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tv   60 minut  RUSSIA1  May 30, 2024 5:30pm-8:00pm MSK

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from the screen, across the river there is a beauty, the bird does not cook, a machine gun shot drowned out drazdar. hello, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, comrades, hello, your favorite program is live, 60 minutes about the most important things. putin is presenting it right now in the kremlin.
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volunteered for the northern military district, but he was not accepted due to the kremlin, which, it turns out, asked for his age. according to ibrahim pasha, he wrote a letter to the minister of defense at that time, sergei shaig. shaigu sent a statement to the makhachkala commissioner. the answer stated that they take up to... 60 volunteers
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in general, they didn’t take years, the young man, a veteran went to the front and went through the entire war, the president today awarded him the title of hero of russia for courage and heroism, putin awarded the title of hero of labor to the chairman of the federation council valentina matvienko. the president said today that the meaning of life for matvienko was devotion to the fatherland and work for the benefit of citizens. the speaker also received state awards. honored rhythmic gymnastics coach irina winner, they were awarded the order of merit for the fatherland , first degree. head of the belgorod region vyacheslav glodkov was awarded the order of courage. the director of the mariinsky bolshoi theater, valery gergiev, was awarded the order of merit for the fatherland, second degree. participants of the special operation. a true support armor for
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the country. today we are going through serious trials, defending truth, justice, the sovereignty of russia and the right of our people to determine their own destiny. at the forefront of this struggle, those who fulfill their military, professional, and civic duty in the field of special military operations are fighting. on the battlefield works in hospitals, restores, improves life in our historical territories, hero stars are awarded to military personnel, participants in a special military operation, you are the true support and armor of russia, you keep an eye on worthy landmarks, on the courage and brotherhood of the generation of winners. supreme
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commander, dear guests, dear russians, on behalf of the fifty-eighth guards combined arms army, i would like to thank you for the high degree of trust placed in us. on behalf of every guardsman i i would like to assure you once again that all assigned tasks will be completed, the enemy will be defeated, and victory will be ours. thank you. one of the soldiers of the great patriotic war here, among us, the title of hero of russia, was awarded to ibrahim pasha sultanovich sadykov, a young man, he volunteered to go to the front and went through the entire war, our respected veteran, a real caucasian long-liver and did a lot to preserve the memory of the soviet feat people, russian commander.
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komandire automaticsan. respect the president of the russian federation, me now i’m 100 years 5 months old, i’m still young, i wrote a letter.
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we only take up to 60 years, and you are more than 100 years old, the victory of ukraine is yours, you will win, incredibly touching footage, but today the russian aerospace forces launched a new massive attack with cruise missiles and attack drones, explosions occurred in odessa, in kharkov. khmelnitsky, zaporozhye and kyiv regions. the ukrainian general staff reports that the russian army used at least 19 missiles, kh-101 and kha-555 launches, and tu-95 ms strategic aircraft for the strike. in addition to the strategists
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, 32 uavs were deployed for the attack. judging by the flight map, the main target of the cruise missiles was staro konstantin in the khmelnitsky region, it is there... that the military airfield of the ukrainian armed forces is located, which kiev is preparing to receive nato fighters. other targets were also hit. in odessa, in the port area. the workshops for assembling sea drones and unmanned boats of the armed forces of ukraine were also destroyed. interesting footage emerged today. look: the russian fpvedron is attacking a naval unmanned boat of the armed forces of ukraine, that is, the russian army seems to have picked it up. effective key to destroying this floating problem. in kharkov, a series of arrivals at railway junctions. the goal of the russian aerospace forces is to disrupt the enemy’s supply as much as possible in order to disrupt the counterattack that the ukrainian general staff is preparing
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in the kharkov region, where the ssu is trying to transfer huge numbers right now. in volchansk, counterattacks in the ssso completely failed. ukrainian. continue to control only a small southern part of the city, on which our front-line aviation already carries out dozens of bomb attacks every day. the enemy's situation is not only difficult, it's catastrophic. reipers writes today that france cannot accept the defeat of ukraine; soon the eliseev palace will officially send its soldiers to ukraine. macron may... announce his decision next week, well, the first american dogs of war were spotted in battles near kharkov today.
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oh shit, be careful, it's not fucking shooting.
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in two days we fired 150 shells, because now the 92nd brigade has taken control of an entire line along the russian border, with museum guns like these they are trying to prevent a breakthrough in the kharkov region in other places, we would now be running to be fired at by 10 shells, it happened that there were 80 shells a day, our hands were already tired, physically already such that we unload at night, then shoot, i’m already tired, so now... with such effectiveness as it will splash, especially in russia there is something to shoot, we were a lot
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empty, of course, why are you sitting here hiding, what's wrong with your hand, light, everything is plus, give it here, lie down, talk with me, it’s easier, easier, friend, what about you?
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it became known that ukraine will begin fine men who appear in public places without a military registration document, that is, zelensky does not have enough meat. the consequences of total mobilization have today reached the ukrainian capital; the kiev metro will increase train intervals due to a shortage of employees. there are not enough people, in particular because of the law adopted by the kiev regime. 7% were drafted into the armed forces of ukraine. metro workers, 83 vacancies are open for electric train drivers and dozens for other
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positions, and it hasn’t even been 2 months yet, during which you can update the data in military registration and enlistment office, after the expiration of the term , millions of ukrainians will sit at home. the chernihiv drama theater is temporarily closing, almost all male employees, including actors, two sound engineers, an assembler and a violinist. called up, said artist andrei bakirov. even the fifty-six-year-old honored artist and the 59-year-old driver received summonses. everyone has already been sent to... called training. zelensky also reduced preparations for war, instead of two months, now one and a half. this is a video from dnepropetrovsk, military registration and enlistment office employees are twisting a boy in the middle of the day and they throw a minibus in order to send them straight to the front line. in these frames, a summons is handed to a ukrainian without a leg, while out of 100%
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of the people who received summonses. only 2% come to military registration and enlistment offices. reports vladimir grennyuk, an employee of the regional military registration and enlistment office in lvov. another body was found today in the tisza river, in which draft dodgers are drowning while trying to avoid mobilization. a british economist writes about this. according to reporters , up to 40 people a day are transported across the tisza river to romania. against this background, to strengthen mobilization, the kiev regime is considering lowering the conscription age to 18 years, evidence of this is precisely the sending of summons to men of seventeen years of age. the reason was explained by volunteer taras chmut. according to him, hundreds of thousands of boys have already died and even more have been maimed. in this regard, he calls on zelensky to start mobilizing into the army at least from the age of 20, otherwise, chmut argues, everything
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is in vain, and russia will win.
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“i approached the car, let’s go to the military registration and enlistment office, come on, let’s go with you straight to avdievka, i answer, i’ll go with you right away i’ll go, together, like this, let’s hold hands , let’s go to avdeevka, well, i’m recording, i’m recording an offense, what an offense, well
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man, what an offense, why are you filming, are you filming." some dude with glasses is incomprehensible with them, i suggest you travel with us, like this, i clarified the data, no, you did not specify the data.
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the new york times reports that biden is already ready to officially give the go-ahead for american missile strikes on russia. us secretary of state blinken said that.
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washington does not yet encourage ukrainian attacks on our country, but kiev can make the decision itself. kiev and the decision itself, you will agree, even sounds funny, especially bearing in mind that flight missions. and target designation is given by american space reconnaissance, and is already being given right now, let me remind you that the il-76 transport plane over the belgorod region, with ukrainian prisoners on board, was shot down on january 24 precisely with the help of the patreon system, american-made, well, that is, right now washington he’s just grimacing, apparently still... scared. the logic of blinkin and other supporters of armageddon is as follows: moscow is striking the kharkov region from russia, which means it is necessary
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to bomb russia, say, now from american attacks. moreover, we are now talking not only about missile strikes. more and more materials are appearing in the western media on the topic of transferring the f-16 to ukraine and using american fighters to strike... targets in russia, there is also no decision yet, like the planes themselves, but the process, as they say, has begun, the once neutral sweden has made a very generous gift to her kiev six, she gave the so-called avaxa and asc 890 long-range radar detection aircraft, this is of course not the russian a50, but a very... significant strengthening of the ukrainian armed forces’ air group. who will fly swedish planes? i don't think it's worth explaining to you.
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acs-890 flying radars, capable of detecting air targets at a distance of up to 450 km to understand from the northernmost point on the border of ukraine to, for example, our tula, exactly 450 km. after all, fighters under their wings can really carry missiles with tactical nuclear weapons, while the list of countries that support allowing ukraine to attack
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russia on your screens, the day before there were 11 countries on the list, today there are already 12. politico writes that historical memory, as you and i predicted, is still taken from the german lever sausage scholz. according to the publication , he is also inclined to allow ukraine to transfer the war to russia using german weapons for this. well, just now, the minister of foreign affairs of denmark, lars løkkeras, said that copenhagen does not object to the armed forces of ukraine for danish f-16 fighters used strikes on russia.
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in recent days, several leaders, president macron, chancellor scholz, secretary general stoltenberg, have spoken about possibly allowing ukraine to use western weapons to launch direct attacks on russian territory, from where russia is directly attacking ukraine, it has been publicly reported that you are the most forward-thinking, senior american official, who insists on this, do you think president biden cannot be persuaded to agree? we strive for in order for ukraine to win the war, and i think we have proven this with the support that we provide, we did not encourage or authorize attacks outside of ukraine. ukraine, as i have already said, must decide for itself about the best way to effectively defend itself, and we will make sure that it has the necessary equipment for this. paris prohibited kiev from using french weapons to strike russian territory, but
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the ban has now been lifted.
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positions of the russian army, from where they are attacking us, we are simply defending ourselves at the moment we simply cannot answer them, all these factors reduce our ability to conduct active hostilities, and these are not loud words, right now everyone must understand that we are defending not only the eastern flank, but the entire country, ukraine wants to join the european union, to become a peaceful democracy country, so the west must supply us with modern weapons.
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blinkin to kiev, what made him change his mind, and what will be the final decision? what changed his opinion was the new front that opened in kharkov direction, it is quite close to the russian border, and the russians are aware of the instructions. they did this knowing that the ukrainians were prohibited from using many of the weapons in the area. after blinken returned from ukraine, he said: "i'm not sure this is the right policy because the russians are attacking them. and it's not a fact that striking russian territory would start world war iii, especially since the british
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allowed the same thing a few months ago, but we also should not draw any red lines for ourselves and allow ourselves to do so. strategic ambiguity, we must discuss all options so that putin sees that if things get really bad, he will face a serious challenge. we started talking about changing, i will say, changing the rules of participation, about allowing ukraine to use long-range artillery to hit russian military targets on russian territory. some people are surprised, why? now the hardest battle has taken place on the border, very close to the border in the kharkov region, and of course, it is difficult for the ukrainians to defend themselves when the russians from behind their border they carry out missile attacks and air attacks, and the ukrainians cannot use modern weapons to shoot back. it is the decision of each country to lift restrictions on the use of its weapons. some countries did not introduce such restrictions at all. i think it's time
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to reconsider. are these restrictions necessary or not? nato does not forget about the north-western russian borders, here the roles are distributed: the canadian army is responsible for latvia, great britain, estonia, lithuania. the german bundeswehr is in charge. the plan is as follows: if russia plans in one of these baltic countries, you will potentially have to deal with the reaction of nato member countries. germany went the furthest. berlin has stationed its brigades in lithuania on a permanent basis, and the germans not only defend and protect the lithuanians, but also train the local army to be inclusive. just the other day, the bundesfer fighters will march in a menacing march along... paving stones, familiar to their grandfather, as part of the lithuanian national gay pride parade. the organizer of lgbt pride has already stated that german soldiers will make a huge contribution to this event, showing that rights gays and litvians in lithuania are an important
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part of the country's security. in general, now you don’t have to worry about the security of lithuania; the europeans will provide the same security to ukraine. on june 16, in kiev for the first time since the beginning of the war, there will be a march “or at least the us secretary of transportation buttigieg. well, right now, for the minister of finance, voli odeiyama is in kiev on business, where he is received by the most tolerant military of ukraine, the neo-nazi azov regiment, recognized even in the usa extremists and terrorists. and so the dark-skinned finance minister promises new ones. arms supplies, calls the nazis friends of america, however, nothing new,
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you opened in 2010, because of your hatred we have some details here. inspired by our support, military affairs and the gods, we are very active in supporting them . i would like to say that we are really looking forward to our friends from azov. since you have arrived, i don’t want to waste time, i will ask you to help free our defenders. to our boys, to all the zakhishniks. the reason i'm here is because we want to continue to support you and we know that weapons have already been brought from the united states, they will continue to be brought from the united states to help you in your fight. but some of us personally came
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here to stand next to you to very clearly say that in addition to our embassy, ​​which is here, our officials from washington and around the world want to support what you are doing, namely the fight not only for freedom for ukraine, but for freedom in a broader sense. this is your first visit to kiev, what is happening right now directly there, before we turned you on, sirens sounded all over kiev, it seems russia has intensified its attacks on ukraine, what is the mood in kiev as ukraine awaits arms deliveries. feel the urgent need to do everything they can to protect their country, and i am amazed at the brave men and women who are doing everything they can to build an economy and build a free and democratic country. i'm here because the united states wants to help them
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do this. we are alarmed that russia they manage to bypass our sanctions and obtain key components, especially from china and other countries, which allow them to create their weapons. the united states cannot alone stop the kremlin from doing this. and we need support from all our allies and partners. well, the trial of donald is the most popular tv show in the usa, absolutely the entire information space in america is occupied by details, as if nothing else is happening in the world, in the country. republicans are simply destroying the former twitter feed of their biggest donald hater. robert denir after the publication he arranged the day before the show. here in new york, for example, obama rewards an actor with a piece of pizza for defending democracy, here deniro drinks bath beer in the image of transgender delane mulvaine, or here is storme denira, an actor in the image of the
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same porn actress stormy daniels, who is suing trump. today, a new york court is due to announce a verdict on whether the former us president should be found guilty. in criminal offenses related to the payment of money for the silence of a porn actress. at best trump will receive a condition at worst up to 136 years. the final arguments of the parties, which could convince all the jurors,
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were literally dumped on the audience with just a bunch of new crazy details about the porn industry, about the easy life of the stripper and details of donald trump’s behavior at the moment of passion in bed. storme said that she reminded trump of his daughter ivanka, in his own words. words, and donald - this is storme’s conclusion, could transfer his secret desires to her, a pervert and pedophile, that is, trump is now accused of incest, a powerful move. the fate of the trial is in the hands of the jurors, who must deliver their verdict in just a couple of hours, so we stock up on porn and wait, and... crazy details about donald trump, look,
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my name is stormy daniels, i'm from batan rush louisiana, i'm a star adult films, writer, mom a pain in the ass who can't keep her mouth shut, i'm here to tell my story, if it makes anyone change their mind, great, if not, at least my daughter can watch this film to find out the truth. and motor in 2018, shortly before everyone knew about me, i was changing my role in front of the camera to a position behind it. jake needs to get up from his desk, i was finally starting to get recognition and became the second highest paid director in porn, i was writing scripts and directing 10 to 12 films a year.
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i asked her: did they give it to you for graduation? “i bought it for myself,” she replied. i ask her, what do you do? i’m dancing, she replies. come see me at work sometime. a couple of weeks later i came to club, they asked me: do you want to perform as a guest dancer? and then boom i come. stage, in the next 30 seconds i made
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more money than in 2 weeks removing horse shit, and i was like, this is my dream, how many horses can i buy for myself, here is my first shoot, this is before porn, i moved to los- angeles, i never wanted to be just an actress, there is a joke that those who don’t have an acting career go into porn, thanks to dancing i bought myself a house, got breasts done and... then my friend went to california to take part in a shoot, i went with her because i had big tits, they thought i was doing porn, but i told them no, they were just taking pictures of me. 5 days later i was offered a contract, and i didn’t even know what that meant. i remember that she called me in 2002, she was offered a contract by wicked pictures. she was a little hesitant and wanted to know my opinion, i said. stormy, this is your chance. she used all her abilities and
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was able to get out of the batten gun. in 2006 i worked at a charity golf tournament. sponsored this event. we brought water to the participants and so on. that day i took pictures with other celebrities, including trump.
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his room was larger than my apartment then, it wasn’t that i went into the room and sat on the bed, no, we had a very interesting conversation, and we didn’t talk about sex, he didn’t ask me anything like that. he was interested in the business side of my profession and my vision as a director. i gave him a copy of the film three wishes, where i am the director, screenwriter and leading actress. he wasn't interested in the sexual side. he was interested in this from a business point of view. we drank water, nothing else. i didn't feel
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any bad energy, there was no sexual connotation, nothing like that. he said i was very smart and we started talking about the show. i thought that we had mutual respect, which makes it even more unclear why, without any warning, after i left the bathroom, he pinned me in a corner. i don’t remember how
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i ended up on the bed, he started groping me and to say how beautiful i am, it was terrible.
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a hundred years, not funny, now joe biden is on the lawn of the white house, look, joe again demonstrated his confident self-propelled gait and without answering questions about trump, he boarded a helicopter and flew to philadelphia for an election rally, but there are fewer and fewer ujo supporters, as you can see in this photo , biden managed to pack a tenth of the local high school gym, not even the elmo doll from sesame street, a furry red monster with big ones, helped.
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read the text using a prompter. america says will never lie idle. then some senile babbling and the end of the sentence. she's actually already lying on the ground. only the faithful jill biden retains faith in sleeping joe and his victory over trump. the us first lady shrugged off bad poll questions about her husband and said americans will choose good over evil. in the case of biden, it will come. choosing is insanity, but jill, who rejected her husband’s cognitive problems, told the host of the program, debbie, that the forty- fifth president would look like a trump is cheerful. says the world will see how smart joe is and what a sharp tongue he has,
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the best part was when he started snapping at a reporter who asked if he would stay another 4 years? you didn't hit yourself, no, i can't hear you, couldn't you come closer, i say, there's nothing wrong with you, you didn't hit your head anywhere, leave me alone, he treats everyone with such contempt, anyone who dares ask a question: the philadelphia event was a nightmare, it was an attempt to reach out to black america, but if you
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you're going to invite a musician, you 'd think people might like john legend, but elma showed up, maybe big bird owes biden money, why is a public television character endorsing a campaign? i'm just asking, isn't this guy getting paid? oh, dolls, but since this company is run... biden was in shock and couldn’t put two words together, we will never forget how he was lying next to him, he was actually lying next to him, and then trump says to you: i love his statement, he tells you that he is the best the black president in american history, better than even abraham
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lincoln himself. i mean, you can imagine it, what the hell does he do, and i mean, he overdid it with the bleach injections, it affected his brain. who can’t even put two words together, how would you describe to our viewers that now on kanu, oh god, yes, everything is at stake,
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we have a choice, that’s why i ’m saying this, we have a choice, my husband, who is calm, confident, strong, he is a person with a strong will character, we have another choice, chaos, you talked about this madness and so on, so we have to make a choice: democracy or chaos? at first i was not going to vote for trump, but then i witnessed what cannot be called politics, this is the weaponization of our judicial system, and this is a test of our constitution, which americans may lose. it seems to me that trump is the subject of the largest number of investigations in the history of the whole world, but they are not able to get to him, maybe everyone calls him an asshole, but he is my asshole. it's possible printed on the t-shirt, as far as i remember, he is going to play reagan in one of the films. reagan said similar things. i think that says
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a lot. hollywood is so scared to say what it thinks, and every once in a while someone comes along and says it in a style that's like this, but it's mine, and i think that's what a lot of americans think at the moment. hopeless biden wants in memes, biden campaign. haris wants to hire a meme manager to improve his online presence. what i'm saying is that if your memes don't have relationship to reality, then nothing will work, because the basis of memes is the obvious truth. i'll show you my favorite meme.
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and the problem with biden is that he is a meme himself. do you think this is a hopeless undertaking for their headquarters? well, another small sensation, new york times political columnist david sanger, following british american intelligence, said that he has irrefutable evidence that china is already supplying or is about to begin supplying military aid to russia.
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allegedly, all this points to china’s preparation for special operations in taiwan. another chinese island that allegedly holds the secrets of large-scale naval expansion is the resort of hainan, a visa-free tourist island for all russians. in the united states, the resort is called chinese hawaii, but not only because of the snow-white beaches, blue lagoons, we are talking about top-secret air defense facilities that guard the two largest naval bases in china, yulin and longpoi, bases equipped with nuclear submarines. the united states believes that it is
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from these chinese outposts that the return to beijing will begin. the tropical island of hainai has been called the hawaii of china, but behind its pristine beaches lies a secret on this hill that stretches above a luxury hotel. in recent years, beijing has expanded its military infrastructure here to house its growing fleet and house china's new naval nuclear deterrent, but what's happening on hainan island shows how china plans to challenge american naval supremacy and how it is preparing for war. for taiwan. hainan
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occupying a strategic location, it also provides the chinese people's liberation army with a stronger geographical position in the south china sea, where submarines can operate at greater depths, which in turn makes them more difficult to detect. satellite imagery shows china has begun significant expansion work on hainan's facilities, with additional piers built to accommodate twelve submarines.
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submarines will be able to penetrate the first chain of islands and reach the waters of the quiet ocean, from there they will be able to strike. china says its nuclear capabilities are at the minimum level necessary for national security. beijing also pledged not to launch a nuclear strike first. china has carried out significant infrastructure upgrades here. this modernization will allow china to quickly repair weapons and keep dozens of warships in docks.
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to strike deep into russia, as soon as possible they will give permission, after all, they have already officially prepared for this, redeployed infrastructure there, strengthened air defense. olga, dear evening, yes, indeed, most likely the planes will appear, they will be allowed to carry out strikes with western weapons on the territory of ukraine, this was to be expected, regarding the planes, firstly, we are now
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doing quite serious work on the possible locations of these planes, yes, what is important, but quickly preparing an airfield, a base for deploying them is quite difficult, now our military personnel are working on this, this is firstly, secondly, even if... they are not deployed on the territory of ukraine, then again our intelligence these planes are not asleep , strikes will be made while they are still standing on the ground, uh, secondly, as soon as they take off, yes, immediately this will be a task for our air defense on the one hand, on the other hand, after all - conducting air combat in the zone of a special military operation requires quite serious experience and training for pilots, yes, which cannot be achieved simply in the field. regardless of what instructors are there, who is being trained, and who will be put at the controls of these aircraft, that is, our pilots already have enough serious experience of working in the zone of a special military operation, on our part these
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are absolutely trained specialists, thirdly, this is accordingly, again , i repeat, this is air defense, which is located directly on the line of combat contact, that is, these are the guys who are serving, and in the first ones work on drones, respectively... as soon as a target appears in the form of planes, helicopters, it is destroyed, recently in the kharkov region another ukrainian plane crashed, but after work our anti-aircraft missile systems, regarding attacks on our territory, and indeed this will absolutely put an even more serious load on our air defense system, i think we are ready for this , firstly, yes, secondly, they will increase the zones of control over the sky, and with sides of absolutely all territories from which missiles can fly at us, but of course, unfortunately, we need to be prepared for this, but this does not mean that this will happen every
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day, yes, again we need to understand the supply of these weapons, these missiles, who are capable to fly there and to certain territories at certain distances, but at the same time we need to look at how we work every day, in what quantity, at what distances. again, this whole story is it prepared for what? so that once again ukraine can declare its, in quotes, victory, yes, that we are hitting russian territory or that the f-16 is now flying on our side, that the airfields from which they take off are operating there in the combat contact zone , so this is definitely unpleasant, we will fight it we can, this is a fact, but... an information blow is the most important thing that they are trying to achieve with all these movements, let’s say, and permissions for the ukrainian side, in the kharkov region, volodya, what information is there now, is there any progress among ours, and
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what do we know about the reserves deployed, about the preparation of their counter-forces, is there an understanding of when, in what volume, in what direction, it is obvious that they are also preparing. there is movement in the kharkov region, not as fast as when the operation began there north of the kharkov region, but there is movement, now the main task is i don’t know the plans. general staff, i just see the situation from the outside, i communicate with the guys, yes, what is visible now, it is clear that we have quite seriously engaged in battle a fairly large group, which the enemy needs to feed with reserves literally every day, why? because as soon as he starts some kind of movement, transfer, these groups are immediately attacked, this is thanks to our reconnaissance, thanks to aviation and artillery, this is constant is under attack, any group, any movement in this direction, and again
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because they will most likely try to launch a counterattack, again they need victories, they need something to say to the west, they need to then ask the west for another handout , and this is precisely the main task that our military is coping with now, firstly, to gain a fairly serious foothold on the ground, on the one hand, on the other hand, to prevent the enemy from forming reserves, and the reserves are thrown there enough. serious, in addition to a very large number of recently mobilized ukrainians, yes, who have now become military personnel, the thirty- sixth brigade, which distinguished itself in the kherson direction, and the 82nd, in my opinion, which worked in zaporozhye last year, were transferred there, a reserve was transferred there general staff, that is, quite valuable specialists, it would seem, yes, but now they are used in the most... unnecessary, let's say,
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their direction, yes, they are used as infantry, and as infantry a gur unit are captured, surrender after they encounter our military personnel, well , again, i repeat, this is a large number of mobilized people who do not fully understand what needs to be done with weapons, what needs to be done on the front line, and well, in fact, people without training, this well, it has already been proven repeatedly by prisoners, by intelligence, and even by the ukrainian side itself. which says about this that there are no options, we are throwing everything we have. thank you very much, vladimir razin, live broadcast of the special military zone operations. yuri vyacheslavovich. well, look, you showed several stories about american political and even social life, yes. and it would seem, well, indeed, americans love a big show. americans love to rummage through their underwear, americans love to snuggle.
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peaceful life, well, maybe their hobbies are good, but in reality all this looks very flimsy, piquant details and, on the whole , disgusting against the backdrop of the fact that the world is really in a zone because of the policies of the united states, because of imperialist policies serious turbulence, events in the middle east, the death of tens of thousands of civilians in the gas sector, the war of the west that he unleashed against our country and... the usa is developing all over the world, they savor it all, encourage it, in fact, as if they were living in another world. the most surprising thing, of course, is the position of european politicians, because the further i go, the more i understand that people simply do not have a sense of self-preservation, or they rely on, i don’t know, what and where, look what
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the united states is doing, trying again to rake in the heat with the wrong hands, that is, an attempt to give consent to the use of long-range missiles by the united states - this is actually an attempt to completely sever relations between europe and russia for many decades, we must clearly understand, economic, political, and so on, but how they want, first they want so that the french scalps may not join, because the economic and political benefit for the united states from this conflict is very large, i recently looked, information came out and lobbying efforts defense
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american business, they are walking, they are smoking, they are watching a show, how this situation with trump will end, the world is plunging into chaos because of their policies, there is an island. which is trying to stop this chaos and it is getting bigger, bigger, bigger, this is already a serious island, these are efforts, first of all, of the russian federation and china to consolidate all sane humanity, but again the terms of the cold
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war, china, aggression, hanan and so on , well, i looked at the distance to taiwan 100 km, then who china attacked for... our valiant military, on the other hand, of course, it’s touching to look at the great man of our great country, more than 100 years old, a volunteer, a war veteran who is ready to defend his homeland, look, the plot of
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western marcobesia and the consolidation of the unity of our country, we are real anti-fascists, this is an anti-fascist struggle against western imperialism, even though...
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captured was unleashed and financed by the west, it boils down to the fact that throughout the world there is a struggle between good and evil, all regions, all countries, all peoples must unite, instead of being controlled and lost by the fake press monster, we must educate and enlighten all those who do not see what is really going on. before the start of the special operation , ukraine was known for human trafficking, organ trafficking, drug trafficking, sexual exploitation of children, biochemical laboratories...
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we must clearly understand that they not only lack the instinct of self-preservation, they awaken aggression if they see that the object of aggression is not responding . here's what was key: april 14, 2018, when
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trump, whom everyone loves and adore so much, together with the british and french, launched strikes in syria against our ally, in front of our air defense systems. said: “ well, russia, try, shoot down at least one of our missiles.” then, remember, we began to console ourselves, we began to say, yes, this is an agreement, and we coordinated this blow with them in order to save face for them, that is, we reassured ourselves. some of our far-sighted political scientists like konstantin valentinovich sevkov wrote that this is a rehearsal for aggression against russia, they told him, yes you what? russia is a nuclear power, but you understand that they will never dare, they will dare as soon as they see that someone is not willing. grab your throat in response. the anglo-saxon picture of the world is political realism. war between nations is the norm,
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not an anomaly. that's how they are, that's what it says in every history textbook. so it was, so it is and so it will always be. until we understand this logic, we will not understand anything. point two: notice how quickly europe is moving to a war-oriented system. here, for example, searches have already been carried out today. we still say: what are you talking about, there is hedonism, no one will go to war there, according to
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polls, either the fifth or the seventeenth will go to war, guys, read european literature, how quickly they always switched from peace to war, so here too, this system is gaining momentum, it will very quickly switch to this system, we need to forget that they cannot do anything, as we say, oh these europeans, who will be there... germanized turks will fight, however we are at war with leopards in germany, and not at all with some kind of virtual troops, so you should never underestimate the enemy. well, the third point is that european countries help the united states actively solve its problems. for example, the united states and the czech republic, the united states and poland, they are ready, yes, to purchase and supply weapons through them. ukraine will always hide behind them and compensate them for their expenses, because the czech authorities just
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announced the day before that the united states returned 300 million in cashback to them for the equipment they sent to ukraine. moreover, they will apparently receive new equipment from the united states for this money. evgeny, i will say, they have even more, the united states has nothing against a limited nuclear conflict in the east. europe. what's the goal? bury the un. then they will calmly liquidate the un in its current capacity. then they will conclude some kind of truce with us. but this will be the world of the game without rules that they need, where no one will be able to use a veto against the united states of its allies. they will create their own reading that they look back at the un. and we they are annoyed. they don't look around as much as it annoys them. the very fact that irritates them. someone can veto their actions, it’s disgusting and unpleasant, and
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at the very least, they have some kind of right, so they want this not to happen, but how can it be beautifully eliminated? under a military, major military conflict in eastern europe. and as if in professorial circles they suggested demonstrating our readiness to grab them by the throat, so that there would be no armageddon, bearing in mind that you see our nuclear exercises. they didn’t have enough, they think they’re vomiting, what then? withdrawal from the treaties that limit us, and this is scary, the main treaty of the year sixty-three, to which they adhere to a ban on nuclear tests in three areas: the atmosphere, space and under water, and to conduct exercises with the actual use of tactical nuclear weapons at the test site, at the test site in nevada, well, at least somewhere close to chukotka.
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b-52s, american carriers of nuclear weapons, flew over our russian kaliningrad, look. b-52s, capable of carrying nuclear weapons, left the uk and flew flyover of the kaleningrad region. this mission was conceived by the north atlantic alliance as a warning to russia about what its members are capable of. the bombers' route showed that the planes took off from the uk, then flew across europe and over kaliningrad, surrounded by poland and lithuania, members of the european union and nato, before returning to the royal air force base. kaliningrad, russia's westernmost territory and the headquarters of russia's baltic fleet, is currently crammed with nuclear-powered missiles missions involving the b-52 allow the u.s. joint force to train with
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european allies and build shared trust and interoperability, u.s. air force officials say. nato allied air command explain.
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yours for only 8995, but if you call and place an order right now, then you... will receive an incredible discount of 20 euros and the livington dipper sweeper will get you for an incredible 6995, but hurry up, offer strictly limited. there are places that fascinate, because they are part of the cultural code, because they have power, beauty and history, conquer, the squad is ready, explore, nature, mother, dear, simply incredible beauty, you already understand what the vietnamese’s favorite means of transportation is , there are 10 million moped drivers here. taste it. oh, my eyes are wide open, how delicious everything is, as my mother says, eat your godfather, this world is worth seeing,
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snake charmer is the oldest profession in india, they say, a properly made bukhara knife became a real talisman for its owner, in secret to the whole world, on sunday on rtr. let's finally get to know each other, christina, your younger sister, what are family passions, where did you even come from, but she transferred everything to christina, i won’t budge until i throw this impostor out of our house, i won’t give up what i got from my family, we must unite against her and not let this scoundrel take over our money, our factory. i don’t understand something at all, so that we become a real family, behind seven seals, already on the website in the application we look at whoever renounces the past cancels the future,
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we do not give away our memory and do not renounce our words, we are responsible for every word, evening with vladimir solovyov, today on rt. president putin said today that the main thing in life is love, love and, of course, children. russia is one big family,” putin said during a video conference with parents with many children. the number of large families themselves increased by 26%. now there are more than 2 million such families, but more are needed. families with at least three children should become the norm, and...more footage of the day putin looks through imaginary binoculars at a girl who lives in kamchatka,
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look how it happened. in a family where three or more children grow up, it should certainly become the norm, a natural way of life. and we are moving exactly in this direction. in recent years , the number of large families in russia has increased by about 26. but, but i see you well and even without special devices, yes, yes, all the best, i’ve already raised my hand, like in first grade, i would
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i wanted to say a huge thank you to my husband, just like that throughout the whole country, yes, i’m very proud of him, i love him very much, i rarely see him, you have so many, your children are also very grateful to you. how many children do you have? eight, eight, just eight? yes, yes, just eight. and you say that i rarely see my beloved husband, but eight children is rare, but it turns out aptly, that’s the first thing, and secondly - you gave him such a family, such great joy, so many children, i think that’s is a manifestation of your mutual love, there is nothing more important than love.
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ukraine now, and this is well understood in the west, during 2024 in such an inertial scenario, it is losing the conflict that it can no longer endure simply physically. and what do western countries do in this situation? this really increases the degree of conflict. and here, well, there is no need to laugh at the f-16, they say, thirty-year-old cars, old, now there are f35s, these are carriers of nuclear weapons, and this
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flyby of... b-52 bombers shows the scenario that is in your head these same pentagon generals are going over how to defeat russia with a surprise strike, let me remind you that the f-16 can carry, this is the b612 nuclear bomb, this is its modern modification, you can plan for 70 km, not only belgorod is in the affected area from ukraine , but both kursk and the kursk nuclear power plant turn out to be there, that is , these...
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the rest are still hidden, and those that were stuck in the mud on the battlefield, there is no aerodynamic protection, there were also problems with shooting, look. they're frantically hiding
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since they are a priority target for russian missiles, but if moscow knew about the problems that these american abrams tanks are causing for ukraine, the russians would not have to bother allowing the ukrainians to keep them, its armor, its armor is completely insufficient, it does not protect the crew,
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it is already broken , electronics can burn out due to condensation, they say, it’s like a wrench made of gold, nato uses this tank only with the support of artillery and aviation, and ukrainians are offered to fight in a way that nato members would never fight, artillerymen of the center group of troops clearly demonstrate the vulnerability of the abrams in... usa, the video is filmed by the vssushnik from the airborne compartment of the second infantry fighting vehicle, which prefers to retreat. these banderaites under sentry yaram were less fortunate; an attempt to evacuate wounded militants from the landing in armored vehicles was disrupted by a precise reset from the russian throne.
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landing, this is what an assault looks like in first person. a russian warrior fires from a kalash, then throws it at the enemy. dugout grenade rgd-5. inside, in addition to the killed vsushnik , the corpse of a militant in uniform is found norwegian army, armed with an american rifle. these shots show a spectacular strike on
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the crossing of the askol river at the moment when ukrainian equipment is driving along it. and this is how the artillery of the center group disrupts the rotation of ukrainian militants, destroying infantry fighting vehicles with reinforcements and...
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hammer bombs can reach belgorod, missiles hit much further. american atakonians, franco-british scalp and stormshedou are within a three-hundred-kilometer radius of their destruction. voronezh, lipets, karel, yaroslov, on the don, and portuguese drones, tekiver in general can attack targets at a distance of 1.00 km. in their affected area is most of european russia, including moscow, st. petersburg and even kazan. among the countries that allow you to beat their own.
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if trump is found guilty, he will be sent
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to prison for 136 years, donald's supporters outside the courthouse in new york express their support for the ex-president by all available means, sometimes clearly antisocial, for example, women bare their breasts and chase away democrats who oppose donald trump, and trumpists also mock denir, today he was beaten, or rather brought to the courthouse. generally took the time to express his deepest love to the judge in the
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trump case. just listen. with all due respect to judge mershan, i have some kind of manly love for him. he's such a great judge that it's surprising he didn't make the same impression on the jury. let me remind you that this is the same guy who spent 3 years promoting the canard about russian interference. biden brought this robert deniro to the protest yesterday, he is a fool, a worthless fool, who stood there yesterday before the trial, well, he got a good deal from my supporters, your films are garbage, you are a scumbag, you are worthless, you are going to jail, donald trump will send you to jail, you idiot, tell me about this picture, bro, we heard this scumbag speak yesterday. and this guy said it all to his face, i wanted
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to do it myself, he was late, so i had to do something else today, and at night i drew a picture, it's called a crybaby, and he said that we are a bunch of losers, a bunch of clowns, hating america, who hate democracy and freedom, this clown is not at all imagines what is happening in this city, he lives in his penthouse, he does not need to pay 12 dollars for a dozen eggs, he does not...
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it is important to emphasize that with such
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long-range weapons with foresight, of course, nato countries, the united states , directly, and those countries that today allowed this to be done is very bad, it is very bad, and it is bad directly for their own territories, for their own citizens, here - it is still very important to repeat often, often explain our own position, and first-hand, from the mouth of the first person and... as tedious material, answers to questions from vladimir putin, when asked about the possible strikes on our country with long-range weapons, where he honestly, frankly says that there really is no this is the foresight and that their territories are subject to very serious danger, that they have densely populated countries with densely populated cities, this is the first. what is he talking about, we honestly, like from the very beginning
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of a special military operation, warn and we are talking about our goals, objectives, from the point of view of attacks from the point of view of defense and...
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the fulfillment of our national goals, implementation in our politics with our neighboring country ukraine, and there in the middle east, and here now, and financiers , ideological, ideological help, of course, comes from the united
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states, that in the case of palestine, supposedly , it seems like it is necessary to stop attacks on palestine, on the other hand, finances flow to palestine, and accordingly, weapons and... this is happening, of course, we always understand for protecting their own national interests, as they see it, which means they just want to keep themselves in the middle east longer and longer. naturally, it is clear that they began to lose their authority and their influence, well, the strongest blow, of course, was dealt when we, with our aerospace forces and space forces, appeared in the middle
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east and discouraged the united states by military means, by intervention, first of all , protecting their own national interests. makes sure that this terrorism does not came back to us in our country in asia, destroying, in fact, preventing the creation of a terrorist state, insisted on this, and this would clearly be in the modern world, or indeed ever, the creation of a terrorist state with the help of an international terrorist organization, the so-called isis in full support of the united states, that's how it's all united...
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5% of the population's support and how, after the constitutional amendments, we approved the newly existing governments, how we proceed to solve global problems through the state council and through the state duma, through the formation of this entire government, this, of course , irritates them very seriously, and the month of november, when elections will be held in the united states, for the first time, in my opinion, will force the united states to take everything very seriously - after all...
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so they will now move on from such serious attempts to a very serious analysis of how to get out of the situation in ukraine, the conviction that to get out, and get out of the situation, yes after the month of november, because what do you think, they lost, yes, yes, yes, now a second, i will definitely say, follow my thought, they just know for sure that russia will move to the end and achieve its goals, which they announced back in february 2 years . they see how we are moving towards this, through the successes that i stood for, they will build a completely different policy after
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november, i am convinced of this, because they will lose more from the fact that ukraine will be in conflict, what they will acquire, what they thought until now, therefore, we will observe this busyness until november, and after the elections we, i hope, will definitely move to a different level of relations between nato. and russia and between the usa and russia, while right now the americans are literally earning billions in shells, most of the american states are creating jobs in the american military-industrial complex, building new enterprises, as if there is no feeling that the americans, the american economy is suffering right now, as if if only they were making money on the contrary, the fact that today they agreed on the supply of fighters f16.
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that there was no other western technology, there is no and there will not be, unfortunately, we will return. i was replaced in the maternity hospital, my dear daughter, my beloved, without a hitch, the premiere on rtr, do you know who your father is? koroshennikov alexander nikolaevich, you know how much money he has, you are kirill’s new nurse, i’m gali, everything belongs here. rightfully so, but did you say that you are his daughter? no, i haven’t had time yet, all her family and friends are here, i’m going to alexander
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nikolaevich, you’re taking yourself a little, are you jealous? i, yes, who is she anyway? i was jealous of you, but no one knows about it, where you came from in the older house, i hate you, except her. alexander nikolaevich, i have to tell you, jackdaw... on monday on rtr, they say, you need to prepare for a vacation, you need to be able to relax, you need to relax beautifully, but you need to relax, where there is sun and sea, on the first coastline, where everything is included except for the head. we know everything about holidays. relax. anex.
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welcome to the newest rix hotel. in sharmelsheikh rixas radomis sharmelsheikh is an ideal place for a family holiday, where everything created for the happiness and comfort of their parents' children. escape from everyday life into a world of endless entertainment. enjoy themed rooms, the largest children's playground in the region and an unforgettable holiday. rixas radomis sharmelshej. discover
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a real gem on... bodrum coast: titanic luxury collection bodrum. exceptional service, incredible culinary delights and an atmosphere of complete relaxation. immerse yourself in world-exciting adventures of incendiary entertainment. welcome to the world of timeless elegance and unsurpassed comfort. the secrets of paradise are revealed in the titanic luxury collection bodrum.
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when your girl turns 18 she will receive a tar. whoever loves a man will be lucky and rich, but as soon as he gets rich, he will leave her. what if the gypsy didn’t lie? well, hit her. i just realized today how much
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i like you, how beautiful you are. max, what are you doing? i don't believe a single word you say. just don’t push too hard, otherwise you’ll scare me and he’ll run away, he won’t run away from me. do you hear how it beats? i will protect you. who is offending? a magical gift that became a curse. i made up my mind. i'll leave town. don't break my heart. premiere. on saturday on rtr. happy anniversary to you, mikhail petrovich, ninetieth birthday, glass holder with the herp of russia, inside english england, where you lived for so many years of your service to russia, i participated in many risky operations, i don’t consider myself as they like on television, says the legendary rosette, my life is not a movie that they show us there are recruiters,
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running on the roofs, shooting. mikhail lyubimov, how exactly love put an end to your intelligence career, well, you want me to be, never before has he been so close to failure, a godsend for a spy, it’s true, you had to use your recruiting experience outside of work, well, for example, when you were courting the famous natalya fatieva, i fell madly in love with her, that’s all, the fate of a man with boris korchevnikov. on friday on rtr, 13 countries also gave their permission to the ukrainian armed forces to strike targets on russian territory, the politician quotes press secretary scholz hebistrike. he comments on the words of the german chancellor about the features of the use german weapons. so, the defense of ukraine, according to him, its own territory is unlimited, but no more details,
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while scholz still. so far, we are against the transfer of long-range taurus missiles to ukraine, the publication notes. the german government is cautiously backing down from its reservations about allowing ukraine to attack military targets on russian territory using donated german weapons. chancellor olaf scholz said that ukraine can use weapons supplied by germany within the framework of international rights, which will allow it to be used against an aggressor like russia, including on russian territory. berlin tried to clarify the situation. with what scholz meant. the press secretary of the german chancellor , stefan hebbestreit, said that ukraine’s defensive actions are not limited to its own territories, and can extend to the territory of the aggressor, emphasizing that it cannot...
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in the usa in order to allocate another 60 billion to you, but because everyone is afraid that trump will come, so they are trying to find financing for the long term, so to speak, and why is it likely that trump, just second-by-second, is literally the same trump who, on the eve of the washington post, reported that if
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he were president, he would have bombed moscow long ago, he said that it was not, and we are trying to love this particular trump, well , i remind you that in this case, from the point of view of the geopolitical component , it will be more profitable for us, i will explain why, it is clear that the republicans, when they start bombing... will not drink anything, by the way speaking, of the two of the two cities that he will reread, most likely we are talking more about beijing, this is how i explain that trump will definitely come with an anti-chinese agenda, which accordingly carries out sanctions, he says this with all sponsors, they are with individuals, this is his main tendency, he is going to protect his internal component, this will lead to an aggravation of the conflict in the middle east and will lead to an aggravation of the conflict , respectively, in the chinese region and china will at least sign up for gas faster, there is such suspicions are serious, because china is now trying to wait out, i remind you that the pandas returned to the usa, on lease. yes, why not return it? because in china , when choosing from biden and trump, respectively, they somehow choose biden, which is why they gave it to biden to a greater extent? yes, of course not, they choose biden, they believe that under biden there will be more, this is cruel,
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of course, but not such cruelty, the cruelty that hopes that the americans will fight with the russians and want to leave biden in power, and we secretly hope that americans will start fighting with the chinese, and we want trump to come to power. they will all be resistant to that degree. because trump is more inclined towards confrontation with beijing, well, let’s put it this way, trump is more inclined towards isolationism, isolationism, he will at least have a corresponding attitude, the chinese will even give up antlers for this, god forbid, which were taken away with a scandal, i remind you that relations have also been restored, respectively, among the defense ministers of everything else, that is, in fact, how they are trying there weigh, but at the same time withdraw from american bonds, realizing that even if biden remains in the senate, he will have a republican one, therefore, accordingly , it’s like choosing between two evils, with one hall, and the other just... an abyss like this with donna, it ’s like trump there, so from this point of view they’re trying to do this for now, but what’s the peculiarity, then the most interesting part begins, it starts in the fact that when they were talking all the time , what the all conflicts are driven by politics and , accordingly, ratings, it’s not just like that,
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you know that, accordingly, what is netanyahu’s rating now, i will now explain why this is very important, for him it has been growing for the first time in the last 2 weeks, he has already surpassed all of his own main competitors, and the ghanaians, who are the ghanaians, who are, as it were , his main opponent, with whom biden negotiated, and, accordingly, his main competitors, if the elections had been completely replayed by this minute, when the conflict occurs, the radicals with two sides, the same thing is happening here, the further netanyahu goes into this conflict, the longer he will split
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biden’s electorate and the more he will accordingly put pressure and support trump’s electorate, 20, from 12 to 20% of undetermined states depends on biden’s middle east policy , and biden, on the one hand, explains that it doesn’t mean the rafah is starting for him, although they have already reached the middle, on the other hand, he says that no matter how much he doesn’t want to empty his weapons, he has a core electorate. besides what he says the distinguished head of the security council, the national security council, it’s exactly like their defense, what he says, he says: the operation is up to 7 months, 7 months of operation, until december it doesn’t resemble anything, december is the next month after the november elections in the usa, they want for the elections, because they are waiting for republicans, that’s the peculiarity, and biden can’t do anything about it, so at first, as if because of the migration component, he left latin america, he had a separate project on this matter, he didn’t put the cross, after this is what he... began to come to an agreement with the arab-americans, now they are launching a project on african-americans, his national minorities are falling away from him, that is the main problem, and the further this crisis continues, the more his electorate will bleed, so... what is
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the main problem, he wants to complete the issue in order to calmly enter the elections, when there is no longer any gas sector to say that under trump it will simply be worse, now this will not happen, because it will continue, and the problem lies precisely in this, and there will be the weapons are being adjusted, this old man has problems on all fronts, but he still plans to win, of course, any politician should hold on to it will be funny when he eventually wins, it will be a very original question, the dead will vote, just like they did by mail, i remind you that now the republicans are passing a bill that prohibits voting, accordingly, according to... the so-called voting bill, which prohibits non-citizens from voting in a direct form, the second point is that they they’re gathering now, they cut up the states there before, that’s it, but the most important thing is that without identifying all the states, what’s important is what will happen here, plus, all the while the epic with trump is going on, his rating is growing, that’s the problem , 63% of registered voters believe that the situation with the court will not affect his decisions on his choice in any way, that is, in principle, his base electorate is the maga group, they will vote for him anyway, accordingly he will be...
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convicted, will not he is condemned, even sooner in total, he will receive even more if he is convicted, so from this point of view , the problem lies in the external component, the third important point is the economy, because it is more difficult for a complex economy to move on, but what is happening now? i remind you that now , for the first time in 136 years, we will have the hottest season, and then in august it will be accordingly, that is, there will be a transition to the next phase, what will this lead to? firstly, city group predicts that gas prices in the american market may lead to 50%. and she had such an organization lying there on the side. the same applies to grain, which is now growing sharply against the backdrop of corresponding temperature regimes, i remind you that these are the hottest 4 months, as measured recently, and in the summer in august we will have a hurricane season, which will accordingly hammer on lng first of all, liquefied natural gas, i hope not here, well in the gulf of mexico, of course, we had hurricanes in our gulf of mexico, well, i mean in the far east it’s also like most likely, but how the gulf of mexico to the far east, no, due to the fact that the arrival of silt, that is, there is a corresponding change in the temperature regime, as a rule this is due.
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what is happening, what will happen now, on the 8th biden will come to france, because on the 9th there will be elections to the european parliament in france, i remind you, then on the same date a security agreement will be signed at the g7 summit in italy, that’s right, and so on from there what will happen now will depend, as it were, on what will happen with the summit, then either only europeans and canada will go there, or trump will come there accordingly, that’s what seems to be the main intrigue of the next few weeks, biden, god, yes, according to fred, according to fred.
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pushkin is a name that reflects all of russia. boldin is a symbol of inspiration of the highest creative flowering. we owe this place the best lines of the poet. always preserved his
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reflection, just as our hearts forever preserve his words. on the 225th anniversary of the poet, this is where the reflection concert will take place, live broadcast from the boldin estate. june 6 on rtr. you're bored with your old fence, you want to update your bathhouse or terrace, but repair or replacement will hit your budget hard, we bring to your attention a universal photo facade for a fence, bright life, with its help you can easily and quickly transform your suburban area beyond recognition, fence, terrace, gazebo , will be updated in an instant without expensive repairs and painting, four bright beautiful colors to choose from. all you need to do
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is secure the photo facade in a way convenient for you. this is a ready-made solution. photo facade - bright life, suitable for any type of fence, wooden, stone or metal. when contamination occurs, just rinse it with water, beautifully, quickly, conveniently and easily. call to order a universal photo façade for the bright life fence at a special price, from only 9.95. just choose the appropriate design and create a unique look for your suburban area. they say that perfect shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you palermo genuine leather sandals that perfectly combine style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season . palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure a perfect fit and maximum comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any
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style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high sole. made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which provides soft heel strike reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for only 29.95. palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and your arms. forget about the exhausting one. that's all a thing of the past; now you can clean up dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, wet food debris and even broken glass
7:42 pm
quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swipper. dipper swipper impresses with its original triangular design. tribrush technologies. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inside. no matter which direction you point the cleaning head, even the smallest debris will be swept into the container. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front reaches into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners are powerless, when cleaning is finished, it can also be easily cleaned with just one click of a button. he's perfect. suitable for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tile or laminate. the swivel head easily avoids any obstacles, and thanks to its ultra-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where it is usually very difficult to reach. and only today, the unique, ingenious
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livington dipper swipper cordless electric broom with smart built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches can... be yours for only 89,995, but if you call and place an order right now, you will receive an incredible 20 euro discount and you can get the livington dipper swieper for an incredible 6995, but hurry, the offer is strictly limited. are you ready for our musical investigation, ready, ready, intoxicating sweet evening.
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smiles, i see that you like the way we deceive you, well, what can i do, i’m glad to be deceived, catch me if you can, big music show, ate, why did you eat, ate, ate, on friday on rtr, international festival i declare rhythmic gymnastics open, alina kabaeva is collecting friends from all over the world. thank you to everyone who is with us, thank you to everyone who believes in our future, i love you! international holiday, children's rhythmic gymnastics festival alina, on saturday on rtr, can we talk?
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i don’t want to divorce you, well, forgive me, please, i beg you, forgive me! melody! for two final episodes of seketno on rtr. so, 12 jurors in the trump case. trump, 54% for him, 37% for biden. pre-election ratings are clearly in favor . i wonder how they will change and whether they will change after the verdict. trump once again addressed reporters, calling the case a politically motivated attack. i just want to say. that this is a very sad day for america, which the whole world is watching, and it is a very sad day for new york. i have already gone
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through two such processes. i watch what is said and i write down some things that are very sad. mark levin says: this is a stalinist court, it prevents president trump from running for office, it prevents him from campaigning, he cannot to conduct an election campaign, because he has been in the courthouse for 5 weeks, but still with us. now the polls are coming out , for example, npr, trump has 54 and biden has 42, and this poll in the independent is the best we've ever had, they say this is the best poll of trump ever conducted by independent, we are transferred to the usa via direct communication, the head of our american bureau, dmitry melnikov, dima, hello, there are, of course, a lot of terribly curious people, including pika.
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acquitted, he could also face probation conclusion, well, in the worst case, the court could sentence him to 136 years in prison, while i emphasize that the jury must be unanimous in its decision. trump has pleaded not guilty to all charges, and during the final minutes before the verdict was announced, observers say he seemed confident and calm, although his defense admits that trump is mentally preparing for the indictment and is seriously nervous. it is obvious that the defense , immediately after... the verdict, whatever it may be, will appeal to court of appeal, then the verdict,
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no matter what it really is, whether it will be guilty, whether this partial confession will come into force only after the decision of this court of appeal, and this can take months, that is, the verdict itself can come into force no earlier than after november, after the elections, as this will affect trump himself, it is clear that both trump and biden will use this court decision, whatever it may be, for their own purposes, trump will again talk about a witch hunt, o politically in a motivated case, biden and his teams will insist that now voters are with a criminal, with an accused criminal, but in any case, this is of course a historical process and it will already be included in the textbooks of american history, since for the first time a former president of the united states has been subjected to criminal prosecution , and what is most important, what is being exposed directly in the midst of the election campaign, and of course the polls really say that...
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that’s the quintessence from my point of view this situation is that the red line that we talked about and continue to talk about, they have now become heated. has already finished off, the law of physics is that what is finished off is hot, like a tungsten thread, it can burn out at any moment, when this happens, none of us knows, this is the drama of the situation, we can’t escape this news, because they will still overtake us anywhere, in this studio, outside this studio, this is very, of course, difficult, this requires
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each of us has some kind of professional endurance and... i'm not even talking about the fact that the country's leadership is of course in a very difficult situation here, but you understand, this is what we are seeing, this is how it is in the euro-atlantic community , this is such a race of madness, in which, if we look at these coalitions, which some have joined, others think, i’m crazy, and you’re even crazier, this is a danish story, yes, well, it really is, the danes came out with this, and... with these fighters, i remembered many years ago, someone gave me such a book, maybe some of you have it, and it ’s called these strange danes, there is such a book, yes, that describes the danish phenomenon, so to speak, the swedes wrote, probably yes, so you know, i looked at it like this, well, there are some facts about dad’s oddities, these, and then
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after i watched it, i even considered taking some things for myself, do you remember this story with the giraffe, when the danes dismembered the giraffe, i remember the children, yes, yes, me and my danish colleagues then i argued, i say what this is, and they tell me, you don’t understand, you’re a bone moss, you need to show this to the children, that ’s how it was, so to speak, now they ’re thinking with this f16 knife, they’ve dismembered the desire a giraffe, they can take a swing at a russian bear, so to speak, what is this, do you understand, this is already? the danes are not strange, they are scary danes, they want to position themselves this way, and if you look at this euro-atlantic community as a whole, you know, just a week ago, when i i saw what scholz said when he said that we are against the no-fly zone, yes, so to speak, and pistorius also said after that, and i just thought that after all, i was in such an illusion that after all in this
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euro-atlantic community, in this car, like any car, there is a pedal...
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the counter-offensive of ukraine, where all this has long since been forgotten about, what will happen in 3, 4 years, but nevertheless, nevertheless, here such a situation is being created, this is a fashionable term, you have seen, strategic uncertainty in relations with russia strategic uncertainty, that is , in simple terms, casting a shadow over the fence, building up this psychological pressure, so to speak, in the hope that we have done something somewhere, so to speak. some kind of careless step, because we are really winning, in order to deprive us of this opportunity, we must interrupt, advertising, i was replaced in the maternity hospital, daughter, my dear beloved, without any confusion, premiere on rtr, you
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know who your father is, karashennikov alexander nikolaevich. do you know how much money i have? are you kirill's new nurse? me, gali. everything here belongs to her by right. did you say that you are his daughter? no, i haven't done it yet. all her family and friends are here. i'm visiting alexander nikolaevich. you take yourself a little. are you jealous? i, yes, who is she anyway for me to be jealous of her. but no one knows about this. where did you go in the senior house? i hate you, except her, alexander nikolaevich, i have to tell you, jackdaw, on monday on... they say that ideal shoes do not exist, but we boldly say the opposite. we present to you sandals from
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genuine palermo leather, which perfectly combines style, comfort and care for your feet. this lightweight and elegant model is perfect for active and long walks in the warm season. palermo sandals are created using modern technologies from genuine leather to ensure an ideal fit and... comfort with every step. elegant sandals go with any style of clothing and are suitable for women of any age. reliable and comfortable velcro fasteners provide an ideal fit for any width and fullness of the foot. high sole made of polyurethane creates the correct roll of the foot, which ensures a soft landing of the heel and reduces the impact load on the joints when walking. call quickly and you will get stylish and incredibly comfortable palermo sandals for just... palermo sandals are your step to beauty and comfort. cleaning floors is a tedious and messy process that turns into torture for you, your back and
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your arms. forget about exhausting cleaning on all fours, stop using a broom and dustpan, use a bulky vacuum cleaner that is not capable of cleaning the most hard-to-reach places, all this is a thing of the past. now you can remove dirt, dust, crumbs, hair, and wet ones. remove food scraps and even broken glass quickly and easily with the all-new livington dipper swiper electric broom. the dipper sweeper impresses with its original triangular design and innovative tribrush technology. three separate high-speed rotating brushes on each side sweep everything inward, no matter which direction you point the cleaning head. even the smallest debris will be swept away in the end. moreover, the durable corner brush located at the front gets into every corner, even where vacuum cleaners can't, when the cleaning is done,
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it can also be easily cleaned with just one touch of a button, it is ideal for hard surfaces, all types of floors, be it tiles or laminate . the swivel head easily avoids any obstacle, and thanks to its super-flat design, you can easily get under furniture where you normally would. difficult to get, only today the unique, ingenious cordless electric broom livington dipper the swiper, with clever built-in corner bumpers that protect your furniture, baseboards and walls from scratches, can be yours for just 89.95, but if you call to order now you'll get an incredible €20 off and the livington dipper swipper will be yours to you for incredible. 6995, but hurry up, the offer is strictly limited, and do you remember what you promised me?
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i remember, what did i promise? you promised to marry me, well, that’s where you’re going, i almost ran you over, why are you silent, did i... offend you? no, it didn’t hurt, this is my brother vanya, very nice, huh i’m not very pleased, our kiryusha is marrying the mayor’s daughter, alyon, i don’t have any bride, this is all my brother’s request, i’m not interested, believe me too, don’t you think that he himself should decide whether to marry him or not, and what should we do now, maybe you are there, if you... insist, i’ll try, simple girl, on friday on rtr. the may
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snowmen reached sakhalin, at night the temperature dropped to zero there, there is also wet snow in kamchatka, the premium sea is falling asleep, the vtomsk region is the babbling of snowmen, june is already the day after tomorrow. news, look, this is it was 60 minutes, goodbye. bye, on the russia tv channel big news, in the studio ernest matskevich, hello, the main events of this thursday in our issue. i can see you well even without special devices. hello, my dears. large families should become the norm in our country. and the state will help, about what?


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