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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 14, 2024 11:30pm-2:06am MSK

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wait a second, don’t leave, what is this, mirror carp, for a long, good memory, well, if you freeze it, then yes, but in general i recommend baking it, and you know what i ’ll take, really, thank you very much for giving me a lift for listening. well, for mirror carp, especially, if you want, i’ll send you a wonderful recipe, no, goodbye, goodbye, we’ll leave it to our own, we believe in what’s dear to us, we talk about what’s important to us, every word we say is a step towards victory, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort, in
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eat it, this world is worth seeing, snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, a secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, mom, you know how to bake carps, here... yes, that’s what i used to catch with live bait, what’s his name, mom, can you imagine how much phosphorus there will be useful for a rich child, she’s at home, no, she went to the clinic, i mean to the clinic, you persuaded her, but why me immediately, she’s already an adult the girl herself is capable of... right,
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right decisions, do you really think that this is the right decision, mom, oh, i already talked to my mother, said that i want to refuse, how... what a pity, you made a sacrifice, but the sacrifice turned out to be unnecessary, it’s cruel, mom, yes cruel, but life, olechka, is a cruel thing, especially if you don’t lie to yourself and call everything by its proper name, which i’m deceiving myself about, about what, that you’re about to lose sasha and you can’t come to terms with this, god, and now there’s a great opportunity, grandson, we can reunite, isn’t that right, where is this anyway? in... comes, mom, but nothing will work out for you, you won’t solve your problems, and the torment almost ruined your life, that’s it, i can’t live here anymore, live as you want, well, where are you going, mom, to your village , i have
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the right place there. and judging by the stampede , you didn’t find any evidence, yes, but does corvalolol smell to you? karvalom, sasha, are you okay? yes, no, i'll make sure everything is in order. can we talk for 5 minutes, yes, without witnesses. we need to discuss something. and where is karvalov from? my heart felt bad again.
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easily. i called musa, she finally decided to get rid of the child. i'm probably good now. the sister should prefer, but you know, and musa has someone to take care of, she has a lot of relatives, why are you doing this, and how else, you find out that i’m a stranger to you, instead of checking to make sure that this is not so, you tell me that your own daughter decided to have an abortion, it’s good i wasn’t at musya’s, i met a friend of your late mother and found out everything. what, what did you find out? the test is not a mistake, you have a different father. sasha, is everything okay? yes, yeah, let us talk, what's his name?
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why do you need it? this is a stranger, he has never tried to see you, meet you, just tell me his name. no, he left you once, i don’t want him to hurt you again. sorry. oh, sorry, i didn’t want to bother you, did you come up with something, no, not yet, i had one plan, but nothing worked out, i knew it,
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musya didn’t give up the idea of ​​an abortion, oh, you missed it all, she did it in a day i changed my decision three times, but according to the latest information, yes, this is final decision, i... one idea came up, but it seems to me that no one except me will like it, oh, these kids, it would seem, have grown up, fly wherever you want, but no, sasha. tell me what happened, i'm sorry,
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i always felt like... a people's body, i never knew who i was, i don't feel my roots, don't be offended, dad, you and mom would be... wonderful parents, but i never i saw my own mother and i won’t see her again, with my father i still have such a chance, you really want this, yes. mikael, perhaps that means i’m karina mikailovna
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bozhanyan, karin, i ask you, don’t do this, don’t destroy what you have, and what i have, you have nina, your mother has her own life, denis and the museum too. if it were egor, maybe he would understand me, only egor, i understand, okay, okay, breathe calmly, this is a mild sedation, you won’t completely pass out, will someone pick you up? well, it’s not scary, you can call a taxi, the main thing is don’t sit down for the role, yeah,
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immediately bring her to her senses, the operation needs to be canceled, who else are you, why did you come, i’m in a taxi, we have written consent for this operation, you are the child’s father, no, i’m her brother, so you have nothing to do with it at all, leave the room, i’ll call the security now, musechka, musechka, don’t fall asleep, don’t need an aport, you julia must give birth to this child for us, do you hear, well, can you, i’m already calling, hello, security, that’s it, i dreamed of him as a brother, and how is he, yes, then decide everything between yourselves, and then we will return to your question ,
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to what question? hey, hi, hi, didn’t you dream it yourself? there was no abortion, yes, it's me asked, and they listened to you, it’s also not even a father with a child, well... i’m a face from the telly, it will add something to this, and you take yourself a little big brother, but you can have a double express, of course, tomorrow, he always clearly came , don’t sing coffee, he’s hooking you up, don’t talk nonsense, it’s so good that we met, we ’re now one family, we’re waiting for a wedding invitation, you love her, let’s go warmly, well, we also once felt warm together until everything burns out. yes, yes, nothing burned out. light in the window. continuation, we'll watch it tomorrow on rtr.
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treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. liors, we are here for you. kalinan beleg is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover. true excellence, making dreams come true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life
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turns into a fairy tale. today, at the very end of the day, just a few minutes ago, vladimir putin signed a decree on the appointment of members of the government of the russian federation, director services after this, the president held a meeting with the new one. thank you very much, dear colleagues, good evening, i have just signed decrees on the formation of a new government, i
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congratulate you on this, you have gone through the procedure for approving the state duma in accordance with the constitution.
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the government has been updated, we have six new ministers, four of them came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them with experience in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, a sense of this territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best. skills, all my experience in the regions of the russian federation, in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government with maximum effect, at the same time i count on the fact that the government leadership, all colleagues on parallel
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tracks of work, will provide them with the necessary assistance in order to... and act successfully, we have many tasks, and you and i have worked out almost everything that we need to do in the next 3 years, but not only that, we also agreed that we will build, build our work for the next six years, and i ask you not to forget about this, the necessary personnel decisions must be made at the ministry and department level in a short time. so that the team is fully formed confidently and works effectively - according to the proposal of the chairman of the government of the russian federation, i have also now signed a decree on awarding state awards for colleagues who served in the previous government and did their job with dignity. i think this is
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the right decision, i want to thank you for this work and congratulate you on the government. awards, well, tomorrow i also intend to meet with colleagues who left their posts in the government of the russian federation, i also want to thank them for their work and agree on how and where they could apply all their knowledge and skills in new areas, in order to knowledge and experience were not lost, they could to work effectively for the benefit of the russian people and the russian state, that's... that's what i would like to say, in fact, i won't take up a lot of your time, if there is a need and desire to add something, i ask you, yes, please, dear vladimirovich, dear colleagues, well , first of all, vladivich, i want to thank you for your support, all the candidacies of deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were
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approved, today the final was already by parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution they passed, as you said everything... corresponding procedure, and here i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive and legislative authorities, this is done by openness when we see, including from parliamentarians, that feedback from people that you always talk about, the composition of the government, you know, generally preserved, was strengthened by the governor’s corps and this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state... programs, national projects that we were involved in, on the other on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important, the main task for our government is to implement the decree first and foremost. on the national goals of the new decree and, of course , all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. the government of the russian federation is your team, and we
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are ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. thank you. thank you. dear colleagues, in the near future we will have to determine the financial support for our plans, mechanisms to support russian families, citizens, businesses, well, in general, you understand everything.
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i am fully aware of my responsibility to the country, to the russian people, to the president of the russian federation, in accordance with the planned appointment, i undertake to apply all my strength, health, if necessary, my life, to solve the assigned tasks, and you know, i was guided by the principle of always here i want name it, i try to be guided and will be a guide, a reinforced concrete principle, you can make mistakes, you can’t make mistakes, that’s... with this i i want to finish, thank you. yes, this is very fair, you can make mistakes, you can’t remove them. many interesting statements were made by
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the current minister of defense. by the way, it is very important to pay attention to continuity. what is important is that andrei remich highly appreciated the work of sergei kozhugetich, that a new army has been created. and we really need to remember that these 10 years have been so gigantic. work, what was done in general, let me remind you that when sergei kozhugetovich took over the armed forces, it was 300 thousand, people in very serious condition, now it is more than a million, new types of troops, a completely different level of material and technical supply, a completely different level of attitude, remember the word hazing, now i think a generation has grown up that yes... does not understand what we are talking about, remember, that we didn’t have any exercises at the training grounds, remember how our guys
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served three shots during the entire service, and that was good, no, under shaigu - this is a new army, this is a restored school, this is respect for a person in uniform, this is absolutely...
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expenses, i want to emphasize that optimization does not imply, first of all, optimization of the military means indiscriminate reduction, optimization first of all means increasing their efficiency, so that every ruble of budget money that our citizens ultimately pay for business brings maximum effect, this also applies to allowances. and the production of supplies of new military equipment and weapons and personnel support, everything that is effective, advanced in the country, everything should work to achieve victory, to
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ensure the solution of problems. armed forces. the second task set by the president is to make the military economy and the work of the ministry of defense as open to innovation as possible. this concerns not only new technologies, but also personnel training, as well as new forms and methods of management. to solve these problems, a good foundation has been formed, under the leadership of sergei kuzhugetovich shaigu, a modern system of armed forces has been created that are successfully achieving their goals. this is a huge help. to fulfill the tasks set by the president. sergetovich lavrov also spoke, very interesting statement. russia and china are far from alone in their efforts to reform the international system and to promote the formation of a multipolar world order that would reflect the real weight of the states of their associations. we have many allies, and their number will grow, i have no doubt, and
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of course, that’s all. will be for the benefit of the democratization of international relations, when everyone will take their place in world affairs fairly, according to their real contribution to the development of the world economy, world politics, the world security system, and not through blackmail, threats, ultimatums, as the west is doing now. well, the way the west is doing, they won’t succeed, their attempt is to shake up the situation within the country. is also doomed to failure, before that the russian guard is ready to fulfill its professional duty, that’s what the director of the federal service of national guard troops, viktor vasilyevich zolotov, said, of course, personnel training is the most important thing, and most importantly, what i talk about all the time and said, this is of course combat readiness, combat readiness, in this in this regard, we just spoke, raised the issue of the need for us to have heavy weapons, tanks, artillery,
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mines... that the federation council held consultations and made a final statement on the power bloc and then the necessary documents were sent to signature to the president and at the same time in the state duma the appointment of all deputy prime ministers and ministers took place, that is, by the evening of today, ministerial governing bodies in the country
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were formed in parallel with this. passed reassignment of the administration of the president of the russian federation, that is, in general, a short deadline in a very working mode, but at the same time absolutely informal, but meaningful, because of course it was necessary to listen, well, to all the discussions, all the statements, to pay attention to what questions were asked, these are the requirements that were lined up, the tight deadlines in the working mode and what happened in a meaningful way. approval of all institutions of public administration for the next presidential term, that is, for the next 6 years, and as i understand it, the principle of maintaining stability and continuity, and on top of it the addition of the necessary innovative components, is fully observed in this work, and... and
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you can simply observe this, and you can simply look at how, well, things necessary in connection with the challenges are added time and environment and situation, to what has shown itself to be, well, worthy of continuation , deserving the name of a strong and fundamental base, that’s what it’s about. the appointment of andrei removich to this post, of course, wonderful words were said, here it is absolutely, very important that the importance is emphasized that the continuation of the development of the armed forces, not only not in a vacuum, but will occur, will occur on a solid basis, well, in fact , it was said that the entire modern system ...
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of the armed forces, was created by the previous minister of defense, tomorrow there will be a board, as i understand it, in the ministry and what i saw from the information, behind the register, yes, at first, there was, so to speak, either ridicule, or some outright expressed fear, well, from these changes , a then there was great hope on the ukrainian side, i think that now there and in the west they
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will adapt to the team, that now discord will come, well, now we have hope, now discord will come among the russians, no discord will come, no discord will come by the way, it will happen that this company... of the enemy also noticeably confirms what the presidential press secretary, peskokov, said today, for example, he said that the kremlin does not expect any disruptions in the work of the ministry, well, i’m retelling it in my own words , i don’t remember the exact quote, here it is and this means that a reaction was required from the president’s press secretary to these attempts, yes, that come from there. so i am convinced that absolutely planned, calm work will continue, all innovative components will undoubtedly be added, and the necessary, well, new decisions
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will undoubtedly be made, but they will be taken taking into account the fact that they will increase the combat capability of our armed forces , so they are needed only for...
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they have the initiative, well, look at how many have been released in recent months and what losses were inflicted on the enemy, but this is all very, very serious, now the movement has begun near kharkov, well, which obviously added to the panic, because i don’t remember such a state among them, even at the initial phase of a special military operation, that’s when they just got stuck with..
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that for zelensky’s gang is the path to personal salvation, this is how they see it as the path to personal salvation, so i believe that the situation is as follows: in the west
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, the united states must make a decision in the near future, that’s what it’s about. what are they up to with this will do? here, by the way, is a signal from the head of our foreign intelligence, yes today. sergei naryshkin said that a number of western leaders, euro-atlanticists, as he put it, are considering the outbreak of a big war. for the sake of preserving my own hegemony, i would take this statement of the head of the foreign intelligence service with great attention and seriously, because they have information, of course, this is their job, so i, as an observer , look at all this with such, you know, historical, analytical point of view, it turns out that, well, at this point, conclusions in certain...
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global confrontation and, accordingly, well, a long, different type, different type of resources, political tasks arise, so to speak, additional here, and i am convinced that these are the changes that have been made , they were produced within the framework of the understanding of this next stage and this next big threat, but...
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in china, and of course there is a very serious line of interaction between the personal chairman of xidingpin and the president of russia vladimir putin. by the way, there is also a format for conversation where the leaders of the countries speak, and the relevant ministers and government managers also participate.
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are high, and this is confirmed by several factors at once, which have recently begun to play a special role, on the one hand, these are undoubtedly structural changes in the bundesweir, if we talk about germany, which are becoming so obvious and so understandable in the direction of the militarization of germany that by it is absolutely impossible to get past this. on the other side, the situation in ukraine has changed in such a way that even that very conference in
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switzerland, which is talked about so much, suddenly lost its significance, including for the west. and here is a very interesting moment. after all, all the time, and olaf-scholze, everyone in europe was always talking about what we will decide there, we will talk, we will do, suddenly they announce that they are going to go there, it’s interesting here, vladimir rudolfovich , you understand and know this very well, and so do your colleagues, they do not provide accreditation for journalistic pool, this is the first time i’ve heard such a thing, that the chancellor of germany, who is going on a trip abroad, and as he says, she... is high enough, there is no accreditation for the journalist pool, moreover, i myself read this letter from the government press office, in which it is written, whoever wants to go, please contact the swiss foreign ministry and get accredited there, then we will then decide who will go there and how we will
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meet with whom, and from switzerland, i will also tell you information, very interesting switzerland, today's, for example, newspapers and today's information, which is in switzerland and
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there you can think about it, otherwise we will simply stop working and, accordingly, people will not be able to go anywhere in the vatican and see anything, but i want to tell you that a strike or a path in the vatican has only happened once in the history of the vatican , and he was for political reasons, and this was in 1988, when the solidarity society in poland, which needed to convince pope paul ii to provide...
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conditions, and for health reasons he is not very capable of resisting many, many some kind of pressure from the outside, and he was placed by the pope in switzerland, he is now placed in such conditions that he either has to go to switzerland, and of course he was given a condition, that is, if you do not go to switzerland, then there will be a reserve continue until people simply stop working, there will be noise and all these other things, but can’t they just be given in? nafimi, well, i think that half, i think that you would do it, raise your salary, burn all the water, yes, but i think that everything is going to force dad go on sick leave or refuse to resolve this issue, then state secretary parolin or foreign minister gallagher comes in second place, who should
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go to switzerland, this is the kind of operation that is now being carried out in an attempt to raise the level of this very thing. galakers can be sent anywhere, including to switzerland, it won’t be worse, who signs a sick leave, by the way, a really good question, one frenchman, who signs a sick leave for dad, belarusians are always asking questions that it’s impossible to answer, it’s terribly simple, no, he has a local doctor there, i know who, in fact, you’re laughing, but in fact, dad really gets sick leave, he is paid sick leave, as far as i remember, 63% of his salary. well , a little well, well, well, well, well, his holiness also has to live for something, but what do you think , he goes to the store to buy himself some boots and a suit?
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no, it’s just really interesting how it’s organized, yes, it means that now there is such an attempt to create a new structure, the bundeswehr,
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this includes everything, the creation of new branches of the military of some kind related to unmanned aerial vehicles and the creation of some completely new management structures, and of course, a conscript army, which everyone is talking about now, in this regard i will just name a few numbers, so that it is clear what germany is going to do? and how is she going to solve this, they are going to make all these structural changes, spending on this this special fund in the amount of 100 thousand euros, and the expenses are 100, 100 billion, i 'm sorry, 100 billion, 100, 100 billion, 100 billion euros, and the expenses or budget of the ministry of defense per year is 63 billion and one more figure for comparison, they simply create 100 billion, which they take from taxpayers without paying for social expenses, but... germany has paid since the beginning of hostilities in ukraine , in the form of various military assistance to ukraine. 32 billion. that is, recalculated for one
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year, germany spends a quarter of its military budget to support the defense of a foreign state, taking this money from its law-abiding taxpayers. one of the leading experts of the bundeswehr, there is one mr. masala, who wrote, well, we can, he wrote a book. which is called conditionally defensible, and he is in this book, it really came out last year, but in this one he wrote that if the bundeswehr has to defend itself, then all the reserves of the bundesweir of capabilities will be enough for exactly 2 weeks, so this whole structural rearrangement is returning to this issue of a big war, of course it can happen, but for this big war, at least germany is definitely not ready, these are only big plans that they are currently being devoured by expenses for ukraine, which are not yet... unjustified for germany, and i think that taxpayers will definitely return to this issue. thank you, alexander, now advertising, then we will continue. how about
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a double express? certainly. premiere. he didn’t come here late to drink coffee. he's the one pecking you. don't talk nonsense. it's so good that we met. we are now one family. we are waiting for a wedding invitation. you love her, right? if it’s warm, we also once felt warm together, until everything burned out, yes, yes, nothing not burnt out, light in the window, tomorrow on rtr.
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your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. please, introductions and roll call can be done without formation. i am very glad that you came to visit me. how much tea is drunk, how many stories are told. i was cocky in a white suit. and i begin. here mark anatolyevich zakharov takes over. and this was probably akin to a phenomenon for me. cross to the people, how many secrets have been told, i am like a man hunter of women, i like to attack, dad imagined that i would have a completely different husband, and how much more is still ahead, i foresaw my fate, now everything is only coming true, i surrender everything with joy, let's all wave our hands when everyone is at home with timur kizikov, on sunday
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on rtr, your husband butted a statement about attempted murder, what? he suspects me, we ’ll figure out who poisoned him, i need to do an examination of the medicine, so you could, joke, i’m not going to make excuses, you’re going through a stage, everything is against you, i promise that we will figure it all out, spring is late, the premiere is on saturday on rtr, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air,
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americans today, of course, are not burning like children, after all, people really have a hole in their heads, it’s surprising, the hegemon has gone completely crazy, the united states is imposing sanctions against the georgian authorities if democracy in the country is undermined, and what will undermine it is that the georgians are adopting a law that is almost similar to the desha law, much softer, volodya, even softer , but
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it undermines everything that...
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something the subject of your study is becoming dull before your eyes, don’t look at me like that, i wasn’t the one who suggested this president to you, it’s not even like acting as a president, not a president, he works for kamala haris, your girlfriend, by the way, works there, my name is joe biden, i work for kamala haris, i asked her to be my vice president because i knew i needed someone smarter than me. at the same time, he apparently thinks so, but that’s not enough , unfortunately he once saw the guy on the prompter speed up and the grandfather almost lost his breath he got lost, all the dashes and commas there , oh well, look, the views of scranton and similar cities are very different from vidalag, this view, when money does not determine such value, everyone is worthy of respect, deserves
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a chance, no one leaves behind such an america, we are building, that’s why. .. floating away in the rain, why are you tormenting the old man, send him already, you just now tormented this one, the pope, now this mine, the pope is not a pit. okay, okay, you remember your dad, i told you, now you’ll also be a guarantor of stability back and forth, by the way, who are these people, these are the people who don’t want to drive chinese cars, these are the people who want
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to get ballpoint pens for free, they give them away when they sign for one, no, there are several, several pieces there are a few pieces lying around, so to speak, then later it will be a good souvenir, yes, you have it, and these people are talking about someone in the sudennikori. it’s just that when you look at it, this is the readiness of the commander in chief, by the way, so yes, these are the commanders in chief in, well, let’s put it this way they are now they talk about leadership all the time, let’s call them the first nuclear power in the world there in terms of warheads, it’s true that they are inferior to us in terms of carriers, they are also inferior , okay, at least the second nuclear power of the modern world, he is the commander-in-chief, that’s when he will give orders to his general, well, millie no longer, yes, we know what millie did, but i don’t know how millie was an infantryman, but miles and miles from this place, yes, here’s charles brown, he’s a pilot,
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maybe he’ll act a little differently, but although i think that in these conditions he will act exactly like this, it’s interesting, of course, how he has changed, i looked a little at the blogs before coming here, the first ones began to receive, as they say, responses to the formation of our government, indeed in the past, yesterday i said, if such an independent spoke out that it really happened, here is the russian government, finally there is no russian leadership there, there is no unity , everything is falling apart, shoigu was transferred because he failed everything, this is the new york times, this is fast, no one picked it up, this is all, now the tone is already like that the russian government has been formed, putin has now done everything, now he will go again.
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well, what if he comes up and says: comrade , apparently to me, apparently, by and large, by and large, by and large, he does not correspond to the current establishment, then that person, of course, is russian, it’s clear that russia is in charge, the main thing, the main evil that needs to be fought, and the fact that all the upcoming elections, they will be precisely determined by the fact that in russia it is always, always the first to succeed, so it has carried out everything, it turned out that it was nothing. it didn’t work out why hold elections in america, you can use the ukrainian blinkin formula, you can, you can, if the people deem it necessary to vote, then you can hold elections,
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what kind of tradition can a country have that is the age of the big theater, so what about the young people are weak, that every thing was not necessary, that they did it every 4 years, even during wartime they spent it. they are trying to destroy the third president, but they are having trouble, so, therefore, for as long as they have , a democratic country can be destroyed their elections are indirect, they may crash, now, for example, for these elections, in general, one of the candidates, so to speak, is leading to the fact that he may, as it were, die, may not live to live, yes, yes, like a then he has a lot of, well, i don’t know, a cucumber, not a cucumber, but there are pimples, yes biden, biden has solid rears, he just called them, kamala, of course, of course, you can wait
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, then in the distance this signature yasha drawing was heard, that is by the way, she began to laugh less, which led to her swearing more, but they said, mother, stop, stop laughing, the donkeys in the area begin to respond. she disappeared somewhere here for 2 months, so to speak, she didn’t flash much, now they’re putting her forward again, here are some jokes like this, this, this, this, this now.
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remember the soviet economy, there was an advanced sector of the military-industrial complex, this sector was developing, there was what we had practically, but we could transfer it to civilian areas, but this is not, well, this is a simplified idea, of course, but this is what belousov it just poses the question in a different way, then remember what we’re talking about here on the show talked.
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due to the fact that soi, well, the strategic defense initiative, which was put forward in the eighty-third year, in terms of technology, they could not do it, but by developing a huge investment in this, they brought america into the 20th century, well, at least some economists the americans said so, now there is a combination, well, they call belousov a technocrat, a technocrat in the military department, who, in general, must create an economy that will be integrated with...
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its own image, yes andrei remmonic , well, it was that bloc of, well, let's say economists, where it seemed to them that they had staked out a long-term stake , certainly not a supporter of gaidar’s models, andrei removich is a statist, this is certainly just in his time, well, this is the history of our faculty, so i can probably say a few words when our faculty emerged from...
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in general, this is a tradition now, of course, in such a situation, i would honestly say that it was a wise decision of the president that sergei viktorovich remains as minister of foreign affairs, this is very important at the present time, when he is now talking about that most countries, in fact , we have a lot of allies, their number is growing, and that we are truly striving for a multipolar world, in this even more important year, the americans too... now
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they appreciate this, because we will now to consolidate brix, let's go further there, what kind of discussions, they are very afraid that brix will now move on to discussing financial issues, remember, we started discussing this last year, now the situation is becoming even more acute in this regard, so it is quite possible we'll move on this path, de facto, you may not agree with me, but it seems to me that de facto we are now experiencing a bipolar world.
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but speaking, well, a politician at the dawn of his powers, yes, he aspires, now all these statements of his, they go towards the fact that guys, you see i, i can lead nato, and the european commission, and the european council, anything, that’s why there’s such a personal thing here, that’s why with these leaders who are building a kind of order, defending the old order, and it’s actually now bipolar, but... growth new centers, especially, let's say, that 's it, the americans managed to do quite a lot, but at least with argentina, this bloc that formed around brazil, i mean mercasur, well, on a basis, on a basis on a basis
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economic, of course, they have now managed to, well, to a large extent, cripple it, i must say, but nevertheless, i think that this is also temporary, so brazil will work out. it has a reason to create its own center, ur has it, indians have become completely different now, well place emphasis, especially considering that, apparently, with the americans, this whole game that has been going on there for the last few months, it has not led to anything significant for this country, so to summarize, it seems to me that yes we we are truly facing a military... threat, it is great and we have entered a new period when our president announced, in fact for the first time, said that we are conducting these exercises and that the west received a clear hint that if you cross certain features, yes we want what we can, we can use it,
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that’s why there is a military threat here, but how acute it is at the moment, how ready the west is for military confrontation. in a sense, then we moved on to the numbers, that is , they really quite accurately name both the percentage of gdp that is spent on defense, and what, so to speak, what belausov actually did all his life is quite curious, this is not a surprising thing, i don’t know what it is well, this usually happens in two cases, when, let’s say, it’s not very
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i want to quarrel with a new figure there, so when there is some confusion, let's see what it is here, and as for the fact that biden is working for kamala, but in a sense it is, because there are now two main teams competing in washington, and regarding what to do next, strictly speaking, in american domestic political life, and accordingly, from the external part too, it will depend, these are those who want to keep biden, and this means for everyone that after some time kamela haris will become president, they are trying to convince everyone, well, this is normal, this will work, if only trump is imprisoned now, well, there, say, in the state of new york, so that the federal authorities will have nothing to do with this, in general, everything is about. ..
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this is really a very serious american question, in my opinion, this is what it is, this, by the way, relates to the issue of a big war, the whole world now has a very serious american question, the point is not even that it’s even a nuclear one civil war, in essence, no power there is no other financial architecture in the world yet than the american one, there are a certain kind of building blocks that, well, the indian ministry of foreign affairs, for example, stated that they have something like that, we talked about how we are moving towards this, indeed, brix will... apparently discuss financial issues, and this is a race against time, because no other financial system exists, it is all in the hands of opposing factions united there.
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into conflict, well, because there are not just the interests of some abstract america, there
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democracy and so on, but really the same elite groups, because taiwan is not only a processor, they have already evacuated it, these are trade routes, and the south china sea, well, here a colleague will tell you in more detail, so to speak, these are also trade routes, if you lose control over them, you will lose a lot of things, in this sense, for example, here is another important moment, this law... the american ban on the import of russian uranium is something more than just another sanction, when jake saliev, adviser according to national security, the president of the united states, says that the united states is regaining its leadership in the uranium sector in the field of peaceful nuclear energy, you need to understand the state of the uranium mines of the united states and canada, they are practically empty or are in a condition that will take a long time to restore them, where they will get uranium where they turn their eyes, this seems to be very important. but the choice there is small, that’s it, that’s why i won’t go any further, i won’t say where they’ll go next, i’ll go
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very far from our border, that’s it, that’s why there’s a certain kind of dangers that also need to be taken into account, by the way, for the chinese comrades, since they also have interests on the same continent where we are, it also makes sense for them to take this into account, well, as for the european leaders, this seems so funny to me thing, because nothing depends on them, but to me... the authorities, what they, what they will do, well, i think that they will seriously put pressure on china
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from a financial point of view, well, because on us it’s already quite difficult, they will blackmail, so really a serious reduction, no, they are afraid, you see, like again, like with a big war, they tell everyone how bad it is when other countries, so to speak, actually leave the dollar economy, here... the same situation may also happen, that in fact there is a plan, well, i don’t know whether it’s plan a or plan b, to shut down a significant part of the world, and so to speak, this very dollar economy, especially since if by that time they consider that there is no other way out, or a sufficient amount of resources purchased for these same dollars, which they themselves imitate have already been transferred to the territory of the countries under their control, well, let’s say, friendly countries of latin america have this same sound, for example, like the same ones in taiwan.
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there is also such an important thing here, so to speak, especially since china, probably, should finally finally understand, in my opinion, that they cannot pass between the streams, well, it is clear that it has a difficult situation, the domestic market needs to be developed for my look, as if the father-in-law of those problems that have not yet been solved, the belt and the path does not lead anywhere now, well, because everyone it’s clear that europe itself admits that it will become a civilian victim of this confrontation, which is why they are blackmailing him, but they are introducing appropriate measures against him. they say: look how we can punish you, that is, in my opinion, this is really
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such a serious thing, returning in conclusion to the very beginning, we... in this sense, have no choice but to build our own economy, our own model, if they join it, and or together with someone we create this new economic model, then it needs to be done faster, because this is already a race against time, apparently, because the economic indicators of the united states are falling, but they claim that they are growing, and this is always very bad, especially for everyone outside the united states, as i already said, you can make mistakes, you can’t take it , well, yes, we didn’t hear.
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those are the issues that are on the agenda of russian-chinese relations, but i would like to say a little about the situation that is developing around china on the eve of this visit, you know, because we talked a lot about chinese-american relations, we talked a lot about economic sanctions, about sanctions, so it must be said that
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recently the situation around china has been changing very quickly, almost in the twenty-fourth year , so to speak, politically... relations with the united states, blinken’s departure from china, the ambassador's arrival, refusal, none of the chinese officials saw him off, already speaks of the nature, so to speak, of relations, political relations with the united states, scholz's pizits, meeting with macron, with vonderleen, here is sedzenpin's trip to europe, especially western europe, because serbia and hungary there are a completely different issue, a completely different meeting and a different relationship. they show that, in general, relations with the united states and the european union, despite all attempts, meetings with biden, and some, so to speak, hopes for a certain settlement, do not give any success, and that the west’s attitude towards china , it remains and even moves along the trajectory of increasing, so to speak,
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confrontation, if we also look at the situation that is developing in the south china sea, as with... about this, if i may, right after a short pause, because the situation there is really quite unique, yes,
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12:55 am
provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism. this is supposedly some kind of parallel agenda, why don’t you care? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch, substation , the first podcasts we watch, can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves into this choice? i have problems in business, and you remember tanka, vasil, and she
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was still in love with you, but she is not married, it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other, but not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childhood love, it’s stupid, girls love. so that their dreams come true, olya, your husband, husband your cheating on you, olya, olya, come on together, page, stop, this has never happened before, you don’t see me, you don’t even look in my direction, but i, i’m a woman, where we are not, in friday on rtr, this... you’ve never been anywhere without peter, you haven’t said anything, we just now found the strength to come, diana gurtskaya, if he were here,
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and he is here, what would you tell him, i i love you, dear, and i miss you very much, i will not let you down, you are my eternity, you are my life, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov in friday on rtr.
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but it did not bring any tangible results, then the americans switched to another tactic of such targeted imposition of sanctions against chinese companies, that is, finding out the most, so to speak, promising, most, so to speak, developed chinese companies, by the way, they are now doing the same thing in relation to our it -companies, so to speak, when those companies that enter the stock exchange rise and receive very large orders, they immediately impose sanctions against them, immediately, absolutely, the same thing and in china, so, a new round of sanctions against china began in march of twenty-three, when five companies... were
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accused of trade relations with iran, and all these are telecommunications companies, they would actually have come under sanctions. further, this is already october of the twenty -third year, these are already 42 chinese companies, again, all these are telecommunications companies, quantum companies, so to speak, the most modern sector, let’s say, which also find themselves under american sanctions, they are prohibited from purchasing at all any, so to speak, products in the united states and... the states decided that they needed to strike a particularly strong blow here, and here we see that in april they impose sanctions against four chinese technology companies, and you know why they are helping to strengthen china's defense capabilities , that is, that is.
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it is not surprising that putin sought to weaponize corruption in ukraine. well, he’s a pure idiot, yes, whoever said it, it’s called, that is, the americans who corrupted everything they could there, starting with burism, are completely crazy.
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the states, as they see it, are threatened by the security of the united states, so these 37 more companies are being withdrawn from the market, but again all participation in general, so to speak, any purchases in the american market are also prohibited; finally, just the other day, biden signs a decree on increasing duties on goods on chinese goods totaling $18 billion, while he says that he is doing this for the workers of national businesses, yes.
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that is, we see that in the form of such a big event, so to speak, here this visit, we see that the united states, so to speak, simply noticeably strengthened and intensified this policy of sanctions, you see, and here again the question arises, do they really not understand in a certain sense that this policy ultimately, so to speak, will suffer an absolute collapse, yes, they succeeded, frankly, in december, when biden introduced this... another case, already against us and china, against our relations, in december biden introduced secondary sanctions against chinese banks for trading with by us, this, of course, turned out to be a very serious measure, because we have already said for a long time that the chinese banking system is such a heel, this is the part of the chinese economy that is most integrated, most dependent, works, so to speak, in the dollar system, so for them any to say
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threats is... controlled, but you can look at different options, the simplest option, as it seems to me, is to just take a suitcase, board a plane, fly to china in 8 hours, the payment has gone through, the goods have arrived, that’s all, this option, maybe it’s not, well, it could be a barter system, there are many different ones,
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but in any case, these are all crooked schemes, i want to say, what are we fooling, let ’s use rubles in yuan, in yuan work, well, for the chinese it’s beautiful and causes difficulties, because the same banks that work in the dollar will work in yuan.
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“well, for example, our banks are already under sanctions, so what’s stopping us, for example, in a number of chinese territories, with a number of chinese they only work in purely ruble schemes, this what's the problem with the chinese, no, well then it should only be our banks, please,
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okay, they will agree sooner or later to this and come, no, no, but they will be joint capital, it is necessary to introduce an alternative financial system, they will return the land to the indians , please, land of the indian, american sanctioned weapons have long been known to be combat-ready and in the near future counter-sanctions will only be used more and more
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often, the americans know this, china has already repeatedly imposed sanctions against the united states of america in europe now scared of possible counter-sanctions from china. regarding european producers, when macron complains about the state of affairs in the european economy, and the barrel echoes him, then this reflects not only the personal ambitions of these politicians, and they certainly exist, but it reflects anxiety about the state of the european economy, in general, the americans made the europeans, and this fact, europe is now the biggest losers, yes they are.
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and macron is talking about this more and more often, so this is not only a claim on some pan-european institutions, but also the loss of the chinese market, have lost our available energy resources, they say: and we, and we a... and we, and we have nothing else, which is interesting, they are now returning to russian raw materials in a roundabout way, because they understand that this has hit their economy, but the train has already partly left, they have already lost a lot on american liquefied gas, which was three times more expensive, and they have to pay to reorient, it’s not possible to reorient back so quickly, the same macron constantly says that... that europe is worried the same anti-inflation law that america was accepted several years ago, perhaps more than anyone else, and if officially. well, if now macron, in
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an interview with bloomberg, quite seriously, together with a journalist, talks about what will happen if china adopts sanctions against europe, they say: oh, they will stop buying our cognac, jokes and jokes, but europe is littered with chinese-made solar panels , electric cars. and so on, well, they were very stupid when, in addition to this, they also refused the cheaper russian raw materials partially, because it was still not possible completely, again, new figures indicate that they are returning to this again, but as for conflict in the world, a global conflict is still possible, the danger of this remains, and this danger exists.. in at least three points, this is eastern europe, this is the situation around china,
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there is not only taiwan, there is also the philippines, and this is, of course, the middle east, most informed even western politicians and analysts say that this is small. the calm that has now arisen in the middle east region, this is just temporary, and this dancing over the abyss that we saw is over, what? why did you run out of ammunition? no, it’s just that everyone was really scared that a big conflict would start, but its danger remains, we will return to this dance on the abyss in the near future, i believe, because the problems have not been solved, and these problems are just a few, even theoretically can be solved, no, they cannot be solved at all, especially since the americans cannot solve them. who have very little knowledge of this region, well
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tom friedman recently wrote a column in the new york times, which clearly reflected the sentiments that exist in the biden administration when he talks about the need to teach israeli prime minister netanyahu to think strategically like americans so that he abandons his plans together, for example accepted the plan. the united states of america on the reconciliation of saudi arabia, i am simply amazed that the americans do not understand that the same plans are in place in the middle east, they still matter, and for netanyahu, for israeli society, this is very important, equally just like for the palestinians, for whom everything is seething and who cannot stop, so this is a small temporary lull, soon, i assure you, everything will return. back to square one, into dangerous
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circles, and we will again watch with bated breath, they are going to recognize the palestinian state as part of european policies, i can’t understand within what boundaries, but all this is talk to a greater extent, because, firstly , moscow has been talking about the need for this for a long time, it is clear that it must be implemented, it is clear that the council resolutions must be implemented security, he comes to us, like ushakov now. announced that the palestinian leader mahmoud abbas will arrive soon, all this is good, but in fact , no one has a mechanism for creating a palestinian state, no specific mechanism now, in the near future it is unlikely that those borders will be drawn on the map in which this state can normally exist understand, on the one hand they say that israel must return to the borders of the year sixty-seven, on the other hand, when we tell them to get out of the border ninety eight. they say that this is impossible, yes, well, guys, be
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consistent, that is, we are not even asking you to move beyond the borders of the year sixty-seven, they cannot be consistent, because america, it usually does not think beyond its electoral cycles , they don’t have such a backlog, and the deep state doesn’t think that far either, it’s mostly money, money, money, and not just any kind.
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did like they made israel a macropower, because they brought all other macropowers to the level micropowers, they destroyed them, they brought war there, they did the same with europe, stupid europeans said, no , you can’t do this with us, no, what are you going to do to us, what are you going to do to us like this, he says yes , and how are you different, well, now in my opinion, we give americans more weight than they have, because from...
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upset, well, it’s quite complex, far-reaching in politics, the only thing that’s difficult is that we need to explain a simple formula to idiots : boy, your task is to light the matches, that’s it, well then the situation is even more dangerous than i am i’m describing, then the danger of a global conflict in this region, as in
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the other two i mentioned, it persists for a long time, and the tragedy is that we still have people, including in government institutions , saying, no, stop it, of course we must agree, no, what are you talking about, well, well, we have to come to an agreement, drive them away, well, well, well, well, with whom about what, what are we talking about, what kind of construction, doesn’t say, well, well, well, this is america, we have to sit down with them to talk, this is the white owner, this is sabib, sahib, aka kebab, aka sahib, no, it won’t be possible to reach an agreement there, it won’t be possible to reach an agreement there, but it is from this point of view that they look at our new government, they understand that our new government. this is an absolute awareness of the fact that the situation in the world is very dangerous, the game is on, our government is in shock because their people are not there, they suddenly got a government that is nationally oriented, that does not feed on western ideas, not only that, but that is still in everything uses the experience gained,
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including the soviet economy, right, well yes, and the scoop doesn’t scream horror, it’s just a real tragedy, it wasn’t beneficial to other participants, and exactly the same, well, hitler, he came to power in thirty-three and thought: so i’ll fight now with the soviet union and the usa and
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great britain, i will defeat them all, he did everything to ensure this, well, of course he wanted war, but he did it in order to first break great britain and come to an agreement with it, perhaps, and then break the soviet union, then somehow change and so on, what the usa is doing, they are going the same way, of course they interested in causing defeat. it will begin, there is a clear definition of the third world war, this is the nuclear factor, nuclear weapons as an element of warfare, this
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definition has been given, everything else there is hybrid, a proxy, these are such semi-scientist arguments about what the third world war is. so, three centers, one eastern european, and it has expanded, this is not only ukraine, this is already the baltic sea, this, unfortunately, is the region of the belarusian-polish-lithuanian border... that is, where russia and belarus is colliding with the nato bloc, this time. the second, clearly defined one, is the pacific hotspot of military tension, where , not only in taiwan , tension can flare up, which will lead to the third world war. and the third source from which is the middle east. here are three. let me remind you that in the second world war two were enough: european and far eastern. now there are at least three of them. was there another african one? and african, of course.
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this is a lack of resources in the united states, not only economic, but political, diplomatic, to ensure their leadership, both global and in individual regions, this is the resource deficit that they have, plus the formation of forces that are ready to collectively take responsibility for the formation of a new world order leads... to the objective causes of the conflict , the question is whether this hegemon will take extreme measures, including the use of nuclear weapons to maintain his leadership or not, while we all think that it’s more likely yes than no, apparently, but we’ll see how it develops, but in this regard, about the important russian personnel days, why they are important, in that yes, the west really turned out to be...
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that is, the west is afraid of this, because after all this, and after the victory this the factor will remain, let's not forget that the red army, the victorious army of the 1945 model, was one of the most important instruments of foreign policy influence of the soviet union at that time, russia has this factor, this is not some idle reasoning about well, russia can, it can’t, it is proving on the battlefield that it can, comparable to china.
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according to the new law, this is from 20% of foreign funding, if you subsidize 10 thousand organizations, well, take it, multiply it by six, you will see by 10 activists.
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economically dependent on the west, capable of pursuing its line; this is one of the signs of this crisis of us global leadership. now advertising, let me continue it with a new lineup.
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light in the window. tomorrow on rtr. there are places that fascinate because they are part cultural code, because they contain power, beauty and history. conquer! the order is ready! explore! nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty! have you already figured out what the vietnamese's favorite means of transportation is? there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it! oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is. as my mother says, you'll lose your mind. this world
1:32 am
is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india. they say that a properly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner. secretly to the whole world. in sunday on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism, this is conditionally some kind of parallel agenda. why not a reef? continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch. substation, the first podcasts we watch.
1:33 am
losing your first patient is always very difficult. you have to come to terms with this, but i don't want to put up with this. from the capital. i’ll be the new traumatologist in your hospital, she killed a patient in her capital, that’s why she fled here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crooked crap, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to put andrey nana, no, get busy with your life, you are my life, love under a microscope, on saturday on rtr, beloved.
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i'll tell you why blinkin comes to kiev , why they all go there, it's not about the fact that there are no shells and... we have to wait, now
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help will come, it’s not about don’t surrender kharkov until the elections in america have passed, no, we need to cover our tracks, because if suddenly this whole scam called ukraine ends, they will start asking questions, and it will turn out that the eighty-two-year-old american pensioner was scammed telephone scammer from ukraine for 62 billion dollars, this will happen only this year, it will be a nice good joke, but really, what are we dealing with?
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and andrey derkach directly it turned out that ukrainian terrorism was sponsored by partners the biden family, it was possible to identify all members of the group involved in undermining the northern streams, and the threads lead to the lascivious little wisp of the current head of the white house. the amount of the bribe was 50 million, in fact, we have these documents in the reports of the prosecutors who monitored this process, but 6 million was in cash, that is, there was cash. handed over to ukrainian law enforcement officers to close the burizma case, it was all documented, the person who transferred these funds was caught on camera, it was one of the employees of the burizma company, kicha, a certain lawyer. all europe was looking at the largest bribe in the cache of 6 million dollars, these 6 million dollars were seized and were forever evidence until a certain period of time, closed by a court decision, a secret court decision that we provided. the money was transferred to
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the disposal of the gur military unit for carrying out terrorist activities, after which the northern streams began to explode there, after which dugin’s terrorist attack was attached, a series of terrorist attacks began. derkachi told a lot of interesting things, listen, he’s not just a people’s deputy, he’s the son of a former the head of the ukrainian security service, he is a very informed person, he is a very informed person,
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all this happened under the supervision of christopher smith, this is the second person in the embassy of the united states in ukraine at that time, such a famous tserushnik, today he holds the post of assistant secretary of state for europe and asia. the guy was promoted, he had a very good personal relationship with... with the former leader of gura burba, and he also participated in the preparation of this operation, in fact, his student is kirill budanov, such an interesting person who participated in and even organized the cover operation; they didn’t just abandon the cirushki, they instructed to carry out, in fact, coordinated all actions for the cover operation along the northern streams. by the way, derkach also answered the question, who is in charge now?
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some are not reported, but strictly speaking, the decision is made not by ermak, but by the heads of western intelligence services to carry out certain actions, i think that all these sudden trips, like blinkin’s trip, they are completely different, and not about that a weak woman will hold it, but they call it that or not, well, that is, they, that’s not what we’re talking about, the main question is so that the documents don’t leak. because there, of course, the whole
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biden gang has their hands full, and it is absolutely in vain for us to communicate with them as legitimate authorities, we are dealing with the sponsors of a terrorist.
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the french happily say, we supply missiles that need to be disposed of, it’s cheaper to give them to ukraine, well, what if they explode there right on the territory, the question is at what price do they consider it, and most importantly, who someday the great-grandchildren of rich ukrainians will return this money, they won’t be able to earn money like that, there’s simply nowhere, the country is destroyed, so they’ll write it off. of course they are in a hurry, and this must be understood very clearly, everything that the shaps, shmaps and other bastards say there, what difference does it make to us, we must defeat them all,
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just all of them, they must understand, not a single one of the sponsors of the ukrainian nazis will run away from responsibility, and it does not matter whether he is the british minister of defense. who decided that it was possible and necessary to shell crimea, is he the president of france, is he the political figures of poland, no, nazi germany, the whole of europe then, which stood shoulder to shoulder with them, also thought how sweet everything would be for them, but this time we will carry out denazification much more harshly, you know, in continuation of the words of andrei dorkach , about... with whom we are dealing, we, apparently, in connection with the events that took place on the last presidential inauguration, victory day, so little notice passed the message that a second witness was killed in the united states boeing case think about it, for six months, two people
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who testified about corruption, so to speak, about the affairs that took place at the boeing corporation, in front of the whole world, well , they talk about suicides there, and some others, well, they still understand perfectly well that this is well there are no such coincidences. they kill the second witness and no one is embarrassed about anything openly, and no one asks the question in any, so to speak, so -called democratic country, that is , in their words, they have democracy, if you kill in the name of democracy, it means everything that’s right, but if you defend your sovereignty, your homeland, then you are a scoundrel, a bastard, apparently this is their jesuit logic now, you know, apparently, apparently this is how it all should be assessed, the second person for six months with...
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so to speak, you understand , that they, just recently somehow closed, yes, there was an attempt on the life of the crowned prince of saudi arabia, who , so to speak, is on good terms with the russians, well, the judges say that there is nothing. you see, americans do not stand on ceremony, they kill their political opponents or those who are considered competitors or adversaries there, and they consider this absolutely normal, hide behind it so to speak in the name, that is, in the name of democracy, as they believe, you can do anything you want, so it’s impossible, i absolutely agree with you, that we should never forget with whom we have...
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please note that it was under sergei kazhugetych that the temple of the armed forces was built, it was sergei kazhugetych who led this tradition, the military parade begins when he passes under the icon, takes off the fodder, i think that's not sergei kazhugerich, this is still russian officers, so to speak, excuse me, we had serdyukov before that, and a uniform with shoulder straps on the chest, but it was horror, it was generally horror, how it was born, then yes, what it was under serdyukov, i don’t want to comment at all, i’m not a military man.”
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murders, those who are behind torture, those who are behind war crimes, there are people whose guilt, so to speak, if someone shoots them six times and runs over them with a car, so to speak, then the whole country will only suffer from this i'm glad it concerns you by the way, it’s surprising, yes, that russia was not blamed for the death of witnesses in the boeing case, it’s even somehow awkward, usually we are blamed for everything, then suddenly it suddenly dawns on us, in general, it’s as if we were accused of just sticking it when it’s someone i was worried, well, on the other hand, you are right, yes, you know the thing, i read with great pleasure these hysterical statements today in ukraine , yes, there is panic there, panic there, panic here they are hysterical, well, they are hysterical, they are hysterical about our offensive, about no need to be hysterical, you just have to come to terms with everything, everything is correct , so what would i like to say? i understand that we are now going to one of them. do you know how it is possible, what will happen if you run from a sniper? you'll die tired, right, so why, don't run from a sniper, you'll die tired, yes, so, uh, excuse me, about, now, so
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to speak, we, in my opinion, are approaching one of the most serious, or maybe even key moments of a special military operation, and i understand perfectly well that the amount of disinformation from the ukrainian on our side, yes on our side, this is absolutely normal, so to speak, so that the enemy, so to speak, the enemy should not understand, i urge all colleagues... not to use some of your insights, not to tell where we are going let's go ahead, because all this information, don't say that we are already approaching warsaw, i'm telling you, you need the ministry of defense for 10 minutes, you know, we will pass warsaw without noticing it, yes, so , so to speak, all the information is people , which are systematized by some data, you shouldn't do this, you know, that's why. i say again, god grant our guys success , good luck, so to speak, everything is moving forward, but for them, you know, i’m not a military expert, but i
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understand what it seems to me, you can say, yes, that we are rocking the situation for them along the entire front, they cannot understand in any way where the direction of the main attack will be, they are hysterical about this, they are shouting about the amounts, about kharkov, now they are shouting that no, this is a diversionary maneuver, they will now go to kiev, because that they yes, that they give it to us disinformation, we are russians, we don’t wait, go crazy, that’s what we’re talking about. i understand that now there is no need to listen to anyone at all, we have a military-political leadership, they are excellent, they have all the necessary information, they will make a decision. so to speak, we just need to under no circumstances come across any of our own that are superfluous, you know what , pay attention, not a single western military expert has ever guessed correctly in his forecast over the past 2 years, not a single forecast turned out to be even close to correct, at the same time they they continue to smartly pick their nose with their finger and say something, but how can they even read our president, he
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’s been breeding them like suckers for 7 years, you know, on soft paws, but they all thought that they would hug him and strangle him, but then at one point bang. everything, but it’s amazing how much they don’t even have objective information, they constantly come up with some kind of information for themselves, but because if they are based on ukrainian statistics, then we no longer have a population left, everything has died, the usikh have already declined, it is not clear who same as of us at the front, on the contrary, they had an army of more than a million, only 31 thousand died, where they all fell, well, about 500 thousand they say russians died in russia, well , look, if 500,000 died among us, that means at least another 2 million wounded , well, do you see the tears of 2.5 million families somewhere, you know what a catastrophe it is, it’s just not, well , you’re nerds, that is, you’re not ours now, that is, ukraine is morons, but they’re just, well, social networks monitor, because the bbc once tried to monitor our losses,
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they abandoned it because they just couldn’t count how many would suit them, they didn’t get enough all the time, they couldn’t fool you, here’s a video from ukrainian. a catastrophe is happening, i ’ll translate one fact, it’s interesting, yes, we know everyone , so to speak, that’s what they call the uhilians , those who are now fleeing from ukraine, uhilanta , uhilanta, yes, that means, every day, every day in odessa through to moldova, through the place you know how many, up to 300 people are escaping the cost of one now do you know what 7.0 was six months ago from 15 to 18? people, people, wait second, there are actually people here, mothers are selling the last of twenty-year-old boys, 19, they are saving their children, there is a catastrophe, these non-humans, they have simply doomed the country to destruction, they are saving mothers, fathers are selling, mothers are selling, they are already themselves, so to speak, they, they say, to hell with us, they have nineteen-year-olds, twenty-year-olds, they understand that these creatures will sooner or later
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take these ones, from 15, so do the math, now it’s from 4 to 5 million dollars a day. per month it’s 100-120 million dollars, but they share it with the moldovans, that’s it, that’s just what it goes through nestor, this is only what goes in the odessa region, and there is also there in western ukraine, and there are also several points there, so every day, every day they collect these last ones, people themselves give this money, all these indicative there, who they catch, these are those who did not pay, those who wanted to escape for free, every day up to 300 people, i have absolutely accurate data, every day for 15. these people are fleeing the country, parents are saving their children, they are doing the right thing, well, there are no other options, unfortunately leave, because these creatures will take your children, they will die, that’s what the topic says, so the adviser to the head of the ministry of internal affairs, viktor andrusev, if you are a draft dodger, deliberately ran away, then in principle you do not have the right to say that you are
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ukrainian, you are a gypsy, in principle.
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well, you see, i also don’t mean anything, but - most of all, of course, this interview with budan struck me, and not only us reading from here, yes, but i also look
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at the comments of ukrainians, budanov’s interview about these very critical days from kharkov bunger about the kharkov operations, i sent the last reserves, i ordered there, and who is he, the head of the gur, it would seem, no, indeed we saw footage that somewhere there... the head of the gur, who in an interview with an american newspaper says, we have gaps here, here we are not ready, and here i threw in my last reserves, but this is of course funny,
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i’ll tell you honestly, in this regard , the statement of grant shabs, the british minister of defense, is noteworthy, you mentioned that yes, we allowed the attack on the crimea , since we consider this to be the territory of ukraine, despite that his colleague foreign minister cameron said that it was about russia. which everyone in britain is making fun of, even the conservative press, the guardian generally spread, saying that it was written by a chatbot of some kind, which was given the task of using the language
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of some teenager, so that from a set of random phrases, etc., it was composed of this speech, and not a rishisunok, and at the same time everyone understands that he is announcing that he is starting his election campaign with a complete failure in the ratings of the conservatives. fear based on the project, yes, that is, where is russia and china, here is russia and china, everything is leading to a nuclear war, only he, sunok, can stop this world sliding into a nuclear catastrophe, and not the labor party, but to be honest, the russians look much more british than rishisuno, everyone laughs again, even a conservative newspaper, well , listen, excuse me, he has a view of... in the usa, maybe he dreams of going to build his career, this is an anecdote, not
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a prime minister, some kodorkovsky, and now he’s more british than richa sunok, he will at least get out somewhere, but at the same time, we must understand that if risha sunok, this project, starts fear, if he announces strikes on the crimea and so on, they... are clearly preparing some kind of provocation to raise, that is, they are making this the basis of their election campaign, we saw this yesterday, so we need to prepare for provocations that they will try to blame on russia, in this regard it’s funny, funny, but we must understand that this is for a reason, no, this is for a reason, that’s why poseidon, so be careful when navigating, don’t touch by chance days than there was, yes, but what options, other options. no need, no need, the scots
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will thank us again. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues in a hurry to deploy nuclear weapons. i already demanded, give it back to me, nuclear. how are things on the front? the weather is cloudy, hail in places. the guys act confidently, the commanders act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight from
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the equipment, and we have one there. grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i need to know the truth, i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose
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your memory. retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you remembered something, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, but get out of this slush, let spring, spring into your heart belated, premiere on saturday on rtr. you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he’ll come to your house himself, we ’ll get started, he’ll always help, we’ll train on how to walk on ice correctly, he’ll always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asma, how to take medicine correctly, will always support, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pan of dumplings. or
2:04 am
a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, i sleep, that’s how a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100% will make you happy, well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase, dr. myasnikov on saturday on rtr can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems in business. do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you. and she is not married. it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however, not everyone. well, you liked me at school 20 years ago.
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so the most noticeable thing that happened today was the speech of the new minister of defense and his phrase, which is probably quoted thousands of times today, that you can make mistakes, you can’t lie, and for everyone who is at the front, for those who go there travels, for you, we know perfectly well what the minister is talking about, and most importantly, we know the price of these words,
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because... if we can really.


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