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tv   Taini sledstviya-10  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 2:00am-3:41am MSK

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by the way, there, well, i ’ll ask pavlovich at home, he loves such questions, that is, everything has become worse, well, it’s not that it’s worse, it’s actually become much worse, it’s not only worse, it’s become a problem, it’s really a problem , american political scientist, herman kahn, founder of the hudson institute, conducted a study and said: what about the cold war with the soviet union, what are the stages of this ladder of escalation, he came up with difficulty about escalation in 1965, in which he determined . 44 stages, steps, how can one rise from friendship to a global nuclear war, well, in his understanding, we are now somewhere between points 14 and 15, between the declaration of a limited nuclear war there is almost a nuclear war, when some kind of ammunition was accidentally used, then the words of the head of the foreign intelligence service came to mind , mr. ryshkin, who said that nato is ready to fight with russia under two conditions: first, if it is profitable for them, and we... see
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that this is very profitable, especially since we said before that we are not dealing with the west , a countries controlled by western military-industrial capital, we see how they are now feverishly looking for opportunities to make money, to push something old into ukraine, to push new contracts, as examples, the germans planned 100 billion for the re-equipment of the bundesweer before the thirtieth year, and the money has already run out, let's also, in general, everyone likes everything, the second point, if they feel that it is... safe for them, there is a nuance here, because we see such a race - shouts and slogans, mainly from european countries, who stronger will bite, well, starting there from the statements of the estonian, that is, the military, that they will destroy our army before their president there with kneeling poses, estonian tigers, the size of a small one, but in fact we see that a number of countries are taking real actions. because,
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in order to push the zelensky regime, it is now mainly britain and france, the french are shouting, you already said today, waving flags, cards there, they are allowed to use it, and we see that it is already the french, macron noticed a substitution, who warned yesterday that instead of makronich, he has long been with panin lives, i decided to check, i noticed, yes, i imagine macron telling panin, rudolphi gave you away? front in ukraine, because in reality they have problems, and in reality this can fit into the logic of the crackling all military experts see that we dominate at the front, we impose our will, we pull them apart, and we see the steps that they will take, pulled on...
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at whose expense was this done? here british white explosives immediately pop up, by the way, when the icons were imported, there were also british explosives, naval drones, british, here for some reason all this is going in that direction, he wants to ask why they need this, that to some extent the americans, having gone into the domestic political agenda, by the way, have not yet made a decision related to weapons, we you this was noted today, so the british have dispersed and are actually starting to push others because?
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that it’s a small country with a dense population, but there was still something there, this is such a direct hint, it’s important that he also said the second thing, that the americans and i, relatively speaking, are in a state, what if we and the americans we’ll stay, that’s what, if a conflict breaks out in the european part, we and the americans, most likely, he appealed to prudence, such a question, relatively speaking, canned by him, we’ll stay within the framework of our nuclear parity in strategic means, that is, an era is coming. well, what kissenger said in his writings was a limited nuclear war on the european continent, and he understood that it would not develop into strikes on countries with strategic weapons, because all this would happen here,
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but today an interesting term was heard, such a sociological passage, i immediately remembered repassage in rhyme, this is a term from watchmakers, when the watch is completely disassembled, all the mechanisms are pulled out. not really , but like low shoes, what am i talking about? because we see what is happening now by the global elites, transnational corporations, there is a revision of politicians with whom they are in big conflict, we see how they are now shaking up and how politicians are now trying to prove that i am ready to stay, you like me the gear has been washed, you put me back into the mechanism, please insert those gears that are not in...
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our main task is to build a system in such a way that will compress us for a long time, no matter the active stage or something else, they will not retreat, of course, we should pour some sand into this mechanism, we will already be accused of interfering in internal affairs, it’s time for us to take this proactive position, today you mentioned the houthis, who are not shy, they really ended up in slippers standing on this ultra-modern drone , first did you see how they took the pills? well , the weather there is just really like this, you are absolutely right in what you say, for some reason we think that someone will appreciate that we are no, no, excuse me, excuse me, let’s do it this way, that’s what we’re counting on, but i think that they just don’t understand the russian bear, they don’t understand, and then what
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happened, well, i’ve given this example a million times, it’s like vasily dmitrievich, who once showed that everything, now it’s ukraine, now we’ll bully here, now no one... there are really processes going on, there is a purge going on, there is a trial will figure it out, but in any case, regardless of names, titles and even merits, in ukraine there is at least something like that, unfortunately, no, and i think that there will not be, because in this
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corruption scheme that works in ukraine , the entire political leadership of the country is involved, including president zelensky and the head of his office, mr. ermak, why is there such... large-scale corruption at the ministry of defense, but we must understand that the main funding now comes through the ministry of defense, we are talking about trillion 200 billion hryvnia, which are generally absorbed by the defense budget.
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everything is fine, we measure sociology, who enjoys authority here, everything is clear, but not in
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the conditions of external governance of the country, you see, external governance of the country actually solves all these and neutralizes all these processes, the people respect you, the people do not respect you , whether they’re ready to vote for you or not, well, i remember last fall, we also argued here in the studio, zhenya, although i wasn’t a frequent visitor, i gave figures about the level of support zelensky... very high, there was such a thing, even very high, 60%, well, it would seem, so what, well, you win in the first round, hold elections, and you win these elections, and you will be a legitimate, legal president, a person who will go through all the procedures, what problems, and he wanted to make a big deal out of it, he asked for money, he was afraid, he was afraid that the bet might not be made on zelensky, he was very afraid, and he understood, unlike, perhaps. .. everyone standing in this studio, how this whole thing works, as if from a person, whom no one knows, you can make
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the president of the country, and like a person whom everyone knows, you can bury him in 2-3 months, well , remember from troscan, for example, well, one time a maid came in by chance, that’s all, and there is no president of france, that’s all , goodbye, what’s the problem, well, in russia there is no reproach for a young man, well, here everything could have been completely different, but i believe that the fact was that they spoke for love.
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no, i’m talking about i and not only about the war, when we talk, you know, they raise the stakes, well,
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you can raise the stakes, but you can’t wait result, you understand what’s going on, yes, well , someone thinks that the option of nuclear strikes there is actually excluded or so, well, well, they are convinced of this, they are confident of this, they are confident in this, let him watch our program, i’ve been for a long time i say that it is you, it is you who say, but i think that in fact, if european politicians come first. you say, someone lost there, they lost a lot, who, who are they who lost, well, who are they, the europeans lost, the americans gained, the americans gained, what, well, what did they actually?
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such a picture, yes, it is being broken, but it still penetrates the minds of the citizens of ukraine, who now live in this territory. from may 1 to the present day, not a single success of the ukrainian armed forces, not a single success, it seems to ukraine, right? at first, when information is given by the ukrainian media that there is a confrontation, a tough confrontation, the russians attack, especially if you read the cheese language, yes. zaporozhye region, and what is happening now in kharkov or near kharkov or in the kharkov region, there on the sumy border, this is
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several settlements that passed, as they say quietly, to ukraine, like this, you know, on may 1, the second. once may 10 comes, we look, and several villages of populated areas are no longer ukrainian, then further, further still, this and this situation affects people’s brains, first of all, why, because they, not only do they not want go to war, the goal, but why go to war if we are losing, indeed, if at the very beginning, indeed, at the beginning there is the month of march, yes, march, april, spring, twenty -two, even autumn twenty-two year when... rudolfovich, it’s almost june 1st, what does the counter-offensive that took place in june certainly mean, everything is clear, but already vladimir last year, here you go, there is no june of this year, i say again, not a single success, yes,
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how there wouldn’t be, but there’s a sea of ​​failures, look now, and now, and now next, what an event... today’s event happened in ukraine, which not a single media outlet in ukraine announces, no one even remembers, i’m trying, at night several missiles, including kinjalov, iskanderov, they got into the territory of western ukraine, well, they got there, and so the airfield, starokonstantinovsky, well, this is like a familiar operation that is carried out there quite often, they are restored, they are not restored, but nevertheless everything hits the target, so... there is such a training ground in ukraine, in western ukraine, yavorsky, yes, we talked, we talked about it at the beginning of 22, when there was a hit and so on, what happened that night, they hit again, i say again, not a single media outlet in ukraine does not write about this event, does not write about what for the last almost 2 years there, on the territory
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of the training ground there is a whole underground city, several bunkers, officers and polish instructors work there. dutch and so on, they are preparing there, situational, not just a room, but just several rooms, yes, this is , in fact, an underground command post, which has been preparing for several years, has been stuffed, and what happened to this command post that night, i once again i say, i tried, i write as your contacts say, nothing, but nothing happened, like nothing happened, huh? how many instructors are there? there were 380 or 410 that night, and how many of them remained alive, and how many were wounded, and how many people were taken in an ambulance to lviv, and how many were brought by helicopter to the territory of poland, what officer ranks were the people who were there, what happened , this is what happened, vladimirevich, while the europeans are either scratching their brains,
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saving or their minds, they say, so allow long-range, long-range strikes. russian territory or not to allow it, you get it and russia doesn’t ask, they just took it and did it. why about they don’t say this in ukraine, because wait, what happens? where are we, where are we, what corner of russia we want to go to, where we want to go, where in rostov we want to go, here you go, here is yaborov, yavorov is located several tens of kilometers from poland, it will be visible, a nuclear flash will be visible, yes, i would simply answer, here you go, here’s the depth, you don’t need to go deeper, further deeper - this is poland, i don’t know what small territory is inhabited, vladimir
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vladimirovich, but it seems to me that for some reason in great britain, because listen, because you don’t kill them very much, i’m not doing this, no, volodya, i’m not doing it for fun, because you ’re killing them very much, i just know where these missiles are produced, which the ukrainians want to get permission for ... in order to attack only three countries deep into the russian federation, i finish, you know, these events, this vyavora and many others, and what is happening on on on on on the fronts, it seems to me that one way or another evgeniy will turn it upside down the consciousness of ukrainians and not only those who are wicked, but those who, well why do you finish the phrase, you will then fumble the phrase, you say, we are already interested, it will translate, the knowledge will turn over,
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he speaks clearly, names, well, because we have to carry out an analysis of the dying person, we understand, we have collected the tests, we make a diagnosis of the dying person , and then you act, yeah, that’s all, see you tomorrow, good evening, on the air news from st. petersburg, news igor strakhov, briefly about the main thing. who broke the rules in kranstatt , a truck and a tractor-trailer collided. there are
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people injured. they are already setting up underground transitions. the moscow-danube interchange is 70% ready. the first class of hazard in the region is eliminating the largest, toxic, unauthorized dump. three, seven, ace of opera and queen of spades, and the morinsky theater opened the thirty-second festival of the stars of the white nights. in st. petersburg , five detainees were charged on suspicion of organizing illegal migration. according to investigators, last year alone they registered almost 400 foreigners and used them. so-called rubber apartments, criminal earnings of about 6 million rub. according to law enforcement agencies, the group may be headed by a fifty-eight-year-old native of azerbaijan.
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during his arrest , a bag of marijuana was also found in his car. the man said he used the drug himself. meanwhile, among the accused are police officers, the head of the logistics department of the russian ministry of internal affairs for the primorsky region, and two senior inspectors of the migration department. a preventive measure will be chosen for them in the near future. a serious accident paralyzed traffic at the entrance to kronshtat in the morning. on the outer ring is annular, not far from the kotlin transport interchange, a truck and a tractor with a sand trailer collided. the footage shows damaged cars occupying almost the entire roadway. according to the traffic police, the truck driver exceeded the speed limit, failed to take a turn, and crashed into a concrete barrier. the driver of the tractor, he was behind, tried to drive away from the scene of the incident, but also lost control. his trailer was tossed on its side and the cab was torn off. huge traffic jams immediately formed, both drivers were injured in the accident, they were hospitalized with moderate injuries gravity. the labor movement will open in august.
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the builders of the moscow-danube transport interchange have reached the finish line. this transport hub is being created as part of a national project for safe and high-quality roads. the length of the entire structure is 1.5 km, the overhead span is 900 m. by the beginning of summer , the builders had erected all the supports, and are now reinforcing the roadway and equipping it. the developers assure that after the vehicular traffic in the southern part of the city goes into operation, it will move to a qualitatively new level
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, cars will be able to pass from exit of the western high-speed ​​diameter to sofiyskaya street. in the leningrad region , the largest illegal dump with waste of the first hazard class is being liquidated. yulia vasilyeva will continue. the excavator bucket goes underground for a short time and emerges with the loot. this is a barrel with an unknown foul-smelling liquid, yellowish in color. next to it is another one with part of the label. specialists in working with substances of the highest order.
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a sanitized toxic waste dump was found when it caught fire on new year's eve. firefighters couldn't control the fire 2 weeks. as a result, they simply covered it with earth and surrounded the dams so that the poison would not reach the fountains with the flood. local authorities declared a state of emergency and it has not yet been lifted. according to the results of the first inspection, the contamination of the ground is at least 400 cubic meters. this is the largest unauthorized dump of highly toxic soil in the leningrad region. perhaps this is the first time, because i communicated with colleagues from the government of the leningrad region, in such a volume, neither in the territory of the leningrad region, nor in the territory of st. petersburg, ranie, waste first class danger, were never found, which means they were found. the region has no experience working with a poisoned landfill of such magnitude, so it was not possible to liquidate it quickly; in the spring, they could not drive heavy equipment into the swamp tracts. the first stage is a targeted
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search for sources of pollution, in essence. started only now, there was no such experience either, so we had to hold a whole series of meetings, meetings, communication with experts in order to develop the right informed decision, because behind this decision the question would naturally arise, what exactly the amount of budget funds will be needed in order to remove, in order to then remove and dispose of waste of the first or second hazard class, soil of the highest hazard class will be removed selectively, placed in special barrels, placed on a prepared site. this work will take 40 days, then specialists from the federal environmental operator will take the poisoned soil to a chemical site, which is still unknown, but definitely outside the forty-seventh region, and only then will the state of emergency be lifted. meanwhile the search continues those responsible for contaminating the area. the state environmental supervision committee of the leningrad region filed claims in court. this means that the first thing is that a fine has been imposed, which means... what will happen next
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with the poisoned tract depends on whether the owner of the landfill can fulfill the court decision, in other words, pay multimillion-dollar fines and reclaim the site; if not, it will be put up for auction. obviously, simogonty will never be a protected place; at most this land can be used for industrial production.
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will help you fully hear tuning, repairs, we come to your home, take care of yourself and your loved ones today, call 317 0808. according to the hydramet center of st. petersburg, on may 30 in leningradsko it will remain partly cloudy, short rains with thunderstorms are possible. during the day, the temperature in the estate is expected to be about 26° above zero, the same will be in tekhina baksitogorsk, a couple of degrees cooler in volgov and kirisha, in gadchina up to +28 no less. and vyborg , weather forecasters continue to promise heat and thunderstorms in st. petersburg, the northern capital during the day +27 and humid in places, on friday night it is colder than +15 and dry everywhere, have a good day in any weather. it was unusually noisy in the russian national library on sadovaya street, the silence of the reading rooms was broken by an alarm, all exits were blocked, then soldiers of the russian guard and
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ammon entered the building. they were covered by snipers from the street, everything that was happening was staged, tactical exercises took place there. according to legend, an armed criminal opened fire in the library building. possible terrorist found neutralized. those who were in... the wounded were given assistance. the training assault of the russian guard and the police showed a good level of special training of the fighters and coherence of actions in an extreme situation, said the leaders of the special tactical training. in russia , a serial electric garbage truck began to be tested in st. petersburg and its main advantage is its compactness and environmental friendliness, and the vehicle is almost silent. this one won't wake up the townspeople in the morning. the unit was assembled at a plant in the moscow region, and it arrived in st. petersburg under its own power, still a component.
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a personal prize, for workers of higher secondary vocational education there was a separate competition, there were also about 100 applications, after their consideration 20 prizes were awarded. many were noted by entire teams, among those awarded.
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chikovsky, dmitry skovsky, more details. the queen of spades at the marininsky theater is an experienced performance, an example of this production by alexey stepanyuk was on may 29, 2015, but the audience. goes to it, just like 9 years ago. a true classic, like aged wine, adds richness of flavor and aroma over the years. pushkin's images, tchaikovsky's music and the skill of the stars of the opera stage simply do not allow the performance to grow old. tchaikovsky, he really helps the stage open up , especially with such an orchestra, especially with valery misalovich, who can present this music, grandiose music, in such a way. that it is impossible not to open up, in the summer garden little german carefully
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builds a house of cards, a symbol of the ephemerality and evenness of man’s earthly efforts, it will certainly be destroyed, just as houses, palaces and even states collapse, the cocked hat, doublet and gait project the consciousness of the viewer. the image of napoleon, the irrepressible passions of the pursuit of material things inevitably lead the hero, infected with the napoleonic complex, to a moral drama, and his loved ones too. a wonderful girl fell in love with a very bad guy, he has two obsessions, an obsession with this, not even with money, but with the desire to take over the world and a passionate love for liza, and this love captivates her, so this story, i think, is about love and about mistakes , which... we always do, uh, it will always be very relevant for all time. of course, the scenography of alexander orlov makes the performance modern. column sculptures are symbols of imperial petersburg; here they not only form the space in which
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the drama unfolds, but are also its participants. it seems that the city itself is in motion, enclosing the heroes in the embrace of parks, granite parapets and columns. where human passions must come to the fore. petersburg seems to be retreating to draw attention to the internal conflict. let it go! the scene in the greek is an apotheos self-destruction, expressed in the form of a real choreographic bacchanalia. vladislav sulimsky says that such images allow one to give free rein to passions, at least on stage. i don’t have enough time to spend my leisure time like he does, with cards, with wine, with girls, that is, i’m married, i have a lot to do, that’s why i’m here on stage, pouring out everything that... but at the same time there must be some
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intelligence. the performance that opened the stars of the white nights festival is perhaps the most st. petersburg of all possible, the most pushkin in spirit. alexander sergeevich wrote the phrase that our life is a game, knowing almost everything about life, the game, and, it seems, about us, our distant descendants, too. dmitry skovsky, sergey eisler, yuri smirnov, vesti petersburg. this was the news from st. petersburg, all the best. kalinan belek is a place where time stops. immerse yourself in sophistication and luxury, forgetting about time on the shores of the mediterranean sea. discover the truth. perfection, making dreams come
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true, kalinan beleg hotel, where life turns into a fairy tale. titanic luxury collection. hotel titanic de lux golf belek, where every moment is exclusive. wrap yourself in comfort by our pools, relax in the life salon and enjoy delicious dishes from the best restaurants. here, each room is a journey into coziness and comfort, your vacation is
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your rules. titanic delluxe, golf bellet is the best choice for an unforgettable holiday. they say you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax where there is sun and sea. on the first coast, where everything is inclusive, except heads, we know everything about vacation, relax, anex, when in 1975 director vitaly melnikov, at the len film studio, began filming a television film based on the play by alexander vampilov, eldest son, it was a high-profile cultural event. playwright alexander
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vampilov died tragically on lake baikal 3 years earlier. after vampilov’s death , a powerful revaluation of his work took place in the country. previously, his plays had to be completed with great difficulty. now vampilov was performed in almost every regional theater. but television, unlike theater stages provided incredible opportunities. it could immediately cover. millions of viewers, exact hit, one point! everyone was wondering how vitaly melnikov would stage his eldest son? listen, friend, how do you like it? and to future viewers and actors whom he involved. why, why don’t they go, chick there, not everyone was attacked, tell us all what treachery.
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my father, how could he know that andrei grigorievich sarafanov believed everything, where is this one? in a few hours of life in the sarafanov family, the self-proclaimed eldest son will begin to feel responsible to these people, as if they were really family. you are my son, you are a true sahafanov, you are my beloved son. alexander vampilov worked on his eldest son for about 3 years, changing the character of the characters, their names and the titles of the play several times. peace in the sarafanovs' house, suitors, suburbs and, finally, the eldest son. vampilov really counted on this work, that when it was staged, he would receive
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royalties. this will not only solve many financial problems, but will allow you to continue to do what you love, drama. otherwise, as vampila wrote in his letters, he will have to seriously change his life, get a job somewhere, work from now on, there will be no time left for writing, you work, you study, you definitely work, the company burevestnik, repairing refrigerators, you work, student, in addition to the fact that he is a wonderful person, with an amazing soul, after all, all his performances are written from the heart, this is a gift that is given by god, you cannot learn this. each of his plays is a penetration into the depths of the human soul, they are amazingly kind, kind, less social than all the other plays by other authors, it is somehow
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piercing, sincere and kind, insanely kind, it’s a pity that he passed away so early, he would have given us a lot, a lot of goodness, these are fairy tales for...
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einstein, you see, is an eccentric, there was an element of absurdity of some kind of father, not such a folder. in recent years, theatrical and cinematic languages ​​have changed a lot, but still, with modern productions of the play, you definitely have to look back at melnikov’s film, there is a related naivety sarafanov, because if it were not
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for naivety, then without naivety, or rather without a naive perception of the world, he would not have believed... the production of his eldest son had already earned his reputation, both professional and personal, he did not exchange for any nonsense, if we remember, no scandals, nothing for...
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i can’t find any comparison, but the fact is that they really either have their own rhythm, or their own shadows, this is the play of light, this is chiaroscuro ,
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this is purely leningrad, and one could immediately guess it, milnikov had it, was present, and they had their own sense of humor among the leningraders, what can i say, volodya, a miracle happened, and of course, their selection of actors was impeccable among those from st. petersburg. to stage a film based on vampilov, vitaly melnikov used his official position, being the head of the association of television films, there was such a film, by this time this association had become stronger, bolder, and such films had already appeared there.
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fenina believes that it was impeccable intuition that told vitaly melnikov what to do in order to realize his bold plan with vampilov. so vitallovich suggested vampilov specifically for television. and i found out that on television it works, what is possible, in cinema it is impossible, but on television it is possible. well, vampilov’s play, as it turned out, was simply intended for such a television incarnation.
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acting skills, and he gave opportunities to become an actor who starred in his
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films, in his films a phenomenon. nina, great joy. your older brother was found, and i see in the frame today how he loved this acting company of his, which i was composing a film with him, wait, suddenly i blurted out, he’s not directing the film, that’s why i ’m composing, what are you composing, like what? what can i compose besides music? when it comes to actors, he thought well and thinks well, after all, he always felt, who always knew how to light up these stars? and this is of course melnikov. the director’s amazing talent lay in the fact that from the many possible candidates for roles in his film, he chose real pearls, the future glory of the national stage, cinematography, not a single passable appearing in the frame. karachentsev, there are not many films, and they don’t really know him yet, but tilyulin shpingel is already in the theater, that is, he is
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such a rising star, although he is no longer a young boy when he is filming and in general.
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the eight-year-old actor looked at sarafanov as if he were looking at his reflection in a mirror. evgeniy pavlovich absorbed not only this role, but the rest of the roles of the play, and other plays of vampilov, and all the cultural subtext that is associated with the work of the playwright, i looked at the letters leonov wrote to his son andrey, different, including there here is one letter, it dates back to 1974,
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that is, somewhere, well, already when filming, apparently... was about to filming, he had already taken this play and read it, but besides that, he wrote to his son that he needed bykhov re-read, which is clear, this is a direct connection, vampils, chekhs, he still has very chekhovian psychological subtle plays, it seems to me that what leonov wanted to tell his son, ask him, in fact, this happens to the heroes , with his own children, here one thing was superimposed on the other, from evgeniy’s letter leonov, to my son: i haven’t experienced it for a long time. what a delight from the play and from the script, what a writer this siberian boy vampilov is, a powerful talent, his sarafanov, now i call my sarafanov, the hero of our film, amazing strength, as soon as i tell myself i am sarafanov, absolute clarity comes to me, as if everything appears before me in its true form, people, actions, facts,
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and as if everyone around understands: you shouldn’t be cunning and hide, of course, such a master as leonov was perceived by everyone on the set as a teacher, the rest the actors are young, they have only recently started their journey, and evgeny pavlych is a talent from god, it seemed that nothing was impossible for him in the profession, he was wide open to his partners on the set, he was ready to guide them so that not only he could get the role, but everyone in this film. widely shared his secrets of the craft, the young actors felt a little more, they would start copying leonov, but i didn’t want to get more expensive, this is great, yeah, this is great, because sport is sport, science is science, i above all, it’s very difficult to work with him, he has a lot of qualities that i would keep
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to myself, because he played for everyone, and after him...
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he did it great, turned away, got ready, attention, engine, started, y he is in tears, so he speaks his words, but with tears in his eyes, this is impossible,
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in control, this cannot be, leonov amazed not only when he was in the frame, for everyone on the set in life he became father sarafanov, a modern blessed one, whom life, no matter how it whipped him, taught him nothing. fortunately, but for me it seems that this is just such a sincere kindness of this person, well, it’s wonderful, i see you are real comrades, it conquers time, because to meet such a person, even on the pages of a play or in a movie, is already in modern times,
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and even more daring expressed: i will play better, but not better than leonov, i will play, maybe even better than the script basis, better than
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in the film, i only meant that i would play in my own way, and that a wonderful idea, a creative dispute took place not even between different interpretations of the image, between different centuries,
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son, and they say that i’m a loser, well, you can imagine it, it means she’s marrying a deputy, i had to stand up for sarafanov, because his image was overgrown with stereotypes: a loser, a weakling, a drinking person.
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and then working as a backup, earning extra money by the ruble, sometimes at a funeral, sometimes at a dance, sometimes somewhere they would invite, sometimes they would call, maybe somewhere else in the fifth row, he still wrote his oratorio with his clarinet, all people are brothers, this is close to me, familiar, i myself was such a dreamer.
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in this sense we made a good duet, in with one team we could put together anything in any shape, i tried to imitate him, so whatever. for the sake of this role, mikhail boyarsky sacrificed interesting cinematic projects for which he had already been approved. at the last moment, the sky swallows, leonid kvenekhidze, left the picture. movie.
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that there was such a crazy acting company, amazing, and a director, one of the best we have in st. petersburg, and vampilov, of course, the most important thing is vampilov, the material with which i first met and of which there is practically more i’ve never had the opportunity to use it in my work, get off your pants, you’re crazy, you’ll get by, it even suits you, how many times have they told the world that the soil of sleep is creeping in. the boyar's bride, larisa lupian, by that time , played nina in the play, the eldest son, on the theater stage and auditioned for melnikov's film, but natalya egorova was approved for this role. good morning, morning, good morning, wonderful, the desire that in the iconic tv picture boyarsky and lupyan would meet together remained a dream, but their wedding happened just in time filming i knew larisa lupyan before filming this film and watched it.
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can’t find it, cameraman yuri veksler, hook’s future husband, says: i saw one girl or girl, he once said so funny, in the mikaelyan prize, so big, look at her, i don’t remember her name, milinkov looked and took her i just remembered that there were four weddings in the film, not that the film provoked it, but it had to be, she got married, karachentsev got married. boyarsky and nikulsky, i realized that you need, so what, a husband, so that the actors on his set blossomed like flower buds, melnikov always had his own secrets, everything was very subtle in conversations,
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in fact, this gave rise to improvisation in the artist, and interest, the feeling that it was all he himself, and, the artists, held together, and therefore also was on the eldest son, that is , they talked a lot, laughed, rehearsed, improvised, something was included in the picture, vitalislavich is very democratic in this sense, mikhail boyarsky especially had a blast, because he had to make his silva the most fashionable guy, and this means did he invent the guitar, jeans, signature shirt and must-have accessories that he carefully thought out? which he had on his hand, it was very fashionable, then they even beat such chains, when they asked me how you want to dress, i talked about how modern youth dress, plus i ordered this anzer, just people, the director
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was not very into course, the younger participants in the film were in the know, and they made an anser to order for me, which i wore with pleasure and he really played his role, because just like today. tattoo and ansar distinguished modern man from many others, at the end of the film i wanted to keep it for myself, but yura vector came up to me and said: “give me the ancestor, i say, what article is this paraphernalia with, the paraphernalia of my role, i invented it, no, you will give it back him to me, don’t ask any more questions.” i was very upset and said: no, i won’t give it to you, he says, if you don’t give it back, it will be worse, in short, he took this precious amulet from me, you. the songs also had to sound the most modern that could be heard on streets from the windows through which tape recorders were displayed in every yard. everything that concerns the musical structure is from what was sounding around us at that time, this is bent of the round, a few chords that
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the half-martin played when releasing his record, this and these are the generals of the sand pits. it didn’t work out, he was a man who lived on the edge in the fight against external circumstances with his own passions, they seethed in him, sometimes forcing him to do inexplicable things. one day his friends had to hold him back so he wouldn't walk on the railing.
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angarsky bridge. on the day of his death, he also could not find a place for himself, sitting in a motor boat, making circles around the steamer, which was moving at full speed. they threatened him from the captain's bridge, you... that you're tired of living, we'll see you tomorrow, after the eldest son leaves, almost nothing was known about nikolai nikolsky , the fiancé of the heroine natalie egorova, you were frozen, well then vladimir izotov, who, it would seem, flared up bright for a long time. vasenka sarafanova, he played while still a third-year student, here he is, like no one else, fits this one perfectly.
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but i seem to understand everything, well, i ’m a director’s daughter, that this is a film process, and
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there was a complete feeling that i was just sitting and spying on some kind of life that was unfolding in front of me, before the premiere on television screens on may 20, 1976 years, the eldest son had two premieres for his own, first at the leningrad cinema house, then in moscow, here is an entrance ticket that was impossible to get.
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perhaps they unknowingly paid him a compliment, how does this story live, here is the eldest son, it would seem, soviet cinema from another time, there’s already a washstand hanging on the street, there’s a lot of things that people don’t understand, what kind of paraphernalia is this, what kind of utensils is this, what kind of room is this, what kind of furniture is this, what kind of clothes are these, what kind of relationships are these, and people watch , here we should think about solving it, in vitaly melnikov’s film, because today we live in such
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a cynical, material, uh, greedy time, greedy not for life, but for materialism, a period that is somehow not perceived, there is no faith in that a man came, knocked on the door and without asking for water, became his own son, who appeared somewhere at some time. and a person believed in it, today it is so far away, it seems so incomprehensible today, but we watch and in the end, when the credits happen, the end of the film, we leave believing that this could be, that this could happen, and this is all normal, congratulate me, i was late for the train, the irkutsk drama theater allowed itself to stage the eldest son. the premiere
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took place in november 1969. alexander vampilov was afraid to go inside the building. he didn’t know whether it was triumph or failure, he sat with with friends in a park nearby, he was nervous, then he said, they are having a banquet there, now let’s go on reconnaissance. at the theater, khamelnov’s visit to vampilov seemed inappropriate, they hinted about it to him. vampilov burst into dust, oh, there’s nothing for us here, left the banquet table, bought cheap wine and went to celebrate the premiere with his comrades in the park. who would have known that this play would still be around half a century later. will not leave theater repertoires, the film based on it will still look just as poignant, as if time does not exist.
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hello, it's news time on our channel, in the studio of ladari starkhov, briefly about some of the topics of the issue. taste and color. it’s not often that we see examples of saving constructivist monuments. the branch of the tretyakov gallery in the samara kitchen factory opened with an exhibition about food. according to pushkin about pushkin. he wrote so many works that seem prophetic. notes of the late belkin. premiere of a new performance by kama
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ginkos at the moscow tyuz. alumni score. the reporting concert of the moscow state academy of choreography was held in a large one. the consignment goes into endgame. it took us a month to work together. luca goadagnino's film the contenders, about a love triangle on the tennis court, is online. a branch of the tretyakov gallery opened in samara. the new museum is housed in a restored former kitchen factory building. in the courtyard of the unique kitchen factory building, a monument of soviet constructivism, which received a second life thanks to the efforts of many institutions and people. the most difficult thing was to make the dream, which at first it seemed absolutely unrealizable,
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unfulfilling, the rest believed, the most difficult thing was... at some point not to lose heart, not to despair from the failures that, unfortunately, haunted us. people in samara have been waiting for this day for more than 10 years, from the moment it was decided to preserve the deteriorating building... the building had not been used for its intended purpose for a long time, was abandoned and was being prepared for demolition. you can find out everything about maximova’s unique project, the building was built in the shape of syrp and hammer, on the ground floor in the museum dedicated to the heyday of the kitchen factory and the soviet canteen everyday life here we talk about what soviet public catering was like. here, for example, you can see what classic soviet dishes looked like, here on fish day they served rice with fish, or, for example, the classic dish borscht, which was also in all
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soviet canteens, and here you can read a little about why and how he was being prepared. to understand the scale of transformation of the kitchen factory building, it is worth looking at this photograph: in it we see the main kitchen of the complex, located on the second floor in the molod block, this is how it looked in the sixties years, now this place looks like this, here on... in general, we don’t see examples of saving constructivist monuments very often, we believe that this will be such a powerful point, a museum on the map of the country here in the volga region.
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the tretyakov gallery in samara is the first branch of the main museum of national art of the country, a project unique in its range for the city. he has big plans ahead, connected not only with exhibition activities, there is already an educational center and artesidencies equipped with clay kilns, 3d printers, aforth machines, and also. library, cinema hall, functional roof and much more. we will try our best to support our branch, including in promoting our facility, because this facility is truly the first, our new home has opened, and the branch is in samara, and this is the first of our three branches in large regions. the branch of the tretyakov gallery, factory kitchen is not located in the center of samara, but together with other institutions in the area, it is creating a new one. a powerful center of cultural attraction in the city, interesting to both locals and guests. valeria kudryavtseva, alexander zubarev, pavel khotunsov, culture news, samara. kama
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ginkas continues the stage pushkiniana. the production of the note by the late belkin premiered at the moscow tyuz. in the christian stories from the school curriculum, the director finds new meanings and offers a deep study of the author’s personality. yulia kundryukova will continue: a performance based on pushkin and...
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as a modern woman, the actress is a little offended by pushkin because the male lines are written in detail, she had to work hard on the female lines, of course, this is growing up. what happened to her that night, let’s just say, it was a very big shock, and it wasn’t just that she fainted, but she went on to fall in love with the next one, it was the transformation from this girl who runs around in our felt boots into a woman, 6 years after the publication of the stories, pushkin will be killed, kamaginkos in the production demonstrates the conviction that the poet was looking for death, sergei kuznetsov in the production: both silvio from the shot and vladimir from metel, at the same time a generalized image of all pushkin’s opponents, with which he had to shoot during life, with all due respect to the great, each
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of the artists demonstrates in the performance their own idea of ​​the poet. some alexander sergeevich is such a hooligan, he challenges me to a duel, he immediately cancels them, leaves somewhere, he called there, i don’t remember, salogub, or maybe he’s getting ready for a duel, salogub is getting ready, all sweaty.
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sorry, thank you, it is very important that right now, listening to this concert, we feel that he is here, he is next to us. the entire strovensky cycle is designed for 7 years, it is planned to perform all the composer’s works in chronological order. at the end of may, the bolshoi theater traditionally provides its stage to graduates of the moscow state academy of choreography. with this performance , the path to the profession begins for young dancers. report by elena varoshilova. today they are still
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students at the academy, tomorrow.
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a love story for tennis, this is how you can briefly
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retell the plot of this light summer melodrama with a love triangle at the center of the story. fun fact: the names of the main characters art, tasha and patrick form an acronym, atp, which can be deciphered as an association of professional tennis players. i have, how shall i put it, a very brutal heroine, she burns with an inexplicable passion for everything related to tennis, and it’s scary, to tell the truth. two friends quarreled over a girl, but life is like a tennis ball, now on one side of the net, now on the other, don’t miss a hit. also, the plot of this film constantly takes us back to the past, to the beginning of this difficult relationship, moderate eroticism, the minimum dose for the youth film genre.
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in most scenes the actors only hold the handle, the racket itself, the kick is computer graphics, the flight path of the ball was calculated separately, this is also a special effect, the camera mounted on a dolly could not move at the speed required by the director, the glass floor for an interesting angle was built separately from the tennis court, so the actors had to jump real, and it’s good that everything worked out, a couple of times they had every chance to fall directly on the operator sitting at the net. it took us a month to work with each other, to find out what we are like we will be partners on the set and on the tennis court, the informal atmosphere helped us a lot, in general, not the film, but an explosive mixture, drive, hormones, the will to
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win, and the winner gets everything, but who the judges, or rather the judge, decides everything with a biased view a viewer who can be called a fan in this case, because forms here are clearly more important than content, which means... this concludes our episode, all the best and see you later.
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swim, come on, come on, come on, come on, just like that, normal.
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no need, dear, thank you, no need, no you need to, you understand russian, but stand, stand, i said, stop, you little bastard, stand, i said, stop, i’m shooting, what is this, people, hold him, hold him!
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well, get some sports equipment, where is this schumacher, call him, something down the zone, well, come on then.
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okay, okay, oh, here comes schumacher, hello, great, there are documents for it, of course there are, huh? they killed a good moose, or else!


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