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tv   V krugu druzei  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 11:50am-12:50pm MSK

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of the participating aircraft. in the sky above khalkingol, the first two-time heroes of the soviet union in history, sergei mengazhev, were born, about the eighty-fifth anniversary of the battles with japanese militarism. news of the week, sunday, 20:00. all news is always available on the media platform. we look in the applications or on the website vesti monitors developments in russia abroad. stay. with you. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours. stop using a broom and dustpan, or use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past. now you... can clean up dirt, dust,
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crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swieper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything in, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head avoids any obstacle without any problems, thanks to its ultra-flat design. you can easily get under
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furniture, which is usually very difficult to reach, only today the unique, ingenious livington dipper swiper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for only 89,995, but if you call to place an order right now, then you will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros and... you will get it for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited.
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it has been scientifically proven that just a few pleasant meetings a week have a positive effect on emotional state of a person. where can we meet on saturdays if not among friends? hello friends, welcome and let's get started. it is often said that the most loyal pets are those who were rescued from the street or adopted from a shelter. and the breed has nothing to do with it. my guests today are convinced of this. please meet me. alexei! maklakov, his daughters sofia, irina and kot tikhan. alexey konstantinovich moklakov, soviet and russian theater and film actor, honored artist of the russian federation, distinguished himself also as a pop performer, releasing several musical compositions. hello, hello, nice to meet you, hello, hello, hello. how did you get there,
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tell me? okay, okay, as i understand it, this distance is nothing compared to the distance tihan traveled to be in your family. i don’t remember how many kilometers between moscow and mineral waters, but by air he flew for probably two hours, 2 seconds, it was a whole adventure, because the filming of one of the series, one of our channels, was filming near the lake, and some kind of fuss ensued there connected with '. animals, when we got closer, we found out that there was a big dog there, attacked small kittens, and i really liked this guy, i managed to pull him out, but then he stayed there, i took a picture of him, sent the photo to my daughters, they they said that they really like the cat, but when women say they really like it, it means you have to take it, after filming i asked to find that kitten, our driver, he went, found this cat, brought him, and in the morning i went to the airport
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i understood that it was impossible to carry him out just like that, he needed a carrier, he needed, uh , certificates about his health, and yes, it seems to me that now the story about... “hello, do you recognize me, i’m a famous actor, yes, i traded, i traded a little with my face, because we arrived at the veterinary clinic, it was all filled with dogs, cats, different breeds, and i was screaming with this kitten all the time, running away, saying, where is your chief doctor, urgently, tragedy, the kitten may be left without a father, well , in general, the doctor came, quickly looked, said, great, he got some certificate, gave us a pill so that he..." would calm down, not scream, but the second part was taking the cat out of me, because yes, but thanks again, that my face was apparently familiar there, they helped me with a carrier, because i had a plastic one, you can’t have a plastic one, you need a fabric one, in general,
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guys, i’m still grateful, this is the security police of the minvod airport, who bought him a wonderful carrier with their own money, i would like us, together me. thanked them because thanks to them, yes, this guy ended up on the plane, girls, i want to point out that dad did all this for you, because you said, you really like the cat, look at what dad is ready to do to make you happy, you remember your very first day of meeting tikhon, how he ended up at your house, as if by the way we didn’t know that he would come, it was a surprise, tell us even more interestingly, it means that my mother showed us a photo, but she said that... . on the set there is a certain cat, which in general, well, he’s not bad, what women’s words, in general. not bad, well, in general, so, we thought, well , probably, i just liked it, yes, just kind of showed it, we’ll forget it, but one
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day, when dad was supposed to come, mom somehow lingered there at the entrance , well , we think it’s not okay, you know, we go out to meet you, and there’s a huge carrier, you immediately guessed that it was a cat, honestly, that’s it, that it’s quiet, we didn’t guess at all, we thought that there was some kind of dad there i may have picked up the girl, but it turned out to be a copy of our cat mars, let's show our viewers who is here in these frames, well, this one on the left side is marcel, he’s the king of our family, the king of the family, alexey, i’m sorry, the king of the family, okay, and next to him is tisha. yeah, what kind of character does tikhon have, how does he behave? well, he is so playful, but he is very cyberactive, he runs every day, the caucasian screams a lot, he screams a lot, good, but the leader in the pack is still marcel, marcel, yes, this is due to age or due to character, well, due to the fact that he is still the first, his character,
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the fact that his mother adores him, she loves everything imposes, imposes on everyone an extraordinary love for mars, so of course, he was lost when a competitor appeared, but now they seem to be. they have resigned themselves, but in general they live well, the amazing story with alexei maklakov is that each of his cats came to him on their own, that is , it turns out that they found their owner themselves. this story really deserves attention. in general, i am a dog lover, i love dogs. but since i have three women in my family, after all, your female heart is more inclined to cats, to cats, i perceived them quite like that, well sluggishly, well, cats, cats, wonderful. and mars was the first to appear, we parked the car and were getting out and some red-haired lump pressed up to me, looking at me, i said, that’s it, guy, come on, that’s it, i went, and he looked, there this look, of course, determined everything, because i said,
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well, and anya looked at me and said, yes, in general, that’s all over, that’s how a cat appeared in our family, unfortunately, we lost a dog, we there was a dog, a corgi, joy, well... i didn’t know that animals are susceptible to cancer, but unfortunately, the tragedy of our family and now this redhead has come, as they say, he is, roughly speaking, replacing the shift now or making up for the loss of the children , and so on, the second cat is vilda, why is such an unusual nickname, we were putting on a play, quite, well, sad scenes, suddenly there was laughter in the hall, and several people came there just to watch this performance, she felt good, somewhere people were laughing, in general, she was wonderful, it turned out that this was a club cat that lived there for quite a decent
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time, so she had a very difficult time adjusting then on a diet of dry food, because obviously she ate everything, pasties and tomatoes, everything that was given, so we took her, because... i say, well, something needs to be done with her, who will need her later , so this is the second one that appeared in our cat-like family, then this guy who was found in the caucasus, this... with red hair, vilda glared at him, well, she loves him very much, but he chases her, for some reason not i know, love, yes, in general, all my cats went through some kind of difficult one, small, starting life, second, she is already how much older than mars, no, she’s not , in general, she also had a sad life, so i think that we should always open our hearts to them, because sometimes animals are a little better than us, but this is my opinion, sorry, well, such a cat person alexey maklokho, yes, yes, yes, as i understand it, you had dogs, well, in childhood, in my youth,
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i all had mongrels, i once had a dog who was a deberman, he weighed 74 kg , powerfully, walter, such a healthy dog, and he was a terrible coward, and there we had a small dog in house, she ran out, barked and he practically fell into a frill, everyone who scared him was very afraid, i don’t know, he grew up in my family and everyone adored him, loved him, but, unfortunately, he ran away, bastard, he’s in the spring , i brought something into the park, not me, my mother brought it out, and he saw something and ran away, we looked for him for almost four months, unfortunately, we didn’t find him, and before that there were mongrels, but i believe that mongrels are in general, we need to transfer elite dogs to the rank, yeah, because they, of course, are very wise and they are always very grateful for what that you took them out of the cold street into a warm house, they are very good. remembers, but this is again the opinion of a dog lover, as for cats, they are self-sufficient, maybe
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it seems so to us, sometimes dogs probably have some difference, as it seems to me, these are the eyes of dogs, they are very difficult to compare with cats, cats a little bit, it seems to me, self-sufficient, dogs they always look at you with faith, hope with great love, so girls, when will you give your father permission to have a dog, i allow it, yes? listen, but in general it seems to me that there is no need arguing between cats and dogs is an endless conversation, there are arguments for one over the other, everyone is right in their own way, today we have prepared a little surprise for you that will not be associated with cats or dogs, thank you very much, yes alexey konstantinovich, here that’s the question, i’ve been dreaming of seeing you in one image for a long time, well, i still haven’t decided, this program about the belly... allows me to do this, but please bring me the props that we will need for
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the next test , okay, yes, well, i'll take you warned, so, this is for you, thank you, yes, unfortunately for me, is there any idea what you and i will do ? closer, so let's record this version, what do you say? we will now release the silence, we will catch it, so today we have a sport that real cowboys practiced, attention to the screen. gosh!
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wow! girls, do you know what it's called? no, it's called rodeo. so, i invite the bull, the rider, to this studio, his name is evgeny mishin, your applause. evgeniy, you are a real cowboy. so, well, for now it looks like it can be dealt with. what's the secret to staying on a bull? you, i see you with your hand like that, this is balance, well, let
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's try to increase the speed, see what happens, try, oh, well, then it will be a fall from a height, russia still needs this cowboy, bravo and applause, guys, stop it, this is scary! oh, come here, let's discuss what we need to do, and we'll definitely try it. listen, well, this is generally part of your profession, am i right? i understand that you know how to professionally ride bulls and horses, well, in fact , this is of course a show, it’s all clear, it’s a game, because rodeo, it appeared somewhere in the 19th century, the first officially in 1883, it all started with dressage, yes, and then, well, there is such a legend that one of
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the horse trainers, passing by a herd of bulls, saw a huge bull and said: perhaps i can sit on this creature, uh-huh, i held out, where is his grave now, um, no, he he held out, so, he held out, so his friends went to hospital. well, in general, this is a completely unsafe sport, if we talk about the sport, because over time it became a competition. oh, there are many types, and bull rodeo is the most dangerous of all types of rodeo. well, probably not the most humane, either to humans or to animals. first of all, the cowboy is not fighting the bull, he is simply trying to sit on it. sit still. this is the first, second, this creature weighs a ton, and a man, this creature weighs a ton, yes, yes, and a man weighs, well, a hundred at most, so, of course, for a bull this is 90, probably 5% of cases are safer than for humans, there is a saying, the question
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of bull rodeo is not whether there will be an injury or not, the question is when it will happen, well, girls, you'll probably have to do it. i ’m good, thank you, vayacondios, this is a singer, no, it’s go with god, well, let’s go, okay, ah, ah, ah, ah, yes, yes, as if i didn’t want to right away, you know, i don’t want to right away, for starters you need to sit upright, that's enough, legs down, legs down, heels down, toes on... of course, coins under your knees, hold them knees, and as close to the hand as possible, as close as possible, i look good, great, yes, well, when he nods his head down, i need to lean back, when his head goes up, i need to move forward, i
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can even probably do this , and that’s not bad, it was scary, when can you get off sotrandrakh? i thought about this too, well, grades for skill and technique, yes, now i will show you, this is, so to speak, a test, probably all i can say from you is that i.
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sonya, do you think it’s possible to go a little faster or not? well, yes. come on, come on, hold on, hold on, great, smart girl, how easily she can do it, listen, just bravo, just bravo, and you can do it faster, but where, i don’t think, hold on, hold on, in my opinion, this is brilliant, bravo, bravo, let’s
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applaud my guests, it was amazing, you held up great, smart girl, and of course, there are gifts for the girls, and of course, for tikhon too, girls, this is for you, thank you very much for stopping by, i’m always very happy with children, thank you for your courage, and rather gifts for tihan, because he also experienced a great adventure today, having come to visit us, well, let’s just say, it was not in vain that tikhan came to visit us in moscow, now he will have... a huge amount of goodies, for which he will have to compete with other members of his tailed family, thank you very much for the warm company, we you are always very welcome, this applause is for you, thank you for your kind stories, for your big heart. thank you, dig, let's continue, it's sunday,
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nadyukha rolls around like cheese in butter, and her husband is rich, all over the world, don't be jealous, not everything is so smooth for them, what is the occasion of the holiday, when it seems. that there is no way out, i am the master in this house, look into your eyes, i will leave, remember, you are my property, if i want, i will slaughter you like a cow, and no one will save you, you have a choice, love or life, i myself it’s my fault, i provoked him, everyone is to blame for such monsters, everyone except them, write a statement addressed to the district police officer. it's none of your business, sunday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and
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comfort at rixsas golf villas and suite sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and... finite horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharmelsha. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmelsheikh. the world's first all- inclusive swiss hotel. treat yourself to a holiday of elegance and natural beauty. merge into perfect harmony, create memories that will remain forever in your heart, swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place
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in the heart of the city, i liked one diet: you can eat everything, but you can’t swallow, bought tea for weight loss, drinks it with a cake, he dominates me, he will achieve it. corner dominates, my beauty, run away from her, i love her, humor, humor, humor, premiere, today on rtf, look, love is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen. look , understand, look, look, sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign, look, look,
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maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18.
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unique creatures with high cognitive and social skills that amaze with their organization. they won’t ruin the furniture or make noise in the apartment while you’re away, although perhaps they won’t even notice your absence, since there are only a couple of million of these individuals per person. but you can watch them for hours. ants can hear with their feet and navigate by the earth's magnetic field. for them to become your pets, you just need to prepare them comfortable home, but how is it right?
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yes, there will be a lot of us today, about one thousand and a half, here i think about six hundred, what should you call what you do? if we talk about science, then this is the world of mycology, if we talk about hobbies, then this is the world of mi keeper, the world of mik with ant, keeper, respectively, keep it at home. i went to marketplaces and bought several houses, that’s the wrong word, pharmaceuticals, of course, i suggest discussing them, which one is better, let’s start with this, perhaps, this is what i personally start with i started 8 years ago and honestly this is
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the worst. what you can buy for ants, of course, many sellers will start telling that in these farms ants live on the iss, they were developed by nasa, this is a unique gel composition, this is both housing and food, ideal conditions for ants, in fact, there are ants in hydrogel farms they die quickly, it has unproven but quite probable toxicity, and it’s too bright here, well then we’ll remove it, why do we need this kind of nonsense, okay, we forgot, okay, next, like this... beautiful green look, incredibly beautiful, of course, but if you put ants here, the first thing you will encounter is low passages, they are low there, they will constantly bang their heads there, the second is incorrectly located ventilation, and the third, of course too little plaster, they will dry quickly, and the size of the arena, to be honest, scares me, the ants in such a farm, forgive you, they become dumb, i wouldn’t want to live there either, and what is a farm - it’s their house, and roughly speaking, yes, but the arena - what is this, an arena is
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a zone in which ants can. okay, in in this case, we also forget, this is all nonsense, i understand correctly that they should have a large space for living, a large space for hunting, yes, the minimum ratio, as here, is one to one, that is, the area of ​​​​the nest is equal to the area of ​​​​the arena , in addition, the arena should be high, the nest should best have partitions so that we can gradually open the compartments, and of course the amount of gypsum should be large, ventilation from different sides. and as i understand it, it’s for beginners, right? yes yes, let’s take a better look at what you brought, this is an advanced level, this is what we should strive for, explain how everything works here, and here there is a separate nest and a separate large arena, and note that our nest is vertical, gradually modular expands upward, but this is some kind of high-rise building, a skyscraper, and besides, you need to understand that the higher we build it, the larger the arena should be here, that is, not only the area, but you need to look at the volume,
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but in general, tell me please, what's the fun in general, what's the interest in all this? study? this is quite interesting, because ants have a diverse behavioral repertoire, they know how to communicate, they know how to pass various behavioral tests, they know how to count, they have the concept of zero, even, odd numbers, they know how to add, subtract, multiply, they divide really poorly , but they also know how, you can see it all, you can see it all and conduct all these experiments at home, this family has been with me for almost 5 years. during this time she participated in an incredible number of experiments, so there are fewer of them than there should be. what kind of experiments, for example? for example, the mirror test, they pass it incredibly well, where we have to look at whether, with the help of a mirror, an ant can understand that it is its reflection and not another animal, it understands, tell them, and they recognize you, they wave their little paw , they say: hello, daniil, hello, in general they can recognize smells, that is, when you work with ants in
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the field.... after some time they attack you less, because if you work with them a few years, they get used to you and begin to ignore you, but if there are ants in your house, they can get used to the smell, they can get used to you constantly looking at them like this, but in general i don’t think that they can get used to more , i think the guys will support me now, whoever is watching us will say that the worst fear and fear and fear is if the ants get out of their house, but this can really be scary, what to do in this case? in case we either catch them with our hands, we must close the two large index fingers and, roughly speaking , make small pinches, not without pressure, or have some kind of vacuum cleaner, something like that, let's make, probably, some kind of primitive house, yes, yes, i propose to start by taking the arena is quite large in size, we can place any substrate on it,
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but personally i prefer coconut substrate. coconut substrate is essentially ground up coconut husks. how old were you when you started doing this? i was about 11 years old, something like that, and i saw just a gel farm. in a documentary about ants i thought: i need this, in general, if i didn’t have allergies, i think i would be a dog lover. so, let's start with clay, and clay will allow us to contain more moisture in the plaster, plus it's beautiful, are your ants some kind of purebred, special , or are they from the neighboring forest? in general , there are no russian ants on the table now, who is with us here? what about turkish and indonesian woodworms? smelly ants, what do they smell like? but you can put your hand there, you’ll understand what they smell like, don’t be afraid, put it there, and wait, now they’ll rush at you, they’ll do a couple of sprays and you will understand that they smell
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something vaguely reminiscent of cinnamon with some citrus notes, they need to do bite-bite, bite-bite, no, no, without me, without me, then i’ll just close it, then just i’m closing it, yes, yes, you can warm it up for now. i ’ll handle this with pleasure, so are we preparing some kind of move for them now? now we are preparing a mixture with which we will make a filling, and this filling will serve as a nest for them. please tell us more about the experiments that you spent time with the ants, how can we understand that they are sane, that they understand us and see us? in order to understand that they see, realize and feel you, it is enough just to carefully observe their reaction when you approach them, they first see our shadow, they... they begin to see it, then we take it accordingly cover, this gives them vibration, they feel the vibration, we lift it,
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air currents are created , a pleasant smell of a cockroach appears and the anticipation of food, you are preparing plaster, yes i am preparing plaster, why gypsum for ants, it retains moisture, it maintains temperature. and now we’ll make a nest out of it, tell me, please, the ants hang out here, eat someone, and these ants sleep, no, the ants in the nest are always doing some kind of business, what kind of business do they have there? , children are raised, yes, of course, because the ant brood is constantly, constantly under supervision, the eggs and larvae are constantly licked so that they do not get sick, and often feed, and of course they are moved from place to place, that’s why, so that each larva... is in the most optimal temperature and, let's say, other conditions, humidity, temperature, lighting, and here somewhere you can see larvae or babies, some crying ant who asks to show him cartoons, it is certainly possible , by the way, this is
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a good topic, because even when the ant emerges from the cocoon, that is, it essentially looks like an adult scree, it will be in a state of childhood, then they become the same nannies as the nannies who surround them, only already after that they begin to timidly come to... to the surface, and that’s not a fact, so the older he is, the further he can move away from the nest, wow, that is, while they are sitting in the nest, the elders teach them, yes, exactly, ants are friends they are teaching a friend, i see an angry teacher, right here in front of my eyes, but most of them are sleeping, and they sleep upside down, i would not say that they are sleeping, they are rather in a state of stupor, because they are under a lot of stress, well, that is, how do they understand that they came for a television shoot, guys, well, like this work, well, what can you do, guys, if i 'm talking to ants, who... so you have enough, yes, of course, thank you, now we have to give this plasticine the shape of abstract cameras, what is this? and the chambers are just, let
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’s say, separate rooms in which ants live, then we will fill all this plasticine with plaster, when it hardens, we will cure this plasticine and we will essentially have such a cast of the room, need to do? a new home for a new family and new children? in general, on the one hand, yes, on the other hand, if you have males and females from the same family, then most likely nothing will happen. many people can see this in april and may, the invasion of winged ants, sometimes they even write about it in the newspapers? what does it mean? this means that females and males are ready for the nuptial flight, ants do this in flight in order to disperse more efficiently, and winged individuals are sexual individuals, that is, if you really have winged ones, the family is large, and the family is ready for reproduction, so to speak , distribution, and living conditions allow, and just the food, it looks as if dad started a renovation, this is approximately how it should be, the consistency of our solution should resemble
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fifteen or twenty percent sour cream, we set up our formicarium and get ready to pour it, well, let me be ready, and you and i'm ready, okay. so we need to make a larger angle so that it all closes, but what should happen? there should be a slope, we should fix it in approximately this state when it. hardens, we will get a slide with just plasticine passages, here and here we will have entrances to our nest, and the rest of the space will be a gypsum that will hold moisture and temperature. please tell me, will they be able to move into our new building this year, or will we have to wait a long time? unfortunately, we will have to wait a long time; it is absolutely impossible to move ants into undried plaster, but we took with us in advance the blank into which we will move. so we have a nest prepared, yes. there are two main chambers, exit to
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the surface, which is the arena, here we have a humidification chamber, where there is a special sponge that absorbs moisture; in principle, our ants can live peacefully in such a nest. let's move on to our charges, well, the most interesting thing is african friends, african friends, where did you get it, bought it from us from almost any country in the world, almost any type can be bought a long time ago, that is, now the ants will celebrate their housewarming. yes, we must populate them in the least stressful way possible. the least stressful way is to simply place our old incubator, which can look either like this, or like this, or in test tube format, we place it in the arena of the new home and wait until they move out. if we want to speed up this process, we can use simple pouring. let's not disturb them, why? let's not disturb them. yes, definitely. and in fact, now it is a full-fledged home. we have a feeding lid, that is this. the container can be bought at any grocery store, well, in
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general, a good start for those who are interested in this topic, right, an important question, which ants are better, and from which countries, which will feel themselves, our ants are perfect for any beginner, these are ants, because they are quite large in size, easy to observe and maintain, and if they escape, they are not particularly dangerous, get them at the pet store or you can go dig for them, go dig for them ? if you live in the south, if you live south of voronezh, then from about march to may you will start seeing harvester ant ice, great, what do you feed them? for this we need various sugars, this is just sugar, sugar syrup, honey syrup, fruits, but fruits are needed give with very great caution, because sour fruits can give them poisoning or fruits in the store that have been treated with pesticides, and how do you understand that your ants have been poisoned, it’s very simple, they... begin to die en masse, mainly if the ants were poisoned, then in addition to
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the fact that they die, their legs begin to twitch, so you brought some leaves, what is this? yes, we need this for decoration, and decorating the arena is an important component, because if it ’s boring, the ants will start, sorry, become dull, and in order for them to have fun, it is necessary to periodically change the situation, like rats in a cage, so a variety of pebbles will do, and in no case do you need to take fluorescent ones , some super cool ones,
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how good, yeah, i’m already i’m out of the habit of this, well then i’ll be your fairy, come on, ask me what you want, premiere, you won’t get out of here, sasha, they’re waiting for me, who’s waiting for you, i have men, where are you going, pasha or sasha, that’s not funny , mom, well, in our family this is not possible, it’s difficult to leave our native threshold, he’s coming over, you’ve been calling all morning, pashka, i just want to make sure he’s okay, and you? you are ol, are you okay? while the light is on in the window. on monday on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything.
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when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about vacation. anexc. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leorests. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lioresor we are here for you, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, just a joke, he will come to the house himself, we start, he will always help, we will train, how
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to walk on ice correctly, he will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, how an air freshener can lead to... increase, dr. myasnikov, today on rtr,
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i i don’t believe that you betrayed me, but i need to know the truth. i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need to lose your memory, retrograde amnesia, this happens, she won’t forgive me, but did you remember something? “i think it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want everything forget, get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, belated spring, premiere, today on rtr, there are places that
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fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, squad ready"! explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is, there are 10 million moped drivers here, taste it, oh, it’s amazing how delicious everything is, as my mother says, mind blowing, this world is worth seeing, spellcasters. it is the oldest profession in india, they say that a correctly made bukhara knife became a real amulet for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr, the first mention. this
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breed appeared in the 17th century, gorgeous red-skewed dogs that became excellent hunters and wonderful friends, and then they almost disappeared. i want to get an irish red and white setter in the category. let's watch. actually, the breed has a very interesting history. initially , the irish setter was red and white and red. they were like this and like that. it was one breed. but at some point, more precisely in 1886, standards were written, only exclusively red color was indicated there, and these dogs became fewer and fewer, but then exactly... in england they came to their senses, already at the beginning of the 20th century they began to be restored, there was some bureaucracy here, instead
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of supplementing the existing standard of red setters with a red and white color scheme, people decided that it was easier to write a new one, and so we became dogs of different breeds, these are dogs bred to hunt feathered game, and this is game that tends to sink when a person approaches, that is, we can walk along the field there.
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it seems that there is something very harsh there, but as soon as you cross the threshold, you will be met, you will be given slippers, house keys, keys to the safe, everything else, that is, this dog is always very kind, very friendly, you talk, talk, and i ’ll quietly sneak into the kitchen for something tasty, where, but we have a diet, sorry, i completely forgot, a tsetor is a dog that needs, you can’t to say that in very long periods, when they tell the pasha: to walk for hours, no, of course, this, no one can stand it if they can’t stand it either, but an hour and a half of an active walk
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is absolutely necessary, that is, it is necessary to resolve the issue with that , that if it is not possible to walk every day without a leash, and let the dog go somewhere so that it can play and run, then you need to go somewhere at least twice a week, for example, my youngest dog, her dad, he does skyjolling, which is a separate sport, very interesting, in winter it’s skis, and in summer it’s, for example, a bicycle. and they also just run, championships are held, competitions are held, people travel all over the country, to different places, a very, very interesting hobby, the setor is also different in that it knows its owner very well, i don’t have to say anything to the dogs, they they just read some of my behavior, some kind of mood, sometimes it’s enough to wave your hand there, see, the dog has already done everything, i don’t have any problems with them at all. here in life, in everyday life, and because now there are four dogs at home, peace, quiet, everything is fine, in general, good dogs,
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you can take them, today my guest is the owner of this rare and noble breed, a talented theater and film actor, dmitry losenkov, together with his wife maria, and of course , with your pet, please meet dmitry losenkov, russian theater and film actor. he has more than 50 roles to his name, winner of the stanislavsky prize and the golden mask prize, and serves at the sovremennik theater in the theater of nations. hello, kind, kind, i met yesterday, please sit down, listen, what a beautiful animal, i just want to pet him , ask questions, well, let’s start, tell me how you got him, your daughter asked for a dog, she’s been asking for a long time. 8 years now we have matured, you have endured for a long time, they have endured for a long time, i refused, i have lived with wool in
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my food all my life, so i didn’t want to repeat this trick again, why this particular breed, because he is the most harmless person in the world, i don’t i wanted a guard dog, i wanted a kind dog, listen, it’s so strange that you are 8 years old kept without dogs, because each of you had dogs all your life, if i'm not mistaken, that's right, yes, yes, i had a german shepherd. well, she was acquired for security purposes in the nineties, in fact, i have the same reason for the appearance of the dog, now it’s clear how you met, no, we met later, but it seems to me that in the early nineties everyone had dogs just to guard something, it was a moment for safety, this is lada, that's right, this is lada, yes, this is lada, mom, my brother, vasya, such cheerful photos from the past, great, really, the carpet is good, that’s not bad. and this is my first, well, conscious, so to speak, dog that i remember, we bought him for
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a german shepherd as a puppy, and a little later it turned out that this was not a german shepherd at all, but... my father once found it in a book about dog breeds such an exotic otterhunt breed there was not only a drawing, but also a photograph, it was exactly the same face, and what he was like, what his character was, what childhood memories he was a helper, i would say so, wonderful children's ones. waste, so he loved them, if he ran away, then he could find something there, but otherwise, no, but they were good dogs, cheerful, kind, well, in general, like ours too, who are they in this photo, please tell me, this is
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when german shepherds finally became purebred, so in mine. there is some kind of dog that needs to be rescued, velga lived chained to a radiator and was as skinny as a bicycle, so we actually took her in this way. into your home, big deal, yes, big heart, tell me how to deal with such a huge dog, it seems to me that this animal just needs to live and walk in the fields, we live, we have two parks nearby, we specially chose a place so that he would have a place to run and walk, because how long does your walk last in the morning, yes, he needs at least an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening, but at least, minimum, but i walk for 2 hours, well, if i don’t
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work, how can i spend 2 hours? tell me, how do you just walk? well, he hunts, he hunts, he runs around the park, there are a lot of mice, a lot of birds, he doesn’t always catch them, there are squirrels, he catches mice, he stands at the squirrel, looks for a long time, but cannot catch it, he barks at the hedgehog because he cannot turn him over, you let him off the leash, yes, of course, yes, he is absolutely harmless, why did you choose this breed , because he is absolutely harmless for children and for any person, and for dogs, he is perfect, he is very sociable, he can suit a person, he is friendly, he is not afraid, who washes this dog when he returns home from a walk, we mine, well, he’s not so hairy that it would be scary to wash like that, well, paws in my opinion, when he’s all dirty, he washes everything, you trained this dog so that he would carry out some necessary commands, tried, tried, yes, he has the biggest problem, he doesn’t walk well next to him,
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he needs to be a little ahead, after all, he is a hunter, but he has this... he doesn’t have any security functions, but he does have the function of running ahead of the locomotive, and there is also one feature that you have to run in a zigzag, like this, that is, it’s like this what is the most important function of your dog, hugging, he is a cat dog, he is a big cat, he i rode here in my arms, you’re kidding me, how is it possible to carry such a huge dog in my arms, i can demonstrate, well, something like this, maybe. you know, we invited a dog handler, an expert, to this studio in order to talk in more detail about this breed, because, to be honest, this is the first time i ’ve met such a breed, perhaps our viewers have also never heard anything about it in detail, but please welcome irina chushikina, expert of our program, irina chushikina, cynologist instructor, judge of the russian
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cynological federation in nosework. helps the owners of their pets find a common language, hello, it’s great to meet you, look how handsome he is, hello, i’m very glad to see you too, yes, please sit down, how did it happen that this breed almost disappeared, and i have two answers to your question, the first answer is - if we are talking about color, then - initially, when breeding for color... no one bothered, yes, everyone wanted the dog to be a working dog, so that it would chase birds, but when they realized that dogs can be bright, red or chestnut, yes, of course, it looks very impressive, so they began to pay attention to beauty in breeding, so the second answer, specifically about the breed, there was a time when setters, as well as greyhounds, were considered a relic of tsarist russia and were considered , that this is already well, let’s just say that
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the dog does not correspond to the ideology, but that’s it. a big dog, how to live with it in the city, in an apartment, how to manage it, your opinion, in fact, i’m in the apartment... he generally behaves very calmly at home, he sleeps in mostly and sometimes wants to play. does he steal things from the top shelves? well, he probably once wanted to do this, but then he was weaned off this event, it’s very rare that if the children are malnourished, they leave something on the table, and he endures it for a long time and doesn’t take it, but then he may still give up , well, in general he is an obedient boy. the guys said that this is such a cat dog, is this a property of this guy or is it even a trait of the breed? they have such cat habits, it’s true, they are very aristocratic, very noble, but
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at the same time good-natured, playful and ready in general for any movement, he is very cheerful, very, yes, very, very straightforward, he, when people see him in the park, they say how cheerful he is, he runs, he has ears, he is very directly charming, and a puppy up to three years old. it's so great all the time, who do you recommend getting this dog and who should not do it under any circumstances? i think that those who have an active lifestyle, well, that is , they tolerate loneliness very poorly, and if a person comes home only to spend the night, then it’s better not to, but if you love him, even walks, yes, hikes, some, well , some kind of sports, maybe a direction, yes, maybe a bike, in this way you will have a great time. and he won’t be bored, we can say that he is a highly intelligent dog, who is smart, definitely not a fool, and in general, he is very cunning, very cunning, as it manifests itself, but it manifests itself in such a way that he has found some kind of food somewhere, well, let’s say
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he saw her, he doesn’t show us that he saw her, he can make a circle, when you take out your phone or turn away, he bam there right away to this place, these are usually bones, chicken bones that crows hide. something or somewhere guys, you guys are usually harmonious and beautiful and this animal suits you so well and you look so cool together, you just felt like your jabots, but well, in principle, yes, guys, this is what the aristocracy looked like at 17 and 18 century, let's please applaud my guests, thank you guys, gifts, bring gifts to the studio quickly, hurray, unexpectedly, i didn't know this option, guys, thank you very much, this is for you. thank you, i'm very glad to meet you, thank you thank you very much for your expertise for inviting me, friendship is not only about receiving warmth from
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care, but also giving it in return, don’t forget about this, please, because this also applies to our pets, we will meet you next week among friends, see you , best wishes. cnop gin is a product of stellor group. callinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true.


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