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tv   Donbass  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 1:05am-1:55am MSK

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example, well, you can dream up, at the final stage of the exercise you can , so to speak, carry out some kind of, so to speak, training detonation of a nuclear weapon, well, the americans did this in one study in the fifties, took, so to speak , up to the gaopis of 2003.2 mm and they fired an artillery shell, blew it up, nothing, then in texas some kind of radiation actually fell there, but... we have a new land, so to speak, why spoil the new land, there is the yavra test site, he's used to everything, no, well, at the yavrsky training ground, i think that this will happen later, but for now it’s where the yaursky one is located, in the lvov region, that’s right, so there will be precipitation, the main thing is that the wind does not blow towards belarus, the polish border, so what are we talking about, the main thing so that the wind does not blow towards belarus, not far away there, this is possible, it’s a great idea, in any case, these exercises should demonstrate.
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what we have, so to speak, especially since the president said that everything, so to speak, decisions have been made, all orders have been given, he said this back in 22, all this is so to say, remains valid, in this regard, i can’t help but say a few words about the article that appeared in the italian newspaper career dela sera, about the preparations, well, we are talking about the final stone for the nato summit that will take place,
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nato members are great they understand that their ground component is now in its current state, i’m not saying they can mobilize, that’s all, but in the current state, ground forces are needed, even combined troops, they do not pose a particular threat to the russian federation, military, even these 3000, which it will also be said in washington that there are 3,000 rapid deployment forces.
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who says that most of the bundeswehr will be transferred under nato command, but given that there is no such thing, a nato command, he means, of course, these 300,000, and 3,500 will be right in the first line, 100,000 in 100 days, that is, the germans, so to speak, decided to participate there to the fullest in these rapid deployment forces, so 100,000 in 100 days is the speed that we will destroy them?
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ghost knight two week training from 6 until may 18, it is planned, well, in the sense that such exercises are not held every year, but this year they are carried out, so to speak, with an emphasis, firstly, on air defense, all means are involved, all national means that are in service. nato member countries, to practice
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tasks, actions of multinational groups, air forces in terms of control, exchange of information. exchanging intelligence data, communicating intelligence data, that is, they are preparing the air component, moreover, the americans are practicing aircraft maintenance for the first time f-35, without the participation of the americans, that is, for example, a plane from the uk flies to a norwegian airfield and norwegian specialists service the f35 without the participation of americans, that is, from my point of view, there is... preparation of an aviation group of air defense systems, what they say there , i don’t remember who already said about this seventy-kilometer zone, what is needed, yes, the germans, the germans, it’s the wind, yes, he said that
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we need to shoot down our missiles according to the model, so to speak, of how iranian missiles were shot down in israel, i think what... is this, if not a plan, then such an idea exists, the only thing that stops, of course, they are not completely sure that we will react the way that dmitry anatolyevich medvedev said about it, well, for us then these guidelines are a legitimate goal, of course, of course , the first missile that will be launched from the territory of poland or from the territory of romania, i am absolutely... sure that a strike will follow on this positional area, for example, i have no doubts, because so many words have already been said if this does not happen done then it’s just really about admitting your own powerlessness, therefore, then
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let them think about how they will be there, epistorios already says that they will defend the territory every inch, so to speak, well, let them defend every inch, but then this is, so to speak, a war with the use... of absolutely all means of destruction, including those weapons with which i began my speech, i agree, so andrey, everything is fine, everything, the clock of nuclear armageddon is already tick-tock, tiktok, everything is fine, i hope that the westerners are watching our program, so that there are no illusions, that's it for now you have to understand that everything that our supreme commander-in-chief spoke about is being implemented, so it could be in...
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germany, italy, france, all of these were hundreds of principalities that fought among themselves, it was a plague, yes, they were around there 10-11th century, for the entire economy of the collective west, it could fit 2% of world gdp, china accounted for 50%, someone says 70%, that is, it seems to me that this is what we are seeing now, this carnivalism in western culture, or in ideology, it’s just that a superstructure that reflects the crumbling basis of the economy, that is, everything. leaves the west again to the east in those glorious times when china and india accounted for 70% of the world economy, and the countries around them also enjoyed this prosperity, thank god, we reached the pacific ocean, we are also a country that has relations with india, with china, that is, in this regard, there is no doubt
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that a wonderful future awaits us, well, before moving on to the context of the discussion , the global and detailed visit of vladimir putin, without a doubt such a historical one, because this is a unique practice when leaders... in politics, we must not forget that the current chinese people's republic is a soviet project in its entirety, it is a soviet state, in fact, which we simply missed at one time, but they are not, they developed further and so on and so forth, well, as for the global context of vladimir’s visit, we often have westerners, liberals say that this is how
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to say, hopelessness, here we are flying to china, we have nowhere to go there, which means everyone go, we are looking for some in china, it means there a refuge, yes, some kind of island of stability, but...
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tariffs and so on, that is, in fact , china is already strangling, well, tariffs and the viewer may not understand us, we need to make a more clear comparison, with what this can be compared the context of limiting production capacity in china is the same as the ceiling on oil, that is, simply translating into russian, you are exporting too much oil and doing too well on it, which means you are making money, you are producing too many goods, that is, against china sanctions similar to russian restrictions are introduced and, without any context, it would seem to imply some possibility of retaliatory measures, yes, that is, as if china had done something, some actions, but it produces nothing, they simply support it within the framework of regularly normal trade, which means our attitude, there are problems, what problems, is essentially declining... the dynamics of trade turnover is decreasing, that is, in the first 5 months we have only 2%, imports have fallen sharply, but not
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only because financial constraints, the fact that there are no chinese banks, everyone has already found ways to bypass all these restrictions and so on, it’s just that the russian market is already saturated with chinese cars, it’s impossible to buy two, three, four cars there for a family, and so on, you’ll have to force, but we cannot force, what am i talking about, what do i mean, the new government is probably absolutely right, the task will be set to increase trade turnover, but we... do not hold on to any specific figures, there are 300 billion, 240 and so on, it is very important for us to be after the collective west, or at least after the united states , china's second trading partner, because the center of economic life is being formed there, we must strengthen our influence there, so the task of increasing trade turnover is such a strategic geopolitical task, so that our presence in china is very powerful, to increase it it is impossible simply through simple commodity trade, joint production is definitely needed, yes potanin took a very powerful step, i am sure that it was fully agreed upon, this is part of the big agreements with china on the creation of copper production in china, there is very little copper in china,
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there will be production there, which we can count on, well, like dash on dash - this is a normal chinese practice, we need the chinese to create something here for this there were full-fledged production of automobile, light industry, woodworking, food and so on, electronic components, electronic components, our doors are open, our doors are open, not only simple trade, purchase of spare parts, purchase of cars and so on, that is, we are waiting these are years of culture. the same thing, we need some kpis, that is, some target indicators, how many new people will learn russian, which means there are problems of the orthodox church, we have a lot of churches that are mothballed or a museum or bookstores and so on further, all this is necessary shanghai i was shocked by our orthodox church, which is now just a bookstore, that is, of course i would like to return it, this is the best case of a bookstore, in fact, there is a second church, which means the icon of the mother of god is the wicked. she was, she was the status of the cultural heritage
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of shanghai is presented, that is, before that it was just some kind of warehouse, or there was a bar there, i don’t remember there, that means what was there, that is , this is the story, it must be resolved, that is the same thing that we say about the state plan, these are not just indicative indicators, by the way, i completely agree that we are ripe for having a new digital state plan, and it seems to me that this is who saw it, this is the control center with data , this allows you to create this now and move forward regarding growth to japan, well, of course we need 10% growth of the economy, that is, even high annual growth of 10%, it cannot be without credit, without megaprojects, without the same high-speed railways, without science and technology investments in ai, everything else, that is, it seems to me that here it would be possible to borrow our old soviet experience, which went through some means... refinement, modernization by the chinese, but i want to emphasize that now i have returned to
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moscow, was literally a month, that means in china, the feeling is that our country is not as bad as it is good in russia, that is, shremite it in 40 minutes, i just flew there by taxi, no problems, nothing, it’s fresh, the environment is excellent, which means, well, even if the weather is cool there, we’re all- still a northern country and so on, but in general there is a feeling that in principle everything is more or less correct here, we...
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move away from russia, we understand everything, well, move away, values, not economics, some questions, give us pieces of property, valuables, because the great patriotic war, modern confrontation is still a struggle of values, so we talked here about how the europeans fell under american interests. between russia and france in africa, but this is a consequence of the policy pursued by france, that is, they attach
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the interests of their business, the economy in the interests of ideology, in fact, these statements are contradictory, which...
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for example, the authorities should have simply not stopped people from giving tribute to memory, thousands of people went to slovakia, may 8, may 9, to lay flowers, wreaths at the monuments to soviet soldiers, prime minister robert fitz openly spoke about the role of the red army, we can say that this does not mean anything, that this is a small country, that these are words, it still votes there in the eu, in nato, no, it means a lot, this means a lot, because...
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hitler fought with them according to different rules, well , that’s why for them the great war is the first world war, where, basically, it is more revered and even some symbols are taken from there and transferred to the second world war, ours they want to forget the war, this... i think it’s very important when we talk about what happened, but symbols, they are also political, military-political, it seems to me that this
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week they were made, but very clear, clear signals: on the one hand, the decrees of the president of the russian federation are a program for peace, this is a program for peaceful construction, when they talk about that russia is going to attack poland and finland there, read what the president of the russian federation signed. iskander operational-tactical polanez complexes that can be used, and why?
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a group of ninety thousand people is concentrated around the belarusian border troops, this is a multiple of the composition of the ground forces, and, in principle, the armed forces of the republic of belarus. our president said: we won’t play ping-pong, you know, now the best strategic line in ideology, that’s it, now the escalation has reached such a level, as our president said, that the world is for our memory, but this is still a generation , which
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saw the cold war and remembers all the events well, was never as close to a nuclear war as during that period, so we all remember the cuban missile crisis, the level escalation has now passed the level of escalation of the cuban missile crisis, we are closer to the use of nuclear weapons than we were in the sixties . italian, although the prime ministers there changed quickly, but nevertheless spanish, so the presence of responsible leaders in that period was not only a benefit for their countries, but it made it possible to deal with them, we in
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the seventies and eighties could talk to these people, understand that they hear us, and we speak the same language, why did europe constantly cause irritation then on the part of the united states, europe might not support, for example, the same latin american pro-state regimes.
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supposedly a peace conference, it turns into a coven, you talked about eurovision, well , that’s okay, it means that the knowledge of the constantinople antipathy is being dragged there, so when i heard that bartholomew would also go, i realized that this is just st. bartholomew’s night is inevitable, imitation, that is, they turn the search for peace into manipulation, they themselves do not believe that they will be able to formulate some kind of conditions for peace, the question is why they do it, they do it in order to...
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hello, what's that noise you're making there? nothing brings a large family together like a big secret. what are the police saying? classically unhappy miller, from the outside everything always seems obvious, this is white and that is black. call a spade a spade, maria kulikova, you understand that this decision will change your whole life, alena yakovleva, elena tsyplakova, we are not to blame, what to do now, remain silent, light in the window, from monday on rtr, new deceived victims of alfons velanchilista from colombia, he lay down next to me, started pestering me, he
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started threatening me. who is angela torres, give me three children, i really believed it, our film crew went to colombia, what the correspondent had to endure on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in latin america, and how angel toros managed to deceive the migration service. malakhov on monday on rtr. can you explain to me why we are breaking down? i have problems in business, and do you remember tanka vasil? and she was still in love with you, but she has not been married, it would seem, all her life we live together, we know everything about each other, but not everything, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this
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stupid childhood love, isn’t that stupid? military police, a law enforcement structure within our ministry of defense, which is responsible for ensuring order and military discipline in the army. in the liberated territories, the military police are doing everything possible to facilitate the return of civilians to life and ensure their safety. i visited melitopol and its environs, where talked with the head of the main directorate of military police of the russian ministry of defense , colonel general sergei kurolenko. sergei
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vasilievich spoke about the history. the role of the police during the war, met with the soldiers, saw how they were preparing, the task is extremely difficult, they perform brilliantly, the guys have a difficult but necessary service. let's watch the movie and then go back to the studio. sergei vasilyevich, studying your biography, well , such a biography, then died as a military man, was born in a country that, unfortunately, no longer exists, but to which everything can be, can return, moreover, an absolutely brilliant career.
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a tanker, it’s true that the kharkov tank school was a good school, a wonderful school, and a guards school, i think, when we graduated, no one could have imagined, of course, that the russian city of kharkov, now it... would have to be taken in battle, everything was fine and nothing was foreshadowed by the police , that is, well, nowhere, that is, nowhere was it visible that suddenly the police probably learned from the experience of carrying out my tasks, when i once commanded the 131st maykop brigade, we then carried out peacekeeping tasks in georgia obkhazia, in addition, i was the military commandant of the chechen republic at one time. in addition, he carried out tasks, he was the deputy commander of the military arab republic group, he carried out tasks, in fact, he was the first head of the reconciliation center, probably the leadership considered it necessary
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that this experience should be useful and would be used in the construction of the military police, military police in modern russia was born. in 2011, accordingly created by presidential decree, were introduced changes to federal laws, in particular - the federal law on defense, which defined the tasks of the military police, the main one is the protection of military personnel, that is, the military police were created to protect military personnel, this is its main function, in addition to this we have military police, that is, this that uh, in every motorized rifle... tank regiment, marine brigade, airborne forces, we have a military police platoon, a military police platoon, what do the guys do, they do, their main task is to maintain law and order, military discipline on the territory of the military unit, in addition to this
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, there are military police battalions, in particular, the first military police battalion was formed for a task, a humanitarian task in the city of aleppo, two military police battalions were formed, which successfully completed the tasks there, then... these the battalions have already brought them up to four, they carried out the task in the descalation zones in the syrian arab republic, i saw your guys made a great impression in nagorno-karabakh, here are the dutch high-rises, by the way, the military police battalion performed there tasks to carry out tasks since 2018, posted posts, there we set up six posts along the line, demonstration of the flag, there is a camp nearby, there is sonro, sonro employees live in damascus.
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and the first thing we started with, of course, was the appeal of citizens. people came with all sorts of problems, and sometimes we had to solve problems that were unusual for us. we succeeded , now you see in the city, there are even traffic jams in some places, and before that in the month of november, if a car for... now one civilian would pass, it would be it would be very good, that is , the population began to return, it not only did not just begin, it began to actively return, firstly, absolutely all social projects have been launched, and people see how
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peaceful life is being established, people see what kind of roads are being built , people began to receive passports, they saw how good it was to be in a new region with a russian passport, that is , they became wary, she... she didn’t just fall, it’s not like she left, people, because you can’t deceive people, they see absolutely everything, because it’s not enough to talk, the main thing is what they saw final result. here means the military automobile duty officer for the territorial military automobile inspection, which works in the smart city system and controls almost the entire city, entry and exit routes, including part of the suburbs; information manages the forces of the means of 11232
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automobile inspection; monitoring of road safety is organized , as well as management - traffic police squads, soldiers who serve jointly with employees of the state traffic inspectorate, decide to hand over to you the historical work that we developed the main police department together with the institute of military history, the military academy of the general staff for the tenth anniversary. military police of modern armed forces,
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here is the whole history of the military police and i will tell you that the first mention that we found in documents is january 1812, the emperor’s decree on the establishment of a large active army, where the tasks of the military police were described and defined, january 1912 year, the first military policeman was appointed to the post. in the sixth year , general govaldiger was the political leader in the army in in august 1912, when kutuzov began to command and command the period of napoleon’s invasion from august 1912 , more than 2.0 scattered lower ranks were put into service, and this was the merit not of commanders, chiefs, but of the military police, there is a monument to you in front of the temple. .. 4 m. historical
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artistic monumental composition made by sherbakov. general gavaldeguer is the first rank of police officer in the army. distant figure. suvorov has in his orders where he determines the place of general govaldiger in hike. all captured trophies taken on the day of battle are given to the supervision of the military police. 1812 january 27, emperor alexander i. this decree actually exists, it stands, no, in the historical temple complex, that is, it is a separate, well, you can say patriot park, but thanks to the military police , a number of important awards were also given to the guys who were captured, yes, yes, we are working in an organized manner with our guys who returned from captivity, who were exchanged, the majority of the overwhelming ones behave with dignity in captivity, of course the topic very sick. and in the course of working with captives
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, we interview them in order to find out who else was captured, in order to take measures to return them to their homeland, in the course of these surveys, which means we have established that there are a lot of heroic deeds that are ours military personnel commit captivity while surrounded, in particular the tank commander, after being captured. they began to shoot down very harshly, they beat him for several days in the presence of other prisoners, he stood his ground that yes, long live russia, they forced him to say different words, he is for russia, he says that fascism, we will still win, well , unfortunately, a soldier, a sergeant, was beaten with bats, in the presence of other captured guys whom we exchanged there, based on their testimony , it was compiled and found out who it was? checked all the documents, checked, carried out
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certain work, so the sergeant received the title of hero of the russian federation, the family was given an award, yes, the family was given an award, and there are many other examples where our servicemen, even being in these extreme situations, show worthy examples samples are samples courage and heroism, and none of them will be forgotten, and the attitude towards them accordingly. then to the heroes, well, it’s just beautiful, as if there is no war, but life continues, one of the greenest parks, well, really. i don’t really feel like there’s a war, hello, hello, well, there’s definitely no incident, you’ve been fighting for a long time, i’ve been serving here for a year, right away the military police, well, i used to serve in the army, i was a tank driver, i was a tank driver, that’s right, someone for me reminds me that i was here before after being wounded
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and ended up here, how do your guys work, friendly, we are all from the yes... east, we all know each other, it was great, what a mood, a fighting spirit, what a dog is looking for for this minor state, it happens, it happens, but here they discovered something, here and in the park they discovered several once, it won’t calm down somewhere, that’s right, yes, hello, hello, thank you, we always look, locally.
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it’s definitely not by chance that we had to use it more than once, including during drone raids, one of the groups is covering, the second is evacuating civilians, we had to score at the moment, at the moment of the strikes i had to drink it out, drg, drg too, unfortunately, we have to work not without this, we are carrying out systematic work to educate
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our youth here in the liberated territories, we are conducting classes, lessons in courage, we are doing this in schools, here for the first time we have already... patriotic competition zornitsa, regional stage, that is , here we are already formatting, educating our youth, i wish you grief, i wish you what is happening, tell us, we are serving at a traffic police post, a checkpoint, you are punishing everyone, no way, we are trying to warn you first, every car stops, how? on what principle is it installed for each car, each car, yes, well, that is, according to the vehicle, that’s right. what is your task? my task is to provide cover and forceful support to the inspector in the performance of his official duties directly, that is, you are already looking, if god forbid something is wrong, yes, the mail, it happens, no, it’s already
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calm enough here, yes, we have guys here inspecting at the inspection on the sites, cars and documents so that everyone has them available. if the cargo is transported on cargo, there were, there were documents, we also have an air surveillance point for the air enemy here, here we have a command post, directly my commander of the company, the first military police, from here control of both the checkpoint unit and the company is organized, here we have cameras installed around the perimeter of video surveillance, that is it is the seekers who exist, and indeed, they are definitely supernumerary. the engineering group regularly every 2 hours - they do a walkthrough of the territory to conduct engineering reconnaissance night vision for night vision yes. on green or white phosphorus? on white, on white fosfor, straight, clearly visible, yes, very good, unreal, better than during the day,
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that’s right, and the search is also going on, yes, that’s right, the search is going on, orientations are coming, we print them out at checkpoints, post them on at the checkpoint, we pass on information, cooperation is organized everywhere in our country, they have already been detained, that’s right, yes, they have been detained and handed over to the appropriate authority. they didn’t resist, anything happens, the whole iconostasis, well done, respects, as if i’m trying, wounded, once, for what? held a special event in the area of ​​hostilities, met fire contact with an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group, repelled the attack without losses, completed the assigned task, when was this? year, this is a guy for this, that’s for sure, but what is courage for? courage from the previous duty station, syria, that’s right, we almost arrived at the training ground,
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that is, we are at the training ground, and a section, well , loudly a section of a place to carry out tasks for training a military police unit, that is, a military policeman must be able to wield weapons, definitely, already had to fire even here on the outskirts of the city unmanned aerial vehicle. and this is precisely a very serious topic today, this is one of the tasks, plus the military police, well, today the deputy for educational work of the battalion reported that during the execution of tasks to check the area, there was a battle, a clash with a sabotage group, of course, the military police should must own weapons, in general the military police must act without weapons, first of all, it came to weapons, which means that the task is already partial, in addition to security tasks. not fulfilled, this is nothing to do, sometimes it happens, nothing can be done, and i want to say that we have a
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special training program, where there is the right to use, including firearms, but the training is primarily aimed at immobilizing the offender, without hitting him, here the specifics, they did it there ,
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that is, you’ll catch up a little more, right?


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