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tv   Svet v okne  RUSSIA1  May 23, 2024 9:20pm-10:20pm MSK

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other new products that make travel on moscow transport more convenient are also being born here, today the virtual troika is operational, the card itself is no longer needed, in a second you can create a one-time qr code in the application. to enter the metro, mcd and mcc you need to present a qr code. this is done in the following way: you come up and bring the qr code to the reader. come on in, today these yellow terminals have become unnecessary, previously they were used to activate troika after online replenishment, just attach the troika payment card is activated, and the unmanned tram is already leaving for the city, though for now with a driver for backup, i’m just monitoring the parameters so that it behaves well, that is, in what case should you take some measures, if it’s acceptable, if it accelerates too much, then yes, i will need to slow down the whole thing, but so far this has never happened. for me
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to interfere with his work. you can see the miracle of technology on route 10 between the shchukinskaya and strogeno metro stations. yaroslav krasienko, artur nurmukhometov, denis brazhnikov and olga gribina. news. now about other events briefly. rospotrebnadzor employees check the readiness of children's health camps, inspect the territory, residential buildings, canteens, paying special attention to compliance with safety requirements and sanitary standards. this summer , 105 camps will operate in the moscow region; 100,000 children will be able to relax there. in the capital , the capital's parks and forested areas began to be treated with a special anti-tick compound. dangerous insects bite people even in the city; this week alone , dozens of such cases were recorded in moscow. rospotrebnadzor recommends wearing light-colored clothing for walks in nature; ticks are easier to spot on them. on sunday, may 26, from 9 am to 10:00 pm in moscow , the issuance of driver's licenses and car registration will be suspended. this is due to technical work; those who have already made an appointment will be provided with it. the opportunity
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to apply for government services on other days. until june 2, as part of coin week, residents of moscow and the region will be able to exchange their accumulated change for banknotes. it is not always convenient to pay with it, especially when we are talking about large sums, and it takes a long time to count, so the metal ends up in pockets and wallets. how to get rid of coin deposits in a civilized manner? oksana maksimova found out. the cargo was quite heavy and collected. for the entire editorial office, each bag contains 1,500 rubles in ruble, two-ruble, and fifty-kopeck coins, now we ’ll go spend all our money and see how true the expression is that a penny saves a ruble. we started our experiment at a chain store, when a heavy bag landed on the checkout with a crash, and another one immediately opened next to it. the weather checkout always passes. the line grew longer, but the customers waited calmly while kasira counted. at the pharmacy
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we were sent to the windowsill to count the money. but the pharmacist still had to check, in response, our purchase almost fell out of the window. the taxi driver, having learned that...
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give and return, use it for its intended purpose for making transactions. this little piggy bank now has about 3,000. this is how elena teaches her son financial literacy. the change from the store is carefully put into a jar, this is no longer a small thing, this is already a dream. now we are saving for a new phone for our child. and we have already saved up about 30,000 rubles in a year. and coins are also history. the central bank museum houses a unique collection of soviet coins. in
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the center of the exhibition there is a commemorative coin of 2014, 5 kg of pure gold, or, for example, rare silver kopecks from the 16th century, the silver in the 15th century from which kopecks were made was extraordinary - good in the era of that late russian middle ages, you could easily buy a couple of chickens on the market. we also decided to take advantage of the situation and exchange your coins. as it turned out, before taking change to the bank, it needs to be sorted separately by denomination. this way the exchange procedure will take less time. 10, 15 minutes passed, and we exchanged the jingling money for crisp ones. passport.
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property meetings, found a lonely pensioner in the database, whom the attackers convinced. maxim oparin has all the details. they came into the hall to sign the necessary papers and even give them to them , covering their faces with their hands on... petrovna kusakina, their goal was, of course, not friendship with their grandmother, an apartment on the guard on the street, maybe they gave her something to drink, gave her something to drink, maybe water, drank on him to make you go crazy. to a pensioner under various pretexts, most often the head of the family was seen here. the attacker lived in this apartment with alexandra petrovna for several days, and in order to create the appearance of a warm relationship, he even printed out a photograph of him with her, and installed cameras on the walls in order to
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monitor the pensioner’s every step while he was away . the investigation believes that scammers tried to steal alexandra’s passport when it didn’t work out, the petrovnas persuaded her to write a statement about the loss and get it. new swindler, swindler, swindler, a real swindler, i ’m afraid, of course, i live alone, he’ll take my apartment, hop, and push me somewhere, cctv footage from the mfc shows an elderly woman being led by the arms to receive a document , and then she gives the passport to new acquaintances, later alexandra petrovna herself told her neighbor about this, in the end we found out that the passport was received, they went to the savings bank, which means that her accounts were transferred, her pension was transferred, in addition to this, she has de...
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it was no coincidence that the daughter of the head of the criminal family worked in the capital’s department of city property. using an account with access to service databases, i obtained information on this property and found that the grandmother was single and had no relatives or heirs. the investigation does not exclude that there may be more victims. now the apartment has been seized, and the fact of transfer of ownership is being disputed in court. if the scammers had managed to sell it, then only a new buyer could have bought it.
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yes, and who are you, can you imagine? maksim aparin, valatsavichev, yaroslav aulov and oleg dobin, news! this concludes our news, all news is always available on the media platform , look in the application or on the website, right now on the channel the final episodes of the dramatic saga: the light in the window.
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this is all inexplicable, i’m convinced that i can’t live my beloved, not even a second without you. there’s a cold line outside the window, but there’s warmth in my soul now, i’ll make you happy, my dear, believe me, in reality and in your dreams, believe me, believe me in reality and... and in your dreams, believe me, believe me,
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i’ve taken everything into account nuances of the room, your wishes for color palette, style and materials, well , i don’t know, i like everything, even a neutral color, you’re like me, this would be the nursery of my dreams if the windows looked... onto the courtyard to the sea, but only your husband can tell you conjure, we won’t try, look, this room, yes, this is the twins’ room, my brothers grew up here, it’s wonderful, they’ve already found a name for my son, yes, and what, egor, will you bring me to work, i’m very dangerous, goodbye,
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pashka , well, where are you, wait, everything cools down, now, olechka, now, well, well, i’m ready, uh-huh, great, well, what, what, what, you thought, about what, you know about what, no, about the house, and i’ve already looked at the options, i’ll show you a bunch, no, with you, in general, thanks for the meaningful
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conversation, and what do you want from me? egor? i thought you were joking. and in your opinion this is a reason for jokes. the tragic death of my brother is a deep-seated psychological trauma in our family, something that has been going on for many years. what's there? boris and natalya invite the wedding.
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yes, darling, has it started? what invitation? from natalia and boris? no, i didn't receive anything from them. how are you feeling, better than me tell. yes, i won’t do it anymore, come on, bye, whoever is there, you, uh, very interesting, alexander bogdanov, thank you, goodbye.
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the courier brought it, you also received this letter of happiness, but you’re going, it’s a good reason to bury the hatchet. i'm busy on the weekend, meeting with a beautiful stranger, you're just hooked on this dating app, single men in full swing, no bad habits,
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no one, zhen, it's time for us, sasha, i was glad to meet you, zai, wait, i i’ll catch up with you, okay, okay, thank you, thank you for that, but no. nina, thanks to you, i met her. thank you, you will forgive me for the fact that you were right, you turned out to be braver than me and more honest, our marriage would unite two unhappy
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people, that’s all. i just realized it earlier. thank you for coming, vonina, hello, thank you for coming, he was looking for you. and where are you going now, back home, and if i can catch the train, are you really his brother? uh-huh, listen, let me take you by car, i live in yaroslavl, well, even more so, but i
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always felt embarrassed that i lived like this my age, but... i didn’t experience real feelings, well, there was no trust in marriage, probably because of my mother, somehow this didn’t happen to her in her life, in general, nina is somehow easy with her , yes, but if it’s hard for you to see her next to me, then from the outside it looks as if i actually stole your woman from your brother. i look at it from the other side, you know, she ’s happy, which means you didn’t spoil anything, on the contrary, you even corrected it, come on, come on, go, don’t make your woman wait, come on, come on, thank you, come on. well, you see, i'm
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i told you that sasha is not offended by us, i didn’t mean that much to him, then why is he so unhappy, these dates are one-time, he is very good, bad behavior won’t hurt us either. good morning, good morning, olga georgievna, you look great, thank you, hello, oh my god, the pandemic has returned, and no, i was filming a commercial for social networks, clearly, tim, you are a big smart guy, you know that pashka was very pleased, he believes that he will soon earn more from coffee than from
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the kitchen, you know, it’s no wonder, the coffee shop the card here was at level 90, by the way, please, your cappuccino, do you read my thoughts? please, insert, how skinny, that’s what it means to be left without grandma’s food for six months, girls don’t like them, that ’s good, well, we’ll fix that quickly, eat the pies, how good is your knee, but don’t you want to ask about karina? about karina no, somehow i’m not ready to hear that everything is fine with her, she ’s getting married, getting married, don’t you know anything, and i’m not even grieving... after the hospital she wrote that it’s all over between us, come on, yours your father was so afraid of upsetting you that
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forbade us to tell you about korina, forbade us, tatic, what happened to korina, let him. uh-huh, okay, i understood you, uh-huh, in general, dad is not going to his grandfather’s wedding, we all know why, denis also refused, he received an invitation from yulia, and now he has another woman, well, let him take his new girl, we at least let's look at her, oh, grandma is coming, i... i also have a karen invitation, karen, hi, uh, grandpa is getting married this weekend, i have your invitation, you can do it, mom, and you, and i
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have nothing to do with it, i’m nothing to them at all, sasha and i haven’t been together for so many years, but the last we haven’t communicated at all for six months, here you go, granddaughter, it’s starting, oh, karina replied, i’m very happy for my grandfather, but unfortunately i won’t be able to join. more important than this wedding, there will be tea, but you don’t understand what’s going on? what else? is our family falling apart? oh, what's left
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to say? ok, then i'll tell you. hello everyone, as i understand it, everyone received an invitation to grandfather’s wedding and everyone happily ignored it. i have a question, what the hell is this? we are a family of namesakes, i am of course very glad that we all have a hectic life, but if we after all, it’s a family, then let’s act like a family and support grandfather, and if the previous argument was not enough for you, then i have another one, and i have hormones, i will give birth not today, but tomorrow, and this is my greatest desire, come to my grandfather’s wedding, at least for my sake, but no one seriously invited me anywhere, you didn’t receive an invitation, you ’re sure, i wouldn’t have gone, it hurts, i’m
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going to my village, it looks like blackmail, where are you going, to this bastard, mika left almost immediately, we looked for him, but he seemed to have disappeared into his own land, abroad, probably, and karina where, karina also disappeared, idiot, what an idiot i am, she, she deliberately told me off so that i wouldn’t look for her, and so i have to find her, find her, davijan, maybe you know something about her family, about her parents , brother, she has a famous brother, a tv presenter, bogdanov, denis bogdanov, well, yes, of course it’s nice to be on tv again. but this won’t surprise anyone, is it that you changed your role so radically and in such a short period of time soared to first place in the table for the moscow cup? friends, i have nothing to do with this at all, these are all guys, by the way, here
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our champion, deep, is running, here is dmitry sokolov, remember this name, yesterday he scored the decisive goal, and tomorrow sokolov will show. well done, you are like a father to them. tell me, was it difficult to gain authority, guys? it was terrible, for the first few days i sobbed into my pillow. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, and stability. i'm unhappy. brazenly write travel, happiness, good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this my number, dmitry miller. i’ll have to admit
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that you like me when we moved on, alexey fatiev, who’s there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, a vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out , a melody for yours, from monday on rtr.
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cognac monte chococa is a product of the stellar group. titanic luxury collection, cognac, old barrel, stellar group product, discover a real pearl on the coast of bodrum, titanic luxury collection bodrum, exceptional service, incredible culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation, immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures for...
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you'll be strict, you can hug you, who is he, man, well, introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, it's just
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somewhere in the office, yes, i found it now, i myself asked to send the invitation closer to the wedding, so that everyone would have less time to think, to refuse, and this is for vera vladimirovna, why didn’t you send it to the courier, you don’t know her well , she can throw a scandal out of the blue, do you remember this scandalous? from our boutique, we are still dealing with reputational losses, that ’s it, and you are giving this woman a reason to be offended, you think there won’t be a scandal, olya was invited, the grandchildren were invited, but vera vladimirovna will not know about anything, and what to do now, i think, need to be invited personally.
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bye. that's all for today. everyone went to the locker room, well, i just sobbed, right into the pillow, yes, i’m so sensitive, highly vulnerable, mom, and here denis aleksandrovich and i are just discussing the schedule of matches for the summer, i ’ll be ready for the locker room in 15 minutes, okay, son, take your time, god, i didn’t know what the schedule was in the summer. listen, maybe we’ll tell him about us, well, we have a cool relationship, he likes me, likes me as a coach, what kind of father are you, well, thank you, damn it, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i’m kidding, i’m for myself
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in general i don’t worry, i’m a big girl, but if you give him hope and then merge like his father, i won’t merge. sure, sure, okay, let's finally say that, well, buckle up. “i have to tell you something important, about you denis alexandrovich, as you guessed, but i don’t blind, well, yes, yes, well, what do you say if
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i invite him to dinner with us? i'll say it's cool. hello, denis, i want to invite you to dinner with us on friday, say, at seven, how do you like it, well , that’s it, we have guests on friday, great. yes, i’m already running, oh, the main thing is that the train hasn’t
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been cancelled, oh, what kind of people have come, i somehow deserved it, now i’m working as a courier, huh? yes, correct the mistakes of unborn workers, envelope, yes, don’t scold the workers so much, but i won’t, i won’t, i was scared that i would come, i was scared, you’re from neli i became friends at the end, so that even her ashes got wet, well, i really didn’t expect this from myself, i’m sorry, actually i wasn’t scared for myself, i got used to your truth in the uterus for 30 years, so natasha, she got a dog, verladi? yes, such a village stray, that means, i won’t come to the zaksa, i’m allergic to it, to the restaurant, if you really invite me, i’ll come, i promise to behave like a b, with
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a plus, tell me, do you happen to know who else you are? i was going to, thief, give me a lift to moscow, otherwise if i’m late, i’ll deprive him of my cliches, but let's chat on the way, please, oh, thank you, think about it, i broke up with mine, i can't even cry to anyone, because i signed a non-disclosure agreement, modern reality, yes, okay, you go on, tell me how family life is, you've seen i got the job, by the way, the photo in the desert is just fire, tell me where you took it, is this yours, or what? “ i haven’t seen him on tv for a long time, sorry, i’m looking for a coach,
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it’s me, if anything happens, i don’t give interviews, they’ve been chosen, listen!” if you're going to pry into my personal life, i'm going to sue you, okay? i i just want to see her and apologize, i just found out about amika, if i had found out earlier, i wouldn’t have gone anywhere, i wouldn’t have left her alone, where is she? who are you? just tell me where karina is and that’s it. she doesn't answer my calls. karina in the canary islands with her armenian father. with mika? yes. fuck you with medal milk. i'm going to the park for a walk.
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hello friends, we have very good coffee, but across the street from our restaurant they also brew good coffee, which one is better? i thought for a long time about how to figure this out and it seems that i came up with an idea: this is garbage from trash cans in the area, this is a green glass.
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again you are building your popularity at the expense of my family, he responds, what are you doing, why again, which of my grandmothers did it to me, this is called viral advertising, i practically created a brand for you, also tell me that your grandmother is offended by me, i’m offended, just get away from me already, that's exactly what i'm doing. you threw a business that we started together on a heavily pregnant woman, i confessed my love to you, you sent me, i left so that you could feel comfortable, what a noble act, musya, musya, what is going on here, no, you i did this on purpose to piss me off, i’m already leaving, and what was it, what, hormones.
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uh-huh, okay, come urgently, general meeting, hello everyone, wow, i haven’t seen you with bangs since i was five years old, since i was six, i remember very well when i came from the nursery... i came and said, i’ll grow it out, i think it’s stupid
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the bangs don’t suit me at all, yes, yarik left me back then, which is completely stupid, what are you, about 15 years old, minus, mom, i really like it, well , somehow, yes, it’s normal, but soon i’ll start walking around, nothing , nothing, be patient a little, well, why did you gather everyone? mika he threw korina, what do you mean he threw? well, that’s what it means, i got a kidney and was lazy. the armenian diaspora cannot find him anywhere. wait, is this some kind of nonsense? she writes to us every day in the chat, yes, yes, that she is with mika in the canary islands, that’s the point, something happened to her that she can’t even tell us about it, but where does the information come from? her friend david found me, he told me everything, he had a good family, but a stranger realized it, but he’s great, he also wants to find this mika to kick him in the kidneys, and i’ll call kalina, it’s useless, i
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i called a million times, at work they say that she quit six months ago, what are you talking about, yes, maybe she asked them? say something like it’s encrypted from us, you don’t need to call, but go, that’s for sure, i have the contact of the investigator who helped me look for him, you’ll call, please ask what they do in such cases, but in the meantime i ’ll take you to the hospital, i also made a credit card for her, well, in addition to my account, if she bought something somewhere, i’ll understand where and when, yeah, you’ll let the dog in later, great idea, mom, why are you so calm, is our child actually missing? well , do you know where she was yesterday karina was paying in a store in the city of dmitrov, vera vladimirovna, this is your direction,
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what a karish. and hello, daughter, hello, oh, no, i won’t join your crowd, you ’ll crush us like a baby, karina, i’m with you, granny, well, you’re just a partisan, i even wonder why, of all of us, karina came to you, because that voice messages are in fashion, and i’m doing it the old fashioned way, until i get through to the person, i won’t calm down, now i won’t let you go anywhere, no matter what you tell me. forgive me, why, my little one, for believing miki, that he is also my family, bringing the girl, yeah, in reality they live even longer than in the photo, yes, another thing, i would have missed the most interesting part, you know , that i thought, how
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great it is that we are all together, it looks like eyeliner, i even know what it’s for, yes, yes, i want it. we all went to grandpa’s wedding together, please, well, in principle, if we’re all together, why not, yes, karina, say yes, i don’t mind, since it’s such a booze, i’m plus, and i’m glad, that we are all together again, well, let's go without me, mafia, muffin, muffin,
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well, how can you refuse such a handsome man, if anything happens, your room is waiting for you, but what about all the talk about separation, damn separation. “thank you, dad, but i already have a job here in district clinics with tuk personnel, especially with such people, i just want you to know that you have a home, well, you can stay with me, if i don’t drive anything, even i don’t know how to trust you after everything, but i was silent until i found out about david, maybe you’ll write to him, a good boy, that’s the point. the problem is, he is very good, and i treated him very badly, he will not forgive me, he has forgiven his family, this is a family, who in your opinion sings,
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who does not sing, is a big musical one. how nice it is for me to watch you fidget, worry, think, and you know which of them, think, decide, say, listen, whoever doesn’t sing, catch me if you can, amazing on friday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts! elegant
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details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. liu reorts, we are here for you! bon stirsman is a product of stellar group. welcome to rixsas premium magavish suds and villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas are combined with a golden sandy beach, 1 km long. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixa with premium magavish suts & will. the holiday you 've been dreaming of, veda vodka, stellar group product,
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titanic deluxe golf hotel belek, where every moment is exclusive, wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes the best restaurants, here every room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your rest, your rules. titanic deluxe golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. rum. castro, a product of stellor group. when i was building a dacha, the foreman told me this: “we won’t let you down.” didn’t let me down, didn’t let me down, didn’t let me down, didn’t let me down, didn’t let me down with water supply. now everything will be, now everything will be. the roof was powdered and the pipes were coated with nail polish. normal. cosmetic renovation, let's do it again, parade of humor,
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premiere on saturday on rtr, my dears, you everyone is so different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for quarrels, wow, you actually have two cups, what kind of love do you have? “i will not allow my daughter to be deceived, everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was set up by irina razanova, tava’s competitors, we need to find who exactly, in case they don’t limit themselves to blackmail, anastasia vedenskaya, you all knew everything about this, i tell you all i don’t want to see you, anatoly lobotsky, one very important person for me has disappeared. life teaches you nothing, you were silent about vasya, and now you continue to lie about your mother, adults. daughters, premiere, on saturday on rtr, for
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the wedding i would choose between the color of champagne, classic french, well then champagne, i envy you, you... waited for your love, and i envy you that you didn’t have to wait so long, but i thought that you would not be delighted that your son got his older brother’s fiancée, well, it’s not for me to judge, i got the husband of my best friend, love has no logic, love has no logic.
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why did you gather me? david, your family was friends with mika, you were all so happy that i decided to have a transplant, when he, i thought, you are all at the same time, at the same time, but my father never, i know. denis told me, i just didn’t understand it all then, when you wrote that you fell in love with
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someone else. i tried to forget you for six months, but i couldn’t, forgive me, please, if you don’t understand yet, i didn’t have anyone and don’t have anyone, i don’t either, maybe it’s fate?
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i just saw your interview and decided to come in to congratulate me and say that i was wrong, a talented person, talented in everything, and six months ago i was a downed pilot and proved that i was capable of revenge, i understand correctly, you’ve finished traveling under your contract and you ’ve returned to your shared living space, or maybe without sarcasm, i’m without sarcasm, stay, i’m leaving, i’ll just take a shower. mom, let's clean it up, you can't see anything, i wanted it to be beautiful, it will be if you put on a beautiful dress, the dress, while you're cutting the bread, there's no bread, well, you didn't say, i didn't buy it for her, run away, but
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no , while you go get the pie, i'm denis. prosho, why should i keep an eye on him? hello, can you buy some bread on the way? black or white? denis is just taking a shower right now, he can’t talk, but i’ll tell him. about bread, excuse me, but who is this? and i’m his wife, julia, your grandfather is getting married, i definitely won’t miss such a family event, put on that tie that
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i brought you from milan last time? it suits you very well, yes, i knew it would work, but what did it take for me to convince them all, family is so important to you, i don’t know, probably yes. we don’t keep what we have, we cry when we lose it. yes. what about you and me, what do you think? got something to lose? what are you talking about? for a long time, not only the child has been connected forever. maybe we can stop hiding our feelings? will you go with me to a wedding like mine?
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the battle. it seems i have something that will make you irresistible, yes, i don’t believe it , let’s check it out, let’s go, i closed it, oh, i closed it, don’t be afraid. there's only a little bit, open it, wow, be quiet, come on, i'll help, come on!
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am i right or am i right? why is he right? here i am. “i’m at the wrong time, i sent dima to a friend, why? you have
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doubts again, reed, well, i promise you, dimka and i will be fine, let’s first solve your problems, then you’ll think about my son, what do i mean? problems, you said that you don’t live with your wife?”
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listen, there is no orange, apple will do,
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thank you, vadim, i thought maybe we were in a hurry, i mean? well, i mean, now the main thing is the child, we are here for him, and let him be born first, then we’ll see how it goes, what happened, nothing, i know, what do you say? i can take you home, yes, now it's only key.


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