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tv   Utro Rossii  RUSSIA1  May 27, 2024 5:00am-9:01am MSK

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what a handsome man, don’t you think he reminds you of fedor in some way? well, you compared, why did you call me? katya, pasha proposed to me, and you? what did you answer him? and what? what about him? and he’s okay too. why? he told me to think about it, and in the evening he would come, he came, no, why the helicopter arrived, well, quietly, quietly, then there was a concert, and after the concert, after the concert, here i am rewinding the tape with you, you know, anastasia, what i want tell you what, oh! fireworks, girls, what
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are we doing, but we’re talking, yeah, what am i doing? he came, the truck shop will arrive tomorrow, they didn’t promise to bring it right away, so don’t miss it, so he came, so catch up with him? why, don’t you see, he ’s embarrassed of me, don’t you see, or what? i see, well , run after him, but what do i tell him, who cares, come on, come on, come on, come on, whoever closes the booth, i’ll close it, go , come on, whoever turns off the light, i’ll turn it off, come on, come on, go, catch up, well, run,
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when i sailed away from yours, only you were able to guess my sadness, the dawn, gilded the clear skies of the land.
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the way you feathered mine, i gently stroke with my hand, oh, dove, look, the plateau, not like cranes, they reached south, early, they thought of something, it’s
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winter, they’ll eat, fly, the cloth hood, that’s it, guys, look , let's hurry up, well, don't you see, i didn't hit, well, hurry up,
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well, dronina, vasek, right, vasevka, as the song says, you serve, we will wait for you. thank you, from the jackdaw, greetings from the family home, thank you, give me your paw, vaska, eh, in general , gen, don’t waste your time, read shakespeare, delve into the era, let’s put on atelo, i ’ve already tried the makeup, it turns out well,
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gennady, you understand, does makeup, but the theater requires from the actor, first of all, a complete justification of the illusory world, lyusya, wait, lyusya, don’t be upset and don’t worry, you have talent, why are you joking like that, vasily ignatievich, i’m not joking, we will also put it in the cherry orchard, and you will play anya, but you won’t come back here, that’s why i won’t come back, you yourself said that after the army you will go to college, well, i’ll graduate from college and come back, you won’t come back, i feel that you won’t come back, step right, daughter, come on say goodbye as soon as you get there, the phone message arrived safely,
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but it started up, stop drinking at home, sinning, as soon as they give away the end, he takes the suitcase straight to the ship, and you, nastya, take the bag, well... peterinka, okay, don’t worry about yours, we’re here at home, oh, oh, oh, he’s flying, i invited him to visit in october, like a cockerel, i know dimka will like it right away, i know, we never thought that in his old age he would become a son-in-law let's get to know each other, i had time, this is for you, carefully painted, i made it myself, yes myself, chamomile, chamomile, what will i do with it? what to do, i don’t know, hang a wall, but for a pot of flowers, katyusha, well, the passage is already
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approaching, goodbye helen, happily, goodbye, thank you. daddy!
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well, let's go, let's go, my daughter has already been given away at the end, already! mother! wait,
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daughter, wait. nastya, nastya, a telegram for your tenant, sign it. thank you.
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if you were on a motorboat, but you’ll catch up like crazy, there’s nothing to do on a cauldron in the breeze, oh, guys, depending on what kind of breeze it is, yes, it’s going right.
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the fire-faced east adorned the trunks between the swamps; when october comes , the cranes will suddenly appear. and they will wake me up and call me crane clicks, above my attic, above the balot forgotten in the distance, destined for many years in russia. they proclaim the appointed time of seeing him like a legend from ancient pages,
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everything that is in the soul to the end expresses sobbing and high. and the flight of these proud, famous birds. widely in russia , willing hands wave to the birds, the oblivion of the swamps, the loss of the chilling fields, this is all expressed, like
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a legend, by heavenly sounds. the flying cry of the cranes of shyrako porus will spread far away , and the appointed time for seeing
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their birds will be announced. when everyone stays at home, forgetting about business, there will be a feeling of such familiar warmth that everyone has known since childhood; our world takes on
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the dimensions of the table we have set. yes everyone is at home. good morning, the thoughtful and entertaining program “when everyone is home” is on air. and today, to our great joy, we are visiting a man with a last name that is probably one of the kindest in the world. at alexander oleshka's. sasha, good morning. good morning. artist fyodor rokotov. i will order a portrait of my son, alexei. youngest son, the work is not easy, i’ll pay you a thousand, i work for 50 rubles. and i don’t care whose portrait it is to write, yours, your son or a herring merchant on a hearty sob, i am by the will of the lord, an artist, the angels rub my paints, hand me brushes, 50 rubles. agreed, how great,
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by the way, no one has ever introduced me like that, but it always seemed to me that my surname is, in general, so... firstly, rare and accurate and accurate, because i associate it with a little deer, oleshka, but there were no well-wishers, advisers who said sasha, well, for the stage, for a big family there must be a mighty one, alezhiche there, there was such a well-wisher, and this well-wisher is me, i am generally my own critic, my own director, my own well-wisher in quotes, and so on, a rodent myself. self-rodent, this is already smaller, by the way, and i really wanted to be a circus performer as a child, i think, no, oleshka, it’s probably some kind of non -circus surname, and then over the years i somehow think so, it’s generally normal, oleshka , he is not around, everything is immediately remembered, but this is not yet a renunciation of your roots, absolutely, you are like
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a boy who dreamed of a circus since childhood, do you know the joke about the boy with a phenomenal memory, no, a circus. the presenter comes out and says: ladies and gentlemen, dear audience, now you will see a number that you cannot see in any circus in the world, a boy with a phenomenal memory will perform in front of you, everyone applauds, brings out the baby, they say: here is a boy, now he will spit on everyone sitting in the first row, the audience laughs, those sitting in the first row scatter around the circus, the confetti reminds, the boy has all the non-lineal memory, where does this desire come from in childhood, the circus has turned upside down in general... consciousness, the conductor in shiny jacket, women with false eyelashes, sparkles, all so beautiful from afar, mm, yes, interesting, interesting observation from afar. when you get closer to these huge eyes, makeup, the beauty of the human body, tricks, it just captivated me, and the orchestra is live, so
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i think that everything that is connected in my life with music, songs, musical performances, it’s all from there, from what, from what, from what it’s so good, from the fact that... you’re walking along the alley, from what, from what, from what it’s so good, from the fact that you’re walking down the alley, here i am i played in them as a child in kio, in oleg popov, and of course, in yuri nikulin, my childhood was absolutely wonderful, mine. grandma, it was a whole performance, this dress, this means red lips, this is the hairstyle, then she just takes a bucket and goes to take out the trash, that is, i
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realized that you need to separate everyday life from life, when someone else sees you , this respect for those people who look at you, where does this neatness come from in grandma, you know, they said a tidy woman, no one does that anymore... she says, these are such bright pictures, because my mother, before my eyes, every morning turned from a mother into a film actress, and for a very long time i did not believe that she simply worked at a refrigerator factory, because how old are you at this moment? 6 years old, seven, well, somewhere before, yes, small, then she had this long aluminum comb, she combed her hair like this , which means she combed her hair, yes there was backcombing, babette, then varnish. from this varnish, in my opinion, everything around me became numb, which means, but i felt that everything was beginning to transform, and in my childhood i used it to knock down mosquitoes, a mosquito flies, varnish, a cloud in front of a mosquito, the mosquito flies in,
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sticks together and falls, and i used this varnish to announce my first programs and sing my songs in front of the mirror, well, of course, it’s like a microphone, any child who dreams of becoming an artist, he sang either in varnish or in hairdryer, or into a christmas tree toy, or into a christmas tree toy, into a comb, my mother worked. it means that the door from her office went out to thanks to the fact that i was at her work and there was an assembly hall, essentially her long corridor - it was the backstage of the assembly hall and the exit stage, i remember such orange ones for the rest of my life curtain squares. it means a cable, this is such a thing, when you twist it here and there, yes, yes, so i came out to the empty assembly hall, and i am for you and i go out to myself
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, i declare to myself on the stage of the kremlin palace, every time now, when i lead concerts or i’m singing in the kremlin palace, this picture, it’s as if it’s present next to me all the time, because i’ve spent my entire... so to speak, creative life, i rehearsed it in childhood, i kind of threw such seeds, they gave shoots, but there is some kind of artistic significance in this, that is, it is the feeling that life was telling you and telling you your future, by the way, when i was born, my mother says, you say, you screamed so that the whole maternity hospital heard it, and they almost called you tarzan, exactly, but... he said, he said, apparently he will be an artist, when i had my first home concert, i stood on a stool, began to read poetry, sang songs, uh, that means, conducted, put on
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a record, conducted, then bowed and said: “dear comrades, adults, respected neighbors, just for you were sung, spoken, performed, recited by the people artist of the soviet union, sasha kabzon, and solemnly bowed, yes, and our neighbor, she looked at it all at this home concert and right in my presence, without hesitation, she said so, to my mother, she says, yes, my dear, what a pity, she says , your boy is growing up sick, his mother says, well, we hope that when he’s like spraying varnish on a mosquito, that ’s what you’ll tell him, his wings stick together forever, no, mine didn’t stick together, i think, nothing, nothing, nothing, nothing, everything is fine, i can bear it all, you can say whatever you want, i have drawn my line exactly i knew where, what, when, i had a plan. a notebook where i wrote down everything, who i would be, what i wanted, and why i called myself kabzon, it was often shown on tv, and it seemed to me as a child that this was not a surname, this
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was the name of the profession. that if you are shown on tv, you sing, these are kobzons, and i managed to tell him about it, he laughed a lot, at times he announced me to the stage, he said, this is my son, i must pay tribute, of course, imagine, here is a man, i am him something like this on the go, i say, you know, i say, i say, i’m going to have a concert for my fortieth birthday, i dreamed so much, it will be in the column hall of the union house, he says when, i told him this in may, and i had a concert in september, and i say, i understand , that this is impossible, but i would be happy if you came, he says, i understand you, this is all on the go, now let's get ahead, i have a concert, september, and the musicians are quietly with me, he says, gobzon has arrived there, when i sang the song, on the second verse i came out and started singing along, it’s hard to put into words, but this story, it has come into a loop, again... in
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the yard, the record is singing to us, and still won’t let me say goodbye to you, i’m in the yard again, the record is singing to us, and still won’t let me say goodbye to you, my parents are divorced, but everything was very wisely discussed, i talked with my dad, my mom, my stepfather and... and well, i didn’t have a yes, yes, yes, in general, i didn’t have any such painful separation, my mother came up to me somehow , i remember this very well, i was playing on the street, you know, he says, so i wanted to ask you, you know this conversation an adult, the mother comes to the child, she says, i introduced you to a man, she is my future father, she says, how will you react to this if, for example, he
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lives with us? i say: mom, if you are happy, i will be happy too, i answered like this, very adultly, at what age it was, i was somewhere in the third grade, 10 years old, yes, i had such drama , my first crush was sveta golubev, by the way, i always confessed my love in a wonderful way, i confessed my love like this, she sat on balcony on the fifth floor, i’m on a bicycle ...
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kissing and thinks, now i ’ll ride a horse beautifully, she will say rzhevsky, what a beautiful horse, he will say, what a horse, let’s kiss, he’s passing by, she’s silent, doesn’t remind me of anything, he thinks, okay, he painted the horse with stripes, he thinks, now i’ll drive by, she’ll say what a strange, beautiful horse, and i’ll say let’s kiss, he drives by, he’s silent, and so he painted, painted, painted, polka dots, apples, painted, natasha finally says, rzhevsky, that he’s gone, let’s kiss, he says, you what about kissing, look how beautiful the horse is, listen, it turns out it’s me, well , by the way, she paid attention to me, so she wrote me a note, uh, how can you prove your love, this is second grade, this is me 8 years old, and i didn’t know how to prove my love to her, i say, i don’t know, she writes to me, kiss, and i, october, passionately inside, i remember it very well, i think, my god,
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i would dream ... kiss sveta golubeva on the cheek, i do so on the cheek, i take this note, go up to sveta golubev, and even like that i lift up theatrically, i say, it’s light, not early, she looked at me, that’s it, that’s where the love ended, when everyone is at home, when everyone is at home, well, that’s it, i’m happy with all this night life, these clothes, these acquaintances, this is some kind of... then, well, everything is not mine, you understand, then what’s wrong with living with your parents, the cop offers to give up, why give up right away, i’ll go out of town, i’ll be, it’s closer to nature, but the fact that you left when you were just 15 years old , at 14, 14 even, i went to moscow, when i was released, my mother in the literal sense of this
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words stood like this - in front of the door, when i told her that i was leaving for moscow, she said: i won’t let you in, i told her very convincingly, apparently, then i’ll run away, after the eighth grade that was the case in general.. stepfather, we got into such a car, a penny, i remember it, just like now, they sanctioned my escape, mom, it was yesterday, in fact, it was yesterday, yes, only it was 30 something. years ago, horror, 5:00 in the morning, summer, we got into this car, and we drove off, the country is big, soviet, beautiful, in the evening, in the evening kopecks, have already entered moscow, it just takes my breath away that i actually co-organized all this, they allowed me to do it, and how can i not do it now, no, this can’t happen, that’s it, the entrance exams to
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the circus school have begun, but when i ran out of all the fables, poems, songs, which means prose, it’s all over, the third round, the most important one, years, and somehow the commission says, okay, and i think, no, none, not okay, not good, i say, wait a second, i say, i can scream like tarzan, he says, no, no it’s necessary, i say, no, i start screaming like tarzan, it means that those who were with me in the top ten, they are looking, well, the boy has gone crazy, well, what happens at entrance exams and not like that, when i realized that this is an irrevocable action , i fall to my knees and... as it seemed to me that i was doing this very talentedly, i crawled to the selection committee, this is the first parody of my life, i mean i showed milady performed by margarita terikhova and crawled to
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the commission, saying: “come on, come on, torn to pieces the martyr of the lion, i am your sister, believe me, and the name, sister, the name of this bastard, grafkenge, and so banged his head, so they say, yes, everything, everything is fine, everything, calm down, let's take it, that's it. exams in general education subjects, that's it, let's take it, so i entered the circus school, i was 14 years old at that time, remember the moment when the penny left with your mother and father, and you stayed in a huge city, for the first time then i felt scared, i didn’t apply mind, naturally, because then i understood what responsibility is, then i realized that i had matured beyond my years, then i realized that... i just need to prepare something for myself, wash, iron, well, that is, but i accepted this responsibility, it was hard, hard, hard for me, and then i realized that if you
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want something, then you have to live just like that, you have to take this responsibility into account. in general , take yourself, and i came up with this formulation, which helps me a lot to this day. when i was applying, when i was knocking on closed doors somewhere, i told myself: yes, they don’t need me, but i need them, and i’ll get through this, it helps a lot, you become a man just day by month, you lived in a dorm , when in i studied in the circus, a little bit, what was your diet like in moscow, it was terrible, there was such hunger, there was nothing in the stores, there were these rusty cans with seaweed and margarine, so i remember, pieces of margarine and this green one, i didn’t have anything else i remember how it is, and how is it like this, so we found such a paper
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bag in the basement of the hostel, it means with porridge, but this bag was lying either under some kind of diesel fuel, or under some kind of pipe, basically some kind of oil. that is, all previous generations of hostel residents refused to eat it, so he survived before you, horror, horror, it was soaked in this package with some kind of oil, but we ’re telling me right now it’s already really bad, we pulled the package out, that’s something like a machine, into a pan of water, and we boiled it this porridge with this machine oil, there was such a smell on the floor, so we treated the girls, i remember... this was the clown ira yudina, i really liked her, so we treated ira to this porridge, and after that she stopped with me communicate, and they paid me a stipend, it turns out i’m so ancient that i’m with
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september to early december of the ninety-first year i received a lenin scholarship, an increased one, i just had all a’s, exemplary behavior, and in general that’s how i am. was, no, no, approximately, i have a certificate of merit, i have certificates, everything is in order, everything is documented, uh-huh, well, for this i had to survive, yes, many, by the way, did not survive nearby, i have mind. these are the ones with whom i communicated and such a time, because a huge country was being destroyed before our eyes, because this is what is called in technology factory settings, that is, it turns out that with what you came out with what kind of worldview, then you go with it, because a lot of people and a lot of things could influence, and a young man, finding himself in new conditions, in a new company, in a new environment, in a new theater, involuntarily adapts, involuntarily begins to imitate , this... is natural and can change beyond recognition, losing oneself and becoming nothing,
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because when a person starts trying to adapt, he already becomes standard, there were such attempts, but you can’t take me with your head, i know exactly my path when so you say, this is what a person goes with, i watched a film from the sixties directed by kalik, the man was a genius, the film is called a man follows the sun, there is a boy, the whole film, he runs around sunny chisinau, along the streets along which i later ran in childhood, because the film was shot probably 12, 13, 15 years before i was born, he comes to the ice cream parlor, he bathes in the city fountain, he catches butterflies, he runs on the roofs there, he’s just there, and i when i saw this movie already... as an adult i actually it seemed that it was as if i
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was filming in it, because there are streets filled with sun, smell, beauty - soviet moldaria, why does this remind me of the prototype of this boy, kolobok, kolobok, we ate the kolobok, yes, because he didn’t take it into account , and you continue, yes, you are loved, you were surrounded with warmth and attention, they put you on the windowsill, you saw the circus and ran away. i rolled further along the path and met different different different ones there, well , i met foxes more than once, but here’s a little zhorka, i look at you, fyodor mikhailovich, and i see on your face the suffering that you suffered, what suffering, aunt, i haven’t seen a piebald cow, piebald, no, father, i haven’t seen it, zhorka, zhorka, zhorka, zhorka, you are unfaithful, where did you get the idea from? we are now
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meeting not as a circus performer, it means that you have stepped somewhere further, i have stepped further, because i imagined my life as a house that has many different piles, i somehow very intuitively felt that if i 'll be there...
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why is there osfilm at 6 am? because everyone is still sleeping, there is no attention, there were no cameras at all then, no pass office it’s closed, which means it’s clear that no one will covet uh, so at the entrance to the famous legendary cinema hall and then you start crawling like a melady? no, we jumped over the fence, we jumped over where the new building is now built, but it was possible to jump over the fence. you jump over, quietly pass and wait for 2 hours, until
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the film comes to life on the bridge, then some rare filmmakers arrive, like in 1991, 1992, so you walk along the long corridor of a mass film, you knock on every door, give them photographs, on the photographs you write your phone number, your details, your height, where you are, who you are, and say, i really want to work, i really want to act in films. the first work in the crowd, the film poloka, the return of the armadillo, i’m in clown makeup, that’s how i made oleg popov’s makeup, nose, red wig. somewhere i’m running around in this film in a scene where it means there’s art there’s a circus, that is, it worked, they got in touch, they found me, they called me, of course, and to join the crowd, there was a second film, i played, it was already, so to speak, a promotion, but it was thanks to my classmate, alla ilinishna surikova, who was filming a documentary, i played candelabra, this is happiness,
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surikovo, the films that i watched as a child, so, i spoiled a few, which means, well, that was my entry into cinema. you can watch all episodes of our program on the internet, in the app or on the website when everyone is at home, when everyone is at home,
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what is more useful for the theater, when the audience claps or when the audience whistles? how interesting, now everything is so confused in general by the reaction, probably the best thing is that it’s not applause or - whistling, this is deathly silence, when i played at the sovremennik theater, that means in the legendary play the cherry orchard, i was on the proscenium, which means i was on my knees, playing epikhodov, playing, it means that he doesn’t like me, and i see with corner vision, that there is a woman in the first row, sobbing, she apparently liked what i was doing, or she so empathized with my behavior, i think, god, how she is sobbing, and the more i worry, the more she worries, suddenly i hear i’m in my stomach so, what prose, what prose, i think, my god, but i haven’t eaten anything at all
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day, and i continue, which means i’m somehow worried, she’s crying, i’m thinking, oh, where can i go after the performance to pay off, yes, of course, everything by profession, everything by school, if the artist really feels something stage, then the viewer definitely feels it, another thing is that the artist sometimes feels something completely different, but this is the secret of the profession, why don’t you want to see me, as if i were some kind of insect? eh, life, well, whatever you want, well , undoubtedly, well, undoubtedly, maybe you are right, although i allow myself to put it this way, well, well, excuse me for the revelation that you completely brought me into a state of mind, i,
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when an actor says that the theater is his home, this indicates that he is a homeless person, and what an interesting question, mm, it seems to me that here we need to remember the statement of nazim hikmet, in my opinion, it was he who said what happiness is? happiness is when a person wants to go to work in the morning, and in the evening he wants to go home, it means that at home, at work, everything is fine with him, that’s when it happened to me at the play paul i. very serious injury right on stage, and now i know what it is when they say, my whole life flew by before my eyes, that is, i continued to play, and what kind of situation was that, how can an injury occur, what did you do there, my achilles tendon ruptured right on the stage during the performance, on the stage there was a podium like this, and you
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had to jump from this podium, sometimes jump, sometimes run, sometimes go onto it here, back then... inherited, and the thief is her own mother,
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someday, i think that from early childhood, in my soul, an unhealing wound, i after all. i was waiting for you all the time, mother, i thought that you would come to me. sash, what do you think is more honest, the circus or the theater? on the surface, if anyone says so, the circus is more honest, because you enter a cage with lions, then you enter a cage with people, but they are more terrible than lions. it all depends on the person, here. he himself, how he feels about what he does, whether he does his job honestly or not, so i try to do it
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honestly everywhere, the circus laid the foundation for you, in the circus the punishment for a crime arrives faster, the juggler made a mistake and flew in, stroked the tiger in the wrong place and took a bite, and so on, that is , shame in the circus overtakes him faster, if the circus makes a mistake, the whole circus is... he sees, on stage you can turn out, because there are more chances to turn out, say, i played like this, but i see it this way, and this is how i hear it, this is a new interpretation, well, yes, well, if so, that is a new interpretation of a circus walker, but pass across, someone said, it’s a pity, i don’t remember who, if you don’t know , how to play a role, play strangely, then everyone will think that you are playing with genius, talent and skill, that’s how they are?
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they tell you, here is a green light, you can follow the traffic signs, they are for you to go, here it is yellow, slow down, be careful, here it is red, here you stop, this does not give you the opportunity to suddenly fall below, so to speak, some level professionally or fail, it's a set. tools that in any, even the most terrible, uncomfortable, unprofessional situation, you think, okay, i’ll do it here, this is help, no, no, no, at least that’s what i think, in your business, why it’s more important to teach how to do it or how not to, oh, right, i would publish a separate book of wonderful questions that i have never answered, thank you for being a doctor, you flatter me, how is it, everyone flatters you, where does this come from, which one is this from? film - and this is from an office romance, by the way, yes, here is a stranger’s cat, it’s very important when you say
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a phrase and a person understands what you mean, it’s important when uncles, aunts, parents, grandmothers gathered at a big table and definitely songs from movies, that’s all i know from there, i really like the saying what tradition is, tradition is not the worship of ashes, it is the transmission of: fire, it is so important when you take a person by the hand and say, listen, this is good, and this is bad, you are 40 years old big years, but do any thoughts appear that are new to you, which simply weren’t in your head before, well , yes, after some time i will be 50 years old, i don’t understand this at all, absolutely, you need to understand this, well probably in some deeds or actions? one must realize this, of course, that or even remind someone, don’t interfere, he’ll kill you, you’re not dealing with a boy, after all, yes,
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this happens, now i’m thinking, the question is, really, should i think about it, any sane person understands that the number of heartbeats defined, it is technically limited, but if you constantly think about it, then this number will decrease, come on - i will answer this question for you when i am 100 years old, because i... plan , like zeldin, to celebrate my centenary on stage, so i still have at least more ahead 52 years, fruitful work. the most important words in the life of humanity in our program are spoken with all our hearts. sasha, you will have a child. you will have a child, you will have a child, you will have. there will be a child who will have you, we hasten to share the good
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news for the little paradise. from the orphanage of the republic of tatarstan, which we showed in our program, a family was found. today kemerovo welcomes us again, and we go to one of the orphanages in the kemerovo region. hello, meet everyone, when is everyone houses. this is kirill, hello, and his sister ulyana. hello. kirill, how old are you? 12. kirill, i know that you are engaged in wrestling, what kind of wrestling is this? freestyle, this is how you came here, six months ago, you immediately signed up, when i arrived , probably three months passed, then i already started walking, it was your choice to sign up for wrestling, ulyash, you chose what you like, i , i go to judo, uh, i go to spoons in
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the photo and video, why? i don’t know about such a fragile girl, i just liked it and we’re already getting ready to pass the belt beyond the spoon lozhkarya music yes somewhere on june 19 we will go to gagra to perform at sea for the first time in my life yes only those who take part no kirill will also go i too oh great support group very good photo video. circle, what is this? we come there, we learn, well, we get acquainted with cameras, they tell us what they are made of, they show us how to hold it correctly, where to press to take a photo, then we are taught how to take photos correctly, how to properly distribute the frame and process it there, now we are already learning how to make a video, are you here? i photographed someone, i trained on someone, i
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and katya, did katya like the way she looked? yes, in general, you are busy after school almost every day, yes, yes, and also a photo club, and i also want to sing, by the way, you don’t sing, i sing, well, when these are different events, the guys are very active, sociable, hard workers, one might even say so, because the two of them participate in all the events, and of our orphanage, the children are great, and they study, they both have four or five grades, they are good students, they even receive a scholarship, they they try, just if somewhere they need to catch up, they pull themselves up, that is, they have a goal, aspiration, they only show the good side of themselves, well done, they are like brother and sister, they have strong brotherly relations, guys, who is going to become who in the future, a builder, a surgeon, did you
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decide to be a builder a long time ago, but no, recently, why? i don’t know, i just like hammering something in there, doing something, pouring something in, such a creative profession, a surgeon, a great profession, also creative, why a surgeon, well, in general, from the very beginning i wanted to become the kind of doctor who can, well , most likely it’s not even a doctor, probably, but some kind of well, not a scientist, but who will convene all sorts of medicines to help those people who are in pain, well, i how i understood that i wouldn’t figure it out. nothing and well, just to help a little, i want to become a surgeon, you’ll figure it out, but maybe i should really become a surgeon first, and then a scientist, it seems to me that surgeons are very decisive people who quickly have to make decisions, you in general through life a decisive person, well, it depends on how you are, kiryush, and you are a decisive person in life, the main
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right decision is that it should be, let my mother hear, let my mother... well, let my mother certainly find me, because it shouldn’t be like this in the world, for there to be children are lost, because the world should not be like this, for children to be lost. i want to give this clown from my own collection, if you listen carefully, you see, he plays the famous circus march of dunaevsky, it is said that the whole world is a theater, and at the same time i would like to wish, so that in this theater the circus does not leave, the clowns remain, all the time someone is growing up, or a child is growing up, the saxophone is too big for him,
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then vice versa, and so that life goes on endlessly. sasha, i would like to wish you the best, as one boy said a long time ago, i really liked his wish, a good life for you, wonderful, all of you. same, bye, when is everyone home?
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good morning, this is alexander efremov's news from the studio, briefly about the main topics of our issue: the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot turned into ashes, a precision strike by our military in seversky direction, the control point on ovdeevsky was destroyed. russia is ready to help
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the residents of armenia; heavy rains have caused severe floods and mudflows. with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. the state visit began on sunday evening and the leaders of the two countries have already managed to discuss some issues. the exchange of views will continue today. first, the presidents will talk in a limited format, then communication will begin with the participation of delegations. on the agenda: russian-uzbek cooperation in trade, energy, industrial cooperation, military-technical cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, following negotiations between moscow and tashki. will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover is growing steadily, new industrial projects are being developed in the field of metallurgy and the development of peaceful nuclear energy. fortified positions and
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manpower of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by tankers of the north group in the kharkov region. first, the t-72 crew fired from a closed position. during during the assault operations, a group of militants with small arms was discovered and they were hit with direct fire. our tank is lazy, we are too lazy to shoot at the same target 10 times. so we hit it right away, we hit it right away, we don’t like to wait, so to speak, right away, we destroy everything. in the ovdeevsky direction , the enemy's unmanned aircraft control center and mortar were eliminated. the crew of the akatsiya installation in the central district hit targets with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. coordinated and effective actions of artillerymen.
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ammunition depot, in the aftermath of a night strike, the fire was recorded by a drone detonating shells. in the city of livny, a gas station was destroyed as a result of a drone attack. when emergency services and city administration officers arrived at the scene of the emergency, another drone hit them, and as a result of the explosion , the driver of the fire department was killed, and three more people were injured. ens stoltenberg demanded that he resign or apologize. deputy prime minister of italy matteo
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salvini, this was the reaction of the politician after the nato secretary general called on the allies to again consider the issue of ukraine striking russia with western weapons. according to salvini, his country does not support such attacks and is opposed to sending even one italian soldier to participate in the fighting in ukraine. dozens of people were killed in an israeli airstrike on the rafah refugee camp, and more were wounded. poland about people burned alive, the palestinian red crescent society reported. these images are being circulated on social networks. it is known that the area under fire is located near the local un office. the israeli command did not comment on the reports of the dead, but said that the head of the headquarters of the hamas movement was eliminated in rafah, and the air strike was carried out on the basis of accurate intelligence. against the backdrop of recent events in the middle east, un secretary general antonio guterres. expressed concern that
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israel is not complying with friday's binding ruling by the united nations international court to end the operation in rafah. in 35 districts a special fire regime has been introduced in the tver region, forests are burning. by this time, three large outbreaks had been eliminated. the ministry of emergency situations notes that the intensity of the flame is decreasing. residents of buryatia are prohibited from visiting. dry and hot weather has settled in the green territory in the region, the taiga flares up at the slightest spark, five large fires have been discovered. the cause most often is people themselves, they light fires in the wrong places. in just one day, forest fire services localized 69 hot spots. russian ministry of defense is ready to help the residents of armenia in eliminating the consequences of floods and mudflows. this was reported by the russian military department.
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due to heavy rains, the debet and akstev rivers overflowed their banks, the rapid flow flooded houses and destroyed the road in the area of ​​​​the city of allaverdi, and the bridge that connected this area with the nearest railway station was destroyed. according to preliminary data, three people died; due to a sudden influx of water , a short circuit occurred and a gas filling station exploded. rescue operations continue. a major... disaster in turkey, 10 people became victims, another 39 were injured on the highway between the cities of mersin and adana, the bus drove into the oncoming lane, collided with a truck and two cars, the circumstances of the incident are being investigated, the president of the country expressed condolences to the families of the victims recep tayyip erdogan. the motor ship zdorovye set off on a voyage along the amur river with a team of doctors from komsomolsk on amur on board. in a month and a half. the floating clinic
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will make 25 stops in four districts of the khabarovsk territory. medical examination will be carried out residents of more than thirty villages. some of the equipment for examining patients by specialists is installed directly in the cabins. general practitioners see the population in outpatient clinics. examination and necessary treatment are available for adults and children. further regional news. do not switch with the residents of moscow and the region, we will see you through. now news from the capital region: july warmth is coming to moscow, the air temperature in the coming week in moscow may reach 30 degrees, it will be hot at the beginning summer. today it will be +23 this afternoon, and then the thermometers will begin to rise;
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no precipitation is expected until the end of may. the stream in the berilevo arboretum turned blue. water with a chemical tint comes from underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. and the prosecutor's office is conducting an investigation. a five-year-old boy was injured in a shopping center on enthusiast highway. he was in the playroom when a part of the attraction fell on him. the child was injured. lifortovo interdistrict prosecutor's office took on control over establishing the circumstances of the incident. a children's summer club is opening today at the victory museum. this year there will be 10 areas, including history , creativity, media and sports, theatrical art and the basics of programming. for more information about events in the capital region, in less than half an hour, all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website see you.
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titanic luxury collection, what is this , tickets are out, premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room, you you’ve never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like your romance, were you following me, i’m filing for divorce, a melody for yours, today on rtr. good morning, good morning, well, let's start a new working week with you, do you think it will be boring, sad, no, we are coming, everything will be different, anastasia chernobrina, andrey petrov, today we have channels, we, yes, and we hope for the viewers too, russians have begun
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to apply for mortgages more often, this is the news for suburban real estate, compared to during the same period last year, the demand for a house in the village almost doubled.
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position to the chairman of the moscow region snt tishina. there have been a lot of complaints about the charter, about non-transparent cost reports. the chairman, in turn, does not agree with the accusations. the estimate is posted all year round, the financial and economic justification is on the website, and we provide absolutely all the information. when there is no trust, financial disputes need to be resolved with the help of third-party organizations; you can request documentation through the court, or invite independent experts. to conduct an audit against the wishes of the chairman. you need to initiate a general meeting on the agenda of which to include the issue of conducting an audit;
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this can be done by collecting signatures of at least 1/5 of the members of your snt. very often, mutual accusations between members of a partnership are based on a banal misunderstanding: the chairman brushed it off, the gardeners suspected something was wrong, and no law can regulate this. we must remember what all gardening partnerships began with, an association of teams that have common interests and common goals. joint hikes, joint. picnics, these events unite residents, if it is still not possible to unite, then the easiest way to change the situation is to elect another chairman of the snt, but you only need to contact law enforcement agencies when you have ironclad evidence about the machinations of the board of the gardening partnership. well, of course, you can’t say anything about scammers here, but a residue always remains; the next planned increase in prices for utilities will happen soon on july 1, where else, but in the meantime the state duma has proposed. introduce a unified standard for the maximum allowable share of housing and communal services costs of 15% of total
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family income. now this share is 22%. the idea did not come out of nowhere. according to rosstat, the total debt for utilities last year increased by a record almost 10% and reached the amount of 833 billion rubles. in the studio, a member of the committee on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and communal services of the russian chamber of commerce and industry. lawyer konstantin krokhin. konstantin viktorovich, hello.
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that is, those regions that have financial capabilities, they reduced it to 15 and to 10, like moscow, it turns out that those regions that, on the contrary, need support, they have a bar of 22, and those that seem to be richer, they have 10 , this is an initiative, it allows us to create a federal unified standard, this is again the minimum, that is, moscow. she will still have 10% as best she can, but those regions where it was 22 will switch to 15, which means that more families will be able to take advantage of the free subsidy almost all families in such regions will forgive the subsidies to pay for housing more, because the level of income there is not the highest. practice has shown that, of course, regions need help in many cases, because if a region does not have sufficient financial resources, it does not promote this benefit.
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continuation of this, that not everyone knows about it, the regions do not pay money as subsidies, but use it for some other purpose, because citizens do not apply for benefits, but money is allocated for this, that’s all absolutely right, this is a big problem, so introducing this change, which i would support, i would draw the attention of local authorities and, of course, more federal ones, so that there is control. so that this benefit can be taken advantage of? how to use it? where should people go? almost every region in a large municipality has housing subsidy centers. in one window mode, through government services, in another way, by personal appeal, you can get help by submitting an application, while checking your financial situation, composition families, and if people fall under, and what does it mean to fall under? this means that if their expenses for paying for housing and communal services exceed. and significant problems that
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do not allow us to properly protect the rights of consumers in the field of housing and communal services, this is the first federal problem, there is still a ban on moratorium on inspections, the second story, i believe that the staff of the housing supervision authorities needs to be increased, it is necessary that - in this system to change, first of all, supervision over the correctness of accrual, second - over the quality of provision services, and finally lift the moratorium on pestilence inspections, of course, without lifting the moratorium we can talk about quality supervision. no, thank you very much, thank you, we spoke with a member of the committee on entrepreneurship in the field of housing and communal services, the russian chamber of commerce and industry, lawyer konstantin krokhin. continuation of the sensational investigation of the volgograd adoptive mother senyora fratti, who in the nineties was able to illegally bring over 1,260 russian children to italy. we
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went to italy to check it out for ourselves. her company nadya-service, in which nadezhda fratti offered to take the child. against the backdrop of everything. information noise, she is hastily selling off her property, how hope fratta managed to leave the country now, all the details are only with us, malakhov, today at 16:30, who is the best in the world to handle a saw with an ax, they showed and proved in milan, to cut a thick log with a hand saw is not an easy task even for trained people, and those who are prepared can handle it in less than a minute, the same thing, but with an ax a couple of minutes, finally, a chainsaw speeds up the process to 5 seconds. as a result of all these competitions, a lumberjack from new zealand became the fastest in the world. did all countries participate? i think that if there were ours, i feel that not all of them. but for a professional driver, speed is not the main thing. traffic safety comes first. a new system from russian programmers helps determine how a driver behaves. if i take it
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and press the gas to the floor, we get an acceleration that is ok, then i brake sharply. then i just look at the track in the evening, the system did you rate this as dangerous maneuvers or is it normal? i admit, the trip really tickled my nerves, wobbling, turning at speed and other moments that can be attributed to dangerous driving. irina does all this to show us the capabilities of a system that analyzes the driving style of a motorist, for example, one who wants to find out the truth about himself. is it possible to change something in his behavior on the road? throughout the track we see the maneuvers that the system has calculated. dangerous emergencies, these are sharp accelerations, turns, wobbles, and we see that on a track of several kilometers we have about six dangerous maneuvers, this is considered quite a lot, the driving is emergency, in order to receive such data, you need to install a special tracker on the car, a small box that is attached to the battery, the place was chosen because it is easy to get power here and there are no
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unnecessary vibrations, very simple installation, adhesive tape, see samtracker terminals pluses mine. everything is installed within 2 minutes, inside the tracker there is an accelerometer, which allows you to measure acceleration and a jsm module, it transmits information about the trip to the developers’ server, where the data is analyzed by artificial intelligence and gives a rating, the higher it is, the safer the driving, but the electronics also notice other nuances, what is important is that careless passage of speed bumps at speed is recorded, and this is important for fleet managers, for owners, to understand how carefully their employees use their car, whether they take care of the suspension, because all this is additional repairs, downtime, and so on. first of all , taxi companies were interested in the system, some even managed to implement it, they hope that now their employees will drive more carefully, apparently, some are speeding, some are braking sharply, some
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are making unnecessary maneuvers, yes, we are trying to work with them in general... we expect to reduce the number of accidents, reduce the cost of the policy from the insurance company, and the developers also believe that the system will help make osaga cheaper for novice drivers, if the insurance company is convinced of the accuracy of their driving, they will probably give a discount, but for now a policy for a beginner can cost 4,000 rubles. . when your girl turns 18 she will receive a gift. whoever loves the man will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t lie, well , hit her, i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are, max,
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yes, what are you doing , i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, you’ll scare him away, he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me, can you hear how it’s beating, i’ll protect you, who’s offending you? a magical gift that became a curse? "i made up my mind, i'll leave the city, don't break my heart, premiere on saturday rtr. we declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the cultures of different peoples. we know what it is."
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to our future, i love you! international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina. on saturday on rtr. do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well , that’s where you’re going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, i hurt you, no, i didn’t, this is my
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brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased it’s nice, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have any fiancee, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he should decide for himself? so what should we do now? maybe you are there? if you insist, i 'll try. a simple girl, on friday on rtr. favorite songs are played in our studio. go! birthday. favorite music never gets old. real songs sound, real feelings know no boundaries, i’m sitting here and barely
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holding back tears, words of love are clear to everyone without translation. one of the houses will be left without a home, one of the most iconic houses in the history of hollywood is up for sale in the united states, this is the mansion from the film.
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plan for the heroes of a new multi-part film on the russia channel melodrama melody for two, this is a touching story of love and passion, watch today at 21:20, i will call you missunctuality, but because you can set your watch, and indeed the heroine of the series victoria a rare girl, just like the daughter of her mother’s friend, perfect in everything, smart and beautiful herself...
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good morning everyone, the planning meeting is in 15 minutes, but is it possible to plan minute by minute to put love in the diary for years to come? the lead actress anna taratorkina , after getting to know her character closely , is absolutely sure. you can’t build the most important things according to a schedule, and vika is a clear example of this; you can miss something very important behind all the diagrams and calculations after all. life and nature are smarter than us, but at some point a person asks the question that everything seems to be there, but something is very much missing, and what’s wrong? san, it's me miserably. well, it’s so hard to admit this, and especially to yourself. the heroes of the melodrama will tell us a story that could very well happen in real life, because
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no one has yet received exact instructions on how to do everything correctly, here are the tips that... rather, check into your room and relax, another plan that simply is not destined to come true: resistance is useless, there are stormy feelings ahead, intrigue, sunny seascapes, and of course, amazing music, a melody for two will sound tonight at
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21:20. and then it’s strawberry season, but not everyone can afford to eat berries. i take one berry, look at another, notice the third, and the fourth is a mere sign. we’ll find out in a few minutes why prices for strawberries are so high and how to choose ripe and healthy ones. good morning, this is news. studio alexander efremov, let's talk about the main thing by this hour. vladimir putin will hold full-format negotiations with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev today in tashkent. the state visit began on sunday evening and the leaders of the two countries have already managed to discuss some issues. exchange today opinions will continue. first, the presidents will talk in a limited format, then communication will begin with the participation of delegations. the agenda includes russian-uzbek interaction in trade, energy, and industrial
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cooperation. military-technical cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, following the negotiations, moscow and tashkent will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover is growing steadily, new industrial projects are being developed projects in the field of metallurgy and development of peaceful nuclear energy. in the yuzhnodonetsk direction of the special operation, russian artillery destroyed a large enemy stronghold. msta self-propelled gun crews hit the coordinates from aerial reconnaissance. she spotted the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in a forest plantation near the village of urozhaynaya. the fortifications were destroyed by targeted fire. now the artillerymen are paving the way for the assault groups. in the western direction of the special operation, a large ukrainian armored column was destroyed. the enemy tried to transfer large forces from one combat area to
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another, but its...
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civilian population, while in the ranks of the ukrainian army there are a lot of foreign mercenaries. ukraine will not join nato in the next 30 years, and western weapons should not be used by kiev to attack russia, the german chancellor said. olaf scholz's words came as the president began his visit to germany.
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hit the us states of oklahoma, arkansas, kentucky and texas. 18 people are listed as dead, two of whom are children. these figures are clearly not final; some of the victims injured and taken to hospital. the storm destroyed many residential and commercial buildings, a gas station, a mobile home park and a truck stop. more. 400,000 subscribers were left without electricity. significant damage was caused to public infrastructure. a russian magician won the professional european championship for the first time. it took place in the italian city of saint-vincent. the grand prix in
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the micromagic genre was awarded to the young illusionist vladimir grigoriev. another representative of our country, artyom shchyukin, took second place. he distinguished himself in the comedy magic category. both prize-winners will now perform in turin, where the next european magic championship will be held next year. further news from the regions, do not switch with residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital. region, the air temperature in the coming week in moscow may reach 30°c, such indicators are typical for july. according to forecasters, the beginning of summer will be hot, but showers and thunderstorms are expected this weekend, which will slightly reduce the indicators
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thermometers. the stream in the burilevsky arboretum has turned blue; water with a chemical tint comes from underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. environmentalists and the prosecutor's office. the reasons are established, and response measures will be taken based on the results of the inspection. butlerova street has been renovated in the southwest of moscow. this is obruchev’s backup with a length of more than 2 km, which runs from sevastopolsky prospekt to academician volgin. as sergei sobyanin said, the roadways were repaired part of the sidewalks, lighting has been put in order. moscow on the wave, fish week. a gastronomic restaurant has opened in the capital. festival, where you can not only buy seafood, but try delicious dishes and learn how to cook them. our correspondent igor roslavtsev visited one of its sites. i love chir more, it is fatty and juicy, but nelma
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is generally the queen. also on the list are murmansk cod, st. petersburg smelt, kamchatka caviar, black sea mullet and even mackerel from the kuril islands. during fish weeks , muscovites can try seafood with the whole country. from whitefish, you can try it, it ’s a fish delicacy, very lightly salted, natural, try it, it’s very tasty, the festival is being held in moscow for the eighth time and always attracts a huge number of people who want to try seafood delicacies, venues have been set up all over the city, at thirty points at once , we are preparing a tuna and salmon dish. hello, squid, mixes, i also use deep frying, who doesn’t have medium frying, salmon too, red mullet available. moscow water sports enthusiasts compete on the wave during fish week, hundreds participants registered at the same time.
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why did you decide to participate? well, the answer is simple, good, good prize background, so i decided to participate, i came from st. petersburg. tverskaya square is the main craft point of the festival. master classes will be held here all week, the festival will last until... june 2, so there is still time to try a variety of seafood and learn how to decorate wooden fish. igor yaroslavtsev, pavel vitrinsky, arthur nurmukhometov, ilya novikov, lika dzhevakhishvili. news. a children's summer club is starting to operate at the victory museum. the event is being held for the sixth time with the support of the department of education for children from 8 to 13 years old. this year the club will present 10 areas, including history, sports and programming. over the summer there will be 13 shifts, each of which.
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we are raising money for ekaterina ivanova from the city of dmitrov, a girl with cerebral palsy, she, accordingly, recently completed several courses of rehabilitation treatment with us, and after that. managed to go to school on her own, before that she could only walk with her mother’s hand, now she needs rehabilitation, so she can use the right side of her body. over 20 years of work, the lifeline foundation has helped save or significantly improve the health of about 14 thousand children. all news is always available on the media platform, watch in the app or on the website see you. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at
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rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy contemporary design in rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style. they say: you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastal shore, where everything is included, except for your head, we know about vacations in... that's it, relax. anex.
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provocation is treacherous behavior. there is a difference between a man and a woman. i noticed. then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a parallel agenda. continuation of the conversation in new issues of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen and watch on the media platform let's watch. the first podcasts we're watching, good morning, good morning, just with anastasia chen dobrovina, andrey petrov in the studio, hello, we're talking about the fact that it's may, but it can be very, very different, it can be very hot, yes, that's it depends on what atmosphere is in your soul, listen, well, may is already ending, after all, and they say: we will have a very hot summer in our country, well, if so, we need to
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somehow prepare. there are examples: in riyadh, where now it’s +43 during the day, and +30 at night, we’ve created a cool uasis in the middle of the arabian desert. along a ten-kilometer walking route in the capital of saudi arabia, 750 poles were installed that distribute water mist. by evaporating, the droplets absorb heat from the air and reduce the temperature by 10-15°, that is, if at night it’s +30, -10-15, well, in general it turns out to be quite cool, i don’t know what. there is a desert there, how huge it is, but our country is still much larger than this desert, how many pillars will be needed for cooling, this is necessary, it may not be possible to count the pillars everywhere, well, in any case, i wonder what the weather will be like, in the next few days we will have maria borisova in our studio, masha, hello, welcome, what’s going on, we were promised an anticyclone sometime this week, here you go black sea and baltic resorts are fighting for the hottest place in the country, and who do you think wins this time? the baltic sea is 28, and the water is very active. warms up 16, even a degree higher than in yalta, that’s what’s interesting,
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this time in yakutia it’s warmer than in yalta, in yakutsk 23, generally healthy, our favorite is also not far behind, there is 17 already a lot of sun, yes, but if we talk about the rainiest place where all the rain gathered, this is siberia, the south, it’s also cold there, and from omsk to krasnoyarsk it’s only 12-13° and the black sea coast, in my opinion , will also be in the rain zone, and there are also rains, thunderstorms, very strong waves, but here we are. summer indicators are with you all week on thursday, even july ones, how good, how good, frontal sections will continue to destabilize the atmosphere in the crimea in the kuban, so they will the formation of masses of heaping rain clouds and showers with thunderstorms will not allow the thermometer to rise above 23-28; in the lower reaches of the volga and don, precipitation is unlikely and the air will warm up to 28-33. on the middle volga , sunny weather will also prevail, the air will again begin to warm up well, if
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at the beginning of the working week it is +15-20 during the day, then by friday it will warm up to 25-30°. in northwestern russia, short showers are expected in places. thunderstorms are also possible in the south, the temperature will be noticeably warmer than the climate at midday the clock in the south is 25:30, and in the second half of the period even in the north it will warm up to 20-25. in central russia it will be sunny, and local thunderstorms are possible only in the second half of the working week. despite this, the temperature will rise, in the first days 21:26, on thursday, on friday until 26:31. in the urals, due to short-term rains at the beginning of the work week, it is cool, in the afternoon 12:17. in the second half of the working week the weather will improve and the air will immediately warm up to 17-22. in southern siberia, until the beginning of the calendar summer, cyclones will carry along with rain cloudy arctic air masses. as a result, daytime temperatures will be significantly below normal, no higher than 11-16°. in the south of the far east there will be
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rain in the first days, and the thermometer will only show 13-18. then the weather will improve, so that the air in the amur region and continental areas of the coastal region will warm up to... it’s so nice to start the day with a cup of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, unique
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aroma, pleasure in every sip, morning time to brew azer tea, you played great , thank you. do you know this melody? i'm her i often listen to it at home. you don't know who its author is? melody for two, premiere. today at 21:20. hello, dear friends. your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. 60 minutes. today at 11:30 and 17:30 on the russia channel. from the series, we almost believed that hollywood actor leonardoka. traveling around our country, he was in such a hurry to get to the oscars that, surprisingly, he ended up not in los angeles, he fell in love in siberia. this is the script for leo's new short film , we have siberian circumstances, we have problems. they shot a film in an unusual genre pseudo-documentary film, they promise to show it in another month, but for now there are stills
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from the set for advertising, but if you take a good look at the leading actor, serious doubts arise that the actor is not a real soundboard. he is replaced by his russian double, actor alexander yasen, or simply yakutsky di. well, yasen pepper is something better. well, now about the new roles of telephone scammers. now they are still doctors. sergei egorov will tell you how to recognize the catch and what is actually hidden behind the invitation to undergo fluorography. i have there were classes with the children, a call came in, usually i don’t answer when the number is unfamiliar, but here i don’t know why something happened. forced me to answer, a pleasant male voice politely addressed the woman by her patronymic name. the interlocutor introduced himself to the staff of the district clinic and suggested that instead of signing up for fluorography. the invitation might sound plausible if not for one detail. according to the compulsory medical insurance policy, i am not attached to the district clinic, so accordingly, the district clinic could not call me.
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anna hung up and did the right thing, after all , those who have previously called citizens many times on behalf of a variety of structures have begun to sign up for fluorography today. the ministry of culture called. they called that very strong, serious checks were now underway, they said that a relative had hit someone with a car, they urgently needed to transfer a large sum of money, they said that they had chosen me as a witness, and if i didn’t go there now, they would write me off some debts. of course, unlike an offer to become a witness in a fictitious criminal case, an invitation to medical the tests look much more plausible: insurance companies more than once invited elvira for a medical examination, and she herself... often called the local therapist on her mobile phone, and therefore the woman was not surprised by the call from the clinic, and it would seem what dangers the recording might pose for fluorography, they set a day, a date, i thought it was very convenient, we decided to make an appointment, asked to dictate the code from the sms, i dictated, then right during
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the conversation i received an sms saying that they wanted to take out a microloan in my name, the numbers in sms, which the scammers presented as a password to confirm an appointment for fluorography, turned out to be nothing in the end. other than a code to access a woman’s account on public services. insurance representatives of insurance companies or clinics never ask for any codes, because this is not their competence, they do not have access. to some personal accounts, if you receive a message or some kind of phone call that you are invited to some kind of separate study, a blood test or a glucose test or fluorography, you must understand that this is a fraudulent call, because services such as tests and instrumental laboratory tests cannot be obtained without an examination by a therapist. is there any doubt that your insurance company or a real representative of the medical institution is still on the line, then there is another proven method. from which you called, find out
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whether such a promotion is really taking place there, do you really need to come and undergo these procedures? such a check will hardly take more than a minute, but it will certainly save you from loss of money or lengthy legal proceedings in order to subsequently refuse microloans illegally taken in your name. we will now show you and prove that you can become famous for good deeds. these are video frames from kazakhstan, there... a televised service for fast air delivery of food to homeless cats. on each portion of food, the recipient is indicated, and a heart is also depicted - a sign of a good deed. at first, the cats were a little frightened by the buzzing of the copters, but the fear quickly went away with each new portion of the treat. it's nice when they bring you such a treat. from something like this even some cats won’t refuse treats, however, strawberries are a new crop. but i need to tell you the prices, is it worth waiting for discounts, did you understand dara teuunova? very, very expensive. expensive, now it’s 500-400, krasnodar strawberries have all gone up in price, now it’s 500 rubles. i started buying strawberries at the end of march, they were very expensive, 850 rubles.
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the price is decreasing, but only slightly, there are 10, 20 rubles, the price is not getting much lower yet, despite the beginning of the strawberry season, the cost of this juicy berry this year, on the contrary, has increased by 20-25% compared to the same period of 23 years, the main reason was severe frosts in early may in many regions of our country, a large volume of the first harvest... was lost on farms in the south of central russia, as well as in bashkiria and tatarstan. in may, when the cold snap occurred, demand decreased, and kilograms of strawberries began to cost somewhere around 600-700 rubles, which is 20% higher than in the same month last year, but with the approach of summer, our citizens prefer domestic strawberries to foreign ones turkish, belarusian berries from sunny uzbekistan or azerbaijan, because ours, although more expensive, is tastier and more aromatic. now, depending on... the outlet in the main region, 1 kg of strawberries can be bought from 250 rubles to 1,200 rubles per 1 kg in the central part of russia and in
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the north, imported ones can be found for 700-900 rubles per 1 kg. russian berries are more expensive than imported ones, they are tastier, they are sweeter, they are juicier. a fragrant berry means that it was picked closer to the buyer at a greater stage of ripeness. imported berries are not very tasty, especially in winter. for in order to bring. berries over a long distance, they have to be picked unripe, well, at the so-called stage of technical maturity, they will still gain a little color during transportation, but they will no longer be aromatic, sweet, juicy, and the content of useful substances will still be less. in general, the choice in favor of domestic berries is obvious, and in order to distinguish a truly high-quality product when buying strawberries, you should pay attention to a number of important features: we choose the berry that is aromatic, we try to collect unfrosted. a berry, a berry that has not been stored for very long, a good indicator here is that green crown, yes, the sepal, it dries out first,
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it is by this that you can determine how fresh the berry is, if the sepal is green, it means the berry was picked relatively recently . you can find such strawberries, berry market experts advise, if you buy them from farms, with such a realization that the chances that ripe, high-quality fresh berries will end up on your table are much greater than when buying them in chain store. and then all that’s left from the past is...
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from your smiles i see that you like how we deceive you, well, what can we do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, a big music show. ate, why, you ate, ate, ate, on friday, on rtr. i love you, i love you too. let's see on the weekend. leave her alone, but you have no prospects in life. oleg, we don’t need to meet again. sometimes a breakup is just the beginning of a great love. it's not easy being the wife
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of a prosecutor, right? it's not easy, you're being watched, it's your husband's man, let him go, fox, be careful, tell me, do you still love him, first love, all things, yes, don't touch me, what are you doing, let him go, listen to me carefully, something needs to be decided with them, fox, yes, run away from him, you are in danger, he has already betrayed you once, i will do everything so that we are together again, the romance is in the past, on saturday. on rtr, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you, my heart beats only for you, in this program not only songs are performed, but also a wish, my mother-in-law promised give it to me after the wedding, my wife says, you didn’t understand, damn it, what have you done,
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how could you? morning mail with nikolai baskov. on sunday on rtr. over the past 10 years, the number of visits to libraries in russia has almost tripled. these statistics are provided by sociologists. although leisure opportunities have expanded incredibly in the digital age. libraries updated with the support of the national project culture become points of attraction and family centers for creativity, relaxation and work. the word penguin
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begins with what letter? needed at the point readers? that means we need to grow them. after modernization, the children's library in the city of izobilny has actually become another school, only better, because here you can do what you like. i liked the letter, and so did i. the gadget contains 360 educational games for the little ones. for those who are older, they invited teachers from city schools who work in the library. several sections based on interests, but no matter what they do, the children still end up picking up and reading books, we don’t give them a single chance to escape from the book, we conduct various events with the book, we have a project called we grow together with the book, well, those who have already grown up come here with pleasure, teenagers are also attracted by new computer technology, including a virtual reality gadget and events that are invented and carried out by the staff, and of course, the books themselves, their fund, have also been updated and
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expanded. i love to draw, so i often take books.
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very comfortable chairs, many more board games. board games are another feature of the library, almost everyone develops by playing you can, for example, not only have fun and win a chocolate bar, but also master the karelian epic kalevala. it is not surprising that parents began to come here along with their children. our children's library, in kandapoga, has turned into such a modern, comfortable, very cozy space. and, probably, it became such a family, cultural and leisure center, which is what we were striving for. thanks to the national project culture, there are already over 1,080 model libraries in the country, equipped with the latest standards of spaces for creativity, work and communication. by the end of this year, more than 140 more updated libraries will open, including new ones. regions of russia, you can find the one closest to your home on the website novabilioteca.rrf. toughen up, if you want
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to be healthy, try to forget about doctors. andryush, thank you, i’m free to shower, look, i’ve already styled my hair, it’s beautiful, well , i’ll probably skip it, you know, i mean, well , i mean, who’s dirty here? good morning, this is from alexander efremov in the studio, briefly about the main topics of our issue. the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot has turned into in... a precise strike by our military in the northern direction, the drone control center on ovdeevsky was destroyed. news from the front line. israel bombed the rafah refugee camp.
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dozens of people died. the un again calls for an end to the fighting in the south of the gaza strip. russia is ready to help the residents of armenia. heavy rains caused severe floods and mudslides. vladimir putin will hold full-format negotiations with president of uzbekistan shavkat merziyoyev today in tashkent. the state visit began on sunday evening and the leaders of the two countries have already discuss some of the issues. the exchange of views will continue today. first, the presidents will talk in a limited format, then communication will begin with the participation of delegations. on the russian agenda is uzbek cooperation in trade, energy, industrial cooperation, and military-technical cooperation. as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, following the negotiations, moscow and tashkent will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover
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is growing steadily, new industrial projects are being developed projects in the field of metallurgy and development of peaceful nuclear energy. fortified positions and manpower of the ukrainian armed forces were destroyed by tankers of the north group in the kharkov region. first, the t-72 crew fired from a closed position; during the assault, a group of militants with small arms was discovered, and they were hit with direct fire. our tank is lazy, we are too lazy to shoot at the same target 10 times, so we hit it right away, we hit it right away, we don’t like to delay, so to speak, we destroy everything at once. in avdeevsky. direction the enemy's unmanned aircraft control center and mortar were eliminated. the crew of the akats installation in the central district hit
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targets with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the coordinated and effective actions of the artillerymen did not allow the nationalists to transfer reserves and supported the advance of motorized rifle units. the enemy is running, running fast, we are just now . an ammunition depot was attacked from a distance of 15 km, the consequences of a night strike, the detonation of shells and the fire was recorded by a drone. in the city of livny, as a result drone attacks. a gas station was destroyed, when emergency services and city administration officers arrived at the scene of the emergency, another drone hit them, as a result of the explosion, the driver of the fire department was killed, and three more people were
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injured. italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini demanded jens stoltenberg resign or apologize. this reaction from the politician came after the nato secretary general called on the allies to reconsider the issue of damage by ukraine. strikes on russia with western weapons, according to salvini, his country does not supports such attacks and opposes sending even one italian soldier to fight in ukraine. dozens of people were killed in an israeli airstrike on the rafah refugee camp, with even more injured and people burned alive, the palestinian red crescent society reported. these images are being circulated on social networks. it is known that those who were fired upon...
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by the fact that israel does not comply with the binding ruling of the international court of the united nations issued on friday to stop the operation in rafahi. in 35 districts of the tver region , a special fire regime has been introduced, forests are burning. by this time, three large outbreaks had been eliminated.
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come to the aid of the residents of armenia in eliminating the consequences of floods and mudflows, the russian military department reported. due to heavy rains, the debet and akstev rivers overflowed their banks. the rapid flow flooded houses and destroyed roads near the city of allaverdi. the bridge that connected the area to the nearest train station was destroyed. according to preliminary data, three people died. due to a sudden influx of water , a short circuit occurred and a gas filling station exploded. rescue operations continue. a major car accident in turkey killed 10 people and injured 39 more. on the highway between the cities of mersin and adana, the bus drove into the oncoming lane and collided with a truck and two cars. an investigation into the circumstances of the incident is underway. president recep tayyip erdogan expressed his condolences to the families of the victims. i went on a voyage across the amur river. motor ship health on
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a team of doctors on board. over the course of a month and a half, the floating clinic will make 25 stops in four districts of the khabarovsk territory. residents of more than thirty villages will undergo medical examination. some of the equipment for examining patients by specialized specialists is installed directly in the cabins. general practitioners see the population in outpatient clinics. examination and necessary treatment is available for adults and children. further regional news. don't switch. we'll see the residents of moscow and the region in a few seconds. now the capital's news region: july warmth is coming to moscow. the air temperature in the coming week in moscow may reach 30°c. the beginning of summer will be hot. today in the afternoon +23, and then the bar. thermometers will begin to rise,
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and no precipitation is expected until the end of may. the stream in the berilevo arboretum turned blue . water with a chemical tint comes from underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. environmentalists and the prosecutor's office are conducting an investigation. a five-year-old boy was injured in a shopping center on enthusiast highway. he was in game room when a structural element of the attraction fell on him. the child was injured. the fortovsk interdistrict prosecutor's office took control of establishing the circumstances of the incident. more than 15 thousand bikers took part in the moscow motorcycle festival. the celebration took place on the occasion of the opening of the season. the column started from the observation deck on vorobyovy gory and drove around the garden ring. a children's summer club is opening today at the victory museum. this year there will be 10 areas, including history , creativity, media and sports. theatrical.
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art and fundamentals of programming. more about events in the capital region in less than half an hour. all news is always available on the media platform in the application or on the website see you. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you! welcome to rixsas premium magavish seats & villas in hurghada!
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where luxury rooms and villas combine with a 1-year-long golden sandy beach km. impeccable service, exquisite cuisine. will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. so what is this? these tickets are gone. premiere on rtr. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? make yourself comfortable. here, look. maybe we shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your novel? were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. melody for two. today on rtr. good morning. good morning,
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good, even, say, may 27th. that's how we are let's put it this way, today anastasia chernobrovina, andrey petrov, hello to you. only dogs can become first class passengers of this airline, no matter how small or large they will fly in their own seat in comfortable conditions. of course, they will also take people, but first of all, care and service is intended for man’s four-legged friends. so far, charter flights are only from the west coast of the united states to the east coast and back, but the company plans to fly transatlantic flights, and during the trip, in-flight meals will be provided, developed by leading culinary specialists and dog handlers to make the flight a success. not only in a warm, barking, but also a slurping atmosphere, god, how much will it cost, coffee, coffee was made for them there, that coffee with cream, cream, you can’t forbid living beautifully, even dogs, oh, it’s good to travel in comfort, but without this is a reason to go to court, train passengers whose air conditioners were faulty
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received compensation for too hot conditions, how to motivate carriers to monitor the temperature, stuffiness in trains, planes and buses is a direct threat health and even life of passengers, more about the problem. oksana sirova. watching the happy moments of their joint vacation with her husband is very painful for nadezhda, because the vacation ended in tragedy, due to an aircraft breakdown at bangkok airport, the passenger was kept in a closed plane for 4 hours. due to the heat and stuffiness on board, the husband of hope became ill. well, i didn’t have a thermometer, but the temperature was 30, that’s for sure. it was really hot. people tried to find a cooler place. when my husband got sick and tired for the first time, he was also transferred to the back of the plane, where it was cooler, the temperature was slightly higher. this did not help, soon the husband’s heart stopped, thai doctors fought for his life for 3 days, but did not save him, while the airline did not admit its guilt, but other passengers on that plane also had a bad time, as practice shows, a violation of the temperature regime in public transport, be it a plane, a train or a minibus, in general the story is frequent,
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it’s impossible to get hot, it’s so hot, girl, guys, we’re making an air conditioner, here it’s like this throughout the whole train, well, you can just go crazy hot, all the delights. but smaller amounts, and fines for violating the temperature regime are truly ridiculous, experts say, despite the fact that the standards that carriers are required to comply with are spelled out in the law, the temperature in public transport should not be lower than twenty and not higher than 26 degrees celsius. there are no direct fines for temperature violations, there are general
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sanitary requirements from rospotrebnadzor, these fines are insignificant, amounting to thousands of rubles there. it is not surprising that carriers according to... the comfort of passengers is neglected, and the authorities that are supposed to control conditions in public transport, according to experts, often turn a blind eye to exceeding the temperature regime. as a rule, of course, regulatory authorities are more loyal to such small violations, especially since it is quite difficult to record the fact itself; it is necessary to take some kind of thermometer, and after recording it, contact the structure that carries out supervision. only a very small percentage will decide to do this. passengers, and it should not be their task to fight for... a comfortable temperature in the cabin of public transport, which is why many experts vote for increasing fines for carriers of violators, and control over ensuring that these violations do not occur should be more stringent, because it is too high or low temperatures not only cause discomfort to passengers, but carry risks for their health and even life.
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european scientists are ready to add risks to transport passengers, what do they propose? but they propose to reduce the number of water procedures, from daily to weekly, showering in this mode does not bring any benefit; on the contrary, they say it can harm the body. washing with soap and other products causes an imbalance in the skin microbiome. beneficial bacteria, viruses and fungi are washed away, and harmful and even dangerous ones take their place, experts say. and you...
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use too hot water while showering, because it destroys that very hydrolipidic layer of the skin, this is the first point, the second point, we don’t wash for more than 10-15 minutes, and this also applies to the bathroom, that is, they say, there is no point in soaking for hours, like this time for yourself, you didn’t work so hard to soak more gels like that, that’s all, gels can be used only once a day, that is, to cleanse the skin, it is not necessary to use gels, it is important when choosing a gel so that it says on it that it is suitable. for daily use, for some reason i heard it was said, take it without fragrances,
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because it’s really the fragrances that kill, there’s also a factor in this, then there’s the ph, it should be neutral, not in in no case should you wash with soap, because it has an acidic ph and also destroys the condition of the skin, then there should be no active fragrances, as you said, and it’s good that there were moisturizing components, often these are panthenol, shea butter, korite, chamomile, knee and washcloths, for some reason this is strange. our scientists also came to the rescue here , who found that after using a washcloth, the microbiome is restored within 24 hours, wait, we were told this exfoliation, natural this, once a week, once a week, as before we went to the bathhouse once a week a week, that’s enough, the same thing with using scrubs, before we went to the bathhouse every day, when there was only one bathhouse, this is probably now, who has a bathhouse, go once a week, you can use exfoliating products, but i wonder what else we’ll add? what will appear, excuse the smell,
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if you notice such a feature, you can really wash more than twice a day, but it is not necessary, as we said, to use cosmetics on the whole body, or use them locally, and you can just wash them off with water, just if we let's go in the shower, say three times a day, but do not use any soap. not any washcloths, but just douse yourself with water from a watering can, absolutely, it works, studies have also been conducted, the same for children, that is, they do not recommend washing babies every time with washcloths, gels, there is enough water, to be honest, when we called you and were going to talk, there was a feeling that all this was fiction, because well, these british scientists, we know, they didn’t come up with it, that is, there really is a real scientific basis for this and that’s all, all of this hygiene is really the basis of a normal person, there really are a number of studies where people really washed twice a day, washed with gels, then...
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thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you, international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival, alina on saturday at 12:00, if you suddenly see driverless cars on our russian roads, don’t be surprised, so be it, domestic technologies exist, they are well equipped... cars drove along the streets of big cities on highways , v in the long term, mass exodus will happen in
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the next 5-7 years, but maybe earlier, it will depend on the legislative framework, and the main question is who will be to blame if an unmanned vehicle gets into an accident. and then they came up with everything, the ministry of transport developed a bill, responsibility will fall on the owner of the driverless car, so if the document is supported by legislators, driverless cars can be expected on the roads in september 2025. occupied a third of the global car market, so in the near future the industry leaders will definitely i’ll have to move on, but for now i suggest taking a closer look at the new products in the class of mid-size crossovers. the huaweile h6 suv has undergone restyling , the front part and rear lights have changed, and the interior has been updated almost completely. there are even fewer physical buttons: the
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gear selector has moved to the steering column, and the dashboard has been supplemented with a nine-inch projection. there are two engines to choose from: a one-and-a-half-liter engine with 177 horsepower and a two-liter engine with 231 horsepower. the first is combined with a seven-speed robot, and with the second is a nine-speed automatic. considering the popularity of the model in china, deliveries to us are also very likely. one of the latest trends in auto design is a crossover with deliberately angular off-road shapes. we have presented the bg40 bike in this style, and recently the model was shown in our homeland. brutal suv bg30 of the second generation. ground clearance 215 mm. the interior is also well prepared for long journeys. the folded seats create a full-fledged double bed, and a projection screen can be installed on the ceiling. bg30 it is offered exclusively with all-wheel drive, but there are two power plants to choose from: gasoline and hybrid. under the hood of the first
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is a one and a half liter turbo engine with 188 horsepower, but the hybrid is much more powerful. the total output is 409 horsepower, the declared range is more than a thousand km, while charging from an outlet is not provided, it is possible that bake will soon think about supplying this model to us. the amoda c5 crossover on the russian market is consistently among the class leaders; meanwhile, a larger model was presented at home brand under the symbol c7. the first, most likely, will be a hybrid modification, equipped with a one and a half liter dvs with 156 horsepower. and an electric motor. in electric mode, such a crossover can cover 95 km. the total range is about 1,200 km, with an average consumption of about 5 liters per hundred. regular petrol versions are promised; the c7 will also reach russian showrooms, but most likely next year. but it is known for sure that in the fall in our country this segment will be replenished
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with a new version of cheerrig 8. in any case, it’s impossible without strong average players.
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can’t return it, excuse me, what year is it now, but you can go back there, what’s wrong with you, what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow not like that, soon there will be a competition for young designers, we can do it together, no longer, after 17 years you’ve got it you'll see , you'll run after him, like a sweetheart, girls, hello, something's wrong, we met somewhere. you are avoiding me? i thought that i could change fate, but, but, if only i could, on sunday on rtr. hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on air for 60 minutes. vladimir vladimirovich, let's talk to all questions. place nuclear weapons. i
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have already demanded that nuclear weapons be returned to me. how are things at the front, the weather is cloudy, hail in places, the guys are acting confidently, the commander is acting confidently, reliably, the equipment is coming, and we have one wheel there, the second tank has flown in from vkropsky, the hero of russia will be on tour, we are all with you, including , to the end, what an image of victory he is for you, he will destroy the gang. in my head with the zelanders, yana rag, there are big dreamers in the west, but we are guided by the fact, look twice a day. see you,
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do you remember what you promised me? i remember, what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you're going, i almost hit you, why are you silent, did i hurt you? no, i didn't. this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the daughter of merav, alyon, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself must decide whether to marry or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i will try, simple. girl in friday on rtr. continuation of the sensational investigation of the volgograd adoptive mother
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signora fratti, who in the nineties was able to illegally bring over 1,260 russian children to italy. we went to italy to personally check her company nadya-service, where nadezhda fratti offered to take the child. against the backdrop of all the information noise , she hastily sells off her property. how did hope fratta succeed? leave the country, we have all the details. malakhov, today on rtr. the world through the eyes of karas. a man attached a camera to a fish sent her on reconnaissance. as they say, a full-sized crucian carp with a gadget so that the pikes don’t doze off. so, the fish slowly examined the bottom square by square in search of a cool place, and the man waited patiently in the boat and watched what was happening. once large. the fish was noticed, the fisherman immediately unwound his fishing rod, modern fishing requires modern solutions, in fact, the world is painted with the eyes, it’s interesting to see, but you still want to fish the old fashioned way, this is true,
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on the latest trends from the world of fashionable handbags or where to put the bag with packages in our online collection, yeah, we wrote this down, this too, this text, thank you, i ’ll remember it anyway, great, this paper is just enough for a new bag, paper bags are a real trend today, fashionistas are showing off, you don’t have to spend it a lot of money, to get the bag of your dreams, all you need is one paper bag, glue, scissors and hands growing from the right place, however, unlike the real prototype, with such a cellulose baby it is better not to get caught in the rain. this is the bag we got, this is the most popular comment under the video, where craftsmen create real works of art from branded bags, the likes of which you won’t find even in... collections, and in general the owner can safely boast that my item was created in a single copy.
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however, many people prefer not to be tied to big names and create their own designs from the same paper. if you urgently need a bag of a certain color for going out, you don’t have to run to the store. take a couple of sheets of colored paper and remember the basics of origami. here's another cool option: every house has that same bag of bags, instead of in order to finally throw them away, we make an unusual beach bag or clutch. we glue many bags together using an iron, resulting in a strong but pliable material. today wicker bags are at the peak of popularity, we will also make one from used a4 sheets, fold them into strips and connect them together. with such master classes you can change your image every day. oh, i like this look, i’ll add a backpack made of plastic bottles to it
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and i’ll be the most fashionable. and then, anastasia is more level, we hold the steering wheel, new pants. i am very trying. oh, this is learning to drive carefully. your mistakes, remember, these are my patches. hummock. we will discuss ways to change driver behavior on the road in detail after the news. one more bump. good morning, this is alexander efremov from the studio. let's talk about the main thing by this hour. vladimir putin will hold full-format negotiations with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev today in tashkent. the state visit began on sunday. in the evening and the leaders of the two countries had already discussed some of the issues. exchange today opinions will continue. first, the presidents will talk in a limited format, then communication will begin with the participation of delegations. on the agenda.
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russian-uzbek interaction in trade, energy, industrial cooperation, military-technical cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, following the negotiations, moscow and tashkent will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover is growing steadily, new industrial projects are being developed projects in the field of metallurgy and peaceful development. russian artillery destroyed a large enemy stronghold. the crews of the mst self-propelled guns hit the coordinates from aerial reconnaissance. she spotted positions of the ukrainian armed forces in a forest plantation near the village of urozhaynaya. the fortifications were destroyed by targeted fire. now the artillerymen are paving the way for the assault groups. in the western direction of the special operation, a large ukrainian
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armored column was destroyed. the enemy tried to transfer large forces from one combat area to another, but it was stopped by the crews of the hurricane multiple launch rocket systems. two vehicles and about twenty people were hit, and different targets, mostly vehicles and infantry, or the pillbox control point was hidden. hello.
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said that an enemy drone arrived and targeted them, the rescued said that in the part of volchansk where the ukrainian armed forces are located, firing points are equipped in residential buildings, when the militants are knocked out of the building, they, leaving, level it to the ground, not counting the losses of civilians population, while there are a lot of foreigners in the ranks of the ukrainian army mercenaries. ukraine will not join nato in the next 30 years, and western weapons should not... be used by kiev to strike russia, the german chancellor stated. olaf scholz's words came at the start of a visit to germany by french president emmanuel macron, who, according to observers, will try to bring together the diverging positions of paris and berlin on support for ukraine, arms purchases, as well as on the role of nuclear energy, budget strategy and trade agreements. . dozens of people became victims
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israeli airstrike. the palestinian red crescent society reported to the refugee camp in rafah that even more people were injured and burned alive. these images are being circulated on social networks. it is known that the area under fire is located near the local un office. the israeli command did not comment on the reports of deaths, but said that the head of the hamas headquarters was eliminated in rafah, and the air strike was carried out on the basis of accurate intelligence. tornadoes hit the us states of oklahoma, arkansas, kentucky and texas. 18 people are listed as dead, two of whom are children. these figures are clearly not final and some of the injured were taken to the hospital. the storm destroyed many residential and commercial buildings, a gas station, a mobile home park and a truck stop. more than 400,000 subscribers were left without electricity. significant damage was caused to public
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infrastructure. a russian magician won the professional european championship for the first time. it took place in the italian city of saint-vince. grand prix in the genre of micromagic received by the young illusionist vladimir grigoriev. another representative of our country, artyom shchukin, took second place. he distinguished himself in the comedy magic category. both winners are now expected to perform in turin. further regional news. don't switch with residents. area, see you in a few seconds. now there is news from the capital region: the air temperature in the coming week in moscow may reach 30 degrees, such indicators are typical for july, according to weather forecasters, the beginning of summer will be hot, but already in...
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showers and thunderstorms are expected over the weekend, which will slightly lower thermometer readings. the traffic management center now estimates the congestion of the capital's highways to be one point. the streets are free due to repair work, there are difficulties on the moscow ring road from lipetskaya street to varshavskoye shosse, and there are also difficulties on begovaya street and the khoroshovskaya overpass. the stream in the burilevsky arboretum has turned blue; water with a chemical tint comes from underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. environmentalists and the prosecutor's office is establishing the reasons. based on the results of the inspection, response measures will be taken. the campus of the biotechnological university on vrubel street will be landscaped. this is the capital's flagship of scientific developments in the field of biotechnology, health, and savings. as sergei sobyanin said, there will be functional areas for students and teachers.
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an educational and laboratory complex, pavilions for lecturers and a gastropark will be built, the surrounding area will be landscaped and adapted for sports, recreation and walks in the fresh air. moscow on the wave fish week, a gastronomic festival has opened in the capital, where you can not only buy seafood, but try delicious dishes and learn how to cook them. igor roslavtsev visited one of the sites. i love chir more, it is fatty and juicy, but nelma is generally the queen. also on the list are murmansk cod, st. petersburg smelt, kamchatka caviar, black sea mullet and even mackerel. fish, salt, very lightly salted, natural, try it, very tasty,
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the festival is being held in moscow for the eighth time and always attracts a huge number of people interested taste seafood delicacies. venues were set up all over. in the city at once at thirty points we prepare a dish of tuna, salmon, shrimp, squid, mixes, we also use deep-frying, who doesn’t have medium frying, salmon, as it were, is also available, moscow is on the wave of water sports enthusiasts competing in fish week, hundreds of participants saprigatu registered, so i decided to participate, well, the answer is simple, good, good prize background, so i decided to participate, i came from st. petersburg, tverskaya. square - main craft point festival, master classes will be held here all week, the festival will last until june 2, so there is still time to try a variety of seafood and learn how to decorate wooden fish. igor yaroslavtsev, pavel vitrinsky, arthur nurmukhometov, ilya novikov, ilika
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dzhevakhishvili. news. the moscow puppet theater held a free show dedicated to international children's day. the organizers were the melody heart charity foundation and the social project shade your hand. children were invited to the performance with... watch in the app or on the website, see you. kalinan beleg is a place where time
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stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury. forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel calinan bellec, where life turns into a fairy tale. welcome to the newest rixsas hotel in sharmelsheikh. rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday. where everything is created for the happiness and comfort of the children of their parents. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and
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an unforgettable holiday. riksas radomis sharmel-sheikh. good morning, good morning, well, let's start a new work week together, you think it will be boring, sad, no, we are coming, everything will be different. russia has begun
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to apply for mortgages more often, that's the news, for country real estate. compared to the same period last year, the demand for a house in the village has almost doubled, and they are taking both ready-made housing and construction. factors that resulted in for russians, it is country real estate that has become attractive, there are several of them: firstly, they are tired of big cities. and problems with parking, and secondly, preferential government programs that allow you to register a country house at a relatively low rate, they generally love money, we know this well, perhaps many lovers of country life, summer residents and members of gardening associations have asked more than once the question of where the contributions are spent, this topic, by the way, was suggested to us by you in the telegram channel morning of russia, and we carefully read everything comments. closed clubs for lovers of fresh herbs from the garden.
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non-profit gardening partnerships are not just villages for summer residents, they are an entire state within a state with its own laws and rules, but it happens that not everyone agrees with them. and when there is no agreement among the comrades, a conflict begins, the scorching southern sun does not allow the ardor of the residents of the stavropol snt earthlings to cool down. the chairman is putting up some obstacles regarding the connection to the gas pipeline system, saying that there is a contribution of 100,000. rubles per connection to the gas pipeline system, without guaranteeing connection. gardeners say there are questions about economic work and financial activities; the chairman’s secrecy is suspicious. they contacted her in writing, contacted her by mail, even asked through the courts, but getting any document from her was a real problem. if members of the snt have a suspicion that the chairman enters into effective contracts or inflates the cost of services in estimates, then we need to act according to the law to begin with. you can initially contact an auditor or
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audit commission, any member of the snt has the right to request documents on financial and economic activities, and these documents must be provided. on the other hand, sometimes in practice everything does not work as it is written on paper. there is no trust in this audit commission, because in violation of federal law , people who are neither owners nor members of snt were accepted as auditors as members of the board. this is not the first year that mikhailova has been in opposition to the chairman of the snt tishina near moscow. a lot of complaints have accumulated regarding the charter to opaque cost reporting. the chairman, in turn, does not agree with the accusations. this is posted in the media all year round, there is a financial and economic justification on the website. we provide absolutely all information. when there is no trust, financial disputes need to be resolved with the help of third-party organizations. you can request documentation through the court, or invite independent experts to conduct it. audit contrary to the wishes of the chairman, it is necessary to initiate a general meeting in the agenda
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of which the issue of conducting an audit should be included, this can be done by collecting signatures of at least 1/5 of the members of your snt. very often, mutual accusations between members of a partnership are based on a banal misunderstanding. the chairman waved it off, the gardeners suspected something was wrong, and no law could regulate this. we must remember how all gardening partnerships began, an association of a team that has common interests and common goals. joint hikes, joint picnics, these events unite residents; if you still can’t unite, then the easiest way to change the situation is to elect another chairman of the snt, but you only need to contact law enforcement agencies when you have iron-clad evidence about the machinations of the board of the gardening partnership. well , of course, you can’t say anything about scammers here, but there is always a residue, the next planned increase in prices for utilities will happen soon on july 1, where else? but in the meantime, the state duma proposes to introduce a single standard for the maximum
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allowable share of housing and communal services costs of 15% of the total family income. now this share is 22%. the idea didn't come out of nowhere place. according to rosstat, the total debt for utilities last year increased by a record almost 10% and reached the amount of 833 billion rubles. in the studio , lawyer konstantin, member of the committee on entrepreneurship in the sphere of housing and communal services of the russian chamber of commerce and industry. it’s just a percentage cut-off for those who pay 100% for utilities, right? yes, you are right, in accordance with the current law, the regions themselves set this bar, but it should not be higher than 22%, we must immediately tell our viewers that the majority regions that will take advantage of this opportunity are 22,
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moscow, st. petersburg, much less, moscow 10, st. petersburg 14 in my opinion, but there are a lot of regions where there are 22 in full, which is called those regions that...
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application, while checking the financial situation, family composition, and if people qualify, and what does qualify, this means that if their expenses for housing and communal services exceed 15% of the family budget, then they have the right to a free
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subsidy, even when people receive a receipt for when paying, many people are always surprised, what for, where am i paying, why is this? suddenly for hot water, there are two significant problems that do not allow us to properly protect the rights of consumers in the field of housing and communal services, this is the first problem, federal, there is still a ban on a moratorium on inspections, the second story, i believe that in the housing authorities supervision , the staff needs to be increased, something needs to be changed in this system, first of all, supervision over the correctness of calculations, second - over the quality of service provision, and finally, the moratorium on checks of the pestilence, of course without lifting the moratorium. we have to, we spoke with a member of the committee to talk about quality supervision of entrepreneurship in the field of housing and utilities of the russian chamber of commerce and industry, lawyer konstantin krokhin. let me invite you to dance, your wife is having an affair with this musician. i don’t believe that
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vika could cheat on me. melody for two. premiere. today at 21:20. catch me if. you can, it’s a big music show, i had such conspiracy theories, it can’t work twice, in a row, the same scheme, on friday at 21:30, who is the best in the world to handle a saw with an ax, they showed and proved in milan, sawing a thick log with a hand saw is not an easy task even for people who are prepared, but they are corrected when prepared playing in less than a minute, the same thing but with an ax in a couple of minutes. and finally, a chainsaw, it speeds up the process to 5 seconds. based on the results of all these competitions, the fastest lumberjack in the world was a lumberjack from new zealand. did all countries participate? i think that there would be ours, which is not all. but for for a professional driving, speed is not the main thing. traffic safety comes first.
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a new system from russian programmers helps determine how a driver behaves. if i take it and press the gas to the floor, we get an acceleration that is approx. then i brake sharply, then i just look at the track in the evening , the system assessed this as dangerous maneuvers or is this normal, i admit, the trip really tickled my nerves, wobbling, turning at speed and other moments that can be attributed to dangerous driving, all this irina does to show us the capabilities of a system that analyzes the driving style of a motorist, for example, someone who wants to find out the truth about himself, it is possible to change something in his behavior on the road, along the track we see... maneuvers, this is considered quite a lot , emergency driving, in order to receive such data, you need to install a special tracker on the car, a small
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box that is attached to the battery, the place was chosen because it is easy to power up and there are no unnecessary vibrations, very simple installation - tape, we see the terminal tracker itself, plus and minus, everything is installed within 2 minutes, inside the tracker there is an accelerator, which allows you to measure acceleration and a jsm module, it transmits information about the trip to the developers’ server. where the data is analyzed by artificial intelligence and gives a score, the higher it is, the safer the driving, but the electronics also notice other nuances, what is important is that careless passage of speed bumps at speed is recorded, and this is important for fleet managers, for owners, yes understand how much employees use his car carefully, do they take care of the suspension, because this is all an additional repair, downtime, and so on, first of all the system.
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when your girl turns 18 she will receive a tar. whoever loves a man will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn't lie? well, hit her. i just realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are. max,
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yes, what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare him and he’ll run away. won't run away from me. you hear how it beats, i will protect you. who offends? a magical gift that has become. damn, i made up my mind, i’ll leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere, on saturday on rtr, this sun will beat me, well, master, it’s ready, look, your eyes are evil, your hands are small, i’ll call you zinka, i have it’s just that my wife left for a komuzirovka, and i can’t sleep without her, it’s very good. history of a big country premieres on friday on rtr.
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where is your homeland, my brother, and whose homeland are you, soldier, who do you serve, former friend, tear away everything that was ours that was together. what will you have left? they went against god and toured all the liberated territories. what an impression. russia comes and the city lives. boris korchevnikov's program, life and destiny. from monday to friday on rtr. one at home will be left without a home. one of the most iconic homes in hollywood history is up for sale in the united states. this is the mansion from the 1990 film with macaulay culkin, located in chicago. if robbers raid the house again,
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they are unlikely to recognize it. they spent a full time inside reconstruction. the new owners have at their disposal five bedrooms, six bathrooms, all imaginable and inconceivable amenities, including a personal basketball court, all this costs 5 million dollars and a quarter, or half a billion rubles, as we calculated, in total, so you say, only, as if sounds, yes, but money fades into the background for the heroes of the new serial film on the russia channel, melodrama, melody for two, this is a touching story of love and passion, watch today at... 21:20 i will call you missunctuality, but because for you you can synchronize watches, but it’s true that the heroine of the series victoria is a rare girl, exactly the daughter of her mother’s friend, perfect in everything, smart and beautiful, a wonderful leader herself, husband, serious boss, perfect order reigns in her home and life, everything is in
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place , everything is according to a clear schedule, it seems, one can only envy, it seems to me that this is not a woman, but some kind of robot, everything is always in order with her. good morning everyone, planning meeting in 15 minutes. but is it possible to plan minute by minute to put love in your diary for years to come? the lead actress anna taratorkina , after getting to know her character closely, is absolutely sure that you can’t build the most important things according to the schedule, and she, vika, is a vivid example of this; you can miss something very important behind all the schemes. in terms of calculations , life and nature are smarter than us, but at some point a person asks the question that everything seems to be there, but something is very much missing, and what ’s wrong, san, i’m unhappy, well, this is so difficult admit, and first of all to ourselves, the heroes of the melodrama will tell us a story that could very well happen in real life,
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because no one has yet received exact instructions on how to do everything correctly. there is a chance to take advantage of the tips that the series gives, says alexey foteev. this is a story, first of all, about relationships, and if it so happens that this ship has cracked, and the relationship cannot be saved, then everyone has a chance, a chance not to make the same mistakes in the future. there is always a prospect, especially if you do not ignore sudden gifts of fate and do not waste possible happiness. and this is once again masterful. rather, check into your room and relax. another plan that simply isn't destined to come true. resistance is useless, there are stormy feelings ahead, intrigue, sunny seascapes, and of course, amazing music,
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a melody for two will sound tonight at 21. and then strawberry season, but not everyone can afford to enjoy the berries. i take one berry, look at another, notice the third, and the fourth is a mere sign. we’ll find out in a few minutes why prices for strawberries are so high and how to choose ripe and healthy ones. good morning, this is news from the alexander studio efremov. briefly about the main topics of our. the ukrainian armed forces' ammunition depot turned into ashes, a precise strike by our military in the northern direction. gun, shot! and on ovdeevsky the drone control center was destroyed. we are too lazy to shoot at the same target 10 times, so we hit it right away. news from the front line.
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israel bombed the rafah refugee camp. dozens of people died. again calls for an end to the fighting in the south of the gaza strip. russia is ready to help the residents of armenia; heavy rains have caused severe flooding and mudslides. vladimir putin will hold full-format negotiations with president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev today in tashkent. the state visit began on sunday evening and the leaders of the two countries have already managed to discuss some issues. today the exchange of views will continue: first, the presidents will talk in a limited format, then communication will begin with the participation of delegations. the agenda includes russian-uzbek interaction in trade, energy, industrial cooperation, military-technical cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, as a result of the negotiations, moscow and tashkent will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic
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partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover is growing steadily and is being worked on. areas. first, the t-72 crew fired from a closed position. during the assault , a group of militants with small arms was discovered and they were hit with direct fire. our tank is lazy. we are too lazy to shoot at the same target 10 times, so we hit it right away. we get there right away. we don’t like to procrastinate, so to speak. straightaway. we destroy everything. on in the ovdeevsky direction , the enemy's unmanned aircraft control center and mortar were eliminated. the crew of the akatsia installation
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in the central district hit targets with high-explosive fragmentation ammunition. the coordinated and effective actions of the artillerymen did not allow the nationalists to transfer reserves and supported the advance of motorized rifle units. the enemy is running, running fast, now, as soon as we took avdeevka, as soon as we gained a foothold here, it’s just that the enemy is now suffering heavy losses, our assault troops they are happy, the artillery is working. at the northern site of the special operation, crews of d-20 howitzers attacked an ammunition depot from a distance of 15 km, the consequences of a night strike, the detonation of shells , the fire was recorded by a drone. in the city of livny, oryol region , a gas station was destroyed as a result of a drone attack. when emergency services and city administration officers arrived at the scene of the emergency,
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another drone hit them, the explosion killed the driver of the fire department, and injured three more people. to retire or apologize, italian deputy prime minister matteo salvini demanded from jens stoltenberg. such a reaction. followed a call from the nato secretary general for the allies to reconsider issues of ukraine striking russia with western weapons. according to salvini, his country does not support such attacks and is opposed to sending even one italian soldier to participate in the fighting in ukraine. dozens of people were killed in an israeli airstrike on the rafah refugee camp, and even more were wounded. the palestinians reported that people were burned alive society.
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flares up at the slightest spark, five large fires have been discovered, the cause is most often people themselves, they light fires in the wrong places; in just one day , forest fire services localized 69 hot
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spots. the russian ministry of defense is ready to come to the aid of the residents of armenia in eliminating the consequences of floods and mudslides, the russian military department reported this. due to heavy rains, the rivers debited and... overflowed their banks, the rapid flow flooded houses and destroyed roads in the area of ​​​​the city of alaverdi . the bridge that connected the area to the nearest train station was destroyed. according to preliminary data, three people died. due to a sudden influx of water, a short circuit occurred and a gas filling station exploded. emergency rescue operations continue. a major car accident in turkey killed 10 people and injured 39 more. on the highway between the cities of mersin and odona, the bus drove into the oncoming lane, collided with a truck and two cars, the circumstances of the incident are being investigated, condolences
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president receb tayyip erdogan expressed his gratitude to the families of the victims. the motor ship zdorovya set off on a voyage along the amur river, with a team of doctors on board; in a month and a half, the floating clinic will make 25 stops in four districts of the khabarovsk territory. further news from the regions, do not switch, with residents of moscow and the region, we will see you in a few seconds. now news from the capital region. july warmth is coming to moscow. temperatures this coming week could reach 30 degrees.
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the beginning of summer will be hot, today it will be +23, and then the thermometers will begin to rise, and no precipitation is expected until the end of may. the stream in the burilevsky denropark turned blue . water with a chemical tint comes from the underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. environmentalists and the prosecutor's office are conducting an investigation. a five-year-old boy was injured in a shopping center on enthusiast highway. he was in the playroom when an element fell on him. the design of the attraction, the child was injured, the lifortovo interdistrict prosecutor's office took control of establishing the circumstances what happened. at the victory museum, a children's summer club is opening today; this year there will be 10 areas, including history , creativity, media and sports, theater arts and the basics of programming. read more about events in the capital region in less than half an hour, see you later.
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titanic luxury collection hotel for an unforgettable experience rixsas sharmalsha only for adults 18+. here you will find entertainment throughout the day. year-round performances by the best djs from around the world and comfortable rooms. rixos sharmasha. simply relaxation is a holiday for
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the soul, where every detail is created for admiration, who is this, this is a ticket to hell, the premiere on rtr, you have placed two strangers in the same room, you have never seen the sunrise on the beach, settle down, here you go look, maybe you shouldn’t interfere with her happiness, like yours? what, were you following me? i'm filing for divorce. a melody for yours. today on rtr. good morning. good morning, just here with anastasia dabrovina, andrei petrov in the studio. hello, we are talking about the fact that it is may, but it can be very, very different, it can be very sacrificial, yes, it all depends on what kind of atmosphere you have in your soul. but may is already
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ending in the end, and they say that we will have a very hot summer in our country, but if so, we need to somehow prepare, there are examples, in riyadh, where it is now +43 during the day, and +30 at night, they have arranged cool oasis in the middle of the arabian desert. along a ten-kilometer pedestrian route in the capital of saudi arabia, 750 pillars were installed that distribute water mist, evaporating droplets absorb heat from the air and reduce the temperature by 10-15°, that is, if at night +30, -10, it’s very easy to count, well, in any case, i wonder what the weather will be like, in the next few days in our studio maria borisovo masha, hello, welcome, what ’s going on, we were promised some kind of anticyclone this week, it’s hot, here we are black sea and baltic resorts are fighting for the hottest place in the country, and who do you think is winning this time?
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and the black sea coast, in my opinion, will also end up in the rain zone. will continue to destabilize the atmosphere in the crimea in the kuban, so massifs of heap rain will form clouds and showers with thunderstorms will not allow the thermometer to rise above 23-28; in the lower reaches of the volga and don, precipitation is unlikely; the air will warm up to 28-3. on the middle volga
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, sunny weather will also prevail, the air will again begin to warm up well. if at the beginning of the work week it is +15-+20 during the day, then by friday it will warm up to 25-30°. in the north-west of russia, short showers are expected in places, and thunderstorms are possible in the south. the temperature regime will be noticeably warmer than the climate during the midday hours in the south - 25-30, and in the second half period, even in the north it will warm up to 20-25. in central russia it will be sunny, and local thunderstorms are possible only in the second half of the working week. despite this, the temperature will rise. in the first days 21-26, on thursday to friday until 26:31. in the urals, due to short-term rains at the beginning. the working week is cool, 12:17 in the afternoon, in the second half of the working week the weather will improve; the air will immediately warm up until 17:22. in southern siberia, until the beginning of the calendar summer, cyclones will be carried along with rain cloudy arctic air masses. as a result, daytime temperatures will be
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significantly below normal, no higher than 11-16°. in the south of the far east it will rain in the first days, and the thermometer will only show 13-18. then the weather will improve, so the air is straight. the sea and continental coastal areas will warm up to 18-23. mash, when we talked about the baltic and the black sea waters, all these 15° are still water or air, we missed something, in the baltic the air temperature is 28, and the water temperature is 16, in yalta the water temperature is one degree lower, than in the baltic sea, and why does this happen when we start working, why when we’ve been working for a week, why is it 20, the water is plus 15, it’s too early to swim, well, here it is for me ... it’s still dangerous to swim on the black sea coast, now the waves are very strong, such storms, so well, let's wait, well, let's wait, indeed, anastasia is right, let's wait, the forecast for the week from maria borisov, thank you very much, thank you have a nice day, it's so nice
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to start the day with a cup of black tea with bergamot, exquisite taste, unique aroma, pleasure in every sip, morning time to brew azer tea, in every store. robbery, gazui, you ran away from the orphanage five times, six, those who got away from the hands have all their hope in you, completely wild guys, we need repelled mentors, god forgive me, what did you want from me, what do you have yes, this is your obedience, you yourself will be saved, i only save others, disobedient people, i had no contact with you either, and what did you do, stopped lying, soon, from the series we almost... believed that hollywood actor leonardo decaprio is traveling around our country, he was in such a hurry for the oscars, which surprisingly ended up not in los angeles, but in siberia , and fell in love. this is the script for leo's new short film, we have siberian circumstances, we have problems. they shot a film in
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the unusual genre of pseudo-documentary cinema, they promise to show another one in a month, but for now , for advertising, there are stills from the set, but if you take a good look at the leading actor, it appears. number, but i don’t know why something made me answer, a pleasant male voice politely addressed the woman by name patronymic, the interlocutor introduced himself as an employee of the district clinic and invited anna to sign up for fluorography. the invitation might sound plausible if not for one detail. according to the compulsory medical insurance policy, i am not attached to
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the district clinic, so accordingly, they could not call me from the district clinic. anna hung up and did the right thing, because today those who had previously called citizens many times on their behalf began to sign up for fluorography. invited elvira to a medical examination, and she herself often called the local police officer the therapist on her mobile phone, and therefore the woman was not surprised by the call from the clinic, and it would seem, what dangers might be fraught with making an appointment for fluorography? started the day, the date, i thought it was very convenient, we decided to make an appointment, asked to dictate the code
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from the sms, i dictated, then right during the conversation i received an sms saying that they wanted to take out a microloan in my name, the numbers in the sms, which scammers passed it off as a password to confirm an appointment for fluorography, but in the end it turned out to be nothing more than a code to access woman's account on public services. insurance representatives of insurance companies or clinics never ask for any codes, because this is not their competence, they do not have access to any personal accounts, if you receive a message or some kind of phone call that you are invited to some special a study, a blood test or a glucose test or fluorography, you must understand that this is a fraudulent call, because such services as tests, instrumental laboratory tests cannot be obtained without an examination therapist. is there any doubt that your insurance company or a real representative of a medical institution is on the line? still remain, that is, there is another proven way to recognize a fraudulent call. if you don’t believe it, have doubts, just anticipate
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the conversation and call back the clinic from which they called you, find out whether such a promotion is really taking place there, whether you really need to come and undergo these procedures. such a check will hardly take more than a minute, but it will certainly save you from losing money or active litigation, in order to subsequently refuse illegal microloans taken in your name. we will now show you and prove that he will glorify you with good deeds. maybe, these are video frames from kazakhstan, they launched a service for fast air delivery of food to homeless cats, the addressee is indicated on each portion of food, and there is also a heart depicted, a sign of a good deed. at first, the cats were a little frightened by the buzzing of the copters, but the fear quickly went away with each new portion of the treat. it's nice when such a treat brings you such a treat. even some cats won’t refuse such a treat, however, the strawberries are a new harvest, but the prices, i must tell you, is it worth waiting for discounts, daria tiunova sorted out? very expensive, very expensive, now it’s already 500-400,
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krasnodar strawberries have all gone up in price, now it’s 500 rubles. i started buying strawberries at the end of march, they were very expensive, 850 rubles. the price is decreasing, but only slightly by 10 to 20 rubles, the price is not getting much lower yet, despite the beginning of the strawberry season, the cost of this juicy berry this year, on the contrary, has increased by 2.25% compared to the same period twenty third year, the main reason was severe frosts in early may... belarusian berries from sunny uzbekistan or azerbaijan, because ours, although... but tastier and more aromatic, now, depending on the outlet, and the main region 1 kg of strawberries can be bought from 250 rubles to 1,200 rubles
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per 1 kg in the central part of russia and the north, imported ones can be found for 700-900 rubles per 1 kg. russian berries are more expensive than imported ones, they are tastier, they are sweeter, they are juicier. a fragrant berry means that it was collected closer to the buyer, at higher stage of ripeness, imported berries are not very good... especially in winter , in order to bring the berries over a long distance, they have to be collected unripe, well, at the so -called stage of technical maturity, they will still gain a little color during transportation, but they are aromatic , it will no longer be sweet and juicy, and the content of nutrients in it will still be less, in general, the choice in favor of domestic berries is obvious, and in order to distinguish a truly high-quality product when buying strawberries, you should pay attention attention to a number of important features: we choose the berry that is... fragrant, we try to collect unripe berries, those berries that have not been stored for very long,
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a good indicator here is that little green crown and sepals, it dries very first, precisely according to it can be used to determine how fresh the berry is; if the sepals are green, it means the berry was picked relatively recently. you can find such strawberries, berry market experts advise, if you buy them from farms; with such sales, there is a chance that they will come to your table. you will get ripe, high-quality fresh berries, much more than when buying online... when your girl turns 18, she will receive a gift, whoever she loves among the men will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn’t lie? well, hit her. i just realized today how much
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i like you, how beautiful you are. what are you doing, i don’t believe a single word you say, just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me, he won’t run away from me, you hear how it’s beating, i’ll protect you, who offends you, a magical gift that has become damn it, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t break my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr. i declare the international rhythmic gymnastics festival open. alina kabaeva gathers friends from all over the world. we will introduce you to the culture of different peoples. future champions. an unforgettable journey into
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the world of sports and music. thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you, international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival, on saturday. rtr, do you remember what you promised me? i remember what i promised? did you promise to marry me? well, that's where you're going, i almost hit you, why
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are you silent, did i hurt you? no, i didn't. this is my brother vanya, it’s very nice, but i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have any bride, these are all my brother’s requests, i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself must decide whether to marry or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you insist, i will try, simple girl. on friday on rtr, your favorite songs are heard in our studio, let's go, birthday, favorite music never gets old, real songs sound, wonderful, real feelings know no
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boundaries. over 10 years, the number of visits to libraries in russia has almost tripled, this is the statistics cited by sociologists, although opportunities for leisure have expanded incredibly in the digital era, libraries, updated with the support
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of the national cultural project, are becoming points of attraction and family centers for creativity, relaxation and work. the word penguin begins with what letter? need readers? that means we need to grow them. children's library in the city of izobilny, after modernization, it actually became another school, only better, because here you can do what you like. i liked the letter and so did i. the gadget contains 360 educational games for the little ones, and for those older, we invited. teachers from city schools have several interest sections in the library, but no matter what they do, the children still end up taking and reading books, we don’t give them a single chance to distract themselves from the book, we hold various events with books, we have a project , called together we grow up with books, and those who have already grown up come here with pleasure; teenagers are also attracted by new computer equipment, including virtual reality gadgets and
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events that the staff comes up with and conducts, and of course, the books themselves, their collection has also been updated and expanded. i like to draw, so i often take books on drawing, and i sometimes like to read poetry, so i take books of poetry. the staff of the kandapoga children's library decided what was most important. their asset, in addition to books, will be a children's television studio. there is a small town in it has a small library, and we are creating something that didn’t exist before, that’s the point, i guess. the children themselves create the content; the list of projects proposed by adults has been tripled by the team of young television workers. i have my own section where we invite all sorts of different people and find out about their hobbies. i like to shoot. yum-yum show, children read and who our parents work for, cameras, microphones, light, all studio equipment was purchased with a grant from the national culture project,
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as well as new books, more than 3000, we love it here come here, read books, sometimes, sometimes play, there are very comfortable chairs, many more board games, board games are another feature of the library, almost all educational games can be played, for example, not only to have an interesting time. and win a chocolate bar, but also master the karelian epic kalevala. it is not surprising that parents began to come here along with their children. our children's library, kondopoga, has turned into such a modern, comfortable, very cozy space. and she probably became like this a family, cultural and recreational center, which is what we were striving for. thanks to the national project culture, the country already has over 1,080 model libraries equipped with the latest standards of spaces for creativity, work and communication. even more will open by the end of this year. 140 updated libraries, including in new regions of russia; you can find the one closest to your home on the website novabilioteka.rrf.
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toughen up, if you want to be healthy, try to forget about doctors. andryusch, thank you, the shower is free, look, i’m already like i styled my hair, well, i’ll probably skip it, you know, i mean? well, i mean, who is the dirty little thing we have here, that dirty little thing is dirty, i will take care of the antimicrobial barrier of the skin, you wash less often, you meet with doctors less often; we'll talk to the experts in a few minutes, andryusha, good morning, this is from alexander efremov in the studio, we'll tell you about the main thing... by this hour. vladimir putin will hold a meeting today in tashkent, full-format negotiations with the president of uzbekistan shavkat mirziyoyev. the state visit began the night before. the leaders of the two countries visited the
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new uzbekistan park and examined the bas-relief dedicated to the history of the country. the president of russia laid a wreath at the independence monument located in the park. on sunday, the heads of state already managed to discuss some of the issues, and today the exchange of views will continue. first, the presidents will talk in a limited format. then communication will begin with the participation of delegations on the russian-uzbek agenda interaction in trade, energy, industrial cooperation, military-technical cooperation, as well as cultural and humanitarian exchanges. as expected, following the negotiations, moscow and tashkent will sign a package of bilateral documents. our country is one of the main economic partners of uzbekistan. trade turnover is growing steadily, new industrial projects are being developed in the field of metallurgy and the development of peaceful nuclear energy. in the southern donetsk direction of the special operation, russian artillery destroyed a large enemy stronghold.
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the crews of the mst self-propelled guns hit the coordinates from aerial reconnaissance, it spotted the positions of the ukrainian armed forces in a forest plantation near the village of urozhaynaya. the fortifications were destroyed by targeted fire. now the artillerymen are paving the way for the assault groups. in the western direction of the special operation, a large one was destroyed.
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ukraine will not join nato in the next 30 years, and western weapons should not be used by kiev to attack russia, the german chancellor said. olaf scholz's words came at the start of the president's visit to germany france emmania macron, dozens of people became victims of the israeli air raid on the refugee camp in rafah, even more were injured, the palestinian red crescent society reported that people were burned alive. these images are being circulated on social networks. it is known that the area under fire is located near the local un office. the israeli command did not comment on the report of the dead, but said that the head of the movement’s headquarters was eliminated in rafah. and
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the air strike was carried out on the basis of accurate reconnaissance. less than a week before start in the summer, snow fell in kamchatka, together with a stormy wind it sweeps away regional roads; the situation is approximately the same in the central urals. a blizzard unexpectedly hit the sverdlovsk region. winter came to two large cities at once - sredne-uralsk and nizhny tagil. their residents witnessed an unprecedented hailstorm. in yakutia, meltwater will collapse. bridge between two large villages in the aldan region. the flow washed away the support that held two spans. vehicle traffic there is paralyzed. earlier in the region, due to flooding, a local emergency situation. a russian magician won the professional european championship for the first time. it took place in the italian city of saint-vince. the grand prix in the micromagic genre was awarded to the young illusionist vladimir grigoriev. another representative
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of our country is artyom. shchukin took second place, he distinguished himself in the comedy magic category. both prize-winners will now perform in turin, where the next european magic championship will be held next year. next, regional news, don’t switch, residents of moscow and the region, see you in a few seconds now there is news from the capital region, the air temperature in the coming week in moscow may reach 30°c, such indicators are typical for july. according to weather forecasters, the beginning of summer will be hot, but showers and thunderstorms are expected already on the weekend, which will slightly lower thermometer readings. according to the data center, the congestion on moscow streets is now 3 points. difficulty on the mkad from
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lipetskaya street to varshavskaya. highway and from dmitrovskoye to volokolamskoye, the yaroslavskoye highway from kolts and leningradskoye go slowly from flotskaya street towards the center, also on sushchevsky val. the stream in the berilevo arboretum turned blue . water with a chemical tint comes from underground and spreads downstream. everything happens on the territory of the tsaritsina estate. environmentalists and the prosecutor's office are establishing the reasons. based on the results of the inspection, response measures will be taken. 20 residential complexes have been handed over for occupancy under the renovation program since the beginning of the year in moscow. as sergei sobyanin said, construction of twelve more buildings began in january. the mayor noted that only in this over 16,000 people became new settlers this year. in total, the program initially demolished almost 650 old houses. over the 7 years of the project, resettlement affected over 160,000 muscovites. emergency in the shopping center on the highway enthusiasts in
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the game room. a torn-off element of the attraction's structure fell on a five-year-old boy. the child was injured and was taken to one of the capital's hospitals. the lifortovo interdistrict prosecutor's office took control of establishing all the circumstances of the incident. a children's summer club is starting to operate at the victory museum. the event is being held for the sixth time with the support of the department of education for children from 8 to 13 years old. this year the club will present 10 areas, including history, sports and programming. there will be 13 shifts over the summer, each of which will be unique. moscow on the wave, fish week. a gastronomic festival has opened in the capital, where you can not only buy seafood, but try delicious dishes and learn how to cook them. igor roslavtsev visited one of the sites. i love chir more, she's fat juicy, but nelma is generally the queen. and also
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on the list are murmansk cod, st. petersburg smelt, kamchatka caviar, black sea red mullet and even mackerel from the kuril islands. during fish weeks, muscovites can try seafood from all over the country, this is whitefish suguda, you can try it, this is a fish delicacy, very lightly salted , natural, try it, very tasty, the festival takes place in moscow. for the eighth time, it always attracts a huge number of people who want to try seafood delicacies; the venues have been set up all over the city, on thirty points, are we preparing a dish of sunz, salmon, shrimp, squid? mixes, we also use deep frying, for those who don’t have medium frying, salmon is also available. moscow on the wave , water sports enthusiasts compete during fish week, hundreds of participants have registered, so i decided
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to participate, well, the answer is simple, good, there is a good prize background, so i decided to participate, i came from st. petersburg. tverskaya square, the main craft point of the festival, master classes will be held here all week, the festival will last until june 2. there is still time to try a variety of seafood and learn how to decorate wooden fish . igor yaroslavtsev, pavel vitrinsky, artur nurmukhometov, ilya novikov and lika dzhevakhishvili. news. all news is always available on the “watch” media platform in the application or on the website see you. everything is definitely fine with you, it’s simple and usually never delays. premiere on rtr, you will leave me without a morning kiss, i have a husband, a job, stability, i’m unhappy, and you can brazenly write
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travel, happiness, good luck into your schedule. anna taratorkina, who are you, how did you get here? this is my number, dmitry miller. i’ll have to admit that you like me when you and i switched to work, alexey fatiev, who’s there with you, i’m alone, it’s just an accident, what an idiot, rest can be planned, but love, i don’t understand anything myself, i need to sort everything out, a melody for yours, today on rtr. provocation is treacherous behavior, there is a difference between a man and a woman, i noticed, then it turns out that my husband and my cat are the most intelligent creatures in our family. orientalism is a photoparallel agenda. continuation
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of the conversation in new episodes of our podcasts. and so as not to miss anything, subscribe, listen, watch on the media platform, watch. the first podcasts that. let's see. good morning. good morning, good, even, say, may 27th. that's how we put it. today anastasia chernobrovina, andrey petrov, greets you. only dogs can be first class passengers on this airline. it doesn't matter whether small or large. they will fly in their place in comfortable conditions. of course, they will take people too. but first of all , care and service is intended for man's four-legged friends. for now, charter flights are only from the west coast of the united states to the east coast and back. but the company has plans for transatlantic flights. during the trip, in-flight meals are provided,
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developed by leading culinary specialists and dog handlers, so that the flight takes place not only in a warm, barking, but also in a slurping environment. god, how much coffee will it be, they can make coffee there, coffee with cream, cream, you can’t forbid even a dog to live beautifully. oh, traveling in comfort is good, but without it there is a reason to go to court. passengers on a train with faulty air conditioning won compensation for too hot conditions. how does it motivate carriers to monitor the temperature? stuffiness on trains, planes and buses is a direct threat to the health and even lives of passengers. read more about oksana sirova's problem. it is very painful for hope to watch the happy moments of her vacation together with her husband, because the vacation ended in tragedy. due to an aircraft breakdown at the airport in bangkok, 4 passengers were kept in a closed plane; due to the heat and stuffiness on board, nadezhda’s wife became ill. well, i didn’t have a thermometer, but the temperature was 30, that’s for sure, it was very hot, people tried to find a place where it was cooler, when my husband got tired and felt bad for the first time, he was also transferred to the back of the plane, where it was
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cooler, the temperature was a little take it easy. this did not help, soon the husband’s heart stopped. thai doctors fought for his life for 3 days, but did not save him. however, the airline did not admit its guilt, but other passengers on that plane also felt bad. as practice shows, violation of the temperature regime in public transport, be it an airplane, train or minibus, is a common story. the will is impossible, it’s so hot, girl, guys, we’re making an air conditioner, here in the whole train, it’s just crazy, it can be so hot. inta resident stanislav also experienced all the delights of traveling in a carriage without air conditioning. the temperature on the train to anapa, where the man and his family were heading, exceeded 30°. upon arrival home, a komi resident asked to court for compensation for pestilence. adults were satisfied with the amount of compensation in the amount of 10.00 rubles. children 15.00 rub. and , accordingly, a fine under the consumer protection law. in the amount of 50%, and this compensation
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is still considered large, usually the owners of public transport are punished with significantly smaller amounts, and the fines for violating the temperature regime are truly ridiculous, experts say, despite the fact that the standards that carriers are obliged to comply with are spelled out in the law , the temperature in public transport should not be lower than twenty and not higher than 26° celsius. there are no direct fines for violating the temperature regime; there are general sanitary requirements from rospotrebno. these fines are insignificant, amounting to around thousands of rubles. it is not surprising that carriers sometimes neglect the comfort of passengers, and the authorities that are supposed to monitor conditions in public transport, according to experts, often turn a blind eye to excess temperature conditions. as a rule, of course, regulatory authorities are more loyal to such small violations, especially since it is quite difficult to record the fact itself, it is necessary to take some kind of thermometer and contact them after recording. structure that carries out supervision. only a very
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small percentage of passengers will decide to do this, and it should not be their task to fight for a comfortable temperature in the cabin of public transport, so many experts vote for increasing fines for violating carriers, and there should be control to ensure that these violations do not occur more rigid, because it is too high or low temperatures not only cause discomfort to passengers, but carry risks for their health and even life. european scientists are ready to add risks to transport passengers, what do they propose? and they propose to reduce it? the west already experienced this there in the 17th-18th century,
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they said there was no need to wash at all, but there was perfume, they poured it on, they poured it on with perfume, they went, but obviously somewhere there must be some kind of balance between preserving the microbiome and showering less often, you won’t believe it, but really this topic is now occupied by many scientists, because it has increased significantly over the past 15 years the number of dermatoses, eczema, dry skin we were told is an allergy, everything is an allergy, we found a connection with frequent washing, specifically with the frequent use of uncontrolled scrubs, washcloths, gels, you need to wash correctly, following certain rules, so as not to harm your skin, not to dry it out and not to provoke various infectious diseases, we also expect from you, yes, the rule, the rule is that we do not use too hot water during the shower, because it destroys that very hydrolipid layer of the skin, this is the first point, second point, we don’t wash for more than 10-15 minutes, this also applies. in the bathroom, that is , they say, there is no point in soaking there for hours, like
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this time for yourself, you haven’t worked so hard to soak gels like that, that’s all, gels can only be used once a day, that is, to cleanse the skin, it’s not necessary use gels, it is important when choosing a gel that it says on it that it is suitable for daily use, for some reason i heard it said, take it without fragrances, it’s really about fragrances, here too there is a factor in this, then there is ph, it should be neutral. in no case should you wash with soap, because it has an acidic ph and also destroys the condition of the skin, further, but there should not be active fragrances, as you said, and it’s good that there were moisturizing components, often this is panthenol, shea butter, korite , chamomile, knee washcloths, here i am, our scientists also came to the rescue here, who found that after using a washcloth , the microbiome is restored within 24 hours, wait, they said there, this is exfoliation, naturally, this. about what speech, once a week, once a week, as before,
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we went to the bathhouse, once a week, that’s enough, the same use of scrubs, before we went to the bathhouse every day, when there was one bathhouse, this is probably now, who there is a bathhouse, go once a week, you can use exfoliating products, yes, i wonder what else to add the next factor, when you have already washed, you don’t need to rub yourself with a towel, that is, actively rub, it’s just easy to get wet, there is also a social side to this, that is, they are still afraid that a smell, excuse me, will appear if you notice this feature, you can really wash more than twice a day, but it’s not necessary, as we said, to use cosmetics on the whole body, or use them locally, yeah, but you can just wash it off with water, just let’s say, here we go in the shower, say three times a day, but at the same time we do not use any soap, no washcloths, but simply pour water from a watering can, it absolutely works, studies have also been conducted, the same for children, that is, they do not recommend washing infants every time there washcloths, water gels. to be honest, when we called you and were going to talk, there was
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a feeling that all this was fiction, because we know these british scientists, they really do have a real scientific basis for this and all of this really lies in... the basis of hygiene is a normal person, there are indeed a number of studies where people really washed twice a day, washed with gels, then they took a microbiome scoscope and looked at it and determined that the amount of beneficial microflora is decreasing, because of this, the risk of infectious inflammation increases, that is, at first it is dryness, then some rashes appear on the skin, so this really has a place, our question was answered by a general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences, alexandra medinovskaya, that’s what it is ? these tickets are gone. premiere on russia channel. you put two strangers in the same room. have you ever watched the sunrise on the beach? you are settling down. look at this. maybe we shouldn’t interfere with her happiness? how's your roman? were you following
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me? i'm filing for divorce. melody for two. today at 21:20. come on, let's smile, it's the morning of russia, don't oversleep, the main thing is, if you suddenly see driverless cars on our russian roads, don't be surprised, so be it, domestic technologies exist, they have been tested well, cars drove along the streets of big cities on highways, in the future mass exodus will happen in the next 5-7 years, but maybe earlier? this will depend on the legislative framework. and the main question: who will be to blame if an unmanned vehicle gets into an accident. and then they came up with everything. in the ministry of transport has developed a bill. responsibility will fall on the owner of the unmanned vehicle. so, if the documents are supported by legislators, self-driving cars can be expected on the roads in september 2025. that is
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, next year. the automotive world is constantly changing, those models that drivers dreamed of just recently are giving way to new products. just about'. this is our automotive expert ivan zenkevich. according to the latest data , chinese brands have occupied a third of the global car market, so in the near future the leaders the industry will definitely have to move. in the meantime, i propose to take a closer look at the new products in the class of mid-size crossovers. the huaweile h6 suv has been restyled, the front part and rear lights have changed, and the interior has been updated almost completely. there are even fewer physical buttons, the gear selector. rode on the steering column, and the dashboard was complemented by a nine-inch projection screen. there are two engines to choose from: a one and a half liter with 177 horsepower and a two-liter with 231 horsepower. with the first combined with a seven-speed robot, and with the second a nine-speed automatic. considering the popularity of the model in china, deliveries to us
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are also very likely. one of the latest trends in auto design is a crossover with deliberately angular off-road shapes. we have presented the bj-40 bike in this style, and recently in our homeland the model showed the brutal second-generation bg30 suv. ground clearance is 215 mm, the interior is also well prepared for long journeys, the folded seats make a full-fledged double bed, the ceiling can be install a projection screen. the bg30 is offered exclusively with all-wheel drive, but there are two power plants to choose from: gasoline and hybrid. the first one is under the hood. a one and a half liter turbo engine with 188 horsepower, this hybrid is much more powerful, the total output is 409 horsepower, the declared range is more than a thousand km, while charging from an outlet is not provided, it is possible that bake will soon think about supplying this model to us. the amoda c5 crossover on the russian market
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is consistently among the class leaders in the russian market. meanwhile, they introduced a larger model of the brand under the c7 symbol. the first one will most likely come out. a hybrid modification equipped with a one and a half liter internal combustion engine with 156 horsepower and an electric motor. in electric mode, such a crossover is capable of covering 95 km, a total range of about 1,200 km, with an average consumption of about 5 liters per salt. regular petrol versions are promised. the c7 will also reach russian showrooms, but most likely next year. but we know for sure that in the fall this segment will be replenished in our country. a new version. in any case , we won’t be left without strong middle-class people, then the most fashionable bag this season is the one you made with your own hands, we’ll show you the pattern in a few minutes, interesting, interesting,
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let’s do it, let’s do it with a smile. morning of russia, don’t oversleep, most importantly, welcome to rixsas premium. impeccable service and exquisite cuisine will make your vacation unforgettable. rixas premium magavish with uts and villas. the holiday you've been dreaming about. family fun starts here, every detail is created for your pleasure. enjoy a water park for
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elegant details, a celebration of refined tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio rezards, we are here for you. are you ready for our musical.
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the world through the eyes of a crucian carp: a man attached a camera to a fish, sent it out for reconnaissance, as they say, a fast-growing crucian carp with a gadget so that the pikes would not doze off. so, the fish slowly examined the bottom square by square in search of a cool place, and the man waited patiently in the boat and watched what was happening. as soon as the large fish was spotted, the fisherman immediately unwound his fishing rod. modern fishing requires modern solutions. in fact, they paint the world with their eyes, interesting. look, but you still want to catch it the old fashioned way, this is true, on the latest trends from the world of fashionable handbags or where to put a bag of bags in
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our online selection, yeah, we wrote this down, this too, this text, thank you, i and so i’ll remember, well, great, this paper is just enough for me to buy a new bag, yes, yes, paper bags are a real trend today, fashionistas are bragging, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to get the bag of your dreams, just... one paper bag, glue , scissors and hands growing from the right place, however, unlike the real prototype, with such a cellulose baby it is better not to get caught in the rain. this is the kind of bag we got. this is the most popular comment under a video where craftsmen create real works of art from branded bags. you won’t find these even in an expensive collection, and in general the owner can safely boast that my item was created in a single copy. however, many prefer not to get attached to big names; they create the same paper, your own design, if
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you urgently need a bag of a certain color for going out, you don’t have to run to the store, take a couple of sheets of colored paper and remember the basics of origami, here’s another cool option, every home has that same bag with bags, instead of in order to finally throw them away, we do not... we glue many bags together using an iron, the result is a durable but pliable material. today, at the peak of the popularity of p bags, we will also make one from used a4 sheets, fold them into strips and connect them together. with such master classes you can change your image every day. oh, i like this look, i’ll add a backpack made of plastic bottles to it and i’ll be the most fashionable. let us complete our program here, because our time
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is up for today, but you can be with us thanks to our telegram channel. subscribe, don’t forget, well, we’re with you on the morning of russia program, come in, always in your thoughts, in your soul, tomorrow morning, see you soon, hello, on the russia tv channel, in rina's studio. and the main topics for this hour. aimed fire at ukrainian armed forces positions. destroyed soldiers and convoys with ammunition from our artillery are supported in the sky by aviation. well, for now the european defense industry is complaining about the lack of raw materials for ukrainian ammunition.


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