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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 17, 2024 11:30pm-12:20am MSK

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i lost you, fuck you all, wait, what happened, you all have problems with your head, why are you, morons, degenerator, yul, wait, leave me alone, my dear, something happened, no , everything is fine, why is he so sad, the new girl offended you, alina, please fuck off, how rude you are, come with me, i’ll calm you down. sorry, but you get it, guys, now we're going to do a short obj, and for this i'll need my assistant chewbacca, so let's get started, first i needed my toy, tumbler, well you know this one, it will appear somewhere here, in general, i chopped it into small pieces at home and this is what i got. he calls it
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a smoking bomb, now i’ll throw it, let’s go, let’s go, in general, guys, look, now there’s an ant, in general, guys, that was our brief, hello, tatyana evgenevna. shoot.
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hello mish, did you want to see me? oh, pash, pash, thank you for answering my call, will you have a drink with me, no, i’m driving, so what happened, no, everything is fine, the documents were accepted, so what’s left, what ’s left? "pash, tell me what you think, what will happen if i cheat on my wife, so, wait, i don’t really understand you, pasha, i’m not asking you to understand, i’m asking you to give an answer, yes, i don’t know, well, well, it probably won’t be very good, here. it’s not good, but i
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’m forced, you know, to do this for your sake, you, you catch the idea, not quite, pasha, well, you yourself wanted to fly like a bird to the very heights, yes, so, in order for you to contribute my share in our project, i’ll have to sleep with tatyana, here’s pasha, pasha, i’ve never cheated on my wife, well, you don’t have to do it, pasha, well, if i don’t do it, you’ll just rot in this swamp of yours, i’m trying for you, i want you to become like a real man, so that you’re like a bird in this one.
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mish, where are you going, yes, where, where, home, where else, so let me take you, you’re in such a state, no, pash, thank you, no need, i want to breathe some air, you’re sorry that i pulled you, never mind. thank you, misha, you are a true friend, you too, well, give me the tablet, vlad, get out of here, don’t bother me, what should i do then? go to mom, i i don’t want to, then go to grandma.
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some kind of madhouse, so tell me more, and what next? nothing good, in general, i had a fight with him, oh well, yul, make up. i don’t know, there’s still not a single message from him, proud, but that’s not the point, it’s my fault, he has nothing to do with it, well then write to him yourself, i don’t know, i’m asking you, are you drunk again, okay, come on, why did you come home, get some sleep, sober up, then come back, go, sleep it off, it’s definitely a madhouse, yes, come in, tatyana evgenievna, good
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evening, and he’s good, well, that’s how it goes, it’s up to you, take a seat, so, kostya, i’m listening, if possible. well, yegor didn’t come to school today, well, i know he’s sick, i talked about it, yes, yes, yes, but the point now isn’t even that, the point is that he’s facing expulsion, so how, well, what did he do? started a fire in the school, that ’s how it was, yes, and what’s more, he posted this whole action on the internet, i can show you, no, it’s not worth it, and now,
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tribute, i understand, but... it’s difficult to raise a son alone, especially with such busyness, the child needs a father, otherwise today it’s playing with fire, tomorrow, god forbid you bring drugs to school, kostya, you are now hinting at yourself in the role of father, i understand that before you could wipe your feet on me, but you don’t have to do that now, i’m different, kostya, you never thought about it. why does everyone wipe their feet on you, that’s how old you are, and you still carry around your childhood grievances , trying to prove that you are a hero, well, that’s what you wanted to prove to us in these ruins, you yourself understood, it wasn’t us who offended you , it was you who wanted to be humiliated, yes, you are some kind of
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masochist, you like to be like this, i i would ask you to watch your... words, otherwise, otherwise, listen to me, konstantin arkadyevich, if my son faces expulsion or anything goes wrong at this school, i can’t vouch for myself, i hope , you don't want to get into a fight with a tigress, good luck. tigress mice, puss in boots.
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hi, how are you? what's wrong with your face? nothing, fell, where? what difference does it make on the street? so, yegor, why are you talking to me like that? don't you care at all? no, i don’t care how you put it, and i i ask what happened? nothing happened. i'm not leaving here until you tell me what happened. scared me, what does he want? don’t go, i demand an answer to my
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question, i repeat again, nothing happened, mom, i just got scratched, uh-huh, okay, if you do something nasty again, for example, a small fire at school, post it everything is on the internet, i ’ll throw all this equipment of yours into the trash, mom, what are you talking about, what are you talking about? and i was called to school, and i had the pleasure of communicating with your teacher, and he told me that this was the last warning, clear, clear, hello, maybe we haven’t seen you for a thousand years, sunday, never lie to me, do you like hitting women in the face? yes? i agreed to stay with my
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friend at the dacha. don't worry, the earring is never protective. hello, darling, it’s none of your business, sunday on rt. votka: veda. stellor group product. kalinan beleg. a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where is life turns into a fairy tale. rum, castra. product of steller group. treat yourself to a first-class
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holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu rizards. here for you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. sunday. so say it's a scammer. you won't get on any show. but they got there. the earth is spinning like in childhood. we're sitting well, guys. oh, go for a walk, my soul, dance for fun.
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if all textbooks are converted into electronic
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form, then, well, we will have to relearn yourself, don’t worry, the textbook will fully correspond to the printed version, so i think it won’t take much time to master it, and then the teachers will be replaced with electronic ones, that’s it, here we go, good morning everyone, hello arkadyevich, maybe you’d like some tea, yes, thank you, i won’t refuse, yeah, but what i wanted to say, they informed us that we will have studies of teachers’ competencies, don’t worry, it’s just... a test, the results will all be used to improve qualification categories, and this concerns teachers of mathematics and the russian language, well, that ’s why we poor mathematicians get the most, yes every time, thank you, every time, so please, well, i can’t say that, it’s not up to us, unfortunately, it’s not up to you , of course, but why such injustice, in my opinion, it’s time for us
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, yes, perhaps, help yourself, yeah, oh, dry goods, i’ll take a couple, irina sergeevna, don’t be late, yes, yes, yes, where’s my phone number, i’m probably at i forgot in class, oh, thank you, maybe you can still tell me why you got drunk yesterday? yes without reasons, i just wanted to, why don’t you drink at home? oh, my head hurts so much right now, i beg you, don’t blow my mind, please, i understand, how are you doing with the entertainment center? everything is fine, olya, i beg you, let’s not talk about this topic now, but what
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if we don’t, where are you going? otherwise we will all slide into anarchy. society has accepted rules and every person must follow them. i fiddled with the car a little. this is why we write laws; this, by the way, applies to young people, who tend to split into many subcultures, within their societies they proclaim their rules, which often contradict the laws accepted in society, written down, accepted in society,
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hello, yes, no, i, i, i remember everything, all our agreements, that when, well, already soon, i’m in the process, well, i understand you perfectly, but you also understand me, the amount is not small. well , yes, okay, i’ll do it as quickly as possible, and you won’t get sick either, damn, in conclusion, i’d like to say that modern means of communication make it possible to control not only individual groups of people, but everything the state as a whole, that’s why i would like
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you all, excuse me, can you please, pay attention, eleventh grade, and we have another emergency, irina sergeevna’s phone has disappeared, guys, no one is accusing you of anything, listen, but maybe we’ll arrange an inspection of personal belongings, then let’s check it out, now my jokes are completely out of place, but why not, it’s a good idea, let’s inspect everyone, let’s start.
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then we’ll decide what to do with you, collect, collect all this, well, let’s go, egor, i don’t know what you think, but if it turns out, that it was kesha who stole the phone, then i wouldn’t be surprised, well, i understand that he’s an asshole and all that, but i still somehow feel sorry for him, but i don’t, listen, it’s harmful, well, that’s why you’re so angry, and what i don’t have reason, so he asked me if i had seen those freaks? i ’ll answer you, yes, but you don’t guess, yes, in short, i’m glad that the swarm was caught in abundance, that’s it, bye, fred, fred, wait, that’s it, artyom,
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let’s not now, until tomorrow, yes, it’s not easy for him now . misha, what happened? yes, everything is fine, mom, well, where is it normal, you’re sitting, blacker than a cloud, but you’re just tired, well, a lot of problems have piled up, that’s all overnight. “that’s what i want, mishenka, to tell you, you are going through a very difficult time now, you need to help each other, be a support
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as one single being, and what, you each ran to your own corner and want to shout out from there, constant swearing and swearing, and the children , they feel everything. well, sit down opposite each other, talk normally, and don’t solve the problems of each one separately, after all, you are a family, you’ve already been through so much, mom, well , i can’t do this, you know, i can’t, i need space now, to solve this whole bunch of problems, i i don’t want anyone to hurt my spirit, olya is no help to me now. well, if you talk like that, there’s nothing more to talk about. mom, well mom, what is this, wow, amazing,
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and you collected it all yourself, my parents started it, i brought something myself. of your journey , for example, this mask, oh, can you look at it, yes, of course, well, like me, you know, but it’s not very good, now, better try on this one, oh, this mask is funny, in general in african tribes, masks were like conductors between life and death, they... for example, this terrible mask, one of them, it was used for sacrificial rituals, wow, she is from the
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aka tribe, by the way, one of the most evil tribes, the keys to the door to the other world, wow, listen, this mask, and this mask protected from dark forces, she is from the bamu tribe, very skilled craftsmen, and generally good guys. oh, how beautiful, these are traditional women's beads from the bantu tribe, from kauri shells, ordinary shells, well, yes, ordinary shells, they were once considered money, the most durable currency, by the way, for you i like it, yes, i’m giving it to you, what? i mean , i give, well, i just give, well, okay, if you need a reason, then when is your birthday? has already passed, let this be my gift
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for... your last birthday, thank you, mom, well, let's go to the playground, no, vladik, we are going home, well, mom, let's go, vladik, i'm already cold, i said, home, let's go, i'm cold. i want, vladik, olya, hello, hello, pasha, i hope you’re not following me, no, what are you, just went out for a walk, here’s another pleasant accident, oh, don’t believe me, i’m in an accident, that you, our whole life is a series of accidents, yes, you are a philosopher, no, you just read somewhere, well, what?
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inherited something? well, we are men, eternal children, it’s noticeable. vladik, olya, yes, it seems to me that something is happening to misha. and i know, i'm his wife. misha is my friend, well, you too, but in general,
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we talk to him. about cheating, that’s how, and no, nothing, just take a closer look at him, it seems to me that this conversation was not without reason, that is , i should worry about vasilyeva, i understand you correctly, i don’t know, ol, i don’t know, my job is to warn , thank you, warned. vladik, let’s go, and while you ’re walking here, think about this: where friendship ends, betrayal begins. olya, i don’t, tell uncle pasha, goodbye, goodbye, well olya, goodbye, uncle pasha, goodbye, and this is me, in the middle group for the new year, in a
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spider-man costume. no, in a bunny suit, so, oh, and this is my first grade, for some reason i don’t recognize anyone, but i just initially studied at a different school, and then we moved to another area, well, somehow, in general so, well , i see, oh, what kind of show masks are these? well it guys from the bororo tribe, they have this tradition: after the rainy season, they heavily paint themselves with ocher, you know, such a thick layer, and then they cover their faces with fat so that it shines, ugh, and then the men dance in front of the women, and they they choose the most beautiful one, like a beauty contest, or something like
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that. cool.
12:01 am
"i'll gather the whole family and introduce you officially, little bastard." light in the window, premiere on monday on rtr. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh,
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the first swiss hotel in the world operating on an all-inclusive system. give yourself a rest where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. you can’t feed a hamster, you are in a circle of friends, in a circle of friends, a program for the whole family, on saturdays on rtr, oh, grandma, check out the beads,
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wow, how beautiful, beautiful, and why are you so happy? yes, i'm just in a good mood. yul, have you fallen in love or something? what are you doing? so what? i also had my first love, i was the same age as you. okay, tell me? well, what can i tell you? his name was stepan, he was so tall. he was a bright boy, he and i we studied at the same school, he was handsome, like in a fairy tale, he was 2 years older than me, girls were attracted to him, and he proposed to me, well
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, friendship in the sense, and we were friends with him for 3 years, then he went into the army, and then he wrote to me that he was staying there for an emergency stay. then he got married and wrote that he met the love of his life, just like that, yes, it’s sad, i remembered this love for the rest of my life, because the first one, so bah, you find him, well, on the internet, you’re now an advanced user. well, i really wanted to, but to be honest, i’m afraid, so what? you will be afraid, you will correspond, remember your youth, and maybe he is no longer alive, here is
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grandma, what is my dear, and my mother took away, i have more of yours, and she took it for a reason, it’s time to sleep, look at yourself, your eyes are closing, grandma , well... let's go, let's take the tablet from mom, well, let's go, let's go, grandma, but you still try, look for what, but nothing, who, your stepan, yes, yes, yes, okay , let's go, let's go, let's go, quickly. this group is for those who do not find themselves in any community, for those who being bullied by classmates or peers who feel like a black sheep to those who have a voice and want to be heard. in general,
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so, you stay. to the main thing, i’m in st. petersburg for spare parts, i’ll be there in the evening, uh-huh, uh-huh, and don’t you dare touch my car, dad, you know, i never, yes, i know your never, you think i ’m not aware of your trips, oh well, dad , everything will be... okay, don't worry, come on, that's it, come on, don't be late for school, ok, good luck!
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today we will get acquainted with creativity, i’m a little late here, excuse me, sit down, ringer, ringer, quickly sit down,
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damn, turn around, i don’t understand, i say, let’s go back, okay, let’s do it. vladik, what’s wrong with you, you’re not sick, no, mom, when we go home, i miss my toys, we need to wait a little longer.
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can you tell me how you are doing with this entertainment center of yours? you see, in the process, yes, it’s noticeable, olya, what else? no, i just have a question, in general? are you doing at least something so that we return home, olya, i beg you, no, besides the fact that you look at pictures on your computer, drink and disappear, god knows where, olya, i’m tired of your questions, don’t answer me, answer your son, he wants to go home, what should i tell him, that we, olya , now it will be your best decision to leave me alone so that i can sit quietly, i repeat, work calmly. okay, work, work, i won’t
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interfere, mom, but are you paying because dad screamed? no, i’m just crying, but how can it be, maybe, son, maybe, damn it!
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wait, yeah, here's the good guy, dad, why are you here? you're doing it, i warned you, i told you not to touch my car, stop, completely, or something, put your phones away. what’s going on, i ask, my god, my god, i ask you to go to my office, everyone now, this is the first case in my
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practice of assault at school. but they lived, and it turns out to be some kind of archaic belt, and by the way, instead of demolishing architectural monuments, pavel vasilyevich, it would be better if you took care of your son, tell me, why do you allow him to take a car and dissect it, and he’s still 18 no years, yes i don't i allow it, it works out very well, you don’t allow him, but he can just take the keys and drive, yes, yes no, i don’t, tell me, maybe you still have a warehouse? with weapons, so that just like that, in the extreme, i brought two rifles to school, why not, listen, kostya, i’m not kostya, i’m konstantin arkadyevich, please remember, i don’t know, i don’t know what to do , according to the law, i am obliged
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to report to the police, beating a minor entails criminal liability, a fine or up to three... years in prison, maybe we’ll get around to it somehow, i i've covered myself, konstantin arkadyevich, well, maybe solve the question somehow differently, well, well, today we will cover it, tomorrow we will do something else, so what, i need time to think while you are free, and irina sergeevna, take it.
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oh, this is definite, well, everyone gets something yes, vitalik will definitely be like silk now, according to his merits, i hope that now he will cause fewer problems. artyom. let's promise each other something. and what? come on, if we suddenly part, or go in different directions, we will never forget about each other. wow, that's an interesting proposal. well, you see, life is long. and it is unknown what awaits us in the future. what if you go to africa and find yourself some african woman there. it’s unlikely, but the promise is ready to be given, i promise that i will never forget you, i also promise that i will never forget you,
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stop, completely, put away your phones, pavel vasilyevich, you’re at school, i ’ll show him such a school.
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well, you liked the previous events, yes, but somehow i didn’t think about participating in them myself, but that’s normal, that is, you just want to stay in the country for others to do, it’s normal, yes, no, i’m just not sure that i’ll succeed, everything will be fine, you just need a non-specific place, at a certain time everything, and the main thing is to look brightly catchy, okay, so what further? they will give you instructions on the spot, aren’t you making a hole in your pride, you yourself saw how he does everything clearly, yes, but i don’t quite understand what alina has to do with it, i don’t know the details either, but it’s not for me to tell you that alina deserved it . hello everyone, hello, everything is fine, yes, everything is fine, okay, i'm off,
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listen, what were you discussing so hotly, yes, artyom, listen, do you know anything about the lilac octopus, no, what is this, yes, takochka, hello, so what’s with this group, nothing, i’m just like that ... thank you, vitalik is still sitting at home, it’s still crazy, things are going on with vitalik’s father, look, look, what now, he has come, she has come, now look, change the chair, what about rudakova, have you completely confused the shores?
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just don’t pay attention to her, and so what’s next according to the plan, we’ll see, there’s nothing for you to do, stop it, pasha, pasha, the architects finally sent me the project, so what happened, they opened a case against me for beating my own son, i didn’t understand,
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can you imagine, he humiliated me in front of his own son, as if i were some kind of brat who, bone, dummy, who else? “oh, i understand, he decided to take it out on me, pasha, misha, and you think it’s easy to raise a boy alone, he didn’t have enough maternal love, i couldn’t babysit with him, if anything happens, i’ll immediately put the belt in my hands , so it happened, pash, it seems to me that you are exaggerating, everything will work out, well..." who will punish a father for raising his child? do you think about the future? these are the laws, misha, it turns out we have
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laws, pasha, can you imagine, they can give you up to 3 years, wow, but what, what, what? nothing, sits, worries, twitches, so what, what? julia, where did julia go, to school, she had
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some kind of rehearsal there, but yes, okay, what’s there, is everything okay? good evening, girl, weren’t you the one who wrote to me?
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i, well, do you have any information about the construction of the center? wait, what center? well, an entertainment center. no, i i didn’t write to you. wait, who wrote to me that there will be a person sitting here with some specific information. it's not you? girl, wait, i, no, no, no, no, some kind of nonsense. yulia, yulia, wait, wait, wait, please, wait. what was it? yes, i don’t know, i’m sitting here like a fool, different men are already hitting on me, asking stupid questions, what are we doing here, i don’t know, it’s probably some kind of glitch that happened, but i think the crowd will explain everything, i hope for this. that's it, i'm off.
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tribes there will be precipitation, in some places it will be cold until -3. i decided to divorce you, who is he? i do not have anyone. yes, this is a lie, because no one gets divorced just like that. spring is late, premieres on saturday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. rixsas golf villas and suites. greater than them all: a stunning world-class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. discover a real gem on the coast of bodrum.
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titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed at titanic luxery collection bodrum. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. i took 10 kopecks from my mother. cinema.
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rudakova, what is this? sorry, what 's going on? will someone explain it to me? yes, they have love. okay, let's continue the lesson. as we can see from the last equation. this is alina's dad, he works in the administration. i saw him once, he came to our school. get hurt. well, why didn’t you tell me about this spruce octopus before? well, i thought that this was a harmless group, well, yes, they punish all sorts of freaks, but they deserve it, okay, it’s okay to teach alina a lesson, but
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what does her father have to do with it? something needs to be done in go to the police, just wait, you don’t have to do anything, everything will be fine, look, but it’s not clear that it’s you in this photo, if he’s not guilty, then... they’ll just close the whole case, and if he’s guilty, then only you they’ll say thank you, and in general it’s all for a reason, you know, well, there’s no smoke without fire, kolya, what happened, it’s salty and bad, i’m going to see the doctor, well, he wrote out all the necessary papers, so i really hope that this story won’t affect us , it would be nice, mesh, i was thinking, maybe this entertainment center is his, pash, so... that’s why you’re still stuck in these two garages of yours, are you afraid to break out of the boundaries that you’ve outlined for yourself? yes, i understand everything, but everything is somehow one to one, as if for
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evil, as if someone was specially giving us all these tests, pasha, but as you wanted, well, in business it doesn’t happen any other way, you know, you can’t go without falls there are ups, downs they temper, i promise you, this will not affect us, so... pash, relax and enjoy the process, i convinced you, what about the loan? what about the loan? with a loan everything is fine, pasha, everything is fine, don’t worry! artyom, i'm afraid of what? i'm afraid i've done something very terrible. you didn’t do anything, you yourself said that he pestered you and asked some stupid questions. i already doubt that alina ended up in the hospital, it’s also my fault, you yourself wanted to punish her, you wanted to, but not in the same way, wait,
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you understand, you won’t change anything, you need to somehow forget all this and just move on, please, just don't behave, okay, fine, i'll try. yul, go have dinner now.
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mish, i gave you two, thank you. and these are
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the yule girls, yulia, how are things at school, everything is fine, like in class, i made friends, you should have asked me about this at the end of the year, yulia, why not be rude, can i just eat without... these questions of yours, have a nice appetite, thank you, in principle, yes, i don’t know, oh, hi, hi, hi, how are you, okay, fred, listen, who do you think this bunch is? i don’t know,
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honestly, we have to find him, the point is to stop him, he knows everything about us, all his actions are directed against ours classmates, which means he’s one of us, well , yes, it’s logical, we need to figure him out somehow, i like it. “i’m glad you like it, no, mish, it’s really cool, you’re a genius, that’s because i have a good architect, yes, tatyana, hello, things are great, yes, i remember, of course, today, okay, speak up.” when? okay, i'll be
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on time. tanya, any news? yes. she invited me on a date to a restaurant. is this news? studies have shown that low self-esteem in adolescence is compensated for by further deviant behavior, with the help of which it is possible to to attract attention, to achieve approval from those who will evaluate violation of norms as a sign of a strong personality, received wide recognition, well, that’s all for today, repeat paragraph six, i’ll ask. goodbye
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guys, maybe we should come up to corina sergeevna and tell everything, yeah, and she’ll tell kostya everything, it’s still unknown how this matter will end, they forgot about cash, he goes to the police every day, well, what should we do, then wait, wait, and i don’t know what this is, wait, let me see, this is a list of participants of the purple smenog, why list, you said that you don’t know about this group, so you told me about it yourself, or maybe there is a group? what, yul, what other bunch? you told me not to worry so much, suggested that i wait, not go to the police, why, what were you trying to achieve, but exactly why do i need all this? yul, wait, yul, yul, wait,
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wait, we haven’t finished yet, but fuck off, yesterday there was a papak, where are the children’s. look, i want a soft place, just what? it’s not me, wait, if you’re really not a group, don’t call until you prove that you have nothing to do with it, listen, well, i really have nothing to do with it why, listen, well, you trust me, i don’t know,
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artyom, i don’t trust anyone anymore. i hope this romantic setting will help you make the right choice, tan, actually, i’ve already made my choice, it’s so very interesting. olgo and i have been married for 20 years, during these 20 years we have gone through a lot, through fire, water, copper pipes, we had ups and downs, but never, you understand, i have never
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cheated on her, well, i’m in delight. i’m the only one in front of me, that is , you’re not going to solve your financial problems, but what if i tell pasha that you wanted them stupidly take advantage, i’m not a fool, i understand, you need a loan in order to pay off your debts, so and so. but i’m not doing this for myself, but for my family, i’ll stop respecting myself if you fuck me, misha, what
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’s wrong with me, no, okay, i didn’t grow up as a child, i refuse your offer, sorry! well, now you’re not giving up on me, you ’re depriving yourself of a real opportunity to help your family, do you understand that? i understand, but not at such a price, and i will deal with my family
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myself, without your help. screw you.
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okay, okay, come here, here, where are those cats? here. you'll have some tea, i'll have some tea, but there won't be a loan, you were good, tanyusha, that's enough, please. so
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what now? i don’t know, well, we’ll live here for a while. olya, i really don’t know, i want to go to st. petersburg tomorrow and meet someone to talk to. okay, if you need to, go. olya, i want to thank you, for what? just for being you. and what happened? nothing, nothing, just nothing, thank
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god, we’ll survive everything else, look, mom, grandma caught just such a cat. julia, are you okay? yes, grandma, i just didn’t get enough sleep, you can’t make a hole in the cup. mom, that’s it, i went, i’ll arrive in the afternoon, you
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don’t wake olya, bye, let him sleep, okay, yul, you too, have a nice day, that’s it, bye, bye. thank you dad. hello, hi, somehow, malina? fine. doctors said she would recover soon. i saw her. yes. she was really asleep. so beautiful. it's clear. you are walking? okay, let's go.
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hello, tanya, this is pasha zvonarev, so who we don’t have, alina kondratyeva is in the hospital, zvonarev is probably at home, and where is yulia rudakova? she hasn’t been here since this morning, so guys, i see that
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you have something going on. is happening, or do you think that we are blind teachers, maybe it’s time to talk about this, yes, egor, well, what can i say, you can revoke the documents without any problems, but as for mikhail, i knew about his problems, that’s how, eh maybe... you both decided to cheat me, steal all the money, i was like a sucker, pash, so you are a sucker, which means that, yes, and you are such a white swan, maybe you can tell me what you wanted from misha
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get this stupid loan in return, he told me everything. what i wanted is what i wanted i didn't receive it. misha, unlike you, is a real man, a monument should be erected to such a person. he tried for you fool. the person offered you a share in the business, and the project, by the way, was not bad, everything could have worked out, and you would have risen, i’m sure. why do i need this kind of business? i'm better off with my own little money, but alive and well. i should run away. there’s nowhere to go, let him run, pasha, i understand you, you can go, i’ll revoke the documents, in your spare time think about who could leak this information about misha, this is important now, in general, this whole game got out of control, alina is in
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the hospital, yulia was simply trampled, that is, who the bunch is, you never found out, no, “everyone thought it was me, but it’s not so, someone gave me a list octopus members, as well as my phone, were planted with caches, right, guys, well, you understand that this person is somewhere nearby, nearby, and that he is dangerous, raise your hand, who was part of this group, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, since you too, yes, i helped with zvonarev’s car, that’s normal, but egor, and you say that the photographs of yulia with alinin father - these are not yours, not mine, in my photographs yulia almost has her back turned, so whose then? this is me, what are you, these are my photographs, that is,
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you are a group, no, i am not a group. who then wrote to me in a personal message, he said that he understood me perfectly, that he was also humiliated, it’s normal, yes, he knew that i didn’t like alina, guys, let’s listen to her,
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i’m waiting for an explanation, they met often, i he then hinted to you that something was going on with misha, but you, you suggested thinking about the topic of friendship and betrayal, i thought about it, you knew that misha was bankrupt, let’s just say i knew that there were certain problems, but he didn’t tell me the details. what does this have to do with it? i’m saying that when i was thinking about friendship and betrayal, i received some information about his affairs, i was also so
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surprised, it turns out that everything can be found on the internet, he simply told me that his money is in circulation, that he has large investors, and i just need to take out a loan at the initial stage. and now i think, why does he need this? ask him, i have nothing to tell you, pasha, sorry, i have things to do, yes, yes, of course, eh, bear, bear, no, he, of course, is more fortunate than me, his beloved wife, money, you have traveled half the world, and i was only in finland and that...
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olechka, i love you, i have been waiting for you all my life, olya, olya, now you can, you have the right, olya, olya, your husband, your husband is cheating on you, olya, olya, let's laugh together, pash, stop, i'm sorry. just leave now pasha and never see you again, i won’t
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talk for a long time, neli didn’t like words, premiere, i don’t know what to do, now there will definitely be surprises, i suggest closing this topic, no spin the past. we have a serious family conversation ahead of us, you are behaving disgracefully, you really want him to see this while he is reproaching, the light in the window, on monday on rtr, rest means leaving yourself alone, rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about holidays. anex. i think that here everything is more serious, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions, because we have five of them, that’s dangerous fabulous animals, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of
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competition, there are questions here, everything is neglected, wow, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just to see, let’s go, it must have happened, i meant it , of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if 100,000 is not there, zhenya will add his own, then what many people use, the strongest love for the game is the five- on-one program, and me, oops , and... five against one on saturdays on rtr. irina sergeevna, excuse me, please, could you let me go home kuli. i think she needs my support now. yes, of course, just go carefully. thank you. ok. let’s do this,
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guys, the situation is very complicated, and i can’t help but tell konstantin arkadyevich about it, maybe there’s no need, we’ll figure it out ourselves, we’ve already sorted it out, pasha, pasha, hi, olya, hi, why did pasha come? i don't know, right? okay, i have good news, what? i've got everything settled, we can go back. what?
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it turned out to be simple, i was more worried, wait, mish, how did you settle everything, like this, we sat, talked, made a decision, olya, they gave me time, an opportunity, i’m back in business, olya, we can move right today, and by the way, where are the children, vladik and nina grigorievna are walking, and yulia is at school, so, so. yes, hello, hello, can i see yulia? is yulia at school? no, she's not at school, why not? can? ah...
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yes, irina sergeevna, did something happen? we have an emergency, but i hope it’s not a fire? no, not a fire. well, then wait, i need to go out. yes, sure.
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i'm on the roof, serge, what are you looking at there? don't come near me. erina sergeevna, so that you they didn’t see it there, i’m sure there will be an explanation for everything. yes, for example, what is this herd of you? irina sergeevna, dear, we are teachers, and we must control the children, and yes, in this way too, it’s better than if they... here are someone else’s hands, that is, you think that they are more comfortable in your hands , sooner or later they will fall under someone’s influence, such is the fate of all teenagers, our task is to help them make the right choice, you know, to offer them our helping hand, in such a perverted
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version, to gather all those offended under one the roof to organize actions of retaliation, you almost put one person behind bars, provoked a family conflict, offended a completely innocent person, and one is lying with a nervous breakdown in the hospital, and this... you consider it a help, yes, the world is cruel, and we must prepare our children this is what you think i had a sweet time as a child, no, i was an outsider, the most persecuted among my classmates, the object of pranks and bullying, and not a single person, not a single one , came to my aid, and now you decided that you can control other people's lives excuse me, konstantin arkadyevich, i don’t like your kingdom. i’m used to mirrors, aren’t i, my friend, what a primitive konstantin arkadyevich, pray that nothing happens to yulia, you won’t prove anything anyway, but
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we’ll see about that later, i think there’s no reason to worry, she’s just walking around, not answers, she will come back, it ’s all because of you, what exactly, you were so consumed by your problems that you didn’t have time for your family, ol, listen, well, now you’re definitely wrong, you’d better ask yourself, where are you? was there all this time, and you were too loaded. into my own problems, and not so important and unimportant for our family and for you, and that is, it’s my fault that julia was left without supervision, and by the way, we also have vladik, don’t forget, listen, let's not find out now who is more to blame, i agree, yes, we are both good, but now we need to fix everything, find our daughter, i'm
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sure everything is fine with yulia, irina sergeevna, yulia is not at home, i know she's on some... then the roof, she's in danger, guys, kurt -
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you wanted to know who i wrote that letter to lesson? i wrote it to you about how we met, then for the first time in the yard. i do not believe you. when you looked at me then, with eyes full of melancholy, i realized that you appeared here for a reason, and that we were destined to be together, so it happened, now we are sitting next to each other at the same desk, we have a long, long life ahead of us, in which we will always be.
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now everything will be different, i promise you, we will return home, we will forget about this like a bad dream, i don’t want to forget anything, mom, my dear, what? why is she like this?
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mish, maybe you’ll come at least for the new year? maybe mom, maybe grandma, but now i’ll come to you every weekend, especially since it’s a very beautiful city, i now have a lot of friends here, and i also have something to do, there’s one unfinished business left, that’s good , grandma, i like porridge and pies. thank you, my dear, and i’m not going anywhere, where the family goes, so do i, and i ’ll introduce you to someone, grandma, i don’t know something, yul, what do you mean, his name isn’t stepan by any chance, yes, i found it on the internet, as you advised me, but he turned out to be a lonely, unmarried man, and we... we
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decided to start all over again, so mom, why didn’t you tell me anything about him, maybe, yes, i was just forgetful before, but now all the info is on my page, wow, cool photo, thank you, good. well, you need to grow up yourself and learn
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to distinguish good from evil, by the way, about evil, konstantin arkadyevich was found to have a lot of things for which he will have to answer, yes, he also wanted to destroy all traces, but he failed, well, no matter how advanced a user he is was to the level of god, he is still far away, well, in short, the lights have won again, yulia, forgive me for behaving like a complete fool, in general, both me and me, forgive me, oh well, these are already past, let's watch to the future and smile more often, that’s right, good words, really, we say goodbye to yulechka, hello, misha, hello, pasha, go away, yes. forgive me, mish, it’s you who forgive me, i
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’m to blame for you, but i promise, as soon as i return, we will definitely complete the construction of our entertainment center, god willing, hello, how are you, okay, yesterday i was at the police, kostya he confessed to everything, he was detained under more than one article, including the involvement of minors and coercion to commit suicide. in general, they will be judged on several counts, yes, but i still feel guilty that kostya became like this, but then we should all feel guilty, so we are not guilty of anything, it’s his choice, he wanted to be among children, manage them, they are small, defenseless, they cannot give him tasks, all his classmates are assembled, hello, hello, hello, hello, and they told me that you are here? "my son and i decided to rush out of town,
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i stopped by to say goodbye, ol, you have a very reliable man, you’re lucky, i’m jealous , thank you, tanya, but listen, i thought, let’s not get lost, let’s communicate, meet, but we’re classmates, and school friendships don’t rust, yes, ol, i don’t mind, well, so do i, then so do i, well, that’s great.” let’s take a photo then, or something, as a souvenir, okay, i’ll take a photo as a souvenir, let’s all go together, so everyone look here, vladik, go here, come on, hello, hello, oh, yes, cool, you know, i’ll come to you, and i’ll come to
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you, let's grab a glass of coffee and let's go. lay, walk along the embankment, feed the ducks, you will tell me about africa, we agreed, we agreed, but first , add me as a friend, that’s it, mom, bye, that’s it, honey, bye, bye, call, that’s it, we’ll get there, i'll dial, happy, good luck,
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how differently they add up. the acting destinies, that's all, amazing, just fantastic, some kind of fresh, unexpected conclusions. i’m talking about a specific example, actor daniil vorobyov has been acting for quite a long time, but only a few years ago both directors and audiences paid serious attention to him; now he is busy in the most high-profile projects. and here’s another nuance, those very rare cases when i don’t know my colleague at all, well, what’s called, you know, absolutely zero. personal information, imagine, today i will also meet daniil for the first time. danya, hello, daniil, hello, hello, yes, we haven’t met until today, no, that’s a fact, well, something started to worry me, i decided that we should i agreed with my brother that we should
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meet here then, a great idea, by the way, yes, i immediately want to say what fascinates me, your incredible acting guts, when... you manage to create such amplitudes within the framework of one picture one character's condition, now you actually have a picture where you play eight characters, it seems to me, yes , an octopus, an octopus, yes, but on the other hand , you actually do the same thing in other films, i want us to watch from the film black spring fragment, you are so unhappy here with me, what does all this have to do with this, i, i should have a thesis on panticope, i only ended up here... i stayed because of this, i should have been doing science, and not jumping around with this lackey, smiling at them with all this harem at the reception, sorry, i can’t think of any other expression, such a sharp character that is inherent in you, it seems to me that you really like to bring characters to such a level, yes, this is
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probably a feature, because the reading of the hero that is proposed, as a rule, , here it goes into... such a sharp form, well , in the black spring, your hero has just such a story, when for a long time he squeezes within himself, and squeezes himself inside these circumstances, at some point it breaks out of him. well, yes, that is, he has already resigned himself, he is trying, but this is already a blank shot, he is trying to blow up the context, somehow prove
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himself, prove to himself that he means something, yes, but he was late for this point , because she has already left, so it is a blank shot, in the end he gives a fiery speech and nothing is happening, so listen, listen to me, listen, i never asked you, so... “please don’t lie to me, well, don’t lie to me, or lie, or lie, but well, well, what is it?” there must be some kind of explanation for this, because i, i will still answer in the end, well, you must have some kind of answer, pub, you’re right, i can’t lie to you, so, well then “what i tell you, you may not like it, well, that’s fine, that ’s fine, and the most important thing is that together, we will find it together.” the solution is not the end, the way out there is always, this is when you are driven, it seems to you that you are at a dead end, but this is not so,
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here an outside view of things is important, here is such household paint, it seems completely different, and the same character, such a chameleon, to me it seems that the actor is a chameleon, well, he just has such an edge, but you still have some kind of, as it seems to me, special plasticity, acting, internal. to lose you, i work hard because i
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don’t want you, we our children need anything, my love, you, i understand. v i was born in kostroma, practiced boxing, played the violin, and at the same time became an actor, what a connection, but what we say and assume under the nature of acting, it’s as if it was always with me, that is, i was always at the show, i was always at the performance, that is , mom wanted you to play the violin, dad wanted you to do boxing, yes, that is, you are in different directions so, they shaped me, i am grateful for... i had a violin, they
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bought me it was in a blue case, i went and studied for some time, well, okay violin back on thursday i went to box , for example, on that day there was no violin , so even if it was there , it doesn’t matter how you imagine it, then i can’t imagine it. puts down the violin, puts on gloves, or sometimes comes to music school wearing gloves, yes, or so, well , what did you like to do between these two evils, and there for some reason i became attached to that story, to that story, it, to be honest, it went on like this, because these polarities, they somehow migrated into the profession, in general, here, but i didn’t have what a rejection from the music school, from literature. from education in general, humanitarian education, and also there is a yard, there is also a street and that context of the time
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of the nineties and so on, with all the delights, that is, it was somehow always combined in me, just at that moment when i had not yet finished school , i decided to go to moscow to enroll in gitis, but i was 15 years old, i remember that it was ovchinnikov’s course, and i... radion, yes, most likely, yes, most likely, i just didn’t go to premises, in the gikesa building, because that i was scared, that is, i had some kind of. the program was prepared, but i just couldn’t, so i thought that apparently this was not the time, i left and it passed - it turns out 7 years, and after 7 years i came again, like after 7 years, after 7 years, and what, well, at the age of 15, or after 5 years, i understand, you still had to finish school for 2 years, yes, and then there was the army, yeah, after the army i worked on the radio, for a long time,
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yes, i worked on the radio, uh, on russian radio, where, and here? in moscow, no, and a little, and a little in moscow in kostroma, that is i was doing this thing, that is, as a dj, yes, as a presenter, i made some of my own programs there, something else, it was fun, really, that’s it, and then that’s it, it all fizzled out and it became clear that i had to go , that’s enough, that’s it, so i went, so, yes, i entered avgig, in the end, i entered andreev, gitis, vovgi, lenkov, alexander sergeevich, here you are... yes, i chose to go to geek, that’s why that cinema, because it’s always cinema, always everything about cinema was in my case, and they didn’t say that you’re doing it too late, young man, no, but i looked very young, youthful, yes, i somehow had a period when you looked young, yes, now it’s like, well, it’s a different time, so, okay, you started acting when you were already in college, yes, yes, i even
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defended myself in my second year, uh, with my first movie, it was directed by evgeniy sanovich ginsburg, he made mostly musical films like that, yes at one time, it was his job and i and yes i defended myself in 2000 , in my sixth year, so they praised me, they said well done, well, somehow it turned out that yes, i’m constantly in the process yes, but over the last couple of years a new quality has appeared, uh-huh, some, you know, some, as if different. or something like a role, a different volume of roles, this period probably began in 2018, when we had a creative union between soksinenko and artyom, with such a director, and after that, and somehow i suddenly felt that there was suddenly a creative unit, which you don’t have to prove, for example, there’s your vision or
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something else that hears, this was the case when we coincided with him and... he’s just trusted me and i brought bold things there, they call it in a cage, but after this project, for some reason, somehow people began to appear in my field who were interested in themselves specifically, but before that there was no such thing, but before that, it was somehow always in the resistance, that is , people appeared, but here we have a movie and so on, some kind of proposal, concept, and so on, but it was always difficult to somehow break through, so... i was usually a problem, that is, for the director and in general, that's why? well because there is copyright reading the script, as i understand it, that is , a script comes to me, here is the first case, i take the script and we set off to work on it, this is not my case, here is a script, this is like a reason for me to suddenly do something - your original piece there - you
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call it an author’s piece, definitely, but that’s of course. it’s an adequate structure, because it takes into account that there is a script, there is a balance of cinema, and so on, but as for my line, there is, of course, always the author’s reading, well, that’s interesting, that’s always the case author's reading, here are your latest roles, in recent years, yes, they are all very sharp, sharp portrayal of the role, yeah, and that is, before it was always like this for you, was there ever a time before when directors weren’t happy with it? yes, it was always there, but it simply did not appear in the movies due to the fact that it was drowned out, well , they just combed your hair, just a little bit of a hop-hop-hop, and here there was already one precedent in the form in a cage, suddenly oh, it became clear that this is interesting, what it could be, the new stage is so
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professional, yeah, but it’s clear that ah, of course, in this sense, you are so happy and have your own nature, and well, as well as texture, let’s say, age, probably, when everything came together already yours, well, your personal experience and it and professional skills, when you really play in a very different different people, this is a rarely rarely a rare privilege for artists because uh huh. everything is divided into cells, this one is like this, this one is like this, this one is like this, i’ll tell you honestly, honestly, i’m just now, when vadik put it. fragment from the black spring, i did not connect your that hero with you, i swear to you, imagine, i didn’t connect him, that is , now, when i started showing him, i say, it’s
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you, that is, for me this person was when i watched the film, well, completely different, what is called texture, even in texture, you know, yeah , this is very interesting, excellent, here is the film living life - also such a character. you have a chameleon, you play a psychologist, yes, that is, a manipulator, a person who organized his own school of manipulation. magic is the dexterity of the mind, the ability to change reality by force of will, to become its master, to take on the functions of a god. i will give you a task. if you are not ready to commit to them, leave immediately, i am a teacher and
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relationships are the ultimate trainer, i will teach you how to use relationships as a resource for personal growth, yup, that's a bully. you're just a hooligan, i say a chameleon, you say a hooligan, i just see how you are, but this is wonderful hooliganism, you yourself come up with such paint, yes, but it is justified, that is, it grows directly from what the script offers, here there is some kind of infernality, absolutely some otherworldly texture, it’s lacy, a little frilly, it’s so enveloping with its nature, its energy of all the characters, that’s how you work? well, firstly, it came from the fact that a person is selling a case, that is, he has a specific task, he, he has a program, and he
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gathers people who buy this program, i immediately realized that it should be show, in this case, i understand the script, i understand that this should be an elegant, slightly exaggerated show, this is super-irony about the fact that... people on the internet and in general in the mass media space sometimes they buy completely wild, very strange courses, very simple algorithms, they are ready to pay a lot of money for it, and this is just the irony in this regard, it pushed me to the fact that this would be such an ornate character, it turns out danya, that you are a director, your own director, absolutely. but in collaboration, of course, with the guys who are making the project, yes, well, in the finale of the same series, living life, you will become a completely different person, that’s
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the story, what are you doing, alice, hey, how are you, did you like it , as i read a poem, of course, i liked it, i really, really, really liked it. how you read the poem, very good, you’re great, and i was pleased, you simply relate, yes, but only he ran away from me, yeah, you even change outwardly, but it’s the same character, but in a different dimension. this is just the removal of the mask of this case, which he offered the entire series, now he finished it, and it was reset to zero, he has his own high task, so you penetrate so deeply into the character that you
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invent, apparently, even what the hero can be and is not written down, of course, of course, because well, the density of this form, it assumes, of course, bestial seriousness, and the global... global construction of space that is in his script, that is, when you are preparing, you invent this person for yourself in these, understandable circumstances, yes, you come, make a video sketch, make a video, definitely, definitely, i work there myself with my guys, a small group for which we make self-tapes and tests there, this is just an assembly, specifically me i'm there for five or four. hours i go into the space and we try out these sketches, for example, i present them to the director, even though the director doesn’t require this from you, no, 4-5 hours in the studio, you have a small group, right? yes, yeah, it’s not just
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that you put the camera there, no, of course, it’s the cameraman, and who else, the cameraman, makeup, makeup in general, i’m very glad that we caught this man in makeup, and the partners, of course, the lights are on, partners, even, yes, sometimes partners, yes, who wait, partners, it’s not clear, not from the film, you just, wait, it turns out you’re making your own movie before acting in films. don’t you, as a director, want to make a film? and this is a good question, yes, i thought about it, of course, but i ’m probably waiting for the right opportunity for this moment, because you haven’t voiced it to anyone yet, not yet, yes, here, but you’ve already voiced it, well, i’ve already voiced, just now, we’ll throw it into the universe, suddenly he introduces himself, and then you put it on the director’s table, well
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, you send it, of course, to the director, producer, i don’t know, this is a vision, yeah, but how often do you hear a refusal and or, as a rule, this great, let's, uh, we come in very often into the right compromise, that is, there is a script, its elaboration, in the form...
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which i had, i put it aside, put it off, heard it, let's talk, yes, because the kind of poetry this director is in, for of course, this was a surprise for me, and i naturally wanted to listen to it, yeah, it’s clear who i asked, zhenya. i didn’t even hit her, i just pushed her, and he, you’re my friend, what are you doing there, help me, stop, bitch, this is my wife, not your wife, but how... when did your this
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kind of work on a role, it’s not from the very beginning the beginning, when you were filming as a student, i must thank sana parfenyuk for love. this is my teacher in stage movement and may god grant me good health, and in vgik, because this is exactly the teacher who introduced a very cool base of theatrical art there, and - there are some books from strasberg, some things from psychology, so naturally in terms of plasticity, working with the body and... working in general in approaching the character, that is, it went from there, so, then i somehow organized it for myself, for my own processes, probably already there by the eighteenth year, so i realized that i have my own scheme, that is, you gradually moved towards
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yours, there is a school of strasbourg, there is a school of chekhov, and there is a school of vorobyov, i would not call it that now. you embroider, yes, of course, you like this, i really like it, well, by the way, about living life, it still goes out into society, what you have, that is , my rehearsal, it’s in society, i’m going on a plane , we are going somewhere, this is a train, this is
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a club, these are acquaintances who are very strange, in society, we'll call it that, you go into the environment, this story. you throw yourself into this environment, before the filming period, of course, in order to understand it, to find out, so as not, to just bring it, to already be it, yes, but how do you manage, now you, as far as i know, you’re filming four projects at the same time, how can you have time to work through each role like this, go out into society, as you say, on wednesday, this is the case when i didn’t go out into society, it’s just so intense, yes, but everything was built doesn't matter all. but there are these billboards with you i wear, yes they are all with me, just like the time when you acted in european cinema, you acted quite a lot and there were festival films, yes - it’s been like that since 2000 of the thirteenth year, somehow it happened there so i
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ended up into a very good avant-garde work by the director and it went to venetian. festival, he received a prize, but there is also such a strange situation there, because the proposals that have come lately are, well, they are like that, they are uninteresting, if, for example, we talk about the fact that oh, i am now striving to get into european cinema there and so on, but no, i, i really like everything here, there are very interesting pledges for the future, very promising, the offer that is coming now, i am very grateful for this , so here for the creative realization of me as an actor, this is just top for creative, of course, but you write poetry, prose, yes, yes, in this area you somehow
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want to realize yourself, do a play there, i don’t know , very well, but honestly - mm - i’m afraid, there’s such a thing, to open up, yes, this is another kind of topic, and you take the table, no, there are social networks where i publish, and i recently started filming poetry, that is, i started my own things, making their video art, of course, the main theme is the stage, to bring it out to the audience as a one-man show, that’s it. because this is exactly the only case where i understand that i have the right to go on stage, i have the right to say, because this is my truth, that is, it is interesting for me to say this, here, but at the same time there is fear, at the beginning of living the life of this series
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there is my poem, read it now, and this is a complex poem, to climb, you know, like this... i begin to peer into your two small dots, and the road disappears, cars disappear, people disappear. showcases, clothes, the meaning of clothes, your smell disappears, hair, smile, you, no, this is where i begin to feel, i suddenly hear you, do you? pure dimensionless poetry, you are a bestseller, you
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are what you so carefully hide from me, from yourself, such a thing, very quiet russian phrases: let me notice on them
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rivers, deserts, mountains and texas, at the end of breaking lines, behind a grid of parallel highways, i see how behind a dusty intersection, fate carries your frame, miles howled in a car, in a car... “we killed ourselves millions of times, behind a cloud of fallen the indian, the hitchhiker billy, stands floating, and he forgives us, for the quiet turn and slow roll, for escaping from obstacles, for the fear of disappearing during life, for everything that was unnecessary, for..." the connection with the almighty, for defeats and miscalculations , because
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honey, in the end, it all led me to you, where i, under the whisper of quiet phrases, kiss your well-groomed tehaz, you know what else i like, tribute, i really like that... “you yourself enjoy your poetry so much, well, you have the right, you enjoy, and you also enjoy by what you do and as an actor, it’s just straight to you, well, it’s really wonderful, you’re straight, you say it yourself, you know, when an actor says, well , listen, i can’t say anything, well, i’m just watching, and you’re just , well, it’s really luxurious, as if it’s to
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such an extent that you’re honest or something i’m sincere about this, that it doesn’t even look like you know, like, well, well, it’s not decent to admire your poems and your roles, but somehow you do it so well, because everything was suffered, igor, everything was built, there’s no just kidding, you’ve been making films for quite a long time and you’ve been filming a lot. you were an actor who was not very well known, that is, not a single picture was associated with you, uh-huh, you understood for yourself, of course, it is clear that you were unhappy about this, but still it could always be the same , yes, it could always be like this, but not in my case, probably, oh, that ’s how it is, yes, because it’s not what was biting me, it’s that - how can it be, but... pay attention to me, but i can’t deny it, probably it was, it was a good torpedo in order to move
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precisely to that professional level at which there are opportunities, where i am now, it’s just a battle for professional space, where there are opportunities to be realized, because there are a lot of ambitions, now there is an opportunity to realize these ambitions, i just sort of went for it, the time has come, the time has come, yes, is it true, what? then you still live, well, basically in kostroma, yes it is, that is, kostroma is a base, and here are hotels, hotel, hotel, hotel, but why? well, you’ve probably been a muscovite for a long time, yes, 20 years ago, but for some reason it seems to me that this is the most convenient format of life for me now, because there is a favorite hotel where everything is smooth, this feeling, of course, of travel,
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a traveler, yes, it’s a cool atmosphere, to be honest, i don’t know, maybe which one. it may be, but you have a daughter, she lives in a campfire, yes, the beautiful elsa lila, that’s some very exotic name, not a simple word, but elsa lila, yes, well, well, she chose it herself, that is this is not our initiative, it is clear that , of course, such a name, they tell children, well , choose a name, when they are born, she chose, please, elsa, add lila there, yes, what did she say, but shake it up, but no, but not stir. there is a path, the breath of god, essentially a joke, a game, well, it’s important for you to name everything a bright star, and lila is the dance of god, then put some meaning into everything, yes, well,
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for some reason it has such an interaction with everything...
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probably self-pity, that’s all, for some reason it doesn’t exist now it works, but i suspect that this is some kind of demolition, not just of values, but of some emotions, which, or rather phenomena that for me were some kind of irritants, that is, they gave rise to emotion in me, now it’s like... it’s not there, now i’m - just listening to - to myself, as if new, if we talk about the journey is probably a journey both into oneself and, in principle, into the context, that is , compassion is gone, gone, well, to those things that i used to connect to,
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which, roughly speaking, i could put in my profession, yes, no, this, this does not work. roughly speaking, when you needed to feel some kind of, well, pain, yes, uh, you remembered, i don’t know, the passing of your father, yes, well, for example, now, moreover, if we talk about the nature of tears, then tears of joy, they are more accurate, that is, they are closer, as if, than tears, uh, losses, yes, i don’t know what it’s about, maybe this is some kind of growing up, maybe , yes, maturity, or you know what... what is this or this, well, you really were under-realized, under-loved, and now this has come into your life, uh-huh, danya, cool, danya, at least , vorobyova, yes, look what he can do, and these, this feeling, i don’t
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get enough of it, it goes away, but these tears of joy, they are close to you. you know, it’s possible, it’s possible, but i’m still sorting out this issue, it’s unexpected, a very interesting shade has suddenly appeared, well, look, tribute, and this is our first conversation, yes, i’ll repeat, first conversation, yeah, for the first conversation, you told us a lot, great, but i suggest after some time we do conversation number two, this is interesting. well , since everything in your profession is developing by leaps and bounds, today there are four projects at the same time, tomorrow there may be six, eight, and so on, the main thing is not to drown in this space carefully.
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this is not a coat of arms, i hope, no, it’s like that, tambourine, tambourine, yes, i thought it was the third eye, i thought so too, well, then, right here, you know, dan, write, we’ll meet soon, will. pam, that’s your sign, yes, why do you have a sign of a tambourine, but somehow it happened,
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why, it was a violin, it’s a shaman’s tambourine, a tambourine that organizes space, well, not so much as , but still the interaction is internal, yes, externally, pam, come on, thank you, shamai, thank you, thank you, thank you, i won’t talk for long, neli didn’t like words, premiere, i don’t know what to do at all, now. there will definitely be surprises, i suggest closing this topic, don’t ruin the past, we have a serious family conversation ahead, you you’re behaving disgracefully, you really want
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him to see this while the light is on in the window, on monday on rtr, welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharmalsheikh, riksas radomis. sharmelshe is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixus radomis sharmel sheikh.
2:01 am
it's been decades since we've been a family shitovyh linked her fate with the plant. both the grandfather and great-grandfather of the famous metallurgist pyotr andreevich shitov worked in the foundry. petra andreevich, deputy of the city council, continuer of the glorious shitov traditions. his son sergei works at the same plant. he is still young, but already deservedly enjoys the respect of his comrades. the work shift of pyotr andreevich and sergei will end soon. their brigades are still
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providing compassion today. how was your work , son? - sergei’s father asks. “great, dad,” the son answers. great. zinaida, sister sergei checked out the last book in the factory library and hurried home to her son maximka. pyotr andreevich and sergei returned home. and at the end of the day, the whole shitov family will gather for evening tea. vera grigorievna habitually busies herself at the table. she already knows the tastes of her family, some with stronger drinks, some with lemon. who prefers which kind of theft? maksimka,
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wash up and go to bed. well, mom, i ’ll be performing again now, i’m watching it for the second time, i keep hoping that maybe they’ll show me, i’m also a member of the family, after all, and bor, you’re still a corresponding member, but who are you going to become? the youngest of the shitov dynasties, when i grow up and become big, i will work at... the factory as grandfather and earring, uncle seryozha, uncle seryozha, oh, okay, general hello, i'm late, oh, sorry
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, great, great , hey, wait, yeah, thank you, well, like a banditry curve, order, boss, there are no victims yet, that’s great, listen, where is the shirt, we got it from the forest, but my dad brought it from poland, thank you, look, wear it on health, simple, but with taste, so, give it to me, but all the girls are hanging on you anyway, i can’t, what the heck, here you better chew, na, hold it, look, it’s almost branded, thank you. plays, plays, plays a record all evening, insistently asks someone to forgive, and asks, asks someone to look back, and asks in someone else's words to bring someone back, you forget it, forget it, don't forget it, there seems to be order here, no ,
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well, let's go to the shore, let's comb or something, let's go, comb, great, guys, hello, how is the service going, fine. 3 2 1 0 that's all i was bornura


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