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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 24, 2024 9:30am-9:56am MSK

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the equator has always been considered the favorite in such competitions, but now the arctic athletes have serious ambitions. the far east is developing very well now. for the first time , championships and championships of the far eastern federal district will be held, the krasnodar territory is developing, this is sochi. of course, these are the leningrad region and st. petersburg. despite the fact that the winners stood on the podium in down jackets, the award ceremony itself turned out to be hot and joyful against the backdrop of the northern sky, which means that surfers will appear on the waves of the barin sea not once. oleg pasoben, pavel tretyakov, dmitry kvasnyuk conduct the murmansk region. that's all for now, andrey shevtsov was with you, good luck.
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veda vodka is a product of the stellar group. welcome to the newest rixas hotel in sharmel sheikh. rixas rodomis sharmel sheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms. the largest children's town in the region and an unforgettable vacation. rixsas radomis sharmelshej. rom castro is a product of stellor group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday in slezorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment. golden beach and
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azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. mancacher whiskey is a product of the stellar group. rixos premium sea gate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy. a water park for children, lush green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at riksus premium segate, riixos premium segate, monte chococa cognac, product of the stellar group, you are definitely doing well, you just never usually stay late. era on rtr: will you leave me without
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a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, but i’m unhappy, and you blatantly write travel, happiness, and good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina. who are you, how did you get here? this is my number. dmitry miller. i'll have to admit that you like me. and when? i'm alone, it's just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i myself don't do anything i understand that i need to figure everything out. melody for yours, from monday on rtr.
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for me, the film moscow slizan does not believe, in many ways this is my destiny. i was not at all eager to play this role. what captivated me was not the script, but volodeva, a person who goes his own way, it’s always hard for him. this wasn't even criticism, it was bullying. he was so worried that he once told me that, lord, why did i take this picture? vera alentova, her life with vladimir menshov. it was surprising for everyone when we got married, it was just a shock. some because more different people cannot be imagined, without him, when he fell ill with covid, he did not want to go to the hospital, but he got worse, the next day they finally arrived and since 2 days later i got sick, they took me to another hospital, but i was released the day before the funeral, i don’t remember everything well, but i can only tell you that for me he didn’t leave, we are still together, the fate of a person with boris korchevnikov. today on rtr.
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you will find me in the bathroom, this was the last message that the famous opera and pop singer evgeny kungurov sent to his wife before his death. the news that he committed suicide came as a shock not only to his fans, but also to his friends and colleagues. evgeny kungurov had a rare voice, for which journalists. they called him a pop baritone, talented, young, successful and in demand, evgeniy’s work schedule was scheduled for the year ahead, his whole life is yours alone, i’m all yours,
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last year he received the title of honored artist of russia, and at the same time he... had two children he had long dreamed of, son ivan and daughter ariadne. the girl recently turned only 2 years. among the versions about the reasons for evgeniy kungurov’s death were alcoholism, divorce proceedings, which, as it turned out, had been going on for several months, depression and a rare psychological illness. today in my studio i have a friend, evgeny alexander morozov, and a famous psychiatrist and narcologist. vasily shurov, together we will try to understand what led the singer, beloved by millions , to a tragic ending. this is life, destiny. evgenia kungorova. good morning. good morning.
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how many times has zheny been here in this studio, confessionally, was open, always, well, if you think about some kind of well-being. such gaiety, lightness, this is kungurov, honored artist of russia, he just received the title, two children, a beauty, a wife, and such a terrible death, sasha, how did you find out about her, i was sitting on the net late at night and just scrolling through , suddenly i saw a photograph of zhenya, one publication, a second, a third, everyone said that zhenya committed suicide. i didn’t believe it, it’s just death, especially suicide, yes, two things are incompatible absolutely, i just sat like this until the morning, looking at one point, one man of holy life, who knew his wife very well,
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close, and who is now helping, supporting ira, his wife, his widow, his family, he said that ... like spasov’s apple, that is, on the outside it is absolutely beautiful, prosperous, shining in the sun, but from the inside a worm was eating it. vasily aleksanovich, what kind of worm is this, what kind of unnoticed disease is this that can push a person to such a terrible thing. we must understand that there is a lot here coincidentally, turning 40 is always a severe existential crisis for a person.
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i suggest we calmly sort this all out, talk about it, listen, well, i’m 40 years old, i’m 41 years old, i didn’t notice anything so existential, sasha, i don’t know, you had something similar, you know what else this is about ? i had, yes, i was just thinking that probably girls are no longer liking me as very fat, so at the age of 40 i realized this, the koryak is depressed, if i understand correctly. this diagnosis, you just don’t want to do anything, it’s complete disconnection from reality, and you took care of yourself, you were in full combat readiness, you did such a colossal job, can this be called a crisis, but no, of course not, it’s just strange that if we
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’re talking about my wife, we’re talking, that this is depression, but as far as i know, it seems to me that depression is visible in a person, but in a wife it was completely incomprehensible, we saw him not so long ago. during the filming, he was an absolutely happy person, absolutely, we kissed and hugged as usual, well, nothing foreshadowed, by the way, put this program, it was just about losing weight, where you met, met, became friends, put on a small fragment, what a blessing that you came to me, because the rest of all the traitors abandoned me in this dietary trouble, that is, when to eat harmful things and what you use something like that, everyone comes, yes, just pour it, you don’t need anything without it, the main thing is to get into the glue, and then, well, you’ll get used to it now, i hope, and you’ll feel, you know , what a buzz when you are you going to throw it away? already i probably felt such a pleasure when minus, minus, minus, such excitement, it’s like a girl trying to achieve,
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after every day of a date, you understand that you are closer to the goal, this is our first acquaintance with zhenya, after that we became friends, and i really like the comparison about the apple, here we are talking about depression, yes, he showed a good picture, but this is a man who suffered, just watch him, how he talks about his life. i had serious internal problems, but i got used to keeping my face, at such moments, alcohol often appears in life, which only aggravates everything, zhenya was not shy, he also talked about it, that he also went through it, he had a period like this in his life, it can make it worse, somehow break you from the inside, alcohol can give you courage in order to realize your plan, a moment of weakness, i don’t want to live, usually stop, but under alcohol, under... with some psychoactive substances, a person can take this step much easier than
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being sober. put a fragment of that our conversation on this topic here in the studio of human destiny, put it, i wake up in the morning with a wild hangover, and i have to go to an event, and i can’t get up, i can’t get up, i understand that i feel bad, well, of course, i collected i pulled myself together, i got there, worked this concert, this was the decisive moment. when i returned home after the concert in the evening, i fell to my knees for the first time and cried and shouted: lord, i can’t live without you, that is, i can cope with this, i feel like i can’t do it anymore, help me get me out, only you can get me out of this , and through for six months, probably for several months, i had enough strength to stop this whole story, quite recently zhenya took part in a project in which people...
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whether it seems to me or not, that this can be seen in almost all frames, here on in all the shots of evgeniy, where he even sings, where he is cheerful, where he fools around, there is some kind of sadness in his eyes, there is some kind of sadness, tension, well, the eyes are a mirror of the soul, that many artists have this, especially in my genre, clowns with sad eyes, yes, well already... maybe that happened too, but i somehow never paid any attention to it. play the video that zhenya himself posted shortly before his death. dear friends, take care of each other, call each other more often, love your parents, love your homeland, because we grew up here, our ancestors are buried here, everything will be wonderful for you if we
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all take care of what this generation has been conscious of. absolutely clear. he smiles, he is serious, and his eyes, in my opinion, are also quite sad and in general it looks like such a message, well, it’s hard to call a testament, but he succinctly gives instructions on life. there is another topic that he was a little worried about, well, this lack of fulfillment, your creativity to the fullest, these amazing data and external data and apparatus, amazing voice. the kind of retoire that he dreamed of did not come to him, it was not fully realized, and this could be seen in him for a long time, even when he worked in the new opera, this is 10 years ago, he complained to me that he doesn't have the main roles, he would
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like to perform the main roles. i say, yes , wait, i say, you will have everything, you will now i say on the stage you will generally be number one, what are you worried about, we even had such a game, because well, how did i come up with such a thing, i once told him, i say, you understand that you are a modern chaliapin, you say , andre batelli of our stage, i say, you are kungurov, i say, repeat after me, he says, i am kungurov, we had such a game when we even saw each other from afar, he saw me and shouted: i am kungurov, there was so much in it sincerity, he so wanted to be kungurov, a big bright a singer, well, that’s what he was, if i
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understand correctly, then this closedness is, in a sense, a mask - and in many ways it ruined him, many of us, no one of us could see behind this mask, this pain there, that bleeding wounds, but the diagnosis , which is sounding now, i saw it for the first time, forgive me if i pronounce it incorrectly, synesthopathy, what is it? synesthopathy is not a diagnosis, it is a symptom, now we are talking about synestopathies in connection with post-covid syndrome, when the virus seriously damages the brain, people experience this persistent, incomprehensible pain, which is not affected by ordinary painkillers, which does not give them peace, but with synestopathies they are sent to psychiatrists, indeed, because other doctors cannot find pathology, perhaps it was very difficult for him to go to psychotherapy, to open up, to admit that i am in trouble, i am in problem, you know,
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i’ll say now, a very important thing for me in all of this, because, of course, i suffered very much, like... all the people who knew zhenya, nothing in life could be worse than this step, church suicides don't drink, they eat an exception was made, as exceptions are made with those people who committed suicide, who were pushed to commit suicide, illness, or some external factor, and the church said that the funeral service could be performed for the wife and blessed him to perform the funeral service, for me this is... huge consolation, to be honest, well , a great consolation, that you can trust in the mercy of god with him, for which you can’t and need to pray now, he really needs... this prayer, and we won’t meet, what was the channel, now these words that he sang with his velvet barreton, and we will not forget this baritone never, they sound, of course, with some kind of
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new, with new strength, sad strength, terrible strength, put it on, a little rain fell on the ground, but we will not meet, what was gone, what... what was, was not, what happened, has disappeared, i ask you to forgive me for everything, how quiet it is in the room, how sad it is in the room, you don’t immediately remember my face, then you will forget, completely, you will forget, i ask you for... everything, forgive me, i wish you everlasting joy in fate,
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i wish you everything that you wish for yourself, i wish you some happy days a year, please you won’t recognize me when i come to you in dreams, kingdom of heaven! necessary, this is life and destiny, evgenia kongorova. watch today at 14:55 in the program “the fate of man”. for the first time after the death of her husband, vera alentova talks about life without vladimir menshov. i don't go anywhere. i don't watch theater premieres, i don't watch new films. it’s still very difficult for me, because we always went together.
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watch today immediately after the release of the day's news, a big musical premiere, a show in which 18 people from different... check, we have to notice everything, everyone touch, wow, they sing beautifully, my opinion is divided, and it’s good, so far we praise everyone very well, brotherly, blink, please,
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well and further, that the intrigue is crazy, catch me if you can, we can’t wait to start, today on rtr, fox, i thought. i realized that i’m not ready to break anything in my life, dad, he left me, oh well, i don’t have a swimsuit, watch me, can i hug you? well, who is he, man, well , introduce him to the man, i love him, you know, you’re just my stupid
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girl, but some kind of love, he’ll leave you at the first opportunity, as soon as he gets tired of you, i beg you, please, stop, don’t touch me, leave me alone, what are you doing, and little girl, hug me, please, feel me, you can... . i should hug you on saturday at rtr, please, you can meet and roll call without any delay, i’m very glad that you came to visit me, how much tea i drank, how much history i tell, i was impudent in a white tuxedo, i’m a beginner and that was it. for me,


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