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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 20, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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will the bogdanovs be able to overcome their egoism and trust each other in order to become truly close people? do you know when was the last time you and i hugged like this? i suppose, about 13 years ago, i hope that the viewer will pick up some moves for his story, for his life. family saga - light in the window, the long-awaited ending this week, watch on the russia tv channel. ekaterina fralova and olga sukhorukova. vesti monitors the development of major events in russia and abroad, stay with us. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen.
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hello, your favorite program 60 minutes is live. let's start with breaking news. iran officially announced the death of president ibrahim raisiya as a result of a helicopter crash. the statement was announced today at the imam arriza mosque in the presence of thousands of believers. two more helicopters were flying with the russian president, but they arrived safely at their destination airport. what happened to air force one is still unknown. a photo from the crash site was published by the isna agency; it was also reported that the helicopter after the crash completely burned out. the tasnim news agency reported that the procedure for identifying the bodies of the victims of the plane crash had begun. a total of nine people were on board the crashed helicopter. the bodies of the victims will be delivered to tabriz, the search is completed, the head of the red crescent said. forecasters say there was thermal depression in the area of ​​the helicopter crash.
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first vice-president mohammed mahber will take over his powers. sixty-year-old mahber, the oldest of the twelve vice-presidents. according to the iranian constitution, the first vice. the president, the speaker of parliament and the chairman of the supreme court are responsible for organizing outside the regular elections of a new president, which must take place within 50 days. what is known about the death of the iranian president up to this minute? look. as you can see, i am now standing exactly in the place where the helicopter carrying iranian president ibrahim reisi and his delegation crashed. as you can see, the wreckage of the helicopter is scattered around the area, searches and rescue measures began immediately.
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that the helicopter is on fire at this moment, it is impossible to reach it by air, rescuers begin to move on all-terrain vehicles. it took 12 hours to find the head of the islamic republic; the car allegedly lost control due to fog and fell onto a rock; after the crash , rescuers were able to contact imam tabrizo. he reported that he had very bad hearing of sirens. by the time the military reached the crash site, there were no more survivors . imam of the city. hibriz in
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east azerbaijan province, mohammed ali al-hashem, who was on board the helicopter with the iranian president ibrahim risi, twice after reports of a hard landing, contacted and reported that he felt unable to hear the sirens of ambulances, said the country's deputy foreign minister mihdi safari. in the first time after the incident, the friday imam of tibriz was able to contact him, he said that he felt he could not hear the sound of ambulances, safari said on guest air.
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islamic revolution, mousavi, two pilots, one technical worker. a disaster has occurred. 600 km from tehran, near the city of julfa. raisi was returning from azerbaijan, where together participated with president aliyev in the opening of a platinum on the border river. after official events, the head of the islamic republic boarded a bel-212 helicopter, and about 30 minutes later the aircraft crashed in
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east azerbaijan. in total , three helicopters were in the air convoy; the other two arrived safely at their destination. 73 rescue teams, including the ksir special forces, were involved in the search for the presidential helicopter. immediately after the crash, there was fog at the site, followed by snow and rain, accompanied by strong winds. air the search was suspended, rescue operations were carried out by ground services, visibility was good. البته کار بسیار سخته. residents of east azerbaijan. the drone in this photo saw off the presidential plane
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sent by turkey identified the source of heat. the footage shows a night landscape and a dark spot on the hillside. when rescuers eventually reached the wreckage on foot, they discovered that the helicopter carrying... iranian president and foreign minister were completely burned down. it was initially reported that racey was flying in a mi-171 helicopter. car considered one of the most reliable in the world. then it became known that the iranian president made his last flight on an american bel-212 helicopter. machines of this type were purchased on the secondary market 20-30 years ago. cruising speed 190 km/h, flight range 440 km. maximum.
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to the list of the 100 most influential people in the world according to time magazine. previously, he held the positions of supreme judge and prosecutor general of iran and has the honorary title of sayyid, that is , he is a descendant of the prophet muhammad, which allowed him to become the spiritual leader of iran. with nineteen was under sanctions of the united states and the european union. during the years of the islamic revolution, russia was an active anti-monarchist who advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah pahlavi and even unconfirmedly.
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the hegemony of the west is facilitated by the hegemony of the dollar ; in order to create a new economic system, it is necessary to remove this element of hegemony in world practice.
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the first vice-president of the country, mohammed mokhper, will act as president of the islamic republic. a special council organizes early elections for a new head of state within 50 days. the country's national flag has just been lowered at half-staff on the iranian embassy building in moscow. putin expressed condolences to tehran. the day before, the president held an emergency meeting with the iranian ambassador and ordered to send for help. military rescue operation equipment for difficult terrain. according to the latest data, two planes of the russian ministry of emergency situations, which flew to iran to provide assistance, are returning to the city of dzhekovsky. turkey took part in the search and rescue operation. ankara sent a helicopter and drone to iran for search for a crashed helicopter. azerbaijan, saudi arabia and iraq immediately declared their readiness to provide any assistance. telegrams of condolences were sent from india, armenia, venezuela, and belarus.
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after senior us and iranian officials held talks to reduce the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. the death of the iranian president could cause unpredictable developments in the region. raisi was considered the most likely successor to ayatala khaminiya and belonged to the conservative part of the iranian elite, oriented cooperation with china and russia. well, let’s record that in one week there was an attempt on the prime minister’s life. slovakia and fitz and the death of the president of iran, both policies friendly to russia. pakistani journalist
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shekriyar khan khan has already linked the death of resi with the attempt on the life of fitz. the journalist connected this with the resistance of both politicians to the west, ukraine and israel. western media cynically expect civil war and a coup in iran, while westerners themselves admit that as long as ayatala is alive, no incidents inside iran will change. countries with azerbaijan. iran and the foreign minister on board, which crashed near the border , iranian state television has just reported that no signs of life were found at the crash site. i am shocked by the difficult news of the death of the president of the islamic republic of iran
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, ibrahim raisi, he was an outstanding leader, a wonderful person, a defender of the sovereignty of his people and an unconditional friend of our country. we express our deepest condolences to the supreme leader. deeply saddened shocked with the tragic death of ibrahim raisi, president of the islamic republic of iran, we will always remember his contribution to strengthening bilateral relations between india and iran, my. sincere condolences to his family and the people of iran. india stands with iran in this time of sorrow. belarus expressed condolences over the death of iranian president ibrahim raisti and other members of the delegation as a result of a helicopter crash, noting that true friends of belarus had passed away. we received the latest news from iran with great pain. this is irreplaceable the loss is not only for iranian society, real friends of belarus have passed away. sincere condolences to the family. and to the loved ones of the perseverance and courage of the entire people of iran. we are closely following reports
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that the helicopter carrying the iranian president and foreign minister was forced to make an emergency landing. their condition has not yet been clarified. we are closely monitoring the situation together with states and eu members. the kingdom of saudi arabia confirms that it supports the islamic republic of iran in these difficult circumstances and is ready to provide any assistance that iranian services need. european commissioner for crisis management jaanas lenarcic said the eu had activated its satellite mapping service to help with search efforts following a request for help from iran. the copernicus emergency management service provides mapping products based on satellite imagery. we are closely following reports of a possible hard landing in iran of a helicopter carrying president and foreign minister of iran , a state department spokesman said in a statement. presidential press secretary. karine jeanpierre told reporters aboard air force one that the president had been briefed on the situation but did not
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provide details. the united states is closely monitoring the situation, but it needs to distance itself from what is happening. the united states cannot afford to say anything inappropriate, so it simply monitors the situation. countries such as turkey and iraq have offered assistance. united the united states and israel are monitoring the situation with particular concern. minister. interlocutor in all negotiations on the iranian nuclear program. this regime takes a hard line. just recently, just a couple of weeks ago, iran attacked israel. using 3000 missiles. israel responded. the united states, the united arab emirates and other countries have been trying to intercept all these iranian missiles and drones. the situation was very tense. right now, absolutely all roads lead to iran. iran supports the houthis, iran supports hamas, iran supports hezbollah. the crash of the helicopter carrying iranian president
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ibrakim raisi comes at a sensitive moment for international relations. just days after... senior us and iranian officials held talks through mediators to try to reduce the threat of wider conflict in the middle east. in recent days, us and iranian officials have taken part in indirect talks in oman, the first such talks since iran's retaliatory attack on israel last month. this also comes as israel's war with hamas continues in gaza. and as you know, the decades-long shadow war between israel and iran has exploded into the open over the past few weeks. the situation has calmed down somewhat after reactions from both sides, but nevertheless, this shows the danger of the situation for the united states and for the west. over the last week there have been statements from magathe, the un agency for autonomous energy, that they are again in talks with iran to make sure
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that all of iran's actions will be within the framework of the nuclear regulation of the non-proliferation treaty. it is known that the united states tried... in these frames, an attack on the positions of the ukrainian armed forces using thermobaric shells tos-1a solntsepeg. at the same time, the airborne forces and russian units continue to break through the defenses of the ukrainian armed forces in the kanal microdistrict. there are reports that attack aircraft have gained a foothold in high-rise buildings and are moving forward, knocking out the ukrainian armed forces from basements and firing points into buildings. in the kharkov direction, fighters of the north group of troops
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occupied the entire northern part of volchansk, and also crossed the volchiya river from the south in the city itself. these groups of the north are hunting around the clock for equipment of the armed forces of volchansk. in these images, the polish rosamakh armored personnel carrier came under attack. right now, the ukrainian armed forces are pulling all available units into the city area, including those that have been kept in reserve for a long time. german propagandist julian röbki reports that the situation for ukrainian militants in the city is catastrophic. the offensive continues west of volchansk, the village has been liberated staritsa point. the russian army is making progress. in the direction of liptsy. zelensky, in an interview with france press, called the advance of russian troops in the kharkov region the first step in a new offensive. let me remind you that according to terrorist budanov, the russian army is allegedly preparing an attack on sumy. this is what ukrainian dragon teeth look like in the sumy region, intended for the construction of defensive lines, simply dumped on
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the side of the road. and a similar situation with fortified ukrainians, apparently, is everywhere. this is good. there are not enough apu air defense systems. zelensky stated that in order to boost morale, ukraine's air defense forces must be increased at least fourfold. asia again asked biden for two patriots. there was no response from washington. in addition to wickend, who called kharkov a russian city, she immediately called on the united states to allow ukraine to fire american missiles at russian territory, that is, it allowed it to hit kharkov, that.
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but we are holding on as best we can. ukraine is hungry for ammunition, but president zelensky claims that the shortage of ammunition has been dealt with. on
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at an artillery position near volchansk, the military received a batch of shells, but these were again old soviet shells. here in the kharkov region, ukraine is somehow holding the front line as the russians launch a new offensive. thanks to the fact that this unit was transferred here from another area where the russians are also advancing, these guys have just been given a new target. however , they are upset that the russians crossed the border so easily. we could have built at least some fortifications, lost fewer people and villages, now we we will have to fight them off again, we will have to use more resources, we could use logs and concrete, but now we will have to use shells and people to return the land. kharkov was fortified, but this line of defense was built too far from the border beyond russian artillery range to be of any significance. further east, where
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the russians are also advancing, the ukrainians are building lines of defense, but they understand that they may have to retreat from here too. digging so close to russian positions is also dangerous, and we are about to witness it.
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that it's too dangerous. ukraine belatedly we were told that we couldn’t go further, so we were strengthening our defense line, but the last few days have shown that it has already been severely damaged. we visited the second artillery position on the newly opened front line, which stretched for 40 km. this place is located next to '.
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week, for a week now the ukrainians have been trying to cope with the new offensive of the russians, according to kiev’s admissions, intense and difficult battles are taking place in the kharkov region, but vladimir zelensky argues that the worst is yet to come, this offensive is just the tip of the iceberg, and he expects a full-scale offensive across the entire country to begin in the coming months. in this region, according to moscow, and the ukrainians confirm this, the russians managed to advance tens of kilometers, and they also managed to achieve this in such a short time. why did the russians manage to get this
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far? the ukrainians claim that 30,000 soldiers with appropriate equipment are participating in the offensive, which means infantry fighting vehicles and artillery. besides because of this, the ukrainian defense lines in this area were poorly fortified; they strengthened them in other areas of the front. a few weeks before the start of the offensive, the russians conducted reconnaissance and even shelled the area around. having problems replenishing their numbers, they will have to stretch their available resources along the entire front line to cope with russian pressure, while the ukrainians may still resist sending personnel to the front line, but in the future it will be more and more difficult for them. in ukraine, the law on total mobilization came into force, now all men from 18 to 60 years old, as well as women and doctors must register for military service and
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be checked. here are shots from different ukrainian cities after may 18, there are no men, empty streets, markets, restaurants, all the ukrainian boys are sitting at home, hiding from the military commissars, who are now on duty 24x7. fresh meat for zelensky. in this footage of the cherkasy region, a meeting of the city council of the military commissar was invited to a session to get acquainted with the deputies. in honor of meeting them, he offered to visit them at their workplace and distributed them to everyone present. agenda. none of the twenty-six people were going to serve. people from lvov, uzhgorod and kiev write about how local guys gather in flocks of 10-20 people just to go to the store. and this is footage from
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an odessa bus. representatives of the military registration and enlistment office, according to eyewitnesses, sprayed pepper spray on public transport and forcibly took away the man. relatives of the kidnapped men are trying to free them, like this mother of one of the guys. she swore at the military commissar and demanded the return of her son, who had cancer. meanwhile, the propagandist natalka masseychuk, whose son is in europe, not at the front, says that those who are afraid of mobilization are alarmists. it hints that during the second world war, such people were shot, well, it’s not elovsky, it’s just damn, they broke it right behind her car, i have the right to film what you’re doing, i have the right to film, this is not a military facility, what are you doing? look, just what are you
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doing? they've already flooded the minibus, they've already filled the minibus with pepper spray, that's the one, that same man? don't let him out, they'll kill him now, don't release the child.
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in front of the territorial recruitment centers in skirts with heels, and will they have to be replaced with a uniform and combat boots? the first article of the scandalous law on mobilization dictates what the military registration of women will be like, doctors are required to register for it, you can see the list of specialties on...
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in general there are no men, well, friends, good morning, the eighteenth, everything is empty, there are no people, no one no, people, people, where are you, i drove around the city of dnieper, along the left bank, stopped at the berezinsky market, this is what we have the market is now, there are no people at all, everything is empty, empty. 10 am on may 18 10 am on may 18 we look at a lot of people a lot of people the city of miliodi a lot of people 10 am on may 18 to tell you honestly
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, honestly, but it’s just tough, just tough, well, for now on the deserted streets. military commissars are hunting for new manpower for the war with russia, nato is preparing commanders to train future vssu officers. estonian prime minister kaja kallas let it slip. in an interview with the financial times, she stated that some countries of the alliance have long sent military personnel to train kiev thugs to the new realities of war. she also added that these same countries do not take responsibility for the deaths of their citizens on ukrainian territory. this is a direct quote. according to her, the loss of foreign instructors. will lead to a war with russia, that is, the west does not feel sorry for even its own subjects, and does not spare missiles for attacks on russian territory, the french parliament also calls. member of the democratic movement party, chairman of the foreign affairs committee of the french national assembly,
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jean-louis bourlanch believes that paris should follow the prime ministers of london and washington and allow ukraine to strike the rear areas of the russian armed forces. another madman, british defense minister grancia , declares that germany should transfer taurus long-range missiles to ukraine to allow them to carry out strikes on crimea. in an interview with sky news, shabs notes that great britain was the first country to allow its weapons to be used for attacks on the peninsula. taurus cruise missiles will allegedly expand the combat capabilities of the ukrainian regime will strengthen the country's defense capability. despite the fact that britain itself, as it turned out, is not ready for a full-scale war, it reports this. telegraph citing the words of major general james martin. he said the reason was that the british army had lost the appropriate skills, its numbers were the smallest in the last 300 years. the british went to poland to improve their skills,
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and the staunch defender took part in the largest exercise in nato history. here the army and her majesty, his majesty is already learning according to ukrainian training manuals to cross the rivers to advance in assault groups.
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this is a fairly significant nato exercise, involving 90 thousand troops from three different branches of the military. for several months this year we have been practicing scenarios, including immediate response combat exits. we are located at a special training ground in northwestern poland. we were received very well, the poles-americans take care of us. at this training ground, the largest formation of troops is under my direct command, that is, the entire twelfth armored brigade. we check everything
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starting with the equipment we make sure that it works, we also test the communication systems so that we can talk to each other and operate at a distance from each other. we test the skills and training of our impeccable soldiers to ensure they are ready to attack as part of a brigade. this way we can test our ability to integrate and work together with allies, which is a really important part of this exercise. we're bringing all that power together tactically to make sure they perform that way. as intended, as it is assumed, and strictly within the framework of our nato doctrine, so that it is a predictable strike force that can act based on the assigned mission, that is, we really make sure that this whole process is established from beginning to end. and here is the culmination.
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this is one of the reasons why such exercises are held, why they are so important, and this is only a small part of the staunch defender maneuvers, the largest large-scale military exercise since the end of the cold war. about 90,000 people take part in them military personnel, 16 thousand british, and a huge number of military personnel from the usa and poland. in total , the troops of thirty-two countries of the alliance are represented here, who are honing their skills, and not only for the fight against insurgency and terrorism, which they have waged throughout the... the united states has expanded
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its territory in the arctic, despite the claims of russia and canada. the area of ​​the annexed territories is twice the size of california. the shelf is an extension of the country's land territory under water, and the united states has the right to manage resources in arctic. renewable energy sources. moreover, the arctic contains deposits of not only rare metals, but also oil and gas, that is, potentially billions or even trillions of dollars. the us zone expansion areas are located primarily in the arctic and the bering sea. our country also has claims to these territories. relations between moscow and washington stretch to the ice in antarctica. the most peaceful, not belonging to any state. the mainland has already become a new arena for the international. after russia found oil in antarctica,
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britain announced its claims. antarctica is located at the junction of three oceans: the atlantic, indian and pacific. on its territory and the shelf there are huge deposits of valuable minerals, oil, natural gas, and large krill fisheries. in london they are now afraid that claims on this territory alone will not be enough; they are already preparing for a new battle with russia. the coldest place on earth, with temperatures dropping below -7, the ethereal continent of antarctica is home to one of the most valuable resources in world. and russia may violate international treaties to get to it. that's what 's happening.
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this became known after a series of explorations carried out by the russian vessel academician alexander karpinsky, who was tasked with finding mineral reserves for commercial exploitation. although antarctica is subject to the 1959 antarctic treaty, it prohibits any mineral or oil development. britain says russian research is preparation for importing drilling rigs to exploit the pristine region in search of fossil fuels. what russia has discovered is
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billions of barrels of oil and gas reserves, but this part of antarctica belongs to great britain. this part has been british territory since 2011. this move signals britain's increased attention to russia and the fact that moscow is not just present in antarctica, but in the british economic zone. the study also raises concerns about the potential environmental risks and geopolitical implications associated with russia. the elf lies a prize that has been hundreds of millions of years in the making. for more than 150 years , wars have been waged over access to oil, the thick black goo on which the entire world relies. despite the growth of renewable energy sources, in recent years almost all of the world's energy sector - 84% by 2020 - runs on fossil fuels, including oil and gas.
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after russia discovered approximately 511 billion barrels of oil and gas in antarctica. the race for black gold is heating up again. countries around the world claim that they alone own the land on which contains fossil fuel reserves, although a historic treaty prevents anyone from accessing it. the russian discovery near antarctica is already beginning to scare the west. the issue was brought before a special committee this week. while junior minister david rutley told a committee member that russia had given repeated assurances last week that it was only engaged in scientific research in the region. experts condemned the idea that a state like china or russia can. the most important player in this region is argentina, the closest sovereign country to an oil field. thanks to the exclusive economic rights that argentina has on its land borders, it controls everything that lies between it and the falklands. this leaves room for argentina to increase its own protected area. argentina
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is fighting with britain to claim land in the south atlantic, with its leader javier miley this week declaring the falklands.
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the dutch embassy in ukraine reacted in a unique way to the news of the mobilization; the dutch debt department decided to raise the lgbt flag above its building. the process was solemnly observed by militants in the ukrainian armed forces from the brigade of black cossacks, and this is already normal for the ukrainian armed forces, so the action of the dutch diplomats is quite consistent, let the ukrainian militants remember what they are fighting for. why are they fighting in estonia, the lgbti flag of ukraine, the head of the foreign ministry installed on the ministry building, well, just some kind of wild stuff from the usa. to the annual, so
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for pride month, nbc universal has prepared a film about transgender gays and bisexuals in the animal kingdom. like everything we were told as children is not true. there are penguins in the wild, gays and lions, asexuals and gender-changing clown fish, it's all on the planet.
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no, no, no, i think we really need more tv series about lgbt++ in the animal kingdom, the first one has already appeared. nbc universal will kick off pride month with a new nature documentary highlighting queer animals. premiere of a series about lgbtq animals called queir planet, will take place on june 6. travel around the world, exploring the rich variety of animal orientations, from flamingos to... sexual primates, gender-bending fish, clowns to heterosexual mushrooms and everything in between. in this documentary , you'll see unusual creatures,
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witness an amazing variety of behavior, and meet scientists who question traditional ideas about what is natural when it comes to sex, according to the show's synopsis. i don't know about you, but i wanted to find out more about these two gay lions and what they're really up to. well, that's all. i think it's time. what is the alternative structure that is being promoted and implemented by the american media, naturally, an attack on the traditional theory that there are only two genders: male and female, masculinity and femininity, but is that the only way? nbc announced the launch of the series queer planet, i have a couple of questions , the first one is about clown fish and what... the hosts of the program say, exactly what these creatures change gender, so are you clown fish or people or clown fish? second question, when they
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say that animals engage in homosexual sex, it is worth noting that there are not many animals in this world that practice exclusively homosexuality or exclusively homosexual activity. this happens extremely rarely among animals. yes, some individuals engage in homosexual mating, but they also do this with representatives of the other sex, they do this in order to reproduce and continue their offspring kind. this is exactly what happens among animals. maybe i will surprise someone now, but reproductive function is the main category for the survival of any species. and in the animal world there are still two sexes - male and female. but let's leave these questions aside. why do the people at nbc accept the moral characteristics of rams as a role model for people. this surprised me the most. and yes, i think this is true. and here is a new alternative to their propaganda. when you have a biblical vision of what a man should look like and what a woman should look like, you offer a second way. let's follow in his footsteps. fish, clowns, or let's take an example from lions, i just want to say how often animals, but how often in the animal world sex occurs by mutual consent, just
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in my opinion, you can't compare a person according to the categories of the animal world, why do you... equate people to animals, and it’s strange how they still don’t treat people like animals, they went crazy, let’s return to the first message: a five-day mourning for the deceased iranian president ibrahim raisiya, who accompanied the people, was announced in iran. the funeral of those killed in the helicopter crash of iranian president ibrahim risia will be held in the city of tabris on tuesday, may 21. russia comes from.
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the most workers, the highest priority, obviously, yes, a cataclysm, yes, nature, fog, rains, lost control, there is also a version of an assassination attempt, in society, this is the version that is considered first of all, but i want to say that the iranians in a political sense, it is a very mature nation, and no one is in a hurry to make any sweeping, careless statements, everyone... very carefully comments on exactly the reasons for what happened among themselves, and israel and azerbaijan are often accused, but out loud, and especially at the official level, of course, no one talks about this, moreover, i now hold today’s newspapers in my hands, these are the latest issues, for example, international in english , yes, peace in prayers for president racey,
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then here’s my newspaper in persian: president racey is also on the cover, look at the colors, no hysteria, no panic, the president against the backdrop of nature, well, sort of an association with the fact that he’s already in i hope he's in heaven the best of all worlds, you understand, this is due to the fact that iranians are still a sacrificing nation, iranians are religious people, and for them this, of course, is a tragedy on a national scale. but this is not something that can scare them, make them panic, run headlong anywhere, this is not something that can make the country collapse, the political system shake, this is human life, it is fragile, everyone, especially mr. racey , he is a seyyed, he has a black headdress, which means he is a descendant of the prophet, everyone, especially he, cooked every day
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himself to something like this, to death, this is precisely what dictates the fact that... every politician of this kind of person has a deputy, not just at his beck and call, who not only fulfills some kind of limited obligations, no, a person , who is capable of fully replacing raisi as president, i don’t know, abdalahian as head of the foreign ministry, or even rahbar, the supreme leader of the islamic republic of iran, as, yes, the supreme leader of iran. so there are no irreplaceable ones in this sense, yes mourning, yes tragedy, but iran continues to live, iran continues its victorious path. and what about the further political structure of iran, that is, as far as we understand, elections should take place within the next 50 days. yes, that's right, according to article 131
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of the constitution of the islamic republic. the first vice-president of the country becomes acting president, we wish him good luck for the next two or so months, during which time, as you correctly noted, presidential elections should take place, i would not really like to talk about candidates there and so on, it seems to me that it is not very correct for a non-iranian citizen to talk about this topic now, but i will say this, the personnel reserve in iran is very rich. in fact, there are many to envy - those who are gloating today, they will find someone to choose from. another question is that, for example, i worked during the last elections, the elections that mr. raisi won, and you know, i then concluded for myself that he had no competitors, he had no competitors, many acted in their own way desire, yes, since the elections, he shone, he
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seemed to be generally in... well, in non-competition there was no alternative, that’s the impression that was created, this does not mean that there are no talented politicians here, there are, and i think the iranians will choose with. .. its president in the near future. thank you very much, abbas juma from tehran, where, of course, five days of mourning have now been declared and an investigation is underway into the crash of a helicopter on board which were both the minister of foreign affairs and the president of iran and russia. please, yuri chich. indeed, a great tragedy, death great leader, when you cited the milestones of his biography, his statements. i think this is an indicator that he served the iranian people all his life, well, from the point of view of his assessments of the international situation and the real face of american so-called
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democracy, many can agree with this, because in fact he spoke directly from the podium about the injustice world, and as the head of the iranian state, as the president, he did a lot to ensure a truly multipolar model. a number of events are alarming, well, the first one is this is the attempt on the life of the crown prince of saudi arabia, which they were talking about, this is actually a possible future head of state, given that the king is very
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elderly, then information appeared, perhaps attempts at a conspiracy in turkey, then an attempt on fitzev, seriously wounding the prime minister of this country, threats to vučić were also made in serbia, look, the saudi... the people of america, based on the results that it produces, associate this loss, the course of the loss of hegemony with the democrats, it is quite possible different scenarios for the development of events, well
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in fact, in continuation of the topic, which suggests that not everything is going so well for the united states, including in the post-soviet space, these are the events in georgia, how many times have we talked about what forces the united states has deployed. then another day should be celebrated with such processions, let's see, you continue, it's just incredible. bbc: good afternoon, i am now in the center of tbilisi, you
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see, a large-scale procession is passing by me, people are walking with flags, icons, among them are representatives of the georgian orthodox church church, today, may 17, is the international day against homophobia, transphobia and biphobia; a year later, patriarch of georgia ilia ii declared may 17 as the day of family holiness and honoring parents. as if there's something bad about that. well, by the way, we must pay tribute to the georgians,
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against whom western propaganda in general worked against their foundations, moral, our common foundations, yes, they were afraid that all their agents who receive western funding would be revealed to the population, but the laying down stood. because in fact this is a serious demarche against this whole big western agenda, another statement, it, of course, looks, probably funny, ms. noland, about the russian city of kharkov, on the one hand, whether it ’s stupidity or ignorance, but this is once again an indicator of the attitude of american politicians towards both russia and ukraine, towards the same georgia, for them we are natives who...
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the most important thing is that these canons, these norms, these upbringing and educational standards that they introduced, including in our country in the nineties, do not triumph, but for us, i would like to celebrate a big holiday yesterday, pioneer day, this is real education, the development of children, which is very important, i think that these traditions will continue, we will give a worthy answer to westerners, victoria, let me remind you, i’m just already a pensioner, yes, that is ... says that because of discretion, whether she left or resigned, but she has done a lot of unpleasant things for the world, of course, pursuing the interests of american capital, now she is giving out interviews on how others should live, in general, she cannot leave your thirst change the lives of other countries. news comes from iran, the reason for the hard landing of the helicopter carrying the president.
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conditions have become bad for iran, so far only the iranian ambassador in minsk has stated this. the bodies of all those killed in the iranian president's helicopter crash have been identified; genetic testing will not be carried out, tasnim news agency reports. as for russia, you are absolutely right, a huge number of enemies, yes, in various countries, they also tried to destabilize the country internally. we remember, very recently. protests, of course, both the united states and the european union have already started singing that the upcoming elections threaten a change of course, instability, a coup, to put it very mildly, an inconvenient politician for the western world, let's listen to what raisi said about the ukrainian conflict and about multipolarity, we we are convinced that there must be a war between ukraine and russia. will end as
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quickly and decisively as possible, it will be good for all parties. if we want to understand what caused this war, it is nato's desire to expand its influence to more number of countries, establish its presence and create military bases, not only in ukraine, but also in many other states. all those who today send all kinds of assistance to ukraine, including financial and military, do not want to end this war, they want to prolong it by any possible means. people all over the world have realized that the u.s. all their statements about human rights have completely lost their effectiveness, this is clear to everyone today, which is why the united states has become the main accomplice in crimes in the middle east the preparation for war became clear to everyone. mr. president biden, iran was liberated 43 years ago, and it does not want to be captured again. we will never become a cash cow. today, iran's role in the region has been defined and everyone knows what it is. no equation in the middle east will be resolved without iran's consent. if there is
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even the slightest attack by the zionist regime on the territory of our homeland and the interests of the islamic republic of iran, they should know for certain that they will be fought very harshly and cruelly. the world is irreversibly moving towards new order. the western dominance equation no longer works for the world. and the old liberal order, which previously served the interests of the imperialists and eccentric capitalists, is pushed aside. the global landscape is undergoing a paradigm shift. towards an emerging new international order, a trajectory that is irreversible. please, murat. you know, i cannot be a poet like abbas, he really noted correctly. about the fact that the iranian political system, firstly, is very rich, from the point of view of culture, and from the point of view from the point of view of history, it is almost 5,000 years old, despite the fact that the modern islamic republic is only from the year seventy-nine, and what i mean is that the iranian system, as in itself, will not collapse, nothing
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will happen to it, and we see this according to the reactions of the same supreme leader, what he says, how he says, because in iran all this is calculated, in addition, the president and even the foreign minister... in iran are more a representative of the executive branch, who essentially do not determine policy one way or another, of course, they influence a certain mood, they form the instructions that are given to the supreme leaders or the advice of experts, and so on. as for the reasons that are being said today, literally in the morning before i came to you, i discussed with my iranian colleagues from various fields of academic, military-political, and so on, and ordinary residents. many of them agree on three main reasons: escalation between the americans and iran on the territory of oman, we understand that israel has always been against this, and we remember that in this saturday, last saturday, or rather saturday, there were
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simply almost millions of marches in tel aviv against netanyahu, and the united states is constantly putting pressure on him, saying that it is necessary to leave and preparing for him instead. benigansa, this is one factor believed to be that israel may have been behind this. the second factor, in fact, is, as you correctly noted, there were many internal issues and there were many internal enemies of the same president reisi, and many say that this story is generally connected with the fact that the next candidate for the role of the supreme leader, and for a long time the iranian society, and especially the political elite , discussed on the sidelines that one of them could be ibrahim raisi, the other was the son of the current or supreme... leader, this is mochtaba hamnei, and many say that how he is appointed, the supreme leader is elected, he is elected by the council by the council of experts, yes, then after, let’s say, the current leader becomes incapacitated, or due to some circumstances cannot fulfill his duties, and then they say that
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res had quite strong support from the conservative bloc among the ksr, these are the main power blocs, yes, but at the same time the reformers also didn’t really want to see the flight, the reformers will note... that those who are more aligned with the history of cooperation with the west are the previous president hassan rouhani, and foreign minister javat zarif, who, let’s say, is quite pro-western, as for the future, the course, in my opinion, will not change, jafad zarif, just announced that the news came to the united states involved in the death of the president of iran ibrahim raisi, said the country's former foreign minister mohammed javad zarif, according to him, the white house banned the supply of spare parts for the presidential helicopter, which led to the crash of... its engine, well, as if everyone knew about the sanctions, and in many ways one can say that this is now an attempt to return to power again, so there are internal reasons, i’m honestly more inclined to believe that rather than looking for some kind of, you know , events, this is a really delicate moment, everyone will be looking for some kind of laws of conspiracy, but in life everything happens, it is quite possible that
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, unfortunately, bad weather conditions led to what they led to, the only question here is why they allowed this to happen, why the safety protocol did not work, there are a lot of questions about this, i... i think that the investigation itself and the iranian authorities, as it were, will give us an answer to these questions later. to what extent can our joint struggle between russia and iran against american hegemony suffer from this catastrophe? i think not to any extent, because iran has completely headed towards integration within the framework of various, let’s say, international associations, such as brix, and iran is actively developing the itc, north-south, this is important for iran, no matter what the president is. i note that the mtk has been committed to its implementation for almost more than 10 years, because iran needs it, and today iran is practically demonstrating a fairly close, let’s say, unification, on the one hand , of a military-political alliance with the russian federation, with the people’s republic of china, and all these countries include those same,
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let’s say, countries of the world majority, not western countries, russia, as my colleagues at the faculty note, are often the military-political spearhead of this world majority, and these countries are the main support that... this protest was called the hijab protest, yes, this is a story about a certain reformation among young people, now in iran, many girls no longer wear the hijab, yes, when there are some important public events, a religious holiday, it is, but... here you are walking around the city, the same tabriz, and you don’t see how girls wore this hijab and so on, that is, they want
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a certain liberalization in life, the authorities understood this, there is simply another lesson, for example, many middle eastern countries, when they carried out strict liberalization, that is, rapid, they faced other issues when you know, well, such a let off steam, and he was already starting to work against the authorities, more and more was needed, the iranian authorities are much more pragmatic in this, their foreign policy, domestic policy. i see it in such a way that there will be certain changes, that whether they come or not, there are certain forces, about the same ghalibaf they say that he could potentially become the next president, and reisi actually had competitors from the reform bloc, it’s just that there were reformers, reformers, they were disappointed in iranian society because that they failed in their course to develop and improve relations with the west, nothing happened, the west was once again deceived, and today it seems that the conservative traditional one is increasingly welcomed... because throughout the near in the east it is growing, and it’s like the israeli conflict, the israeli-palestinian conflict, i
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also prove this again, it proves and unites iranian society, let’s go back, oh, how good, yeah, i’m already out of the habit of this, well then i’ll be your fairy, well come on, ask me for whatever you want, premier, you won’t get out of here, they’re waiting for you, who’s waiting for you? i have men, where are you going, pasha or sasha? it’s not funny, mom, well, in our family it’s not possible, it’s hard to leave our own doorstep, it doesn’t fit, you’ve been calling all morning, pasha, i just want to make sure that we’re okay, and you, rear, you're fine as long as the light is on in the window, today on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinonbek, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel for an unforgettable experience rix sharma sheikh, only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsas sharmelsheikh - it's not easy rest. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
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fox, i thought, i thought, i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in my life, dad, he left me, oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit, are you watching? can i hug you?
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well, who is he? human? well, introduce the person. i love him, you know? you're just my stupid little girl. but some kind of love? he will leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you. i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me! leave me! what are you doing you’re creating, and gerochka, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you, on saturday on rtr, you don’t need to make an appointment with him, it’s a joke, he himself... will come to the house, we’re starting, he’ll always help, we’ll train , how to walk on ice correctly,
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will always tell you how to increase low blood pressure, eh? how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how to take medicine correctly, always supportive, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, a pan of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for lard, a knitting needle, that's how a child sleeps, but you shouldn't do that i recommend a doctor you can trust 100%. and you will be happy. well, i don’t guarantee happiness, but your health will definitely increase. doctor myasnikov, on saturday on rtr, he is the culprit of the accident, the person was hurt, he
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will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned him, do you need anything from him, right? health, nurse to the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, as i understand it, he doesn’t have a simple character at all, yes, i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his heart he is completely another person, listen, can you make sure he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, or what, he was abandoned like a dog? on the street, that’s how long it takes, i’ll work with him for as long as i can, i always want to be with you, sunday on rtr, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18
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people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive.
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trump is currently confidently ahead of biden in all key states, according to the new york times. the share of supporters and republicans increased by one point sixteenth year, reached 47%. only 40% sympathize with democrats. let's see. georgia democrats, join me in warmly welcoming the forty-sixth president of the united states. president biden was speaking at a campaign event in atlanta in front of 100 people in a small room, and he forgot the name of his 2020 campaign co-chair. you know
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how unbearable it will be now with my main boyfriend, who i had, what’s his name, i can’t remember him. with the end of his studies, after the forty- sixth president finished his speech, he i had to show him where to stand after he started wandering around the stage. at the end of the ceremony, the oldest sitting president
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announced, i'm not going home. i'm not going home. the eighty-one-year-old president left shortly after the announcement and did not stay for the ceremony. university students protested against biden's appearance, with many turning their backs on him. biden's speech is one of his efforts to gain support from black voters. latest polls show him trailing his opponent in key states. the poll shows the incumbent trailing trump by 5% in arizona, even though... donald trump
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had 9% of the black vote at this time in 2020 , an increase of more than doubled, the gap between trump and biden was more than 70% in the twentieth year, and now 69 minus 22, it is now 40 -something. let's remember how biden feels. towards black americans, let's say that his attitude is ambiguous and he even calling young blacks predators, he passed legislation in 1994 to incarcerate black americans. black children are just as bright and bright as white children, they are first-class black americans, they are sensible and smart, they are neat and good looking. please, mr. lyankov, i took part in the investigation of two aircraft accidents and several
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aircraft accidents, and so, when events of this kind occur, three versions are always considered: the first is the technical version, equipment malfunction, equipment failure, the second - this is a human factor, a pilot error, for example, in difficult weather conditions, cooking there, well, different things, and there is a third - this is an external influence, the fact that they discovered the wreckage of an already burnt helicopter, this, of course, will complicate the investigation, because there is a lot of evidence , which could advance these three versions and the investigations are now in question, so now you can tell a lot of reasons, conspiracy theories, try to hype this news, but... i would attention to something else, to the reaction to past events, many countries have emerged, except for one, great britain, this is the same country in which the minister of defense shabs
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allows the weapons that he supplies to ukraine to shoot in crimea, to strike there , that is engage in outright terrorism, the same great britain that has been behaving defiantly lately. on the verge of a foul, that we have to call him - say, the british ambassador and clearly explain where our shells will fly, if something happens, if the british weapons will fly across the historical territory of russia, but despite such loud statements, things are going really badly in ukraine, this new law, which was not adopted, can be called differently, but it is actually a slave law that allows any citizen to ... of ukraine to be sent to the front, regardless, he has a reservation, he has testimony that is not capable, that is, without asking for an opinion, that is, a person
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has been deprived of the right to life by this law of mobilization, his life is controlled by the state, well, more precisely, this is no longer a state, but some kind of concentration camp with some kind of certain regime, which absolutely does not care - who will go to die next, today is the first barrack, tomorrow the second and the desire to fight.
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one that shows that the difference from this mobilization, from what was, for example, fascist germany, is characterized by the fact that here people go under involuntarily. propaganda does not work on them, that is, if nazi germany sent people to the front in volstorms and so on, they believed that they would come, the red army would come, there would be rape their women, kill their children, that’s why they went to the front, recorded the assault, but in ukraine this doesn’t work, there are no volunteers, the queues at the military registration and enlistment offices have long ended, but the queues associated with morgues or
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cemeteries, they... are only increasing, and we we see this situation, when the formula that was once voiced by the british boris johnson, it works until the last ukrainian, despite all this, no matter what miracle weapons they come up with, which they supply to ukraine, permission to hit wherever they please, victory is inevitable because we see that the money that was spent on the so-called dragon's teeth is now...
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these british journalists who said: old soviet shells, these are not old soviet shells, these are new shells that are made in bulgaria, 152-12 mm , they are not old, they are new and they are also fired not only at positions, but at populated areas, but even this kind of help and the fact that they allocate money there, it does not solve the main factor , these western curators of this war, who decided. ..with the help of ukraine, solve all your problems, probably, global tasks, they cannot give ukraine one thing, a new ukrainian army, they don’t have this army, it turns out very interesting, so we are carrying out the denazification and demilitarization of ukraine, the demilitarization of ukraine, oddly enough, the demilitarization of the nato bloc is also happening, because nato gives the last, while hoping, i don’t know what they believe in, what god they pray to, i hope that it will work out, that it
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will happen.
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rescuers find the helicopter closer to the morning, the first signal is transmitted by a turkish uav, which detects a flash of heat. later it becomes known that the helicopter is on fire at this moment, it is impossible to reach it by air , the rescuers begin moving on all-terrain vehicles. it took 12 hours to find the head of the islamic republic; the car allegedly lost control due to fog and fell onto a rock; after the crash , rescuers were able to contact the imam of tabrizo. that he felt very bad, he heard the sounds of sirens, and by the time the military reached the crash site, there were no more survivors. imam of the city of tabriz in the province of east azerbaijan, mohamed ali al-hashem, who was on board the helicopter along with iranian president ibrahim raisi, contacted him twice after reports of a hard landing and reported that he felt unable to hear the sirens of ambulances, said the country's deputy foreign minister migdi safari. for the first
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time after the incident. this is what you see, the exact location of the accident of this helicopter, unfortunately, it crashed, this is the exact location of the accident, real footage was recorded by drones of the red crescent organization, flight theaters of the head of the islamic
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the republics were made due to an hour before the disaster, in the window there are mountain peaks covered with snow, at least eight people on board, including the head of the presidential guard raisi, the general of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, mousavi, two pilots. one technical worker, the disaster occurred 600 km from tehran, near the city of julfa. raisi was returning from azerbaijan, where, together with president aliyev, he participated in the discovery of platinum on the border river. after the official events, the head of the islamic republic boarded a bel-212 helicopter. in about 30 minutes the aircraft crashed in east azerbaijan. total. 73 rescue teams,
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including the ksir special forces, were involved in the search for the presidential helicopter. immediately after the crash , there was fog at the site, followed by snow and rain, accompanied by strong winds. air searches were suspended and rescue efforts were carried out. a night landscape and a dark spot on the hillside are visible. when rescuers eventually reached the wreckage on foot, they discovered that the helicopter carrying iran's president and foreign minister had been completely burned.
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it was initially reported that raeisi was flying on a mi-171 helicopter. the car is considered one of the most reliable in the world. then it became known that the iranian president made his last flight on an american bel-212 helicopter. machines of this type were purchased at... ibrahim raisi was 63 years old, he became president of iran in the twenty-first year, gaining more than 60% of the votes. in the same year, he was included in the list of 100 most influential people in the world according to time magazine. previously held the positions of supreme judge and prosecutor general
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of iran, he has the honorary title of sayyid, that is is a descendant of the prophet muhammad, which allowed him to become the spiritual leader of iran. since 1919 he has been under sanctions of the united states and the european union. during the years of the islamic revolution, reisi was an active anti-monarchist, advocated the overthrow of the pro-western shah pahlavi, and even, according to unconfirmed reports, participated in the storming of the american embassy in tehran. his wife is a doctor of philosophy and they have two daughters. in january 22, racey made his first flight to russia and held negotiations with vladimir putin. last time telephone the leaders' talks took place a month ago.
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iran, framed by a mourning ribbon, will serve as the president of the islamic republic, the first vice-president of the country.
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reported the russian foreign intelligence service. zelensky’s western supervisors are extremely concerned; discontent in the west is caused by the constant interference of the head of zelensky’s office, ermak, in diplomatic affairs, the washington post reports. the publication calls ermak perhaps the most influential person in this position in the history of ukraine. his influence is so great that ukrainian. officials admit, sometimes it is not clear who exactly makes decisions in kiev and is responsible for them, the president of ukraine or the head of his office. your post writes that a number of accusations about the undemocratic nature of the kiev regime are undeniable. so the newspaper recalls that zelensky silenced his critics by essentially merging the largest ukrainian tv channels into one, now they show the so-called telethon around the clock. against this background, it is not surprising. that 70% of ukrainians do not trust
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any ukrainian media, about 90% would like to flee the country, the svr reports. connected this, including the law on mobilization that came into force. now military commissars have the legal right to kidnap ukrainian men of military age if they do not have a military id with them. due to this, the city streets are empty, boys are afraid to leave their houses, even to go to work.
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in the next few weeks or months, these guys will be involved in battles, very difficult combat conditions, like chasovo yar and bakhmut. we are talking about trench battles about the battle of drones. the war has reached its most difficult point. internal struggle that shouldn't have happened, at some point our southern border
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became more important, i think they should have passed the relief package in the fall or january, they should have passed it with a cool head, and it would have played a role, and now ukrainians have to pay this price. only the lack of artillery shells had an extremely negative impact on the war, but it seems to me that we need to take full advantage of allowing them to use weapons from our reserves, and tacomas, and not the old versions, but new, cool guns. they are more accurate and distance they have better ones, which allows them to hit the targets they want. zelensky, in an interview with francepress, admitted that he is concerned that the west does not want russia to lose, or so he at least believes after communicating with western leaders. let's listen.
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just some doctor of logic, the ukrainian president has incredible intellectual abilities, details of the disaster in iran are coming in, she reports that the friday imam of tabrizo was alive within an hour after the crash of the presidential helicopter was able to make a phone call, urgent news comes from our ministry of defense, russian armed forces hit the venue. another unit of the southern group of troops completely liberated the village of belogorovka in the lpr and occupied more advantageous positions. olegorovich, please. yes,
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active hostilities really continue, and not only in the kharkov direction, but in many other directions, territory is being occupied now. and this forces the ukrainian army to be in such a split, and their forces are constantly stretched, they do not understand where abandon reserves, of course they are abandoning them, of course they are trying to stop our offensive actions, but nevertheless , pessimism dominates in their ranks, at this time, this weekend, just... so many of these rather iconic figures spoke out about the situation in ukraine, well, the shortest of all was shai, who, when asked how the ukrainians would behave after russia wins, said that well, we won’t experience any special conveniences, we’ll just
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change everything back into russians and be, matya’s word, he said there, khokhlov, that is... a man who always declared himself a ukrainian nationalist, so to speak, although oppositional, another significant person is khodorkovsky, who somehow in germany, in my opinion, he was, yes, he hasn’t been shown in something like this for a long time, so, so, so much and for a long time, very, so to speak, he got fat, got fat, and let’s see what he said, and you continue, yes, yes, yes, their friends, please close your ears. but i will allow myself this, you will excuse me, but gentlemen, you we practically lost the war in ukraine, we lost it, if at the beginning of the war the ratio of the population of ukraine and russia was 40 million to 142 million, that is, 3.5 to
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one, currently 7 to one, so how to win?
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satisfied, well, in the end he really came to the conclusion about the defeat of ukraine, but blamed this, of course, on the western allies and said that it still makes sense for them to somehow push themselves, if only they helped more, well then maybe there would be no defeat, everything would be fine normal, that’s why he was passed on in this speech, after all, to them, what come on, let’s help more, the third iconic figure is aristovich, who... has already given many different interviews about the loss of ukraine, but here the reasoning was especially voluminous , where he was there in a dialogue with several of the same, that is, so-called ukrainian intellectuals, and completely, so to speak, buried ukraine once again, said
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that this whole project was unsuccessful, which is called from the very beginning continues to be, which is called unsuccessful, especially - well... on to some understanding, he says: just yesterday, it means that our ministry of defense or some kind of structure once again cited petliura, who is petliura, said aristovich? petlyura is a man who, that is, blew everything, yes, he squandered everything he could, yes, that means he fled to paris, uh, in paris, he was killed, as a sign of revenge, so to speak, the jew schwarzburg took revenge on him, - that means i saw him by chance in a cafe and, in short, ended badly, here we can, of course, add that bandera also died from rat poison, and mazepa. died, eaten in a shama in the city of bender and so on, they all ended badly, well, we have said this here many times, and that if you are guided not
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by zhukov, not by gagarin, not by korolev, not by great people, yes, but focus on those who ended badly, you will also end badly yourself, now it has reached aristovich, and he says that in vain the ukrainian authorities of all times have been there, almost starting with kuchma and in general for 30 years of this... as he calls it the ukrainian republic, they put on bandera, it turns out they were in vain, it means they were betting on shukevich, they were drawing on the money, which means mazepa, and in general this whole nationalism was cultivated, and now it’s even petliura that in general it turns out that everything should have been done completely differently, but they didn’t sees, then, his own mistakes, they continue to play the same game with this same nationalism, and accordingly it will end badly, it must be said that...
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from the past, he cancels the future, we do not betray our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. be about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most
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inaccessible places, all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper. dipper swipper is impressive its original. carbon design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click. it is ideal for hard surfaces of all types floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any
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obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious wireless electric broom livington dipper swiper with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, skirting boards... from scratches can be yours for only 89.95, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive incredible discount of 20 euros. and livington you can get dipper swiper for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. not enough pressure in the garden hose, tired of endlessly cleaning everything with your hands, introduce the hydra blast from hammer smith, a fast, simple, very convenient pressure washer gun, cordless, rechargeable and absolutely
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revolutionary. wash your car, motorcycle or bicycle. wash your home, garden paths, driveway and more. hydroblast uses the same technology as bulky professional washing machines and condense it to accommodate this small but highly efficient 150w copper motor to create an incredible 50 bar of pressure. the powerful lithium battery is enough for any task. hammer smith hydroblast is extremely lightweight, very convenient and incredibly versatile, its scope of application is almost unlimited. where would you get your water from? hydroblast will turn it into a high pressure jet. a bucket of water is all you need and you are ready to go. or just connect it to a garden hose and hydroblast will instantly increase water pressure up to 10 times. no matter what kind of water you use, the nanofilter purifies and filters
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it. hammer smith hydrablast is high performance. pressure cleaning without compromise, just call today and order the revolutionary hammersmith hydroblast with its highly efficient 150w motor, powerful lithium battery, five meter high pressure hose and high quality nano filter, all for an incredible 5995, and if you order now, as a gift you receive a container for shampoo. and a special spray nozzle for a larger coverage area, all this is absolutely free, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. well, maybe you can kiss me? the plot is worthy of a novel: she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent. but
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it’s so easy to lose inspiration, i’ll leave when you finish the novel, i can’t live without you, i heard here, you seem to be getting married, from scratch, on friday on rtr, for me it’s a film... a man who’s coming his own way, it’s always hard for him, it’s not even criticism, it’s there was persecution, he was worried to such an extent that he once told me that god, why did i take this picture, vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov, it was surprising for everyone, when we got married, it was just some kind of shock , because
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it’s impossible to imagine more different people, without... when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day they finally arrived, and since 2 days later i got sick, they took me to another hospital, but i was released the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can tell you only that for me he did not leave, we are still together, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr. high energy prices in germany are leading the european union to recession, writes berliner zeitung. the united states is poaching german companies and dragging europe into a trade war with china. gas shortages and putin's war in ukraine are to blame for germany's energy problems, said vice-chancellor robert habeck. many germans do not share this position. it turns out that
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on may 9, a russian tricolor appeared over the reikstag.
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order of bohdan khmelnitsky, that is, this is directly elite such units, but by the way, about the crisis in the zelensky regime, he says that the same pavel fedosenko recently began to criticize the decisions made by the command and political leadership, in general this is such a surprising trend for a warring country, everyone gives interviews in them, the commanders-in-chief.
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the discussion started: is it possible, in conditions of war, to somehow push back the election dates? someone says: experience is possible, someone says: no, look, in the usa, on november 7 , 1944, elections were held, and there were
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different candidates, let me remind you, this is not only there was franklenno roosevelt, but also thomas duwick, and by the way, then the republicans were going to nominate even the current commander, douglas macarthur, in the elections, and at one time his name even appeared in the primary, so there was a discussion.
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diplomats, maybe a minister, maybe an ambassador, biden doesn’t seem to be going there anymore, this conference, which was supposed to put pressure on russia and china, now we’ll say for what purpose, and confirm these efforts of the global west, which are still consolidating around themselves on anti-russian position of the majority of countries in the world, it simply crumbles, the question of zelensky’s illegitimacy is, in fact, not a question, but a reality that you can simply either recognize or not recognize, it is complete. fits into this context, a question arises, i am already discussing it in the west: okay, a truce, an agreement, a freeze, and most importantly, this is why they are doing all this pressure - this is a freeze, they want to freeze the conflict
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before the elections in the usa, why especially after the russian offensive in the kharkov region, they are afraid of further successes, you can you imagine, if the elections in the usa, the election campaign in general, in principle, will take place against the backdrop of russia’s successes and it doesn’t play a role here, they are institutions there from...
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that the west is preparing to merge the zelensky regime, but this does not mean that they will stop war with russia, because this war is not limited only to the kiev regime, the danger lies in the expansion of the theater of both military operations and the theater of this political confrontation, including the baltic, including the black sea region, including the middle east, including central asia, this is what they are betting on, the zelensky regime will lose altogether. will not mean the end of the global military-political confrontation, just a transition to a new form, to a new level of escalation. obviously, the goals of the global west do not change, and although they are expressed by the baltic dwarfs, as they are now commonly called, they remain unchanged, and they are not afraid of the dismemberment of russia and participation in direct conflict, on the contrary, they are achieving this. let's hear from ms. kallos. fear of escalation, fear of nuclear
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weapons, fear that russia will lose. i 've heard a lot about this. russia's defeat is not bad, because there can be real changes in society. there are many different nations that are now part of russia. if there were more small states, it wouldn't be so bad. there is a big power, if a big power becomes much smaller. the light in the window in the previous episodes, only years have passed, we must move on with our lives. in the bogdanov family , everyone became strangers to each other. i still have not come to my senses after the death of my son. from u.s two, he was always an angel. it's good for you to take a break from me. everyone arranges their own destiny. let's get married. are you in no
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hurry at all? i will give birth to a child for you and yulia. but suddenly a terrible misfortune happens. sasha, your mother died. the bogdanovs must unite again, otherwise new troubles cannot be avoided. if she had a secret, what would she want? take it with you to the grave, or what everyone found out. what secret? light in the window. we are watching today on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharm elshey. magnificent golf resort world class, surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, perfect. suitable for couples and
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families, relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. riksas rodomis sharmelsheikh, an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy the theming. rooms, the largest for children a town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmel sheikh. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome.
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a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxery collection vodrum. allow yourself. a first-class holiday with lio reorts, elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves, lio reorts, we are here for you.
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oh, what a woman, what a woman, i like this. the author of popular pop hits , tatyana nazarova, said that because of a quarrel with her neighbors, she faces a real prison sentence,
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but all the charges are fabricated, she is not guilty of anything. what secrets are hidden in the past of the neighbors who accuse her. our investigation. malakhov, today on... rtr, he is the culprit of an accident, a person was injured, he will be judged, you want to ruin a child’s life, i warned you, he needs something, yes, health, a nurse for the director of the plant, this is so cool, leave everyone, i don’t want to see anyone, i understand that... he has a generally difficult character, but i want to try to sit down, you promised to help me, it seems to me that in his soul he is a completely different person, morgue, listen, you can make sure that he doesn’t yell, but i suggest getting rid of him, how to get rid of him, kill him or something, he was abandoned like a dog on the street, here
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i will work with him as long as necessary, i want to be with you always, rtr, we gathered about ten people in the first group, there were short calls, we are going to donetsk, you are with us, yes, when my fighters came running, they carried me, another shelling began, they laid me down, lay on top of me, one bullet is still in me, this is, let’s say, my trophy, we had a famine then, here comes grandma herself...
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it’s just amazing, from monday to thursday on rtr. so, the russian army has become more dangerous than 2 years ago, its military-industrial complex demonstrates the highest efficiency indicators, a buys insider writes with a link to the australian major general mick ryan. he just recently returned from ukraine. at the end of the trip, the general admitted that due to failures at the front, kiev had become.
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ukrainian fortifications presented virtually no obstacles. some ukrainian soldiers, taken by surprise, retreated from their positions. the stunning attack on the territory of the kharkov region has exposed the problems faced by the exhausted and weakened forces of ukraine, when russia, on the contrary, is increasing its summer offensive. russian troops, deployed across the border, had a huge advantage in artillery shells, used air power, including fighters and heavy bombs, to devastating effect without interference from the depleted ukrainian air defenses. once across the border, russian soldiers easily overcame fortifications, trenches, mines and tank barriers, some of which the ukrainian military said were poorly built. but the biggest problem for ukrainian troops is people. during 2 years of war, the ukrainian military. have difficulty recruiting enough soldiers to effectively defend the nine-hundred-kilometer front line, as
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the scale of the russian onslaught became apparent over the weekend, the ukrainian military began moving troops from other sectors of the front rather than deploying reserves. the reason, according to ukrainian officials, is that there are a lot of reserves for the deployment. ukrainian military officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the situation in the kharkiv region was critical. we don’t believe the new york times, they often lie endlessly and are calculated. to our defeat, their goals do not change, here is vladimir razin is always on the front line, he always sees with his own eyes what is happening, volodya is in direct contact with us, military officers from the zone of a special military operation, vladimir, hello, we see a message that the road between nitailovo and umansky has come under the control of our armed forces, we see a message from the ministry of defense that we have captured the village of belogorovka, what does this mean?
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gorovka has sand pits for which quite serious battles are currently taking place in order to master this height, the dominant height on this direction, also in the chasyar area we have quite good advances both from the northern flank and from the south, on the northern flank from bogdanovka, we have broken through the defense line in the area, towards the settlement of kalinovka, now we are consolidating there and further advancing, not for long enough...
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according to reports from our guys, there are practically no troops left in kleshcheevka itself, but there remains a dominant height, which is still controlled by the ukrainian side, and one of the fairly large oporniks... in in the kleshcheevka area, we just the day before took and drove the enemy out of there, that is, in principle, along the entire front line there is enough progress and no progress, but quite serious activity of our country continues, advances are being made, liberations of populated areas are taking place. as for the kharkov region, how things stand here, we see a message that they are constantly transferring reserves, ukrainian forces, almost zelensky gave the order to syrsky. and so that this does not hold volchansk? yes, fighting there also
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continues in two main directions, these are leptsy and volchansk. in volchansk itself , they manage to break through the enemy’s defenses directly in the enemy’s populated area, pushing them beyond the river that divides the populated area into two parts. regarding the reinforcement of the constant transfer there, now the enemy is, in principle, not new to... his tactics at any cost, without paying attention to any losses, try to restrain us, to restrain us, to cause at least some damage to our military, for this purpose special units are now being used, yes, which were originally were conceived and prepared for all sorts of sabotage operations there, for special operations there, but now they are used as infantry on the front line instead of just some of the defense units that held the defense in the kharkov... direction from the armed forces of ukraine, that is, now all the special forces that
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transferred there, including banned organizations in russia are now used as infantry units, which indicates, firstly, that there really are not enough reserves, on the one hand, on the other on the other hand, there is not enough proper training for the ukrainian armed forces fighters who were in this direction, the kiroboronovites, that is, in fact , they met ours... completely, being in an unprepared state for combat operations, well, plus to this are added those lines of construction, about which were constantly told, which were constantly shown, but...
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the american posted an article on his website about who the main suspect in the death of the president of iran is, well, after the weather, and they don’t call the weather either, but you won’t believe it, the azerbaijanis don’t think why? well, that is, everything is simple, they are on... iran was of all the neighbors, they didn’t even look at where raisi was flying from, that he had a warm meeting with aliyev, yes, they opened a joint project, well, it’s not interesting at all, you can imagine how the level of western journalism really is now he has fallen, and as for zelensky, his
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term of office, you know, i really agree here with the conclusion that... in fact , the west itself slipped this hook to zelensky, they themselves have now hooked him, because they have been telling for a long time that no, they themselves convinced zelensky, don’t pay attention, it’s not a problem, it’s clear the war, what kind of elections, yes, then suddenly the first person to raise this issue, the mouthpiece of liberals around the world, the economist magazine publishes an article where, in the headline directly from may 20, zelensky’s term of office is running out , imagine, the magazine is for an economist, and there they say, listen, well, zelensky now somehow needs to explain to us, the west, yes, and to his voters, yes, but how is he even going to, yes, he is going to rule everything forever, or so on, that is, now , of course, there will be a wave of these publications, suddenly zelensky is told, wait, well, even from the point of view of the west, now it’s like, well , it’s unclear who, we need to think about how
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to transfer power, so he probably doesn’t even understand that this hook on which he was hung is really in at any moment they can pull such that... it won’t seem enough to him, i remind you, 5 years ago, this comedian, putting his hand on the constitution, declared that he, firstly, is a one-term president, well, he’s didn’t, he didn’t specify how many decades this period would last, so which means now his main task is for ukrainians to stop crying, yes, and, there are 65 million of us ukrainians, which means we will listen to everyone, everyone’s opinion, we see what i will bring to you... peace, yeah, we see , what is going on on the streets, how they listen to the opinions of ukrainians, these gifts that the western press are now laying out for zelensky are not by chance, of course, financial times gave a report from his hometown, from the plant of the krivoy rog plant , yes, where they write about that we are forced to recruit women, because many men have already been taken and died, they write there that not
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a week goes by without the local newspaper printing obituaries of workers who have been taken to... into the army, that’s the most important thing, they say: in order to to get a job at a factory, you still officially need a military id to register with the military registration and enlistment office, the men just don’t want to, of course, they hide as best they can, that’s the most important thing, honestly, i haven’t seen this yet in mainstream western society, they are there give and do an interview with a military man, who left this plant for a factory, and he says: the losses are terrible. the losses are terrible and the ukrainian authorities are lying to us, of course, more ukrainians are dying than russians, this, i’ll tell you honestly, i have never seen anywhere, that is, we know that this is so, we understand this, we understand statistics, but zelensky himself said that the losses were minimal, 31,000 in 2 years of war, yes, the western media repeated this propaganda, now you see, they even reached such
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a recognition that the more they tighten the screws, the greater the explosion and exhaust.. . the lid of this boiler will fly off. we'll be back. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren. are you alone? one. you are an amazing woman. nice to hear. mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person. we fell in love. so what should we do? we move away, she chooses. wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy. food prices are rising all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook a meal, you go to
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buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy. we know how to help you save money, just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old, it looks like you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be? bread smart from taper vr: a simple , convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane lid with micro-fine precision ventilation is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside the container to create the perfect ambience and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of going moldy, your bread stays soft. fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. the smart delirium is large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were
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use a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with... with the help of absolutely new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inside. no matter which direction you're in guide the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable angled brush located at the front penetrates. into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button, it is ideal
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for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today a unique, ingenious wireless. with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now, you'll get an incredible €20 discount and the livington dipper swipper will be yours for incredible 69,995, but hurry up, the offer is strict... “catch me if you can, but it seems to me
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that they are singing, maybe like this, or maybe like that, it’s amazing, that’s the essence of this show, on friday on rtr, affairs of everyone who was on board the helicopter of the iranian president flight late, genetic examination will not be carried out, reports the etasnim agency. all eight passengers of the american bl-212 helicopter died in a crash in the highlands of east azerbaijan province at an altitude of 2,500 m. watch the news right now, it was 60 minutes, all the best, goodbye. the news is broadcast on the russia tv channel, i greet all viewers, i am maria sittal, hello. we are in mourning for five days in
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connection with the death of president reisi.


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