben yakov, what they went through, and what it cost, and what courage they showed, and those who walked, how much effort it took
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