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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 5:00am-8:01am MSK

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now it’s even awkward to remember all these nonsense from the life of newlyweds, when you flare up out of nowhere, and i flare up, she knows how to control herself, we could sleep in bed for three nights, with our backs turned to each other, and not say a word , go silently to the studio in the morning, or even leave the house at different times, meet there, be silent, then, as if by chance, with thrown words, timid touches, important elements of this grinding too, put, faith told me quite authoritarianly that i need borscht i need to cook buy some kind of pan.
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i eat and feel, i’m definitely not full, water and cabbage, this is an absolutely wonderful story, well, 200 g, simply because we didn’t have money for more, but i had no idea how to cook, so i’m ambitious i had a lot, i thought that a woman should cook, that is, as best i can, and there we have...
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no, perhaps everything will not work out. in short, we have two photos from the wedding. well, because it was all very expensive for a student's pocket. we had very little money, you know, so, well, of course, this, and this, you know, strangely enough, it was all absolutely unimportant, because it was all sanctified by the joy of meeting, you know, it’s all somehow viewed differently, but in half a century. it became illuminated, also
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by the lord, you really walked down the aisle, after half a century you decided to get married, let's talk about this step, how you took it, why after so, after a whole life, how it happened in a couple of minutes, further in the program , did vladimir menshov fulfill vera’s cherished dream? alentova, man is mortal, mortal... suddenly, in order for us to meet you there, we need to get married, because otherwise we will not meet. and the last confession of vladimir menshov. he told me an absolutely wonderful phrase, already at the end of his life. i said, i want a white cat. here he comes , oh you’re good, he loves to grab the claws there like that.
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voice, give me your paw, give me your paw, well done, the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets, where are you flying, after the performance, you are in a hurry, he says, guys, i should feed the hamster, you are among friends, among friends, program for the whole family on saturdays on rtr, the fate of a person, fate.
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we need to get married, because otherwise we won’t meet. and finally, he said that, well, girls, okay, let's do it. so it happened like this, under our pressure, and yulia and i were happy, and he accepted it calmly. who was at the wedding? i only
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recognized yulia and her husband, but it was a very small circle. yes, of course, these are our grandchildren. here, here, this is yulia, her husband, grandson, granddaughter. maybe the day before, of course, but also on this very day, almost on the same day, or then, because faith was always worried that in the next world we would end up in different sections, for believers and non-believers,
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and she wanted us to be together, so this was an argument for you too, or what words she found for you, man not even baptized then, that i need to do this, i know... that faith is happy here, in this photo, love holograms, another film, another, by the way, anniversary, he still needs to turn 40 this year, and by the way, when i say this, for me 40 years is my whole life, i’m 41 years old, but for you it’s like yesterday that’s all it was, love and doves, he doesn’t believe in moscow, or after all, he doesn’t either, well, it’s like yesterday, of course, i understand that time has passed . a lot has passed, but everything is dear to me, everything that is dear to me is naturally dear, it is always with me, no matter how much time has passed, and maybe this film would have been more expensive, even to you, if you had played there, because you should have play why
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you are not in love and in my head, i was supposed to be there, i was supposed to play reisya zakharovna, but at that time he offered me a job...
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with you i understand why in his films she there is, in everyone, and, well, because he himself was a very real, very natural person, that’s why you’re telling, put it. one of these truths of this film, one of its famous scenes. lyudk, and lyudka, what? look what's happening, it's her. hello, luda. yes. are you sure you're not making a scandal? i came to you as hope to an intelligent adult woman. oh, you bitch, you are painted. why is it painted? is this my nature?
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girls, stop your mother! this was the only time when you were forced to refuse your husband, and did not rent from him, or else were there any situations? no, it wasn’t, and moreover, he understood that such a story very well understood that, after all, yulia yakovich raizman was a caryphean. in this case, yes, yes, you see, that’s why it’s him, he didn’t have any grievances, at the same time. have you ever had to somehow cope with these different shouts in the back? well, everything is clear, he
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films his wife all the time, but no, he even, you know, how interesting it is, he told me an absolutely wonderful phrase: it’s already like this towards the end of my life, i’m bored filming without you, this is very important. for me it was very special very expensive words, you see, so he always chose not because, but he even looked for material that would suit me. moscow doesn’t believe in slimes, this is not exactly my material, he’s right, because this is not exactly my material, that’s what he was looking for, but the envy of the gods - it was, perhaps, the most successful for him in terms of, he always had everything is very difficult. all films were difficult for him, this is the only film, the envy of the gods, which was somehow easy to shoot, when
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mikhail roma was asked why he always films his wife in films, he said because that i love her, put it on, put on the envy of the gods, let's remember this film, put on.
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actresses of our generation, well, it was not accepted, you know, it was very scary, and if
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i had come across this script, and they would have offered me to play in it, and the director was not my husband, i would not have agreed to it, i understood that he will do everything, and he told me about this, don’t worry, please, i know you very well, i will try to make sure everything is elegant and good. how did he do it? well, anyway, i have this question asked him, because it doubly shocked me, too, because when you understand that the director vladimir valentinovich, he is your husband, when i saw these... scenes, i couldn’t help but ask him about it, this is how he answered, put it on me it was important that the story be told, like this, frank, this is not the story of two tenth graders who, holding hands, walk and kiss a little, these are adults who suddenly learned what love is,
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already at the end of their life, but in the second half their lives, suddenly realized that they had lived a life without love, that’s what... i wanted to tell you, when you want to tell it, then it becomes secondary, everything is secondary, that this is your wife, that this is my wife, yes, i would, that means, let’s do this so that it’s , yes, so that the operator would catch everything, so that oh, the scene would come out, as you persuaded her to do, you know, she, too, is a real actress, on the set. stage, she can afford herself very, very much. it’s surprising, because this film, and almost every film, of course, from the mensch, captured a time, an era, snatched something most important about us, about everyone. shirley mirley, in fact, it is also a film about time,
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we are still comprehending the nineties, we are still trying to understand what happened to us then, he did it then. already gave this understanding, you played there, of course, something incredibly three heroines, you immediately fell in love with this material or thought that for some reason it was going somewhere in the wrong direction, there’s no need for a comedy, shirley-myrley, you know, this he was actually just going to help the young scriptwriters write a script, so they wrote to him, wrote, wrote, yes, he had no intention of filming, what do you mean, yes, he was just helping them. time came here, this is all, he thought that god, something is going on there that probably needs to be filmed, and if you noticed, the film was shot in an unusual manner for menshov, he is somehow all the same, like time, he too all shirley myrley, and we immediately, i didn’t really accept it, i thought that
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it was me alone, i think that it was ahead of its time , this film, because the public did not... immediately accept it, because it was in a different manner, completely, he generally loved to each, to approach each work in a new, different way, because this is a different time, a different story, well, in general, again not according to plan, not as it should have been, i think i understand why, then we didn’t immediately understand this film, because yesenin’s greatness is seen from a distance, it showed such a difficult era of the breakdown of the country in this. film, that we are still comprehending it, we are trying to figure out what happened to us, but he already did it then, only a genius can do this, he was always looking for new scripts for a long time and until he found the script in which he falls in love, he must definitely fall in love with it in order to shoot, and this
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, in fact, this is probably what gives this film the right... to live for so long, because it is his love for the original material, it fills, she fills the material with this love of his, that’s why his films last so long, you lived with vladimir valentinovich for almost 60 years, how do you learn to live without him in a couple of minutes? see further, vera alentova about the illness that prevented her from saying goodbye to her husband?
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andrey, anniversary show of andrey malakov in saturday on rtr, you are happy, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, yes. “you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do, we move away, she chooses, and what? decide for yourself with whom, one is good, the other is worthy, which of them two, adult daughters, premiere, on
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saturday on rtr, those who want to be in the know, watch the week's program, program for advanced, week's news with dmitry kiselyov, on sunday on rtr, the fate of a person, the fate of vera alentova, you said. so exactly, a mortal man, suddenly mortal, june of twenty-one at a terrible time, when this covid came, and you got sick together, how did you accept it then, like vladimir valentinovich, what did he say, how did he support? to each other, well, you know, the whole point is that before he got sick with covid, volodya was in the botkin hospital,
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he had a thromboembolism, and the trump came off, the doctors managed to save him, the doctors said that there was someone up there, who are you, vladimir valentin? cares a lot because it it was very difficult to get him out of this trampoline, well, you see, apparently the one who is easy there, who takes care of him, did not have enough strength for two times, therefore, it means that he really did not want volodya to go to the hospital, since he had just arrived from botkinskaya, was there the day before, so when he got sick with covid, he didn’t want to go to the hospital. refused to go the first time, but he got worse the next day, they still came and persuaded us to go to the hospital,
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because after 2 days i got sick, they took me to another hospital, so we kept contact through yulia by phone, and when volodya left, i was afraid that they wouldn’t let me go to the funeral, because i was still in bed and being treated, but i was released the day before the funeral, and i was at the funeral, i don’t remember everything well , but i can only tell you that for me he has not left, we are still together and talk, i tell him everything. “only i now live where i lived on the third tverskaya and moscow, and he moved to another apartment, something like this, but we are still together, like you and yulia,
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yulia feels the same as you, what is he like the doctor told vladimir valentinovich when he got sick for the first time, yes, that it’s as if someone is from above, there is a feeling that now he is, as if from above, now he is also taking care of you, well, how can i tell you, i don’t. ..” i think that from above it ’s happening somehow differently, probably, he still hasn’t left our lives, neither mine nor yulina’s, he’s still with us, you know, it’s something like this so, since this is the first time for us, when my mother left many years ago, me too, she was with me for a long time, she was with me for a very long time, only for the last , probably three years, when volodya left, i somehow... completely let go of my mother, only now, when vladimir vultinovich left, i, too, for a very long time, i generally, you know,
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i have three people, my mother, volodya and yulia, whom i love immensely, you see, i am attached to many people, i have many friends, close friends whom i love very much, but...
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this status requires get used to the fact that i am now alone, it will be 3 years, july 5, since volodya left, some more time will pass, i understand that it’s necessary, it’s just necessary, it’s even wrong that i don’t watch theater premieres, but it’s hard for me, so i’ll watch, from the next season i promised myself that i ’ll force myself to watch first, and then... i’ll get used to it, that you need to learn to perceive the world this way, and if you could, and why if you probably do this, you are talking to vladimir valentinovich today, and if you could write or tell him, i don’t know what you would say to him today i don’t know what i would tell him, everything i, everything he needs, i i say, you see, that’s why i don’t need it.
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thank you, posters on the tv channel culture, theater, music, fine arts on may 25, a solo concert by vittoria grigol will take place in the zaryadye concert hall, arias from
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operas by italian composers will be performed. the sovremennik theater is showing a play by pavel sofonov based on the play by alexei maksimovich gorkov mishchane starring alexander boluev. the theater of the school of dramatic art presents in the large hall named after meirhold the premiere performance "an ideal husband", directed by ekaterina granitova lavrovskaya based on oscar's play. shakespeare is being performed in the new drama theatre. the play whatever or twelfth night was staged by vyacheslav dolgachev. production designer margarita demyanova. both female and male roles, as was customary in the english theater 17.
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igor morozov, maria boyankina, performs the main role in borodin’s opera prince igor on the stage of the bashkir opera and ballet theater as part of the shlyapinsky evenings festival in ufa. at the krasnoyarsk opera and ballet theater, the names of hvorostovsky are given to the opera by christoph velebald gluck, harfes and eurydice in the premiere productions by irina lychagina. everyone who studied at a music school remembers the operatic reform of the glitch, this is precisely the operatic reform, it has already begun to be reflected in this opera. this is a very dynamic, passionate essay about fidelity. about betrayal, about human capabilities, about the fact that trouble awaits a person where he does not expect it, that a scandal can arise absolutely out of nowhere, since our artists are very young, we tried to reflect all this in this opera and so that they modern feelings were invested in this ancient music. the twenty-seventh international music festival olympus ends in the chapel of st. petersburg with a concert of the laureates of the twenty-fourth
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television competition for young musicians. nutcracker. the voronezh theater for young spectators is showing evgeniy kochitkov's performance based on dostoevsky's novel crimes punishment at the international festival youth theater fest in st. petersburg. maly drama theater theater of europe presents sergei kuroshev and igor chernevich in the premiere performance ward no. 6 based on chekhov's tale. author of the play and production director lev dodin. and in the museum of theater and musical art, on the occasion of the director’s anniversary, a retrospective exhibition lev dodin’s life of a man was opened, which presented rare photographs of him.
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kursk land is often called the nightingale land, it has always been rich in talents, in the kursk province at the beginning of the 20th century there were 21 crafts, many of these crafts have been preserved
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by folk craftsmen and are successfully developing them, there is a quiet person in the village, not touched by memory. where else will you find something like this, oh, oh, oh, oh, in our village gossip, dimoni has mountains of dishes, this must happen, oh, dimoni is thinking about something, firstly, this is a city with a thousand-year history, the first written mention of it dates back
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to 1032 in the life of theodosius of pechersk, which means kursk is more than 100 years older than moscow. secondly, in 1943 in the vicinity of kursk. more precisely , a battle took place on the kursk bulge, which played a decisive role in the outcome of the great patriotic war; third, at different times, kursk was almost completely destroyed as many as three times, but each time was rebuilt. i’ve been to many cities, many places, well, i don’t know, but i’m drawn to kursk. well, probably the energy is like this, well , every place probably has its own energy, the energy of kursk suits me too. i like it, i’ve also been to different places, worked in different places, i liked it, that’s where i live, animals run, squirrels run, birds fly, wonderful, vladimir blednov and alexander nekrasov are masters of artistic ceramics, together they do not only revive
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kursk ceramics, but create their own unique world. the most important thing is the condition, that is, in general, the basis of everything is the condition of any business, and not only, say, ceramics or something else. if you entered the state, then there will be a result. state. the arrival of creativity is similar to the sensations when a thunderstorm is approaching, when there is a slight feeling of anxiety, expectation of something great, good, even clay, while you knead, say, in your hand, you begin to admire it a little, the fact that it is plastic, something else, because you are always improving what you like. alexander nekrasov, by education and perception of the world, is an artist; he created his own world, his own toys, ones that no other child has, he created from an early age. at first from plasticine, but one day, leaving his product on the window, he discovered that it had melted, so there was a terrible disappointment that this material from which you make it does not survive, that’s why even in childhood i was looking for some kind of material that frozen it would last for a long time. this
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material was clay, to which the master devoted his entire creative life. usually it’s easy to do what you want, you have your own thoughts in your head, your own desire, when the customer, you try... to look through his eyes, this is extremely difficult. alexander likes to create in silence, alone, and there is only one person in his life, next to whom the master feels comfortable working, this is a friend, colleague and like-minded person, vladimir blednov, we seem to have very many views on things, so we even often we listen to the same books there, we read there, we reason, but volodya and i are very compatible, we don’t interfere with each other, so even the presence of some... person to do something, it’s extremely difficult, usually you still try to be alone, to work in silence alone, well, it’s extremely important to be in a state so that no one disturbs you, this is not a collective option , volodya and i made the wolf key, we made it, designed it, i liked it, there was a source there, that
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’s the source there, how can you live your whole life in a small town and not get tired of looking for true beauty in it? it’s very simple, you need to remember the fun of childhood, trips to the forest, and the heat in your hands from the cold snow. remember that the most delicious porridge was cooked by my grandmother in a goshka made by my father from clay, which my friends and i collected on the river, wait, i remember at my grandmother’s, we rode horses, and the fact that a bull drove me, oh my god. these are the ones that are key, and of
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course, the atmosphere is grandma’s love. master vladimir blednov was born in kursk into a creative family, fell in love in his hometown, got married, lived here all his life, is a geophysicist by training, worked for a long time on an expedition in yakutia, then received additional education and became a kiramist i’m already a professional, and my wife is a ceramist. this brought us even closer, and i took up ceramics. their properties and so on, that is, this is also
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a specialty that is associated with compositions, and clay is such a very universal material that consists of anything, that is, there is sand and a lot of minerals, and purely technologically i liked it , quite an interesting material, can you imagine, it is so plastic, and the properties are quite interesting, fire resistance, if you want permeability, there is a quarry under the course, there there is no homogeneous clay, there is clay in layers, that is, white clay, red clay, pink clay, yellow clay, we call it variegated, so when you mix clays, you get variegated clays, they are also beautiful in the product and we, by mixing clays we are trying to achieve the properties that suit us on the machine, well...
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we added thin lines, then we wanted to make it even more airy, so well, it was planned that way, we stretched the cables, there are several such flyweights and we end up with a triple volume, which adds airiness to this product, there are a lot of ideas, so it’s worth taking a piece of clay, something automatically appears in your head, you try to make it out of clay... for all the best that you can survive from it, everything is amazing, interesting, it’s pleasant class.
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the kursk land has raised more than one generation of interesting, original artists who glorify their native land. victoria blednova, master of artistic painting, daughter of vladimir bledny. she went through an interesting path from icon painting to kursk folk drawing. victoria's childhood was spent in workshops, ceramicists mom and dad, and for many. in the third year, these icons of the savior,
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the kazan mother of god, were painted, we were taught exactly canonical writing, using the same technologies, they have not changed in any way over time. childhood memories and the smells of clay still draw victoria to work with this material, but she does not sculpt, but does what she knows best, paints her father’s products. not with paints, but also with another type of clay, called angop, and i already made this one with pigments, but this is purely just white clay, just diluted with water, so as a result, they still fade a little like this, it turns out to be such a beautiful color, also, how to say, an ancient
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craft, just like that , he paints with multi-colored clays on darker clay, it’s all not paints either... in winter there’s always a longing for spring, about summer, but soon the snow will melt, streams and sap will run through the trees, but for now we will be reminded of summer by dragonflies, spiders and flowers from the vine. what i want to say about the craft called wicker weaving, this is our craft, our whole family is engaged in this wonderful trade, i was lucky, i have five sons, my children have names, ruslan,
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mikhail, ilya, vladislav, daniil, all lebedevs, the father of the family, mikhail, is a musician by profession. but this is a part of me somewhere, if it’s a month without uninvolved hands , processes are already beginning to take place in the body that push me, and i enthusiastically begin to take the manhole with pleasure , i begin to do all these difficult elements, so it’s forever,
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i’ll tell you a little about the material itself, cutting it when the sap flow has ended. at the first frost, where it grows one-year-old pond, this is the boiled bark, it should be removed from this twig, by the way, the bark is very valuable in its chemical composition, it contains aspirin and many other elements, i want to tell you about this tape, these shreds that are split, so flexible the tape is glossy, very beautiful.
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material, then there is the process of cooking, preparing the vines, i was preparing the processes by weaving myself, i slowly learned, well, of course i did it under supervision, then i slowly learned on my own, it was interesting to look at the things i had already made, so i made a basket, i like it, i live in kursk, i got married here, well, in principle, i’m going to continue to live here, i have a small child, maybe he’ll grow up and become like me as a child. will go with his grandfather, collect, prepare material for further creativity. mikhail graduated from art school with honors and, under the guidance of his father , mastered the art of wicker weaving to perfection. the young man entered kursk state university, where he will receive two specialties at once - an artist
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and a physical education teacher. i came to this business since childhood, my father and elder brother were already involved there. i've almost mastered it already. all the initial stage and the preparatory stage and the main preparation itself and the process of preparing the material, there were also a lot of various products, this gave me such creative potential, which was useful in the future, i started doing wicker weaving from the age of 12, because i watched, observed how e ruslan weaves, misha, and i always repeated and repeated, i also really liked this business as a child. i am passionate about creativity, i have big plans to become i will become an artist, engage in professional drawing, i will try to enroll in various universities in st. petersburg, that’s all. i’m doing this now, i’m trying - of course, i don’t want to break away from my family, we will always maintain some kind of connections, meet
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each other, and if i have success in another city, then - this will not stop us all from being together . i also started doing wicker weaving from childhood, not early, but from 12 to 13, and since i have always been close to my brother ilya throughout my life, we are always... together we started our favorite business, we started following the example of our father, you not only focus on harvesting vines or weaving some products, yes, but at this moment you still feel a part of yourself, you understand who you are and what your goals and views are in principle for this life, you learn to focus not only on the external, but on the internal, therefore , wicker weaving, like art, helps a person to learn the tri-craft. on myself, my brothers got me into this activity, well, because a person at a small age always begins to repeat everything after adults, and well, i
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i’m not an exception, and i somehow especially wanted to repeat everything after them, since i didn’t communicate with a society of the same age as me, i was always with older people, at school i study excellently in my free time, i study. well, of course, i love all my relatives, all my brothers equally, well, firstly, because it’s the way it should be, it’s the way it is, and secondly, even if i loved someone more, well, it was probably different it would be more offensive, you do, he repeats after you, if you don’t do, he repeats what you do, another law does not exist, to be a hypocrite, to talk about one thing and act on another, the child will repeat after the parents, so what i did is passed on. i think that a flower will come in handy, now let’s try to make it,
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we need a stem, we begin to braid the petals, and flowers are also interesting to make, of course they make flowers from straw, from grass, but since the ribbon is a pliable material, very soft, you can do this from tape, and so we will lay each node in turn. i feel like there are arrows, again you need to make sure that the distance is more or less the same, until the ribbon runs out, we form these petals, then, so that the ribbon remains in order to tie it all to the stem, we need to tie it here so that nothing unwinds, the excess, of course, carefully, we trim the stem , again, make the star here so that it at least partially goes there, we need to tie it,
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we tie it here, we sharpen it here, such a simple knot, it’s better to make it double, i’ll also make one element, such a leaf, of course with glue it is advisable to plant it’ll dry, then we’ll glue it on, like this leaf, a clean cut. these are the two jobs that every person who wants to do wicker weaving can do. this is such a cat with character, here is such a creature called crow, also has its own character, today we had such a scorpio, i didn’t know that i had such dreamers here, here is such a scorpion, also with character. this is the big kursk antonovka we have. angel? christmas star. it turns out that if you poke little by little
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with a special needle, for a long, long time and diligently with such movements, then our wool falls off. and this is called the dry felting technique. and the wet felting technique uses water, soap and... all this is mixed one to one for 4-5 hours , and the result is felt. svetlana berezina has mastered both the technique of dry felting and wet felting. all the clothes of her wonderful toys are made using the wet felting technique. let's say there are brooches like this, using the wet technique. that is,
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there is not even a centimeter in it, that is, with a needle, let’s say the horse is made in dry sculptural felting technique. following ancient traditions, svetlana makes warm toys that modern children enjoy playing with and are collected by their parents. my first job, i was lucky, let’s say, i took part in a competition, an international competition, i won a prize there , first place was... it was an international competition, there was a final, italy, here i am, well, my toy won, this there was john lennon's cat, this bear's name is ivan chai or fireweed, i really like the nature of the north and here is the well-known ivan chai plant, that is, this the image of ivan chai, it smells like sawdust, if you smell it, it also has its own scent, every toy has its own
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scent, even an orange, all my bears are... in a vintage style, they are all made from vintage plush, and painted the plush is also handmade, it’s all handmade, i don’t work on a sewing machine, stitch by stitch, everything is sewn by hand. by profession, svetlana is a theater director, she even had her own small theater, and then for some reason i wanted silence, comfort, warmth, exactly in i got what i wanted from wool, i like the properties of wool, its plasticity, its pliability.
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for adults, these simple toys train logic, attention, memory, fine motor skills, oh, thank you, by the way, they are cut out of birch, from a single piece of solid wood, if we lose even one piece, it will be impossible to cut out the same one a second time, because two you can’t cut the same thing with a jigsaw, great, cool, this is the slotted thread...
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vladimir plugotarev was born and lived all his life in kursk, for the first time he encountered a tree in as a child, i made frying saws, well, at school, of course, we also sawed out with hand jigsaws and i still have it intact, i was going through old magazines there, i found it and i thought, lian, what should i do again with the sawn jigsaw, and there i found that jigsaws like this already exist, i ran to the store, i bought it and began. sawing, that’s how my sawing began, my first ones were these wall shelves, then i wanted something more, interesting, what else could i do, well, there’s a lot of jigsaws, you see the varieties, i provided the product here, well what kind of technique can be done, here i will show the technique, it’s called intarsi, if you translate it, then there is a marking of wood on each other, we take one piece of wood and glue it from it, cut it out of one piece,
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but then using the method of sanding, reducing the thickness. we no longer give the object its natural appearance, what it looks like, let’s say a woodpecker, well, we know that this is where its wing should stick out, this is where its chicks are sitting, this is where i glued twigs there, like a nest, well, this is also that same technique, intarsia, the basis on which we let's glue it on - this is made of plywood, this is already made of wood, this is also pine, and using the stain method we paint them, we get products like this. thanks to talented craftsmen, the creative thread stretching from the depths of centuries has not been broken, and today, like many years ago, living, craftsmen and people who love their land have worked for glory, and now they walk by right, with music, dances and songs, to live
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it's more interesting on earth, oh!
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you are watching the news on the russia channel, good morning, in the andrey shevtsov studio. in the south-donetsk direction the sea is advancing infantrymen, many prisoners. we decided that it was better to give up. artillery supports the advance of troops into the center. a large forest fire in buryat, consuming 500 hectares of fire, several. gov is located near populated areas. we walked through the city center with flashlights on. a protest rally of many thousands took place in tbilis. at the beginning
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of the release about the progress of the special military operation, fire support for the offensive of the russian assault groups in the avdeevsky direction is provided by the artillerymen of the center group of forces. let's aim the shot, based on howitzers d-30 and 2s12 mortars fire from closed firing positions with high-explosive fragmentation shells at enemy fortifications and command posts. as a result of one of the attacks , fortifications and a command post of the ukrainian military were destroyed. sometimes two addresses arrive at once, so that he flies, he has a large viewing area, the spotter has a large observation area. he area, we can launch from two guns in a row, as if we had worked off one shell, then we fire another, he gives corrections for one gun and the other at once. military engineers and sappers
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units of the northern military group are clearing the territories of populated areas from explosive objects. they are the first to go through mine and engineering barriers, making passages for equipment and units. bypassing dangerous areas, sappers try to move nearby. with trees, in order to avoid being hit by drones, all dangerous objects found are destroyed on the spot or taken out and disposed of at a special landfill. in the southern donetsk direction , the marines of the pacific fleet are developing a successful offensive. they destroy defensive fortifications of nationalists who, as a result of attacks, prefer to surrender. from an editorial report by eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the urozhainy area in the south of the donetsk people's republic. our reconnaissance drone is monitoring how the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are stormed by the marines of the 40th pacific brigade.
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rolled back, now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area, the ships arrived for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. for today the industrial area in harvest is under the full control of our army, fierce battles for the village continue. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the international court of justice has ruled that israel must stop its offensive in rafah. the court also ordered the israeli take the necessary measures to
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ensure access to gaza for the mission to investigate allegations of genocide. meanwhile, israel's military operation in gaza continues, with almost 36 deaths during the operation. israeli actions led to forced exodus of almost 2 million people from the gas sector. some residents were forced to move to the densely populated southern city of rafaga, on the border with egypt. and now they have to look for a new refuge from rafah, israel also ordered. took place in tbilis. protesters walked through the city center with flashlights and flags of georgia, the eu and the usa. it is reported that the action. the united states threatened
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the georgian authorities with a review of relations and sanctions if they did not repeal the law. parliamentarians passed the bill on foreign influence by a majority vote, after which georgian president zurabishvili vetoed it. this coming monday, the country's parliament intends to launch a procedure to overcome this ban. a large forest fire has been extinguished in buryatia for the second day; the fire quickly spread across two regions of the republic due to strong winds. in total, the fire area is almost 500 hectares, several outbreaks are located near populated areas, but there is no threat to houses, a rescuer is monitoring the situation. to combat the disaster , 180 people were involved, these are employees of the ministry of emergency situations, air forest guards, employees of nearby forestry enterprises and local residents. they have dozens of pieces of equipment at their disposal. people also set up counter fires to stop the spread of fire. flooding in different regions of the planet in... large water came to the southern and
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northwestern regions, flooded the streets of the city of odan, in some places, large hail was added as a stormy stream. in indonesia, severe flooding continues in northern calemontan and southern sumatri. there is so much water that in some in areas, houses are flooded to the roof. and in brazil, the disaster does not leave the state of rio grande, victims of unprecedented floods, alone. sul. even temporary bridges built by the brazilian military were demolished by the powerful floods. despite the fact that the water began to recede a few days ago, bad weather still complicates restoration work. all news is available on the media platform, see in the application or on the website see you. treat yourself to a first-class
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holiday at sle reorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. variety of entertainment, golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you, i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think, here it’s all, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions. because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, but when it comes to fleas, i am beyond competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, wow, i really want to check it out, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let’s go , it
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must have been edible, i meant it of course, a bear, when such a stinking little one spoke, a hint in general, the most gambling team, if there is not 100,000, zhenya will add his own. enjoyed by many, the strongest love for the game, this is a five-on-one program, i'm oops, five-on-one, today on rtr, that's what it is, these are tickets down, the premiere on rtr, you put two strangers in one room, you you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, you’re settling down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your novel, have you been following me, i'm filing for divorce, a melody for yours from monday on rtr. hello!
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good saturday morning, today is may 25th, the weekend, and we welcome denis tseykov and vera krasova with you. below-ground overloads on the ground are not about our companies; our cosmonauts, thanks to special simulators, now know what they will experience in the descent module when returning from space. they worked out emergency situations when, if the system fails, it is necessary to switch to manual control mode. during such training in front of ship crew members the task is to land the device. and how to cope with pain in the cervical spine, which is called cervical lumbago, which most often jams in the morning,
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why such a nuisance occurs, why it is dangerous and how to avoid it, sergei egorov knows. alina has been making music professionally for more than 3 years, so now the dj console can safely be considered her workplace. despite the fact that such work can hardly be called physically difficult, individual muscles experience enormous overload. the dj plays a set, he has two hands working, and accordingly, you press the earphone to your shoulder, your set can last from 6-8 hours or more. prolonged stay in an unnatural position certainly leads to overstrain of the muscles surrounding the fragile cervical vertebrae. during activity , the muscle spasm that occurs in this area usually does not manifest itself in any way, making itself known... after a night's sleep, when you wake up in the morning, you feel tension in the neck, even every turn of the body of the neck, and naturally it gives discomfort. by the way, a jammed sutrashe is not a professional prerogative dj community, it is faced by everyone whose neck is forced
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to be in an uncomfortable position for a long time during the day or does not receive the proper range of movement. the cervical region, in fact, by nature it must move a lot, when we get an insufficient range of movements, over time it becomes... as if he cannot turn his head without turning the whole body, and this is fraught with
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progressive disruption of the blood flow to the brain, this is the most the main thing is that, first of all, it greatly increases the risk of a stroke, then such things as a dementia, alzheimer's disease, you can avoid such a scenario by regularly doing exercises for the neck, but even if you have already woken up with a lumbago in the neck, the exercises will help in this case, in the morning you woke up, your neck is pinched, the pain is jammed, you need to decompress and give a load, but so as not to cause harm, here i have an original exercise, the sage, very safe, very good, very simple, what we do is, we bring the elbow forward, turn the arm like this, create a rigid structure with the other hand under the elbow, hold the sage position is necessary for at least 5 seconds, this exercise can be used as first aid for jamming, if we talk about the general health of the entire shoulder girdle, then as morning exercises it is better to use multi-joint movements that involve, in addition to the neck, the chest,
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back and deltoid muscles , our arms are completely straight at an angle of 90° at the shoulder joint, our palms look at the floor, our neck looks, this is where we made it for ourselves, when we start making the movement, we bend our elbows, move our neck forward, palms we turn ourselves around, bring our shoulder blades together as much as possible, and strain our chest. we fix it like this for about five seconds, then i return to the starting position. if such physical practices seem too difficult to you, then pilates masters advise resorting to the help of a simulator, which can be an ordinary wall. you will need to stand with your back to the wall, press the back of your head and slowly point your chin to your chest, creating pressure with the back of your head against the wall. you glide straight down with your chin down and raise your head so that... your chin is parallel to the floor, then, creating pressure with the occipital protuberances against the wall, you
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roll your head straight from left to right, feeling a pleasant pressure. at home, this exercise can be performed lying on the floor or in bed, as long as the surface is not too soft. interestingly, in some cases , even those who do not experience a lack of activity, for example, ardent fans of swimming, one of the most seemingly useful sports, can experience a jammed neck. most non-professional swimmers usually swim in ponds or pools. they swim with the so-called sochi breaststroke, this is when the body is in the water, and the head is lifted up, because of this , pinches, clamps, and pain appear in the cervical spine. several years of practicing swimming in a similar style can easily lead to subsequent protrusions and hernias, which completely compensate for the benefits of such sports . to avoid pinching the cervical vertebra, now i will show you one exercise: we lie down on the water, head we place our arms in one line with the spine. lower it down and slowly begin to work with your feet. by regularly performing such exercises, you can count not only on
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good posture and the absence of pain in the neck, but also on improved cognitive abilities, because neck exercises improve blood circulation in the brain, thereby supplying it with additional oxygen. cosmonauts are also nowhere without oxygen; they still have to navigate the vastness of the universe, and besides, there is a possibility that we are not alone in it. an international team of scientists has found signs extraterrestrial civilizations, she discovered. can build giant structures around . according to the hypothesis, highly developed civilizations of stars, in order to use their energy for their further development, can be detected by the characteristic infrared radiation that the marked stars possess, but are these traces really left by our alien neighbors with...
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such a long-lasting, next week, jupiter will move from the sign of taurus to the sign of gemini; it will be there for almost a year, that is , it will take a long, long time, so those whoever was born under the sign of gemini will definitely experience this jupiterian state at one time or another, this is a good state, it gives a person, given that there will be a connection, it gives a person healthy ambitions, and maybe a person has never thought about it, but what am i here?
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well, approximately, you said that the next week should be easier, if - by areas of activity we speak, then where is it better, where it may not be so easy it will, as you said, come to the fore, more will still come out about work, about our activity, activity, social realization, well
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, everything that concerns personal relationships comes into the background, so if we take may 26, that is , sunday, monday, then there will be a tense aspect from mars, which says: even if it’s sunday, then you shouldn’t lie on the couch, you need to be active, active, in general, implement something, but laziness is not welcome, on monday, no matter how much we really want to stress on monday and want to stretch out the weekend, but straight into battle, into battle, activity, so that everything was burning right in my hands and everything it was argued, towards the end of the week, well... so we take thursday, friday, there saturn will be a tense aspect of the sun with venus , so he will begin to freeze - all our ambitions or all our endeavors, he will still be there - this is the feeling debt, that is , everything that we have to do thursday friday, but didn’t finish,
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will come back to us next monday, and as for your personal life, you said that yes, but not to that extent. as work issues, but still, what should be paid attention to and how to transfer are these recommendations for your personal life? let’s divide, there are female planets in the horoscope, there are male planets in the horoscope, he is a little female, ambitions will also rise, you will want more gifts to make the queen feel like you, well, what can you do to feel like a queen, but here this state will go up a little. scalable, in this case men need to act according to the principle: first for me, then for my woman. well, well, well, golden words, i ’ll cuddle, i’m a good astrologer, come more often, the meaning of what, through a woman’s ambition, a man must understand, must understand himself, that he
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can cheer himself up a little with some acquisitions. then what is this? these are tickets to hell, the premiere on the russia channel, you put two strangers in the same room, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your novel, were you following me, i i'm filing for divorce, melody for two, from
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monday at 21:20, dear blood, mom, you're still at school why? like this little parent meeting, like this little parent meeting? well, you and i are the class teacher. what should i do, i’ll come, you react so calmly, well, the punks are growing, so why do you offer a belt? no, well , of course the belt is too much, but somehow it needs to be stricter, this is discipline, dictatorship, don’t even
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start, there must be love, the expert and i will talk about the correct reactions of parents very soon. cunningly, look, he reports such things from behind the fence, yes, what if someone offended him there? titani hotel. where is everyone moment is exclusivity. wrap yourself in comfort by our swimming pools. relax in the salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your holiday is your rules. titanic delux golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. you are looking at 100 to one, what is our task to open the whole board, we can handle it, if you ask, then with a podbokh, the name of which character from
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pushkin’s works everyone knows, how much will it be 7.8, 7.8, 7.8, how many, who on work, a lot and speaks loudly, if you answer, then with humor. i cut oak, don’t pluck, problems with water, light, housing and communal services, i don’t know what else, geometry, algebra, physics, chemistry - this is a set for a headache, god forbid now, if you win, then hurray, 100 to one , today tomorrow on rtr, are you happy?
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historical auction, as the largest auction of princess diana's belongings in the last 30 years has already been dubbed, will be held in new york at the end of june. 150 lots, including personal and work items of lady di and other members of the royal family. when is it under the hammer in december? one of the dresses sold for a record $1,140.00, the organizers decided not to stop, they will sell evening dresses made of purple silk. spanish style lace and a pink floral shirt dress. by the way, diana knew the economics of fashion well and tried to wear things many times. that is, they will be
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pretty worn. yes. the atmosphere of the unusual is now enveloping the royal family ; our colleague anna aksyonova tried to figure out some of the secrets. good morning, how quickly other people's children grow up. we are all with you we've heard this expression, and indeed it is so. but what if they are... are these children really strangers and do they even exist? these questions are increasingly being asked by british citizens and viewers around the world. there are too many secrets around the noble fathers, many ambiguous statements from their parents and really king charles ii. nenorokom revealed his son’s biggest secret, and was it nenorokom? a powerful wave of new questions about children arose after mega negari's recent visit to nigeria. there they visited a kindergarten, a school and... in 3 days mentioned their kids so many times that they completely confused observers, for example, mack said that her daughter lilly beth, who will soon turn 3 years old, is engaged in dancing and
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recently said: “mom, i see myself in you, the girls are not yet three, we remind you.” . five-year-old archie has been designing at the age of 5, goes to kindergarten at the school, to kindergarten without documents. “i love being a mom so much, we have two beautiful, healthy, talkative children ,” mack said. chatty? according to gary, the girl is not speaking yet. but he studies at the age of 3, we remember, yes, in the end the opinions were as follows: the children are not entirely healthy, they are not being raised by their parents, there are no children at all, the children are rented, and the most important questions are why the spouses did not take them with them, why every time they find mack and harry with completely different children. a lot of questions arose about megan’s image, her iron was broken, she doesn’t know how to use it, she drove another one crazy... the au pair ran away with the iron, why are all her dresses wrinkled, why does the hem flop on the ground, because this dress must be returned later, it
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is for rental, the audience immediately spoke out, and megan’s open back, we don’t even dare to voice statements on this topic, well, maybe she really didn’t think that she was going half naked to school, maybe she wasn’t informed, but suddenly , the king was not told what form it would be in, they made a surprise, no, this is not a joke, not a prank, this is really the first official portrait of charles ii in red shades in honor of the year since the coronation, a unique artistic style, some said that - then from the fiery ones. the depths of the underworld, others thought. it is reported that the artist wanted to give the painting dynamism and highlight the contrast between the traditional past and modern trends. there was a contrast, yes. by the way, the king himself invented the butterfly. whether he liked the picture or not, no one could tell from his facial expression. maybe the red robe that charles wore at the coronation inspired the style of the canvas? but it was precisely that mantle that dotted the i’s, observers say. the robe is really heavy,
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really. must be carried, and it is honorable, until recently this was done by the king’s grandson george, he carried it normally, he didn’t disgrace his family, so why this time it wasn’t him, but this stranger’s boy, so maybe he’s not a stranger, his subjects immediately remembered that prince william was credited with an affair with his friend catherine, whom she later excommunicated, here she is , rose henberry, and the boy with the robe is her son, the fact that he is still the illegitimate son of william still needs to be proven, of course, but who will allow this, so let him... bear it for himself, the king decided. william's legitimate children have not been seen much by his subjects lately either. many people remember these regular photo of a noble family. the audience watched charlotte and george grow, saw the grimaces of ozarny louis, and then suddenly there was silence. even traditional photos on the heirs’ birthday are not published. you can understand difficult situations in the family, not enough photos, not enough protocols, which increasingly remain somewhere in the past. but
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to understand harry and... the audience doesn’t find any sane reasons while they wait, so when will megan and harry show their children? there is an opinion that spouses are waiting for the right moment to steal attention to themselves, because no matter what the event did not happen in the royal family, everyone will immediately rush to discuss the appearance of lily and archie, they don’t seem to look alike, they are strangers and so on, or maybe there are no such plans, maybe the children will wait until they come of age, away from prying eyes, viewers say, we’ll see if we want everything. i'll see you on saturday today and chat. let's continue talking about children. psychologists told how parents can build a healthy, trusting relationship with their child. and they did this using the example of movie characters, mrs. weasley from the series of films about harry potter, the parents of the baby from the cartoon about carlson and even the mother of zhenya lukashina from everyone’s favorite irony of fate. each of them responds in their own way to the requests, questions and complaints of their film children. and, as it turned out,
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it is not always correct. which can not only ruin family relationships, but cause irreparable damage to the future of your child. how to avoid this, we’ll find out from a psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, lev perezhogin, lev olegovich, good morning, good, hello, but if we take the listed character, let’s say mother baby from carlson, she is so empathetic, lets him speak, listens, shows understanding, uncle fyodor’s mother is the opposite, she is so, well, not despotic. she’s like that, everything should be as she said, yes, well, for the time being, then she admitted she was wrong, well, that’s when they bought her a dress, took her to the sea, a second life, i would spend it here, curdled milk, yes, so there are excesses here and there, well, in fact, you know, there are no excesses here, there are no excesses, parenting strategies , they replace each other quickly change depending on what situation arises in the family and
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directly with... there is one pathological strategy of upbringing, this is when the child is rejected, when the child is not needed, when the parent does not participate in his fate at all, all other relationships are productive, only each needs to be given its own place, but if you try to group all productive relationships, you will get four groups: the first group is suppressive, the second group is stimulating, and each in turn is divided into two: passive the attitude of a parent, with the active attitude of a parent. the simplest option is when the parent tells the child: “i’ll do it for you myself.” so. this is a suppressive position, this is the active position of parents. what does this mean? there's nothing wrong with it when it's appropriate. the fact is that it often turns out that a child is given some kind of task that is obviously beyond his capabilities. and then this position
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is appropriate, then, well, parents. a person who has not read a single book is not as stupid as one who has read only one. so, we have sorted out the active suppressive, there is passive suppressive, it is a little softer, the parent says: i will tell you how to do it, do as i said, or
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i will show it too, or i will show you, but you will do as i said, that is, the parent no longer takes himself everything, but there are stimulating positions, the stimulating position is active, parental, let’s do it together, and the parent is involved, and the child is involved, and finally, there is a stimulating passive position, when the parent says: do as you see fit, if something goes well not so, i can come to you at any time help, call, help, all these positions are constructive, only each of them gradually opens up a new and new range of possibilities for the child, but then when we...
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for this, parents, in turn, have methods of motivation, in one case, this my own example, look, i also brush my teeth every morning, so i’ll do like dad, i’ll brush my teeth every morning. we are now talking about a good situation at home, let's go there, let's go here, some misdemeanor has happened, take zhenya lukashe's mother, well, you're my golden one, you, well, that's okay terrible, or do you still need to build it somehow differently so that the child develops, well, some kind of... scale, morality, what else will happen in this case, in this case there will be an appropriate strategy, do as i said, go , apologize, correct the situation, but how can we understand what we are doing this way and what we are doing wrong, if
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not to get hung up on one model, by answering with biblical truth, by their fruits, you will recognize them, and i would answer with the words of zhenya lukashin’s mother, we’ll wait and see , well, this is the same thing, we understand you, thank you very much. about how to build healthy relationships with your children, we spoke with a doctor, psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, lev perezhogin. thank you very much, thank you, you are happy, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, alone, movies on weekends, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do , we leave, she chooses, wow, decide with whom, one is good, the other. worthy, which of them two, adult daughters, premiere, today at 21:00, i said, i want a white cat, here comes oh, you’re good, he loves grab there, so voice, give me a paw, give me a paw,
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well done, the stars are ready to do anything for the sake of their beloved pets, where are you flying after the performance in a hurry, that's it guys, i need to feed the hamster, you are in the circle of friends, in the circle of friends, a program for everyone families. today at 11:50 on the russia channel. the queen of the night bloomed in the greenhouse of the university botanical garden in st. petersburg. this is a cactus whose flower smells like vanilla. it opens at best once a year, mostly at night, and blooms only for a few hours. over the past 5 years this the phenomenon was recorded three times; the rare capricious plant is also called lunar. in the wild it grows as a cactus in the tropics, usually on trees or rocks, it came to russia in the 18th century, and since then it has been doing well here, well, since it blooms once a year, yeah, well, as for simpler plants, the time of planting them has changed somewhat because of
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the may frosts, some gardeners have only now gotten around to growing potatoes. our colleague svetlana abramova found out what nuances should be taken into account in order to grow a rich harvest, even now, when many summer residents give preference to... lawns and flower beds, the good old potato does not lose its popularity and on six hundred square meters there is always a place for it, if only there was a desire, or better yet, an assistant. sveta, hello, oh, hello, andrey, you, like a superhero, always appear when i need help. yes, we agronomists appear at the moment when the summer resident is about to make a mistake or is confused. how long have you been growing potatoes in this garden? oh, fourth, fifth year, the harvest is getting smaller and smaller every year. yes unfortunately. no, it's all because you don’t follow the main rule of agronomy, crop turnover, therefore the land is depleted, and the harvest is decreasing, pests are becoming more and more numerous, you should plant a second crop on the same... bed no more often than
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once every 3 years, alternating it with other cultures. the best predecessors for potatoes will be radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, beans and other cruciferous or legumes, including seserates, natural fertilizers that improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with nitrogen, but you should not plant potatoes after eggplants, tomatoes and peppers; they are common pest diseases. but since in your small area you don’t always have to observe culture. microflora, beneficial bacteria settle in the soil and prevent pathogens from progressing. and
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i propose to conduct an experiment, process potato tubers in different ways, and in the fall check which of them works. come on, summer resident experimenter. but it’s not worth experimenting and planting different varieties in the same bed. those that sprout earlier, in 40-50 days, will not only create shade, but will take away part of the nutrition from those that are only gaining the strength of late-ripening varieties that germinate at a minimum. 3-4 months, well, we plant the light in three ways, three, yes, i think you know the old grandfather’s method in the hole, simple, ingenuous, it works great, gives a good harvest, besides, with this option we additionally loosen the soil for joy our plantings, and although the potato crop is relatively unpretentious, it will still need to be hilled up during the season, because without hilling the steel and leaded shoots simply will not grow, this must be done. three times for summer, when the bushes reach a height of 15-20 cm,
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2-3 weeks after the first hilling and just before flowering, so you have to work with a shovel, the next method completely dispenses with this traditional country tool, oh, what a cry for a superhero, most likely for a super way to plant potatoes, you want not to dig them in the fall, get an early harvest, you still ask, of course i want it, then this method is especially for you, we spread the agro. window, if the material is thin, we fold it in two layers, due to the dark color it is active absorbs the sun's rays, warms the soil and at the same time allows moisture to pass through the air, make cross-shaped cuts at a distance of about 25-30 cm, and lay out our planting material. the buds, as you remember, should be located at the top, yeah, having seen the light of day, the shoots begin to actively grow, from above they continue to grow like ordinary plants, but those that are under...
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under the material, the potatoes can quickly rot; the last third method is not too early should i collect potatoes? no, of course it’s too early to collect them, so planting them in bags is the best thing this method has more than enough advantages: saving space per unit area, it is possible to harvest almost twice as much harvest, and mobility, potatoes in bags can be moved to another place at any time, and there is a minimum of work, there is no need to dig up the beds, again there are no weeds in bags grow, unwrap the bag, pour soil here, you can take it directly from the plot, yeah, you can buy it in a zhishka then there won’t be any pathogens here. we wrap the edges of the bag and lay out
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our potatoes here, three is enough, quite, here for such a bag, yeah, the potatoes will successfully take root, grow, there will be a vegetative mass, you and i will open the edges, add more soil here, accordingly, the potatoes will grow again, we will raise the edges again, add again, in other words, we will hill up, but there is also one more nuance, special attention should be paid to the material from which the bag is made, it is canvas, it is best to place it in a sunny place, nylon only in the shade, otherwise it will fall apart, near a wall or fence, where it will not get in the way, but you cannot completely forget about it. there is moisture in the bag evaporates more intensely, how should i water it? well, let’s go, if the soil is dry, naturally water it. yeah, anything else? well, based on scientific experience and folk wisdom, of course we do everything with love. that's for sure. and then spiderman's favorite dish, meatloaf, your
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meatloaf, it's king. meatloaf, prepare meatloaf exactly like in the movies, we’ll learn in just a few minutes. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time, on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. you always have to ask him for something. and something needs to be done. what about him? he's having
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a stroke. here we have a procedural nurse. you need money, i won't give it to you. if he is recognized. if she becomes a strong tranquilizer, you want to challenge the decision of the attending physician? good person, you can’t abandon good people in trouble, i always want to be with you, on sunday on rtr, the three hundredth episode of the program, hello andrey, we decided make a disco of the eighties, we were given fees with refrigerators and washing machines, so that’s how... the snow came out, a rubber sundress, black opaque stockings, and they cut me out. hello, andrey, andrey malakov’s anniversary show, today on rtr, what is it? this is the ticket to hell. premiere on rtr. you
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put two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, melody for yours, from monday on rtr, it's hot, finally, british traveler jace wingler poured boiling water of the shanaiti impishka river over instant noodles. the blogger traveled through the jungle in peru for a week and was most impressed by these seething streams. the temperature in different places of the reservoir is from 45 to 100, almost 100° celsius, the man even decided to take a dip in the coolest part, but admitted that it is better not to swim in such water, but to cook, it’s convenient, there is no need to light a fire and wait for
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the soup will be cooked. yeah, well, our maria lyagina likes a more complex dish than instant noodles . she found it in the movie "the amazing spider-man". recipe for meatloaf, what captivated his taste of the main character, let's find out, roll, your meatloaf, this is the king of meatloaves, there is clearly something wrong with him, yes, he likes it, your roll, that is, you are hinting that you don't like my roll, could have said that for 37 years. ago, how many rolls did i wear out on you, maybe the spider bite had such an effect on peter parker, or maybe his aunt just learned to cook, we don’t know, although how can you possibly spoil it? this dish, meatloaf, aka meatloaf, aka meatloaf, the dish is quite simple, grisha, hi, hi, why is meatloaf suddenly
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called bread, because it contains a huge amount of bread, to be honest, that is, in principle, when they came up with stolovskaya cutlets, it seems, mm, they took this recipe as a basis, yes, but it even outdid these stolovskaya cutlets, although the stolovskaya cutlets hardly contained, for example, pistachios, while i peel them, grisha is busy with vegetables, first onions, it needs to be cut into small cubes, grisha, tell me, would you like it? to have some kind of superpower, for example, like spider-man, that’s pooh-pooh, no, i don’t want to, but having the ability of spider-man makes your life extremely hectic, well, it’s true, you have to run somewhere all the time... to save someone, they didn’t even call you, but you still run and save, but i know one superpower of grisha, what? and i’m a dad, i’m a superhero, it’s just a superhero, but you have one more superpower, grisha chops onions fantastically, this is this - this is, this is 12 kg in 20 minutes, that’s just
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the superpower, i believe, is the vegetables in this wheel. are responsible for juiciness, bread, or rather breadcrumbs, will be responsible for fluffiness, and meat? yes, meat is really not the main story here, this is the first time i’ve seen this, honestly. in this roll, the meat is not the main thing, how can it be, well, there should be meat, well, it’s more for the taste, a good dish for a large family, or when guests come, yes, it’s not a shame to put it, they’ll eat it in a heartbeat, in addition to the onion, you also need garlic, you need it cut into thin discs, add sweet peppers and pistachios to the same bowl, all that remains is to cut the olives into small rings, finally we move on to the minced meat, it is better to take pork and beef, add eggs for viscosity. and mix the brisket for flavor, if you don’t have a mixer, then maria will be in every house, well, it’s expensive, yes, mix everything well,
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your mixer works at low speed, and you add breadcrumbs, you add breadcrumbs, and after that the minced meat must be i need to let it stand so that everything is absorbed, i also need to let it stand, i have this - the bread will swell, what do you have, what's your problem, the problem is that breadcrumbs are now like... on your hands, you know, that's all, it's very good, very useful, in my opinion i rubbed it on my hands, what a sissy, and for tenderness it's a roll we need to add a little dry milk, we don’t need extra moisture in this dish, but now we combine the vegetables and minced meat. the main secret of meatloaf is that it really should have - a thick dough like bread, the meat dough needs to be salted and flavored, but pepper alone will not be enough for our... meatloaf horseradish under the makeev brand is perfect; it is a classic seasoning with a spicy, pungent taste
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that will add brightness and piquancy to our dish. it’s interesting that horseradish must be added to the rest of the raw ingredients, they are already added to the finished dish, although you can also use it later. pour a little oil onto the bottom of the mold, then parchment, so it won’t stick, a little more oil and meat dough on top, we try to form the roll as tightly as possible. what are you doing? and i give it the shape of bread, sliced, sliced ​​loaf, yes, someone covers it, by the way, there is also some tomato sauce on top, very often, someone puts boiled eggs inside, well, that is , there are a lot of options for meat bread, meatloaf, choose the one that you can experiment with each time to get some new taste, we send meatloaf preheated to 180°. the finished meatloaf can be eaten hot or cold, we recommend trying both, it’s juicy, it’s
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rich in taste, because there’s really a lot of everything, yes, yes, it’s just a good sandwich, only everything is inside, it’s a very satisfying story, salt, by the way, you still need to be careful here, because salt is in olives, yeah. eat it in the brisket, it’s delicious, i agree with you, watch the movie and cook with pleasure, good morning and bon appetit, it’s good for the cows, you can even envy them, basking in the sun, wandering around the fields and all this to the accompaniment of a live orchestra, in the netherlands cow cows staged a concert, hearing the sound of trombone, saxophone, piano and double bass, animals left their usual activities and plunged into beauty, composer flavia vaas explained that cows have their own musical preferences.
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he says to himself: that’s it, i’ve already got enough for a new disc, it’s time to release it, when at what point? well, the work is complicated, in fact, information, inspiration, yes, comes from space, and new songs are born, well, how will it come together...
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that we are collecting some of the old songs , these are the high-quality editions of such old songs, and of course new ones. but it is planned for the new album to include all these songs that, so to speak, today we will hear and that will appear over the coming years time, i hope on the russia channel, including on the russia channel, first of all, let's give a microphone first of all, of course
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, we must hear a good song this morning , let's go, thank you. i will take away everything valuable from the previous days, the bright light is a glare from them. only the secret, i will open the doors to a new, new day, where a series of numbers is just a shadow, we will open the doors to a new world, the unknown, somewhere ahead, like, like, so many
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words. the notes are written in the arrow, the movement is counting down according to the years written down, the doors will open a new, new day, where there are only a series of numbers shadow, let's open the doors to a new world, the unknown, somewhere ahead. and i will open the doors to a new world, i am not afraid to go into it, i will open the doors to a new world, a journey, along a new path.
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how, how many words are written out in notes, the shooter keeps track of the progress, according to the years written down, now on a new, new day, because the series has reprimanded only you, i will open the doors to a new world, the unknown, somewhere ahead, i will open the doors to a new world , i’m not afraid to go into it, i’ll open
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doors to new ones. peace, travel in a new way, flogged mokoti. i will take away everything valuable from the old days.
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bravo, but i’ll tell you, entering a new day with a song like this is very nice, singer -composer alexander dobronravov, we have a studio on the set today, over to you, well, we lit it right up, thank you, andry, thank you, thank you for the wonderful song and we are waiting for a new meeting next week, this room is booked under our last names, i am not going to stay in the same room with this man, i don’t even know what to expect from this man, a melody for... you are visiting, i cried, i laughed, there is such energy of only good here, and you are a mechanic
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fifth category, well, i think after this program to the soul songs from the bottom of my heart. evening show by andrey malakhov tomorrow at 17:50. and then, degat, vodka, vanillin. what kind of cocktail is this? will folk remedies help protect against ticks? we'll figure it out after the news. it will definitely be fun. you are watching the news on the russia channel. good morning, andrey shintsi is in the studio. in the south-donetsk direction. the marines are advancing, there are many prisoners, we have made a decision, it is better to surrender, a shot, artillery supports the advance of troops to the center,
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a large forest fire in buryaati, the area of ​​​​fire 500 hectares, several outbreaks are located near populated areas. thousands of people walked through the city center with their flashlights on. the protest took place in tbilisi. at the beginning of the release about the progress of the special military operation, fire support for the offensive of the russian assault groups in the avdeevsky direction is provided by the artillery of the center group of forces. let's aim, shot! crews of gaub-30 and mortars 2 s12 sleds fire from closed firing positions with high explosive fragmentation.
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was to throw grenades, the second group had to do the order to trim the enemy, as they threw grenades, began to fire at it, the marines captured several soldiers of the national guard of ukraine, immediately
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before the battle they were asked to surrender to save their lives, i started yelling, well, so that they surrender, one prisoner immediately came out with his hands raised, he began to say that don't shoot the five of us, according to the prisoners, the marines are attacking the unit. it was a complete surprise, they came from the right side of us, where there was no one, and that area was not visible to us, suddenly everything happened, we made a decision, that it was better to surrender, cluster shells immediately flew into the positions occupied by attack aircraft from the eastern flank, a tank and mortars were working, the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof away and then finish us off. but fortunately nothing worked out for them, after which the enemy rolled back from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in a relatively safe place in the rear area; they came here for a short time to replenish
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their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. today the industrial area is in full productive under the control of our army, fierce battles for the village continue. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. international. the un court has ruled that israel must stop its offensive in rafah. the court also ordered the israeli side to take the necessary measures to ensure access to gaza for the mission to investigate allegations of genocide. meanwhile, israel's military operation in gaza continues, with almost 36,000 dead there. israeli actions led to the forced exodus of almost 2 million people from the gaza strip. some residents have been forced to move to the densely populated southern border city of rafah. with egypt, and now they have to look for a new refuge, israel also ordered to evacuate from rafah, a ground operation is planned there. thousands of people demonstrate against the law. about foreign agents took place in
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tbilisi. protesters walked through the city center with flashlights and flags of georgia, the eu and the usa. it is reported that the action ended without incident. earlier, the united states threatened the georgian authorities with a review of relations and sanctions if they did not lift law. parliamentarians passed the bill on foreign influence by a majority vote, after which the president.
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people - these are the detachments of the ministry of emergency situations, air security, employees of the nearest households and local residents. they have dozens of pieces of equipment at their disposal. people are also organizing meetings in nepal to stop the spread of fire. flooding in different regions of the planet in turkey , large amounts of water came to the southern and northwestern regions, flooding the streets of the city of addana. and in some places large hail was added to the rapid flows. indonesia's strongest the floods don't stop. the state of rio grande dusul, affected by unprecedented floods, is not left alone; powerful flows even demolished temporary bridges built by the brazilian military. despite the fact that the water began to recede a few days ago, bad weather still complicates restoration work. all news is available on the media platform, watch it in the application or on the website. don't
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switch. welcome to the newest pixos hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas rodomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything is created for happiness and the comfort of children of their parents. escape from everyday life. into a world of endless entertainment, enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmel sheikh. when i was building the dacha, the foreman told me this, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, now everything will be, now everything will be, the roof was powdered, the pipes were covered with nail polish. normal, cosmetically. renovation,
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let's do it again, parade of humor, premiere, today on rtr, happy you, galina fedorovna, children, grandchildren, and you are alone, alone, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, we fell in love, and what should we do, we move away, she chooses. what to decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two, adults, daughters, premiere, today on rrt, should you trust your own intuition or your neighbor? it's time
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to decide, catch me if you can, a big music show, in general, i'm confused, on friday on rtr, good morning, hello, what's on saturday? right there, scientists from the university of washington has found out which colors attract these insects and which, on the contrary, repel them, so write down, do not wear red, orange, black and blue. it turned out that the carbon dioxide that people exhale distorts the visual spectrum of itching people, and some of these shades become attractive. according to statistics
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, over the past few years , almost 1,500 people in russia have died from infections transmitted by these bloodsuckers and repellents are not suitable for everyone, but will folk recipes help, let’s find out: give it to mom, give it shall i see what's in the ears? well, luckily it’s not a tick, right now probably every first owner of a furry pet recognized himself, although dog handler anastasia kloptsova relatively calmly constantly examines her dogs, they give her special pills, just like a person who walks with these dogs... polis lives in constantly searching for a safe repellent. of course, i would like something so that i could apply something natural, something biological to the body, all these toxins, they are very chemical, there are still unprotected parts of the body. it’s not surprising that you won’t find any recommendations on dog owner forums.
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for years i have been using 50 grams of tar , mixing it with half a liter of water in a spray bottle, spraying clothes, shoes and knees. the old ancestral method is a decoction of snuff. you can also rub yourself with wormwood. i dilute a packet of vanillin in 200 g of vodka and pour it into a spray bottle. use it! it remains to figure out which of this really works, if it works in principle, because in order to boil an insect using this or of a different aroma, you need to understand whether they feel them at all? ticks sense odors, they have certain sensors that react to odors, these are products of the sebaceous glands, carbon dioxide, they are attracted by the smell of animals underneath. which the tick catches even from 10 m with the help of a unique multifunctional apparatus, the haller organ, so it would seem that the odors should work, alas, there is one thing. they conducted an experiment in laboratory conditions, yes, there are aromatic substances that repel them, but in nature this percentage
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decreases, wind, then solar radiation, make adjustments, which means that in order to appear unattractive to a tick, the aroma must be very concentrated, the fisherman with... dmitry found this, liquid smoke is the surest remedy for ticks, this smell will knock a horse off its feet, not like a tick, and not every person can stand it without becoming disgusted with himself, there is also the option of essential oils, lemon eucalyptus, peppermint, cloves, tea tree and lavender, science-proven favorites in the fight against ticks, although there are nuances, the intense aroma of pure oil can cause headaches or allergies, experts advise: if it is for adults, then the base can be alcohol, if these are children-animals, then it is a water base, and we drop - generally 10 drops of essential oil, that is enough, let's say five lavender, i take five tea trees, you can also use
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odorless neutral oils as the basis of the mixture from grape seeds, toad, wheat germ and rice, there are many options, they are used in perfumery, in the end there is a chance to create your own anti-mite perfume, what else do you need to know about ticks and the infections they carry? our colleagues, elena nikolaeva and andrei petrov asked an entomologist, a researcher at the department of general ecology and hydrobiology of the faculty of biology of lomanosov moscow state university, vadim marinsky. vadim, hello, now we’ll figure it out, because in fact, you, scientists and your colleagues, doctors, they really confused us, it seems to me so, because i began to look, compare articles and found out that there is so much advice, what do what
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what not to do when encountering a tick, what to understand, but what really needs to be done and how, yes, right down to which way to twist it out of the skin, counterclockwise, clockwise, how, where? what should he do next? well, first of all , i would like to immediately say that the most important thing is to try to prevent the tick from biting for a long time, well, the general, general point of view was that the faster you pull the tick out, the less likely it is to transmit the pathogen.
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it takes a long time to leave, it can fester, so if you are not sure, go to a medical institution, there it is instantly, we are like this for people for breakfast, and that’s already it. in siberia, there are other types of ixodid ticks that run along the soil at the speed
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of an ant and can directly catch up with a person, but again it is important to treat the lower half and burn it out, another interesting one, another interesting point that i found out for myself, i’m still i was wondering why it is forbidden to smear ticks with all sorts of adicalon and oil before pulling them out, it turns out, so that you can then normally... study it, because if it is anointed with something, in laboratories will not accept him, it is very important that he is alive, or just pulled out, why? because if you have it lying around for several days, then, strictly speaking, you can understand whether it was over-bearing, i think that the laboratory has 72 hours to study it at all, well, in a person, until he begins to have any consequences, like once you have removed the tick, you need to place it in some container and try to create it.
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here is this hypothetical bouquet that the soda mite can carry, a bouquet of diseases, it is very large and diverse, there is a virus.
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we need the basics, in any case, we need naboriliosis, also known as lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis, okay, strawberry discounts, armed, experienced person, if i need anything, i ’ll call you, our questions were answered by an entomologist, a researcher at the department of general ecology and hydrobiology, faculty of biology , lomanosov moscow state university , vadima marinsky, thank you very much, vadim, you ran away from the orphanage five times , six, naughty. go to one place, even bad people reform there,
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soon, when i was building a dacha, the foreman said this to me he said, we won’t let you down, i didn’t let you down, i didn’t let you down with gas, i didn’t let you down with water supply, now everything will be fine, now everything will be fine, the roof has been powdered, the pipes have been coated with nail polish, normal cosmetic repairs, let’s do it again... parade of humor , premiere, today at 14:50 on the russia channel. how tired am i of your nonsense? i’m trying, i want it to be better, before your arrival it was great, to be honest. adult daughters, premiere. today at 21:00. on a car on rails , a blogger-engineer decided to turn a three-wheeled electric car means of transportation by rail. i bought spare parts on the marketplace, fitted
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train wheels to the front axle, and strengthened the rear one. i conducted a test drive on an old railway. the first attempt was unsuccessful, the mini-locomotive got stuck, but the second time it worked and now the guy has his own little personal train. the main thing on this road is not to meet a real train, otherwise you won’t turn off. but to create a work of art from anything, you need paints, beads of faith will not let you collect, cups of espresso. and a little imagination we’ll see how, for example, you can remake sneakers beyond recognition; we’ve collected the most interesting options on the internet. our coffee is ready, i wish you a pleasant coffee drink, girl. can i please have a cappuccino with lactose-free milk, 15 cups, just don’t pour it into the cups right away, here please, no, i don’t drink coffee by the bucketful, i need that much to transform my sneakers, first we brew the coffee, you can take instant coffee, let it cool and we send the shoes swimming for 12 hours, just look at this color, noble
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vintage, despite the fact that i have already tried to wash them several times, they are still very strong... coffee, i don’t like coffee, you can immerse the sneakers in water with paint, you will get bright, bold stains, but if you want something completely original then we arm ourselves with masking tape, special paints and brushes, the result is some kind of garbage, of course, customizing sneakers is an entire art, real artists select paints, draw small details, even copy world masterpieces or make cartoon characters out of shoes. client gave me this typewriter and asked me to do a painting in this one. style, painting alone didn’t do it, the input included false parts and toy wheels, but when it comes to your favorite sneakers, you don’t mind anything at all, not pearls, not rhinestones. i needed 2,600 chinese rhinestones, do you think this is a lot or a little? a lot, a little, the main thing is that it is beautiful, although some will not agree with me. someone is chasing not appearance, but technical characteristics, for example, these guys tried to make
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sneakers more bouncy and supplied them with trampoline system. it's so easy to jump now. it’s like you’re not doing anything at all, but this guy has gone the furthest in customization, he makes sneakers from the most non-standard materials, for example, he put an entire car into work, took seat upholstery, steering wheel, license plate, floor mats and wheel parts, from everything he cut out the parts and sewed them together, using the same scheme, he made sneakers from a pumpkin, using the peel and seeds, another of his masterpieces was sneakers from fish scales, he bought frozen fish, after which he cut out the fish skin and left it to dry for a long time, then from this co...
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are jellyfish really capable of learning, we’ll ask an expert soon. welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada, where luxury rooms and villas combine with 1 km of golden sandy beach. impeccable service, exquisite. the kitchen will make your holiday unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details, a celebration of refined
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tastes, a variety of entertainment, golden beach. and azure waves. lio-resorts, we are here for you. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr. will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, and stability.
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"i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out. a melody for yours, from monday on rtr. oink asana. in the american spencer, yoga with the three little pigs has become a sieve. wilbur, charlotte and bluey run among people, carefully making sure that they do it correctly carried out." red book monkeys call visitors
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diana, in 2018 they had a cub, now the young female is already six years old, she still lives with her parents, as it happens in nature. every morning diana's monkeys at the moscow zoo begin with grooming; the young female very carefully examines her mother's fur. cleans it and combs it; in nature, they look after each other this way, and throughout their lives, and not just while the cubs are growing. dianas live in rather complex communities, which consist of a dominant male, respectively, females with cubs and young males and, respectively, young females, while young males, as soon as they become adults, they are immediately expelled from this group, that’s what they call girls, they remain throughout their lives in this group, they are very strong. connection with the mother; in the wild , the number of their group can reach 50 individuals. a family of three monkeys now lives in the moscow zoo: the male tuvei was brought from austria in 2016, the mother
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feona from novosibirsk. pair quite easily they got together in 2018 and they had a daughter. the baby was named viola. since then, however, there have been no more cubs, but zoologists hope that these bright premates will still have offspring, because their population is in nature. west africa, in the territory of guinea, the republic of cotevoir and the republic of ghana. due to their very limited habitat and massive deforestation, the animals are included in the international red book as a species at risk of extinction. this rare species of african primate is considered. one of the brightest representatives of their family, they have very unusual contrasting color, there is a version that thanks to him the diana monkey got its name, she has a pronounced
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white outline of her face, that same black spot that is on the head, which represents the bare skin, here is one of the researchers it seemed that the facial expressions of diana the monkey, and the actual shape of the head itself, were somewhat reminiscent of the ancient greek goddess of the hunt, diana, therefore. the monkey received this name, it itself is extremely impressive, it is such a mixture of very contrasting, bright stripes of black, white and red colors. dianas lead a diurnal lifestyle, spend most of their time in the crown of trees; it is not very difficult to keep them in captivity, the main thing is that there are more structures for climbing. they are not as fastidious as some other primate species, especially those from south america. primates that are in south america, they receive our coverage. is not very suitable, so they receive additional vitamins d throughout the year; our
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lighting is enough for the monkeys, even though there are lamps with a certain range, but here it’s a little simpler. they receive feed that is rich in micro-macroelements and vitamins. the main diet of these monkeys in the zoo consists of fruits, vegetables, boiled chicken and nuts. in the wild, diana is an omnivore. they eat everything that can be found in the forest, including lizards, fish, small crabs, insect snails, but of course, it’s not enough to find such prey, it still needs to be caught or obtained, so in captivity animals are not given lunches in bowls, but in different ways hide food so that their behavior is as natural as possible, these are plastic bottles where dates are placed, here are hazelnuts on top of shavings, animals sometimes unscrew the lid. sometimes they tear the bottle with their fangs and take out these tasty treats, also volunteers, sometimes the cubes make these
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paper balls, i also put shavings here, i also put peanuts, apples, and pomegranates there. diana, the current family of monkeys , is not the first in the moscow zoo; before that , a pair of these rare monkeys were already kept in the primate pavilion, they managed to do it. reproduced throughout their lives, but these monkeys live minimum 20 years. tove and fiona are not yet elderly, they are about 15 years old, so viola may still have brothers and sisters. and while some tourists watch rare monkeys in the zoo, others come face to face with wildlife. the coastline of anapa was occupied by a horde of jellyfish, a video with thousands of transparent gelatinous animals. tourists actively posted on social networks that they literally transformed the sea. and not a tourist, just a jellyfish in thick jelly. experts explain that the invasion of these marine inhabitants is associated with the action of active storms and winds, which and kill invertebrates. to the shore,
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we’ll talk about them with the director of the department of aquatic biological resources of their habitat at the all-russian research institute of fisheries of oceanography, kirill kiva. kirill, good morning, hello, good morning, this is really what’s the matter, is it just the weather or something else that influenced this outbreak? i would say that yes, it’s the weather, it’s the current, jellyfish are zooplankton, well, some of them move with the contraction of the dome, yes they move, but rather chaotically, their task is simply... not to sit in one place to look for food, so currents can bring them there either to one area or to another, in the black sea there are two main mass species of jellyfish - this is the aurilia root, what is this about now there was news about anapa, this is aurelia, this is a small jellyfish up to 30 cm, which of them are dangerous and is it worth meeting them in open water or better, well, look, in the black sea, in the sea of ​​azov.
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there is no great danger from any jellyfish, other than discomfort, apparently, yes, definitely, well sometimes you can play with them, especially the aurelians, and so the root rod, which is larger, you can see that it has such, well, tentacles, in fact , these are not tentacles, you can play, you said, but this is when he sneezed, turning away from the beach, and then i turned around and here’s a game for honey, i won’t encourage you to play with jellyfish, or any other living organisms in general. but sometimes you can throw honey at your neighbor as a joke, it ’s fun, so look, the root rod leaves burns if you touch these oncoming tentacles, well, these are not tentacles, let's call them that, a burn, like from nettles, well , maybe some people are more susceptible to this, maybe some kind of allergy, well, yes, but after a few hours everything should go away, some scientists even found out, that they have some kind of simple
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nervous system. and that it can learn, german and danish scientists have found that a jellyfish can learn, in this case it can learn not to swim close to the shore. it is believed that jellyfish can - feel changes in pressure, atmospheric pressure and - go to depth when, as it were, in advance, well before the arrival of the storm, well, because the storm is unpleasant for them, while, as we ourselves see in this case, many jellyfish nevertheless do not have time to avoid the fate of getting ashore with storms. the system is just, well, in general , by and large, it seems to be almost absent , and well, this kind of statement like training jellyfish, well, after all, this is a big exaggeration, i heard somewhere that if you cut it in half, there will be two jellyfish , these are losses and about games, i’m about food, let’s talk, by the way, i’ll go over it later, but about reproduction in general. their main way
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of reproduction is still sexual, oddly enough, there are boy jellyfish and girl jellyfish, yeah, well, at least they distinguish each other, well, it’s not quite like that, they don’t meet, you know, there they don’t go to the movies or, of course, they don’t have a nervous system, yes, there, well, when everything ripens in boys, their sexual products enter the water, and then enter the girls’ jellyfish, cornerots, aurelia, also usually in the spring, well, at the beginning ,
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an inorganic substance from the ecosystem, a person could somehow consume them or maybe they could be useful in terms of some cosmetic products? yes, listen, this is a very interesting question - jellyfish on the face, the jellyfish patch, yes, jellyfish are eaten , mainly by east asian peoples, the jellyfish must be fermented, the pickled jellyfish must be pickled in a barrel, roughly speaking, it’s jellied anyway . and this technology allows you to get rid of excess moisture, because in the body of a jellyfish 96 there may be more, even a little percent, taken up by water, this water will produce such transparent chips, apparently they make chips too, they dry them, well, in general, it’s too complicated, it’s easier to go fishing, it’s true, we understand, thank you very much, in our studio there was the director of the department of aquatic biological resources of their habitat of the all-russian research institute of fisheries oceanography, kirill kiva, thank you
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thank you, everything is definitely fine with you, you just never usually stay late, the premiere is on the russia channel, will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you brazenly write a trip into your schedule, happiness, good luck, anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here, this is my number, dmitry miller, you have to admit that you like me, when we switched to the answer, alexey fatiev, who is there with you, me? one, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it all out, melody for two, from monday at 21:20,
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the best of the best, for the first time museums received awards, national awards in the field of museum affairs is named after dmitry sergeevich likhachev, the largest russian culturologist. both the museums themselves and the professions associated with them. the best caretaker, curator, tour guide, restorer, director, museum projects and routes were chosen in sixteen nominations. the winners took part in the international festival intermuseum, which will last until may 26. a unique exhibition dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the creation of the famous soviet growth window posters has opened in the exhibition hall of the federal archives. many of the exhibits have never been exhibited, so take a look. comrades, go like this
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defense if you don't want to help the baron. the bourgeoisie of the whole world watches the congress of soviets with sadness. but the inexperienced masses looked at each new propaganda work, contemporaries recalled with obvious pleasure. that's a fat funny one. bloodsucker, ugly representatives of the entente, here is a strong proletarian fist clenching a weapon or a working tool, everything for the fight, everything for the victory of the world revolution, they really stopped the crowd of people, sometimes illiterate, with bright spots of color, and really clearly explained the new situation in the country, completely the young country of the soviets, experiencing, of course, one of the most difficult periods in its history: famine, devastation, civil war, but from every empty storefront, a call, and even with biting humor and rhyme, from the bagmen of a number more than from wrangel and poland , a series of propaganda posters written in 1919-1921 by poets and artists working in the system of the russian
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telegraph agency, abbreviated growth, so called the windows of satire. of the dozens of creators of these amazing unique works of mass media, perhaps the most enthusiastic was, of course, the legendary mayakovsky, and one of the most famous soviet poets. not only was he brilliant with his words, writing loud signatures and slogans, but he himself was an excellent cartoonist. he was a wonderful artist, and many who come to this exhibition discover mayakovsky as an artist. usually, rostovites divided functions. artists among them, mikhail cheremnykh, dmitry moor, ivan malyutin and kazimir malevich painted, and poets mikhail volpin and boris timofeev erobkin came up with loud signatures. if someone was overtaken creative crisis, mayakovsky personally always came to the rescue, because there was a new edition. they were waiting urgently, some event was happening at the front, relatively speaking, in 40 minutes a slogan should be ready and a poster should be written, a poster created, at least 300 per week, stencils and maximum simplicity of pictures and font were saved, well, the impact of caustic, and
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sometimes menacing proclamations can be felt even centuries later. most likely, i would go to my girlfriends, take them by the hands and bring them to show the same thing, tell them about my family, perhaps at the factory, if i worked there. immersion in history is helped not only by the posters themselves, but also by the personal belongings of the authors of windows of growth, collected together for the first time: pencils, paper and stencils that still retain the smell of paint, as well as unique photographs and documents. you can plunge into the post-revolutionary atmosphere and get acquainted with the masterpieces of the soviet avant-garde until june 9. and then, spider-man's favorite dish. meatloaf, your meatloaf, this is the king of meatloaves, prepare meatloaf exactly like in the movies, we’ll learn in a few minutes.
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my dears, you are all so different, i really want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter, wow, you actually have two cups, what do you have, i won’t allow it. now continue to lie about your mother, adult
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daughters, the premiere, today on rtr, it’s hot, finally, british traveler jay swindler poured boiling water over instant noodles from the shonai tishka river, the blogger spent a week traveling through the jungle in peru more than anything else... but admitted that it is better not to swim in such water, but to cook. convenient, no need to light a fire and wait for the soup to cook. yes, well, our maria lyagina loves a more complex dish than instant noodles . in the movie the amazing spider-man, she found a recipe for meat loaf. what was it about the protagonist’s taste that captivated him so much? let's find out. meatloaf, your meatloaf, this is the king
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of meatloaf, there's clearly something wrong with him, yes, he likes your meatloaf, so you 're implying that you don't like my meatloaf, you could have said that 37 years ago, how long? i've had a lot of rolls on you, maybe a spider bite so. i surpassed this, although there were hardly any pistachios in the cafeteria cutlets, for example, while i
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peel them, grisha is busy with the vegetables, first the onion, it needs to be cut into small cubes. grisha, tell me, would you like to have some kind of superpower, for example, like spider-man, that’s fluff, no, i don’t want to, but having spider-man’s ability makes your life extremely hectic, well, it’s true, you need it all the time to run somewhere, to save someone, they didn’t even call you, but you still run and save, but i... i know one grisha’s superpower, what, and i’m a dad, i’m a superhero, it’s just a superhero, but you have another superpower, grisha is fantastic at chopping onions, this, this, this, 12 kg in 20 minutes, yes, just a superpower, i think , the vegetables in this roll are responsible for the juiciness, the bread, or rather breadcrumbs, will be responsible for the splendor. and the meat, yes the meat is really not
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the most important story here, this is the first time i’ve seen this, honestly, in a meatloaf the meat is not the main thing, how can it be, well , there should be meat, well, it’s more like it for the taste, good a dish for a large family, or when guests come, yes, they will shamelessly eat anything left, in addition to the onions, you will also need garlic, it must be cut into thin disks, bell peppers and pistachios go into the same bowl, cut the olives into small rings. and finally, we move on to the minced meat. it's better to take pork and beef. add eggs for viscosity and brisket for flavor. mix. if you don’t have a mixer, then maria is for you. every home, well, it’s expensive, yes, it mixes everything well, your mixer is running at low speed, and you add breading, you add breadcrumbs, and after that the minced meat must be allowed to stand so that everything is absorbed, i also need to let this stand - the bread will swell there, what do you have,
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what is your problem, the problem is that breadcrumbs are now like a peeling on your hands , you see, this is all very good, very useful, i think i got it. basone hands, what a sissy, and for tenderness you need to add a little dry milk to the roll, we don’t need excess moisture in this dish, and now we combine the vegetables and minced meat. the main secret of meatloaf is that it really it should have a dense dough like bread. the meat dough needs to be salted to saturate it with flavors, but pepper alone will not be enough. horseradish under the mahaev brand is perfect for our meatloaf; it is a seasoning with a spicy , pungent taste that will give our dish brightness and piquancy. it’s interesting that horseradish should be added to the rest of the raw ingredients, and not already to the finished dish, although it can also be added later. pour a little oil onto the bottom of the mold, then parchment, so it won’t stick, a little more oil and meat dough on top. we try
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form the roll as tightly as possible. what are you doing? and i give it the shape of bread. sliced, rifled. yes, by the way, someone very often covers the top with some kind of tomato sauce, someone puts boiled eggs inside, well, that is , there are a lot of options for meat bread, meatloaf, choose the one that suits you, that is, you can experiment each time to get some new taste, put the meatloaf in the oven preheated to 180°, time 20 hours, top-bottom mode, the finished meatloaf is ready. hot and cold, we advise you to try and this and that, it’s juicy, it’s rich in taste, because there’s really a lot of everything, yes, yes, a good sandwich, only everything is inside, it’s a very satisfying story, salt, by the way,
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you still need to be careful here, because there’s salt in the olives, yup, there is salt in the brisket, very tasty, i agree with you, watch a movie and... cook with pleasure, good morning and bon appetit! the famous costume from the cult film dune in reality. engineers from canada have created clothing, or rather a device that converts moisture from breath into water. they took a waterproof suit as a basis and integrated cooling elements into it. moisture is collected through a special hole with filters and flows into the bottle. in the process of testing the suit, after a sauna and long exercises on a white exercise machine, we managed to collect a little less. water, well, life-giving moisture, well, our scientists have figured out how to quickly detect dangerous objects under clothes and diagnose cancerous tumors, terahertz scanners are capable of this, about the new technology andrey alekseenko: lighters, belts, keys, put them in the tray and go through, a phrase that everyone who has ever been
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to an airport has heard. it’s clear that they look for metal first, forgetting about other hazardous materials; to detect ceramic plastic objects you need a special scanner, it consists of. from a powerful radiation source, a horn antenna, a cylindrical mirror, under which there is a special sub-terohertz camera, it is this that registers the reflected signal, the scanning itself takes place in real time, for example, for screening passengers at the airport you do not have to send a special capsule, the radiation is invisible, it also stands, it can stand behind a wall, it illuminates an object, the reflected electromagnetic waves fall on our detector and the lenses draw an image, and we can see what is hidden under... clothes. essentially, the computer captures the shadow created by objects through which the electromagnetic waves of the emitter have not passed. it is very important that, unlike most analogues , there is no gamma radiation harmful to health here. scientists in another russian laboratory went even further. a terahertz scanner was created here. it's planned
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used in a variety of areas, from the study of solids to the diagnosis of biological tissues. roughly speaking, between the emitter and the receiver you place the object you need. study, you get a spectral picture of this object . recently, physicists together with researchers from sechinovka scanned samples of glioma , a difficult-to-diagnose brain tumor. using the device , they identified malignant cells in a biopsy sample in a matter of seconds. we would like it to be a device that can at least it was necessary to put it in the intraoperative room, put a piece of tissue on it and say whether they are good or bad, it does not send it to any express histology. in this case it will be noticeable. the duration of brain surgery, which is important, to increase their efficiency, because a terahertz scanner allows not only to detect a malignant neoplasm, but to determine its boundaries with precision down to the last cell, and this will inevitably lead to...
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andrey petrov and his guest, let's find out, andrey , hello, over to you, good morning, studio, good morning everyone, music again platform, there will be a song again, we again have our wonderful comrade alexander dobronravov, singer, composer, and before we start voicing this saturday morning, i would really like to find out from alexander, because over the past year we counted five new ones, definitely already alexander, so . to understand when alexander says to himself: well, that’s it, there’s already enough for a new disc, it’s time to release it, when at what moment, but the work is complicated, in fact,
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information and inspiration are coming in, yes, from space, so new songs are born, well , how it will gather for some purpose according to the nature of each song, like this, because some say, i have it there. there's just so much material that we're collecting some of the old songs, that's it. high-quality editions of such old songs, and of course new ones, but planned for the new
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album, these are all the songs that, so to speak, we will hear today and that will appear over the next years , i hope on the russia channel, including channel russia first, let's microphone. queue, of course, definitely, this morning they should hear a good song, let's go, thank you, i'm from the old days, i'll take the whole price. the brightest light is a glare from here, only the hidden, i will open
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the doors to a new, new day, where the number of numbers is just a day, i will open the doors to a new world in the unknown, somewhere ahead. how, how many words, written with notes, the shooter moves, counts down, according to the years written down, the doors will open a new, new day, where the row is just a shadow, its door mladymir, the unknown, somewhere ahead, i will open the doors to a new world, i
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i’m not afraid to go into it, i’ll open the doors to a new world, a journey along a new path. how many words there are, written out in notes, the shooter keeps track of the progress. according to the years recorded, i will open the doors to a new new day, because i am
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cleaning the row. you hurt you, i will open the doors to a new world, the unknown, somewhere ahead, i will open the doors to a new world, i am not afraid to go to heaven, i will open the doors to a new world, a journey, along a new path.
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i’ll collect everything valuable from the previous days, bravo, but i’ll tell you, enter a new day here. such a song and this is a very pleasant singer-composer alexander dobronravov, we have today on the set, studio, over to you , well, let's light it right up, thank you, andrey, thank you, thank you for the wonderful song and we look forward to a new meeting next week, welcome to the new show, hello andrey, now every saturday we are with you, dear friends , all things were put off, everything was forgotten, running and running to you, what a song
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without accordions, what a let’s go, what a meeting. today at 17:50 on the russia channel. and then, when my neck jammed. we’ll tell you how to cope with pain in the cervical spine, where it comes from and why it’s dangerous. you are looking
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lead on the channel. russia good morning, andrey shevtsov is in the studio. marines and many prisoners are advancing in the southern donetsk direction. we decided it was better to give up. artillery supports the offensive of the center troops. a large forest fire in buryatia has a fire area of ​​500 hectares, several outbreaks are located near populated areas. we walked through the city center with flashlights on, a protest rally of many thousands took place in tblis. at the beginning of the release about the progress of a special military operation, fire support for the offensive of russian assault groups on artillerymen from the center group of troops are providing assistance in the avdievka direction.


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