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tv   Doktor Myasnikov  RUSSIA1  May 11, 2024 11:30am-12:41pm MSK

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means to get into the case and how chukotka will definitely attract guests, news of the week, sunday 20:00, i remind you that all the news is always available on the media platform, watch, but we will continue to monitor the development of the main events in russia abroad, stay with us.
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any decent hotel will offer you the breakfast that travelers love, on impressively sized plates, fried eggs, crispy bacon and fried sausages. all this beauty is offered accompanied by baked tomatoes, stewed beans, butter and toasted toast. in general, it’s a gourmet’s dream, plus the right amount of calories for... the whole day, but few people know that the person who eats this culinary miracle each time takes a small step towards big problems for his health. in 1908, twenty-year-old nikolai anichkov was a student in the final year of the imperial military medical academy, it was...
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the experimental rabbits were offered a menu consisting of eggs and milk, the result was unexpected, after two weeks of such a diet, grayish-white plaques, the same doctors saw during autopsies in the vessels of people who died of heart disease. it was tempting to assume that it was egg yolks that caused the development of the disease, but... science does not
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like simple solutions, nikolai anichkov understood this well and decided to devote his scientific activities to the search for deeper causes of atherosclerosis. nikolai nikolaevich anichkov, pathologist-anatomist, doctor of medical sciences, professor, president of the ussr academy of medical sciences, member of nine foreign academies of scientific societies. first described specialized cells of the myocardium, called anichkov cells, and discovered the leading role of lipids, mainly cholesterol, in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. the future academician was born in 1885 in st. petersburg, in a family quite famous in the russian empire. my father , nikolai anechkov, also had the rank of actual privy councilor. a member of the senate, he held
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the post of comrade minister of public education, which is how the position of deputy minister was then called. mother lyubov anichkova, daughter of a famous figure of the russian orthodox church church of protopresbyter joseph vasiliev. after graduating from high school with a gold medal, the young man enters the military medical academy. among his scientific supervisors was in particular. professor maksimov, one of the founders of russian histology. after graduating from the academy, anichkov began preparing his doctoral dissertation. her subject was inflammatory diseases of the myocardium. together with his colleague, dr. khalatov, he is studying the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits. it was important to understand what chemical substance they consist of atherosclerotic plaques.
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soon the young scientists took their first successful step. in the plaques found in the walls of the aortas of rabbits, many droplets were seen visually similar to fatty, as scientists call them, lipid. the same drops were
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found in the liver of sick animals. onichkov and robes were sorted through different options for their origin until scientists came up with an idea. the idea is that this is what cholesterol deposits might look like, which was discovered at the end of the 14th century. but it never occurred to any of his predecessors that he could be associated with atherosclerosis, the origin of which was unknown to science at the beginning of the 20th century. cholesterol, an organic compound, a natural polycyclic lipophilic alcohol. found in the cell membranes of all animals, including humans. easily synthesized in the body from incoming fats, glucose and amino acids. up to 2.5 g of cholesterol is formed per day.
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after conducting a series of studies, eggs and coats, we came to the conclusion that the cause of the development of atherosclerosis in rabbits that received egg yolks was contained in them. they became they gave the rabbits a nutritional supplement consisting of pure cholesterol, and a few weeks later they performed autopsies on the dead animals and examined their arteries. russian scientists concluded that excess lipids and cholesterol are the main factor in the development of atherosclerosis. what was described for the first time in the world by two young doctors in 1913 was later... recognized as an outstanding discovery in 1958, the head of the pathology department of the medical faculty of the famous stanford university, william dog , wrote in his scientific article that the early work anichkova is comparable in its significance to
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harvey's discoveries of blood circulation and lavoie's discoveries of the breathing process. as an incentive for opening rogen. he went to germany and began working in the laboratory of ludwig aschef, who was considered at that time the most outstanding german pathologist. there he continued to work on creating a theory of the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, which he subsequently worked on all his life. onichko was the first in the world to show that at the heart of...
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the institute of experimental medicine, a post he held until the last days of his life. after the first world civil war,
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anechkov continued to work on the study of sclerosis. he followed step by step and studied the stages of development of atherosclerosis. atherosclerosis was first introduced as a systemic disease primarily caused by various risk elements. lipid metabolism disorders and increased blood pressure. these factors can cause atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, as well as heart vessels and the development of coronary artery disease. the most serious complication in such cases is heart attack every year , 17 million people die from cardiovascular diseases on the planet. every hour, a heart attack claims the lives of seven patients. but in addition to deaths, atherosclerosis reduces the quality of life of many
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millions of people. doctors have every reason to consider him the number one killer in the world. new research has shown that not all rabbits given high doses of cholesterol suffered from multiple sclerosis. further work by anichkov himself, his students and followers proved that emotional stress and smoking. today scientists distinguish between different types blood lipids and even in informal discussions such terms as good bad cholesterol are used. low -density lipoprotein is bad cholesterol, enters...
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nikolai anechkov remains an unquestioned authority in the field of studying atherosclerosis. in 2004, 35 years after his death, the eminent... american scientist stanberg wrote: if the significance of his data had been timely appreciated, we might have won more than 30 years in the long struggle to find the truth in the controversy surrounding cholesterol, he himself could have been awarded nobel prize. since 2007, the plenary hall of the traditional european congress for the study of atherosclerosis has been named after anechki. the opening lecture of the forum is dedicated to his memory, bronze medals, a prize in the amount of 10,000 euros for the best
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research paper presented at the congress, also bear the name of the russian soviet academician. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea, on the first shore. where everything is included except the head. we know everything about holidays. relax.
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anex. titanic luxury collection titanic delux golf hotel beleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is
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the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. semagludit is a drug that russian show business stars use to lose weight. how to use it to cope with excess weight? a fat man dreams that he will give himself an injection here. he began to lose weight, there is some slowdown in the emptying of the stomach, what happened last year, why such an incredible explosion, i imagine to the stomach, first let’s do this, do they help you lose weight, what is the disadvantage of this weight loss, how to protect the brain from dullness, the rule , which is important to know in our time, how
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to protect our brain from dullness, everyone around us will somehow noticeably become very stupid if they stuff themselves... all sorts of garbage from social networks, understand that you are being manipulated, you are already a slave to these thoughts, what sour cream worth eating to protect the liver? is it true that thermostatic sour cream is healthier than regular sour cream, is it true that high-quality sour cream costs a spoon, is it true that sour cream is healthier than mayonnaise, the fattier the sour cream, the healthier it is, hello, says doctor mesyakov, you are in my clinic on the belarusian, on the channel russia-1, as always, a suitcase with topics, dacha, what do i have here, and i have sour cream here, let's talk about what kind of sour cream can protect our liver and about sour cream in general, then we have a blockbuster, a medicine that beats everything records for popularity, stars lose weight on it, miracle cures are attributed to it, let’s talk about the pros and cons, well, this
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dagger, by the way, it’s a real dagger, a gift... from the chechen republic, that is , there are also family marks that will help us talk about how to save the brain from water-drowning. we begin. so, the section is correct, here is a very interesting topic, how to protect our brain from dullness. yes, wow, such an easy task. well, you know, as he says, well, what about trans fats, who has a lot of them? consumes that stupid one, you know, here you think this is complete nonsense, i’ll explain why, yes, trans fats and sugars can lead to high blood pressure, very often vascular dementia develops, but
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when you’re 80 years old you have to eat pasties for something to happen. we’re not talking about this, not about the old man’s dementia, we’re talking about the fact that listen, there are so many idiots all around, it’s just some kind of horror, well, at one time they wrote it off as a comit, it seems that everyone has somehow noticeably become very stupid around, and don’t say that you know it, as it is said that never say that in our the time was like that, because it’s not from... but we didn’t have so many idiots around, so many people with primitive, as they say, clip thinking, here’s how to deal with it, yes, we were the most reading nation in the world, yes in the subway it was impossible to find a person without a book or a newspaper, just as today you cannot find a person who doesn’t sit on social networks, doesn’t look, but
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you see, well, prandole, the book will be published in god-like tones, if you cram all sorts of... garbage from social networks into there is no garbage on social networks, then you don’t have enough space for normal, normal information. so, let's forget about nutrition, about bad habits, about smoking, by the way, not just tobacco, that's all, yes, really. affects, but still we say again, what exists is an epidemic of stupidity, and let's think about the fact that it is beneficial to someone, nothing just happens, but it doesn’t happen when in the soviet union, in russia was the most reading nation, our schoolchildren won all the olympiads, they knew everything, and we
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laughed at the stupid americans who did not know who the first president was. or where is australia located and how is it different from austria, we laughed, now we have the same thing. i said then that this is beneficial for the americans. the elite, they are raised in private schools, in private universities, and there the elite is a wow elite. but you don’t need a lot of elites, 1-2%, the rest are cattle, they cook as cattle. and no one believed that after the american public school , people could not read or write. they don't know how to read or write. it was profitable, it was politics. like now, by the way, the system of this multi-gender system, i’m not a woman, i’m a transsexual, i’m like this, i’m a sex worker, this is something by accident or are they so spoiled, but no, it’s the same policy, they’re going to go further. now from the morons, from the morons they made them into, they are being made completely into animals who will be happy with anything
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you throw at them, so we took the first path, we are still only at the very beginning, we are still just becoming, well, if not idiots, then we lower our overall level, thank god we stopped in time, each of us can stop. but from here it is very clear how to save the brain island, but understand what is manipulating you, news, social networks, everything, and if so, contrast your own mind, god gave you reason. that is, do not sit on social networks for a long time, read only selective information that can help you, preferably diagonally,
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be critical of any information, as soon as you start thinking about what you have read for more than one minute, do not go there again, since it’s already starting to spin in your head, it will continue to spin like this, there’s one thought, and then another, you read the third, and then the fourth, that’s it, you’re already a slave these thoughts, you see, it doesn’t even break, how difficult it is to break, to get to what is here, it’s very difficult if you think that if you now stop eating pasties with pies and you become wiser, this won’t happen if you think that you will collect a pyramid, which is for small preschool children... your own critical thinking, how
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only preserving your own self will help you, as soon as you begin to trust someone, friends, relatives, spouses, i mean trust them in a conversation, they says they say something, you do you know? well, i can give you examples of people, journalists, yes, who can say, you know, the blue ones and the red ones, the blue ones are so great, they are blue, here they are blue, they are red in general, ugh, the next one says, you know, the blue ones really in fact, they are not so good, they actually actually think, here are the red ones , the red ones turn out to be normal, so never unconditionally believe anything, first of all, what do you know as the unconditional 100% truth? well, there actually is such a thing and what kind of postulate could there be that the earth is round, well, we we know that it is pear-shaped, that it is flattened from the pluses, and so on, and in general
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, no matter what we take, there is still a certain thing , but, by the way, about the round earth, remember how many disputes there were that ended in fire and galileo and jordan bruno, in fact in fact , people knew that the earth was round long before, i was somewhere in some museum, i think in italy, there . well, all the garbage is in your head, you need to burn it, don’t worry about the future, because all this
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information what is her purpose today, here is all the news, any information at all today the goal is to intimidate you, well , you just know the good news, why, and you are intimidated, you are easy to manipulate, this is meant on a global scale, so each of us can once again oppose this with our common sense. faith in yourself, in god, by the way, in general, i see, i’m not exactly a religious person, but without faith in god, i agree with dostoevsky, if there is no god, then everything is allowed, my friend and i were once arguing about the meaning life, i have always argued that there is no meaning in life, for whom there is no there is no meaning in life, for a non-believer there is no god, he believes, yes, he has a meaning in life, so to speak, he is the lamb of god, he is a subordinate, yes, we may not know the orders. time for the column, uh,
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my answers to your questions, let's see what came to us this week, doctor, good afternoon, good, my name is natalya morozova, and i'm from the city of kotlas, and i'm very concerned about this situation, about a year and a half or two ago i have a problem with a clear pulse, in a calm state, it’s just that when i wake up in the morning, it can reach 120-130 shortness of breath appears, the heart is pounding, and this really interferes with life, cardiologist. he doesn’t see a problem in his heart, he can’t find it, but i have a suspicion that this may be a complication after covid or another virus, i would really like to hear your opinion and understand how to deal with this, thank you very much, well, there could be a million reasons , and since you have already been to the doctor and found no reason, then i can conclude that we are talking about a banal heartbeat, the so-called sinus, a sinus is normal, if you have an abnormal
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heartbeat, it is important to understand what it is, this... normal sinus rhythm, or is it atrial fibrillation, or is it paroxysmal arrhythmia, where is the pacemaker located, for you it is where it is supposed to be, in the sinus, you just have a rapid heartbeat, and you visited a cardiologist, took an ecg, did a lech , as i understand it, i didn’t find anything, but you should have started not with a cardiologist , but with an endocrinologist, i’m trying to look at your neck, i don’t see it, i have the impression that there is a tooth there after all, at least the first one , what you have to do is hormone. thyroid gland without fail , secondly, check for iron deficiency anemia, is there a decrease in hemoglobin, thirdly, here you also say, i can’t breathe during an attack, and so on, are there any panic attacks here, by the way, this is really possible after an infectious process this also happens, but not for long, when you were sick with covid, how long is it a month, two or years have already passed, in general, here from banal detraining to
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an extended... search that begins with the thyroid gland and ends with problems psychological, and further search, what’s wrong with blood pressure, it is extremely important to know, maybe your blood pressure fluctuates, here you need to understand, well, in general, like this: hello, doctor, my name is evgenia golubeva, i live in st. petersburg, i am a pensioner, i always watch your programs with interest, i finally decided to ask you a question: i am interested in why women after sixty often experience incontinence? you know, my grandmother lived to a ripe old age, she didn’t have this problem, my mother non-continence began around the age of 80, and i am afraid that this will affect me too. please tell me, are there any preventive measures against this disease, and if it has already
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begun, how can it be overcome? yes, a very, very common problem, not always, there is only one reason, this is prolapse of the vault of the vagina, prolapse of the uterus, hormonal reasons, neurological characteristics, uh, accordingly, with what can be corrected with a knife, so to speak, surgeons deal with it, where it can help exercises, uh, i ’m showing you a special set of exercises, very often we give certain... antihalliergic drugs that reduce this constant desire to run and this leakage, but everything has its pros and cons. the problem is serious, there are doctors who deal with this, please contact us to do something so that you don’t have it now, but you don’t have 80, you won’t do this, by the way, a big risk factor for not holding this is overweight, but it seems
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like you don’t have it, let’s move on, hello, doctor, my name is livia shekhlislamova, in this this year my daughter developed an allergy to birch pollen for the first time. we, of course, underwent treatment, it helped, but i want to find out what caused the allergy, since we don’t have allergy sufferers in our family, and how we can help her so that the allergy does not appear in the future. thank you. well, something always appears for the first time, you need to see a doctor, do certain tests that will show you what she is allergic to specifically, and then, accordingly, then either you treat with pills, so to speak, or you try to get so-called allergy shots when you will be injected with the allergen in increasing doses, you will have resistance, that is , you should go to an allergist, he will explain to you about these tests and about allergy vaccinations. go
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ahead. hello, alexander leonidovich. i am belova valentina, i live in the city of amursk, khabarovsk territory. my mother and i have a question about why it’s increased. createnine in the blood, urine test is good, and what to do about it? thank you, this is because you have postal insufficiency, in fact there is one or another degree of postal insufficiency, one or another degree of reduction in glomeruli and filtration 25% of the adult population, you understand, no one knows about this, i’m the only one who talks about it, everyone nods their head, then they forget, it’s not just local people there. it is necessary to do a special urine test, determine cretenin in the urine, in the blood, look at the urine for albumin, for the presence of microalbuminuria, we still do cretenin, urea, as 50 years ago, although urea has nothing to do with renal function, and so
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on , all over the world i see that the tests have already begun, you take a dose of blood, and if you take clettenin, they calculate your kidney function, renal filtration, right according to the equation, well, taking into account your water...
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in an answer that never satisfies you, so keep asking more and more, how to cure osteochrosis? well , you know, there are already some kind of eternal questions, such a philosophical question: if god is a soul, then where does the soul go? what do you mean by osteochondrosis? firstly, there is no word for osteochondrosis, there is no such medical concept, there is spandylosis, there is spasm, there is a hernia, there are many, many different causes of
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musculoskeletal pain, but the most interesting thing is, that in 60 or even 70% of cases there is pain, but there is nothing, an absolutely healthy person, healthy bones, healthy muscles, healthy ligaments, there is pain. and this is for seven out of ten people who come to you, you understand, everyone has musculoskeletal pain, the most common reason for visiting a doctor, you have been accruing this pain for decades with poor nutrition, incorrect posture, it starts from school, here i sit, here i look like this, this phone, i’m not moving, i’m moving incorrectly, as long as you have health, you don’t have pain, and if it hurts, it goes away, but 10 years have passed, 20, 30, 40, but all the reserves have been exhausted and now everything is starting to hurt, plus endocrine changes, plus a lack of vitamin d, for which muscle pain is characteristic, and we all live in cities where there is a lack of vitamin d , plus
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osteoporosis, that is, it’s not just something that has piled up, but also other things, other symptoms, plus the side effects of many medications, remember statins, muscle pain, so you’re a wreck. and you know, like bulgakov, quit tapping, you understand perfectly well that no pyramidon will help you, you won’t pyromedone will help, but you need to change your lifestyle, then the pain will not go away completely, it will, what can i tell you, sing for pain relief, only they treat one thing, the other hurts a lot, let's go to the branch, treat the properties of chondrosis, because physical activity is the basis of life. correct, normal, and if you want to reconsider us, this is a platform, look at the application or website, so, further, what kind of sour cream should you eat to protect
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the liver? simogluddite, a drug on which the stars of russian show business lose weight, as with with its help you can cope with excess weight. today we have questions about sour cream, but considering that sour cream is also a fermented milk product. three ingredients go very well with it: is it true that thermostat sour cream is healthier than regular sour cream, is it true that high-quality sour cream costs a spoonful, is it true that sour cream is healthier for us, the fattier the sour cream, the healthier it is, then... a person dreams that he will give himself an injection, so he began to lose weight, there is some slowdown in the emptying of the stomach, that is, food passes more slowly, which happened in the past year, why such an incredible explosion, premiere, when are you going to tell everyone about your monastery, when are you going to tell them? then imma us, have you already told
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your parents about surrogacy? somehow you started asking questions late, why did you gather us all today, well, everyone is very interested, let’s tell us what changes you have, don’t you want to, oh well, then i ’ll say, the light in the window is on rtr from monday, they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we... we boldly say the opposite, we present to you sandals made from natural palermo leather, which perfectly combines style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and... velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any
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baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 89,995, but if you call and order now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount, and the livington dipper swipper will be yours for an incredible 69, 95, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we are moving on, the doctor butchers program is meal time, we have time, today we have questions about sour cream, personally, i’ve always liked sour cream so much, averagely, i don’t know why, but i liked borscht without sour cream, because the taste of borscht is not clogged with sour cream, but i... when analyzing the questions that you sent, i was surprised by the huge
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number of questions specifically about sour cream, here are the questions: what is the best way to dress a salad ? is it true that a spoon is worth the quality of sour cream ? with... i love making salad either with sour milk, but considering that sour cream is also a fermented milk product, three ingredients go very well with it: garlic, cucumber and... cilantro in particular, you understand what’s going on, let’s say this is milk, from this milk you can make a little highly concentrated fat sour cream and a lot of liquid sour cream, it doesn’t matter what you eat, because you
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still eat this milk, only fermented, so these are the questions, what kind of fat, low-fat, how does it matter... this is the amount of milk, what would you prefer? and you would prefer this only fatty, but it will already be twice as much milk, otherwise there is no difference, just like i started making a salad, i will make it thinner, i can even dilute it with water, add sour cream, i can put more cucumbers, i will have a thick salad, the main thing is that it will be very tasty, so this is the same thing again about... all your questions, what is the fat content of sour cream, and what kind of sour cream do you want, what difference do you want, what difference does it make 4 y2 or 2 multiplied by four, just don’t go beyond these limits , then
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as much as i can put in, that’s how i want it, how they say, according to taste, this is how i like to eat most of all, i would add a cucumber here. and ate, questions, so, is it true that thermostat sour cream is healthier than regular sour cream, i don’t know, this is a small way of making the difference, preparation, so to speak, in industry it is used, so to speak, in large volumes, here, well, roughly speaking, it is prepared in a jar , i don’t see a theoretical justification why it is necessary... it should be healthier and more common, maybe tastier , each jar can undergo its own processes of the same for oxidation, curdling, therefore, the taste may therefore differ a little, is it true that in high-quality sour cream there is a spoonful, well in thick sour cream it is liquid, no, what
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quality depends only on the fat content, but provided that it is not artificially thickened... because many manufacturers do it’s artificially thick, but the main thing is that when you pour it out, it should be a slide, gradually disperse, and not in lumps, the whole question is, from one jar, you can make exactly the same amount here, the spoon won’t stand here, you can do this concentrated lump, stick a match into it, the match will stand, the better it is to season the salad with vegetable oil or sour cream, think for yourself, 100 g of sour cream contains 400 calories, maybe 500, well, it doesn’t matter. there are a thousand calories in 100 g of vegetable oil, that is , vegetable oil has two to three times more calories, but on the other hand, what are we talking about? spoons, a spoonful of sour cream, a spoonful of vegetable oil, well, there will be a few calories more to taste, really is sour cream healthier than mayonnaise, yes, healthier, but what kind of mayonnaise, homemade mayonnaise, where it’s just
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olive oil and eggs, the yolk is one thing, the mayonnaise they buy is completely different. sour cream is one ingredient, and mayonnaise, well , this is at least two in home preparation and many, many in industrial ones, what fat content is better to buy sour cream, again, which one you like, you either eat one spoon of twenty percent sour cream, or three... spoons ten percent sour cream or four, that ’s all what fat or non-fat sour cream is, it’s fat sour cream diluted in this case with liquid, well, how does coffee differ from espresso americana americano - it’s simple diluted espresso, prepared in the same way,
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the same amount of coffee for everyone, and then simply diluted with water, or milk, the same with sour cream. the fattier the sour cream, the healthier it is. why, to build up the sides, yes, to build up the butt, yes, but no, milk fats are not healthy fats, they are fats of animal origin, yes, in small quantities they are unacceptable, you can use sour cream every day, of course, you can, you just need to understand, what it should be. limited amount in terms of calories, in terms of fat, in terms of fat content, remember, i he said that how it affects the liver, but the dairy product is not sour cream, any milk contains lecithin, but by the way, eggs also have liver and so on. which may provide some protection for the liver, but unhealthy fats
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definitely harm the milk liver, for example, i don’t buy fatty ones, i’m not a fan of such sour cream at all, i’ll say it again, i’m motsonia, kefir, maybe tryazhenka, i rarely have sour cream guest, but when i have it, of course i have thick, fatty sour cream, on which you can take black bread, not like i do, spread it, thickly on top rub. with garlic, herbs, eat it like that, washed down with borscht, i love drinking borscht. so, is it true, they say that sour cream enhances potency, well , being hungry is bad for potency, being too full is also bad, so i probably did sour cream in its quantity, or do they mean external use, in general... sour cream is a healthy product, like any dairy product product, but what was indispensable to us, we received only from milk in childhood, today we get from a lot of other products, and
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we need dairy products on a daily basis, be it milk, be it fermented milk products, sour cream on a daily basis are a must, but we must limit the calorie content, the fat content, and this is an invaluable source of calcium, vitamins, antioxidants, the same vitamin a, the same vitamin e, many. essential fatty acids every day, but don’t overeat, then i think it will also be useful for potency. that's it, we've eaten, let's move on. now we will talk about one very popular medicine, well, for weight loss, let's say, a fat person dreams of what he will do for himself here's the injection. he began to lose weight, look,
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it’s not for nothing that i called it a blockbuster in the eyeliner, based on advertising, based on presentation, this is the most popular medicine in the world today, you may not hear the word simeglutitis, everyone is glu. titus, but you all know his brand name, we don't have the right to name brands, proprietary names, we don't, we just play crossfords. the first letter is o, the second is z, the third is e, then we don’t know, then we don’t know, the last letter is k. if you guess it, you’ll be great, i didn’t say anything, game crossword, just in the crossword. a medicine discovered several decades ago for
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the treatment of diabetes, and not the most active for treatment, there are a lot of medicines that lower sugar better, how it works, these are peptides that are produced precisely when food is eaten, when food is ingested, peptides are produced. called glucagon-like peptide one, well, there is also a second one, uh, insulin-like polypeptide, insulin-dependent, excuse me, polypeptide. and when produced, these peptides act like on the pancreas, increasing the release insulin, so on the hypothalamus, and so on and so on, because there are receptors for this peptide in so many everywhere, in the heart. in the brain, hypothalamus, skin, muscles, kidney, pancreas, in the same intestines, eyes, the receptor is almost everywhere,
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some slowdown occurs, emptying of the stomach, that is, food passes more slowly, the feeling of hunger decreases, the amount of insulin increases, changes sensitivity to insulin, glycogen reserves in the liver decrease and glucose decreases and decreases. moderate at my age when i, so to speak, a certain number of decades ago, well, this was considered such an additional means for controlling glucose in those for whom it is poorly regulated. then works began to appear that it turns out that these are, but these are not exactly peptides, this is a medicine that is an agonist, that is, it acts similarly. this glucagon-like peptide alone, that is, here just like this peptide, they began
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to discuss it, and it... can be used to prevent heart disease, even in people without diabetes, because when they started apply, we saw that there was a certain positive effect, but this, apart from specialists, also did not lead to any particular call of interest, everything changed last year, last year it was found that with its help it can reduce weight not only in diabetics , but... just obese or overweight people , i don’t really understand here, this prosymoglutitis was known exactly from the twelfth year, because i remember a patient who then had another medicine, it was called akomple, it was later removed, and as an alternative i offered her just simoglutitis, because it was known
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that it causes nausea, i even started injecting her, as today we are no longer talking about weight loss, today doctors are already saying that obesity is the most terrible disease of the 21st century, associated diabetes, oncology, heart disease, there is no obesity, if you want, there is this medicine, why az and so on, you remember that a medicine, when made for 20 years, is protected by a patent, others cannot
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do, that's just this company that produces, it will sell at its own price, the patent... for this thing expires in the thirty-third year, in my opinion, that is, until the thirty-third year they will cut what they are cutting now, and others do not have the right to produce it and sell at a lower price, but in addition to compulsory licensing, if the government of any country believes that this is necessary for life, necessary for patients, it can do it, by the way, this boom has led to the fact that even in america it was declared a shortage , it is not enough for diabetic patients. already, because now they have started to massively spend it on weight loss, and i ’ll tell you about weight loss now, how much it helps or not, everything is also not so linearly simple, something else surprises me, i know for sure that there are no magic drugs, i’m starting to read serious people, with such shoulder straps, abroad america, europe, everything turns out to be a medicine for
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quitting smoking, and you quit smoking, usually quit smoking, plus seven 5-7 kg, here you are without weight gain and in this group that has colitis simoglutitis, much easier, it turns out that it prevents from alcohol addiction, now they are even considering cocaine addiction, there are works, they are treated to prevent kidney failure, which is understandable, because kidney failure is a problem with diabetes, heart attack and myocardium... vascular manifestations are understandable, because that’s all the essence is complications of obesity and insulin resistance, but they are offered to treat psoriosis, they are offered to treat some eye diseases, they are offered to treat alzheimer’s disease, in any case, to prevent it, because there is work, they looked back, did an analysis, it turns out that those who have been taking
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simoglutitis for a long time suffer from demens less. alzheimer's disease is preceded by parkinsonism, so, is it a magic cure? now i’ll catch up and we ’ll talk about this, do you want to review us, application or website,, further, for whom simogludit will help lose weight, for whom excess weight can return again, how the butcher doctor conquered new heights, about his last trip to the alexander mountains leonidovich talks in the section for the soul and bodies. i present them to my stomach, but first let’s do this, do they help you lose weight? what's the downside to this weight loss? there is practically no weight that he will not break. do you think it's just like that? what if they saw such a good medicine? why are you going to
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gorovy? they see the world in general! this is one of those shocks that haunts me now, but there is a different world there, this is not there, you understand that your reserve is leaving you. take the rod in your right hand like that, oops, tell me, wouldn’t it be very arrogant to ask for your phone number, look at the weekend, you’re uneven my dear, so i can open my eyes to them, it was you who were driving, she deceived me, and i trusted her with the children, it’s not valya ’s fault, i feel it, i’m not what you thought, valyusha, today is tomorrow, nart ! cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you,
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string, it is unique. this is what a friendly country should be like, where everyone sings so well. music, music, music makes friends, and never tires of friendship. hi andrew! evening show by andrey malakhov. today on rtr. thank you for staying with us, thank you for watching russia-1, we return to the question of the blockbuster, the magic drug under called simoglutite, which you all know under the name osetrata. history has never seen such a boom. the medicine is useful in all respects. that’s all the lengths a person will go to demonstrate, he’s never done it, so you start it with two clicks, i
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present to the stomach, that’s it, there’s not even blood, what will happen, there won’t be any bullshit. i am protected from a heart attack, that i have almost cured alzheimer’s, i need one injection once a week, and now, by the way , other medications have appeared. which not only contain this one glucagon-like peptide, but the second peptide is also incretin, which is produced by the intestines, and it is also carried in suitcases, first let’s do this, do they help you lose weight? yes, they help, definitely, a person who constantly reproaches himself with this reduces weight, sometimes significantly, sometimes quickly, which produces what is called az face, yes, the face of a person who reproaches himself with simenglutide,
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there are already thousands and thousands of observations, people, then , expensive, or they decided that they had reached the threshold, they immediately, well, not immediately, but within a month they return back, so once again, this is an auxiliary means for losing weight, this is very important, because people cannot and cannot break the vicious circle, but they cannot, but he can, there is practically no weight that he would not break, and once again i started talking, i don’t remember whether i finished the sentence or not, about doctors who say that there are still no problems with obesity,
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once statins were the best-selling medicine, the best-selling medicine that statins were in the world, but he is in his own company brought in billions and billions that interesting, remember i talked about the patent in 1933, they were running out, that’s when the patent for stotin, natorvotin ran out, work immediately began, saying that they don’t help, that they can harm, that the tortured are weak, that not everyone needs it, and so on and so forth. so on, let's live until the thirty-third year, then it turns out that the eyes... are blue and the hair is not natural, and the teeth are false, and the breasts are artificial, the butts are also silicone, my entire medical experience tells me, but this is not only a doctor’s, well look, the medicine has been known for 20 years, it the weight loss effect has been known for 20 years, it has been used by diabetics for 20 years, and by the way, it has even appeared in tablets for more than 12 years.
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suddenly in the second quarter of twenty-three there was a multiple explosion, a multiple sales volume, a huge artillery attack under a huge one, i don’t remember, i don’t remember in my 40 years of medical activity such artillery training about this medicine, you think it’s just like that, suddenly they saw such a medicine good, just like that, you know, only cats give birth, and even then for a reason, a by-product the phenomenon, i already said, accuracy... gastrointestinal phenomena, there may be biliary colic, there may be pancreatitis, allergic reactions, there may be acute renal, life-threatening renal failure, it’s interesting that in an experiment on mice they developed thyroid cancer , people don’t know, we don’t know , we hope not, by the way, an analogue of simaglutite has appeared in russia, well , you see with patents, now we believe that
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we believe correctly, we have production, we have components, and if with us it’s like that licenses, we can say, yes, so it ’s just the question of compulsory licensing, all this reduces, sharply reduces the price and availability, thank god, but i still think that first of all, of course, diabetics, people for whom this is actually it was invented and shown, well, then according to the residual principle, but i think that we... whoever survives, we will see, we will understand in hindsight all the ins and outs of who profited from this, denmark has increased its nationality. income, where the company belongs there is 1.7 times, something like that, only on semeglutite, but no, the whole country, do you think that it’s just like that, we’ll wait and see, but inject, i’ve injected everything, we’ll see, the man will tell me exactly, he won’t, i’ll do an experiment tonight, make fish cakes,
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eat it and see if i’ll be there feel sick, we move on, section: for the soul and body, as you understand why you are going to the mountains, at the end of april i went to the himalayas, this was my fourth ascent, i had tibet, i had ilbrus, i had kilimanjara , now the himalayan merapik is here, and you know how long it has been days have passed, but already time, i’m still in this not surprise, you know, this realization, it would seem, everything is simple, here are the pictures, by the way, andrei erokhin took us, thanks to him, a young guy, an athlete, a master of sports, snowy leopard, but there are others, on my show there was alexander abramov, and there was ed
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khalilov, famous climbers, ashurly from azerbaijan, somehow i didn’t treat them that way before, now i look at them. like siblings, not because they are thin, wiry, they have eyes, they see the world in a completely different way, this one of those shocks that haunts me now, we have news, we have problems, we have patients, we have families, we have one, two, three, we need to eat something, we need to sleep, something hurts, and there is another world, there is no such thing, there is something else there, there is a world where, strangely enough, there is no evil, yes, people die there, but this is also part of this world, yes, it is incredibly difficult there, but this is also part of this world, i also felt this on previous ascents, i understood how mountains, no, they are not
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treacherous, and there is no abyss waiting for you, and the fact that you fall into... no, it’s completely different, the mountain drinks you up, you’re no weaker than others, nothing really hurts, well, it hurts if you’re gone for 14 hours, of course, then you hurt, but you function normally, you don’t even get very out of breath if you don’t walk quickly, that is, everything is fine, my oxygen saturation was better than others, everything is fine, i now understand how a smartphone feels when it is discharged, that’s when it says 80% - it's one thing when it's eight, it also works, everything is fine, the screen works, everything application, it works, but it has 8%, i don’t know if the phone feels it, but a person in
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the mountains feels it very much, because you understand that your reserve is leaving, which, by the way, is then restored many, many, many, days and than the climber i was talking about, yes i am.


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