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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 15, 2024 11:30pm-2:05am MSK

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our task is to achieve complete victory, for this we go on air every evening. evening with vladimir solovyov today on rtr. mom, musya, have breakfast. ah, good morning. kind! what's breakfast, great, now, mom, oh, here you are, excuse me, please, but there are actually four of us here, so there are just four of us, tim, like tim burton, vera vladimirovna, like cold faith, only very cold, this is actually a tuscarina, yes, yes, it
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needs to be spiced up, but okay, so wait, they will all be cold, so wait, that’s it for now didn’t eat, hello everyone, this is tim and his team, our new hit, pancakes, pancakes, or as they used to say in the old days, okay, and where grandma had okay, we still have grandma. i didn’t give myself the right to be filmed, what are you talking about, this is for my blog, uh-huh, where did i lose the wreath, coligula, no, really, seriously, tim, well, you should dress like that, well, everyone, bon appetit, musy, we’ll just have a striptease with the morning was not enough, no, but so what, nothing. you
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got some sleep, but i spent half an hour on the metro, oh, no, they’re meeting you, just go already. while tim left, how loud he is, how many of him there are, by the way, he took my cup without permission, well, he doesn’t notice such little things, of course, he thinks globally, he is concerned about the fate of the world, please remind him about the basics rules of politeness, okay. and
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how does he feel about your surrogacy, by the way, positively, it’s understandable, comrades-in-arms, it means maybe you ’re going to marry him, get married, i don’t consider him in that capacity at all, we’re just having friendly sex, you heard, mom, friendly sex, that’s what they call it now, but why are you silent, mom, are you scaring me? i’m scaring you, i might leave, what are you doing, i should have stayed at your place so as not to spoil your mood, and how long have you been in such a mood, that well, i mean, you’ve been in a minor mood for a long time, i think everything’s mixed up for me, day - night, i would sleep, sleep, and during the day too, but what about the appetite, the appetite disappeared or vice versa, in different ways, both are symptoms. a symptom
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of what? granny, i don’t want to scare you, but it seems to me that you have classic depression, and you, mom, are looking right at your eyebrows, our psychologist is unfinished, she gives me a diagnosis, you know, get a notebook, you ’d better ask me, after what? i have this depression of yours, is there any specific event? of course, there is an event, what else? well , it’s much simpler, with reactive depression the main thing is to identify the cause, then understand how to work with it, but what? maybe it’s true, but it’s time to someday remove sin from the soul, oh! and
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our karina, it seems, has a boyfriend, a boyfriend, what do you say, boy, yeah, it’s clear, a 47-year-old t-shirt is walking across the field, why are you so early? the results of the last course of chemotherapy should arrive at the clinic. do you want me to go with you as moral support? no, no, go to the office, i can handle it just fine on my own. do what ’s best for you, dear, hello, hello, hello,
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where are you so late, are you going to have breakfast? thank you, mom, i’m suta, i already had breakfast, right. god, so cute, this is a gift, creepy, what a pop-eyed mom, tell me already who he is, and most importantly, how old he is, this boyfriend of yours, this is not a boyfriend, i found my biological father, who is he? outward, pleasant, at least, but what do you do, how did you meet? kari, why are you silent, i need to get the pincers out of you, but you don’t give me your word to stand, so i do, the last name, of course, ends with i, yes, yes, and he’s cute, handsome, even for his
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age, mika, mika, he asked to call himself that, well, everyone calls him that, yeah, it’s cool, and now dad too? you’ll call me musa, that’s it, of course, i’m not very advanced among you, but in our country they called the person who raised him, father, these all your denkashki - it’s all bullshit, i’m not going to renounce my dad, i just need time to digest all this, yes, that’s why you moved out from your father, from sasha, maybe i can’t move out of here, tell me, mom, you you’re crazy, you don’t need to move anywhere, we are your family, we love you very much, we are very happy for you, it’s a shame that mika didn’t come up to us, didn’t meet us, didn’t talk, well, there will be more time, yes, well
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of course, hello, will you make the coffee stronger, otherwise my brain will boil, sit down, i thought a wedding was a white dress, water, and it turns out that this is such a mess, we need help, i’m sure we’ve drawn up a list of guests, so all that’s left is to choose a photographer, tomodum, restaurant, menu, relax, groom, i’m not going to drag you into all these pleasant troubles, but in one matter, that’s it... i still can’t do without your help, yeah, sakha, yes, come on, you need to choose a wedding date that would suit everyone, with your mother and best
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friend, i already asked, these are all guests from my side, your family is somewhat larger, well you can ask them yourself, they don’t bite, what... ask everyone personally, of course, serious events, you can’t write in sms, for example, i actually asked my friend via chat, uh-huh, you know what, i should have done this right away, but what, well, are you ready for a historical event, armenian dad, how... in his repertoire, first he pushed his daughter onto us, and now a dog, hey, what are you doing, what are you biting, what are you, a little thing, dad, what did you do to him, nothing, he just bit me, bah, you’ve been like this for a long time
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little things, like dad added some nina to the chat, who is nina? daddy's neighbor, oh, i saw it, well, she was your neighbor, but she became suddenly a wife? well, come on, dear bogdanov family, alexander and i invite you to our wedding, we really need to decide on the dates, write how convenient it is for you, and what angers you so much, the wedding? no, well, the fact is that dad added her to the family chat, she’s not family, well, not family yet, that is, you’re fine, honestly,
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you’re a psychologist with us, show off your professional skills, mom, psychologists don’t take close friends for therapy, it’s the same as for a surgeon to undertake to operate on a relative, out of an emotional connection you you can do more harm than help, well , talk to her not as a psychologist, but as a granddaughter, that’s possible, it’s a pity, how much will you give me, tomorrow, let’s go somewhere to india.
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indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. kalinan! a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and
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luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth excellence, making dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. tragic events unfolded today in slovakia, and at a retreat of the government of the republic in the city of gandlovo , an attempt was made on the life of prime minister robert fitz. several shots were fired when fitza went outside to talk to the people gathered there. three bullets, although i counted four.
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i really hope that these qualities will help him show up in this difficult situation, here it should be noted that the political one is quite complex, because the president of slovakia is the outgoing president.
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no results from the investigation. slovakia is currently a very conflict-ridden place. i mean, fitz himself, i mean, he founded this smer party back in 1999, which is a social democratic party. and he, in my opinion, as you just said, was prime minister three times. so, he is a well -known person, but over the years he has become very pro-russian, one wonders why and how, but perhaps this is his belief. and he, i have. i mean, he's fighting tooth and nail against sanctions, eu sanctions against common procurement. slovakia is a very small country, i mean in the sense that it is, you know, czechoslovakia, which, like the czech republic, is a larger territory. slovakia is a smaller part of the country, although in earlier times it was more industrialized, so this
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should not be the case, it is not that small, but slovakia is not a major player in the european union, but something like hungary. which is also big country, but not a very large player in the european union in economic terms. they are against aid to ukraine and against any sympathy for kiev, they keep saying: we want the war to end, and by this they mean they want the russians to succeed, then the war will end if ukraine just gives up and gives up territory, and he holds precisely this point of view. this causes disagreements in slovakia, this causes disagreements in the european union. therefore, it is not surprising that such an event could occur.
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well, this is just beyond belief, this is a parade of freaks, that is, there’s just a triumph in hoping that orban will be next, so there is not the slightest doubt who benefits from this, well , it’s obvious who is behind this, and, by the way, the words belong to the finn , which is better than 10 years. swear at the negotiating table than leave russians and ukrainians to kill each other for 10 years, and he says absolutely pragmatically that russia lives successfully, economically and politically, president putin enjoys great support, i argue that since the tragedy the west doesn’t work in ukraine, well, reasonable words, but it turns out that europe is entering
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an era of political murders, which is extremely dangerous, especially considering... this has been quite traditional for europe for centuries. what is happening now in our country looks completely different. today is a very important day. vladimir putin held a number of important meetings. first, the president received in the kremlin thanked former members of the government for the work they had done. deputy prime minister victoria abramchenko, ministers nikolai shulgenov and oleg matytsin. also chapter state held a meeting on the development of defense industry. and before that , he met with the commanders of the military districts; the meeting was attended by defense minister andrei belousov, chief of the general staff valery gerasimov , and secretary of the security council sergei shaigu. the work is proceeding according to the plan approved and prepared by the group’s command and the general staff,
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and all assigned tasks are being completed. not only according to the results of last year, i want to say this again, all enemy counterattacks were repelled, but starting from this year, our troops in all directions are constantly improving their position every day, and i will return to this again. all the tasks set by the ministry of defense and the general staff are what the whole country expects from us, from you. we see what the neo-nazi regime is doing in the border zone, this is what they have been doing for all the years since 2014, when
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we tried to resolve this conflict by peaceful means, unfortunately nothing worked out and we were forced to start protecting our people in these territories with with the help of the armed forces. but the more effectively you work on the line of combat contact, the more chances we have to resolve this issue peacefully, we have always strived for this, i have always talked about this, separately vladimir vladimirovich focused on the role of sergei kazhugevich on the tasks facing andrei ramich, i want to thank him for what he did during the previous years of construction. according to the presentation of his new look, i think that no one has any doubt that this look is being consistently created, including
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in relation to the requirements of today, to the requirements of modern methods of conducting armed struggle. yes, we all understand that much still needs to be done, many things were not clear before the start of hostilities, neither to us nor... to all those who in one way or another in the world deal with building their armed forces, this is obvious, but then how quickly we respond to the demands of the time, this gives us confidence that we will certainly solve all problems of this kind. sergei kuzhgelovich is moving to another job, you you know about this, he will be the secretary of the security council, this is a constitutional body. which is formed by the president, its task is to assist the head of state in the leadership of the entire power component of the state.
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belausov has been appointed as the new minister of defense, andrei removich, please, this is due not least to the fact that spending on the military component is growing. let me remind you that in the mid -eighties, the total expenditures of the soviet union on defense and security were approximately 13%. in 20 24, in this year our total spending on defense and security will be approximately 8.7%, maybe it will be a little more, well, approximately 8.7%. of course. not 13, as it was in the soviet union, but this is still a significant amount, it is a large resource, and we are obliged
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to use it very efficiently and effectively. andrei rymovich once headed the ministry of economic development, then worked in the presidential administration, assistant to the president, in recent years. first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, headed economic bloc, and of course, he understands perfectly well what needs to be done in order for the economy of the entire power bloc and the ministry of defense, as a key link in this bloc, to fit into the overall economy of the country, this is an extremely important thing, bearing in mind what is connected with it and innovative development. thinking and taking into account the possibilities of the economy, budget, and security, one way or another organically connected with civilian sectors
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of production, which in turn gives impetus to the development of industry as a whole, but this the relationship between guns, the so-called guns and oil, must be organically integrated into the overall development strategy. of the russian state, i hope that andrei raevich will cope with this task in the best possible way, among other things, recently, on my instructions, he has been involved in some dual-use things, in particular the development of unmanned and aerial and other unmanned vehicles, sergei kuzhegedovich did the same through the ministry of defense, minister of defense. who left this post, in addition to fulfilling the duties of secretary of the security council, will also lead the military-industrial complex commission, which
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operates under ... the president and will organize the work of the federal service for cooperation with foreign countries. i think that sergei kozhgeyadovich, more than anyone else, understands the need to ensure our obligations to our partners in the field of supplying military equipment to the foreign market, taking into account the fact that first of all we must meet the needs of our armed forces. this. the combination, it is very subtle, important, sergei kuzhgedovich, together with the ministry of defense, with the leadership of the ministry of defense, together with the chief of the general staff, will also be involved in this work. please, i want to start by saying that half an hour ago, by the way, the president signed a new law prohibiting foreign agents from participating in elections at any level, as well as from being observers or proxies
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of any kind. i didn’t go to kiev to meet him, i met him in uzhgorod, where we spent a short two-hour meeting, after that he left, and in 2009 he was insulted by the then prime minister of ukraine tymoshenko, when there was the first gas conflict with russia, gas pumping was stopped, and slovakia was losing up to 100 million euros daily when fis became the future prime minister came to kiev to negotiate with a request to reach an agreement with russia, tymoshenko publicly, in the presence
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of a huge amount of press, scolded the officials for taking a pro-russian position, so, of course, the fic is an enemy for ukraine, this is completely obvious, so also these statements back in skynews, he says, look, slovakia is a conflict zone, what is the conflict zone there, it’s really a small country, very calm, by the way, i lived there for 2 years - i lived there at one time, and we are suddenly surprised, there’s already an assassination attempt, because that europe will no longer be a calm place, today is the president of the czech republic. the czechs have always taken an aggressive position, suddenly they declare senseless military actions, russia will not give up its territory. in turkey, erdogan announces that a coup is being prepared, the second in the last 10 years, just americans and british understand perfectly well that with the admonitions of these small countries, which are like a thorn in the side, you can’t calmly come to an agreement with them, something needs to be done, so the attempt at this
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political murder, if someone will...
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deal with me fitz, therefore, the events in georgia , including those that have been happening over the past 2 days, once again confirm that where they fight against foreign influence, they will disdain, will not disdain anything, even political murders. as for georgia, today there is an interesting statement from assistant secretary of state brian, who said: “ here in georgia we were going to give 367 million dollars in 2024, the third of which was for the development of democratic values, that is, for the country.” historical events, which will mainly be aimed at educating those very young people, who will then be completely subordinate to them. in fact , there will be elections in georgia in october, and i think that in these 30 years, of course, the most sane, i i wouldn’t say that this is a pro-russian
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government, but it’s definitely... also located in russia, it’s just that those who are now in power in georgia, they suddenly realized that if we cede this power now, then others will win in october, then georgia will be used as such a military foundation against russia, then you can already
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use georgia in what convinces it, because look, today, again , such a sanctions statement was made that the ambassador of the united states of america, there a lady in georgia met with the leaders of georgia and demanded that... a second front be opened, while even citing how many georgians will die, they say that this is a small price to pay for freedom, but the georgian authorities are other people’s lives, well , as usual, other people’s lives, and therefore, of course , every effort is being made to in order to prevent georgia from being a normal , prosperous country in principle, where there are a lot of tourists, where there is excellent cuisine, excellent wine, everyone sings, i lived in georgia for 10 years, i knew georgian life, i abandoned it, but it happened. what 10 years in georgia, that's it therefore, i must say that all of these countries, which, according to skynews, are conflicts, will certainly be the main targets and targets of strikes from the americans and the british today. it’s a difficult time, yes,
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nikolai, it’s very correct, vladimir rudolfovich, that in one story the president’s words were shown about the hostilities going on in ukraine and terrorist attacks. because this is war and terrorism - they are birds of a feather, well, the classic of geopolitics said that war is a continuation of politics by others means, so terrorism is also a continuation of politics by other means, and let us really not be misled by the age of the shooter, that this is also a slovak, that this is a calm country, well, who else should have shot at the undesirable prime minister? of course, slovak. walter rathinau, the prime minister of germany, was once shot by a german because he signed an agreement with the soviet union. rapala agreement. the prime minister of israel was shot by an israeli. the prime minister of japan was shot by a japanese man. well, someone thinks that
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will john silver in a black hat and black glasses with a cia id shoot there? well, of course not. let's just show this bastard. i don't agree.
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a place where the killer just came out at point-blank range and shot him, and the guards disappeared somewhere, well , that is, we shouldn’t look at the surroundings of this, we need to look in depth, in the depths this is what is located: the british press gives, well, just a hint, what is called , begins to help us unravel this tangle, what she says, she says: robert fitz, so-and-so, pro-russian, that is, if the british press today... as the politician called you pro-russian, then tomorrow they will shoot at you, the british press will explain this, well, of course, they shot at him precisely because he is pro-russian. wait, robert fica won the elections, the slovak people gave him their
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trust. i have also been to slovakia many times, they are probably the most russia-friendly people after the serbs, and the language is very understandable, by the way, which is why in slovakia the politician who calls wins. in friendship with russia - this is a natural situation for slovakia, when those who call to argue with russia and god forbid to fight win there, this is an unnatural situation, which means robert fitz has won. they now call him pro-russian, they explain that this is what they shoot at, who they send the signal to, look who else they call pro-russian, right in this video, viktor orban, that is, a signal to orban, dear orban, you are the next to send this signal to the organizers of this murder, and who else, look, today again, what a coincidence, erdogan began to talk about what is being prepared another coup d'etat, but...
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a means of influencing one country on another, but only this is all intertwined with certain things, someone finances, someone processes, someone gives diplomatic terrorism, well, almost always in history it is support, someone... then he films such stories where they explain, well, yes, of course, they shot, he’s pro-russian, just think about it, that is, if you called a politician pro-russian, then you can shoot at him, that’s the main message of the british press, but what about political competition, and what about robert's actions? or orban in the interests of their states, no,
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they leave this behind, if i understand correctly, political assassinations by proxy have been the signature style of british intelligence for many centuries, and if we talk about the history of russia, it is impossible not to mention the great prophet here russian vladimir voldivich zhirinovsky, who said that they have not yet answered us for paul i, and that it was precisely behind the murder of paul i, by the way, behind the murder of rosputin and many others. the british were behind the murder of stalypin, yes, of course, and here the question is, which we must ask ourselves, why they just now switched to political murders, to such, to such a genre that never left their screens, but was still somewhere a rare case, but because the situation is such when it doesn’t work out any other way, because well, killing the leader of a state is the last resort.
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those forces, well, let’s call them anglo-saxons, who are trying to direct world processes, find themselves in a situation where they have no other way, the political elite of the world is beginning to focus less and less on them, so it is necessary to publicly punish someone, in this case to kill, although we really hope that the fitz will survive, so that the rest will hesitate, take a step back, not be so decisive, not even in supporting russia, no, well, orban does not support russia, in
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supporting hungary so that orban is not so decisive, so that erdogan thinks, listen, but this is still the bell ringing for me, well, as a matter of fact, this example is for trump too, when we read today that biden agreed to debate with him , which will be on june 27, then the parable about khajuna sredina, maybe donkey will die by then, maybe... podishah will die, that is , maybe something will happen, she said that trump might not live to see the elections, that’s how she looked into the water, but she wasn’t talking about trump, that’s why we need to take all this as seriously as possible and, of course, extremely strengthen the security of the top officials of the russian state, because in this case we are russia and the leaders of russia are the main goal, and why did they take robert fitz, probably?
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this means that he is a big businessman, he has 31 companies, which means that he is, as it were, connected according to the version the one who has a large criminal element, and was on very good terms with the former minister. the authorities received some other information and arrested three more former leaders of large police forces who were subordinate to suleiman soel from the former team. after which soleiman soelu, the former minister of internal affairs met with artagan, said: “well, what are
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the claims here, i understand that he ca n’t stop at three arrests.” ertogan calmed him down and said: “everything will be fine, you go.” and on tuesday the leader of the national party and says that we need to dig deeper, now they have dug, they have arrested more than 500 police officers, these are mainly former subordinates of suleiman soyil, the former minister of internal affairs, most of them are those who are involved in the criminal, let's say, sphere, that is, this is not it looks like a coup, there is no coup without an army, the police don’t carry out criminal coups yet, yes, if charges are not brought in the coming days, i don’t know the team.
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well, i don’t think so, as far as britain is concerned, the head of mi-6, richard murge, is his best friend artagana. speaks turkish, runs facebook, which means it’s in turkish, solves many issues there, this is turkish britain - this is turkey’s closest ally at all times, that’s what they won’t do bad to the turks, and i told you this morning exactly after pashinyan’s meeting in munich, at the buggy munich conference, as they usually say with richard moore, pashinyan came to force many things that are not going against us, so to speak, yes, because he is a british agent. telegram channel is very close to the guard corps
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there are more interesting things, there is such an islamic revolution in iran called pazdaran, that’s what this telegram channel will tell you right after the advertisement. at home, look me in the eye. nadyukha rolls around like cheese in butter and her husband is rich all over the world, don’t be jealous, not everything is so smooth for them, on what occasion is there a holiday, when it seems that there is no way out, i am the master of this “i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it’s me who is his provoked, everyone is to blame for such freaks, everyone except them, write a statement to
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the district police officer, titanic luxury collection, hotel for unforgettable impressions rixos sharmasha, only for adults 18 plus. here you will find entertainment throughout the day.
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year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. armel sheikh is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired. titanic delluxe golf belek hotel, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here , each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. hello, dear friends. program 60 minutes, vladimir vladimirovich, we’ll talk about all the issues, in a hurry, to place nuclear weapons, i’ve already
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demanded, give me back the nuclear organ, as things are at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, commanders they act confidently, quickly, reliably, there are eight of the equipment, and we will give one wheel, the second tank. “grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth, i understand you,
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in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory.”
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venezuela, what i’m saying is seriously changing the geostrategic, a large group of instructors from hazbalah has arrived, they are starting to train the armed forces of venezuela according to their own scheme, what i’m shouting here, of course, we need to see what’s what, by the way, on your advice, i’m still reading a book soon i will publish, there will be such things, what kind of methodology is this, ordinary people write specifically, but i also decided to take part in this matter, only for the russian public, which means, uh, in general, in the near future, venezuela will begin to make uh , short-medium- range ballistic missiles and drones based on iranian modifications, they generally take the strategy of building their armed forces according to iran’s scheme, listen, it turns out that the americans have this kind of plazdar right next to them, which is, in general, a kind of plazdar, very close to this matter. that is, uh the situation is changing, these are the events that are happening in the middle east, they are starting to play out in a very interesting pattern, yes, well, that means
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the president visited pakistan, concluded a number of agreements, it would seem pakistan and india, they are in such relations, but here it turns out that iran and india have agreed to sign an agreement for a ten-year lease of the port of charibahar, this is a strategic port for which it is important for everyone, for us and for everyone, everyone, everyone, everyone. now for 10 years the indian owners will be there, and most the paradox is that the port of pakistan is near belarus, gwadar is chinese, there is a 49-year lease there, yes, india, pakistan, china, everything, everyone negotiates with the iranians, they want to negotiate with them, yes, that is, a serious change is taking place, which means yes, in general, we need to closely monitor this, because the issue of a big war, it seems like there is a kind of calm going on now, for us the calm seems to be everything. more than seriously, look, netanyah speaks in jerusalem, he openly, honestly said, we are talking about the existence of the state of israel, therefore, i will do everything that we have preserved here
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and will conduct military operations until the end, the chief of the general staff of the israeli army comes to the gaza strip in the combat zone , speaks to the military personnel, which means the israeli defense forces, says: we are not just fighting here, we are defending the existence of our state, and indeed, there is no conflict in the middle east. someone like this today, tomorrow, he wears, who will destroy whom, this is a radical character, and after this war he became even more radicalized, in in turn, biden has a billion-dollar weapon for israel, yes, that means, therefore, that means, against this background, one of the leaders of hamas goes to perera and meets, that means with the secretary general, that means khrysbaly, hassan nasrulo, they say the same thing, only on the contrary, we will go to the end and so on, yes, the situation in gaza is more than tragic. yes, well, rafah will be stormed, no , rafah, judging by the words of the chief of the general staff and netanyahu, rafah will be stormed, yes, more people will die and so on, but
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the fact is that the fighting is not going on only in the south, but centrally in the north. the usa says that the victory of hamas, it is realistic, what we will come to, that is, this radicalization that i am talking about will only intensify, because what happened in these 7-8 months, first, none of the tasks assigned to the israeli army, and this is also a lesson for us, the highly qualified, well- armed huge israeli army could not. will destroy in a small area 40,000 fighters of hamas, the palestinian slavic jihad, the popular front, palestine, democratically, in general, everything, this is the most poorly armed, the main weapon, as it is now reported, there are battles already in the center of the partisan is the rpg-7, our god knows what production with tandem guarantors, they are burning these armored vehicles and so on, this is the first conclusion is very serious, it’s not working, we have arrived other times, when relying only
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on powerful weapons for some reason does not work, which means... hamas will not disappear, in fact this is so, its authority among the palestinians has grown on the contrary, at the beginning of hostilities there was 18 kopecks percent of support from the entire palestinian population, exactly western bank of the jordan river, now 60, some percent, and already all the factions of the palestinian resistance are saying: they must be included by the palestinians in the un, the un general assembly, with 143 votes, presents a resolution, according to...
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there are 500,000 israeli settlers, and this is in contrast to settlers who were once in the sinai in the gaza sector, it was like that, and according to all israeli documents, these are jews, samaritans, these are especially important in historical terms, which means territories, and as you know, israel is building its territory on the basis of the tanach, yes, the old testament, this, well, that is, where to put them,
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to evict them somewhere, east jerusalem, the capital, which should be palestine, there are more than 200 there. tanakh positions and gay pride parades? this is a complex question, well, i would just like to remind you that the tanach says that men will not lie down with men like women, both will be put to death, their blood will be on them, that is, either or or israel says that we are a deeply religious state, therefore our borders are determined. according to the holy book, yes, or they say that no, we are like that, we are secular state, well, yes, there are many such nuances, i’m not an expert on internal israeli politics, it’s hard to say, it means that east jerusalem is defined as the capital of palestine, that israel will leave east jerusalem, let me remind you that it is in east jerusalem that the holiest of saints of three religions, the temple mount is at the top of
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the shrine, the third shrine after mecca and medina, which means... and the romans destroyed it, this is a restoration, right there is the church of the holy sepulcher, where the fire is kindled, so to speak, this is holy, this is with what to do with this, where will it go, that ’s the question, so let’s even fantasize, now the state has been recognized, i’m not against it, i’m for it, i’m with the people ending the peace, then the palestinian state has the right, as a full-fledged state, to conclude
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military-political agreements alliances with anyone she wants, in this military-political alliance... just everything, help, they have the right to this, and not only in terms of receiving weapons, but the participation of these countries in this war, therefore the war in the middle east, it will be of such a synchronous nature, and sooner or later there will be an even bigger explosion than there was before. andrey, well, semyon rakaevich has now well explained the position of the united states, or rather the arguments why they are speaking, in principle, they say that we are not against the creation of a palestinian state, but this will be done later, when later, well, in the future, when the conditions are ripe, everything . why? semyon arkavich explained, because there are so many problems there that cannot be solved without destroying either one or the other group, well, the americans really know how to do this, but , as far as i understand, they themselves cannot intervene in this conflict
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they want, but this conflict has come to the territory of the united states itself, of course, yes, it has practically covered all campuses, and in columbia the police are pressing about palestinian students, and already on the other side of the united states at... the university in california, the university of california in los angeles, there is a pro-israeli group, then pro-palestinian groups, so the democrats, so to speak, already have a problem, the current administration has a problem on its hands, the republicans can use this, well, in any case when there is a weakening of one party, the other one will certainly take advantage, the republicans in such a situation cannot do anything, because i have already said more than once, it will be...
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resolved, and if they won, they would strike something, we would turn a blind eye to this blow, that’s why they give money, so you figure it out quickly, actually, it’s impossible to say, but salevan will say, guys, either you figure it out very quickly when he goes there now, or you’re finishing it now, at least before 5 november, here until the fifth 6 november, you can do whatever you want next, but until november 5th, you must now calmly shut up.
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two options when your strategy fails: either you sit down, cry and sprinkle ashes on your head, or you give birth to smithereens and go to the party, he chose the second, he went, he went to the party, but in essence, in fact, the thing is, in fact, the current one is one of the main ideas that the americans had in this peace process, so that at the same time putting pressure on russia at the fronts, winning at the front, if this is not...
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in theory, the head of the kiev regime cannot come there, well, any leader, if you have a crisis in the country, you must stay in the country, although maybe zelensky can, but they assume that he is normal, he will stay, he will not come, accordingly , it won’t be there, to discuss it then, well, i think that rather than a word about ukraine without ukraine, yes, not a word about ukraine without ukraine, they will get together and look at each other, then what is possible there has now slipped through so... i'm afraid i would he said, they say that a chinese delegation can come there, no, of a low level, war, but the chinese delegation, which will discuss its plan, its plan, which
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vladimir vladimirovich says is interesting, we can consider it, so i remind you on february 24 last year, when it was at the munich conference, it was later confirmed by the chinese ministry of foreign affairs, there are 12 points, but all the points there, in general, well... the territorial one recognizes for us that the indivisibility of security is a separate point, but this is a repetition of what we they proposed on december 15, 2019; now this will still be agreed upon. that is , it is necessary for china to come, and it is not necessary for china to come, this is the situation, it is very, very interesting how american diplomacy will solve it, it is difficult to say, as for these political murders, you know , i don’t think that gene psaki, there’s an mi6 agent there, there’s british intelligence , or anything else, she didn’t think about it, but what, by and large...
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because these people believe that zuzana chopova is really progressive slovenia, in my opinion, is called slovakia, a party that is pro-european, that by doing so these people are leading their countries away from the european path, this is for some societies, and in eastern europe, very many, is, well, let’s say , wrong, this. what they sought, what they sought, they finally achieved, they became officials of the european union, nato, it was hammered into their heads very seriously, we are members of a larger community, and we must not forget that historically, for eastern europe, they have always were members of the empire, that is, they have always been part of some kind of empire, ours, the austro-hungarian, the german, here they are part of some larger association, so we really create a threat from the point...
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june 6, from the sixth to ninth, the elections to the european union will most likely be won by right-wing parties, they may treat us, by the way, not very, not very well, the cdu, for example, it doesn’t treat us very well, of course, and there its representatives are talking about the creation this seventy-mile zone, air defense everything else, then they don’t like russia either, but they have their own interests. that is, they have interests in the fact that we don’t like russia, but we need to buy pipeline gas because it is cheaper, this is what the transatlantists or bureaucrats from brussels don’t particularly like, so they need to create a threat. at one time , senator vandenberg said, if you want to carry out your decision on a war of confrontation, you need to bring the country to hell, they are bringing it, the united states is bringing it, well, i’m already thinking about europe.
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has already said that she is ready to help carry out investigation of what happened in slovakia, the main task of which will be to divert any suspicions, well, how do you work with this kind of characters, now you need to check social networks, his contacts, who he spoke to on the phone, there are social networks not in the traditional sense, in the old one, that is, with whom he communicated, who prepared him, how he determined where the prime minister would be, who ensured that he was at a certain point where there was easy access, well, that is... this is a completely professional job , which it is never carried out alone, that is, such people are prepared, let down, and then just used, so it is very important how professionally they work.
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adjoins some researcher at the munich security conference, calling for the destruction of russian missiles, with the help of anti-aircraft missile units stationed on the territory of a nato member state. so, at the beginning, i talked about the military-technical side of this issue, i would really like to ask these people who voice such military-technical nonsense, but do you even imagine how live fire is conducted on winged birds. air- or sea -based, so i’ll tell you, it means, firstly, such a product flies at extremely low altitudes, that is, somewhere around 60 m, it can be detected,
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but in such moderately overcrowded terrain, with a guidance radar or multifunctional radar at a distance of about 16-17 km, okay. at such a range the crew will detect it, you must immediately launch the missile so that the meeting of the missile with the target of a burst of missiles occurs even though at a range of, well, from 9 to 11 km, it won’t work anymore, that is, if you propose to fire at our bloody air- and sea-based missiles from the territory of nato member states, then it turns out that if anti-aircraft missile units are deployed... on the territory of those states, well, that is, you need to practically push them closer to the border itself, and in this case, here is the zone with which they can cover, but it will turn out to be a very narrow strip of terrain, well, only a few kilometers wide, this is with from a military-technical point of view, it looks like this
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, that is, to all these bundestag deputies, senior research fellow, you can say, well, at least you have an idea of ​​​​what you are talking about, but now the political consequences mean that these are the states on whose territory they will be located these missile units are taking part in this armed conflict, with all the ensuing consequences, in this regard, until they have reached the point of practical implementation, and i think it won’t, because no one told them that they probably don’t have a consultant on combat use there, excuse the missile forces for saying, why the hell are you talking about something like that, but you have absolutely no idea about this matter. nothing, and, but even if they are discussing this, this is still my opinion, that we need to conduct long-range aviation tactical flight exercises with the real use of nuclear weapons in the near future, i am only strengthening my opinion, and so that these munitions were there, well, at least
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15-20 megatons, so that there would be outbreaks on the peninsula a dry nose to the archipelagos of the new land were visible in norway, so i completely agree with you, but why everything. but if we talk about the situation at the forefront, then what actually needs to be said first of all is that some ukrainian experts believe that there is a crisis of state and military administration in their state, but this is probably possible.
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do you have some kind of channel for conveying information to your military-political leadership, or how do you imagine all this? in general in wartime people those in... positions should not give any interviews to anyone at all, ultimately this is a matter only for the press service, and
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only the first person of the state can make any assessments, and kirill budanov holds the position, and i pay attention, it seems like the boss main intelligence directorate, these are his last words, and characterizing the situation in north-eastern ukraine, he says: the situation is on the brink, like we don’t have prepared reserves, so if you are the head of intelligence, well, let’s put it this way, then what should you talk about? about recruiting approaches there, objects of potential development, some kind of secret operations, what do you care about strategic reserves, this is already the function of the supreme commander-in- chief of the chief of the general staff, and no one pulls him back, again, here is the same kirill budanov, based on everything only from his statements can we conclude that not everything in bandera’s kingdom, thank god, for example, he says: yes, we knew everything about the upcoming offensive of russian troops near kharkov, we had a plan, plans, and a combat control schedule,
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for the first day, but if you had everything, why didn’t you take any measures, or what, or they don’t listen to you then, they don’t perceive you, they constantly say again that like there are reserves, here we have a problem , either we should send them to the chapel, or to kharkov, again, then you go about your duties. what are you talking about the functions of those that are absolutely not included in your sphere of activity, let me repeat, but no one pulls him back, no one says: man, you’re doing the wrong thing, you out of place, and he had to be kicked in one place since the failure of the famous counter-offensive, since it was only on him , on the basis of his intelligence reports, reports on the situation, in fact, that the whole concept of this counter-offensive was built, that is , only on...
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there has never been a leader, zelensky is in many ways an inflated figure, which, in fact, the ex- adviser to british prime minister johnson said quite frankly about, this inflated figure promoted by the west, who at a certain stage played her role as a certain military leader of ukraine, which is why budanov makes a political statement that is not typical for people of his specialization, for intelligence officers.
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is spinning a spiral of hatred in slovakia, including towards him personally, in this regard, it is quite strange, of course, the action of the prime minister’s security service looks, i will not evaluate the security forces of slovakia, but it seems that there should have been employees in the crowd if before people are the first person of the state, how to get there in general, they carried weapons and so on, in conclusion,
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i will say that we, of course, wish a speedy, speedy recovery to the slovak prime minister robert fitz. well, i would also like to note that this is very important for both our belarusian and russian tv viewers, which means we are optimistic about the changes in the russian government, and i would like to say that andrei belousov had his first telephone conversation in the status of minister of defense with his belarusian colleague viktor khrenin, for those who understand what it is in politics in military planning, this speaks volumes, now advertising will go out into direct contact with the studio.
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that is, we are not getting married, there is light in the window, tomorrow on rtr. indulge yourself in a first-class holiday with liorets, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beaches and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here! for you.
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welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmel sheikh, riksas radomis sharmel sheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents, escape from everyday life in a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. radamis sharmelsheikh.
12:55 am
you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he will come to your house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always supportive, a bowl of macaroni and cheese. this is a saucepan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes with lard, a knitting needle, this is how a child sleeps, but i don’t
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advise you to do this. a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i can’t guarantee happiness, but i’ll definitely have more health. doctor myasnikov. on saturday on rtr. can you explain to me why we are leaving st. petersburg and dragging ourselves to this sample? i have problems in business. do you remember tanka, vasil? and she was still in love with you. and she is not married. it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other. however, not everyone. i told you at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childish love, it ’s stupid. girls love to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband, your husband
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is cheating on you. olya, olya, let's get together, pas, stop it, this has never happened before, you don't see me, you don't even look in my direction, but i, i'm a woman, where we are not, on friday. on rtr. today, before our eyes, a tragedy unfolded: in the center of europe, in slovakia, an attempt was made on the life of the prime minister of slovakia, fitz. at the same time , skynews happily noted that, well, he was pro-russian. the rejoicing that comes from the side ukraine are distributed simply. causes a completely unambiguous reaction, although zelensky hastened to say that no, no, violence is unattainable, they are finding out who committed this assassination attempt, suspicion falls on the seventy-one-year-old
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writer, a supporter of the ukrainian position, but one thing is clear that this has not happened in europe for a long time , and we are forced to start a conversation with marya vladimirovna zakharovna , the extraordinary ambassador of the russian federation, with a discussion of this topic, although of course it is possible... judging and the most expensive tours, moreover unusual, when a person brings 60 billion dollars in order to sing poorly, having eaten in a pizzeria, to sing poorly in a kiev bar with people who shy away.
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we strongly condemn the attack and wish a speedy recovery to prime minister fitz, we know him as a friend of russia, who at this dramatic historical time, a turning point, perhaps, so to speak, and a moment in the history of mankind is not afraid to express his point of view, which is often not coincides with the mainstream. of the collective west, these are the official ones words that i would like to say on behalf of the ministry of foreign affairs. on my own behalf , i will add that i absolutely agree with you, the monstrous rhetoric that literally flooded the pro-ukrainian information field within the ukrainian information field, and the pro-ukrainian information field abroad, was
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discouraging. rudolfovich, not only you, let me read out a statement that was made one phrase from the statement of the president of slovakia cheputova, listen to what she said, this, this is a literal translation, hateful rhetoric, which we are witnessing leads to hateful actions, please, says the president of slovakia, let's stop this. let's all think about important things. end of quote from the president of slovakia after the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia. you know, i want to say that, probably, the west, yes, of course, needs, before saying anything, accusing anyone of anything, and so on, to undergo a primary, at least investigation, law enforcement should authorities, have their say. you know, this is our position, we always proceed from. primate
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facts, but i want to draw attention to the fact that the west has been cultivating this most hateful rhetoric for years, this is not just a statement of an aggressive nature that is heard from the white house, the state department, from all their representatives, from young to old, these are not only monstrous statements , which the permanent representatives of the collective west or those who have joined them now allow themselves, and... in particular at meetings of the un security council, in other international organizations, this is not only absolute permissiveness in statements, and accordingly in the actions of zelensky of this entire gang, who speak and commit terrorist attacks, just literally in front of the whole world, simply receiving huge, colossal money and even more weapons for it. i want to talk about something else,
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i want to. remind you how 2 years ago, on an american internet platform, one of the social networks, when that same aggressive rhetoric began, which the president of slovakia, humanity, and excuse me, consumers, users, guests of this very social network today reminded everyone the american network consists of millions, tens, hundreds of millions of people, which this platform has always been proud of, i wondered: how is it that seemingly so sensitive, tolerant and so kindly treating themselves representatives of western liberal democracies turn a blind eye to direct calls for the murder of people of a certain race, a certain nationality, namely russians, what is this very social network for, by the way, against the backdrop of ongoing actions in the west of mitu in support of women victims
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from violence. black life matter, let me remind you, they defended people of dark skin color, who at one time were not people themselves, their ancestors suffered from racism and slavery, all this took place against the backdrop of these very movements under hashtags, under, by the way, the applause of the elites of the west, so, against the backdrop of all this, the social platform of the american network responded that an exception can be made for russians: let the calls for their murder remain on this social network, maybe i ’m saying something wrong, vladimir rudolfovich, maybe i i’m misinterpreting something, maybe i forgot, because... that’s exactly what happened, but this concerned, as it turned out, not only russians, russians were called to kill directly, but also persecution, insults and humiliation were allowed on this
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american platform, liberal social network in relation to those people who supported the russians, b. in general, he said that this was literally dehumanization on air. the west has come to the logical conclusion of its history, which is called liberal democracy, when everything is possible, this is what it is, when everything is possible, fyodor mikhailovich dostoevsky spoke about this, who, by the way, would also be called to be killed if he had not already died himself, and who is banned, canceled and who was made literally a symbol. the list of media that are banned in europe is
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simply amazing, and these are people who talk about freedom of speech, who talk about certain rights, of course, they don’t have any democracy, they don’t have any basic values ​​for a long time, but... but we saw the most expensive tour of a poor guitarist in some kiev pub, let's really tell what we're talking about, we're talking about the fact that literally at these minutes, by the way, in parallel with the information about the assassination attempt on the prime minister of slovakia fitz, news came that the ambassadors of the european countries unions agreed on the blocking and denial of access to russian... media on the territory of their countries, such as rossiyskaya gazeta, izvestia, rionovosti and, as far as i understand, there is apparently something else there, at least i saw these names in first news, and this is how i i understand that this is a preliminary decision, because
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it must go through several more stages of approval, but there is no doubt that lobbyists who act from a position of russophobia will seek its adoption, as you understand, and we talked about this, literally even at the briefing today, and we said before, we will answer, and this answer will be, what it will be, we will certainly tell you, a little later, probably, after it has been agreed upon, the question is something else, the question is, remember, at the heart of these very western liberal values ​​lies in freedom of speech, pluralism of opinions, that’s what it has turned into, it has turned into murder. in the murder of pluralism of opinions, that is, diversity of opinion and the destruction of freedom of speech. this is all flirting with double standards, which led to the destruction, in principle, of any standardization of this life. would you like another
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example, please, the situation around georgia, the situation around tbilisia, the situation within georgian society, a sovereign country, an independent state, georgia considered it necessary for itself to accept.
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decades passed, and they got it , i don’t know from what dusty shelf they started using it against, again, the russian media, russian journalists and the russian public, one of the victims was maria butina, who spent time in a punishment cell in solitary confinement, how long she spent, read yourself, and you read, i ’m talking about your audience, read, don’t be lazy, the prison diary or watch the play, so after the united states of america... again took up this law of 1938, countries began to either respond in order to protect themselves from american influence. or, for example, the same, the same britain, and
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now france behind it, began to develop something similar, but what’s most amazing, you read, i’ll give you an example now, of an amazing statement by the european commission, which said, adoption the law on agents in georgia will become an obstacle on georgia’s path to the european union, you will laugh, you wo n’t believe it, but the european union itself is now... developing a similar law, not just any one, but a protection package democracy, which includes exactly the same provisions. there is a difference, the law that georgia adopts is much less stringent than its american counterpart and its counterparts from the european union. what is this? double standards, dichotomy, bipolar disorder, i don’t know, this is no longer a comparison. these are no longer symbols, this is already a statement of fact, you can’t argue, today i
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just spoke with a representative of one of the georgian parties, and he cited data that surprised me, 20,000, 20,000 ngos, and just those people who go out and behave thus, for which in america they give long sentences, they are supported by europe, of course, this is real, these are not even double ones. their own protests related to the situation in the middle east, which the united states
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of america is doing, disperses in the most brutal way, how can this be, they disperse their own protests, and the protests in georgia, to restore order, which the georgian authorities, so to speak, solve somehow way to legitimize, they urgently demand, and without appeal, the united states is literally putting pressure on belisi, so that... all this will stop, moreover, listen to one more statement, i just already know for myself, for the sake of collection i’m writing out what the american press services said, the white house, in my opinion, or the us state department, they they said that this means that the adoption of the law on georgian foreign agents does not correspond to american values, is that like wait? and
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fara’s own law on foreign agents corresponds to american values, exactly the same approach, that is , one’s demonstrations need to be dispersed, they believe in the united states of america, and demonstrations in in other countries, it depends on the situation, depending on how they treat it in the white house, and they treat it the same way and the same story is literally at every step, it seemed to me. from their point of view, a wonderful solution, either
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to distribute buns on the maidan, or remember the monstrous story, just a couple of months ago, when victoria noland set up a table in the middle of a night city in ukraine, and standing at the table she tried to tell something into the microphone, but this was a completely apocalyptic picture, now this is a continuation some kind of shabysh, but i think that this is precisely the anglo-saxon pr structure. they are so transnational, but first of all their capital is washington and london, i think it was at their instigation that the story about the concert of the us secretary of state in the basement of a kiev five-star establishment called bartender diktat was invented, i you know, well, if only they had staged the task is somehow to reveal the essence of everything that is happening, and i will honestly say that it could not have been done better. but that's not all, look at
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in the background of what song and what song blinken sang along, agreed, so to speak, shook his head , you know what kind of song this is, amazingly, this is neil young, with... the words from there, many say, this is the phrase that was directly recorded on video and scattered all over the world, us secretary of state blinken cheerfully shakes his head to it, many say that it would be better to die, i don’t feel like, these are the words from neil young’s song , satan, but for them i am exactly him, well, you understand, well, here you go more, you know, or some kind of, you know, recognition, or something, this is some kind of, you know, according to freud, i don’t even know, i couldn’t even come up with this, but this is an even more interesting story, delve into the history of this song, you know how it appeared, please, oh, this is very interesting , neil young wrote it, as if in response to
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the presidential campaign of bush sr., the fact is that bush sr.... came up with the slogan for the election campaign then, or his assistants came up with the following expression, that america needs to be done, they, by the way saying, they always want to make america, then they wanted to make america a kinder and gentler nation, and neil young just sings that now america has kinder and gentler machine guns, you know, in the same song, these are the same words. by the same author of the same song, that is, with this text that america now has kinder and gentler machine guns, the us secretary of state comes to the country, ukraine, where thousands of citizens are killed with their gentler and kinder machine guns, only modern ones ukraine, making
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them not even cannon fodder, cutlets, alas, unfortunately, can you imagine, what kind of cynicism is this? moreover, from the eighteenth, today is the fifteenth, that is, in 3 days , a monstrous, obscurantist, nightmarish law on ukrainian mobilization comes into force in ukraine, this is a cannibalistic law, this is a law, this is a law, i believe that this is there is genocide of the ukrainian people, this is the law, but blinkin liked it, and he sang this song, as if you understand, telling... what they all think about the ukrainian people and about ukraine, this is against the backdrop of a huge number families who have lost their children, i understand that for us this is an enemy of the armed forces of ukraine, moreover, the enemy in whose ranks are nationalists, neo-nazis, people who
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are tattooed with all the tattoos with replicas of the reincarnation of this nazi... but now this tells us about the current values ​​of europe. do you know what was the most common remark, the most common comment that we received during the days when the eurovision took place. thank you that we are not there, people wrote, it seems to me, very sincerely from the heart. do you know, what our foreign agents wrote, although our word
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doesn’t fit, but one way or another, this whole thing, so to speak, brothers, i don’t want to say either. all these representatives, who once declared themselves to be the liberal opposition, in fact turned out to be simply agents of influence, you know what they wrote, you don’t dare comment, you don’t dare comment, why we don’t dare comment, it’s unclear, everything is ours, still it became obvious that you already know this, this is no longer just some kind of perversion on the screen, but this is already some kind of ritual an action based on the cult of perversion, these are already different things, this is...
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satanism, on the other hand, russian-chinese relations are reaching a completely different level, you just look and your heart rests when you look at ours and think, it’s good that we are. .. not there, not with these, not with ba , you understand, because they have repeated it several times, and it seems to me that they have already consolidated somewhere the understanding of what distinguishes russian foreign policy, chinese foreign policy from the foreign policy of the united states of america of this very nato bloc , responsibility, this don’t just do what you want, it’s not easy to say so, the main thing is, well, as they say today , clickbait, that is, the number of likes collected and... a minute of success, achieving a result, simply because you need to, right now, in this second of time, decide
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some kind of task, responsible behavior, responsible to whom and to the people, and to countries, and to the world community, and what is surprising is that china and i have been demonstrating responsibility both to past generations and to future ones for many years now, what concerns future generations, ugliness, yet with hope for kindness, justice, and truth. thank you very much maria vladimirovna, a short pause now,
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then we will continue. there are places that fascinate because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history. conquer! the row is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, your eyes run wide, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, you're out of your mind, this world is worth seeing. snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife
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became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i must know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, intrauterine amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but what about you? i remembered, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want everything forget, get out of this slush, let
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spring into your heart, late spring, premiere on saturday on rtr, the floor is shaking, the walls are shaking, big changes have come, in the new season with... a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, look, let it into your home,
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big changes, every sunday on rtr, the loss of the first patient is always very difficult, you have to come to terms with it, but i don’t want to put up with it. from the capital, i will be a new traumatologist in your hospital, i killed a patient in my capital, that’s why i come here ran away, he won’t be able to walk yet. oh, you crooked piece of crap, i ’ll write a statement to the police, i’ll tell everyone that you kill and injure people, i want to put andrei, no, get on with your life, you’re my life, love under a microscope, on saturday on rtr,
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this cretin’s last visit to everyone will remember kiev. but i heard that people come, as a rule, they speak for food, but when a person arrives, he brings 60 billion in order to listen to him, while he is accompanied by three heelants, who, by age, must serve, for some reason they stick out and... he also brought the main weapon, but he said you can’t hit on the territory of russia, and what territory are you hitting on, idiots, it’s all russia, it’s not enough that he made these obscene things in our russian kiwi
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everyone, we will also bill him rent for the fact that... helsinki, and that historically all this is true, all this is true, but what blinken says is really not interesting, we laid everything out clearly yesterday, we are fine we understand
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why he does this, why he does it, it’s interesting that he suddenly found out. what level corruption in ukraine is off the scale, all these pathetic explanations of the kuleba, that no, are you, everything is wrong, they wouldn’t give us money otherwise, the cretin gives you money because they steal even more than you cut off for yourself, the west understands corruption better in such a way that ukrainians still have to learn to study, you steal crumbs from the table, and they eat them in pieces, you want to know what corruption is, there was a very honest film at one time, it was called.
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they didn’t like it, but in fact, what’s happening now is scary for them, because you can tell any kind of fairy tales, the front is restless, we haven’t even brought the main forces into battle in the north, and we’re already screaming. the question is, where is the very line of defense on which billions of hryvnias were spent, and there are so many, which were shown to zelensky, now all these attempts to clean up do not yield anything, no? nothing helps, but of course it’s interesting to listen to how he’s a colonel or already a colonel-general, or he’s a colonel-general twice, who went for the ribbon a million times, never returned, as always , vacha’s best friend, you’re looking for some scoundrel, probably vasilyevich’s friend, talents, but this even back when he was ukrainian and didn’t
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understand people well, now he has all his friends completely. great, let's listen to what the next ukrainian scoundrel says, there was no notice of the subtlety of criticism, he worked according to the script, like an actor, they wrote to him, the people who write and the people who act are usually very different people, now there is no script, there is no one write, but there is an opinion that you are the smartest, the most persistent, you know better than others how to do everything, and there is a washing out of people who could. don't give me hints in the face, this is a recipe for disaster, and most importantly, the selected performer, now an exclusively weak performer is being appointed, who are you talking to? professionals from different departments, not only from national security and defense, he says, very weak appointees were selected, all fresh, and the main task is to carry out thoughtlessly, without objection, this is the critical phase of the beginning, it has slowly accumulated somewhere since the fall, since march ,
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from the end of february march it began to threaten, to grow threateningly, this is when the troops began to pull out people who were infantry position and in the infantry in the trenches of people who have each other’s military specialty, clerks, drivers, anti-aircraft gunners, and so on and so forth went. the problem is that in many brigades they are already exhausted, from the units that do not fight in the first line, they, they are already exhausted, they died earlier in this first line, they were exhausted there and so on, moreover, there is an unpleasant moment, here look, i have said it many times, i will repeat it again, because this is a truth that does not fade from repetition, everyone should firmly grasp it if the unit loses 30% of its personnel, killed early, then it does not lose traditions and does not lose training, yes, that is, it remains the same, they just brought it out, like this... they restored it, added people, it left, they fight in the same way, seven veterans, three newcomers, if there are 50, then this is already a problem, they can be withdrawn, restored, but this takes a much longer period, restoration,
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transfer of experience, and so on, so that it roughly matches in quality and ability, when uh this one, when 70 is already irreversible, and we have many units began to be reduced to 100, so we have the collapse of many combat brigades that did not move an inch on february 24th. the direction of the enemy's head strikes has shifted, they have already begun to be pulled apart, this is a collapse and a disaster, what is happening now is a collapse and a disaster, horror is happening about the troops, everyone who knows there, these cries of the military are cries for help, an attempt to attract attention , all this is a consequence of one thing, we have lost many units with combat experience, we can’t restore it, it’s really unpleasant for ukrainians are given the assessment given by the ukrainian armed forces and a retired german general that ukraine is gradually bleeding to death and does not have enough personnel to create appropriate reserves. ukrainian soldiers are tired, they are weak, their morale
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has fallen. for months now, one might say since the very beginning of this terrible war of exhaustion, i have always advocated that behind the scenes, at least publicly, without means. there is no ukrainian people who want to fight to the last drop of blood, they simply don’t exist, otherwise there would be no need for people, of course, to catch in the most terrible images, secondly, the west does not care at all about
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the fate of the ukrainian people, it seems that science in ukraine has begun to understand that their only task is to wear the russian army to the ground, just to cause damage to the russian army, how many ukrainians die does not matter role, completely indifferent. the fate of ukraine does not concern anyone in the west; the fate of the money that is stolen through ukraine worries the biden clan, but does not concern other americans. the british are concerned about the attempt to weaken russia, but no one is even talking about the possibility of ukraine returning the lands, especially the territories of the ninety-first year. let me remind you that in 3 months of the ukrainian counter-offensive they managed to capture it. less than we returned in 5 days, and after today it was announced that our troops liberated rabotino, and this was the most important success of ukraine, well, yes,
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the only one, and it no longer exists, and what is, zelensky, whom they hate, it’s no coincidence that soskin is suddenly looking for those to blame, if they now break through the front there nearby... they won’t help 100%, nothing will help anyone, nothing will help anyone, they write nonsense there, that there will be some kind of fines, what kind of fines, everything will fall apart, those who are now... they are talking
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their tongues, they don’t understand what anarchy is, everything will fall apart, you can’t even imagine , they think everything is so powerful, they didn’t build it in 30 years, you in general, when we created all this, you were either not even in embryo or were wearing diapers when we did all this, and now you’re telling us, that you can save it all, you ruined everything for...
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and you understand, this is this, you can’t just imagine it, a feast during the plague, really, yes, they themselves talk about the great losses, today the times editorial column , describing blinkin’s visit to kiev, writes about the fact that these are terribly terrible losses ukraine needs to be replenished urgently, so we need to mobilize people, terrible losses, deaths, everyone says how terrified ukraine is, takes a guitar and...
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you know, implies that for some some rules apply, for others others, that is, imagine that v in a democratic country, as they call ukraine, it’s easy to simply cancel the elections and at the same time cynically say, let the people of ukraine themselves decide, yes, when to hold elections, but how, how to ask them, if you canceled the elections, that is, through what, through what tools , the people of ukraine can now decide something in general in this country, if blinkin himself comes and says, this means that
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they were on vacation there, many of them have been there forever, that somehow the rotation is imperceptible, well, it’s understandable, and besides, you know, when blinken met with the leaders of these ukraine yesterday and posted frames. abandoned dragon teeth there in the kharkov direction were simply received, abandoned, no one even bothered to dig them in, and the well-known american blogger there, jack pasabets, posted this photo and said: listen, we explained to us that we urgently need to help ukraine , she must build these fortification lines, yes, well, we gave it, they took our money, distributed it somewhere, that’s where these fortification lines are, here you go, they are scattered. this is corruption, this is it clearly, what else can i say, and blinken doesn’t say a word about it, of course, he needs it, but i pay attention to how suddenly all the american, many european media suddenly started talking, it’s cnn after cnn, which spent a whole year
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last year proving, that’s all , that’s it, now ukraine will win, now there’s a counter-offensive, russia will lose and so on, now he says, it turns out that the whole world wants peace, ukraine wants it, the usa wants it, right? the only thing putin doesn’t want is that he doesn’t want to, they said that putin wants peace, all of it already now no, now no, and putin , in fact, in an interview, what about the fact that the russian border does not end anywhere, this is for the sake of the reluctance of the whole world, you know, now in an interview putin said, yes, we are actually ready for negotiations, we have always said this and will continue to say this, but we have already tried how to trust guarantees safely, some kind of guarantees that western countries will present. big problem, we can, of course, start negotiations, but no one can give guarantees, the last thing, i would like to point out attention to this statement, just so that everyone understands the level of seriousness, danger, threat that is now looming over our world, due to the complete madness of the
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elite that rules there in the west, rasmusen, the former secretary general of nato, yes, he was prime minister for 8 years denmark, so you understand, this is the level of this person, it’s not just someone there... having allowed, allowed, it means that to shoot down you need to open putin’s vomit, putin’s vomit, russian missiles from the territory of nato countries, in particular from poland and from romania, of course, putin is not a madman, he will not attack a nato country, thereby, therefore, crossing the fifth article of nato and so on. that is, you understand the level, but you can start with denmark right away, no, i don’t know where he is, he’s in kiev more often now, in fact, well, kiev goes without saying, but you can, just in case, anyway, well you can, of course, but what i mean is that you understand, this is all so serious, he just needs to call so that
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the christian christian has time to leave, taking the little mermaid with him and not, you understand, that is , these are the people madmen, outspoken, rule now in the west, they rule in europe now, putin is of course not a madman, but like... the cap, even if you turned the cap on its side or held a rolling pin in your hands, that is , there will be an unambiguous answer, but they think it’s a bluff, so you have to try, and putin was bluffing at least once, so you understand, the fact of the matter is that in all the years of being in power, putin at least once began to say that what are you talking about, that you don’t recognize the dpr, lpr, well what do you not, but i know, and i said what vasil miich said, what did i say, well, they admitted it, you see, let’s let’s define the most russian city,
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the most russian city on the territory of the former ussr - this is chop, i was little, they told me, chop is a russian city, that’s all, that is, he said, mind you, yes, and also so that this does not hesitate , what is this for?
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thank you, you know, i really thought that there was nothing to surprise me with these trips of foreigners, so to speak, to ukraine, but this is a bloody visit, and it is essentially bloody. washington's main henchman , blinken, of course, showed his cynicism, we talked about this, and yes, why? well thank god, although he didn’t take off his pants and underwear, as zelensky did in his time, remember these cynical concerts, this is disrespect for the audience, but such a spectator, unfortunately, today there is probably grief in every family, and he came and simply mocked over this grief, i’ll give you this example, tell me... please, could blinken give the same concert in a restaurant during
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a visit to israel? he could have, well, the gas sector, let him go, i think, i think, the guitar on his head would have been completely broken, would drive him away, why? so i appeal to the ukrainians, look, these are price tags, they laugh at those who die, these are your children, actually after this visit he said, yes, more mobilization, more victims, because the first... not much much paid attention, this is not only that enterprises must keep records
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of those liable for military service, but also the heads of enterprises must hand over summonses, that’s all, that is, why run through the streets, go to work, get a summons, no, the managers of the enterprises will be taken into the army, and so on , that there is a price that will work, there are various forms of resistance, thank god that people there are trying, already understanding that ukraine cannot be saved, because this crap, but... i would like to refresh the memory of our listeners that the crap - this is a slang expression in relation to a musician who plays in restaurants, weddings at funerals, so he, it seems to me, played at the funeral of the statehood of ukraine, there is no statehood, if it were statehood, they would point to the door, but not so, therefore the ukrainian must be protected something, yes, that's when they say, but you want defeat for the state, no, i don’t, but he doesn’t exist, there is a gang that...
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bring it closer, they start this propaganda again, he really says that
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there are very big problems with replenishment and morale and so on, there is no need to relax, it is clear that all this is still powerful, yes, propaganda works, but problems exist, it is clear that today zelensky, who discussed issues related to the future conference in switzerland about his initiatives, well, for today... i i think that not only china, but china gave a strong signal, so to speak, to everyone else who is in their right mind, that there is nothing to do there when russia is not there, and russia said: “ we will not participate, we are not the side to be called on the carpet, so to speak, especially when it was said, we
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will confer in the first reading, define a kind of ultimatum, and then call you to punishment, it will not work, russia today has taken a powerful position, it is defending its sovereignty, unfortunately ukraine has lost it, now the question, by the way, i think, what do we need, why go to this conference in switzerland, with her he looks like alexander vasilyovich, yes, now there are a lot of memes on this topic, no, if they really want, then i think that our paratroopers can knock on the door and politely ask, do you have questions, yes, i ’ll tell you if there’s a question , which blinkin discussed, this is certainly true, when sergei kozhugech
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started this topic very well, our polite people know how to ask questions, by the way, let me remind you how the branch of the army appeared precisely under sergei. a signal that not all is well, the cancellation of zelensky’s own visit to portugal and spain is true, they say that there are no problems, that everything is there, we are here in slobodzhanshchina, because, firstly, with such results, it is better not to go there and not ask for money, and secondly, we probably need to answer the question:
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so frankly, you know, capitulation for zelensky is like death, but for ukraine and the ukrainians it’s salvation, advertising, then we’ll continue, it’s a pity how much you ’re giving me, the premiere, let’s go somewhere,
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to india, or zaporozhye, and we’ll you, life is so short, and i want to lie in a hammock and eat. connections, so i don’t see any obstacles, i plan to make a baby here, i’m not ready to become a father again, that is, we are not getting married, light in the window, tomorrow on rtr, people of different professions and animals of different breeds are waiting for you here, but one thing unites them , sincere and strong friendship, to fall in love with a white fluffy one, i said, i want a white one. tame the biting one, voice, voice, give me a paw, give me a paw, well done, well done, warm up a stray, a parrot flies onto my shoulder from the sky, the stars are ready to do anything for
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their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance, guys, should i feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat, the most intelligent creature, orientalism, this is a photo-parallel agenda, continuation of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts, and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform let's watch, the first podcasts we watch, sunday, our code is like cheese in oil
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she's riding, and her husband is rich all over the world, don't be jealous, things aren't going so smoothly for them, yet... who happens to have a holiday, when it seems like there's no way out, i'm the master in this house, look into my eyes, i'll leave, remember, you my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, it’s my own fault, it was i who provoked him, with such freaks everyone is to blame. everyone except them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer, it’s none of your business, sunday is on... “catch a fish, big or small, whoever has chosen the right place,
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have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats, carbohydrates, this is where my question begins, can something tasty be healthy ? , and you make a wish, yes, yes, m, yes, yes, and again, yes, every person in any region of russia will be able to make their diet not only tasty, but also healthy, and this lifts the mood, that’s for sure, the shape. food on sunday on rtr, special military
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the operation gave the world many names for our weapons, a lancet, very interesting expressions, barbecue, dragon teeth, which everyone said, that is, complex engineering structures that were developed, concrete tetraders, which to a certain extent were laid, connected, so ukraine decided... they will place cranes everywhere and use them as expected, although our three-hundred-kilogram, one-and-a-half-ton tetrader, well, you can’t compare it, it was made on purpose so as not to use it, but if you look at the map it means
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engineering structures that they made, precisely in the direction of kharkov - these are liptsy, russian tishki, these engineering structures, small strongholds are just missing , as if they were inviting them to go in this direction, although they calculated that a large number of small rivers would not allow ... everyone in the world, well, in continuation of this topic, i will remind you that our minister announced that we have created the dnieper flotilla, these are fast boats that allow
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the transfer of infantry and fire support, it is clear that they are now accumulating on our territory, the dnieper generally begins near smolensk and further all the way to the sea, passing through several states, the experience of the legendary dnieper flotilla, which crushed the nazis, it can, of course , repeat in the near future, but the curious thing here is that it feels like they are coming... and they won’t make it, because as soon as the first b-16 falls in the fields of ukraine, and it will fall, because it is for this type of aircraft that we have been preparing since soviet times, the company’s shares are there, relatively speaking
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, the general dynamics that make them, they are just will fall in the same way as rayton or abrams fell before, so individual elements of these aircraft are waiting for their, as they say, exhibits in various museums. zelensky now , as he said, has made a marathon of calling presidents, he is luring them to switzerland. for massages, for baths, for the bürgenstock resort, so that they are present there, as podalyak said, our main task is to consolidate this list of, let’s say, peaceful actions that zelensky offers to the whole world, but we understand perfectly well that this is a piece of paper, more besides, it's even stronger will hit their reputation, because they will declare it, but they will not be able to implement it, so the question is, when words diverge from deeds...
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creep, the structure is too shaky, this suggests that the world is beginning to become unstable, and we see that they are now starting to include emergency measures. georgia, well, it ’s simply a mystery how they protect demonstrators who dare. that means, not the demonstrator, but the government and the senate, which, not the senate, but the parliament, which voted for the law that will reveal the work of ngos, just like in america, in europe, which one, how many delegates are landing there, what sanctions are promised, on robert fitz, actions today are one example, not so much the attempts on him, but the reaction of all the politicians who now they say, look, this was a pro-russian candidate, well,
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no matter how we hint at anything. but this is quite a serious argument, it says that they are actually trying to rake this whole world back, it is starting to fall apart. david cameron, who has now committed a big tour, including the countries of central asia and others, he generally said that here we are, the western world, there is someone who is not clear there, but there are countries at a crossroads, as he believes, those that are not in one or the other bloc moved away, although most countries have already decided long ago, they have nationally oriented development, but they are beginning to be crushed in every possible way by anyone. methods, threats, blackmail, in this situation, it is interesting to see how the american white house is talking to us now, they are very fond of newspaper magazine articles, like this make theses, it seems like it’s not respectable for them to voice them themselves, blincon seems to repeat many of the theses that are published in magazines, but there it is more detailed, so politico writes that ukraine constantly turns to us, to the americans and says: allow us
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use precision weapons. intelligence means, american specialists, american mpos, so here they speak differently, they say: americans, aim at targets on russian territory and strike, yes, help us do the flight mission, and we must, yes, and we should regard this as a direct aggression of the united states of america against the russian state, immediately followed by a wall street journal article: if trump becomes president, he will try to put the russians in jail
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in just 24 hours...
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which is impossible to negotiate with them yet, i agree, beat consciousness is determined by marx’s free formulation, i’ll tell you, and you know, vladimirovich, just like you, i also thought that blinkin was singing in this bar, and then i listened, looked closely, sang the funeral service, why, because look, this is already the fourth visit blinkin, there are more and more visits, yes, let’s just show in the background how cheesy it looked, more and more, the situation at the front is getting worse, but i wouldn’t like to compare it with the moose from the joke, when he drinks water, and the field has already flown in head-on , yes, he drinks, and it gets worse and worse, you correctly noted that the fate of ukraine really doesn’t bother anyone, yes, the fate of ukraine doesn’t bother anyone, but the fate of the american elections worries a lot of people, and blinky.


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