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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 12, 2024 11:00am-11:40am MSK

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you are watching the news. my name is maria sittal. hello. the state duma will today consider candidates, deputy prime ministers and ministers for the new russian government. it is here on may 12th. in 1944, the crimean
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offensive operation ended. 80 years of complete liberation of crimea from the nazi invaders. in ukraine, bus drivers are removed en masse from their routes and sent to military registration and enlistment offices. british newspapers promise the first deliveries of f-16s to ukraine in a couple of weeks. the largest rally in the history of georgia. tens of thousands of people took to the streets as a sign protest against the law on foreign agents. the northern lights over the cities of russia for the second night in a row, this rare natural phenomenon, brings joy to the residents of the country. and a bright festival of jazz days on the black sea shore. and on september 1 , the sirius music school will open its doors. enrollment is open for the first sixty- five students. we begin my issue with
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the main political event of recent days, today the state duma will consider candidates for the posts of deputy prime ministers and ministers, extended meetings will be held by specialized committees, a list of candidates the day before , the head of government mikhail mishustin sent to the lower house of parliament, now my colleague anna semyonova is going live from a willing row. anna, hello, tell us how today’s procedure will go and what... hello maria, in less than an hour the relevant state duma committees will begin discuss candidates for ministers and deputy prime ministers, proposed by mikhail mishustin. let me remind you that the state duma approved the candidacy of mikhail mishustin himself for the post of prime minister on may 10, and it is proposed to appoint denis manturov. in the previous government, denis valentinovich also held the position of deputy prime minister and also headed the ministry of industry and trade. vyacheslav commented on the proposal to appoint him as first deputy prime minister.
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they hear the state duma, today mantura, who is responsible for the industrial block, has been nominated for the post of first deputy, chairman of the government, it is very important that both the president hears and the chairman of the government hears the proposal made by the deputies of the state duma, another significant one appointment in the new government there will be a specialized deputy prime minister... who will be
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involved in the development of transport and logistics, including international corridors, candidate vitaly savelyev, in the previous government the minister of transport, before that the head of aeroflot, if agreed upon, he will be in charge of transport and logistics , to deal with these issues, dmitry patrushev will become deputy prime minister, who will oversee issues of agriculture, agro-industrial complex, and ecology, if approved by the state duma, replacing victoria abramchenko in this post. alexander novak in the new the government is expected to oversee not only the fuel and energy sector.
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to this, do everything to ensure that the conversation turns out to be professional, and of course, orders will be given, this is actually a dialogue with... with society, because deputies represent their voters, deputy prime minister dmitry grigorenko is expected to not only continue to supervise financial control and supervisory sphere, but will also coordinate digital development, communications and antimonopoly policy, and this is the digital transformation of public administration, key sectors of the economy, the social sphere, of course, the transition of the federal antimonopoly service under the supervision of grigorenko will give additional impetus to work in this area. deputy prime minister dmitry chernyshenko, in addition to... the areas he already oversees, namely the ministry of science, higher education, ministry of sports, ministry of economy in terms of tourism development, in the event of a positive decision of the state duma, will also be responsible for the ministry of education and rosmolodezh, its task is to ensure a comprehensive system of education and youth policy from kindergarten to university,
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chernishenko’s area of ​​responsibility will also remain coordination in the field of media, press and publishing activities. tatyana golikova, in the event of a positive decision of the state duma, will continue to supervise the ministry of health, social protection and menkult, this is also her new additional responsibility, she will become the curator of the federal agency for national affairs, and the positions of deputy prime ministers in the new government are proposed to be retained by alexey overchuk, yuri trutnev and morat khusnulin , the following changes are proposed among ministers: the governor of the kursk region, roman starovoyt, is proposed for the post of minister of transport; he knows the industry well from the inside and headed rosavtodor for 6 years, in particular, as the head of the ministry of industry and trade. mishusin proposes to appoint the governor of the kaliningrad region anton alekhanov, who once worked in this department, and the new minister of agriculture is expected to be oksana lut, for the last 2 and a half years she was dmitry patrushev’s first deputy, well, as a candidate for the post of minister sports mikhail dekterev,
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the governor of the khabarovsk territory, will be considered , a person who is no stranger to the state duma, here he headed the committee on physical education and sports, this is what state duma speaker vyacheslav volodin said about the candidacies for ministers. there will be five new ministers, does oksana nikolaevna lut, who worked as first deputy minister of agriculture, have any results? yes, he is, her candidacy has been proposed for the post of minister, four governors, for us these are well- known people with serious professional path, knowledge, and... this work in the regions, it is important, because our country is huge, it is important for us that people come to the government who know how life on earth works. work in the state duma today is expected to last until late evening, discussions, meetings, frank dialogue, as
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vyacheslav volodin said, and tomorrow is the plenary meeting of the state duma, as well as the day after tomorrow, maria, thank you, anna, stay in touch, thank you, anna semyonova’s film crew is working in the state duma today. about gennady zyuganov spoke today about candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers. these days , the chairman of the communist party of the russian federation is in his native oryol region. this morning he took part in the pioneer initiation ceremony. according to the head of the communists, the new government needs to make every effort to increase the pace of industrial work in the conditions of the northern military district. they wanted the government to act as a powerful, unified team to ensure. victory for us, but victory will be ensured if our rates are higher than the world ones, and for this we need to change financially, economic policy, for this it is necessary to strengthen science, triple education, for this we need people of a different formation of a new upbringing, now about the situation in
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the special operation zone in the kherson region, fighters of the north group disrupted the transfer of infantry reinforcements to the armed forces of ukraine. the enemy positions were hit by crews of the grad multiple launch rocket system of the guards airborne forces. artillerymen destroyed strongholds on the right bank of the islands in the dnieper delta. the militants lost more than ten people and two pickup trucks. and in the artyomovsk direction, skills flamethrowers from the southern group are practicing firing. our war correspondent, pavel prokopenko, is observing the maneuvers. the bumblebee hits so hard that our equipment can’t stand it. it's very loud at the training ground, so the ears are never out of place here. cover the ear directed towards him. in the hot artyomovsk direction in every sense , flamethrowers from the southern
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group of troops are practicing their shooting skills. he got down on his knee, understood, took aim, raise the degree, take the safety off, fire. there is nothing complicated. the flamethrower works at 800 m, this is the distance close combat and visual contact, sometimes it is possible to see the enemy, these guys have seen the enemy eye to eye and have just returned more than once. a successful mission, we got the task, so we went, we worked, everything worked out successfully for us, everything is fine, all the last four enemies, period, we worked successfully, we returned back, just as successfully, our attack aircraft need such fire support when taking enemy fortifications, suppression enemy, so that he would panic, so that he would not be able to get out of the trenches to provide some kind of resistance, along buildings inside 80 km it burns inside. in an open area of ​​50 km, well, it’s so effective to use it, of course
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, against enemy dugouts, against oporniks. the thermoboric charge burns everything around, leaving no chance for the enemy. there is a big gap if the enemy is on the left, on the right in front, behind, about five or six meters, he gets seriously wounded. the opposite part of the training ground is the real battlefield. among the targets is enemy damaged equipment, found in the vicinity of this settlement. many, here is the brightest, the most a remarkable target is the turret of an enemy tank, now it is all rusted, many hits, once they say it was brand new, the sun shone. among the flamethrowers there are many mobilized, this fighter is from the krasnoyarsk territory, there i was a tractor driver, and here i became a flamethrower support. nikolaevich from sochi, a builder, directs the shooting, will give advice somewhere, and if something is wrong, he will reward with strong words. the homeland called. well, let's go to war, but leave the sea, you can lose at sea if you don't go, well, mom and
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dad raised me that way, when necessary, necessary pick up a weapon and help, here you also need to learn, learn everything, learn everything again, delve into some questions, military and everyday, nikolaevich and his platoon mastered the science of winning perfectly, after training the flamethrowers rest, waiting for combat tasks. pavel prokopenko, konstantin piunov, andrey rudenko, oleg bondarenko, news: donetsk people's republic. another wave of floods has hit several regions of our country. in yakutia, the lena river overflowed its banks. the water level has already exceeded a meter above the permissible level values. as a result, vehicles in several settlements in the southwest of the region went under water. the only way to get around is by boat. but this is footage from the tomsk region, where both melt waters flooded korgasok. more than ten villages in the region were affected. rescuers are monitoring the situation around the clock in case of possible evacuation of residents. and
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in the north of the omsk region, due to the flood, a state of emergency was introduced in two more areas. there , a special embankment broke through, which held back the water of the irtysh river. over 300 houses flooded 400 personal plots. evacuations are being carried out from a number of settlements. from the scene . report by nelly s kobelkina. the dam, which was being built by the whole world, was washed away, and the water gushed into ustishima, the same dams helped to go build, although after the operation i at least held bags, at least something somewhere, but i also provided all possible assistance, the onslaught of the elements in ustishima now they are held back by three bank protection embankments at once; in one day alone, 4,000 bags were laid here. we are carrying out a set of preventive measures, increasing and strengthening the existing protective embankments. people managed to evacuate, 20 families left their homes.
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drinking water was brought to the village of eborkul using special equipment for the residents remaining in their homes. how many of you have there, three of you, at the same time there is an evacuation of those who until the last hoped that the water would not come. i’m walking along the road in swamp boots, it’s like, well, it’s impossible to go any further. difficult situation in the village of ashivany, here. water has flooded 125 houses; the only way to move around the flooded streets is by boat. not only food and water are brought to the village, but also animal feed. uploaded hay, in the amount of about 40 rolls, which will now be delivered to the village of ashivaniya. someone, without waiting for help from rescuers, tries to save livestock on their own. now we are looking for horses not on the field, but on the sea. in ustishim, anastasia fesunova’s family has a whole subsidiary farm; due to the flood
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, livestock was trapped in water. eight heads of cattle were trapped in a built dam. the water is rising rapidly, and accordingly, the threat that these cattle will simply die remains. meanwhile, the water in the river is growing rapidly, more than 300 houses are flooded. about two dozen settlements remain cut off. the level of the irtysh river in ustishim rose by 25 cm in one day. according to information from omsk hydrologists, the river in the north of the omsk region is in a flood zone. has already exceeded the critical mark by almost half a meter. within the city limits, the irtysh behaves calmly; as we can see, the coastline is slightly flooded. the water level now reaches 191 cm and, according to preliminary forecasts, will not exceed the critical level. nalis kaelkina, gennady krivich, vesti omsk. in the murmansk region, employees of the ministry of emergency situations checked the compliance of legal owners
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of water transport. the focus is on the availability of all documents for small vessels. on a special one. the role of the fight against illegal carriers of tourists who, in pursuit of profit, are ready to risk the lives of travelers , our oleg posobin went on a planned raid on the picturesque teriberka. teriberka is almost the end of the earth, the weather here changes dramatically every few minutes. tourist fishermen who go out into the barintse sea complain about the strong wind and bad fishing appetite. from 4 in the morning there is only one such box, but usually by this time there can be 5 more. boxes can be caught in the north of the kola peninsula , the peak of the fishing season, in almost all small vessels that return to the village, there is prey, here is a picha, here is a sea lion, here is a catfish, the excitement of the hunt makes many forget about the rules of driving motor boats, state inspection on small vessels , he is increasingly warning violators; in
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no case should you sit behind the controls, and sometimes, in order to ensure safety. we move at a decent speed to check the next boat, very often people do not hear the special signal, we have to get closer and pick up speed before the boats stop. this year the number of guests here has increased by a third, and all hotel rooms are full. tourists go to teriberka not only for fish, they are attracted by the polar beauty, incredible landscapes, northern lights, and whales in barinsk. many people now compare this place to the quandike of jack london’s gold rush; people are trying to get rich here builders, hotel owners, owners of boats, if, for example, a citizen does not have a certificate for the right to operate a given vessel, then the vessel, he is removed from
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management, the vessel is delayed, the land is unloaded if possible, so to speak, it is placed in a penal berth. a little earlier, the tourism committee of the murmansk region, with the support of various departments, met with the owners of small boats to explain to people how, while maintaining their income, they would no longer break the law. the task is to do all this systematically, so that it would be, not just spontaneously, but so that it would be legal, so that it would be legal. they took care of safety here without waiting for accidents, and this work of the ministry of emergency situations in the water area is only the beginning. law enforcement officers also check carriers, not yet publicly, in order to exclude any troubles during vacation. oleg pasobin, pavel trettyakov, dmitry
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kvastnyuk, conduct the murmansk region. crimea celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the liberation of the peninsula from the nazi invaders. may 12, 1944, soviet troops drove the nazis out of simphepol, feodosia, and yevpatoria. the topic of jan sherbata will be revealed. this is a partisan detachment, the fifth youth detachment. in a faded photograph, a rare unique moment. april 1944, there were 3 weeks left before the complete liberation of crimea from the nazis. in the middle of the partisans, alexander lubentsov, a participant in the kerch-feodossia landing operation, later the commander of a detachment whose account...
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wanted to become like him. in the spring of 1944, the red army set an example of courage, honor, bravery, and i would go on the offensive against the crimea. operation the liberation of the peninsula was carefully prepared, a simultaneous attack from two directions at once, kerch and perekop. the wehrmacht soldiers fled. courage perseverance. efficiency and maneuverability, clarity in understanding the task and accuracy in its execution. this operation clearly demonstrated the moral qualities of the soviet soldier and his high combat skills. the last stronghold for the nazis was sevastopol, a white-stone impregnable fortress that the germans fortified. hitler ordered to hold the city at all costs, but the wehrmacht army did not last even 5 days. here
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this is my father, hero of the soviet union, yatsunenko ivan karpovich. a young soldier in the very center of the diorama at the climax of the battle, the capture of sapun mountain, the earth was literally burning around, there was an order to raise the banner, a red banner on the ridge of sapun mountain, bypassing everything.
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on may 1944 , the command of the seventeenth battery, blown up in 1942, by our guys, came out of the cozimates of the thirty-fifth battery with their hands raised. german army. our soldiers destroyed hundreds of enemy tanks, planes, ships, submarines, and mortars. the result is the complete defeat of the seventeenth wehrmacht army. it was here that the crimean offensive operation ended on may 12, 1944, along with the liberation of sevastopol and the entire peninsula from the nazis. on this very shore , 20,000 germans surrendered, blocked by the red army from all sides by air, sea and land. our soldiers, having liberated the peninsula, went further to the side alone.
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life as a little girl is a cruel thing, especially if you don’t lie to yourself, call everything by its proper name, light in the window, premiere from monday on rtr. rest. is to leave yourself alone. rest is not to think about anything when you are calm and
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completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. texas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas. ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixas golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmalsheikh. ideal place for family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from
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everyday life into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable vacation. riksas, radomis sharmal sheikh. i've been waiting for you forever. i decided to meet you, it has finally come, spring, warm, sunny, bright, the russian exhibition has blossomed with all the colors of spring, you have been waiting for spring, now spring is waiting for you, at the russia exhibition, woe! i don't believe that you betrayed me, but i need to know the truth. ah... i understand you,
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in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything.
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zones ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object, there will be a lot of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a plant maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom in the living room of our heroes, after dismantling - much will become clear, and dreams become reality, as you look at it. let us into your home, big changes, today on rtr, you are watching the news, we continue the release, we will again return to the situation in our zone, su-34 fighters and bombers struck
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a strong point of the ukrainian armed forces. the enemy positions were in the area of ​​responsibility of the vostok group; unguided fap-500 aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module were dropped on them. it allows you to hit targets from a safe distance. having completed the combat mission, the crews returned safely to their home airfield. and here are some more shots from the ministry of defense in the liberated territories in the lugansk republic of units of the west group restored more than 150 km of roads. besides. about 20 km of new trails were built. regular bus drivers have begun to be mobilized in ukraine. employees of territorial acquisition centers began to remove them from flights. local media reported this. similar cases have already been recorded in odessa. and in kiev , a veteran, a war veteran who lost both legs, received a summons, oleg simoros found
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an invitation to the shopping center among the utility workers payments. previously , they did not want to release a former military man who uses prosthetics from ukraine for treatment abroad. the first f-16 fighters will arrive in ukraine in a few weeks, the british newspaper standart reports. journalists do not specify which western countries decided to send combat aircraft to kiev. sources told the publication that there are several of them and that the deliveries were approved by the united states. earlier about plans. they are promised to be sent more modern vehicles (f-35) from overseas now tbelisi, the most massive rally in the last month took place there, tens of thousands of people took to the streets to protest against the law on foreign agents.
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activists are expected to gather in the square again this evening. parliament building and will spend the night there awaiting the next hearing on the bill, which will take place on monday. the georgian state security service previously warned of possible provocations. according to law enforcement agencies, protest organizers are using color revolution methods to seize power by force. funerals in western europe take place as usual without surprises. this is a comment from an official representative. foreign ministry about the eurovision finals, which took place in malmo, sweden. according to maria zakharova, the competition surpassed any shabyshe, ritual lighting, although the slogan of the event was united by music, this year it caused exceptional controversy. a performer from israel was whistled by pro-palestinian activists, and she also got it from ukraine, where the singer was included in the database of the notorious website peacemaker for her performance in
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russian crimea. report by anastasia. holding a highly politicized competition in the swedish malmö, where almost 60% are migrants, with the majority from the middle east, is another idea, its own police forces. it wasn’t enough, i had to call colleagues from denmark and norway; pro-palestinian demonstrations did not stop in the city. about 30 thousand people, according to the organizers, gathered in the square with palestinian flags and banners, eurovision celebrates genocide, they demanded that the singer from israel be removed from the competition. this is the hypocrisy of the swedish government, because we once refused to invite russia to eurovision, and today israel is competing with us. this is hypocrisy.
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his own team to boo her. my stage colleagues weren't too pleased either. the finnish participant shouted: “no to war with the stage.” the dutchman pointedly turned away at the press conference and interrupted eden. he was later kicked out of the competition because he was rude to a woman cameraman behind the scenes. belgium
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showed a disclaimer before the semi-final that the broadcaster condemns the actions of israel because they violate human rights and freedom press. the frenchman interrupted the rehearsal and called for peace. we must be united through music, yes, with love and peace. according to the voting results , israel eventually took fifth place, behind france, ukraine and croatia. however, somehow it always turns out that it doesn’t matter who voted for whom. in the eurovision final , the winner is the country that carries the agenda that the local elites need at the moment, be it political or perverted cultural-social. this year's winner was switzerland, the country was represented by a non-binary person who requires a name. to celebrate, the winner of takriyan knocked the figurine on the floor, something fell apart. anastasia popova lyabernadsky vlada tsurkan, european news bureau. about the neist revelry at eurovision and
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other main events of the last 7 days, in news of the week with dmitry kiselyov. watch today at 20:00. this is not news. ate and i, dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday. victory parade on red square through a blizzard and gale force wind. our partisans are blowing up four supports of a bridge near the village of braunili. and how the victory over fascism by russian partisans in italy, where their memory is still revered to this day. my dad adored russians as partisans, because there were many russians in his brigade. the exercise of russia's non-strategic nuclear forces in response to western plans will destroy our country. so
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what awaits britain, france and the usa, if now they do not believe their eyes, will lead you to consequences that you have never faced in your history. didn't. 20 years since the murder of akhmad kadyrov in grozny. the same dynamo stadium. why did the terrorists fail? then break chechnya? ramzan kadyrov, after all, he was for me a mentor, teacher, commander of the fatherland. i will continue his path. capital friendship between china and serbia. chinese investment in hungary. but why didn’t cognac, armagnac, or fonder help macron? transgender people, satanists, and just songs without
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panties, what europe is like, this is eurovision, and new horizons of chatter, pivek is becoming real. energy hub, why is it no longer the end of the earth? this is the beginning of the world, here heaven and earth meet, what does it mean to get in a case and what exactly will attract chukotka? guests, news of the week, sunday, 20:00, jazz days have started in sirius, the headliner of the grandiose music festival, which the federal territory is hosting for the seventh time, was the famous igor butman, under his leadership the moscow jazz orchestra launched a creative marathon, well, very soon jazz in sirius. there will be even more. more details about everything. pavel melnik.
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guess the mood of the hall from the very first chord. romantic and so captivating basan-french connection - brilliant improvisation by igor butman, accompanied by the most talented musicians. the jazz days festival in sirius does not allow the viewer to sit too long. a memorable fontina, a performer with dominican roots, but... with the moscow maestra jazz orchestra, they immediately found a common language, a powerful musical composition, we are glad that our friendship continues, we are united by a love of music, improvisation, we can, we can play the same topic, approach it completely differently, the days of jazz are already for the seventh time on the black sea coast, fans know, here even at creative meetings there is never a dull moment, together with the artistic director of the talent success foundation, hans joachim fraev... negotiations are underway to launch a new jazz session for
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young musicians of sirius at a new venue. in harmony with the educational process, this is one of the main chords. sirius music school will open its doors on september 1 to the most talented children from all over the country. enrollment is open for the first 65 students. among the 120 new classrooms , a separate jazz saxophone class may appear. in unlike the classical one, it is practically not represented in the educational process. igor butman’s first master class at the new venue is expected in the fall as part of the traditional sochi jazz festival. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sirius. the most powerful magnetic storm in 20 years, which reached its peak the day before, will subside only by monday evening. these are the predictions scientists make. the speed of the solar wind remains unusually high up to... due to extreme solar
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activity, weather-dependent people may experience discomfort in the form of headaches or insomnia, and interruptions in mobile communications and navigation equipment are also possible. anomaly also has its advantages. residents of russian regions observed the northern lights for the second night in a row. colorful whirlwinds painted the sky in the kaluga, kaliningrad, ryazan, and moscow regions. a fascinating sight could also be seen in the urals and siberia. an international gastrofestival is in full swing in vladivostok; this year it is dedicated to far eastern mussels. it is in may that these delicious shellfish prepare for spawning and get into better gastronomic shape. andrey kolesnikov will tell you what delicacies are offered to residents and guests of the capital of primorye and where far eastern mussels are grown.
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residents and guests of vladivostok flocked to the ocean, the city’s main cinema, but not for the sake of cinema, to become a media personality by tasting the tender meat. we just came straight away to eat, but, in general, we are planning to walk around, we can see, eat, listen to music and even learn culinary art, a seasonal coincidence, when at the same time, shellfish are harvested in the sea, bear garlic is harvested in the forest, chef vladimir kozhevin noted, if a local product is seasonal, you need to take it and use it, in our case it was a super good decision,


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