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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 11:30am-2:01pm MSK

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both grandparents and even great-grandmothers were railway workers. pavel milnik and nikita kalchenko, news from sochi. and i remind you that today on our channel there is a continuation of the astro-plot melodrama the light in the window. watch new episodes of the family saga immediately after the evening news. we will continue to monitor developments in russia abroad. stay with us. hello, dear friends, comrades , your favorite program is live, 60 minutes in hot pursuit, we start with the shots of the day, this is the front, this is what the city of the clock looks like now, which is actively being stormed by the russian army, the positions of the garrison in the mtr are being attacked from a rocket launcher. aviation, this is already footage of the assault
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on belogorovka, where russian artillerymen brought up their sanitary equipment, their work, to put it mildly, is impressive, russian units continue to advance in the kharkov region, fighters of the north group of forces crossed the border with ukraine in another area in the kharkov region, 15 km to the east from volchansk, the enemy reports this, it is stated that... the offensive is taking place in the area of ​​​​the villages of volokhovka, chaikovka, akhrimovka and malaya volchya. from volokhovka a direct road leads to the white well, which syrsky called one of the targets of the russian offensive. one of the roads to volchansk also leads through the white well. russian fighters are advancing in volchansky itself. the general staff of the ukrainian armed forces reports that the russian army has entered into combat on the eastern flank of the kharkov direction. additional strength
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means. russian troops have advanced north of the volchye river in the center of the city and at the moment at least half of the city is under the control of our army, at least another 20% in gray zone. volchansky battles are already taking place on gagarin and korolenko streets and are approaching zernovaya street. in addition, individual storm units managed to cross the volchya river and gain a foothold on the other bank. the river divides the city in half, and this has already become a serious problem for the ukrainian militants on the front, look, volchansky. the city is split in half,
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the front line runs along the volchiya river. a group of these fighters in the border service is called a star trooper. each of them was awarded the order of marriage for previous special operations. but that, what is happening now is not just another combat mission for them. volchansk is part of a larger russian plan. i think that the enemy has set a goal for himself: to encircle and then take control of the populated area of ​​kharkov. everyone who is currently fighting volchansky understands. of modern warfare there were drones, now i would put aviation in first place, probably guided aerial bombs, the so-called fabs, as a rule, in the city of volchansk from 25 fabs were dropped on our positions per day, after receiving information that there would be pieces khvapov, the infantry, in order to save themselves, immediately leaves their sector, the instinct of self-preservation works, the infantry.
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the main thing we work here is with the d-44 cannon, although it is very old, it has its advantages, it is quite mobile and fast, well, one of the advantages is that right now there is a sufficient quantity for it. shot, shot in the ear, shot, that's it, everyone in the house, cab, the plane went, flew on, the standard is i'll run to the basement, that's normal, i won't open america, that they entered quite easily, for some reason they moved a long distance, why at we didn’t work out like that in the zaporozhye region because of defensive structures, last
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summer i mean, but i really don’t know who is to blame for this and i can’t point a finger, on the outskirts of volchansk ukrainian fighters are actively defending with the goal of containing. the last 18 months, opening a new front in northeastern ukraine. the area of ​​the city north of the river that divides it is a gray area with ongoing fighting. the russian army is moving south, trying to break through into the city center. correspondents who were in the city and also aerial photography. which i saw with my own eyes suggests that the city is indeed on the verge of destruction, just like it was with bakhmut or severodonetsk, that is, with the cities that russia tried to take using a kind of scorched earth tactic. the number of gliding bombs that fall on volchansk reaches up to twenty per day, causing enormous damage
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to ukrainian forces. following zelensky, to lift the ban on the use of american weapons to strike russian territory, washington called on... secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine litvinenko. the financial times writes about this today. according to kiev, this will help prevent a new offensive by the russian army in the sym region. today, a whole group of american congressmen, led by the chairman of the house intelligence committee, mike turner, called on the head of the pentagon austin to still allow ukraine to use american long-range missiles to attack not only crimea. donbass, but in other, as they say, historical regions of russia, including kursk, bryansk, belgorod regions. at the moment, the official position of the pentagon and biden on this issue seems to remain unchanged, but in order for the status
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quo to continue to be maintained, the russian defense ministry, if it believes the pentagon’s reports , there is no confirmation from us, but if you believe them, then russia has brought to... which can attack other satellites, that is, russia launched anti-space weapons. american government spacecraft are in the same orbit. russia withdrew its device according to data from the united states on may 16. a pentagon spokesman stated this publicly. patrick reiter. previously, the united states said that russia could place nuclear weapons in space, which. also, in order to stabilize the united states, russia showed footage of an exercise to test the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons in the southern military district.
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the exercise is being conducted on the personal instructions of supreme commander-in-chief putin. in the west they heard the signal; the french were the most frightened.
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emmanuel macron, according to which... nato countries should not exclude the possibility of sending troops to ukraine. they also referred to
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a comment by the foreign secretary uk david cameron, that kiev has the right to fire western missiles at russian territory. the video shows various types of equipment involved in the first stage of exercises using non-strategic nuclear weapons in the southern military district, which borders. tactical nuclear weapons are small nuclear warheads and delivery systems designed for use on the battlefield to deliver a limited strike, they are designed to destroy an enemy target in a specific area without causing widespread radioactive fallout. moscow once again stated that these exercises.
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the fact is that the russian armed forces are conducting exercises in the southern military district, that is, near the combat zone, during which they will also practice the use of tactical nuclear weapons, more precisely, shorter-medium-range iskander m missiles, which can also be equipped with nuclear warheads. all this, of course, is an ostentatious display of muscles and enormous destructive forces. there is no doubt about it. you can't just smile and dismiss all this and say that putin will never use his nuclear weapons anyway. this is absolute nonsense. i don't think we should make that mistake. at this point, nuclear weapons are of course unlikely to be used, but i often say that if russia faces unprecedented damage, putin will not hesitate for a second to press the button. it's my personal opinion. everything that is happening now around these exercises is also a signal to the west that it is not worth going too far with arms supplies to ukraine and what. under no circumstances should ukraine be allowed to intensively use western weapons, especially american,
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against russian targets in the rear. this is precisely what zelensky has repeatedly called for in recent days. the americans are still against the use of their weapons on russian territory, at least for the time being. but this, of course, can change, and tactical exercises are clearly a warning that this is definitely not worth doing. the iranian president's office today revealed details of the crash.
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but i saw neither fire nor smoke, the sound of an explosion was also not heard, what happened, but it is truly unknown, the president of russia, putin at a meeting with the speaker of the state duma volodin, who today flew to iran to represent russia at the farewell ceremony for the president of iran , said that moscow is ready to assist tehran in investigating the causes of the disaster. right now, at these moments , an official
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farewell ceremony is taking place in tehran for president risi and his associates. the footage shows a street in the iranian capital. filled hundreds of thousands citizens wishing to say goodbye to the dead, but washington, as always, the iranian people should feel better after the death of the russian president because of the crimes he committed, state department head blinken said on the day of the funeral, given the terrible actions, the iranian people felt much better, he said, in response to senator ted cruz's question, is the world a better place?
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including iran's political and diplomatic friends to honor those who died on sunday. there are very strict security measures here, several checkpoints points, and we see that thousands of people are already flooding this place. the people here are mostly dressed in black, they are holding black flags, black is the color of grief. the supreme leader of iran,
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to pay his respects, heartbroken, this is the first of several days of official ceremonies, huge numbers of iranians took to the streets with photographs of the late president, they tried to reach out to touch the robes of ibrahim raisi and other officials who died in the helicopter crash . the official revealed the details of the crash of the presidential helicopter raisi. iranian presidential chief of staff galam hassein ismaili said that the weather in the iranian region of varzakan, where president raisi's helicopter crashed, was ideal at the beginning and during most of the flight. ismaili was in one of three helicopters that returned to the platinum opening ceremony on the iran-azerbaijan border. he
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said the helicopters took off around 1:00 pm local time on may 19 due to weather conditions in the area. were normal, after 45 minutes of flight, president raisi's pilot ordered everyone increase the altitude to avoid the clouds, then the presidential helicopter, which was flying in the middle, suddenly disappeared, after 30 seconds of flying above the clouds, our pilot noticed this, ismaili said, after several attempts to contact the presidential helicopter, they were unable to descend due to the clouds and landed at a nearby copper mine. these images are amazing crowds on the streets, we saw incredible scenes of mourning, we saw people crying in the streets, it is interesting that resi built relationships not only with allies and iran's neighbors in the region, but also with countries that have similar views, when i say countries with similar views, i mean countries like russia and china that
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are hostile to the current world order, which they see as us hegemony. they are building relations with iran and cooperating with countries that do not like this world order. we heard a statement from the kremlin that president putin spoke with the acting president, with whom, as emphasized, he met many times, this will not be welcomed in washington. high-ranking officials of foreign countries and foreign guests also arrived here. turkey is represented by the vice president and minister of foreign affairs, and the vice president of india and the chairman also came here.
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sincere sincere condolences in connection with this tragedy, indeed he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person, self-confident, first of all, a person who was guided by national interests, but uh, of course, he was a man of his word, it was a pleasure to work with him , meaning that if we agreed on something, you could always be sure that the agreements would... be implemented, we, for our part , will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue in exactly this vein, please pass on these words leadership of iran and if our colleagues
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have a need, then we are ready to do everything to provide them with expert support, expert assistance in identifying the true causes of this catastrophe, but now about the paranoia that... continues to cover the european union, shegel writes about the terrible threat from putin in sweden. the commander of the swedish army is confident that russia has both eyes on the swedish island of gotlan in the baltic sea. they say suspicious russian tankers have been spotted around it lately. in general, a new fire of war is being fanned in the west. the main thing here is not to tear yourself apart. for example, right at these moments, french president emmanuel macron is accompanied. flies personally to calm the unrest of new caledonia, an overseas territory in the pacific ocean that paris still considers its colony.
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before departure, macron belligerently tried to show off his famous betsukha, but, as usual, it was not entirely convincing. on the archipelago itself, armed clashes between the local population, that is, the konak and the french army, continue. gendarmes illustrate the chaos that is happening in new caledonia right now on your screens: french special forces are trying to take the initiative, recapture lost territories and regain control of the major highways that connect noumea with the north of the country, in particular with the international airport and port of noumea, which has not been working at all for a week, at the moment, with at least six deaths known...
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after more than a week of carnage and unrest in
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new caledonia, emmanuel macron rushes to the caledonian bath, he leaves for the archipelago on tuesday at 9:00 pm , taking everyone by surprise as she announced her decision that morning at a meeting of the council of ministers. the head of state intends to calm tensions after a week of violence, and he also hopes to meet with all leaders.
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negotiations and discuss how to end the current confrontation, which has been occupying the front pages of all newspapers, has been for two weeks now. it seems to me that macron's visit is a desperate attempt to bring the parties back to the negotiating table to find a solution, but this will not be so easy for the french president. the uneasy relationship between emmanuel macron and new caledonia has been unfolding for the past seven years, primarily due to the fact that macron does not understand the importance of this island. he also made statements that were very poorly received kanak. therefore, many of them voted for the leader of the far-right national front in the last elections. macron's visit comes as the élysée palace says there has been clear progress in security, with 2,700 police and gendarmes deployed to new caledonia but many still mobilized to dismantle the barricades. dozens of new barricades blocked the highway that leads from mämea to
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the international airport.
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trump, including for his promise to end with all the wars that the democrats have started , primarily with the war in ukraine, which donald promises to end in 24 hours.
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there was a scandal over this video that trump’s pr people posted on his social networks. the thirty-second video tells us what a collapse awaits if trump loses the us election, and also shows the newspaper headlines that are expected to appear if trump wins, talking, among other things, about a thriving economy, closed borders and the country's transformation into
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a united reich. ..that's all, but not for biden and his team, who accused trump of nazi rhetoric, trump himself, according to official reports, did not even see the video, but today biden has already posted a video response to trump on his social networks. in the footage, joe, looking at the phone in his hand, asks, and this is on his official account.
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while it is normal for presidential candidates to share videos of their vision for the country, it is not normal for those videos to include references to adolf hitler and nazi germany. this video was posted on the former president's social networks during several hours. the response was not long in coming. the video seems to suggest that if he wins the 2024 elections, a united reich will be created. donald trump wins, what will happen next to america. the video features hypothetical newspaper articles. this phrase appears three times, including under the heading: what will happen next to america. it includes references to the first world war, mentions of... german industrial power and peace through strength. another headline says trump will reject globalists a phrase often used by the far right as an anti-semitic slur. a spokeswoman for trump's company said in a statement that it was not a campaign video. it was
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created by a random internet account and posted by an employee who apparently did not see these references while the president was in court. the american dream is back. this isn't the first time trump has used it. formulations similar to those once uttered by adolf hitler. just a few months ago he made a statement about emigrants. they poison the blood of our country, that's what they do. biden's press office issued a statement this morning saying donald trump is playing with toys. he tells america exactly what he intends to do if he gains power, to rule as dictator over a unified reich. biden's campaign calls this a pattern, noting that the former president had dinner with a white neo-nazi 2 years ago, as well as once. said that there are very good people on both sides after the white supremacist rally in charlottesville. in the video showed hypothetical headlines for an imaginary trump victory this fall, one asking what's next for america three times suggesting
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the creation of a unified reich, a term widely associated with nazi germany. president biden released a response to the video. the united reich is the language of hitler, not america. he only cares about maintaining power. this is not a nation that belongs to them, this is a nation that is completely yours, it belongs to you, it is your home, it is your heritage. trump said that if he wins november, he would become dictator from the first day, on
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saturday at the congress, he reflected on the possibility of remaining for a third term. he lasted 16 years, roosevelt spent almost 16 years in the presidency, four terms. i don't know if we'll stay for two or three terms. trump's company removed the video and blamed a junior employee for distributing the material, which was first posted to random users. this is not trump's rhetoric. these terms have been copied from wikipedia. germany's industrial power and output increased significantly after 1871, which was due to the creation of a unified reich. this is what was published.
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the main thing was not about what he could do, there were some publications, but it was not all about improving the lives of the people. well, while two american grandfathers are arguing, who is the nazi? who's a democrat? the us federal reserve released a report saying that almost 2/3 of americans have experienced it. with a worsening financial situation, and almost one in five us residents say that their financial situation has become much worse: adults with low with their income they cannot fully pay their bills, sometimes or often they are malnourished, and they do not
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go to doctors because of the high cost of medical care. we probably won’t sympathize with the americans, just as we won’t sympathize with the european union, which was allowed the day before. czech foreign ministry jan lepavsky. according to the calculations of czech diplomacy, in the twenty-fourth the amount will be almost 3 billion. of which 90% will go to military assistance. experts from the financial times calculated that by the twenty-seventh the total profit could reach 20 billion. euro. but that’s not even the key here. russian stolen money will work for the economy of european giants. under this story, they will replenish their weapons reserves, and
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ukrainian beggars will get only a small part. preparations for war do not stop in europe. poland has started a new exercise with sahrek 24 in the baltic sea. as stated in a message published by the country's ministry of defense, during the maneuvers they are practicing the search for the rescue of the crew of an aircraft that disappears from the radar. yak. crossed the drava river in just 18
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minutes with the help of the m3 army amphibious installation, it itself folds out into a floating platform, this is an analogue of a panton bridge. the americans fiddled around for more than an hour and for a long time could not assemble the fonton crossing from the vietnam war, after which the poles themselves decided to demonstrate the art of war and russophobia to the british and americans. the most popular part of the training is that related to handling weapons,
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the most questions are asked there, everyone from 16 to 65 years old is invited to the courses, a physiotherapist marta sedletskaya came to class with her husband and son. i am here because of the geopolitical situation, even minimal preparation gives me a feeling of security. we came to the training as a family so that our son would know how to behave in the event of something happening.
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russia, these are the states, according to experts, that could become the first victims in the event of a russian attack on the north atlantic alliance. russia may try to encroach on the territory of nato countries in 2-3 years. therefore, the alliance is preparing for a potential attack. already for several months, the countries of the bloc have been conducting the largest exercises since the end of the cold war.
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this time it is just an exercise, training in real conditions, similar to what stanislav has been doing every month for the past four years. we wait for help, the others look after the wounded, and i pass on contact information. he, like 40,000 other poles, joined the territorial defense forces, a special military service consisting of two weeks of basic training followed by intensive training one week a month. are you ready for chelsea? pass aptitude tests to join the army, a new law passed immediately after the invasion of ukraine, significantly in this recruitment center, everyone hopes
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to increase their salary, exceeding 200. euros for a weekend in the territorial defense forces, if the application is accepted, this person will join joining the professional army as an officer, a new beginning for this quality control engineer at a welding company. i have a good job, but the conditions that the army now offers much better and superior to all proposals that can be found in the civilian sector, given the situation on the other side of our border. i want to undergo military training in hopes of never having to fight, but it's better to be prepared for any development. events. the army is trying to increase interest with the additional funds it has at its disposal. poland has announced its intention to reduce the size of its armed forces over the next 10 years, without reintroducing compulsory military service. we must convey to society that the army is professional career, so we buy
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all kinds of advertising media to promote the armed forces. we attend various job fairs and events. and thanks to this, more and more people come to us with an idea of ​​​​what military service is. now in inclusivity news, the biden administration is pushing the state to allow boys to compete in girls' competitions. a draft regulation that would force schools to repeal discriminatory bans was published by the us department of education. and the emphasis is on the students. the department believes that it is possible to ban boys from participating in women’s competitions if competition is involved, but this, according to officials, only applies to high schools, whose students play sports professionally, and children still don’t think about competition. by the way,
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states are also not allowed to pass laws restricting the participation of transgender men in women’s competitions. repealed a west virginia law that requires athletes to play on teams based on their biological floor. against this background, intense debate arose in the united states: if boxer mike tyson or anyone else identifies as a woman, will he be able to fight in the ring against other women. surprisingly, inclusivity advocates answered yes. at the same time , iron mike himself would not speak out against women ; he has already unequivocally spoken out against the admission of transathletes to women’s competitions. but crazy democrats don’t care much about tyson’s opinion. and today another champion in a skirt has appeared in america. transgender
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high school runner in oregon. won the championship state among girls at a distance of 200 m. but even. let's see,
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the first place was booed by the audience, let's give this a big slap in the face to the girls who put in years of training and sacrificed themselves to reach a competitive level, absolutely right, and we see the corresponding reaction in... the stadium itself, more and more people are aware of what is happening and more and more they start speaking out, that's why they booed him. i want to remind you of the gap that exists in sports between men and women, especially in such disciplines as like running the 400 m. so i want to remember this comment by amy alkon on one interesting episode: the fastest runner in the world, american athlete alison felix, by the way, she has more gold medals than usain bolt, so here’s her ...
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and then i paid attention to the girls who were running after him 3-4 meters away from him. the participation of transgender athletes in a school athletics competition in sherwood has left some competitors and parents feeling frustrated. the rules stipulate that as soon as a student if a transgender person has notified the school administration of his/her gender identity, then it is necessary to treat this student in accordance with the chosen gender. based on...
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the result shown was the fastest in oregon sports history, but the biological girl, the athlete, took only second place, and some internet users were outraged by this. journalist perce morgan wrote an entire article in the new york post entitled "it's time to stop the unjust and unequal transport madness that is destroying women's sports." i will quote an excerpt from the article. trans women deserve to be treated with respect and kindness, and certainly have the same rights to justice and equality as everyone else, but i am not
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happy with trans rights undermining or destroying women's rights. interestingly, the rules that are set do not provide for any medical transition for such athletes, which i think is also important if they want to compete in the category corresponding to their chosen gender. it is also necessary modernized well, the number of people injured as a result of a singapore airlines plane hitting severe turbulence has increased to 70 people. today the second passenger died, and so the booing 37 airliner flew from london to singapore. there were 211 passengers and 18 crew members on board, and when the plane flew over myanmar, it fell into... a zone of severe bumpiness. according to passengers, the plane was first thrown up, then it began to shake violently, then the plane began to sharply
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descend, as if falling. as a result , all passengers who were not wearing seat belts belts, hit their heads on the ceiling and shelves. three people hit the ceiling with their heads and lost consciousness. just imagine that... what was happening on board at that moment, a seventy-three-year-old british citizen died from a heart attack, that is, from fear of horror, another 70 people, including nine crew members, were injured, 50 people had to be taken to the hospital. today, thai media reported a second death in the hospital, the plane itself made an emergency landing in bangkok, it began investigation into technical problems with the aircraft. not detected, just such crazy turbulence, look,
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on may 21, a singapura airlines plane encountered serious turbulence during a flight from london to singapore, due to which two passengers died and another 29 people were injured, there were 211 on the plane . singapura airlines airlines flying from london heathrow airport to singapore encountered sudden severe turbulence over the keiradi river basin. at an altitude of 11.00 m. at the aircraft port there were 211 passengers and 18 crew members. the pilot declared
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a medical emergency and diverted the boeing 777 ir. they were handing out food, chaos erupted, the plane began to shake, and at first i didn’t convey any meaning to it, it happens, but the situation got worse and worse and worse, unbelted passengers hit the ceiling, which is why you see in the footage, it crumpled, because they were just thrown out of their seats, people just jumped up, hit their heads on the ceiling and fell back on...
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he was 73 years old and had citizenship in uk, however, the investigation continues and has moved to the next stage, and the body of the deceased will also be autopsied to find out the exact cause of death. the investigation continued, and the passengers, who were not seriously injured, have already flown out of bangkok. singapore airlines is highly regarded in the industry and incidents like this happen very rarely, but what happened could well spread horror among many. just to understand, singapore airlines is considered one of the best airlines in the world, one of the most expensive and one of the most safe. everything that happened, experts say, is really a mess, you need to buckle up, but the footage is just terrible and crazy, if you weren’t an aerophobe, then now you definitely will be. urgent news
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comes about our front-line affairs. heroic, apparently, this is how she will position herself now, the head of mit, anna lena berbuk, visited the position of ukrainian anti-aircraft gunners, visited the outskirts of kiev, where she talked with fighters of the ukrainian mobile air defense detachment, her entire visit was intended to explain that ukraine urgently needs new, preferably american air defense systems, petpe. we are transported to the front via direct communication, war correspondent.
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general staff, we will find out everything, we will see how events will develop, but the kharkov direction today really remains one of the hottest, one of the most active, at the moment, without any major changes on the line of combat contact, still at the epicenter of attention leptsy and volchansk, in volchansk there are now battles in the central part of the city, ukraine holds one bridgehead, we talked with our military personnel who know this area well, among other things. at the very beginning of the special military operation they were there, so they can judge from the map, so they said that the current situation in volchansk, in their opinion, is developing in such a way that the ukrainian group’s holding of the bridgehead does not carry a military, not a strategic plan, but rather more political, as if the command was given to simply hold this bridgehead and not retreat so that
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russian troops would not be able to liberate they will try to hold wolchanst as far as possible, yes, of course, this is an attempt to pin down our forces, including in oncoming battles, but it looks as if...
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a touch of obviousness is not off the agenda there, it’s too early to tell that there are no ukrainian troops left in the city at all, but they are really close to this. in kleshcheevka, our troops advanced forward and also took a very important commanding height, this, of course, further aggravates the position of the ukrainian group, the enemy was forced to retreat even further beyond the canal, but
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fighting also continues in the chasyarovsky direction, despite the enemy’s attempts to counterattack the canal microdistrict, where, according to some of our data, the advance per day is up to 200 m in depth and the expansion is approximately 400-450 m. we see, even if these are short distances, but the russian army is inexorably moving forward, and the enemy is forced to constantly retreat, there is an understanding of what is causing the catastrophic situation at the front for the enemy, there was no money, they gave money, they gave weapons, there were no people, they mobilized, people were found, there was no fratification, it seems they started building, everything is there, but success did not come, that’s what... the real problem of what is happening? olga, well, i think the real problem lies in the complex of all issues related to armament, technology, of course, yes, but even after the next
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aid package was received from the collective west, even in kiev, even the most zealous propagandists noted that the fact is that technology and weapons are good, but the main thing is people, with people, of course, the problems are big, there is a personnel shortage in kiev, and we are not talking about quantity, we are talking about... about the number of motivated and combat-ready people, general mobilization, as they call it, it continues, we see these personnel, but the question is the quality of these people whom ukraine sends to extermination, the question is what they are capable of and what they can oppose to russian military personnel, professional ones, and those who come as volunteers, they undergo training, they train at training grounds only then they begin to perform combat missions, we see that in ukraine... they are caught on the street literally within a few days, they are already on the front line, kiev’s tactics do not change, an attempt to fill the front line with bodies in the hope that these bodies will be able to stop the tanks, but
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of course the line defense, the fortification issue remains acute for kiev, even look at the example of the ovdeevsky direction, where kiev attempted to create a line of defense in the netailov area, our troops are now already fighting there on the outskirts, advancing into... this time was not enough for kiev to create a line of defense, now they will try to do it in the kurakhovo silidov area, but most likely, they will simply turn populated areas into one continuous, one continuous fortified area, hide behind people, hide behind residential areas houses, like this, in constant fire contact and in the constant movement of the front, they failed to gain a foothold and prepare, so i think that the problem here is actually complex, all together. thank you very much, thank you very much, military man correspondent georgy medvedev, in direct communication with the front line. ask! well , the militarization of the world is really going on, i would like to draw attention to the noise that
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has been going on in the western media for almost a day, they say, this is a threat, and the russian federation launched a spacecraft into space with anti-satellite weapons, this is really a big tragedy, i really wanted i would say that our country really has. is strengthening in terms of its capabilities in space, and only the united states should have a monopoly, which is why our launches, they threaten the world, what the united states is doing is all good, peaceful. by the way, i would like to note that, unfortunately, after the destruction of the soviet union, certain damage was caused to the space industry and anti-satellite systems, but we must now build up, and it’s good that we are implementing these programs, it’s good that china is building up these.
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possibilities, but let's see, it's the twenty -fourth year, we launched seven - that means, spacecraft, the united states 54, let them talk about it, or let the western media talk about that resolution, which russia submitted yesterday to the un security council regarding the prevention of the placement of weapons in space, russia introduced this resolution, what happened during the voting, who opposed this resolution, the united states, great britain. france, japan, south korea, and slovenia and malta that joined them. russia and china supported the adoption of this resolution, that is , a completely peaceful resolution. switzerland abstained, well, plus the countries of the global south supported us. now, if this truth were conveyed to, that is, the whole world, and the united states, the western media, well, a completely different picture, it’s just once again hypocritical.
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only in relation to our country, of course, i am sure that the united states will not agree to such an escalation now, this proposal will be rejected, but we understand that this is testing the waters, and to what extent this militarization can be developed, so, of course , the key threat to the world now is this imperialist policy of the united states, our task is to strengthen the anti-fascist forces as much as possible, to fight the military threat, reaction and our party cpr. does everything in the left-wing international movement, but from the point of view of the issues that stand, you should understand perfectly well that now, as part of the election campaign, they have begun to blame each other, well, trump is a right-wing politician and this is not the first time, it means that those around him are flirting with some topics related to hitler’s reich, yes, but in fact, you can blame trump for this, and trump, by the way, caused a lot of damage to china from the point of view when... he was
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the president of the united states, and the most imposed strict sanctions against our allies, the cubans, when he left office he would already pursue a hostile policy, but what are the democrats better? blinkin comes and hugs in ukraine with those who encourage fascism, nazism, restore the memory of shukhevych, bandera, and nazi criminals. the better the democrats and biden, who did not say a word condemning the nazi marches. baltic ss veterans or recent events, estonians, and now they are digging up the graves of red army soldiers, 28 graves, and actually destroying them, for what, in order, they say they have a problem with access to the monument to the white estonians, who fought on the side of the interventionists during the civil war and intervention, yes, they erected a monument after the destruction of the soviet union to glorify these people, now they are digging up graves. valiant warriors, but this
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is also actually an encouragement of fascism, therefore both democrats and republicans, this whole imperialist world, they are accomplices of the fascist, so we need to clearly understand, we need to clearly build our policy and unite everyone around us anti-fascist forces of the world, and regarding weapons, as if they were experimentally trying to warm up this topic, more and more representatives of more and more states are proposing. start shooting down russian missiles on the territory of ukraine with nato forces, while germany is officially opposed to the uk and the usa, but at the same level. parliaments, a new appeal, again to the head of the pentagon, appeals to the fact that things in the kharkov region are so bad, there are so few weapons that you need to harness yourself, and this will not be a war, look, dear minister austin, we members of the u.s. house of representatives
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write to express our strong support for several pending requests on behalf of our ukrainian colleagues to allow the use of u.s.-provided weapons to strike strategic targets inside russia. under certain circumstances, circumstances. our ukrainian allies are requesting permission to use certain weapons provided by the united states to conduct operations against strategic targets in russia and controlled by russia. according to a may 14 politico report, the biden administration's current policies are hampering ukraine's ability to repel russian troops near kharkov with american weapons. ukrainians have been unable to defend themselves due to the current administration policies. it is critical that the biden administration empowers military leaders. ukraine has the ability to conduct the full range of operations necessary to respond to an unprovoked russian attack on their sovereign soil. what is called expanding the boundaries of the possible if previously, they proceeded from the fact that ukraine should defend itself, then they argued
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that ukraine should attack, but only within its territories and territories that the international community does not consider russia, now they are proposing. elections, i don’t know whether he will win the elections or this does not mean at all that he will not win at all, this can be clarified at the nearest post office, because their only source of power there is the post office, but i don’t know
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what it is now there the instructions came there and and how this candidate, who has generally lost or is rapidly losing the trust of the americans, should come to power, works very simply: information is thrown into the public sphere, zelensky shouts at his generals, they do not report to him what is happening there on the battlefield, how should the average person perceive this information? you know, they don’t tell our supreme commander-in-chief everything, he can’t make
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effective decisions because some military people are misleading him, you need to understand one simple thing, all zelensky’s decisions, especially in this situation, they are aimed at...
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they will clean up a little everything that they did there, yes, they will bring it into some kind of divine form,
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so that we understand with whom it is possible to conduct any kind of negotiations, for now there is simply no one to conduct any negotiations with kiev, what does this mean, it means that the war will continue with all the ensuing consequences, so in this situation i don’t see other options, well, just at least briefly.. .
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limited anastasia vedenskaya, you all are everything. knew about this, i don’t want to see you all, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared, life teaches you nothing, they were silent about vasya, and now continue to lie about your mother, adult daughters, the premiere, on saturday on rtr. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in
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sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into a fairy tale. hotel for unforgettable experiences rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation. this is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
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i don’t have a swimsuit, tell me, can i hug you? well, who is he, man, well,
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introduce him to the man, i love him, you know? “yes, you’re just my stupid girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i’m begging you, please, well stop, don't touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, little girl, hug me, please, feel me, can i hug you on saturday, nerter, provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between ".
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look at the substation the first podcasts we watch, we always have to beg him for something, we have to do something about it, what’s wrong with him, he’s having a stroke, here we have a procedural nurse, you need it, i won’t give it to him if he recognizes him,
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how i enjoy watching you fidget, worry, think, and you know what’s going on here them, think, decide, say, listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me if you fucking can, on friday on rtr. so, russia has launched a device capable of shooting down enemy satellites, says pentagon spokesman patrick ryder. the launch allegedly took place on the night of may 17, then the russian ministry of defense actually announced a successful launch from the plesets cosmodrome into a soyuz launch vehicle with spacecraft on board.
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russia's space program is developing as planned, said deputy head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs rebkov. according to him, launchers that solve problems of strengthening defense capabilities are never news, but he did not comment on the pentagon’s stuffing. presidential press secretary peskov has just said that russia acts in strict accordance with international law, there will be no further comments here. a us official said russia launched anti-satellite missiles last week. weapon, potentially at the same altitude as a us satellite. this is problem? can you confirm the information that was presented to the un? on may 16, russia launched a low-earth orbit satellite, which, in our assessment, is most likely an anti-space weapon. it is supposedly capable of attacking other satellites in low earth orbit. russia placed this new anti-space
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weapon in the same orbit as a us government satellite. thus, ratings also indicate characteristics that resemble. previously deployed anti-spacecraft that were launched into space in 2019 in 2022. obviously we will continue to monitor this. of course, we would say that we have a responsibility to be prepared to defend the space domain. ensure continued uninterrupted operations, and we continue to balance the need to protect our interests in space with our desire to maintain a stable sustainable space environment? does this pose a threat to this us government satellite right now? well, this is an anti-space weapon located in the same orbit as a us government satellite. continuing the theme of america in the united states, parents were officially banned from taking children away from classes... the topic of lgbt preschoolers, that is, kindergarteners and primary school students, reports the daily mail. the decision was made by the merlendo court
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to search for parents who believed that they themselves were able to explain to their children what, in their opinion, it means to be a man and a woman, what the institution of marriage is, who is a mother, who is a mother, who is a dad, what sexuality is, and so on further. in lithuania , the categories of participants in the lgbt parade in vilnius are being expanded; nato soldiers were officially invited to take part in the parade, this is the first time. look. according to the head of the lithuanian gay league, vladimir simonko, he hopes that german soldiers stationed in lithuania will also take part in the lithuania pride 2024 lgbt parade, which will be held in vilnius in a few weeks. according to the event organizers. this will be the largest lgbt plus festival in the history of lithuania. we are currently negotiating with bundeswehr officers in lithuania regarding their participation in the parade. if this happens, it will be the first time that
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nato soldiers will also take part in the parade, simonka said. german the government is also making its contribution to this event, thereby showing that lgbt plus human rights in europe and lithuania are an important part of the country's security - emphasized the leader of the lithuanian gay league. fine. thank you. my colleagues already mentioned this today. various points, but let’s return to the exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces of the joint union state of russia belarus, well , these events during the training period are intended primarily to practice secrecy, in order to actually use such weapons, if it comes to tactical nuclear weapons, yes tactical, then so that it would be sudden, and the enemy would not be able to react, in any way, respond, the usefulness, value of tactical nuclear weapons is...
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yes - super, but not for us, but for the next generation of our population earth, because there would probably be nothing left of us, if there was a nuclear explosion, we would have to start from scratch, well, that is , the prospect is so-so, not everyone likes it, as you showed, yes, in general, in principle, nuclear war is such a thing weak, weak attractive, i completely agree with you here, it’s just alarming that they assume that we are bluffing, we are having fun, as if they were ready. believe us after we finally give up, but we don’t seem to want to, yes, because here you see, this is also the dissatisfaction of the west, the discontent of the west, of course, in
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the inability of the armed forces of ukraine to resist or organize a confrontation in general a separate type of weapon, at the beginning of our broadcast - they showed, they showed, in general , the most valuable personnel, the use of the sleeper system, yes, taking into account the fact that there is already a third modification called dragon, right? no system in the world can intercept this ammunition, it is impossible to protect against it, here we see the use, well, judging by the area, this is at least a division of systems working, this is a lot, that is, this is a terrible weapon, especially since it burns out a person from the inside, taking into account the fact that the range has been increased in the dragon modification there to 15 km, this suggests that our military managed to secretly concentrate forces, prepare, go out to the launch areas, and deliver a group strike, then escape from the retaliatory strike, that’s all. in general, the guys are great, they demonstrate precisely the perception of experience, as for kharkov, kharkov, the ukrainians act there, they try to act, you know, in the manner
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of the syrians, which means these militants, when they installed small small-caliber rszzs on small pickup trucks, there are 107 mm, 128 are trying , means to counteract our military, they are found, destroyed with lancets, in this regard... what else, what else is the kharkov offensive, or rather the attack on kharkov, group north of ours, what else is it that ukrainians still don’t understand, is this real? that is , a serious, that is, a serious offensive operation or a diversionary maneuver, they still cannot understand, figure out, intercept, obtain information, confirm and verify, they have problems, yes, they do, untimely delivery of ammunition, this is a serious, powerful problem in repelling offensive operation, which is carried out on a front of only 60 km by a group of up to 50 thousand military personnel, well, that is, in this situation,
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what remains and... remains for ukrainians delay, delay, means actions, waiting for a delivery. large deliveries are expected in june, enough air defense systems, the same patriots, armored vehicles and tanks, leopards, and so on and so forth. they are trying to hold out, relatively speaking, to transfer this spring collapse of theirs, to transfer them to a summer company in order to, well, somehow hold on, that’s because, of course, they are not interested in leaving kharkov... because that a significant number of multiple launch rocket systems are losing their effectiveness, this is precisely the question of using american systems for strikes against russia, but it loses its effectiveness during strikes, which means against belgorod and the original russian territories, but in this case we are not considering crimea, which is constantly under fire from atakontsev, and so on and so forth , that is, here, of course, it is very inconvenient for them, because they are losing a significant
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list of the range of ammunition. immediately after the elections he was asked a question at the final press conference about belgorod, precisely on that day, on voting day, on sunday on the third day of the three-day vote , they beat belgorod to prevent people from expressing their vote, putin said.
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well, civilians are dying there, it ’s obvious that they’re shooting right in the city center, in residential areas, and i said publicly that if this continues, we will be forced to create a security zone, a sanitary zone, so we’re doing that, but what as for kharkov, there are no such plans today, a sanitary zone, a security zone,
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a kharkov direction. is now the hottest 2 weeks ago started offensive of the russian army in the kharkov direction. 12 liberated villages right now, the most acute confrontation is in the village of volchansk. look. on the outskirts of volchansk in the kharkov region , ukrainian soldiers are trying to hold back the advance of russian troops. the ukrainians claim they still control about 60% of the territory. and cities. russia's armed forces have made their biggest territorial gains in 18 months after launching an offensive in the north-east of the kharkov region, thereby opening a new front. on target 72. in these frames, our military destroys an american vehicle, delivers an accurate strike, and the vehicle burns to the ground. here the target of the loitering ammunition
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becomes a self-propelled artillery mount. russian units are constantly working to eliminate the threat to our border. in the vicinity of volchansk. russia shows footage from the liberated pletenevka, including from there the ukrainian formations attacked the belgorod region, well, they are covering houses, ours were like, wait, here are the houses, they they covered them with mortars, they are constantly flying here with blows, they have already moved well. will run away in panic, people can sleep peacefully, but our guys are working well, no one is going back, everyone is fighting with dignity, zelensky is receiving reports from the minister of defense umery and commander-in-chief
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vs usynsky, according to them, the most difficult situation in the pokrovsk direction is the next major the city after avdeevka, as well as in the kramatorsk and kurakhovsky sections. footage of bright flashes in the belogorovka area, the westernmost point of the lpr. combat work is carried out the crews of heavy flamethrower systems now look like this after the next arc-training of the yaar watch. plumes of acrid smoke rise above the city. i observe a group of infantry, four people. there, there, go, go, contact, work! control, control, ready to work , ready to work, working , working, working, grenade, come out, throw a grenade,
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throw a grenade, let's go, let's, i'm holding, zelensky in an interview with the american newspaper new york times again demands yes... permission to hit the western weapons on the russian rear, a group of congressmen sends the minister us defense letter to austin requesting that all restrictions on the selection of targets be lifted. the big danger for us is that their copters are being improved, they are finding some methods to bypass our electronic warfare systems, and, unfortunately, they are doing it quite well. and you need to understand that the number of unmanned aircraft systems in russia is 10 times greater than in ukraine.
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we are sending ukraine another 60 billion dollars. most of that money goes to america's five largest defense contractors to replace it at five times the cost. weapons that we have already sent to the ukrainians. that is, if we send them something that was made 10 years ago, now it will cost 4-5 times more. so, again, this is a massive scam, paid for by the pentagon, it will not change the outcome of the war. after the introduction.
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the recruitment center, the city of kiev itself was empty, in these frames one of the shopping and entertainment centers, those who are against mobilization should be shot, says ukrainian journalist masseychuk. i was watching social networks and came across the feed of a person who reposts statements men, women who say: oh, what is this, they want to fight until the last ukrainian? you know, during the second world war such people were called alarmists.
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congratulations to our military, and zelensky, who continues to dream of returning crimea, of entering the borders of 1991 , suddenly admitted that kiev did not influence anything on the peninsula, even when it was part of ukraine itself. in an interview with time, zelensky directly said that until 2014 , the russian fleet was naturally stationed in crimea, there were russians everywhere, who were essentially there...
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for example, the edge of the price, while ukrainian shelling, the peninsula and roads through new regions of russia, the russians are not afraid, the french journalist is surprised. last year, according to the crimean authorities, 5 million tourists vacationed on the peninsula. the vast majority came on vacation across the crimean bridge, by car, bus, train, and a real tourism boom is expected this year. in january-february. those russians who want
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to spend their holidays on the seashore and do not want to go to turkey or thailand, they have no other choice choice of how to go to the black sea coast, to sochi or krasnodar, where it is a little more expensive , or to crimea, where it is cheaper, and frankly speaking, there are more beautiful landscapes, especially in the south, beaches, mountains and the like, to get to crimea, you you can go along... some russians prefer to drive through the occupied territories, this means that tourists pass through the same places where military equipment goes, they pass by mariupol, and this does not stop them, and even despite the ukrainian strikes on crimea , and they are constantly they are hitting, tourism is growing, we have data on armor compiled by the russian tourism association, and so according to...
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especially in the western direction, but
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they were worked out using the command and staff method, through computer modeling, without the involvement of real special ammunition, real... carriers and so on, so, they also thought that maybe this time it would all end with us conducting command post exercises without the real deployment of forces, not strategic nuclear deterrent forces, nothing like we assumed, as i assumed, the first stage began with the re-opening of warehouses; in our country, i repeat once again, all non-strategic nuclear weapons are located in centralized warehouses. the twelfth main directorate of the ministry of defense, which are not located near the airfields where carriers of the iskander opposition areas, iskander operational tactical complexes and naval bases are based, i mean sevastopol and the caspian flotel on
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the caspian sea. so, at the first stage the warehouses have been reopened, special ammunition has arrived. supplies in the cabbage yar, i didn’t know that, i don’t know, i think it’s unlikely, i have my own, so to speak, but i’ll get to it, now the military district is where, if not there, southern, southern, this not even a moment where they are based, if not there, here we are, they are naturally based within the southern military district, i can’t say that, i don’t know what
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airfields they are based on, but within the southern military district, what questions are they now will these carriers be equipped? special ammunition, then they will probably start practicing real sorties and maneuvering; moreover, of course, these exercises also have one more aspect, they will probably involve the rcbz troops, radiation-chemical bacteriological protection, which will work out the issues of the actions of our troops, the conditions for the use of nuclear weapons, this is also very important, because this is one of...
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on the new land to carry out empty, so to speak, air-to-ground missiles or a small combat training launch with a minimum configuration an air-nuclear explosion, why not, to show our, so to speak, partners that our non-strategic nuclear weapons are in perfect order and explode well, the americans did this in the fifties, too, during the same exercises they took it and fired it.
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it has, but nevertheless, in order to consider that we are not buffing, in order to show them, i would still really arrange such a small thing, this is not a resumption of the test at all, this is just, so to speak, the final point of special exercises , well a few words about ukraine, here is the situation
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around kharkov, this is of course not a classic offensive, not a classic offensive operation, we have not used everything yet. as i see it, the action is mainly carried out by not very numerous groups of our uh, well, a new, new term, a new phenomenon in our attack aircraft tactics. like we used to be motorized rifles, now they are assault squads supported by armored vehicles with very good support from artillery and military space forces, even using volumetric detonating ammunition, one and a half ton, a very good sign is that they opened another direction, there are four, four villages in the kharkov region, and the path opened, actually to the rear of the kupin group, that is, looming. such a prospect of such a good cauldron, there are 60 thousand personnel there, maybe such a cauldron and in general i get
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the impression, well, i personally, that they are ready to leave volchansk, ready to leave liptsy and begin the defense of kharkov, this is more familiar to them, so to speak , defense in urban areas in dense conditions urban development in open areas, they don’t feel very well right now, but i think that... and i completely agree with the president that to take kharkov, you know, just take a city of over a million people, two ways, either an assault or a siege, an assault is a loss, a siege is a long time, you just need to bypass it, cut off the supply routes not for humanitarian supplies, but for the supply of ammunition, equipment, and cut off all supply routes for the ukrainians in order to bring in something, so to speak, military, let’s say, and after that continue, if there are such plans, continue offensive operation further towards
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central ukraine, we'll be back in minutes, i'm absolutely alone, what's wrong with me, i don't understand, melody for two, premiere from may 27 on rtr. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places, all this is a thing of the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even. glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses
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after dismantling a lot will become clear, and dreams become reality, yes, look, let them into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, you are alone, alone. you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do, we move away, she chooses, wow, to decide with whom, one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two, adult daughter, premiere on saturday on rtr, for me the film moscow tear does not believe, in many ways, this is my destiny, i
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was not at all eager to play this role, i was not fascinated by the script, volodeva, a person who goes his own way. it's always hard for him, it's even not criticism, it was bullying, i was worried to such an extent that he once told me that god, why did i take this picture, vera alentova, her life with vladimir minshov, it was surprising for everyone, when we got married, it was just some kind of shock, because it is impossible to imagine more different people, without him, when he fell ill with covid, he did not want to go to the hospital, but he felt worse, the next day they finally arrived... and since 2 days later he got sick i, then i was taken to another hospital, but i was released the day before the funeral, everything was bad i remember, but i can only tell you that for me he did not leave, we are still together, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov on friday on rtr, the rada suggested that employers
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book each employee for...
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i knew, but diligently covered for him. in korea, when he beat me, i called the police, but my application was not accepted for consideration, since the american army dominates there. eventually everything became quiet. there were
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many beatings in korea. i asked gordon's military leadership many times to help him. he needs a psychiatrist, but all my pleas were ignored. he said that we would get married and fly to america, but i said that i would not go anywhere. why do i need this halabuda? i have another congratulations from yu. on the day when he beat me in vladivostok, i was not going to call the police, but i went into shock when i saw that he stole money from me like a lynx, how is this possible, we eat from the same plate, sleep in the same bed, sit on the same toilet, i couldn’t stand this act anymore. i just came home, there’s some kind of pindos, what the hell, who, who are you, who are you , fuck, god, and another joke, another
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drop it, it’s so camouflaged, this is a kotusa, not a partisan, or are you a dimersant, it’s a case of katyusha, then what? between us there was what is called abuse, i told him a long time ago that i would not tolerate it, but he laughed, he was having fun, what can i say, have fun further, but in the pre-trial detention center, today i want him to suffer a well-deserved punishment, but he is threatened up to 8 years old, obius, if someone doesn’t know the translation from english into russian, it probably means a bad attitude, insult, abuse, well, an abusive relationship is a relationship in which you are not...
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immediately after the overdue president appeared, suddenly everyone woke up and went to storm the stands and petya, of course, all the old faces, yes, everything is starting over again, and today, by the way, in munich, in general, the grave of stepan bandera was painted with the words we need elections, that’s what also already shows that even... happened, as far as i’m concerned. these, at the same time, yes, at the same time,
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look, the newspaper career today published an appeal, a collective letter from a number of professors, political scientists, experts, and there are many famous names there who they demanded that it was urgently, urgently necessary to convene a peace conference on ukraine, with an invitation to russia and ukraine to discuss a peace plan, not the green one, as you understand, but... with a discussion of all the opinions of all parties, and they even called on the future european parliament, which will be elected in june so that europe, the european union, will act as a mediator for the meeting of this press conference, which motivates, thus they say that we have approached the very edge of the nuclear threat, this is no longer a joke, these are really serious threats, we are all this the conflict can escalate into a nuclear conflict if it is not stopped in time, that is, can you imagine what kind of conversations they have...
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why this needs to be done, so that there is always an alarming reserve in case of emergencies, and in order to avoid panic buying later, they think after such warnings , panic buying will not begin, i don’t say anything there about the nuclear threat, but i would recommend that they add there, in order to completely avoid panic buying, that they also need to buy iodine and english-russian phrase books, yes, so that there is no longer any doubt about why and from whom they need to fight, but by the way, jokes... jokes, but
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in poland donald tusk has now announced that nine people have been detained, and mind you, nine citizens, this means that some of them are citizens of ukraine, belarus, poland, he doesn’t say anything about the russians, but who is to blame, they were preparing sabotage, sabotage and of course they worked for russia, in this regard, he even says without any doubt, that’s definitely a russian trace , they didn’t talk about the fire, about the most important thing, well, yes. who recently received a british passport, his warehouse there burned down, everyone also blamed russian saboteurs and russian spies, in this sense, everything is just happening to them.
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this was stated recently by the former nato secretary general rasmus, yes, who said that no, putin is bluffing, that he will use nuclear weapons, so don’t be afraid to use, shoot down russian missiles from the territory of romania and poland, from the territory of nato, there will be no nuclear war, there will be no , and you really want to check, can you imagine how high the level of these very politicians there has reached? dangerous, dangerous, probably, selensky spoke with logic the day before.
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you must know for sure, unequivocally, without fail, russia will defend its territory, the lives of its military, its army, and there will definitely be a retaliatory strike, just don’t even think about referring to article 5 of nato later. kaya kallas told you, yes, if nato troops on the territory of ukraine are attacked, this does not mean that article 5 of nato will have to be applied, so, as pyotr tolstoy rightly said, we will kill everyone, well, partly. i don’t want to joke about this topic, but that’s it
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more often in terms of bluff and nuclear weapons have already been mentioned by the new york times, new york post, wall street journal, all absolute news. they reason that this exercise is just a demonstration, never applicable, look, well, on tuesday russia sent a clear reminder that it can use military nuclear weapons in ukraine, releasing a video of its forces beginning exercises to practice their use. two weeks after president vladimir putin ordered these provocative exercises. the exercises began the clearest warning yet from russia that it could... use nuclear weapons in a war against ukraine is a clear attempt at nuclear coercion, said jeffrey lewis, a nuclear nonproliferation expert at the middleberry institute for international studies. they even covered up the warhead on the iskander ballistic missiles, which seems completely unnecessary but looks dramatic. the possibility of
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the conflict going nuclear existed from the very beginning, unlike strategic nuclear weapons launched from large distances. distances capable of destroying entire cities, tactical nuclear. heads are designed for battlefield use, they are designed to be used against limited targets, often from relatively short distances, with power low enough to reduce destruction of a specific area. we’ll be back in time, maybe you’re afraid to part with your past, the fact that you don’t see the future, i propose to spend this future with me, premiere on rtr, without operations. another heart attack awaits you, as it will be, so it will be, i decided to find nina, the only woman he needs is your mother, i was very scared, i was also scared, not that i might die, but that i wouldn’t have time to tell you that there is light in the window,
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today on rtr, immerse yourself in the world of luxury and comfort . vixas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and sues sharma. welcome to the newest rixos hotel in sharma. sheikhe rixas radomis sharmel sheik is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's
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playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixsos radomis sharmal sheikh. discover a true gem on the buddha coast. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures exciting entertainment, welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic collection bodrum. a classy holiday in lio reorts, elegant details, a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves, lio reorts,
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we are here for you, catch a fish, big or small? well, in general, did you choose the right place? have you ever wondered why people count proteins, fats and carbohydrates? this is where my question begins: can it be tasty? useful? i try it, the level of inflammation decreases, the pain decreases, can something useful be pleasant? science fiction, can science be understandable? and you make a wish? yes? once again, yes, every person in any region of russia can make their diet not only tasty, but healthy, and this lifts
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the mood, that’s for sure, the formula for food on sunday on rtr, love, when you look in one direction, look, look, look, if you want to look, look, go ahead , look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, look carefully. look sign the agreement, we sign at the same time for two or three times, we sign , we look, we look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, the main character played the role that made him a superstar, and then he lives under the weight of this image, that’s what to ignore?
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to convey this stubbornness in a good way, which rachmaninov had, because he defends the composer, when you defend the idea and theme in which god lives, then you are, of course, a thousand times larger, this is what i wanted to convey, in every hero there is this kind of light, you are trying to save the spark of light that evil winds are trying to blow out, lion zulkarnaev in a white studio, author's program to daria zlatopolskaya on friday on rtr. well, maybe you can kiss me?
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the plot is worthy of a novel. she, he and his muse. anton, you have talent. but inspiration, right? it’s easy to lose, i’ll leave when you finish the affair, i can’t live without you, i heard it, you seemed to get married from scratch on friday on rtr, so biden’s rating.
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and the president was joking, as it seems to him, or gave young people advice on how to choose a wife, again it turned out somehow embarrassing. by the way, my advice to young people who are going to get married: choose a family with five or more daughters, i did this, my wife is the eldest of five sisters, and you know why one of them will always love you, not always the same one of them will always be on your side, this... in the usa we are transferred to direct
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communication with our own rio news correspondent igor naimushin igor hello it would be funny if it weren’t so sad having in i see the nuclear potential of this grandfather. so, six months before the elections, the lowest rating of his career. what is the plan, more precisely, is there a plan b. olga, hello, indeed the rating ... has updated its historical minimum over the last 2 years, 36%, as you already said, and indeed now everything is shaping up in such a way that little can help biden strengthen his political points, but at the same time both he and his main rival, donald trump, do not stop blaming each other for all sins , for example, the biden campaign and the white house are very actively eagerly latched on to those that appeared on social networks. and in trump’s truth social video, which contained words about a united reich,
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if trump wins, and what will happen to america then, they now accuse their main political opponent, the republicans, of using the language of nazism, in the rhetoric inherent in adolf hitler, white the house says that all this is disgusting, stupidly shameful. biden, for his part, took this position, trying to somehow score additional points at the expense. this scandal, well indeed, we’ll see what this turns into, but the video itself has already been deleted from trump’s account and his campaign stated that it was not he who published it at all, but another employee of the election campaign. well, as for the republican, yes, here trump is actively hooked on the story that it turns out that 2 years ago, just imagine how much time has passed, fbi agents showed up at his marolaga residence with weapons and had permission to use them, and now a number of congressmen, including marjari taylor greene, they say that the fbi seemed to
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be planning to kill trump, although at that time the ex-president himself was not in residence, well, the fbi told us that this is generally a standard... protocol that intelligence agents regularly adhere to, so both presidential candidates are now taking every opportunity to accuse each other, in order to try to win over those voters who have not yet decided who they will vote for and the electors, respectively, to their side. thank you very much, igor naimushin, live from washington. the rating of politicians is one of the main motivations for their actions, so to speak. a respected colleague said that the biden campaign, the democrats, seized on the video that trump appeared, i think that we have every reason to believe that they did not seize it, they launched this video through some corrupt participant in the election stamp of the trump campaign, then trump most likely didn’t know about this video, they retweeted it further they are starting to pump up the media, just in order
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to maintain their rating, biden’s rating is falling, we need to make sure that trump’s rating also falls. and any association with the villains of the third reich is, of course , an incredible blow to the image, so it seems to me that nothing else exists here, so macron decided to support his falling rating by going to new caledonia, in general the whole history of new caledonia is like this a clear poster of the hypocrisy of the west, they captured this territory in 1853, when everyone was conquering western countries territory, near new zealand, near australia.
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in the seventh year, elections are held there and an electoral system is introduced. now the question is, why is macron flying there? what was clear was the scale of new caledonia: 270,000 people scattered across the islands, unrest, six people dead, half of them local residents, half most likely french or law enforcement officers. what does it require? cancellation of the electoral reform, and in fact, the exit of the new caledonia from france. instead of saying, like the democrats: yes , please, hold another referendum. paris is rigging the electoral legislation so that the referendum on secession does not work out, so people, in fact, are outraged, but this is not the main or even the main motive why macron flies there, far away, gendarmes or negotiators should be sent there, he repeats, he repeats the flight françois miterand in, excuse me, not the night mentioned
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in 1985, when the meterand arrived, agreed, everything seemed to be working out... and macron, who often poses as napoleon, this time wants to pose as a meterand, to act as a peacemaker, such a tough but fair statesman, to fly in, restore order and thereby support his falling rating, i just wanted to say, for the sake of fairness, macron’s rating is also now at a historical low, let’s come back. a big musical premiere, and i have a question, please tell me, how many will sing, how many will not sing? masterly singing or masterly facial expressions? i can’t imagine at all, this could be your trick and deception, you are capable of anything, a master of vocals or a master of deception,
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they want to deceive us again. bravo, choose right or lose, okay, right? catch me if you can, tell me what to do, the creature sings, on friday on rtr, food prices are getting more expensive all the time, and we still allow food to go to waste. how many times has this happened to you, you are about to cook, you go to buy a loaf of bread and find that it is either not fresh or moldy, we know how to help you save money. just look at this bread and you can’t tell that it’s already 2 weeks old; it looks as if you just brought it from the store yesterday. how can this be be? introducing bret smart by topper
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vr: a simple, convenient way to keep your baked goods fresh, soft and ready to serve. bret smart's innovative condens control membrane cap with micro-fine precision venting is designed to regulate air humidity levels inside. container to create the perfect atmosphere and keep your bread fresher longer, so instead of going moldy, your bread stays soft, fresh and delicious until you're ready to eat it. delirium smart large enough to hold several loaves. look at these croissants, just imagine, they were bought at the same time, one was in a regular package, and this one was in the bret smart system. the difference is obvious. just think for a moment, how much money do you throw away every year because of spoiled bread and baked goods? 100 euros, 200 or much more. today the sensational
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tappervea bread smart system can be yours from just 39.95. put an end to food waste because throwing away bread and baked goods is everything it's the same as throwing money in the trash. brad smart will keep your baked goods delicious. fresh, will save you money and will pay for itself in just a few weeks. don't wait any longer, call us now. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a clunky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most inaccessible places. all this is in the past, now you can remove dirt, dust, remove crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass quickly and easily with
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the all-new livington dipper sweeper. the dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. tri-separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head? even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches every corner, even where where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when the cleaning is done, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle. thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture that is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious
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livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, anti-scratch baseboards and walls can be yours for as little as 89.95, but if you call to place your order right now, you'll get an incredible deal. a discount of 20 euros and you can get the livington dipper swiper for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. so, summer has finally finally arrived in russia on the black sea coast of the crimea-caucasus, this weekend it will be possible to swim, open the swimming season, the sea has officially warmed up to... 18°. this is what it looks like in the anapa area. it's not very pleasant now. the black sea has turned into real jelly. the jellyfish washed ashore
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due to the rain. tourists are not advised to swim with them. minuses can leave burns. well, in moscow and central russia, it’s too early to swim. the water temperature in the rivers and lakes is now around +130 and warm enough for... comfortable swimming, it will not be until the second half of june, so we’ll wait, thank you for watching, bye, the russia tv channel is broadcasting news, i greet you, i maria sittal, hello, russian troops have completely liberated the kleshcheevka area... people are saying goodbye in tehran today with president raisi all those killed in avi.


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