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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  May 13, 2024 8:00pm-10:00pm MSK

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the magnetic field will arrive the day after tomorrow, so we stock up on medications for headaches and blood pressure, but also the pleasant consequences of the storm. for the second night , residents of several regions at once observed pink aurora. vesti, look, it was 60 minutes, bye, bye. on the air of the russia tv channel big news in the studio of ernest motskavich. hello, the main events of this monday in our issue. the first security council after taking office as head of state and personnel changes. what did you discuss? the country's security bloc and the new defense minister. well there is still something to work on. economist andrei
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belousov, as well as technological sovereignty, artificial intelligence, new transport and logistics corridors, life expectancy, increasing birth rates, housing, what tasks will be supervised by 10 deputy prime ministers of the government, how responsibilities have been redistributed, reports from both houses of parliament. we are advancing in the kharkov region near kleshcheevka, just as krakin is fleeing from near volchansk. we're filming, we're filming. quickly turn everything around, foreign media are shocked by the offensive of the russian armed forces, fields have been nominated, where there were minefields, the russians entered without any obstacles; in kiev, politicians and commanders accuse each other of treason. warsaw canceled negotiations with kiev due to corruption of ukrainian officials. i received threatening calls, people came up to me and told me to flee poland. why was the polish judge forced? ask for protection from
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minsk, which he said in an exclusive interview with anastasia sakhovskaya. wsdf hit krasnodon with american atakom missiles. one of the shells fell on the playground. the belgorod region is again under fire. six people injured after the attack on belgorod were taken to moscow clinics, including a one and a half month old child. there is a spontaneous memorial at a house destroyed by a ukrainian missile. eat.
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so, today the federation council held consultations on candidates for the power bloc of the government, as well as for the posts of heads of the foreign ministry of the accounts chamber, the greatest attention, of course, was focused on andrei belausov. whom the president proposed for the post of head of the ministry of defense. the first ministerial candidates to be discussed were the relevant ones committees of the upper house. and during the conversation , andrei belousov, like other candidates, outlined those problems and solutions that he considers a priority. including questions directly related to the special operation. our columnist evgeniy reshitnev talks about the statements made. sergei lavrov was the first to arrive at the building on bolshaya dmitrovka. matvienko,
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along the way, explaining a new procedure for everyone, leads the acting minister of foreign affairs into the hall where the committee on international politics meets. i imagine in for the purpose of consulting the candidate. lavrov, sergei viktorovich. sergei lavrov has headed the ministry for the last 20 years. speaker upper noted his colossal experience, his authority in the international arena.
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they are driven from civilian medical institutions and sent to hospitals, which are often simply overcrowded, this also needs to be resolved, there are a lot of such questions, but why? an explanation was given by the presidential press secretary: the changed reality, in which the total budget of the security bloc reached 6.7% of gdp, this happened the last time in the ussr in the eighties, the alvin shares
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fall precisely on defense industry orders, which dictate the need for fine economic tuning. as dmitry peskov said, it is important to integrate the economy of the security bloc into the country’s economy. and belousov just headed government commissions on economic development, on the creation of high-speed vehicles, supervised the national project for unmanned aircraft systems, the future lies in innovations in the armed forces, among other things. sergei shaigu presidential by decree, he was appointed secretary of the security council, among other things, he will oversee the federal service for military-technical cooperation, which was recently transferred to direct subordination.
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fso, fsb, svr, by the way, in these cases the consultations in the committees were mostly closed, only these personnel became public. acting minister of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev told senators about how corruption cases are investigated? 75% of corruption crimes are detected by employees of the ministry of internal affairs over the past year our detection rate increased by 3%. our department is actively working on this. directions, of course, for citizens there is always the question of compensation for the material damage of 50 billion rubles that was caused by corrupt officials, this damage was almost completely compensated as a result of operational investigative
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measures. konstantin chuychenko has worked as minister of justice since 2020, and before that he served as deputy prime minister. in front of the senators , he announced a portal of free legal assistance for the population. very looks good for the pilot stage. this year we will extend the activities of this internal circuit to the entire territory of the russian federation. the head of the ministry of emergency situations, the last of the ministers, was represented on the committee. alexander kurenkov has been working in this position since may of twenty-two. the senators thanked him for his prompt action in combating the floods and asked about what assistance was being provided to the victims. from the point of view of forces, over 400 people worked, both from the ministry of emergency situations of russia and from the constituent entities,
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the group was expanded, literally daily, detachments, special forces were transferred, the leader of the center saved, were carried out by both the aviation of the ministry of emergency situations and the ministry of defense, cargo transfer, 210 tons, the candidacy of viktor zolotov, director of the russian guard, was considered, this should be the case. should remain behind him. it was proposed to extend the powers of alexander lenz as head of the main directorate of special programs of the president. separately, another appointment was considered for the post of chairman of the accounts chamber, which had been vacant for the last year and a half. of the year. here the president supported one of the candidates proposed by the senators, this is boris kovalchuk. today our country faces the most important tasks of economic and social development, which we must implement. resources to the final recipients, fulfillment
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of the state objectives set by the president , timely delivery of relevant tasks in various spheres of life of society and the state as a whole. for 14 years , kovalchuk was the chairman of the board of interrao. his candidacies, unlike the security forces, can be approved by the upper house positions. for the first time in history, the federation council is exercising the powers entrusted to it by amendments to the constitution to form the russian government. the upper house does not approve candidates. the results of the consultation will be formulated and sent to the president, and he will make the final personnel decisions. relations with the countries of the post-soviet
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space today became the topic of an operational meeting of the president with permanent members of the russian security council. vladimir putin held a meeting via videoconference and for the first time in his new position , sergei shaigu, whom the head of state had appointed secretary of the security council the day before, took part in the conversation. this is how the president outlined the agenda for the meeting. now we will talk about the topic that... is always a priority for us in the external sphere, this is building relationships with our closest neighbors, with independent states formed in the post-soviet space, the minister of finance and i talked about the fact that in the new political cycle - russia, we should pay even more attention to this, talk on the topic of how we will organize this work from all points of view, including organizational, well, we will return to this later. now, in fact, let's start this conversation, this discussion, on one of
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the aspects of this multi-vector work. the floor to the minister of foreign affairs, please, sergevich, please. today, vladimir putin had a telephone conversation with the president of bolivia. luis arce congratulated the head of state and the entire russian people on the 79th anniversary of the victory in the great patriotic war. in addition, the leaders discussed further development of bilateral relations with an emphasis on mutually beneficial projects in trade and energy. candidates for deputy prime ministers arrived at the state duma this morning. they, like the head of government, are now also approved by the lower house. this procedure was established by an amendment to the constitution, which citizens approved in a nationwide vote in 2020. the conversation, which lasted almost 6 hours, became direct and frank. neither deputies nor candidates for leadership positions avoided sensitive topics. in the cabinet of ministers, result the voting approved the candidacies of all ten deputy prime ministers, including the first denis
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manturov. our columnist alexey petrov talks about how this most important decision for the party was made. 3 minutes of speech, 5 minutes of presentation then answers to questions. the rules are clearly laid out, and the candidates arrived willingly in advance. the speaker of the lower house notes the candidate for the post of deputy prime minister, experienced people. we went through a difficult time with them. challenges faced by the country. the economy grew to 3.6% at the end of last year. i'll call we overcome, the chairman of the government did the right thing by nominating people who do not need to study, who do not need to start all over again. denis manturov is being considered for the post of first deputy prime minister, who will oversee the development of industry and ensuring technological sovereignty. the aviation industry,
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machine tool industry, defense industry, and many high-tech industries will be in his area of ​​responsibility. we are even bigger. we will direct our efforts to increase the defense capability of our state. today the russian defense industry is the most powerful in the world in terms of production volumes of the main types of weapons and military equipment. at the same time, the geopolitical situation dictates the need to meet the increased current needs of the army and speed up work on future ones.
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we fully support, an experienced person, the duma unanimously approves the candidacy of the first deputy prime minister. 10 candidates vote for each separately, and now voting is underway on the issue of denis manturov, a candidate for the post of first deputy prime minister. and here is the result: 431 deputies supported the candidacy.
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such a volume requires the introduction of a digital management model, public administration, which is used, among other things, for the implementation of national projects and state programs. one of the main tasks facing the government apparatus today is to increase the speed of decisions made without losing the quality of these decisions. i
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have repeatedly seen how he works with information, and if you were, perhaps, in the office, there... dashboards, which, in fact, partly control the processes for which he was responsible, this a very digital person, she supported the duma and the candidacy of alexander novyk, who now , in addition to energy, will be responsible for issues of economic development. the goal of russia joining the four largest economies in the world by 2030, to achieve this goal it is necessary not only to significantly increase the gross domestic product, but to form a fundamentally new model of economic growth, create... additional conditions for the development of industry, new production, development of technological and financial sovereignty. novok, no matter what they put on him, he will take everything out and cope with everything. he is truly a professional, a high professional, a highly systematic person, devoid of personal ambitions, well, he
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works from morning to evening, alexander valentinovich, so he can handle it. candidate for the post of deputy prime minister alexey verchuk focuses on issues. almost doubled, and the grain harvest over 10 years already exceeds 100 million tons on average. our milk production volumes are growing and
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, accordingly, the increase was 4 million tons. deputies also unanimously supported dmitry patrushev. vitaly savelyev will be in charge of transport; the former head of the ministry of transport, even before aeroflot, emphasizes that when the svo began, the west tried to paralyze air traffic in russia, but did so. failed, i believe that we made an absolutely calibrated and wise decision, we left all the planes in russia, and this gives us the opportunity to ensure the connectivity of the country, and we are still flying with you, we are flying well, for 2023 , we brought over 105 million passengers, this is comparable to the passenger traffic of 2017. the development of aviation is especially necessary in the far east, which remains in the area of ​​responsibility of yuri trutnev. we , together with the ministry of industry, are actively engaged in this, we are trying to make it competitive in terms of configuration and price, not everything is simple, but by
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the end of the twenty-fifth year, baikal should go online, i want to say thank you to mikhael vladimovich mishustin from the podium, now the ice has broken, we feel that we are not working as one ministry, the entire government of the russian federation is thinking about problems of the far east and the arctic. integrated development of the regions is the task facing marat khusnulin, and this requires the creation of new infrastructure. one of our specific tasks is to maintain the pace of housing commissioning; this will not be easy, because last year we had a record year. our task is to prepare and approve a program for modernizing the utility infrastructure. and of course, we still have work to do in new territories. we have a state program for new territories, the task now is to extend it until the thirtieth year and withdraw. the chairman of the state duma drew
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the candidate’s attention to problems in the field of training professional personnel. we have a shortage of doctors of 30,000 people, but no one says how long our shortage of doctors will be closed. nobody speaks. now in higher education there are more medical faculties open than specialized medical universities, these faculties are opened where there are no laboratories, anatomical studies, this was all the same with legal disciplines, when a lawyer was trained in every collar banned, the government ensured high dynamics of growth in the volume of budget places in universities, we... year on year to the academic year plus 16% in the last growth was, the majority of budget places are aimed at training engineers, doctors and teachers,
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unprecedented and largest-scale in the modern history of our country, projects for the development of russian universities, these are priority 2030 programs, advanced engineering schools, all 10 deputy prime ministers were approved by the lower house. our faction, the presidium, in any case, as expected, voted for this composition of deputies, we support and will work together, and we will, as i understand it, colleagues, we will be responsible together for the good, for what we don’t do too, when the voting is underway, alexey verchuk is even filming the procedure on his phone, now the final decision must be made head of state. alexey petrov, yana streblyansky, ekaterina galkina, natalya lundovskaya, anastasia serikova and stanislavenko. news about the advance of russian troops in the special operation zone comes from five directions at once. in the kharkov region and under kleshcheevka, our units took up new
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positions along the front line. the tactical position was improved near avdievka, and the dpr occupied more advantageous positions in the south and north. during the day, losses in the ssu exceeded 1,400 military personnel. air defense forces shot down a ukrainian su-27. about what is happening now along a front line of length 1. arsenals and concentrations of enemy armored vehicles are being destroyed, with each destroyed ammunition depot we move forward, here is a camouflaged howitzer in the armed forces of ukraine, and as soon as reconnaissance notices it, it is immediately hit the loitering lancet is an already burning ukrainian tank near the village of liptsy. units of the north group of forces have improved their tactical situation.
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the western media is paying unprecedented attention to this section of the front, the defense of the ukrainian armed forces is crumbling everywhere, and the main version expressed in the stories is that the defense line was not properly built, the fields where there were minefields were passed, the russians entered without any obstacles. the offensive goes in two directions: towards volchansk, here ogurtsova, gotishche pletenevka, directly to kharkov, the settlements of borisovo, dusty, strelya, krasnaya, oleynikovo. and
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morakhovets, from here it is only 40 km to the kharkov ring road, and about the same to the russian belgorod, which is subject to daily shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. france-24 makes a completely logical assumption. russia will seek to create a buffer zone to prevent ukraine from shooting in the belgorod region. the plan is being discussed by leading reporters and military analysts, with more and more videos from burning ukrainian positions of surrendering ukrainian armed forces militants. from nationalist battalions. part of the russian plan for this general attack is to threaten kharkov to force ukraine to divert troops from other battlefields, especially in the eastern donbass region. the russian army has successes, however, in all directions; here is today’s report on the actions of the vostok group. during active operations, the group's units improved the position along the front line, occupied more advantageous positions, and defeated the manpower
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and equipment of the 58th motorized infantry brigades. and the 128th territorial defense brigade of the ukrainian armed forces in the vladimirovka and dorozhnyanka areas. in the dpr, russian tank columns enter the village of novamikhailovka. and then the tankers tell the details of this raid, as a result of which the settlement was liberated. i looked to see where my crew was. here. my brother was a driver mechanic, now 300 is already in moscow. everything was fine with him, i looked at where he was, and seemed more worried about him. on the tank they independently installed additional protection on the sides of the hull against cumulative shells, anti-drone nets on top. and now they leave under the cover of a smoke screen not only at night, but also during the day ; this activation along the entire thousand-kilometer front line is now noted by all observers. andrey grigoriev, inna koshkin, alexander ivankov. news. over the past few hours
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, they have announced three times in the belgorod region. in just one day, according to local authorities, seven civilians were injured in the region , and over 120 private residential buildings were damaged during the day as a result of massive ukrainian shelling. air defense systems more than ten rockets and the same number of drones were shot down. in the regional center , at the site of the collapse of the entrance to a ten-story building, rescuers today completed the main work in clearing the rubble. chronicle of tragic events in a report by alexander revunov.
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they cleared away the rubble; work had to be stopped several times due to the threat of rocket fire. utility services have replaced the ministry of emergency situations employees and will clear this area of ​​remaining concrete, glass and fittings. representatives will appear here soon special commissions, they must conduct an examination and decide what will happen to this house next. the risk of the collapse of the surviving part of the building is still high; residents of the neighboring entrances, with all precautions, are allowed into the apartments one by one to pick up documents and at least some of their personal belongings. i want to find my passport, because i took all the documents out among them, but they are all in one folder, but there was no passport there. there were no whole windows left in almost the entire house, gas and electricity were turned off, the entrance doors were twisted from the blast wave, construction dust lies on things. territorial self-defense fighters are helping to remove the bags; they have not left this territory for the last 24 hours. the pestilence was hard, of course, there was more of the pestilence than physically, they scattered the slabs, removed everything. when people were being rescued,
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there were volunteers next to the rescue teams all this time, preparing food, distributing water and tea, why are you here, why is this important to you, why are you not at home, where it’s warm? because people need us. and people who find themselves in beta, they are waiting for help from others, are already here everything, everyone is like one family, it’s simple, it can’t be perceived in any other way, the grief of any person, with tears, just with a lump in the eagle. most of the residents of the damaged house left for friends and relatives, only a few families agreed to come to temporary accommodation centers, 36 people, bed, hot food, a psychologist is on duty, doctors have already recorded blood pressure, pulse, medicine, because we are without medicine, without... we have not yet arrived in the first hours after the explosion caused by the fragments of a ukrainian rocket , 17 people were pulled out from under the rubble, doctors ambulances took them to city hospitals, at night colleagues from the federal center came to help belogorod doctors, after examination and consultations it was
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decided to transfer six patients to moscow hospitals, including a one-and-a-half-month-old baby , who was transported by air ambulance helicopter, accompanied by a team of resuscitators, to a russian children's hospital clinical hospital. the patient's condition upon admission is assessed. air raid warnings, as a rule, sound from yesterday, the signal of the vampire multiple rocket launch system sounded 15 times over the city,
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these are the consequences of one of these attacks. the regional authorities promised to begin paying financial assistance to all affected residents of the high-rise building; relatives of those killed in the evening shelling in belgorod will also receive support. we will make a decision on the direction. expressed by pope francis. he also condemned any attacks on civilians. the belgorod tragedy is in the spotlight of the world media. the times of india newspaper calls the attack on the russian city a terrorist attack behind which the kiev regime stands. british
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television channel skynews also confirms that ukraine struck, showing footage of the rescue operation at the site of the collapsed entrance. but the french lemon, with reference to the absurd versions of kiev officials, writes evidence that. there was no word from us officials either. the russian ambassador, anatoly antonov, drew attention to this. recapture captured nato air bases. this task was set for the participants of the alliance’s exercises, the active phase of which began in romania. in maneuvers called quick reaction. almost 9,000 soldiers are involved, most of them are american paratroopers. according to the scenario of the exercise, they came to the aid of the romanian army, which was defeated and surrendered key military airfields. paratroopers are dropped into an area close to
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simulated enemies and tested to see how ready they are to storm fortified positions. part of the exercises are carried out in estonia on the border with. our country is confiscating phones from nato troops, fearing that russian intelligence will intercept negotiations, while they decided not to stand on ceremony with estonian soldiers. british officers annoyed that estonians they film everything on video for social networks, forced the fighters to jump into the lake to make sure that they didn’t take their smartphones with them again, or, well, drown the smartphones. but history clearly shows how the west persecutes its political opponents. from warsaw, disagreeing with the actions of the polish authorities, he was forced to seek protection in minsk. in his homeland, a high-ranking employee of menjust was not only sentenced to criminal liability, accused of espionage, but they were even ready to physically eliminate him because
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the judge tried to convey to the poles the truth about how the united states is dragging poland into a full-scale military conflict. the judge himself spoke about the price he had to pay for this in an exclusive interview with my colleague anastasia. sokhovskaya. a blow to the guts of the polish authorities. this is how the president of belarus called the act of the polish judge, which caused hysteria in warsaw in the sejm. it almost came to a fight between tusk and kaczynski, who were accusing. russia and belarus. what stirred up, if not to say split, the polish political elite was the flight of their judge, a high-ranking official here, and the fact that he asked you personally, including for protection. it's a wasteland, so they need something. he says, they say that we recruited him.
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listen, this is complete stupidity, this is an absolutely normal, patriotic pole, so i will definitely consider his statement, which he addressed to me, i asked our police to make sure that these scoundrels do not kill a person. schmit himself said that the polish special services could send killers to him, and in an exclusive interview with vesti he explained why they were successful.
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now zelensky, he extended his power, no
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no elections, and whoever this bothers in the west, it bothers the americans, it doesn’t bother anyone at all. schmidt says that the attitude of the poles has changed towards the future of ukraine, towards ukrainian business, which is destroying polish farmers, towards refugees who reign in money in poland, but those who, as he considers the nwo , are a matter of survival for russia and are ready to openly protest against poland being drawn into war, they are immediately denounced as agents of the kremlin.
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used to combat ice jams; in several regions of the republic there is a threat of floods high alert mode is in effect. in the alekmensky district there are four settlements in the flood zone. the southern cyclone brought
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worsening weather to the kurgan region: frosts at night, windy snow, warm weather and heavy rains during the day. spring in kuban is a month behind; the weather in the region is shaped by a rainy cyclone and the cold crest of an anticyclone. about how the black sea coast copes with bad weather in a report by pavel milnik. let's go swim. what's happened? this is the situation here. a torrential volley of force pulled the entire slope along with it to the rescue the stuck passengers of the minibus were traffic police, utility workers and heavy equipment, it was already the second day of clearing, the cyclone's attack was rapid, the federal highway dzhubga sochi went under water in places, the road signs were scattered by the wind in all directions, wow, look what is happening here, apocalypse, another, thunderstorms, multiplied by mountainous terrain, river levels instantly approached dangerous levels, in neighboring abkhazia roads and sections
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of the ochemchira region were flooded, and even in the mountains there was no hiding from the bad weather, visibility was only a matter of meters, the mountain peaks literally... dissolved in this white milk of fog, an altitude of 2,200 m above the sea, this impending warmth of summer is winning back its hold on the coolness of the mountains. now nasty has taken a break for me, surfers are taking advantage of the moment, the sun has appeared on the coast after the rainbow, but lifeguards are still on duty in risk areas. on behalf of the head of the city of sochi, alexey sergeevich kopaigorodsky, the operational headquarters is working around the clock. it's cloudy over the resort, but sochi international airport is operating normally, so you can safely plan. trip to the sea. pavel milnik, nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. tonight, immediately after the news on our premiere channel. multi-part melodrama light in the window. about how relationships develop in a large and once friendly family after the tragic death of one of the gemini sons. everyone experiences grief in their own way and tries to find
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solace outside the home. but an unforeseen chain of events forces them to look at themselves and their loved ones in a new way. starring maria kulyakova, dmitry miller, valery afanasyev. alena yakovleva and elena tsyplakova. first two episode very soon, our correspondent ekaterina fralova talks about why it’s worth watching. i have been hoping for so many years that everyone will get together again, it looks like it will be today. are you glad? well, of course i'm glad. rare meetings of the bogdanovs at the same table are not only joy, but also a test for everyone. a large family has its own big secret. what do you want from me? take that chair away already. you think it makes him feel better there, let him go. after one of the twins passes away, the whole family tries to start life again, but olga's mother is unable to survive this grief. so many years have passed, nothing helps, everyone coped with it, except me, what do you know about others, someone else’s soul in the dark. she gave up on herself, she couldn’t cope with this pain,
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she destroyed the family - with the banner of this pain, it’s all the more interesting to watch how she will try after all. to pull herself out, because circumstances will develop in such a way that she cannot give up everything and go to a monastery. now, more than ever , her youngest daughter needs her. musya stubbornly trying to build a life in her own way , she makes a decision alone that will change not only her fate. excuse me, but who are you? so she never told you that. what didn't you say? maria is our surrogate mother. she often says there that my body is there, my business, she has the right to this, but... of course, she did it without thinking about how she would continue to live with it. the light in the window is a poignant story of several generations of one big family, where there is everything, secrets, misunderstandings, love affairs and, of course, hope for the future happiness that sometimes seems impossible. it’s good that you look younger, as if
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you have a different look, and, of course, you’ve forgotten how to give compliments, yes. but one day they will still have to remember that they are one family. starring maria kulikova, dmitry miller, valery afanasyev, alena yakovleva and elena tsyplakova. it's not our fault. so what's now? be silent! premiere of the dramatic saga light in the window. already today, immediately after the evening news. do not miss. ekaterina fralova, aleftina degala and kirill stogov. this is big news, here's what's next will be in our program. eat.
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knocking, especially if you don’t lie to yourself and call everything by its proper name. light in the window. premiere. today on rtr.
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they say you need to prepare for vacation. you need to be able to rest. you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included, except for the head, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh, the first swiss hotel in the world , working on the all-inclusive theme. treat yourself to a holiday where elegance and natural beauty merge in perfect harmony.
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create memories that will stay in your heart forever. swiss hotel sharmel shaikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a true gem on the bodrum coastline, titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. good morning my loves, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you.
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look at me through the rains, the greedy flowers are kept, fantasy, some morning mail with nikolai baskov on sunday on rtr, your husband gored a statement about attempted murder, that he suspects me, we will figure out who poisoned him. “i need to do an examination of a medicine, so you’re a mogul, i’m not going
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to make excuses, and you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we ’ll figure it out, spring is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, this was our life fairy tale, sea, always tried to do everything to make me happy. whether? he comes into my room and says: don’t you want to say goodbye to me? i have the impression that if i had been
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there, this would not have happened. they say that time heals, time heals nothing, time just teaches you to live without it. the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. big news in... units of the southern group of troops repelled three counterattacks of assault groups near kleshcheevka, antonovka and grigorovka in the dpr. the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 500 militants, two tanks, including a leopard. near kupinsk, the main battles took place near kislovka, makeevka and chervona debrava. two infantry fighting vehicles, two howitzers and a self-propelled gun were destroyed there. from the frontline report, vaenkorov introduce alexander katsuba from the kupinsky direction, and mikhail andronik from the dpr. we strike from
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an ambush, the guided missile hits the target, come on, come on! come on, come on, remove, remove, remove, remove, armored vehicles of the armed forces of ukraine camouflaged in a forest belt are on fire, the anti-tank crew of the group of troops of the west is urgently changing position, we conduct observations, look for dugouts, firing points, enemy equipment, and after that, when the observation is carried out, the target is fixed, then we carry out work, it is clear what caliber the rocket is, 130, combat work with the first rays of the sun, at dawn the enemy the most vulnerable. at this time, according to intelligence data, the militants are rotating their strike forces, pulling together equipment, artillery mounts and infantry to the place of a likely breakthrough. our crew operates as secretly as possible, accuracy and speed, and speed of decision-making are the key to the success of the fighters of this divisions. the strike is coordinated by the operator
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of a reconnaissance drone, a column of acrid thick smoke from the affected enemy armored vehicles. visible from several kilometers away, we will consider ourselves to be such heavy equipment snipers, we did it quickly, left, yes, accordingly, that is, we worked, hit the target, turned away, left, did not reveal ourselves, no one saw us, no one heard us, our aerial reconnaissance detects a new enemy target, the operator of the portable anti-tank missile system fagod is already ready, this is a very accurate weapon, but again, it all depends on the terrain and weather conditions, hitting the target is almost... 100%. an accurate pre-emptive strike hits the enemy at a distance of up to 4 km. such a missile is capable of capturing a target moving at a speed of up to 60 km/h, literally piercing the vaunted multi-layer armor of nato tanks, self-propelled guns and armored personnel carriers, which are in service with the independence soldiers. the bassoon stings painfully
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again, punching holes in the enemy's defenses. works. assault units of the motorized rifle brigade of the guards tank army of the west group of forces continue develop an offensive on this sector of the front. alexander katsuba and alexander malyshev, lead the kupyansk direction of the kharkov region. the crew of the t-80 bv tank of the tenth regiment of the twentieth motorized rifle division, which operates as part of the southern group. fires from a closed firing position, the commander of a tank company with the call sign yerevan graduated from the moscow higher combined arms command school, he says that each such combat trip is carefully planned, the day before the task is set to work there or to capture a forest belt, to land infantry for us, we are thinking routes, how they look on the map, we discuss how, then if there is an opportunity, we go to reconnaissance of this particular area, we walk along
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the marching armor, put on the armor and adjust the fire of the tanks. leads assault groups through enemy trenches and cuts off advancing militants of the kiev regime with drops from a quadrocopter, a uav operator with the call sign gaychika. the volunteer learned this specialty while on vacation at the dasaf pilot school. men help, care, try, and at first they were also skeptical about me, but when they saw what i was doing, yeah, they were so right away, here is a servicewoman demonstrating the baba yegu, an agrodrone that the militants converted to drop mines. we managed to hit the car at night in one of the settlements near donetsk, here it’s a real misfortune, to find the take-off point of the baboyga - we do a big one, in short , we conduct reconnaissance, we see where they are, we simply destroy these points, and the comedians reset, that’s all, that’s how we we are not fighting the consequences, but the cause. the assault on one of
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the settlements in the donetsk direction in this extremely unfriendly landscape in the middle of the summer. splinters and falling tree trunks, even formidable machines like tanks need help. the tank support combat vehicle is a very formidable weapon, two forward-facing thirty-millimeter grenade launchers, two rapid-firing thirty-millimeter cannons, anti-tank guided missiles, a whole complex of active defense, heat traps, a thermal house curtain that do not allow the enemy to target the combat vehicle. the commander of a five-man crew with the call sign "bear" went to the front as a volunteer, started as a grenade launcher, and takes great care of the vehicle.
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in the nizhny novgorod region, the fsb detained a russian citizen for transferring money for ukrainian armed forces. a former yandex employee was previously brought to administrative responsibility for participating in unauthorized rallies and was hiding from partial mobilization abroad. after the start of the svo, he sent personal funds to the account of the ukrainian fund for the purchase of ammunition and medicine. the detainee admitted his guilt and faces a prison sentence of 12 years. up to life imprisonment. there is another high-profile corruption scandal in ukraine. local media are deleting en masse zelensky’s december statements about powerful fortification lines erected in the kharkov
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region. it turned out that they existed only on paper. now at bankaya they are trying to hold the front by reshuffling the command of the armed forces of ukraine. and the reactions of kiev and the west to the advance of russian troops, my colleague, vitaly karmazin. an incessant hail of russian artillery catches soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces in the forest, shells tear trees into splinters, all that remains is to flee. we're filming, we're filming, quickly, everyone, unfold what happens next, i've already filmed russian drone, one precise strike destroyed the vehicle. so, along the entire line of contact, the ukrainian general staff officially recognized the tactical successes of the russian army. foreign journalists speak out, the new york times conveys panic. he and his comrades had not slept for several days and were shocked by how quickly the russians were moving, ukrainian troops were retreating in some places, and the ukrainian command was blaming each other
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for the defeats. ukrainian intelligence special forces officer denis yaroslavsky in on social networks, he stated that along the entire border there are virtually no fortifications, those that are just window dressing, all because billions of hryvnia were stolen from defense organizations. for 2 years on the ukrainian border they must. there were concrete fortifications minus three floors high, and there weren’t even mines. we come to the conclusion that this is either insane theft or deliberate sabotage. the search for those to blame began immediately. the commanders accuse municipal officials of not building fortifications near volchansk, and the head of the kharkov administration to sinegubov, they say he even fled the city. the fighters on the ground are being pulled back by the generals from kiev, and the head of intelligence budanov allegedly accused the commander in chief of syrsky of incompetence, the irish journalist chacebows wrote about this. kirill budanov. accused the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, syrsky, of the inability to restrain the russians in the kharkov direction. ukrainian politicians have woken up. the bad thing is that we cannot transfer many troops there and we
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have not strengthened that border at all with engineering fortifications, no trenches, no holes, there's nothing there. while there is no line of defense, ukraine is paying the highest price with the lives of our soldiers. all this looks like an absolute degradation of state institutions. where are the concrete fortifications? i was on the right near pavlograd, i was in pavlograd, there are no dugouts, the trenches have crumbled, all the trenches are dug in the field, not in the plantings, in the field, they are just doing money laundering. against this background, kiev hastily replaced the head of
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the operational-tactical group of troops in kharkov, yuri galushkin, and replaced him with the head of the ukrainian general staff, mikhail dropatov. he known for the fact that back in 2014, as the commander of an infantry fighting vehicle crew, he almost ran over anti-maida activists who came out on the streets of mariupol. however, crushing protesters is not the same as fighting a regular army; western media have already recognized this; for example, the accuracy of ukrainian air defense has dropped from 73 to just 46% in just a few months. everyone also understands that ukraine does not have enough people, even though military commissars catch them on the streets of square. swiss deputies even propose to expel 11 thousand ukrainian draft dodgers from the country and send them into battle. but those who are located in the so-called gray zone in kharkov. warsaw unexpectedly interrupted
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negotiations with ukrainian farmers. the next round of consultations, which concerned the import of grain from ukraine and the transit of products through the territory of poland, was supposed to take place tomorrow. however, as local media write, the polish side was not satisfied with the fact that part of the ukrainian delegation was involved in the case. about corruption in their homeland. there will be no dialogue with such persons, they said in warsaw. earlier, the verkhovna rada removed the minister of agrarian policy and a number of officials from office due to government fraud. the striking polish farmers immediately took advantage of the break in the negotiations; this week they announced a hunger strike at the walls of the sejm, demanding a meeting with the head of government, tusk. and today, the eu council, contrary to the requests of warsaw, decided to extend the duty-free import regime for ukrainian grain and other products for another year. the results of the june elections to the european parliament, which are only 3 weeks away, can change the policy that is disastrous for european farmers. about what forces
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are now fighting for leadership in the main legislative body of the united europe, why can't the british authorities call elections to their own parliament? in a report by our correspondent in london , alexander khabarov. british prime minister irisha sunak is expected to finally name the date for the general elections, since they are due to take place this year. the government is hesitating, hoping that the ratings of the ruling conservatives are about to come off the floor at least a little, while they are nailed down tightly. our country stands at a crossroads over the next few years. almost every aspect of our lives, from democracy to the economy and from social life to difficult issues of war and peace will undergo changes. investments in the security of ukraine are investments in our security. we achieve peace through strength. it is imperative that putin fails. ukraine.
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throughout the country, this is the worst indicator since april 2023, the numbers are numbers, but what they are afraid of is that the sentiment against the establishment in europe is growing everywhere; in the usa, the american conservative is frightening with a systemic shock, as in 2016, when the brexit referendum coincided with the election of donald trump. europe doesn’t have its own trump, but there are plenty of political rebels here too, and if we move at the same pace in the same incomprehensible direction, they will have more and more chances.
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ukraine because it is vital for the european union and its existence in the future. i think there are many other issues, such as migration, the green deal, eu competitiveness. but ukraine is a determining factor for the upcoming term of office of the european parliament. political military experts talk about this all the time. it’s true, a dangerous period is beginning for ukraine, and we understand this. we ourselves have elections now. in the us, elections will also begin soon. naturally, this is an opportunity for russia to advance. in europe , they decided to very significantly increase our subsidies in terms of armaments and projectiles. our goal now is to produce 2 million shells in the eu. supporters of escalation should listen more closely to the latest statement. as for the restoration of ukraine after the war, we first need make her win. if ukraine does not prevail, then there will be nothing to restore in a free and independent
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ukraine. this confirms that the leadership of the north atlantic bloc, if necessary, is ready to write off kiev, which does not live up to expectations, and no members of the european parliament will influence such a decision. in tbilis , protesters clashed with police in an attempt to disrupt the third reading of the bill on foreign agents. almost 50 thousand people gathered near the georgian parliament building today, the crowd provoked police officers, stones and sticks were thrown at them. dozens of protesters waved ukrainian flags. so that tbilisi, following the example of kiev , organizes its own maidan. 20 people were detained, including two us citizens who reportedly coordinated the actions of the protesters. against this background , the american state department and the foreign ministers of six eu countries demanded that tbilisi not interfere with the protest and withdraw the bill on foreign agents, despite
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the fact that similar documents in the united states and many european countries are already in force or are being discussed. the parliament of georgia can adopt its own law tomorrow in the third final reading. the georgian dream party is not going to succumb to pressure; the founder of the party, bedzin ivanishvili, today pointedly refused to meet with us assistant secretary of state o-brien, who went to tbilisi at that time. meanwhile, protest sentiments in the united states itself are steadily undermining president biden’s ratings. as the latest opinion poll showed, the president has lost the trust of voters even in those five states where he enjoyed the greatest support. georgia and arizona, michigan and nevada and home state biden and pennsylvania are now ready to vote for trump. voters are dissatisfied with the state of the national economy and washington's policies in the middle east conflict. to improve the president's image, the democratic campaign brought in
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the impressive starship troopers george clooney, julia roberts, michael douglas and catherine zeta jones. donald trump, the candidate, does not forget about hollywood when speaking to hollywood supporters. he testifies against donald trump in a case involving illegal money transfers. from we move on from the federal part of the news to the regional one. my colleagues in our branches are currently preparing to go on air with the main
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news from their regions. and now we have the opportunity to find out what news viewers outside the moscow metropolis will see. state television and radio broadcasting company st. petersburg is in touch with us, where olga rostova is broadcasting today. good evening, heroes were honored in st. petersburg today, good evening, ernest, yes, the ceremony took place in smolny, those who rushed to the aid of the drowning passengers on may 10 were invited there in a bus wash. among those who, without hesitation, rushed to save people from the cabin filled with icy water were random witnesses to the incident. navigator, student, businessman, employees of st. petersburg enterprises. there are 15 people on the list of awardees. noting the heroism of these people, governor alexander beglov presented them with signs.
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a large-scale restoration of the church of peter and paul on senichya mountain is underway at a studio in veliky novgorod. varvara, good evening, what is unique about the object? good evening, ernest. 19th century temple and world cultural site unesco heritage, has been in disrepair for the last 80 years. attract financing, which is 137 million rubles. it was successful after the president’s visit to the novgorod region in 2022 . now the rubble inside the temple has been cleared, the supporting columns and foundation have been strengthened. archaeological research is ahead. twenty- fifth year. varvara, thank you. so, we continue to have great news with the audience in moscow
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and the region. see you in a few seconds. the moskvich plant switched to producing cars using full-cycle technology. it means that now such work as, for example, welding and painting. will be carried out on the capital's conveyor belt, what this will give to the enterprise and which moskvich models will become completely ours, marina gromova will talk about everything in detail. this is the first stage of the small-unit assembly line, the work is in full swing, sparks are flying, so far there is little that resembles a car, but at the end of the line you can see a full-fledged frame of the car. robotic welding machines, not without human assistance, seem to sew parts together with even lines, a few minutes later. stage future moskvich moves along the conveyor belt, the car now arrives here at our plant in boxes with small
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parts, we take it, assemble the body, why is this important, because firstly, this is loading the plant and loading it into new jobs, this is one, the second is that of course this means that a car becomes cheaper for a russian, since it becomes much easier to transport, two new workshops have been launched, a welding paint shop, a finished car is assembled in a little more than a day, 70 test samples were the first to leave the new line, not for sale, this moskvich 3e electric car has already been assembled by full cycle technologies. the body is painted at the factory, which means that buyers have access to cars in not just one, but two colors: top - black, bottom - red, with four more options available to choose from. beautiful, but still not the most important thing. quality control in russia, a serious full cycle, increases the reliability of cars, and moskvich is also adapted to our climate, the body is coated with a reinforced anti-corrosion compound.
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today, cars delivered to the country often conditionally correspond to our climatic conditions, in this car everything we are solving these problems, we are confident that the localization program that we have outlined will also be implemented in full, starting this year, some batteries, tires, and then the transition to our own metal rods. the large-unit assembly line will continue to produce the sedan moskvich 6, the most popular models 3 and the electric car 3e are now assembled at... 100
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cars per shift, but this is far from the limit for the plant, maximum productivity fluctuates around 190-2000 cars per year. production is expected to begin this year muscovite of the new generation of the eighth model of a seven-seater crossover with a gasoline engine. by the way, about the requested exception , there is not a single car in the plant’s warehouse now. marina gromova, yuri zabolotnikov and pavel alekseev, lead. orange. the weather danger level has again been announced in the capital region for the coming night, this is unfortunately due again to frosts, in some places the temperature will drop to 3° below zero, but from tomorrow it will gradually rise, on tuesday the thermometer will rise to +15, they promise sunny and dry weather, here's the present may warmth will return to the city this weekend; weather forecasters predict +22° on sunday. police officers.
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operations, the fsb, the russian guard and the police simultaneously storm apartments and offices in several regions of russia. on the floor in handbags are suspects of several crimes, fraud, extortion, and the creation of a criminal community. according to investigators, a group of at least 13 people deceived people into first getting loans and transferring money to a safe account, and then moving to another region. you are being followed by some black car, you need to leave the city on tuesday . you will need to leave the city, because you are in danger, he says, they can catch you, they will simply take everything away from you
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, force you to sign documents or something else, or do something to your relatives, at this time others came to the relatives of those deceived. death threat message. i'm looking, i need a little more time. what time is it? don't you have time? the range of regions where the scammers operated is amazing. moscow, per, novosibirs, kazan is the same everywhere the same handwriting. they dictated account numbers, i allegedly transferred this money to the central bank of russia. then they continued the conversation and said that they had discovered these scammers in yekaterinburg, and i needed to leave urgently. yes, what did i do? they don't tell anyone. they asked to leave your cell phone with a sim card at home, buy a new phone, register it, and buy a sim card, apply for a sim card, try not to use your name, the money with which it will be paid was asked to withdraw from atms, so as not to leave digital trail during the raid, operatives seized safes, adding machines, and dozens of computers
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and bank sim cards. nine people have already been detained; the issue of putting them on the international wanted list is being decided for the rest. currently, seven episodes of criminal activity are known with total damage amounting to more than 50 million rubles. according to available information, the stolen money was also used to finance the armed forces of ukraine. the fake kidnapping scheme didn't only work on the elderly. not long ago, one of the moscow students, at the direction of false operatives he threw away his phone and went to vladimir, where he lived in a rented apartment; at that time his father , a businessman, was extorted for a million dollars. real police officers call on citizens. do not believe such phone calls, immediately interrupt the conversation if possible and report to the police. igor ageinka, aksenia sookolova, news. now about other events briefly. customs officers at sheremetyevo airport seized 13 icons from the end of the last century from a foreign citizen. he tried to get them out of russia without special documents. the total cost of the paintings was more than 120,000
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rub. now the icons have been handed over to the russian orthodox church. planned shutdown. hot water in moscow was postponed until may 20, this is due to the cold weather, experts note that such changes will not affect the duration of the work, they are planned to be completed before august 25, you can find out the dates of outages for specific addresses on the official website of the moscow united electric grid company. 37 venues in the capital will operate free of charge during the may museum week, including exhibition halls in moscow, the museum of cosmonautics, and the kuskovo estate. already tomorrow. anyone can visit the multimedia art museum, which recently opened after restoration. the main thing is to register in advance. you can do this on the website the most recognizable example of wooden nobility, carved terim in sokolniki, will finally find a new life. the hundred-and-twenty-year-old house in the neo-russian style, despite the title of a cultural
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heritage site, has been empty and falling apart for several years. and finally, the restoration project has been agreed upon. and a new page. history of the house of the strakhov brothers maria temnikova. they say one in the field is not a warrior, but he stands, fighting with time itself. a wooden mansion in sokolniki is like a fragment of pre-revolutionary mishchansky russia, surrounded on all sides by soviet standard buildings. photographer kiril lebedev has taken hundreds of photographs of wooden moscow, but this house is his favorite. well, look, one glance is enough, yes, now of course it doesn’t look very nice, it’s shabby, but if you restore it, the beautiful paint has peeled off, the sap has partially disappeared, damage to the foundation is visible in some places, the unique carving is destroyed, but even in this condition, the house with a mezzanine attracts the eye. it was built on the initiative of the strakhov brothers, matvey ivan antonovich. the house was the property of the strakhov brothers for several years, then it passed from hand
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to hand. at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the 20th centuries, the once royal falconry grounds were divided into plots and sold. we purchased one of them. the strakhov brothers, enterprising people from peasant backgrounds , were engaged in stone and construction work in the city; they entrusted the construction of their house to the young zotchem. architect leonid lazovsky graduated from the institute of painting in sculpture from patronymic in 1901, and built the insurance house already in 1903, that is, in fact, this is the first of his works, but to say that this house was erected by an inexperienced master, it’s hard to say, the composition is perfect, well-thought-out proportions, and the bay window is crowned with a magnificent... sun, a man of his era , lazovsky, like many of his contemporaries, fell victim to this era, the gifted architect was forced to go to the front of the first world war, later joined the russian social democratic labor party, fought on the side of the red army on the southern front, when his detachment was sent to something like an anti-bolshevik uprising, in 1919 he was shot, but the house still stands, perpetuating the memory of its creator, the house is amazing, and
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it’s a pity that it’s just in this state, before our eyes falling apart, in the soviet years... first there were communal services, then a variety of organizations. at the new turn of two eras, socialist and capitalist, it was abandoned again. only in 2021 the object received the status of an architectural monument. now same in the department of culture. it is planned to preserve the structure of the log house and, of course, all the wooden decor. after receiving permission to carry out work at the site , full-scale restoration work will begin. what will happen in the house of the strakhov brothers is still unknown, perhaps this cultural heritage site , the house of the merchant brychev on rusakovskaya street, will soon have its time. it is believed that it is decorated with a unique design. now the house next to the construction site looks as if it was abandoned, but this is another small, but such a valuable piece of moscow’s past. maria temnikova, pavel letnikov, yaroslav aulov and artyom kuznetsov, news. the transport
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prosecutor's office has begun an investigation into the incident with a training aircraft in the north of the moscow region. on the yaroslavskoye highway, literally above the roofs of cars , an aircraft appeared, making a low-level flight. about where it came from, who was it for what? passed at an extremely low altitude over the m8 kholmogory federal highway, from where exactly the diving pilot could have come over the highway did not
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take long to guess. closest to the scene of the incident vikhorevo airfield is located literally a kilometer around this turn; it is where the flying club is based, offering paid rides on airplanes. there seemed to be not a soul at the airfield, although everything was openly approaching, only light aircraft stood frozen in the parking lots, just that. right at the airfield, however, judging by the reaction of the airfield staff, there may be other versions: either it was some kind of incident, or he was forced to fly so low, what happened? i’m incompetent to say anything,
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air hooliganism, what can you tell us? no, who allowed, why? nothing, i won’t tell you, because i don’t know whether this fact even existed, what it was connected with, you know what kind of plane was flying? you won’t believe it, but the end of the runway at this airfield directly abuts the yaroslavl highway, right? planes simply cannot help but fly over the road in this place, and according to the vikhrev federal air transport agency, there is basically no airfield at all, there is only a landing site, this is what takeoffs and landings look like here, including commercial ones right above the clogged federal highway m8. 8 years ago this was almost a law. the plane simply crashed short of the runway and ran out of fuel. no one was hurt that time, but light aircraft fight very often. so in november 2020
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, tv presenter alexander koltovoy, who had recently received his flying license, died in a plane crash due to an engine malfunction. and now let’s look at saturday’s incident in slow motion. according to aviation experts, it wasn’t even a sharp turn, the plane was blown away and thrown by a gust of wind. on the highway, presumably an aircraft when it was landing due to the terrain terrain, he got into a downdraft or wind shear, the aircraft lost speed, in this case the pilot corrected the current situation so that an accident did not occur. it turns out that the pilot himself, everyone who was on the ground in the cars at that moment was really on the verge of death, and no one will give any guarantees that this will not happen again. alexander karpov, timofey, falileev, lika. and with this our issue is completed, all news is always available on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, with you
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there was ernest motskevichus, i say goodbye until tomorrow, right now we are watching the first episodes of the film “the light in the window”. this is all inexplicable, i am convinced that i can’t live my beloved for a second without you.
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there is a cold line outside the window, but there is warmth in my soul now, i will make you happy, my dear, believe me, in reality and in a dream, believe me, believe me in reality and... and in a dream, believe me, believe me, deep breath , hold your breath, and exhale slowly, and take another breath,
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hold, and exhale slowly. peace and joy arise within me. she penetrates every cell of my body. with every breath we mentally strengthen this feeling of joy and delight. and we continue to breathe, one more breath.
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well, yes, that yes, well, yes, all three tests, yes, and hcg, it’s better to do hcg to be sure, well, i’m going to the hospital now, are you happy? great, let's meet there, and don't tell anyone this yet, let it be a surprise. fine.
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bulevar, let's wake up, dad, i'll complain. thank you dear.
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damn, everything will be fine, i will always be there, everything will be great, i promise you, yeah, well? the hcg results came back, and everything is fine, the indicators are normal, congratulations, the pregnancy is developing, there are no deviations, it worked out, you’re not happy, i’m glad, i’m glad, of course, i
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’m happy. how could you, traitors, we will have a child, really, i’m about to faint, well, it’s too early, but we will have a baby, yes, listen, maybe everything seems to be. and you’ve already told your parents about surrogacy, i hope there won’t be any problems on their part, well, i’m an adult, my body, my business, it’s all
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clear, i just don’t want any surprises, you started asking questions too late, i don’t understand, you need this child, you need it, you need it, may, we completely trust you. “yes, yes, we trust, no, they don’t know yet, but i ’ll tell them today, there should be no surprises on their part, musya, thank you very much, but you’re welcome, i’m glad to make at least two people happy, yes you it’s just a miracle, your generation is our everything, to let you down, no, i’m on mine, on this one, yeah, that’s right. you’re carrying our child and driving this wrecked car ? completely safe for children. there was
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a big crocodile walking on the street, it was green, she was holding a piece of blanket and she thought it was ham. so, aren’t you wearing a seat belt, or what? you're stunned , come on, fasten your seat belt, bolivar is absolutely safe for children, wow, sasha, yes, uh-huh, okay, guys, let's buckle up, buckle up, so, we heard, so, so, guys, so far we're all safe, before we hurt ourselves i'm crazy, i want to document this moment. descendants make the happiest faces, and imagine that you are the wife of the young duke of luxembourg, ok, so i’m filming, oh, you’re from a large
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family, well, something like that, why were you silent, this is cool, these are excellent fertility genes, yeah, i can imagine how many of yours... mother seraphima, mother superior, asked me to tell you that she i’m glad about your decision, she will receive you this saturday,
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thank you, you can’t even imagine how important this is for me, everything is god’s will, i hope your decision is as firm as your faith. we are calving our true mother of god, mom, what are you doing, and why should i stand here like a pillar while you are there as your matron patron? if you bend over, you could come with me. “you know, in my life i’ve been to churches and been here, seriously, this is when it was, when it was necessary, well, let’s go by train in half an hour”? yes, that is, it’s for me, yes, now we’ve been stuck that at least they answered you,
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they accept you into their monastery, mom, it’s not the komsomol to accept it, it’s true, but for me it’s the same thing, it requires faith everywhere, you’re great you know what i’m looking for, i know, but i’m just not sure that you’ve come to the right place, well, where else should i go, mom, so many years have passed, nothing doesn’t help, everyone coped with it except me, what do you know about others, someone else’s soul is in the dark, we’ll celebrate a birthday with candy together more than once, but who are we kidding, only you and i celebrate together, but torment us every other time, but everyone knows if suddenly they will want to come, there is always a place for them, and when you are going to tell everyone about your monastery, well, today i will tell you that i hope that they will come now, the boys are 30 years old, i think they haven’t forgotten, they haven’t forgotten, they just won’t come. hello bogdanova. i understand that
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today is the twins' birthday, which is all ignored, but i really need to see my whole family. this is mega important. the meeting place cannot be changed, i hope everyone will respond. oh, musya. knows how to manipulate people, and you think
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that this is in a good way, yes mom, so why are we standing, let’s go, now we have eight people, we have to set up the table, and also clean up, you haven’t been home for a month, and musya, you you know, what a cleaning lady, i understand that today is the birthday of the twins, who ignore everyone, but i really need to see my whole family, this is mega-important, the meeting place cannot be changed. i hope and they’ll respond, the sister is in her repertoire, and you ’ve been exhausted or just arrived, you’ve been exhausted, you’re lucky, oh, sorry, ruslan, and you ’re already checking out, congratulations, thank you, as a token of gratitude, i wanted to invite you for coffee, to any place you choose , and this is also for you. thank you, but forgive me,
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please, i can’t, did someone get ahead of me? no, it’s my brother’s birthday, then i can’t get through to my father, you also need to walk the dog, goodbye, ruslan, when, well, such a man, some excuses, then about his father, something about my brother, this. from the smear, nina, you’re home, thank god, you have the key to our apartment, can you please go check on dad, he should be at home, but he’s not answering, of course, karinochka, i’ll go and check, don’t worry, i i don’t think it ’s anything serious, of course i’ll call you back.
9:43 pm
why didn’t you answer karina? and i was for it, sasha, of course i’m not the owner, but when you tell your people about us, i’m so tired of hiding, especially from karina, i don’t even know the others, i’ll definitely tell you today. is it true? musya, you can count on at me, i have news for the whole family. sure? by the time karina gets there, i will have time to feed you your breakfast.
9:44 pm
“i’m leaving, today is preference, don’t wait, have you been in the family chat? if you’re talking about, do i remember what day it is today, then i remember. i didn’t congratulate denis, he hates it, but i sent him a gift. musya asked everyone come. musya, why? how do i know? well, you always know more than anyone. well, this time musya is a master of intrigue, and sasha has caught up with the fog, apparently i missed something, so you think it’s necessary. go, dear, you helped me a lot, you received a voice message from musya,
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sisters, listen to the message, hello bogdanova, i understand that today is the twins’ birthday. which everyone ignores, but i really need to see my whole family, this is mega-important, the meeting place cannot be changed, i hope i respond, can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this choice, i have problems in business, and you remember tanya , vasily, was she still in love with you? and she’s not married, it would seem that we’ve been living together all our lives, everything is about each other we know, but not everything, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid, girls love their dreams to come true, olya, your husband, your husband
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is cheating on you, olya, olya, let's all bang, stop, this has never happened before, you don't see me, you don't even look in my direction... but i , i'm a woman, where we are not, on friday on rtr, excuse me to yourself. cool holiday sliores, elegant details, celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here
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for you. stirsman bourbon product. kalinon belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. veda vodka is a product of stellor group. rixsus premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty
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of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium sea gate. rom castro. product of steller group. titanic delux hotel, golf belleg, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here every room is a journey. in coziness and comfort, your vacation is your rules, titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable vacation, where your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours, which was together,
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what will be left with you, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression did they make? russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. dad, yes, my dear, karish, what are you doing, come on, it was you nina who sent me to check, and what should i have thought, you didn’t answer the calls, missed a couple of calls, big deal, no worry so much about me, you had a heart attack, you had it many years ago, heart attacks don’t happen to exes, i’m as healthy as a bull, you can work on me, yes, that means tomorrow, i’ll make my
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favorite omelette with pepper, i’m not particularly hungry , diet is very important for heart patients, okay, give me your omelet, huh? from musi, and mom, granny, hi, i did the cleaning, wow, there’s a vegan dessert in the refrigerator, it’s mine, but who needs these vegan desserts, except you, so, table, yeah, well, everything is clear with salads, for hot ones , yes, chicken, chicken let’s bake it, yes, let’s bake it in a tree with potatoes, we won’t have time for long, although musya loves it. i love you too, i’m off to the kitchen, you take care of the table, come on, so,
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every person has a secret, which, once, is scary to talk about even with ourselves, we turn a blind eye to everything that hinders us in the pursuit of the ideal, that hidden behind the luxurious life of the stars, what is the price of their success, my name is denis bogdanov and bogdanov will show this talk show, watch today at 20:00 on our tv channel.
9:52 pm
karin, i feel fine, dad, here you go increased. maybe you won’t go, but i’ll go from both of us to musya, i’ll find out what she has there, did you smoke, no, that you’re acting like a little kid, your sweater is smoky, you smoke, you’re still lying, yes, it’s not me, it’s nina, nina, yes, nina, tell me again after sex, yes after sex, i’ll go tell everyone that i’m getting married.
9:53 pm
imenya alone didn’t unsubscribe, we are kni, i need you, sisters, i’m sorry, today we won’t be able to reserve the studio. yes, denis alexandrovich, they are looking for you there, okay.
9:54 pm
aliens are flying towards us, what happened? happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy happy birthday denis alexandrovich, happy birthday to you! what kind of initiative bastard arranged this? and i warned you, i’m new, listen here, new, if you want to become old here someday, don’t worry about it, i don’t celebrate birthdays, sorry, i just
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thought, we’re all like... fuck! are you planning to marry inina after your mother? also tell me how i didn’t dig it up. and i’ll say, you know it yourself. that's why he kept away from me. karina, what if i love her? this is not love, this is pain -quenching. it won't hurt you either, it's more quenching. locked herself within four walls. you look after me like i'm weak... when was the last time you had a date? today it could have been, but i chose you, well , sorry, no, that’s right, this is your life, marry whoever you want, well, that means, let’s go, another one, i’ve been hoping for so many years that everyone...
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will get together, it looks like it’s going to happen today, you’re glad, of course you’re glad, olya, maybe we won’t tease the geese, but you remember how it all ended last time, come on, mom, for us, why are you, it’s weird to mess with a dead man, so he didn’t die just now, why? they are afraid, nesta, what, i understand, it’s your birthday, but also your brother’s, we shouldn’t forget about him, right? dan, come on, blow out the candles, i want my birthday to be a birthday party, not a wake. sasha, sasha, please give him back. what
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if i think he’s right? seriously, maybe then you’ll leave too, if you insist, sasha, stop it, alda, as long as you can, it’s like we’re serving some kind of sentence, i’ve had enough, i’ll return him, then we’ll go too. they won't come again, well, it's unclear what celebrated a birthday or wake, mom, don’t start, please, everything will be fine, fine.
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9:59 pm
why did you do this, denis, well, what’s the point of them, they are there, but yegor is not, i was left alone, you are not alone, you don’t understand, dad, if. that i'm nearby? denis, are you ready, the guest is already in the studio, and you haven’t been grated yet, and we handsome guys don’t
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need makeup, yes, just like that, eh... let’s go, here’s the approved list of questions, don’t care, oh, this one, yes.


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