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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 8:00am-8:20am MSK

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the thirteenth stroke, the main one, was never recognized by anyone, why? why? what do you mean why? is this a legend? ok, let’s unravel this legend with an expert, very soon. why do you have a cupid psyche? you are watching the news on the russia channel, nikolai zubsik is with you. hello, let's talk about the main thing today. successes in the air and on the ground. russian guns destroy enemy positions, the enemy suffers heavy losses. we must answer them, move forward as far as possible and move only towards victory. new law of mobilization in ukraine, disabled people they are sent to a medical examination, and now summonses are delivered around the clock. the olympic flame is not for caledonia, there will be no relay, it’s hot there and... for the french soldiers, paris sends
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more and more war to the island. ukrainian military infrastructure facilities, which are used to attack our country, were destroyed this night. explosions occurred in the odessa and vinny regions. also in the affected area was the city of mirgorod in the poltava region, where a military airfield is located. kharkov became another target. major losses of the ukrainian armed forces in zaporozhye region, infantry. the enemy tried to gain a foothold in the area of ​​​​the village of verbovoye, and accurate fire from closed artillery positions thwarted the plans of the nationalists. in another section of the special operation , the howitzer destroys the stub with machine gun nests, mortars and fortified enemy rifle points, which prevented the assault units from moving forward. the crew was alerted, consumption. very large amount
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of ammunition, the rest of the bull is also being delivered, we work closely, we manage everything, we tolerate it, when the artillery attacks, it will be easier to advance, the enemy is already seemingly lost, in the sky the combat missions are carried out by the su-25 and su-35 duo, the first attack aircraft attacks ground targets, the multi-role fighter covers it, such paired work allows you to minimize losses and always return to your home airfield. kiev wants... the united states to lift the ban on the use of american weapons to strike russian territory, wool street journal writes about this, citing sources in the pentagon. another requirement of the ukrainian military is to provide them with intelligence data to identify targets. edition connects the appearance of these requests with the fact that the ukrainian armed forces are being defeated in the kharkov direction. washington has not yet given an answer. a new law on mobilization has come into force in ukraine, which significantly reduces the rights of citizens. so disabled people of the second and third groups are required to undergo a second medical examination, and you...
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a pleasant situation has developed in the omsk region, the victims have already begun to be paid compensation. local authorities are constantly monitoring the situation and sending assistance to the affected areas. as soon as the high water recedes, a special commission will begin a damage assessment and compensation for loss of property. 100 liters of water per square meter per day. such intensity of precipitation was observed in the german state of sahr, the old town of otweiler was flooded, and dams there were broken. as a precaution, about 200 people were evacuated and turned off. energy, also due to
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flooding in france, a red alert level has been introduced in the mazel department, and orange in three more. heavy rains since thursday have caused severe damage to infrastructure. the streets of many cities turned into turbulent streams. in new caledonia will not be hosting the olympic torch relay, which was due to take place earlier this summer. instead of athletes and torches, soldiers are flying to overseas french territory. official paris canceled the ceremony due to the unrest and sent everything to the pacific island. military. residents of new caledonia are unhappy with the french bill on local government. they are confident that this document will reduce the political influence of the indigenous population. since the beginning of the week , unrest has not subsided on the pacific island. it was restless that night in beshkeki; the center of the kyrgyz capital was guarded by security forces . they arrived after a thousand-strong crowd of local residents had gathered on one of the streets; people intended to sort things out with the foreigners. today's events are a continuation of the story at the beginning of the week.
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powers of parliament, one of the deputies ran out of arguments, he decided to take a desperate step, simply snatched the papers and quickly left the meeting room, he could not get far, the fugitive was detained, the texts were returned, the adoption of the controversial bill continues. north korea tested a ballistic missile with a new navigation system, the exercise was led by kimchen. as the tsak agency reported, the tests confirmed the accuracy and reliability of the equipment. photos of the inspection of the production of missile systems have also been published. leader. declared the need to build up forces to deter nuclear war. today is baltic fleet day. the holiday dates back to may 18, 1703. then, under the command of peter i, two large swedish ships. at the main base in the baltic today everyone will be able to visit
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the arms exhibition. at sea ranges, missile firing will be carried out by corvettes. these ships are equipped with the most modern arsenal and are ready to repel any attack. far eastern leopards will. a new safe habitat zone, the world's first transboundary reserve, will be created in the primorsky territory by russia and china, a protected area will unite several national parks. according to scientists, today there are 130 leopards on the russian side and 60 on the chinese side. data exchange and uniform accounting standards will help preserve the population. unforgettable evenings near moscow took place at the foot of the great wall of china. the hit, popular in russia and china, became the crown of the concert, during which the symphony orchestra led by yuri bashmet with the participation of pianist denis matsuev and opera singer ildar abdorazakov performed world masterpieces of classical music. the performances of chinese colleagues included
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works by rachmanin and tchaikovsky by national authors. the avaceme audience thanked the artist. all news always available on the media platform, look in the app or on the website, see you. welcome to rixca with premium magavish suites & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixsas premium mogavish suites & villas, the vacation you've been dreaming of. i liked one diet, you can eat everything, but you can’t swallow it, i bought tea
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for weight loss and sip it with a cake, he dominates me, he will hide in a corner. i have men, where are you going or to sasha, it’s not funny, mom, well, in our family this is not possible, it’s difficult to leave our own doorstep, it doesn’t fit, you’ve been calling all morning, i just want to make sure that he’s okay, and you, you, you're
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fine, as long as the light is on in the window, on monday on rtr. catch me if you can, our show is a real musical detective story, hurry to see, but don’t rush to believe everything you see on friday on rtr, good morning, hello, may 18th on... let's look into other people's bags. lost in what is usual, today let's start with the fact that airport suitcases inspired bloggers to create a new trend. there is a boom in social networks about unpacking
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other people's luggage. the videos, which receive millions of views, feature unclaimed suitcases and bags. after 3 months, airlines can put luggage up for auction. they sell a pig in a poke for symbolic money, about 1.0 rubles per suitcase, it can be more expensive, but the main thing is what’s inside, and there could be anything in there, well, in general it turns out... what’s most strange to me is, you lost your suitcase, but why don’t you apply for him, apparently they don’t apply, but what will happen? in lost suitcases this season , designers know for sure that polka dots are a favorite, as they say, they will become the most coveted for fashionistas, in the spring collections, in addition to polka dot dresses, you can see blouses, skirts, even suits with prints are not new, of course, how to wear it to look relevant, here is the question, alena kashtanova will answer, the animalistic prince gives his positions, his main competitor at the spring shows: peas from the smallest to indecently large, it remains to find yours.
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a prince with a controversial reputation. first appeared in switzerland in the 17th century, when technology began to make it possible to apply printed designs to fabric. since then, it either fell into fashionable oblivion, or, like today, topped the trend lists. it gained particular popularity in the last century, around the twenties; it was, of course, popularized by actresses and top officials of different countries, including marlene dietrich, grice kelly, and, of course, princess diana. that is, they began to wear it everywhere for various special events or in the frame of various films and thus many girls wanted to buy just such dresses, but christian dior has a special significance in this story, who created that very romantic gorogu dress, after which all the girls, even housewives, wanted to dress in such a feminine story. well, the second name is polko dot or polish dot. and according to some information, the relationship between the schematic image. on paper and the location of the patterns really is, but be that as it may, if earlier the application of these same dots
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on the fabric was strictly symmetrical, today this is not at all necessary. vangar conceptual unusual peas, which in general are just like peas, you agree, and are not read, not perceived, this is a denim overalls with various printed stories. the main superpower of polka dots is to instantly make an image romantic and playful, so a dress with this print has long become a classic of feminine style, but it is very important not to overload the image as a whole and carefully consider the choice of shoes, accessories and makeup, so as not to become a girl from postcards pinu style, so that it wouldn’t be too much? yes, you’re right, peas are very active in themselves, so it’s important here not to get an excessive theatrical effect, for example, to make one accent, as we did today on the lips, so as not to go, again, straight into deep retro, so that it doesn’t look somehow ostentatious, or a retro hairstyle, then the makeup is current and modern. or vice versa. another danger that print poses is adding age. the key role here
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is played by style and the ability to properly style things. i think this dress will be age, because well, it’s somehow very conservative in my opinion. i recommend this dress if you still like to dilute it with some ultra-trend accessories or unusual shoes that will add a touch of modern chic. however, some models cannot be saved. when choosing a dress, anastasia decided to use the trial-error method. it is already very retro, and i want to say that the older the woman, the more retro the reference to her age becomes, which is unacceptable for any beautiful woman, and secondly, here is this row of buttons, and the belt is kind of indistinct, the belt is indistinct, in general, i actually liked the color of this dress, the color is absolutely gorgeous, maybe i would even consider it, such a dress would only be suitable for a holiday in the country, ah... this is already suitable for more sophisticated exits, the peas here are not too obvious, in this case this is a plus. there are different types of peas, some are
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active, some are small, some are big, but this is what she has, i didn’t even immediately notice that it was a pea, it turns out it could be a pea so, yes, yes, unobtrusive, unnoticeable, at the same time he gives her lightness, such zest, beauty. how often do you wear a dress? in fact, very often, because in principle, as emma said, i am quite feminine and i also have quite a figure. feminine with a large difference between the waist and hips, the prince today can be worn not only on a dress, but on blouses, skirts and even suits, and this allows you to create a variety of looks, from romantic to everyday and even business. for example, with you we boldly we combine such a romantic and light combination with a rather rough, masculine leather jacket, agree, is it comfortable? conveniently, if earlier stylists advised to leave peas as the only print in the image, today this recommendation is outdated, the most advanced fashionista. they can try combining it with peas of a different size. this way of wearing a print is one
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of the most important trends of the season. you can safely buy things with different sized peas and thus mix them in one look. and you must admit, this is such a contrast, it doesn’t looks vulgar, on the contrary, it adds zest and helps to escape from a strict reading. however, it should be taken into account that large peas add volume and can draw attention to problem areas. if you are not ready to take such a risk, it is better to choose a print with medium-sized polka dots; it will suit everyone. exceptions. everyone, without exception, will be interested in their exciting discovery. astronomers are confident that they have discovered three ancient stars on the outskirts of the milky way that do not move as normal stars should. they fly at a speed of hundreds of thousands of miles per hour, the age of the ancient luminaries is approximately 12 billion years, that is , they appeared during the formation of the very first galaxies, they have a very unusual composition, scientists say, the trajectory of their movement suggests that they are parts of galaxies that our galaxy once swallowed up, and how it was formed,
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this discovery may just help us find out, but what the stars are still ready to reveal to us right now right here, our planet will tell... well , everyone is preparing for the main event, which as i understand it, once every 100 to 150 years it happens in this format, a parade of planets, this week we are waiting for it, what does this event mean for ordinary citizens? the fact is that the parade of planets is not just an event of this week, it is an event that lasts about 3 months, that is , this parade of planets has begun. in april the month will end in june, what does this mean, these are almost all the planets of the solar system, located in the same sector of the sky and enough, if you take them apart, close enough to each other, this forms some kind of bias in energy, that is, in the energy of the earth in the life of each individual person, since a person is part of the earth, this creates certain
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imbalances, let’s assume that we can observe changes in the weather completely. anomalous, and so many processes seem to be, well, in political life , are the distortions with a plus sign or a minus sign? it’s very different, it’s very different, if we talk about an individual person, then you understand, it all depends on the personal horoscope, well, some part of life becomes incredibly important, and also we have a full moon next week, that is, here are all the phenomena in the package, the fact is that... this full moon will be an unusual full moon, because, you know, the full moon itself will be in opposition to the planets that are on the other side, this is a 180° aspect, called opposition, so this is quite a lively, interesting, but tense time, in which case next week you can somehow go through the signs that aries will be very aries, will be very interested
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in financial issues, here it is possible how and unexpected profit, and not... unexpected expenses, that is, money comes and goes, but the topic of money, the topic of material values ​​is very important, here are taurus, now everything is ahead of the planet in so many events, for some people their personal life is just in turmoil, here all meetings, partings, experiences are possible, for some people their professional activities are affected and also very strongly, this is someone who can get a new assignment, someone will be fired from their job, someone will move somewhere else, that is no , calm.
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the full moon forms an opposition to the parade planets? tuesday, wednesday, thursday, here thursday is softer, tuesday is wednesday, we are in scorpio, these are very difficult days emotionally, you know, some unexpected outbursts of emotions are possible here, and some kind of aggressiveness and so on, here is tuesday, wednesday you need to be more attentive, thursday is already easier, thursday is already easier, well, it’s full, well, we exhale, then the end of the end of the week he is very calm, yeah. well, how interesting, but everyone has their work cut out for them, as we understand it, next week the may holidays are completely behind us, we are getting into the rhythm of the regime, you know, everyone has their own moods, for some the main thing is work, for some it’s romance, for others it’s travel and so on, yeah, well, with gopricorns, pisces travels with virgos, don’t separate me and my husband, they are always for
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travel, there aren’t even fortune tellers here, well , that’s interesting, thank you, but we still don’t have fortune tellers.


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