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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 2:55pm-4:01pm MSK

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chukotka. after retirement, he worked as a game warden, but at first during the special operation he could not stay in the country and managed to get him taken to the front. watch at 15:00. the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, all news can always be viewed on the media platform we are watching. app or website. that's all for now, see you soon. a big musical premiere, and i have a question, please tell me, how many will sing, how many will not sing, virtuoso singing or virtuoso facial expressions, i can’t imagine at all, this may be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master vocalist.
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you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you. you have a choice: love or life. it’s my own fault, i provoked him. with such freaks, everyone is to blame, everyone except them. write a statement addressed to the district officer. none of your business. on sunday on rtr. "we work in the interests of our country, our job is to tell the truth, our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. in the depths of yours." hertz purity, like
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a baby's sleep, purity in some hertz, silence does not even breathe, we leave defectors, marveling at the love of the sun, to the depths of our hearts and to the depths of our soul. hello, this is our program. he was eager to fight , for several months he went to various authorities, military registration and enlistment offices, military units, but everywhere there was a refusal. 67 years old, they don’t fight, that’s how they answered him, but age is not a hindrance for people like him, especially if there is a sincere desire to serve the homeland. 67. 67, yes, you already a great-grandfather, probably three times. when
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military correspondent vlad zizdog published this footage, the whole country learned about the fighter with the call sign chukotka. apparently, a simple man, but for the soldiers on the front line, sergei nikolaevich bogorev became like a father. come on, sons, come on, well done. sergei nikolaevich had nothing to do with military service, raised children, 45 years old, worked in chukotka. i decided to meet old age in the south, in the krasnodar region, bought a house, took care of the garden and enjoyed the bathhouse. put an ear of corn for the aroma so that the bathhouse is oily, they burn well, but a quiet life in retirement was prevented by the war in donbass, when i saw the atrocities of the ukrainian military, i realized that i couldn’t sit at home, it was a very difficult moment, they showed me one video where there were such ukrainian boys, a girl of 10-12 years old, and it all shifted to my family, to my daughters, and i said, i have to die.
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for many months he knocked on the thresholds of military registration and enlistment offices, but because of his age, they turned him down everywhere. the cossacks helped. local chieftain ivan bezugly came up with a cunning plan. i say, let's put him in the humanitarian aid, i. i'm sending it to there, so to speak, they didn’t notice, he was taken to the front line along with a humanitarian cargo, just like that, everything was in a marching manner, he was a grandfather, he fought along with the young people, and once he only miraculously survived, wounded, shell-shocked, he got out he himself saved his comrades, and then ended up in a hospital in crimea, the whole of chukotka was worried about him, words of support flew to the hospital ward across the whole country. sergei nikolaevich, we are herding. and after the treatment, he came to the cold tickling, which gave him a really warm feeling. sergei bogorev was greeted by the whole village,
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right next to the plane. it’s been six months since he returned from the front line, but he can’t get used to peaceful life, because he’s behind a ribbon. the guys are waiting for him, it’s not a good feeling, as if i abandoned someone, left someone, didn’t finish something, so i’m trying to clap, i want to go there, fighter sergei nikolaevich bogorev with the call sign chukotko, today in our studio, hello, hello, hello , sergei nikolaevich, you were always so restless, but no, life is like that, life is like that, boring, we’re not like that, life is like that, yes. at what point in general, did you decide to be there on the front line and go to the northern military district? well, i couldn’t do otherwise, i’m a russian person, and in general, for centuries, russian people, when they were obviously in danger, took up arms and stood up for defense, especially since i watched the video, i realized that we were at war, excuse the expression with scum,
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to which everything is possible, everything is accessible, which dictates its terms on how i should live, how i should raise and raise children. sergey nikolaevich, what’s in this video? and what did they tell you, what did they say, old man of age, i tell him, i’m experienced, i’m not old, but you have combat experience, i served in the soviet army and that’s it, as in principle i gave it all up for long periods of time, i had no combat experience, but from your circle a lot of people ended up there, we have a village on
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the checkpoint, this is voege, there the population is all 520 people, this is with children, with everyone, with old people, all this, five guys have already died, from this village, many... they served as volunteers or someone was called up, some are volunteers, a lot of tickling volunteers , who went like you, yes, they fight, well, like me, so younger, sergei nikolaevich, but you don’t have to go to war with weapons in your hands, you can help your homeland in a different way in the rear, for example, you didn’t think about it, yes, i was eager to go directly to the front line, they kicked me out, kicked me out three times, the sixteenth leopards came in, they took it like , then they said, no, we won’t conclude an agreement with you, i say, why, i’m not... i’m asking for a dance, not a disco, you say: you’re depriving me of the right to defend my homeland, my constitutional right, no, age child , that’s it, go home, it offended you or made you angry, and it made you angry, it offended you, and it brought you to tears it’s a shame, well, i’m a healthy man, but in general, who did you work at that time, when you went to
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the military registration and enlistment offices, that’s it, i didn’t work anywhere anymore, i ’ve been a retired pilot since 2000, i was from 2000 until 1918, i was a game warden at the lebedina state reserve , then a game warden in the onadore region... worked as a tickler, what professions in that life did you engage in, i say, especially in that life, before being a doctor, a veterinarian, my first profession, yes, my second profession, i went to the northeastern airbase at i will save the ruinous firefighters in the aircraft. sergey nikolaevich, what is a parachutist-firefighter? this, as they say, is from heaven to fire, this is exactly how you live, one might say, yes, such a life path is from heaven to fire, but what about here? what fire parachutist? well, in any case, we are bombers, we laid mine strips, extinguished the fire with an explosion and shovels, boots, sometimes it was like you were flying right behind a thunderstorm , once it hit, it just began to smoke, then two or three people jumped out, trampled,
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because there was a fire spreads quickly, if you grab it in the first hours, then there two or three people are enough, and after an hour, two, five, there is already a need for equipment... that’s it, he goes on horseback, then there’s trouble, we had deliveries by plane, well, there were deliveries by helicopter, we were stuck on the descent devices, but how did we get back? what about back? put out the fire, a helicopter arrives for us, transfers us to the department, we re -equip, pack the parachutes again, wait for the command, when a fire appears somewhere, we fly, an air firefighter is, let’s say, a worthy profession, then he became a parachute instructor group, then as an instructor of the parachute team, then retrained as an observer pilot, veterinarian pilot, assault parachute, well, observer pilot, sergei nikolaevich, and you, your beloved, whom you call grandmother, who does not like it when you... call her grandmother, they informed you that you come to the military registration and enlistment office and they give you a turnaround, how did you react? no, she
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’s great for me, she understood that i couldn’t do otherwise, i would distort my mother, well, if not me, then who? let's call your betrothed venera farisovna, please come in, it's been a while since i saw, hello, hello, hello, venera farisovna, well , of course you will forgive me, but grandma and you, this concept is somehow completely incompatible. you are such a beauty, yes, how do you live with such a fighter, it’s hard, hard, so we live like that, yes, he always suffers, you suffer with him, well, how i suffer, he said that you understand him, share him, well, for so much years, of course, but how many years have you been together, 39, how did you meet, met, well, there was a comrade, mobilized them to put out the fire, kobzhiu, like anatoly? anatoly yes, well, we met him, he took photographs there, so he invited me to visit him, and venus was
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his wife’s friend, so that’s how we met. venera farisovna, how did he conquer you? i don’t know , probably due to some kind of charisma of mine, i knew that he would go, that everything would be fine, there was probably nothing scary with him, it seems to me, it’s not scary. sergei nikolaevich, did you also understand that this woman is forever? who followed you into fire and water, well, something sank in your chest, just like that, before you went there, you wrote down some kind of appeal to your loved ones, right? yes, i wrote an appeal, well , there was no one in the area, my wife left, i took me to the children, somehow it just surged like this, well, it literally just splashed out somehow, i wrote and left, because it could have been like they say, it’s a one-way ticket, let’s listen to what you wrote down then, my dears, i’m again... leaving for the ribbon, there i realized that you have to live for what you don’t mind dying for, war is dirt, blood,
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suffering, but it is also a feeling of exposed nerve, a feeling of brotherhood, a feeling of comprehensive love for one’s neighbor, for family, for to your country, forgive us, if there is anything for it, for the fact that we are leaving you, forgive us too, but we cannot do otherwise, we are russian people, ask me too, i love you all, it will be ours, why would we want this it wasn’t worth it, but god be with us, you have to live for what you can die for and want to die for, for your homeland, this was heard in your very sincere appeal for your homeland, children. sergei nikolaevich, after all, how did you end up in your own zone? i came to the stupid ivan vasilyevich, god bless him, this is a man of great letters, military commissar, yes, no, he is an ataman, ataman. dad, what do you want to do, well, send me,
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i can’t, well, we talked to him, he poured out his soul, he is twice a hero of the kuban, i came and said, he believed me, he gave the go-ahead, he wrote to the commander of the bars eleventh battalion, call sign python, and sent him there , i went with the stew, well , i’m saying, let’s go, i was unofficial for two months, i fought, and then thanks to the brigade commander... a deputy patriot, he gave me the officer’s word, he got me started, they officially signed an agreement with me and through the cossack camps i was turned on. let's watch a video of how the cossacks remember how you got to the northern military district. our village is cossack, there used to be a village, now the city of krymsk, founded in 1862 , imagine what time it was, the entire population lives as cossacks. and here the cossack spirit and the cossack will, the cossack strength , glory, when our great
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chukotka came to us, because he himself came from there, well, an unusual person, with a backbone, with a core, with character, and most importantly with deep faith, insistently demanded to send him to the front, he says, i went around all the military registration and enlistment offices, me they send, go grandfather to grandmother's house, this grandson, well, here i come, i will live at the headquarters and will try to get you to send me, i say, let's kill him... and i send him so that he is not there, so to speak, we didn’t notice, thank you for your trust, we drove this car with boris maisovich, we loaded it full, there... there was space, everything was surrounded by boxes, bags, on top of masses, then sergei nikolaevich came up to us, such a bearded man, he says, i can go with you, we talk about where to go if the car is full, he says, at least i have to, but i i want to go with you to unload the cars, i’ll help, i’ll do everything, then we
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sorted out some of the boxes here, put him in the car and... loaded him with these boxes when we arrived, and he says: no, guys, i’m staying , fir-trees, a man older than us, got involved in such a thing, went to defend our homeland, we were joined by the ataman of the taman department of the kuban cossack army, ivan bezugly, and so did the combat foreman, oleg kopylinsky, hello, hello, hello, we wish him did you get some s'mores? selection is one thing, the second thing is, there are people who are strong in spirit, yeah, they have an inner core, i walked into the headquarters so confidently, you know, like going to my own home, i sat down, i say, you wanted to go to war, but you didn’t know each other before, but no , yeah, i say, but as for the war, i say, i don’t send, they send the military commissariat,
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training centers, let’s go there, he says, i’ve already been there, they said, go home, babysit your grandchildren. grandmother, i say, i ’ll probably suggest that to you too, well, i see he’s on fire, i see she’s offended by me i looked, i see a strong energy coming from a person, regardless of age, i was thinking, i said, let’s probably go to the village, and i’ll think for a week about how to send you, well, i think, i’ll think, somehow i’ll decide, in 2 day i come, standing up there is a bag of things, things tied up, i say, the duty officer, it’s someone... from his own, he says, no, it’s that svarenikovsky cossack who came, i say, well, bring him, they brought him, i say, sit down , i asked you in a week, i can’t wait, daddy, i can’t wait, send it, i say, well, wait, no, i i’ll spend the night here, i won’t leave here until you send me away, ivan, have you ever seen someone like that in your life, i’ll tell you, it happens, but very
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rarely, but she has a strong, inner spirit, you know, that’s... until the evening there is a lot of special military operation going back and forth and just people going to the reception, i entrusted olekh adamovich kolinsky, he is my deputy for civil service, i say, alekhan adamovich, get busy, so you came up with a stew, well, you can’t talk about it at all to tell the whole truth, why, but sergei is so stubborn nikolaevich, yes, he turned out to be a stubborn person,
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but of course he was offered difficult conditions, because a lot of people come to the department headquarters who want to join him. every day, and not everyone fits the criteria, especially he didn’t fit any of the criteria, well, you know how everyone doubted him, of course, although he had an inner core, he offered to wrestle on his hands, pull himself up on the horizontal bar and a kilometer i convinced the district champion to run, but you are the district champion, well, in some sports, no, he suggested it to you, well, i’m in a fever, who won, friendship, well, of course i gave in, yes. well, amazingly , i proposed this option, that you couldn’t do it legally, illegally, especially since it’s impossible, there is an option to just help people in need of humanitarian assistance, and i say, come with us, our convoy goes twice a month, wait in line and go, so he waited for this for the next three days, so he gathered with us, loaded more than
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anyone else, we were still watching him, when would he stop, but he didn’t stop, they took him to... they actually put him in her place, opened the boxes, covered him with stew, only his nose was sticking out of the window, he could barely eat, the three of us closed the door, so he moved to the front line. after 3 days we get through to the commander, i say, like lopez, he says, and you have a couple more of these, such a unique person, bring more, well, you know, how amazing, he
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told us the whole truth didn’t tell us, we also didn’t know that he was dropped off after all, we didn’t want to go back, so what are you they came up with an idea, well, then they dropped me off, guys, well, i slowed down, i said, this is where i need to go, well, they took me all the way, so you came to bars, and what did they tell you when you met, you came to the bar, no, well, the political officer there was gosha call sign here... i showed him the letter that he vasilyevich wrote, thank you very much for what i wrote there, he writes that i personally vouch for this cossack, there was such a note at the end, well , they took me, and how did you like it in the first days, nothing, it’s normal, that’s normal, like young lads, i’m from them, as they say, was charging, they weren’t charging from me, have you ever been scared, everyone is so scared there, well, everyone just knows how to overcome it in their own way, if someone says that it’s not scary there, well... i won’t believe it, it happens it’s scary, this is a normal protective reaction of the body, but i understood that if you’re destined to burn, you won’t drown, how to overcome fear, what you need
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to do, well, everyone in their own way, when the flight is strong, i crossed myself, lord, well, if not mine, then not anywhere, and if it’s not mine, it will fly by, sergei nikolaevich, what combat missions were carried out, everything that was ordered, i was on duty, in position, walked, poured, shot, they shot me, i shot, and what about the grandmothers? in which you fought there, we are working, brothers, here are our hurricanes, here it is, a machine gun,
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called mashenka, as soon as you need it, we are right there, so while we cover, a bird is flying, and they are shooting at us, now you will hear, here is grandfather's bed, here is where grandfather spent the night today. here somewhere i have the most necessary cartridges, grenades, all sorts of different ones, there are so many of them i have here, now i’ll show you my grandfather’s carrots, handsome guys, this will be the skin to spoil the leopard, well, this is a grenade for yourself, as they say, at the last moment, a check for the boys, there was an arrival just now, look, what happened to the monument, these are their grandfathers, they are the ones who respect their memory so much, it blew off half a head, brutes, creatures, i hate, i will destroy, soldier, forgive us for not
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saving you, forgive, forgive, brother, russian warrior, he stood and will stand, so nowhere, we will not leave here, we will go forward, evrgen nikolaevich, in which direction are you fought? near donetsk, alexandrov, komaryanko, then they transferred us to zaporozhye, verbovoye, rabotino, orekhovsky direction. but have you seen many monuments like this one there? there are many, destroyed, all kinds, all kinds, all kinds, you know, literally this monument, to victory day, the soldiers painted it, hewed it, plucked out all this extra grass, well, they did everything, painted the curbs. and then they destroyed it, and what happened to them, why do they give the memory of their ancestors? how do you think? yes, these are not people, we are not at war with ukraine, there are other scumbags
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in whom there is nothing sacred, we helped to the local population, they fed us, we had so much there, well, we gave it to the grandmothers, shared it, sergei nikolaevich, what was the most memorable battle for you, well, that ’s when they came, lay down and the mine landed right in... then everything went off. , fog, pain, well , somehow i felt it, let’s help the guys dig it out, well, they chose everything, that’s it, thank god, everyone is alive, everything is fine, you said, the trike buried you, well, it’s buried in my forehead, well, i just got my helmet cut off head, i got up there like that, i was buried up to my chest, i just managed to do it. he buried the nine most of all, but he was generally buried, there was more than a meter there, now he is in a hospital in krasnodar, he suffered the most, he was saved only by the fact
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that there was a dugout, a film, and first the film fell, and then the ground was on top, and there was still a visible layer there, but when they dug him out, he practically couldn’t breathe, his head was cut, we immediately bandaged him there, well, they called him, well, not even our car, there was some 71st regiment there it seems that the first one who arrived was seized for evacuation, well and we finished off, later in the program, he hasn’t seen his colleagues for almost a year, who? one of his comrades will come to the studio to see our hero, if you want to see him, well, naturally, we’ll invite him to the studio, of course, of course, well, maybe not the double express, of course, the premiere, he always clearly didn’t come to drink coffee, it’s him it’s tickling you, don’t talk nonsense, it’s so good that we met, we’re now one family, we’re waiting for a wedding invitation, you
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love her, let’s go? it’s warm, we too were once warm in the month, until everything burned out, yes, yes, nothing burned out, the light is in the window, today on rtr, cleaning floors is a tedious and dirty process that turns into torture for you, your back and arms, forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using it. broom and dustpan, using a cumbersome vacuum cleaner that can't clean the hardest to reach places is all a thing of the past, now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the help of the brand new livington electric broom dipper swiper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. separate
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there are people next to you, well, younger ones you, because yes, of course, there were such 40 plus and minus , there were also minus, these are the values ​​they have, what kind of people they are, tell us about them, i don’t know what they were like in civilian life, but there they are i’m coming... the battle moles dug in such a way that the faster and better quality you make yourself a trench, a dugout, the easier it is in battle, but chukotka is not enough, now he would do this whole
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thing in one fell swoop, chukotka arrived from the hospital, he was already wounded once, and i just arrived in zongo, and he was just my platoon commander, there was a battle with chukotka, we... held out for a very long time, after the battle we were very tired, fell asleep soundly in the dugout, then direct fire, a mortar, woke up from a sharp there was a film of pain on me, logs, earth, i really wanted to cry, i was very sad, well, somewhere my heart ached, there was a feeling that my soul was being torn, how... just on that day i felt it, because he and i have been together since we were 14 years old, we have been together for 33 years marriage, of course, i was very worried when they were covered with earth, chukotka saved me, when he told all this, he even cried, for me it was of course
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very difficult to watch it, when we came out of the ground, dug ourselves out, let’s say so, i couldn't find my jacket. be healthy. sergey nikolaevich, how long did it take you to dig up, comrade? oh there the time was about 40 minutes, more, probably, and what they dug up, he told me, he said, the nails and hands were like this, without skin,
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everything was torn off, he says, he was digging, digging, digging, when he dug it up, i looked, he was not alive, he was sorry about the fact that he couldn’t save, and then, when they took him away, it turns out he was alive, you dug up two people, well, essentially. one and a half, let’s say, the lab himself helped with all this, well , well done, in the plot we just saw who we saw, it’s the lab, the second, and the nine was completely filled up, and the nine, i was just digging there, i saw the bers on the leg and had already begun to climb there, i dug them up, both are alive and well, yes, everything is fine, thank god, yes, they both were saved, well, i helped, i helped, i saved, i saved, sergei nikolaevich, where is the lab now? i was in krasnodar, i called him on the phone, though i didn’t have to see him, i came to krasnodar, i met with the ninth, well, if you want to see him, well, naturally, we’ll invite him to the studio, of course, of course, well , well, yuri vladimirovich , please come in, you’re beautiful, that’s all.
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is it normal that you have it in your hands, is it really that same blouse, is it that same blouse, i owe you, i owe you, the last moments when we are tickling the last time we were together, i was left in just a t-shirt, the morning in the trenches was very damp and cold, it was really cold, and everyone also got hit on the head, the back of the head hurt from tension, from the cold, the tickling man took off his jacket, took off
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this underwear, he says , and gave it to me, they were still watering there, and we stayed in the trench for some time, then they brought nine, brother, i’m returning it, no, brother, i won’t take it, sorry, a gift, thank you for the gift, take care, thank you, take care, thank you, take care of it, as a souvenir and keep it for yourself, thank you, i almost walked through it. time. yuri, and you haven’t seen each other since the moment you dug up? no, we didn’t have to see each other, unfortunately, but when we called each other we always knew that we’d see each other, we’d meet. and how long did you serve together? er, that means, but probably about three weeks ago, a situation happened there when i arrived, ali, our first company commander, he assigned me to the second platoon, so i arrived, and you arrived as volunteers or what? volunteer, bass 11, generally a volunteer. yes, i arrived at the location, i was met by a fisherman, i say commander, he
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says no, i’m acting commander, the commander is in the hospital after being wounded, it will be soon, in 2-3 days the dacha of the cat, the platoon commander arrived, met, he means he clearly asked everything, where, who, uh, ranks and so on, everything, which means they served together , and then july 22, remember? movement from 2 o'clock in the morning, serious artillery barrage from the enemy, a tank broke through, three people broke through, naturally there was a sabotage group, each with several people, the situation was very difficult for 24 hours, which means they fought off the whole thing, they went on the assault twice, unfortunately not it turned out, there were already 26 somewhere,
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and to go out, then what happened, what happened, a direct hit, probably eighty, yes, if there had been 120, there was some kind of loss, with the head, yes, well, when they dug out, the starry sky over your head, and what a feeling in battle, in action, it’s not scary with it, you know that it will always pull you out, no matter what happens, which means fear is present, all this is understandable, but if the shoe works, everything is calm, you do it, and have you ever had internal questions? what about age? it arose, of course, but what
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did you tell him about this? he's like, i don't know like a bulldozer, i don’t know, calmly, confidently, everyone followed him, really, because they know that there will be a clear command, a clearly defined task, if necessary, he will always bear it on himself, someone has heavy weapons, he will take care of himself , stronger than some young people, by the way, i didn’t either... dared, yuri vladimirovich, you remember how the tickling dug you up, you were all lying in the grave, let’s say so, i dug myself out halfway, created some kind of movement, he saw this matter and helped i need to get out of there, they started looking for nine, there is no nine, everything is mixed up, everything is a mess, where the head is, where the legs are, it is unknown, he also says, we don’t work with a knife, but i understood that we couldn’t work with a squeeze, and we dug up the whole thing with our hands, do you remember? second nine, what he said before he lost consciousness, he says,
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i’ll take you to the salon, treat your hands, but file your nails, he says, i’ll take you to a salon in krasnodar, to a nail salon, yes, yes, i owe you a manicure, and there was also enough of some... then humor at such a difficult moment, well, there’s no other way, sergei nikolaevich, during the great during the patriotic war, a lot of letters came to the front from children, from women, today letters from... children, this is important, very, very important, the most that we lacked was communication with family, with loved ones, not only children, there are a lot of letters there, grandmothers write. besides your grandmother, some other grandmothers write and my 86-year-old grandmother sent a letter with pies, here are two letters that are very dear to me, one letter from a girl, when, damn, i even sat down, i’ll count
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from polinka, she’s 11 years old it was, here she is he writes, well, here’s a letter from a soldier, and here ’s a letter that was with me... a nurse took it out of my pocket and says it’s from my relatives, i guess i’m saying, yes, from my relatives, what in this letter touched you so much , yes, everything is literally, well, poetry, here, as they say, patriotic congratulations, everything touched me here, we found ada ivanovna, debda, who wrote this letter to you and
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brought her to moscow, ada ivanovna, please come in, yes, yes, davanna , hello, hello, come in, here he is our hero, hello.
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the snow is falling quietly, needles clinging to eyelashes, days pass in the silent passage of years, we look into the future with bright eyes, we are still sad when someone is gone, for the festive tree is next to us, there are lights in the houses, cheerful laughter in the houses, chimes the battle is tearing apart the silence of the airwaves, let us, friends, congratulate those who stand on this night... guarding the world, the rocket men are on duty at the missiles, everything is in place, the guns are near the tanks, let it smell like pine, let the snow sparkle, let the peaceful new people are welcoming the year, very warm words, happy new year
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year, our dear defenders of the fatherland, may god grant you health, strength, patience, military success in your difficult task, sergei nikolaevich, this letter was with you when you were wounded, it was the only one with me, this letter, he put it in my hand, this icon was like a talisman for me, i put it here in my pocket, it had some kind of mysticism, he gets it from there, helps us, helps, helps, yes, further in the program, this has never happened in our studio, incredible the presenters have prepared a surprise for chukotka, please come in, lord, hello, hello, your husband has filed a complaint of attempted murder. what, does he suspect me? we'll figure out who poisoned him. i need to do an examination
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support them with words... hello, dear soldier, and with deeds, without your help you would not have survived, only ours can, honor and praise to you, what you do is simply amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr, earlier in the program, he left to fight at the age of 67, it happened. the pensioner managed to get behind the tape, despite his advanced age, i am a russian person, and in all centuries a russian person, when the fatherland was in danger, he took up arms and stood up for defense, there at the front sergei nikolaevich bogorev found new friends, his brother was walking, oh handsome, yellow, and most importantly, he proved that he could
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be useful in battle. these are the ones who don’t give up, don’t give in to questions, don’t split, they’re strong in spirit. in the studio of the program our fighter with the call sign chukotka. sergei nikolaevich, who else from your family took part in the special operation? my nephew died, my sisters and son maxim. let's watch a story about your nephew maxim. beloved brothers. “hello, this is our village, our house was on the other side, he loved this village very much, he grew up and loved it, this is our whole family, grandma dunya, grandfather kolya, seryozha, and this is little maxim, me, well, as long as i can remember, i always remember being next to my brother, everyone loved him very much, respected him, everyone was always
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drawn to him, when the special military operation began, maxim immediately began to think, he was even more worried that his uncle went there, and here i am, a healthy man, sitting, as if, i also need to go, i need to beat out, to knock out the nazis, because if we don’t knock them out there, they will come to us here, we’ll have to kill them here, it turns out that it’s for the ribbon, my brother stayed for only a month, well, he died in the storm, at that moment my world collapsed, because he me... everyone, he poured himself a gold chain with an icon to order, he told me that if something happens to me, so that i have it, this is a memory that i will then pass on to my son, i hope that he will pass on to his children, i can’t, i can’t,
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i can’t do anything about him at all. i can't clean it up. with very little time has passed since my brother’s death, 3 to 1 month, so it’s very difficult for our mother to talk about him. this is the memorial complex that my brother created. there were very tough battles here during the great patriotic war, and he wanted the next generations to know this. dear uncle. maxim was very proud of you, at a memorial place for our family, for you, for maxim, soon we will open a monument to participants in local wars, as maxim wanted, and we really want you to be present at the opening. sergey nikolaevich, did you communicate closely with maxim? a did you know his desire to erect a monument
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to war heroes? he cleaned it, he was this plane, when the french one, this normandy was dug up, he also made a memorial plaque there in this place, that’s all, then to the cossacks who were liberated by belova’s cavalry, and to the paratroopers who died there liberating elenskaya, well the ground, that ’s all he is, that’s just the story at the opening , the commander of the airborne forces gave him a memorable gift, the knife is so beautiful, sergei nikolaevich, do you have a big family? big, how many children, well my wife and i have three, i also have a daughter from my first marriage, two granddaughters, a great-granddaughter, here i have maria two grandsons, sasha has a daughter, the family is very large, how many people are there in total, well , who can count them all, well, we let's count, 91 people, the closest ones, how many 91 people,
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we have three brothers and we all have children, we all have children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, grandson already, what a happy person you are, thank you, let's get to know your family better, to you, to you and i, about what i wanted, here, i fully and completely supported my father in his decision, and i i thought that if i tried to dissuade him in this situation, then in some way i would
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have betrayed him, but there was a desire to dissuade him, this feeling of desire was not to dissuade him, i understood that he needed it and he would not be able to live without fulfilling this desire, lesha, but you, until recently i had the feeling that sending him... to the front line was something out of science fiction, so i didn’t believe in it until recently, when all this had already happened, he called me again, i remember it was early morning, at first i thought that i was still sleeping, when i finally woke up, i was there called back, clarified what was going on in general, yes, the first day, of course, i did not understand at all what was happening, and only then i came to terms with the fact that this was still the right thing and fully supported him in this decision, be proud of your father, yes, of course, well for... your father’s act did not go unnoticed, we even invited him to the concert on february 23, which was broadcast on our channel. let's watch a fragment of this concert.
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one day, while conducting reconnaissance, a group of five fighters came under heavy enemy fire. sergei nikolaevich noticed in the shelter foreign mercenaries, without hesitation, he threw a grenade, the enemies were destroyed when they began to look for who had accomplished this... feat, everyone said, look for your grandfather, he is here, he is in this room, friends, i present with great excitement sergei nikolaevich bogorev , sergey nikolaevich, this applause is for you, look, the whole hall stood up, a sign of gratitude for what you do, and did your family watch to the end? did they call you and say anything? yes, what did they say, grandfather, we are proud of you, alexey, who do you dream of becoming, have you already decided what you will do in life? yes, i’m already graduating from the faculty of mathematics and mechanics, i
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plan to connect my life with science, i’m a mathematician. how did your friends react to the fact that dad went to the north military district zone? someone said hello, someone conveyed respect, they were proud too, but do you have any family traditions, do you often get together? oh, i would like to do it more often, but it doesn’t work out, it will work out, i would like to, let’s watch a story about your relatives, brother, greetings from sochi, do you remember when you lived in stalingrad, watermelons floated along the volga, and we stood on the shore and caught watermelons that washed up on the shore with glasses, and our father made nets for us, you were 4 years old, and i was six-seven, seryozha, greetings from smolensk, remember how we we studied with you at school, you’re in the sixth grade, and i’m in the third, so you stood up for me all the time, never gave me offense, i’m very, very grateful to you for that, i hope to see
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you soon, please come on a visit, sergey nikolaevich, we welcome you and your brother shukotki, one episode from life, where we took part in three, late eighties, landing of a group of paratroopers in the order. “beloved brother, greetings to you from our village, remember when we were little, you came and said, let me catch you twice, i’ll forget on the third, i say,
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give me, you raised me twice, on the third i threw it, forgot, left, and i fell on the floor, the floor fell, seryozha, why did you drop your sister, i couldn’t hold you back, i was just joking, i’ll throw you up twice, i’ll catch you once, when was the last time you all got together in the eleventh year, like, 13? years have passed, this year we decided in the month of october. opportunity to get everything together, i understand that it won’t be so easy, well, we’ll try, it so happens that your family is large, huge, literally scattered all over the country, and you rarely meet, we decided to restore justice and reunite your family, oh well, let’s call, please come in, big, happy, powerful family, kind people, please come in, wow, lord, hello, hello,
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hello, hello, hello, how there are a lot of you, hello, what a big family, and i went to visit you the other day, will you stop by again, hello, hello, god, thank you, thank you. this is a real family, everyone came to support you, everyone came to meet, sergei nikolaevich, is this a misfortune, let’s sit down, whoever where, we’ll move with dima, let him sit down, yes, but of course not the whole family is here, here’s one my sister couldn’t come, but she recorded a video for you, let’s watch this video, i have the best brother, that i love him very much. well for
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he was the adult son of his parents, and for us , as it were, a second father, as if all such worries about the younger children about us seemed to fall, one might say, on his shoulders. seryozha, please forgive me, my beloved brother, that i couldn’t come, well, it so happened, you all gathered there, as it were, but there’s only one of me, i love you all, and i’m with you, well, sergey nikolaevich , are you happy about this surprise? from the bottom of my heart, thank you, i’m very glad, we did everything we could, thank you, i didn’t expect it, i swear i didn’t expect it, by the way, we’ve never had anything like this before there were so many close, dear, dear people in the program, sergei nikolaevich, what are you feeling now, some kind of confusion, well, joyful confusion, of course, well, whenever you can visit everyone, in different places, see you on
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the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you. vladimir putin met with the commanders of troops of all military districts. our troops were completely freed from strategic work. erdogan has identified a conspiracy in his circle. this and more is in the news right now in the rashkov studio. hello. all tasks fulfill the orders set by the ministry of defense and the general staff.


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