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tv   Vesti  RUSSIA1  May 25, 2024 2:00pm-2:51pm MSK

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volodya, well done, thank you, at 3:30 in the morning, of course, i always have to be in touch, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we see, we will show more than others, thank you very much, come back again, on sunday on rtr, you. the russian tv channel is broadcasting, i greet you, i am maria sittal, hello, russian troops have taken full control of the village of arkhangelskoye in the donetsk republic, and the village of urozhaynaya is being stormed by the marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet, we have decided that it is better to surrender, there are submarines at depth. boats, plus helicopters.
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the forces of the northern fleet demonstrate all their combat capabilities during major exercises. the international court of justice ordered israel to stop its offensive in rafah. immediately stop your military offensive. but israel did not stop the tanks. this blow to the refugee camp in khan yunisi was carried out after the court verdict. the modern campus in novosibirsk will accept its first students. already in september. at each training place, sockets, exhaust hood, ventilation, and a supply of process gases are provided. training block, lecture halls, laboratories and workshops, what there's just nothing here: film clubs, sports and great hostels. whoever wins the elections in britain will face high debts and problems filling the state budget. bloomberg on the british financial crisis. my
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gold medalist is an exhibition of breeding sheep in dagestan, and here too there are stars. lamborghini and ferrari at a local exhibition, this handsome goat for 500,000 rubles or this ram for 700. belgorod, our hearts are with you. an action with this name opened today at vdnkh. and at the russian exhibition there is a grandiose sports parade of processions in honor to the glorious history of national sports. so, another settlement has been liberated in the donetsk republic, this is new information from the ministry of defense. the village of arkhangelskoye, north of ocheretin, came under the full control of the center group. over the past 24 hours, 1,500 ukrainian militants have been killed. well, our military launched powerful attacks on the positions. in the area of ​​toretsk and
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konstantinovka. let's aim, shot! artillerymen provide fire support to the assault groups. in the avdeevsky direction , the crews of the d-30 howitzers worked accurately. destroy the enemy's fortification and command post were helped by sani's mortar crews from a motorized rifle formation. at extremely low altitudes, attack aircraft are approaching ukrainian positions. su-25 and carry out attacks with unguided aircraft missiles on enemy strongholds and manpower. and here is a shot of the work of our paratroopers, who shot down another widely advertised babyaga strike drone in the sky over the kherson region, destroyed it with a kamikaze throne, and rammed it from above. the fighting continues in the urozhainy area. yuzhnodonetsk. direction,
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marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet are working there, from the front line, report by military correspondent eduard punigov. these shots were taken in the urozhainy area in the south of the donetsk people's republic. our reconnaissance drone is monitoring how the positions of the ukrainian armed forces are stormed by the marines of the fortieth brigade of the pacific fleet. the settlement was erased from the ground by ukrainian artillery; there is not a single intact house. we came in and it turns out that we got there through a postcard. this fence, we walked along it a couple of meters, for now we just waited, they were waiting for the command, the soldiers tell how they took the support in the area of ​​five industrial hangars. our task was to throw a grenade, the second group had to roll forward to suppress the enemy, they threw grenades, began to fire at it, the marines captured several soldiers of the national guard of ukraine, they were immediately asked to surrender to save their lives. i started yelling,
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so that they surrender, one prisoner immediately came out with his hands raised, he began to say that don’t shoot, there are five of us, according to the prisoners, marine attack for the unit. the bsu was a complete surprise, they came from our right side, where there was no one, and we couldn’t see that zone, suddenly everything happened, we decided that it was better to give up. cluster shells immediately flew into the positions occupied by attack aircraft, and a tank and mortars worked from the eastern flank. the enemy’s plan was to blow our roof away and then finish us off. birds, but fortunately they did not succeed, after which the enemy rolled away from the eastern hangars. now the attack aircraft are in relatively in a safe place, in the rear area, they came here for a short time to replenish their ammunition, but very soon they will go to the front line again. today
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, the industrial area in harvest is under the complete control of our army, fierce battles for the village continue. eduard punigov, alexander botkin, lead the south donetsk direction. the official representative of the russian foreign ministry, maria zakharova, responded to this statement. according to her, it would be useful for those invited to the supposed peace conference in switzerland to learn about the calls of the head of nato, which are for peace not targeted. the day before, foreign minister sergei lavrov called the assertion
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that the west was allegedly limiting attacks from ukraine a ploy. as lavrov emphasized, american weapons are already striking russian civilian targets. but meanwhile washington. announced another package of military aid to kiev worth $275 million, which included missiles for hymers, shells for large-caliber artillery, jevelin grenade launchers, precision weapons for aviation and anti-tank mines. already more than 3,000 veterans of special military operations were employed thanks to the joint work of our business and the defenders of the fatherland foundation, from the beginning of june, soldiers with serious wounds for...
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all funds will go to the treatment and rehabilitation of the wounded, all the details are on the region’s stand and there is also a map of the region, an exhibition of photographs and other evidence of the cynical attacks of the armed forces of ukraine , among them are shell fragments that fly through peaceful neighborhoods almost every day, but
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despite everything, belgorod residents staunchly and courageously resist all attempts by the kiev regime to disrupt the peace, therefore needs the support of the entire country. the promotion will also take place. the exercises of the northern fleet took place in the barints sea, their goal was to work out the interaction of aviation of surface and submarine forces. the maneuvers were important not only for the sedromor sailors, but also for the guests, students of the general staff military academy, who observed the progress of the exercises. report by oleg posobin. on the deck of an anti-submarine ship, vice admiral kulakov, the sailors look in different directions through the sights of their machine guns, the crew reflects. attack by conditional saboteurs-scouts. behind the kulak almost admiral levchenko is following the line, with several other ships nearby, this is a major exercise to deploy the forces of the northern fleet. by creating interference by launching missiles, the ships form
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a reliable shield that protects strategic missile submarines. the exercises are observed by the future elite of the army , students of the general staff academy, weapons and the movement of ships, officers previously studied in theory, now in practice they see the coherence of the crews, then the il-38 anti-submarine aircraft appears in the air, and a few minutes later the k-27 helicopters hydroacoustic buoys are immersed in the water, and within a few minutes the enemy’s submarine is found at the bottom. i authorize it to be hot and loud at vice admiral kulakov’s navigation post,
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successive commands are heard, the sailors open fire, after the destruction of the targets, the final operation to rescue personnel from the burning ship began, the helicopter hovered above the deck, the sailors were lifted on a cable, with the help of a special vessel they quickly put out the fire , apparent simplicity in the northern fleet is achieved through grueling training, such combat readiness checks and provide protection. the strips clean up spontaneous dumps. the situation is aggravated by dry, hot weather.
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a storm warning has been in effect for the second day in kuban. wind gusts can reach 35 m/s. dozens of trees have been knocked down in krasnodar. they damaged several cars. power lines have been downed in some areas. part of the roof of one of the schools was torn off. the debris fell on children who had gathered for a festive assembly in honor of the last bell. 11 people were injured, they have various injuries, this is footage from the yekaterinburg-almaty highway, for a few days before the beginning of summer , a blizzard covers the road, a powerful storm covered kazakhstan, snow fell throughout the okmala region, and in neighboring regions there was squally wind, hail, and thunderstorms. a joint plenum of the central committee and the control and audit commission of the communist party of the russian federation took place today in bullfinches near moscow.
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in many border areas, in particular in the belgorod region, due to the operational
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situation, they chose the online format of events, however, there are also those schools where they decided to still hold holiday assemblies; additional security measures are in place there. how eleventh graders in the urals said goodbye to school, reporting by albert musin. with maternal parting words, we worry, we worry, we wait and along with the solemn march. graduates in full dress uniform line up on the parade ground. the last bell at the yekaterinburg suvorov military school rings today for almost 70 future officers of the russian army. it’s sad, but at the same time, it’s happy that it’s all over, it’s passed, but it’s hard to part with my team, somehow after all , 7 years side by side. in 7 years, suurovites mastered the entire the school curriculum and the basics of military training, shooting, physical training, tactics and technical subtleties of combat vehicles, innovative unmanned systems that are additionally in demand among the troops, everything
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that will be useful to them when they subsequently enroll in military universities across the country where they graduate. plans to continue the army path, from childhood i had the example of my father, who served in the army for almost 20 years, so i saw his uniform with medals from childhood, i went to the suvorov military school and will continue my studies at the military school institution, more to be a pilot, and a naval aviation pilot, pride in our son, that we were able, that we overcame, but we naturally supported him, from the ranks of the ural suovorovites, over all the years of the school’s work, more de...
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results will decide everything upcoming exams. suvorov students take the unified state exam on the same dates as regular schoolchildren, and they will become applicants at the end of june, immediately after the graduation ceremony. albert musin, nikolay starosttin, dmitry komov and ilyana goleeva, lead yekaterinburg. and the new educational the year in novosibirsk will be special. a world-class campus will open there, which is currently being built in akademgorodok. well, actually, it will be a whole student city, educational and laboratory buildings. workshops, computer classes, a recreation center and a whole complex of dormitories. this campus should become a center of attraction for talented young people interested in the development of russian science. report by ksenia klimina. a school where even adults would want to study, a specialized educational and research center at novosibirsk state university, a place where gifted schoolchildren from all over russia
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will begin their journey into big science. this is a biology lab. has already been installed, communications are provided at each educational place, sockets, exhaust hood, ventilation, a supply of process gases is provided so that schoolchildren can conduct experiments, a special cabinet where they will grow, for example, bacteria, combine theory and practice in physics and biology laboratories , chemistry, assemble robots in the engineering class, all classrooms are equipped with the latest equipment, multifunctional... magnetic marker boards on which you can not only write, but with the help of a projector they become interactive, acoustic wall coverings so that the teacher’s voice can be clearly heard at the back desks, there is even smart ventilation, special sensors record the concentration of carbon dioxide. communications are connected to each educational table, this is directional light, this is
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electricity, low-voltage normal voltage, which allows you to connect devices. each student will be able to do his experiments at his desk, and due to the fact that all the furniture modular, please note, it is movable, it will be possible to unite in groups, pairs and do some work together, spacious corridors, panoramic windows, in the neighboring buildings the educational and leisure center is connected by underground passages, this fall the new educational complex will open its doors, it was built as part of the national project for science and universities, in less than... 3 years. academy town is a cultural heritage site of regional significance, and here, in this area, there are certain restrictions; we designed the building back in stage of the project, taking into account the height limitation, for example, that is, we kept it at a height of 21 m, counted by millimeters, calculated everything. next door, the new
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nsu dormitory is also ready, the rooms are like rooms in a good hotel, each with a bed. at the final stage of construction , the building of continuous classrooms on an area of ​​more than 1600 km will contain not only lecture halls, multifunctional smart spaces, a scientific library, the university has grown in scale there from 3, for example, at the time when i was studying... an educational center
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, a research laboratory building, a medical faculty, they are planning to grow a large student city here, they are building a new specialty, medical cybernetics, these are the same it specialists, only in the field of medicine, they will launch an experimental pharmaceutical production, a new nsu campus. can take a big step forward in training personnel for the whole country; by the way, the project is financed not only from the budget, almost 40% of investments come from former graduates. ksenia klimina, sergey babichev, alexander ganov, elena goleeva, lead novosibirsk. in moscow at vdnkh, more than 2.0 athletes from all over the country took part in the grand parade procession. it was timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the first parade of athletes. as part of the russia exhibition, organized by the healthy fatherland movement,
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thousands of spectators came to watch the sports festival at vdnkh. during the soviet years , such marches took place regularly, right up to the collapse of the ussr. the idea of ​​reviving this tradition was supported by vladimir putin. we are reviving this wonderful event. in that this year it is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the first parade of athletes and athletes. next year we plan to walk together with you through red square, the most beautiful square in the world in moscow. the columns of the sports procession were led by eminent athletes, and its participants included representatives of the paralympic movement. according to sports minister mikhail dekterev, the next parade is planned to be held in august. sportsman's day. and these are the topics we will be airing next. the new british government will face the most serious financial problems over the past 70 years.
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rostov cardiac surgeons perform highly complex operations on newborns. well, in dagestan there is a luxurious exhibition of breeding sheep. all the details in a couple of minutes. you're definitely doing well, you just never usually stick around. premiere on rtr: will you leave me without a morning kiss? i have a husband, a job, stability, but i’m unhappy, and you just blatantly write travel, happiness, good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller, i have to admit, that you like me. when did you and i switch to from? alexey fatiev, who is there with you? i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, vacation can be planned, but love, i
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don’t understand anything myself, i need to figure it out. melody for yours, from monday on rtr. golden sandy beach with a length of 1 where luxury rooms and villas are combined with
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km. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish suds and villas, the holiday you've been dreaming of. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio resorts. we are here for you. rixas premium seagate. family fun starts here. here every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy the
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lush children's water park. green gardens and the beauty of coral reefs and the sea. immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences at rixsas premium seagate. rixos premium seagate. he is the culprit of the accident, the person was injured. he will be judged. do you want to ruin a child's life? i warned him! does he need anything? yes, health. a nurse for the plant director, that ’s so cool. leave everyone, i don't want to see anyone. as i understand it, he generally has a difficult character, right? i want to try to sit down. did you promise to help me? it seems to me that at heart he is a completely different person. margoy, listen, can you stop him from yelling, huh? i suggest
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getting rid of it. how to get rid of it? are you sure ? he was abandoned like a dog on the street. that's how long it takes, i'll work with him for as long as i need. i want to be with you always. in sunday on rtr. are you ready for our musical investigation? ready? ready. i'm a sweet gourmand.
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from your smiles i see that you like how we deceive you, well, what can we do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, big music show, ate, why, you ate, ate, ate, on friday on rtr, this is news, we continue to produce, ours... were able to improve the situation and take more advantageous positions in all main areas of the special operation. according to the ministry of defense, a unit has advanced into the depths of the enemy’s defense north grouping in the kharkov region. on the right bank of the dnieper in the kherson region , our artillery destroyed armored vehicles, fortified positions and boats of the ukrainian armed forces. sight 378, protractor 42-34. howitzer d30 crews.
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the marines of the black sea fleet opened fire from a distance of over 15 km; crews of unmanned aircraft help identify targets and adjust fire; enemy air targets are neutralized by crews of torus complexes. as soon as any object that does not respond to a request falls into thor’s area of ​​responsibility his alien, units take his escort. thor can handle absolutely everything, airplanes, helicopters, drones. and ballistic missiles. in fact , the engineering and sapper unit of the north group is in the kharkov region. sappers work clearly and accurately. their main task is to clear the territory of liberated settlements from explosive objects. ukrainians share on social networks how they are living under the new mobilization law, which has been in effect for more than a week. in the chernivtsi region, a volunteer was kidnapped who was carrying
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food for displaced people. it later turned out that tcc employees, without explanation, took him to the acquisition center, and then sent him straight to the training ground. this is already a massive fight between civilians and military in odessa arcadia. the military came for the young people to the summer veranda. protests against the law on foreign agents have resumed in tbilis. hundreds of opposition supporters, most of them. people, students, walked through the city center, the crowd proceeded to the ministry of internal affairs, the demonstrators held in their hands lanterns, and also waved georgian, eu and us flags. anticipating possible provocations, the police cordoned off the building of the ministry of internal affairs. the protest reportedly ended without incident. let me remind you that the day before the united states threatened the georgian authorities with sanctions if they did not repeal the law on foreign agents. secretary of state blinken said he would deny members of their families the opportunity to obtain
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us visas. the ruling party of georgia responded to this that the country’s independence is not for sale for any visas. the next composition of the british government will decide the most serious. financial problems over the past 70 years, as bloomberg writes, there has not been such a crisis in the country since the fifties of the last century. according to experts, the volume of british public debt is approaching one hundred percent, and economic growth rates are record low. these problems will fall on the shoulders of new officials, who will have to choose between three evils: raise taxes to an eighty-year high, cut spending or increase the debt further. that the opposition labor party is ahead in the polls the ruling party almost doubled, and this is only a month and a half before the elections, they are scheduled for july 4. the international court of justice has ruled that
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israel must stop its offensive in rafah and take the necessary measures to ensure access to gaza for a mission investigating allegations of genocide. well, however, tel aviv is in no hurry to implement this decision, it is only... growing a military group, simultaneously striking not only hamas targets, but civilian targets. the target of one of the latter was a refugee camp. about no casualties have been reported yet. in total, since the beginning of israeli bombing , 36.00 people have been killed in gas. with details. sergey pashkov and alexander belibov. at the hour when the chairman of the international court in the hague read out the verdict, the israeli military continued to attack hamas positions near the city of rafahna.
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the court considers that, in accordance with its obligations under the genocide convention, israel must immediately cease its military offensive and any other actions in the rafah area that could create... palestinians in the gaza strip are subject to living conditions that could lead to their physical destruction in whole or in part. just before the onset of shabbat , the national security council and the israeli foreign ministry responded to the decision of the un international court with a special statement. it is obvious that a series of public appearances will follow after the end of saturday. israel has not carried out and will not carry out military operations in the rafah area that would create living conditions that could lead to.
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he has not yet commented on the decisions of the un international court. he threatens shiidskaya lebanese group hezbollah, promising the militants surprises on the northern borders of israel. the situation there has become tense again in recent days. at this point, we have killed
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hundreds of hezbollah militants and are still in readiness even today. we have detailed important and even unexpected plans. but i won't share these plans, which are intended to do two things. stopped the movement of tanks, but an increase in the volume of humanitarian aid was declared and negotiations on the return of israeli hostages were interrupted a temporary ceasefire with the participation of international mediators again moved forward. sergey poshkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. high-precision aircraft munitions explode where just a second ago the tents of palestinian refugees stood. the israeli air force carried out this strike on the camp in khanyunis after the un international court of
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justice ruled that tel aviv should stop the military operation in rafah, but israel is in no hurry to carry it out. we suffer not so much from hunger as from war. we are suffering from murder. in the rafah area, the israeli military only increased its force. in recent days, in the south of the gaza strip , five sahal armored and infantry brigades have already been operating in this area. at the same time, there are already 10 ground forces in the enclave, a record number since the beginning of january. according to palestinian sources, the enemy is now fighting for the central regions, but the actions of local resistance units are significantly complicating israel's advance. egypt, through which
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there is no more humanitarian aid coming in, and this is becoming a bigger problem every day. one of the largest hospitals in the gas sector and alexa hospital, which serves over a million people, risks stopping its work in the coming hours. we need 500 liters of fuel to keep the hospital running, including. we heat it with wood that we were able to get to satisfy the needs of
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100 people. the actions of the israeli army in rafah, in particular, and all gas attacks in general, are capable of leading to physical destruction people of palestine. this is an excerpt from the decision of the un international court, obliging israel to stop the operation in rafah, but in any case, tel arif is not going to comply with it. pressure on him could be exerted by the international community, the same allies led by the united states that supply weapons and others. the countries of the collective west have repeatedly warned israel against a full-scale invasion of the west, some even threatened tel aviv with sanctions. will those who spoke them so loudly now remember their words? will prefer to pretend that nothing happened, a question that still remains open. alexandrov, sherbakov, lead the middle east. a rally was held in moscow today against the un resolution on genocide in srebrrenica. he carried out the action.
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rostov cardiac surgeons treat newborns; they save babies with severe heart and lung defects. many patients end up on the operating table straight from the hospital. specialists from different fields , together, as they say, guide the baby from birth and even the prenatal period to full recovery. report by veronica bogmai. of all the things vanya endured in a month of his life, this was an operation at the cardio center of the rostov regional clinical hospital, although it was a serious test. but not the most difficult thing, it was harder for him to breathe with such
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a rare congenital pathology of a cleft sternum, his relatives were left wondering whether there would be doctors who would risk helping him? this was new for us, in general these cases are extremely rare, this is generally an exclusive case in itself, ectopic heart, cleft sternum - this is very it’s a rare case, so no one has any experience, but you have to do it well. because
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they couldn’t really tell us anything, how to deal with it, but we came across specialists, we are very grateful to them, because we see, as it were, the result, approximately 95% of heart defects in children are diagnosed prenatally, that is, while still in the womb, doctors are preparing for the birth of such babies, using all the advantages of a well-functioning system of interaction between specialists from different clinics, who... jointly guide patients from birth to recovery. this the child was born in our maternity hospital, city clinical hospital number 20. the child was born somewhat prematurely, but with weight. 2 kg, and even during the pregnancy stage the mother was diagnosed with a congenital cardiac threshold in the fetus. after birth , the child was immediately transferred to the department for nursing premature babies, where he received treatment until his condition stabilized.
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the baby was also monitored by specialists from the regional clinical hospital, where he was taken for surgery. here they already know everything about him in the smallest detail. probably a day more examination. i need to put him on the surgical schedule. the operation will be carried out at the optimal time, when the child has grown and become stronger, in order to avoid possible risks. the pediatric intensive care unit, even by the size of the bed, is clear that children come here from a wide range of ages, from a day after birth to 18 years. this is where preparation for surgery and the equally important postoperative period take place. vanya has already gone through all this and is preparing for discharge. the child is recovering, he is breathing normally and coughing.
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about the main events of the last seven days in the news of the week with dmitry kiselev, watch tomorrow on sunday at 20:00, this is the news of the week and i am dmitry kiselev, watch on sunday, the start of exercises of non-strategic nuclear forces, in response to nato’s plans to fight with russia, how... you can’t allow any failures or mistakes, they won’t hide there overseas. for those who do not believe the word, it is clear how we are moving deeper into the enemy’s defense, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny is of the hottest, kharkov direction.
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what's on other fronts? and what should it become sanitary zone due to shelling in our border area? the tragic death of president raisi, iran mourns. but why is blinken happy? and what was this series of alarming events in may? the shooting of fico, a move against vucic, a conspiracy in turkey, threats to the prime minister of georgia, a coincidence. while the west imposes its depravity on the east, china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism, why are beijing sanctions in washington? why is there no
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moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, nor the moldovans themselves, only romanians. they began to pursue this policy of rampant humanization. than already ended centuries ago, the attempt of greater romania to abolish moldavia. while sandu is silent, alexey denisov will remind you. it all starts with this potion for drug addicts. and how our sergei zenin, together with the taliban, fights drug addiction by drinking. a unique report from afghanistan. you can even become intoxicated. the smoke is very acrid. at the location of the week, sunday, 20:00. the highest red alert level has been declared in several indian cities, including the capital, new delhi. and the reason for everything is unprecedented
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heat. daytime temperatures are above 45, even in the shade. four people became victims. against this background, prices for air conditioning fans have almost doubled. according to residents , they have to fight for life-giving moisture. horned, hairless and even dyed, these days an exhibition of pedigree sheep and small cattle is taking place in kaspiysk. more than sixty livestock farms and agricultural producers from all over the country participate in it. in addition to sheep, visitors can see kos, buffalos, camels and even the graceful peking horses. reporting by sarkar magomedova. no matter how bright the opening of the exhibition was, its main beauty, of course, lies in the pavilions. my handsome guys, my
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gold medalist, look, look, look, let everyone see you, you’re so handsome. there really is something to see, not an exhibition, but a real fashion show. sheephorns, woolen, hairless and even dyed, everyone is drawn to stroke them, sheep therapy, a new term coined here. like any exhibition, for example an automobile exhibition, it also has its own stars. lamborghini and ferrari, local exhibition, this handsome guy is a goat for 5000 rub. or this ram for 700? this is a south african breed, marbled goat meat, tasty, without a specific smell, there is no this pungency, which, let’s say, repels people from this meat. russian breeds, however, are not going to give in to kalmyt.
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and fat and cook any dishes, add meat to make it juicy. dagestan livestock breeders promise a unique taste of lamb, thanks to the unique tradition of driving sheep from the plains to the mountains. the advantage of these sheep is that they graze in alpine meadows and eat here. selected herbs that grow in alpine meadows, so their meat is not so tasty, and the wool is also important, what it should be, delegates from the rostov region show, this is the length of the wool, the tannin is very good, almost 15 cm in a yearling, so beautiful white wool, for what it can be useful, will be shown here at a master class on making burkas, in order to interest us and so that ours first of all... dagestan saw that this manufacturing process has its value, that we still have it is done because many
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they don’t know that we still do it, how to improve the quality of wool, improve the taste of meat and, most importantly, its quantity, all this is being discussed these days: dagestan, although a leader in sheep breeding, continues to develop, based on the example of these exhibitions in of our republic, in recent years , the holding of selection and breeding breeds on... the exhibition was liked not only by the guests, but also by the organizers, so much so that dagestan will gladly host the next anniversary, because here it is not just an exhibition, a real holiday. sarkar magomedov, salekh salekhov and abdulla magomedov, lead dagestan. vesti will continue to monitor the development of major events in russia abroad, stay tuned. are you bored with your old fence, do you want
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