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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 5:00am-5:30am MSK

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oh, chief, you know, they could intimidate him in any way they wanted, they could keep him on a short leash, after all, they could blackmail him. you know as well as i do that the worse a person is, the more vulnerable he is to blackmail, and do you know how many weak points this clown has? of course, but if he was blackmailed, he would insist on something, would ask for money with information, would confuse the investigation, and if he called in spite of them, he would ask... neither one nor the other was asked for help, a man quite happy with life , reported your location? agree, but, but he nevertheless deceived lebedev, not in the main thing, he really was there, the chief, you know, everything was somehow more or less clear until the moment he left the hospital without waiting for lebedev, not entirely. everyone, i
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can’t explain his silence before and after this call, boss, wait, wait, wait, wait, but if it wasn’t arkadin, if it was a person who called who just called himself arkaden, it doesn’t matter, he provided reliable information, but even if we assume that lebedev, who has known arkadin for more than 10 years, does not did you hear the substitution? then the behavior of the criminals does not lend itself to any logic, unless of course we assume that arkadin himself is the director of this play, the boss, well, well, what kind of logic is there, well, what’s the point of staging a play in which you yourself were almost killed in the first act, you know , who is now the most. on figures
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on television, who has the highest rating, whose name is repeated every 2 seconds, so what, that’s money, money, rating is money, arkadin earned a lot of money, a lot, what do you think, if now arkadin will appear alive and well, many channels would like to see him on their air, that’s all? chief, but how can you risk your life for this? well, if you live for money and ratings, then arkady is dead? what does dead mean? where is shvitsova? it turns out, what does dead mean?
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can you tell me what's going on? exactly what i warned you about is happening. you have taken on a task that is beyond your capabilities. you started it yourself? i warned you. and the worst thing is that you made a move that has no reverse effect. you, you released the genie, who now it’s coming back for you and you can’t get it back into the jug. you are talking to me, exactly, you are not my lawyer, but a prosecutor, and as if i had committed some kind of crime. not at all, what you did was much worse, you did something stupid, nevertheless, if these people wanted to kill me, they would have killed me already, but for now, apart from the cop’s threats, there is nothing, because it’s like that, no, not like that , but you understand that you took a lot of money from these people, it would be too easy to kill you, they will take your money, property, everything you have, and the same thing they will do to your ex-husband, and what will happen then, and then, as you correctly assumed?
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they will kill you, i warned you about this, repeatedly, but as they say, master, i don’t know what to do now, i’ll say it’s you, i’ll say it’s your idea, i have no other options, no one will believe you, i didn’t have any motive, but you did, just watch the program, and yet, you did everything to take money from these people, on your order, and a very large reward, you did a wonderful job, professionally, as soon as i get the opportunity, i will do everything to make sure you have problems, your only choice is to disappear, you slug!
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this was sent to me 2 hours ago. well, boss, this somewhat undermines your theory, it’s unlikely that arkadin killed himself to increase his ratings, when this gets into the newspapers, well , it won’t get into the newspapers yet, why, but i brought it for you to see, right? i was sick, so guys, you won’t understand, i’m typing something, it’s bad, i’m not typing, it’s also bad, why is it good, we just don’t they expected such consciousness from you, this is a lot of money, but i ’ll earn my money anyway, unless of course
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you steal this photo of me, guys, i don’t understand, what is the attention to my person that you all stare at me like that, guys? you have a corpse, you are not looking at me, you are looking at the photograph, well , think, think, figure out, work, you are detectives, and from whom did the letter come, a letter sent from an australian computer, from an australian one, marya segorevna, like a child, everything is necessary explain, this is a figurative expression, this means that the sender is unknown and there is no way to figure him out, right? staroseltsev, well, you better tell me, in this letter, besides the photo, there was something else there, i don’t know, well, there were some texts or a topic, but there was nothing there, that’s all the photo, but you can enlarge
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the photo, the quality is so-so, you can’t see anything there at all, it’s not clear whether it’s arkadin or someone similar. it looks like some kind of hangar, there should be at least a piece of the wall there, no, not a hangar, it seems to me that this is a garage, but when i looked for the first time, oil stains were clearly visible there, why oily, maybe it’s blood, ha, well, it ’s blood, definitely, my detectives, dear, beloved, i’ll explain, we look carefully, we see tread marks from the car, so, if it was blood, then arkadien should have first been pulled aside so that the car passed, or vice versa, there should also be a mark from the tread on his hand here, but there isn’t one, he explained, head, boss,
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don’t put your finger in staroseltsev’s mouth, oil, but it looks like blood, but no, these spots are here in general could. formed before arkadin was placed on them, it’s like this, it’s not blood arkadina, whose? well, it’s not blood at all, it’s oil, paint, boldly, why did they send you a letter? marya sergenevna, i don’t know, but i know so that i can understand? what did the sender want, you need to evaluate the result, what is the result? we go looking for a corpse, yes, but what has changed in our minds? we found out that arkadin is dead, this is exactly what
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the sender wanted, he wants us to think that arkadin is dead, this is a staging, here is the investigator, and any idea can be brought under his theory, that is, arkadin... faked his own death with with the aim of improving one's so sky-high rating, yeah, but one mistake, if he had such a task, he would have sent this photo to everyone he could, but how do we know who else received this photo, hello, hello, and you know, we know what they sent me today, yeah. antosha, i had to sell the photograph, for the first time in my life i decided to do a good deed, and so it was sent to everyone? i have no doubt that it finally and irrevocably proves that arkadin is alive, that is, so alive, yeah, this is
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such a long version, we’ve already heard it, we let's check ours, to pekhtereva, yes, for cleaning. staroseltsev infected me with his conscience. fed, let's go. yeah. bye. wait. but i don’t understand why you think that arkadin is alive, you want coffee, what does coffee have to do with it, i’m getting married, i’m very happy for you, premiere, i want to terminate the contract, and let you decide, there won’t be a child, i just want, so that you think carefully, stop putting pressure on me, you are about to lose sasha and you cannot come to terms with it, now there is a wonderful opportunity, grandson. light in the window tomorrow
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on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday at sle reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. river service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish
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seüds & villas - the vacation you've been dreaming about. where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear off everything that was ours, which was together, what will remain with you, they went against god, went on tour. russia comes and
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the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and destiny, from monday to friday on rtr. losing your first patient is always very difficult. you have to put up with it, and i don't want to put up with it. from the capital, i will be the new traumatologist in your hospital. there is a patient in his capital. i killed him, that’s why i ran away here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crap, crooked, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to put andrei in bed for the night, no, get on with your life, you’re mine life, love under a microscope, on saturday on rtr. no, there’s no one there,
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she’s dumped, maybe she’s in australia, look for witnesses, chief, what are you doing, we’ll blow it up, we’ll open it up, but carefully. this is the theory, well, in short, yes, but maybe , of course, it’s because of the rating, it’s starting, this photo came to the channel’s editorial office by email, we don’t know who the sender is yet, but we’re working in this direction continues, now on to other news, here ’s another piece of evidence, uh-huh, but if the corpse is not real, surely this can be found out somehow, there are examinations, yes there is, there will be coffee? true, i only have soluble ones, try this one, yeah, okay, i’ll try it,
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thank you, you are strong, no, i can have tea, i can, i can’t stand coffee, like you probably do, tv series about the police, well, well, why, it seems, the girl is on the way, look at the kitchen, uh-huh. hello, andrich, hello, write it down, pekhtereva, olga grigorievna, boss, well, look here, we need to check today’s flights,
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but... how good, delicious coffee, no, but to be honest, honestly, but i don’t really understand coffee, in fact, everything is the same, but the only difference is in one thing, in the packaging, in the advertising packaging, you know, we oh, excuse me, now, yes, listen, we discovered very... so after participating in the program the institution of divorce, she filed a lawsuit against her, and that the trial was, was 2 days before the shooting, interesting, but another interesting thing is that she won this trial, yes you well, i received compensation, well , i received some little thing, but the main thing is
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that by a court decision, this program was closed, the program in which arcadena was shot. “so they really threatened her, well, in theory, yes, of course, there are such money there, well, that’s why she left, well, in general, dig the ground, just find her, i understand, come on, and you knew that the program was being closed, of course he knew, just like you knew, everyone knew?". and what did you think that sasha could film the program without him? i told you, this is absolutely unrealistic, there will be no program without arkadin can’t. yes, you’re probably right. well, unfortunately, we have to work. goodbye. thanks for the coffee, for the packaging.
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new circumstances in the case of the disappearance of the famous tv presenter alexei arkadin a number of tv channels showed a photograph that allows. to conclude that alexey arkadin died after all. the press service of the gvd has not yet officially confirmed the information about the death of alexei arkadin.
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hello, hello, no jokes, i'm not joking, you want to kill me, do i? you're drunk, you knew that the program was being closed, no, of course, yes, well, you knew that the program was being closed, lesh, listen, you now have such ratings that you can start any program yourself, any, you, you can poke around for half an hour in
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the nose in prime time and half the country will watch it, you? i knew, yes, but all this farce was needed so that you would not lose money invested in my face so that you would sell this coffee, answer, no, it was necessary so that you would repay the debt, so that you would not die, without this performance you would not have been able to earn money, because the program was closed anyway. lyosh, the show, it’s time to end, our games are becoming too noticeable, i would like to resurrect you from... to resurrect, but this, this is very dangerous, i’m sorry, do n’t apologize, it’s not worth it, it’s not charged, yeah,
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when did you guess when i realized that coffee can be sold without transfer, no, of course, we need arkadin with a high rating, and a living or dead - it doesn’t matter, and then you found out that the program was closed by a court decision, you had no choice but to act out this performance. you can turn it off. turn it off. let's get the gun. and please open it to our employees. stand! to the wall, hands behind your head, quickly, deftly, quickly, maria sergeevna, well, what’s
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the matter, well, you’re taking our bread away, yes, say thank you, it’s not donuts, what do donuts have to do with it, oh well, i’m on my own. grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you, so as not to lose love, you need to lose your memory. retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me that it’s easy
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to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, but get out of this slush, let spring, spring into your heart belated, premiere on saturday on rtr. this year without peter, you have not been anywhere, have not said anything, we have now found the strength to come, diana gurtskaya, if he were here, and he is here, what would you tell him? i love you, my dear, i miss you very much, i will not let you down, you are my eternity, you are my life.
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your business is on sunday on rtr.
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since childhood, the forest has been like a home for me, my grandfather worked in the ryuzan forestry enterprise, and i decided to devote myself to this too. the tyuluk is surrounded on three sides by surrounding ridges, and these ridges are located in such a shape, as if they form a kind of nest, the word chelyuk is translated as a dwelling nest, purely visually it is actually surrounded on all sides and it looks like a bowl, here they hold up these mountains the clouds, as we say, got caught again in the mountains, our clouds. here we have rain, rain, sometimes the situation is the other way around, it rains everywhere, everything is fine, we have a drought. we
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are located 600 m above sea level, and from these surrounding mountains, they are called even larger stones, let’s say nurgush is a blue stone, zigelga is a black stone, during this short summer they do not warm up, so this cold comes from them , that part of the forest where it was allowed to cut down the forest, in tsarist times was called a forest dacha, dacha - give, as if from the word give, give tyuluk on... was called a forest dacha in yuryuzan factory, people here prepared the timber, burned this coal, floated the timber down the rivers towards the factories, this is yuryuzan, kotav ivanovsk. simbirsk and samara merchants brought their serfs from the volga, they were like the first settlers, even now the descendants remain, six families, in my opinion, remain, the shubins, nazarovs, ignatovs, their descendants are
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even in conversation now.
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strips for meat, it was considered normal, it was hard, we sat in ambushes at night and at night and in winter, all this is not necessary, well , it’s terrible, i’ve only been to such an extent once frozen, just frozen through and through in winter, we were already riding horses, we rode for a long 2 hours, well, you’ll jump out somewhere and run, but it’s still frosty, we have severe frosts, so i came, i even have the feeling that i’m my heart stops, i am like this to
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such an extent. i was frozen, just like that i came to the stove, sat down and i don’t feel anything, i have a feeling that i’m already dying, mostly men of course work with me, it so happens that i’m a woman leader, the work is dangerous without men same, of course we, even though we are such fighting women there, maybe, but without men we are nowhere, we live around the clock, we spend the night together somewhere under a tree, we go there to put out a fire... to put out the fire, that is, we practically live like such a family , well, it’s like this, we eat from the same cauldron there, this kind of work in general is probably noble, that is, we need to create in this life.
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a little to the side, then the plan was already disrupted, and what a day off he was, he was doing this all the time.


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