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tv   Po sekretu vsemu svetu  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 8:35am-9:01am MSK

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good home situation, let's go there, let's go here, some misdemeanor happened, take the mother, zhenya lukashenno, you're my golden one, well, that's okay, or do we still need to build something differently so that the child develops, well some kind of scale, morality, what else will happen in this case, the strategy will be appropriate, do as i said, go, apologize, correct the situation, but how to understand what? what we do this way and what we don’t do this way, how not to get hung up on one model of behavior, i will answer with biblical truth according to the fruits of them recognize them, and i would answer with the words of zhenya lukashin’s mother, we’ll wait and see, well, this is the same thing, we understand you, thank you very much, we talked about how to build a healthy relationship with our children with a psychotherapist, doctor of medical sciences, lev perezhugin, thank you very much, thank you, let me invite you to dance, your wife...
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has an affair with this musician, i don’t believe that vika could cheat on me, melody for two, premiere on monday, at 21:20, catch me, if you can, a big music show, who sings well, he sings, he is good, handsome, but he does not sing, on friday at 21:30, you always have to beg him for something, something needs to be done? movies on weekends, what’s wrong with him, he’s having a stroke, we have a treatment nurse, you need money, i won’t give it to you if he’s declared incompetent, she’ll become his guardian, a strong tranquilizer, you want to challenge the decision of the attending physician, good person, abandoning good people in trouble it’s impossible, i always want to be with you tomorrow at 13:00 the queen of the night has blossomed in the greenhouse of the university botanical garden in st. petersburg. this is a cactus whose flower
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smells like vanilla, it opens at best once a year, mostly at night, and blooms only for a few hours. over the past 5 years, this phenomenon has been recorded three times; the rare capricious plant is also called the moon cactus. in the wild, it grows in the tropics, usually on trees or rocks. it came to russia in the 18th century and since then it has been doing well here, well, since it blooms once a year. yes. well, as for simpler plants, it’s time. their planting has changed somewhat due to may troubles. some gardeners are only now getting around to potatoes. our colleague svetlana abramova learned what nuances should be taken into account in order to grow a rich harvest. even now, when many summer residents prefer lawns and flower beds, the good old potato does not lose its popularity; on six hundred square meters there is always a place for it. there would be a desire, or better yet, an assistant. sveta, hello. oh, hi andrey, you are always like a superhero. are you there
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when i need help? yes, we agronomists appear at the moment when the summer resident is about to make a mistake or is confused, how long have you been growing potatoes in this garden bed? oh, the fourth or fifth year, the harvest is getting smaller and smaller every year, yes, unfortunately, all because you don’t follow the main rule of agronomy, the crop is turnover, that’s why the land is depleted, and the yield is decreasing, there are more and more pests, plant a second piece of bread on the same bed with... no more than once every 3 years, alternating it with other crops. the best predecessors for potatoes are radishes, cucumbers, cabbage, beans and other cruciferous or legumes, including seserates, natural fertilizers that improve the structure of the soil and saturate it with nitrogen, but after eggplants, tomatoes and peppers, you should not plant potatoes, they have common pest diseases, but since your small plot does not always have to observe cultural rotation, you will have to introduce.
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fertilizer, what do potatoes taste like? nitrogen phosphorus potassium. the potatoes themselves should also be processed before planting. throughout the season, he faces a lot of dangers, from attacks by the colorado potato beetle and wireworm before infection with late blight and scab. sounds scary. i heard that onion peels also help. folk remedies are, of course , good, but not always effective, so i suggest using special preparations based on bacterial microflora. beneficial bacteria. will settle in the soil and prevent pathogens from progressing. and i propose to conduct an experiment: treat potato tubers in different ways, and in the fall check which of them works. come on, summer resident experimenter. but experiment and it is not worth planting different varieties in the same bed. those that sprout earlier, in 40-50 days, will not only create a canopy, but will take away part of the nutrition from late-ripening varieties that are just gaining strength, which sprout for at least 3-4 months. that we plant the light
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in three ways, three, yes, i think, you know the old grandfather’s method of lunku shlukha, simple, ingenuous, it works great, gives a good harvest, and besides... in this option, we additionally loosen the soil for the joy of our plantings, and although potatoes are a relatively unpretentious, you will still need to hill it up during the season, because without hilling the steel and teoleur shoots simply will not grow. this must be done three times during the summer, when the bushes reach a height of 15-20 cm, 2-3 weeks after the first hilling and just before flowering, so you have to work with a shovel, but the next method does without this at all... we spread agrofibre, if the material thin,
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we fold it in two layers, due to its dark color it actively absorbs the sun's rays, warms the soil and at the same time transmits air moisture, make cross-shaped cuts at a distance of... 30 cm and lay out our planting material. the kidneys, as we remember, should be located at the top, yeah. having seen the light of god, the shoots actively begin to grow from above and continue to grow like ordinary plants, but those that are under the film, etiolated, white, discolored, form our harvest. and you don’t need to dig, you just have to raise the cover and pick strawberries straight from the ground, and there are no weeds. the dream of any summer resident. the only thing is not to be overzealous with watering. under the material potatoes can quickly rot. and the last, third way: isn’t it too early to collect potatoes, andrey, no, of course, it’s too early to collect them, so plant them in the thickest bags. this method has more than enough advantages, it saves space
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, it’s possible to harvest almost twice as much harvest per unit area, and it’s mobile, potatoes in bags can be moved to another place at any time, and there’s a minimum of work, there’s no need to dig up the beds, again, in they don’t grow in bags, unwrap the bag, pour some soil in there, you can take it directly from the plot, yeah, you can buy in a zhishka, then there won’t be any pathogens here, we wrap the edges of the bag and lay out our potatoes here, three is enough, quite, for such a bag, yeah, the potatoes will successfully take root, grow, there will be a vegetative mass, you and i will open the edges add some more soil here, the potatoes grow again, we raise the edges again, add more, in other words , hill up, but there is one more nuance: special attention should be paid to the material from which the bag is made, if it is canvas, it is best put it in a sunny place, nylon
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only in the shade, otherwise it will fall apart, near a wall or fence, where it will not get in the way, but you cannot completely forget about it. in the bag, moisture evaporates more intensely. how to water, well , right away, if the dry soil naturally watered, yeah, something else, well, based on scientific experience, folk wisdom, of course, we do everything with love, this is definitely, further, spider-man’s favorite dish, loaf, your meatloaf, it's the king of meatloaf. prepare meat loaf exactly like in the movies, we'll learn in a few minutes. come on, come on with a smile, it’s morning in russia, don’t oversleep,
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azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. i thought that here, more seriously, you sit and think, there’s no need to think about it, here it’s all about, to play or not to play, yes, yes, that’s it, there can’t be two opinions. because we have five of them, this is a dangerous fairy-tale animal, when it comes to fleas, i’m out of competition, there are questions here about how everything is running, i really want to check, seriously, this is flirting, obviously, just take a look, let’s go, this should be edible it was, i had in mind of course the bear when such a stinking little one said, a hint in general, the most exciting team, if from him... adds what many people use, the strongest love for
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the game, this is a five-on-one program , five for one, today on rtr, it’s hot, finally, british traveler jay swindler poured instant noodles. drinking water of the river shanaiti impishka. the blogger traveled through the jungle in peru for a week and was most impressed by these seething streams. the temperature in different places is given from 45 to 100, almost 100° celsius. the man even dared to take a dip in the coolest part, but admitted that it was better not to swim in such water, but to cook. convenient, no need to light a fire and wait for the soup to cook. yes, well, our maria lyagina loves a more complex dish than instant noodles. in the movie "the amazing spider-man", she found a recipe for meat loaf. what captivated him so much about the taste of the main
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character, let's find out: meatloaf, your meatloaf, this is the king of meatloaf, there is clearly something wrong with him, yes, he likes your meatloaf, so you're implying that you don't like my roll? i could have said this 37 years ago, how many rolls have i given you? maybe a spider bite will have such an effect on peter-parker, or maybe his aunt just learned to cook, it is unknown, although how can one possibly ruin this dish, meatloaf, also known as meatloaf, also known as meat loaf, the dish is quite simple. grisha, hello, hello, why is meatloaf suddenly called bread, because it contains a huge amount of bread, to be honest, that is... although
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it’s unlikely that they were in the cafeteria cutlets, for example pistachios. while i’m cleaning them, grisha is busy with the vegetables. first, the onion must be cut into small cubes. grisha, tell me, would you like to have some kind of superpower, for example, like spider-man, this, no, i don’t want to, but having spider-man’s abilities makes your life extremely hectic. well, it’s true, you have to run somewhere all the time, save someone, they didn’t even call you, but you still run and save, but i know one superpower from grisha, which is, and i’m a dad, i’m a superhero, it’s just a superhero, but there is you have another superpower, krisha is fantastic at chopping onions, this is it, this is 12 kg in 20 minutes, just a superpower, i think the vegetables in this roll are responsible for the juiciness, the bread, or rather the breadcrumbs, will be responsible for
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the fluffiness, and meat, but meat is really not the most important story here, this is the first time i’ve seen this, honestly, in meatloaf the meat is not the main thing, how can it be, well, meat should be, well, it’s more like it for the taste, a good dish for a large family, or when guests come, yes, it’s not a shame to put it, they’ll eat it book, in addition to... onions, you will also need garlic, it must be cut into thin disks, bell peppers and pistachios go into the same bowl, all that remains is to cut the olives into small rings. and finally, let’s move on to the minced meat: it’s better to take pork and beef, add eggs for viscosity, and brisket for flavor. mix, if you don’t have a mixer, then mary will be in your every home. well it's expensive. yes, mix everything well. the mixer is running at low speeds for you, and you add the mixer, it’s me, you add. breadcrumbs, and then mince i definitely need to let it stand so that everything is absorbed, i also need to let it stand, this one
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- the bread will swell there, what do you have, what is your problem? the problem is that breadcrumbs are now like a peeling on my hands, you know, that’s all, it’s very good, very useful, i think i rubbed it all over my hands, what a sissy, and to make the roll tender you need to add a little milk, dry, extra moisture in this dish. we don’t need it, but now we combine the vegetables and minced meat. the main secret of meatloaf is that it really... it should have a dense dough like bread. the meat dough must be salted and filled with flavors, but only one. it won't be enough. horseradish under the mahaveev brand is perfect for our meatloaf. this is a classic seasoning with a spicy , pungent taste that will add brightness and piquancy to our dish. it’s interesting that horseradish should be added to the rest of the raw ingredients, and not already to the finished dish, although it can also be added later. pour a little oil into the bottom of the pan,
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then the parchment, so it won't stick. top with a little more butter and meat dough. we try form a roll. as tight as possible, what are you doing? and i give it the shape of bread, sliced, sliced ​​loaf, yes, someone covers it, by the way, with some kind of tomato sauce on top, very often, someone puts boiled eggs inside, well, that is, there are options for meat loaf, meatloaf a lot, choose the one that, that is, you can experiment every time to get some new taste, we absolutely send it. meatloaf in an oven preheated to 180°, time 1:20, top-bottom mode, ready meat the roll can be eaten hot or cold, we advise you to try both, it’s juicy, it’s rich in taste, because there’s really a lot of everything, yes, yes, just a good sandwich, only
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everything is inside, it’s a very satisfying story, sorry, by the way, it’s necessary here be careful anyway, colleagues of andrei petrov and his guest, let 's find out, andrei, hello, the floor to you, good morning, studio, good morning everyone, again a music platform, there will be a song again, we have our wonderful friend again,
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alexander dobrondravov, singer , composer, and before we start voicing this morning, uh, it will gather for some purpose according to the nature of each song, like this, because some say, i have seven there, this means an album, that is, i add it up there right in time three or three 21 minutes is already normal, but that means you are waiting for inspiration, yes this is the first thing, but inspiration for 45 years, as long as i have been working on
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musical works, there is simply so much material that we collect some of the old songs , these are the quality ones publications of such old songs, and of course new ones, but planned for the new album, these are all the songs that, so to speak, we will hear today, and which will appear throughout. next years of time and i hope on the russia channel as well, on the russia channel first of all, give us a microphone, first of all, of course, definitely, this morning we should hear a good song, let's go, thank you.
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i will take away everything valuable from the previous days, the bright light is a glare from them, only the hidden, i will open the doors to a new, new day, where the number is numbered just a shadow from. let's open the doors to a new world, to the unknown, somewhere ahead, how many. the words are written with notes, the arrow moves, the movement is counted by the years written down, i will open the doors
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to a new new day, where a series of numbers is just a shadow, i will open the doors to a new unknown world. somewhere ahead i will open the doors to a new world, i am not afraid to go into it, i will open the doors to a new world, a journey along a new path.
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how, how many words, written out in notes, the shooter keeps track of the progress, written down by year. i will open the doors to a new, new day, if only you are running around, i will open the doors to a new the world, the unknown, somewhere ahead, i will open the doors to a new world, i am not afraid to enter it,
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i will take everything valuable from the previous days. “bravo, but i’ll tell you, entering a new day with such a song, and it’s very nice , singer-composer alexander dobronravov,
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today we have a film set, a studio, the floor is yours, well, we lit it right up, thank you, andry, thank you, thank you for a wonderful song and we look forward to seeing you again next week, movies on weekends, you are an amazing woman, it’s nice to hear, mark yakovich, you are also a very interesting person, or we and what should we do? we move away, she chooses. wow, decide with whom? one is good, the other is worthy, which of the two? adult daughters, premiere, today at 21:00. when i was building the dacha, the foreman told me this, we won’t let you down, we didn’t let you down, we didn’t let you down with gas, we didn’t let you down with water supply, now everything will be, now everything will be, the roof has been powdered, the pipes have been varnished. for nails, normal cosmetic repairs, let's do it again, a parade of humor, premiere today at 14:50 on
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the russia channel. well, that’s all for today, it’s time to say goodbye to you according to tradition wish you a bright, eventful weekend, the start that we gave together with you, and don’t forget to look into our telegram channel. see you on monday, bye. hello, this is from the studio alexander efremov. briefly about the main topics of our issue. during the battles for the village of urozhainoye, the industrial area came under the control of our troops. russian units advanced in the kharkov region and the dpr.


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