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tv   Versiya  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 3:45am-4:36am MSK

3:45 am
i wrote down the numbers, remembered them, go ahead, i drive as i want, both of them have ekx, yeah, there are all sorts of people driving here.
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we passed, he turned there, and off we went. he’s not there, where does this road lead, to some state farm, driving around with my husband is not an option, lesh,
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kanurov doesn’t smoke, someone was waiting for him here, let’s go! i need gloves, but where did they come from, well, i don’t know, find them somewhere, well, i’m telling you, no, find gloves somewhere.
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nikonorov, oleg vladimirovich, there are no documents, no, here it also says director. development,
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what, what, director, what, what kind of company, and the company, alplink, they called an ambulance, it’s on its way, okay, draw up a report, they found a car, what kind of car, the director’s car, but he didn’t come to this sanatorium on foot, it’s a rest home, a former one, what’s the difference, look for the car, okay, i’ll just wait for an ambulance, wait, what does former mean, well ... this rest home has not been functioning for a long time, about three years, it was privatized, nothing is being built and that there is no one there, why is there no one there, the guard, yeah, our deceased, what did he do there, how do i know what he was doing there, walking, it was dark, maybe he tripped, fell, i have to draw up a protocol myself i'll come, she'll come.
3:50 am
fit, get up, kurochkin, wake up, yes. get up, we have a corpse in the krasnoselsky district, but i’m not sleeping, what kind of corpse? well, the guy really dived, broke his neck, well, he’s not a criminal, all the questions are for shvetsova, there’s half an hour left on duty,
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it’s like crazy, at least we have a car, we’ll find it, let’s go. hold on, well, you said, they took the builders, the builders who are building, but whoever is going to build here, they are liquidating, they are destroying the canteen building, you didn’t see any car nearby, what kind exactly, but some kind, on which. .. comrade has arrived, i saw, i saw, yes, where, over there, this one is standing by the fence on the side of the road, great, mercedes, so what do we have here, a wallet,
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what do we have here? it’s empty here, i haven’t seen it, i haven’t seen it either yesterday or at all, listen, but for some reason he had to come here, how do i know, well, why did the person come, he was going out of need, he wanted to, he stopped and fell into this pond , it’s dark, how long is it to this pond, do you think, well, how long is it to the pond, well, a kilometer at a glance, a kilometer, a kilometer, what kind of need is this, well, how do i know, i’m not a person like that i saw, i didn’t see this car.
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we were watching the guy, but he didn’t take her, now we’ve got her, you better be careful, otherwise the second corpse is too much for one pond, don’t be afraid, he’s tenacious. so, is there some kind of state farm nearby? state farm, it’s 7 km away, almost on the tallinn highway, there’s a former pioneer camp, a cottage community nearby, yeah, and a lot of people live there, no, just a few houses, it was built even before the crisis, on a grand scale, the houses turned out to be very expensive, now they can’t sell it, so maybe it’s safe from there, no, definitely not from there, i i know everyone there, there are only three houses, but here it’s the same... it will probably be
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like this, this is the territory of the holiday home, the car was parked here, 2 km from the kiev highway, yeah, well, i know this road, a dirt road, yeah, yes. actually came from the other end, not from the highway at all, why? well, because the car was facing the other way, so what? he could have stepped from a u-turn, there are no signs of a u-turn, well, why did he come there? but in your opinion, he came from the lensovetovsky state farm. there, by the way, the road also goes out onto the highway. mash, why did you decide what is this crime? because it's too similar. like an accident, all accidents look like accidents, yeah, everyone is happy, they look like happy ones, by the way, there are no fingerprints on the keys, i mean, well, not at all, neither on the keys, nor on the key fob, how can it be, no prints, well, that means a neat person got caught,
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used it and erased the prints, do you think someone used the keys, then erased the prints, put it in nikonorov’s pocket, well, for example, rode it... until the horse lay there with a broken neck, well i don't know, there's a watchman there or the district police officer, it seems to me that someone tried very hard to pass this off as an accident, and the car is like that picture standing by the fence? no, he could not have gotten there in his own car, in fact it was his car, yes, there were documents there, but they could have brought him already dead, and then driven the car, it feels like he wasn’t the only one there, that someone was present at his death, he ended up there, it was no coincidence, why, what why, why did you decide that he was not alone, the experts found out something, no, not yet... well, except there are no prints, no traces of violence, well, well
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, i don’t know, intuition, well then prints, prints that are not there, and the watchman didn’t see anything, i feel, now we’ll spend a lot of time figuring out how nikonora fell into the rod, yes not yet in your area, but you forgot about the beacon in his car, oh, beacon, okay, what do you want from us, or rather your intuition. first of all, you need to go to this company, outlink, let's go, well, try to find out who was behind him, there probably is a security service there, they know something, naturally, with great delight i he’ll lay it all out, why not, volodya, and you talk to his wife. you think yes, married, married, here’s the phone number, olga’s address, she
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already knows, i’m not sure, so, i’m in the security service, and i’m great. a nightmare, when this happened, when they discovered it in the morning, it happened at night, a nightmare, lena, call the deaf man to me now, yes, this is
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all the regions now, excuse me , find lena and drobenka too, okay, listen, is it really such a valuable employee, valuable, key, development director, you see, nikonorov, developed the company’s development prospects, yeah, here’s your company, what does it do anyway? ours, in fact, we are the largest mobile internet operator in russia, so to speak, we provide connections to those regions where fiber-optic networks are not installed. what is the internet you? well, in general terms? tell me, uh, specifically ... what did he do? well, to be specific, then strategy. nikonorov determined
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the company's marketing strategy. by the way, would you like to? yes, yes, no, i guess, thank you. you see, we are not the only company on the market. there are major competitors that have been breathing for a long time in the back of our heads. therefore it is very important. what development policy will we choose, and what policy will our competitors choose? which consumer, which market will this policy be aimed at? well, nikonorov was our guide in this area, yeah, he brilliantly analyzed statistics and, most importantly , knew how to predict the moves of competitors. this is a market, everything changes daily. tell me, who are the competitors? company east? main competitor, of course, that is, we can assume that nikonorov’s death
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is just a gift for them, i would say a big one, yeah, and accordingly, with the death of nikonorov, you begin to incur serious financial losses, i would say huge, we are already incurring them, so if in the next month we do not find a replacement for nikonorov, and this is not replacing a security guard, you understand, right? yeah, please tell me, could they have killed him, killed him? no, it’s unlikely, after all, it’s not the nineties, but what does the nineties have to do with it? i’m not saying that his competitors filled him up, you didn’t protect him, your security service couldn’t provide security for such a valuable employee, no, you know, we didn’t do that we are doing, yeah, our company is trying to work in a civilized manner, here is ensuring the security of employees, which, by the way, directly
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leads to surveillance, this is a different method of work. nikolaevich, uh-huh, thank you, let him wait, but i understand you, that is, in a word, your security service did not track nikonorov’s movements, no, uh-huh, yes, but he has a secretary, of course, and she’s at work now, of course , and where is his office, it ’s higher up, anyone there will tell you, yeah, i don’t dare distract you anymore, all the best, all the best, lena glukhova, invite me, fine. and the crushed grain too, of course, i’m off, come in. head of security, security service, where is nikonorov’s reception? one floor above, thank you, but he won’t
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be there today, he told you that, no, the director, it’s interesting. what about oh, well, i’ll try another one, listen, i didn’t get through to her, after lunch the house one doesn’t answer, and the mobile phone is turned off, yes, i know, but i took this one, but where did you call her, yes, you’re in the rvd, yes, you’ll see her now, i mean, you already told her or something, she already knew who told her, i don’t know,
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but he was killed, i won’t interfere, thank you, andrey, no way, they killed him, why do you think so, they killed him, tea, coffee, they killed him, oh my god, “they threatened him, for the last month he ’s been taking antidepressants in huge doses, so maybe because of them, how much he took and what , but it didn’t affect him, as i say, he was constantly on edge, because of the threat, who threatened him, and how do you know that, they called, who exactly, i don’t know, but he even
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changed the phone, well, i mean number, did you call home?" or only on a mobile phone? well, of course, home too. so, what did they say? i didn't talk. why did you decide that was he threatened? but i saw how he talked. oleshka, water? no, did he talk to you? no, of course not, but i heard it. and what did you hear besides threats? but what did they want? what information, what information, what, but about this, how is it the mobile internet, about the autelink company, who could be interested in this, and what is secret in this, what is secret, yes they
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can kill for this information, can i have some water, yes please , lord, take a seat, thank you, they’re like spies there, it’s his link and the east, they’re watching each other, worse than the special services, so wait, the east is a competing company, of course, but you didn’t know, they have a real war there, for sales markets, for consumers, oleshka, oleshka dealt with this very issue. do you think it was the east that threatened him? well, yes, someone from them for sure. who else? so, it turns out that you claim that you presented.
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bandit, and how do you know him, the college guy worked there, wait, your husband worked for the outlink company, well, yes, and before that he worked in the east, you’re definitely fine, it’s simple and you usually never stay late, premiere.
4:07 am
alexey fatiev, who is there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i myself don’t understand anything, i need to figure it out, melody for yours, from monday on rtr. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment,
4:08 am
a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts, we are here for you. welcome to the newest hotel. rikix in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmel-sheikh. the 300th episode of the program, hello!
4:09 am
so, that means, if i understood you correctly, then nikonorov worked for your direct competitors, yes, uh-huh, uh-huh, and six months ago he got a job with us in outlink, so, well, how did his previous employers survive this, well, how he was not a serf, resigned from the east, got a job with us, yeah, in the east, what did he do?
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listen, what do you think made him change his job, how were they offered better conditions, yeah, but i don’t know the details, it’s clear, well, a valuable acquisition. of course, our sales over these six months have increased by 10%, oleg vladimirovich is a brilliant specialist, okay, okay, he was, okay, tell me, when was the last time you saw him, yesterday, yesterday, yes, what time, he’s somewhere i left the office at 50, you didn’t talk on the phone anymore, no. and you don’t know, he went home, i didn’t i know he didn’t report to me, but
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what time was he supposed to appear here today? at 10:00, but he sent a letter that he will not come to the office today, he sent a letter, yes, ha, listen, but you can take a look, of course, here... please, ha, well, i see, i see, this is the message, he sent it to someone, well , to me, the director, just like that, wait, wait, wait, this is the message he
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sent today, right? at the beginning of the day, it’s interesting, listen, but he only used this box, well, in general, he didn’t usually use this, he had a personal box, he sent mail from it, so, but who has access to this box, access, well , i don’t know, anyone who knows the password, admin, probably listen, but you know the password, i don’t? no, you talk to the administrator, he will tell you from which computer this letter was sent, of course.
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guys, where can i find a watchman? yes, he loves to walk through the floors, knock on your own! yes, i don’t want to breathe the same air with you. bastard! carrion comes from you! understood! you won't last long like this! life position, come on, come on quickly, they’ll be arriving now cops, so i’ll tell them everything about your art, i’m listening to you, investigator shveytsova, what you wanted to tell, it ’s okay, you were arguing, we argued about nonsense, okay, come on, come on, semyonovich, we’re standing, standing, standing, what did you want to tell the police, i’m listening, nothing, i’m just.
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on the third floor in room 315, it seems we’ll find it, yeah, so you’ll go now, let’s go, i understand everything, thank you, but they’ll wash away, we need to take them right now, don’t worry, yes, volodya, there’s a problem, yes i know , i’m working on it now, so come here to the house rest, where, to a holiday home, yes, there is one
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important one here. i’ve done my legs, i need to check his home, well, i’ll tell kurochkin, no, kurochkin is busy now, he just left the trail there, and that means i’m doing nonsense here, well, volodya, what are you doing there anyway? doing your job? well, come on, you come here, call me, and i ’ll call the investigative committee, uh-huh, come on, so, so you ’ll go to the east now, no, of course, thank god, well, where is your system administrator, now i’ll call again.
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so now len, listen, you haven’t seen revkun, yes, yes, for... uh-huh, yes, okay, i understand, i understand, yes, yes, okay, well, where is he, you understand, evgeniy nikolaevich said that he has a lot of work, so let neconor’s mail sort it out specially trained internal affairs officers. i see, please, please open the door, evgeniy nikolaevich has forbidden the door to nikonorov’s office to be opened, there are documents there that constitute a commercial secret, so, yeah, if you’re visiting evgeniy nikolaevich, he’s leaving now and won’t be able to talk to you, be
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please, sit down, please tell me, you worked with nikonorov for six months, but i. well, of course, of course, all the best, goodbye, yes, the detective has left, okay, if anyone calls or
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comes from the police, let me know immediately, let’s go! so you were drinking with your friend, zhikharev, who is zhikharev? well, well, the watchman who guards the rest house, and toya, well, yes, they drank, but not so much, yeah, and you’re there often. it happens, so every day i shoot with it, you shoot, what i shoot, the main thing building, i help him guard the territory for this, and the other guards, how do they feel about this,
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what are the others, but there is no one, either alone, he has been living there for three years, he lives, he lives constantly. he has some kind of boss, he doesn’t just live there, well, it seems like he does, well, they pay him for his salary, i’ve never seen them, yeah, when did you see the jeep and what kind of jeep was it, and tolik sent me out into the street, there was someone screaming, i don’t know, a man’s voice. what time was it in the evening at 10 at 11, so you went out, yes, you went out, i looked, everything seemed fine, i walked to
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the fence and saw the jeep, it was just driving away from the fence, they remembered the license plate number, no, but what did it look like, a black jeep, it was dark then. dark for sure, well, at least you can say approximately the model, not at all, well, a jeep. who was standing, that is, there was no mercedes, and nikonurov was already lying in the pond, i don’t know, we
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found him in the morning, so, well, he was lying there, we were just drunk, we didn’t want to call the police, we called in the morning, when did the mercedes appear there, no i know. i don’t don’t know, yeah, well, i understand, i understand, yes, so, you tell me better, in the end, how many numbers did this handsome guy have? how many seven, wow, well,
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it’s clear, we only found one mobile phone, but now i understand why there was only one call yesterday, so okay, in a word, i need a transcript for the last week, but i need it when it comes , when, ho-ho, everything is clear, thank you.
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hello, hello, yes, hello, hello, please tell me where i ended up, where, in the theater? oh, my god, i'm sorry, i was wrong, i was wrong, of course, hello! oh, well, sorry, sorry.
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where is zhikharev? zhikhkharev? is this the watchman? your documents? slaughter on adil, i
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was talking to you this morning. are you talking about the corpse? yes. where is the watchman? i’m looking for him myself, look for him now, but has he done something? yes, how can i say, i paid in the morning at a local store, but what do you have here with dollars? that's not the point, they're fake.
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yeah, almost 3000, they were lying under the sofa, the briefcase looks like a non-canor, well, that means his money is most likely whiskey, the watchman, until today. so nikonorov was walking around there with a briefcase full of fake dollars? well, that means so. interesting. there is something else. i found documents in the briefcase. there
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is some interesting information here. so, nikonorov, was the owner of the entire territory of the holiday home, amazing, yeah, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different regions.
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premium magavish suits & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium
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magavish suits & villas vacation you're talking about dreamed. hotel for... unforgettable experiences rixas sharmelsheikh only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixsus sharma is not just a vacation, it is a holiday for the soul, where every detail is created to be admired.
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young man, kurochkin, by the way, by the way, hello, this man, you know, it’s absolutely correct, you should have some content, no matter what suit you’re wearing, even if you’re naked... yes, yes, it’s empty, so what? come on, go, go, go, go, yagodina, who is this, this is our actress,
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their relationship, who killed, the question is, so where is she now, on the second floor, in their rehearsal foyer, to the individual, let him will dial from the senior tova, ah! didn’t play, this second act is now being rehearsed, lord, is it my sister who’s about to get up, what’s going to happen, well
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, the performance, oleg was the sponsor, we must, we must tell semyon, wait, wait, wait, wait, you want to say that nikonorov sponsored performances, well, yes, one since, i asked him, but what do you think, this is, in principle, a lot of money, for us yes, for him no. several million rubles, of course, and you are sure that this is not a lot of money for him, but no, of course, he is the richest man in the city, he told you that, well , he has this plant and more than one, land, he builds cottage villages, in smolny he runs something there, now listen to what i tell you, nikonorov, in fact, was the development director of the company. a fairly high-level manager, but believe me, a dependent person, and even if he had his own business, it was not successful enough
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to leave the outlink, you understand me, this means that he was a manager, right? yeah, let's do it? when uh-huh, i see, thank you, goodbye, well, nikonurov became the owner of all the land exactly 3 months ago, on march 3, yes, they get a good top manager, you laugh, the land is worth millions, in our country there is more than one hired worker, so many he hasn’t received it yet, listen, you don’t know how much he was bought for, maybe he’s... like a football player, imagine how much money he brought to the company, given that together with him, they learned all the ins and outs, and...


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