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tv   Svet v okne  RUSSIA1  May 22, 2024 9:20pm-10:21pm MSK

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they stopped at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, the fire extinguishing was complicated by the fact that part of the train was on the bridge and it was difficult for emergency services to get to it. traffic on the leningrad direction of the railway was suspended, as a result, seven trains, including sopsans and swallows, were delayed; passengers were transported from the cook station to tver by bus. oktyabrskaya railway apologizes for the inconvenience caused. our specialists are taking all possible measures to get trains on schedule as quickly as possible. investigators are now looking into the incident. perhaps the fire could have occurred due to a short circuit, but the railway itself has not ruled out the possibility of arson. the northern transport prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation into this matter. the prosecutor's office will establish all the circumstances of the incident and, if there are grounds, take response measures. due to the fire , the road under the bridge also had to be temporarily closed. traffic has now been fully restored. anastasia makhina, ilya popov, ilona agasiva and maria rudokova. news. a ban on visiting forests has been introduced in several districts of the moscow region.
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treatment for gypsy moths has begun. dangerous outbreaks have been identified in forest areas in the east and southeast of the region. the pest is capable of capturing vast territories, destroying foliage, and threatening fruit trees in summer cottages. alexander karpov with details. from today until the beginning of july, forests in the yegoryevsky, lukhovitsy and shatursky districts are closed to people. they are treated with toxic insecticides. the purpose of the event is to stop the floor.' there will already be a female, then it will be like this , it will already be like this animal, when it a huge fluffy caterpillar, despite the fact that its hairs are toxic to humans, this cute baby, its most harmful, gypsy moth, has barely hatched and is already poisonous. zhorlev grinds leaves at
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the speed of schroeder, when his numbers reach the limit, he begins to eat everything, including blueberries. once every 65 years, this pest gives a so-called natural outbreak. the previous outbreak described was an outbreak from 1957 to 1959. the beginning of the most ambitious outbreak of silkworm numbers entomologists was recorded 3 years ago, but what is a miracle for science is a natural disaster for summer residents. it was completely unbearable. they ate everything, one might say, and the apple trees, plums, currants, and hazel trees, all of our growing plants were eaten. an avalanche-like growth in the population of furry monsters last year covered the entire south-east of the moscow region, the ryazan, tula and vladimir regions, the gnawed forest in july was bare as if in november, the public gardens were covered with cobwebs in balls of caterpillars, in the village of vaimezhny, for example, not a single one survived fruit tree, well, you see, here apple look, that’s it, she died, you see,
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it’s dry, but there were a lot of them, so, there were very, very many of them, even around the house, once they climbed in, they came down, there were a lot of silkworms, yes, the gypsy moth lays eggs in the lower part , in the butt part of the trunk, the clutch is a miracle of natural thought, because such a clutch can withstand temperatures down to -35° for a month; it can generally be without snow, each silkworm butterfly lays up to four hundred eggs, and now foresters have only a few days , to prevent a destructive invasion of a mature pest, but the grass will no longer recover. meanwhile, experts reassure gardeners, there is hope that this year the spread of the pest will slow down, this year twenty- four will be critical for the population of non-paired silkworms in the moscow region, it...
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it allows you to determine that there is more than one person on the scooter during the trip . in dzerzhinsky , the heating network is being modernized, which connects half the city. the region's governor , andrei vorobyov, informed residents about this. the work will be financed from reserve fund, since the company that services the highway went bankrupt. there were 16 accidents on the worn-out heating network last year. the construction of treatment
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facilities in sergegiev pasade is planned to be completed by the end of next year. the old complex has existed for more than half a century and cannot cope with the load. the new facilities will operate using modern cleaning and disinfection technology. eastern waters, and will also be fully automated. the first pontoon in the moscow region appeared in losiny ostrov ornithological eco-trail. it was placed on the surface of a forest reservoir; visitors can climb onto a twelve-meter tower and look at wild birds through a telescope. boat excursions are also organized. thousands of believers came today to the cathedral of christ the savior to venerate the miraculous tikhvin icon of the mother of god. the entrance was organized from the patriarchal bridge, one of the greatest orthodox shrines. more than 200 works were united in a large-scale exhibition dedicated to the work of the vosnetsov dynasty; it opened today in the new tretivka, these are the famous fairy-tale
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paintings of viktor vosnetsov, historical landscapes created by his younger brother apolinary, as well as the works of his grandson andrei, a master of monumental painting. report by daria okuneva. the first appearance of princess nesmeyana, the painting first left the home of the vasnetsov museum, where it was painted to take a place next to the most famous paintings: ivan tsarevich on a gray wolf, the frog princess, alyonushka, and these are not illustrations to fairy tales at all. for viktor mikhailovich vesnetsov, folklore was needed for a different purpose, because that he wanted to understand, feel and convey the character of the russian people, these are entire poems about the russian soul. darling. since childhood , vasnetsov’s contemporaries did not accept the image, criticized him for moving away from realism, laughed at him, but vosnetsov did not retreat from his chosen path. if you go straight, there is no life for those passing through, not for those flying, or anything. and viktor mikhailovich in this picture shows the deadly path, so
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he himself took this deadly path. 20 years later, when vosnetsov exhibits his heroes, fame finally comes to him, but then critics talk more about him, as an artist.
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and the horses will race through the old moscow streets, painted by the opalinari vosnetsov. andrei vosnetsov, the grandson of viktor vasnetsov , is better known as a muralist, this is his mosaic on the wall of the oktyabr cinema, but the painting has not been exhibited for a long time, since nikita khrushchev himself criticized his work. what is this young man doing? it is absolutely clear from the name that he is having breakfast, but why are his facial features not labeled, why?
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stickers now invite viewers to find for themselves what unites representatives great dynasty. dorek is all vlatsavich, that’s the news. forecasters warned muscovites about abnormally high atmospheric pressure; in 2 days it will reach its peak - this is 762 mm of mercury. and tomorrow we will experience colder weather, it will not be higher than 20°. the night temperature can drop to +4, but on friday during the day it will rise to +24, well, they promise on the weekend. real july heat. the police have neutralized a gang of auto framers who robbed insurance companies of tens of millions of rubles. after causing an accident, they persuaded the victim to sign european protocol, received insurance payments from the insurance company and cashed them out.
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denis vaskovsky found out how the attackers worked and how they got caught. police riot police knock on the door twice. having not heard a clear answer, he warns: we will open it forcibly. the suspects in the scam for tens of millions of rubles surrendered on the count of three, then everything was according to the protocol, hands behind their backs, handcuffs on the wrists of a gang of auto framers who made the people. profession, deliberately provoking road accidents, in which they are always in the role of victims, ruined greed. insurance companies have sensed something was wrong when accidents involving the same cars and drivers began to happen almost every day. the accidents were of a serial nature; they were intentional, which was proven during the relevant automotive technical examinations. most of the subtly staged fake accidents took place at roundabouts , where visibility is limited. they provoke you and distract your attention,
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whip you, push you, flash their headlights, or they , noticing that the victim begins to change lanes to the right, the main auto stand-up literally rammed his car, they sneak up and make a jerk, it seems to be the fault of the one who, not making sure that there was no obstacle, began the maneuver, although in fact this was established by investigators, the cause of all collisions was a deliberate increase in speed by the formal victims, he stood there, did what he lets him through , and then jumped sharply, well...
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insurance fraudster, he did not change the trajectory and directly provoked the collision. the tricks of the leader detained today are carbon copies of the art of another serial accident worker, evgeniy afanasyev. afanasiev and pavel korovin's auto-substitutes and under korovin they are connected; they previously worked together in the same criminal group. afanasiev 2 years ago were not caught sleeping. comrades staged accidents all over moscow, until now individual episodes with fake accidents will be combined into one production. the investigative authorities of the moscow police have opened 48 criminal cases on the grounds of a crime provided for in part four of article 159 note5. afanasyev, and now korovin is behind bars. six accused of fraud on an especially large scale will await trial.
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available on the media platform, look at this, our episode is completed, all news is always an app or on the website, right now on the channel there is a continuation of the series light in the window. this is all inexplicable, i am convinced that i am new,
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i cannot live my beloved, not a second without you, there is a cold line outside the window, but there is warmth in my soul now, i will make you happy, my dear, believe me, in reality. and in a dream, believe me, believe me, in reality and in a dream, believe me, believe me.
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thank you, i’m really tired, can i make it hotter? no thanks, i'll drink some iced coffee anyway - not as bad as a second heart attack, right? so, i need to call denis, karina, musa, first karina, he doesn’t
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answer the phone. your calls? no, i don’t think so, i think that when a person is doing well, he becomes selfish, my god, i ’m behaving like a selfish person, you ’ve been stuck here for more than 3 hours, go home, and let’s keep in touch, oh, all my main things to do , they are here, quiet, quiet, everything is fine, your husband has come to his senses. "i'm picking up the doctor, hello, how are you, please, your coffee is decaf, no, well, vadim,
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of course." idiot, well, maybe this is a way out, you yourself said that you don’t know what to do, then your brother and his wife abandon the child, then a person appears who needs this child, and not just a person, but his own father, it turns out that the quantum universe has created an option for your request, hasn’t it, tim, shut up,
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push, how do you know everything, i read it on the internet, i was preparing, i’m here, i don’t feel anything, but i feel everything since i was 4 months old, and right now, he’s no longer a bean, he’s almost a mouse, so-so comparison, honestly, what's the difference? we have a connection with him, i want to be with him, well, how will you convince vadim of this, i have no idea, dad, they hired me, i suggest you mark this,
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item number 23. dad, i have good news, and mom, sorry, i thought i was calling my dad, i wasn’t mistaken, well, you seem to have made up, everything is fine with you. i’m happy for you, that is, like a hospital, a heart attack, you missed lunch, i ran to the buffet, got it for you, remember
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the diet, vegetables, healthy fats, and a complete lack of salt, of course, but where is zhenya? and i replaced him, he already did a lot for you, a lot, if i remember correctly, he saved my life, you, if you don’t want me to be here, i can at any moment, no, no, what are you doing, sit down, sasha, i understand that you ’re angry, but when i i found out about the attack, i was very scared, i couldn’t help but come, forgive me, i was also scared, but not that i might die, that i wouldn’t have time to tell you, that speak quickly, because the doctors can’t vouch for your condition. i say, firstly, i’m not angry with you, and secondly, whether you like it or not, you are the most important
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person in my life, who told you that i i don’t want this, dad, wow, be careful, my dear, the wires are coming out of dad, excuse me and move over. hello, great, well, now you can die, is there someone to bring a glass of water, i’m on the tongue, i scared you, yes, there is such a thing, until you write a will, please don’t die, musya, okay, we just stopped by for a minute, here are the things as requested, yes, for show in karma, that’s enough already, that’s it, come on, get well, i love you, and we love you,
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hello, excuse me, this is tanya the nurse, and your daughter is not in the room, well, that means everything is fine, since he’s already running, katya, but you bogdan haven’t seen him, they brought her to the intensive care unit, everything was so bad, there was a wound infection, but what do i need her for? to say , i don’t know, yes, i recognize, of course, our bogdanov family, if someone is feeling bad, everyone instantly forgets about all their grievances, the guys came, well done, i saw how happy sashka was, it’s good that he asked me about karin, well can you imagine, i still can’t get through to him, i call her, i write to her, i even send voicemails. she is silent, i hope everything is fine with her, don’t worry, it’s just not like her, pasha, but you can today
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take you home, you, to your home, we ’ve known each other for so long, just a month, in my opinion, yes, no more, what, but what you already know very well, i just want you to like me, you’re just very good, thank you, good morning, good! to the hospital to see dad, uh-huh, where is grandma, and i asked her to replace me at the coffee shop with tim, you have practice, you slept so sweetly, i didn’t
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want to wake you up, do you even have time, mom, i decided to take the academic course, right? wait, what does tomorrow mean, our coffee machine is broken, it’s under warranty, we’re here for you we bear losses, what are you doing, i thought, you can worry about it, please move away from there, don’t touch it, okay, tomorrow morning, or we’ll bring you to court, okay, that’s it, we’ll close the shop until tomorrow. well, you say, you are suffering losses, we are suffering, but what should we do? what to do? well, what is this? it’s a pancake maker, well
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, think about it, blow it, let’s go to the store, buy flour, sunflower oil, eggs, if you don’t want to get poked again by the pancake, she doesn’t care about anything now, she should first deal with this child now, but what about a child, damn it, okay, i’ll stand, tell me, well, in general, i decided to leave the child, he is mine, he feels it, i feel it, however, how to resolve this situation, i don’t understand yet, maybe you have an idea, you somehow recaptured karina and dad, me and dad was just lucky then, guardianship came into our situation, we were sure that sasha was his own father, in your situation, vadim’s own father, this certainly won’t change, at least... to say, there is no trick against scrap, but i want to say that there is probably a way out, i just don’t see it yet.
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yes, mom, do you even know what you have? child, he decided to keep the child, yes, yes, and you, of course, are happy, and you bless her, but how will she finish college and start this new business of hers, does anyone care, mom, what are you offering, and i i propose to give birth and give the child to the father, especially since he really wants this, and don’t you think that this is not for you and me to decide, but for whom, that’s it, i hang up. for now, it’s raging, but you understand that it’s up to you to make the decision, i’ll support you, i promise, you’ll protect me from grandma, grandma, so the steam will make noise, it’ll let off and calm down when when the baby is born, she won’t let go of it.
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how have you settled in, how are you doing? hello pa! well, how? so, i’m slowly getting into it, you know, it’s not so easy to enter the business right away, to a management position, well, if you have any questions, please contact me, don’t forget that you have a whole lot.
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he’s in the hospital, you’re definitely doing well, you just never usually stay late, the premiere is on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you just impudently write it into your schedule, travel, happiness, good luck.
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from may 27 on rtr. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest means not thinking about anything. when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we know everything about holidays. anex. stirsman bourbon is a product of the stellar group. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh. an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their
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parents. restaurants. here, each room is an opportunity to enjoy the finest cuisine, a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed.
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and in order not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch the first podcast that we watch, shch, of course, filmed the era, you have had to cope with shouts in the back, but well, everything is clear, he films his wife all the time, he told me the phrase, i’m bored filming without you, vera alentova, after all, volodya and i separated and lived for almost 4 years in ross, if only...
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dad had a seizure, he is in the fifth city hospital in cardiology, they told you here, tell me where you have cardiology, we have two of them, on the third and sixth floors , i 'll put it here.
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i understand that yulia and i brought you additional troubles, but because of me, my dad ’s heart couldn’t stand it, why did i raise this topic with yegor, stop, you did everything right, and now, if everyone is in pain, you can’t talk in important topics, hello, and alexander borisovich in which ward, well there you can’t, at least one at a time, hello.
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i told you what you were doing, you don’t drink coffee from these machines, just don’t pretend that you know me better than anyone, i don’t know, i couldn’t think that you could so dramatically destroy everything we had, that’s me destroyed, who am i, what do you think? lost, tell your father a speedy recovery, hello, and denis, can you come in, hello, varis nikola, come on, thank you, varis nikolaevich, well, you understand that you can’t worry about sasha now, okay, i’ll stick to secular topics, about the weather, philharmonic, well... we know that you won’t succeed, why can’t i even go see my son? boris nikolaevich, if you are really worried about his health, well, reschedule your visit for at least a couple of days, please, mom, you seem to have usurped
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the path to dad, you wanted to go see him, go, okay, you got coffee here, no? there’s a cafe, hello, how are we getting along, thank god, karina, why are you lying here, huh? sorry, i only heard about alexander borisovich, but what happened in some department? yes, i'm undergoing examination, the female part, or hormones, well,
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a little of everything, but nothing serious. karin, it’s like i’m torturing you, the bogdanovos never say anything to the end. yul, do what you want. bogdanova, where are we, we are looking for you with the whole department, it’s too early for you to wander around the hospital, you don’t need to go to cardiology, my dad is there, his mind is still confused, your dad is in surgery, let’s go, honey, let’s go, i’ll help, let’s go, hush, hush, you don’t understand, but i have two dads, okay, okay, karina wrote, she woke up. where is she? in the hospital? doesn't come
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here? no, my dear, she is here in the hospital. in terms of? i felt like something had happened. mother, get your act together, which department is he in? surgery? second, second. yeah. so, pancakes with jam are over. all that's left is to class. with condensed milk and sour cream, condensed milk, it’s clear, this is a disaster, this is a success, there won’t be a line for bullshit, yeah, but musya is unlikely to be happy about this, my precious boulevard has been splattered with fat, i’m not boiling over you, i’ll wipe everything off that you such a pessimist, or something, he was afraid that he would have offspring, that no, are you saying that i’m the opposite, she probably thinks that... i don’t i can handle it, and you prove it, just
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imagine, she will now be a single mother, she doesn’t know anything about the family or the baby, condensed milk, me too, i don’t know anything, well, you are young people when you don’t know something , where do you go, on the internet, you sign up for all sorts of master classes, courses, well, a hint, i got it, my god, well, ah, i got it, of course, i got it , please, bon appetit, and you almost waited with sour cream, with sour cream, we’ll do it now, now we, you gave him your bunch, you’re crazy, musy, wait, you’re like yourself you feel, everything is fine, it’s good, no, i really don’t understand why you didn’t consult with us, it’s a very important decision, such a complex operation, i’m already silent about the consequences. “i’ll tell you honestly, i don’t
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understand how mikael even decided to do this, he’s just using her, which means you can pick me up mentally and give birth to a child for strangers, but i can’t donate a kidney to my own father, that’s the key word donate, i myself i suggested it to him, he didn’t force me to do anything, karina, well, because you have rescuer syndrome, and mika noticed it took advantage of this, you understand it, you don’t know him, you immediately think badly, as if he’s some kind of..." a monster, so darling, that’s not what she meant, that’s exactly what i meant, musing, please, we , to be honest, i’m generally in shock, i knew that you would say that, i don’t understand what i was hoping for, please leave and don’t come to me again, well, you understand that we will come, i have one request to.. . you, please don’t go to dad, he can’t be nervous, that’s it, mom,
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let’s go, i’m sorry, yes, no, nothing, to be honest, i’m terrified myself, so, the main thing is that’s all. alive, they'll be fine soon, yes, maybe you 'll go home, no, dad, no, you 're crazy, of course not, well, yes, he 'll punch that mickey in the face, yes, it's possible, i can't wrap my head around it, i found. sampa, you said to move, i
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’m moving, how grateful i am to fate that i have such a daughter, mika, i need to go to cardiology, my dad is there, they won’t let me out of the room, hmm, your father, yes, he has second heart attack, i want to know what happened to him, but... mom, relatives, they can’t, dad, if i ask you, then it’s necessary, okay, so i could, but... we are simply forbidden to leave the department, you can catch an infection in the hospital, it could be anywhere, then all our efforts, your sacrifice will end sadly, but i will talk to the doctors, i will find out everything, yes, that's
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right, thanks. musk, you’re already going to bed, let’s drink the river, everything’s fine, why, mom, i felt it for the first time yesterday, but you understand that it’s too early, it’s simply impossible, yes, perhaps it’s an illusion, but i feel it, and it’s so. so strangely exciting, i don’t know, winging, as if space is inside me, how to give it away after this, well, maybe
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not give it away, you understand that this is impossible, biological, this is the child of vadim and polina. and that receipt, he wrote a refusal of the child, you have it, yes, i really don’t remember where i put it, maybe a failure, i mean, well, i mean, you know what i was thinking, that it’s all over for you, refusal from the child, your signature, if you remember, biologically, this is my child, yes,
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legally, you may not indicate me in the birth documents, but i don’t want to leave him, i won’t give you the child. let me participate in his life, well , at least somehow, i’ll think about it, but the decision will be mine, it’s fair, take care of yourself, he generally says the right things, yeah, let’s think about it,
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yes, come to me. damn, why am i so sick, like before the first broadcast, oh my, and there’s no water, i’m confident in myself and my abilities. no matter what happens, i will always find a way out, so stop being stupid and get yourself together, dan, it’s working.
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the name of? dim sokolov. what position do you play? at the gate? let's go to the others. yeah. we lined up. greetings, gentlemen. hello. let me introduce myself. denis aleksandrovich bogdanov, your new coach. i won’t tell you about my credentials, i suggest you get to know each other while working. what, take your positions with one change, dmitry sokolov will change with the forward, what the hell, choose an expression, but i have never played attack, but try it. we are playing, a big musical premiere, a show in
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which 18 people from different regions of russia are trying to deceive a team of stars into convincing them that they sing. the ability to sing is a gift, the main thing is so that the soul sings, the ability to fool someone around one’s finger is an art, in general it’s very difficult to imitate something, what if he deliberately makes a fool of himself by not singing. what is more difficult: revealing talent or deception? with our experience with musical ears? or you can come and look into your eyes! the stars are ready to check, we must notice everything, every stroke! my opinion is divided. so far we have been very complimentary to everyone. so what next? the intrigue is crazy! catch me if you can, we can't wait to get started! on friday on rtr. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort. in
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rixsas golf villas and suite sharmel sheikh. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas.
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product of steller group. old barrel cognac is a product of steller group. we go to the doctor and take up a lot of his time with empty complaints. we don’t go to the doctor when we seriously need to go, forewarned is forearmed, any
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remedy has a downside with the most necessary knowledge - health, we dispel myths we help you find out the truth, how to act in order to land well, you need to warm up before that, what to pay attention to, each risk factor should have its own pill, where to look for help, you only need five ingredients. which will benefit the entire body, two decades pass from the onset of the disease to its manifestation , so the whole family needs to be examined. the most important information from the most competent sources. take care of your complex body. take care of yourself and be healthy. about the most important thing - from monday to friday on rtr. happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren. and you are alone, alone. you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakolchev is also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what
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should we do, we move away, she chooses, wow, to decide with whom, one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two, adult daughters , premiere, saturday on rtr, 40, 40, i thought you gave up boxing, why? no, i go, by the way, i’m good at sparring, however, i only had one, and it wasn’t particularly successful, to be honest, yeah, that is, completely unsuccessful, but what are you are you glowing that your father was released from the hospital, discharged? i dealt with vadim, what would happen without me? with mom, sorry, then my gift is on topic, now, so, attention! please,
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tadam, a school for beginning parents, damn it, tim, thank you, this is what i need, i ’m not into this at all, siva, yes, in general, well, by the way, i looked at these, in my opinion they are terribly expensive, but i necrobaned my granny, mine, mine, yes, i asked, i mean, yes, you can’t fix it. do you do good with someone else's hands? why? i am ready to personally take part in the project, for example, play the role of the child's father in class? thank you, of course, but baby and i already have enough of fictitious fathers. where are you running to? are you late? i don't understand. the doctor told me to walk quietly, slowly. yes, come on, yes. “you know,
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now that i have time to think, i’m even grateful to musa for bringing everything to the surface, well, yes, i also felt better, maybe it should have been that way, if we had talked then, maybe... “ would have started, maybe, maybe not, history doesn’t have a subjunctive mood, right? yes, yes, you're right, but i don't everything fits exactly, i used to think
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that... “your depression is connected with yegor’s death, but it turns out that you started taking sedatives even before that, that is, you were already feeling bad then, i didn’t know anything about it, i didn’t say, let’s do it, let’s see you, mom doesn’t have time to salt the trout, she said that you have some awesome recipe, you’ll have time to make it by sunday, yes, yes, of course, we need to talk, sasha, the cookies will also be ready by sunday, no. , this is for musi to go to school at the fair, so don’t
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get carried away, please, i ask you, that’s all is that? this is a costume for karina, she dances carmen in a school play, what talented children we have, when yegor has the olympics in russian, but this is important, the olympics are on saturday, and denis has a game on saturday, we need to share with you, in saturday, damn i have a deal, you're mocking me now, at least sometimes i need some help, i don't have time, i'm sewing up, you know, i'm always there, it seems to smell like burning, sasha, right? damn it! sasha, i tried to tell you, we had an ideal family, so everything had to happen perfectly, easily, without tension, did it put so much pressure on you
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that you started taking it? sedative, let's discharge you, we'll talk about everything calmly, okay, not too, let's do it now, i promise you, as soon as you get better, praying, how will i get better, if i'm tormented by so many questions, i'm only thinking about this, and that's enough hiding behind my health is definitely not good for me, okay. yes, i was going through a difficult period then, i tried to cope with it myself, it even seemed to me that i was succeeding, but that’s not why i took the sedative, why, i need it after the abortion they wrote that you really wanted a big,
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happy family, i wanted it too, honestly, but somehow... i realized that i, personally , couldn’t cope with this, why didn’t you tell me anything, it doesn’t work with me did you consult? well, sash, if you want everything to be perfect for you, you need to understand that sooner or later they will lie to you, why did you need to know, i personally made this decision, i didn’t want you to suffer the same way as i, how polite of you, oh, so that you don’t come, honestly, well, you wanted talk, well, we talked. “ i don’t want to see you anymore, it’s bogdanov,
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bogdanov will show for the show, i read somewhere that he and his wife are separating.” how long will it be before there are goals today or not? sokolov, come on! oh, finally, a goal, congratulations, finally! dimka, what's wrong with you? the inhaler, it’s always with me, keep it where it is,
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you can breathe, come on, carefully, undress, continue training, well, here you go, hello, hello. new girl, yeah, i'm masha, katya, alina, girl community, cool, they already scared me, what's interesting to you, scared, so, your daddy is a prize-winner, please, yours. man, thank you, goodbye, hello, i'm welcome, lata on coconut milk and a partner for the parents' school, seriously, uh-huh, hurray, tim, damn, i'm
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fine, yes, yes, this is here, for the parents' school, well, i earn money myself , uh-huh, i ’ll return everything to grandma, i promise, so... lato on coconut, exactly, but is it possible for you, i need it, okay, but only one coffee, alone, tim, are you boris, or who the hell, alone, alone, why was he not at the goal, where were you looking, are you in general, a coach or someone, and are you a mother or random passerby, what were you thinking when you gave it?


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