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tv   Pereriv v veshchanii  RUSSIA1  May 29, 2024 4:29am-5:00am MSK

4:29 am
what was i supposed to do with him? should i leave it there? nothing, you're great! at least she ate a fork in the presence of witnesses. i read the seizure protocol three times and didn’t understand anything. well, not fat. they also confiscated money from him, money? yeah, a lot? 15. that’s a lot for a week of hard drinking, so maybe there wasn’t any hard drinking, or maybe he ’s faking it, that’s why our yards are so dirty, well, it’s old, it looks like the beginning of the century, but no blood is visible, an examination will sort it out, in any case, we need to conduct it again , well... "hello, hello,
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these are handcuffs, zakhar, excuse me, yours patronymic, where am i? i didn’t kill anyone, what’s the last thing you remember? well, in may we are, june, no, it’s june now, yes, oh, what, really? well, mansur baymuradovich,
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a man was killed in your room, i don’t know him, it doesn’t matter whether you know him or not, we’ll find out later, what matters is that a man was killed in your room, how can you explain it, and how can i explain it, i left, closed the door, came, the man was lying, dead, how do i explain? do you suspect anyone? killer who? who killed? well, yes, i don’t know, i don’t know, but you arrested him correctly, he’s not a good person, he doesn’t like to work at all, he likes it when they work instead of him, okay, okay, chicken, in the corridor, wait. yes, just for a second,
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captain, federal security service, mankov, your client, well, my, i’m taking him, sign, what is it, sign, and i went, i won’t interfere, you won’t interfere, it was krylov who signed it, yes , yes, come on, old man, you seemed to be busy, here you go, well, thank you, good luck,
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did you write down his last name? no, i didn’t need his last name, i was in shock, the fbi cover, the signature of this krylov, i need it to check whether this krylov signed the documents or not, i’m shocked, so you check your department, in the duty room, in the register, everything is there, names, ranks, if necessary, you can contact me, don’t contact me, listen, this is the service security, which gave this artist a tattoo on zakhar, and they may be connected with the fsb, but you said that all of them are former fsb officers, i mean, they have everything in check, maybe this zakhar and monkov, one chain, why are they they gave us zakhara, so you found the murder weapon, but that’s the point case, there is a murder weapon, zakhar doesn’t remember anything, he’s just perfect. suspect,
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what do you think? was zakhar framed to cover up for mankov? so why did monkov surrender to them? well, does that mean he is needed if he was taken from the air force? so, guess what?
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they took away the friendly services, well, it’s clear, yes, yes, comrade colonel, that’s right, well, we ’re already in good shape, well, maybe we ’re together, but there’s not much left, a few days and a golden key, yes, i understand. the fsb is taking the case from us. well, fedya, so you don’t have to go anywhere? against crowbar, no reception. we'll see. marya
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sergeevna, why haven’t they called you? you've got a wrong number. i’ll hear, let’s go, meaning, let’s go, how’s the situation? yes, everything in the yard is clean, yes, you can drive up, okay, we're leaving, excuse me, wait, please, what's the matter, do i need to go into the yard? okay, i would like to talk to your superiors, i am from the investigative committee, well, my boss is now in moscow, and it will not be easy for me to organize your meeting, be patient, half an hour, no more, in moscow, excuse me,
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please move away, alexandrevich, which reasoning, everything is fine here, everything is under control, everything is fine in the yard. everything will be fine, yes, everything is there too, everything was checked, everything is fine, listen, yesterday we squandered it, sorry, but are you the fsb?
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oh, how did you get through here, well, how did you get through, hello, hello! well, i ’m at work for a minute, you’ll laugh, but i’m also at work, yes, yeah, isn’t this your business, that we have a business, so where’s the botonyuk, we can talk about what, i’ve already told you everything, not everything, you didn’t say that monkov works for you, you didn’t say why he spoke calmly, who is monkov, listen, stop it, a man worked for six months under your total control, and you ask, who is monkov? from the security, okay, we talked, what happened there? yes, one vest died, on his own, yes, on his own, without outside help, yes, he
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was already old, he was sick, as it turned out, you will say his last name, fedortsov, general fedortsov, yes, u... oh, and they came from moscow express condolences, from the ministry, they came here in large numbers, as if at home, you can’t get through, you can’t get through, there will be more questions, there will be. doubt it, but later, botanyuk, botonyuk, so to everyone who sees the botanyuk, tell him that he is fired, i just want to understand who i should transfer the matter to, that’s it, who is this altruist, yes, i understand, no, i don’t understand, why should i throw the case in the trash,
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okay, yes, i understand, i understand, the bosses are in a panic, they called from moscow, our petya is on the verge of a nervous breakdown, boss, that’s great, i gave the case, so what, it’s a common thing, here, there is 10 times more information in this notebook of mine. okay, come on, what kind of information do you have there? chief, what can i say, shvetsova as always, he’s right, this classic of the russian avant-garde has such a cocktail in his blood that you know, i’m honestly surprised how he survived, really, colfilin, i don’t know if it’s colfilin, or maybe some other kind. but in combination with alcohol it works
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flawlessly, the memory is knocked out 100% at once, and believe me, there is more alcohol in his blood than in the wine department, well, they talked about the fork, so what, what about the fork, fork the same murderous one, they washed it, of course, but with the naked eye you can see that there are traces of blood there are imprints of this same zakhar, but most importantly, zakhar began to remember. so, he doesn’t remember anything, i mean, the boss, well , he doesn’t remember about this fork, he doesn’t remember, he says that if there was a fork, then he, like a true artist, would remember, especially he says that the fork is so exceptional, but this is if he’s not lying, yeah, it’s a no brainer that this fork is like a coffin lid for him, you say his fingerprint, well, yes, so any court recognizes him as a murderer unconditionally, unconditionally? then you think so, for example, i believe a person, you know, he was
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passed out for three days, a blood test confirms this, as you say unconditionally, okay, i realized that he doesn’t remember anything, you tell me, he remembers at least something, of course, of course, he remembers where he got the money from, and where it came from, he sold the painting to someone for free, uh-huh, to whom, to whom, he doesn’t remember. sing, great, you need to be a lawyer, why are you sitting here, boss, but i found out the name of the deceased, okay, yeah, telyakov yuri aleksandrovich, please, well done,
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i don’t understand, oh, when should i come here? is there anyone? so.
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so, what are you doing here? mankov, yes, and you?
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investigative committee. oh, yeah, conduct a search. without witnesses, i came to zahar, without witnesses, uh-huh, he seems to be in the police, so it seems like you should have been in the police too, so for what merit were you released? innocent, they let you out, uh-huh, you close the door yourself, zakhar will be back now, the innocent one will also close, okay, come on, zahara, they let you go, hello, hello, you’re an investigator, yes, and i’m a technician from the housing department, i talked to you here, so, you know, mankov said that,
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zakhara will let you out. no, they didn’t let him out, of course, goodbye, goodbye, boss, but he didn’t really sit in jail, he spent a month like that during the season. at the trial he was released, the evidence was gone, yes, what evidence, there were a few grams of cocaine, that’s all, he sold, bought, and the seller disappeared, so they simply framed him, boss, well, it’s strange, somehow they framed him, they released him quickly, i think they wanted something from him, or the seller paid him off on the spot, and this one a month later, when it was,
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yes, 5 years ago, wow, you delved into history, oh boss, not really, wife... gave a wanted notice, and i thought, i talked to my wife, she went for identification, we need to talk, but some strange conversation, boss, she’s been looking for her husband for 2 days, then i tell her that he’s been killed, he’s somewhere he worked, you found out, yes, in the port on a gunboat, in the port, at the dock, but no, he somehow got involved as a manager there, the job was not dusty, why did he get caught in the janitors, do you want romance? can? come in. have you found the killer? what? is this telyakova? hello. do you know who killed him? not yet. do you know who your husband bought from? drugs? drugs? what do you think he was doing in the janitor's room at number 4 on volkov
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lane? in the janitor's room? who are we even talking about? about your husband. you are from the police and you are from the police and hello evny alekseevich, good afternoon, it’s very nice, well, maybe we can go to my place, or let’s take a walk, let’s take a walk, okay. evgeniy alekseevich, do you know telyukov? well, of course, for the last 10 years, he came to us in 2000. well, it’s clear, that is, his entire work activity, one might say, passed before your eyes. in this port, yes. well, that's it, he good worker. you know, very good. he worked a lot, but i
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didn’t interact with him much at all. but because he is more with customs and border guards. well, i’m more concerned with logistics. although we were sitting in the same building, they simply told me that you were in very close contact, well, practically friends, what kind of friends, and he and i had lunch together, because i have ulcers, and he is a vegetarian, that’s it, that’s all friendship , against the backdrop of of course other relationships with other people, one can say that close friends, well, he was an uncommunicative person, but not that to be uncommunicative, hermetic, closed. is he on guard all the time or something, he ’s not a stupid person, you know, he was in prison, and it seems to me that this had a very strong influence on him, very much, well, he was in jail, well, a month in pre-trial detention is... you were in prison, you were , no, i mean they were in prison, but no yet, but i was in prison, but i mean
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that i spent 16 years in the air force for one day, but i still remember, and it seems to me that a month spent in a pre-trial detention center , just like that , it will definitely leave an indelible mark on my soul, he once told me that for the second time he he won’t go to jail, yeah, well, that is, he wasn’t going to break the law anymore, no, no, i mean he won’t go to jail, no matter what happens, he won’t go to jail again, that is, it would be better if he died, but he won’t go to prison anymore, so i i understood him, yeah, you know, lately he’s been taking tranquilizers and sedatives, yes, and how do you know that he was taking tranquilizers, but he told me, then i constantly saw these vials with a red label, yeah, he’s been taking them for a long time , well, i’m saying that we are with him...
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well, listen, well, show shop solidarity, listen, well, i’m telling you, but i need to see the duty officer, hello, hello, meet investigator marya sergeevna, andrey, very nice, mutual, take a seat, this is your business card. mine, yeah, is there someone you know very well? no, what?
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well, did we find your business card from this person? and perhaps a witness or relative of the terpila? house on volkov lane, not far from moika, there are 4 wolves, do you remember, there are four wolves? uh-huh, yes, zahar is an elbow, he works there as a janitor. and i went there to steal, a ring was stolen from one apartment, well, i was there narota asked, why for the janitors, but because this janitor’s ring was stolen, elbow, no, uzbek, surname, dogaev, doman, doman, yes, he stayed with me for three days, but in the end it never broke, i had to let him go, but why did you decide? that domanov stole this person, because people reported, um, agent, well, you can say so, who wouldn’t say, no, with all due respect, maybe
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monkov, i don’t know who he is, guys, i need to see the duty officer, of course , can i have one last question, tell me, from whom was the ring stolen, from which apartment? from the fedortsovs' apartment? fedortsov? yes, why? there is nothing. well, i'm off. yes. thank you. come on, i helped you out. all the best. goodbye. mankov. what about monkov? we need to visit the guy and help him sort through his personal belongings. you see, he has influential friends, you too, do you want me to go there alone? no, no, you take your faithful friends, the resolution and kurochkin himself,
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listen, well, this is nonsense, i have already sent the case to the fsb, and we have two people in the air force, absolutely illegally, what kind of resolution do you want to get, on what basis, based on murder, hold, bride, time... a hotel for an unforgettable experience, rixos sharma, adults only 18+
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4:57 am
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4:58 am
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4:59 am
well, that’s fine, he still has at least some work here. ha, that is, if he is going to finish it. okay, let's go, we 'll search everything there in half an hour, wait, listen, this is what i want to tell you, my dear friend, you're doing a very bad job, very bad, with that finger, wow. the main thing is that he can sweep after this, okay, let's go, he'll come home in an hour.
5:00 am
here to knock. he was often detained for a month, when often, but he was detained for a ring for as long as one can count.


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