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tv   Sto k odnomu  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 10:10am-11:01am MSK

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today on rtr, it’s five against one, the final is right now, we’ll draw the entire jackpot, 80,000 rubles. show me everything you saved for today’s program, our star five, everything you saved, here’s 80,000 rubles. now this money. we’ll try to act out, first of all, i want to ask anton how it feels, very quickly, very quickly, i didn’t have time to guess anything, i just got the hang of it, how to think, now you’ll show yourself in the finals, let’s do this, well, i’ll try, we now, there’s a chance, anton, you’re already saying something like that in the past tense, but there’s a chance i’m still telling myself now, because now the rules will be as follows: each of you plays for 15 seconds. first zhenya, then anton you,
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then andrey lvovich, then zhenya, then sasha. if we get to sasha, the correct answer is still not given, none of you will give the correct answer, all together for 15 seconds, you can still do it all evgeniev, look, antokha, everything is simple, zhenya says living, non-living, immediately shortens, he says living, uh-huh, soft, hard, he says hard, living, already when it comes to you, it’s clear that it’s soft, alive. but there is such a possibility that in the first second zhenya immediately says: this is a cat, yes, yes, that’s it, then straight away, well, you’re not even a step away, but we can continue further, soft, edible, inedible, toothless, ready, zhenya , you always have a special responsibility, you are the first, you are ready, first let’s get to know the tv viewer, i almost forgot, it’s really like that... anastasia raskostova,
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24 years old, barnaul, plays in the finale. anastasia loves to read, runs a book block, and she will spend the winnings on books, all 8,000 rubles. zhenya, yes, attention to the screen, from which a spanish company makes disposable golf balls on cruise ships. and this is something that doesn’t sink, no, some kind of environmental product that then decomposes in water, yes, this is important, that means it’s not plastic, that means it’s something that decomposes in water, paper, no, anton, but they they take it at sea or it’s on the ship, what it’s made of, well, they take it from the land, so, so, they take it from the land, well, i mean , onto the ship and there they play on the ground or on... it doesn’t matter, but in general on
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earth, andrey, these are some crystals, salt, sugar, no, no, uh, clay, no, hemp, no, something else that dissolves in water, that well, a huge amount of substances, well, you need to understand the logic, something vegetable, some leaves, resin, bark, something like that, maybe it’s there, but berries, in this direction, not in this direction, not from this, no, you just need to understand something else there. something vegetable, so the logic is simple, this is fish food, yes, this is fish food, this is fish food, this is fish food, they make swords, then fish gobble it up, come on, come on, yes, here, here, here is galileo. and i, i swear, i am the next thing, when
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in general, i wanted to ask a question, is it edible or not, just a thought right away, if the question was edible, i would answer, i wouldn’t, i wouldn’t, sasha, well done, yes, no, well, the logic, and the logic is clear, if a slimer flies away, it must either decompose, or someone must eat it, it must not only decompose, but also be useful, yes, there are those near the liner, you know, everyone there is a shark. show the correct answer on the screen, what is fish made from? feed, yes, a spanish company specializes in the production of equipment for playing golf, it received an order from one of the american travel companies, here they produced the first batch of disposable environmentally friendly golf balls, they were called, by the way, eco. biobol. the core
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of this sword consists of compressed fish food; on top there is a hard shell that dissolves in salt water during the first day. and that is, the fish are still waiting for the fish and the ball , they haven’t for a long time, yes now, but half a day already dangling, yes, by the way, now there is already an additional demand for these balls, now they are being purchased by hotels that also have golf courses on the coast, because the balls very often fly into the sea, my friends, you saved and saved for today’s game in the end this amount. show 80,000 rubles. this money goes into our next program, with this amount next saturday we will start playing five on one. with this our show has come to an end, i remind you that all episodes of the program can
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be found on the internet platform let's watch. well and if you want to not only watch the star five, but also play with them, then you can ask your question on the page, maybe it’s you.
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answers, after which the teams in our studio we ask questions, 100 people must guess or guess what answers to the questions were given by those 100 people whom we interviewed, we begin, we are visiting today. i invite the team and the mrs. team to the studio, here are the models, here is misistislo, already with crowns, so we
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welcome you to the studio, elena, hello, please introduce your team, hello, my wonderful team, i’ll start with alina, she works for us. with artificial intelligence, she trains it, in what way, it’s better to ask her, she hasn’t told me yet, but i work in a large it company, russian, probably the largest russian it company, i do that , so that i’m working to ensure that when you type your question into a search engine, the search engine gives you exactly the answer that you would like to receive, the most relevant one, so... but we don’t see each other that often and most often i
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see her on marketplaces, because she is our most popular marketplace model, so yes, yulia, welcome to us, then we... see olechka, olya - this is the most the best girl i know, because look at her smile, you can already see right away, yes, she is interested in astrology, she is interested in psychology, she saw paris five times and did not die, well done, yes, you already know, it’s worth something , i want to add that i saw paris not as attractions, but as work contracts, of course, yes. everyone here, in my opinion, has such a story, such a wonderful figure, it’s worth noting separately, well, in general, practically everyone, she
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doesn’t miss a single workout, and she also conquered all the podiums in europe, she’s doing well, wonderful, everyone was represented, now a few words, let me tell you a few words about our captain, it’s not in vain that our captain, because she is a multi-functional person, simply super talented, if you haven’t seen her face before, then you’ve probably seen her beautiful hands at least once in your life in an advertisement on television, len is also our star. prooki sings very cool and performs well, but this is optional for our own people, and lena is also our creative makeup artist, so looking at our team as a whole, you won’t be disappointed, they will train you, they will put on makeup, and that means they will conduct a psychological session, if anything happens, yes, well, welcome to our program, wonderful models who, by the way, can do a lot of different things, thank you. so, let's move on to your counterparts. irina, hello, i’ll tell you
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about my team. this is anechka, we have her vice mrs. universe. moreover, she is not only beautiful, but also very smart. so, since she works in one of the leading banks in our country, and she is also a mother of many children, she has three children. katyusha, i also immediately, mrs. means that everyone is married. we are all married, we all have children, some. someone has two, in general, it’s good, that’s good, we have a family for a year, therefore, and katyusha, katyusha is a supermodel of russia, she works as a model, she is the mother of a beautiful daughter and is also a stylist, great, and ninochka, we have her and lawyer and beauty queen, she is the second runner-up of mrs. europe and she is also a mother of two children, bravo. well, yulia, she is a writer of a book, that is, she is not only my beauty queen, she is also a writer of a book,
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very soon it will be very well known, here is the mother of a wonderful son who is the writer of one book , or so far only one, so far only one, and the top model of europe, the top model of europe, these are real crowns that they hand out to you there, yes, yes, they received it for their merits, everything, keep it in a safe or in your bank or where? v car, so that it is always with us, yes, so that there are always cars nearby, keep in mind, so, of course, our most beautiful captain, the queen of all queens, director of the mrs. russia of the world contest, irina kersanova, as well as the mother of two wonderful children, bravo, bravo, bravo, well, wonderful, i would be surrounded by triple beauty if i were a sultan, as they sing in one... wonderful songs from a wonderful film, we are starting, this is 100 to one, a fun
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quiz, we have a simple one ahead single play, so here we go, airing 100k alone, a simple ordinary game, i invite the first numbers, that is, the aman captains, to the table here. so girls, you won’t be offended, we have a few questions, i would say, simplified, adapted, we will only be happy, yes, normal, good, so, the first question, try it, as it sounds here , now calm down, oh , great, everything works. so, attention, the first question: what can turn your head? so, elena, it looks like
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you are the first. what can turn your head? i think this is a popular answer, and any girl, and any young man too love will answer, of course. so. love? yes. ok then. we are looking for on the scoreboard: love. beautiful. “we are returning, returning to our teams, this is a good start, what’s next, what could turn alina’s head to artificial intelligence, something could turn her head, the first thing i thought about, i have two children, i get upset very often head for this reason, carousel, carousel, swing, something like this, it’s just physical, an attraction, okay”? the carousel can turn your head, the girls say, yes, indeed, the carousel is in third place,
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it’s just clear, we continue, julia, what can turn a person’s head, well, i think, just spin around yourself, around your axis, just create a carousel, can i change the answer, it’s possible, everything is possible, or i also have an option 100%. there are options, of course, of course there are, well, choose alcohol, we leave alcohol, well, yes, it makes your head spin, quite rightly, is there alcohol on the board, check, there is, on the fourth line we have a program for adults, in general, yes, they're telling me here,
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but i like the money option, you know, here it is when yes people have a lot of money. yes, they are going crazy, yes, i have a lot of money, they are hammering, dizzy, money, wealth, must be, wealth, wealth, it is success, we have united this, we have a question, tell me, success fame in this context are synonyms for you, well...
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the dance is spinning in the dance, we check the dance, it’s spinning, and it’s not there, okay, we have two more mistakes, maybe we need to think more, next, the question sounds, what can turn you on, let’s still try for glory, what can make your head spin, this is the exact wording, we have there is, of course, the option of fame, but it is so
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similar to this, the same thing, this is success, wealth, what else can turn your head? and the interpretations are different here, think about it, well , waltz and dance are exactly the same thing, around you, around you, well, maybe fun, maybe here’s a good option, let’s have fun, fun, without alcohol, but maybe yes. well, who knows, we'll check, we'll probably check, yes, well, okay, let's have fun , there's a right, i also said all the options , let's go crazy, live around ourselves , revolve around ourselves, well, not in transport you might get dizzy, well, no, you might get motion sickness
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, but on an airplane, for example, you might get dizzy , but no, you don’t feel dizzy, so what’s that all about? but you feel bad in transport, what can the transport tell your head, and if there may be an opportunity, the opportunity could turn your head, but this one seems very, we had words and words, words, and compliments, compliments, compliments, it just makes your head spin all at once , compliments, his words went to my head, although it was very much the same with the dance.
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compliments, here are the fifth and sixth, now we will help, we are more experienced women, we know for sure, it’s impossible not to catch us, that’s right, of course, so, the scheme is as follows: each of you gives one answer option, then the captain gives a general answer, please, casino, this is pressure, 100%, pressure, height, nina, yes, say yes, height, height, yes, speed, speed, yes. aroma, aroma, height, speed, aroma, casino, pressure, look, we have a sequence, yes a certain one, there is alcohol, after it what happens, pressure, that’s the pressure.
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here it is, i congratulate you, after all, it happened in physics they remembered this, well, this happens with us, and the victory went to your rivals 84:00 and this is just a warm-up, just in case i repeat all the possible answers that can make your head spin 33 people were told love woman in parentheses man, success wealth . 19 carousel 14, alcohol 12. on the fifth line we, of course, have height. on
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the sixth there would be pressure, on the seventh there would be praise and flattery. we continue, it was a simple single game. you and i are playing 100 to one, we have a double game ahead. borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. good welcome to rixsas premium magavish sudes & villas in hurghada. where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1 km long golden sandy beach. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your holiday enjoyable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas the vacation you've dreamed of. veda vodka, a product of
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stellar group. there is no need to register with him. joke. he will come to the house himself. we begin. will always help. let's train. how to walk on ice correctly? he will always tell you how to increase your low blood pressure. and how an air freshener can lead to asthma, how take your medicine correctly, will always support you, a bowl of macaroni and cheese, this is a pot of dumplings or a frying pan of fried potatoes for the salon, you sleep like a child sleeps, but i don’t advise you to do this, a doctor you can trust 100%, you will be happy, well i don’t guarantee happiness, i’ll definitely get more health, dr. myasnikov,
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today on rtr, it’s 100 to one, we continue, now we have a double game, i invite the second numbers of the teams here, and the teams... we have models and mrs. today, so , well, well, we continue with the women's questions, yes, no offense, yes please, we can talk about metallurgy or something, we can talk about metallurgy too, you can, yes, but still, let’s start with this, let ’s start with a tailor, atelier , so what exactly is there in partnova’s atelier, alina. and portnov 100% has scissors, tailor’s scissors in his studio, most likely, i won’t even ask leading questions, let’s check
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the scissors right away, and this is only the third answer, anna, needles, needles, these scary ones, okay, needles, poisonous , we check, there are needles, catches, but they are in fourth place. so i invite you to come back, the turn goes to the team of models right behind you, yulia, what exactly is in the portnovo atelier, if we have already named scissors, needles, threads, threads, well, yes, where can we go without threads, we check the threads, there are threads, this is the second line, congratulations, olga, i was recently in the studio. i was sewing up my down jacket, and i saw a lot of fabric there, well, what about ilya without fabrics, we check the fabrics, right?
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well, what’s funny is, yes, the first, sixth line remained unopened. so, to the question what surely there is one in tailor's studio? threads - 16, scissors 13, needles, pins 12, fabric 11 and the first last, sixth line has not yet been opened. elena? yes, please, here, they want me to consult, although i myself know everything. yes.
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we answer no, well, there’s a tailor, so there’s a mannequin, yes, say yes, give me a mannequin, give me a mannequin, okay, let’s check the mannequin, there’s something like that, let’s try it, and imagine, there’s something left on the first line, the most popular answer, well, seamstress , probably, let's get a sewing machine, the question sounds, the question sounds so, what exactly does the portnovo studio have?
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we are not afraid of anything, so we still have the right to make a mistake, that’s right, let’s shoot, let’s eat, open the first line. well, okay, you went through the entire board, although not from the first line, so what exactly is there in portnov’s atelier, a sewing machine - 17 threads, 16 scissors, 13 needles, 12 pins, 11 fabrics and a mannequin six, here in in this order, the 100 people we interviewed remembered all the accessories of the studio, so... we
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have changed 150-84, but we have a triple game ahead, where all points are multiplied by sodium, we we play 100 to one on the russia-1 channel, this is 100 to one, we have a triple game, i invite the third numbers of the teams here. today we have models and mrs. world of europe, russia and other wonderful territories playing. so, the most important question, as it seems, is simply the most important, summer season, summer season, so, summer season, now i’m ready for the summer season, said the woman, so. well, yes,
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let's try again. now i’m ready for the summer season ,” the woman said. what did she cook? julia, anyway, glasses? julia, glasses, glasses, check, glasses. well, sunny, this is the sixth line. ekaterina, what should have been prepared from your point of view for the summer season first of all. yes, figure, figure. the body, of course, the body has prepared, we check, this is the second line, you are ahead, we come back, we come back, we’ll assume that this is the podium, we don’t mind, so, nina, it’s your turn, what’s the wardrobe, the wardrobe, no, ninochka, let’s consult, wait, wardrobe, money for a wardrobe, money for a wardrobe, it is already
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implied that they should already do so. yes, it seems to me, the wardrobe, look at the question, she’s already ready, now i ’m ready for the summer season, the woman said, that is, the money has already been spent, everything is good, what she prepared. some kind of summer dress, yes, and there are all the sundresses, irina, i’m back to you, sandals, i’m still leaning towards money, or a trip to the sea, something like that, i’m ready, but
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the ticket has been bought , yes, maybe it’s like that, a vacation, it’s a very positive phenomenon when a woman cooks herself, but no, let’s say another story, you haven’t made a single mistake and let’s think about what ’s left there in fifth place? hat, hat, well it seems to me that there is so much already, this is a woman, why do you need a hat, do you have a crown, girls, cream, cream, protective cream, perhaps suntan cream
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, cream for tanning cream, tanning cream, no, mistakes have gone, nothing, nothing, ekaterina, we are back to you, so now.
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glasses four below the scoreboard would we have a suitcase of sun cream or sunscreen? ok, you look 100 to one, we continue, we have a reverse game ahead, where everything can turn upside down. my dears, you are all so different, i so want this difference to be the strength of our family, and not a reason for litter, wow, in general, you have two cups, what are you
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doing, i won’t allow you to deceive my daughter, everything is not at all what it seems to you, i was set up by irina razanova, come on competitors, it’s necessary. ..
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rom kastro product of steller group hotel titanic delux golf belleg. where every moment is exceptional. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the spa and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort. your vacation - your rules. titanic deluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. mancacher whiskey is a product. stellar group. i said, i want a white cat. here it comes,
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you're good. he loves to grab there. voice. give me your paw, give me your paw, well done. the stars are ready to do anything for their beloved pets. where are you flying after the performance, you're in a hurry, everyone's talking guys, i need to feed the hamster. you are among friends. with friends. program for the whole family. today. on rtr. we continue, it's a hundred to one. the game is the opposite. she's different because the maximum number of points can be obtained for an answer that is in sixth place, that is, not the most popular. for an answer that is on the sixth line, you can get 240 points. in this case, the team. or if suddenly she guesses exactly the sixth line,
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takes the lead, for the fifth you can get 180, for the fourth 120, and for the first line you can get only 15 points, for the second - 30, and so on. so, i ask a question, and the team has 20 seconds for general discussion, after which we give a general answer. attention. question: the most famous island in the mediterranean ? 20 seconds, confer. the most famous island in the mediterranean, which nevertheless should be in sixth place. so that’s it, let’s finish the discussion, and the first answer
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is from you, elena, this is a big responsibility, this is a very big responsibility, to appoint, to appoint the most famous island in the mediterranean, of course, a big responsibility, the most unpopular, among the popular, that’s right, that’s the whole task , sixth most popular, sixth, of those options that we... remembered, rather in total, the most unpopular answer will be sardinia, sardinia, after all, berlusconi is no longer there, so yes, hands will be seeded in sixth place, so in your opinion, well, then we will have sicily, then you will have sicily, but we just originally had this the option has been prepared, just like that, yes, that is, after all , sardinia, uh-huh, good, sardinia, sicily two,
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our girls nominated the islands for sixth place in the mediterranean, now we will check how, for some reason, both islands are actually italian , so, well, what option, what do you think comes first, cyprus, cyprus, cyprus, cyprus, yes cyprus, let’s open up, the small island of key, it’s natural. then we are looking for your option, which, the next one will be, 100%, crit, the next one will be, yes, we open, oh, wow, well, somehow they rhyme, so, i suggest opening the fourth line, the fourth, and the third, i need , to make you nervous, it turns out.
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well, on the fifth line is the neighbor of your favorite islands, we open the fifth line,
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but there are still a lot of points there, sicily, so mrs. wins for us after all, 411,390, and we have a big game for you next. i congratulations on this wonderful result, we continue, this is 100 to one on channel russia 1. so, we continue, we have a super game, a big game in which you need
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to score 200 points, and by answering five questions in turn, someone must stay here in the studio, someone. must go into a scary, damp, dark, deaf cave, who is it? nina, i ask you, applause, so, well, we have five questions, 20 seconds together we need to score 200 points together, if anything, if suddenly you score. this figure, this happens with us, the main prize awaits you - as much as 100,000 rubles. in principle, in principle, there should be enough for something, i don’t know, we have already agreed on the funeral of the restaurant, you have already booked everything, great, we are ready, of course, you have 20 seconds, pay attention, what
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fruits can you juggle, oranges, what it can be slender, the body, what are beads made from, what kind of fishing net is there, what can catch fire? flame, great, we answered five questions, we are checking your answers, so the first question was what fruits can be juggled, you said oranges, and so on like you, 36 people answered. cool, the most powerful result, can you garble? i'm just smart, right? yes, so what happens to be built, you said, body, body, just like you answered? this is not bad, 15 people
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also answered, apparently, something else can be built, so from what? beads was the third question, you said from beads, from fishing line, and the first one you called fishing line, yes, fishing line, okay, and three more people gave this answer, what kind of net is there, you said, fishing, and 27 people also answered, 81 - it's almost 100. and finally, what can flare up, you said, flame, lenin also said, it will ignite from a spark, and 23 people also answered, 104, more than half the points, yulia, i congratulate you, return to the team, and we
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are waiting for nina from the dark, remote cave, nina. look, yulia scored as many as 104 points, you just have to score how many 200 minus 104, 96 points, how many 96 points, 96 points left, yes, five questions, and accordingly you will have 30 seconds, because if suddenly you give the same the answer, as yulia gave, will sound so terrible. this means giving a different answer immediately. eat? eat. so, you have 30 seconds, let's go to the question. what fruits can you juggle? apples? what happens to be slim? figure, what are
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beads made from? bugles? what kind of network is there? retail, what can flare up? flame, and hatred? wonderful! great, and we are checking your answers. the first question: oranges is the most popular answer, 36 points, the second most popular answer, which brings 25 points, is your answer, apples, apples 25, so that it can be slim, here too, in general, almost without a miss, body. said yulia, this is 15 points, the second answer, and the first answer and 32 points, this is the answer: figure,
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161, so, well, this is what beads are made of, yes, in general, we don’t go into such details, you said glass, bugles, bugles, yes, and also answered, nine people, well, here 20 people answered beads and 22 people preferred natural pearls, naturally, so we have 170, what kind of network is there, yulia said, fishing 27, this is the most popular answer, the second answer was internet 16, you said, trading network, retail chain, right? three people answered, well, what can happen here?
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flare up, second place, the answer is gasoline, 21 points, you said hatred, and one person remembered this, flame, was the most popular answer, so what? you fought wonderfully, well , 174 points, this is a decent result, we congratulate you, both teams played wonderfully, we are proud of our wonderful girls, women, this is 100 to one, you watched our next game, come see us on the russia 1 channel
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. the russian tv channel is broadcasting, i greet you, i’m maria sittel. hello. marines of the 40th pacific brigade fleet on the approaches to urozhainy. one prisoner came out, immediately raising his hands, he began to say that don’t shoot, there are five of us. more than 3,000 northern military district veterans are employed thanks to the joint work of business and the defenders of the fatherland foundation.


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