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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 18, 2024 8:00pm-8:58pm MSK

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from scratch on friday on rtr, those who want to stay in the know watch news of the week, a program for advanced people, news of the week with dmitry kisyalev, on sunday on rtr. on the russia channel, big news in tatyana remizova’s studio and the main topic of this saturday in our issue. the north group of troops took control of the village of staritsa, kharkov region, and continues to advance into the depths of the enemy’s defense. lane towards belarus. completely free, towards
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poland, motorists have been standing only on this bridge for more than an hour. passport inability on the belarusian-polish border there are many kilometers of traffic jams, regular buses have been waiting for passage for 12 hours. 5,500 scooters have been confiscated from the streets of st. petersburg, parking them will be prohibited on embankments and canals, and speed will be limited. the experience of st. petersburg will be extended throughout the country. will there be fewer injuries and accidents? severe flooding in western germany, political overthrow in the taiwanese parliament, deputies threw opponents from the podium as if from a cliff. and the condition of the prime minister of slovakia, fitz, is still serious. it is inconvenient to ask such a question. eat opportunity to borrow 50,000 per card. and also vote for my child using the link or just join the chat as scammers hack yours.
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a grand concert in the mountains near the chinese badolin ridge. russian armed forces took control of the village of staritsa in the kharkov region. the ministry of defense reported this today. this settlement is located west of volchansk. control of the oxbow allows russian troops to expand their bridgehead to cover the southern part of the city. fighting is currently taking place in the area of ​​high-rise buildings north of the river wolf battles continue near the villages of leptsy and tikhoe. units of the north group continue to advance deeper into enemy defenses. also defeated. to three
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ukrainian brigades in the veterinary area in the sumy region, near myropol and lokny. russian troops managed to occupy more advantageous positions in the areas of ivanovka and senkovka in the kharkov region and artyomovka in the lpr. a counterattack of ukrainian attack aircraft was repelled near chervona debrava. in the north of the dpr , units of the southern group of troops improved the situation along the front line and inflicted defeat of four brigades of the ukrainian armed forces near krasnogorovka, konstantinovka and novy. in just a day across the entire line. front, according to the defense of the armed forces of ukraine, more than 1,700 military personnel were lost; missile forces near odessa destroyed a warehouse for storing unmanned boats. ammunition was also stored in hangars; they detonated for several hours. in the kharkov region , lantsed was struck by another ukrainian hail. and this is footage taken by ukrainian armed forces soldiers south of volchansk. all that remains of the croatian mlrs on the chassier humvee after the russian strike loitering ammunition. about how the troops.
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uses various types of drones on the front lines in the lpr, report by vesti military correspondent mikhail andronik. a sniper from the voys cube group , using a thermal imaging sight, hits an agrodrone, which in iisa was converted to drop heavy ammunition. the recording clearly shows the so-called baba ega, after being hit, it begins to burn and lose altitude. at the same time , it goes to our soldiers. in virtually unharmed condition, this can carry eighty-second mines anyway, that is, if it will hover there over the dugout and drop it directly, well, it will be unpleasant, of course the rolls will save you from eighty-two, but if it carries something heavier, then yes, it can cause a lot of damage. soldiers of the ukrainian armed forces leisurely walk through the trenches in belogorovka, they do not know that they are being watched by our reconnaissance drone on approach - a kamikaze drone, the gap in the militants’ dugout is filled up, everything that flies. in the enemy trenches
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, the operators of the southern group of troops are gathering their forces here, almost on the line front. anything, up to ammunition, up to any element that is needed for the bird. also, well, we have people who work on 3d printers, in general, in general, we can make all the parts ourselves, we also design them ourselves, change modules, that is, we make contactors, we make explosive bombs with damaging fragmentation bombs ourselves, the enemy is also active uses komikaza drones in the air on the line of combat contact, there are a lot of them, they are mainly trying to catch our equipment, which is why now all the armored vehicles are in front how to get to the front of the...
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layer, because it happens that either an rpg is fired at us with some kind of projectile or a javelin, it does not allow the cumulative jet to reach the tower. the nature of combat operations, means of destruction, and methods of counteraction change so quickly that the success of a combat mission often depends on the military personnel who are on the front line, on their ingenuity and resourcefulness. mikhail andronik, vladislav mirzayans, magomed bashir aliyev, lugansk people's republic. vladimir putin today had a telephone conversation with president of kazakhstan. he congratulated kasym jamar tatkayev on his past birthday and discussed with him bilateral cooperation, as well as upcoming contacts in various formats. the leaders confirmed their commitment to strengthening the russian-kazakh alliance and strategic partnership.
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in addition, vladimir putin shared his impressions of his state visit to china. relations between moscow and beijing have hardened under difficult conditions. stood the test of the changing international situation and today are reference. the key statement of chairman xidingping is quoted today by xinhua, summing up the results of vladimir putin’s state visit to china together with other world media. the chinese tabloid global times writes that russia and china have shown an example of fruitful cooperation between major powers. according to journalists, the secret of success is mutual respect and following your own path of development. this meeting is largely a way to humiliate the west and the united states, especially as china tries to establish itself as a leader in the new world order, in a different worldview, which differs from the western one. in the western press , of course, the emphasis is placed differently. cnn journalists highlight the special honors
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that china has shown putin and criticize beijing's desire to become a mediator in peace negotiations on ukraine. german journalist dominik reichert compares putin's reception in china with the recent one. scholz's trip there, the russian president was personally greeted by sidenpin, the entire chinese cabinet of ministers, and the german chancellor was met only by the deputy mayor the city of chongqing, and german scholars note the anti-russian calls of scholz and macron, china has disappeared into the void, the alliance between moscow and beijing has weakened the geopolitical influence of the united states. that relations between russia and china are not directed against.
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about how moscow and beijing together resist the unfair competition of the west and develop joint projects. cooperation in the field of industry is becoming clearer and more understandable in the taiga. somewhere near sektafkar, an international group of engineers is testing prototypes of new logging equipment. scientific and technical developments are russian, iron is chinese. we are testing this machine here because it is very cold in russia, in china there are no such large trees for which it is intended and if the tests are successful, we will send it for sale. the regions' tasks are to expand their own existing production base and integrate into the industry and economy of the prc. the arkhangelsk transport hub is one of the key strongholds of the northern route. it provides the fastest passage along the nsr to the ports of china. the plans for this navigation are 10-12
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long distance flights, which will significantly increase cargo turnover between countries, including the transportation of products from the forestry and metallurgical industries. in terms of the volume of trade turnover by foreign countries, which... over the past 3 years we have grown by 50%. china is in first place for us, accounting for 32.5% of our total trade turnover. the development of bilateral relations means a consistent increase in the volume of investments and the implementation of large projects, such as, for example, the construction of our fast neutron reactors in china closing the nuclear fuel cycle. aestanwan is the largest rosatom facility in china. we talk about new projects, new stations, new directions in work. obviously, the new components will be deeper cooperation in the field of nuclear fuel. power level with
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a full load and innovative could with fuel, i’ll try to take a tablet, a mixture of uranium and plutonium - the basis of our breakthrough fuel, that’s what experts say, the energy of this tablet is equal to one and a half carloads of coal. essentially we are talking about russian-chinese cooperation for decades to come on the division of labor and to strengthen russia’s presence in the largest markets, norilsk nickel, also taking advantage of the fruits of the international one , is transferring part of the outdated production chains to the territory of high consumption in china and gaining access to battery technologies for the future scaling of the process of their production within the country. adjust the focus of our resources, investment, management. on the fact that it ensures the growth of production, as well as the possibility of
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our entry, integration into new - chains, what is called value creation, new technological and production chains. fulfilling the president’s instructions, chelyabinsk is picking up an important state trend. here in the east , innovative production of composites, finished composite products for reinforcing concrete structures is being developed, and is also planned.
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russia is open to dialogue with the west on strategic stability, but only on equal terms, and western elites dream of inflicting a strategic defeat on our country, perceiving its very existence russia as a threat to the interests of the golden billion. this is how sergei lavrov characterized the current geopolitical reality at the thirty-second assembly of the council on foreign defense policy.
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the transfer, as i have already said, of the military-industrial complexes of the nato countries into wartime mode; work has begun, so far thinking on the contours of the formation of a european military alliance with a nuclear component. cars have accumulated on the borders of belarus with the countries of the european union. the longest queue at the entrance to poland. even people stand idle at the checkpoint for hours shuttle buses. polish business is suffering losses and is asking the authorities to open additional border crossings, but even so. about the unilateral desire to put up barriers to build walls on the belarusian-polish border. maria temnikova. the only passenger checkpoint on the border between poland and belarus, brest, faced a multi-kilometer traffic jam. there are more than 250 cars in the queue. the already difficult transport situation at the border has been worsening since
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the end of the may holidays, when relatives from both sides of the border decided to take advantage of long weekend. i’m going to see my grandson, i need it, i ’m going, i want to see it, and i’m going. but since you are going to visit relatives, well, you are ready for anything, well, well, you want to visit, see your grandparents. the bus flight from gomel has already been on the road for 20 hours, 12 of them are at the border, and the prospects are not encouraging. until the evening, i think, we will stand for 7-8 hours. the polish side handles only 30% of its capacity every day. passage standards provide for up to 2.0 cars and buses per day. days passing through the brest checkpoint, polish side passes on average about 600. the bridge over the western bulk river, right where the blue bus stands, polish territory already begins, and it is clearly visible here. the lane towards belarus is completely free, cars are processed without delays, but towards poland , motorists have been standing on this bridge for
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more than an hour. the situation at the border is even worse for freight transport in kozlovichi, there is a queue here. there are already more than a thousand trucks, how much are you worth? i'm standing here, what day is it today? happy sunday, happy sunday? yes, and i will again stand for two days for sure. while polish border guards are demonstratively working, polish entrepreneurs appealed to the sejm with a demand to open additional crossings. the main argument is economic losses from low border capacity. but the sejm is in no hurry to help taxpayers and authorities. countries use any excuse to tighten the entry regime, after the scandal with the polish judge tomasz schmidt, who left for belarus, a sign of protest against the policies of warsaw, donald appeared at the border tusk, the prime minister promised to strengthen the wall dividing the countries. the geopolitical situation is uncertain, so we will coordinate efforts to protect the border, not only from migration pressure. we began
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intensive work to create modern fortifications on the border. fence, which was erected less than 2 years ago for 300 million dollars, the polish authorities intend to spend another 370. the 186-kilometer fence is turning from metal to gold before our eyes; it looks like you will have to pay for this fence in warsaw yourself. tusk at least hinted that the eastern border of poland is the eastern border of the european union, there was no official response from brussels, there was no one willing to invest in polish fortifications. into the ocean, this is how the german media today comment on the situation in the west of the country, where there is the worst flood in 30 years. over the past 24 hours , more rain has fallen than in the entire past month, despite the efforts of rescuers who
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tried to build dams from sandbags, streams of water poured into the city streets. the level has risen by more than 2 m. cars are standing at the roof is in the water, and local residents have to swim. bad weather forced chancellor scholz to interrupt his election campaign in saari and go to the affected areas. but the trip didn't go well. the local press travels. the politician drew no conclusions from his controversial january trip to flooded saxony and put on his rubber boots again in an attempt to imitate gerhard schröder to score political points. however, i walked in them on dry asphalt. accompanied by reinforced security in sneakers. for now, the risk of flooding remains in neighboring federal states germany, neighboring france is already suffering from high water. several border towns are flooded in alsace. making the internet accessible in the most remote corners of russia is one of the most important tasks of the state. it intends to expand the satellite constellation and
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support telecom operators where it is not economically profitable for them to develop the infrastructure themselves. this is what the chapter is about. figures maksud shadayev spoke today, presenting a new national project at the exhibition at the russia forum : the data economy and the digital transformation of public administration. according to the minister, among other priorities are the fight against cybercrime, increasing the number of digital services for citizens, as well as supporting products of the domestic it industry. particular attention is expected to be paid to personnel training. we believe that programming should begin in high school. and this should be done at a modern level, all students should receive basic digital literacy skills and basic digital competencies, no matter what specialty they receive, all digital skills should be at at such an advanced level, well, plus we must improve the quality of training of our developers so that they comply with modern technologies. in st. petersburg
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, in 3 days, the police seized more than 5,500... electric scooters from the city streets, all of them, according to traffic police , belong to rental companies and were parked with violations, next to bus stops, on narrow sidewalks, on bridges near metro stations. before the white nights season, when tourists flock to the city, the rules for two-wheeled travel will be seriously tightened. dmitry pishchukhin, and those who i'll have to slow down. armed with a tape measure and a calculator, police officers spend the entire night measuring the distance at which the scooters are located. from the metro exits of public transport stops, if less than 15 m, then the personal mobility equipment is sent to the impound lot. a daytime raid by law enforcement officers on the streets of st. petersburg and the vsevolozhsk district resulted in dozens of administrative cases, 5,500 scooters were seized, the equipment was taken to a warehouse, later it will be sent for
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examination, where specialists will check it for safety and technical serviceability, abandoned on the sidewalk and openly obstructing the passage of pedestrians. sharing companies are quite rightly reproached for dumping scooters in the city center, users are accused of inappropriate and even... dangerous driving, while st. petersburg is among the regions with the largest number of accidents with electric scooters, 178 such incidents were recorded last year alone, one the person died. the current scooter season has barely started, but there are already dozens of accidents involving scooters. in this recording, a couple gets hit at a pedestrian crossing an elderly woman, and these shots were taken in the courtyard of a residential building. the taxi driver does not have time to brake , and the fifteen-year-old is demolished. teenagers have already had 41 road traffic accidents in a fairly short objective period. i would like to emphasize that we are talking now only about road accidents, but there are many other cases that lead to injuries,
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including those involving children. children are at particular risk, every fourth injured minor, sometimes with injuries that require quite a long treatment and rehabilitation, but because the collision a man is coming. including for driving while intoxicated and for slowness when crossing the road. the traffic police believe that the place for such vehicles is on the side of the road. scooters
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should not be on sidewalks. we are working on this issue with the city administration in what form it will look like. starting next week, scooters will be prohibited from parking on the water side on the embankments of the fontanka, car wash and griboyedov canal. also, they will not be allowed to be left on the spit of vasilievsky island, on dozens of busy streets during rush hours. speed limits up to 15 km/h. rush hour periods have never happened before, that is, in the morning from 7 a.m. to 10 a.m., in the evening from 5:20 p.m., on sections of streets that lead all to twelve metro stations. many scooter riders agree to ride according to the rules, but so that their departure from the sidewalks does not add to the statistics of road accidents. many people do not comply with this safety measure when crossing the road on a scooter, well, set aside separate paths for them, just to... pass, well, like, for example, over there, there, there is a separate path, everyone rides on it, people ride, pedestrians are all on a different road.
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it has been prohibited to travel by means of personal mobility in the center of st. petersburg since last year; the following restrictive signs have been installed in the city. in the near future, the experience of st. petersburg will be extended throughout the country; the city government will develop amendments to federal legislation. dmitry pishukhin, alexey sasyrin, dmitry mishchevsky, gina. northwestern news bureau. the great wall of china as a symbol of the unity of cultures. classic fans have two days to... see a performance by russian musicians against the backdrop of the badolin mountain range. the first to appear on the stage under the open chinese sky were pianist denis matsuev and the all-russian youth symphony orchestra. yuri bashmet took the place with the conductor's stand. alexey golovkov admired the greatness of russian music in the special acoustics of the mountain gorge. over its long history, the great wall of china has heard many
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war sounds from the jerky team of balls, but on this day, as darkness falls, music that the whole world knows sounds here, denis matsuev is at the piano, yuri bashmet is at the control panel, and this is always a double passion for the stage. preparations for this concert began in a few hours, in china now the scorching sun is even in the mountains, the prima of the chinese opera inxumei hides her face from the hot rays, the maestro tunes up his young performers. zloch is good, but it’s thunder, and you need to completely remove the weight. there is a special mark on the notes, a yubashmet, it is immediately clear whose copy it is, the famous conductor, wherever he performed, but located on the stage.
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rather symbolizes the unity of cultures. tchaikovsky competition winner violinist liu chauwen plays a tune by his favorite composer. for the uninitiated, there is a portrait of petrovich and his biography in chinese right there on the screen. i like the melody of his works, the passion in them. russian classics are super popular in china. the audience films the concert on their phones and applauds, and, of course, subtly feels every beat of the melody. they, one might say, copied the system of our soviet musical education, just like in the good old days in every apartment there was piano, and the child automatically gets into a music school. rimsky korsakov and rachmaninov, excerpts from the operas eugene onegin and the queen of spades, the golden fund of russian culture, which cannot be abolished. above us is the great
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chinese one. only truly great music can connect space, times and cultures in this way. the best bass of russia, ildar abdrazakov, captivated the guests with his notes, because all the emotions were clear without translation. the musical language is the same, there are only 7 notes, so we speak the same language, and everyone, of course, has their own mentality, everyone feels their music in their own way. this is very famous music in china, even we, the younger generation, know the evenings near moscow; for some spectators, the music played was not enough. another resounding success of russian
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performers in the middle kingdom, the tradition of concerts at the great wall will be continued. alexey glovko, alexander bystritskaya, polina fedorova, evgeny kirilenko and andrey borookhin, news from the people's republic of china. the full version of the big concert on the great wall of china will be shown on the tv channel "culture". and we continue to have great news, which is what we will talk about later in the program. the military registration and enlistment offices are empty, and the city streets are also empty. well, this is the situation i saw on the streets now, probably on january 2. and the rest areas are also empty. a new mobilization law has come into force in ukraine. truckers blocked the kiev-odessa highway with trucks. war on both sides of the screen. a book by our colleague, military correspondent of news,
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grigory vdovin, was presented in moscow. political non-eruption in taiwan's parliament, deputies dumped opponents from the stands, as if from a cliff. france declared martial law in new caledonia and canceled the olympic torch relay there. and doctors have not yet made any predictions about the condition of slovak prime minister fijc after the assassination attempt. it is inconvenient to ask such a question. it is possible to borrow 50,000 per card. and also vote using the link. for my child or just join the chat, how scammers hack your messenger and what to do if this has already happened. extravaganza of gold, water, flowers and blue sky in peterhof, fountain season is open, somewhere everywhere catch it, either at a gas station, or in the corridor,
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where to go and what to do? there are no forces that could hold her back, this is impressive, bash hello, after your interview many new questions arose, it’s good that they are watching and listening to what i say, in the first person, volodya, well done, thank you, in 3: 30 nights, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we will see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, sunday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas
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golf villas and suites sharma a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush greenery. fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits, sharma. a hotel for an unforgettable experience - rixsas sharma. only for adults 18+. there will be entertainment throughout. of the day: year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharmel sheikh is not just a vacation, it’s a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created
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to be admired. treat yourself to a first-class leisure holiday. elegant details, a refined holiday. tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio rizards, we are here for you. losing your first patient is always very difficult. you have to come to terms with this. and i don't want to put up with this. from the capital, i’ll be a new traumatologist in your hospital, i killed a patient in my capital, that’s why i ran away here, he won’t be able to walk yet, you crap, crooked one, i’m going to the police i’ll write a statement, i’ll tell everyone that you ’re killing and stabbing people, i want to make
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andrey a nana, no, get on with your life, you’re my life, love under a microscope, today on rta catch me if you can, it seems to me they’re singing, maybe so, and maybe so, amazing, that’s the essence of this show, on friday on rtr, grief, i don’t believe that you betrayed me. but i must know the truth, i understand you, in order not to lose love, you need
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to lose your memory. retrograde amnesia, it happens. "she won't forgive me, but are you something remember? it seems to me that it’s easy to fall in love with you, if only you could, i want to forget everything, if you get out of this slush, let spring into your heart, spring is belated, the premiere is today on rtr, there’s big news on the air, we continue the release, in ukraine it entered into force. new law on mobilization. now all men from 18 to 60 years old are required to contact the military registration and enlistment office within two months to clarify the data. they must always have military ids with them, and from now on these documents will be checked everywhere. subpoenas are starting to be sent out by mail, and
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they are considered handed over even if the addressee was not at home, and the category of limited fit for service has been abolished, that is, even a disabled person can be mobilized. about how ukrainians reacted to all these measures. the category of limited time has disappeared altogether, even
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a person with a slight degree of disability can now join the ukrainian army, if the conscript is not at home, it is considered that a summons has been served for evasion of 5 years in prison, the same law also states that the population in favor of the army can seize cars. and no one is embarrassed that the cars that were bought specifically for the front, used for their needs by those who collected money for it, we have the car behind us for this purpose, we have this car in order to drive around people, someone gives potatoes, apples, pears, i use it , when no one needs it, they launched a reserve application for remote registration at military registration and enlistment offices, but it does not work throughout the country today, there are protests of truck drivers, deferments no longer apply to them, they blocked the kiev-odessa highway with trucks,
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it already allows for the possibility of replacing zelensky to the head of the presidential office, ermak. the president's legitimacy will face even greater challenges as zelensky's five-year term officially expires on may 20. the constitution of ukraine prohibits elections under martial law, but. as long as zelensky remains in office, he will be vulnerable to accusations
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that he used the war to undermine democracy. in response, zelensky sees the west in everything; in order to resist russia, we need four times more air defense systems, not just two or three, but 120 nato fighters, and so no talk about peace. we want the war to end with a just peace for us, while the west wants the war to end as soon as possible, and for them it's a just peace. he is even against a truce during the olympics. which macron proposed, and to continue the war he needs to constantly replenish the personnel of the armed forces of ukraine, tightening the requirements for mobilization. andrey grigoriev, anastasia serikova, all valotsechev, news. unique journalistic experience and personal perspective on historical events. in moscow today a book by our colleague, military correspondent grigory vdovin, is presented. war on both sides of the screen, documentary prose dedicated to donbass, both before and after the start of the northern military district. about the events to which the author.
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material, material from the first person, which
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a person felt on himself, behind the lines of a book, the ringing of fragments scattered on the road and the rustling of thousands of plastic bags , a shell flying overhead, as we learn about the events of the great patriotic war, we have two sources, this chronicles, newspapers and memoirs, what makes gregory, this is actually a chronicle of our special military operation, this is a chronicle of our truth. in this book, all the main characters were frozen in the basement, old people and those who volunteered from all over russia to protect them, many of whom viewers of the news had already met on our air, a tanker with winter weather in the forty-degree weather. i came here precisely to defend the interests of russia or the battalion commander was evil until 2014, a businessman from kramatorsk there is nothing humane, children, old people, for them it is a sacrifice that they allow, and what does a reporter feel when following the assault detachments enter the newly liberated zaitsevo or artyomovsk, some kind of monstrous
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dream and abstraction, we don’t know what will happen next, but i’m sure that sooner or later the moment will come when it will be possible to get into the car and go to... it all begins from the call from the editorial office, when you can go to donetsk, this is from the preface of the book, there will be new chapters in it. mikhail fedotov, news. the condition of robert fitz, who is already conscious, is stable, but still very serious, the slovak ministry of health reported this today. yesterday's operation, which lasted 2 hours, contributed to a positive prognosis regarding the health of the prime minister. as they emphasized at the briefing, over the past few days in banska bystrica, doctors have actually performed a miracle, taking into account the severity of the injury, however, even after removing dead tissue, it is too early to talk about transportation to the capital. i don’t think that the transfer of prime ministers to bratislava will be possible in the coming days. today
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, the suspect in the assassination attempt was brought to court, according to local news portals, juraj tsintula admitted his guilt, the day before again confirmed the motives. france's policy towards former colonies, renamed overseas territories, is reaching a dead end, the tragic events in new caledonia were the result of growing discontent among the indigenous inhabitants. this was announced today by the russian foreign ministry after
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the number of deaths during the unrest increased to six, and the wounded exceeded two hundred. this evening france declared martial law in new caledonia. paris admitted that it had lost control of several areas, despite police reinforcements. gendarmerie, special forces and army units, which were urgently transferred from the mainland. judging by the latest footage, gangs are seizing vehicles and weapons from security forces, and robberies, pogroms and looting continue in populated areas. now over 300 people are unable to leave or return to the island due to the cancellation of commercial flights, and this morning the elysian palace decided not to hold the olympic torch relay there ahead of the summer olympics. direct damage from the unrest is already estimated at 200 million euros, but there is also indirect damage. as financial notes times, nickel prices rose to their
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highest level in nine months amid the threat of supply disruptions. the archipelago contains some of the largest in the world. deposits of this metal, which is indispensable in the production of stainless steel and batteries for electric vehicles. and while france is trying to regain control of new caledonia, donald trump is already making plans for key departments in the united states. as reuters predicts today, if it comes to power, the former president’s team intends to limit independence of the department of justice and make it the fbi. quote: chicken dogs in the service of conservatives. such confidence. the billionaire is obviously inspired by the falling rating of joe biden, who, according to fox news , even decided to debate out of desperation, but not everything is smooth here. before the discussion, trump publicly demanded that the owner of the white house take a drug test from the united states. valentin bogdanov. donald trump goes to the new york court like it’s work, but at any job there are sometimes days off. his
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first from judge juan merchin, the republican candidate received to get to my son beron's graduation. this is a true story about a man from florida who is forced to take a day off from his criminal case for paying a male star to watch his son's graduation. by the way, baron trump may one day end up in the white house. the 17-year-old oxbridge graduate is already head and shoulders above dad donald and mom milania. here she is hiding from the hot florida sun under a straw hat. the trumps sat separately on the podium, security requirements. the ceremony took place in the morning and remained until the evening. full time and trump would not be trump if he had not effectively managed the resource that is most dear to him now. by the time he jumped on the plane, within 3 hours he was there. in minnesota. minnesota hasn't voted for a republican candidate since richard nixon in 1972 . and in this county, just an hour from
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the twin cities, trump defeated biden by 60 votes. in one of these cities is saint paul, the second is minneapolis. at the annual republican dinner called lincoln-reagan, 45th the us president begins reconnaissance of the battle. in november , minnesotans will tell joe biden to cheat.
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even the special prosecutor called the us president an elderly man with a bad memory, robert hur. khur dealt with the story of biden’s improper storage of the elderly man, but they did not present the publication, audio recordings of his conversation with white investigators. citizens of our country for everyone to hear these recordings, they obviously confirm what the special prosecutor discovered, in his opinion, will cause such great concern to the american
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people that the president is using all his powers to prevent their publication. the claims of the american people are truly through the roof. biden is rapidly losing the support of those on whom he relied 4 years ago, for example, young people. the democratic president's rating among those under thirty dropped by 14%. and it’s not just about supporting israel; in the end , for americans, whether young or not, the most important thing at all times is the economy. what we are seeing is a generational economic crisis. young people can't take out mortgages, can’t start a family, can’t open a business, they’re kind of a lost generation. and biden has not kept his promises, and this is a response to his narrative. black youth feel even more deceived. conversations from the time of martin luther king about struggle. for civil rights, not very interesting to the new generation of voters. there are more and more photos like these made with the help
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of artificial intelligence floating around the internet. 22% for donald trump. 4 years ago he had only 9%. my god, if these numbers hold until the day election, this would be the best showing for a republican candidate among black voters in generations. this is a truly historic gap between the candidates. change something, but campaign in the bronx or in the outback of george. again, the us president is speaking at the luxurious national museum of african american history and culture in washington, in front of those for whom the fight for racial rights has long been a career and income. my predecessor and his friends are responsible for depriving us fundamental freedoms, from freedom of vote to freedom of choice. biden prudently remained silent about personal freedom. 37% of prisoners in the united states are african americans, it is not surprising that in trump, whom biden so dreams of putting behind bars, they and their
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loved ones do not see first of all... and the footage that we just received from the kremlin, vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the ministry of emergency situations , alexander kurenkov, as well as with the minister of natural resources and environment, alexander kozlov. topics of conversation include floods in several regions of the country, as well as fire hazards situation that is developing with the onset of the summer season, the president heard reports on the current situation.
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1,373 residential buildings and 5,892 country houses were flooded. in the tyumen region , 285 residential and 347 country houses, 3,209 household plots remain flooded in 43 settlements; thanks to coordinated actions , it was possible to prevent flooding of the federal highway p-402 tyumen-omsk. the governor spoke to me about this from the very beginning, so they began to carry out the appropriate measures in time.
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alexander kozlov, among other things, said that in july-august, rain floods are predicted in the far east in the amur river basin. they are already preparing for them; transbaikalia and the amur region are now in the peak zone of forest fires. salute arrows, to the accompaniment of classical music, soared into the sky of peterguf today, effectively foreshadowing the long-awaited return of water to the expanses of the palace and park ensemble. favorite residence. traditionally , the fountain season opened incredibly brightly, and the city of kranstatt fortress celebrated 320 years since its founding. report by catherine. academically and solemnly, this year the fountain festival is dedicated to the tercentenary of st. petersburg state university. the large cascade turns into a stage for a traditional celebration. this is how
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summer begins in the northern capital, when the city’s anthem hits the 15th lion to die.
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residents of large russian cities have become victims of massive hacking of accounts in popular instant messengers. the investigation department of the ministry of internal affairs warned about the intensification of cybercriminals. a relative or close friend. sends a message to the messenger from a harmless request to follow the link to desperate to borrow money, everything is very similar to the truth and you cannot refuse, how to stop in time and what to do if your profile has already been hacked, the algorithm of actions is a blow to the perch. and oleg, the only one who calls me a variant of the name nadya, of all my friends, this also added confidence, always careful and attentive, she believed the scammers right away: when a request came from a close friend’s messenger to borrow money until tomorrow and transferred the amount to the card number . i entered into a correspondence and asked on this phone number for some anatoly p, yes, he tells me, yes, yes, yes, yes, i owe him,
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so i transferred one amount, 46. when nadezhda finally called her friend, she found out that his account had been hacked, and there are already hundreds of such cases. hello, it’s inconvenient to ask such a question, there is an opportunity to borrow 50,000 on the card. until tomorrow evening, there were such requests that they really seemed to be from me, while i was trying to return the stolen accounts and warn my friends, two of them sent more to the scammers...


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