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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 21, 2024 9:05pm-9:20pm MSK

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as a result of turbulence, which hit a boeing flying from london to singapore. what exactly happened inside the plane can be judged from the footage of the consequences; on the ceiling of the cabin there were characteristic, crushed marks left by those who did not have time to fasten their seat belts, and the floor was littered with personal belongings and food kits. after severe shaking, the liner changed its route and made an emergency landing in bangkok. rescuers provided first aid on the spot and urgently evacuated the wounded on stretchers, just... there were 18 crew members and 211 passengers on board, more than 70 of them received various injuries. today marks 100 years since the birth of one of the most piercing and honest front-line writers, boris vasiliev, when talking about the war, he put the person first, not the feat. he himself went to the front at the age of 17, came out of encirclement, was seriously wounded, and managed to convey his impressions with simply amazing power. in his story he was not included in the lists. tomorrow
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there was a war, and the dawns of the elements here became classics. ilya kanavin will continue. they say boris lvovich even wore his civilian clothes as if he were wearing a ceremonial officer's uniform. borislovich nobleman. nobles are people who serve their fatherland. of course, he learned all this, yes, and adopted this posture and military honor. he was only 17 when he volunteered to go to the front; a graduate of the smolensk school there near smolensk was surrounded. broke through to his own people, in 1943, during the landing, he landed right on a tripwire, i was in hospitals, they cured me at the fire, at first i didn’t say anything, i couldn’t do anything, once again he almost blew himself up after the war, i wanted to pick some forget-me-nots for my young wife, dawn, i realized too late that the forget-me-nots were in a minefield, through the mines she led him in a trail. the fifty-third case of poisoning doctors: standing in the crowd at a rally,
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hearing that all jews need to be deported to siberia, or, in extreme cases, relocated from the stone foundation to a panel room, in a barracks, it’s uncomfortable. boris vasiliev, a soviet officer , was offered to renounce his jewish wife and her father, a doctor, or get out of the army. between an officer's position and an officer's honor, vasiliev chose honor, quit and began writing. his first play, the officer, was performed twice. banned, when they weren’t allowed to print, he immediately did something else, that is, he wasn’t even very upset, calmly, don’t want it, don’t need it, he wrote a lot, from texts to film magazines to stories and film scripts, published in the seventy-first film officers, and what kind of profession is this, to defend the homeland, this phrase is the only one for all time, instant deafening glory, the heroes were loved like family, the main one simply in terms of the number of reviews
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of love, especially among, of course, officers, and garrison, especially officers, not staff, nor parquet, a monument to the heroes of the film stands at the ministry of defense, officers are shown every year, every year the film is watched more than any premiere. and then the elements appeared here that female military personnel were allowed to dry their clothes on all fronts precisely for the purpose of camouflage. zorya is vasiliev’s wife and in the title of the film, in the heroine sonya gurvich. i ruined you. lie here, sonny. a story that burns the soul and elevates. fragile girls, people against the powerful nonhumans. well, of course, because of course.
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of course it’s special, come here, you’re a pest to your poor heart, wrote the front-line soldier vasiliev, who was filming a front-line soldier with a prosthesis.
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i will not hold this meeting and in what they experienced together, tomorrow in front of the whole school you will renounce your father, i will never do this , a very personal, hard-won story of time turned inside out, good people crippled, this is a two-sided struggle, yes it is written swan and swan dawn, it’s such a revival, everything is so joyful...
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standing in line for a new two-story building you won’t have to be on an iv. doctors will be able to perform up to 65 chemotherapy treatments per day. new equipment has also appeared that will make working with toxic drugs safer. this is a laminar flow hood for medications; it works on the principle of a kitchen hood and prevents the spread of hazardous substances. doctors in the new building will provide assistance not only to residents of crimea, but also to patients from new regions. thank you anna, let me go. getting ready for broadcast, we use the remaining minute before the regional part to turn on the state television and radio broadcasting company kuban, anna in chennikova are already in the studio, novorossiysk are changing the rules for the movement of electric scooters. igor, good evening, yes, now they will automatically reduce the speed in public places, and
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completely turn off near memorials. there will also be a new marking for parking personal mobility devices, a dotted rectangle. chaotically abandoned vehicles will be cleared of violations. smart cameras of the city and will send all the information to the traffic police. all this will help improve the traffic safety of sims, primarily for pedestrians, and of course for the drivers themselves. we wish all our colleagues a good broadcast, residents of moscow and the moscow region will see you in a few seconds. police. at these moments he is understanding the circumstances of a mass brawl in the south of moscow. these shots were published on social networks; as tas reports, more than ten people took part in the brawl on midynskaya street. at some point , several shots were heard. information also appeared about casualties, two were hospitalized. according to eyewitnesses, after
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the shootout, some participants fled the scene in cars. the investigation into the incident is controlled by the prosecutor's office. violators of fire safety regulations will now seek help. cellular communications , forest protection will send its inspectors to those places where they indicate a crowd of people. with the onset of warm weather, more and more residents of moscow and the region go outdoors and not everyone complies with the requirements. security. report by igor ogeenko. as the weather gets warmer, the forests near moscow are filled with smoke. on any free spot people fry meat, despite the ban. we know we the guards said that we could be closer to the lifeguard. there were patrols. and they said, guys, it’s possible to be close to the river, but not far from the river. this was still a few years ago. when asked why the words spoken several years ago are being used now, the violators could not give an answer. meanwhile, even a basic barbecue cannot be left anywhere , at least 100 m from coniferous trees, thirty from ordinary ones. clearing
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dry grassy vegetation within a radius of 2 m, or using some kind of special grill area intended for food preparation. even in your own area , you need to light a fire according to the rules, at least 7 m from buildings three to combustible materials; for this method of burning garbage, a resident of yegoryevsk will have to pay a fine of 10 to 20 thousand. well, you can do it simply. we didn’t know, we’ll know, now we won’t burn what, good afternoon, this is the crew’s patrol port, the entrance to your zone, the condition of the forests near moscow is monitored every day by the crew of this small tsesna. currently there is a third program operating in the forests of the capital region fire danger class, so specialists fly only once a day, but when the air temperature rises, they will fly twice, in the morning and in the evening. of the 4.5 million hectares of the moscow region, almost half are forests, and they burn throughout the warm season, although but...
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the security of the moscow region is monitored in real time by 127 cameras installed on cell towers, for example, now you can see , as something burns in the zubzovo, from the white smoke it is clear that this is a forest. all data flows into this dispatcher. where potential smoke marks artificial intelligence, after which they either transmit information to firefighters, or, if in doubt, to dispatchers, and in the capital region there is now a system for detecting large groups of people in forests using mobile data, the billing system is promising, because we already see these places, where it is necessary to be more attentive to these areas, of course with an error, but nevertheless we can already draw up patrol routes.
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there will be open days at the end of the school year . about this today in my sergei sobyanin told the telegram channel. schoolchildren will be able to ask questions to teachers and learn more about the most popular specialties, as well as participate in master classes and gain their first practical skills. you can view the schedule on the website of the center for the development of vocational education. the capital's prosecutor's office became interested in the activities of a cosmetology clinic for clients who are forced to repay hundreds of thousands of loans. they were lured into free procedures and then frightened with terrible diagnoses. what they
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fell into financial bondage, the victims found out at home, having carefully read the contract. report by alexey knor. there was always a security guard. the starmet cosmetology clinic, which until recently invited everyone, is now being taken by storm by dissatisfied clients. in the morning it turns out they were working. it was a disaster, it was a disaster. they work all year round except for two days.
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sign, read the papers that i they do not allow me to concentrate, they do not allow me to sign, a loan was issued for this amount, but this procedure was offered as a gift. such a gift cost lilia 250,000, at the very first appointment they began to intimidate her, she needed serious problems with her skin. urgent measures, they entered the amount of the contract without the procedures that they promised me for free, we came on the second day to terminate the contract, there she stated that i had gone through the procedures. the deception algorithm is based on this, the free procedure is carried out immediately after signing the contract, when the client comes to his senses and tries to refuse it, it turns out that he has allegedly already completed the loan agreement for treatment, because its price is exactly equal to the cost of the gift. everything else has not been completed, well, dodge it.


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