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tv   Vesti nedeli  RUSSIA1  May 26, 2024 8:00pm-9:57pm MSK

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and see you on sunday in songs that brighten your soul, take care of yourself and your loved ones. nuclear.
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we cannot allow any failures or mistakes; they will not hide there overseas. for those who do not believe the words clearly. as we move deeper into the enemy’s defense, our military correspondent evgeniy poddubny is of the hottest, kharkov direction. what's on other fronts? and what should the sanitary zone look like due to shelling in our border area? the tragic death of president raisi, iran mourns, but why is blinken happy? and what was this series of alarming events in may? execution fico, aim at vucic, conspiracy in turkey, threats to the prime minister of georgia, coincidence. while
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the west imposes its depravity on the east, china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism, and why are beijing sanctions on washington? why is there no moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, no moldovans themselves, only romanians, wherever they go. they began to pursue this policy of rabid humanization. how did the attempt of great romania to abolish moldova end centuries ago? while sandu is silent, alexey denisov will remind you. drug addicts get everything from this potion begins. and how our sergei zenin, together with the taliban, fights drug addiction by drinking. a unique report from afghanistan. you can
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even become intoxicated. the smoke is very acrid. russia has begun a pre-announced exercise of non-strategic nuclear forces. putin’s order to the ministry of defense states that this is a response to threats emerging from the west. well, at least encouraging ukraine to strike our territory with longer-range missiles, but what? if they hit strategic targets, then anything is possible. now is the first stage of the exercise. on the second - belarus should join. information about military exercises from the country's ministry of defense is sparse, but a widely circulated video makes it possible to understand what is happening. the iskander operational-tactical complex is moving into a combat position. here it is being charged. a nuclear missile, slowly, but
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quickly, without fuss and unnecessary movements, and here they are already preparing for the launch, in another moment the ascent will begin, this does not remind you of anything, in any case, the association with something very masculine, these were iskanders, the stated range of action is up to 500 km, but if... the air component, hypersonic dagger missiles, and this is preparation for the flight of a carrier of cruise missiles with a nuclear warhead, a tu-22m3 long-range bomber, range of 3.00 km, here is the hypersonic dagger, let’s slow down a little here to view a nuclear dagger with a red head, suspended from a mig-31 fighter. operating range - 2.0 km.
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an aviation technician sits in the cockpit for pre-flight control. weapons exist to be used, this is a quote from putin, this is exactly what the president said in a recent interview with us, but until now there was no need to use nuclear weapons, so why do we need to use weapons of mass destruction, there has never been such a need, that is, such a thought has never occurred to you. why, but weapons exist in order to be used, we have our own principles, what do they say, that we are ready to use weapons, including any weapon, including the one you
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mentioned, if we are talking about about - the existence of the russian state, causing damage our sovereignty and independence, the ongoing exercise is an indicator of our... readiness, until now the americans have not noticed this readiness, here are the standard comments on the topic from the representative of the american state department, matthew meller. the us has no indication that russia is preparing to use nuclear weapons. we will continue to monitor this closely. that is, the united states has not yet noticed any movements near our nuclear depots. no one took anything from there, transported it anywhere, or attached it to anything. no manipulation, everything is quiet, at least at least they didn't notice anything there. the point of the ongoing exercises is to designate this movement, get it, bring it, install it, pick it up, feel it, cope with it. putin
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commented on what was happening in minsk on friday. this is an area where no failures, no mistakes, no coherence can be allowed. yes, this is what the exercises you asked about are dedicated to in coherence, we are not doing anything special, we are preparing, we are training, we must be ready, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this blow, as it happened in the middle of the past century, we will not allow this, they should know about it, it is interesting that having received from us in advance information about the upcoming exercises of russian non-strategic nuclear forces, the americans hastened to also appear on this agenda. on the evening of may 14, at the nuclear test site in los amos, nevada, they carried out a so -called subcritical explosion. subcritical is when the explosive detonates around the nuclear charge, but
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in a controlled manner so as to still not create a critical mass for a chain reaction. the french also told us that in the past resurrection with a blank warhead, in general this is some kind of backward thing, at least the speed of the asmpa missile is already four times less than that of our hypersonic dagger, but still, here we are conducting an exercise of non- strategic nuclear forces, we’ll blow up at least... what - or we won’t detonate it, but at least we’ll test some small artillery nuclear charge on some abandoned polar island. answer: no, we won’t test it. putin set clear conditions for this, if they are, then so are we, but we are not the first
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we will, there are no options here. if they carry out such tests, i don’t rule it out, it’s not necessary, we need it, we don’t need it, we still need it.
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they first raise the russian flag over them, and then a copy of the victory banner. on the artyomov front, klishcheevka and andreevka have been liberated, for which there were fierce battles for a long time, if russian troops advance further into... far behind the front line, iskander is launched and the destruction of the target is immediately recorded by the main ones. are command posts and communication centers, both ground and underground, concentrations of troops and
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equipment, also enemy defense systems, aviation at airfields. on ukrainian territory, a marshalling station in kharkov was hit, where trains with military equipment arrived from the west, hitting airfields in kirovograd and krapivnitsky. over the course of a week, there were 49 such strikes with precision weapons. here's saturday at the epicenter store in kharkov, it was closed a long time ago and turned into a warehouse. supplies, including western ones, confirmation of this is the secondary detonation, which continues for another hour. in the donetsk direction, the mobilized ukrainian military maxim likhachev stole a t-64 tank from the armed forces of ukraine; only a few of them remained; together with the vehicle he went over to the russian side. turn around, wipe the trigger. here he surrenders to our troops, who guarantee life and integrity. according to our minister.
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supermarket in odessa at one o'clock in the afternoon. there are more than 100,000 wanted cloners, who want to get
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into the armed forces of ukraine less and less every day. moreover, replenishment, as is known, is destroyed very quickly. here is footage of russian drones hitting ukrainian trenches. and this is a heroic russian soldier, cleverly dodges enemy drones, they explode very close, drop charges, he falls, but still gets up, judging by these frames, remains alive. come on, come on, come on. this zaporozhye direction, the arctic battalion of the marine corps of the pacific fleet, captured an important strong point, threw grenades, triumphantly raised the flag of their branch of troops from the dugout, said that a tank was coming towards us, well, it was coming towards us, they took back all the points so that to fight back, five of us held our positions for several hours until reinforcements arrived, well this silent mortar, which is the ags, everything
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that was possible flew at us. around the hour of yaar, reconnaissance noticed a robot on western-made tracks, it was delivering ammunition to entrenched enemy soldiers, and it was immediately destroyed by fpv drones. this is a cnn story filmed in kharkov. the military complains that they did not have a single fortification to resist russian troops, so they are retreating. there was nothing prepared here, nothing at all. russian troops between the belgorod and kharkov regions they are expanding their bridgehead, the village of staritsa has been liberated there, which makes it possible to actually unite two fronts, the one that is going to kharkov and the one that is now storming volchansk. tank battles do not stop near avdeevka, one t-80 is replaced by a second, and so on until the enemy stronghold is smoking. it was a tank carousel, the first one entered.
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this is what the battle for volchansk looks like: the soldiers of our assault units knock out the enemy.
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positions of every house are used as fortifications, over the past year the nature of the actions has changed, well of course, the enemy is developing the drone in this direction and how they manage to do it, but it’s worth admitting, because well, this is a serious problem, now it comes to the point that we only move either at night or in conditions in general forest belts, and just like in cars, we also walk, because, of course, copters. they see, they immediately send there afia drones, the use of infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, support for armored vehicles in general, as such, we don’t have it now, because it is susceptible to attacks by fodrons, well, the same thing in principle the enemy, yes, absolutely right, yes, it ’s the same with the enemy, they also hide their equipment and don’t show it to us, and they also burn their armored vehicles, everything is on fire, that is, yes,
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yes, yes, absolutely right, volchansk is comparable in territory to avdeevka, isn’t it here? such a large-scale industrial zone, in fact, the northern part of the city is under the control of the russian army, across the river are the southern districts of bolchansk, where the enemy is still there, the bridges across the volchie river have been destroyed, but the formation of the kiev regime is establishing pontoon crossings , trying to counterattack, impose on the troops the russian grouping north is engaged in oncoming battles, but these are unsuccessful attempts; russian motorized riflemen are literally led by reconnaissance aircraft from the air, promptly informed about the enemy’s movements and numbers, and adjusted fire damage. here is an example of how aviation supports infantry. this is a blow to the reserves of the formation of the kiev regime that are trying to cross the river. four high-explosive bombs with planning modules destroy an enemy unit.
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aviation hits panton crossings that the enemy is trying to covertly... our troops they are advancing over a wide area in order to push the enemy back to kharkov to form a sanitary zone, which will protect the cities of the belgorod region from terrorist attacks by the kiev regime using multiple launch rocket systems. scouts who identify and destroy targets.
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in forest belts, in forested areas, it’s mostly located on the outskirts, yeah, and it’s far away in terms of distance, it sets up its equipment, that is, they’re afraid, afraid, afraid, large-scale combat work is going on, this unit of the russian army, perhaps, set a new record for during active operations in the kharkov direction, loitering ammunition operators destroyed more than 40 enemy artillery systems, the call sign of this soldier’s grandfather came to the active army voluntarily, with military service behind him.
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therefore, there are more civilians, because the soldier , in principle, he chose his own path, and for no reason they cover civilians, the worst and worst thing, is full of old soviet equipment, really old, well, it’s more interesting and more pleasant to destroy, these are nato ones, which are considered one of the best, as in every they write on the fence, it’s nice. burns much better than soviet technology. now lancet operators conduct counter-battery warfare and reconnaissance, destroy enemy radar stations and air defense systems. ranges allow. the enemy deployed units equipped with the most modern western-made weapons systems to the kharkov direction. in addition, the redeployment of ukrainian armed forces reserves
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continues. the command of the formation of the kiev regime is trying to slow down the advance of our troops after several breakthroughs of the front line and a serious advance of the north group actually baffled the leaders of the kiev regime, but additional units.
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after a meeting of the agency for strategic initiatives, the president decided to speak separately with deputy prime minister novak, it was very difficult to hear, but one could understand that putin was calling some kind of big meeting with the participation of numerous ministers, that’s what we heard a day later. big meeting with government members, they talked about my visit probably half the government was there, the verdicts at the airport were completed, the presidents were heading to
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minsk together in one car. then it turned out that the conversation lasted until 3:00 a.m., and even in the elevator, judging by these shots, it was not about the weather at all. first of all, during the visit, the presidents said, they discussed security. the two countries are conducting joint nuclear exercises. if you are a machine gunner, what is the machine gun for? in order to attack or defend ourselves, we have no desire to attack anyone, to defend ourselves, as to defend, then you must be able to use this weapon, as if it were deadly, dangerous with a machine gun, you can’t compare a weapon, we need to train, we are all doing what they did before us and are doing now, the world is unstable, dangerous, we cannot miss this...
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about the possibility of negotiations, because it was in belarus that these negotiations, in principle, began 2 years ago. russia has never refused these negotiations. and moreover,
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you... the head of the negotiating group on the ukrainian side initialed a summary of these possible agreements, that is, in principle, the ukrainian on the whole, this suited the side, it suited the russian side as well, there were points that needed to be improved, in general, i repeat, if the signature is on this document, then the ukrainian side was satisfied with it, for well-known reasons, after... the former prime minister of great britain arrived in kiev, the ukrainian side chose these agreements, stopped implementing them, moreover, announced that the negotiations were ending, they said so publicly, we did not stop these negotiations, they stopped, they forbade themselves to conduct these further negotiations, we did not prohibit anyone, we are for negotiations, with whom to negotiate, this is of course not an idle question, of course, we
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are aware that the legitimacy of the current head of state has ended, i think that one of the goals of the conference, which announced, a conference in switzerland, is precisely for the western community, the sponsors of today’s kiev regime, to confirm the legitimacy of the current head of state or an inactive one, but these...
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russia and belarus are demonstrating more and more a large-scale increase in trade turnover, this in conditions when the west was thinking of strangling both economies. in connection with the so-called sanctions, and more of them were introduced into relations with russia than with anyone else in the world, 16. different ones, they create certain problems, of course, but they also create for us certain opportunities for development, so that citizens two countries felt
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at home in all areas, they will soon have a home mobile network, cancel roaming on the territory of the union state, that is , mobile communications for all subscribers in the two countries will be fully provided in home network mode. a homely atmosphere was created in the palace of independence, russian ministers and deputy prime ministers looked at the paintings with interest, the exhibition was clearly new, so the soldiers of the honor guard were also interested. an interesting story, but a joint history of russia. it will be this multipolar world, these madmen are bringing this multipolar world closer with their actions, who likes it, stole money, in this case from russia, not only don’t like it, they seized some kind of ship they arrested, the tanker was taken away, the goods were taken away, everything is allowed, they are strong. if we return to the topic
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of zelensky’s legitimacy, then let’s look at the ukrainian constitution. everything is clear with the verkhovna rada: article 83. in the event of the end of the term of office of the verkhovna rada. of ukraine during a martial law or state of emergency, its powers continue until the day of the first meeting of the first session of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, elected after the lifting of the martial law or state of emergency. on the extension of the powers of the president of ukraine after the end nothing is said about the term, that is, the constitution does not allow extension, the term is clearly defined, 5 years. article 103. the president of ukraine is elected by citizens. ukraine on the basis of general, equal direct suffrage, by secret ballot for a period of 5 years. but there is article 108, where one president replaces another. the president of ukraine exercises his powers until
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the newly elected president of ukraine takes office. it turns out that zelensky’s 5 years have expired, his powers have ended, and a new president has not been elected. here in this legislative hole zelensky sits, no one knows who. the constitution of ukraine does not allow the extension of presidential powers. in 2015 , the rada adopted a law on the legal regime of martial law. according to it, any elections are prohibited, and changes to the constitution are also prohibited. if so, then zelensky, at the end of his five-year term, is walking through the forest. the constitution does not allow for the extension of powers. it is clear that zelensky’s status requires a decision from the constitutional court of ukraine, but a constitutional one. the court got a lot of water in its mouth, in general in the west there are people seizing premises that are not for them those who live there do not rightfully belong, well, like zelensky is now in the presidential office, they are called squatters, so this is
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his status: squatter zelensky, squatter is. while the russian military is working to create a sanitary zone near our borders and is conducting a powerful offensive in the kharkov direction, the belgorod region is coping with attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. first, bandera’s special operations launched several thousand drone missiles into the peaceful neighborhoods of belgorod, there are many casualties, but it is impossible to break the belgorod residents. report by olga kurlaeva. kharkov mountain, the highest. point in belgorod, from the windows of high-rise buildings you can literally see ukraine, here in a straight line 25 km to the border, all ukrainian weapons that can fly are flying here. a high-rise building on shchorsa street, the largest in
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this block, was in the path of ukrainian missiles, point u hit the house, an entire entrance collapsed, killing 17 people. kiev immediately declared its non-involvement and continued attacks on the border region, it can be restored at least every day, at least every day. stop the shelling, we are waiting for the return peace on the belgorod region, we did not stop anything except for those projects that are located directly close to the border, and where this is no longer possible, border villages became front-line, residents were offered to
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move to temporary accommodation centers at the expense of the region’s budget, but few of them agreed to leave their homes, the store is closed, foreign traders don’t come here, they are afraid, their own people come with a truck shop...
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this is half an hour. near the office of shebekinsky agrarian gennady chmerev, everything that was collected his pole. the ukrainian drone arrived yesterday. and this is the wing from a polish drone, it fell the day before yesterday, and this is the accelerating block of point y, here is such a crop, a trident, yes, thank god, no one was hurt, everything exploded here, we found it here, the vampire was flying to the side belgorod, it was intercepted by the russian air defense system, another missile got stuck in a barley field. a ukrainian drone attacked a working tractor, the tractor driver remained alive,
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but the equipment burned down. gennady ivanovich was seriously concerned about the safety of his employees. we have all tractors, we have four pieces of equipment equipped with anti-drone nets, like this, yes, you are in armor, but how can there be any other way. more than a hundred enterprises were damaged by ukrainian shelling in the belgorod region. laurite makes components for paint and varnish production flammable and toxic. the shell hit between the wall and the first reactor and it was all completely burned, these metal structures were curled up like pencils. the workers just repaired the reactor installation, replaced casing on tanks with acid again the arrival of ukrainian hail. in belgorod , they treat entrepreneurs with care, they try to solve their problems, as long as they don’t close their business, restore houses destroyed by shelling of the ukrainian armed forces in shebek. the operational
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situation is difficult, the military says. and this is the other end of the belgorod region. in grayvoron it is noisy from the work of hammer drills, chainsaws and the sound of hammers. russian troops drove the enemy to a safe distance for the district center, and now it is possible to repair houses on the street. we are waiting for the kharkov region they will scatter, then we will seem to live. most often, local contractors work on sites in the city. they’re not trying not to come here, the danger of ukrainian missiles still exists, we’ll go down, let’s go, let’s go, guys, the border village from the last street to ukraine is literally 500 meters, there are no fortified areas here and the garrisons are in a completely different country, by july 1 we’ll restore the kazinka unfortunately, we cannot yet, today it is still very dangerous, here, as in belgorod, there were absolutely civilians. people lived here, very good, kind people, and then
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what happened, with their cars, with houses, with apartments, yes, they remained like that, here they are, ukrainian saboteurs made noise, scaring civilians, destroying everything that came in their way, a kindergarten, a school and even a church. russian military security forces knocked ukrainian saboteurs out of kozinka for several days. there were attacks from drones and missiles. here, of course, for...
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we began to take care of each other a little more, and our attitude towards life became a little more, you know, all these material things, of course, well, they kind of concern, but the main thing is that we remained alive, georgy dulgreev lived in donetsk until 2014, then he moved here to his homeland, your daughter...
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the tax scale is 13% for everyone. this is how we still live, then the arguments were, as i remember, if you take more from the rich, they will hide their income.
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the changes in which this will become fair, by the way, are confirmed, in general, a system where the rich pay a larger percentage of taxes is overdue, this is called a progressive scale, russia has already returned, foreign studies , the absolute majority of russians, it is not will affect, the main burden due to the progressive scale should fall on those who earn a lot, on the rich. there is no need to offend the middle class, because they are just getting on their feet. the topic requires great care and scrupulous study; the parameters of the new system are not yet available in numbers, but the important thing is that the principle of fairness is laid down as a cornerstone, and
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if so, then business should be approached selectively. support should be provided primarily to those. those who do not hide profits in offshore companies use them for expansion production, innovation, investing in social infrastructure. the government and the state duma seem to have a consensus here. everyone will perceive justice in their own way, because the justice of the one who invests money in the development of the country, in the development of his enterprise, finally increases the salaries of employees, in the development of the region where he makes a profit, is one, the one who, by the way, is in full compliance with the law, i’m not talking about those who withdraw money to...
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read more about changes to the taxation system olga meshcheryakova. expert the council meets in the state duma, here are those who make decisions, officials, businesses, heads of local administrations, the changes affect all structures at all levels, the minister of finance opens the discussion, the first introductory, we are still finalizing the parameters for changing personal income tax for different categories of income, it is important
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so that, within the framework of a fair tax system , the proposal for progressions does not affect the majority of citizens and concerns only those with high... funds will go to the development of national projects and social programs. good experience, creation circle of good foundation, for the 2% to 13 that people with income over 5 million pay, the foundation saves children with serious illnesses. the changes, which would increase the tax burden, would not affect the vast majority of our
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people, are aimed at really solving the problem of those who earn more. a fairly large debt load, and do not pay dividends, but continue to implement large investment projects, these projects
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will bring additional tax revenues in 3-5 years, increase the gross domestic product will help maintain our place in the world market. we believe that this measure will allow market participants with lower turnover to effectively compete with large businesses. for small businesses , tax and administrative conditions should be as simple as possible, so that costs... i support an increase in taxation for citizens with high incomes, this will solve the problem of a fair and adequate redistribution of tax time to wealthier russians. it is important to ensure stability and predictability of the tax system, which will stimulate entrepreneurial...
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the speaker of the state duma takes the floor, his proposals are met with applause. a progressive scale, let's say right away that it will not affect the income of participants in a special military operation. they defend the country, they receive rewards for their exploits and destroyed equipment. i would like the government to take into account the proposals of the state duma. from a progressive scale , we bring you the income of the participants. special military operation please what is your point of view regarding this? yes, thank you, dear vyacheslav viktorovich, we, of course, will support this proposal.
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it is necessary to remove 10 million self-employed people from progressive taxation, this is the proposal of the head of the duma committee on budget and taxes, andrei makarov. we promised, we promised these people that we would not touch them for 10 years. here the price of a mistake is much more expensive than the money. we can get in connection with the changes, the state must keep its promises, this is a guarantee of trust between the state and the taxpayer, a separate line - taxes on bank deposits, no changes are expected here either. we propose to maintain the level of taxation on dfl income in the form of interest on deposits, this is aimed at stimulating citizens to form savings, and the measure also has a social aspect, so as not to affect the majority of citizens who keep theirs. savings in banks, additional adjustment of the tax system should take into account the interests of the regions, a mechanism for budget redistribution is needed, they believe
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the ministry of finance, in the state duma, to provide people with an equal quality of life in a fair way, we wanted all territories to be equal in this sense and receive, let’s say, the same resources for this, but at the same time we would also like there to be mechanisms that stimulate local administrations to the effective development of its territories, budgetary injustice will be eliminated , including with the help of... president reisi iran is mourning, but why is blinkina happy, and what is the series of alarming events in may, the shooting of fitso, the swing at
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vucic, a conspiracy in turkey and threats to the prime minister of georgia, a coincidence. while the west is imposing its depravity on the east, china is threatening taiwan with severe punishment for separatism, and why are beijing sanctions on washington? how does our sergei zenin, together with the taliban, fight drug addiction and drunkenness? a unique report from afghanistan.
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golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. see how the events of today overlap with the events of long ago . at the global level, there is chaos,
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lies, manipulation, isn’t this international? terrorism and the one committed, paid for, in general the ideology of nazism, it was taken by hitler from anglo-saxons, look how and with what the ukrainians pay for every dollar invested by the anglo-saxons in this country, the trouble is that we ourselves, with our own hands and actions , give rise to the distortion of real history, this is a subtle and long-term game, this... everything works here into this piggy bank, humiliation, they don’t want to see us as winners, besagon tv on monday on rtr, you’re definitely doing well, it’s simple and you usually never stay late, the premiere on rtr, you’ll leave me without a morning show, i have a husband, work,
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love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need figure it all out. melody for yours, from monday on rtr. are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready,
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four experienced experts guessed. we’re deceiving, well what can we do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, a big music show, we ate it, why, you ate it, ate it, ate it, on friday on rtr.
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president putin's state visit to uzbekistan begins today. the program includes negotiations with the leader of this friendly country, shavkat mirziyoyev, and the signing of a series of important agreements. accepts the liner russian president vladimir putin begins his two-day state visit to the republic of uzbekistan, while the plane is maneuvering the airfield, soldiers of the guard of honor line up along the carpet, among whom there are girls, the russian president descends the ramp below, he is greeted by president shavkat mirziyoyev, two heads of state, warmly say hello to each other, girl. in national costume, greets vladimir putin with flowers and the presidents begin to discuss something on the way to the hall official delegations. next, the leaders traveled in one car; they were already
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expected in the new uzbekistan park. it was opened on the thirtieth anniversary of the sovereignty of this republic in the twenty-first year. in the center of the park there is a sixty-meter high monument of independence, on it there is a bas-relief telling about the three-thousand-year history of this ancient land. vladimir putin laid it at the foot of the memory. there is also a short excursion and a short story about the images of the physician abusina, in europe he was known as ovicena, the mathematician al-khurizmi, who invented the term algebra, commander tamerlane and other great natives of the lands where uzbekistan is now located, but the country lives in the future, tashkent is developing in the new tashkent region will now be a street.
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and the flags of uzbekistan are almost already hot in the summer. tashkent, the city of a thousand fountains, welcomes guests from russia. moscow and tashkent have centuries-old relations, but it was in the last decade that russian-uzbek ties reached a fundamentally new level. the leaders of the two countries talk about an alliance and a comprehensive strategic partnership. which means two states have common views on world economic and political problems and common approaches to global security issues. tomorrow to vladimir putin and shavkat merzia. there will be a busy program for the second day of the state visit, all the main events will take place at the kuksaroy residence, the uzbek name translates as green palace, where the host party will hold a welcoming ceremony with a guard of honor and the anthems of the two
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countries, where the presidents will be photographed for the press, and then hold bilateral negotiations, first one on one, then as part of a delegation, this part of the work will end with the signing of joint documents and statements for the media. russia's total investments in the economy of uzbekistan exceed $9 billion, there are about 3,000 enterprises with russian participation in the country, the flagship project for the construction of the region's first nuclear power plant, and tomorrow the president's day will end with participation in the first forum of regional cooperation between russia and uzbekistan. alexey glovko, sofia petrosyan, konstantin morozov and andrey greshnev. news of the week from tashkent, republic of uzbekistan. on wednesday, iran said goodbye to president ibrahimo. reisi, who died as a result of azerbaijan to iran. at the funeral, those gathered for the helicopter crash during the flight from chanted death to israel, death to america.
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five days of mourning have been declared in the country. versions of what happened and possible consequences are in the material of our political observer alexander khristenko. sacred to the shiites, the mausalee of imariz, capable.
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the spiritual leader of khaminiya spoke the words prayers. the commemorative events became a visible embodiment of the broadness and desire of the muslim world to put aside political differences, at least for a while. the prime minister of iraq, the prime minister of pakistan, and the vice president of india came to tehran. an official delegation of the taliban government, including the acting first deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs, arrived from afghanistan, and the leader of the movement also arrived. the farewell ceremony was attended by
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the president of tunisia and the prime minister of syria with a delegation . mir katora also arrived on this day, china's special envoy was present. in total , representatives of more than fifty countries gathered in tehran on this day. the russian delegation was headed by state duma chairman vyacheslav volodin. in tehran, he also spoke with the acting president of the islamic republic, mohammed mahber. in the iranian capital, volodin conveyed words of condolences. on behalf of the russian president in connection with the death of ibrahim raisi. he was a very reliable partner, a straightforward person, self-confident, above all, a person who was guided by national interests, but, of course, this is an old word, if we agreed on something, we could always be sure that the agreements would be fulfilled. for our part, we will do everything to ensure that russian-iranian relations continue.
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the iranian general staff, which is conducting the investigation, announced in a preliminary report that no traces of external influence were found on the helicopter, no traces of bullets or similar damage. according to experts, the helicopter caught fire only after colliding with the ground. experts also found that before the fall the helicopter was moving behind.
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the connection was lost, ayatallah al-hashem was able to call from there on the phone, he moaned that he felt bad, he was alone there, there were trees all around, i asked what happened, he said: “i don’t know.” racey often used helicopters, including the russian mi-171, but this time he flew on an american bel 212, manufactured in the nineties. why an old american and even a two-blade bel was chosen for flying in the mountains, and not more powerful russian aircraft, is still unknown.
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for some reason the seating was changed, the other one is turkish the newspaper puts the question in the headline: racey’s helicopter crashed or was shot down and lists all possible versions of what happened. the suspicious death of the iranian president as a result of the crash of his helicopter has raised many questions. israel is the prime suspect, but israel cannot operate in the region without us support. is it an accident or murder? has the president fallen victim to a power struggle within iran? is this a joint action between israel and the united states or murder?
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they put people's lives at risk. on board, as they say, there were three navigation systems, in including gps, but the signal from the helicopter could not be detected for a long time, possibly due to the fire that had started.
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the preliminary cause of the plane crash with the iranian president is a technical malfunction. the americans immediately began to rub their hands, the sanctions are working, but excuse me, this is technology and measurable quantities. there is no doubt that the technical control over the presidential helicopter is impeccable in such a disciplined country as iran. but why did he fly to border azerbaijan in a russian helicopter? mi. why did the cockpit catch fire or explode and the crew burn to death, which was the source of the fire? even the american publication atlantic writes that iran is not like a country where presidents die by accident.
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it's all a bit too dense. in early may, it was reported that an assassination attempt was underway on the crown prince of saudi arabia, mohammed bin salman. certainly not about the american one. figure, then the saudis denied everything, but what was it, why and who benefits, here is information about the preparation of the assassination attempt on the president of serbia aleksandar vučić was confirmed; there, by a court decision, a certain dragan mijatović from the city of sombor on the border with croatia was arrested. vučić keeps serbia openly close to moscow, and russia is not going to announce any sanctions, which he has repeatedly announced. but in...
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the time has come for the allies to consider whether they should lift some of the restrictions that they have placed on the use of the weapons they have transferred to ukraine, these restrictions have a serious impact on the country's ability to use these weapons for defensive purposes. in other words, ukraine should gain the opportunity to strike with missiles, attacks from places where they have not previously flown, in depth.
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“thanks to the usa, i got stuck and left.”
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in this case we would be directly involved in the war, so europe and the us said no, there is no common sense in saying now, let's do it anyway, but the no-fly zone should be 70 or 100 km, we should concentrate on support ukraine, but we ourselves do not want to become a party to the war and will not become one, neither we nor europe. the usa, apparently, needs to be chancellor germany, in order to have one hundred percent confidence in the us’s unwillingness to burn its
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european satellites one by one or all at once in a direct clash with russia.
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in europe, the magnitudes are incomparable , and so are the risks, but washington is putting pressure on its allies, just as it hopes to push them through trade. with china, the united states does not hide that this will be the second main topic at the g7 meeting in italy. president biden has made it clear that he will take action to protect american companies. and last week united the united states has announced strategic and targeted steps in key sectors in response to china's unfair trade practices. the us has imposed prohibitive tariffs on imports
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of chinese electric vehicles, batteries and wind turbines. now they want her to do the same. europe. the german government had the audacity to object, saying that a significant part of the electric cars produced in china are european brands, for example, volkswagen. this week , us treasury secretary helen received an honorary doctorate from the frankfurt school economics and used her platform to lecture scholz on the need for a common response to china's industrial policy. that this response will be solely in american interests. the other day, at a meeting with voters, scholz made an amazing statement; he said that he would take away history textbooks from politicians, because they read them and then dream of reviving empires. the hint is clear, but there is also a suspicion that in the head of the chancellor, like many other german figures, there was an absolutely flat, one-dimensional picture of the world, in
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which the last 3 years, or even 30 years, have not found any reflection at all. the digital industry of industrial russia, the flagship conference in the it field, and its main event is the plenary session, which , according to the tradition established by the prime minister, is always held in a special order. for several hours, mikhail mishustin asks major industrialists difficult questions, to
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which he expects honest answers and, if necessary, even lends his own microphone. there is a microphone. are there any restrictions here? we, of course, are ready to give everything, but not completely, everything, yes, and as for a number of solutions, we offer
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a service, that is, accordingly, this is a solution that will be supported by our company for, well, quite a long time, which will allow us, accordingly , to receive additional income from its use. the creation of industrial competence centers provided a tectonic shift in digitalization, which was extremely necessary after western... companies left the russian market en masse. transporting continuous cycle production to another location is difficult and expensive. the only option unite the efforts of business power. in light of the new appointments, the task is to strictly administer the implementation of our russian systems in all russian enterprises from the economic sphere. this is now the main task, but at the same time we do not forget about implementation. the greatest export potential of our developments in order to compete for a share in the global market. and in this intensely competitive struggle there are
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assistants, digital ataches, these are employees of torque representations who are well acquainted with the nuances of legislation in their country of residence. they help russian companies find potential partners abroad. so far, digital attaches work in 14 countries, and will be in thirty. malaysia. uzbekistan, mikhail kuduryatsov, united arab emirates, you are our digital special forces, which, i think, will absolutely do everything possible to achieve, including technological independence, sovereignty. export contracts are already concluded in nizhny novgorod, because the conference is taking place within the framework of russia’s chairmanship in brix, and stands of a dozen and a half countries are presented here: india, iran, egypt, china. businessmen with an eye on the future turn to mishustin in russian. we would like to create it on russian territory. joint venture, thank you for coming to us, i am sure that you will find partners here. in china, as you know, russian products are especially popular: butter, ice cream,
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confectionery, flour. digital assistant agronomist ivan will now help achieve record harvests together with russian agronomists. he gave his first consultation to the governor. help, please, first deputy prime minister, mantura denis valentinovich. this amount of phosphate fertilizers needs to be applied to... not only for the digitalization of government administration, but also dmitry grigorenko, who is now responsible for digital development in general. to date, companies across all industries have increased their investments in digital technologies by 80%. they exceeded 4 trillion rubles. funds aimed at development.
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but for now, perhaps pharmaceutical production and shipbuilding are lagging behind a little, but positive progress is already underway dynamics. in nizhny novgorod there is a joint stand of urosatom and kamaz. the development of the russian electric car atom is being carried out by kama, a subsidiary of kamaz. the transition from a foreign digital product to a russian one is an additional incentive for our developers who moved abroad. return home, in russia they have something to do, and for a good salary. do people come back or not? yes, a lot of people are returning, according to our estimates, more than 50%
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have already returned, a lot of interesting projects are being implemented inside, well, secondly, of course, our developers, who are accustomed to a comfortable, convenient life, in general, sometimes do not receive such opportunities in those countries that left, that is why i am very pleased here, the process is underway, the prime minister is mischievous in all his speeches. the unusual it, it -information technology emphatically says, this is a principled position, because we already have our own quite successful examples of digitalization, then more than over... years cypr, the digital industry of industrial russia has become the flagship conference for russian it specialists and not only, it outlines the contours of the development of information technology, and also reports on the results, without which it is impossible to achieve technological sovereignty, and the development of the industry as a whole. anna semyonov ponomarenko, alexander fioktistov, maxim bragin, magomet enotsaev, news for the week from nizhny novgorod. this is the news of the week. next in the program. while the west
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imposes its depravity on the east, china threatens taiwan with severe punishment for separatism. and why are beijing sanctions in washington? how our sergei zenin fights with the taliban drug addiction and drunkenness? a unique report from afghanistan. why is there no moldovan language for the prime minister of romania, nor the moldovans themselves? how the great attempt already ended centuries ago. moldova cannot be canceled, alexey denisov, let me remind you that we see even what is hidden, but what everyone sees is always new for us, the journey of a special suitcase. on the kremlin and other interesting
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moments, about how when big politics is being done, every day it’s far to fill in and a special interview about relations with the west, there will be a russian bear when we answer like this, whatever seems a little, we will see, we will show more than others, always one step ahead, moscow, the kremlin, putin, we look. immediately after the news of the week. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern designed rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and yourself. relax
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realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max, what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him away, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me, can you hear how it’s beating? , i will protect you, who offends you, a magical gift that has become a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t make my heart sing. we go to the doctor, we take up a lot of his time with empty complaints, and we don’t go to a doctor, when you seriously need to go, forewarned means forearmed, any remedy has a downside with the most
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meanwhile, in the usa, the pre-election psychosis is flaring up. biden's headquarters this week, for example, he demanded that the discussion between presidential candidates take place at the table, but trump absolutely refuses sit-down debates; he suggests that baden must stand all the time, although franklin delana roosevelt, for example, could not stand at all. but this did not prevent him from being elected four times and none of his rivals asked roosevelt to stand. billionaire elon musk decided to make things even more confusing by declaring his readiness to host the debate between
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biden and trump. let's see how everything turns out. one way or another, before the historical the debate is exactly one month old. about the internal political situation in the united states, our correspondent, valentin bogdanov.
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we have casinos and everything like that, so i didn’t like him at first, then he became president in atlantic city everything became much better, and under biden there were so many poor people who were not even able to feed their own children or buy milk, he destroyed everything, this is madness, people wearing red caps, people stood in this line for 6 hours more. officially, the rally in new york was supposed to gather 3,500 participants, but they are already writing that almost 25 thousand came. where are you from, you are amazing work, we will hold the greatest rally in history. the last republican president to visit the bronx was ronald reagan. in the eightieth, he, the last of his fellow party members, won a victory in this fiefdom of the dimparty. a raid on the rear
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of the democrats, or immediate reconnaissance in force, it’s no joke , but in this new york district they haven’t voted for republicans for more than 100 years. and now all these people are going to support donald trump in november. the south bronx, where more than half the population is hispanic, is the most latino borough in the world. northeastern usa. if latinos support trump here, they will certainly support him in key arizona and nevada. for democrats, this is already a nightmare in iwu. i was in this area and i knew trump would be here, i grew up here. i support trump because i voted for him the first time, he did it. do most american politicians basically tell you everything you want to hear, and then you see them? trumpistrod is rather an exception for places here. 4 years ago, 83% of south bronns voted for biden. from him not only latinos, but also african americans are turning away. trump's popularity in black
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neighborhoods is only growing. over the past year , three. this is donald trump's city. as we can see, thousands of people came to support him. i'm just one of them. we see that over the past 3.5 years our country has gone to hell. and i think we need to go back to the way it was in '17, '18 and '19, when this country was doing well, economically and financially. 4 years ago we were much better off than we are today. what about biden? to me nothing to say about biden, although no. on patrick’s t-shirt is a photograph of trump taken in prison during his first arrest in georgia, but the judicial persecution only added to the republican’s respect among african americans, who themselves often find themselves behind bars. it is no coincidence that among the guests there are authoritative rappers with millions of views, both of whom are involved in criminal cases.
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i've seen good times and bad times in new york in my life, but i've never seen a city like this, where we spent time with our kids are now tents of homeless drug addicts, there is garbage all around, police are attacked by crowds of migrants. the crowd was larger than i think democrats would like to see, as this is one of the most democratic areas in the entire country, and i have attended many of these rallies and often met people who traveled hundreds of miles to see donald trump. not being part of his community, but one of
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the details that i noticed here is that a lot of people are local from the bronx, we were also checking that evening facts, this is what the group of those who came out against trump looked like. trump's opponents, they call him a dictator, positioned themselves at a distance from his fans, just in case, closer to the police, well, apparently, so as not to beat him. on the posters they brought. the fight, a small protester trump is depicted next to hitler, all according to the latest training manual. donald trump's video with made-up newspaper headlines about how much america has changed for the better after his victory did not hang on the republican headquarters website for a day. it's all because of this one fragment. if you look closely at the blurry newspaper subheading, you can make out the words. industrial strength has increased significantly, a movable creation.
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maybe 10. the words of margerrie teilar green, against the background of everything else, are no longer perceived as political hype. biden's doj and fbi planned to assassinate president trump and gave the green light. everyone has already understood what the republicans are going to do about it. i tried to remove our speaker, who funded biden's doj and fbi, but the democrats stopped it. taylor greene, like many in america, has read internal fbi documents. they became available thanks to a team of lawyers.
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they drank and looked into their eyes. the wounded biden
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tried to turn everything into a joke. we have a wide representation of the african diaspora here, isn’t that all? kiev has been allocated, but the main course is still missing, give them russia. i would agree to the use of long-range systems of short-range systems, as well as highmars. and your administration ties the ukrainians’ hands
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behind their backs, you will change this policy. ukrainians will not be able to achieve victory with the restrictions that you have placed on them. the country cannot defend itself and respond to attacks. congressman mccall brought to capital hill a map taken from the website of the american think tank institute for the study of war, but for some reason removed the names of russian regions from it. victorialand’s daughter-in-law, who runs the mentioned institute, had names on the map: bryansk, kursk, belgorod, voronezh and rostov regions, and they want to hit them. i think for... they're trying to destroy him so that no naked russian soldier would set foot there, so i think it is time to give the ukrainians more help in striking these bases on russian territory. that is, even after leaving the state department, nuland continues
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to play the role of a bad cop, with an even worse commander-in-chief who visited the graduates of the westpoint military academy. there are no american soldiers in ukraine, i am firmly committed to keeping it that way, but we stand on the side of ukraine and will continue to support it. putin wants nato to exist fragmented, i met with him after he was elected president, and we talked about exactly this, the fall, he connected this fall, he decided.
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in general, this is the first time that the international criminal court has issued an arrest warrant for a us ally. israel received another blow to the united states on wednesday when norway, ireland and spain announced that they would recognize palestine as a state. these days it sounded like a sensation, like a demarche in favor of the fact that, in the opinion of many, israel is changing ariol, a victim following
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the results of the holocaust, to the role of executioner. in fact in fact, this is rarely mentioned, already more than 140. spain has drawn attention to the problem. the massacre in palestine has already caused quite a stir in american society and has become an important factor in the presidential campaign. dmitry melnikov.
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thus, after the decision of spain, ireland and norway, out of 193 un members , palestine is recognized by 146. israel is a global minority, like the united states, with its main allies; unilateral recognition of palestine by countries, they say in washington, does not correspond to the two-state concept. here comes france. states in the current conditions is fatal for israel, it would mean admitting defeat to hamas and
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the israeli authorities have no other choice but to continue to destroy gaza, which means the chances of saving the hostages who are still in the hands of terrorists are fading before our eyes. the day before, the families of the hostages published this shocking three-minute video filmed by militants on october 7. a few hours after the attack. on israeli settlements. five wounded girls, members of the israeli army, were captured by terrorists at the nahal os base in border with gaza. in the video you can hear that they are being threatened with rape and murder. the publication of this footage coincided with the demand of the prosecutor of the international criminal court , karim ahmatkhan, to issue an arrest warrant for three senior hamas members, yahe sinwar, the head of the organization in the gas sector, and mahamed. ismail haniyeh, the political leader of the organization in qatar, but in the same statement
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, separated by commas, the prosecutor of the international criminal court demands the arrest of the israeli leadership. based on the evidence collected and reviewed by my team, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu and defense minister ueland are criminally responsible for international crimes committed on the territory of the state. just a goal ihut olmert, the former prime minister of israel, said he believes that many of the far right in israel want war, they want an intifada, he says,
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because this is the final proof that there is no way to make peace with the palestinians, and there is only one way is to destroy them. final decision on extradition arrest warrants for netanyahu and holland are behind a panel of judges, but the blow to israel's image is devastating. terrorists and those who fight with them turned out to be. to react. the united states does not recognize the jurisdiction of the court, and what israel is doing in gaza cannot be considered genocide.
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biden called the request for an arrest warrant for netanyahu outrageous. let me state clearly: "we reject mus's application" to issue arrest warrants for israeli leaders, lest these warrants imply any equivalence between israel and hamas. contrary to accusations against israel, put forward by the international court. what is happening is not genocide, we reject it, and we will stand with israel against threats to its security. jewish motives, biden leaves the podium. and official washington then attacks the international criminal court with threats; the us congress is preparing tough sanctions against the prosecutor and judges if arrest warrants for netanyahu and holland are nevertheless issued. the independent court in the hague must understand that its independence has limits. america must punish the international criminal court to put karim
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khan in his place, and if allowed. threaten the leader of israel, we know america will be next. the united states has already imposed sanctions against the court once, when it dared to begin an investigation into the war crimes of the americans themselves in afghanistan. at that time, enough evidence was collected, but the investigation was quickly curtailed. the military protection act of 2002 authorizes the president of the united states to take the strongest possible action against the icc if it acts against americans or them. i will read to you some harsh criticisms that you received from the usa. here's a quote: target israel and we will target you. this is a threat? some elected leaders of countries have directly told me that this court was created only for africa and for
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thugs like putin. that's what an important leader told me. who was this leader? unknown, apparently one of those who supported the decision of mus to issue an arrest warrant for the president of russia and the commissioner for children's rights for saving children from gunfire on donbass, but 16 thousand dead children of palestine are completely different. at congressional hearings, secretary of state blinken puts his head down, fearing retaliation from anti-israel activists. the request to arrest israeli officials is another blow to western unity. so the european union admitted that they would arrest netanyahu and holland if they arrived in any eu country. but britain will ignore the court order. president biden is stumped by prosecutor khan's decision. the final discredit of the international
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criminal court on the one hand, and the furious anger of defense.


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