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tv   [untitled]    May 14, 2024 9:00pm-9:30pm MSK

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were handed over to ukrainian law enforcement officers to close the burizma case, it was all documented, the person who transferred these funds was caught on camera, it was one of the employees of the burizma company, kicha, a certain lawyer. all of europe looked at the largest bribe in the cache of 6 million dollars, these 6 million dollars were seized and were forever evidence until a certain period of time, closed by a court decision, a secret court decision, which we... after that
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the northern streams began to explode there, after that dugin's terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began, for us it is absolutely clear that the biden family, partners of the biden family, are participants, proven participants in the financing of terrorist activities. investigative committee. russia began checking the facts stated in the statement. the question is whether other recipients will show interest in this case: in the usa, france, cyprus, where burisma is registered. germany itself lost about 300 billion euros from the energy shock associated with the cessation of direct pipeline gas supplies from russia. during the past year, 70% of german companies experienced power outages, especially painful for precision manufacturing. opens up for european lawyers.
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does germany support this initiative? i would like to redirect you to the person in charge of the investigation, in this particular case the attorney general. yes, but my question was: does the federal government support the initiative for an international investigation under the auspices of the un? is it unlikely that the attorney general will help me with this question? the responsible authorities are involved in the ongoing investigation. their you know the addresses after 18 months. in the federal government's view, there is no need to duplicate the ongoing investigation by the federal prosecutor's office. 18 months past. since
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the explosions of the northern streams, the german federal prosecutor's office has been pursuing the only version, the one about ukrainian divers and the yacht andromeda. the version doesn’t work because it still leads directly to washington and the cia. the swedes and danes safely curtailed their investigations so as not to embarrass themselves. about the german prosecutor's office can confidently say that it would like to follow their example. for germany, this is still a resonant topic and therefore the competent authorities are in no hurry.
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refugees from poland, as the wall street journal writes, some key equipment was destroyed at minimal cost, thanks to security cameras that the agent allegedly managed to place on the railway. today , us secretary of state antony blinken arrived in kiev this way, which was discussed in kiev at the moment when the defense of the armed forces of ukraine in kharkov region is bursting at the seams, our columnist andrey grigoriev. the numbering of cars starts from the entrance side of the station. after a walk around kiev, foreign minister kuleba, who on his last visit took blinkin to mcdonald's, now drags him to a pizzeria, after all, we can afford pizza, yes, that's right, it's like mcdonald's, it's not just a cafe, we know what it is difficult
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time, but we also know that help has already been approved, it is already on its way, we need to deliver this help as quickly as possible, we are talking primarily about air defense, this is a big problem for us, we really need two patriots for the kharkov region today, it immediately becomes clear for what reason he came, the united states is worried about the offensive of the russian army near kharkov, not only control over one of the largest populated areas in ukraine is at stake, but the potential the country's ability to continue fighting.
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situation in the northeast of the country, they do not have enough troops to repel the russian offensive, which has been advancing for several days. new personnel of the ukrainian mobilization, conflicts are now increasingly occurring between patrols and those they want to pick up. in odessa, a military commissar attacked a woman who stood up for her captured neighbor. today , nine ukrainians of military age tried to escape to moldova at once, crammed into this tiny car, all of them will be sent to the front. deliberately ran away, then you have no right to say that you are ukrainian, you are a gypsy, you chose the gypsy nomadic life, this clanner drowned while trying to swim across the tisza river on the border of ukraine and romania, they were completely caught from the romanian side there are already 29 bodies, and these are not drowned, all the men,
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who apparently tried to avoid mobilization, were shot, and local human rights activists believe that by ukrainian border guards. andrey grigoriev, maxim shchepilov, alexander ivankov, lead. the question of how the west can help the dying regime of zelensky became the main topic of two european summits. the meeting in copenhagen and stockholm was supposed to demonstrate the unity of the old world on the ukrainian issue, but it was not possible to overcome doubts and disagreements. about why kyiv was never offered participation in the european air defense system, and the earlier promises to send soldier fighters to ukraine had to be urgently adjusted. in the report of our special correspondent denis davidov. whatever the europeans call their summits, their meaning boils down to one thing, more precisely, to ukraine alone. in copenhagen they should be talking about democracy, but they are waving their fists. former secretary general nato rasmusen, who has a ukrainian flag on his side, was chosen as the shooter, followed by ursula vonlaen, who picks up the old song. we
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should have no illusions about what this war is for putin. of course, it is being conducted in order to... the listeners flocked in gratefully, among the guests were the minister of defense of ukraine umerov, the head of zelensky's office yarmak, who in kiev is called the real leader of ukraine, allegedly the west directly conveys instructions to him. the puppeteers were too lazy to fly to denmark, so they healed up.
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senior ukrainian military officials are not confident that ukraine will be able to prevent russia from making significant territorial gains. significant russian advances could renew pressure from some european circles to kyiv. to force him to start peace negotiations. fatigue from ukraine is felt and accumulating, and on both sides of the ocean. barel went to cheer up his american partners. the chief european diplomat has itchy fists. the world has changed a lot over the past 4 years. europe must learn to use the language of power. if we want to protect our values, we must perceive the world as it is, not as we want it to be. the scandinavian lives in his own world. five: leaders gathered for the traditional summit, the first time denmark, iceland, norway, finland and sweden
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came together, not only as neighbors, but also as nato allies. alliance flags have been flying in stockholm and helsinki for several months now. the situation in ukraine is critical; not only the security of ukraine is at stake, but our own security. we need to act immediately. they call on everyone to supply ukraine with as many weapons as possible and lead by example. offered from the main european sponsor. the german chancellor promises kiev 7 billion euros this year, then berlin will increase its spending on ukraine to 35 billion. what this war has taught us is that we must increase weapons production. the industry was not ready for a protracted war and continuous production of ammunition. judging by the statements, scholz recently sent zelensky the third patriot complex from his arsenals. but use nato.
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who was at the press conference and heard to see these planes in the sky. the german observer was the first to quote the prime minister: the next month is very important for ukraine statement. the news about the imminent delivery of aircraft spread, but it turned out that they were in a hurry. it was not metti fredriksen who had to make excuses, but the journalist. correction, the danish prime minister wanted to announce the arrival of the f-16 in ukraine within months , not months, as the source said. sorry, i'll delete the original tweet. misunderstood. and estonian officials. just yesterday, the presidential adviser assured that they were thinking about sending their troops
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to western ukraine. today the country's minister of defense checked everything. according to him, such talin has no plans. but his british colleague does not even try to make excuses. without hesitation, from a large podium, he openly says that it is with their permission that the ukrainian armed forces are launching missiles at crimea. we have granted permission to use weapons on the territory of ukraine, including. he was donald trump's lawyer for 10 years, and at that time he said that he was ready to take a bullet for
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his boss. now, with the same zeal, cohen is testifying against his former boss, claiming that trump forced him to transfer $130,000 to porn actress storm daniels to hide the secret affair. according to koena, this money was illegally registered as expenses for the election campaign. according to the lawyer, trump did not think about his wife milania at all and was ready to divorce her, believing that. will remain a bachelor for a short time; trump himself denies all accusations against him and says that the case has political overtones. this trial is unfair, it's a shame for new york, it's a shame for the country, it's biden's order and interference in the election, because i have to run my election campaign, rather than sitting in a courtroom all day. well-known republicans are coming to the new york court to support trump. which businessmen and congressmen, including speaker of the house johnson.
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even elon musk spoke out, writing on social networks that the more unfair the attacks on trump are, the higher his popularity will be. meanwhile, the biden administration has launched a new phase of the trade war against china. as the us president announced today, washington is doubling duties on imports of semiconductors from china, import fees for electric vehicles will increase fourfold. also increased. tariffs on chinese batteries, steel and aluminum, solar panels and medical equipment, while the united states seeks to limit cooperation with china, russia is increasing it. dozens of our companies are now preparing to participate in the eighth russian-chinese expo in harbin. vladimir putin is expected at the opening of a large-scale business forum. as russian presidential aide yuri ushakov said today, the head of state will arrive in harbin on may 17. a a day earlier in beijing they will meet with xiding pina. harbin occupies a special place in the development
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of cooperation between russia and china. about the historical ties of the city with our country in a report from the first ballet school in china, the first music school, and this despite the fact that harbin was built as a station of the chinese eastern railway, it determined the development of the entire region, from economics to science, the famous harbin polytechnic , the forge of engineering personnel in china grew out of the technical school of the chinese eastern railway. this building was built in 1906 as a russian
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imperial consulate, in 1920 it was transferred to the russian-chinese technical school. years of living in harbin, the head of his russian club has never felt like a stranger here, because even the smell here reminds you of russia, if you believe the chinese signs, it immediately transports you back to those times, the atmosphere here is similar, it’s about the aroma of fresh bread, in karbin it even became the chinese word lebo, and millions of chinese tourists who come to the north of the country sweep it off the shelves, along with the sausage, on the main pedestrian street of junyang, famous like arbat, russian products are the main souvenir. it is no coincidence that harbin was called eastern moscow; the historical center is literally imbued with russianness, take, for example, the visiting card of the city, hagia sophia. there are so many temples, even former ones, in the sofia museum now nowhere else in china. alekseevskaya church on the corner of gogol street. local grandmothers here now practice itachi dancing every evening. iverskaya, it was built as a pantheon of military glory in memory of those killed in the russian japanese,
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but at the height of the civil war there was general kappel is buried. harbin has long been considered the center. ears were baptized, together with the parishioners she prays for peace, from the temple to the monument to soviet soldiers, 300 meters along the red army street in 1945, she liberated harbin from the japanese, and today they well remember how they greeted soviet heroes with flowers. the soviet union was the first to help us become a strong country; if it weren’t for the soviet soldiers, we would not have been able to cope on our own, and
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the chinese will never forget this; it was the soviet union and china that suffered the greatest losses in the second world war. that’s why they seek the truth by telling the world about the atrocities of the nazis. in the same harbin, japanese detachment 731 carried out inhumane experiments on living people, developing biological and bacteriological weapons; there were russians among the prisoners. here is tamara aleksandrovna pekereva, sent to detachment 731 in august forty- two. these holes in the walls, there were pipes through which the ameak ran. the japanese were calculating the body's reaction to frost, apparently preparing for war with the soviet union. the soldiers are carefully looked after, now stella was restored, and the point is not that china is waiting for the russian president, it’s just that the attitude towards the general pages of history is special here, and in preparation for the large-scale economic forum that our countries will open here on friday, the native people of harbin are showing up on the embankment with a brush. russia is
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a friend, a formula without which mutually beneficial cooperation is impossible. alexandral nikolay petrov, lead. harbin, china, immediately after the news, a continuation of the series the light in the window, where the film's characters unexpectedly get a chance to find out the real history of their family. revealed secrets change the relationship between those closest to you and it seems that balance will never be restored. we follow the development of the plot immediately after the news, don’t miss new episodes of the series the light in the window at 21:20. we move on from the federal part of the news. to the regional one, my colleagues in our branches are in these seconds preparing to go on air with the main news of their regions, now we have the opportunity to find out what viewers know to carry outside the moscow metropolis. state television and radio broadcasting company is in touch with us. donetsk, where valeria rodina is broadcasting today. mariupol electromechanical college will soon welcome students in modern, restored buildings. hello,
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the builders have now begun the main stage of restoring the electromechanical college. the block in which work is being carried out was left without attention or repair for a long time, and in 2022 it came under fire from ukrainian militants. about 80 specialists work at the facility, most of whom are indigenous residents of mariupol. graduates of the educational institution are helping to restore the building. works take place in stages: first in one building, and after completion in the next, so the educational process for future specialists has not been interrupted all this time. valeria, thank you, we still have half a minute before the start of the regional broadcast, we will have time to connect the state television and radio broadcasting company don. dmitry fufaev is already in the studio. today, at the otamash plant in volgodonsk, a multi-ton parcel was assembled for a customer from china. dmitry, hello, what kind of equipment? will send a reactor vessel and two steam generators to china for the eighth power unit of the tian wan npp. the details were created on at the atommash production site, paragenerator reactors are planned to be delivered in may.
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for this purpose, road, river and sea transport will be used. let me add that the tian wan nuclear power plant is the largest product of economic cooperation between russia and china. its two power units are being built according to a domestic design. dmitry, thank you. so here we go. big news with the viewers of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. motorists who hide registration plates may face a year and a half of deprivation of their license. government the legislative activities commission supported tougher penalties for overly resourceful drivers. and... there are still a lot of camouflage devices in the capital, alexey knora was convinced of this. kuznetsky bridge, the very center of moscow, a van with a logo stands across the sidewalk, goods are being unloaded.
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the driver prudently removed the license plates so as not to receive a fine for violating parking rules. in the next alley, another truck has blocked the pedestrian area; furniture is being unloaded; the rooms are hung with rags. if, for example, i also stand on loading and unloading, i will receive a fine every time, so i will have to pay it myself. penalties for speeding and other violations of road rules, now i will. it’s not a problem to drive more fun, to put more pressure on the goshette, to run away from the cameras, to buy and install such a miracle of technology.
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kuntsevo car market, a real klandai in the world of auto parts. there are reversible ones, and sometimes there were curtains before. but simple magnetic frames, 3,500 rubles. but the seller warns you to immediately buy at your own peril and risk. the number is controlled accordingly, that is, it is necessary. however, this does not stop reckless and cunning people, now the fine for using such devices is 5,000 rubles, in the worst case, deprivation of rights for 3 months, most often people buy a device on marketplaces that simply reverses the number, makes it either transparent or even worse . some fake numbers all this prevents the cameras from working properly, but people are quite obvious that they are breaking the law. and for these violations, the russian authorities intend toughen the punishment. now, for driving
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cars equipped with means that hide registration plates, they propose to deprive your license for one and a half years and no fines or compromises. the bill has already been approved by a government commission. alexey knor, ekaterina cherushova, maxim govrilets, dmitry sorokin, maryana pepanyan, lead. today marks the anniversary. who with her talent can make any project successful. anna mikhalkova is one of the most beloved, popular, sought-after russian film actresses. her filmography includes almost a hundred roles, bright, diverse, comedic and dramatic, but always sincere and deep. this year , the actress has nine projects in the works, more than ever, among them those that may once again surprise viewers. ekaterina fisenko conveyed congratulations on her anniversary on behalf of our program to the actress. birthday. it ’s too early to sum up the results, it’s impossible to make plans, the work will decide otherwise, but the directors who once worked with anna mikhalkova wish to
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meet the film crew more than once on her holiday. there is sacrifice in it, there is sincerity in it, in it there is purity of intentions, this is also a property of major artists, and she returns to the words as if they were already worn out words, yes there, i love you, yes or there - she returns the original meaning, if i could stop the grief at the threshold of your house? this sincerity takes your breath away, you believe right away, sister nadezhda is also an actress and a director, and she also likes filming anna, it’s a gift to the director when an actor, not only a wonderful artist, with even more experience allows her to somehow even when well, get into those uncomfortable zones, who work to ensure that there is some kind of result, there is logic in this, because
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they are uncomfortable... sometimes it happens that you take a job there because you haven’t done it before, i guess i see the potential or i see my own there interest, if it seems to me that this is something that will somehow help me understand myself again, otherwise then i can also agree. but there are never guarantees, her father, nikita mikhalkov, was the first to film her, even then, without making any concessions, she is a bare-legged girl, just playing with a dog, why are you smiling, i have a few for you questions, and you have to answer me, here you are, tell me what you are most afraid of, look at me, she answers questions so disconcertingly truthfully and is also discouragingly truthful, she is in every role, my
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advantage is that... the viewer associates me with himself, there is probably some, some part of this, this magic, in my life there have been many times when people write to me and say that this is so , not allowed, not allowed, carefully, carefully, in the citadel in the film of the famous my father’s whole family, nikita mikhalkov at
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home and work, it’s okay that i spend the whole day as an accountant of the house manager, as in life i’m torn between jobs, i work hard, and then i come to cook it all for you, and you praise jenik’s surma, role, whatever , here anna mikhalkova and anna melikyan, seemingly drawn to the comedy genre, are filming a complex drama, the feeling of anna, where a gigantic transformation of the heroine takes place, at the premiere i said from the stage that anya is a great russian actress, and i wasn’t joking at all, i i really think so. her the ability and desire to transform are well-known, there are still many things that have not been played in modern cinema, which means that everything coincided. ekaterina fisenko, evgeny kostin, dmitry mishchersky, elena fenoshina, maria larchenko, alexander berezkina. news. environmentalists near moscow warned residents about increased activity of wild animals. they go out onto busy highways, walk in parks and feel free in the courtyards of houses, not only in the region, but in the city. anna
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balan, about why forest inhabitants reached out to people and how to behave if was the beast nearby? here you can see the footprint of a bear, large, claws, large, that is, for comparison, here is my hand, and to look at the huge footprints they come from the surrounding villages, the other day here in the bylychev area near volokolamsk, residents noticed someone rushing along a busy highway , this is a big dog, but i don’t know who it is, in general , chupocabra is some kind of bear, local yagi... they explain that in may, clubfooted people have a wedding season, at this time they move from forest to forest in search of a bride, and it’s better to they don’t come across any paths, however, like other wild animals. so, while walking with the dogs on elk island, the pensioners were attacked by an angry moose cow, who reared up,


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