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tv   Nashi  RUSSIA1  May 16, 2024 2:55pm-4:00pm MSK

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live, i want, the next episode of federal news will be aired at 16:00, and i’ll remind you that all the news can always be found on the media platform, look in the application or on the website, see you soon, that’s it. a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions of russia try to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is that the soul sings. the ability to deceive is an art. in general, it’s very difficult to imitate the case, what if he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult, to reveal talent or deception?
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and her husband is rich all over the world, don’t envy her, not everything is so smooth for them, what is the occasion for a holiday, when it seems that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, look me in the eye. “i will leave, remember,
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you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you. you have a choice, love or life. it’s my own fault, it was i who provoked him, with such freaks everyone is to blame, everyone except them. write a statement to the district police officer. it’s none of your business, resurrection on rtr, in the depths of your heart, purity, like a baby’s sleep, frequency in some way. hertz, the silence doesn’t even breathe, we leave, defectors, surprised by love. the sun to
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the depths of your heart and to the depths of your soul. hello, this is our program. the real struggle begins when it seems like there is no way out. today we want to tell you about a man who not only showed himself to be a hero on the battlefield, but also showed incredible performance in everyday life.
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for my wife, i had about a month and a half left before giving birth, there was fear, the unknown for him, for my future future with the child, what would happen, like the most, it was probably scary for me, which was probably what upset me, that he wouldn’t meet me from the maternity hospital and wouldn’t take the child in his arms first. on december 27, my daughter is born, tears came to my eyes and i understand that nothing before... born, damn it, i need to raise it now, educate it, of course, i called my wife, found out how things are, i love, kiss, miss, hug, uh, of course, i’ll come back alive, everything will be fine, every day, every minute, kamil dreamed of hugging his baby daughter, fulfilled his promise to his wife, returned alive, but an enemy mine, his leg was torn off, initially i understood that the outcome could be anything, he might not return at all, i never... built illusions about this, because
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this is life, this is a war zone, it was hard to realize, accept, but due to my character, i couldn’t sit down and start feeling sorry for myself. it to some extent, that is, i said, what do we do next? in our studio we have elena ishbaldina, the wife of a svo participant. hello, elena. hello, hello, elena. when did your husband end up at svo? it was november 10th. i called him in the morning, i was already on maternity leave and at home. i understood from the voice that something was wrong, it was coming, i’ll come home, now i ’ll tell you everything. and he says that len, i ’m leaving tomorrow, we have, well, time to get ready. and i understand that we haven’t bought a crib yet, that is, we had to buy it in addition, but he was leaving, so he came home, so we quickly went to get ready, because to assemble all the equipment from scratch, buy it, plus we also needed a crib pick up, that is, we completed the maximum program, that is, well, less than a day he had something for everything, with what kind of heart you
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let him go, well, i understood that sooner or later it would happen, that he would leave for the northern military district zone, but when he left in the corridor, it’s not that i didn’t see him off, i i just went to the window because i, well, i started crying, because i understood that when i give birth, he won’t take me to the maternity hospital, meet me, i understand that he won’t be the first to take the child in his arms, i’m a little different i imagined all this, but we had such a story, this was the first pregnancy, experience i didn’t have it, i had no experience, but it was my parents , even when i left the maternity hospital on december 30, they let me live with us, i said: no, i can handle everything myself, but i lived for the first week. because there you had to get used to it a little, but no, i learned to bathe, wash, and feed everything myself, everything, everything completely by myself. was there a moment when it was very difficult, too much to bear? it was hard, overwhelming, it was probably from december 30 to december 31, when i was left alone at home, my parents left, so i
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left the maternity hospital, there she was, the child was crying adelina at night, and i understand, i’m sitting crying, i understand that i’m alone, she’s crying, well, this was probably the first such new year. it was such a moment that on december 31st i met my parents and their child, we were sitting in the kitchen, that is, i was holding her in my arms, i wasn’t in such a festive mood, i just understood that he was somewhere there, and i was here well, that moment was not very good, how did you get out of this state? i always told kamil that if it weren’t for the child, it would have been harder for me, i just have there was constant care, well, 24/7 from the child to the doctor, to go for a walk somewhere else, to go to some clubs with... there was a massage, i was constantly in care, plus i also had school, that is, which did not allow me, so to speak, to relax, that is, i was constantly in some kind of movement and sometimes i was distracted, that is, some of these thoughts like that - difficult for me, well, you said, you’re talking about they said that, but how often did you leave contact? well, he always
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warned me about there he says, here i am i spend 10-14 days on a task, that is, i counted from this day exactly 10-14 days there, that is, i understood that on this day he should write either an sms or call me, there were glitches from the schedule, there were, then yes, i looked, i understood that by time, but either closer to the night, then, but he gave some kind of news, said: that’s it, they’re taking us out, that’s it, i ’ll call you there tomorrow morning, that is, either by video link , or i’ll call you, and what kind of troops, kamili, airborne troops, yeah, and the rank, captain, he left lieutenant, then he immediately received a senior lieutenant, he didn’t know about it, i told him about it myself, just imagine, i saw in your documents, i say that you, he says, as i say, well, like this, and then, when he finished his courses in the hospital, he was given captain ahead of schedule. lena, how did you find out about the injury? before this event, i had a lot of dreams, that is, just like
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many people say, things are dreams, i just always dreamed that he was returning home, and i felt so calm, even this happened, probably 4 days after he was wounded, i had a dream, this is the last dream, that he came back yes... in my uniform, he says, i returned home, then i feel calm, and it was saturday, june 24, he called me and said: i’m going to russia, i say, i mean, to russia, well, what about vacation, no, he says, remember, you had a dream, and before that i dreamed of nicholas the wonderworker, that there will be a test, yes, he usually i dream about when there will be some kind of difficult turning point, i probably dreamed about it for a month and a half, i told him then, he i’m usually skeptical about this, in principle, and this was the first moment when i... then i said, remember what you told me? yes, and he so calmly tells me: there’s prosthetics, there’s something there, this, i didn’t understand, he tells me, there will be prosthetics, there’s a wound, there’s this, but i don’t understand, the connection is still interrupted, here at this moment on the phone, i’m sitting on the bed, my child is sleeping, and i understand what kind of
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prosthetics, what, then he says, i’ll send you photos there later, i’m so i understand that it was some kind of border checkpoint, or starobelskaya, he just sends me photographs and shows that, accordingly, there is no leg below the knee, no matter what the situation, he will always smile, even when he had this wound , there are photographs where he just lies there smiling, he is always an optimist, i can still fall into such a small... such despondency, but he, no, on the contrary, even at such moments he will always smile, when he was brought to the vodentsov hospital, that’s it, i i bought a ticket, left a six-month-old child with my grandmother, she was 70 with my dad, he was 60 with my godmother, so they were with her for a week while i was with him in the hospital, because when they brought him, he had nothing but phone and watch, that's it, elena, kamil kept his promise, he returned alive, let's call him to the studio, yes,
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kamil, please come in, hello, hello, we have a member of our paratrooper in the studio, guard captain kamil ishboldin, kamil, hello, yes, hello, kamil, two orders of courage, tell me, the first order of courage, i deservedly received it, but... i received it from the hands of my wife, yes, yes, the second, which is not deserved, the second is also deserved, but i was already awarded, well, i’ll tell you about the first , there were many tasks, our main task of the unit was my platoon, it was either consolidating or storming the enemy’s bsu strongholds, so one of the tasks was that we had a dangerous line and needed to hold it. the enemy was preparing a breakthrough in that direction, this is the settlement of reminaya, serebryansky
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forestry, so my platoon was on a dangerous line, this is one of the tasks, and the main one was to get hold of two dead guys from a neighboring unit, they couldn’t find or detect them for 2-3 weeks, that is, they went on an assault, and the weather changed, it started snowing and accordingly fell asleep, plus the copter was no longer visible there. it so happened that i was at the line constantly assessing the situation, that is, i was constantly looking with my eyes where it would be convenient for me to enter from one side or another, and in general how we should act in the unit, that is, i was constantly thinking all these moments, and somehow i just decided to walk around again, well, that is, the unit ’s task is to find comrades to pull out, but i couldn’t really abandon even others from the neighboring unit, because they were the same comrades as mine - i took a monocular with me more or less, which is visible, uh, put a machine gunner in position, as well as
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a sniper on the right side and moved towards the position in the ssu, that is, on the right side of the position in the ssu, literally the distance there is 40-50 m, to the front positions at 150 -200 m and i understand that i am already passing the positions of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, on the right side, well, somehow i was lucky that... in the morning, maybe, i don’t know, the observer was sleeping, they didn’t notice, they just didn’t notice, yes, just, that is, i pass by and i see a body lying near the tree, i see there is a red bandage, we were all wearing red bands then, they tell me that the crazy kid is somewhere on this line, and they gave me about a point, i look at the map, i almost passed, these are the call signs, yes the kid is crazy, yes, yes, yes, they were pulled out, then thanks to the skillful actions and the fact that i decided... to go and have a look, already literally there, well, a week later they pulled it out somewhere, comrades, let's watch the video
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that you filmed for the purpose. somehow you're bigger, older, younger, yes , yes, you are somehow. thank you, thank you, kamilia, what was the worst thing for you? in
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fact, the worst thing is to be afraid of losing your comrades who performed the task with you. yes, there have been cases where there were dead and wounded and we had to evacuate, especially when you evacuate heavy people, it’s generally very difficult to accept when you lose soldiers who were dear to you, who performed successfully task, then bam their life ended in one second. you are next to them, how would it be for you, well, it’s hard, yes, yes, camille turns over, the birth of your daughter has changed you, somehow, changed you in a very positive way. i began to think very much, oh, what a miracle, well , daddy’s daughter, well, you can see, the little eyes, that my daughter was born, and well, life just turned upside down, i need to raise her, in the future i need to send her to a good school so that they can teach her
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everything that the situation can be solved, all this solvable, yes, everything is solvable and... there is continuation of the family, and you know how before there was one beloved girl waiting for you at home, and now two , two, and now three, i also have a cat there , mars, here are three girls, how wounded you are got it, my task is that your unit enters another strong point in the morning, we practically equipped it completely anew with an observation post, there’s even a video where there’s so much growth from the radio station and i’m digging with a little competitive shovel and it was necessary to camouflage the positions, so that at night we the enemy doesn’t... i take the branches and in a moment there’s just an explosion, my leg just flies off and i can’t understand, everything is burning and my hand was cut, my leg was cut, it flew here in a bulletproof vest, a helmet, well, what’s in a helmet in a bulletproof vest i was with a machine gun, maybe it saved me as an option, that it didn’t cut my internal organs, that is, it didn’t hurt me,
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it hit my soft tissue and tore off my right and left leg, i look and i can’t understand whether it’s a bone sticking out. well, such a darkened consciousness, it’s clear that, well, it’s hard, it’s painful, it’s good that my comrades immediately ran up, it was the first one, the millers and the little ones who were with me in the group, later khakas and mikhei already carried out the evacuation for me, thanks to them that they tied me up with tourniquets in a timely manner, well , that is, i see, then is there a grenade sticking out of me, or a bone, and it was that it was a mine, as my comrades later told me that you had amina on your campaign, plus either it was a surprise, because it cut you normally and threw you, everyone saw it directly, and stood the task is more than 3 km, i need to evacuate when you guys they evacuated, they carried, what were you thinking, now i remember, they dragged me into this trench, these are branches, this is sand, they didn’t give me ip at first, that is, i had it all tied up for me, everything was tied up nicely, but
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the bag was a dressing, they had already imposed it on me when it was safer, when they were carrying it to me, i... just screamed, i want to live, i want to raise my daughter, i want to see my daughter, i have a daughter, well, i mean, everything about my daughter, oh to my wife, well, that is, these are all these moments, and i say, i want to live, i want to live, they load i was in a landing vehicle in combat, they had already bandaged me, so they were evacuating me to the crowded zone, they were already carrying out reamputation there, well, all these operations, let’s go to the studio... let’s invite the person who was next to you in difficult times and helped then you nikolai with the call sign khakass, and what did he not expect here? nikolai said that’s great, brother, you said that in sibirsky, we have judges nikolai
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narylkov with the call sign khakass, kamil’s colleague. nikolai kamil, your commander comes out, so yes, our commander, what kind of commander he is, i probably would he said that he had never seen, probably, how long i was in the special operations operation, i had never seen commanders like him at all, and how does he differ from others, you turn to him for any reason, he says, i will help everything, i myself will do everything i’ll do anything, even when, even if you wake him up at night, he’ll get up and do everything, let alone yes... yes , they’re so strict and tough there, that is, he didn’t have that, he’s always a brother, what’s khakass? , what help, come on, where - all the equipment there helped me do everything, where to shoot, yes, you can say so, well you probably remember well that moment, yes, when we had to help save the commander,
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we hear, there was an explosion, in 5-10 seconds, probably such a scream, a scream, and then well... that’s it, well , we understand that someone was wounded, well, that’s it, mikhei and my little brother are running away, we look, we look out a little from under the tree, where we look, they’re already carrying kamili, that’s how many people there are, probably four, six, probably , it was, he pulls him out, lays down our trench, well, that is, to carry a person 150 meters, as i would say, is very difficult, especially more... under fire, under this almost polish army, you have to drag him, because snipers are working, drones, flying in, everything is there, well , just like that, everything, they put him in a trench, there he... they pulled his leg, i remember, they didn’t touch his hand, because well, the blood didn’t come out that much from his hand, i remember this leg of his when they were burning him here, well, we were still with mi and
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there seemed to be a tourniquet, mikhey and i in general, let’s put another one, michema pulled in another one more time, we probably dragged him another 10, 15 meters, because the trenches are narrow, like carry poorly, soft stretcher. and well, there you touch everything kamil, well, like any person, he probably would have fucked him up, well, what, well , more, well, his leg was torn off, well, i was in such a darkened consciousness, actually, yes, i’ll also take this for you, the felt-tip pen opened my stomach, wrote the hours, time, when, what, thanks, what you wrote, i remembered this time, yes, he ’s lying there, he’s going to get tired, well, look, he wrote the time, everything’s all about it.
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when they brought him to our trench, he still said, khakass, he says, i want to live, you remembered that too, yes, yes, i remembered that, khakas, nikolai, what’s wrong with your leg, about two weeks later, probably in the same position, that’s where camille’s leg was torn off, you always need to strengthen yourself, that is , carry the beam, lay it on, for example, in two rows, yes it’s supposed to , well, it’s better to put yourself in at four, so to speak, safety, i just saw a log there when we were changing, go up to... i say, i saw a log, i’ll go around, i’ll bring it, so i brought it, i went once, twice, there was just such a corner, in the corner it was overgrown, everything was scattered in a gurevan, i
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put it there, then i think i’ll be back from the trench take it and just lay down so as not to stick your head out, you never know what the sniper will do, he brought the second log and also let ’s step over, the branches are growing and the bushes are growing and he just stepped on the amine, just like the fireplace, just the same. yes, i just stepped on a mine, managed to grab a branch and give it another leg, it was standing, i just raised my leg, i saw that i didn’t have a foot anymore, i probably yelled harshly a couple of times and just stood on one leg for meters probably 10 to the trench and i just galloped on one leg - lay down in the trench, just shouting micah, because he was with me, well, from the first day it was just the two of us, how and the patron there, micah helped you, right? yes, i just lay down on my back, he says, well, what happened, there too, well, in reality there was an explosion there too, i just lay down, i see that i’m lying there without a leg, that’s it, you were also evacuated, yes, everything is the same, that’s it
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under the same trench, along the same path, something like this, why the call sign khakass, well , because i myself come from khakassia in the city of abakan, kamilya, and where are you from, i come from the udmur republic, the city of izhevsk. kamil, u we have a video surprise for you from udmurtia, let’s see, yes, of course, kamil, since he’s a good boy, he didn’t refuse anything, he helped people, he helped boys, he loved playing football, well, he was very good at sports, but his quality is good, what he planned it, then he did it well, he never completed the allotment, he brought everything to the end, he had the desire, it was so that he planned it until... he didn’t leave, let’s go, i’ll show where kamel was in the summer, that did what he did, spent the whole summer helping build fences, watered bathhouses around the city
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stupid, went into the forest to prepare firewood, covered the house, covered the satenga, covered the bathhouse, helped as a future commander, well, he led the team, kamil son, we... lyukshude misses you, they remember you, they want to see you, they wish you good health , don’t get sick, well, good luck in your future work. kamil, what is your grandfather's name? zainulav from hulovich, what did he teach you? yes, a lot, in fact, i taught how to drive a car, how to pound a fence with a hammer, how many times did i hit myself in the forehead, but at the same time i didn’t stop, constantly, constantly something did. grandfather, he loves you so much that he came to us today, yes, zainulav adhulovic, please come in, i haven’t seen you for 3 years, but it turns out, agusta, well, finally,
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the long-awaited meeting, babay, hello, half a little, what did you say, a little bit, he says, is to rattle, huh? when i was studying, so i’m saying, he used to be there on the screen, he’s like this, with a larger face, when he was studying in the photographs, i have it there, zainulla fotkhulovich, how small kamil was, how you were, yes, remained so, remained so, remained so, strongly they ran over the little ones painfully, that’s all the time, well , in the summer he was always in our village
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there. well, then until the fourth grade he studied at this pirogovo musical school, what is it called, a music school, and until the third grade they bought a button accordion game, they bought him, well, no , he doesn’t have this button accordion, i say, come on , don’t torture a person right, then he told me the old man says there’s some kind of... then he says the sports pie has opened, it’s like, i say go if i say you’ll like it. that's it , he went to third class, i think he went to fourth class, somewhere like that then four classes ended, well , i entered the cadets for the first time, the first time , i didn’t get in. on july 1, i didn’t get in, thank god, but i felt sorry for giving it away, i say, thank god, yes, i’ll get in for a year, and then they hired tutors, let’s go, they got in,
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they were small, because the ruler was painful. they’re coming like this, oh, clingy, i say, that’s how it is, i say, like that, and we’re talking on the phone, he’s crying there, me too, i say, let’s go, we’ll take him back, but then i studied for about six months, we started driving home ourselves , and i’ve already taken them back, i’ve been driving a little for 7 years, that’s what he conceived it, but he needs to do it quickly, urgently, precisely, don’t like it, didn’t like it, that’s about it, come on, let’s leave it tomorrow, well, i ’m like this little one, i also have this kind of character, well, i’ve raised it a little bit, they’re here all summer they were with me, helping me dig, weed, plant potatoes, when you call, they’ll come, or i ’ll pick him up, then what, and the military registration and enlistment office went to graduation, graduation was over, we went here to apply for an agency, i entered the ministry of emergency situations, yes , hch, they said for next year, but
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he... he is a real hero, you understand, i know, so thanks to what qualities he became like this, as you raise him, it will be so, so it was you who raised him, there i taught them when they were young, they were all mowed down, zaporozhye, he had a car, he was 4 years old, i made a hay, hauled hay, he bites the puta, he stood there sitting there all day, he stood there for 4 years, all day long, yes, yes, he rode with me for 4 years, he was biting, my grandmother
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was still alive, just like that... later in the program , svo participant mikhail tukach will tell how he miraculously survived alive, got up and the eighty-second polish mortar just clearly flew into the small window, i honestly, well, i was shocked that misha remained alive then, the cat ran up and everything knocked me out, i essentially regained consciousness just like that. two days later, when the helicopter landed me on the mi-8, the reconnaissance team in belgorod took me to the hospital. i'm very sorry, how much will you give me? premiere, let's go somewhere to india, nelya zaporog, and you and i, life is so short, and i want to lie in a gomak and eat kebabs, so i don't see any obstacles, i'm planning to make
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something for children here. i'm not ready to become a father again, that is, we are not getting married, the light is in the window, today on rtr. we present to you an amazing new garden shoe for the season. these are lightweight, comfortable, stylish and waterproof shoes that provide comfort throughout the day. garden shoes have a comfortable shape for the foot, they do not press, do not slip, and are very easy to put on. for working in the garden or going on a picnic, walking the dog or doing gardening, garden shoes are the best solution. garden shoes are made of special ultra-light eva material thanks to... to whom the shoes on the foot seem completely weightless, shock-absorbing high soles saves your feet from getting wet when falling into a puddle, and the breathable anatomically shaped insole ensures a comfortable fit, garden shoes are suitable for rainy, slushy weather, thanks to the modern design, garden shoes
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thanks to the covering material made of pvc film , plants receive reliable protection from insect pests. choose your mini-greenhouse size and get a quality harvest. call to order a mini-greenhouse granary. at an amazing price from just 29.95. our life was a fairy tale, a storm. peter always tried to do everything to make me happy. diana gurtskaya, for the first time about the main loss in her life. i will never forget this evening, when it happened, as you found out, i heard through the phone, a terrible exclamation, such a terrible cry. petya is gone, that’s it, i’ll just turn it over.
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earlier in the program, the commander of the assault platoon , kamil ishboldin, told how, while performing a combat mission, he was seriously wounded, and the moment was just an explosion, my leg just flew off, i couldn’t understand, everything was burning, when they were carrying me, i just screamed, i i want to live. i want to raise a daughter, i want to see a daughter, i have a daughter, well, i mean everything about my daughter, about my wife, let’s see the plot, this is greetings from your colleague, lived ordinary people, everything is ordinary, ordinary work,
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family, children, wife, engineer, everything was fine, yes now it’s fine, everything was on september 29, yes they called, yeah. it was saturday, we were getting ready to go to the store, suddenly he got a phone call, he then hung up and said: that’s it, i’m being mobilized, we all have to get ready, they called, it means they need me, it means they need me, only i had doubts, i had doubts only my wife, well, that’s understandable, she ’s a woman, i started to panic, i started to dissuade him, i said, why, let ’s not go anywhere, well, i realized that there’s no need to argue it’s useless, the person is determined, he had to accept, come to terms with and... choice, we were near lugansk, brought to the forest, that’s it, settle down, dig, build , the construction of the century has begun, we dug a dugout for ourselves, 70 square meters, it was probably underground , imagine, they completely
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dug up the bathhouse so much that the whole battalion asked to come to the bathhouse with us, well, at first it was nothing like that, just construction work, and then they found out that i cook deliciously, but then i started cooking, sometimes you even feed everyone, and for yourself i didn’t get to eat, there was a combat mission, kamil, the cat, the commander for a year, he came up and said, mikha, six people need to dig in and gain a foothold. i can’t talk, kondrat ran up, sereshka the cat commander, we probably dragged the evacuation for 8-10 kilometers, risking our own lives, it turns out that under these, during all these shellings, we still have to save... wounded comrades, it seems to me that this is an act worthy of very
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heroes. we have our own participant mikhail tukach in the studio. hello, mikhail. great, mish, great, cat. cat, cat. call sign cat? yes, call sign cat. why a cat? at school for me they said that you look like, he says, you look like a cat, he says, constantly, he says, you are constantly climbing somewhere, looking for something there. mikhail, you walked with exactly this conviction, who if not me? they called me from the inkomat, i now live in krasnoyarsk, and am registered in kansk, well , the krasnoyarsk territory, they called me on saturday, i was going to get fish, i went to get some live fish, they called in the morning, mikhail, it’s with the military registration and enlistment office, i have to come, that’s it , like i have to come tomorrow, i say, well, i won’t be able to tomorrow, let’s give me a couple of days, i’ll be there sunday, there you have sunday, monday, everything is fine, well, the wife there, it’s immediately clear that there was a shooter there. everyone got ready, we drove off,
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the car broke down, as soon as we left it broke down, as if there was no need to go, today, wife, what are we going to do, i say, nothing, i left the car on the highway, called a friend, came, picked it up, i say, then you’ll take the car, i say, nothing bad will happen to it, that’s it, i’m off, that’s it, on monday they took me, we slept together, i’m upstairs, you’re downstairs, you’re there with we met kamil, yes, we met, and he saved you, literally, yes, yes, he and how it was, tell us, we advanced with reconnaissance, gained a foothold, dug in everything, threw in there like crazy, what was there, what was cut down, well, under flint, it’s good that it cuts off the tops of the heads with fragments and that it’s ready. there is something that just needs to be carried quickly, quickly, because they have established themselves like this, it
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turns out there was like such a small patch, like, well, there is no forest, the clearing is again a hill here, here they are, these ukrainians, everything and we quickly, quickly, there was one watching, as usual, they threw everything in there, i wanted to eat , well, war is war, ah... i think, well, we need to open the stews, then the eighty-second polish mortar stood up and something like this flew into the small window, i’m honestly in shock, that misha remained alive then, well, he was lucky, there was another friend with him too, he was just like that, he was in the corner, he was sitting in the corner, it turns out that he was fine in general. and i got up at that moment, i was standing behind the stew, and everything went and
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you just hear him when this one is behind the seconds there's already a whistling sound and just bam , i'm there, i don't know how long it takes for my eyes to open , my partner there, max gochik, is yelling at me, i can't hear anything at all, i'm just nervous, i can't say anything , i can't help but move only now he feels my hands, looks, twists and turns me, shows me, okay, he takes the shank, the tail stuck right there, in short, when we already took it, it’s just a tail - explain what it is, it’s from a mortar , tail, tail, in short like this the back part, the back part, it was a concussion, yes, what is it, a severe concussion, he was bleeding, that is, from his ears and, in short, his legs gave out, his speech refused, he lost his memory, he was practically there with well, that’s it, here they are, a cat
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kondrat ran up and everything knocked me out, i basically regained consciousness there two days later, already when the helicopter put me on a mi8, reconnaissance in belgorod took me to the hospital there when your memory returned in smolensk in the hospital it was lying somewhere and then i was there for 2 weeks remembering my middle name i completely forgot, the boys were having a blast there, let me invent everything there, well, there are no documents , nothing, but i have everything left there , nothing at all, they brought my head, well , it’s wrapped in it in foil in a blanket there, well, like when you’re conscious can. it was hanging here, well, then here’s the last name, first name, patronymic, like, i remember the last name, first name, patronymic, i don’t remember , well, remember now, well, now everything is fine, well, as normal, i more or less write down what needs to be done there, for example,
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i write down for tomorrow, because i get up in the morning, i wasn’t there too, i’m writing down what i need, so it’s normal, my wife, my wife, of course, saves there. i forgot, i understood everything, it reminded me, thank you, when they remembered my wife, who she is, where she is, what she is, when you will never forget at all, i started walking, well, i walk, i’m still in a wheelchair, in a wheelchair, and i, well, refused the stroller, in crutches, yes, well, he was dragging his legs behind him in his arms, here are another one, one different one, they are, in short, one short, one long, well , which were, that’s what it was, belgorod is generally a hospital, thank you there. in general it's i just thought it was the doctors, the women there, yes it’s just women, they just came to work every day, that’s all i need, here’s my phone, i don’t have anything, i can’t talk, i wrote on a piece of paper that i need a phone
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, so to call home, she brings the package in 10 minutes with phones i chose a new phone for you, here's a sim. now wait, i threw in some money, i threw in, then i write, how much money is there, what kind of money, what are you saying, thank you, son, that’s it, there’s a relationship there , just people, this is real, this is a monument during your lifetime, you have to put your condition, your well-being, as it is now, fully recovered, yes, no, no, still on pills, no sleep, no sleep at all, i sleep three to... 4 hours maximum a day, that’s it . headaches, yes there, well, nothing, it’s normal, the children don’t let you get bored, i need a third one, i have two daughters, i want a son, god willing, yes, i need a son, camille, how are you feeling, i’m basically feeling
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wonderful, thanks to the fact that i have support from my wife, from my parents, from a woman, a woman is in tatar, grandfather, it’s just... many people ask me the question: what is a babay, who is this, like an evil one, well, they used to scare children with a babay, here’s a babay, in tatar, this is a grandfather. let's watch a story about your hobbies.
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kamil, with the loss of a leg. your life has not changed, it has even become brighter to some extent, the feeling that you have not lost anything, sometimes you even forget that there is no leg, but still the phantom pain is present in any case, because it is such a serious injury, it will remain, the leg is losing weight, now this is already my second prosthesis under an individual rehabilitation program, i already have the first prosthesis, that is, my leg has lost so much weight that i’m already putting on six or seven stockings, now i’m preparing another one for myself to protest. i have four legs there , in general, there will be a choice of a home parade for the weekend, kamil, we have another video from your colleagues, let's see, hello kamil, my friend, i often remember our service, how we fought together, there were also funny moments, and not very cheerful, you are an excellent commander, you have always been a good person
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for his people, during tasks he never hid behind the backs of his guys, in dangerous moments he did everything first, carried out, checked, then only led, got his guys going, your first priority was always the preservation of personnel and the execution of combat tasks, i convey to you a huge greeting from the cleaver, and we will definitely see you soon, i want to convey greetings to isbaldin kamil, from his comrade with the call sign marine, my friend, i, like no one else, know all your exploits and how you risked... your life on the front line about camilla, i want to say that this is a person who always amazed me with his perseverance and determination for 5 years, that’s how long we studied. kamil strived to show his aspirations, i take an example from him to this day, i go in for sports, i
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remember how kamil was on feed, just like a broiler chicken, we called him, he trained there and grew in volume in such a way that is incomparable with human possibilities. it seemed at that moment, okay, kamil, all the best to you, there’s a heart, then in the program, who will zainulla see for the first time in his life in the studio fotkhulovich, len, please come in, bunny, who is this, adeline, this is grandma, grandpa, i want to see my mother. and gor, i don’t believe that you
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betrayed me, but i have to know the truth, and i understand you, in order not to lose love... you need to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but you something i remembered, it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, but if you get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, spring is late. premiere on saturday on rtr. cleaning floors is
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why? we are leaving st. petersburg, dragging ourselves into this choice, i have problems in business, and you remember tanya, vasil, and she was still in love with you, but she is not married, it would seem that we have been living together all our lives, we know everything about each other , however, not everyone, well, you liked me at school 20 years ago, are you really still obsessed with this stupid childish love? this is stupid. girls love to see their dreams come true. olya, your husband, your husband, is cheating on you. olya, olya, let's take it together. pash, stop it. this didn't happen before. you don't see me, do you? you don't even look in my direction. but i, i’m a woman. where we are not. on friday, on rtr. her husband called her
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a brilliant actress, that’s all that ’s left of him now. short videos from a mobile phone, my name is sergei kudryavtsev, i am an actor at the lensovet theater, the husband of this brilliant actress. sergey kudryavtsev lost in the fight against cancer. i yelled, i will save you. a few months ago, irina osnovina broke her leg, she believes that this is the curse of her big fans, will she have time to recover in time for the filming of the new season of the series sklefosovsky and is she ready to open her heart to new love? malakhov, today on rtr. earlier in the program, a svo participant with the call sign khakas met in the studio with his commander and told how he saved his life. to carry 150 meters from a person is, as i would say, very difficult. moreover, under fire , you almost have to drag a polish soldier under fire, because snipers are working, drones are flying in, everything is there, well
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, like that, when he was transferred to our trench. he also says: i want to live, you remembered that too, yes, i remembered that. in our studio, svo member sergei pogadaev. hello, sergey. hello, hello, sergey. he is the commander of the first platoon, i was in the grenade machine gun squad, that is, we are comrades in arms, yes, we performed and went on missions together. i met him when they added the assault fifth company, the first platoon, to our company, to the landing force, he, that is, was from the word. not prepared for everyone, then we didn’t have time to eat, we couldn’t do anything, at the moment when kamil arrived with the call sign code, in a week this platoon, well , outdid the whole company, everyone was surprised, there the regiment commander had previously sworn at the first platoon, that well, you don’t have time, you can’t you are doing this, it was in the rear zone not yet on a combat mission, and also when performing combat missions
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he did not sit still... why does he have a call sign code, because he walks everywhere, climbs everywhere, these are the tasks everywhere, yes , yes, he is looking for combat missions, it was very interesting for me to work with him, because i also did not like to sit exactly on the spot, we had such very difficult, serious moments, on the right side we had the ivanovo division on kremenaya, and he comes to me and says: marine, bro, let's go, go to the neighbors and exchange communications with the purity of the waves... we change, well, he and i, i say, well, let's go, we climb out of the trenches, in the open area, there were 50 meters, we need to go through, the enemy was about 100 meters away, that is, in direct visibility, we go out with him and they will work on us with direct fire from the rp, a shell arrives about five meters away from us, he and i lay down and stood up, normal, normal, still looked at each other, took two
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steps, a second shell arrived, there wasn’t much there. further away, too, maybe 7-10 m, he and i fell, i said, the hike needs to take off, let’s go back, no, he’s actually going in that direction, i’m in the other direction, they ran away, literally in a minute. it turns out that between the positions of the cat on the right side across the road there was an ivanovo division, the road is open area, naturally, we climb out of the trenches, we go out onto the road, he tells me, we are standing on the road,
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he points to the intersection, you see the intersection, i say, yes, you see a tank there, i say, i see the enemy’s position under it, the ukrainians are dug in under it, i say, well, i understand everything, then we walk about 10 meters, go down into the trench, as usual, i found my acquaintances there, he has a lot of them, yes, we exchanged radio waves and when we went back we stopped again, the kamir shows me there, tells me everything that’s how, i see, it’s interesting, of course, that’s all, and we looked, we go down to it's in his eye, we come to the dugout, the bungalow there is so small, he says: come on, marine, let's drink tea, i say, come on, i 'll show you a video now, where i filmed it from a quadcopter at the moment when he shows me the video, and he also explains everything, tells, says how, what, where? i say: yes, yes, i understand everything, i understand, i understand, he says, here we passed, here is a 70 m machine gun point of the enemy, i ask him what, that is, what are you, we, that is,
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stood under a machine gun , you told me about the tank, he says, yes, he told me, that is , now, now it’s a walk, remember, now remember this, that is, with a laugh, there i was, what are you, a cat, saying, but nothing, it’s normal, they didn’t shoot, because they were alive, it’s normal, that’s all, that is, we took a walk with the cat, we took a walk. we walked with him very often, and i know why he is so fearless, because it’s true, in 2018 you took part in the victory parade on red square, yes, yes, it was generally so wonderful, what a colossal preparation , my back still remembers those years and my legs too, let’s watch a video about it, yes of course, the banner group, the eighth rank, okay, well done, banner right beach forward! the second one , well, the eleventh, got out a little ahead,
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the third, the other after, from afghanistan, behind kolyana from chechnya, our memory, our wounds. hey brother, shine under the fluffy thorny under the thorny token, sing our little brother for the landings oh kamil, it’s already giving me goosebumps , well, it’s not scary, but no matter how difficult it was, of course, we initially went through this after the couples. sometimes pairs at the school were cut off, training was carried out on the plot, well, at first there was single training, well, everything started in convocations, and then, that is, we they marched solemnly,
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there were a lot of training sessions, i don’t know, a million, probably they took place just for the sake of that moment, to take place once on red square, and of course, this was a great event, something that was truly memorable, and when i watched it, tears welled up as well. this is exactly what you said, that you survived in many ways thanks to thoughts about your daughter, yes, yes, what is she like , tell me about her, little motor, groovy, in general, well, probably like dad, mom, how old is she, three years old was the moment, when i was alone now, my wife was at a session in st. petersburg, and i’m alone, all these moments, that is, changing the diaper, you have to cook there yourself, plus feed her, well, completely, that is, a month for the menu, let’s watch the video, what kind of daughter do you have, tell me, madam , how do you like it today, yes,
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let’s go, zainula padhulovic, you’ve never seen your granddaughter alive, no, just? in the photo, you want to see, of course, how this is so, right now it will happen, i was driving, you will see them, lena, please come in, bunny, who is that, adelina, this is a woman, grandfather, i want to see my mother, zoch, a lot strangers, yes, yeah, to mom, well, come on to mom, sit down. i’ll say,
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who are they, a lot of people will say something, now we’ll study everything, adeline, tell me, i can dance, splash, and sing, even, look what it is, yes, hands, nose, eyes, hairs, thank you for that who does he look like to you, zainulovich? like kamil, that’s the nose, the nose is like our breed, it looks like you, i say, it looks like you the most, not even mom’s, dad’s, it’s clear from everyone, by the way, you know that i noticed the nose, nose, my wife actually noticed it to me, that’s when i got wounded after rehabilitation, i looked at my leg and noticed a birthmark, i hadn’t noticed it before and... here my wife and i are looking at our
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daughter, she has a birthmark in that place in one place, yes, on the same leg, and everything came together , well, i’m speaking honestly i was surprised by such moments and the energetic bunny yesterday, here we were in patriot park, she herself is already up the stairs , poke-poke-poke, falls, gets up, runs further , god grant your family many years of happiness, son and maybe another son, another girl, god grant that everything goes well with you. it was, yes, thank you very much for your perseverance, for your courage, and a deep bow to you guys, thank you very much, zeinula fotkhulovich, good health, we will live for another 100 years, thank you, this was our program, real stories about our people, see you on the next broadcast on the russia channel, see you, see you,
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