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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:01pm MSK

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no one was hired, which means he is a reliable person who will look after others, and anton siluanov himself in his speech paid special attention to the financing of the social sphere. additional financial resources will be directed to the implementation of national projects: family, youth and children, personnel, and long active life. every year , more than forty maternity capital will be indexed at the inflation rate.
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anna semenova, stanislav ponomarenko, alexander feaktisto, irina kharlamova and yana streblyanskaya, lead. nato is dissatisfied with the results of ukrainian mobilization. the restriction of consular services was supposed to return refugees to ukraine, but it did not work. so reports the spanish publication el paiz. tcc complain that in ukraine there is a large-scale rejection of the army. only 30% of the country's population is ready to join forces. ay. in odessa , a representative of the military registration and enlistment office beat with a crutch a girl who was filming a video during the detention of her fiancé, and those who had previously fled from ukraine complained to polish journalists that military commissars use conscripted women as intimate slaves, and harassment is also rampant for not being mobilized relative. and in these shots they are forcibly pulled out. from a local resident's car. in
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response to this, the person around calls the police, but this does not help. many are trying to prove to tcc representatives that they do not have the right, not only to forcibly take away, but even to check the document. the investigative committee opened a criminal case against the head of the personnel department of the ministry of defense, yuri kuznetsov. he is suspected of receiving a bribe on an especially large scale. according to the investigation, in the previous position of chief eighth control. staff member kuznetsov received a bribe from representatives of commercial structures. during the searches , more than 100 million rubles, gold coins, collectible watches and luxury items were found and confiscated from the suspect. the court ordered arrest as a preventive measure for kuznetsov. writers, bloggers, directors, actors, musicians, television and radio presenters gathered today in mariupol, where the international multicultural festival “stars above” kicked off. such meetings
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are being held for the fifth time with the support of the presidential fund for cultural initiatives. dozens of lectures, master classes, films, screenings and performances were prepared for the participants. there will also be a writing school , and a photo exhibition of portraits of special operation heroes will also open. unfortunately, for three decades our country has been taught to be shy about the word patriot. this. this is really systematic, purposeful work, which was carried out very effectively, now we have to revive not only culture and art, but in general the attitude of a russian citizen towards his country. this evening, watch the continuation of the melodrama the light in the window, in which the bogdanov family experienced a terrible tragedy, the loss of a child, but grief did not unite the heroes, relationships began to collapse, it already seems that family ties are cracking, but fate does.
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second chance, don’t miss it today at 21:20, i remind you that all our news can always be found on the media platform, look at the application or on the website, but we continue to monitor developments, so stay tuned. azizov family doll house 5 years ago a terrible story from the small town of uskota in the chelyabinsk region was discussed by the whole country. no one in the city even knew that fifty-five-year-old local seamstress, dina azizova, kept her children locked in a home prison for 11 years. the children did not go to school, did not receive medical care and say they never left the threshold. mom said that the world is scary, that we don’t need this, that she will learn from everything herself, communicating with
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people will not lead to anything good. the mother dressed the children like dolls, painted them for her daughters i filmed my white hair every day and posted it on internet videos. about their happy doll life. hello, my name is diana assisova. now i'll show you a trick. but in fact, the children sat hungry and for the slightest disobedience their mother severely beat them. and the father, who worked on shift, had no idea what was happening at home when he was not there. lately she has become more cruel, there were three bloody holes in my head, the whole hallway was covered in blood, and i just understood that this was it, this was not normal, i couldn’t do this. more. tragedy occurred when the eldest of the children, twenty-year-old darina, ran away from home after beating her mother, taking her younger brother and sister. the children flatly refused to return home. when your mother found out about this, she waited at home and ended things with you. how
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did the fates of the children turn out 5 years after the tragedy? were they able to adapt to life in the big world? today they will talk for the first time about what they had to endure after our sensational broadcast. 5 years ago, prisoners of a doll house, darina today with her brother and sister in our studio, i want to tell you that you have, of course , changed at all, become prettier, tell me the main news that happened in your life, i gave birth to christina’s daughter, imagine, congratulations. you, you named her christina, because let’s still say that your sister’s name is diana, and your brother ’s name is david, and your mother named all her children with the letter d, that’s right, by the first letter of her
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name, now you’re looking at these shots that were 5 years ago, that’s what’s running through your head, m... sad, i miss my mom, no matter what she was, she was our mother, dyanochka, and you tell me, hello, how old are you now, 16, 16, as i understand it, everyone lives separately, that’s right, you’re the only one left, and you live with dad, you are doing something with this house, something is happening there, dad sometimes goes there, also picks up scrap metal there, stops it to get money. tries to resist there, but i know that dad thinks that this place is cursed and that something is constantly happening there, david, you’ve really matured too, i’m glad to see you, how’s your health, i remember,
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that everyone was worried about you, were there any problems then, after 5 years everything has changed a lot, i used to have a big hump and... agreed to carry out the operation, despite the fact that we didn’t have enough money according to the quota, that’s why you’re like that well done, because you took the initiative into your own hands, you wrote it yourself, you communicated yourself, the operation cost more than the money you had, but you
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persuaded the doctor to decide on this operation, your brother lived in a good ward, and he for more than a day, well, almost a day... they didn’t bring him, i i was very worried about him, then he came off the anesthesia, it was hard, he learned to get up again, it was also very hard, well, then everything went back to normal, he had about a year of rehabilitation after the operation, that is , now we see the rehabilitation staff coming, you are next to you support him as a brother, let me remind you that today sergei semeysky is here, 5 years ago, our correspondent, when... this news appeared about a burnt doll house, he flew to the scene of the tragedy, the first one ended up in the ashes, let's see, let's go back to 2019. now we we are almost at the highest point
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of the city of uskotav, where the very house of dinna azizova is located, who kept her three children locked up almost all her adult life, which is very strange, there are residential buildings and neighbors nearby. everything here is very clearly visible, in principle, it is simply impossible not to notice that children live here, the house, the smell of burning is of course terrible. apparently this is the kitchen, you see, yes, that the dish is almost ready, it has remained untouched, here, by the way, look, there are stocks of rice, that is, on there would be enough for a long time, potatoes, onions, garlic, there is everything here so that you don’t have to go to the store, it’s generally tough here, apparently the children were studying here, because we see that there are pens here, some figures, look what kind of calculators, other devices, really, look
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, it looks very scary, i don’t know what you can see through the camera, but it looks like some kind of horror movie, ir, you were on the program 5 years ago, i think you are also interested in how a psychologist can see how the children adapted, how they were able to get through through all the difficulties of a big life.
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i know that they even gave you an apartment, right? yes, i was just present at your program, i voiced the problems that we were going through trials, and when you turned from here, literally two or three days later they called me and said that they were ready to give out the apartment, although it turned out that it was already hopeless sue, thank you very much, well, i’m glad that everything is happening this way, and i like that now you don’t dye your hair at all, yes, that is, well, i am, the gradient is such a small one. like militation, but let’s, let’s see, darin, what you
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told me 5 years ago, in general, how to be a prisoner in your own home, attention, here we had a kitchen, i cooked every day, my mother didn’t cook herself, no, she said... what to this i have to study, we washed in this bath, but very rarely, definitely no more than once every 2 months, like that, she washed her hair every 3 days, did her hair, like that, she washed herself with shampoos, she used laundry soap soap, this is a pessoir, so that we don’t go outside often, that is, without it control, and so that we didn’t have to go out to the toilet too much, she bought rolls of plastic bags. in short, they needed it , then it was all thrown into the trash,
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here on the second floor we went up to sleep, i lay down against the wall, then david lay down, then diana, and my mother was on the edge, here she was on purpose, here she nailed the board on purpose so that david and i would not quietly leave her bed, david asked, asked for a separate place, sleeping, she began to freak out, so you want to move away, and so on, here we usually got up in the morning, we watched cartoons on dvd, we had a lot of discs, and she really didn’t like the cartoon rapunzel, because rapunzel. in the end, at the end of the cartoon, she escaped from the castle, her mother kept saying, that’s what this rapunzel didn’t like, they did everything for her, in fact, she says, and she betrayed this woman who did everything for her, these are the remains of her mother’s the paintings that she made, on which she spent most of the money, probably 15 thousand each, are no longer there, in my opinion,
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nothing has survived here, they already look so terrible in general. here are their hands they were moving, it turns out, i didn’t even know, we didn’t even touch them, lately she had become more cruel, there were three bloody holes in my head, the whole hallway was covered in blood, and i just understood that this was all, this was not normal , i can’t do this anymore, she was already younger than me, screaming that she would beat them until they bled just like she beat me, it seemed to me that i was probably to blame, that how... maybe it’s somehow could have been done differently so that maybe she could be cured, because she is my mother, she still tried to teach us a lot, diane, but what was
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the most difficult for you during these 5 years? probably communication with other people, because anyway, the only communication we had was sister , brother, i remember, my mother took pictures of you like a real doll girl, with white hair, who shows tricks, makes different videos, that didn’t discourage you to dressing up and posting something on social networks? there’s a little bit of that, let’s see, we visited you in uyskatawa and we’ll see, how do you live now? and what do you remember about your mother? well, after tom died we were given a one-room apartment, we moved in there , then we rented this apartment and now we live here, it’s all together, it’s still uncomfortable in a one-room apartment, here it’s more spacious, here’s my
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bed my brother's bed. the beds, everything else was here, we bought the chair in pu, it’s folding, when my sister was still here, she collapsed on it, here is just an area to sit, relax, read books there, these were my mother’s decorations, but some of the ones that are left now can be worn, the rings are still big for me, but i like them, they’re still a little big, but beautiful, this is my children’s photographer. mom really loved wearing toska dolls, she collected dolls, but she still wouldn’t buy dolls when she was old, i have soft mugs, i feel more comfortable with them, now i like to wear some kind of sportswear like this, because when i was a child mom always told us to wear only a dress, i don’t want to wear dresses anymore,
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so now it’s more like a sport style, this is my workplace, here... there are some certificates hanging, well, for creativity, for the fact that i did a lot of crafts, now i’m in the sixth grade and my classmates are 13 years old and relationships don’t always work out well, so i want to try to finish i went to external school to study to become a graphic designer, because i also wanted such an attitude, now i try to help people myself, i volunteered, now i am in a school group, we wrote letters. military too, dad is trying to work, find a job, he i think he got a job as a janitor, it’s hard for him because there are still a lot of us, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work out, but he tries anyway, even despite his age, i was looking for part-time work, i worked as
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an animator, well, that is, i walked around in a suit and put up leaflets, i liked the work, but it was only in a doll... andrey, i looked, i was just in this apartment, that’s where they live now, to be honest, my heart ached, because well these are the conditions in which they now live, they rejoice in this, that this is really for them much better, although by normal standards these are not conditions in principle, that is, there is nothing there , here diana shows her place where she does her homework, this is such a bedside table, the floor is 30 by 40 cm, this. a bedside table, it’s not even a table, she says, i feel so comfortable, that is, it’s clear that before this she, she had even worse conditions, apparently, this is a two-room apartment, and there in a destroyed house it’s almost in disrepair. and suyun said then that this house would soon be recognized as unsafe, but they are happy about it, they are happy about life with such, but the former governor of the chelyabinsk region, you know, having stolen 40 billion, lives in london,
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so what can i say, tell me, are you now in moscow, yes, i’m in moscow now , how did you end up in moscow, tell me, initially to me sergey wrote as a man, we started talking, at first i didn’t answer him at all, then i started answering, he arrived. to my city, met my brother, sister, dad, and decided to take me with him, a feeling that i initially didn’t have for him, which i honestly told him about, he he said, let’s try, maybe it will appear over time, but a year later i realized that the feelings didn’t appear, and i don’t want to, well, live with a person, and take away his time and my own, so then i returned to my dad for a while , seryozha tried to bring me back, i already firmly accepted. the decision that i would not return, when during the period when david and i went back and forth for surgery, i met another man, it turns out that we then
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began to communicate over time, we left for moscow again, he also came for me, then i found out that he unfaithful, and i left him the first time, then he brought me back to him again, i became pregnant, but on the seventh...
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we were in touch, when he arrived at the maternity hospital for discharge, he met us, so yes, i went , i wrote to him, i said, i’m going to the maternity home, he began to worry very much, i was even very surprised by this, i even burst into tears, because i didn’t expect such a reaction from him, well, he’s helping this man now, he just said, that he doesn't have the ability. helps because he has financial problems and problems that i need to help another family, but he pays alimony, there is another family, tell me, 20 days have not yet passed, a month hasn’t passed yet, you know, i should already, if only s, but he looks older than you, and older men look like that to you i like those, no , it’s still clear that the image of a dad is an image of something more like that, well, yes, first of all , there was an example in the family that a man was older than a woman. secondly, for some reason i wasn’t interested in being with my peers, they didn’t want anything at all, that is, if, for example, the child’s father, when we lived, although there were some
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there are quarrels back and forth, but he knows how to do everything around the house, he will fix it, do it, and somehow get out of the situation, that is, i also tried to date someone my age at some point, there’s just a person who doesn’t want anything , that is, i did not move on with him. darina, what about the fact that you are leaving everyone? i remember at that program there were even two young men who came to help you out. and, by the way, one of them had a higher economic education, who didn’t even understand that you didn’t have three classes everything was, yes, that is, you initially back then, even 5 years ago, you still wanted to get acquainted and arrange your personal life, now i hear from what andrei asks you, you leave all the time, that is, you seem to be looking for a man, who then follows you. brings you back, but you leave all the time, but isn’t there something like this, a little bit of my mother’s scenario, that he is love - in general, this is not necessary, you need to look for it by calculation, or do you not have it? no, i
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’m just looking for this love, and you’re looking for just love? darin, let's do it now a short advertisement, immediately after this your dad will see his granddaughter for the first time and take her in his arms. 5 years later, playmates of the doll's house, we will continue. i decided to divorce you, who? i don’t have anyone, but that’s a lie, because no one gets divorced just like that. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. old barrel cognac, a product of stellor group. you toss and turn sleeplessly. all night with your old pillows and you wake up completely stressed out, now that's over, introducing the dreamalina swan pillow, a comfortable lounging pillow that
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on rtr. hello again, prisoners of the doll's house. 5 years later, we recall a story from the chelyabinsk region. in our studio today are darina and diana azizova, their brother david rakhmatov. today, 5 years later, they are together in this studio and talk about what they had to endure and how for 11 years they were captive of their own mother. i who just turned on my tv, let me remind you that fifty-five-year-old seamstress dina azizova kept the children locked up in a home prison. they didn't go to school, didn't receive medical care, and say they never left their home. the mother dressed the children like dolls, dyed her daughters’ hair white every day, filmed them and posted them on the internet about their happy doll life. but in fact, the children lived in constant fear and their mother
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severely beat them for the slightest disobedience. as with... you know, andrey, a lot of negative letters come to suyun, the father of the children, because people don’t believe that he didn’t notice that what happens in the family is that the wife is going crazy, that the children are locked up, moreover, that she beats them, but it is impossible not to notice, and you also know, there is a lot of criticism directed at the residents of the place where they lived, lived family, because well, it’s impossible in the private sector, where everything is at your fingertips.


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