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tv   Vecher s Vladimirom Solovyovim  RUSSIA1  May 28, 2024 11:15pm-2:01am MSK

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“alas, but you are late, if you had come to me a week ago, then perhaps i could have done something, wait, what happened? the transaction for the sale of the office already took place 2 days ago, how did it happen, how did it happen a buyer showed up who paid everything at once, now only formalities remain, well, no, maybe, no, who’s the buyer?” well, maybe we can come to an agreement with him, for example, we can offer more money, unfortunately, i don’t have this information, maybe i can help you with something else, actually you can, i’m listening to you, give it to me, flower, yes, yes, of course,
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take it, thank you very much, yes, and don’t worry, he’s in good hands, goodbye, all the best, that inakenti, i ’ll call him... na kentiy, that’s for sure, he there will be a nakenty, listen, it seems to me that you are in shock, yes, yes, it happens, it’s a stress reaction, maybe see a doctor, we don’t need a doctor, dear, listen, what happened to you with kostya, where does such an irrevocable decision come from? , can you imagine, it turned out that kostya and i are different people, that’s all. some kind of nonsense, just a nightmare,
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mom, this is life, and you really got off on your own, everything is fine with me, well, like the deal of the century, it’s happening right now, oh well, eh... “the boss’s wife has already returned from vacation, uh-huh, well, how do you like me already i said, after nectar, honey is not sweet, well , i hope you’ll tell me later, yes, of course, i’ll tell you in detail, bye-bye, arkady maratovich, thank you very much, thank you, glad to cooperate, mutually, thank you, thank you, all the best, thank you thank you very much, well, the deal went through, congratulations, wonderful
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news, can i please have a copy signed document? yes, of course, one moment, i’ll ask, uh-huh, marina, i’m happy, if it weren’t for you, none of this would have happened, that’s right, well, pretty. this is where we will part ways, i don’t understand in what sense we will part ways, in the literal sense, konstantin mikhailovich, business is business, i worked a case as an intermediary in a deal between your company and my father’s company, that’s all, that’s what i had agreement with my dad, i promised him to enter the family business with a good resume, why are you doing this? you’re upset, konstantin mikhailovich, it seems. you also didn’t end up at a loss, you
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increased your fortune, got rid of the woes of an unhappy marriage, you are free, and to finally rid you of all doubts, what a wonderful photograph, yes, it’s true, and most importantly, our romance cannot be called innocent. i hope your wife, your ex-wife, appreciates the beauty of this shot. true, i don’t yet know when exactly to give her such an opportunity. i like to keep things suspenseful.
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i'm very guilty before the tick, you still don't understand what you did, i have you life was stolen. galka, premiere from june 3 on rtr.
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borbon stersman is a product of the stellar group. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with liorets. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes. a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. vodka: veta, a product of the stellar group. immerse yourself in a world of luxury and comfort at rixsas golf villas and suites sharma. a stunning
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world class golf resort surrounded by lush green fields and endless horizons. enjoy modern design numbers. luxury villas ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villa sunsudes, sharm elshey. rom castro, a product of the stellar group. he who renounces the past renounces the future. we do not lend our memory or retract our words. and we are responsible for every word. evening with vladimir solovyov. today on rtr,
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what are you worried about? the priest left, how do you know, and sokolov boasted that he bought it from you, why did he sell it, this is the club of your brainchild, you got so much power and money from him, you had to uh... a very important matter, a large sum was needed for this, i don’t recognize you at all, since you returned from etoletka’s wedding, you haven’t become yourself, nikitos fell in love, what a boy, man , it’s so cool, she’s married loves her... husband, i don’t know what to do, let’s go to the club, drink
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some beer, but i’m not in the mood, let’s go, let’s go, let’s have a blast, max, i’ll pick up the saxophone, taxi!
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excuse me, please, i'm looking for max, he's a saxophonist, he was supposed to play here, max has already left, he was the owner of this club, but he sold it recently, and you're probably the one vika is probably the same one, wait. max asked me to tell you something if you come, thank you, plans are ruined, but dreams come true, they will be waiting in our place.
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in general, the lawyer called and said that according to the notarized documents, the buyer had run away, and he gave you a translation agency, in short, i don’t know who this crazy person is, but he just gave you your agency, can you imagine, i think i know, who is this. et si tu vas sans en faire, j'ai oublierai le
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selles, je chercher también àternaire. "tomorrow, i love you very much, marry me,
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i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, you leave your husband for some musician, a swindler, max, not a swindler, not some kind, well, you don’t know him at all, what if it’s not love, but some kind of euphoria... then, you need to find some dirt on this max, a melody for two, a continuation." found here, here every detail is created for your pleasure, enjoy the water park for children, lush green gardens, the beauty of coral reefs and the sea, immerse yourself in a world of unforgettable experiences in riksus premium seagate, rixas premium seagate.
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it seemed to me for so long that european politicians were pretending to be idiots that i almost didn’t even believe it myself, but i realized that they weren’t pretending, they were just real idiots. today i sincerely tried to understand what macron is trying to say. at first i thought that
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the french language was simply very difficult, and then i realized that it is especially difficult to understand a person who speaks an extremely ambiguous language and does not... what is in the heads of these unfortunate people, and these pathetic defthongs, yes, and we- then they used to think that they were tefthongs, yes, but in general it somehow didn’t work out they are neither here nor there, the french, what can we take from them?
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performed by a mediocre russian actor, why didn’t you notice that it’s one on one? who is this? well, have you seen macron's wife? yes, you don’t understand that this is the spitting image of panin? the main thing is the cunning of russian intelligence and the ruthlessness that we managed to replace makronikha with
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panin, and no one saw it. macronikha finally took a deep breath, somewhere... because he felt offended, it’s true, the man who banned the only, in general the only media that was in the center of the yellow vests, which showed the truth when france shouted not only the bible france to arms citizens, but they shouted: “mercy, thank you, volodya.” well , it was the same when our colleagues margu were under rubber bullets, they were beaten, they suffered, and after that he dares to talk about freedom of the media, but it’s funny, the pathetic nonentity, as cambron would say, is dead, the guard is dying, but does not give up, but there are no guards there, so as not
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to surrender, that’s what that fool said in drezzdan, i’m deeply convinced. perhaps more than ever, is that we must determine the future of our continent. yes, more than ever, because europe is at a turning point. and as i said a few weeks ago at the sorbonne, our europe may perish. if we make the wrong decision. our ability to be secure in europe has been blunted, what peace, what security in europe if we allow the law of the strongest to prevail on our continent. what kind of peace and what security is there in germany, in france, in poland, in lithuania, in romania. if the law of the strongest operates on ukraine. we are on a continent
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whose geography we will not change, and which we share with russia, which also threatens our security and behaves aggressively towards ukraine. but russia will be here tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. and yes, we are in an unprecedented moment of ours. history, when we ourselves should think about our defense and our security for ourselves, as for europeans. let's look around, there is a fascination with authoritarian regimes, let's look at europe, this illiberal moment we are experiencing, this trend is not a trend, this is the reality of hungary, this was the reality before the amazing elections in poland, these ideas fueled by extremists are flourishing in our democracies everywhere,
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can you explain to me what he said, this is really a set words, the only thing i understood is that excuse me, he spoils the air in his sleep, no, because excuse me, it’s such a bad wind, and let’s wake up, that is, he, excuse me, sleeps farting, well, let him wake up in horror, well, that’s indecent, how, who panin wrote this speech to him, in my opinion, but someone wants to tell me that these are two different people, yes, you know, it seems,
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in general, why are they torturing this unfortunate old man so much, it’s a pity, there’s nothing to do, well, it ’s just really a pity, maybe panina will send him, well, he will finish his work in france, go to america, cruelty to the elderly, yes, absolutely, a criminal article, a criminal article, and all this will lead to, well, you can treat trump differently, but well, he you're right, he's livelier when he talks about biden next thing, i'm here from... corrupt joe biden, he is the worst president in the history of our country, he is destroying our country, this country is collapsing quickly, immediately, rapidly,
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at the borders, in energy, in inflation, in everything you can name , the elimination of afghanistan, everything he has done, he is destroying our country, and he is also destroying it with weapons, these are exclusively his weapons, here is a set of these people that i showed, these are at least people who... someone elected, but there are several characters who will lead europe to a nuclear war, which no one elected at all, that’s what the pitiful secretary stoltenberg says. the fact that we supply equipment to ukraine does not make nato a party to the conflict. we have the right to support ukraine without becoming a party to the conflict, because we are helping ukraine to defend itself.
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the next fool is barel. do we allow our weapons to be used further, deeper into russian territory? some countries have begun to address this. i can fight back against someone who fights me with his territories. i'm sure the issue of the risk of escalation will be put on the table by some, but the risk of escalation needs to be balanced against the need for ukrainians to protect themselves. these are the crits. russia absolutely does not understand, but today vladimir vladimirovich explained everything so clearly, so specifically, so harshly about the blow
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with a high-accuracy weapon.
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the final choice of target and the so-called flight mission can only be made by highly qualified specialists based on this intelligence, technical intelligence data, if for one strike systems under such a code, yes, these missions can be entered automatically into flight missions, without any presence of ukrainian military personnel. who does this? this is done by those who produce and those who supposedly supply these shock systems to ukraine; without the participation at all, it can and does happen without the participation of ukrainian military personnel. and other systems, well, for example, such as atacos, yes, also on the basis of space reconnaissance are prepared, formulated, brought automatically to the appropriate calculations.
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they must remember that this is, as a rule, a state with a small territory, with a very dense population, this is a factor that they must keep in mind before talking about striking deep into russian territory, this is a serious thing, we are of course the most we are watching this carefully, we see, everything is going on around us now. on
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the approaches to kharkov, so it was they who provoked these events in this direction, i think six months ago, i publicly said, if they continue to strike residential areas, we we will then be forced to create a security zone, just recently i said so, we moved on to this, they first provoked us in the donbass, led us on our behalf for 8 years, deceived us that...
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look at all the reports of your western colleagues, no one is talking about the shelling of belgorod and other adjacent territories, everyone is only talking about the fact that russia has opened a new front, is attacking kharkov, not a word about what caused this, they did it with their own hands, well, they are then reaping the fruits of their creativity, the same the most can happen in case of application -
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there is a great desire to do this, there is talk about it, we don’t seem to see a great desire, well, we’ll see what happens next. margaret. yes, well, listen, you understand that our forecasts, which we have made in this studio, more than once, they are getting closer to their fulfillment, every time they ask me how it will end, i have only one version, i don’t know how this will end and i can’t know, and i’m not behind any management helms except for your mentioned tv channel artie, but i don’t see any other way out except that at some point we will be forced to give them an ultimatum. because they will allow strikes with these weapons on our territory, to bring in nato troops directly to the territory of ukraine, sooner or later they will allow it, and sooner or later we will have to say, our dear exes, friends, you
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no longer even pretend that you you just help ukraine, you are waging a war against russia with the hands of ukraine, which means russia recognizes that it is waging a war with you with all the ensuing consequences. by all means available to her, i can see right now how we one morning we will wake up, as we woke up 2 years ago and several months saw the address of our commander-in-chief and president, we will see something similar, then, something tells me that they will give back, not us, because we will not give up our crimea, nor my donbass, i don’t see any possibility that even in the thoughts of our people , our president...
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will pay more taxes, moreover, a significant part of them, families with children, will pay less taxes, or rather, at the end of the year they will receive such new year's, apparently bonus, they will receive partially paid taxes back to them, why is this good
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, why is this overdue, firstly, it is important to say that the svo has nothing to do with it at all, they talked about this long before the svo, but before the svo the mood in the country may have been different, yes, you noticed how... the mood has changed in the country over these 2 years, it has become easier to breathe, it’s true, it has become easier to breathe, some fair measures that may be at odds with very loud people, people, but with a handful of people, go in unison, sound in unison, with the rest of the population, which somehow was not heard, though before the start of the svo, these decisions became easier to make, you know, ostrovsky and alexander have this play: the heart is not a stone, it... in my opinion does not work at school, it works at school a thunderstorm about female infidelity and unhappiness, but the heart is not a stone - this is a play about how a merchant's wife, she was married off at the age of 16, for 15 years she was married to an old man, a greedy merchant,
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she had never seen the white light, everything she used to calm her heart , this is charity, she gave away his wealth, in the end so did her fate turns out that she is left with wealth and a new... husband and complete happiness, this is what we need to teach children about, to give away, well, not to give away everything, of course, well, let’s call it that, share, share what you earn, this is, firstly, happiness, it is , firstly, pleasant, and secondly, in the end it leads to good results for yourself, if the thought that you saved someone and someone is not enough for you helped, then they say that this generally entails salvation and... the kingdom of god, but we will find out then. many people understand it this way. i know a huge number of people for whom sharing is the norm, it is their daily life. moreover, there are people who open 100 rubles from their pension of 15 thousand, you know, to send us
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somewhere for our training camps, to the front or to help belgorod residents, someone else, and there are people who earn huge money, and they never shared, and they don’t share and don’t consider it necessary, they put it somewhere in little jars, as if these were little jars. you can take it with you somewhere you won’t take it anywhere with you little money-boxes, these changes, as it seems to me, in the tax system, they concern just such money-boxes, they didn’t want to share voluntarily, now they’ll have to... even before the collapse of the soviet union, it’s true, it was already the eighties, i was little, i remember these mood, injustice, why this is everything, and this is nothing, such a mood, it and such people, money-makers, sooner or later they lead to much more serious consequences, to revolution, to civil war, not only in our country.
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times better than he lived in 1913, and kosygin
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did not do this, he turned out to be an honest man, he said with indignation that before the revolution his father was a simple turner at a factory, they lived in a multi-room apartment, a large family, his mother did not work, he was the only breadwinner, they had servants, you can imagine imagine that now a worker, a turner at a factory, had a multi-room apartment. at the same time, he had the opportunity to have many children, his wife would not work, he would have a servant. unfortunately, this is not the case with us. i just returned from beslan, naturally, i’m very a difficult trip, like any trip to beslan, well, i communicate with people there, here is a woman, one of her daughters died, and the other daughter, due to a mine explosion injury, became, well, let’s say, a special child, not a child at all, already a child 30 years. the mother receives a benefit
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to care for these disabled people, well, every day she needs massages, instructors, fitness rooms, trips to rehabilitation, many, many things, it’s impossible to pay for 30,000, well, it’s simply impossible, it can’t be like that with us, no maybe, okay, there would be a lower country, at least not it would be such a shame for these people, how can it be?
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so that people who can afford it would share, and i’m incredibly, today is just my lucky day when i found out that our state has started this, you know, when... all the giant yachts in the world belong to russians, we cannot call ourselves a poor country, a poor country should not have such pensions and such disability benefits, right? the following question arises: where will this money that will be collected from wealthy people go, will it go, as stated,
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most importantly, to support large families, mothers, to social infrastructure, i would like this not to result in... someone starts building a road or a school on this, steals something, buys himself another yacht, that would be this is not good, i hope that this will not happen, i hope that this mood, let them eat cake, has now been canceled for a long time in our country. we’ll see, here it’s always the most interesting thing to see what will happen in six months, that is, how the system will work, but something tells me that the solution... at the same time, it is necessary not to strangle business, and what
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is very important is that all these proposals for harmonization of the tax system, they are precisely aimed at ensuring that business, where, on the contrary, it is necessary to stimulate and support, that is, is also here.
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no development without reproduction, well , stability is impossible, that is, if you try to carry out development without thinking about stability, then most likely it will be 7 or 1991, something like that happened, so this can only be supported, but
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looking of course here are the characters you showed, it’s amazing, you know, i’m thinking that there, well, like... some macron will probably be remembered, no, well, they somehow like us there, political science gourmets will probably remember, yes, there’s a surname, how do these gourmets remember, andrey, remember, they just offended you, a gourmet of political science, it’s beautiful, these are the gourmets, he was a gourmet, yes, well, alanda, for example, gourmets probably remember, yes, and so in in principle no, as in that joke, well, alanda, remember? well, i remember, but basically no, eat, yes, but so no, but this is where you like tomatoes from here, well, it’s the same with these comrades, with scholz and macron, there is no difference between them, by the way, it’s also interesting when we say europe, referring
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, of course, to history, yes, well, europe, well , france, germany, well, first of all, france, of course, well, kind of great... that’s how you are propanina, i understand, it’s our wonderful this very artist borisov in the film after two birds with one stone , in this whole discussion.
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yes, he is the president, yes, dmitry will continue development of theme, cadence and dementia immediately after a short advertisement. rest is leaving yourself alone. rest - this is not thinking about anything when you are calm and completely switched off. rest is rest. we
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know everything about holidays. anex. treat yourself to a first-class holiday with leo resorts. elegant details. a celebration of exquisite tastes, a variety of entertainment, a golden beach and azure waves. lio reorts, we are here for you. we invite you to the swiss hotel sharmel sheikh. the world's first swiss hotel operating on an all-inclusive system. give yourself a rest where elegance and natural beauty merge into perfect harmony. create
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memories that will stay in your heart forever. swissotel charmel sheikh is your ideal place in the heart of the city. discover a real gem on the bodrum coastline. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service. probable culinary masterpieces and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. secrets of paradise open at titanic lakshery collection bodrum. every time i cry. it's very hard to remember. she went into her house, sat down on the floor, and said to a passer-by: “i’ll stay here.” the military had to be made aware that animals were simply dying there, danetsk was being shelled very heavily, but we decided to be at the wedding out of spite, the main thing is that we are together,
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ours, ours don’t abandon ours, from monday to thursday on rtr, it will be your 18-year-old girl will receive a gift; whoever she loves among the men, he will come and... “do you hear how it beats, i will protect you, who offends, a magical gift that has become a curse, i made up my mind, i will leave the city, don’t
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break it. my heart, premiere on saturday on rtr. lol is shaking, shaking the walls, big changes have come, in the new season with a new renovation, a slight movement of the hand, from this absolutely faceless room we are making three different functional... zones ideas are overflowing, we want to turn the radiator into an art object , there will be plenty of surprises and a lot of work, plans are turning into projects before our eyes, i adore plants, i’m generally a proactive maniac, real stone flowers will soon bloom from the living room of our heroes, after dismantling, a lot will become clear, and dreams become
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reality, but look. let me into your home, big changes, every sunday on rtr, tick, don’t leave, mom, i ’m so tired of all this, how do you tolerate it in general, the premiere, you teryushina, me, and you, listen, here, that night , when you were born, another girl was born. other people's parents, you stole me from my mother, you changed us in the maternity hospital like dolls, say thank you for caring in love grown up, someone else's love, kalya, galochka, marry me, we are giving you the most precious thing we have, our only beloved daughter, she even has a name, forgive me,
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little girl, someone else's, i...
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at least in the future of several months, for them these are for them every month , every month is critical, now the theory of strategic ambiguity has appeared, and let macron
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say this first, now this pole, sikorsky said, and let the russians think that we, here i want to say that in response to their ambiguity we have, well, the category absolute unambiguity, but the president said: he said this before, and he said it today, this will all end in a direct collision, maybe bypassing even the tactical level of these weapons, this is how it will all end, because you see, this has never happened in the history of mankind such that people came up with something for something, and then it wasn’t used, the stream hangs on the style. its purpose was designated
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strategic deterrence, but at some point it became fashionable or stupid to think that this was just a fictitious fear, that no one will apply, but no one will use it, and you will have to prove it, and it’s good that this theorem, in this case, yes, be proven with the least sacrifice, that it exists, its task is deterrence, if deterrence does not work, then it is applied, simple the formula, by the way, will be very useful to those who will live after. it will be useful if they are not capable of this, well, how can they not, they are of course capable, well, now diba will then analyze the americans, of course, well, it’s clear that they have
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their own situation there, they say, well, if we admitted, now take it and retreat, in the twenty-first year, take it with putin to sign, well, the agreements that putin demanded, but everything would have immediately collapsed in our country in the twenty-first year. so look, we made it to the twenty-fourth, to the twenty -fourth, well, by the way, american logic is famous, you die today, and i die tomorrow, but it shines through here in full, it’s not just logic, it’s a guide to action, it’s a modus operandi, a method actions, that ’s why, well, take it now and admit that in ukraine we lost, no, let’s raise the stakes, hold out for another six months, and then... something might happen, well, maybe somehow luck will smile on us there, because any agreement, by the way, the president pays attention to this, he says: they ignore russia’s position of openness to negotiations
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all the time, why is it that the very start of negotiations , the americans’ consent to start negotiations , is already a defeat, because they announced, announced for everyone to hear, we... well, anyway, we would have either in the twenty-first year it collapsed, that everything is everything collapsed, everything collapsed, what kind of article is this, but i’ll try to understand, if
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in twenty-one they had negotiated and signed the withdrawal of troops on the border of ninety-seven, they could have played for three years, they could have played for three years, they were preparing aggression , america is out of a situation where it can rob others, cannot reproduce its existence, well, yes, that means they know this, so signing such an agreement is a refusal of the fact that we cannot rob russia, we cannot, that’s it, we cannot sign such agreement, they they didn’t sign it in 2021, now they’re all doing the same thing, mind you, how interesting.
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here is a very important point, they say: you are europeans, get under russian nuclear weapons, we are on the sidelines, why doesn’t putin make it clear, we will deal with europe, and you americans, think about it, you should get in, europe has no strategic parity with us, we are covering them up like bullshit, americans, you need to get involved in this, here the europeans sounded confident that they would not get involved at all, so, well, now reflexively -
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our government, our peoples around the world, and although today the press conference was devoted to issues rather of foreign policy, and i will say one more word about this a little later, but nevertheless, the russian president mentioned a very important point, that russia will help uzbekistan to provide access to the sea. let me remind you that uzbekistan is the only country, but the second truth is that liechtenstein is not very big, it is a country on the entire planet that. borders only landlocked states , so foreign policy, diplomacy such a country, and it requires special grace, special subtlety, uzbekistan is clearly now demonstrating such diplomacy and the russian federation is ready to help them. another short comment, just yesterday, the american president, apparently without regaining consciousness, said that the united states won the second world war, brought freedom to europe, and you know, without
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defeating nazism, they defeated fascism, but not nazism, he kept silent about nazism, they saved the world and brought it, but he didn’t use the term nazism, yes, yes, fascism, yes, and i wanted to say that this position in the united states, the position that we won the war, and the rest either helped us or did not exist at all, is a fairly long-standing phenomenon, here i am somehow near the city of annapolis in the state of maryland.
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war and the war began, then something escalated in the forty-first year, in the forty-third some kind of turning point in the war occurred, in the forty -fifth they won, this whole story is told with the fact that the soviet union is mentioned only once in the list of countries, where are the americans supplied their own weapons, this is how the complex was built under regina, so the americans, in general, have been rewriting history for a long time, now we just know about it a little better, but i wanted to say a few words in more detail about the use of long-range weapons . in february 2003, literally on the eve of the start of the american intervention in iraq, three central european countries, poland, the czech republic and hungary, issued a statement in support of a future american military operation to attack
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iraq. and then the president of france, jacques charac uttered his well-known phrase that the central european states missed the point...
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a black box or a pig in a poke was elected, and then it turns out that these politicians, who also understand that they, in general, not only came to power in a completely logical way, but got the opportunity to govern, here's about estonia, very briefly, this is a country that is still deeply unhappy in its
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current position in europe and the world, this is the country with the worst state of the economy in the european union today, this is a country with demographic problems.
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in terms of popularity, the social democratic party, and the third party is called and the political strategists clearly had something in mind here, they knew something, estonia 200, 200, it’s called estonia 200, and the explanation is that our country will exist for 200 years, but we know that...
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political science, yes, refined political scientists, the simple fact is that macron knows, knows, well, political scientists, gourmets, macron just knows what he’s doing, the fact is that in almost a week , well, in a little more than a week, elections to the european parliament, here macron is losing, his movement is losing, napoleon, so he decided to play, let him get himself josephine, however, he started, well...
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but, therefore, what macron is now trying to collect, to collect votes for his
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party, is trying to gather actively now, to preserve this, then the majority of globalists who are sitting, it will really decrease in europe, and this means that it is very possible that people can come, i don’t think that they will be the majority, but people who will come will think, well, at least with from the point of view of the interests of their countries.
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they talk about how it happened, to voices from beyond the grave, and then higher, higher and higher, it turns out like this, at first, it means there was a vile blow to them, and then the americans dreamed of everyone, as if they were taking you to a reason, the monument is strong, strong it makes an impression, because the bridge is thrown over the battleship lying under this bridge, they did not destroy it, did not saw it, lenkor lies, a kilometer away from this stands missu. that is, here you go, 1 km separates you from the fact that this is how gloomy the japanese were
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empire, well, the japanese empire, then the soviet totalitarian regime, and so on and so forth. here is the light in the window - this is the battleship missouri, the victory of the united states, it makes a great impression , although the current situation, of course, is quite different, when we are now talking about the fact that they are discussing the issue of striking or not striking, yes, indeed , there 's a situation there where, i would say , blinken says, let's hit it, austin. intelligence committee hearings , he said that aircraft could be targets there equipment, but the planes are russian, which launch these glide bombs from russian territory, and as for salevan, in my opinion, he has not yet been pushed out of the position that we, let’s get into this matter, don’t interfere in this matter, but here’s what they launched,
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what stoltenberg repeats, stoltenberg, it’s clear, he’s leaving, they don’t know who, who will change him, insofar as hungary refuses. that is, they would like to make him irremovable, but again they declare to hungary that there will be no more ursulas, we will not miss the ursula, what is happening here, and this means that the entire european council will need to be changed, you can make fun of barel, there are the last 6 months left, then, further, he will most likely leave, he will not be there, he needs to
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hold out until a certain period, everything is in the garden, yes. will write memoirs about how he planted this garden, so i think that well, i would say that the americans, of course , would really like to throw it all on the europeans, by and large they succeed, the first front, then what, what they say, well, poles, i see, yes, poles always the first, now, when the weymore triangle, especially sekorsky , in my opinion, has puffed up to such an important point, insofar as.
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in these conditions, of course, here you can agree or disagree, but in my opinion biden still realized that he was losing, it seems to have dawned on him, or he was informed about it, because not yet, he seems i would even understand that someone showed him that trump is winning there and quite seriously, so actions are being taken, actions that, to put it mildly, are strange, when he now... the second step he takes, he again claims that he will
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write off debt, student loans, student loans is one of... 7 trillion dollars trillion, he's not everything, he's not everything, he only announced on april 9, 9, that he would not, not everything, but it is clear, yes, that in july last year, on june 30 last year, the supreme court recognized this measure as unconstitutional, yes, so he repeats, he is advancing, in general , no, i’ve already forgotten, he’s going to those on the same gras, i think that the supreme the court did not forget that this is the kind of supreme court, well, in any case, in any case, to recognize the court’s decision as insignificant, no, it was possible, it was possible in principle to disperse this court, of course, excellent, there was already such an idea, roosevelt even tried to do this and even maintained his new course in '37, but i think biden, although biden may remember this, that's why he doesn't just remember, he personally dispersed, so i think that when
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they talk now about the fact that the modern united states there will now be ready to lead to nuclear... i’m talking about the whole world in ruins, but not now, now it’s advertising, i love you very much, marry me, premiere on rtl, i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, you’re leaving your husband for some musician, swindler, max , not a swindler, not some kind, well, you don’t know him at all, what if it’s not love, but well...
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enjoy the modern design of rooms and luxury villas, ideal for couples and families. relax in comfort and style at rixos golf villas and suits sharma. discover a real gem on the coast bodrum. titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in a world of exciting adventures and exciting entertainment. welcome to a world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic
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luxery collection bodrum. kalinon belek is a place where time stands still, immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover true excellence by making your dreams come true. hotel kalinan beleg, where life turns into
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a fairy tale. look, love is when you look in one direction. look, look, look, if you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen. look at me, carefully, look , look, agreement, sign, we sign at the same time for one, two, three, sign , look, look, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, good morning, my beloved, my voice sounds only for you , my heart beats only for you, in this nartynka the program fulfills not only songs, but also a desire, my mother-in-law promised to give me a porsche kan after the wedding, my wife says, you don’t understand, you borscht horseradish, what have you done,
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how could you, taxi, taxi, taxi, so rural, play oleg gazmanov's song at full volume, just wait for me, they protect you through the rains. royal flowers still live in me, some kind of fantasy, morning mail with nikolai baskov, on sunday on rtr, and do you remember what you promised me, i remember, ah... what did i promise? did you promise to marry me? well, where are you going? i almost ran you over.
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why are you keeping silent? did i offend you? no, i didn't. this is my brother vanya. very nice. and i'm not very pleased. our kiryusha is marrying the mayor's daughter. alen, i don’t have any fiancée. it's all simple. i’m not interested, you believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you’re there, if you insist, i’ll try. a simple girl, on friday on rtr, i’m no longer afraid to trust my own intuition or my neighbor, after masha, they haven’t decided yet, maxim isaakovich, it’s time, it’s time, it’s time to decide, catch me if
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you can. a big music show, in general, i ’m confused, on friday on rtr, please, yes, i’ll try to look at this whole thing from a slightly different angle, so, i’ll say this, but firstly, of course, humanity had a lot of things so invented that it was never used, in connection with this i always have...
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at least until 2007, if not until 2022, what was the big problem, what was the problem, this is the person who brought from there, so to speak, in fact, the troops, and the person whom he appointed vice president there, well, these were, these were very respected people, people who created this whole thing, but acquired much more than anything, yes, at the same time this allowed them, they say, to get rid of the gold standard on the sly, although in reality it was, of course, no gold standard ever existed anywhere in life, so after the spanish spanish... gold inflation, but, but nevertheless financial they reflashed the system for themselves and it’s not bad, here they are to say, in the korean war, so to speak, they didn’t really win there, well, although formally these were un troops from afghanistan, so they withdrew troops from afghanistan, i understand that now trump, what many other people in congress are saying now about the fact that look like in afghanistan, here you are, who remembers this now, already now, now the twenty-fourth year was withdrawn in the twenty-
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first, no one remembers this... now, if they didn’t have a very systemic problem, that they do not pull the entire world order, take and simply, well, give up ukraine there or , on the contrary, take away ukraine, there are conditions, no, no, no, no, well, no, because they can’t dim, well, that’s your logic, forgive me, i have to intervene, you say, if i have to interfere with your logic, you’re like biden, i have to intervene, i’ll say one phrase, i won’t say any more, but you’re saying it, you’re saying it now. not me, you say, if it were necessary to manage the entire world order, they would measure themselves, i said so that they would undoubtedly measure themselves if specifically, this particular administration would not be blamed for the collapse of the liberal world order governed by america, that’s for sure, that is, to be precise, with all this, now this situation is of course in a certain sense intensifying, since this administration is not very clear , if this administration remains, they will drag it
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through the elections in 2024, this... in the democratic party they suddenly started saying that biden is actually good, everything is fine, we will re-elect him now, trump is doing badly, and in general, who, if not biden, then who, then now amazing stuffing has started, and so much so, first fareed zakari spoke, who said, didn’t he say that it needs to be replaced, he says, i was i’m wrong, mia kulpa, it’s like my fault, i thought that everything would go badly, but it’s like with trump, but with trump everything is going well, with us it’s bad, and no matter what, this is the end of the article,
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the words.. . apparently, nothing will change the situation, well, the next move is to do something, whistle everyone upstairs. next publication of a politician, which , as always, cites anonymous sources, some are not anonymous, but they seem to not belong to the party, some consultants, advisers, but in general they say that all democrats who speak publicly that biden is a flint, that he is the father of american democracy, yes, a firm handshake, but this urgent person needs to be changed, and.
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considering that the grandfather on batteries just needs to stop giving all the pills, and the administration has been changed, that’s why i think that there is no respect for old age, i think, i think that this is by the way, there is no respect for old age among those who made baydon president, including his wife jill, this is the one, so to speak, it’s clear, so he got the teacher, yes yes, no loves neither jill nor makronikha, no, i don’t love, i don’t love. smells better than clinton , who will be jill jill jill so not that jill jill jill, so to speak, still controls biden now, as she thinks, or as she so to speak, in any case, the whole thing is exposed, well, clinton, of course, ruled yes, mediocre bill's phone books,
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how it's described, listen, well , this is amazing, the americans weren't on the moon , clinton didn't like bill clinton's phone books, it's known with a scream with a scream, which monica proves this to you? now, but now i completely understand after macron’s speech who came up with the expression inflection point or, so to speak, turning point, and also, so to speak, translated into german by zeiton wende and i, of course, have terrible pronunciation, but it means the same thing, yes it’s all the same because macron said it means it was definitely invented at the rakfer foundation , now for me this riddle seems to have been solved because nothing.
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covers up one simple thing: they have been given the task of carrying out this whole matter until november of the twenty-fourth year, that’s all, more - not until any twenty-fifth, not until any year every year, and besides - in fact, this will not save those people who gave the tasks, rather everything, but this is really special and unimportant, but they were simply given a task, these are managers who work out this sort of function, in my opinion, just as europe was not preparing for any war, it still is not preparing, firstly, there is nothing, so... secondly, secondly, there is no, so to speak, mass rise, so to speak, well at least the borders will be closed, in the end, it will have to be, but at least there is a bomb shelter, i don’t know, there is one in europe, well, okay, in the bombing years,
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so from here, from here, in fact, this is the hysteria that in in general , it shows one simple thing, we need to cover up with something, in fact, the collapse of the ukrainian front, we need to cover up the defeat for the united west in this indirect war, in this very phase of it, there must be some positive way out, transfer powers for the sake of it, install your people and
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come to an agreement, otherwise, otherwise it will be bad, what is the united states doing in this situation if more or less sane people come there , of course, they will build their reindustrialized new west, because they have already robbed europe, in general there is no further talk there, if less sane people come, that is, if they push through, so to speak, the postponement of biden to 2025 a year, no matter how feet first, no matter what, they will still have non-nuclear weapons.
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but it’s still a good idea to strike against germany, well, just against dredzen, at least, firstly, dredzen is used to it, unfortunately, this is a terrible tragedy, but if people don’t want, don’t want to remember the tragedies that happened to him, then they want -
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well, firstly, he suggested that the chinese recognize the independence of taiwan, well, he simply turned to beijing and said: recognize our independence , that’s it, don’t intimidate us here, that means we are the second... he, therefore, made a decision about the beginning of the demolition of the monuments to chiang kai-she, they counted 750 monuments in taiwan, but really the man who actually stood at the foundations of the chinese republic in taiwan, a man who, from my point of view , was one of the most prominent, apparently, chinese politicians in the 20th century, as it were to say, one should not relate to him, but during the period of the anti-japanese war, he did not go to any japanese ambassadors there, he left. to china within the anti-hitler and anti-fascist
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coalition, well, a very interesting man, his son, you know, he actually studied with us and worked in pervouralsk at a pipe factory, but in 1939, when he signed an agreement with the communists on a joint fight against the japanese, there is such a version, i don’t know if it’s true or not, there was one telegram, he sent it to joseph savich stalin wrote two words: give up your son. well, this was the version, in general, it is considered such a legend, but really - jianzingo, the future one also went to china and he was released along with his wife, whom he took from an orphanage, in fact, well, they say that she is all- still from the nobility family, well, in general, it was a very interesting figure who stood at the foundation, whose wife chancaishe, chancaishe, now it turned out simply that...
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these are the japanese, and of course, the chinese, but the tribes are the netherlands, that is, the dutch , this is a completely different nation, a completely different history, we have no relations with this mainland china, in this regard they are going to remove everything connected with chiang kai-shek, because it must be admitted that both the gamindan and chiang kai-shek, so to speak, stood for chinese unity, other the thing is that they fought against the communists there, and they had their own, so to speak, problems, but they were both parties, they advocated for a united china, for a great china, and so on and so
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forth, that is, in fact, this is what is happening now in taiwan exactly the same process of reformatting the population. i think yes, because, judging by how effectively these technologies for reformatting the main ones work, that is , the operation will have to be carried out earlier, i think yes, and i think that this is the answer that so to speak, in response to all these events, to all these statements our chinese comrades made, it was 2 days of large military maneuvers, there were 111 aircraft, a bunch of ships, but the most important thing was different, and there it was done. so to speak, this is a prospect of how they will isolate taiwan. there it was not about landing on taiwanese territory itself, but rather about creating, so to speak, a kind of blockade itself, well, naturally, in this situation, right there, who was the first to fly to taiwan, now from the 26th to the 30th mcfaul's whole company flew in,
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which means they are negotiating there, naturally, and not to mention that in april the americans transferred 8 billion in weapons to taiwan. a radical change, because before that taiwan was there, so to speak, almost always talking about ties with the mainland, about
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the influence on the mainland, and there were even some dreamers who said that in the future we will be, so to speak, significant. the united states, this is the second option, let's say, here is ukraine against russia, taiwan will now be against china, moreover, with such a consolidated population, with a reformatted history. now, what is also very important to say, here is the chinese response, here it seems to me very interesting to analyze, china is absolutely not reflective in its policy. his response, so to speak, goes in several directions, while on the one hand, he maintains a certain firmness in the south china sea, and there are no attempts by these filipinos and everyone else to break through to all these famous ships, which absolutely end in complete failure, because what the chinese are acting decisively, seriously and driving them away from there, on the other hand, he has now
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, of course, begun very serious work with japan and south korea, and now a triple meeting took place in siuli, do you understand that?
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billions of dollars, and the most important thing was that china told south korea that there could be no stop in the supply of chips and the most modern equipment, that we are all interested in having the most modern technology go from south korea to china, but accordingly from china to south korea, from which we can draw the following conclusion, that the situation in general in this region is heating up, quite obviously, because the new aid package is... such is the transformation of taiwan, i think so, we are overwhelmed by these ideas, such non-partisanism, i i would say, on the one hand, but on the other hand, china continues to pursue this kind of policy, on the one hand, it talks, convinces, finds some common positions, there was a common declaration, they adopted with its closest
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allies, possibly the united states, in general, he is building his policy, apparently preparing for the fact that the main events will happen somewhere. macron heard putin’s speech that you showed today, because it seemed to me that this speech had happened recently, perhaps. the most significant from the point of view of explaining russia’s position, because we said all the time, i mean in europe we said all the time, well, it’s not clear at all what russia is striving for, how it is doing there, what these red lines are, after all, today i am this heard, i would be very interested, but how they perceived this, i have not yet seen any comments on this subject in the western press, but this is really very interesting, because it explains many... moves that may follow after that , this, in general, it seems to me, is the most important
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and most important thing today, because what is happening now in europe, in germany in particular, macron’s visit, on the one hand, you know, it looks like such a theater of one narcissist , because look closely at macron, who was in germany these days, he was there playing table football with steinmayr, then somewhere else, these are his... to make a joke out of this, what kind of jokes did they hit the kremlin ? to the fact that
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they bombed, this is unacceptable, i’m used to it, i want to remind you when it was who they are, like who, well, who they are, i can say very precisely the german authorities, the german residents, the german authorities , who, let me remind you, accepted this as a matter of course , the vile german authorities, who betrayed the historical, no, this is an important point, they are so same as yoshima and nagasaki.
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that this will lead to a war with russia? in dressden says that it is normal to give long-range weapons to weapons in dresden, which has already suffered from the fact that it was drawn into the war, don’t think about what consequences this will lead to, that’s the tragedy, the tragedy is yes, but we are not arguing about this, i am arguing about the wording, and the wording is very simple, i only care about one thing: they want to strike with high-precision weapons deep into russian territory, well, you must agree, i once again
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return to what i was talking about, ours with you and i don’t differ in opinion on the use of long-range weapons, our opinion differs only in that i am against the wording that the germans are used to bombing and bombing, that ’s good, look, in germany at least a word was said in condemnation of the bombing belgorod, depending where, if you... no, excuse me, what you, what you read here is not what i read, what i know in germany, of course, was and of course discussed, just what we read here in the german press and what politics says, this is not true, they don’t talk about it, but in germany, of course, they talk about it, there is a whole group of people, today vladimirovich said that in the german press, for example, they are discussing that we are striking at kharkov, not to mention reasons,
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everywhere, well, at least in europe, and talking about what you want is very difficult , writing about it is also very difficult, with politicians it has become even more difficult now, but i didn’t want to go into this topic at all, i just.. . made a comment about this, expressed my opinion, you don’t have to disagree with me. agree, i’ll stay with him, as for everything else, it’s the same free, everyone can have their own opinion, we have freedom of opinion, of course, but as for what ’s happening there now, the question is different: what didn’t suit europe , here are the last 30-35
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years after the destruction of the soviet... union in relations with russia, this is what could not suit europe in these relations, when europe was actually in a state of favorable coexistence, cheap electricity, cheap gas, supplies relationships, culture, development, everything was there, that’s what, why, which might not generally suit those people who are contemplating some political steps, thinking about their future. countries about the future of europe, that’s why macron is speaking now and he speaks so beautifully and says: europe, here we are , who prevented europe from developing and going further, in this direction with the same, with the same opportunities that russia opened up for them. yes, we are talking now, they are unhappy with what is happening now in russia. wait when it was destroyed
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yugoslavia, when the first... the most serious terrorist threats arose in russia, i want to remind you that this was the mid-early nineties, in fact, when the tbelisi, not tbilisi, but tskhenvali tragedy then occurred, weren’t these attempts to destroy russia then? to break somewhere, to make some kind of rift, they were, and it seems to me that if you carefully evaluate macron’s speech today, everything rests on one thing. russia, unlike any european country, well, maybe, with the exception of the non-european country of the united states states, russia is a completely self-sufficient country, even if we imagine that russia tomorrow will be completely isolated from everything, it can continue to exist calmly, not a single european country can do this, and of course, this is the policy that is being pursued in europe today , in relation to
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russia, it is aimed precisely at that from their point of view. this injustice must be eliminated, it is necessary to take away from russia the opportunity to fully dispose of what it has, therefore attempts to drag russia into further wars, therefore attempts to fragment russia along national lines, therefore these cries that let us save europe, because in reality there is no unity of europe, shout, don’t shout, europe is coming to its end, to its end, look even today speech, italy, milonia, she is categorically against it.
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he told everyone that there is a place for everyone in the church, this is of course, but the lord said differently, in different languages, apparently, i still understand what it is, so this fragmentation, of course, it is obvious, this is the vatican - this it’s just, you know, this is such an indicative moment, there is absolutely no unity, i do n’t think there will be any, dad never intended to offend, expressed in homophobic terms, blaming those who felt offended, we use the term. bruniy, read the bible, the bible clearly says, it says it offensively for them, which means that regarding our disagreement with you, my dear friend, the fact is that you are a russian person. soviet, that’s why you treat memory sacredly, you feel sorry for people, so milli, explaining what was happening, said that they destroyed dresden, they destroyed kheroshima on gosayka, it
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was justified, he didn’t care, he said, yes, how many people there were for hitler and against hitler, yes, it was collateral damage, accompanying, now i’ll let it go, it was not offensive to him, he said, that this had to be done quickly if it was politically expedient. and this is justified, and the main disagreement that exists now, because we are humanists, and we say that the soviet soldier, when he fulfilled his sacred duty, he saved cities, saved peaceful people, they don’t understand us, because these people believe that they have the right to dictate morality to us, because they still believe, as you very accurately said, that every german considers himself a school teacher who has the right to dictate
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the existence of russia and the life of the russian person, so our answer will be terrible, therefore the president warned them whether he would hear it or not, we’ll find out, now there’s an advertisement, after it
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we’ll continue with a new lineup, i was replaced in the maternity hospital, my daughters, my dear one, without paputo.
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thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you
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to everyone who believes in our future, i love you, international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina, on saturday at rtr, you were invited to fashion week. thank you, i can’t pay for the show of your collection in europe, but i didn’t become a famous musician either, or maybe we both made a mistake in our choice, they say that you can’t return the past, sorry, what year is it now, but you can go back there, eh what’s wrong with you and what’s wrong with me, you’re somehow not like that, soon there will be a competition for young designers. maybe we can take part together, but not anymore, in 17 years you ’ll see him and run after him like a darling, girls, hi, something's wrong, we...
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met somewhere? you are avoiding me? i thought i could change fate, but if only i could, on sunday on rtr. pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative dawn. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. and it seems that the surface of the large boldensky pond has forever preserved his reflection, as if on...
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his words are forever preserved. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place. live broadcast from the boldin estate. june 6 on rtr. a ghost is wandering around europe, or rather rushing about, not communism, but delays, it’s easy to find zelensky by the rotten smell, where to go, he went to belgium, signed a security certificate for filkin, begged for weapons, and at the same time the question is simple, some kind of decree signed with him , kre, shmre, with a big question, with whom did you sign, that is, well, a citizen?
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which organizes the whole world, and then there will also be something that russia will try to do. i believe that president biden needs the peace summit and other leaders who look at the us reaction. his absence will be personally applauded by putin. it's completely overdue, of course. komil, that is, he is already jumping on people, that is, they fed, fed from the hand of such a small, small pig, so time passed, and the pig grew, and what grew, what grew, grew, as it was said in the wonderful soviet film circus. the pig has grown up, the pig, and the pig is illegitimate, so the bloody dwarf can grunt, grunt, but there are no... legal grounds
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to be in these, man, sceptor put it down, what did you take, give it back, who should you give it to? vladimir vladimirovich putin, unlike these non-lawyers, carefully studied the legally fundamental documents of the very dubious ukrainian statehood, and gave a clear and clear analysis and assessment. regarding the legitimacy of the ukrainian government.
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the only legitimate authority remains the parliament speaker, but by and large, if they wanted to hold presidential elections, then it would be necessary to repeal the law on , i’m only talking about preliminary assessment,
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martial law, that’s all, and hold elections, but did not want to do this for a number of reasons, but i think... this is no longer connected in any way with the constitution, that maybe the idea of ​​the owners of today - the owners of ukraine, and is not overseas, is to assign to the current executive power - the time for making all unpopular decisions, including making another decision to lower, further raise, lower the draft age. now 20 was 27, now 25, the next stage could be 23 or immediately 18 years old, and after accepting this or other unpopular decisions in force today, as if by representatives of the executive
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branch, i think they will be replaced by people on the shoulders who will not have this responsibility for decisions made that are unpopular among the people. they’re just chick, they’ll change everything, if, if that’s the idea, then in principle, then the logic is clear, the logic is clear, well, let’s see what happens next, but just as i said in minsk, after all, this situation should finally must formulate and give an answer to what is happening in ukraine formulate.
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speaker of parliament. this is the fundamental difference between putin and zelensky, and i read the constitution of ukraine, but zelensky did not, and it’s curious how... if we talk about what the political establishment thinks, but zelensky is simply despised, that is , there is no other way to say it, they simply despise him, well, this is what, for example, one of the citizens says there about how democratic the country is, is zelensky popular, we are used to reading that we have democracy, we don’t have democracy now,
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what’s happening and who is supported, especially sociology shows that the level of support, at least for the ruling party, is falling sharply, it is somewhere around the plinth, and the fact that this team continues to govern ukraine in such difficult times, when in fact it no longer has any support from the people, is completely not a democratic thing, but... zelensky takes his example in the art of command and control, well
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, de facto, from his idol, mind you, i’m not comparing him to hitler, ukrainian experts do this, journalist butus says today, i watched a stream with him yesterday, he says what the stakes meetings boil down to, a map and the president asks why this landing was passed, and why they retreated here, and where , well... how did it end, i want to say again, the leadership must be competent, this is where it begins, it is necessary understand strategy, how the war is fought, tactics, understand that you understand less than your generals, they... you like it, you don’t like it, but they are a professional, if you don’t trust professionals, why do you think that you
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will be a better leader, with what did you take? you don’t like the way the surgeon works, so you take a scalpel instead and start performing operations, but when they warned you that you were removing a clown who doesn’t know how to lead a state, they still said it’s okay, well, here you go, now the clown is expired , concerning.
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constitution of the structure, but ultimately came to the conclusion that this is a parliamentary-presidential republic, the constitution is written exactly like that, what is the essence, why the extension, the actions of the verkhovna rada, in conditions of martial law included in the constitution, but the president is not, well, because this has its own logic: the president only issues a decree on the introduction of martial law, accordingly, well, this is nonsense. if the president has the opportunity to conduct martial law whenever he wants, and
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at the same time never hold elections himself, well, that’s all, you carried out a decree, it doesn’t matter whether there is a war, no war, that is, how long will zelensky have this martial law last, someone will tell him, yes, someone will explain, we remember how zelensky accused petro poroshenko that he tried to impose martial law in several regions in order to postpone or cancel elections. president of ukraine, well, zelensky is now doing what he accused his predecessor of, and accordingly, yes, the constitution provides that you can introduce martial law, which does not cancel your elections. and if you, accordingly, do not hold elections, then your powers are transferred further to the speaker of the verkhovna rada, you fat disgusting pig, yes, well, it doesn’t matter who the speaker will be from the little stinking piglet to the big fat one fat pig the next edition of the constitution will be written like this, but in principle, yes now it’s a big delay, you really
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understand. everything is logical here, that is, zelensky really had to either repeal this law or change the constitution, for which he had to abolish martial law, and that means automatically carry out or receive a decision from the constitutional court, but he managed to insult, and not just insult, he, well , by his decree he declared that the constitutional court is insignificant, i emphasize this the wording in his indexers came nothing, in general the idea itself yes.
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just a great article in this regard by gideon rahman, the main foreign policy columnist, that it turns out that there is a country that in a rules-based world, you can break the rules, this is the united states of america, yes, that is, they have the right, because they protect democracies all over the world, and accordingly, yes, you can support autocracies by violating your own rules, if this generally contributes to peace, stability and - this is probably the highest manifestation of servility, kaza kisses his master’s feet, i convince him that he has the right to be his masters , it’s very good that such articles appear, they really take the mask off all this flair of democracy, liberalism and so on, that is, here you go, america has the right to violate everything rules, that is, putin always asks, yes, show these rules of a rules-based world, here they are, the first
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point, america is always right, the second point, if america is wrong, see point one, here they laid out the financial times for us.
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he used to have it the other way around, yes, when the battles were going on for artyomovs, yes, then he wrote: “bakhmud, this is all ours, he forgot what is on his avatar on twitter, he still stands against the background of the inscription bakhmud, that is, he was so important then, now that he is under russian control, but no, it was symbolism, it is clear that tomorrow it will be a clock, i personally have a photograph where i am standing signs for kiev, well , accordingly, yes, the watchmaker, soon he will also speak symbolically, but what am i talking about? because that same concept is clearly stated there, written down today.” until the last ukrainians, this is the whole idea of ​​the americans: you fight, you die, you die, even if you all die there, but russia must be weakened, at least a little, but somehow. let him sign up, there have been many of these over the centuries. mikhail mikhailovich: the armed forces of ukraine continue to attack our
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individual aerotechnical units, missile attack warning systems, in this regard, a number of domestic and foreign representatives of the expert community are voicing, well, in general, information that has little to do with reality, with for example, was widespread. such a version that supposedly this radar, it provided control over the equator of the mediterranean sea, and there are now two carrier strike groups with many aircraft, cruise missiles, and other aircraft weapons, from this direction from this sector there is scope for action by the armed forces of the united states states, well, it’s supposedly open, it even got to that point, and at the same time it was argued that it has no special military significance...
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it should work, after all, i’ll repeat once again that it’s still desirable for us, it would be desirable for us to restore the missile and space defense forces, at least in the form in which they were before, but i would also add , again on new principles and a new technological basis, so that they represent a functionally complete organism, that’s the most important thing, well, as part of the aerospace forces, even if they remain, this is the first moment, when the enemy nevertheless strikes at... ours , well, the most important object of the missile defense warning system should be, well, a certain duplication of this information, in which plan, that there should be some kind of point,
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well, according to my estimates, in my opinion, there should be some kind of control point for this information, in particular, if there is a threat of loss of the information field in a particular sector, then connect, for example, well, at least the don 2n radar, which is located in the sofreno, in order to somehow level it out. loss and , again, as for the statements of representatives, especially of the foreign expert community, well, you don’t need to listen to them, because such nonsense is sometimes widespread there dealt with this topic, asked people who, well, just completely, i asked the nature of the damage, they said insignificant, asked the functionality was lost , the answer was no, asked if there was a redundant system, it was said and not only redundant.
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he, this bastard, hangs around in prague, he is a traitor to our country, against whom a criminal case should be brought as treason, every person affiliated with radio liberty, every person affiliated with radio liberty, should be recognized as russia as a spy, against they should be charged with treason, their property should be arrested, confiscated and sold at auction, but every... pitin who publishes, especially in various media, photographs about where it arrived, how it arrived, is this mark krutov, aka krotov, i remember
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there was a soviet film about krotov’s traitors, this bastard is sitting in prague and this bastard is the editor of the site on which they posted, so everything, firstly, radio liberty, of course here and there should be no spirit, everyone who is affiliated who writes must be recognized as a traitor. you will say, as the sobcha said, i had nothing to do with it, and what am i, it already happened, or another brilliant phrase, and i saw it on khokhlyadsky sites, yeah, khokhlyadsky sites saw this on
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your blogs? well, in general, understand the laws of war, when it just starts to frame the walls or hang a couple of people and let the corpses dangle for 3-4 days, everyone else will suddenly become wiser. and what else i wanted to add in this regard, that’s when it arises the question is, well, how, in fact, should this system function about the need to recreate, in which we have spoken more than once, well, for example, an unmanned aerial vehicle that carries out long-range flights, after all, this is not a small device , this is usually a car. reflective surface, it must be detected from the moment of crossing the state border, it must be guided without failure, it must be guided, since the route can actually be laid outside the missile strike zones troops, our territory is large, then
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we must... must carry out the impact of fighter aircraft on such, and if it is low-speed there, 200-250 km at a speed, for example, then combat helicopters, why don’t we shoot down reconnaissance satellites, which, for example, give out different information, the same some google maps, which it regularly likes, that’s why we don’t destroy these satellites, according to the americans, we have such a technical capability, we have such a possibility, this is the first point, the second still one more time... i want to say that all these assets that i have listed should be in the hands of one single commander, everything should be subordinate to him, and single missile troops, guidance points, aviation, all this should be based on a unified systematic intelligence, on a unified control system , well , then at least it will be possible to ask people when there is a guidance point or not, and to whom it belongs, this question is, aviation is in whose hands, who controls it, missile defense troops
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are subordinated to whom, and if also... on the territory after all, everyone flies in israel, does anyone publish a map with the location of israeli air defense systems, the results of attacks on israeli territory, i wonder if this appears somewhere? and what will happen if it suddenly appears, right? oh, this is different, yes, exactly, this is democracy, so there are still certain reforms, as it seems to me, there is no need to be afraid of this word, and should be carried out from below, from below, again, in my opinion, they will be carried out they can’t, but they can be.
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"i love you very much, marry me, premiere on rtr, i’m ready to give everything just to get her back, you’re leaving your husband for some musician, a swindler, max, not a swindler, not some kind, well, you don’t know him at all, what if it’s not love, but so, some kind of nonsense, we need to find some incriminating evidence on this max, a melody for yours, tomorrow.
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the sixteenth sense of my intuition sings, this is what came of it, from your smiles, i see that you like the way we... deceive, well , what can i do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, big musical show, eaten, why, you ate, ate, ate, on friday, on rtr, look, love. this is when you look in one direction, look, look, look, you want to look, look, let's look, look, well, look at the screen, look at me, take it out, look, look,
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agreement, sign, we sign at the same time one, two , three, subscribe , watch, watch, maybe we’ll go to my place, just watch a movie, hello, dear friends, your favorite program is on the air,
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when your girl turns 18, she will receive a gift, whichever guy she loves, good luck will come to him wealth, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her, suddenly the gypsy didn’t lie, well, hit her, i only realized today how much i like you, how beautiful you are. max, yes, what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me and he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me. do you hear how it beats? i will protect you.
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who is offending? a magical gift that became a curse. i made up my mind. i'll leave town. don't break my heart. premiere. on saturday on rtr. it’s curious that the western media are in hysterics; they suddenly say that zelensky is not in control of the situation, low fighting spirit, but at the same time i repeat once again, the fighting is fierce, the ukrainians are trying to hold the front, yes, we are now pressing almost everywhere, relatively quietly in zaporozhye. the losses are such that it only seems to zelensky that these terrible video sparks have now appeared, where everything is littered with the corpses of ukrainians, the basements are filled with corpses, that is, look at this, and also imagine what the temperature is, imagine
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what the smell of these decaying bodies is like there, they don't know what happened to them loved ones, the ukrainians don’t want to take the bodies, well, this is a terrible picture. judging by the difficult battle for lupus, where everything is thrown, and everything flies there, everything is there, but we are brilliantly fulfilling the task, we still have a thousand people a day signing a contract voluntarily, in ukraine, despite vasil’s reassurance at the time, how cool everything is with them, there is no one, there is no one, they keep the men because they are scared, they train poorly.
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completely spoken, and it completely fits into that very story or the strategy of boiling down the notorious russian frog, which we have been observing all this time, it is obvious that in the near future all these prohibitions will be lifted and... it is obvious that we will actually see atakomsa and highmarsa and stormshadow flying under our territory, that is, the task is how - they are doing it, it’s clear why, why they are in a hurry, because the situation at the front is really very, very difficult, it is obvious that the next discussion has already begun, the next window is slightly open, we have also been talking about this for 2 months, that the nato troops plant he is already de facto beginning to lobby for ukraine, this is a ridiculous statement. the fact that he gave the order, that is,
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to receive the french with open arms, it was exactly on the day when our guys at the front laid out another french corpse, the question arises, who accepted this one, where and what kind of hugs, and most importantly, who did you bury there 2 years ago, when we covered the barracks with your advisers and mercenaries near yavorov, who again are regularly taken out there by helicopter to the territory of poland after the next ones there burn your equipment or the same air defense systems there, so it’s obvious, yes, that the west is preparing with all its might for this next stage, when ukraine will have to be divided completely , so we’ll draw the kirzon line, on which we need to little by little put our first the outpost, that’s actually everything as they imagine it, it’s another matter whether we give it to them or not, at the front we now see, but near volchansk there is a very serious situation, we see that syrsky stole there... everything that it was free, well, they talk about 14 brigades,
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but in reality, of course, there are much fewer there, not in the sense of numbers and numbers, in the sense of what they were able to sneak there, but still there are more than 2000 there, if we take our grouping, which started to attack there, then this is almost twice as much, and , of course, we haven’t had any cheese at our place yet, this is being discussed a lot today, will ukraine decide on another offensive? because it would be for syrsky, of course, it would be extremely desirable, why, because he is still a general retreat, that is, he doesn’t have any victories behind him from the word at all, what should they attack with, well, well, i’m just kind of saying what they have in theirs, in this, as if in agenda, well, i’m not a professional military , unlike you, but i naively believed that any offensive requires, first, the enemy’s offensive actions must weaken, exhale, conditions must be created for... an offensive, a retaliatory offensive is possible by
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providing the infantry units with the necessary, i just want to all tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery, aircraft, based on the number of days, bc, for how many days, prepared reserves deployed at a certain stage, calculated, how many days it will take, how many will be completed, let's start right away, what is this paragraph, yes, carefully, yes, so, all the art is there is, you just said, the enemy has weakened, try to determine this, when everything is in smoke, everyone is shooting, otherwise the chakovsky bat is all in my head, and the war in the crimea is everything, so here it is necessary that, after all, the military leadership, this god kissed you top of the head, so that this very subtle moment determines the beginning of the counter, as if it is always pleasant to listen to professionals, so it is necessary, as if for sirsky, there is of course a temptation, a temptation to sneak everything that is there...
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but in this case they understand perfectly well that this the risk could end in huge failure, why? because now we are moving on to what, in fact, these senior academicians are talking about, they have already begun to talk, the problem is that they understand very well, which means we have air supremacy, dominance in our means of destruction, the ratio, again, of our reserves, which... are behind the group that is now howling volchansky is such that in general ukraine has nothing to catch, all this could become a very, very big adventure that will end very badly, it is necessary understand that, again , the time when this could be done is running out, that is, 3 days ago the transfer of ukrainian troops, if they really went straight into battle, it would be, well, at least an unpleasant surprise, now it's been three days since the troops are being consolidated in those areas where ukrainian attacks are possible. in volchansk, we are moving very tightly.


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