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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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it is possible to purchase only tickets along the route and then follow on your own , or purchase a full tourist package along the route of a tourist train, or choose excursion programs of interest in a particular city, but you need to take into account that a separate excursion program in the destination city usually costs from 4 up to 9,000 rubles, so to begin with, experts advise searching the internet for attractions that interest you, and then and then, why pay twice? why do repeat visitors come? we’ll tell you very soon about utility bills, where to complain about it and how to avoid double charges. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today.
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this morning belgorod found itself under fire in the ukrainian armed forces. the blow was once again delivered to the scorched area. an elderly woman was injured and was hospitalized with a shrapnel wound. the windows of twenty-one apartments were broken, the roofs of three-unit houses were damaged, a school was damaged, windows were broken, and the façade was damaged. our armed forces are gradually being reduced the enemy's capabilities to carry out terrorist attacks on russian territory. that night, ukrainian armed forces facilities were attacked in different parts of ukraine. explosions occurred in kharkov. in uman, cherkasy region , a military airfield and an ammunition depot and equipment repair plant were put out of action. before this, loud bangs were heard in the kiev region. the forward detachments of the western district carried out a successful assault on the shelter in esu. the captured nationalist group in the forest belt was recorded by a drone. another reconnaissance drone provided safe passage to positions. the advance group entered the battle
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and cleared the fortification. in the vremev direction, uragan systems crews disrupted the rotation and destroyed the militants’ armored vehicles. the target coordinates were provided by drone operators. the rockets covered an area the size of five football fields. in addition to combat missiles , propaganda missiles are used. they are equipped with leaflets calling for surrender to save their lives. with them, ukrainian soldiers go to russian positions. us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev this morning on an unannounced visit. the main objective - discussions of american assistance to ukraine. it is known that the trip is designed for 2 days. a few hours before the visit of the head of the state department, national security adviser to the us president jake salvan said that the white house was trying to get its allies to transfer additional weapons to ukraine. according to the wall
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street journal, kiev anti-aircraft gunners are intercepting fewer and fewer air targets, which leads to large losses. the statement from the ocean was also supported by german chancellor olaf scholz, calling on europe to produce more weapons and more actively help kiev, on its the words have already been responded to in spain, where they promised 10 tanks and other arsenals. denmark said that the first f-16 will appear in ukrainian skies within a month, but leading western media are paying attention to the success. russian military cnn states that the situation for kiev is not just bad, it is getting worse day by day. the ukrainian armed forces are retreating in all directions, especially in the kharkov region. according to the french limon, new supplies of military aid will not be enough for ukraine to shift the balance of power. ban on shipments to the united states russian uranium will hit the united states itself. russia is implementing its nuclear projects in other countries, as stated by the russian ambassador in washington anatulian. he commented on
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joe biden's decree banning the us import of low-enriched uranium from russia. the diplomat emphasized that with such sanctions washington only harms its economy, but for local politicians the main thing is to try to harm our country. in less than half an hour, the state duma will begin to consider issues of approving the candidacies of sixteen federal ministers. all applicants for the portfolios had previously been approved by the relevant committees. thus the lower house of parliament. how today can complete the process of forming a new government under its powers, and the federation council will continue consultations on candidates for the positions of ministers of the security bloc and foreign affairs, and today for the first time will consider the appointment of the head of the accounts chamber, and boris kovalchuk may become deputy head of the control department of the presidential administration. it took 5 hours to localize the fire on the lomonosov motor ship, which is under repair in arkhangelsk.
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broke out on monday evening after welders were working on the ship, the fire quickly engulfed the second deck, over 900 km, there were no people on the ship at that moment, no one was hurt, the fire... did not allow the fire to spread to other ships that were standing near. two weeks before summer, winter weather does not want to leave the regions of russia. snow fell in the tomsk region and nizhnevartovsk. small snowdrifts formed there. the family enjoyed them the most pets during a morning walk. in tyumen and ulyanovsk, the snowfalls turned out to be more modest and only sprinkled the already green grass. but in chelyabinsk the fountains continued to work. despite the bad weather. further news from the regions, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds.
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now news from the capital region. may warmth will arrive in moscow at the end of the week, temperatures are already rising. today +10-12, on wednesday during the day it will rise to 18. nights too. warmer up to +10. on thursday-friday the air temperature will reach 20°. precipitation possible. rest the days of the week will be sunny. in moscow , the results of raids among users of personal mobility devices were summed up. traffic inspectors drew up more than 9.00 reports on scooters and cyclists. there are many couriers among them. the main violations were driving through a pedestrian crossing and speeding. inspectors remind people to ride scooters on sidewalks slowly. and allowing pedestrians to pass. cyclists must ride on special paths or along the edge of the roadway. according to the data center, workload from moscow streets is now three points. difficulty on the highway from lipetskaya street to varshavskoe highway and from the north-eastern highway to 69 km.
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the yaroslavskoye highway from the ring road and the leningradskoye highway from flotskaya street are moving slowly towards the center, with difficulty also on the riga overpass. smart tags smart cards, sergei sobyanin spoke about the growth in the production of high-tech goods. citizens use these products every day, these are social transport cards and digital passes. since last year, their output has doubled. the mayor noted the development industry is promoted by city preferential programs and a special tax regime. using the savings, companies expand production and purchase equipment. in the capital , the renovation of the facades of apartment buildings has begun in full. this is one of the most significant housing modernization projects not only in russia, but in the world. it included almost 29,500 houses. alexander sanzheev found out how the work will proceed. this year , utility workers plan to update 900 facades of residential buildings, most of all in the southwestern, troitsky and central administrative districts
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districts for each type of facade , a special technology has been developed to restore the appearance of the building. at the first stage, the geometry of the panels will be corrected, at the second, the interpanel will be filled with sealant. seams, after which the facade will be painted in two layers. all materials are used in accordance with all technical standards, to a high standard, everything is carried out according to design and estimate documentation, so that in sub-zero temperatures, in cold weather, the facade of the house retains its appearance for as long as possible, residents periodically come to us, we listen to their wishes and, if possible, meet them halfway, that is, if it suits the government, then... we will do as they asked. brick facades undergo mandatory hydrofabization as part of the overhaul. this is a modern processing method that protects against the effects of precipitation. during the implementation of the program since 2015 , repair work has been completed in almost 14 thousand apartment buildings. this is almost half of the plan
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until 2044. alexander sanzhiev, mikhail sidorov and alena felatova. news. in losiny ostrov park, a young moose chased people got on. video the animal was standing on the road, when dogs ran up to it and barked, sakhaty rushed after them, while the elk raised its front hooves, either playing or attacking passers-by. at this time, the women tried to call their pets to leave the dangerous place, but later the animal disappeared more often. employees of the moscow zoo gave panda katyusha a flower, like a real girl, she took it in her paws, sniffed it and began to taste it. the gift turned out to be edible. it is made of bamboo and carrots. little bear with pleasure spends time on the upper rungs in his enclosure, studying the situation from above and examining visitors. under the cover of darkness , katyusha continues to frolic. the cub climbs logs and tumbles while her mother sleeps. all
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news is always available on the media platform , see in the application or on the website see you. bor, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you something i remembered, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, so you could. i want to forget everything, let you get out of this slush, let
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spring into your heart, belated spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that is ours , how... it was together, what will you have left, they went against god, went on a tour through all the liberated territories, what impression does it make, russia comes and the city lives, boris korchevnikov’s program, life and fate, from monday to friday on rtr. hello, good morning, join our broadcast, denis stoykov, svetlana abramova, today we are with you with
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an interesting broadcast. today it is may 14 on our calendar and tuesday. russians are ready to invest in renovating their homes and even take out loans for it. the average cost of cosmetics in an apartment was more than one and a half million rubles. this amount was considered acceptable by participants in a survey conducted by one of the construction companies. at the same time , spend more on beauty and comfort than anyone willing to do. in this matter they overtook the capital, muscovites believe that spending more than 2 million rubles on wallpaper and ceilings. this is wasteful. at the same time, it doesn’t matter at all whether the property is new or secondary; repairs cannot be completed, they can only be stopped. gold words. it’s all the more offensive when in a beautifully renovated apartment there is no hot water or the heating does not work. russians have begun to complain more often about the work of management companies, but house management still has to pay...
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for 2 months now, anastasia, like all her neighbors, has been seeing two receipts in her mailbox since the old management company was replaced from accumulated debts with a new one, without the knowledge of the residents, people do not know who to pay, and...
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it was not immediately possible to get the attention of the supervisory authorities. prosecutors have requested the necessary documentation related to the management of apartment buildings and the procedure for providing utility services. based on the results of the inspection, if there are grounds , prosecutorial response measures will be taken. the official response from the prosecutor's office is enough to pay only the management companies indicated in it. but in practice it turns out that while there are numerous...
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they will come to court, but in order to go to court, the company that will collect the debt must prove its rights to collect the debt from the user. utilities. obviously, few are willing to take such a risk and we need a more effective way of interacting with housing services and the authorities involved, because in the end they are called upon to improve the quality of life, and not vice versa. meanwhile, a way to keep everything under control, and under the control of the residents themselves, has already been invented and successfully used. it's not just about payments. in the eighties there were
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committees of public self-government, braids. they included elders in the house, active residents, and local police officers. like this. the commission knew who was renting an apartment from whom, on what grounds, was responsible for security in the house, in the yard, isn’t it time to remember that experience, let’s ask our guest, in the studio, deputy chairman of the state duma committee on security and anti-corruption, anatoly elected, good morning, well, many people liked soviet braids, why were they disbanded, the fact is that due to the collapse of the soviet union, over time, soviet legislation that regulated activities.
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would unite the most active citizens, and in such a way as to become a center of communication for residents both within the community and with authorities, law enforcement, in my opinion, today the members of such a committee could be just those who are senior at the entrance, and senior in the house, and representatives of institutions of democracy, other public law enforcement organizations, including the number of authorities is mandatory . order, and what rights can be given to such a body, how effective will its work be? one of the key functions of such a committee could be the function of uniting citizens, the most active citizens at their place of residence to resolve issues related to security, both from the point of view of identifying negative trends
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of various orders, and responding to them and... they certainly must have the right to come up with this or that proposal, for example, uh, establish a new route for people's friends together with the internal affairs bodies, near the metro or near a house or in a park, or, for example, an obligation for residents of owners who rent out housing to inform the person in charge of the entrance or the person in charge of the house about those persons who are there live, all this will provide an opportunity in advance, including for law enforcement agencies. identify suspicious persons and respond appropriately to this, it is simply important that they are heard, who should give these very powers to the committee, which ones are we talking about? well, the fact is that the residents themselves can come up with the initiative to create such committees; today, for example, the current legislation on local self-government provides for such an institution as territorial public
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self-government, within these institutions there are corresponding bodies, there may be such bodies in including. relevant committees, but this, of course, will require fine tuning of the current legislation, i’m just sure that in the near foreseeable future fine tuning setting up the current legislation, it will be improved in such a way that we have such committees, what needs to be improved, so that not tomorrow, but in the near future such committees could appear on a legal basis, they had powers, well, the fact is that today ... there is such an institution as territorial public self-government, in the current legislation it is necessary to shift the emphasis specifically to ensuring security and to the work of such a body within the framework of the already existing institution of territorial public self-government. thank you very much, our guest was the deputy chairman of the state duma committee on security and anti-corruption, elected anatoly. have a nice day, thank you. this year without
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peter, you haven’t been anywhere, haven’t said anything, we... have now found the strength to come, diana gurtskaya, if he were here, and he is here, what would you tell him, i love you, dear i miss you very much, i won’t let you down, you are my eternity, you are my life, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday at 15:00, okay, right? morning of russia, no sleep through the main thing. find young, talented programmers and give them the opportunity to contribute to... the development of the country. thanks to the national project digital economy , a new season of hackathons has started. digital breakthrough is a competition where teams of it specialists must find
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the optimal solution to a given problem in a limited time. for example, the ministry of culture asked to create a search system in the catalogs of all museums in the country. there are assignments from the ministry of health and major commercial companies. in fact, the characters in the video are in popular russian on the video hosting they speak russian, and the rovset program translates their speech in real time and speaks it in english in the live voices of the participants. moreover, their facial expressions and lip movements correspond to the speech in the viewer’s language. the task consisted of several parts, that is, dubbing the video, translating it, and deep fake, that is, creating it. fake facial gestures accompanied by a new speech, and schoolchildren from novosibirsk outperformed the adult hackathon participants in solving problems, slept 6 hours in three days, on the last night a problem was discovered that
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could bury all hopes of success. everything fell apart, 11 hours before the deadline we sat with literally nothing and had to edit everything, correct it, make what had already been written work, but we did it, the reward is not only monetary. now more than 45 million
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exhibits are taken into account in museums, it is unrealistic to check such a database manually, just as it is unrealistic to manually understand many regulatory documents, their classifier was developed by the guys from rostov-on-don, they were the first in their task. the most important thing is composure, that is, when you see a case, don’t get lost, don’t... fall into chaos, don’t start looking for information in a chaotic manner, you need to mark out a plan for yourself, mark out the roles. based on the results of the hackathon, the problem setters themselves, departments and companies, will have to choose the best solution and continue to work with their authors. we set ourselves the task of increasing the number of employment opportunities and the number of implemented solutions based on the results of our akotons. as experts say, the focus of artificial intelligence development is already shifting from analysis. data and generation of texts and pictures to find solutions in industry, from the work of an analyst to the work of an engineer, the defense-industrial complex is very actively involved in the use of artificial intelligence, everything related to
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process automation, finding a more optimal way to solve certain problems, this is really important now. over the 5 years of holding hackathons, more than 30,000 people have already participated in them; this season, with the support of the national project digital economy, 10 hackathons will take place, two of which have already been completed, at which... the teams are almost 200 developers, defended 193 software solutions, monte shococa cognac, product of the lar group, allow yourself a first-class holiday sleor. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden
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beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. old barrel cognac, a product of the steller group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at riksas golf villas and suite sharma shei. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmasha. cnop gin is a product of stellar group. rixas premium segate. family fun starts here.
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everyone is here. the medal is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium sea gate. rixos premium seagate. stirsman bourbon. product of steller group. the first patient is always lost. very heavy, you have to come to terms with this, but i don’t want to put up with it, from the capital, i’ll be the new traumatologist in your hospital, but in my capital i killed a patient, that’s why i ran away here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crap, crooked, i ’ll write a statement to the police , i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to put andrei on his feet, no? get busy with your
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life, you are my life. love under a microscope. on saturday. narter. we work in the interests of our country. our job is to tell the truth. our task is to achieve complete victory. for the sake of this is why we go on air. every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. in ireland, a domestic goat named lilly is leading the search for missing farm animals. they specialize mainly in lost sheep, they often stray from the herd, and so try to go either into the thicket of the forest or into an impassable swamp. well,
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the lamb got lost along a busy highway, the goat very quickly found its bearings and, just as well as the dog, led the rescuers to the confused animal. interestingly, the lost ones never try to escape if see lily. they do not feel danger in her, however, the decrees are really very kind . but it’s better not to let him into the garden. in sochi , 10,000 bushes of fragrant damask rose were grown on one of the farms. now it's time to collect the buds, for what? he'll tell you.
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the plantation is brought by 40-50 volunteers who want to take unique shots on the harvest days , but the farm staff limited the number of visitors so as not to harm the plantings, there is not so much growing, even in the garden at the dacha we have this variety, well, there are literally a couple of bushes , well, here we need collect 120 kg by 12 o'clock. i don’t know whether we will make it in time or not, they tear off the buds to obtain hydrosol and valuable essential oil. the maximum concentration of essential oils in a flower is achieved immediately after it opens, as a rule, this happens in the early morning, so you need to collect the rose very quickly. volunteers arrive at the plantation as early as 6 am. rose buds are put into an extractor; due to the increase in temperature , the hydrosol and essential oils will evaporate from the raw material. during
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the season, the farm collects about 2 tons of petals, based on hydrosol and essential oils. oils produce cosmetics, soaps, creams and balms. in addition , marmalade and tea are prepared from damask rose. well, we have already prepared tea for a long time, it’s time to say goodbye to you, wish you a good day and , of course, remind all those who have not yet subscribed to the telegram channel of our program to do so urgently. have a good day today. see you later, bye. you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolay zuksik is with you, hello, we’ll tell you about the main thing today.


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