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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 2:00pm-2:30pm MSK

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the premiere is on saturday on rtr. in the sun, a new flare, the most powerful in the last 25 years, scientists promise a strong radiation load on the earth’s atmosphere, interruptions in mobile communications and the internet, and recommend that weather-dependent people prepare for pressure changes again. thank you for watching, bye, on the russia vesti channel, in the studio evgeniy rashkov, hello, the main thing for this hour.
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the dnepr group completely liberated rabotin in the zaporozhye region. the enemy lost more than 1,100 people per day. fresh news from the ministry of defense. what tasks did vladimir putin set for the new government at the meeting in the kremlin? what was discussed at the first meeting of the cabinet of ministers, chaired by mikhail mishustin? who was appointed to act as governors in five regions, from where the heads left for moscow. how valentina matvienko introduced the new head of the accounts chamber boris kovalchuk, the team. the white house is concerned that russia is changing the trajectory of the conflict in ukraine. what did biden’s entourage notice and how do they perceive the envoys? zelensky, who are besieging congress. georgia is threatened with blocking its path to the european union and nato if the adopted law on foreign agents is not repealed there. this is the answer in europe. either snow or hail scared the vacationers.
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an ice drift is approaching yakutsk, we have to blow it up, where winter still doesn’t want to leave. vladimir putin today appointed heads of five regions, the heads of which went to work in the new government in the presidential administration. decrees on the appointment of acting governors are published on the website. kremlin. the kaliningrad region will be led by alexey besprozvannykh until the elections. he is 44 years old. at his previous place of work at the ministry of industry and trade, he was responsible for regional development. kuzbass was headed by forty-eight-year-old ilya seredyuk. over the years, he worked in the local administration in the government, was the mayor of kemerovo and the first deputy governor. the president entrusted alexey smirnov with the highest post in the kurt region. he is 51. smirnov is in his sixth year of training. dmitry milyaev, he is 48
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years old, a native of the same region, previously worked in the regional government and was responsible for the development of agriculture, in the khabarovsk territory the governor's chair will be occupied by the now former deputy prosecutor general of russia, forty-eight-year-old dmitry demeshin, he is also a graduate of the governor's school. all these preferences. support for regions affected by floods became one of the topics today at the first meeting of the renewed government. according to mikhail mishustin, the orenburg region will receive 5 billion rubles for the restoration of housing and communal services. the cabinet of ministers gave local businesses a one-year deferment from paying taxes and other obligatory payments. this is a benefit for companies whose income was reduced by more than a third due to the disaster. another 4 billion.
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in the current difficult conditions, we need to act in a single ranks and organize all the work without any pauses. colleagues, i ask you to be very attentive to achieving the updated development goals of our country until 2030 and for the future until 2036, as well as to the implementation of all the provisions of the president’s message to the federal assembly. vladimir putin approved the composition of the new government. their decrees, they are published on
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website of the kremlin, the cabinet, headed by mikhail mishustin, included 10 deputy prime ministers and 21 ministers. the president held his first meeting with this group. late the night before , vladimir putin called on the prime minister , his deputies and ministers to quickly identify sources of funds to support business citizens and finance programs. putin also set the task of fully forming teams in all ministries and departments in a short time and acting in unison with the state duma and the regions. what i signed decrees on the formation of a new government. i'll get you with it.
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and from what we have outlined, and from how we have planned to do this, to take into account in practical work the proposals of the state duma deputies, we have many tasks ahead, it is important for the long-term, sustainable, confident development of our country to act together, in a single system, as they say, in military terms, together with the deputies of the state duma , together with the regions of the russian federation, by the way, we have a new government. six ministers appeared, of which four came from the regions of the russian federation, these are people well known to us with good experience, some of them had experience working in the federal government earlier, now having worked in the territory, they acquired even more experience, knowledge, feeling for this
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territory where they worked and the territory in general, i really hope that they will use all their best skills, all their developments in the regions of the russian federation in order to solve the problems facing them at the level of the federal government, with maximum effect, at the same time , i hope that the government leadership, all colleagues on parallel tracks of work will provide them with the necessary assistance so that they act successfully, we have many tasks, and you and i have worked on almost... everything , what we must do in the next 3 years, but not only, we also agreed that we will build our work over a six-year period, and i ask you not to forget about this, in a short time we need to make the necessary personnel
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decisions at the level of the ministry and department , with so that the team is fully formed and works confidently and effectively as recommended by the chairman of the russian government. federation, and i have also now signed a decree on awarding state awards to colleagues who served in the previous government, who worked with dignity, well, first of all, i want to thank you for your support, all the candidacies for deputy prime ministers and ministers that we discussed with you were approved parliamentarians, for the first time in accordance with the constitution, as you said, all relevant procedures, and here... i want to say that this procedure increases the level of interaction between the executive legislative authorities, this is done by openness when we see, including from parliamentarians, the feedback from the people that you always talk about, the composition of the government in generally preserved, was strengthened at the expense of the governor’s corps, and
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this is also very important, this will allow us to ensure, on the one hand, the continuity of those state programs and national projects that we were involved in, on the other on the other hand, the feedback that colleagues from the region will bring here is very important. the main task for our government is to implement, first of all, the decree on national goals, the new decree and, of course, all the tasks that you set in your message to the federal assembly. the government of the russian federation is your team, and we are ready to begin solving all the assigned tasks. new tasks will be assigned to former ministers who were not included in the renewed government. but they worked effectively, vladimir putin intends to hold a meeting with them today. and the president emphasized that all planned plans for the development of the country must be implemented. in the near future, we will have to determine the financial support for our plans, mechanisms
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for supporting russian families, citizens, and businesses. in general, you all understand what i’m talking about, we have been working on this with you throughout. almost the entire previous year, well, at least 6-8 months, and maybe a year - in general everything is clear, but nevertheless, if there is a need to fine-tune something in terms of... identifying a source of funding, this needs to be done as quickly as possible. i wish you all the best and congratulate you on the start of work in the new government. the news that came from the special operation zone less than an hour ago. russian units completely liberated the village of rabotino in the zaporozhye region. this settlement was perhaps the only one that managed to capture the ukrainian armed forces during its failed summer counteroffensive. in the kharkov region.
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forces are urgently trying to erect at least some protective structures in order to slightly slow down the onslaught of russian troops, but our artillery is stopping all such attempts. in the krasnogorovka area , mst crews knocked out a german leopark a202 a6 tank. the motorized riflemen used the scorpion m robot to destroy the stronghold. the footage shows how the vehicle easily overcomes obstacles and approaches the vsso positions. then explodes. the successes of the russian army
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are causing increasing concern in washington. new york times citing sources in the white house write that russia is gaining momentum and changing the trajectory of the conflict. the biden administration says moscow is using effective military technologies. and now it is unclear whether biden will be able to repeat at the june g-7 meeting his statement from a year ago that russia. has already lost, the author of the article notes. there is a growing feeling in the white house that the next few months will be decisive before peace talks can finally begin, the new york times concludes. this prospect also frightens the kiev mode. according to a political publication in washington, zelensky’s people are demanding that biden lift the ban on the use of american weapons to strike russian territory. well, further in our program, what vladimir putin said in an interview before his state visit to china, why georgia
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was threatened with closing its way to the eu and nato, and what frightened vacationers in anapa so much, we’ll see you about this and more after the advertisement. or maybe not double express, of course. premiere. he's the one pecking you. don't talk nonsense. so good, that we met, we are now. one family, we are waiting for a wedding invitation, you love her, it was warm, well, we also once felt warm together, it hasn’t burned out yet, yes, but nothing has burned out, light in the window, today on rtr, allow yourself a first-class vacation with leo resorts! elegant details, a celebration
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of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites. superb world class golf resort, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixsas golf villas and suits sharma. rixsas premium segate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for
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children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsos premium segate. rixas premium seagate. open for yourself a real gem on the coast of bodrum. titanic lakshery collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic lakshear collection bodrum. our life was a sad fairy tale. he always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya for the first time about the main loss in her life. i will never forget this evening when
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this happened. how did you find out, heard through the phone? “a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry, petya is gone, everything just turned upside down in my soul, sometimes my heart happens, as if it has a premonition of something, petya leaves, and he always joked somehow, i have such a premonition, something well, what happened to the plane, or what? he comes into my room and says: “don’t you want to say goodbye to me?” i have the impression that if i were there, this wouldn’t have happened, they say that time heals, time doesn’t... heals anything, time simply teaches you to live without it, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. losing your first patient is always very difficult, you have to
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come to terms with it, but i don’t want to put up with it. from the capital, i will be a new traumatologist in your hospital, she killed a patient in her capital, that’s why she fled here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crap, crooked one, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people , i want to put andrei on his feet, no, take care of your life, you are my life, love under a microscope on saturday, on air we continue our broadcast: chinese initiatives to resolve the ukrainian crisis can become the basis of the political and diplomatic process. vladimir putin stated this in a long interview with the chinese xinhua agency. the russian leader spoke with his correspondents on the eve of his trip to
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beijing and harbin. report by alexander balsky. for the arrival of the russian one. it’s just that at the highest point, but also beijing’s diplomatic relations are not strengthening, despite the difficult situation in the world. it is important that modern russian-chinese ties are independent of the ideology of the political situation; their planned development is a conscious strategic choice based on a broad coincidence of fundamental national interests, deep mutual trust, strong public support and sincere friendship of the peoples of the two countries. all this, putin will say, would have been impossible without the personal participation of the leaders, calls chairman xi wise and far-sighted, and every meeting with him is a conversation between old friends, as a result, trade turnover has doubled over the past 5 years,
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and china and russia are actively investing in joint innovations, space, artificial intelligence, energy, the russian direct investment fund, which, with the help of chinese partners, has already attracted almost 800 billion rubles into the russian economy, just today agreed in beijing on new projects, this is construction in the distant in the east of the first liquefied gas transshipment terminal, as well as pharmaceuticals, russian vaccines will be produced in china, and the best chinese drugs will be produced in russia. interaction through technology parks, through venture investments, in support of interaction between russian...chinese technology companies, that is , our countries have immunity to external challenges, but putin once again emphasized to chinese readers: all global turbulence, including in today’s economy, is due to the west’s reluctance to follow a multipolar course. the us-led western elite refuses to respect civilized and cultural diversity and rejects traditional values ​​that have been formed over centuries. in an attempt to maintain their global
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dominance, they arrogated to themselves the right to indicate to other nations with whom they can be friends and cooperate, with whom they cannot; in beijing , this position is shared in the same ukrainian conflict; they understand the root cause, but putin once again spells everything out: moscow is open to negotiations against the west. unfortunately, these initiatives do not find support either in ukraine or its western patrons. they are not ready for an equal, honest and open dialogue based on mutual respect and consideration of each other’s interests. instead , western elites are persistently trying to punish russia, to isolate and weaken it, is supplied by the kiev authorities. with money and weapons, they have imposed almost 16,000 unilateral illegitimate sanctions against our country, they are threatening to dismember our country, they are illegally trying to appropriate our foreign assets, and they are turning a blind eye to revival.
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relations since the russians built the chinese eastern railway here. the first railway bridge across the sungari - binju, here is often called simply russian, and this is in many ways a bridge of friendship, which at the very beginning of the 20th century connected not just two banks, but also two countries, and it’s not about geography. this is where china and russia are connected spiritually. the bells were cast in the moscow region, the pine was brought from irkutsk, especially to recreate an exact copy of the wooden st. nicholas church, which was once the first to be destroyed in kharbineno. during the years of the cultural revolution. i was little when my father was sent from shanghai to harbin to build a metallurgical plant together with soviet engineers. and st. nicholas church then still stood next to
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the house. for me, this picture is from childhood, that’s why i wanted to restore the temple. but the patron of arts did not limit himself to the temple, and now here the whole volga ethnographic park, with huts, the minepetrovsky palace and a boat, heroes of pushkin’s fairy tales. according to putin, ancient chinese traditions are treated with no less respect in russia. i always discover with great interest something new about the unique and original traditions of china, especially during a visit to the prc. i know a lot about your martial arts, including wushu, which is very popular in our country, respecting chinese philosophy. my family members are also interested in china, and some of them are learning chinese. just tomorrow leaders will announce the official start of the cross year of cultures, but today in front of the russian embassy in beijing they unveiled a truly symbolic monument to two bitter ones, ours. maxim and chinese luxin, which is called chinese bitter due to its similar themes. the ceremony was attended by grandchildren and great-grandchildren of famous
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writers. alexander baalsky, nikolai petrov, lead china. the eu also joined the us pressure on the georgian leadership to achieve the repeal of the law on foreign agents. in the morning , a whole force of officials landed in tbilisi from europe. the lithuanian foreign minister immediately made a threat. the russian-belarusian parliamentary assembly will create a commission to investigate terrorist attacks and war crimes on the territory of the two states. about the facts of western financing of terrorist acts and...
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the flood situation in the tyumen region has worsened again. the settlement in the south of the region is threatened by the irtysh river. employees of the ministry of emergency situations monitor the condition of the embankments. colleagues from other regions provide assistance to local units. ugra rescuer they evacuated a whole herd of horses that were trapped. in yakutia, ice drifts are approaching the republican center. blasting operations are carried out in places where congestion occurs. and it hit the krasnodar region.
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alexander solzhenitsyn immediately became a special city, because the local street, the embankment, became the first russian soil that he set foot on after 20 long years of exile. wherever solzhenitsion appeared, crowds of citizens and dozens of journalists surrounded him everywhere. ansaevich always got excited when he remembered this until his death, he himself remembered these days in vladivostok in connection with this, as god’s, god’s. blessing, the exhibition in vladivostok was named after alexander solzhenitsyn, the way home, the inter-museum project invites us to think about the issues that worried the writer, many of which
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are relevant today. his article on how we can organize russia with a question mark, then it remained unclaimed, but today, rereading this work, many are finally beginning to reflect on the questions that he posed in it. the exhibition tells the story of the stages of the thinker’s life, starting literally from school, a whole panorama of events associated with solzhenitsyn’s expulsion from the ussr, this is the very coat in which he was sent straight from lefortovo to germany, the return of the nobel prize-winning writer 20 years later , museum workers, designers designed the exhibition in round shapes, this is the life and creativity of the author, an artillery reconnaissance officer who was constantly on the move and a reference to his historical epic novel the red wheel. every scene in this space, the most by simple means here, it will be a change in light, or, in fact, the transformation of a wheel, at first it will be the image of a children's railway, which will then
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dictate this to us. return, then this broken wheel in motion and then this actually unfolded line of the wheel inside which we find ourselves as a spectator. having opened today, the project will work for several months, its authors call on eyewitnesses of solzhenitsyn’s visit to vladivostok to visit the site, exchange memories, and also participate in discussions about his creativity. andrey kolesnikov, denis yunak, dmitry popkov, lead the far eastern bureau. counting. this is a government body whose work is of particular importance in the current difficult conditions, valentina matvienko stated this today during the procedure for introducing the new head of the department, boris kovalchuk, to the team. his candidacy, nominated by the president yesterday, was approved by the federation council. all government bodies, including the accounts chamber, they must reboot, they must highlight the main
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priorities. use new tools engage in serious analytical work, which also falls within the competence of the accounts chamber, fulfilling the national goals that the president has set, these are issues of technological sovereignty, issues of supporting our military personnel and their families, issues of fulfilling government orders and price control, these are the main tasks. russia together with the country. islamic cooperation will continue to fight discrimination based on nationality and religion throughout the world. sergei lavrov stated this in a video address to participants of the forum of young diplomats, which takes place on the sidelines of the russia-islamic world forum in kazan. representatives from almost eighty countries take part in it. nothing brings a family together like a big secret. don't
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miss the continuation this evening. hello, evgeniy, by the end of the year it is planned to produce 50,000 cars, including those with an electric motor, their production is scheduled for the third quarter. the first zheva largus will be of two colors in a single configuration, but other versions will be added later. the conveyor was transferred from talyati to last year, all this time the plant was being debugged
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and launched with... more valuable, thousands of tourists come here every year to admire the flowers. this type of tree is endemic, that is, it grows only in these places, and although its fruits are not edible, people are sure that thanks to the flowering , the area emits powerful energy that charges everyone who finds itself here. yuri, thank you, have a good broadcast. well then we...


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